Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesdtiy Morning , Juno 26 ,
It has not lalned for the past twenty-foui
In another column of to-day's paper wil
bo found sin advertisement for proHXiali ] foi
( In-work and repairs on th * High Bchoo
The Ohio & Mississippi railway notify al
agent * that all trains on this line are running
regularly nn time. No detention on ocrounl
of flood at St. Louis. Our track at llast Kt
Louts is perfectly nccuro and there is no dan
ger whatever of any interruption of travel or
this road. All passengers procuring througl
.ticket * by the Ohio & Mississippi railway cat
fiecuro through accommodations without delaj
.at St. I/ouls for all eastern or southoantcn
point * .
As is well known to the readers of Till
BEE , Mr. Vandcrbllt recently discharged hit
celebrated driver , I3airdind it is now reported
ported that Mr. Kd. Culver of this city hai
inado arrangements to got him out to Omahn
and that ho ban a horse which ho cxpoctx
in proper hands , will bo able to boat Maud f
or any other borne on the turf at the pros
cnt time. Mr. Culver's friends are very mucl
( interested in his now enterprise.
The topic of the day among the Hportlnj
'fraternity ' is the forthcoming context bctwcoi
Baby Barnes and Jack Nugent , which wil
i take place at the Driving park on Saturday
nozt. Both are in constant training , urn
Nugent is in better condition than he ho * booi
for five years past. Tha net-to , with xof
gloves , will take place between 9 A , H. and '
t , M , , and there in no doubt but there will bi
n large crowd of spectators. There ban already
boon deposited in the hinds of roiponidbU
parties $200 forfeit money , and $300 inoro wil !
1 bo put up by each party on tha day of thi
i fight. Nothing of the kind has. ever before excited
cited ( to much interest as Uils contest , and !
will draw vultom from every quarter.
Goo. Whotmore , Jr. , non of Mr. Georg
t V Whctmore , the well known hackman , died 01
_ .Sunday , June 24th , aged 12 years. The bo ;
< had'boon ailing for the past five years : and wa
( Supposed to have ) the dropsy , thougl
of late ho seemed to bo mud
better. Sunday he suddenly foil from hi
chair and expired without a word of Warning
'The funeral took place yesterday , in
'torment being at Prospect-Hill cemetery , Itei
W. J. Harsh * officiating. Mr. WhitmoreJ
one of the kindest hearted of men , and hi
many friends will sympathize with him in h !
i bereavement aa if the loss won their own.
| The announcement that the principal BI
> loists of the Chicago Ideals would hlng at tt
' Congregational church Sunday evening wax tl
means of crowding that edifice to its uttnoi
capacity , and hundreds wcro turned awa ;
Minn Jomdo Bartlett sang "Oh , Kent in tl
Lord , " from Klljah. The Chlckorlni ; ma
quartette , Mcrfsra. Win. II. Clark , Chorli
Clark , MoWodo and Cripys rendered "Fo
sakon , " and a mixed quartette , composed <
Minn Bartlctt. Miss IlorrlclcM and the tw
Clarks fiang the beautiful hymn , "Ood is
Spirit. " These who were fortunate enough 1
hear thcso singers woio highly dellghto
They certainly have voices of surprising e
Ro v. P. F. McCarthy , chaplain of the PC
tClairo convent , loft hero Sunday evening for
, - " " visit of a fovf weeks at Newark , N , J. , t
" 'home of his parents. Thn reverend father
.tho spiritual director of the Union Cotho
Library asoodatlou , and the members of th
vigorous society attested their esteem by pi
. sontlng him a purse containing a haudaoi
imm before his departure. Father McCarth
- "during his yean in this city , ban , by bin ki :
manner and generous ds ! | > oston ! ! , gain
Innumerable friends among all those with whc
ho haa come in contact , Mid particularly ha
corned and received the regard and affect !
- of the members of the library association ,
account of the kindly interest he ha * aUm
shown in its prosporty and the unceasing t
* oouragemont ho hoi ever lent it. It is hop
by the fricmln of the reverend father that tl
vocation , well earned after three years
, i'nnntotTUJtod ! labor , wllU bo pleasantly i
' /Joyed by him. ' ' * *
Lawrence Barrett cloned his season
'forty-two wookn at Colorado Springs Frid
night , June 2 ? . It wa * hojj ( biggest run
Aoyor-jhd. { < Tho' ' promts amounted to in
- *
' < 75,6oOri Sunday * the Tjco pny post
' '
* jirS hl"OmabV on their vfcyiilwqt to N
f j ork/iuid tlipy expect' arrive IpJ ew Yf
. . . ' . . Mr , Barrett salls'for Kurc
Juno 27th to attend the marriage of" his eld
v , daughter to Boron Von llodor , a colonel of I
i , ' iUhlon 'army at Stuttgart , Germany. 1
* . next season opens August 27th at Walllc
Star Theatre , Now York , producing Franc !
V da Itomine for the first tlmo in New Yi
city. In April and May , 1884 , ho plays
Henry Irvlng's Lyceum Theatre , Loml
England , for Wo months. He then mat
ono of the biggest theatrical railroad jumpn
record , namely , from London , England ,
.San Francisco. Mr. Barrett will engage I
.isame company aa ho haa this Reason for '
mext. His entire company comprises ulnoti
> people , including Mr. Joseph Levy , Mr. B
rett's gentlemanly business manager. 1
- .Barrett retains Mr. Levy M business mono ,
.during the coming season. ' *
General Hozen has furnished the idg
.officer in this city with thirty-two copies of
annual report for 1880 , for gratuitous dis
i button. It contains over a thousand page *
thiteroaUnft data , with hundreds of jchartu i
illustrations , among which are the reports
. tornadoes Jn Kansas and adjacent territc
.and the total eclipse ot 18
A petition Is being clrculatedjby
'Sixteenth strert property owner * to the i
council , in which a demand Is made tha
boner bo constructed lu certain alley * )
which several .block * could be drained ,
which would afford thotn that have sulft
for the lost year from water , sonio relief , '
demand is just and the city council nu
afford those people tome relief , a * thn
great danger in ( tore for the resident * of I
part of town ; it is A notorious fact the ste
that comes from tha North Omaha creek ,
Ihu Btole waters that have accumulated in
two blocks bounded by Sixteenth , Hurt , i
enteenth acd Cuinlng ii unbearable , and
people In that part of town ate serloi
alarmed lest the city counall provides om <
lief. It is about time that the ( rentltman f
. the Fifth should be heard.
PAVBU Box Factory 218 S , 14th t.
BuGklcn'B Arntc * 8s\lvo.
" The greatest medlral wonder' ' of the wo
> iWarranted to/ipoedily / cure Burns , Cuti ,
.core. Bait Itheum , Fe > er Sores , Cancen.P
ChUbUIns , Corns , Totter , Chapped handx ,
all * klu eruptloBs , guaranteed to cure in ei
ikuUnce , or > moBey refunded. 25ceut *
The Higher Grade Rooms of the Ccu
tral School Looked Into ,
TlioCotifHC ol Sliuly nml Urndiintcf
of the HlKli School.
By the tinio the pupil in our public
schools has readied what -known as the
sixth grodoan idea of what study is bogiiu
to dawn upon him. Much of the flinging ,
the lively exorcises and the frequent
diversions of the lower grades haa boor
abandoned , and the walls of dry facl
which ho lias to maalor begin to closi
around him. In the upward course ol
the grades the first and second are full o :
novelty for the children , in the thirc
thin has worn off , and in the fourth
when text-books on geography and arith
inutio are for the first time placed ii
their hands , they are generally fount
chafing at confinement and restless ovci
their task. So the third and fourtl
grades are usually considered by tenchen
as the most difficult to manage. In tin
fifth gnulo the children realize that thcj
are "in for it , " and in the sixth thoj
once more settle down to work.
Continuing his investigations of all tin
twonty-five school rooms in the Higl
school building , Tin : BKK reporter on
torcd that of Miss McLouth , who teache1
the A clais of the sixth grade. In thi
apartment on the third floor , once user
as a recitation room for Professoi
Decker's classes in Gorman , she ha !
thirty-onp scholars. They are very mucl
crowded in this little pen and have nc
outlook , as the windows are all placed
high in the wall owing to the architecture
of this part of the uuilding. In curl }
days , long before the benign Decker hold
his sway there , when this room \uvs usct
aa a place of punishment for bad hoyi
and girls , thov took delight in climbin (
up to those high windows to gaze upon
the city and the good little boys and girl )
playing at recess below them. Tlii
marks of their heels are there yot. Thii
was in the good old days of 72 and ' 73
ten years ago , wliou corporal punishmon
was much in rogue , and Prof. Snow use (
to dele it out to the boys with a ferule
When iho High _ school first wont to worl
in the now building a strange rumor go
about , firmly boliorod by the boys of th
lower grades , that the two iron column
in thojiigh school room wore put in ther
aa whipping posts. A mooting of th
indignant ones in the fifth am
sixth grades was at once hold
they boiled ever with oxcitomon
and were about ; to send a "committee" t
the board of education with Dromon
stranco. The matter died out in time
but it waa long before the little boy
could pass the door of the High Schoc
room , ( which they never dared outer ,
without a shudder at sight of the posts.
Miss Shirley has the B class of th
sixth grade. They commence the lift
reader , taking forty pages , and study t
the Now England states in number tw
of the eclectic geographies. In aritlinu
tie tlioy go through mensuration and i :
grammar througli verbs. Bliss Elcocl
lias thirty-eight rmpils in the sixth C
who proceed m nrithinetiu to percentage
in grammar to the adverb anil in roaJin
to the eightieth page of the fifth roadei
Miss Sexton teaches the A class of th
grade , thirty-seven pupils , in the nortl
west corner room of the third floor , fro :
the windows of which the fortunate chi
droll have before them constantly
glorious view of the hills to the west an
the bonding river. The scholars avorar.
thirteen years and appear industrious an
earnest. They study to "taxes" i
arithmetic and read to page 120 in A ]
ploton's fifth.
Miss Lowe , seventh B , lias tliirt ;
soyon pupils. They were engaged in
grammar lesson when the reporter ei
torod and ono young lady was "dii
gramming" on the blackboard the fo
lowing sentence , by which othii
and analysis were very happily con
bined. "Sin has a great many tools , hi
a lie is a handle which fits them all ,
This class finishes up interest in aritl
inetic , complete Europe in the gcograp ]
and begin tno study of Swinton s doligh
ful work on word-analysis , going to tl
Latin derivatives. On the wall of th
room was the motto , "Occupation Pr
venU Temptation , " From the window
a view equally enchanting with that fro
Miss Sexton's room may bo obtained.
Miss White has thirty-two scholars
the class. They were undergoing a tu
examination in arithmetic , proparato :
to this week's pull , a sort of a "littlo go
and Roomed intensely occupied.
the last before the High school itself ,
to bo found established in what was tl
old "auditorium , " which has been pn
titioned otF into three rooms for want
other accommodations. It ia a pity th
this largo and beautiful room could n
have been' loft for its original purpose ,
an exhibition and amusement rooi
where all the scholars could occasional
congregate. When Miss Barnett can
to rts in ' 73 , to teach the "calisthenic
she had learned under Dr. Die Lewis ,
was in the auditorium that the Bcholn
assembled , each grade arrayed in a lei
and regular line , like a coi
pany by file , and went through tin
' "one , and two , and thn
and four , and , " swung from side to sid
forward and backward and got air in
their lungs. Then in marching out , t
boys sang beneath their breath , "Wi
never , Mover , never got drunk any man
to the ono unvarying air which the pia
gave forth. This much-abused insti
ment was a God-send to the big Iniys a
girls of the High school who loved
wait/ during the noon hour in the an
torium , they who are now leaders in t
fashionable society of Omaha , and wht
belle in those times was that queen
girls , the much lamented Blanche Den
Miss MuAlain , in the first room to t
west , has the eighth A , and her tliir
five scholars were sulforing an oramii
.tion in mental arithmetic , writing nea
with ink on legal cap. These schol
finishing political geography _ last tor
have taken pajt < if the physical goug
phy. They study arithmetic to I
square root , history of the United State
to the revolution , grammar and wo ;
Miss Hartley lias a class of thirty-si
on , which waa a little ahead of the usi
B , and yet not far enough advanced
the next stop , so they have boon hurri
that soma of them might enter the Hi
school next year , They had just
coivod > a\ examination in history ,
ivhUh two ( ideations will show the ch
actor of tno work done : "Name I
presidents tliat served eight full year
' 'What gave the English A claim to i
part o ! North Amoncal"
Mis * Quaokenbush has the last oUai
this grade , including thirty-eight pupils ,
and in this all the studies of the grade are
completed and scholars prepared to enter
the High school room if they choose to go
on with their education.
of Omaha was started in the fall of 1871
by J. II. Kollom in the south rooms of
the brick building , on the southeast cor"
nor of Chicago and Sixteenth streets ,
whence it was removed the next year tea
a building on Jackson , between Four
teenth and Fifteenth strccU. In the fall
of ' 72 it moved into the central school
building , Mr. Kcllom still being princi
pal and Job Rabin and R. E. Gaylord ,
assistants. In ' 76 Prof. Morritt became
principal and WM succeeded three years
ago by Mr. Iline , who resigned this
spring to accept the position of secretary
of the Connecticut board of education.
Mr. Lewis , a graduate of Dartmouth , is
now principal , and teaches Greek and
Latin ; Mr. Learned , first assistant , has
the sciences ; Miss Hill teaches mathe
matics , history and chemistry ; Mr. Heals
niontaland moral philosophy , civil govern
ment and botany ; and Miss Rustin has
the classes in English literature , compo
sition and rhetoric.
It was a pet idea of Mr. Hino's that the
High school should be directly prepara
tory to the university , and ho did a great
work in advancing thu general curriculum
of his department. The present course
comprehends four years , the first being
known as the ninth grade , in which art
studied physiology , zoology , botany ,
rhetoric , Latin and commercial arithme
tic. In the "junior middle , " the next
class , English literature , Greek , Geom
etry and physics are taken up and algo-
In.a and Latin continued. In the "senior
middle , " the new studies are chemistry ,
geology , trigonometry and civil govern
ment , with the English literature ,
Latin and Greek continued. The senioi
class studies mental and moral philoso
phy , astronomy , > motcorology ami miner
alogy , and history with some Latin. The
Latin taken in whole the course includes
four books of Ctesarand seven orations ol
Cicero with Latin prose composition and
Mr. Lewis proposes to add three thou
sand lines of Ovid. Thu Grcok class hat
just been organized. They have foui
books of the Anabasis and three books oi
the Iliad , or its equivalent.
There are now ninety students in the
High school room ; there were ono liun
drod and forty during the winter. Tel :
years ago the total was sixty. The grad
ating class , which appears at the open
ouso next Thursday evening , nuin
era seven ladies , as follows
lissoi Louisa J. Bruce , Lizzie
i'onwick , Alice M. Harmon , Huldah F ,
Isaacson , Liezie H. Leisonring , Edith E
helps , IdaL. Remington.
Thia afternoon at 4 o'clock all thi
cachori in the city moot at the higl
chool building to copy the questions foi
ho final examinations this week as pro
larcd by Superintendent James. Tin
xamination for teachers occurs in tin
igh school room from Monday to Thurs
ay , July 2d to 5th , and is in charge o
ohn Rush , Simoon Bloom and Mrs. Dr
Dinsmore , the examining committee.gqmg
'he ' Remarkable feather of the Pres
eiit Month ,
Data From the Hlgnn
Service Oflluo.
A call at the signal offlco yestordaj
to ascertain some data in regard to th
resent stormy weather , elicited the fac
hat there has already boon fifteen rain ;
days this month , during which ever thii
oen inches of rain haa fallen. Th
heaviest rainfall was on the 1st , whie
the date of the storm which prove
10 disastrous to Council Bluffs. Th
ext heaviest was on the 22d , and o
joth occasions the rainfall was ever tw
nchca. It was also excessive on the 2d
3th , 15th and 20th , besides , other storms
which at any other time would have bee.
lonsidorcd largo.
Most of these rains were accompaniei
by thunder storms of intense force. Th
arvel is that no serious damage wa
done , Twice during this month hail in
rod need the storms , viz. : on the 15t
md 20th. A peculiar fact is worthy r
nentiou in this connection , viz. : thn
none of these storms happened uponhig
temperatures , for at no time so far hn
the thermometer attained oven 00 * . How
ever , in some cases the humidity wn
quite considerable , and was apparent b
tno sultry condition of the atmosphere.
The remarkable absence of high wind
this month is notable , the only except io
being on the 1st. when the highest win
attained was thirty-eight mhos. Thi
would not bn extraordinary at this uai
ticular season ore it not for the constnn
precopitation which indicates a comnu
tion of thu air and should therefore b
favorable to high winds.
The Buveral tornadoes which were re
ported in this neighborhood do not proii
orly belong in the category of high winds
aa the velocity may bo very light and
cyclone still develop a tremendous fore
in its gyratory motion , ono being entire
y independent of the other. The ston
roportedihore on Saturday morning wr
ono of the worst wohavo had'
A Cnrtl.
To lh Editor ot TOI Dis.
I desire through the columns of yoi
paper to correct a prevailing imprcasio
that I brought the small-pox to Omahi
and that I returned from Colorado knov
ing that 1 waa infected with the diseasi
This is a mistake.
1 came to Omaha from Denver , Cole :
ado , on the morning of the Kith of Ma ;
in my usual good health , not knowii
that 1 had boon exposed to or had
symptom of the discoae.
1 remained at my residence \ > ith n :
family all that day with the exception i
about ono hour that I was up town , whc
I talked ith four persons only , none <
whom took the disease. That night
was taken ill. Four days thereafter
sent for a physician , when I first learnt
that I had the yarioloid , after which none
ono of my family placed a foot outsii
the premises. Wo were immediate
quarantined , disinfectants were free
and thoroughly used , and such preca
tionary measures were taken that t
though four of us were ill at ono tin
the disease did not spread among o
nearest and adjoining neighbors ,
Von- truly yours ,
E. D. PllATT.
Never Olvo Up.
If you are suffering with low and depress
Spirits , loss of appetite , general debility , d
ordered blood , weak oonttitutton , headache ,
any disease of n bilious nature , by all mea
procure a bottle of Klectric lilt' ni. Y
will bo surprised to < the rapid Improvemi
that will follow ; you will be Inspired with n
life : strength and activity will return ; pi
and misery will cease , and henceforth you v
relolca In tha In the prtle of Kleetrlo little
Bold at fifty cent * a bottle by C. y. JQw
in the West-
No Gilt and Thine ! , hut n KolUl 1'lccc
of MHO AVorkinnnnhlp.
Th Hank ltcniovrl from its Old
Quartern Ynstcray.
The Nebraska National bank was yes
terday removed from the temporaryquar'
tors it has so long occupied to the new ,
elegant and commodious structure which
has been for months past in process ol
This institution ia ono of the most im
portant in the city , and has a paid-up
capital of $250,000. It was opened foi
busincRa April 27 , 1882 , with the largos !
capital of any bank in Nebraska. HP
directors are 8. 11. Johnson , W. V.
Morso,1 James M. Woolworth , A. E.
Touzalin , .Tno. S. Collins , Lewis S.Roed ,
H. W. Yates , with S. R. Johnson ,
president ; A. E. Touzalin , vice presi
dent , and H. W. Yates , cashier ; all men
of well known energy , andconnectedwitli
the leading enterprises of our city and
The construction of the now banking
building was begun immediately after , the
organization of the company and the
building , as well as its interior arrange
ments , ooth of which are surpassinglj
fine , have already been written ur
at considerable length by Tut
BEE. The work of removal
was began on Saturday , wher
the Corliss burglar proof safe was placed
in ita permanent position and will be
completed by to-night so that _ the old
frame building inhich business hnf
boon done for the past few months and
concerning uhieh RO much litigatioi
has been had Mill bo jacked up to-morrow
and started otf to its now location.
The now building is of the composite
style of architecture , Messrs. Dufroni
and Mendelsohn furnishing the plans in
cumpetion with homo and foreign design' '
era for the honor connected with ifc
erection as architects. It has
a frontagoon Farnam of twenty-two foot ,
with 132 f cot depth on south 12th ; ia iivi
stories high. The front and side are con
ctructcd of iron , making a perfect fire
proof building. The design for the exterior
terior is of a style of architecture tha
attracts attention as far as the eye cat
discern , and presents a very finp appearance
anco to the lover of the beautiful with
iU massive baya , pillara and columns.
The banking room is G3 feet long , fin
ished in solid mahogonr and in the rich
est of designs , and with handsome am
tasty tiled floor. The vault , burgla
and fire proof , is 7x14 , constructed witl
a view to perfect safety , in the most extreme
tremo cases , and with its floor tiled.
In the banking room everything is ar
ranged with a view to comfort aa well a
X ) facilitating business. Each clerk ha
t separate desk of his own and a separat
window through which to transact busi
ness with the public. There is not
article of glass in the ratlin
tvork about the counter , and eon
lequontly nothing to interfere with th
rco circulation of air. The vault i
urge , and arranged to accommodate th
storage of valuable papers , in the moa
convenient -wjiypossible. ' . WM Rent
A otairway leads from this room to th
basement , fhere is located a spaciou
lunch room , closets and storage vault , a
finiahod in the linest stylo.
The director ! ) ' roam in the rear of th
bank is 12x20 foot in size , and the floe
beautifully inlaid in a design of clierrj
walnut and ash , presenting an elegant aj
pcarance. There are also private closet
and a wash room connected with this de
partment , and all the modern convcn
icncos at hand.
In the basement , the front room is be
ng fitted un for a Trust company whicl
a now being organized with a larg.
capital. In one of thu rooms fronting 01
12th sttcot ia also a beautifully finishoi
and finely lighted room , occupied b
Robert Stein's barber shop , which is on
of the most recherche tonsorial resorts ii
town. Above tliis are the commodiou
rooms to bo occupied by Charles Kaul
mann , the insurance agent , which ar
tiled like the rest of the building , am
re marvels of neatness and convenience
The five stories of the building ar
made accessible by ono of W. E. Halo i1
Co'a elevators , and ono of the hand
soniest cabs in the city , the landing ad
joining thp public closets for th
building and the boiler rooms
The arrangement for the elevator is
unique ono , and ia the idea of Mi
Mendelsohn. The elevator abaft is or
cased in a framework of oak with wir
.Greens . , and the stairway'which ' is onoi
ho easiest to bo found any where for a :
cent , is a spiral , which winch about thi
shaft from the first to the fifth floor.
On each floor ia the most ample ai
rangomonts for fire protection , a hydran
md section of hose being located in ever
The three floors are divided into suite
of rooms , which for finish , light , ventih
tion and room are unexollcd.
On the second floor ono of these suite
is occupied by Messrs. Green and Brecl
onbridgo , ono by Dr. Tildon and ono b
Howard B. Smith , -while the front rooir
are occupied by the Bradstreet Agoncj
which certainly lias aa , fine a hoadquartci
as any firm in the city.
In the third , story Judge Savage hi
two beautiful rooms , and on the fourt
floor Judge Woolworth and Mr. Patric
have a suite of four rooms in the Fa :
nam street front ; Hon. S. B. Galoy , <
Lincoln , also having an oflico on the sail
The entire building is heated by stea :
and a Janitor is kept , who takes of tl
house and occupies a room in the uppi
The building proper is ono of tl
finest in Omaha , as to style of nrchitcc
uro and fittings , and too much crod
cannot bo given to Messrs. Dufrono
Mendelsohn , the architects , and to tl
Nebraska national bank for erectii
such a magnificent utructu
The tile work haa boon don
by Henry Dibbleo of Chicago ; tl
hard wood and wall frames has be <
furnished by Palmer * Co. , of Chicag
the furniture by Claca it Lohnbouter
St. Louis ; the painting and decorating 1
P. Windhoim ; pine lumber by tl
Chicago Lumber Co. ; the iron front w
constructed by llaugh , Ketcham
Co. , of Indianapolis. The finishing
the building has .boon under tl
suporintendant of Mr. 0. R. Bangs , wl
is entitled to great credit for the exci
lout work in every portion of his depai
ment. The plumbing and gas fitting w
done Welshans , McEwen it Co. ; the t
work by Milton Rogers it Son ; the g
fixtures and chandeliers by Saml. Bun ;
The steam heating apparatus by whi
the entire building ia wanned , waa ploc
in position by the Western Steam JFJei
ing Co. , ogcnta for Pago's patent stc
heater. A fine atone sidewalk will ai
round thp bufMlrig , laid by Fred. Drcxol ,
The entire structure is a grand menu
incut to the skill of the architects am'
arthatu who planned and constructed it
A Oront PNcofory.
That i dally bringing ; Joy to the homes o
thousands by saving many of their dvar one :
from an early grave. Truly Is Pr. King'i
Now Discovery for Consumption , Cough *
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis. Hay I-evur , Loni
of Voice , Tickling lu the Throat , Pain In Hltl <
and Chest , or any disease of tin * Throat am
Lungs , a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trla
Bottles free at C. F. Goodman's Drug Store
Large size $1.00.
All in ScHnlon , but no IIitHlncHM oflm
A motion for a now trial has boon made
in the Federal court , in the case of Pat
rick vs. Davis , and will bo argued at'
o'clock this evening.
In Judge Wakoloy's court the cos <
of Poppleton vs. the Omaha am
Southwestern railway company is on trial
and in Judge Neville's court the case o
the state vs. Duncan , charged with in
cest , was begun.
In the United Statei court u docroi
was granted in the case of Sherwood vs
Irwin Rogers Layton.
Spin Judge Beneko'a court this morninj
the man arrested for indecent cxjVisun
was committed in default of $20 fine ; thi
party who personated an officer was sen
up for 10 days and fined § 11
and costs ; four Slocumbs wore son
to the county jail for thrco daya each
ono party a fine for disturbing the peace
and four men arrested as tramps provec
to bo working men who were looking ffr
a job , and were discharged.
Anton Simon , the man arrested as ;
crank , is still in jail.
"Well's Health Renew or" restore
health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impotence
potenco , Sexual Debility. § 1.
The Location Settled at IjiiHt.
The last number of The Church Guard
ian , dated Juno 10th , c6ntains the foi
lowing concerning the location c
Brownoll Hall , the now buildings fo
which are to bo put up in Oakhurst addi
tion :
"Tho people of Fremont offered to th
rustces of Brownell Hall , the sum c
$10,000 in cosh , provided the institutio
was removed to that vigoroua young citj
id permanent and suitable building
reeled. After carefully considei
ing the generous proposition , th
.rustees unanimously decided thn
would not be for the interest e
, ho school to remove it from Omalu
Jhancollor Woolworth had proviousl
iflcrcd to the Bishop largo and liant
iomo grounds for the now hall in th
vicinity of Hanscom park. The Bisho
lea also an offer of $10,000 from
riend in Chicago towards the now buile
ng. It is thought that a like sum ca
> e obtained from the sale of the presei :
tall property. These two amounts wit
[ in additional subscription of $10,00
From the citizens of Omaha , would em
bio the trustees to commence at one
uch a portion of a permanent edifice r
tvould accommodate ono hundred pi
ls. "
"This must bo the great work of tli
liocoso in the immediate future ? "
"The site and location given by M ;
iVoolworth is all that could bo desiree
: V church or chapel for the fast growin
neighborhood will bo erected in connci
tion with the hall and placed nnd <
charge of the rector. God speed th
nuch needed and noble enterprise.
DIKI ) .
STARKS At Precept , Pumas county , Jm
19 , of dipthcria , Mary U. , only daughter <
Chan. F. and Lucinda B. Starka , nged '
years 11 months and 5 days.
Every Corset -warranted satis
factory to 1U wearer In every war ,
or the money will be refunded by
the person from whom It was bought.
The only Oonet prononneed by our leading phytlcti
ot l Jnrl M to thewurer , and todoruiiby ladlM
he "mo t comfortable and perfect fitting Cornet * i
FlgMft *
Ik PnerrUc. t
.wtlatl ( extra kMvy00. . KaralE- ,
Bklrt-8opp rtln . . -
Vcr uU fcy lt 41nB ItcUll Dealer * TCrywmo
Grand Pacific Hote
OPENED MAY 17tli , 1883 ,
Tlil < Hotel contnliu 100 room * , all nutnlde rooi
mil 30 roouif on the flnt floor , eicl | llT adapted
amfletncn. A culilne of nuiwrior excellence. He
nuirten ( or the itat * trade , Special Inducements
the theatrical profesalen. Hotel ittuated five bloi
from depot * . Hone can pata the doomjboth wi
etcrj five minute *
Infants and Children
jWiilumi Merpklaa er KareetJBe.
HWhat gives our Children rosy cheek * ,
What cure * their fevers , makes them steep ;
, 'TU C jitorl .
When Babies fret , and cry by turns ,
What cure * their colic , kills their worms.
Hot Castor ! * ) .
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
Hut Cantoris.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , and .
s , HallCMtorln.
Centaur Liniment. An ab-
olnto onro for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Barns , Galls , &o. , and aa
instontanooas Pain-rollover.
All tho.v who from iD > ll crr ( toil , MrMiet nr ether Ckn.f tr <
weak tintiervnl , Viw [ > | rlltfl , rhiKi > tr ilralned , and unable t
prrf .rn JlfeV OlillfB t > rvprrly. eta M oeruiolj ! prrm *
ifutljr eurej , wlitinui tuuMch ricdlcme * Kndoritd bt anetor * .
mloiiifrf ftbil Ihe | tfel * . rAf JU'rtlcat irrek/y ! ' Theo'd
p > l ofue.llnj .Sr rvnu * lli-MIIU , I'liT > 1c l l > fror , Ao
Ii wholly. uwr'f\c,1lT-rili \ : MAKH1ON UOI.rH. " rrca
NOM lc K ca fft ni urr 1 of c rl ln reiloriiton to fall tnd nrr *
Toft tunnhonJ. Simple , effcrtlf . cleaitljr , | I Mtbt. bend
f rtf rUf C"n n''iiiiii ] ultli nh lclno frtf.
JIAIlSTd.V Itr.lir.DV OO. . < 0 vr. llth SI , K ir lork.
formerly , Cllsh ti Jacobs
ccmaiox sKXsn COMPRESSKD.
J. 19-miHw
jWSpecUls will PotlllTtly not b imitrt *
unlezi p ld la advance.
ONEY I/OANED On chattel mortgage , room
M Union block corner lith and Farnam. 184 tf
ONEY TO LOAN The lowest ratei ol Interei
M licmll' Loan Agency , 1Mb & Dougla * . 234U
ONEY UO'LOAN-Call at law office of D. I
M Thomas , ryom 3 , CrelKhton Block.
ONEY TO LOAN-On chattel mortcagcs , F.I
WARDS , 1100 Farnam St. 730-lm
ONEY LOANED-On chattel property , J. I
M1 Bcntty , No. 213 Sontli 14th street. 740-lm
"IT/ANTED A Rlrl 12 or 14 jcars old to take cai
V > of baby. Aiplv | 1123 N. 18th bt. 183-tf
"ITl/ANTED-A girl 12 or 14 jcnrs old to take mi
of baby. Aplilj'1123 north 18th street18311
TTfANTED- men. Aliaft good boy ; one man 1
TV work on farm , ono cook ami dlnlni ; room girl.
181-27J Employment A ent , llth ttroct.
First class dreftii maker and two ai
pruntleea at 1010 Capitol ave. 180-Z5I
" \I7"ANTED A competenTgirl to do general how
TV work N. K. corner 20th and Douglat St.
ANTED-Goal girl immediately at 2416 Darei
port itrc t. Good nae v. ' 151-23
TTITANTED A good barber. Good ages pat
.TTfjUustbrlnR huown tools. Apply unmedlatiil
Addreu "F. U. Woodward , " Uinosk , N b. 119 2
OUli CAHPTKNTERS-WaMCd at once , 018 ou (
Jf 10th street 1 5 < 00 }
WANTED Girl In a imall family at 010 N. 10 !
street. 103-27
Man who can nm trpc writer and la
103-251 91S Douglas street.
W" Fnurcarjienteni and one cabinet ma
em , nt 1200Dodge street 188-25 $
17ANTKU First boarders at 1713 Hurt St.
T - t. 187-2fl (
TTt ANTKUA good U > e man to take orders for ti
Vf Keystone IloUn | i > rlnimattress , ahnanottl
bov 12 or 14 } ran old. Call 421 Houth 10th St.
? 100-271
< } KMKNWANTKlf Wagcsei,75. Applj Irom B tc
) today. 100-U * II. MAX.NWKILER , llth st.
\\T ANTED A competent girl , general home wor
TT Oood c 1310 Datenjjort St- 154-tf
/ - IKLWANTED-At 1017 Chicago Stmustbe RC <
U cook and laundress ' 155 251
\1TANTED A dining room girlTmmcdiateTy at tl
W Occidental. lOfltf
W Four dining room girli at the Canfk
house. 104-tf
Wanted Lady Agents lor the "UUKEN 1'ltOTh
TOIt" A new undergarment for Iauieamade of sol
flexible rubber. Sure protection to the underw e
hen neccewary to bo worn. UctaiU for SI.50 at feat
at agents can show IU Large pronto. Address , wl
stamp. Ladlen Undergarment U'f'g Co. , 0 South Mi
St , Chicago , I1L , , 102-Je21-23-28-30
A \7ANTED A good competent girl to do genci
T T housework , good wages girin. K. W. com
18th and Davenport. 88Stf
TTTANTED A good reliable tlnnmith. Call enVY
VY address Honle * ft Yanderhoof , Senard , ti
bratita.1- ' * Jt 877-tf
Tl/ANTED-Sltuation an nccond girl or In sm
TT family , best of references. Apply ISIS C :
Street. . 153-251
" \\7ANTKD-A iltuatlon u a miller , 15 yean c
TT perlcnce , 5 > eur under roller procean. No.
itone urvwer. Addrcsa II , . No. 25 , tin olllce.
_ 70-3U _
\ \ rANTEI ) A gentle horse and phaeton on monl
TT ly iiajments. Address Box 400. DOO-2G
FOR REHT riouaes and Lots.
* RENT Cottage of six room In good ordi
17OR ' . 2.1' ! and Johnson ttriet , back ot HcUmai
reslilenco off bt JUrj's avenue , liunilro of W. i
Wihon , 4th houte. 104 27
RENT-Fhe room cottage with good bar
IpOR 1 In excellent condition and well located.
103 tf C. F. DRISCOLL.
FOR RENT Cottage of eight room * . Inquire
614 iouth 18th street ICtf tf
T70II 11ENT Pleasant ne ly furnUhe3 loonu'vii
J.1 or without board 414 20th St. corner Cau. Se
en minutes walk from fo t Otilce. 107-80 *
I | > OR RENT Irge airy room , nicely furnlshc
1 large bay window , \erandah on two sides. On
four bloiks from o | > cra home. References given a
required. Addreu "Room" Ilee olllce. 1S9 23
FOR RENT The Omaha Bakery with fixtures ai
one ddhery vagon. Inquire ot K Petenon , e
south 10th street. 178 30
T Two furnUheJ vootru imchlM cTf
New house for rint , all comenlenccs. 8. .
corner 23d and Leavenworth. > 170-30) )
nOR RENT-FurnUhed rooms at 1717 Caat strt-
D between 17th and 18th. lll-W
FOR RENT Cheap hoiu * 8 rooms ell ektern , e
Ui Good npalr 1X11 north IBth BU U7-WI
rpO HKNT'If ITH HOARD TJ * * a young gentle
JL men , term * very low. A Urge front loom i with
hav window , at . 'J door went of 20th on south Hide of
of Harney Street. 1C&I5I
1JIOR RENT- Now hmue 22nd and Harney. Hard
, JL1 and toft ater > 158.371
FURNISHED ROOM for tent 1111 Jtckton St
13015 |
771011 RENT- homei Z new rtorta. J. A. Hollun
JL1 corner Farnam and 13th St * . 141-201
I poll RENT New rooms , fnrnlthed or unfurnished
1 lth board. Kafvrencee required , at 1610 Daren-
port street 121-23
cor. 16th and Chicago. * 'Si"
-ii * i F \f \ ' Titos. Bmrr.
. . . . . .
ia.r -.j -.j L j ylj. ! , ! : . f 7ir - -
JL1 venlimiet , 1812 iKxljt it WH-lmt
E. L. UOHSB & CO. ,
W858 1022 Capitol Atenue.
I poll HKNT Two elegant cottages , 7 room * nth ,
' Just flubbed. City uattr , all convenient * * , Da-
ycnK > rt and 2Mb .Street. C. U\V YClt , W. IT. T logr | ili
olllc * . BiB-t (
B bouses to rent PECK , oppntte I'ovt
JL office. ' 97425
fpo RENT Iiargc front furnlihad room , south eott
JL eonier 10th and Farnam bts. 009 tf
1,1011 , RENT Cottage of six rooms with or without
1 furniture , 2219 California street 80230 *
'O ' LET ROUIIVI and Imard , or furnUhcd house
for summer. ISO ! ) California street , 837-lino
I RENT I-nrgo furnlihcd room at 1318 Jackson -
son r 72-lmt
TOH HALF. CIIEAP-A tooTirtekt UhTarociitcT"
JO tooll. Price fi ! , . 1110 llowurd St. 145-2JI
STOKE FOR RENT-Corncr of 10th amlTa cn-
l < nrt. Inquire 1010 Davenport trcct. _ 403 tf
I poll SALKr-A cholca lot and 2 cottage * on south
1 23d street near Lcatennorth. Will be sold very
cheap for -cash or M UI exchange fur good farm , laml.
176-30 E. L. MORSHJt CO. 10 2 Capitol a\e.
FOR SALU A good riding pony. Addrcis C. B.
_ 14s'tf
_ _ _ _
IpOlfSALK Kln matchtd carriage team five and
' six i ears old Jnll brotlicn , must bonccnto be
nprrctlatcd. ludulre I' . A Jems , 2319 Dodge St.
FOH HALE Htavj dr ft teamji year * old eight
2300 pounds , half Norman. F. A. Jeans 2319
Dodge St. * ' 140-251
FOR SALE Oner"jcaFoUi marc lo liuuu.i high
leather top side bar buggv and gold mounted
harness. Cheap call at C. 4 ; N. W. depot , corner
Webster nnd 14th. 133-20) ) GEO. H.
Ono of the beat paying Hardware
' stores in Iowa , properousi town andnooppoiltlon.
Stock and store ill Invoice 6000. dollars , reason for
telling , hare other buslncsB. Addras * th * Bee. !
Tj'OR SALE CHEAP A frame bmTdlng of 3 rooms ,
JL1 14 by 32 feet To be removed. James F. Mor-
ton,151B Farnam Street. ISO-2S {
FOK SALtl Special bargain. Owner wtthlng to
leare city. Two full city lots , flue garden , fruit
and shade tr M , grape . Two story house , 8 rooms ,
\LE-Three one acre lot * on California street.
T7IOR SALK HOUH and lot , ESS S. 1Mb * tr * * .
I1 ply to V. r. ColH r , 7 Barkr Block.
E About 700 acret near elty , great In
1- PECK , Opposite Post office. C73 tt
710R SALK House 5 rooms , stable eornenb , 17 *
1 barrel cistern , well all In flrst elase order 4 lot *
S5000 , $1000 cash , balanr * at 8 per et. 'UcCAGUH ,
Opposite Pott Office. 948-tf
FOR SALE Stock of drugs and drugglsU sundrie *
In good condition , at a bargain. Will Involc *
$1000 or 91200. Satisfactory reasons for selling : Ad-
drera F. E. COULTER , Waterloo , Neb. 925-25 *
IOR SALE Nearly new , side bar top buggy at
1 MILLARD SJ'ECKS : 8M-ifl' !
I"71OR SALE-COO hcad".vcarllng helfera.
1 900 head 2 > ear old heifers.
450 " 3,4 and 6 j ear old heifers.
500 " 1 and 2tar old Btccrs.
400 " 3 and 4 ) car old steert.
200 " mixed cal\c
Cattle contractors , Hide , Wool and Tallow dealers ,
SiouxCity , Iowa. 822-lmJ.
I71OII SALK Hotel In oed town , near Omaht
paying mil In excellent order. Good barn well
furnlBhed , lll bear Inicatlt-atlon. AS1ES ,
837-tf 1S06 Farnam.
IOII SALE OR EXCHANGE Full lot and three
dwellings corner of llth and Pacific streets.
Mne lot * In south Omaha. Alao 100 acre * of land
near Santon , Nebraska , and building and stock of
clothlug No. 804 Tenth street. Wil ) exchange for
Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at Goo.
H. Peterson' * Clothing Store , 604 Tenth street
845-sat-mon-th 4w
F Oil SALK Old newspapers in large and small
quantitlea at this office. tf
IfOIl SALE Flax mill machinery consisting of
1 brake , 2 dorters , beater , picker , press , etc. Caa
work either rotted or green stock , also-shafting , pul-
le > s , and belting for driving the above , also ono 3 *
H. P. engine with boiler , smokestack and all fixture *
complete. 'Address WILLIAM T.HT , Charle * lty ,
Iowa. 2Q5-3n > t
FOR SALK A flnt claw second hand top buggy.
Call at 1310JIarne ) street. S97tf
i1acerslrnr atch1 tn
Reward git en If left lth Robt. hteln , Nebraska
Natl. Band building. 179 25) )
IOST Now rubber coat and cap between Fifth and
j Pine and Harris k I Uhtr'u butcher shop. Finder
please Icaio at Bee oflicc and receive reward. 162 27 {
OOD3TTece'hcSirorairctUn , o < c6nTm son.Tlrst !
VJTclasa storaue , Hlwntl adVAnre roide on gnodn , All
kinds of second hand goods bought and highest price
paid In cash , 14 2 Douglas St. > 160 30'
IF > ou want bargains In county and city real estate ,
call on E. L. MORSE & . CO.
997-20 1022 Capitol Avenue.
npAKEN UP By the undersigned , a red cow Mth
JL white fipots on body ami face. Also a cut in each
ear. Cow was with calf when found. Owner can
have same by railing on P. Larson , Jonts street , be
tween flth and 7th , and pay Ing charges. 070-3tcw
rpAKEN UP A small pony mare al out 12 years
JL old , blaxed face both ears split. Owner can
hai e same by calling on N. C. FORD , S. W. corner
20th and Boulevard , and paying charges ,
T ADIES AND YOUNO MEN ia city or country
\.j to take nice light and pleasant work at their
homos ; $2 to $5 a day easily and dulctly mode ; work
sent by mail ; no canvaiuing ; no stamp for reply.
Please address Reliable Manufacturing Co. , Philadel
phia , Pa. , drawer TT. 040-June 2 tues-thu sat2t
rpAKKN UP One horse and one mare colt , with
JL left hind fctt white. Mare has white star on
forehead. Oanercan recover same by proving own
ership on application to Ii. Price , Saratoga precinct.
, M05t oew *
A LIST , 493 Tenth street , between Tarnam and Har
ney , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for
any one a glance of the ) uut and present , and on
certain condition's In the future. Ilooti and Shoe *
m d * o order , Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
This powder never varies. A mrnrvel of ptrlty.
strength and wholeac-menee * . More economic * than
the ordinary kinds , and cannot b * toll In coropjt.tloo
with the multitude of low test , hort weight , al * or
phosphate powder. Roll only In cans. KOTAI B
ISO Pownti < v W | > rttMt K