Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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Bow British irds Arc Dribet
Into Comi America ,
gftic 1'ccnllnr Wor liy-n
So-Cnllcd rrloelcly.
Discouraging Set-BnJ eclvcd by
Ono ol Its Member cvcland.
Gercland Leader , June ! .
At 11 o'clock yesterday morning S. T.
Hoyt , of Elyria , who is a conductor on
the Toledo division of the Lake Shore
road | was walking along Supcridr street.
When in front of Ryder's art fltoro ho
was slopped by a heavy-set , muscular ,
foreign looking man. The man was a
stranger to him. "What do you want ? "
naked Hoyt. "I want your watch , " was
ilio cool reply of the follow , who at the
same time made a clutch fora heavy gold
chain that depended from the conductor's
vest. The links of the chain were
wrenched apart , but the watch remained
in Hoyt's pocket. Superior street was
well filled with people at the time , , but
tlio affair was conducted so unostenta
tiously that very few pedestrians noticed
it. Being foiled in the attempt to sccuio
the watch the foreign looking man walk
ed coolly and deliberately away. Hoyt
at once pointed the man out to otliccr
Hammel , who followed him up and ar
rested him. A charge of assault with in
tent to rob was preferred against the man ,
who was bound over by Judge Hutchins
to the court of common pleas in the sum
of 81,500. The fellow.
Ho is an Englishman by birth , and proba
bly thirty years of ago. Ho is above the
medium in height , very broad shouldered ,
wears a full brown beard , and appears tc
bo a determined character. Ho lookt
like a desperate case , and undoubtedly if
ono. By his own acknowledgment he
* lias already served two terms of seven
years each in English prisons , oiico foi
stabbing a man and the last timofor way
laying and robbing a pedestrian.
"How long have you been in the
country ? " a reporter asKcd Bock.
"Ten daygj ho replied.
"Whore did you come from ? "
' I came from London , "
"What induced you to como to thi :
country ? ' . '
, fi'JI ! was'sent' ' out by the , St. , Charloi
Christain society. "
"How was that ? "
"Well , you see I had to bo sent fron
Portsmouth prison tor London to bo dia
charged. I was1 taken in hand ut one
by the society and told that if I joinei
the sociotv I would bo allowed 0 fo
good conduct in pri&on instead of 3.
Wtas on ticket-of-loavo , you know , fo
* eighteen months after I loft prison , an
under police survcilanco for five yean
and when the society wanted to shi
mo to this country of course I came t
ouco. "
"Did any other ox-convicts como wit
"Yes , four of them , but wo got scpi
rated in New York city , and 1 haven
scon thorn since. "
"A great many men are sent to th
country in the' same manner , arcn
" they ? "
"A good many. You see they don
like to leave the old country , but tin
are allowed moro money by the govor
. mont if they do. and secure a free passn
* h-'om'tho'ClmsUnin societies. This is sot
. litilo inducement , but riothing in coi
parison with.
and avoiding police surveillance. Y
BOO every ox-convict is under police si
voillanco for a certain number of yea
after her loaves prison , and to avoid tli
many will immigrate , especially win
they got their passage free. "
jffDid the Oliristian Society allow , yi
nny'moiiby besides paying your passage
"Yes , they gave mo 2.r >
"How long have you boon out
prison ? "
"Just a month ago to-day , "
"What induced you to como to Clo\
land ? "
"Well , you spo , they paid my faro
Pittsburgh ; I didn't ' want to stay the :
BO IJwent to Youngstown ; I found YOUIIJ
town too small for my line of business ,
I left there to come hero ; I walked allt
way ; I left Youngstown last Friday , "
"Youcamo to this city alone , then ? "
"Yes. "
"Why did you attempt to hold the in
up in the middle of the day whun y
were so much moro liable to arrest th
at night ? "
"Well , I was hungry. I hadn't touch
anything since Saturday , and I was no
ly starved. Generally I do that sort
thing at night , but if I had my nmte w
mo I wouldn't have boon caught , oven
the day time. "
The Man "Who lutcrruptH.
Boomerang ,
I do not , as a rule , thrist for the bit
of my fellow-man. I am willing that I
j law should in air , ordinary caaofftaku
course , but when wo begin" to discuss I
man who breaks into a conversation a
ruins it with his own irrelevant ideas ,
gordless of the feelings of humanity ,
amnot ) a'law and order man. The spi
of the "Red Yigilanter" is roused in i
breast/andlhungerfor'thpiUdbd ' of t ]
irlan. " ' ' ' v < .
Interrupters are of two classes : Fir
Uncommon plug who thinks aloud , n
whoso' conversation wanders with his
celled mind. Ho breaks into the sadd
and _ Bwcotest of sentiment , and I
choicest and most torrful of pathos , w
the remorseless ignorance that mark )
stump-tail cow in a dahlia bed , Ho
the bull in my china shop , to wonnwc
in. my wino and the kerosene in my ma ;
syrup. I am shy in conversation and i
unfettered flights of poesy and sontimi
are rare , but this man is almost alwi
near to mar it all with a roumrh , o
marginal note , or a story , or a bit of pi
tics , ready to bust my beautiful dre
and make mo wish that his name mi |
bo carved on a marble slab in some qu
cemetery for away. .
Dear reader , did you over moot t
man or his wife ? Did you over str
. Borne beautiful thought and tyegin to i
it off to your friends , only to bo shut
in the middle of a sontenso by this chc
and banner idiot of conversation ? If
come and sit by mo , and you may p
your , woes into my ar , and I in t
t wlirpouruTewguiluiiH into yutii'listen
car.I do not care t talk moro than
share of the time , but I would bo uhu
arrive at a conclusion , just to BOO hov
* would Boom. , I would bo , BO ploasdd i
BO joyous to follow up an onccdoto ti
had reached the "nub , " as it were ,
chauo argument homo to conviction ,
to clinch 'assertidn with authority
The second class of intcrrubtors iso
.f.jvprsg. JtconsUU of the man an
* ui pained ti'stats , " his'wifo also
* e the general drift of your remarks
finish'out your story , your gem of thought
or yourarffumont. It is very peldom
that they do tin's as you wmilddo it your
self , but they arc kind and thoughtful ,
and their services are always at hand.
No matter how busy they may bo , they
will leave their own work and fly to your
aid. With the light of sympathy in their
eyes , they rush into the conversation ,
and , partaking of your own zcnl , they
take tho-words from your own mouth ,
and cheerfully suck the joico out f your
joke , handing back the rind and
hoping for reward. That is where they
gqt left so far as I am concerned. I am
almost always ready to repay rudoiicss
with rudeness , and cold preserved'
with such acrid sarcasm as I may bo able
to.sccuro at the moment. No ono will
over know how I yearn fpr the blood of
thd interrupter. At night I camp on lias
trail , and all the day I thirst for his warm
life's current. In my dreams I atn cut
ting his scalp loose with a case-knife ,
while my fingers are twined in his clus
tering hair. I walk over him and prom-
cnado across his nbdomon as I slumber I
hear his ribs crack , and I see his tongue
hang over his shoulder as ho smiles
doatn's mirthful smilo.
I do not interrupt a man no moro than
I would toll him ho lied. I give him a
chance to win applause or decomposed
eggs from the audience , according to
what ho has to say , and according to the
profundity of his profund. All I want is
a similar chance and room according to
my strength. Common decency ought
togavern conversation without its being
necessary to hire an umpire armed with a
four foot club , to announce who is at the
bat and who is on deck.
Nervous WcaknesSj Dyspepsia , Im
potence , Sextual debility cured by Well's
"Health Ronower. "
Allcntown MntliotllstH on the Hack
for Indulging InVordly
Pittsburgh Dlipatch.
There is trouble in Allentown , The
good citizens of the Methodist persua
sion in that locality are wrestling over
that perplexing question , "a dancing
Christian. " Lost night the official board
of the Allcntown M. E. church mot tc
try six oftheir ( lock , five for dancing and
ono for visiting the opera houso. The
latter criminal , Mr. William Knox , wat
absent at a mooting of the school board ,
of which ho is a member , and sent hit
regrets , saying ho would go to the opcrr
house as often as ho liked , and the com
mittee could do what they liked bsst ir
the matter. The five guilty of the grave
offense of dancing wore present. Thcii
names are Mr. and Mrs. Ilichard Best
Mr. and Mrs. John Forso and Mr. Samuel
uol Simpson. Besides being respectabli
citizens , they are , it is asserted , the pil
lars of the church and responsible for it
erection. The pastor , the official bonn
nnd the quintet of offenders were with' i
few others found in the little churcl
study last night.
That malice was the causa of the trin
Mr. Simpson , the spokesman for th
guilty ones , said he was assured from th
fact that the whole party had offered t
withdraw from the church before charge
had boon made , and were denied th
privrfcgo. This , ho said , ho was prc
pared to prove , and further , ho coul
prove that others hod boon allowed t
withdraw quietly from the church who
pleading guilty to crimes such as drunV
onncss , gambling , etc. When asked litho
the pastor whether they pleaded guilt
of the charges specified' , the whole part
answered "No. " They claimed that the
had danced for years , and nothing hn
boon said about it until a fancy phantpi
party was given , at which the partic
pants , men and women alike , woi
uressod in sheets , pillow cases an
masks. These who were not asked mi
at a sowing party , and to bo rovongei
as the defendants put it , told the mini
tor. Talk was plenty , nnd contontic
was above par. But the fun began win
Brother Lowe , the class leader who ma (
the information , wont on the stand. 11
admitted that ho had not of his own v
lition made the charges , but had bet
instigated by others ,
Ho said it was very wrong to go _
operas and the like , and the minist
nodded approvingly , reading small pe
lions of the discipline by way of holdii
up the hands of the good brother. Ol
of the wicked defendants , however , fc
sufliciontly mischovious to imjuit
"Brother Lowe , did you over go to t !
opera or to a circus since you wore
member of this church1 ? The ' look
n consternation that overspread the w
ness * face at this was almost audible , ai
ho nearly leaped from the elixir when o
of the good mothers , sitting on a pali
fence outside , cried out in n famili
voice , "Now it's balance all , Brotli
Lowe ! " Ho acknowledged ho had BO i
forgotten his duty as to see Jumbo , a :
that once in Now York ho had unkno
ingly wandered into a play-housn and w
ncsscd the production of "Tho Whi
. Fairy , " and "Head couples , forward
remarked the female on the funco a
the deacon moved uneasily in his chair
ho concluded that ho did not approve
the play mentioned.
The evidence then wont on , bci
chiefly to show that defendants claim
the right to resign and join anotl :
church , denying that they were unt
discipline because their requests of wil
drawal should bo acted upon before t
charges against them , inasmuch as th
were filed with the board a week seem
Mr. Forso submitted his case to the co
mittee , but the rest will have a furtl
hearing to-night. The excitement ru
high , the fooling of the entire noighbi
borhopd being against the action of Pi
tor Wilkinson.
ISd "All your own fault
lu If you remain sick when you caii
(1st Hop Bitters that never FAIL.
It The weakest woman , smallest chi
and sickest invalid can use hop bitti
with safety and great good. |
Old men tottering around from Hh (
mutism , kidney trouble or any wcakm
will bo almost now by using hop bitto
My wife and daughter wore mn
healthy by the use of hop bitters , am
recommend them to my people. Motl
dist Clergyman ,
Akk any ( rood doctor It Hop
Hitters are not the best family mcdldno
On earth.
-Malarial fever , Ague and Billiousn
will leave overy'noighborhood as soon
hop bitters airivo.
" My mother drove the paralysis n
neuralgia all out of her system with li
bitten" Ed. Oswego Sun.
Keep the kidneys healthy with li
bitters and your need not fear sickness
Ice water u rendered harmless and more refri
Inj and ruvlilnjr with bop bitters In each draught
1 The viiror ol youth for the agul and Intlrm In
nd B , MICH. , Sept. 25,1875
nd Sius I have been taking Hop Bitt
for inflammation of kidnoya and bladd
en It 'has done for mo wliat four doct
.1 failed to do. The effect of Hop Bitt
) io Boomed like magic to mo.
The only known ipeclfle for Kplleptlo Fits. * VO
Also for Bpasms and FalltnK filckness. Nerroos
Weakness It Instantly relieves and cores. Clfsnies
blood and qolckens stocglsh circulation. Nentra-
lltcn germs of dlseaso and raves sickness. Cures
ugy ) blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminate !
Dolls , Carbnnctes and Scalds. nfTtrmancntly and
promptly cures paral ruts. Tcs , It Is a charming and
healthful Aperient. Kills Bcrofals and Kings Evil ,
twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good , reraov
Ing the etaie. Roars bilious tendencies and makei
ilear complexion. Equalled by none In the delirium
5f fever. A charming resolvent and a matchlcsi
laxative. It drives BIck Headache llko the wind.
qrContalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Kelierei
( THE GBElfl
the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Ithea-
mstltm by routing It. Restores life-giving proper
tics to the blood. I * guaranteed to cure all ncrroui
disorders. fTTMIablo when all opiates fatt. Re
frcihcj tbo mind and Invigorate ! the body. Cum
dyspepsia or money refunded.
Diseases of the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed
In wrltlnit by prcr nay thousand leading cltUens ,
clergymen and phyilclani In U. t ) . and Europe.
tTTor sale by oil leading druggists. 11.50. (12) )
For Testimonials and circulars send stamp.
Tbo only known tpetljie for EpllcptIcFlts.-5
jSSrAlso for Spasms and Falling Ulcknctf . "Cm
Ketrons Weakness quickly rcllcTcd and cnied.
Erraallcd by none In delirium of fcvcr.-V
jrSNcntrilUea germs of dlecasa and sickness.
Cures ugly blotches and slnbb6rn blood sores.
Cleanses blood , quickens sluggish circulation.
Eliminates Dolls , Carbuncles and Bcalds.-tt *
- ' .
Yes , It Is a charming and healthful Aperient.
Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil , twin brothers.
Changes bad breath to good , rcmorlng cantc. ,
turnouts biliousness and clcara complexion.
Charming resolvent and matchless laxative.- ® !
It drlrcs Sick Ucadacho like the nlnd.-g *
fSTContains no drastic cathartic or opiates.
Promptly cores Rhenmatlsm by routing H.-S
Restores llfo-elvlng properties to the biood.- % *
Is guaranteed to euro all ncrvon * disorders. *
tarltellablo when all opiates fall.-C
Refreshes tbo mind and Invigorates the body.
Cures dyspepsia or money rcfnndcd.-SB
tSTEndorsed In writing by over fifty thousand
.leading physicians In U. 8. and Europo.-S
Leading clergymen In U. 8. and Enropc.fDt
Diseases of the blood own It a conqncror.-en
For sale br all leading druggists. C1.60.-C *
Per testimonials and circulars send stamp.
The Dr. S. A. Richmond Mel Co. , Props. .
Ct. Toaoplx , 2 o. (12) )
An excellent appetizing tonic ol
exquldtoflnvor , now nueu over tbo
whole world , cures Dyspepsia.
Ularrhrea , Fever and Acuo. and all
dleordcrsofthpUlKostlvo OrRans ,
A few drnps impart a dcllclom
flavor to a glass ( if clmmnftgnc , and
toall numrncr drinks. Try It , bnl
beware of counterfeits. A k TOUI
Kroccr or drtiCRlit for tbo genuine
article , manufactured by Dlt. J ,
Q. 11. 8IKOEHT & BONB. , „
. . .
Fnlillo Boncfaotross. MrsS. .
A. AIXKN hat justly earned this title ,
and thouundt are th'u day rejoicing
< jvcr a fine head of hair produced by
her uncqualcd preparation for restor
ing , Invigorating , and beautifying the
Hair. Her WorM'i Hair Kntorer
quickly cleanse * the scalp , removing
IJandruff , and arrests the fall ; the
hair , if cray , is changed to its natural
color , giving It the tauw vitality and
luxurious quantity as In youth. ( t )
hair is now restored to its.
youthful color ; I have not
a gray hair left. I am sat
isfied that the preparation
is not a dye , but acts on
the "secretions. My hair
ceases to fall , which is cer
tainly an advantage to me ,
who was in danger of be
coming bald. " This is
the testimony of all who
use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S
U0uo Bottle did it. " That Is the
e > pre ion of many who have had
their gray hair restored to Us natural
color , anil their bild spot covered
uith hiir , after using one bottle of
It is not a dye.
MKDA1 * I > ARU , Xtfl
JVrmhim CTo > < sf , tha twi
prtptntloo of pUla ch oltt for ftm
lly un. llalir't Itnat/iUI Oxoa
frvmwhl hlh txctu ofcllhubm
rtnioTtd. tully dlc t J
, a drink or calca u eon <
rcctlontry U a dellitoul ertlclt | hlcblj
rcotnm ndc4 by tuurUts. oi < r > ,
Jlmma , lavtluibU a diet fur cMl
ilitD.Ttrmojl Stffitt CAoootofr. i
tcoct cxctlUnt wtlclt for funUlct.
fa'oU bf Crcccr : OTerprherc.
Fine Millinery
Stock Entirely Fresh and Net
105 IrUh Street , Opp. Postoflice.
OhJyBack !
That's a common expres
sion and has a world of
meaning. How much suf
fering is summed up in it
The singular thing about
it is , that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease , liver com
plaint , consumption , cold ,
work , nervous debility , &c.
Whatever the cause , don't
neglect it Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
.sure such diseases as
it docs this by commencing
at the foundation , and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
* Loganiport. Ind. Dec , i , 1880.
V for a long time I hare been a
sufferer from itomach and kidney
disease. Myappetitewas very poor
and the very tmall amount I did eat
disagreed with me. I was annoyed
very much from non-retention of
urine. 1 tried many remedies with
no success , until I used Brown's
Iron Bitten. Since I used that my
stomach does not bother mo any.
Myappctlte Is simply Immense. My
kidney trouble Is no more , and my
central health Is such , that I feel
like a new man. After the vise of
Brown's Iron Bitters for one month ,
I have gained twenty pounds la
weight. 0.1) . SAXGINT.
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
TERS. It has cured others
suffering as you are , and it
will cure you.
Opposite Postoffice.
Four loti on Karnam street , each. . . S 000
One lot on Capitol at cnue 0 00
One lot cm Uodro street i MX
Ono lot on Capitol acnuc , lmpro\ OOOC
unc-nan tot on Capitol avenue , unproveu. . . , 8 IOC
K > 'lCili l ( lot on Capitol avcnuo , improved. . . . 3 I
, i 10tl > trctt. , * Ill 1 CKX
/ > tonOthstreet . . . . . . ( I. . ' Si I CKX
Thenu are all first-class business locations.
Resident Property Improved.
1 HOUKO 7 rooms , barn , Content street near ,
street earn. A bargain V 2 MX
2 New home , 6 roomi , bam , largo lot , ncai
street rant , . 3 1
3 New liounc , three rooms ) , near high xchool 1 60C
4 T u houses , 8 rooms each , on Chicago at. 4 00 (
0 7 room house ti Ia\cii'ort | street 2 COX
8 2 story house , full lot un Chicago street. . 4 0X (
0 4 room house on Hartley street , near new
courthouse -
10 0 room house on Datcnport street , veil
Improved. Kasyteniu 2 ItX
12 0 room house , 2 largo lot * on Karnam St. ,
well Improved 6 K
13 House 12 rooms , renU for $40 per month
on Dodge street 3 MK
15 House 6 rooms on Uouglan street IK *
10 Four room house on Karnam street 2 8CK
17 Two room house on Kariiam strict
18 Three room house on Dodge street. . . . . . . 1 OCX
19 llouso 0 roomi on ! 0th near Webster No.
1 condition 3 CKX
0 Three houses , 4 and 5 rooms each , near
Urownell Hall 4 Ml
21 Brick house , 0 rooms , largo lot , near st.
car 7 OCX
3IIouse 0 rooms , full lot , IHOO cash , bal
ance monthly payments 2 201
24 Good brick house , 7 rooms , ttclllmprovetl 3 601
27 Klcvcn room house , 3 acres , Improvement
first-class 8 60
23 Good house and lot on St. Mary's a\cnno 4 00
34 Four or five rooms northwest part ol city 1 2O
33 Four or fh o room house on 21st street , . . 1 20
38 Fit o room house , largo lot on 17th street ,
well Improved 2 DO
33 Three brick houses , 6 and 0 rooms each 7 60
House 4 rooms , 4 lots , West Omaha 2 00
House 7 rooms , 2 story , one block from
streetcars 260
House 10 rooms , 6 lots , near street can
welllmprovcd 12 CO
03 House , barn , 10 acres of ground , N. W.
part of the city 3 00
04 House , bam , 1 aero In west Omaha veil
lmpro > cd 360
81 Two new houses two and three room each
well lmpra > cd. Easy terms 160
82 Nine room house , lot 60x300 feet , fine con
05 Eleven room house , full lot , G blocks from
post office , well Improved 1200
07 House 6 rooms , largo lot , well Improtcd
In southwest Omaha 1 30
,03 , Eleven room house , largo barn , 7 lots , No.
1 location , St. Mary's a\cnue 118 00
lit llouso of 4 rooms , well Improved , near
27th ami Uouglaa 100
.20 Two houses , 1 lot on Dodge street , Im
provements first-class 9 60
lloiuo 6 rooms on 23d street 160
New house , 6 rooms , full lot , In north
Omaha. . . . 1 45
144 House 3 rooms , one-half lot , near street
cars , cash i 7C
ISO Four house * , 4 to 12 rooms each , corner
lot on on California street 8 00
1503 rhree houses , B to 8 rooms each , corner
lot on tit. Mary's avenue , rent * for $00 ,
Cheap 6 00
Lot near Faroam , bearing fruit , grapes , etc.,9 1 Ot
4 lots , near park , SOO to flC
4 lots on 17th street , each , . . 1M
17 or 18 lota In west Omaha , 27B to 3 <
Lots In west Omaha 1200 to W
8 lot on Madison av e. , facing east , * SOO to. . . , 1 tX
lx > U In lake's addition , from ( too to
Lots In l.yman & Dwlght'n addition , prices
to suit purchaLcr *
[ x > t near Pth and Hickory , 4 !
Lot 00x142 feet cheap , Bancroft street 41
Choice lots In North Omaha 4 !
Acre Tracts ,
CLASS ( A ) .
One-liall aero In North Omaha , > ery desirable 8 !
One acre on JIaJlHou a\enuo. , , . , 4 o
Two i acres , nortli Saundcn , per aero &
Two i acres , Improved , ophite barracks
cash 2 3
One aero In northwest Omaha 8
Tw o acres on Famam street , per acre 2 6
4 acres near Hawaii's Park , per acre. . . . . . . 1 -
Tw o acres on Cumlng street . . . .
Tun uiTea In South OiiUha
If jonliuverity UT country property jou I
sold , send terms and full drtcrlptlou and wo will til
j ou a purchaser In a short t Imc ,
IJusliirw projwrty , renldeiHB property , ulmrU
property and farm * for sale at all times at bargair
City and county property tat leoso and etchanf
lUmts collected and houses for rent In all parU ot t
city. Iteming houses a upectalty ,
_ jtuon th-oat .r-i t
15th and Douglas Sfs.
1 tnrpe IHHHC of 10 room * , 3 cillar * . cistern , well ,
( .tc. V\cr ; > tlilnu complete , full lot near 22d
tinil Wilmtcr struts , $5,000.
2 Ilouxo of D room' , bath room , hot and < oM wa
ter , irnml barn , full lut | nuar Chicago and 20th
utriU , yS.UOO.
3 House of 8 roum % bath room , clonets , will , cis
tern ! barn , etc. , near ISth and Cumin ) ? , M.800.
4 Two story hou o of 8 rooms , cellar , well and cis
tern , on bodge , near 15th street , W.OOO.
5 Largo full t o story houne , 8 or ten rooms , full
lot , etc. . on Joncn , near ICth rtrctt , 13,000.
0 Hnc and one half story homo of 3 roomi , cellar ,
brick foundation , near Content of Poor Claire
Nl tcrs In bhlnn's addition , fOOO.
7 HOUKO of 0 rooms , well and cistern , ono and one-
half lot on CONS , near 16th street , $3,000.
0 Hounc of 11 root , two story , closet' , etc. , one-
half lot , on 10th , near Webster , tS.OOU.
1)1 Itouio of about 8 rooms , cellar , well and cittern ,
on 10th near Webster , $4,000.
10 targe house 8 rooms , peed cellar barn , etc. , lot
OOxlO.'i ' feet , on llth strict near Center street
school house , f2fj00.
11 Two story frame house 7 rooms , full lot on Chlca-
eo , near 23d street , $3,700 *
12 Frame hnu c , t > rooms , kitchen , well , etc. Good
barn , full lot near 23d and Mason streets , $2,100.
13 lirlck house one and one-half story , four rooms
and kitchen , large barn , on Sherman a > cnue
(10th ( street ) , ncur bridge , $3MX > .
14 tjarge new ono and one-half story house , 10
rooms , brick foundation , ever } thing complete ,
lot 88JX180 feet on Sherman avenue , near Pop-
piston's , ftWO.
ID Two story brick house of 6 rooms , 2 closets , good
cellar , cistern , well , etc. , near 23d and Mason
streets , J.1,000.
18 New house of 6 rooms and kitchen , cellar , cis
tern , etc. , on 17th near Jackson strcit , $3,500.
18 Two story house of 6 rooms , basement , cellar ,
cistern , well , lot 40x274 feet near St. Mary's ave
nue and 23d street , 93,500.
19 House of 6 roomi , good cellar , full lot on .Lear *
ennorth , near 17th street , 13,850.
0 Two houses , one of 0 rooms , ono of 8 rooms
bnxcmcnt , cistern , well , itc. , on Pierce near IDth
strctt , 4W > U.
21 Three acres of ground and old St. Mary' * convent
with about 18 or 20 rooms , 3 stories , on St. Ma
ry's a\cnucopposite Wool worth's residence , $20 ,
21 House of 3 rooms , cistern , full lot , on IDth near
Jackson street , { 1,550.
23 llouso of 6 rooms , cellar , tc. Full lot on 6th ,
near Picrco street , 2,500.
24 targe houto of 7 rooms , cellar , well and cistern.
Lot 38 bj 132 f et on California near 16th street ,
* 7,000.
25 House of 2 rooms , well , cistern , etc. , near Pierce
and 13th street , { 1,800.
20 Two houses , 6 rooms each , cellars , well , cistern ,
coal ehcd , etc. , near 25th and Cumlng streets ,
targe lot , e3,500.
27 House 0 rooms , one and one half story , on
Charles , near Sounders , street , 32,000.
23 targe brick house of 0 rooms , cellar , well , cistern
etc , near 18th street and St. Mary's avenue ,
* 7DOO.
29 Ono largo house nlno rooms , and one of three
rooms , will , etc. Ix > t OQxOO feet , near 16th and
Hlcholas streets , $3,000.
30 Small house 4 rooms , two lots , on 17th street ,
near Nicholas , { 1,500.
SOj Tw o large houses , ono of 7 rooms and ono of 8
rooms , two lota , on 18th , near Nicholas , street ,
31 House 7 rooms , half lot on Webster , near 21st
street , $2,500.
32 Two houses , one of 0 rooms and one of 8 rooms
on Chicago , near 12th ( full lot ) $4,500.
33 Two story hou 10 rooms , half lot on Webster
near 16th street , $2,500.
34 Brick house of 10 rooms , cellar , well and cistern ,
on Coxs near 15th street , $3,800
.55 targe brick house of eight rooms , bath room ,
cellar , well , cistern , etc , on Karnam , near 17tli
street , $12,000.
37 Two houses , ono cottage , and ono two storj
house , two lots on Chicago near 20th street , $3 ,
r.oo. .
33 targo new house of 10 rooms , lot 60x83 feet or
Chicago , near 20th street , * 7,000.
40 House of 11 rooms , lot 230 by about 400 feet 01
bhcrnmn avenue , near Clark btrtct , $11,100.
41 House of rooms , brick basement , 14x20 feet , lol
40x140 feet on IDth , near Izard street , 91,600.
42"ltousc of 7 largo rooms , b-usemcnt , bath room
etc. Lot 601x130 ] ftct. $7,000.
43 House of 11 rooms , 1J lot on Karnam near IStl
street , $0,600.
44 Store with roomsabo\eon Dodge , near post of
flco ( on leased ground ) $800.
45 House of 3 rooms , coal blind , etc , on 10th ncai
bhirman street , $700.
40 Small house.threo rooms , on leased ground , least
to run for twojears , on Hurt , near 25th street
47 House of 3 rooms , cellar , etc , lot 132x170 feet ot
12th , near Cmte'.lar street , $2,500.
48 House of 3 rooms , lot 20x60 fict on 10th strcci
near Capital acnue , $700.
49 House of 4 rooms , cellar , well and cUtcrn , or
Harney , near 20th street , $2,550.
CO Three houses , one of 5 and 2 of 4 rooms each
will , cistern , etc , full lot on 17th near Jonei
street , $5,200.
51 HOUBC of 5 rooms , cellar , well , etc. , one half lo
on College street , near St. Mary's avenue , $2,000
52 House of 7 rooms and basement , three quarter
of a mile from end of red street car line , $1,10C
1 Lot 30x140 feet on 17th near Izard street , 1525.
3 Full lot on Mt. Pleasant UTenue , near 23J utrct
( will divide ) 11,000.
4 Lot on Farnam , near 25th street , $1,500.
5 Lot 681x132 feet on Karnam near 25th strccl
51 Two ( ull lots on Famam near 25th street , ono fo
$1,800 and ono for $3,000.
6 Three full lota on 23d near Clark street , $00
7 Two lots on fthcrman cvenuc near Foppkton' '
residence , $1000 each.
8 Four lot * on 17th street , near Poppleton'n res !
dence , $750 each.
0 Lot 50x100 feet on ISth street near St. Marj's ai
cnuc , $2,200.
10 Sixteen lots on Ft. Mary's avenue , St. Mary's cor
vent property $2,000 to $4,000 each.
1 ! Four acrm on Davenport street , near city llmll
IS Full lot on Douglas , near 21th street , $1,400.
U Two lots on 10th street , near Lake's addltlo
school house , $1,600'
; U Fit e acres near Prospect Hill Cemetery , $200 p <
18 Four lots on Madison avenue , near Foppleio
streit , ( near park ) $350 each.
17 Lot on 19th Htrect , near Leavenworth , $1,000.
IS Lot on Casa , near 21st street , $2,500.
23 Four lots near 23d and Farnam street , $2,350 I
$3,000 tach.
24 Three lets In Kelson's addition , two on Charli
street ai4 | one ou Idaho street near Uumln )
$555 each.
25 Ten beautiful residence lots on Hamilton strce
high and sightly , 376 to $350 each.
28 Two acres on Capitol avenue near city limit
11,000 per acre.
27 Four acres on Capitol axnuo , near city limit
$1,000 per acre.
271 Ten acres on Da > e port , near Pleasant strec
$1,000 per acre.
23 Ground on 16th street , opposite Ilauman s Brei
ery , to be sold In lots ol 1UO ( eet front and ru
nlng back to ralUoad , $00 per front foot.
30 Two lots on Howard , near Maunders street , corn
lot $700 , Inblde adjoining corner $400.
Sol Two lots on Charles street , near Saunders , $7. .
31 One acre on Cumlni ; and Hurt strctts , nc
AraJuny of Sacred lltart , $1,000. Will illvtile.
32 Three quarters of an aero on California ttrc
near Academy of KacriJ Iliart , $1,000.
33 Lot on California near 21 l street , $1,000.
35 One-half lot on ( card , near 10th street , 750.
35 Three lots on Caldwcll strict , near Saundci
&u > each for ln Me and (050 for corner.
36 Three lots In Do } d's addition , near fair groun
wake ollir.
37 Tvo thlnU of a lot on railroad , near 15th strci
, .
33 Two thirds of a lot on railroad , near 15th strc <
33 Corner lot on 15th near Jackson street , $3,500.
40 Half lot on luth nuar lx > tifcU ttrt-vt , 82Uuo.
41 Full oirnir lot on Hurt ntar 21it trtU , $ - > ,3UO.
42 Two lots on Dcontur mar Irene Ktreet , ifJuo uic
43 Lot K0x44l let t on blicnmn a\cn near Cl.v
stictt , tfi.UUO.
41 Lot SIxOd fat on litli near IHniglu trtit , ma
45 I/it onU near draco ttrett , WW.
48 Two lots on 16th struct ma. ' Nail Works , $2,5 (
47 Aero lot In UN's otUIUon , on Camerou la
Kaundtrs street , $300 ,
43 Lot on Divhlon street , near Cumins street , $ X
49 Acre lot In Glsa's addition , on Cameron lit
Bounders street. Uako offer ,
(0 niock In 1)0) d's addition , near filr ffrouttd , til
til Lot oil Parker street , ncai- King , 350.
2 Full lot on Pier near Caldwrll street , $1,000. *
M Three lots In Grand View , near Bof d'l ptcU
house. Make offer.
Important Improvements.
, Hare now Wen flnUhcd In our store , making It the largest and most complete
In llio west. An additional story lias boon built , and the live floors nil ,
connected with two
- - m m m - p. m m HMH w m m m m m iiw
Ono exclusively for the use of passengers. Th'cso imnienso warerooms , three-
Btornro , , ° fcofc , widc' nro flllcd with th ° grandcst'display of all kinds of Household
md Oflico Furmturo over shown.
All arc invited to call , tnko the elevator on the first floor and go through tlia
building and inspect the stock.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window Caps , Finials ,
Skylights 4c. . Thirteenth Street , Omaha , JJ b.
RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc. , Etc.
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAllA , HEB.
7-mon-wen fre-m
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
It Is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. On pound Is equal to three pounds of corn.
Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake In the Kail and Winter , Instead of running down , will Increase U weight'
and bo In marketable condition In the . , well , who It
good spring. Dairymen as as others use can testify t
Its merits. Try It ftnd Judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no chari for sacks. Address
o4-cod-me WOODMAN L1NSEKD OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nb.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittinga
Steam Packing at wholesale and rojail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS. OHUROH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Heating and Baking
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
For sale by
Painter&PaBer Hanger
'Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures.
107 South 14th Street ,
, - - -
Thcee Stoves took the premium at the New York SUto Fair In 1882 , whsre they were put on actual trial by
experienced judges , In competition with leading Eastern Brands , which are far superior to all
Wcittsrn Stoves , specially In quality of Iron , Fine Baking and economy In all kinds of fuel
521 South Tenth Street.
Wholesale Grocers !
1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Carpenters9 Materials ,
Sash , Doors , BliUuS , Stairs , Stair Railings , Balnsters , Window & Door Frames , &c ,
Flr t-dut facilities for the manufacture of all kinds ol MouIJlntri. Planing and Matching a specialty.
Orders from the country will be promptly executetl.
Addrtu all communlouUoui to A. MOVEIl , Proprietor.
; V * rV rf r > rttagjgtfljjrTiKjiVii/ .