Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1883, Image 6
DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY , JUNE 27 , 1883. THE DAILY BEE. GOUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , Juno 27t sunsciumox IUTIS ; ntl * r < * V HrC rrl r - . - - - - - - BO c | lao ° > ' Tc" By Mll - - - ? omdi : Ho. T Pearl Street , Near Broadway. . MINOR MENTION. * [ See Joseph Roller's spring styles. iCheap Railroad Tickcta at .Bushncll's [ The city council mc-cU again tliii evening. [ Kiel's hotel seems to bo doing a thriv ing business. Thirty-one arrivals in om day is not bad. There was not prisoner in the cala Ixxise yesterday morning to bring bofon tlic police court. The Episcopalians are to hold a socia' ' Thursday evening at thu residence of Mrs , J. W. Chapman. The girls of St. Francis academy nro t < . give their annual exhibition Thursdaj jnoniing at 0 o'clock. The fricndo of Max Mchn are imshiiif liis nnmp forward aa n good ono to gf along with that of sheriff. The Pottawattamio delegates have gen < to DCS Moincs enthusiastic for Judgi Jlced , and very hopeful as to the cluincei of success. The Methodist church at Mucodonii -was injured by recent storms , being par tially moved off its foundation. It wil tx > st $ TiOO to put it in shape again. Thomas Green & Sons yesterday _ go out a search warrant for some blind washed away by the flood , and suppose ! to have bce'n picked up and appropriatcc l > y another party. Tlio district court reconvenes ncx Friday for the hearing of several case continued until that timo. There wil bo no jury trials , however , the jurymei Laving been excused. Rev. Bishop Dubs preached in Genual last evening at tlio Evangical church ii this city. Tlio church was crowded am the discourse listened to with eviden attention and eagerness. Council Bluffs is to have nn olcgan Masonic temple , to bo built thi.i Humino At the junction of Broadway nnd Ban croft streets. It is to bo a three star ; brick , ono hundred feet oquare. If the newspaper men of the city don1 Hash bright paragraphs it wont bo Sen man's fault lie yesterday "sot 'cm u for the boys" in the shape of his No. pencils , which are in fact A No. 1. Max Mohn and his Cftaton lions ficcms to "bo growing in prosperity , as ii dicatcd by the increase in business , whic warrants him in going ahead with h proposed new building adjoining pro ] orty , thus giving him inoro room. The Driving Park association tlirov iho gato'opcn this week BO that all wl tlusiro may drive on the mile track , i that the track may bo worked down ' the boat condition possible for no : week's racca. A. Schrocder , the saloonist , was di chargwl yesterday , the evidence boh rather against the utory told by Oflici " \Vnnier tliat the plaoo was open aft' ' lioura. Several witneiics testified tin it .vaa closed on tiiuo. The Harmony band i& to go to Mac donia on the Fourth , not to Malvorn , erroneously stated in THK BBB nnd larjg 3y copied by the other papers of the cil It is to bo hoped they will now copy t correction. The case of the Koitzonstoin boys f analicioua inischicf in breaking Jo ! Kramer's windows , lias been continu until to-day. Kramer , in tuni , has bo arrested for threatening the boys with revolver , and lie is to bo heard Saturdi The very pertinent und practical nuo is raised as to whnt becomes of all t whisky taken away from the drun brought in by the police , Tlio bott when confiscated sometimes arc full , I they don't atay BO. Does it ovaporai Mulquoen'a now frame building Main street is fast approaching comp tion , and makes quite an iniprovoinoi It is a double atoro with tenement roe above , the building being 40 by 00 fe The exterior is being painted and it v Boon bo ready for occupancy. McClunk's now cracker factory \ probably bo started in active oporat by the first of August. The work on I building * is being pushed right ale and as soon as thu roof is on iho ninch cry , which is already hero , will bo inn diatoly put in place , Among the marked improvements Main street is the brick building , I atoriea and two stores , being erected J. Petera and William Pluinmor. 1 contractor is John Hammer ( and ho crowding the work to completion aa i aa possible consistent with thoroughm 'Wot weather has prevented any act atop being taken in tlio building up tlio old agricultural works as q foun and machine shop. Mr. Hondino poets if rain holds off , and brick can had , that by next week work on the n enterprise will begin in earnest. The case of thoBtatova.PauluaBlocl for assault , was the subject of a stn and very loud discussion in Jus fichurz's court yesterday between At noys Sears and Lindt. Ono reason signed for tlio talk being so loud is t tlio defendant is deaf and duiulnind nttonioya were tryjng to make him hi Lindt came out ahead and got the < continued until the Oth. Tlio sidewalk along the cast side Main street lias boon narrowed fi twelve feet to ten foot , inaccorduncov the late action of thu council , in ordo give greater breadth to the street. Si of the property owners on the west i object to narrowing , however , and maintain the full twelve foot. This i causa trouble. The communication of ourworthyciti Col. Cochran , urging tlio property p era along the creek to. fill tlio ndjoii streets nt their own expense , was prii in the democratic paper by order of council , andJienco was paid matter , are not informed whether the favor commentfl of Uio editor wcro to bo i for or not , but probably not , as it w < ' T > o diflicultto provouny "valuorccolri If eome poor widow , who U atruggl "by thO aid of friends , to hold her he ttead , which cliances to b "on the cr should write a letter to the council , iiig that t'no tax bo not forced ujwn until aho can recover a little from losses of the flood , would the council lur tills printed in the deiuocratlo ah and would it appear. .jt ] , or without com menfs ? Some of the * ; M glrcol j-p0rty , , own. era wlio Jiayp , n , , ! . { t , , jmy for the hllingon J' fc , slrcct defining that the city nhoil ] ffty fnr the work 0t , , { the general < W'cs , Imvo changed their mind , n.wfcead of snoing or being sued , yes- cn 'drew up their checks and settled , are still holding out. There was quite n demand for mauiagt 'licenses ycstenlay. Among thoao grant ed were : George A. Kellogg , of thia city and Cecilia Sheehan , of Oxfofd , Iowa ; John llocf and Amanda Longly , both of this city ; Hans Modson and Christine Fredorickson , both of Neolat.C. . . II. Orvis and Xolla V. Smith , both of this city. The organ of St. Jacob evidently needs a little of the oil itself. It has been hurt badly. It gasps "lickspittle , " "anony " " " "for- mous scribbler , "leatherhead , - eignor , " "weak intellect , " etc. When it recovers sufficiently it will answer the query of how much it ia willing to pay to ward filling Mynster street , and how much" property it owns along the crook. Council Bluffs Lodge No. 40 , Knights of Pythias , has elected as oflicers for the ensuing year : II. A. Belles , P. C. ; J. E. Matcalfo , 0 , 0. ; Ooorgo W. McCoy , V. C. ; John Hammer , prelate ; C. II. Dai- son , M. at A. ; A. B. Howe , K , of II. and S. ; C. D. Waters , M ; of E. ; Mat Bolt- gene , I. O , ; J. B. Dobson , , O. G. Peter Beck , the Main Htrcctgrocer , has had hardly time Co rculiiu the joy at be ing the father of of a bouncing boy , when ho is suddenly plunged into tlio deepest grief by the death of the babo. The little tlo ono seemed to promise long life , bul on Monday night was taken very ill , am ! breathed its last yesterday morning. Mrs. T. Schull has opened a dress making establishment at 105 Pcarl street , where she is prepared to do fashionahlt dressmaking of all kinds. IJUIGIIT 1JOYS. They Give nn Excellent Pintail to the fioliool "i'cnr nnct Now llouiut Into u Vacation. The pupils of St. Joseph's Academy under the direction of their oflicien teacher , Prof. J. J. Slattory , gave theii fourth annual exhibition last evening , ii St. Joseph's Academy hall , which wai largely attended by the parents and thei : many friends. Tlio exercises consistci of many essays , declamations and songs which wore listened to and warmly ap plauded by all present. Among thos who took part in the exercises the follow ing deserve especial credit : Master Philip Paschol , John Keating , Win Nason and Frank Wickham , who sin prised all present by their elocutional- offorU. Tlio following is the programme of th evening : Opening nong * , Pup ! ENHay. . . . . . , , * . , . . . John Kcatlti Declamation , Win. Jfast : Declamation i , . . .I-onU Fmil ) Declamation Tnmex Morr Declanmtion Micluicl KliiHfc Declamation , .Tluw. Ciiyi Kway 1'hll. Vouch Song , , . , I'npl Declamation ( ieorgo He nr Declamation Win. Mon Declamation , . Frank Wlcklia Select Mimic lolm Keatii Declamation. . > ; Charle * Langnim Declamation , . . , ( loirj- " Mill Declamation .Jon. Danlg Declamation Famex Mulquci Declamation , Jon. Yom Declamation , , . . , , . Dennis Sullivi Declamation John Krani Bong , ,1'up As a finale came the distribution ' premiums , which consisted of a lari number of books , which miwlo the boy ! eyes of the recipients sparkle with d light. Rov. Father McMonomy gave o : of his happy addresses , and the schc year of thu St. Joseph academy close There has been a boys' school here f tonyearabut it haanot been dignified by i academical course and building but to years. During this time it has grown numbers and in grade of scholarshi During the year just closi y its enrollment has reached to 10 about a hundred pupils , pretty oven ks divided between Prof. Slattory and Mi OS Kolly. The management as well as t lit instruction of Prof. Slattory has prov 3 ? excellent , and ho has shown tlio Imvv gift of inspiring those under him wi aomo of the enthusiasm in study ai courtoousncss of manner which so clmn 118 terizca his own lifo > lie intends apoti ing most of his vacation in St. Louis a ; it. ill will bo heartily welcomed back with t opening of the fall term. ill Seersuckers , chambroys and skirtin an just received at Harkncss Bros. lie ig , The OAUGIJEY HOUSE on Broiulw is ono of the boat hotels of its size in t woat. Merrily Mated. Yesterday afternoon thcro was : i hap ivo gathering of friends nt the residence by ho H. A. Smith , on Frank street , to w is nose the giving in marriage of his dauj. ist tor , Miss Zollo V. Smith , ' to Charles : Orris , ono of Council Bluffs' well kno' ve young men. The ceremony was happ of performed by Rev. Cyrus Hanilin , t pastor of the Congregational church , a ry the well wishes and congratulations IX- IXbo these present will bo heartily ro-echc boW and renewed by many others throughc the city , where both of the contract ! parties are so well and favorably knov ot , ng lawns and Foulard Elegant now en ICO brica just received at Harkness Bros. Br os- osmt Open for work , Pryor'sBKK Job Pri ho ing Olllco , 7 Pearl street. Tlio Now Church. The contract for building the basomi of the now Catholic church hero was of ycatunlny to Jiunca Wicklmin nuil ith out Jlurphy , the price being 810,000. 1 to basoiiiout only will bo coniplotctl t ino year , thus allowing it to settle well bof itlo the roaring upon it of the atructuro pr till or. The now church is to bo 04 foot my 1UU foot , nnd is to face on Sixth stn the aito being botwocn Sit. l"n\i eon ncndoiny for girls mid St. Josop j-n- academy for boys. It will cost ' ing 000. Air. McNainum , of St. I.ouis ted the architect. tlio Itov. Father AIcMonoiny has , dui \Vo his long imstorato , proved himaolf HUC Lie successful ninnagor of the church's tc aid porul us troll ns spiritual niattora , t ukl there is no doubt that the enterprise , d. " liis Imnds , will bo BiiccoBsfully carriet "Si n comiilotion , und the building of MIC nc- church as proposed will proyo a vro1 oki ing feature to his years of faithful la jk- aa ahephcnl of the largo Hock ho her gathered nbout him. the or- Mandol is offering some special I lot , gains in household gooda und funiiti FUN ON THE FOURTH , The Arrangements Completed for Cele brating the Day , Jinny AltrnolloiiH OITcrccl niul In- iliiuciiicntH for VlNllnrH ProniggS KlHOwlicrc. Arrangements arc nbout completed for thu celebration of tlio Fourth hurc , and every indication points to n most success- fill nnd cnjoynblo time. If the weather is fnvomblo there will bu a crowd hero from all points of thu compass , nil the railways having agreed to carry p.issen- gurs at hnlf rates. \ grand parade will bo formedjat 10 o'clock , on Sixth street , under thu mar- shalship of C. It. Daily , the bend of the column resting on the junction of that street with Willow avenue. In this pro cession the civic and military societies and citizens generally aru invited to join. The line of march fixed upon is as fol lows : West on Willow avenue to Seventh street , south on Seventh to Fifth avenue , cast onFif th arcmio to Main strvet , north on Mam ( to Broadway , east on Broadway to thu Methodist church , at which the column will countermarch to iwint 'earl street , south on Pearl to First nve- line , from which point the column will outer Bayliss park forming around Uic grand stand , at which point the exercises will bo held. The Union Pacific Kind is to furnish the music. The Declaration of Independence will bo read by A. T. Flickinger , Ksq. , and the oration will be delivered by Col. John H. Keatley. These exercises arc expected to dose in time to allow the people to reach the driving park by noon , where the grand barbacuo will bo ( riven. George Drake is to bare charge of this , and has selected the victim from William as a .three-year-old liam Plumer's herd , weighing 2,000 pounds. The admission , to the grounds is to bo fifty cents , nnd all will be al lowed a free feast nt the Iwrbacue , and given an afternoon's sport , such as has never yet been had nt the driving park. At 1 o'clock the sport will begin , the first event on the -programme being a trotting race , 2:50 : class , for n purse of $400. There will bo on exhibit ! m of ladies' equestrianism , for lady contestants from this congressional district. The first prize is an elegant saddle and bridle and a handsome Whip. The second prize is silver cup. A handicap foot rnco of 300 yards , fein n purse of $50 , will also come off durint the afternoon , together with n greaset polo nnd greased pig contest. A $ -100 purse is hung up for a trottinf race in the 2tO : ! class. There are also to bo riding exercises bj young ladies and gentlemen , and award : made for grace of manner , good riding and superior horsemanship. To boy under 10 the following premiums will hi given : First , a middle nnd bridle ; second end , n horse blanket ; third , a pair o spurn and whip ; fourth , a bridle ; fifth , : whin ; sixth , a pair of spurs ; seventh , ; saddle blanket. One of the lending events of the da ; 1 will bo the freo-for-all for a purse u $ 100. Some very fast horses promise t show their speed in this race. Amen ilium will bo Maggie F. , Loafer , Littl Sioux , Big Soap , Little Miss , Dutc Girl , .Lilian and Lucrcco. This race can not but bo a big event. A chance will bo given for gentlemen' roadsters to show up , there being on th programme a double team trot , mil neats , best two in three , to wagon. Th first prize is blanket nnd hoods f ( team , the second prize the entrain money. With such n programme the nftornoo will bo crowded with sport. In the evening there will bo nn ope air concert in the park by the Union Pi cilic band , and a grand displny of fin works. There will also . bo n ball nt D < hany'sopera house. Nor is the fun to end hero. The drivin park association has arranged for son line races on the next day , the 5th. Tl programme consists of n race for gentl men's roadsters , single , to wagon , tl first prize being a set of single liarnes the second the entrance money. Then will follow the other races , 01 for the 2:34 : class. Purse $000 , first 0181 second $75 , third $45. 2:40 : class. Purse $300 , first $181 second $75 , third $45. 2:22 : class. Purse $400 , first $24 ( second $100 , third $00. There is no doubt from present indie lions but that nil the rnces will fill. Tl entries nro to close on the evening of tli 28th. Secretary Bowman left last ovoi ing for Osknloosa to receive entries thor nnd to make arrangements for several < the fast horses to bo shipped from tlier In fact there is on every hand the pronri that the programme will bo owned 01 successfully. Those who desire are cordially inviti this week to drive around the track , ni they can not only enjoy this thomsolTC but can at the same time help in workii the track , ao it may bo in thu best < , conditions , a SILTKU CiiHBK , N. Y. , Fob. ( J , 1880. GKNTH I Imro boon Tory low , and ha1 tried everything , to no advantage , heard your Hop Bitters recommended 1 so many , I concluded to give them A trin I did. and newt am around , and co : . stantiy improving , and am nearly i n. strong as qyor. W. II. WELLEU. Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Our Now Iionn nnd Improvement C Investigation into the matter convinc us that one of the most equitable , roaso able- and feasible plans of building hous is that proposed and in operation by t ! Mercantile Loan Trust and nt , Improv mcnt company of this city. By invot ot ing in shares in this institution , which .1.he backed by some of our best and most t he liable business men , it becomes possil lis and comparatively easy for n man moderate means to secure n comfortal ire homo for himself nnd family. In takii a certain number of shares , at a ccrta monthly payment , in a few years n in Jt , can own n house of hia own for about t t'is same as ho pays monthly for rent. V I'H believe the Mercantile Loan and Tri company , by organizing and opening i 18 for Imaiite.sH , have filled n long fi want in Council Blutfr. Their pinna ni system of loans will bear the most cai i n fid scrutiny and examination and ' n- have no hesitancy in pronouncing tin int reasonable nnd equitable , and backed in gentlemen of honor nnd integrity. . to the company exists it becomes at once > ton institution of value nnd credit to our ci n- and those who desire homos. Their iir > nor idont is T. A. Kirkland ; vice preside ! 108 Judge Pcnko ; secretary , I. ll. Booi treasurer , Col. Boebo , nnd their office in the basement of Shugart & McJ lion's now block , corner First avenue n re. Pearl atroot. jan27-ly. N. CiBADT. r. If. OHCUTT. CASADY & ORCUTT , Carpet Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. CASADY & ORCUTT , 02 BroadH-ay , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. H. MAYNE & CO. , DKAI.KHS Hf Bulk and Bad Lime Louisville & Portland Cement UIC1IKUN PLASTER , HAIU AND SEWKU PIl'E ' , IIAUD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. 'o , Si Pearl Street , . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. J. M. PHILLIPS , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOTS AND SHOES ! Fine Shoes a Specialty , 13 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , FIRST CUSS GOODS AND THE BEST OF WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED , 7 and 9 Main Street , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. 3DI3S.33OT03a.Tr , OOTJOXrOTHi "RPTJn XT n.l GENERAL MERCHANDISE. JJJJINU OS Ul.'M ' 18 Main street and 17 Pearl struct. L. B. CLARK & CU , , I'rcucrlptloni Compounded URUomsT-s- at all hours. 100 Broadway. ' " MAX'MOHN CIIESTON nousE- , Grocery , 215 Main Strict. Hotel , 217 and 219 Main ktrect. J. 1YL , ijAllolUW M. JJM Corner Fifth'strect and Fifth avc. MR T V WTTTTP omcE. UD , O , Xi VVHXJ.XJ , Corner Main and Fifth up-ntalrs. Residence , 009 Willow arcnue. NopuTTprr JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. i Office orcr American Express. ' WAP MPT ? LIVERY AND FEED , VVxlU'lMJQIlr , Will contract for funerals nt reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J. M , ST. JOHN & OQ..OASE BUYERS , Draft bj return mall. HO Broadway. PTPPPP NEW BOOT AND SHOE STOUK , SA > JTlXlIlUXl. Corner Main and First areauc. " " PETHYBRTDGE" & HERBERT MHHCHANT TAILOR , JACOB KOOH , Htock Complete. Suits made at reasonable prices. No. SOS Main St. ' , CONrKACT0.1 : ! AND.BUILDER. . . ( j , F , SVIITH , - Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and upcciflcatlons furnished. QP/PPMATVT HEALER IN FINE HARNESS. WW . OHDHlVllilN , I have the yarlcty that brings iMitronago. 121 Main it reel. PRATvTPV MERCHANT TAILOR. JC U JL , Artistic Work and reasonable char ci. 872 Broadway. XT Qn'NT FURNITURE STOVES , 05 > and Household Supplies. 3o3 Broadway. TTNTTYT1 XT TTAPT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jj LiN U L OC UXJ III JL j _ Barnes Block. _ Proctlcoln _ state and federal courta. Xr fTi Mauuhcturer * Fine Furniture , Upholstery Oeods , Curtains EQTnmTPTJT1 QC UU. , and Window Shades SO ? Broadway. a A "MTT1 A TJ 1 TTK And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. U Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont O/liNlIB.lllULVl gomcry , M. D. Phjblctan. VCTEIUNARY SU1U1EON , WAT4P PAkV VV . .oJJJuJJ \ \ . Cl 1 , Office , Bra ) ' stable. No. 12 Scott street. T3PTVT'KTPCC'V ! ' Manufacturer of HOUSE COLLARS , PT . JQJJININJJOOX , Trade Supplied. 8th street , between 6th and 7th ate. T ATJTJflTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , U. RDDOLL , Notary rubUoandOcneralConTcyanccr. 416 Broadway. DPTTODP TTni TQP SMITH i NORTON , .A l V JJAJj HU U Oljj Broadway oppoilt * Now Open. House. Refitted $1 , $1.50 per day TIP P A V XT H A QQPT CONTRACTORS AND IHIIL9ERS. UJj L/AI OS UAOOJJJJ , Corner Sixth street and ATMU Q. AT 1\/TV / NEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD OOODS. WTT . AJLlMl. Bought and iold. J1Z Broadway. rr SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adTOrtUenienta , such M Lost , Found , To Loan , Fet Bale , To Rtmt , W nt , Board- Intf , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS I'KU LINE for the nr t Insertion and FIVE CENTS TEH LINE for each subsequent In- Kcrtlon. Lcate ad > crtUement at ourotnco , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadway ll- FOR BALE AMD BENT. 10 8ALE A hotel , furnished , good locality and 0- FOR " term * . Addrcu A. E. H. , B Olnco , 0i Council Bluffs. \i- \ iis RENT-A iilceljJfurnUheJ l > edroom for Bin- iso FOR gentleman. Apply at Mnu A. A. Smith' * , o- 123 bouth Hrst ttrevt. ole of Swedish Movement in Cure in lie For the treatment ami cure of dry. hamli , iload or fallhiB hair or baldiit * * , at "IS Broadwn ) , Council IllunX ( tiHiri M roniiu arc completed ) ; until that ist time lmiur | for Dr. IKidito , across the way , at the Coy House , Coniultatlun or examination at hu in room * free ' ot Cliai c. lit SATISFACTION ( HIAUANTEED. id Tlio doctor lias on Kale the irrcat ShaVerand Indian ido IUH ) 1 Itcinotly , for the cure of catarrh and comuinp- o- tlon. I'rlco W cent * iwr bottle. Catarrh U of nercra ! UlRercnt klnd , or grades : No. 1. Mucoux catarrh , U much like a common cold , MllUmucuusUlKharjci from the head , now and throat. , , , No. 2. Dry catarrh , with heat In the face and neaJ. hot ilUcolored ikln , dry , harth , ded or falllnjt hair nu and Laldneu. , No. 8. Hcrofulou * catarrh , Is known by excenslre dandruO , and vmptlont ; > plit and brlntllng hair , bad Ja" breath , low plrlU , foructfulncia , bad ilreanu , bead- arlie , hot vater discharge from no3 end vf , new. ralsrlatlthbaldneu and Idiocy. - . No.4. General catarrh of the blood , results In < a weaknex , debility , short breathlngsmallwcak pulse , heart troubles , kidney affection ! , with lifer com- i.Ulnt and Indlzcitlon , lth Its attendant leprous dls- colorations of the skin , and gUiny , sunken appear- anra f the eyea. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate AND INSUEANOE , No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs City Property. Wo hate > acant lots In all iurt of the city at froi (50.00 Ui , for sale on monthly | < a > mcnU. No. 62. Hou a , 0 rooms , well , cittern , 4 large lot plenty of fruit , on llcnton otreet ; cheap , $ ! , OOU. No. aa A desirable renklemti on Seu'litli ttrec near Bloomer kchH > l , buildings nearly new ; $5,000. No. 4'i Ninety feet front , comer Puarl ht. and * com ! atenue , opjioslta court house ; 95,600. Business Chances. No. 29.For tale or trade , a stock of hardware , t a good bnslneM ixilnt In western Ion a. Will trade fi farm or cltv iiroiKirty , No. Al. Hotel , the only rue Inatoun of 700 Inhal ItantK , 5 rooniit , uith good turn , "ell located , u Kll rhe p or trade lor a farm. No. IB. A ll > u rcpubllcaji iur [ In wctteni low ottlclal county | > aper and large | utronagv , ter ) ihet If cold toon. \Ve aUo lia\e a tuimlier of choice /arm * In wettei lotta , for tale chcaji. LOANS. Wo Ime money to loan on farmj ami city projiert : at f rum 0 to 10 pi r cent. Fire and Tornado Insurance. Beat of comiuiilc * tvpreaentcd. l > | uUlile ! rat and fair treatment. Luwt. adjusted and paid at tli ottlee. Mrs H J Hilton M D , , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEOK 333 Broadway , Council Bluffs. \ To The Trade ! Vo take pleasure in calling your attention to the fact that wo have made arrange ments ns will enable us to soil you Here , as Low as you can buy them East. ito for further information , Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. R. S. COLE & CO. , MANUFACTURER AND DEALERS IN ALL 11 the Most Improved Kinds of lightning Beds Anil Ornaments. Also Wood anil Iron Pnmpn , Wocxl Tublnjf and Gas 1'lpe and Pipe Fixtures , for both Woix ! nnd Iron 1'umJM. Orders will rccclvo prompt attention. No , 604 South Main Street ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. UrcblS-tod-tt M. GALLAGHER , New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -Paper and Window Shades and Painting in all Its Branches. . FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. . . . . . . ZNToei. XS A.XLC3L2O - - - - 3NTortla.3VErt.ixi.J3t. & WRIGHT. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St , , Council Bluffs. PKOMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRICES ON MAIL OEDEEs ! JSJold. . Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished ! * * * " * No. 4 Pearl Street ? CbUNCIL BLUFFS. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IX . . . A JL W I JLMAWJUiMl .IWV1M MUM. RJJLLWVfW. nvtiGKiri.A.TXoiKr Ji's. DIIAFTS ON TIIE BANK OF IKEf.AND , DUBLIN , FOIl SALE , J13 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS B. S. TERWILLIGER , DECORATOR AND DEALER IN FANCY .A. 31 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MOHN , PEOPEIETOE. 21O , 21O & . JSti-oot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA- MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN IBI-A-IIR , G-OO3DSI 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. P. Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Red Cedar Piling , Cedar Telegraph Poles and Fence Posts , Oak Dimension Stuff , Bridge Material of all kind * , at Bed Itock 1'rlccs. A Specialty In WOOD AND COAL for brick 3 ard purpose * . A full supply of wood and coal alwajs on hand at j ard , 802 and 804 Main street. Office , 605 First A > enue , between Main and Pearl htrccto. j. 33. J3I33IJ3EJ-V , WIIOLKSALK DXALKR IN Prompt Cash Paid. No mmmlxslcm charged. Sund for Ouotatlonj. lit'2 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. TM03. OH'ICCU , II , il. I'U.HKY. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluffi , la ' Established - - 1856 Dealers In Forgten and Domestic Exchange and Home Securities. WINTHERLICH BROS. Iroi&BrassFoiury Cor. Cth St. and llth Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . IOWA . MRS. E. J. HARDING , M. D. Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST 1 Craduate of Electropathlo Instltutlou. Philadelphia. r Penn. Office Cor. Broadway & Glenn Ave- COUNCIL BLUFFS , 0\f\ . Tlio treatment of all dlkeases aid painful difficulties I 'cullar to lenulcs a specialty MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and laiyett stock c t of ChloiKO of Wooden and Metalto Cases. C'alU attended to at all hours. We defy romiKJtitlon In quality of goodn or prices. Our Mr tiorfcan has scrred as undertake for fortr > ears ana thoroughly underttanJs his bull. ness. Warerooms,3U BroaiUay. UPHOLSTERINO In all Its branches promptly attended to ; alto carpet Ujlns and lambrequins. Tule--rophlo' and mill order * filled without delay. W.R.VAUGHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real tstate and collection agency. In Odd Fellon'g block , orer Barings Bank. janS-tf