Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1883, Image 5

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Loss of Appetite , Boweta costive ,
FolQ in tha Head/with a dull ten-
cation in the back part , Vain under
the Shoulder blade , fullneaa after
eating- , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
of temper , LowoptriU , with a feel-
in it of Uavinfr netrleoted some duty.
WpurtnesB , DtaziiieBS , Flattering at
the heart , Dots before the eyes , Yel
low Skin , He&dache irenorady over
thorlfrht ey * . ReatlocBneBi , with fitful -
ful dxeamo , highly colored Urine ,
TrTTTS PII , 1.8 ar cipeelaUy
dnptrit < o lurlt coieirone floie ei-
lecti MC > > n channe of feclinff as t
tunUli the ullorrr.
Tney lucrenia the AnrMtlteand cant *
the body 10 Take on Vleih , thuttbn r > >
t m U iourl > liail , nnd br their Tonlo
Action mi the JlKeitlvoOrwi niltcf
almr CKnol * re lirotlurcd. 1'rlieUcvuu.
It.VMurray M..1V.Y.
OBAT nxm on WntsKnmi chonRe to n Qu > ssr
Buiac by a nlimlo application ot thlt DTE. It
Importsalmuirnlcolor. Art In > tnntnncou > -
ry. Sold by l > ruinil > t > . or tout br ei ruui ou
naeU > tof..81.M > .
orncK , anjurnnAT
There exists a moans of securing -
curing ? a soft and brilliant
Complexion , no matter how
poor it may naturally bo.
Kazan's Mnsnolia Balm is a
delicate and harmless arti
cle , which instantly removes
Freckles , Tan. Redness ,
Roughness , Eruptions , Yul-
car Flushings , etc. , etc. So
delicate anunatural are its
effects that its use is not
suspected by anybody.
No lady has the right to
present a disfigured ftco in
society when iho Magnolia
Balm is sold 'by ' all druggists
for 75 cents.
ThtPiMic u rtqucittd carefully to nnttce the
new and enlarged Scittmctabcdraicn Monthly
$6 , Sbares in Proportion.
Louisiana Ttate. Lottery Company
" IVt da hereby etrtifv " " * ' w * tuperriie thf n >
ranyementt all thr Monthly and Semi-Annual
Drawlnyt of the Lotiiriana State Lottery Company.
uddn ptt s on tnfttMtjf and control the Draw/it/
Ihemiefvet , and that the tame are conducted J uith
hon tty/aimtti. and in good faith toward all pat.
lift , and ve authorize the company to uie thit cor-
tifleate , uithaoimilei of our rignaturei aUtdicd t
rn ill adttrtieementt "
- IicorporaUd.ln 1803 for.25 yean bxtho legislator
lor educational and charitable purposes with a cnj
Ital of 11,009,000 to which a reserve ( und of ovel
$650,009 baa since been added.
Bj an overwhelming popular vote Ita franchl *
waa made a part of the present state constitution
adopted December 2d , A. I ) . 1879.
Tht tnly Lottery ever voted on and endorttd tj
Unpeople of any itatt.
Jt nner Scalet or Poitpont
IU grand single number drawings tak <
place monthly.
TUNE Seventh Orand Drawing , Clau 0. at New Or
team , TUESDAY , JULY 10 , 1833-158th Monthlj
Bra wing.
CAPITA ! , PHIZE , 75,000.
tloni , In Firths In Proportion.
1 CAPITAL riUZK . 75.00 (
1 do do . . - . . 25,0X
1 do do . 10,0 < X
2 PRIZES OV $6000 . 12,001
6 do 2000 . 10,001
10 do 3000 . 10,001
d * 00 . 10,001
100 d * 200. . . - . . 20,001
300 d * 100 . 30,001
500 d SO . 25,001
JOOO d 25 . 25.0CX
Approdmatlon prirc * of $750 . >
9 do do ROO 4,501
9 ia da 250 2,251
1997 PritM , amounting to
Application ( or rates to rlubs should only be. mad
to the office of the Company In Nevr Orleans.
For further information write clearly Hiring fill
ftddreKS. Send orders by Express , UenisUred Lettc
or Money Order , addressed only to
t H. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La.
607 Hoiunth Kt. , Washington , D. C
B. Frank Moore.
127 La Salle Street. Chicago
( Formerly S19 and 212 Broadway , N. Y. )
Vow Manager of Chicago Office. To whom apply Ic
Information and ticket * . 15Sth Monthly
Tuesday , July 10th
First Capital Prize , 875,000. Tickets t5. Sold I
thi at $1 each , bee full Hche ie elsewhere.
S the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon of Jtoi
day , July 2nd , A. D. 1883 , for the curbing and gui
Urlnff of that part ot Capitol avenue lying Iwtwce
the west curb line of Fourteenth street and the cai
curb line of HKUentti street , In the city of Oiimbi
All ld work to be done and material furntsbxl 1
accordances 1th plan * an'I specifications on tile 1
the office of the IJoard of Public Works.
Bid * to bo made ftcparately for limestone nn
aandntone and on printed blank ! furnished by nal
board. The board resene * tha rlsbt to detirm'n
after the bld < shall ha\o been opened whether Hue
contract shall bo let , either fur limestone or for n <
stone. Bid * to be accom.wnled by the signatures <
proposed 8iirUlc3 uhn , In the tvtnt of the awsr.lln .
of tlio contract , will enter Into Ixindi lth the cltyi
Omaha in the mini ol thu liunilru-l dollar * for tl
faithful lierfoniianco i'l Micliwvk.
The Board of Public Vtork * rcicrtia the ruut I
select any or u > ll bd ! < .
Chairman Hoard of Public U'orkt
Jo 18 taw-tw
Tunis & Kneller ,
XX. X > . J3.
1107 FARNAM BTREET ( Up fitalrs. )
IMre Nltro Oilde Oat kept con Untly on band f
| K * uUrlMi extraction of teeth. J12-1
* * *
The Waters Gradually Rece.iD and
Destitution Increasing ,
An Al > lciil Cot- Aid for llulnvtf Kami-
en * Dmtruutlvo Uuln SlorniH
Spcdal Il | ialchcs to The Ilea.
ST. Louis , tlunp'J" . Word comes from
East St. Loui.i this morning that the river
continues to full slowly , and in all that
flection of country west of the Chicago &
Alton railroad track .it Nowjiort. Nuineo-
ki nnd Mitchell , the water has fnilcn near
ly , if not quiU ) a fix > t , but in that part of
the bottom cast of thu nbovo named road ,
into which a steady' stream ia still pour
ing through a cruvass near Newport.
Computation based upon information
derived from well informed sources
makes the number of acrea of farm land
overflowed in three townships in Madison
county seven thousand acres.
This land ii covered with wheat ,
corn , oats and potatoes , which
reckoned at $ 'M per aero , n rather
low estimate , makes the actual lost to
crops about § 210,000 in that section of
St. Clair county cast , and south of East
Carondelct. So far as present known
5,400 acres of wheat , corn and potatoes
are under water.
KANSAS CITY , Juno 27. The river is
on a stand since 7 o'clock lost night. At
St. Joseph it fell five inches during the
night. No rains arc rc ] > ortud in this re
gion ainco Monday mwrning , and strong
hopes arc entertained that the season of
excessive rains has ceased , in which case
Uio present Hood will most likely disap
pear t ' < i great extent before the Juno
rise coiues.
ST. Louis , Juno 27. The river lias
fallen five inches and the
to-day , govern
ment gauge now marks thirty-four feet
four inches. The water at East St.
Louis is alsodcclining quite satisfactorily ,
and the general feeling is that all danger
is over. T. J. Richardson , agent of the
Belt railway , at Venice , has been elected
chairman of the relief committee ap
pointed to sucor destitute people on the
American bottom , north and east of that
place. lie says the situation is growing
worse daily , and that there are a great
number of people out in the country who
are surrounded by water and unable to
communicate their distress to , any 9110.
The committee sent out four skill's to-day
to viiiifriovery houao north and east of
Venice , "nnd bring to that place nil those
in a destitute condition. Besides these ,
Mr. Richardson says there are plenty of
others who will not ask for food or beg
for assistance. Those wo must find out
and help. To-day people como in from
eight nnd ten miles above Venice asking
for relief , and if wo cannot get money any
other way wo will mortgage our houses
and buy piovisions with the proceeds.
One family , continued Mr. Richardson ,
of eight , including six small children ,
who'have been living on raw potatoes four
days , wore found to-day nnd relieved.
Brooklyn ninety fnmilies nro known
to require assistance and many more , no
doubt , will bo found. Most of the suf
- ferers have suflicient clothing for present
. wants. Provisions nnd groceries ; or
* money to buy them , nro badly needed.
. The full committee nt a meeting in
- , Venice to-day issued a call for help.
Money or pro visions can bo sent to Henry
Robinson , chairman of the relief commit
tee. .
\Vir.KKsnAnuEI > : i.Juno27. Theheavy
rains for the past few days and the burst
ing of n dam caused an extensive cavii-in
nt the Baltimore mines. The residonta
in the neighborhood are alarmed.
LANOASTEU , Pa. , Juno 27. A disas
* trous storm occurred in , this county. In
) many cases the tobacco and corn crops
uro ruined. Trains on the Pennsylvania
road arc detained , owing to embankments
caving in.
At 1 o'clock great excitement prevailed
nt the scene of the cave-in. It has ex
tended a considerable distance and al
ready engulfed one house. This build
ing was carried down with its contents teA
A depth of soventy-fivo foot and
completely buried. A largo portion
of the branch of the Delaware and Hud
son railroad is now endangered , and may
disappear at any moment. Several
houses are in peril , and occupants are
seeking safer quarters. Up to this time
no loss of lifo is feared. There will bo a
still further loss of property. wni
POTT.SYILIJ : , Pa. , Juno 27. The dam
age to crops , mines and railroads by the
storm throughout this region is widespread -
spread and heavy. Trains on all branches
of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad
have been delayed by washouts and land
slides. The rainfall wis : the greatest in
° 20 years. A number of colleries were
flooded , in some cases mules wcro
drowned. The Ions cannot bo estimated.
HAKRJHDU.II , I'a. , Juno 27The
lieavicot 'rain fall'in ' years fell in the last
twunty-four' 'Hours. The 'StiScjitfelianna
r hasriHen Jive .f60t since noon and-is still
rising. * ' t ' , *
AtLKNTOwir , Pa , , June 27. The Lo-
high river H twelve feet higher than
usual. A freshet is feared. The river
is still rising. Persona living near by
are removing to places of safety. There
were also heavy land sides on the Lohigh
Valley road at Rockdalo.
PORTLAND , Pa. , Jnntj 27. A terrific
shower burst over this vicinity last even
ing ; causing "widcspiead devastation.
The liangor & Portland railroad had a
number of culverts and bridges washed
away and no trains will bo run to Naza
reth until to-morrow. In some places
the washouts were twonty-fivo feet deep.
Nearly all farmers between here anil
Nazareth suffered. It is still raining and
the streams are rising.
ASHLAND , Juno 27. All work at the
L. collieries is suspended and unless rain
ceases ten collieries in Mahoney valley
will be Hooded. Traffic on the Lohigh
D load is suspended. At Shamokin all
collieries are suffering.
Hpoclal Dnjiatchcn to TIIK UBS ,
MONTIXAL , Juno 27. Sir Aloxandei
Gait said yesterday : The right of Canada
to make her own commercial treaties ha.c
been practically conceded by Eng
land. The modus operand ! was
that leprusentatives of Caindr
should bo associated with thu Brilisl
ininiBter , nnd the proposed terms bo nub
milled for approval to the liriliah gov-
einmcnt. In these conclusioiH England
reseryi'd tlio right of judgiiiim ospuciallji
in cases wlu-re tieatien weio nmsiderei
objevtionablu or likely to product ) na coinplicalions , The indepeiidcnei
( ( ueritinii was not only a dead issue , bu
had never been n live one.
Hi > vcaUI ! ) patche to TIIK Iltx.
Archbialiop Woods' last will and tootament
admitUvl to [ irotcst , Ixyjuoatlw all his effect *
real nnd peiuonal , to hU HUCCOSHOF In oilico.
lot The opinion of ex-Judgo Badgeloy , of th
1m Hiii > crier court of Montreal , nUtcft the gram
I'JVRO ! of Free M.M.mft of the Jlro lllco art !
Joctto tlio | HMialtoH ! linpoKpil In 1833 ngitlii't
secret Bocictlt . Thiuo only , 'xt'nitit nro the
Kmnil IcilfTttt of Kn lntid , Irclniid , Scotlantl or
Ciuiadn , tlio four imuit'd Imvltig K ° t ppt'rlal
acti lianwtl granting them immunity from
Fire wan tllsonervd jettcnlay aftfrncxni in
the heat1lii Inlircaitt at Mnnltur colllt-ry , two
Milieu fnmi.Mt. Carnicl , I'A. Satfrnl nion MIM-O
mprcnmniiygoN and carried nut of thn mint' .
Tlio colliary cniplnjH o\ur li\o hnndreil men
iiliil txiyn.
A coil train on tlm ] ) , , I. , k M , And a
working train on tlioY t Klioro road collid.
od at a crOiMin ? . Thni. Dunn , a Went Shore
employe was killed ami HCMTII ! Injured.
The Now Orleann Timc Democrat m > oclal
sajn : NOWH rearlie.s this placu that the tiegroei
wlio outragftl a young lady JoIIernon
were lynched \ o-'ti'rd.iy , tnio han od and the
other burned to death.
\V'm. MulloiiH , Tent Hall nnd HOII , went
killed in an alTtay at Collinsxillc , Alu. , und
John Mullens fatally Mounded.
Ono thousand employes of tlio llcthlehem ,
( Va. ) Iron company s Htccl mills ijtilt wurk , tlo-
mandliiK anlncrcaso of wages , \ \ hlch w ai re
fused. Them In much excitement.
The creditorn of M. S. Nichols k Co. , com
mission men ou the Chicago l iard of trade ,
brought tii prluf by tlio lard failure , held a
meeting to examiiiK Intu the nlfulrsot the firm.
Tlio lirm will pay al > out tlfty cents on tlio del
The ranchmen of weitern Texa are lament
ing the Hcarcity of water and the parched con-
illtion of grais. Stock is nulTorlng.
cnssctl ,
Another View of the Matter lroHont-
oil to 1'rcshlciit Arthur.
To ( he Editor of Tim DEB :
In last evening's issue of Tun linn a
correspondent signing hima'jlf "M. B.
S. " appears greatly annoyed ty the pro
test made , on last * . rtturday , to l-rc.iident
Arthur , by a dele ation of prominent
Irishmen , headed by Alexander Sullivan ,
against tlio deportation to our shores of
English-made paupers. "M. 15. S.5s
guilty of the grave mistake of appearing
in print to discuss a subject about which
ho evidently knows but very little.
In the meaning of Mr. Sullivan's address -
dross and according to general accepta
tion a pauper is one who , having been
reduced to absolute poverty , depends for
subsistence upon , the charity of
individuals or the ulnto. The
worst , because irredeemable , phase of
pauperism is that produced
by decrepitude. "M. B S. " does not
deny , because ho can not , that hundreds
of p.onniless and age-worn , helpless pee
pic , gathered from the poor houses and
noverty-stricken districts of Ireland have
been landed during the last three months
upon our tdiorca by the English govern
ment The greater part of these people
are unable to work , and being without
money , become unjustly a charge upon
the taxpayers of this country , Those who
are able to labor have not the moans to
leave the large cities , and hence must
settle there nnd pass the remainder of
their years on a miserable pittance in the
very lowest state of American society ,
where their children , born in poverty and
educated upon the streets and
wharves make fit candidates for the
ranks of our worst criminal classes , la
not such a practice in direct violation of
international equity ! Is it not inhuman ?
But this practice would not bo so
flagrantly unjust if those people were
compelled to lleo to their native country
because of its over-population and it
inability to support its inhabitants. Its
population is only 1G2 to the aquare
mile against 445 in England ,
183 in Franco , 213 in Germany ,
and 485 in thrifty and prosperous Belgium
giumOf her twenty millions of acres
only three millions are under cultivation ;
yet she exports food , pays forty millions
of dollars per year in taxes , and over
eighty millions in rents. Even during
the famine stricken years three of he
crops have produced eight pounds of food
per day for every man , woman aiid child
in the island. Why did millions
starve ? These are hard facts
drawn from English statistics which
show that pauperism in Ireland is not
duo to failure of crops or inability of the
country to support its population. But
cause the is for Ireland s poverty and
that cause is found in a system f land
laws preserved from the middle ages , and
which is a disgrace to the Christian civili
zation of the nineteenth century. Re
duced to pauperism not through any fault
of theirs , not through any fault of their
country , but that a relic of
feudal barbarism may bo maintained.
These unfortunate people instead of being
supported by the system which pretends
to govern them are permitted by the gov
ernment of "Her Host Christian Majes
ty" to die by the horrible means of star
vation or are departed to these shores to
become a burden upon the tax payers of
.America. > Against this forced and whole
sale emmigration of English made paup
ers the Irish National League protests
and not against the ommigrotion of per
sons desirous of improving their condition
and capable of doing no without becom
ing a charge upon our government.
In order that "M. B. S. " may criticise
intelligently tlio rcscarchful and scholarly
address of Air. Sullivan ho must furnish
instead of high-sounding and meaningless
sentences a contradiction of cold facts
gathered from the works of Engliah statis
ticians. And let mo suggest to him , in
all friendliness , that in his characteriza
tion of that duputation of leading Amer
ican citizens who waited upon President
Artlnu- a body of cranks- deputation
that represented fifty millions of dollars
amassed through their own genius and
industry ho only manifested his own
lack of courtesy , C. S. S.
The board of examiners to examine ap <
plicants for teachers' certificates will ineol
nt the High school building , Monday ,
July 2d , nnd Tuesday , Thursday nnd Frl
dny following.
Miw. Dit. DiNSMuoit ,
Hoard of Examiners ,
The Great ft'lfiiw Jfat Halo
Ktill uontinuca.
Hats for everybody almost given nwaj
under inorlyaycc aalc.
0. E. WHITI : ,
Agent for Omahii National Hank.
in French , patent nnd hand-tumc <
kid. All nt
Conior lOth and Jackson :
Very choice , 12io per box at
A Trio of Timely Letters froi Boone ,
Polk anfl Cass Comities ,
The Condition of ( ho Crop * itnil
Munition * Generally The , lie-
union nt Wccpliijf AVntor.
( Jrntlcd Crop * in lloonc.
Correipomknco o ( Til * H :
AI.IIIOX , Boone Co. , Neb. , Juno 24.
If the windows of heaven could only bo
shut , nnd the fountain * of the great deep
closed , and the nightly deluges stopped
for a few weeks , there would bo n bigger
crop of all kinds of small grain harvest
ed in this county than the old nottlor has
over seen , for never was there such a
luxuriant growth as up to this time. As
to the corn crop it is hard to tell what it
will bo on account of wet and wei-ds.
There is a great deal of bad whisky
being consumed in Albion and thorn are
sights to bo BOOH almost every day now
which could not bo scon scarcely once in
n year before the advent of saloons in our
county. But the bad whisky has ono
effect. It confirms the truthfulness of
the Darwinian theory by furnishing the
missing link. It carries back the origin
of the human species far beyond the time
set by the geologist and paleontologist.
To find an animal so base in iU degrada
tion as the missing link it would bo neces
sary to go back to the carboniferous ago ,
to the time when slimy things with logs
did crawl across n slimy sea.
The Jtflitiiion at "Weeping "Water.
Corrc'pondeneo of TUB 111 * .
WKKPISO WATKU , Juno 2i > . The
Herald's special correspondent has writ
ten a.letter , published the 2Jrd ! , trying to
injure the O. A. 11. reunion , to bo hold
hero the 3rd 4th and Cth of July. Ho
says that "it wilUbo a failure , " nnd that
"Gen. Manderson will not bo here. "
Now Gen. Mandorson will bo hero ,
and ono thousand more of the grand
army boys , and wo will have n grand re
union. It may make the ox-rebel who
wrote the article sick , but there will bo a
grand Fourth nil the same. Our fort is
built , tents and quarters located in ono
of the nicest parks in the west. Comet
down and see what n good time the G.
A. 11. can have. Please make a denial
of the Herald report in your paper and
you will oblige many of the boys.
E. W. 'llKr.n. '
Events in 1'olk.
Comrpomlfnco of Tim IlBR.
OSCKOLA , Neb. , Juno'26. Polk county
still flourishes. From every precinct
conies favorable crop reports , small grain
never looked so well , corn , although not
large , is a good stand and growing day
and night at a tremendous rate. The
weather i very fine , with perhaps more
rain than usual for Juno. Last week
three nights in succession someof our
citizens were frightened attho approaching -
ing storm clouds , and many wont , to their
cellars. The clouds , however , were only
in fun and soon passed over.
Our real estate agents report business
good and transfers ' 25 per cent , bettor
than last year. 'Osceolu is making some
substantial improvements , two new ele
vators are being built , and our farmers
may expect lively competition ( as it were )
in the grain market. A valuable span of
mares were stolen last week from J. F.
Campbell , town. They were after
wards found in the southern'part of-York
county. No thieves found.
The anti-monopoly convention held
hero on the 13th to elect delegates to the
district conventions , was in every res
pect 'a success. Representative men
from every precinct gave encouraging re
ports , and it is safe to nay the voters in
Polk county are no limgcr under the in
fluences of the bosses , but may bo relied
upon in the coining conflict. _
Osccola had n lively tilt with the
saloon question recently. A sulHcicnt
number of names were secured to n peti
tion asking for n license , but after ma
ture reflection several names wore with
drawn and the matter was dropped.
True our druggists are not BO careful ax
they should bo , and their registers show
a long list of sick and atllicted , and an
indictment against them is easily with
drawn. It isalso quite inconvenient and
somewhat expensive for the thirsty ones
to have private packages shipped in.
Then our town is very quiet , and it
would help business , you know.
Our city market reports busineaa
dull in his line. 'Not a single
arrest the post year. Our jail stands
empty and don't pay interest on first
cost. Our district court closed the last
session in a single day , and has nuvei
sent a criminal to the penitentiary , and
things arp growing desperate } ' Why not
have a saloon ?
After six ycurs of peace , "sweet peace1
Osccola has at last got the postoflico jiin
jams got 'cm bad. One of our influ
ential ( in his mind ) citizens , who is n
largo real estate owner nnd drives fasl
horses , wants our little postoflico. A
Stromsburg banker goes to Lincoln in
his interest , meets Mr. Laird , and tin
matter is quietly fixed up. Several disap
pointed promised candidates hear tin
news , there is blue smoke and snlphui
in the air. They think it an outrage
that the present obliging and cflicion
postmaster should go , therefore , seven
eighths of the patrons remonstrate anc
wait. LEON.
George If. Qulmliy , Warren , O. ; George K
Mitchell , MomiacliUHuttHj Curl Itnlwn , Clii
cage ; John Hchafcr ami wife , VonnxylAaniu
Ucorgo Caruy , Chicago ; II , I/ . Matson am
wife , Ktreator , 111. ; Minn ] Slack , Somcnot
Iowa , and John Palmer , Kntrtiulil , Nub. , nr
among tliu guexU nt the ( Pacific.
tTolT 0. Witxtack , a conductor on thu Wu
bash between Moberly and DCS Moiiim , in I
town a guuxt of the Metropolitan , .luff 1
from the nld Hoosler xtnto , mul in ono of tit
htMt bo } * It in liU lir.t Unit to tU
Onto City.
C , Anderson uivl family , WitkuliuM , Neb > ,
Frank 0. I'hulM | , Lincoln ; Miss H. U Ilobcrl
HOII , Oilcan * ; Dan \Vnfmvr , Uiitto City , Mot
tann ; Dr. H. . Taylor , Ulalr , nnd O , Alaltoi nn
Bc.ttiieo , Xuh. , uro guuiU ut the Millurd ,
John Cr.rroll ; thu night imrU-r at thu ( iriin
I'ncilio , ill bo inurrlcxl on Suiuluy night inn
to Minx Annlu Knox , of Imliaii.iiMilU.
Hon. Loran Clark , II , T. 1'rlco. Judge A
1) . Drahianl , nml Hon. V. M. Hnckott , c
Albion , nroall guests at the I'axton ,
W. M. Cant nnd family and T. T. Pett !
and child , of liemont , 111. , are registered i
the Millard.
Mrs , J , K. Mumaugh hiu gone to Mlchign
to r ! U dnrllig the unnunnr months and rcou-
| > erato.
I' . .1. Slidliy iiml .terry MuMhlll , of U. 1' .
local freight nllkv , nro going on n trip to Ohio.
0. M. CruickjOmnkH nml wife , of Xorth
Henil , nro gnrtU of the Mlllnnl.
T. N , Smith nnd daughter , of Bancroft , N n
> Mtor nt the Motroi > ollt.\ti.
A , U. D y , of Mnrslmlltown , In. , registered
nt thu Mllhird > e.itenlny.
( ieo. S. Cn.ok nnd J. H. Hamilton , of York ,
nro nt the Mctn > ] > olltAn.
U. S. Norvnll and wlfo , of Scwnrd , nro
guenU of tha 1'nxton ,
Mrs. CJ. S. Crutcluhnnk , of Ft. Niohrnrn ,
Ii nt tha Millard.
J. L. Mitchell , of Nobriukn City , U n gtiOHt
of tha Ntllnrd.
1'otcr Kocntzer , of Marslmlltown , U nt the
J. W. McMnckln , of Now York , U nt the
MotmH | > Utan.
J. A. Wnrd , of Huston , I * a gucat of tlui
Metn > i > oHtui.
Jnnici Mntlloy , of Oscoola , It nt the Metro-
Win. C. 1)1 ) ion , of Detroit , U * t the Metro-
J. O. IClUworth , of Detroit , U t the Metro-
| Hlltan.
Ij. Krnnk , of DIM Molnon , In nt the Metro-
polttan ,
W. C. 1'owora , of Ghtcngo , In nt the Metro.
.1. F. . Kellogg , of Bolwooil , U at the Metro
Mini M. J. Dyer , of Now York , in at the
11. S. Fuller and wife , of Crete , are nt the
Mm. C. Vf. I'liolpB , of Clear Creek , la at the
Adolph 1'lntt , of Now York , U at the Millard -
lard ,
John llalloy , of Chicago , ia at tha Grand 1'a
L. Si > olU , of Da\ld City , U at the 1'axton.
C. W. LyniMi , of Lincoln , is at tlio 1'axton.
C. D. Arw , of St. Joe , in at the Millard.
W. Lyrnan , of Lincoln , U In tlio city.
O. J. Taylor , of Sioux City , ia In town.
J. A. Lo Fib , of North Platte , U In town.
J. T. Mitchell , of Nebraska City , is in the
A. K. Day , of Manihalltown , Ia. , It at the
J. N. Cornish , of Hamburgh , Ia. , Is at tlio
M : J. Cooley and wlfo. of Now York , nroai
the 1'axton.
C. D. Aycrti and A. II , Bishop , of St. Joe ,
are at the I'nxton.
Wolllncton W. Drummoud and L. D. lien-
nett are in the city.
Dr. Fishblatt has raturnod from a business
triji out in the Htato.
Goortjo Anderson and MisH M. J , Djer , o
New York , are gucstH at the Millard.
Dr. Wintorstoen , F. K. Wblto and 0. W.
Oritefl , of 1'luttsmouth , are in the city.
A. K. Clarendon , Ruporintondcnt of thn
schools at Fremont , in Uniting tliu Omaha
Mrs. J. W. J'addock and Mlm Kmma 1'ad-
dock left today : { or the west to spend thomim-
iner at Fort Itoblnaon.
A. .1. Gcrhtel , representing Frey llros. , the
cigar manufacturer * of Now York , and Victor
Lengfold , of St. Louis , Mo. , are In tlio city
on business.
Miss Mnrgiu Hambright returned last eve
ning from Gland Inland , after a pleasant vlxlt
of several wooks. She wart accompanied by
Misses Kmmu and Magglo Howard , who will
xpcnd the Fourth of July in Omaha.
Do not go to the country without a bottln ol
ItittcrH to flavor your Hodi
nnd Lemonade , nnd keep your digcstUo orgnir
In order. Do sure It la the genuine Angosturr
-wide fame nnd manufactured only b\
A Dull Pawnbroker.
Detroit Free Prow.
The other day n Detroit pawnbroker
received a call from a young man with
the tan and freckles of the country on
his face and nose , and an old-fashioned
bull's-eye watch in his hand , which ho
desired to pawn.
"Whor you lift" asked the broker.
"Oh , out hero a few miles ! "
"Vhor you got dot vhatchl"
It used to be dad's , but ho gave it to
me. "
The broker looked him all over with n
suspicious glance , and asked nnd received
his name , and then added :
"Vhy you vhants to pawn dot vlmtch ,
eh ? "
"Well , I need a little money. "
"Dot looks suspicious to me , undl
guess 1 call der bolceco. "
"Suspicions ! "Snyf mister , if you
don't know the difference between n
thief selling his plunder and n young
man in town with his gal , and that gal
wanting peanuts and candy and Kody
water and street car rides until she K
cleaned him out of his last cent , you'd
better go and start a sheep ranch. "
"Oh , dot vhn it , eh ? Vhell , I gif
you tree dollars. Dot makes it all ash
blain as der face on my nose , und I hope
you haf some goot times. Hero two
and ono makes tree. "
"Ton elilm too
much ( or
cnn ono medicine bo
a ppcclflc tar Jpl- :
„ _ - - „ , AlooUollnnif
a- Opium V.ntlaui nbciiiimtimn , Hperinntur-
aIn ttnt , or HcinluiU AVcnkocMH , uuii fifty other
Inb complaliimf" Wo claim It a tjieclfle , ulin-
b lily , LecauBO the virus of nil dlscaees urltCH from
tboblood. ] tn Nervine , KcBoU ont , Altcrath o nnd
H ! I.nxatlvo projicrtlCBineetallUieconiJIIiuna Iierclu
lie rif irrcd to. It's know n tiorlit n Ida an
It ( lululu ami comjKiiitB the patlcntnot liy the
lntmductlonofopf te nml druitlorathartlcH , but
id by the rcnlorutloiuif activity to llio slnmnch ami
idt nervous y tcin , whereby tlio brain In relieved
\t of tnorbld fancloi , which uro crtuUU by the
coufcn above referred lo.
To Cli-rgymcn , Ijiwycrn. IJlerary men , Mir-
chatits , llaiikcru , LaUlCH and nil tlio u whonu Gid-
of cntary employment caugeii ticnoim prostration ,
Irregularities of the blood , stomach , boncls or
kldueya orwho require a nerve tonic , appetlztr or
ntlmnlant. HiMininw > "EUVINB la Invalnatilu.
tit Thoniandiproclalm It the moat wonderful InvlK-
at orant that ever austalned the iluklue vyktcm.
Vat tMtlnooUl * nd c Irruliir. i nd tnp
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y :
In order to | < roUet tlio puMlo Oftltut the Imposition of llountetuuilii In our line , e have concluded to offer
2 | Unit ZaulUr Irory DlllUrd llfllli , 1 1 r ccl .K2.00
I > ) > cUlljr und toleljr nunutictured ( or Iran Rlmonri k Fll at Vcnlen , Dolglum.
No , 1,74 lneht W , | ier janl . I8.WI | No. J , 74 Inchon wide , ( xrjanl . .W.80
No. S , 74 laches Ulc , ) < r larvl . $6.00.
Nominal Hli < of |
Table. |
ot TuUo
- 68.8
For licit
t'orCuihlon , ,
Doth. . . . . . . . .
h > r IkM. . . . .
Kor fuihlon.
For CvuHlon.
(13 W
3 W -
18 00
til 7S
S 25
111 S6
14 00
flwt French IllllUnl Ci ! lk , | > r crow t MHe \ t French Cue T1p , 100 In a boi | 1 ( W
rOCKCTNKTTINas Frlngci , UAtlicr , Hneit worrtccl , | > cr et ( fl ) 13 00.
Ordtn limit InTarlabl ; be iccomp nleJ by remittance , and sann be directed to our principal manutact-
orlc * .
X J-Omnha olllco , 509 South 10th itrcct.
Visitors can hero find all tlio novelties
The Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest
Selections in
AH is compatible with honorable dealers. .
Call and see our elegant new store ,
Tower Building ,
A largo stock always on hand.
tlV 00
S 00
22 00
I 00
20 00
8 (0
17 M
| H 00
4 00
10 00
-IS 50
1 CO
17 00
< 12 60
3 00
K & 0
Out of the many hundred manufao-
urora of this line of goods , wo lay claim
o representing the leading makers , and
can snow a more complete and larger line
of Pianos and Organs than can bo found
n ano ONE House in the west. Our
SINE LEADERS are the following well-
mown and celebrated instruments.
Wo want everybody desiring a Piano
or Organ to call or write to us for infor- , L
nmtion and GET POSTED. Wo can soil
you the best instrument made for the
least money , if yon will give us c. trial
and want to buy. All we ask in to show
you , as wo know wo can satisfy everybody
from our Nine Leaders , which are recog
nized by those posted , a.s the best made.
Bond for catalogue and price list. > , J
Cor , 11th & Farnam Sis. , Omaha.
* " (
Invites the attention of the public to hi * ' *
Large and Well Selected Stock
Embracing all the Late Patterns in everything in D///e
Carpet Line ,
1313 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
OT. O. X Lj UFt.Q : jSLOIHC ,
Buggy and Spring Wagon Manufacturer.
815Rftwnth Btreet ottwoeea lUmy