Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1883, Image 5

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There exists n menus of se
curing n soft nnd brlllinnt
Complexion , no mntlor how
poor it mny naturally bo.
. llncnn's Mncnolia Bnlm is a
dolicnto ana hnrmlcss nrll-
clo , which instantly removes
F r o c k 1 o s , Tan , Holiness ,
Roughness , Eruptions , Yul-
gar Flushings , etc. , etc. So
delicate and natural nro Its
effects thnt Its use is not
suspected by anybody.
No lady has the right to
present a disflgurod face in
society when the Magnolia
Balm is sold by all druggists
fey 75 cents.
ThePultic tirequtitedearcfultytonntice the
ntw and enlarged Scheme to be Jraicn Monthly
( HTCAPITALIPRIZE. $73,000. Tickets Only
SB , Shares in Proportion ,
| M
Louisiana Ttate Lottery Conipanv
"H'edoheieby certify that ice iiipertite the a > '
rangemenli for all thf Monthly and Seini-Antmal
Drawingt af the Louitiana State Lottery Company ,
fddinpenon tnanaqe and control the Drauiwit
thcmtetvct , and that the ia > ne art conducted uif/i
hontttyfairneti. and in good faith toward all vat.
tin , and tee authorize the company to uie thi cer-
tijlcatt , tcith/ac-ii iile of our ifgnaturtt attached ,
tn iti adtcrtucmcnti , "
Incorporated in 1853 for 25 yean by the legislature
for educational and charitable purposes with a cap
ital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over
$550,009 has nines been added , '
Bjan o\cr helmlnr popular rota IU franchise
as made a part of the pretcnt elate constitution
Adopted lleccBibcr 2d , A. V. 1879.
Th t only Lottery ever voted on and tndoned by
ffupeople o/ any itati.
It never Scale * or fottpone
Its grand single number drawings take
place monthly.
TUNE SeTcnth Grand Drawing , Clasa d , at Hew Or
leans , TUESDAY , JULY 10 , 188S-H8th Monthly
CAPITA ! . PRIZE , S75.000.
100,000 TICKETS at FIVE DOUjAIUS EACH , .rrac :
tlons , In Fifths In Proportion.
1 CAPITAL pniZK $75,000
1 do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
* 3 PUIZKS OF $8000 12,000
6 do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000
30 do 600 10,000
100 do 200 . . . .20,000
900 do 100 30,00(1 (
(00 do 60 25,000
1000 do 25 25,000
9 Approximation prizes of $7dO 6,760
9 do do N)0 ) 4,500
9 do 250. 2,250
1907 Prizes , amounting to $205,50
Application for rates to clubs should only be made
tu the office of the Company In New Orleans.
For further Information write clearly frit Ing full
address. Send orders by Kxprcss , Registered Letterer
or Honey Order , addressed only to
31. A. DAUPHIN ,
or M. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La.
j C07 Seventh St. , Washington , U. C.
B. Frank Moore.
127 La Sal/o Street Chicago ,
( Formerly 310 and 212 Brcatlnay , X. V. )
Xow Manager nf Chicago Olllce. To whom apply for
Information and tickets. 153th Monthly
Drawing ,
Tuesday , July 10th.
Flr t Capita ] Prize , 876,000. Tickets * 5. Sold ill
tin at $1 yach. See lull scheme eU
The Oldest Established
. Bankers.
Business transacted same as that of ar
incorporated Bank.
Accounts solicited and kept subject tc
-sight check without notice.
Certificates of deposit issued payable
n three , six and twelve monthi , bear
ng interest , or on demand without in
Advances made to customers on ap
proved securities at market rates of in'
The interests of customers are closolj
guarded and every facility compatible
with principles of sound banking freelj
Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ire
land , Scotland , and all parts of Europe
Collections Promptly Made
United States Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts
The Oldest Banking Establ/shmen
in Omaha ,
Organized In 1858.
Organized as a National Bank in 1803
CAPITAL . .yjoo.ooi
HBRVAV Koi-.VTzE , President. <
Joux A. CRBIUIITOV , Vice President.
At'orsns Kor.vrzz , 2d Vice 1'reiildent.
A , J. romnrox.
P. H. luvin , Cathie
W. H. MKOQI-UR , AsaUtant Caslilcr.
Transacts a general banking business. Issues i\n \
certificate * bearing Interest. I > ra i drafU on 8a
Francisco and principal cities In the United State
Alia London , Dublin , Kdlnbuiuh and the | > rlncl | *
rltlca of the continent of Kuro ) > e.
E.L.Morse & Co. ,
1822 Capitol A\e. Omaha. Ne.
The Snlliyau-Doflsoii Case Once More
Brought Before the Police ,
llencwcd Threats of Severe Trent-
incut of the Old Man.
v *
The rcndura of Tun BKK will remom-
bur tliu .Sullivaii'Dodson scandal which
occurred a few weeks ago and was pub
lished through the newspapers , together
with the fact that the young ma.ras
finally discharged , it appearing that the
young lady wiu of ago and that they had
been engaged to bo married. Miss Dod-
son's father , it appeared , had boon beat
ing her nnd otherwise abusing her , and
the whole neighborhood about them was
aroused ; so much so that threats of tarring -
ring and feathering were made.
Since the publication of this sensation ,
the Dodson family moved over to Twen
ty-third and Franklin streets , and into
the heart of a very quiet neighborhood.
Here night before last they got into u
now trouble. Sullivan , it appears , still
keeps up his attention to the girl , to
which her parents .make serious objec
tions. Ho has been in the habit of go
ing up and waiting on the corner af Satin-
ders and Seward streets , which is near
her homo until she came out , and the
two would go oiF and take a walk to
gether. Night before last they wont
away about six o'clock together and re
turned about nine. Soon after their
coming homo , and Mr. Sullivan was still
standing on the street , a loud outcry was
heard from the Dodson house which was
taken up by Sullivan and the whole
neighborhood made to resound with cries
as if a murder wus being committed. At
least two hundred people were on the
street or nt their windows looking to nee
what the cause of the unusual noise was ,
and finally Miss Dodson pamo out of the
house and wont away with Sullivan. It
is supposed that when she wont homo her
father , knowing that slip had been out
again with the man who is proscribed in
the family , turned in and abused her in
some way or other , by beating or not is
not known , but at least caused a terrible
racket in the noighboihood.
A prominent ollicial told a BKB report-
yesterday that they did not propose to
stand any more such nonsense as that ,
and authorized us to say that if it was
continued they would give the old man a
terrible punishment. Ho said ho had
eight children of his own , all of whom
wcro aroused and at the windows looking
out to see what the trouble was , and
rather than have such a thins in what
had heretofore been a quiet and peacea-
neighborhood ho would himself turn out
anahelp to tar and feather or do some
thing worse to Dodson , if they wore
really abusing the girl , as was generally
Thos. Knickerbocker , of St. Louis , in at the
Metropolitan hotel.
Dick Sullo , of Denver , in at the Metropoli
Mrs. J. M. Kicker , of Leadvillo , in n
guest of the Metropolitan.
J. Chase and L. A. Webster , of Weeping
Water , are at the Metropolitan.
James N. Simmons , of Denver , registered 1
at tffo Metropolitan ye-itcrdny.
F. 3. I'otowin , Lincoln , contractor building
the two now school houses here , is stopping al
the Metropolitan until Wednesday evening.
X M. Smith , a'popular commercial traveler
oler of Liberty , Vn. , is at the Metropolitan.
B. F. Smith , of Hastings , is at the Paxtod
Thos. Doane.Jformerly chief engineer of tin
B. & M. , nnd the founder of Donno college , al
Crete , in in the city.
0. B. Letton , of Fairbury , is at the Pnx
A. Boradin , of Kussia , is at the L'nxton.
Win. H. Keyser , of Mankato , Minn. , is :
guest nt the Paxton.
J. P. Adams , of Sandttich , Til. , in registers
at the Paxton.
John U. Hommel and wife , of Lincoln , an
in the city.
Hon. W. H. B. Stout , of the Htato capital
is in town.
Geo. W. Post , of York , is a. guest at UK
James Laird , of Stuart , la. , is nt the Mil
Ike Wise , of San Francisco , in n guest o
the Millard.
Hon. Hnrvoy Storck , of Chicago , is nt tin
Ira B. Jackson , of Denver , is at the Paxton
A. M- Grant , of Xow York , registers at tin
The tyifo of Dr. Paul Grossman left for Ku
rope In&t Sunday.
A. Burley , Esq. , left for Santa Fe , Not
Mexico , yesterday.
Mm. F. A. Sims , of Missouri'.Valley , lown
U in the city on * a short visit to her nistei
' Mrs. P. Tl Kobfnson , of 1G15 Dodge street.
Fred Hertzko has returned from Saumler
county. There was too much water for liir
down there.
The'Misses Sallie nnd Mamio White go t
Denver to-day on \lalt to friends.
Miss Annie and Mr. M. J. Bcrgin , of SI
Louis , Mo. , ulster and brother of Mr. J. 1
Bergin , S. J. , of Creighton college , are spent
ing some days in this city , and are guests c
Mrs. John D. Creighton.
Mrs. A. W. Thorndyke , formerly Mlt
Helen Weeks , now living in Vineland , N. J f
is visiting in the city , the guest of Mrs. 1
Supt. Dickey , his son Arthur Dickey nn
Willie Jordan have gene on a trip to Colorad
and Utah , to return early next week.
Itev. C. W. Saviilge. pastor of the Fir.
Methodist church , loft Monday evening fi
his old homo In MinntMota to enjoy a we ]
earned rest.
V , II. Hugs anil wife , of Idaho , are at th
Motrooltan. [ !
' Calmer'McCiino , of Osceola , registered i
the Metiopolitan last night.
11. C. Vnn Cleave nnd wife and F. S. Mi ir
of Lincoln , nro guests at the Metropolitan.
W. J.a > a'\Is , of Qrd , Is nt the Mctroi > olltn :
W. Y. Fields , of Blair , and Win. Hicks , i
Berlin , are guests of the Metropolitan.
C. Oakamp , Jr. , nf Cincinnati , Is a gue t
the Millard.
T. B. Crowitt , o ! Blair , is at the Millard.
Goo. Waldish , of Aurora , is registered
the Millard.
H. Oehlrich and wife , of Columbus , are
the Millard.
Chas. S. Lane , J. C. Williams , K. J. Uo
crlhk , J. W. Kice , F. W. Mattoon , D. :
Davis , John Kobertnon , G. U. Turner , Abra
ham Samuels , nnd A , McCloml , cun titutlng
n delrgttlon from Blue Sprinp , lirndrd l > y
Him , N. K , ( iriggs , am In tno city un railroad
J. M. Leo , of Oxford , ti u K'liwt ' of thn Mil-
Col. W. 11. AiOihy nnd wife , nf Wymorc ,
are In town.
C. D. Hn ermnnn , of Lincoln , U in the
H. 1) , Jonex , of Hcd Cloud , in In town ,
A. D. Cady , of Schuyler , is in town.
Picrxon 1) . Smith , nf St. KdunnU and
Bruce K , Smith , of Fremont , nro nt thu
Paxton ,
K. CnrkhulT , of Ncligh , regUten-d , at the
Pnxton yesterday.
John A. MncMurphy , of PlntUmouth , Is at
tint Paxtnn ,
W. H. Sncll , of Falrlmry , Is In the city.
Mrs. T. J. Stecle , of Waul , Neb. , Is nt the
J. W. Ijove , of Fremont , Js a guest of the
Aug. Dippcll , of Denver , is nt the Paxton.
J , J , Ktubbs , of Oakland , registered at the
Paxton last nlglit.
A. P. Wilkinson , of Chicago , is at the Met-
W. H. Spear , of Now York , is gtifit o
the Mctro ] > olitan.
The Manager of the Florence Cut-Off
Sets Down on the Set-to ,
"Which Would Dciuornllzn llinVoik -
IIIR Force.
THE BEE reporter Monday met W.
E. Phelps , who lias succeeded Mr. J. P.
Vincent as general purchasing agent for
the Foronce cut-on" , the latter gentloinan
having worked for ever two years with
out rest , and being now bound for a visit
to his old homo in Pennsylvania , whore
ho will remain for some months.
Mr. Phelps in the courao of the con
versation alluded to the Barnos-Nugont
set-to , which was at first announced to
take place on the North Ponca creek , on
the line of his work.
"I have made un my mind , " said he ,
"when I first heard of the affair to stop
it if possible. I could not allow the fight
to take place on my territory as it would
utterly demoralize my force and throw
mo out of at least two day1 work. "
Of course it has since been determined
to h.wo the contest at the driving park ,
and to use soft gloves in order to prevent
interference by the officers , but this
shows Mr. Pholps' sensible view of the
Army Orders.
To enable him to comply with para
graph C , special orders No. Ill , current
series , headquarters of the army , Second
Lieutenant James A. Loyden , Fourth in
fantry , is hereby relieved as judge advo
cate of the general court martial con
vened at Fort Omaha , Neb. , by special
orders No. 40 , current series from those
First Lieutenant Edward L. Bailey ,
Fourth infantry , is hereby detailed as
judge advocate of. the general court mar
tial convened at Fort Omaha , Nob. , by
special orders No. 40 , current series ,
from these , headquarters.
Hospital Steward Charles Hillobrand ,
U. S. A. , having feported at these head
quarters in compliance with paragraph 0 ,
special orders No. 110 , current series ,
from the adjutant general's oflice , will
proceed to Fort Washakie , Wyo. , and
report to the commanding oflicer thereof
for duty.
The quartermaster's department will
furnish the necessary transportation , and
the subsistence department commutation
of rations for the journey , it being im
practicable to carry cooked rations.
The instructions of the Department
Commander of the 14th inst. , directing
Lieutenant Colonel E. 0. Mason , Fourth
infantry , acting assistant inspector gener
al , to prsceed to Fort HartaulF , Nob. ,
and return , on public business , are here
by confirmed.
The instructions from these headquar
ters of the 21st inst. , directing the com
manding oflicer Fort Douglas , Utah , tt
annul the contract of Acting Assistant
Surgeon Samuel 0. L. Potter , U. S. A. ,
are hereby so amended as to direct thai
the contract of Acting Assistant Surgeon
Potter bo annulled at his own request.
It Will bo Gloriously Celebrated nl
the Driving I'nrk.
The celebration of the Fourth of Julj
in Omaha promises to become an inter
eating event this year , as an interesting
programme of amusementshas | been ar
ranged to take place at the driving park ,
The programme will consist of trotting
running , hurdle , chariot , pony and Indiar
racing , sack races , wheelbarrow races am
polo climbing , and music and dancing ii
Floral hall.
to There will bo a grand five milo ladies
race for a purse of § 500 , between Misi
Nellie Burke , of Omahatho | renownei
equestrienne ; Miss Jennie West , of Tex
as ; Miss Taylor , of St. Paul , Minn ,
changing horses every milo ,
Grand hurdle race , ( the first over seoi
in Omaha. ) Milo heats over three liur
Grand frco-for-all _ trotting nice , for i
purse of § 500. Milo heats , best three ii
live. First money , 8150 ; second money
100 ; third money , ? 50.
Newspaper carriers' pony race For i
purse of $50 ? 2ii to first , 810 to second
and 810 to third. Open only to ponie
that have been used at least . ' 10 days 01
newspaper routes , and to bo ridden b ;
owner. No entrance free.
Grand four-horso chariot race On
milo dash. Between Miss Nellie Burk :
and Miss Jennie West.
Grand Indian warriors' nice for a brid
The most exciting event that ha
nt over been seen at the Omaha drivin
All entries for free-for-all and poir
races will close July Id. ! Address , Denni
Cunningham , Omaha.
Excursion rates have been arranged o
of all railroads leading into Omaha. Appl
to your station agent
of AMill-tier | ill O'Nclll.
Kpoclal ll | ttdi to TIIK UEK.
O'NKILL CITV , Juno 25. The body (
at Michael O'Laughlin was found dead i
10 o'clock yesterday morning lying in tli
road five miles north of this town. II
had been shot in the head and the bloc
xlB. - waa still ( lowing from the wound. Jen
B. Fitzgerald has been arrested , chargt
with the murder. During thu month of
May , O'I aughlin had had some trouble
with ono of his neighbor * , whoso stock
had buoii truaspa.saing. On the morning
of May itOth an attempt was made to tos-
ctio the stock from the pos'i-ssion of
O'Luighliii , who \vn.s holding thi-in for
dauiagfs. Uo was on the alert , however ,
and Kent a ball from a net'dlo gun
through the la-art of ono of the paity
named Ed. Gallagher , killing him in
stantly. The othorrt tied. O'Laiighlin
came in and gavu himself up to the sher
iff and on examination was held before
Judge Cleveland , who bound him over in
the sum of 81,000 , which bond ho gave.
Gallagher's friends seemed dissatisfied
that ho should bo allowed to give bond
at all , although no evidence was given in
except that which O'Liughlin and his
wife gave.
The Scott Imw CntiNtltutlonul.
Special Di'imtclitnTilx HfK.
Coi.rviit'H , O. , June 20. The nuprwno
court to-day decided the Scott liquor tax
law constitutional.
Cout'MiiUs , Ohio , Juno 20. Following
is the syllabus in thu Scott law cane. The
statute of April 17th , 18811 , entitled "An
act to further provide against itvil.sro.sult
ing from tralllc in intoxicating liquor ,
authorizing the annual am-.ssmonts ujion
the business of tralllcking in jntoxicating
liquor , " is a valid , constitutional enact
ment. The provisions of thu second
section of thu tttatuto donotoporatowlu-ro
real property , on and in which business
is conducted by a tenant who hold thu
promises under a lease for a term execut
ed before the passage of the statute.
Judgment for relater in thu mandamus ,
and judgement atllrined in Denver vs.
Bander , etal. O'Koy dissented as to the
first point in the syllabus , and also from
thu judgment rendered.
A Dortperiido on the Warpath.
Social libjiatch to Tun linn :
Bi.s.MAnoK , Juno 20. A special to The
Tribune from Little Missouri , says : That
Count DoMores , who has recently opened
one of the largest cnttlo and nheep
ranches in the west , expending
a million dollars recently , had
a Idifllculty with an outlaw
named O'Donnull , leader of a band of
desperadoes last night. Thu count's
house was surrounded and his life threat
ened. The filicrilF left Bismarck with a
posse for the sccnu of the trouble this
morning. O'Donnell says ho will kill
the count on sight.
Funeral of Archbishop Wood.
Special Dlsimtch to Tim IlRR.
Piui.AtiBLi'iiiA , Juno 20. This morn
ing in the presence of the dignatarie.s. of
the American Catholic church and a
grand Audience , and with all ths Raered
ceremonial befitting his high rank , the
final rites were paid to the mortal re
mains of Archbishop Wood , and they
were sealed in the cathedral cypt. Among
the high dignataries of the church who
took part in the sorriccs were Archbishop
Williams of Boston , Archbishop Corn-
can of Now York , Bishop Becker of
Wilmington , Bishop Shanahan of liar-
risburg , Bishop Mullen of Erie , Bishop
Elder of Cincinnati , Bishop Kcane of
Wheeling , Bishop Wattorson of Colum
bus , Bishop Wiggin of Newark , Bishop
O'Connor of Omaha and Bishop Farrell of
Trenton. Archbishop Gibbons , primate ,
pronounced the final absolution.
The grand procession was formed in
the centre aisle of the cathedral , headed
by cross-bearers and thurifors , monks
and chiefs of the various orders , a great
body of clergy and brotherhoods , and
finally bishops and archbishops. Honorary
moved in front of the
ary pall-bearers re
mains , which were berne by twelve
priests of the diocese. The procession
moved out of the cathedral and around
thu square into Eighteenth direct and
through Summer street , countermarching
on Eighteenth street and re-entering the
cathedral by the main door. The oody
was then berne to the vault in thu crypl
near the altar and buried with the simples !
Harvard Graduates.
Special Dispatch to TIIK llr.r.
BOSTON , Juno 20. The graduating
class of Harvard , to-morrow , number :
210 , the largest in the history of tin
college. The necrology of the alunin
the past year is 07 , just half the numlici
of the preceding year.
It is reported that every member o
the class of 188'J will receive the dcgret
of A. B. if the term bill is paid. An
other report is that the parchmcntd wil
not bo given fraduates , out only certifi
cates , which may lie. exchanged for di
ploinas after the commencement night
Provided the holder Jias not been appro
t ended as a party to the disturbanci
usual to that occasion. The senior ;
voted almost unanimously not to ac
cept these certificates should they bi
The senate defeats the house resolu
tion providing for the prorogation of th
legislature to August 27. The bill incur
porating the Capo Cod ship canal com
pany was enacted.
1'lHtolH at Ten
Fjieclal Dlnpatch to Tim l'e .
RICHMOND , VA. , Juno 20. It is believed
lioved arrangemcnts are completed for i
meeting between Elam and Boirno. Th
Elam party loft hero last nigh in vehicle
and drove some thirty miles up th
Chesapeake and Ohio railway , for th
purpose of taking a train this moriiin ;
for West Virginia , where the Bovin
party will meet them , It was hardly ex
pooled they _ would como together earlj
enough this afternoon for to fight , bu
that if nothing interfered , the matte :
would culminate to-morrow.
Wreck on the Northern Pnelllu.
Hpeclal DUpatch to Tint IXK. )
HKLKNA , M. T. , Juno 20. A Mi
soula special says : News was brough
here to-day by nn eye-witness that o
Saturday the 23rd , at (1:30 ( : p. m ; , at El
Creek , ono milo and a-half east of Ileroi
siding , a gravel train backing down wa
run iiito by a wood train , instantly kill
ing eighteen Chinamen and woundin
from twenty to twenty-five others. Th
engineer of the gravel train wai killeil
and the fireman seriously wounded. None
ono hurt on the wood train. Thu gravi
train wan going at lltu rate _ of thirty-liv
miles an hour when the collision occurred
o Both engines are complete wrockB. Th
cloud weru buried at Hoi on siding and th
wounded cared for.
Yulu Commencement.
Hjieclal Dispatch to Tim HUE.
NKW HAVT.V , Juno 25. At the annui
meeting of the Yale alumni to-day , Hai
111 dall L. Gibson , class of ' 03 , and tl
United States senator from Louisian ;
presided. Thu executive committee r
ported the funds called academics *
amounts to gJIKi S , and the fund , tl
productive income of which is applicat
of bio to common uses , amounts to on
at 8310,810. The noted class of ' 53 had I
reunion and al > out forty-live moiiibc
were present. President Andrew 1
lo White , of Conioll , delivered the oratie
id at the anniversary exorcises of the law d
ry partmont. Senator Bayard made an a
I'd dross. The graduates number 44.
A False Alarm of Small Pox on Four
teenth Street ,
- *
A Conflict Hot\\cni tlio Signal * for
( lie Scourge anil lor AnctloiiH.
Quito a sensation was created on
Davenport street yesterday by the
appearance of a red tlag in front .of the
home just east of the residence of the
city editor of The Kepublican. The
whole neighborhood was agitated by thu
dread signal , which , it wai supposed , in
dicated the breaking out of a now cose of
small pox , and had the case been com
mensurate with the 517.0 of the Hag it
would have been a most serious one.
The news spread all over town and a
HUB reporter was sent to investigate the
matter. Ho found the Hag down and
lying folded up upon a pile of household
goods and miscellaneous traps. It was
learned that the intention was to hold an
auction of the goods during the morning
but unfortunately the danger signal was
chosen to advertise it and instead of
drawing a _ crowd it paralyzed
the whole business and scared everybody
out of the neighlmrhood.
Some line will have to bo drawn in
this respect or auction sales will soon go
out of date. The fact is , however , that
the disease has been entirely checked and
all the cases are reported " " " ' > it.
All Accusation of Theft Bich Was Uu-
Tb Coin niHUovorcd In a Package of
A young mixn connected with ono of
the numerous restaurants in this city
went to the police court yesterday and
filed a complaint against a young woman
engaged as cook in the same place , thu
charge being that she had stolen a $20
gold piece from another lady employee
Olhcer Flynn went to the place ro-
furred to , and cm seeing the accused
party was convinced that nho was no
thief. Her accuser insisted that HIU
made a thorough search of her apart
ments and could find no traces of the
money , nnd was rather indignaut when
Mr. Flynn asked her to tuko another
look , when both ho and the young woman
charged with the theft were present.
The drawers wore emptied of their
contents and sure enough no gold appeared
but oil shuttling over a package of Jotters
the coin fell out of one of them and
proved conclusively the innocence of the
young woman.
Of course no further steps were taken
toward an arrest , and the outcome showed
how wise it is to exercise a little discre
tion in such matters ,
The University of Vormont.
Special Ulnpatch to Tur. HSR.
BuiiLiNOTO.y , Vt. , Juno 20. The ox-
crciscs , of laying the corner stone of the
now building of the University of Ver
mont and unveiling thu fllntuo of Lafay
ette took place to-day. Ton thousand
people were present , including the gov
ernor and fitato ulllcerH and nearly all liv
ing ox-governors.
Ijyncli Ijuw In TOXIIH.
Special Dispatch to Tint llK.r.
JEWKUHOX , Juno 20. Lacy , one ol
the negroes guilty of outraging Mrs
Roquet , near Lasator , a few days ago ,
was lynched on a bridge this morning
Ho fully confessed. A buggy wai
driven from under him. producing a fall
Five hundred people were present o
both races and sexes. No secret wai
made of the intended hancing. Genera
notice was given of the exact hour. I
was first decided to burn him , as wai
done in a previous case in the same viciu
ity some time ago , but it being recalled
if that the law provided hanging as a pun
ally for rape , it was finally decided t <
follow that courso. Of the three negroei
concerned Lacy and Sullivan were cap
t u rod by citi/ens. Douglas wait arrestoi
by thu olllcurs and is still in jail , but hi
may bo lynched to-night.
and Debauchery.
.Special Dispatch to THE llKK.
LouiHViLi.i : , Juno 20 , H. Clay Dale
whoso exploits in Wilmington , Del. , as i
disbursur of bogus checks , were roportei
in the Associated Press dispatches las
week , turned up to-day in this city
where ho had been quietly brought b ;
friends , who discovered him a day or twi
ago in Cincinnati. IIu was brought inti
the city court , adjudged a lunatic am
sent to Anchorage asylum.
D. M. Aylesworth , formerly of Nov
York city , employed as a stenographer ii
the Louisville & Nashville railway oflic
here , wound up a debauch to-day by tak
ing an overdose of chloral and wa
found dead in his bud room. Ho has
young wife in New York.
Oil WcllB III MUBourl.
HpecUl Dbjiatrh to Tim DKIE.
RICH HILL , Mo. , Juno 20. Th
Footo ifc Beumont well , at a depth < i
it 000 feet , hai struck a heavy vein of pi
troleum. Other wells will bo at one
sunk , tanks erected and refineries cstnl
lished. The oil is pronounced , by an uj
port to bo equal to the finest petroleum t
vt.v which at prc
tut ] > re\u | ] . It U
perfectly pure tei , '
taLla remedy , ) inhra
Ing thu thrto priipe
ctle of nprctfiitlte ,
tonlo and an alter
r-tltc. It fortllUw tl
mij r
tltftllai the tnrp
( tumuli unil live
anil tflutsanalutai
chaniju In the cut !
* ) ( tem. I'lirnalu I
Kenerally ,
ia , S the nndemlirned until 12 o'clock noon nf Mo
day. July 2nd , A * 1) . 18S3 , fur the coiutructlon of
brkltfe In the city of Oniaht , north of the Un ! <
al , 1'ttclno car khojm , and leatllni ; to tha Water Wor
ho IIUIll ] ! .
Kuch bridge to lie ponitructeJ In occnrdance wl
- plans ami niicriflcatV > n * on file lu the nlllco of t
lioard of 1'ubllo Work > . IlliU to bo acconiianled | I
tha iliiiuturu * of | > ro | > o e < l lurctlen Mho , In t
etcntof tlio awardliiR of such contract , Kill vnt ;
ara Intobondi with the city of Omaha In the nuin
D. ( ho hundred dollar * Kr thv faithful execution
D.on luch work. '
on Tha Hoard of Public Worki resent * the right
lo- reject any or all bldi.
Chalnnan Duard of I'ubllo WorU
Je IS Uv tw
Nature will retlore the Hair IT you will help It , even a < a worn-out toll will KTOIT good crops
If you feed It with a proper fcrtluter. If a farmer was to apply lime where ( table manure was
needed , and failed to pet a crop , wai It the fault orthe neil or of knowledge on hit part F . ' /we
have hitherto worked from n w'rcinc principle and failed. In U any reaion why cuceei * nhould not
nnd STOP FALLING HAIR. Prlco , I.OO per Qottlo , by mall free.
Addretl , BENTON HAIR GROWER CO , , Brainard Block , Cleveland , 0 ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
JUNE 8th , 18S3.
In order tu protect the public agalnit the Imposition of Mountebanks In our line , e have concluded to offer
CiTOmaha office , 600 Houth 10th street.
t ,
! First-class Painting and Trimming. Itupairing promptly dono. P"HI
1319 Harnoy Street , . . . . OMAHA , NEB.
nn :
Visitors can hero find all the novelties
The Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest
Selections in
X > x > ooioviM jatoxxon
AH is compatible with honorable dealers.
Call and NCO our. elegant new store ,
Tower Building ,
A largo stock always on hand.
Out of the many hundred manufac
turers of this line of goods , wo lay claim
to representing the leading makers , and
can show a more complete and larger line
of Pianos and Organs than can bo found '
in ano ONE House in the west. Our
NINE LEADERS are the following well-
known and celebrated instrument * .
Wo want everybody desiring a Piano
or Organ to call or write to us for information
mation and GET POSTED. Wo win sell
you the best instrument made for the
least money , if you will give us a trial
and want to buy. All wo ask is to show
you , as wo know wo can satisfy everybody
from our Nine Leaders , which are racog *
nized by these posted , as the best mado.
Send for catalogue and , price list.
Cor , 11th & Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
O" . O
Buggy and Spring Wagon Manufacturer.
Hj > ec-lal attention | m ! < J to Hornu Nhoelnjt and acncrarntabkbinlthlnir. 315 Fifteenth ttrcct betweoen Huner
IV and Farnam. *
th W. F. CLARK ,
to And work of this kind will recoiv promptattontion ,