Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday "Morning , June 27 ,
The southern railroads leading Into this
cUftre itlll water bound.
The river is up to Iti limit * , being hank
full In front of the city.
The county commlxsioners am still sitting
10 board of equnlUatton , nd hare , It Is re
ported , railed the a * . csnmcnt of the Kirnt
vard ten i > er cent.
In the police court yculcrday ono Individual -
dividual paid S3 and coats for disturbing the
l > c ce , and one man arrented for carrying con
cealed weajmnn WMnt ! in jail for ten days.
HU concealed weajion was about as dangeroun
AS a toy pistol.
Owen McCaffrey U the happy father of o
> n and heir , just arrived firm babylainL
We know of none more dcnorving of nucli hap
piness than "Ownlc , " and wo wish him much
joy. All ATO well.
The fifth annual commencement exerdocn
of Creighton college takes place In the collrgo
liall to-night , commencing nt 8 ( ( 'clock.
.An Interesting programme of reading * and
tvway * , and rocal and InBtriimcntnl inunic lias
licen prepared.
* A little daughter of Mr. C. 8. Lcicge , the
grocer , wandered away from home yesterday ,
In thff wake of an organ grinder anil won
taken In charge by Dr. Kuhlman , of the 8can-
Knavian'dnig store. The father came around
later in tlio day and reclaimed hi * child.
The old cellar of the county court home ,
for gome time In u e OK a city jail , ho * t > ccn
j-reatly Improved of late , being connected with
Ixith the watcrworlw and o\\or Ryntoin.
"Closets have been jwt in and a regular rovolu
tinn effected in the nhape of affairx.
Annie Wilson'n house on lower Douglas
street Is liable to IM closed ynt Iwforo the
"cruel war It over. " The amount of indigna
tion felt In the various localities In which the
girls hate been driven In no tllnt itis
protwble matters Mill nettle down to iliolr for-
JDCT condition in lea * than two monthx.
Mr. A. C. Troup , the wellknownmid
jwpular young attorney of tub city , has been
K jnvltcd to deliver the Fourth of July oration
-nt Oakland , liurt county , and ban accepted.
lie is a fine orator and will no doubt gratify
ilie Oakland folks immensely.
Itis highly probable that after July 1
connection with the Union Pacific will bo
mode at Omaha , the trains of the eastern
Toads crossing the bridge Instead of utonping f
At Council Bluffs , as they do now. Kxchango.
The celebrated Duncan Incest case woi
t&lcen up by Judge Neville In the district
court yesterday. Tlio iletalln , o far 0.1
they are fit for publication , have already been
given , and the unnatural father vill notlouht
end , as ho should , with a term in tlio { wn.
Tlio cose IB one of the most aggravated on
"Tlio Twilight Glee Club" gave the head
va ! tern of the Paxtou nnd ( Irand Pacific ho
tels a farewell In their rooms Monday
'Mown * . Chauncey , Craig and Kolicrtn being
the honored gucxtx. A pleaannt evening anil
good Hpceclini. The "Twilights" depart
Wednesday , the 27th , for St. Paul , llib
orenlng the A. M. K. church give the chili
a complimentary nt the parxonago.
Among the other freaks of the lightning
last Friday evening , n Imlt struck 1'axton A
Gallagher1 ! * wore house , on Tenth street , ant
knocked off ono of the ornamental pieces 01
iho corner of tha roof , the damage lielng nl
most exactly the name ON at the Crelghtoi
houto. A singular feature of thin affair wa
that the lightning struck midway between th1
two lightning rods , neither one of which wa
orer six feet from the ] > oiiit htruck. It Wax
jioor advertisement for lightning rods UM
1 > rotoctton to buildings ,
The wholesale dealers of Omaha are form
Jng a club for business purposes , the mall
object being mutual protection.
Booth , ' the stage- carpenter at Doy'n ojiun
bouse , and Kosters , the property man , : A\ \
give the citizens of Omaha on the evening o
the Fourth of July the finest display of fir
works over KOCH In this city , the expense o
which will be paid by subscriptions from th
citizens ,
In the district court Monday Mlk
Qulnlan pleaded guilty to the Indictment o
tttealing nilk from Williams' store. Ho wa
ono of the partners of' Dug Magulre , who wa
tried and wo * convicted for the samu offense
The now time table OH the Union P&clfi
which goes into effect noxfSumUy , July 1st
will make Omali * quite an Important oatln
Htation. For several years past Omaha ho
not been a regular eating station , but bcroaftc
four trains will stop nt the Union Pacific d <
pot for meals No. 2 for breakfast ; and Noi
3 , 4 and IS , ( the train from Lincoln ) for dli
ner ,
In the district court Monday bcfor
Judge Wakoly. ft verdict was rendered for th
plaintiff In the COHO of Popplotou vs. the Omali
& Southwestern railway for J1IKX , ) . The su
wo * an appeal from an appraisement of Ian
condemned by the railroad company. Th
verdict wa > twice as much M the value place
upou'the land by the appratsen.
Mr. R. K. Copwin , the broom manufiv
turer at Fifteenth and Pacific strcetn , U tl
happy father of a son who arrived yetitorda
morning. .
The B. & M. ' railway will follow lu tisui
Fourth of July custom and sell excurslo
tickets at half rates between all stations I
Nebraska not over two hundred miles apar
Tickets will be sold on July 3d and -ith , goo
to return on or before July Cth , at full reguh
fare one way for * the round trip. Chtldre
under 12 years of qgecme-lialf that rftte.
Homo ItoiiiN.
"All your o n fault
K 7011 remain tick u hen vim ran
Uet Hop Illtttn that nocr-Pjuu
The weakest woman , smallest chih
and. sickest invalid can use hop bittei
with safety and great good.
Old men tottering around from llhoi
jnatism , kidney trouble or any weaknef
will bo almost now by using hop bitten .
My wife and daughter were mad
healthy by the use of hop bitters , and
recommend them to my people. Jlotlu
< list Clergyman.
Ailc any good doctor K Hup
Pltten are not the bat family mojlcliie
On earth.
Malarial lover , Ague nnd Billiousnci
will leave overy'nuigliborhood as BOOH i
lion bitters arrive.
Myjupther drove the pai-alysis an
neuralgia all out of her system with ho
Litter. Ed. Oswugo Sun.
Keep the kidneys healthy with ho
Litters and your need not fear sickness.
' Ice water 1 rendered liannlcu and more rcfrct
lug and reviving with bop bitten tti rath draught
The ) Igor p ? } outh I or the aifed and Infinu In hi
to the new t'yo hou o to have thei
cleaned , dyed find curled. Qfllco 10 ? f
J5th st. , oppoute poatofflco.
The Gigantic Job of toe Slanflstono
Allrnzcn Dcllntico of 1'ulillr Knit I-
Who Jlavc Petitioned for Trlnliliul
Anil llojcctco ! Tort ColllnH P
An Onmlin Merchant on Paving ,
The snap game of the Board of Public
Works in conjunction with n ring of
Union Pacific ofllciala to override the expressed -
pressed wishes of our citizens on the
paving question has excited great lind
general indignation in Omaha , especially
among property owners on street * whicl
have been ordered paved by the city
council. Thojntention of the city charter
to leave the choice of paving materinlflto
tlioso most intorcsted is HO well under
stood that the attempt on the part of the
board of public works to force an objec
tionable material upon our people in spite
of their refusal to endorse it meoU witli
widespread disapproval. As long ago as
April (1th ( a majority of thu property
owners on Eleventh , Twelfth , Thirteenth ,
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets ,
sent in their petitions to the
city council for asphalt pavements and
Ilarnoy street noon followedsuit. Later
it was discovered that under the new
interpretation of tlio laWj the consent of
lot owners on intersecting streets to a
depth of I'M foot would bo required to
make tlio petitions strictly formal , and
on this ground the city council throw
out all the positions and ordered thu
board of public -works to advertise
for bids for materials. No ono
supposed that this was done with
any other view than to secure lower bids
on tlio material asked for by the property
owners , and the city attorney expressed
himself as believing that their recom
mendation would bo accepted by both tlio
board and city council when the question
came before them for final settlement.
Hut the wishes of the property owners
have been entirely ignored in plain de
fiance of the intention of the city
charter , and the hoard of public
works has boon used on a machine tn
register the corrupt scheme of a gang oi
stone sharks who congregate in the Un
ion Pacific headquarters.
To show the class of citi/.eim whose
names are on petitions for sheet asphalt
in the paving districts and who have re
fused to endorse thu scant )
. sandstone from Colorado , the lir.K pub
lishes thu following list :
CoHpor K. Yost Sarah K. Crclxliton
John A. Crcighton Jloburt It. Board
H. A. Brown I' . Wlndhcli *
L. Woodworth Mlllard Hotel ntts'ii
Samuel K , Itojjors A. K. Dufrcno
Ilonnan Kountz ot al Win. B. Borgcn
Augustus Kountz ct al LIsbia Chows
1'etor OOOH Charlr * J. Karbach
Kdliolm & Rrtckfton J. J. Brown
Hciuy Hornbcrger A , S. Paddock
J. J. Monoll Jamex L. Byorn
Ouo. Warren Smith Win. (5. Chambers
CharlcH Omontp ; ( loo. ( ilacomlni
John MuCrary CnrollnoVan Namoo
C. F. Ooodman Klltabctli Laucr
John I. llbdick J , J. Bronm
Oeo. Warren Smith N. B. Falconer
.ToHopli F. Smith M. CumingH
II. (5. Clark Ooorgo B. Lake
S. 8. Caldwell West & Frltcher
Dayton & Catin ! Omaha Nat. bank
O. C. Campbell S. llclchonbcrg
: AngufttuH Kountza Klchard Brown
i Sam , E. Rogers Simon Lehman
J. H. Spotman Anna M. Kalmhack
John J. Brown Lyman lUcliardson
Henry Borthold W. Urlau
F. D. Urlan J. K. Congdon
Henry L. William * J. W. Kvans
John J. Moncll
llnrncy Struct.
! Sophia Lowe F. B. Lowe
Charlotte A. Smytlia JCJMWJ Ixnvo
Oeo. Warren Smith Kzra Mlllard
1' . K. Her O. H. Dewey
K. Ij. Stone Frank Murphy
Clara Boeder Henry W. Yates
B. B. Wood C. 0. Hoimel
Kuubon Allen Jno. A. Harbach
uf Oeo. C. Tovvlo A. Pratt
Ooo. T. Mill * K. M. Works
Frank J. KaniRO Lottlo P. Bragg
Charlotte Urloy Steolu , Jolmnon & Cc
James Calahan W. J. Broatch
Oeo. W. Donne Ooo. B. Lnko
Jane McClure K. V. Smith
Ezra Mlllard A. H. Sander
, Vornard Kostont A. P. Wood
Jtt * . Stcphemion W. W. Lowe
Eleventh Street.
k A. S. Pivddock L. Kountzo
C. K. Kountzo John A. Crclghton
Ezra Mlllard H. WilkiiiH
John H. Kvaim A. H. Sander
re O. F. Goodman Jane It. Fiuloy
18 I'hoobo Klnley Max Moycr
18ha Twollth Htrect.
id R. K. linger * S. LehinaiiH
O. Burnnteln O. V. Dlrkett
"e Neb. National Bank byClara llooder
ed II. W. YotM , cash. Annlo Fitch
8. H. Caldvroll J. S. Collins
Thou. O'Connor H. W. Yale *
( too. W. Doane Coo. B. Lake
ho ( Jeo. W. Orar J. H. Spetnmu
Thlvtcontli Street.
tal Mrs. K. Wyman Ooo. ( Ilaconlinl
ou Umaha Bavingi Dank Chas liioiulorf
In by C. V , Mamlcrson Oinulm National Ban
M. Ilelhnan by J. Mlllartl , cosh A. Calm C. 0. Ilounel
ml Koubon Allen First National Ban
O. O. Campbell by II. Kountzo
Mlllard Hotel association" by Sumuel 8hcnn
Fourteenth Htrect.
A. B. Hubcrman W. 0. Chamber *
A. M. Clarke J. J. Brown
H , A Kosters M. Ilelhnan
K. F. C < Kk II. O. Clark
irs Oeo. Warren Smith A. ' . . Simpson.
Fifteenth Street.
IBS Oeo. L. Miller Jon. L. Byers '
Lyman Klchanlmm by F. J. Itoiuro
' 'Judtoieo. B. Lak'o P , J. Kariiach
ilo Jno. A. Crelghton 1'oter Frazcr
1 Jf. B. Falconer lliwwell Smith. . ,
o- HUtccnth Street.
n. A. HorrU John JL. Crctgliton
Mrs. Jnu. A. Crelghton
Juno 21nt. J
To the Editor of the Hrrild !
DBAII Sin Four ycnrs ago 1 called
your nttuntion to n pavement they wore
laying in front of this hotel , and naid ,
that is tlio kind of "pavement wo want in
Onmha. Thin was tlio aiphnltum block ,
and tlio first tinio I had neon it. I liavo
novcr had an opportunity to look at the
pavement again , till now , and 1. am
happy to say that my opinion as to the
excellence of this pavement is quito con
firmed. It is much superior to stone
and only inferior to ulieot aiphaltum.
Wherever this block asphaltum had a
good foundation it is exactly the Ramo aa
when you and I saw it laid. When the
foundation was bad the block Rank , and
the wheels of the heavy stages and wag
ons constantly falling in crushed the
blocks gradually to pieces. They had
not paid suflicicnt attention to the foun
dation , but laid it in the usual way in
TliOi rest of Fifth av < ! iiuo for over two
miles is laid with the same foundation ,
but laid with stone , and the cotiseqtiunco
is that it has fallen in holes all over the
street from ono end to the other. Tlio
stones jiavo lost their shAjio and square
edges and have become- quito round and
slippery , till they are no better than cob-
bio stones , and it is absolutely painful U >
any lover of a horao to see the poor ani
mals stumbling and staggering over it.
Onposito the Brnnswick thertjis a piece
of that asphaltum in perfect order , and
it is quito a pleasure to see how easily
and noiselessly the horses draw their
loads over it. The piece in front of the
Fifth avenue , laid alx > ut thirteen years
ngo , is not in perfect order , having , worn
in some placcs into gentle hollows and
undulations , none of them , however ,
more than ono inch deep , and they cause
no inconvenience , aa the carriages roll
easily and gently over it and it could bo
repaired at the most trifling expense.
Ihit the stone jiavoment will have to bo
entirely reset , atid unless they can turn
the stones upside down they will require
entirely now stones , as being worn round
on the top they are useless except for the
very poorest kind of pavement.
I asked a good many of the hackmon
regarding the pavement of the avenue ,
and they all agreed that it was as bad as
it could be , and no wonder. About 7
o'clock this evening I counted fifty-nino
vehicles pass over the asphalt in five min
utes , or over seven hundred an hour , and
that not the busiest time of the day. So
it is no wonder that stones have worn
round in about six years , the time it was
laid. The wonder is that the sheet asphalt
has scarcely worn at all in thirteen.
The hackmcn tell mo that their horses ,
It after three or four years' service , are use
less , their legs being knocked all out of
shape and their feet to pieces , slipping
and stumbling over stone pavements.
There is no doubt that a stone pavement
is nol suited to a horse at all and the
very worst thing it over put its foot on.
And the ( inly reason men put such pave
ments in cities was ignorance ; they know
no better. You may ask why does the
city government hero keep putting down
so much fitono. There are seine excel
lent reasons. ' Ono is that stone is got
right at their doors , across the river at
the Palisades. They do not need to
bring it three hundred miles. Another is
that the city government is not the best
in the world and they don't do everything -
thing in the best way , but generally the
worst , and still another is that they say
there is more money in stone contracts
especially when every separate street can
bo a separate contract.
Last fall when the contractor was lay.
ing the asphaltum in front of our store
ono of the members of the board-of pub
lic works said tome , "But for you I would
have vetoed this pavement , and I do not
think it would have boon laid. " I said
"Do you moan to say that you hold me
responsible for that pavement ? " Ho said
"Yes , I do. " I answered , "Then I ac
cept that responsibility and only hope
you will remember who was responsible
when successful , and I wish to say now
after a most careful examination of the
dilFuront pavements in Chicago , llostoi
and New York , that I accept the responsi
bility and stakemy reputation that thii
is the very best pavement known at tin
present timo.
If wo go on as wo are doing and liavi
all the streets paved like Douglas , we
will have the most beautiful city in tlu
now northwest , and n model for ovorj
western town. None of the other towm
have taken this matter as a whole , s (
that wo will bo alone and unique , ant
that is what every smart man and oven
smart people wants , and our citizens wil
bo able to point with'prido to streets tha
for usefulness , cleanliness and beaut ]
will bo the envy of the great cities of tin
cast. I will only add that the intonsi
importance of this subject is my enl ;
excuse for taking up so much of you
valuable space , N. B. FALCONER.
Omaha HemM.
Mr. Falconer writes from Now Yorl
upon the subject of the asphalt block am
other pavements in Now York in n wa ;
that will bo interesting and instructive ti
our readers. The explanation of tin
condition in which three years' han
pounding finds the block in fron
of the Windsor hotel is unquestionably
accounted for a foundation. Qraniti
itaolf fails when laid in this way
nk Sheet asphalt , in our opinion , is ono o
I'r the best pavements for man and boas
in the world , unless it bo tlio asphal
uk block , for cities like Omaha , in point o
comfort and economy , and stone is undoubtedly
doubtodly the worst. Durability refer
to dollars when applied to stone , and t <
nothing else. Wo believe there is muni
beside dollars to bo sought for in tin
pavement of cities , and asphalt , to on
mind , properly laid , fills the requiromen
better than any other material , unless i
would bo the block , which stands tin
lackotso well in front of the Windsor.
Although Sunday im > riin ! # looked gloom ;
with tliu cloud * uiul fulling ruin a ( mini o
young men luutemhlod In the Y. M. 0. A
parlor mid listened to the bible rending dellv
ercd by Mr. Dean on the bible and what 1
teachfa. In the nftcinoon n good midlonc
oiwomhled In the hall and for a quarter of a :
hour nil I'lipngpd In n long Hsrvlca eonductci
by Mr. John Toms , > v hich clewed with a sol
by Mr * . Day. Mr. .1. W. Douu then oilcra
prayer niul in u very flinpi' ! , uarnvst inaime
mill ) ; tlio word of litxl [ Minted out tha "kocji
Ing power of Chriat. " Ho was followed by i
number of hoi t jicechiM , ull testifying to tli
power of Jcauv All \vero deeply Intereatci
and Bomo reqntMtcd prayer. Those Suwla ;
afternoon gospel meeting * nra provingn bless
nig to very many.
Stinging irritation , imflannimtion , al
kidney and urinary complaints , cured b
'Uuchu.paiba. " 81.
T&e Market Honse and Alley Paring
Ordinances Approved ,
of Important HUHIICHH |
A regular meeting of the city council
was held last evening. Present Presi
dent Baker and Councilman Anderson ,
Bchm , Dunham , Hascall , Kaufmann ,
Murphy , McOuckin , Iledfield , Throne
and Woodworth.
From the mayor , approving the ordi
nances to pave alleys , to provide for mar
ket houses , and several other ordinances.
From the mayor , quit claim deed from
the city to the Gorman school association.
From the mayor , appointing N. W.
Morritt special policeman at the city mis
sion. Confirmed.
From the mayor , appointing Waldomar
Krug a regular policeman , vice Halfdan
Jacobscn. Referred.
From the mayor : Appointing .Simeon
Bloomamombcrof the board of public
works , vice John Wilson , term expired.
An abstract of the bids for paving
the cross streets from the board of
public works. Referred , to bo taken
up at an adjourned meeting on Thursday
From the city attorney : That it is im
possible to secure an abstract right of
way for twenty feet for'tho Douglas
street sewer for the consideration stated ;
but that a different right of way
might bo obtained if more time was
A discussion ensued and Mr. Hascall
moved to procure such a right of way as
Mr. and Mrs. Kountzo had given on St.
Mary's avenue.
Mr. Anderson said ho believed the ctty
attorney had not seen all the parties and
that they were ready to grant the right of
way as desired.
Mr. Ilascall's motion was carried.
The contract and bond of Stephen
Robinson , for the grading of Madison and
Croighton avenues , was approved.
From H. Burk and about twenty
others , complaining about water on Chicago
cage and Eleventh streets. Referred to
committee on streets and grades.
Petition , regarding Omaha fertilizing
works , was referred to board of public
Petition to havoFarnam street , between
20th and 28th , put in a safe and passable
condition , was referred to committee on
streets and grades.
The bid of the Omaha Savings bank
for 810,000 of district paving bonds of
district No. 2 , at par , was accepted.
Tlio bid of the boaid of education for
810,000 of the same bonds , at par , was
Tlio request of Andrew Peterson , that
city lot 4 , block JJU ) , bo advertised for
sale , was referred to the committee on
public property and improvements
Numerously signed petition askingthat
a bridge ba built at the intersection of
Twenty-third and Grace streets , across
north Omaha creek , was referred to com
mittee on streets and grades.
Petition asking that the alley between
Farnam and Douglas and Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streets bo put in good con
dition , was referred to the committee on
streets and grades.
, From O , Olson , who suffered from
overflow of vator on North Omaha creek
Asking that said damages bo repaired at
expense of city , Referred ,
Petition from Judge Dundy ixnd oth
ers : Asking that Georgia avenue bo
bruught to grade between Sherman and
U. S. Grant streets. Referred to com
, mittee on streets and grades.
A numerously signed petition : Ask
, ing for Uio Waring sowenigo system on
North Sixteenth street and vicinity , was
referred to the committee on water works
and sewerage.
, Petition asking for sewer from Martha
street to Williams , through the alley be
tween the two blocks , was referred tc
the committee on water works and sew
Petition of J. H. Green to grade Wal
nut street between Summit and Bluli
street , at his own expense , was granted.
Contract of Win. Filch & Co. , for con
struction of sewer on Seventeenth street
from Cass street north to Izard , was ap
Contract of Win. Fitch & Co. for con
structing sewer on Jones street , from r
junction east of Ninth street to r
point east of Seventh street , was
Contract of Hugh Murphy & Co. foi
constructing a sewer from St. Mary's av
enue and Seventeenth street to a pom
at or near Farnam and Twenty-secern
streets , was approved.
By Kaufman : That the street com
mtssipner place a two-foot culvert on Pa
cific street , between Sixth and Sovcntl
streets. Adopted.
By tlio same : That the street commissioner
missioner protect the gutter on Tent !
street between the Union Pacific depo
and Pierce street by doing the necessary
work. Adopted.
ByThrano : That the B. & M. bo re
quested to plank the crossing in tlu
alloy between Pierce and Pacific street *
: and between Fifth and Sixth streets.
By Bohm : That the committee 01
public property and improvements choose
suitable lot for the old lumber , stone
etc. Adopted.
My Kaufman : That thu mayor ap
point three appraisers to appraise al
the real estate belonging to the city
My Murphy : that thu street coinmis
sioner till washouts on Dodge street
between Eighteenth and Twentieth
Adopted ,
My llaskcll : that the city clerk einploj
a competent assistant nt an expense note
to exceed $150 to copy for thu use of tin
city thu assessment rolls of DouglaJ
county as equalized by the beam o
It county commissioners , showing thu tax
able property in the city of Onmha.
My Murphy : that tltu city unyinpe :
make an estimate of thu cost of giadin ;
Farnam street from Twentieth street ti
the west line of Hoggs it Hill's addition
also the cost of making nn approach 01
Twonty-eighth to Farnam street , and re
port thu Hunto nt thu next meeting
My Anderson : that all obstructions to )
removed from Nicholas street and thn
fences bo moved baok to the street line
Streets and grades That Virgin !
street bo opened through from the north
ern boundary of Itcdtck's addition t <
Fuirviuw street and that proper ordinano
bo drawn. Adopted.
Public property and improvements-
Tlmt a music stand costing $ . " 00 bo erect
ed on Jnlforson Squaro. Adopted.
Streets and grades That Fourteenth
street bo opened to South Onmhti.
Committee on fire That Mi engine-
house bo erected on the southwest corner
of Sixteenth and Farnam streets accord
ing to the plans of the chief engineer.
Committee on gas That bids bo asked
of the electric light company to light the
streets , also fiom the gas company ; and
that Mill bo advertised for , for ono week.
Adopted ,
Water works and sowcrngo That the
bill of the Omaha water works for 910- ,
735.55 bo allowed. Adopted.
An amendatory ordinance providing
for establishing the grade of Phil Sheri
dan street , Sherman street and Park
avenue was introduced and read the first
and second times and referred to the
committee on public property and im
An ordinance providing for paying for
paving part of Douglas street was passed.
Adjourned to Thursday evening.
A Great Discovery.
That Is dally bringing joy to the homes of
thouKamU by saving many of their dcar onoa
from nn early grave. Truly Is Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs ,
Cold * , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Losn
of Voice , Tickling In the Throat , Pain In Side
and Chest , or any disease of tlw Throat and
Lung * , a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial
Bottfcn free at 0. F. Goodman's Drug Sture.
Largo size § 1.00.
The Mayor Issnes anOrder Closing
All the Banks ,
He la Carrying Out Ills' Policy to
thojLetter. .
Mayor Chase upon his third election as
chief executive of this city laid down his
policy in his inaugural address and has
oinco adhered strictly to it. Among
other things was a declaration of war
against the gamblers and prostitutes , and ,
oa the public know , the latter have beer
driven out of their accustomed quarters
to seek refuge in nioro respectable local !
Yesterday afternoon , about U o'clock
the mayor handed the city marshal ;
written order to cloao up all gambling
houses , accompanying fy with the em
phatic statement , "I mean business !
This is business 1"
The marshal notified Captain Jack
O'Donohoe , who went around and gave
notice to all the keepers of houses to
close. There was not a particle of re
sistance to the order , and last night it
was obeyed to the letter by all hands.
AVhat the true inwardness of the now
deal is , is not generally known , but there
is an impression among souio that a game
of freeze-out is being played in the inter
ests of a now house about to bo started
on Farnam street. This is no doubt a
false idea , ns the facto show that the
mayor has intended to make this [ move
for some time past. ,
Like all other radical reforms it will
doubtless bo short-lived.
Never Give Up.
If you are Huu"erlmjlth low anil depressed
npiriti , loss of appetite , general debility , dis
ordered blood , weak constitution , headache , or
any disease of a bilious nature , by all means
procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You
will be surprised to KC-O the rapid Improvement
that will follow ; you will beiumnred with new
: life ; strength and activity will return ; pain
and misery will cease , and henceforth you will
rejoice in the in the praise of Electric Bitters.
Sold at fifty cento a bottle by 0. I
PAPKK Box Factory 218 S. 14th st.
Summer Underwear.
The largest assortment and the best
value for your money at Ramgo's.
Grand Pacific Hotel
- OMAHA . . . . NEB.
OPENED MAY 17th , 1883 ,
Tills Hotel contains 100 rooms , nil outside rooms
and 80 rooms on the lint floor , omcclnlly adapted foi
Nini lomcn. A cuUlne of superior excellence. Head
quartern tor the Hint * trade. Specinl inducements tc
the theatrical profeKslon. Hotel vltuatcd five blocki
from depot * . Hone cars jinRi the doorejboth w nyi
ev cry flv e minutes.
)0 Every Conot Is warranted U -
factory to its -wearer In every .
or the money Trill ba refunded-
the person from \iUom Ifwaiboocnt.
PRICES , > . / HaU , P t B P ldl
wrrU . t.60 , B UVAJU tl . 1.W
( Mtr h TT ) .00. ymnUttlt
rr ul * VT U 41 UeUU D * l r TCryk
OJUOAQO COUtUCT CO , , Cbkcflp , Q.
\ *
for Infants and Children.
CaBtorlaprpmotcH Pltrcstton
and overcomes flatulency , Coustipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
Fovcrishncss. It insures health nnd
natural sleep , without morphine.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to Children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me. " II. A. ARcncn , M. D. ,
ea Portland Ave. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
What girts ont- Children roar cheek * ,
What cures their fevers , make * them sleep ;
Til CMtorU.
Wlicn babies fret and cry by turns ,
What cures their colic , kills their worms ,
But Ca tori .
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Bour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion ,
Hut Cantorln.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , and HallCnstnrlnt
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Rheuma
tism , Spraims , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Powcrflil andi'onc-
tratlng Paln-rellovlugr and Healing Remedy known to man.
"ISTS Jo lB-inic-2w
ttrSpecials Positively not bo inserted
nless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-lfonoy.
M ONEY LOANED On chattel mortgage , room 7
Union block corner 16th and Farnam. 184 tf
\f ONEY "TO LOAN Tne'Omaha aTings Ilank'fs
1TJL now prepared to make loans on Omaha city or
> ouglas county real estate at current rate of interest.
'o commission charged. 333-tt
M ONEY TO LOAN-Tho low est rates nf Interest
UfiiuY Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. 234tf
M ONEY UO LOAN-Call at law olllce ot D. iT
Tlioma.1 , room 8 , Crclghton Illock.
MONEY TO LOAN-On chattel mortgage ? , ED-
WARDS , 1109 Farnam St. 730-lm }
M ONEY LOANED-On chattel property , J. B.
Ileatty , No. 213 Konth 14th Htrect 740-lm {
LADIES OR YODNO MEN In city or country , to
take nit c , light and pleasant work at their own
oines ; fcitosaaday easily and ijutetly made ; work
ent by mall ; no cnnvn vslng ; no t-tamp for reply ,
'lease nddresa Ilcllable Manufacturing Company , Pa. ,
TT. IS.I-tu-th-sat till
rawer - - - Jy 21
"l"\7ANTED A cook , a dishwasher nnd a waiter In
f hotel. Female took preferred. Inquire at S ,
Frontier's , 1100 Farnam street , third floor. 201-26 }
\VANTED-Herd bov. One that ran milk preferred.
V > LlttleHcld , Saratoga Dnlrj. 201-28 }
" \\7ANTii : > - .Men to work In gnrden , north end Ibth
V > street. H. W. HAIL.
| TANTEI A dining room girl nt Planter's Hoti-n ) ,
> cor10th iind Dodgo. 220-271
17ANTED-A Rood girl immediately nt 2420 CopT -
T Itol avenue. 223-SO'
TX/ANTED-A girl 12 or 14 .vcars old to take care
> > tif baby. Apply 1123 N. 18th ht. 183-tf
\ \ CANTED A girl 12 or 14 j cars old to tnko rare
L nf baby. Apply 1123 mirth 18th street183 tf
\\7ANTED-75 mm. Alw a gocnl boy ; ono jnan to
T T w ork un farm , one cook and dining room girl.
181-27J Emplojmcnt Agent , llth street ,
W "ANTED A competent girl to do general house
work N. E. corner 20th and Douglas ht.
" \Tf7ANTED A good barber. Good wages paid.
TT Must bring his own tool * . Apply Immediately.
Address "F. R. Woodward , " Genoa , Neb. 119-23'
TtOUIl CARPIINTEUS Wanted at once , 018 jiouth
JL1 10th street 103-30 $
YI7ANTBD-01rl In a small family nt 019 N. 19th
street 109-27
TVANTED-First-class boarders at 1718 Burt St.
t WANTED A grnid llTeTnan to take orders for the
TT Keystone Ilollup spring mattress , alsoanolllce
bov 12 or 14 jears old. Call 421 South 10th St.
\\rANTED A competent girl , general house work.
> > Oood wngeti 1310 Davenport St- 154-tf
I RANTED A dining room jrirTlimncdlafclv nt the
> Occldentnl. IOC tf
\T7 ANTKD Four dining room girls at the Canfleld
TT house. 104-tf
Wanted- Lady Agents for the "OUEEN PROTEO-
TOR. " A new undergarment for ladlesmade of Koff
flexible rubber. Sure protection to the underwear
vhen necccssary to bo worn. Retails for 81.60 as fast
. as agents can show It Largo profits. Address , with
stamp , Ladles Undcrgannent M'f'g Co. , 0 South May
St , Chicago , III 102-Je21-23-28-30
TTJT'ANTED A good competent girl tn do general
TT housework , good wages given. N. W. comer
18th and Davenport. 8SStf
\TC'ANTED A good reliable tinsmith. Call on oi
TT address Rowlee & Yanderhoof , Seward , Ne
, braska. . 877-tf
Vl/'ANTEO-A situation by a girl In dlnlngroom 01
TT to do general housework. Apply at Scandina
vian Hotel 205-271
\\f ANTEtf A "posltlon In a business house by i
T T young man. Siieaks EnglUh and Uerman. Is
good icmnati. Willing to ttart ou easy terms. Address
dress "I. H. " Bee oBice. 208-27J
fANTED A sltiatlon ( as a miller , 15 years ex
TT perience , 6 yenr under roller process. No. 1
tone dresser. Address II , , No. 22 , UBS office.70.31J
T\TANTED A gentle horse and phaeton on month
lypajments. Address Box 400. 990-23
FOR RENT Houses and Lots.
1HOR RENT A nice new house , 1414 Seventeenth
JL1 ktrcet , between Clark and Urnce. 214-28
5Ii ) JIKNT 'Eight nrceiyfuniTshedroomsTn Morsu'i
1 ' block , cor. 15th and Capitol avenue. Impdre a
1410 Douglas street 2129
17l6TniENf X iifcfly furriChed room with cli e
( at 1013 Dodge bt. 2102'
RENT Cottage of six rooms In good order
FOR . 23d nnd Johnson street , back nf Ikllman'
residence oft St Mary's avenue. Inquire uf W. H
Wilson , 4th house. 164-27
RENT Flto room cottage with good barn
I70II In excellent condition and well located.
103-tf C. F. DlllbCOLL.
RENT Cottage nf eight rooms. Inqulri ) a
17011 south 18th street. led tf
17011 KENT Pleasant newly funiUhed moms w'ltl
X1 or without bnacd 414 20th St. corner Cass. Sev
en minute' walk from Piibt Ottlcc. 107-30 *
FOR KENT Large airy room , nlcelv ( imil-lied
laivo bay window , vcrondnh nn tuo Mi. * , Onl ;
four hliK'ks from i > | K-ra house. Hcfta'iui-K ( ; hcn an ,
reo.ulrtd. Addrou "Kooni" Iku utflce. IsJ-to
IJIOU RENT-The Omaha lUlery with nxtnrca am
V one delivery wagon , incmlre of K. 1'tternon , MI
kouth 10th ftri-et. 178-30
I poll 1 RK.VT Two furnblu-d n nu 2441Chl in 8t
> ANetv hnnx for rent , oil com euloncc * . S. K
corner i'H nnd Ix.nv eim uith. 176-301
17011 RENT Chcnii licusc 0 rooms vvell cittern , eel
1 lar Uood repair 1221 northJOtl St. 157-301
" "
I 7OII KENT- New home 22nd" and Harney. liar
1 nnd loft water. 158.271
FOR RENT-1 1 houses 2 M iturrs. J. A. Rollin
corner Fnrnarn nnd I3th hts. 1U-20I
RENT New roonu , furnlthed or unfurnlthei
with board. References nxiuiroJ , at 1010 Daven
port itrcet. 1IM9
T .lUll.MSlIKI ) ROOMS AND BOARb Modern con
JL1 vcnlcncx1812 Dodiro it. Wl-lmt
P. I * MOHSK & CO. ,
033-20 1022 Ctpltol Avenue ,
FOR RKNT Two elegant cottages , 7 rnnmi caeh , , {
just finished. City water , nil convcnlcnccn , Da
venport and 25th Street. C'.DVVYEU\V. U. Telegraph
olllcc. _ _ 97tMf * t
FOR RENT Cuttogo of nix rooms with or without1/ !
furniture , 2210 California Htrect. S02-30' i
fTMl LET Rooms nnd board , or furnished
JL for summer. 1803 California street. 8.17-1
FOR RENT Large furnUhed'room at 1318 Jack
eon street. 742-lm
STORE'FORTiENT Corner of 10th and
port. Inquire 1610 Davenport utroet. _
IpOR HALE Advertising space on the fence inclo
1 Ing the grounds of the Union Pacific. Atlethle At
nocintlon , on St. Mary's avenue. Apply to O. V. Osj
lagher , Freight Auditor's office'U. P. Railway.
FOR SALK-Oood hard bricks. Inquire at COS ]
13th street , or atjatd on 16th street , south 1
Relleuie read. 109-21
I poll HALE Barber nhop , 203 8.13th St. The m
' that was here will please call by ThuredavJu ,
23th. 21J.27J
( SALE A choice lot and 2 cottage * on
1 23d street near Lca\enworth. Will bo Midi. ,
cheap for cash nr w 111 exchange for Rood farm Ian
17&-.10 E. U MOKSK.t CO. 1622 Capitol me
FOR SALE A irood riding ! pony. Addrew cT-
Bcoollicc. 13
_ _ _
OR SALE One D-j car-old marc Ij handx
IJ 1 leather top hide bar Inijipv and gold mounf
harness. Cheap call at C. & N. W. depot , cora'
Webster and 14th. 1SS-20I OKO. II. Omynx ,
7 < OR SALB-Ono of the best pajlng Ilnnln
_ , ' stores In Iowa , propcrous to n andnooppoHitl
Stock nnd store w 111 Invoice 5000. dollars , reanoi '
selling , have other business. Address the DCS.
137- !
_ .
poll HM.E Thrco oncacre luts on California stn
FOR SALE House nnd lot , 83 $ S. Iflth street ? !
ply to P. P. Collier , 67 Ilarkcr lilock. 1S5J
IjX)7l SALU llouso 5 rooms , stable ourncribjl
' barrel cistern , well nil In first class order 4 (
$5000 , 91000 ca h , balancu nt 8 per ct. 'lUCAq
Opposite Post Office. MS
FOR SALE Nearly now , side bar top bugg
SALE-OOOliead jearlingliclfcn.
1)30 head 2 jear old hclfcn.
411) " 3 , 4 and fi year old heifers.
3JO " 1 nnd 2 } car old steers.
400 " 3 nnd 4 } ear old steers.
300 " mixed cnlvcj
cnlvcjSTOAXOE nuos , ' .
Cattle contractors , Hide. Wool and Tallow dcnlol
Slom City , lown. S32-lBr
EUll SALE Until In giHid town , near Ounha !
paj ing will In excellent order. Good barn ncllj
furlilshed , will bear Investigation. AMES , . < , (
887-tf 1600 Kama
I poll SALE OR EXCHANOE Full lot and thr.
1 duellings corner of llth and Pacific utrctti
Nln loU In ncuth Omaha. Also 100 acres of linij
near Santon , Nebraska , and building and ttock >
clothing No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange
Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at
II. Pctcnon's Clothing .Store , 804 Tenth utrcct.
845 oat-mon-th 4w
FOP. SALK Old ncuviiapcrs In largo and tn
fliiantltici at this olHcc. I
F OlT8ALI-iTax mill macTiinery consT < tfng'3
brake , 2 dusten ) , beater , picker , press , etc.
work either rotted or green stock , also shafting , I
lejs , and belting for driving the atxne , al < > onej
II. P. engine with boiler , smokestack nnd all flxtii
complete. Address WILLIAM TAIT , Charles 91
Iowa. 2l5-r !
FOR SALE A tint rlast second hand top hu
Call at 1310 Harney street. : < U7
MRS. J. ANDERSEN' Midwife and Doctored , 1
street , between Lcavon ortb and Mari'\ .
IOST New rubber coat and capKtween Fifth i
J Pine and Harris & Fisher's butcher shop. Kin
please lca\ at Dec otllco and receive rew an ) . 10'i
/"I OODS Received for auction , on rommNslon. 1
\JTclass fetorngc , Illtcral advances imde ongftotU
klndH of hcrond hand goods liought anil highest |
, paid In cash , 1422 Douglas St. ISO
IF j ou w ant bargains in count v and city real i
call on E. U MOIteE k CO , ]
997-28 1022 Capitol Avculf
SHAKEN UP By the unJerxIfriicd , a red cow '
JL white epotH on body nnd face. Alto a cut in ]
ear. Cow won with calf when found. Ount
have tame by calling on P. Lanon , Jones itr
twecn Oth and 7t ! . , and tm > lng chanrts. 970 3t <
rpAKEN" UP A amall pony maru al < iut 12 ij
JL old , blazed face Iwtll ears Htillt. O\vn <
have same b > calling on N. C. KORD , S.V ,
20th nnd Roulevnrd , and pajlng charges ,
LADIES AND YOUNO'MEX In cltj or coun
to take nice light and pleasant work nt
homos ; 82 to $5 a day easily and dulctly made ; <
sent by mall ; no canvaming ; np stamp for
- Please address Reliable Manufacturing Co. , I'll
phla , Pa. , drawer TT. P41)-jun 2 tues-thu-t
rpAKEN UP Ono horse nnd one mare
JL left hind Met white. Mare has white stj
forehead. Owner can recover same by proving
crtthip on np | > llcatlon to R. Price , Saratoga f
50 < W
ALIST , 493 Tenth street , between Farnam ai
ncy , will , with the nld of guardian spirits , ol
nn > one n glance nf the post and present , \
certain conditions In the future. Boots an *
nt ilorder. . Perfect satisfaction guaranfl
Absolutely Pi
Thti i > owder never varies. A manelfl
strength and boloomeneu. More ecpjfl
the ordinary Undi , and cannotba told U' '
wltli the multitude of low test , thort e <
phcwphato povrder. SoM on ! I In can * .
Wi. etictt ffewYork.