Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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\ *
Dry Goods and Carpet House.
- lUte the large * flock and cholottt patterns of
Ever Brought to the City and at
Do Not Fail to Call and Examine Stock Before Purchasing , HIHNESS Bros ,
The Largest anil Most Reliable House for
Weber , Llndeman and Hardman Pianos , Western , Eastern , Cottage , Burdette Organs ,
. J
The following are the time of arrival and departure
of trains from the local depot * . The trains start from
the Union Pacific depot about ten minutes earlier
than below stated , and arrbe at the depot about ten
minutes Uter.
Trains on pool lines and K. C. run on Chicago time ,
a half hour faster than local. Wabash trains run on
St. Louis time , twenty minutes faster than local , U.
I * , and Lincoln trains nm on Council Pluflu time.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantlc'Kxt..5:8.1 : p. n. I Pacific E\t 9:15 : a. In.
Kx and Mall,8.25n. m. Kx and Mall',0 55 p. in.
DeMome8ac.7l5n.m. : | DCS Molncftoc.,4:40 : j > . m.
Depart. Arrhe.
Atlantlc'Ex" . . .6:3Sp.m. : I Padflo KxB. . . 0:20 : a. m.
Mall and Ex. . . , 9:10 : a.m. Mall and Ex * . .7:00 p. m.
N. Y. Ex 6:20 : p. m. | Neb. & Has Ex .0:10 : a. in.
Depart. " Arrive.
Atlantic Ext. . . . 5:15 : p.m. I Pacific Ext. . . . 0.1B a. m.
Mull and Ex' . . .0:20 : a. m. Mall and Ex . . .15p. m.
AocomSat ) 5:50p.m. I AccomMon.l:45p. in.
Depart. Arrh c.
Mall and Kx 9:55 : a. in. I Express 5:35 : p. m.
Express . .8:25 : p. rn. | Mall and Ex. . 6.45 p.m.
Depart. Ajrhc.
\ OterlandEx . . .ll:30a.m. : O\erIandEx..4:00 : p. m.
Lincoln Ex. . . ll:30a. : m. Demcr Ex..8.00 a , in.
Denver Ex 7:00 p. m. Local Ex. . . . .0.30 a. m.
Local Ex 7:25 n. m. Ex D.05 a. m.
Emigrant 5:20 : p. in. Ex. . , , . .0.00 a. m.
WAIHHll , HT. LOCI8 A.1D 1-ACiriC.
Depart. Arrhc.
Mill and Ex fM5 a. m. I Mall and Ex. . .4:30 : p. m.
Cannon Ball..4:50 : p. in. | Cannon Ball..11:05a. : m.
Depart. Arrho
For Sioux City .7:55 : a. m. Frm Sioux Citj6:50 : p. m.
ForFortNlobrara Frm Kort Niobrara
Neb * 7:5 : % . in. Neb * 0.50p.m.
For St. Paul. . . . 7:40 : p. m. Krom St. Paul. .8:50 : a. m.
Leaves Council Dluffn. Arlves Council Bluffs.
Vail and Kx.9:20 : a. m. I Mall and Ex. . ' 0.55 p. m.
Atlantic Ex. . . . 15:15 p. m. | Atlantic hX .10:10 : a. in.
Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
Mail and Ex.7:15 : a. m. I PoclflcEx..E&.45a. in.
Atlantic Ex. . . .13:40 : p. m. | Mall and Ex.7:25 : p. m.
Except Sundays. ( Except Saturdays. { Except
Monday : | Dally.
Tx ve Council Ulufld. Leave Omaha.
8a.m. 9 a. mlOa.ra. 11 a. IS a. m. 8 a. m. 10a.m. 11
m. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 3 p.m. 4 | a. m. 1 m. Sp. in. 3 p. m.
p. m. 6 p. m. 6 p. m. I 4 p. m. B p. m. 0 p. m.
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
depot. On Sunday the can begin their trips at 0
o'clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 0 ,
11 , 2 , 4 , t , and 0 o' clock , and run to city time.
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
OMABA AND COU.XCIL BLurra , May 12,18S3. f
Arrangements have been made for the
LOADING IN CHICAGO DAILY of one or more cars
MTheso can will come through to destination
without stopping. Quick time | is thereby Insrucd.
Please order your goods via C. B. & O. . R. IU
A. B. WEST ,
The Natural Mineral
From Blrrcsbom ontho Rhine. Recommended b
the highest medical authorities.
Sole agents for the U. S. and Canada , 115,117,110 ,
Elm street , New York. a23-3m
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Piercv & Bradford.
Western Cornice-Works ,
. , .
1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
Galvanizea Iron Cornices.
X3Dormcr Windows , Flnlals , Tin , Iron and Slate
Roofing , Spccht'a patent Metallic Sk } light , Patent
adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am
Lhe general agent for the above line of goods. Iron
Fencing , Crcstlngs , Balustrade * , Verandas , Iron Bank
Railings , Window Winds , Cellar Guards ; also general
agent for Peereon & Mill patent Inside Blind.
Elictrlc AppllMcsi ara tint an 30 D yi' Trill ,
"VTrltO are sufrerlnir from Ninvons DniLITT ,
Vllon , WASTIKO WBAKKISSXS , and all the e dlieatei
of a l > mRSO ! > AL NATVRX mulling from ABVSIS and
OTIIKR OAUSIS. Specdjr relief and .omplete reito-
The Rrandfxt tlltcorerr of the Mneteentn Century.
Bend at once for llluitratod Pamphlet fre. Address
If j jan * > m n1 lit joaar i.
r obUlUUnWMk- I ' man or IrV
n J l > r tli * ittmln of urstoUlnaoTsri
TOUT dutlM vod night work , a
stimulants an A ni * , torn brain atrt
Hop ! . IWOJW.UM Her
attention ordlMJp *
rlea or sU l , old or
poorhMtth r UoottUh
DM * , nly B Hop ]
ba T r yea f * ,
that yomr T J niJ
n * di cl n roi , tott-1
S&a # * i rutlmilr
HopBI r
O.I. O
orwMnar * oiii
to rattulola
fla < nl , ISA liiislOa
ofth EDP bid oar * fat
Uwrotiwrnsll DOUllt. drmt nn ss ,
us * at oplaiu-
Ton will till tobaeoo/
eundtfToaiusI naroaiios.
Hop Bltttrsl
k and !
ed. trj |
| tlBM * BMB
t n yB uturtnm
FAIL krr wx
llfsi. ltha f
aved hun *
VH KycVltnrnH Xarrntos How < Itin-
tlcovnn Done Quickly on
a l''IyIiifj Train.
A sliort tinio ngo TIIK DBF. iniulo public
n ntthur sensational incident about tlio
imnncr in which n Union Pacific coniluc-
orviw thwarted in his attuinpt to intiin-
dntu n pusaongur. Mr. K. A. Stevens ,
who is doing missionary work in this part
of tlio country in buhnlf of libornlism and
Tliu Hoviu\r , of Chicago , WAS an
eye witness to the transaction , and thus
IcRcribus it in correspondence to his
) aper :
"On Snttmlay uvcning lost , when crossing
on the Union Pacific transfer from Omaha
xi Council ItltilTs , 1 noticed the coiuluc-
.or having a controversy w ith a poorly-
clad , but lioneat appearing young man
evidently a day laborer about his ticket ;
or I should say , tlio change lie had re
ceived with his ticket. Die conductor
claimed that the Omaha ticket agent had
given the party holding that ticket § 1
lee much. The young man told the
amount ho had received , which was just
whal ho was entitled to , and said the
ticket agent must bo mistaken , and had
givci the dollar to some ono else. With
the air of an autocrat , his mightiness ,
the conductor , pocketed the ticket
Mid informed the young fel
low that he * should not have the ticket
until ho gave him the dollar. The ticket
was good for quite a distance , as thuro
wcro a number of coupons attached. As
the conductor walked oil' with the ticket
I remarked aloud "that was a mighty
liigh-handed procedure a regular rob
bery. " A little , nervous , intelligent-
looking gentleman , who during this con
tretemps had been busily engaged in con
versation with a friend , turned hastily
around and asked what was the matter.
1 explained. Ho jumped up with indig
nation , interrogated the young fellow ,
asked the names of the witnesses , and
several of us handed our cards , and then
wanted a blank sheet of paper , which
I readily funiished. His friend hastily
wrote until n formidable looking docu
ment was made out. The first party
turned out to bo W. R. Vaughan , justice
of. the peacd and ox-mayor of Council
Bluffs , and his friend the deputy ahoritr.
Air. Conductor returned , and finding that
ho had put his foot in it , wished to coax
the young fellow off into another car ,
but ho was told not to stir. When
the train arrived at Council Bluffs
and the deputy sheriff was making
out a constable's warrant to arrest
the conductor for highway robbery , lie
forced the ticket on the young follow
and thus escaped an ugly case. Had no
loud protest been made this outrage
would undoubtedly have boon per
petrated. There is too much of the
spirit of submission abroad after sub
mission of such things bocomctho custom ,
and custom soon becomes law. You can
imagine that I rejoiced exceedingly to
know that there waa la\v enough loft to
reach n conductor , oven of the U. P.
road , nnd a justice with backbone tc
administer it. Generally that vast cor
poration rules with despotic sway every
thing in that vicinity.
SCROFULA. A medicine that destroys
the germs of Scrofula and has the powoi
to root it out is appreciated by the af >
fiictcd. The remarkable cures of men , wo
men and children as described by testl
menials , prove Hood's Sarsaimrilla a reli
able medicine containing remedial agcnti
which eradicate Scrofula from the blood ,
100 doses § 1.00. Sold by all dealers. 0
,1. , Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Ilcal Estate Transfers
The following real estate transfers wen
filed for record Juno 23 , 1883 , roportcc
by Rose & McMahon , No. 4 Pearl street
Council Bluffs :
Mercantile Loan and Investment Cote
to Charles A. Lowman , lot 3 , blk 70 , Rid
die's sub. ; $1,250.
John Hammer to Mary W. Siedontopf
lot 3H , original plat ; 875.
E. T. Woodbury to M. W. Siedontopf
lotO , blk 1 , Stutzman's add. , in lot 4
blk 1 , Galesburg add , $45.
J. W. Damon to Mary W. Siedenhopf
part lot 8 , block 10 , Stuttsman's 2d add.
Ernest Footisch to MaryJ. Foetisch
part of nwj , noj , C , 74 , 43 ; $ .
Total sales , § 1,495.
HUMAN BLOOD. On the purity and vi
tality of the blood depend the vigor ant
health of the whole system. Disease o
various kinds is often only the sign tha
nature is trying to remove the disturbin {
cause. A remedy that gives life am
vigor to the blood , eradicates scrofuli
and other impurities from it , as Hood'i '
Sarsaparilla undoubtedly does , must bi
the means of preventing many disoasei
that would occur without its use. Soli
by dealers.
It CiuihfH n Poor Piper to IJOHO Ono o ;
IIlH Feet Under the Car " \Vhccln.
Another sad accident , credited to whis
ky , occurred about 12 o'clock Saturday
night , near the Council Bluffs iron works
Tlio victim wiw " ' old man named Pa
Farmay , whoso homo is in Richland coun
ty , Wis. , and who has boon travellinj
about the country playing bag-pipes a
the races and in the largo'cities. Hi
came in on the C. , B. & Q. train Satur
day evening , and was seen walking about
the vicinity of the local depot , and hoi
doubtless wandered off on tho'sido tracl
leaking to the Chicago Lumber'company'i
yard and fallen down in " "a drunkei
sloe ] ) . The switch engine , in making i
run up the track , and passing around i
curve ran upon him , the wheels passing
over his foot , crushing it from the hoe
across the instep. Jig was taken to tin
police station , and Dr. Mucrao called in
who amputated the foot. The unfortu
natonmn was then taken to the poor fuim
Another instance showing the necessi
ty of the speedy establishment of a citi
The Coming Fourth.
The committee in whoso hands aiu tin
arrangements for the celebration of tin
Fourth hero , announce that the proces
sion ia to atait at 10 o'clock promptly ii
the forenoon of that day , and that tin
reading of the declaration , the oratioi
and other exercises to bo , hold in Baylcsi
park are to bo concluded by 11:3 : (
o'clock. At noon there will bo the barbecue
cue at the driving park , and tlio race
will begin at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
while dancing , fireworks , etc. , wjll'occu
ty the evening. The details will bo an-
uiunccd hereafter.
liiNtnntly llollovccl.
Mm. Aim Lacour , of Now Orlcnnn , L . ,
rite * ; I liftTon win whdhns 1-ccu i > lrk for
, woycnr ! holiiwlioon nttciulcil ly , ( , , lr jpftj. ,
ii ( ? phyi-klnm but nil U > no ] iurM ( i. ThU
morning ho had liU u imli | > elltif coo liliig.rniil
\M\S no greatly jirtwtrntod In cunr < itirno , that
ilcath nwmcd Imminent. Wo Imilln tlio homo
ibottloof DU. WM. HALI/H 1U1.HAM for
the I UNJS , purchased by my hiKlmiul. who
noticed your advertisement U > nlay. We ml.
ministered It ncconlltiR to directions nml ho
\MVS Instantly relieved
WHKAT No.M'rlnp ' , Me ; No. 3 , 70c ; ro-
IcctO'l , M > c ! Rood demand.
CoiiK There In not enough curn coining
in to nittko n nmrkot ; tleAlcrx pA\liifj SSc ;
rolectoil corn , Chicago , We ; now mUed , Wo ;
white corn Klc , Tlio receipt * of corn are
OATS Scixrco and In gixid demaiul ; 3.V.
IIA0 OOfi'7 50 per ton ; 3,1c Mr hale.
UYKIO@IPc } light wipply.
Coitx MVAI. 115 ! per HX ) pound * .
Wool > ( Sootl supply ; prices nt yurils.riOO
( ffOOO.
COAL Delivered , hard 11 00 per ton ; oft ,
} * > 0 ( vor ton.
llfTTKM Oood butter scarce and In fair do-
matul at 2T > ( jfSfc ; creamery , Me.
Kcn Heady ale anil plenty at 10@llopcr
cabbages 3040 i > cr dozen ; apples , 'J f > 0@3 W )
i > er barrel.
CITV Ki.ot'n 1 < X > © 3 < 0.
UliooJift ' . ' 003 00 | > er dozen.
CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; cahes , C 00u ( C. 50.
Hods Market for hogs imtet , as the pack
ing houses ara cloning ; liln | > crn nro paying
0 UOfeG 7C.
Ucyonil Hln McniiH.
"Am Purveyor Hopowoll in do hall dis
eavenin' ? " asked Brother Gardner as the
meeting was called to order.
"Yes , sah1 replied a voice from the
back row of seats.
"Den please stop disay. . "
Brother Hopowoll shuillcd forward
with a mixed look of hope and doubt on
his face. Ho couldn't make out whether
Jio was to bo rewarded for pulling a
stranger out of the river the other day ,
or court nmrtialed for having a wheel
barrow in his possession which thrco dif
ferent men claimed to have been stolen
from them.
"Bruddor Hopowoll , " continued the
president as n great silence fell upon' thd
meeting , "do odder day I met you down
the street , an' I shouldn't have knowed
who you was if Pickles Smith hadn't
identified you. You had on a suit of togs
dat mus' have cost $40 , "
"Yes , sah. "
"You had ha'r ilo on yer ha'r , you
smelt of perfumery , an' you car'd a
no. "
"Yes , sah. "
"When you walked you acted like n
man who owned half do ton n , an * when
you stopped you struck a pose to show off
yor figger. Bruddor Hopowoll , how
much money docs you aim it week ? "
" 'Bout ? 9 , sah. "
"An * how much am you behind on
board ? "
"I I I'specie Izo 'bout ' ebcn , sah. "
"Bruddor Hopowoll , you am in debt
fur board , fur clozo , fur butes , fur cigars ,
an' you has borrowed money which you
can't pay. I has had my eye on you for
the pas thrco months , an' I knows all
'bout it. Now , don , who am you ? "
"Purveyor Hopowoll , sah. "
" 'Xactly "zactly. You am a single
man , 25 years old , a second-class barber ,
not worf $20 , an' out of do 52,000,000
people in dis kentry not ober 100 has
ober heard of you. Now , don , you dresfl
up , you swell around , you lling on scol
lops , you try to deceive people into takin' '
you fur a pusson of nches. What air
your objockf"
' 'I 1 doan' know Bah , " stammered
the victim.
"Bruddor Hopowoll , lot mo toll you
sunthin' . When you flatter yourself dal
dp people of dis kontry doan' know dc
difference between do bray of de mule
an' do roar of de lion von are drcffullj
mistaken. You have bin follorin * dc
heed of sartin white people. 1 knove
heans of 'em who coos hungry an' dodge
creditors fur do sake of blindin * peoples
eyes. A woman whoso husband airna
$20 a week has no bizncss wid silks anil
diamonds , a $15 hat or a $7 pa'r of shoes
but she's do pusson who'll have 'em fur feai
dat somebody will think ho isn't rich ,
Half do kentry am in debt fur cloze
which only do odder half kin afford. DC
woman who w'ars do best clozo on de
street has do moos' holes in her rmrloi
ca'pct at home , Do man who swells dc
biggest owes do moos' to his tailor an
bootmaker. You am a poo' man. You'll
nobber have a hundred dollars in bank at
long as you live. You'll nebbor airn mo' '
dan 'null' to run a small cabin in a small
way , an' yet you am swollin * aroun' as ii
a $20,000 mortgage wt > uldnt , boddor you
half an hour. What's your objick ? "
"I I doan' know , sail. "
"Boy ! take off dat swallor-tuilcd coat !
Jump outer dom tight pants I Drop dal
silk necktie ! Den you go to work an' '
fin' a cheat ) boardin' house an' begin ter
pay your debts. Lot your clozo match
your salary. Lot your board match youi
clozo. Bo what you am a common sort
o' pusson whoso assets will kivor his lia
bilities by hard pullin' . You can't de
ceive anybody , an1 do less you try do bet
tor people will like you , "
Brother Hopowell retired to his cornet
all broken up , and his first move was to
offer to trade a handkerchief with a red
border to Shindig Watkins for a white ,
handled knife with all the blades broken ,
Humor In "ho Hlonmoli.
Much of the distress and sickness at
tributed to dyspepsia , chronic diarrhoec
and other causes is occasioned by humoi
in the stomach. Several cases , with all
the characteristics of these complaints ,
have boon cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
Other cures effected by this medicine art
so wonderful that the simplest statement
of them affords the best proof that it com.
bines rare curative agents and when once
used secures the confidence of the peoplo.
Tlie llouter Jlcatcn.
Chaff.A farmer came into u grocery store the
other day and exhibited to the eyes of an
admiring crowd , an enormous egg , aboul
six inches long , which ho avowed to have
boon laid by ono of bin own lions. He
had it packed in cotton , and wouldn'l '
allow _ anyone to bundle it for fear ol
breaking the phenomenon. The grocery ,
man examined it among the rest and , in
tending to chaff the tlio countryman ,
said :
"Pshaw ! I've got f > omothing in the
egg line that will beat that , "
"I'll bet you $5 you haven't , " said tin
countryman , getting excited.
"Tako it up ; " replied the grocoryman ,
and going behind tlio counter ho broughl
out a wire egg-beater. "Thero is some'
thing in the egg li o that will boat it , 1
guess , " said ho , reaching out for the
"Hold on there , " said the farmer
"let's HUD you Invit it , " and ho handed it
o the grocer. The latter held out his
land for it , but dripped it in surprise on
.ho counter , where it broke two soup
ilates and a iilatter. It wan of solid
ron , painted white.
"Some folks think they are ( tarnation
eute , " mummied the farmer as he pock
eted the stakes and lit out , "but 'tain't
10 use buckin' against solid facts. "
A DriiKirlKt'H Mistake Not Knlnl.
'ort ( l lnc f fen. ) Trllmne ,
A beautiful young lady tripped into the
Irug stole n few days ago , and ( old
, 'oung Speight , who presides there , that
ihu w ished some castor oil , and asked
iim if he could mix it up BO as to disguise
ho taste of it.
"Oh , yea , " says Speight. Presently
Speight said :
"Will you have a glass of soda water ,
MiM - V'
"Oh , yes , " says sho. After drinking
ho soda water the young liuly waited a
while , and then asked Speight if the
castor oil was ready.
"Ohl" " have already
says Speight , "you
ready taken the castor oil in the soda
water. "
"Great he'avingsl" said the ynunu
ady. "I wanted the oil for my mother.
A singer \\lio fell sick with a whoor.iu ,
Said her throat was closed that seasin , |
In a day she could speak ,
And she sang in a week ,
For St. .laceibs Oil cured by agreasin ,
ItrooMjM fai'lc
"What are your views in regard to the
tariff } " asked an enterprising reporter of
a gentlemen who WAS standing at the bar
drinking with a friend.
"I'm ' in favor of the protection ol
American industries , " frankly answered
the person addressed.
"Then , of course , you are a repub
lican , " added the newspaper man.
"Not if I know myself. I'm a demo
crat. "
"And have you any opinion on the
subject ? " continued the scribe , turning to
the gentleman's ' friend.
"You may nut mo down as a free
trader , " replied the latter.
"Oh , I see ; you're a democrat. "
"Nary time. I'm a republican. What
are you I"
"Well , " responded the astonished re
porter , "I was a democrat when I came
in here , but I'mTjlowed if 1 know what I
am now.
Killing OtT Dnkotn.
I'cck't Kun.
Some of the newspapers are trying to
kill off Dakota's prospects by publishing
wild stories about the territory being lit
erally swarming with mesquites that are
as largo as eagles , and equally as ferocious
and blood-thirsty. It won't work. The
papers have been trying for upwards of
uno hundred years to ruin the state of
Now Jersey by the same stories , but that
state comes to the front this spring a
booming , and with ton candidates for
governor in the political arena. As Da
kota is not a state up to this time she es
capes the latter plague , but as soon as
she takes out her first papers and be
comes a state , and sees a prospect of be
ing visited by a cyclone of gubernatorial
candidates , brought on by the falsehood
and calumny of her dobasors , she should
request the newspaper men to please letup
up on the mosquito yarns ,
A Certificate Mlnrcml.
In some families cleanliness is not next
to godliness by several blocks. A Vir
ginia woman , named Mrs. Miller , who
had been suffering .from a debilitated
spine or something of the kind published
a card , in which slio Bays ; "After taking
three bottles of the Alleviator 1 did n
largo cashing , which I had not done for
three years before. " A woman who was
as lazy as that needed medicine of tmmu
kind. _ _ _ _
Gooil Water.
Tuxae Silting.
"You have pretty good water in this
part of the country , don't you ? " inquired
a passenger at a railroad eating house ,
on the Great Jackson route , hand
ing the proprietor a dollar for his din
ner."Splendid sir ; splendid , " replied the
eating house cormorant ; "pure as dew
and clear as a crystal. Good water , you
know , has great magnifying properties ,
Why , you can look twenty foot down into
ono of our lakes , and u minnow on the
bottom will look as big as u six-
pound pickerel. Wonderful magnifier ,
"I guess you are rightabout that , " said
the passenger ; " 1 looKed down into my
soup at dinner , and a hair lying on the
bottom of the plate looked us big as a two-
inch rope. " _ _ _ ,
Homo ItcniH.
"All your own fault
II you remain ilck ) ion you ran
Get Hup Hitter * that nc\er KilL.
The weakest woman , smallest child ,
and sickest invalid can use hop bitters
with safety and great good.'fl iw , n . , ,
Old men tottering around from Rheu
matism , kidney trouble or any weakness
will bo almost now by using hop bitters ,
My wife and daughter wore made
healthy by the use of hop bitters , and I
recommend thorn to my people. Metho
dist Clergyman.
Auk any goc l doctor If Hop
Hitter * are not tlio Uc t faintly mcillcliu *
On earth.
Malarial fever , Ague and Billiousnusa
will leave every neighborhood as BOOH as
hop bitters arrive.
" My mother drove tha paiulysis and
neuralgia all out of her system with hop
bitter. Ed. Oswego Sun.
Keep the kidneys healthy with hop
bitters and your need not fear sickness.
- fco water In renilircd harinlcnH anil moro rcfrmh-
lnn' anil rcvlvliiK with hop Utter * In rath draught.
The t Itfor uf ) outh for the a cd anil Infirm In lion
A aiftlbi-u
New York WorM.
The steamshiii Birmania , which sails
for Italy from tlio Mediterranean docks ,
Brooklyn , will carry Mr. John W. Gar-
roll's gift to the king of Italy , the noble
horse named' Damascus , which is valued
at $50,000. Quarters for the animal
have been lilted up on the forward deck
of the ship nut alt the forecastle. Dais
mascus stands about fifteen hands high ,
is of a light chestnut color , with a white
face and two white maiks running irom
the coronet midway to the fetlock on the
hind legs. His coat is OH fine as silk and
shone like a mirror. The horse was
foaled by the Arabian mare Esncas , in
187-1 , the sire being Hamlet. Mr. D. E.
Outran , who ban made sixty-six ocean
voyages in chaise of cattle for Mr. F , U.
Lingham , the well-known shipper of
Amoiican live Block to Kmope , has been
specially detailed to accompany and care
for the horso. The landing will take
place at Genoa , and thence the journey
will bo made to Homo by mail , where
Damascus will bo delivered to Mr. W. W.
Story , the sculptor , who will present him
to the king of Italy on Mr. Garrott'u be
half. Mr. Story has boon commissioned
to produce a fao-similo of the horse in
marble for the king , for which ho in to
receive $5.000. The king , it is said , as
an acknowledgment of Mr. Garrott'fl gifts
vill Rend him several camels , which tlio
alter gentleman intends presenting to
ho public garden which ho has lately
iresonled to the city of Baltimore. \
If'you don't want to freeze when it's
cold ; suffer from oxct'siivo perspiration
when its warm use Brown's Iron Bit-
: orn.
They Slot by Clmncc.
flic linitnmcr.
A young man in a far western town
not a lady on the street who was from
, ho same eastern town he was , but who
md never treated him very cordially at
lomo. She was glad to see him , and
rushed at him with :
"How do you do ? I'm awful glad to
see you. When did yon comof How
are all the folks ? "
"Von- well , thank you , I came in "
"Well , I'm so glad to sco you , " she
nterrupled impetuously ; "yoi know I
lover know you very well in S , but I
; ot so homesick out hero that I'm glad to
see ove'n a dog , if it comes from the dear
old place. "
Guard and protect your health , make
use of that true and etlicient tonic medi
cine , Brown'a Iron Bitters.
or Intercut to Gum Chcucrtt.
SI. I/nils 1'Oht-Dliiimtch.
"How many really different kinds of
gum have you ? "
"Thero are only three or four different
bases from which gum is made. Tolu.
spruce and paraline ! are the principal
" *
"Which of them in the most popular1' ?
Tolu in the west and spruce in the east.
Parafllno is a very cheap gum , and is used
as a uiveaway a great deal. "
"What about the materials uf which
the different kinds are made ? "
"Well , tolu is the gum of the balsam
tree of South America , and paraftino is a
product of petroleum. It is made in
immense miantitiea at the oil refineries
in Pennsylvania and the east. Spruce
gum is from the spruce tree , and until
recently it was made almost exclusively
at Portland , Me. "
"What other kinds of gum have you ? "
"Tho rubber or snapping gum which is
the product of a tree m Mexico. The
bases of some of these different kinds are
sometimes mixed , making other varieties.
In the manufacture of all those varieties ,
sugar and some other ingredients are
used. "
"Is there much gum sold1 ]
"Tons of it. There are twonty-tivo or
thirty factories in the United Stales in
the exclusive manufacture , and it is uuito
probable that their sales do not fall snort
of two millions per annum , perhaps moro.
AVe soil from five to ton thousand boxes
a month.
> lr , WtUlam Duunei , of HxkrKlKv , Mann , , write *
on March 15,1833 , u follow * :
'During the | iait three > cari I have Iwcn a great
miffcrcr from B complication ol dUcoict n hlch baffled
the skill of the moet experienced doctor * , ai I could
not obtain permanent relief hy their treatment and
preacrlptloim ; and I line alio tried many Ho-callci
euro In the medicine line , liut could net no relief.
The palnn , achoi , and wcakncsa Increased no rapldl }
and constantly that I was no reduced In itruiiKth ante
to lie unable to lca\o the bed , and the doctor ) In
formed me that there a no hope for recovery. Ii
thU exhausted and dincouraged rundltlon a dear
friend pertmaded me to Una Hunt's Itcmedy , and nftar
taking It only three dai I commenced to get better
and to my great joy nnd delight I have continued to
Improve constantly by Its line , until now , alter haUng
taken the remedy only a few wuoks , I am able to bo
about my IIOUMU again , and am now doing my IIOUHO
work. My lame back U cured , the o\ero palnn have
dliutppcarcil , and I am now In licttcr health than fu
many > cam , and lieg thin privilege of gladly recom
mending Hunt' * remedy to all whiiaroaflecteJ wltt
any dUeaxo of the kldneyi or Iherj and I alaohlghl
recommend It fof tha attacks of nick headache. II
hiuband has also experienced acr.v . great benefit t
Ills health by tha us } of the rjiont valuable medicine
Ilunt'v llcmcdy.
Mr. H. 11. Ixmgfello v , Augusta , Me. , ca t aide river
wrlteu us under data of April , IBS
"To whom It may concern : Thli may certify tha
two yean ago I ai > cry badly ainictcd with kUnoj
and urinary dlUlciiltlcn , , which extended through tin
> ) stem and laid me up for wceki , > u that I could done
no work. I hod the moit skillful physician In towi ,
who gave mo no axIsUnce. Hearing ofIIunt'a Item
ody , I got a IxDttlo , and halt of It cured [ me entirely
go that I have bucn well over linen. Tha other half i
gave to a neighbor who wan afflicted much ai I nai
and It restored him to health. I can truly nay llunt'i
Itemcdy ha * Ucn of great and Intxprrwlble worth tc
me. "
Capital , - - $250.0QO.
JAB. B. HF.ARTWEI.L , President.
A. U CLAIIKE , VIcu-Presldcnt.
E. U. WKBSTKItITrea urer.
C. I' . WEIISTEIl. Cashier.
Samuel Alexander , ( nwald Oliver
A. I * Clarke , K. C. Webster ,
Uco. H. Pratt , Jat. B. Ilcartw ll ,
D. M. McElIIInney.
First Mortgage Loans a SpeoiaUv
Tills Company furnishes a permanent home Instllil
tlon where school Bonds and other legally Issued Mu
nlclpal Securities to Nebraska can be negotiated n
the most favorable terms. Loan * made on Improvcx
farms In all well settled counties of the state through
responsible local corrcupondenU. ev
Cor. Water and Congress Sts.
33 O S T O 3XT.
CAPITAL , - - ' - - $400.000
TraiiBact" agcncrol banking business. Kerch en the
accounts of banks , rankers and others. Drawn forclgi
exchange and makcH cabla Iransfcrf In Europe nut
Ulegrajihla tramlors of inonoy thruiighout the
United KtateH. Iluj f and soils got eminent and othei
Investments uvcuritlcs , and executes any builncua foi
Its currvHpondciits In the Ilnu of banking.
AHA P. I'OTTKH , President.
J , J. EDDY , J. W. WORK ,
( 'uHH.r. AsstCuhltr.
mith me
John D. Peabody , M. D. ,
OFFICE ROOMS , 3 and 6 1507 FARN'AM.
Ruldencc , 1714 Dnuclas Omaha , Kill
Oldest Real Estate Agent
Notary Public and Practical Con
veyancer. '
Clarke sells House * and Lot * , Residence Lot * am
Duslnis * I U all over the city , and all tuldltloai. be
skies Improved and unimproved farmi lower thai
any other agent. in r 19-
Short Line
& St. Paul
I * now running It * FAST F.XI'HE.14 TKAtXfi from
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers.
and the flnent Dining Cam In the world.
II .rou arc going riut to CHICAGO. .MILWAUKEE ,
or anv ixilnt beyond ; or If you are going north to ST.
AUf. till MINNEAPOLIS , TaVe the 11F.HT IIOUTE ,
Ticket rlllc located at Paxtort Hotel , at corner of
'arnam and Fourteenth street * and at U. I' . lUpot ,
ami at Ulllant Hotel , Omaha.
tiTSoe time Table In another column.
F. A..NAMII , ( lenoral Agont.
. It. FOOTfi , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
H. 11. MKHUILL , A. V. It. CAUPF.NTKtl ,
( lencral Manager. General Pass'gr A Kent
(1. T.CLAltK , (1EG. II. HEAFFOllt ) ,
Uentral Sup't Ant. Oen'l I'M * A ( rent
Painful Case of Tetter.
Ihave for IS or 30 yean been a lutfertr from DHT
TETTEIl. It developed Itoelf on different portion *
of my bnly , extending to my feet and hands , cam-
Ing them to Itch Intolerably and to crook. It wa to
painful that I was compelled to wear India- Rubber
glo > e day and night for month * at a time. After
consulting the licit physicians , anil using ; all the
remedies which came to mv notice without relief , I
commenced the use of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC , and am
happy to i > ay that there Is scarcely a vcstlgo of the
dUcane left. At no tlrao In twenty-five yean hare 1
felt Bitch relief and freedom from disease , and I cheer
fully recommend Swift' * Specific to all almllarly af
flicted. J. H. BIUNIIAH.
Macon , Go.
Bronohltli and Minister' ! Sore 'Throat
I u laid low by an attack of Bronchitis and Jlln-
littr'n Here Throat , and my life wu almoit despaired
uf , when my doctor mid try 8. S. 8. I hciltaUd for
ometlmc.butl v > a * afraid of being permanently
laid otlde from the acthe duties of my ministry , I
decided to Rho the preparation a fair trial , and after
pencvcrlng In It * use I found complete relief , and
am enjoying excellent health. I am clearly of th
opinion that Swift's Specific U one of the bent Alien *
the * and Ulood purlAcn In existence , , and I take
pleasure In recommending IU flrtf curative qualities
to othtr * ainictcd a > I wa * .
91,000 Reword.
Will be paid to any Chemist who who will find , OB
Analytic of 100 bottle * 8. S. 8. , ono parttcle of M -
cur v , Iodide 1'otaislum , or any mineral tubitance. M
Drawer S , Atlanta , Go.
ttrWrll * for the little book , which will bo mailed
Price : Small ilie , $1.00 per bottle. Large ilxe
( holding double quantity ) * U6 bottle. All drugglft *
it'll It.
617 St Charles Louis Mo
, St. , St. , ,
A REGULAR DRADUATK of two medical college * ,
has been engaged longer In the treatment of CHRON *
1C , NERVOlm , HK1N AND BLOOD Diseases than any
other physician In St. Louis , as city papers show and
all old resident * know. Consultation free and Invited.
When It Is Inconvenient toUlt tha city for treat
ment , medicines can bo sent by mall orexproiu every
where. Curable cases guaranteed ; where doubt ex-
Istn It Is frankly stated. Call or rite.
_ _ Ncr\ous Prostration JWVHtyj Mcntal and Physical
Wcaknens , Jiforcurial aiuT othcralicctToiis of Throat ,
Sklnjoml Bones , BIooil Inimrltlcs | and BloodTolson-
Ing , Skjn affections , JId Sores and Ulcers , Impedl-
tncnts to irarrfago , llhcumatrnn , PlU-s. KpecTal at-
tcntroiTto canes from overworked brain. "HUUOICAL
CAUEB recclv o pcclal attention. Diseases arising
from Imprudence Excesses , TnduTgcnocj ,
G-TJX3D33. marry , who may not ,
why , caimcs , consequcncea and cure. Balled for Zfic ;
postage or ttampn. 'Win ly
DR HENDERSON A regular graduate us
, , medicine. Over sixteen
000 and dot ) Wjndotto tit' jcar * ' practice twelve la
KANSAS CfTY , MO. Chicago.
Authorized by the state to treat
Chronic , Nervou * and Private dlseuen
Asthma , Epilepsy , Rheumatism , Pile * .
Tape Worm , Urinary and SklnDU-
caaesScmnalWcaknc4 ! < iinight ( lostesl
_ , . fiexual Debility ( loss of soxua ! power ) .
etc. Cure * guaranted or money refunded. Chargoa
low. Thousand * of case * cured. No Injurious modl-
dnMUied. No detention from business. Alllnadl-
clnM furnished even to patient * at a distance. Con-
gulUUon free and confidential call or write age
experisnte ar * Important. A 'BOOK and
for both sexci Illustrated mil circular * of other
thing * lent sealed for two So stmions. KIIEEMU3
EUJf. m d eod-wly
. . of the
human body enlarged , dcveloed and strengthened , "
etc. , Is and Interesting advertUement Ion ; run In our
paper. In reply to Inquiries wa will say that there t
no evidence of hnmbug about thK. On the contrary.
K. V vToUdo Even. Bll-ly
Health is Wealth.
Dr. K. C. West's Kcrro and Brain Treatment , t >
guaranteed ipedflo for Hysteria , Dl loeu"Con
sloni , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
Prostration caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco ,
Wakefulnes * . Mental Depression , Softening of the
Drain , resulting In Insanity and leading to misery ,
decay and death , I'rematura Old Age , DarrcnneM ,
Ifitt of power In either sci , Involuntary Lomes ami
Kpermatorrhcca , caused by over exertion * of the
brain , iielf abuse or over-indulgence , Kach box con
tain * one mouth' * treatment. (1.00 a box , or ale
boxe * for $5.00. Bent by mall prepaid on receipt of
To cure any case. With each order received by ua
for tlx boxe * accompanied with $5.00 , wo will send the
purchaser ? our written guarantee to refund the money
If the treatment doe * not affect a cure. Guarantee *
Issued only by C. F. GOODMAN ,
m&e wly Druggist , Omaha Neb.
Ilil * remedy being Injected directly to the seat of
tlio disease , requires no change of diet or nauseoui. or poUonoui medicine * to be taken Intern-
nil. When used ai apre\cntlvo bv either ex , It U
iiiiputtlhlo to contract any private dlseiwe : but In the
tune nf these already unfortunately atuicted we guar
antee tlueo boxes to cure , or o will refund the
iniMiiy. I'rlrobyinall , postage paid , fc > ter box , or
thne boxe * for $ .
juuud by nil authorlied agent * .
Dr.Felix LeBrun & Co
POLE ruorniETons.
0. P. dowlmMi , UruggUt , Bolo Agent , for Omaha ,
Neb < . '