Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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The Aflycutnres of "Reckless John , "
, Hie "Sqtimv Man" of the
Wllil West , " HclnlcH n Vow of
Some oftho Abuses Which Have
( he Ilr-tl Man to Trent the
Whites With Suspicion.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Among tlio people of the " \ViId West"
.art ) John Nelson and his Indian family.
Nelson is a representative of the best
class of "squaw men , " and years ago ho
married a daughter of Chief Lone Wolf
of the Ogallalla tribe. Ho is the father
of the twin papooses which were added
to the tribe at Hloomington , 111. , one
day last week , and that addition increased
his family of children to the respectable
number of SOYOII. The death of one of
the twins was one of the sad incidents of
the week's sojourn hero. Nelson has
lived most of his life in the western
wilds. Ho guided Brigham Young and
the Mormons across the then great desert
to their present location in Utah. Ho is
A tall fellow , not a bit bad-looking , and
ho is as proud of his squaw wife and
little papooses as the proudest husband
and father in the land. The tent
of the Nelsons is the first in
the Indian encampment , and ono day
during the past week the trapper gave a
recital of some of his experiences for the
benefit of an Enquirer emissary who was
A gueit iti his humble abode. Thcro arc
two classes of squaw men , "gumbo
French" and "half Mexican , half In
dian. " Nelson calls the latter "sons of
guns. " Poison was born in 1831 ? in
Charleston , West Virginia , whuro his
tfrandfathor was ono of the early settlers ,
He used to hoar his father tell of early
fights with Indians , and ho made up his
mind to become an Indian fighter. In
1849 ho ran away from homo and parents
and made his -way to Missouri , where ho
stayed until 185U , when ho got in with a
party going to California. They trav
eled Ihe overland route , but nt Cottonwood -
wood Springs , in Nebraska , young Nel
son deserted them and hid himself in the
tcpco of an Indian camp until they had
passed on. Ho learned their language
and acted as interpreter for them when
emigrants came along. His restless na
ture would not allow him to remain'in
ono place long , so in the fall of 1854 ,
when thor broke out and went on the
war-path , ho loft them and proceeded to
Fort Tarvine until they made peace
again. Their chief was "Spotted Tail , "
and ho was badly whipped in the cam
paign , but ho welcomed Nelson back cor
dially. "
"Tlio Choyonncs and Sioux wore mak
ing it lively for emigrant * and ovorj
body else when I engaged to the govern
inont as guide for the expedition , ' remarked
marked Nelson in recalling ono exciting
incident in his life. "m > had a red
headed Englishman for a commander b ;
the name of Brown. He belonged to tin
volunteer lervico , Twelfth Missouri cav
airy , and was a brevet colonel. The col
on el told nio ho would give 81,000 am
everything I asked for if I'd find the rei
skins. I asked him for his home and
got him. Three of us started out to him
up the reds , and wo found 'em. M ;
horse broke uwuy from me. and before
knew it I was going poll moll Htrumht fo
three braves wlio wore astonished nt in
fool hardiness. I tried to stop the nnima
and whacked him over the head with in
gun , but that only made him go the fas
! * * / cr.4 I made up my inind that' iifoi
morning my scalp would bo dangling i
the end of some lanco-polls. When
got within fifty ynnls of the red _ devils
commenced jumping my old riflu an
raised the yell. By tlio time I ha
sent out all the loads tl
reds were running the same way I wai
Ono of them fired his pistol at mo'soclof
that the powder burned me as it whim :
by. On wo wont lo the crook. Wil
one mighty leap the Bolorohiaining \ \ \
cleared the stream and on. As I pn
iKiral to follow suit I discovered niiotlu
red deliberately drawing ii boad.on m
I jerked out my revolver and firei
throwing myself on the other side of tl
horse as I did so. Two arrows wore BUI
quivering into my saddle. Continuii
iiis wild dash up the hill , my frightem
horse BOOH earned me into the midst
the reds , who scattered at if I were son
evil spirit. The fast that the lioutenai
and his men were now following mo mai
mo feel safer of keeping my hair , but <
looking at my ritlo I discovered that
lied dropped the stock. Asl did not en
about facing the whole Sioux nation wi
a gun-barrel I sheered my now tractab
annual down a long slope and back who
my friends wore playing whoop and hit
with the Indians.-tlio Indians doing t
whooping nnd the soldiers the hidin
The old colonel got to see all the Indini
he wanted , and I guess he's running yei
Nelson was captured liy the Siou
but when they discovered that ho w
their old friend , "Cha-shn-sha-nn-i
ge-o , " they saved his life. In the fall
18G4 ho induced thorn to move in neat
the road so that ho could make his i
capo. They went into winter quart *
at tlio Republican river , and there t
old chiefs , "Whistler , " "Two Face
"Walk Under the Ground , " "U
Wound , " "Spotted Tail , " "Two Striki
"Bock Elk , " held a council , in whi
2,000 warriors participated. After t
council the chiefs gave orders tliat a
young man going on the war path wet
bo shot. They-lived , in peace until "T
Faco" rescued a woman a Miss Ilopoi
from the Choyennes and returned her
the government. The chief thought
was doing n kindness by sending 1
back to her people , but Col. Boomer , I
bull-headed commander , ordered "T
Pace" hung with n log chain , and tl
one fiendish act kindled the fire n
.again sent the Sioux on the war path.
Times were lively in 180(1 ( , 18C.7 i
1808 , and "Ileckless John , " as ho \
known , was then at Fort McPhers
Part of the time ho was employed ai
.scout in the government service.
lived in a log cabin on Medicine ere
.and hod settled down to fanning i
raising stock , but the whites Hocked in
all sides and got so thick that the buffi
deer , elk , and everything else a trap
depended on for sustenaUce , wore dri
out of the country , and Nelson said
Iiad to "pack up and take the old won
and children out on the frontier ftgai
"When the Indians were sent to a rei
vat ion by order of the government , I
son was ordered to go along with tin
He was ono of those engaged in the p
wow preceding the treaty of 1808 , wl
ho claims was violated almost inn
diaUily after the Indians consented to
terms of their removal.
' "I have been tantalized by euch r
as these , " remarked Nelson , "but 11
jiiyeolf far their superior , and would th
no more of wringing thbir necks off tlmn
T would of nn ninny chickens , If this
flhou fits nny of the tinc-lmircd guntlumcn
who helped to rob the Indians during
tliat time , let them wear it , and I hope
it will nmko bunions on their toes as big
ns 1'iko's peak. I , for ono , wish to ro-
niuin whuro my family cnn onjny lifo
which suits them bust. Let people Bay
what they will about mo , it matters not
to me , so long as they don't say it in my
presence. I love my wife and children ,
and the more they talk tlio moro I think
of them , I know of some high-toned
government ofliclnls who have gene out
nnd bought nn Indian maiden for a few
paltry dollars , kept her until they tired
of her , and then sent her and
her baby back to her relations
to bog food enough to keep thorn both
from starring. Is it any wonder thill , 1
don't IOTO Indian agents ? Do you know
I witnessed things at Fort Lnramio which
would make an honest soldier blush/ /
There wore fire companies , I think , sta
tioned thcro at ono time , and I made a
visit there for the purpose of buying
some provisions. I stayed ten days ,
played poker , drank sutler's whisky , ate
peaches , and had time to got acquainted.
To toll the truth , I think every other
man in the post , from a dog-robber up to
n commander , had a squaw from a ioigh-
boring encampment. Maybe this was
done to civilize them. I will toll you
my opinion on this subject. It is simply
that if the fathers of two-thirds of the
half-brcods on the reservation have not
money enough to educate their own flesh
and blood , then I think the government
should ,
"Tho killing of Chief Whistler , ono of
the 3)est chiefs the Ogallalla * over had ,
next to 'Two Face , ' inspired tlio Sioux
with renewed suspicion , and they lost all
faith in the white man , the government
anil everybody olso. _ Tlio Indian agonta
kept going and coming. As BOOH as ono
thief was fattened another took his
place and did a little robbery on his own
account until ho made a Binall-si/.ed fortune - ,
tune and gave way to another. The In
dians are poorer now than' tltoy were
25 years ago. When I first came among
thorn they were happy , honest and vir
tuous. Now you ask thorn where their
virtue has gone , and they will tell you
the whites ) iavo stolen it. "
Moxnop. , MICH. , Sept. 25 , 1875.
Silts I liavo boon taking Hop Bitters
for inflammation of kidneys and bladder.
It has done for mo what four doctors
failed to do. The effect of Hop 13ittora
sooinod like magic to mo.
The day U not far distant , § ay Tlio .four'
nnl , when thousand * , nf tourist * will vixil
llrockonrldgo to talco a look nt miles nf miovv
covered mountain tops which surround tin
town at thin noonon of the year. The vlov
discount ! anything In Kurojio or Kivitcri
Freight rates nro no high between Donvo
nnd lirockonrUlgo that parties of the Intte
plnco are contemplating tlio oxtabHslimcnt o
a freight team lino.
The lied Mountain Pilot has susjxmdoil
the material having l > con removed to Cliuttn
Han Juan county covers ulity miuaro mile
and ha 20,000 mining localltlun ,
Silverton wanta a good substantial liotc
building nt onco.
Tlio wool crop nf Colorado will noon bo pu
on the market.
Otiray U to have > $20,000 hotel.
Buttt ] Inter-Mountain : NCWH from Am
conda to the cIToct that tlio Cunt frumo Htriu
turn of that "fnturo Knmt" rity has boon con
lilctodls lunt received. The building Is to I
Decupled by'J , Ilosa Clark with n general mo
cliaiirllne stock.
Allen Cecil , n discharged noldlor from Fo
Shaw , has boon arrested for robbing the trun
nro box nn the Helena nnd lionton Btngo
9800 , three months ago. The nvldonco nguln
htm U said to bo very conclusive.
School houses nro to bo built * thin minim
In leur Lodge , Livingston , Mlsmniln , Dlllo
City , Qlotidlvo , JolTcrHnn City , llenti
and probably Helena and Bllllngi.
Street cars are miming between Billings ai
Coulson , with return tickets for
cents , which will include two glasses of be
at the brewery In Coulsou ,
The Heel ft Consolidated Mining coimm
of Glondnlo paid Its monthly dividend I
May of 815,000 , making 375,000 in dlvldon
itlnco the lit of January.
Yellowstone county warrants nro nt pi
nnd there U enough money In the treasury
pay all bills allowed by the county couim
Motion ,
At lionton n Chinaman bought a 1'ieg
squaw and her two-year-old pappooao for t'
sacks of musty ( lour.
The salary of the government guide i
pointed lor service In the Yellowstone park
$900 per annum.
Hell llparing Crook , n tributary of the Y
lowstono , hooding In the National park ,
being prospected for old.
BradstrcoU haa only recorded one busln
failure in Montana since the beginning of I
current year ,
Settlers nlnng the line nro still troubled
the Crocs , who steal all the stock they can i
hold of.
Montana claims to have produced ? ! MOOC ,
000 In precious met.ils , the largest part ol
The opium deiiH nf Bozcman are regula
' raided by the city nmrslml-
iiso Now coal beds have been found wltl
o- eight miles nf Billing * .
Helena talks of having n Gorman no' '
Dr paper.
ra CnlKbruln.
10M Illustration of the coamotwlltau cli
10d ncter of San 1'rnuclscn nn KtiRllsh trim
( d visiting there \rrltest "I had myboota blacl
by nn African , my c.hln filmvodbyaKuroiK !
and my bed nmdo by an Asiatic , n Frenclin
cookeu my dinner , an KiiglMiman allowed
10y to my xcat , nn Jrlslnnan changed my plato
y Chinaman washed my table nnpklu , am
111 Ctcrman handed mo my bill. "
vote The laborers blasting rocks on the ralln
extension beyond Koddlug are slaughter
to hundreda of snakei that have taken up tl
hoer imartera there. Kvcry blast of iKittth-reo
into the air n writhing matut of make llosh :
or tliu nnina made by the rattUuiiaktM can plal
ho bo heard nt n distance.
It Is undcratood upon good authority t
tat the brldga under course of construction by
nd Atlaiitta & 1'uclflo railroad company
Colorado river nt the Needles luw 11 icon all
dniicd for the prctieiit nn noxmnt of high wa
Thin " 111 delay the completion of that road
rns fully three months.
San Francisco Call : "Thoro U at pro
n SL'.OGO.OOO worth of opium in the atipi '
Hon store , und o\ cry China Htoamcr arriving
largo consignment * of the drug for San Fi
Cisco merchants , most of which In prepared
n , to bo need In this city , very little
on Ing east.
It Is stated that at Ural Hock canyon , on
or regular road from Moliavo to Indopomlc )
en the c.ircaseu of SCOO nheep are lyingpollul
ho tliu nt . ( w > hero for miles alxnit. It In
nxn mill 1 that they were | x > Uonod by the bad
ter of that ploco.
The remains of a Clilnanmn buried uiuol
' yean ago at Mcrriitown , Hlomi county , v
'ol tlUlntorrud for shipment to China rocen
1111. and It wiw found that they had become IN
1111.w - fled.
icli Copper City , Shasta county , la again doj
11Q- ulated. Throe tlmeii has this town take
the spurt girice 1803 , but each tltyo lion fallei :
hold its grip.
John Thomas , of St. Helena , recently i
i > od 132 barrel * of brandy to Liver ] > oo ) , U
ion the largest shipment yet mode from that p
'eel for exjwrtatlon.
ink The scheme to erect a loci works la dan D
tian fnllen thnniuli , tlin cltlMiis and tocl com-
any liclng nn.tlilo to ngren on the question of
The In SUtiIlnii county waa eon
on the 7th and Kth Inst , that n number of mnnll
bird * wcro killed from cxiHWtiru to the HUII'H
rayit.A m ; n named Heelio found omn rich oolil-
bonrinir float In the Ciwur d'AlciiM. from
which ho ] > oiinded out In a mortar 31,000 In ono
day.A .
A confidence oiM'rator han been fleecing the
mlno owncn of I'laccr ' county , getting consld-
crnblo monny.
It l cntlniati'il that thn hot northern liavo
mnxrd the client crojn of Coltma county XO
per cent.
A contract ha * been let for the building of n
$10,831 xchool honxo nt I/xli.
The town of Hlvcraldc has been ( ncor | > ortitcd
n a mtinlclpnlity.
The burned portion of Dngyelt IH being re *
Ht Helena xtrcoU am now lighted by gat ,
Helena U talking of n public park ,
I'arm hntuU are ccarce In the ftate.
Seattle U to hare a Third national bank ,
and In thin respect taken front rank , ahead of
any city wont of the Hocky mountain * . Tlio
names of national banks In the order of organ
ization am : The First National bank of neat ,
tie , the I'uget Sound National bank of Heat-
tie , and Merchants' National bank of Seattle.
The ' 'dry lands" In Unmtllla county , near
Kcho , nro proving' rich grain fields. Some
natnplcH of wheat taken from "nod land" dhow
thirty-two well tilled heads , and have xtravr
forty Inches In length. Tlio barley U fully a *
The amcwiiiient of 1'lcrco 'county th ! * year
In 92,012,800 against $1,8'JOVJ5 ( In 1882 , and
S1,7H,8M ! In 188J. The taxes for the year
hare been placed nt 17 mills on the dollar.
During the year ended May 31 lant there
wcro 1,277 vedsclH entered at I'ort Towneend ,
the aggregate tonnage ) being 800,000 tone , ox-
cluidvo of coitHtulnocanrlx ,
By mutual agreement the Seattle papers
have raised their ratcx of ndvcrtixlng about DO
per cent , and are l mnd to a Htrict adhercnco
to the Hchedulo of rates ,
Tim cu.itom hotino force at Port Townsend in
Hald to bo inadequate to provcnt the crossing
of Chlneno from liritlnh Columbia Into thin
The nchool directors of Seattle , W. T. , have
purchased for $8,200 a block In Ilell'H addition
of that city and will erect a school house
There are over nlnpty practicing phynlclaiiH
In Washington Territory.
The dcllnimont tax Hat of Ulnatllla county
atnountH to over 80,000.
llicro are a thounand men at work on the
road between Seattle and Tacoma ,
Muntardvlllu IH the name of a nuw tovfii In
the territory.
'Tho Laramlr Leader says that several bycl-
clIstR , of that city contemplate ) taking a trip
upon their wheels In the near future to Don-
ycr , nnd will probably go an far nt LendvlIIo.
Cnoycnuo Sun : An exhibition of fine horses ,
oattlo and sheep should bo held In Larumlc
county this fall. There is plenty of supe
rior stock to make a good showing.
The postmaster general hai ordered the np.
pnlntmcnt of Jnincs Mctilbbon rui pontmaBtei
nt CootMir , Albany county , and F. Chattertor
at Fort Fred Stocle , Carbon county.
Boomerang : Laramla Is known tliroughoul
the cant as the wool centre of Wyoming. She
is deserTing of the title.
The Cheyenne Sun nays the Wyoming mal
facilities ore In ndrploruhloitato of ruin am
general wortlilcsanosn.
A company 1ms been organized , with a cap
Hal of 830,000 , to build a dam and ditch ot
Horse creek.
Tim carpenters of Fort Collins liavo formct
themselves Into a union for mutual protcc
During May 13,037 l > crc of land were soh
in SHkano ] ) county by the railroad company
Ton years _ ngo nn American army nlHce
married an 'Indian girl and established
rnncho on the Missouri river In Pottur count )
Flvo yearn after ho died and a short thno ag
his wlfii , who has BUICO married an Irishmai
wan offered ? 10,000 for her Interest In tli
A party of English capitalist ! ore thliikin
of buying what In loft of the town I of Swa
Laka and making It n summer resort an
pleasure grounds for the benefit of the cltlzoi
of Hurley , I'urkcraml Centrovllle.
I'illsbury k Hulhort will this BOOSOII erect
largo elevator nt Mnpen , at uhich point It
in expected from 80.000 tn 100,000 bushels <
grain will bo marketed this year.
id The now county of Steele , comprising thlrt ;
six townships with the town of llopo for coui
or ty scat , was organized last Wednesday , anil
In complete running order.
Howell , In Hand county. In located out )
survey of the Chicago & Mtlwaukco road ,
has lately been scvlpped and platted and lo
nro selling rabidly.
It In said Unit the Ilakerhotol , now In cotir
of construction at White Lake , will bo ti
finest building In Aurora county when cot
Kastcrn parties are said to bo In the nort
cm part of the territory seeking to contract f
the coming wheat crop at 81.20 per bushel ,
YaripUH Masonic lodges will officiate at tl
laying of the corner stone of the Urand For
university , about the first of July.
ol1 - ThoDIsmarck Tribune says 3 , < IG7 nooj
1 * passed the Merchants hotel ono Broiling i
cently Ituido of an hour and a half.
ssa Tlio territorial bonds for the construction
ho the university of Northern Dakota , at ( Jr i
Forks , are to bo sold July 2d.
Plans and specifications are being made I
a new opera house lit Fargo. It will have
seating capacity of 1,000.
A 82,000 school .building will lie erected
Devil's Lake City , the money being raised
private suWrlpuon ,
rly Deuol county guarantors the biggest whc
crop thin year that she has over produced.
iln The Aurora county papers complain of
scarcity of school houses.
The Marlcnpa Indians on Salt river , A.r
will this season harvest the largest crop
ar- wheat they have ever raised. The wlit
lor raised by this tribe Is considered the finest a
: od cleanest produced in the territory.
" > ThoTacoma , W. T. , News says : "T
an ftret apple tree raised on the 1'acllio con
mo from need Kent out on n Hudson Bay en
I n pany'H ship to Vuncouver In 1820 , Is said to
1 a still standing the
on government resor\o ui
Vancoiner. "
> ad A SftO.OOO hotel , three stories , Queen An
Ing style , bo erected nt Portland. . Then ) \ \
iCir a conflict of opinion nn to whether It should
uU Queen Anne or KlUnlKithaii that nearly
, nd milted In n riot.
Salt Lnko City ban hotel ncctiimundnUc
for 2,000 guest * , nnd the cry Is ntlll for mo
lint Tlio Tribune calls for a big house like t
the Wlndiiir of DOIIVIT , or Paxton nt Oinnha.
an Charged have been made against tlio lira <
anXT. . paittncnt of Virginia , Nov. , that they ore i
fur ntory In re ] > oiiding to nlnrim. The com
commUi-ioiiers investigate the cli.irgc.4 ,
cut The Union Pacific railway amiounceii tl
LT'H It Intends to put 8150,000 Into a maihlno nil
lias mid round liouso nt Sluuhone this reason.
an- It Is rumored th&t nu rnnrmously ilch stri
forgo of horn silver linn Wen made In the I'api
go- country v ArUuim.
Silver City , N. M. . pays IU public MI
the teachers ? 2N ) a month.
1C1) , A OOOII iNVfMTMKNT. OllO * f (
uir- - prominent business men said to us tether t
vvu- other day : "In the spring my wife t
all run down nnd could not cat anythii
con passing your store 1 saw n pile of i too
ore Sarsapnrilla in the window , and I go
bottle. After ttho had taken it u we
she had a rousing appetite , and did 1
everything. She took three bottles , n
x > p > it was tliu best three dollars I over
u ate
to vested. 0. I. Hood & Co , ,
sing Kfyou don't want to fruezo when
ilnt cold ; Ruflor from excessive ponnirat
wlion its wnnn use Brown's Iron 1
lego tors.
That's a common expres
sion and has a world of
meaning. How muc suf
fering is summed up in it.
The singular thing about
it is , that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease , liver com
plaint , consumption , cold ,
work , nervous debility , &c.
Whatever the cause , don't
neglect it Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
cure such diseases as
it docs this by commencing
at the foundation , and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
Loptnipart , In A Dec. I , i
For long tlma I liars been a
sufferer from stomach and kidney
dlieaie. My appetite w s rery poor
nd the rerjr small amount I did eat
disagreed vilth me. I w&s annoyed
Ttry much from non-retention of
urine. I tried manr remedies with
no succeii , until I used Brown's
Iron Bitten , blnce I used that my
stomach does not bother me any.
Mrappetllelitlmplylmmenie. My
kidney trouble Ii no more , and my
central health It such , that I-feel
like a new man. After the use of
Ilrown's Iron Hitters for one month ,
I hara jilnod twenty pounds In
weight. O. IJ. SAXOIHT.
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
TERS. It has cured others
suffering as you are , and it
will cure you.
I > r. J. II. SC1IENCK hss Joiit publUaed a book ot
r.hich Is offoml FUnn.
if olvcs anilctf J * nhnr lltble to miy diw i - ' '
iisthroatorlunira. Mcutiotilhlspsinr. Aiil
Or. J. II. NOIIKNCK A-fcOJf.rhllml.lsVli. J'i.
' ' . * r irornaN Jiatm. )
Kentton Omaha Bee.
Graham Paper Co. ,
217 and 210 North Main , SL , St. Louis.
, ' F.fil'flf.OI'RS , CA1U ) BOAUD AND
/tiTCash / | iald for Hags and Paper H ck , Scrap Uo :
Paper Stock Warehouses , 1229 to 1227 North Slxl
street. nm24-3m
Matter of Application of P. II. Green for Liquor L
Notlco I * herahr gl\in that P. II. Orvcn did uno
the 25th day of June , A. I ) . 1SS3 , file hid Ills apnllci
tlon to the rnajor and city council of Omaha , for I
cense to sell Malt , Splrltous and Vinous Liquors , i
No. 1105 H. 6th street , 1st ward , Omaha , Neb. , troi
the llth day of July , l&SS , to the llth day of Octi
bcr , 1883.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protci
filed within two weeks front Juno 2Mh , A. 1) . IBS
the said license will bo granted.
P. II. GIU'.KN , Applicant.
The Omaha lice nenppa ] > cr will publish the aboi
notice omti each week tor two weeks at the oxpeni
of the applicant The city of Omaha Is not to 1
charged therewith.
172-2w-lew J. J. U 0. JKWKTT , City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Victor Drehcr f <
Liquor Licence.
Notice U hereby given that Victor Dreher d
upon the Mth day of Juno A. U. 18S3 , file his appllc
tlon to tlio mtuor ami citv rou-ull of Omaha for
reiiHO tnnclliiiaU , Hjilrltuoiw and > inoui liquors :
24th and .Mason ntrect. Srwnd ward , Omah
Nub. , from the llth day of Jul. , U , to the llth di
of October , 1SS3.
If thetu IHJ no objection , re1 w trance or protc
nk d nlthln two weeks from Juno -'Jth A. I ) . 1883 , tl
said llccuwi will bo granted.
VICTOR DRKIHR , Applicant.
THR OVIAIU IlKH newsjiaptr will publish the abo1
notice once each week for two weeks at thecxpen
of the applicant. The city of Omaha Is not to I
charged therewith. J. J. U 0. JKKKTT ,
193.2tlew City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Wm. Wcckbach lor Llqui
N tlce Is hereby given that Win. Wcckbark did ujx
the 25th day of Juno , A. 1) . , 1SS3 , Hie his appllcatl (
to the M > or and City Council of Omaha , for llccn
to sell Malt , Hplrltous and Vinous Llquoni , at N
1013 Fainamktrett.Sdward , Omaha , Neb. , from tl
llth day of July , l&3tuthe llth day of Octobcr.lba
If there'be no ejection , remonstrance orprote
filed within two weeks from June 25th , A. I ) . 188
tliu bald license will Iw panted.
WM. WKCMUCII , Applicant.
Tlio Omaha Heo newspaper will publish the olio
notice once cicli week for two weeks at the cxpen
of the applicant. Tlio city of Omaha Is not to I
118 charged therewith.
104.low.2w J. J. L. C. JEWKTT , Cltjr Clerk.
Matter of Application of II. Erdnmii f (
Liquor License.
NntlroU hereby'Rhcn that H. Eiilnian iliJ U |
ty tlio S.MM da > utJime , A. 1 > . 1SS3 , flic hU appllcatli
tyat tolhe niA\or aiulclty council ot Omaha , for llccn
at tOK'llnuut , Hplrltnou * ami tlnoiu llcutum , t S.
rorrvr liltliniul IKxIito direct , Pbtirth ward , Oniali
up Ncl- . , ( rout tliu llth day ol Julv , 1SS3 , to tliellth il
upke otlMolwrlSSa
ke If tlicro IH ) no oh led Ion , ninionktranco or protc
tlle.1 wltliln two wseU Imin Juno 25tli , A. D. 1SSJ , t
KiKl lUviiM ) w III he Kmiilnl. 11. KRVU ,
Tnr. Oviiu llrmie\\iipui < vr will publish iht al
notiro onraracli week lur two weeks at tlio tner
ot tlio applicant. Tlio city ol Ouialia U not to
ill- charvi'il therou Ith. J , J. U 0. J * CTT ,
lie 19tf.lcw.Sw City Clerk.
ot Matter ol AppllcttTou'ol j7arv rvtU Slcrt lor U < iu
Uccnm ) .
Xotloo U licrfliy gl en that UanruvtU Bivtt i
iiKii | tlio 2.MI ) day ul Juntv. . . I ) . IS 3' n' ' ° ncr TI
ok ration to thu iiuunnnj city council ol Onitlm , I
llrvnw to > vll uuJt , stilrituaus ami > Inous ll < | uor
iorml No. 1414 Farium street , Tlilnl ward , Otnaha , No
ml from tlio llth iby ol JulISsI to the llth tlay ol (
tel r 1SS3.
ill II there Iw no oblvrtlon , rcmoti tr nco or proti
; filinl w Ithln U o w rcki Iroin June 2ith , A. I . ISsS , t
saM llrtnxo vU \ \ \ ) grantwL
, i r Henry Slert ,
' tplicant
t'a Till OMiiu Itu newnpaper will publUh the t abc
on notlcii ones each week lor two weeks at the expei
lit. of the applicant The city uf Oinahi. U not to
charged therewith. J , J , L. U. Jiwun ,
195-2tlew City Clerk
Bit' i J--NE S.
"IIj A thorough knowledge of the natural lawi
which govern the operation * of digestion and autrl
tlon , and by a careful application of the flue proper
tics of well selected Cocoa , Mr. Kpps ha * prorldcd oui
breakfast tables with a delicate/ flavored bevcrazi
which may nate many heary doctors' bills. ' It Is bj
the judicious use of sucli article * of diet 'that a con
stltutlon may be gradually built up until stronu
enough to resist every tendency to dlscoso. Hundred !
of subtle maladies are floating around ui ready to at
tack wherever there Is a weak point. Wo may cscapi
many fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortlflet
with pure blood snd properly nourished frainc. "
Civil Service Gazette.
Made ( Imply with boiling water or milk. Sold Ii
tins only ( Jib and 1B > ) by grocurs , labeled
Homcppathlc ChemlsU , London , England.
A Bktn of Beauty la a Joy Forever.
Oriental Cream or Magical Beantlfler.
The Oriental Cream Purifies at well as Deautlfla
the Hkin , llemoTW Tan , Pimples , Frrcklci , Moth
patches am
every blcmlsl
on beauty am
defies detcc
tlon. It ha
ttood the tcs
of SO years am
Is so harmlcs
we Unto It t
be sure th
preparation I
Accept n
counterfeit o
similar name
The distln
gulshed Dr. I
A. Sayre sali
to a lady of th
HAD To * ( a patlcht ) : "As you ladle * will use them
I recommend 'Oouraud's Cream' as the least harmfu
of all the Skin preparations. " Ono bottle will Uu
six months , using it every day. Also Poudro Jul
tile removes superfluous hair without Injury to th
( kin.
kin.MUM. . M. B. T. OOUIIAUD , Sole Prop. 43 Bon
St. , N. Y.
For sale by all Drugelnts and Fancy Goods Deal
era throughout the United States , Canada an
/HTBewtre / of base Imitations. $1,000 reward fo
arrest and proof of any one selling the same.
14-weow-mo 2t-cw-6m
Posltlvclv Ko torcd In from two to 1
MANHOOD Mexican vegetable Confection. . Ft
partlcufant address Han Metco Medical Co. P. O. Hoi
2181 , St. Louis , Mo. Joll-d&w.2ru
Mrs. S. A. Allen's
Fiil > Uo Benefactress. Mrs. S.
A. AU.EN has jmily carr.ed this title ,
and thousands are this day rejoicing
over a fine head of hair produced by
her unequilcd preparation for restor
ing , invigorating , nnd beautifying the
Hair. Her World's Hair Restorer
quickly cleanses the scalp , removing
Dandruff , nnd arrests the fall ; the
hair , if gray , U changed to its natural
color , Riving It the tame vitality and
luxurious quantity as in youth. '
hair is now restored to its
youthful color ; I have not
a gray hair left. I am sat
isfied that the preparation
is not a dye , but acts on
the secretions. My hair
ceases to fall , which is cer
tainly an advantage to me ,
who was in danger of be
coming bald. " This is
the testimony of all who
use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S
' 'Olio Bottle flitUt. " That isth
c * > tLSiion ul many who have had
i ti : \ ' r.r ly hair i estored lo its natural
o ctar , und ttieir bald spot covered
w'u ! ) nir , after uing nne bottle of
\\ft. \ S. \ . At UPN'S WORLD'S HAIR
Kfe IUCKR. 11 is nut a dye.
Mi Hard Hotel Block ,
OMAHA , . . . NEB.
S , . Cor. Farnam and Tenth Si
8m Call or sooj r/otUl Card.
Important Improvements.
Hare now been fln ! lic < l In our store , nulln ; It the largest ami moat complete
In the west. An additional story has been built , and the ilyo floors all
connected with two
Ono exclusively for the use of passengers. These immense warerooms , three
stores , are CO foot wide , are filled with.tho grandestjlisplay of all kinds of Household
and Ofllco Furniture over shown.
All are invited to call , take the elovaUr on the first fleer and go through the
building and inspect the stock.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window Caps , Finials ,
BltyllgliU Ac. . Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
EUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc. , Etc.
310 South Twelfth Street , OlIAnA , ME1S.
7-m en-fre-m
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
It Is the beet and cheapest food tor clock of any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of corn.
Stock fed with 0round Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instead of running down , will Incrcaw In weight ,
and be In good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , oa ell as others , who use It can tostlf/
ltd merits. Try It and JuJga for jountdien. Price ? i'.OI par ton ; no charge for sacks. AdJrcsji
04-cod-me WOODMAN UNSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Neb.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinorj , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitting * ,
cam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Heating and Baking \
Is only attained by using
Stoves'and Ranges ,
For sale by
lies , Carnages
My Repository Is constantly filled with a select stock. Dest Workmanship guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha
Carpenters' Materials ,
Sash , Doors , BlMs , Stairs , Stair Railings , Balnsters , Window & Door Frames , &c ,
Flrst-rlass facilities for the manufacture ol all kinds ol Mouldings. Planing and Hatching a specialty.
Orders Iroin the country will lie promptly executed.
Address all communications to A. MOYEH , Proprietor.
Fire TnnpflnPC ! yltli Till ?
, lUpUUuo , 4lMulll ]
Have the Best Stock in Nebraska , Make
the Lowest Prices.
1416 Douglas Street.
, .3
ich than