Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1883, Image 3

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    The Nebraska National Bank ,
JaW Up capital . . . $260,000
ourplug Fund , Hay 1,1383 ; 10,000
8. K. JOHNSON , I'resldtnt , of Htcclf , Johnson * Co
A. K. TOUZ/VLIN , Vlco Tmtdcnt , of Ilonton.
W. V. IOKSE , of W. V. Morte i Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of 0. II. i J. 8. Collins.
J. M. WKI.WOtlTItCounwlorand ) Attorney t Uw.
L. S. IlKKI ) , of Byron llted & Co.
II. W , YATKM , CuhUr.lornuny je r Ciwhler of the
Pint N tlonkl Hank of Onuht.
Thlt lUnk ci-cnc.l for I inlncm April ZT , 1882.
IU directors ml utockholtlcn ro cnonff the lead *
\ag \ builncm of Onutha , and IU limlncus Is rondiicteil
with npecUl refctenca to tha l - t and Incrcmlnc In
tcrciti of | t mctcAntlle pntron * .
Collection ) tccclte proinjit attention and charges
lowest obtainable hero or el < wherc.
Intcteit allowed on tlm deixnlU upon farorable
lorms and upon accounts of tutnki and bankers.
Foreign Exchanuc , Clo\crnmcnt Honda , and County ,
and City Securities bought and sold.
J. W. Rodefer , Broker ,
Stocks , noii < l , Commercial l'a | < er and nil other
goixl securities dealt In.
lloom 4 , No. ZS 1'carl St. , Council Uluffn , la ]
Special Dispatch to Tim DEK.
NEW YORK , Juno 27.
Money Market nt 23 per cent ; closed at
2 per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper 1@5J per cent.
Sterling Exchangee-Hankers" bills dull at
$4.85 ; demand , 84.88.
Governments Strong , especially for four
per cents.
The stock market the first part of the day
WAH quiet and firm nith nn advance in prices
of i to J per cent , Wnbosh preferred and
Chicago , Burlington k Quincy leading the ,
upward movement. Shortly after 1 o'clock
the bean miulo n sharp attack on the Denver ,
tlia price breaking from 43 | to 45 | . Sales
were attributed to various operators , sorno
saying they were for the account of n leading
trader now abroad , and others tliat they were
made by the Oeiman element prominently
identified with tlio company. Thin had an
unsettling effect on the general list but the de
cline was unimportant. In the last transac
tions Denver rallied to 42. } and other stocks
improved slightly. As compared with Tues
day's closing , active shares are J to J per cent
The governing committee of the stock exchange -
change listed the following securities : $4,000-
000 additional first mortgage land grant G per
nt gold bond * ; 83,000,000 additional income
and $2,500,000 capital stock of the Atlantic &
Pacific Railroad company ; $218,000 first inert-
gage bonds and $700,000 second mortgage
bonds of tha Houston k West Texas ; 81,400-
000 first mortgage G per cent gold bonds of the
Oregon k California ; 81,510,000 eastern divi
sion 0 per cent thirty year bonds of the Cen
tral Iowa ; 83,750,000 general first mortgage
and land grant gold bonds of tlio Northern
Pacific ; $10,000,000 second mortgage G per
cent bonds of tlio Now York , Ohio k St.
Sierra Grande sold at 1 30 and 1 25 ; Nuvajo ,
300 ; Horn Silver , 775 to 738 ; Sierra Ne\ada ,
410 to 3I > 5 ; Bodio , 100 ; Bullwer , 80 and 75 ;
Kobinton Consolidated , 52 and 53 ; Sonora
Consolidated 20 cents. Tlio sales for the day
were 30,760 shares.
Yesterday. To-day.
-3's ; : 1031 101
5's ' 103 | 1033
4's Coupons. * 1121 U-'i
> Vs. . . . . : 120 120
Pacific 3's of " 05 127 127
Central Pacific firsts 115 } 1159
Erieseconds 95 } 95 }
Lohigh k Wilkcsbarre 104J 104 $
Louisiana consols 65 G5
Missouri G'g 102i 103
stj6sej > hr.r..r..7.MOO - * 109
St. Paul k Sioux City firsts 112112J
Tennessee G's , . . . 39 39
do new 39 39J
Texas & Pacific land grants 63 G3 |
do " R.G. di 831 83 $
\ "Union Pacific 1st mortgage 115 ? 1158
do laud grants ' . 109 J 109 }
do sinking fund 1174 1181
"VirginiaC's 36 30
do consolsG's 39 $ 39J
do deferred 9 9
Adams Express . . .129 } 129
Alleghenv Central 15j 15J
Alton&Tcrre Haute , 83 80
do do pfd 94 91
American Express 89 89
Burl. , Cedar Kapida & Northern. 82 82
Canada Southern. . . . . . . 05 } 65
Central Pacific. . . . . 75 75
Chesapeake & Ohio 19 } - W\ \
do do , ' , 1st pfd 283 29
do do 2dpfd 22j > . . .
Chicago & Alton 133 133
do do pfd 140 145
-CM. , Burl. & Qulncy 123i 123J.
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . . : . 79 78
C.St.L.&P , . . . 1H 17
do pfd 54 54
.Gin. , Sand , k Cleveland 40 40
Clete. , Col. k Cincinnati 73 73J
Delaware k Hudson canal 1091 108/s /
.Del. , Lack , k Western 127d 127 | )
Denver k Kio Grande 43 } 42J
Erie 37 36
do pfd 79 79
East Tennessee 8 } 8J
do do pfd 174 17J
Tort Woyno k Chicago 131 131
Hannibal & St. Joseph 42 42
do do do pfd 92J 92
Harlem 195 195
Houston & Texas Central 70 70
Illinois Central 132 132
Ind. , Bloom , k Western 29 29
Kansas & Texas , . , 30J 29J
JUke Erie k Western 30 30
( Lake Shore k Michigan So 109 1099
Louisville" fc Nashville 51 $ 51j
Loujsv. , NewAlb. , k Chicago. . . . 40 40
M.&Llntpfd. . ; 10 10
do 2d pfd. , 5 5
ilemphis k Charleston 42 42
Michigan Central 9IJ 95
Memphis & St. Louis 20 20
do do do pfd 50 5G
.Missouri Pacific 102J } 102
Mobile & Ohio 15 15
Morris k Essex 1225 123
Na h > ille k Chattanooga 15 ( T > G
New Jersey Central 85' '
JCorfolk&W 41
Northern Pacific 5GJ 51
do do | ifd 8G 883
Northwestern 142 132
do pfd 151i 160J
New York Central 118 }
Ohio Central , 9j
Jo * do pfd' . ! 113
Ontwio k Western. 2GJ
Orc" ii Transcontinental 83
1'ftcfh Mail 41j
1'eoria , l > ccatur' & Kvansillo 19 ]
1'itWnirp & Cleveland 13i
Pullman Palace Car 130
Heading 57j
Itock Is and 1M ;
St.LouU&Sanlran. ; . . 33
ilo do do pfd 50 ]
,1 , , do do 1st pfd 98
St. Paul k Milwaukee 1032
do do do pfd. IIP ]
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba 1-1
'S , .ill & Omaha 4' ' '
' do pfd 105
. tl'actfic 37
IMcifio 5 $
SaTi pi : : : : : : : : : : : |
rt do do pfd 42 |
\ VfliI'MSO & Co. Express . . . 120
AVeit uUoIonTelegraph'- . . . , ' . . 85j
' '
' 15
Jfcm- * " " " " "
Iron bu er. . . . , " <
Ontario °
QulckxlUrr 7J
do pfd 30
South rocifio
. . . 20
Sj > ccl l Ulipatch to Till HKK.
1XN1KN , Juno 27.
Stockn Erie , 137J.
Spcrtal Dispatch to Till HIIL
CniCA o.Tuno2" . Flour Market dull and
Wheat Ki-gularin fair denmndimarket tin.
cttlcd and cloied nominally unchanged at
1014for Juno ; 1 OUfaH 02 for July ! 1
1 OIJ for August ; 1 ( W for September ; 1 074
for October 1 07f for No > cmW ; 1011 for
the year ; No. 2 Chicago spring , 1 01@1 OIJ ;
No. 3 Chicago spring , H74c ; No. 2 red winter ,
1 00 ® 1 07.
Corn Market unsettled but generally
higher ; R3J.C for c.wh nnd June ; 53 > | c for .Inly ;
53jc for August ; 543o for September ; 54c for
October ; 4Uo for the > car.
Oat Market unsettled and generally lower ;
32J for cash and Juno ; 331e for Julys 30o for
August ; 2l > lo for September ; 28,5 , ( 290 for tlio
live Market easier nt We.
Flax seed Market dull nt 1 33 ® 1 34.
Pork Market unsettled , weak and lower ;
11 ! 30Crt-10 35c for cash and June ; 10 3210 35
for July ; 10 474&,1G 50 for August ; 1000(3) ( )
10 62 } for September ; 10 70 for October ; 14 50
@ 14 00 for the year.
Lard Market actho hut lower ; " 9 20@9 25
for cash and June ; Si 20@9 22 } for July ; 9 40 ©
942 } for August ; 937940 for September ;
9 00 for tlio year.
Bull ; Meats-In fair demind ; shoulder * ,
7 00 ; short rib , 8 40 ; short clear , V >
Butter Market steady and unchanged.
Eggs Market steady and unchanged.
AVhixky- Market steady and unchanged.
Freights Com to Btitftdo , 2o.
CALL BOAIID Wheat Kegulnr
and fairly active ; 1 01 j for , lunol ; 02 for duly ;
1 01 tor August ; 1 05J for Septombcr ; 1 07 fur
Corn Market quiet but steady ; ndxanced
Jo for October.
Oats- Market higher ; mUnncedlc for Juno
and August , and Jo for J illy.
Pork -Demand actixu ; 3cliiglicr for Septem
ber ; 2ic lower for October.
Laril Market irregular ; 9 22 } for July9 ; 40
for August ; 9 47 } for September ; 9 52 } for Oc
JI'KW TOUK rnooucK.
NEW YoitK , Juno 27. Flour Market dull ;
Minnesota patent process , 5 G0@7 30.
Wheat Cash lots lo higher and firm ; op
tions opcnedl@Jo better , afterwards ruled
weaker , reacted KWlSc , closing firm ; un
graded red , 1 02@1 18 ; No. 3 , red , 1 111 ; ;
steamer No. 2 red , 114 } ; No. 2 red , 1 14 }
f. o. b. ; ungraded white , 1 01@1 12 ; No. 1 do ,
1,500 bu , 111 } f. o. b. ; No. 2 red Juno. 1141 ;
July , 592,000 bu. 114J@1151 , closing 114 } ;
August. 1,120,000 bu , 110g@l 17Zclosing 117J ;
September , 2 , 71ir',000 bu. 1 IS'fel 20 , closing
1 191 ; OctoberS56,000 bu. , 1 2081 21J ,
closing 121J ; November , 32,000 bu , 123 ©
123d , = lo ing 1 23.
Corn -Cash Iff2c ( higher ; options opened
8@gobctter'nfterwartlslwt the advance closing
@ , ' { ,
ing steady ; ungraded,49 } ( Glc ; No. 3 , 54 } @
50 ; ste-mier , 55j@57lc ; No. 2. 2ffi02c ; No.
2 whlto 07 } ; Nli. 2 July , Glj < aG2jc ! , closing
Cljc ; August. G3GJG33c , clasing C3Jc ; Septem
ber , G4Jg04\c ( \ , closing 04 c ; October , 051 ®
C5ccloi < iiig ( > 5c.
Oats Market firm ; mixed western , 30@42c ;
wliito western , 4245c. No. 2 Chicago 40. |
Eggs Western fresh , dull anil lower at 17c.
Pork Market dull and drooping ; new mess ,
18 25.
Lardt-Mnrket strong ; prime steam , cash.
9 G0@10 00 ; Juno , 9 58 ( 9 75 ; July , 9 50@
9 73 ; August , 901@983 ; September , 970 ®
9 87 ; October , 9 70@ 87.
( Butter Demand fair and market firm ; for
Cheese Market quiet and steady ; western
flat 4a,9c. (
HT. l.ouis.
ST. Louis , June 27. Flour. Market \ery
dull and easy. .
Wheat Market opened higher , declined ,
and dosed lower ; active trading , especially in
October option ; No. 2 red fall , 1 09@1 09 }
for cosh ; 1 09i@l 10 } for July ; 1101@112 }
for August ; 112 @ 113 for September ; 114fj
® 115J for Octolier ; 1 09@110 for the year ;
closing inside quotations ; IN o. 3 red fall , 1 01
Corn Market oiiencd higher nnd closed
lower ; 46Jc for cash and bid for June ;
47io for July ; 49J@492e for August ; 50J@51c
for September ; 5i51go for October ; 44J ( !
45c for the year ; closing inside prices.
Oats Market Ipwer ; 324c for cash ; 32c foi
July.27Zo ; for August ; 27jofor the year.
Ilye Market lower at 50c.
Barley No market.
Com Meal Market dull at 2 40.
Butter Market steady and unchanged.
Eggs Market steady and unchanged ,
Whisky Market steady at 114.
Pork Market lower ; jobbing , 17 25.
Bulk Moats Market dull.
Bacon Market very dull ; only a smal
peddling trade. '
Lard Market nominal.
CALLBOAHD. Wheat Market lower ; IOC
for July ; 11'O for August ; 112 for September
113J for October ; 1 08J for the year.
Corn Market easier ; 478c for July ; 493o
for August ; 511c for October ; 45 c for tlit
year.Oats Market easier ; 32c for July ; 27Jc foi
the year.
KANSAH CITV , June 27. Wheat Marko
lower ; No. 2 red fall. 90o for cash ; 89 0 foi
July ; 90Jc for August ; 89Ja for the year.
Corn .Market quiet ; 40e bid for cash ; 40Jc
for July ; 411c bid or August ; 34o bid for the
, Oats Market dull ; 30c bid nnd 34c askoi
for casli.
TOLEDO , Juno 27. Wheat Demand fair
and market firm ; No. 1 white Michigan , 1 05
No. 2 do , 90c ; No. 2 red winter , 1 09J foi
cosh , Juno and July ; 111J for Aucust ; 112 ;
for September ; 1 15j for October ; 1 09J foi
the year ; 1 201 for January.
Corn Market firm ; high mixed , 55c ; No. 2
53c bid for cosh ; 54jo | for June and July ; 55Jc
for August ; 571 o for September ; rejected
50Jc ; no-grade , 39@41c.
Oats Market quiet ; 34c for cash : 34@3Gc
July ; 33@34o for August ; 30@30 c for the
LIVEIIPOOL , .Tune 27. Weather unsettled.
Flour llsffllls 6d.
Wheat Quiet and steady ; winter , 8a 10d@
9s 4d ; spring , 8s Od@9s : No. 1 California \
ld9s 3d : No. 2 do , 8s 8d@9s.
Corn Dull at 5s 2d.
Special Dispatches to Tint Bun.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. The Drovers' Journa
reports as follbwn :
Hogs Market panicky and 15o lower al
around ; many soles 20@25c lower ; mixed
(5 ( 80@0 20 ; heavy , 5 20@ < i 45 ; light , 5 80S (
0 40 ; skips , 4 00@5 90. Closed \ cry dull nm
Cattle Weak on low grades ; good to choice
in good demand and firm ; exports , 5 90 ( < ? ( ) 20
good to choice shipping , 5 C0w5 90 ; common tc
fair , dull nnd we k , 10c- decline , at 4 90 ( :5 : 40
Sheet ) Common to fair , 1 25&5 50 ; good
4 75 ; choito , 4 80@5 00.
NEW 1O11K.
NEW YOHK , Juno 27. Beeves Market
firmer , but not quotably higher ; light Texan
btecrs. 5 00@577 per cwt live weight ; common
to strictly prime native steern , 5 77J@C 72 : extra
tra and fancy. 0 84C 98s exporters used GOO
carloads , paid 0 72 for prime.
Sheep Pinn and lambs active and Je
higher , extremes sheep , 4 25@G 60 , lambs
Hogs Firmer ; 40 l\o ! hogs old at 0 90@
7 25 per cwt.
ST.LoyiH , Juno 27. Hogs-Thn demam
for shipping grades exceeds the supply ; gooi
Yorkers , 0 25@G 30 ; butchers to extra , G20g
ti WJ ,
Cattle Fairly active and firm for all grades
exports , 6800 ( 00 ; heavy shipping. 5 40@5 76
light do. , 6 00@5 40 ; native butchers steer *
450@500goodcow8 ; and helfern , 4 25@4 GO
common , 3 60@4 00 ; good to choice gross Tex
ans. 4 50@5 00 ; common to medium , 2 40(5
400.Sheep Best grades scarce and wanted ; com
mon dull ; fair to good , 3 G5@4 20 ; prime U
I'J > | KO of Free * of the jirotlnco nro rti
.Jpctto tlio jxMiaUIcj linK | > 'C < l in 1833 ngaltut
Uccret societies. Thtwo only fxt-mjit nro tlio
I LTftnil IccUl-x nf Knaloinl Jr l ml Knit nil nr
choice , 4 V.V.R I ; r ; xprlin lauitM ,
TexaiiH , S 7f > ( ? 4 IX ) .
KANOAH CITT , Juno 2"The U e Stock
mllcntor reports ivi follows :
CnttloSteady for boat , Imt llXTultic lower
or medium jfriulouj nhli | | > ! ti ) ( xti-orn from
1,100 to 1,340 iximiiU Kold nt 4 ( Vi ( ! < { T > M ; stock'
or * and ( coder * , 3 < Vi4 ( W ) } co\\ , S ! IH4 OOj
graii Tex BUM , 3 7f < n4 lift.
Hog < Lower mnl vroitk nt 5 U.VjT'5 ' W ; bulk
les nt 0 70 < 5fi 80.
Sheejt Slow nnd unchanged.
' 'pedal I > l < | iatch to Tni DDK.
XKW YoitK , Juno ! i" . Colleo Mnrkotiinlct
nnd unchanged ,
Sugar Market ntviuly nnd fairly nctlwoi
ntr to KIHM ! refining i\mtoil | nt ttWOj ; refilled
| iietj ! jollnw ( IKs'li cjcnt lonf , O Hle.
Mnrkttt ( | tiiot but steady.
IVtrolcnm-Mnikct dull and nnmlnnlMintted
Tiilliw Market xtondy nnd fntrly ncthunt
i@7 15.10.
pvrlal DI | otcicH ) to TIIK IK ! .
CiltCAno , Jnnu 17. ! HecelptH nnd Hldpinentx
if Hour nnd gr.ilu for tlio pout -I litmrx li.ivo
icon IM fulliroi :
Kcccipts. Slilp'U
Flour , bilk . IH.OOO 14,000 , limhebi . 40,000 7,000
Corn. Wild * . 183,000 130,000
XOs , bushel * . . . . , . 68,000 01,000
tyu , liu licN . . . . . 11,000 43,000
Barley , bushel * . . . U.OOO 8,000
NEW YOIIK , Juno J.7. ltccciits | nnd nilp- !
nents of Hour and Kr.iiti fur the L'4 htmra
nnu been iw fullovtH :
Hecelpt * . Shlp'U.
Vlour , bl.l . 18,000 ' 7,000 , bushel * . 48,00011,000
Corn , bushels . 147,000 77,000
O.its , buhcls . $0.000 35
KAN-US Cm' , Juno ' - ! " . ltecuipt mid nhp !
noiitM of gr.ilu for this p.mt1 hours lu\o been
LS folluvtM !
llccelnK Shlp'tn.
Wheat biiMholt . -1,000 II.OOO
> orii bushel * . . . . . .ji. , . . 11 , 000 ' . ' 7,000
Xit , . . . . . . . . .
ST. Ixn'IH , Juno 17. ! liccelpts "and uhlp-
ncntu of grain for the ju.it1 hour * h.ivo been
n * follows :
Hi'cclptK. Ship'tH.
Flour , bblH . 3,000 ' . ' ,000
Wheat , bushel * . 0,000 . . . .
Corn , biishclH . 33,000 l.OOJ
) ts , buBhol * . fi.OOO . . . .
lye , bushel * . . . . . . . . .
i.iiley , Imihcla . . . . . . . . .
TOLKIIO , Juno 17. ! ItccelptH nnd Hhiimientu
if grain for the past 24 hour * nro as folkm * :
Kocelpts. Ship'tN.
Wheat , bushel . 3fi,000 S'.OOO
Corn , bushel * . 20,000 75,000
Oats , bushels . . . . . . .
ST. Louis , Juno 27. KeceipU and ship-
neuta of live Htock for tlio pant 24 hount huvo
) cen as follows :
KcceipLs. Ship'ts.
Hogs . 2.SOO 400
Cattle . BV00 450
Sheep . ,1,000
CHICAUO. Juno 27. llecolpts and HhipmonU
if live stock for the p.wt 24 houn ha\o bcon OH
'olloWH :
Keccipts. Ship'tH.
Hogs . 18,000 1,300
Cattle . 7i".00 2,700
Sheep. . . . . . 1,300 . . . .
KANSAS pur , Juno 27. Receipts nnd ship
ments of live stock for the 21 hours h.ivo
jeou iw folio wo :
Koceipts. Ship'ts.
Cattle . 2,400 . . . .
Hogs . 3fiOO , . . . .
Sheep . 400 . . . .
NEW YOIIK , Juno 27. Kcceipts and ship.
incuts of livu Htock for the 24 hours ha\o
been OH follow s :
lleccipts. Ship'ts.
Beovcs . 3.iOO ( 1,100
Sheep . 7,000
Hogs . 3,000
Quarters of beef . . . . . . . . .
Carcasses of mutton . . . . . . . . .
AV'holcHnlo Prices.
WodneaJay Evening , Juno 27.
The market vras moderately active and feu
changes reported. Quito a number of westerr
buyers nre in town and a few largo transac
tions noted. The supply of general product
and commission goods was [ Homowhat limltoi
and the demand fair.
The following prices were obtained fron
jobbers , packers , hhijipers and coiumisMoi
WHEAT Cash No. 2 , unchanged nt 83Jc
cash No. 3 unchanged at GSJc ; rejected un
changed at fiOc.
BAULKY C.ish No. 2 , unchanged , C2c ; No
3 , unchanged , 3ic. (
ll\E Cash , unchanged , 43 J.
COIIN Mined , unchanged , 37c.
OATS Unchanged , 37c.
Ijlvo Stock.
Qniot and unchanged.
FAT STITIIS Hull Common to good hp !
l > ers , 4 T > 0@4 70 ; choice butchers' htock , low
er ; wo quote at 5 00.
FAT Cow a Quiet. Wo nuoto to-day at 3 7f
lions Active and In good demand. We
quota them unchanged at f > 25@0 50.
SHKHWe imoto choice weathers at 3 7C
@ 4 00.
CALVES Fair quality , G 00@0 50 ; gooc
butchers'O7.r.7 00. .
General Produce Market.
Kaos Scarce and unchanged. Wo quote
nt 17@18Jc.
UUTTEII Market dull. Wo quote : Com
mon to good , 7@10c ; choice dairy , 14@lUc
sweet , high colored grusg , 12@13c ; cooking , Cc
GliKEN TEAS Dull and lower. The fol
lowing are the quotations to-day : 1 00@1 25
l > er bu.
POTATOES Old , inactive and unchanged
We quote to-day at 25@50c. New , modoratoh
active. Keceiptu ( air and the demand eoo < (
Wo quote at 3 50@4 00 per bbl.
ONIONS Quiet and unchanged. Burmudat
at 2 10@2 25.
NEW CAIIIIAOE Homo grown 1 15@1 30
per dozen.
HO.VKV California , in comb , per pound 2 (
@ 21c.
CHKESK Quiet and lower. Wo quotp 10 ®
Green FrullH.
STnAWBEiiniKS Scarce and unchanged.V (
quote at 20@25o per quart.
llAHFnElilias Loiver ; 15@lCe per pint box.
LEMONS Dull nnd unchanged ; 0 00.
CJIEIIIUKS Nearly out of the market nu <
in good demand ; 12@l(5c ( per quart.
i'KACilES Quiet. Wo quote as follows
packed in third bushel boxes : Texas , 1 0)ft
1 2fi ; California , 20 Ib. IK > X , 2 75.
OAI.UOIINIA 1'tUiiH Active and unchanged
10 Ib. bix , 2 00.
inal , with a good demand. Wo quota at 2 OC
in 20 Ib. boxes.
BAS-ANAI Unchanged : 1'cr bunch , 2 00@
3 00 ,
Poultry nnd Fish.
Market well supplied and demand limited.
SrniNo CHICKENS-Small , dull and un
changed nt 1 25@2 00 ; large , quiet nt 3 00
old. steady and in fair demand at 4 00.
WHITE Finn Quiet at 0@10c. ; pike anil
lake trout the same.
Flour and MIllHttiffe.
Market dull and unchanged. Keccipts largo
with slow demand. Wo quoto'to-day :
WINTER WHEAT Bent quality , patent , al
365(2,375. (
Sl'iHNO WHEAT Vent iiuallly , patent , a
36. ' > @ 375.
.SECOND QUALITY 2 25@3 00.
liHAK 1'er 100 Ib * . , C5c.
. Cuoi'i'ED FEFD 1'er 100 Ibi. 1 00.
COIIN MEAL 1 OMiyl 25 per cwt.
SCIIEENINU CO@C5c jr j cwt.
Cured MoatH.
If AIIS Quiet and uuclianged : 12i@131c.
HnofUiKim Dull at Oc. '
Dlimi BKKfSteady ftt 13o. }
LAIU > tjuiet ; 9 85 per tlorco.
TAI.IOWFirm at 7 00 | > or bbL
OroocrM Idwl.
CASNKD GOODS-Oyster * ( Standard ) , per
case , 3 703 90 ; straw berries , it Ib , per cose ,
2 40 ; raspberries , 2 Hi , per cose , 2 45 ; Bartlrtt
| H-ar * , w CASO , 2 40 ; whortleberries , | > cr ,
275 ; egg plums , 2 11 > , lr case , 2 00 ; green
pagw , 2 Hi , per case , 2 90) ) do choice , 2 HP , per
CAKO , 4 M ; pine apples , 2 lt > , i > r case , 4 00 ®
5 75 ; iH-acliPH , 2 11 > , J > er cose , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , jer
cose , 4 00 ® 1 50 ; do ( pie ) , 3 Ib , i > cr cose , 2 CO ;
do pie , G Id , ] > cr dozen , 2 30.
KICK Louisiana prime to choice , 7J@8c ;
fair , 77Jc ; 1'ntma. OJc
Fl HNo. . 1 mackerel , halfbrl * . , 750 ; No.
1 mackerel , kits , 1 OOj family mackerel , half
brls. , fl 25 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c : No. 1
whlln fnh , half brls. , f OOj No. 1 klU. 1 O.i.
SVHU1V Standard Com. , 38c , linlo ; Standard
do , 4 } gallon kegs , 1 95 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kt-gs , 1 75.
SoiivIn Ib papers , 3 30 | > cr cow ; keg coda ,
' ) lrt ,
NKW PlCKUJ * Medium , In barrrls , 7 00 ; do
In hajrUrrelH , 4 00 ; small. In burro ! * , U 00 ; do
in hiOfb rreN , 500 ; gherkins , in barrels , 11 00 ;
dn in half barrel * , 0 00.
5cnlOO ( ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Jap.ui ,
holce , GOW70C ; Oolong , goo l , :15 : ® lOe ; Oo eng ,
hoicc , 40C .Mc ; Souchong , peed , 3. > ( ii,40o ;
holi-o , 3 : > ( < i 45o.
KOD : Sisal , J inch nud larger , lOje , J inch ,
Ic ; 1 inch , 11 Jo.
WOODENWAIIK Two hoop palN , 1 76 ;
hreo hoop pulls. 2 00. Tulw , No. 1 , 8 60 ; Pin-
ii'cr washlMiards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ;
Wbllbuukpli , 3 60.
LEADBar , 1 C. .
SO.U' "
rvtinct ,
< lrk'n
nagnolln , .
1'oTAHII Pennsyhnula cans , 4 caoo , in c.vse ,
1 So ; Balibitt.s b.ill , 2 dot. In cose , 1 90 ; Anchor
mil , 2 dnz. in ca o , 1 60.choice
VKAJ > 'CTSHoatted. . choice , rod 'IVnnexneo ,
2 < l | > cr bfinoy whltb , perlbraw uhito
' 'irginia , raw , lie ; roastcif 13ic.
o , 40 11 s. ICs , 15Jo ; 8s , 15Jc ;
ioxe-4 40 Ib-t , 10 oz. , OH , IRi'o.
MATCtins Tcr caddie , 95c ; niund , cases ,
10 ; wrjuaro uasps , 6 40.
CortEESOrdinary grades , 3 JGi9c ; fair. 10@
OJc ; gcwd. 10J@llc ; prime , 12 ( )12lc ) ; choice.
CJCXX roasted , 14ic ; imitation Java , 1GJ ®
VINKOAH Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio up-
ile , 13c.
8\l.i - Dray lends , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ashion , in
acks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 6H , 3 60.
StiOAHs Powdered , lOjc ; wit loaf , lOjc ;
gr.Mmlateil , 9Jc ; confectioners' A , 91c ; Stand-
irfl extra C , 8Jc ; extra C , 8jc ; medium } dow -
ow , 8jic ; dark yellow , 7Jc.
STAlicllPearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glos .91c ; Com
Starch , 91c ; Kxcclsiiir Olos , 7ic ; Corn , 8c.
SriCK-s Pepper , 21c ; allspice , lite ; cloves ,
? 0c ; cassia , 24c. cream , 13jc ; part skim , lie.
LYE American , 3 4o ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4G5 ; Jewellljo , ? 75.
Dry OnodH.
BIIOWN COTTONH Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Apjilo-
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF. Njc ,
Buckeye I < L , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71c ; Clittto-
nango A. 0e ; Great Falls K. 8Jo ; lloosior , OJcj
Honest Width , 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Indian
Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , G c ;
Nawrenco LL , ( ilc ; Mystic Iliver , 7J.c ; Peipiot
A , 8fe Utica C , 5'c ; Wachusott ll , 7 c ; dn
A , 8Jc do K 48 , 12Jc.
FINE BIIOWN COTTONS Allcndalo 4-1. 7jc ,
Alligator 3-4 , 3c : Argyle 4-4 , 7ic ; Atlantic
Ijlj , OJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , GJc ; Bcnningtun
C 4-4 , ( ii'c ; Buckeye S 4-1 , Gic ; Indian Orchard
AjV 9-8 , 8ic ; Laconla O 39,8ic : Lehlgh U 4-4 ,
9Ao ; Pepiwroll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 74c ; do II
3(1 ( , 7tfc ; do K 39 , 8lc ; roca-s-sot C 4-1 , 7tfc ;
Wamsutta 1-4 , 13c.
BLEACHKD COTTONS Androscoggin L 4-1 ,
9Jc ; Blackstonu AA imperial 8o ; do do hill
bleached 4-1. Oc ; Cabot 4-4 , 8Sc ; Fidelity 4-4 ,
9Jc ; Fruit of the Loom , 0\c ; do cambric 4-1 ,
121 ; > lu Water Twist , lOJc ; Falls I } , 9c
Indian Head shrunk.4-4 , 12c ; I ousdalo , lOc
do cambric 37,12Jc ; New York Mills , 12Jc
PoiuotA , lOc ; Peppcrel , N ( J Twills , 12 < c
Pocahontas 4-4 , 9 l-2c ; Pocassot 6-4 , 81 ; Uti
ca , lie ; Wamsutta O X X , 12 1-2.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown , 8c ; d <
C , drab , -lie ; do XX stripes and plaids , 12 l-2c
do XXX brown and drab , tripen and plaids
12 l-2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunsuicl
brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l-2c ; do ex
tra heavy , 20c ; Fall lllverbrown , oxtrnheavy
11 l-2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Noponset /
brown , 15c , *
TicKiSoa Atnoskeag A C A 32 , lOc ; difeS
blue 32. 18 l-2c ; Arrowannn , 9 l-2c ; Clare
mont BB , 15 l-2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l-2c
Hamilton Dlll-2c , ; Lewiston A 30 , 15c ; Min
nehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega , sillier extra 4-4 , 28c
Pearl River 32 , 10 f-4c ; Putnam XX blu
stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S , 10 l-2c ; do SS , 12c
Yeoman's blue 29 , 9a
DENIMS Amoskeag , blue nnd brownlCl-2o
Andover DD blue , lu l-2c ; Arlington X blui
Scotch , 18 l-2c ; Concord OOO , blue am
brown , 12 L2c ; do AAA , do do , 13 1-2 ; d <
XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Haymaker's blue am
brown , 9 l-2c : Mystic UUerDD stripe , 10 l-2c
Pearl River , bine and brown , IGc ; UncosVille
blilo and brown , 14 l-2c.
CAMIIHIOS Barnard , 5c ; Kddystone lining
2t Inch double face. 8JcGarner ; A glazed , 6Ac glove finish , 5Jo ; Newport do. , Cc
do glazed , 5Jc ; Peiiuot do , 5c ; Lockwood kit
finish , Go.
COKSET JEANS Amory , ; Androseoggii
satteen , 8 c ; Clarendon , OJc ; Conostogga sat
teens , 71c ; Hallow ell , 80 ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc
Narragansett , iniproxod , SJc ; Pcpjierill Bat
teen , 9Jc ; Rockport , 7jc.
PIIINTH Aliens , 5Jc ; American , OJc ; Arnold
7c ; Bonvick , 4ic [ ; Cocheoo , 7c ; Conestoga , Cio
Dankirk , c ; Dunnoll , Gio,7c ( ; Kddvutono. 7c
( Jloncester , Go ; Harmony , 6\c \ ; Knickerbocker
GJc ; Morrimae D , 7c ; Jlystlc , 6Jc ; Spragues
Gc ; Southbrldgo , 6c ; do Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 6 c ; Oriental , GJc.
GINGHAMS Amoskeag. 9Jc ; Argyle , lOJc
Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7Ac ; Higldand , 74c
Kenilw-rlh ) , OJc ; Pluukett , 94c : Sussex , 8c.
COTTONADES Abbervillo , 13Ac ; Agate , 20c
American , He ; Artislnn , 20c ; Cairo D and T
13 c ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Decan Co
8trii > es D and T , lOc : Keystone , 13Jc ; Nan
tuoket. 19c : Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T ,
13Jc ; Royal , IGJc ; Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , Wachu
nott shirting checks , 12c ; do Nankin , 12Jc
York , plain Nankin , 1-Jc ; do checks , strl ] > ei
and fancy , 12Jc : do 8 oz , 20c.
SllKETlNns Androscoggln 10-4 , 27c ; d (
9-4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O 42 , lie
IGc ; ' PcpVeroll 90 , 29c ; do G7 , 21c ; do 67 , 18c
Utica 9U , 3Cc ; do 68 , 22Jc ; do 48,17o.
DHUGH AND CHEMICAW Acid , Carbolic , 4Bc
Acid. Tartailc , 55o ; Balsam Copabla , per Ib
70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; Calomel , pci
Ib , 75c ; Cinchonidia , per oz , $1 05 ; Chloro
form , per Ib , 85c ; Dover's Powders , per Ib
$1 25 ; I'psom Salts , pur Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 30c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal. 81 25 ; Oil Cantor
No. 3 , per gal , SI 16 ; Oil , Olive , per gal , $1 50
Oil , Origanum , 60c ; Opium , S5 00 ; Quinine , P
ti W. anil R. < fc S. , per oz , 31 W ; Potassium
Iodide , pur Ib , * 1 05 ; Salacin , per oz , 40c ; Kill
phato of Morphine , tier oz , 83 76 ; Snlphui
Hour , per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , per oz , 81 25.
I'nlnf H , Oils nnd VnrnlNlioH.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 12Jo ; 150s
headlight , * tier gallon , 14Jc ; 176 ° headlight
per gallon , 19c160 ; = Water White , 18elln ;
need , raw , per gallon , 67o ; linseed , boiled , jic
callon , OOc ; lard , w inter str'd , iior gallon , 93c
No. 1 , 85cNo. ; 2 , 76o ; castor , XXX. jtcr gal
Ion , 1 30 : No. 3 , 120 ; sweet , iior gallon , 85c
upenn W. B. , i > er gallon , 1 IW ; lish , W. B.
per gallon , ( ! 5c ; neaUfootextrarper gallon , 90c
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zeio , j > er gallon , 30c
Hummer , 15c ; golden mochino , No , 1 , per gal
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 30c ; xperm , signal , ] H.T gallon
80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 65c ; naptha , 8-1 °
l > or gallon , lOc ; C3 ° , 15c.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P ,
Co ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , G o ; Marsoilln
green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c : French zinc , grcci
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red neal , He ; Frencl
zinc , lu varnish , 20c : French zinc. In ol
osst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc
raw and burnt Sienna , 10u ; vandyke brown
13c ; refined lampblack , I'-'c ; coach black , am
Ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ; Prussia !
blue , 30o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
L. M. & I ) . . IGc ; blind and shutter grcHii , L
M , ft D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c : Indian red
15c ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amerl
can Vennllhon. I. & , P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
L. M , , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , ft
to visit durllirf the Kiiminnr mnnlhs and recu
V \ (4I..II. . nl I . . X . , l..llll | n IT II
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chontnut
nd u.ili , 16c.
Dry 1'ntiilH.
Whlto lead , 80 ; French line. lOc ; I'arls
lilting , 2c ; whiting gilders , IJc ; Mhltlng
xmi'l , lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c ;
inipblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pruiwlaii blue , 66c ;
dtraniHrine , 18c ; vandjkc , brown , 8c ; utnl > or ,
unit , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; nlonna , burnt , 4c ;
euna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 26c ;
'atlsgrcon , commoiij'JOo ; chioino green , N.Y. ,
) c ; clironifl green , K , , I2c ; venullllon , I'ng. ,
) c ; verinlllion , American , I8c ; Indian red ,
X- ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokuso ,
Sc ; Venetian red , American , IJc : red lend ,
Sc ; chromo yellow , gcnuinn , 20c ; cliroino job
ow , K. , I''cjoehro , rochcllo,3c ; ochre , French ,
re ; ochre , Amrrleau , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
Sc ; lehlgh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , ' 'Jc ;
rlnco's mineral , 3o.
VAKNIHIIES- Barrel * . | > or gallon : Furnl-
are , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach ,
xtra , SI 40 : omcli , Na 1 , SI 20 ; Dnmar ,
xtr.i , $1 75lnpan ; , 70o ; anphaltum , vxtrn , 85e ;
hollac , $3 M ; hard oil tin ! di , ? 1 60.
I'UI-H , 1:10. :
HIDEtrcrn ( butcher's hides , G@7c ; ruifd.
lC" < 8c ; hldrsi , green salt , ilry Hint , nound , 12 ®
3c ; dry calf nud kip , I''fflllo ; dry salt hldtvs ,
mud , 10ii'llc ( ; grocn o.ilf , weight 8 to 15 Itw ,
IfJill'Jc ; green calf , wplxht uudor 8 lt < s. per
tin , 60cgnen ; pvlts , fiOc1 1 ' _ ' . " > ; green lamb
ns , 1 'J.Xyfll 60 ; damaged hides , two-third
\tu , cut xcon'd nud dim grub , vlassod t\\o-
lirds rate ; brandeil hides 10 | > er cent. olf.
3oou skins , No. 1 , 46c ; N'o. 2 , 30o ; No. 1 , 'JOc ;
\'i > . 1 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 30o } No. 2t 16c ; No.
, 16c ; No. 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1 , OOc ; Nil. 2 , 25c.
kunk , No. 1 , 25ft 05c ; short stripe , ( Oo ; nar-
ow nnd broad stripe , lOo. Tallow , 7i' .
Oak sole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock w > lo28c to 3.V- ;
leiulock kip , bOc to 1 00 ; runner 05c to hOc ;
lendock rail , 85c to 1 20 ; hemUick upper , 23o
o2lico\k ; upper , 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 60 ;
alf kid , 3235 ( ; ( ireiscn kid , 2 M to 2 75 ; oak
dp , Mlo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
Ip , 1 10 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
cts , 5 M to 7 60 ; linings , G 00 to 10 60 ; top-
ings , 9 00 to 10 M ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ;
ebbltf O. 1) . Monaco , 35c ; Klmon , 2 M to 3 00.
HAHNESS No. 1 star oak , 42c : No. 2 do ,
PC ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 3.rx ; ; No.
Milwaukee , 37c.No. ; 2 do , 3le.
Wo ( juoto lumber , lath and Hhinglei on cars
t Omaha at the following prices ;
low AND ScANTUNil 10 ft. and under ,
22 ( V ) ; 18 ft. S23 60.
TIMIIKIIS 10 feet and under , 22 00.
TlMiitll AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ;
2ft , 20 60 ; 21 ft , 20 M.
Fi'M'iNO No. 1 , 4 and Gin. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SIIFKTINU No. 1 J2d common lionrils ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 1 2bulk ; per bushel' 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa pl.wter. bbl , 2 50 ; hair
j > cr bu. 50o ; Tarred felt , 100 its , 3 50 ; utraw
board , 3 50.
Heavy Himlwitro IJH ! | .
Iron , rates , 2 80 ; iilow stool , special cast , 7c :
crucible , Kc ; special or German , Oc ; cost tool
do , lfi20 ; wagon siwkcs , sut , 2 253 00 ; hubs
> er set , 125 ; felloe * , dry , 1 40 ; tiingiifs ,
'ach , 70@85cj axles , each , 75c ; square nuts per
b , 7@llc ; woslior * , per Hi , 818c ; rivets , per
b , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 012c ; malleable , 8c ;
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth ,
Ic ; Hiiring tcci , 7@8c ; Burden's horsehous , fi 25 ;
iuruen1 ! ! muloshoes , G 25.
BAltnr.l ) WIIIK In car lots , 7@7lc per 100.
N.MI.SKates , 10 to GO , 3 50.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
xwder , keg * , 040 ; do. , half ki'gs , 348 ; do. ,
juarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
; r 100 feet , 50c.
CoAlr-Cumberhind blacksmith. 12 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 12 00 ; Whitebreast lump ,
I 00 ; Whltebreast nut , 4 00 ; Iowa lump , 4 00 ]
Iowa nut , 4 OOj Itock Spring , 700 ; Antlirn'
cites , 11 5012 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton ,
Hot-sen and Mules.
Extra draft liorses , 175225 ; common drafl
iiorses , 100@150 ; extra farm horses , 110@125
common to good farm horses , 90@100 ; oxtm
[ ilugs , G0@75 ; common plugs , 2040. , 125(1150 ; tfood , 100@140
fair , 75@100 ; common , C075.
IjjuorH. |
\I.COIIOL 188 proof , 3 25 pur wlno gallon :
extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 pci
proof gallon ; triple refined snirits , 187 proof ,
1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-uistilled wliiskies
1 00@150 ; fine blended , 1 502 50 : Ken
tncky bourbons , 2 007 00 ; Kentucky am
Pennsylvunla ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BHANDIEH ImiMrtcd,000@1GOO ; domestic
J 40@4 00.
GINH Imported , 450GOO ( ; domestic , 141
© 300.
KCMH Imported , 4 50G 00 ; New England
2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 5ti@3 50.
ClIAMl-AflNKH Imported per cane , 28 00c (
34 00 ; American , i > er cose , 12 00 ® 10 00.
Merino unwashed , light. 14@16c ; heavy
13@15c ; medium unwashcil , light , 18@20o
waslied , choice , 32o ; fair , 30c ; tub and washed
28c ; burr } ' , bl.tck nnd cotted wool , 2Co loss
FINE COT Common , 20@30c ; good , 45(5 (
GOc ; IJoso Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 05c ; Dinmom
Crown , 55c ; Sw-rct Sixteen , 47c.
SUOKINU O. S. , 20cj Muskovy , 25c ; Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 50c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 52c ; Durham
2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 44c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 40c ; Seal o ]
North Carolina , 2 oz. , 48c ; O. K. Durham
oz. , 28c ; 0. K. Durham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uncle
Ned , 1's , 21c ; Tom and Jerry , 23c.
PLUCI TOUACCO Climax , 50c ; Bullion , 50c
Horseshoe , 48c ; Star. 48o ; .Kiuhly , 44c ; Her
soy's , 48c ; Black , 38@40c.
rcculvcru mid ehlnjieraol KraliijOnialia.Noli. Alnn litij
and Bell t'rnln onil jirovlslona on marili > In Nuu York
Clilcauo , Milwaukee , St. I/nun nml Toleilo. Kpccln
telt'Kraphlo fdcllitlu * In olllce. Harkct reports rircli
cd CVCTJ fifteen inlnutcii , which HU wlllturnlah on ap
I'llcatlon ' , tOL-ctlicr with our | < icli > l circular , Indlcat
Ini ; the tunucncr ol the inarketn. ( Illlcu cornvr elI
I > OURU | and 13th ttreot. tablUhvd 1876.
DON'T ADVANOB , nnd the
niWTurB.ord. rtuyCVnlrn l > aliatn.
Allunccnta and Iowa TOWN J.OTH
now wjillo they are cheap , fayrnm
rravrfngraj \ \ . lorrifKffernaln. . The
HpitniiljATioN oi'T'iJIAM ! MAIAI.I <
Cor. Water and Congress Sts.
33 O J3 T O aM.
CAPITAL , . . . . $400,000
SURPLUS , 400,00 (
Transacts a general banking Imslno-w. Ilccchcs tin
accounts of bunks , tanktr * and otlars. Drawu forclgi
exclmngo and malas cable transtuf In Kuro | > o am
tclcgraiiblo transfers of money throughout th <
United htates. llu > I and i-olU government and othci
ln > LStuionU securltli.ii , and eittutcs any buslnis * to :
It * corresponiknts In the line of banking ,
A8AI' . 1'OTI Kit , President.
J. J. KDDV , J. W. WO'IK ' ,
C'a ll r. AIM ! Ashler.
niith mo
Matter of Application of Jno , (1. Ilrandt for Uiiioi |
Notice U hereby ghen Jim. n. Ilrandt dli !
upon the 28th da > nf June , A. D. ltM.1. Illo III * appll
cation to the mayor and city council of Omaha foi malt , kplrltunus and vlnnus llijuor * a
No. Ml tn 612 Tenth strict , Tint Ward , Omaha
Neb. , from the llth day of July , 18M , to the lltl
day of October , 1S8. ) . If them l no objection , re
monstrance or protest tiled within two week * fron
June 20th , A. I > . 1BS3 , the said lxmno ! will 1m grant
cd. John ( i. Ilrandt , Applicant.
The Omaha I lee now spatter will publish the abovi
notice once each week for two week * at the uxwi i
of the applicant. The city of Omaha U not to b
charged therewith.
218.2t-lewk J. J. U C. JEWKTT. City Clurk.
Cor. Sixteenth and Oumlng Streets.
A fomMnalton of JtVo-
toaeldt of Iran , 1'ertHtlan
Jlarh and 1'botphoru * in
a , txrfatabto form. For
VtHllty , IM * of Appt-
Uterrottratlonof tttat
i'owcrt it it indlipenta-
ItEV.A.UOBBa Writes !
_ _ Aflor n thorouch trial of the
TJION TONIO , I take pleacuro
in statlnir that I have boon
croaUr bonofltod by IU
use. HinUtors nnd Jrab- the dobllitatocl vital forces.
Ho Speakers will And It
of the cnatest value
whore n Tonlo U neces
sary. I recommonrt It
no a rollablo remodlal
npont , tioBieimlnflr un *
doubted nutritive nnd
rotoratlvo proportion
.euimiff ( & ? cw 2 , ifias , ! 55S2iE5552 222225555 ! 22 52 2S5i 2255i52
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. )
Kloeant Day Conches , Parlor CArs. with Hnclln
K Chain ( icati free ) , Smoking Cars , with Ho-
lrlnc Chain. I'ullman I'nl.ico Hloeplni ; Cars and
he fnniniii 0 , U. Q. Dining Cars run ilally to an < l
rein Chicago A Kansas City , Chicago A I'ouncll
ItlnlTn , Chloneo .t Do * Momox , Chicago , SU Jo-
rph. Atohlinn A Toprka. Only thniiiRh line l > o-
ITU ChlcAt > , Lincoln & Dcnvi-r Throuch cars
ictni'cn Itullanapollg A Council HlulTs via 1'eoria
All connoctlons mmlit In Union IVnotx. It is
known as the greatTimOUailCJAIl LINE.
Solid Trains of Elegant Car Coaches and Pull
man I'alaco Sleeping Cars are run dally to and
from St Louis , via Hannibal , Qulncy , Keokuk ,
lli'rllngton. Cedar HapItUaml Albert Lea to Bt
I'aul find Minneapolis. I'nrlor Can with Ilccllnlng
Cnnlr-i to and from Ht luU and Fcorla and to
niul from St Ixmls and Ottumwa. Only one
chance of cars U'twccn Bt Louis and DCS
Molnr-i. Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver ,
Colorado ,
U is universally admitted to bo the
Flnost Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clnssos of Travel.
T. J. 1'OTTER. 3d Vlco-lVcs't and Clcn'l Manager PERCKVAL LOWELL. Pen POM. Ag't , Chlcago. | ' '
Keg and Bottled Beer F . '
This Excullunt Buur speaks for itsclt.
Will be Promptly Shipped.JJ JJ
Solo Agent for Omaha and the West.
Oflico Comer lllth and Harnoy Strcoto.
4 |
Medical Dispensary
Offices and Parlors Over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , Between Farnam ,
and Douglas Streets.
Dr. Fidhhlutt win bu coiiHulted Every Dixy Except Fridays nnd Saturdays. ,
these two Days buing Devoted to Jiis Disponsai-y nt Dus Muinus , Iowa. Special
Attention givun to Discaaua of the
And Female Diseases , as Well as all Chronic and teens Diseases ,
Hai illKOvorikl the rratteit cur * In th world for weakness of tht back and llmlw , Inroluntarr dUcharcw ,
inipotoncT , irrnural dtlMlltr , nenrouinem , lanuuor , confunlon ol Ideal , palpitation of tha heart , timidity ,
trembling , ( llmnou of t\jfM \ or | ; ldilln M. dlieaion ol the head , throat , nose or skin , aflectlons of the liter ,
luiik' " , itoinach or bnw ilthu u terrlbl * habltn arising from lolitary habits of youth , and lecret practice *
morn fatal to thu tlctlmi than the tang * of Hjreni to th marlnen ol Ul iei , lllfhtlnj tlxlr nuxt radiant ,
hoii or antlcl | > atlon , rendering marrlaco Impomlble. . , , , . . (
'Ihono that are luflorlntf from the cvU practice * which dcttroj ; their mental and plijitcal ijitem *
The symptoms of which are a dull , distressed mind , which unOt them lor performing their business and
social duties , makes happy marriage Impossible , distresses thu action ol the heart , canning flushes ol heat ,
depression of spirits , evil foreboding * , cowardice , ( earn , dream * , reitleu nights , dizziness , torgetfulnesa ,
unnatural discharges , pain In tlic back and hips , Hhort breathing , milancholy , tire easily ot company and
lia > o preference to bo alone , feeling an tired In tlio morning an when retiring , nominal weakness , lost man *
hoKl ( , whlto bcmo deposit In the urine , nervousness , confusion ol thought , trembling , watery and weak oje .
djspopsla , constipation , paleness , pain and weakness In tlio llrabj , etc. , ihould consult me immediately ami
bo restored to ) Hirlect hcaltli.
Who have become victims ol solitary vlco , that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an
untimely grave thousands nt Joung men ol exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who might otherwise . ,
entraiKo listening Htnatun with the thunders ol their clixutnco | or wako to ccttocy the living Ijro , may call 1 , . ,
with lull confidence. . - \ I
Married persons or young men contemplating marrlago bo aware of ph } deal weakness , loss of procrcatlvo
power , linpotencj , or any other ilUiialllcatlon | ! siwudlly rt.1lo\ed. Ho who places himself under the care ot
br , rishblatt may rtllKlously oinfldo In Ills honor ai a gentleman , and confidently rely upon hU bklll as k
Inimuliattly cured and full \fcor rcttnred. llilii illitrosslng anllctlon which renders life a burden and
nmrrlugo InipoHxlhlo , Is the iwimltymM \ by the \ktlin fur Improper Indulgence. Young pooiilo are apt to
commit exrosMvs frnm not liolng aware of the dreailful consequences that may ensue. Kow who that
undinitands this mibject will deny that procratlon U lost sooner by those falling Into Improper hablU than
by prndinU Ilesldus bolng deprhed of the pleasure of healthy ollsprlngs , the most i-crlous and destructive
jnijitoniH of both body and mind arise. Tlio ejstum bocomcii deranged , the ph } steal and mental functions
weaken. Loss of procreatUo powers , nervous Inability , djsiHipsla , palpitation ol the heart , Indigestion ,
constitutional debility , wasting of the frame , cou h , consumption and death.
Pcrnona mined In health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trifling month after month taking
poisonous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately , '
graduate of nno of the most eminent colleges ot the United States , has effected seine of the most astonish
ing cures that were mir known ; many troubled with ringing In tht eaii and head , when asleep , great
nervousness , Iwlng alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended sometimes 1th derange
ment of tlio mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. K. all those who have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence and solitary hablU which
ruin both body and mind , untlttlng them lor business , study , society or marriage.
Th so are mine of tlio melancholy etlecU produced by the early habits ol jouth , vli : Weakness ol tha
back and limbs , pains In the head and dimness of night , loss ol muscular power , palpitation ot the heart ,
dysp i la , nervous Irritability , dvrangmcntof digestive functions , debility , consumption , .
CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reach ol all who neeo Bclenttflo Medic * !
treatment. Those whn reside at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention through mall by
limply sending tholr symptoms with j
Addr Lock Box 81 , Omaha , N eb.