/ ' ' / THE DAILY BEu - JUNE 25 , 1883. A KEENE GAME , How a California Millionaire Tried li Break Jay Gonlfl , Anil H.nrleil a WooincrnnK ot The End of a Short Story. NKW YonK , Juno 15. I licar that Jim Kccno is pretty well cleaned out. Of course you know who Jim Kccno is. Ehl Well , ho came on hero from California a few years ago with several millions and a palace car of his own. Ho got in with tiatn Ward , and made that mushy old fraud rich. Ward in return acted as n sort of wet-nurse for Kocno. The Cali fornia millionaire was shoddy. Ho was nbout as much of the manners and cus toms of polite society as a barn-door knows about a foot race. Ho was loud , and full of brag ; , and boiling over with vanity concerning his own ability. Ward undertook to tone hjm down nnd mnko a gentleman of him. Ho lias not altogether succeeded , but ho has earned every cent ho has made out of Jveenc , because it was a lough job. Ho did not get Keene reasonably quiet before that bursting flower of California society had given it out at the top of his voice that nis visit to the coat waa for the ex press purpose of breaking up Jay Gould. Several people undertook to reason with him. They pointed out that in carrying forward such n scheme- the ono ho had in view a number of well-meaning per sons hod been rapidly and violently emi grated to the very head waters of Salt river. Keene was relentless. Ho had come clear across the continent to nmko it warm for Jay Gould , and ho was going to get away with that contract if ho had to spend thrco months at it. Mr. Gould is still on deck. When somebody told him what Mr. Kocno had in mind ho smiled a tender , regretful smile , and said ho was sorry , because ho really did not wish to send Mr. Kccno homo on a special gravel car. Kccno wont to work. Ho got a lot of Gould's onomics together , arranged a syndicate , and fixed up a corner in west ern Union. They got together for ono day a few millions of demands on Gould , so heavy that they thought the sudden descent uppn him would bo heavy enough to break a man considerably more solid than ho. Than they sent orders to Gould to meet them at the "Windsor hotel. Ho chuckled softly and wont up there with an assumption of anxiety that was delicious. They talked pretty big. They said they hod him by the neck. Ho asked them what they would take to lot him up. Keeno's friends said that Gould must ( } uit the street and go to Europe. Ho said ho would consider it. Ho wont out and loft them in jubilation and champagne. Inabouthalf anhourachange came over the effect of their dream. " \3ould returned with a wicked umilo on his sallow face , and said ; "Gentlemen , I shall bo glad to meet i\U \ ( JomiUlds niado upon mo to-morrow at the opening of business hours. I am not sailing for Eu rope this week. " During that shorthalf- liour of his absence ho had soon Russell Sage. "How much do you wantl" asked the author of puts nnd calls. "Six millions , " responded Gould , as though it had boon six dollars. Sago made out his chock , and Gould had it in his pocket , when the crushers called Mm in. Next day Keene was hie llrst visitor. Gould's friends say he whimpered like a whipped pun , and . wanted to sell out tbo men who had helped him in his first attack on the mat ho wanted to breaki But Gould knowi how to bo merciless , and Mr. Jim ICccm liad to shell out his dollars that day on i market that wont booming up to tin moon under Gould's handling. Koom kent away from Gould for a wliilo nftoi this little episode , But Gould did no lot up on Koono. Ho is not t man who does lot up when his wratl rises. Ho wont to work calmly ani systematically. Therewas. a young man , n recent addition to the street , in when : Gould took an interest. His naino wai Woerrishoffer , and ho represented a large amount of Dutch funds invested in thii country. Personally , ho was not wealthy though ho hold a position of largo re sponsibility. This young man soon began gan to hold long tabulations with dashing young Wash Connor , Gould's broker. Hi also began to make some pretty sprv ope rations on the street. Ho grew rich. Bj almost precisely the same ratio Koom grow poor. This was certainly n significant coincidence. What made matters hardoi for the California man , he was anxious t < cut a dash. So ho went in for horses and ho is out a stack of money on thii branch of speculation. Ho paid bi ( prices for pictures nnd ran n whirl of lift ' " in Newport , On the whole , ho travolcc 'd ftt a lively gait. The silent , sallow lit tie man down Broadway held his pcaci and smiled grimly. Woorrishoflor no cumulated moro and morp money , am .went down to i\\o \ \ bay every night wit ) dashing Mr. Connor in their privati steam yacht. The other day Keene sold for 814,00 a painting that cost him $24,000. Th silent sallow little man bought it in , am smiled still moro grimly. Keene go himself interviewed for the purpose o saying ho thought a panic was brewing 01 Wall street , which was ono way of inti mating his intention of getting out Then it became whispered about that Mi Keene meant to try a trip to Europe Ho was going "to look after his horses. 8 ( ) they said. Gould's friends wiser said they hoped ho would find them The fact of the matter seems to bo from all I can hear , that Keene halest lost an enormous amount of money , am lias liy the same token given up the tasl of breaking Gould. Break Gould , indeed You might as well try to break the Ban ! of England. With Russell Sago , Sidno ; Dillon , and WestonshofTor's onormou Dutch funds at his back , added to hi own iminonso pile ( ho is to-day the rich cst man in America , Yandorbilt not ex copied ) , there is no combination in th country that can worry him. So it i well for Keene to pull out and go him self upon the little trip ho had figurci but for Gould. ' ' LEAKDEK RICHARDSON. HAGUHA. The Queer Capital of an Old Bout ) Slav Itejnihllc. Iklgmla , There is no little city in Europe , actual ly none , so curious , so interesting , n llagusa. Persons bettor acquainted that coast have toldino that in quaintne ; other Slav-Venetian towns may cluxllony * * . iy.own experience of Cattaro an . .Antjvnri confirms this statement in eom 'measure. ' But Ragusa is unique i memorials of ancient stnto nnd wealtl /ibovo all in its story. Of tluxt story , i truth-1 have learned but just enough i BOO thnt most atudcnts road it in i dilTcron version. It is ono , however of Rpccinl fascination. This is the antitaio capital of thnt single brand : in _ tlio southern Slav family , which has yet proved itself European n any HoiiBo other tliangcograpliical. Itwnt republic , the rival of Venice in nnus and nrt , conunorco and enterprise , for agos. Tlio winged lion finally ovorcainu and enslaved it , but Ilagusan patriots will not admit that their forefathers were con quered by Venice. It was the shadows of the Turk that vanquished them , tlio iron barrier crushing their small ten i- lory , the incessant tnrcats of a malicious savngo. I hnvo no opitn'on on that mat ter. The legend of llagusa thrills ono like thnt of a mysterious mid silent rein. Bo it remembered thnt this small , sleepy town gave us the fine word "nrgosyTl for a great ship stored , with tlio costliest goods. From ono stately gateway in the mass ive walls to the other is but IftO yards at most , and at ever } ' yard nno may pause to admire. Just within , on the right hand , is a fountain somewhat of the Turkish stylo. On market days nnd holi days it is a pretty sight when the girls assemble at _ this place. Every vilingo has its peculiarity of dress , mostly bright in colors , but the Hcrzcgovinian is so supremely charming that it kills all oth ers. The robe , of conrso black cloth , should bo properly called n chemise ; it lias little ornament. But from the round ' 'turban" cap descends a veil , framing n face often pretty , always pleasant to the eye thus sot off. This drapery is of thick white material , falling to the bottom of the skirt , and so largo that a girl can wrap her whole body tncrcin if she plcaso. World-wide travel has not shown mo a dress so becoming in severe simplicity. Opposite to the fountain is a church , and then the broad , fine street , smoothly paved , stretches to the other gate. Its blocks of stone houses date , they toll you , from the fourteenth century ; saving the tones which ago alone can giro , they might have- been raised yesterday. Tall , solid , exactly alike , and precisely aliened , they present that ideal of street architecture - uro which wo are now laboriously trying to introduce ; but wo shall not easily match these handsome structures. Between - twoon each block endless flights of steps climb the mountain side , with n narrow landing nt intervals. MONROE , MICH , , Sept. 25 , 1875. Silts I hnvo boon taking Hop Bitters for inflammation of kidneys nnd bladder. It has done for mo what four doctors failed to do. The effect of Hop Bitters seemed like magic to mo. W. L. CARTER. AVYOMINO Tliclr Present Condition Gradual In the Chojenne Leader , June 21. The general appearance of cattle on the Wyoming ranges is far better than the average of previous years at this sea son. In somodistricts in Central Wyom ing they are in superior condition. The loss by death in the winter as seen in riding around with thg round-up is ex ceedingly small. The number of calves in satisfactory , thouuh the opinion is sometimes expressed by inon of experi ence that a greater proportion has been known in other years. A good. many young cattle hnvo been brought to the northern range this spring from the Mississippi basin. The iiu- iression prevails that it is a dangerous ixporimont to bring them hero in the fall and some heavy losses wore sustained during the winter by men who broughl in eastern cattle too Into last year , It is > aid that the Milwaukee nnd St. Paul railway has 'shipped this year from om point in Iowa 23,000 head of youiif stock , all of which has boon carried bj the Northern Facitio to points in easton Montana , The Durbins took 1,800 heat to the Swcotwatcr range a month ago The Soarights and Dr. Thomson havi also several thousand head on the waj along the drive north nt the preson time. Two thousand graded stock cattli wore unloaded at Green River Ins Thursday and will bo driven to Throi Crossings , whore they will bo dolivora to an English company operating 01 Powder river. There are two opinions upon the busi ness of feeding hay to cattle in the winter tor and shipping them to market early ii the spring. It is said by these who d not regard the venture as n paying ono that the amount of attention to bo paii cattle wliilo feeding them is , in order t make tlio business a success , more thai can bo expected of hired men , who ar not interested in the sale of cattlo. It , i also said that when hay is fed to cattl they cease "rustling , " and require con stunt attention during stormy weather On the other haud , the experiment ha boon successfully tried in n number o cases the past winter. The hay fe > cattle of J. 0. Bockwith , of Evanstou sold in Chicago at the same price a Illinois com fed beef. Beef fed in th same way was sold in the Denver an Ohoyenno mtrkoU the past season , an > renounced of superior quality. A Cai 1 ) on county cattle mnn lately told th writer ho drove a number or old cow near to hay stacks , as ho had putup mor hay than ho could use for his horsea These old cows this spring average th best of his cattle in appearance. Anotho stockman said , when spoken to on th subject , that it appeared to him thnt in closing a tract of land and feeding hay t cattle was simply transferring to Wyoni ing the method of raising cattle in Io\vr The difference ) was that in Iowa there i n long , wet winter , during which corn i fed , wliilo in Wyoming the cattle graz far into the winter , and during the shot Soriod of storms , which is comparative ! ry , they can bo fed with hay. P. B. Wilson , of Miles City , stoc agent of the Northern Pacific railron company , who has just completed n ton of the ranges in the country lying b < twoen the Big Horn nnd Owl mountain ! known as the Big Horn nnd Stinkin Water basins , was in St. Paul Intelj The cattle ho reports as looking vor finely , nnd that they had wintered wol with the exception of some trail cattli driven in from Oregon Into in the fnl which were thin when they were tunic loose on the ranges. The loss nmon these was perlmjiH 7 per cent , but tli loss of range cattle was so light as to I hardly worth speaking of. The trn for water and feed in the basin , M Wilson says , is very fine. The sense had boon a remarkable one for calve which , in number , would reach nearly c per cent of the number of cons. Hogivi the following list of the cattle men in tli basin : W. A , Carter , Stinking Wntor bnsit 0,000 head ; Captain II. Bolkiup , Stinl ing Wnter basin , 3,000 ; Ashworth Johnson , Sago creek , 2,000 ; Wise & Li' ' ingston , Mooltootso , 800 ; Otto Franl Grey Bull , 7,000 ; Braxton Bros. , Gra crook , 4,000 ; S. Stoyner , Big Horn , 80" " Malison & Lowell , Big Horn. 12,00 Hnrvoy Broth , Now Wood creek , 0,00 John Sonmn , Shell creek , 7,000Weed * it Plunkott. No Water , 7,000. This makes a totaljof 55,000 head in the basin. The shipment of beef cattle out of the basin this year will bo 8,000 head con siderably larger than lost year. Alltho _ cattle men expect to drive to Billings and ship over the Northern Pacific road. Last year the shipments were made mostly over the Union Pacific , as the northern line was not com- ilotcd to Billings until late in August , ihipping generally will bo later this sea son than last unless something occurs in the market to hurry the cattle along. Probably the first cattle will bo sent out nbout September 1. In the Little Mis souri country , Mr. Wilson says there nro many cattle being driven in , but in the Big Horn basin there will bo none re ceived from other sections , from the fact that the larger rivers nro well stocked and the cattle men generally do not care to pay the high prices which they would have to for cattle from other sections. Probably about 15,000 head will bo shipped - pod to Keith , Miles City , Rosebud nnd Billings , from Iowa and Miimessotn this season. HAIIATOGA GOSSIP. IMcnmxnt NOWH from Onmltn'B Plcnu- nnt Suburb. The rain of last evening was well nigh a deluge in extent. No serious damage was done , however , I learn from n mem ber of the school board that our only pub lic building ( the school house ) is to bo painted , which adornment it sadly needs. The building by tha way is quito a land mark. The hall in the second story , best known as Lyceum hall , has been occupied by the Saratoga lit erary and debating society for more than a decade , being undoubtedly the oldest society hold of the kind in the state. Numerous of your leading lawyers and eminent physicians nro ex-members of the lycoum. Our little burg , like nil well regulated ones , has a live dude , but as our school closes about the first of _ the month , wo are in danger of losing it , which will bo much to the chagrin of Fort Omaha sol diers , as they were taking lessons in the dude walk. The washout at the corner of Twenty- third street and Garfield avenue has been temporarily fixed by Road Supervisor Redman , who complains that the county commissioners will not allow him lumber enough to put our streets in passible con dition. The condition of Saunders street , which is nearly impossible , is a disgrace to the city and county. Tlio state of this street is known to both the county com missioners and the city fathers. Ho'n. James H. Kynor leaves to-day for the scone of his grading work in Ida ho. His new residence on Sherman avenue - nuo is fast assuming creditable proportions tions and bids fair to bo an ornament to the city Rov. William J. Harsha will address the Union Sunday school to-morrow at 3 p. m. At the monthly concert of the school | to-morrow evening Rov. Patter son , of St. Mark's , is expected to speak. The usual session of the school is at 2 p. m. , and to all of these meetings the city friends and the public in general are cordially invited , The school will give a ( strawberry and ice cream festival on Tuesday evening next , Juno 2Cth , nt wliich n small charge will bo made for the luxuries. All are invited. Mr , Joseph Hensman was the recoipiontpf n pleasant surprise last evening . at his homo on "North Twenty-third street. Notwith- tanding the inclemency of the weather , [ iiito a party gathered and were richly opaid by an enjoyable evening , of which lancing formed the principal amusement. A company fromyourcity were interrupted ' > y the storm , and were obliged to take 'ofugo in a barn , after which the journey > vas resumed , and although not without incident was happily without accident. Among thbso present were Misses Ship- man , Miller , Elton , Brown , Monroe , Livcsoy , Critchfiold , Sincere ; Messrs. Howard , Pclton , Hunt , Browster , Lit- tloiiold , Monroe , Smith , Elton , Brown , Livcsey , Simpson. CUCKOO. The Proper Position for Sleeping. London World. A German , Baron Reichonbach , has occupied many years in studying the art of bed making , or rather bed placing , and maintains that improperly placed beds will shorten n-man's life , If a moro magnet exorcises an influ ence on sensitive persons , the earth's magnetism must certainly make itself felt on the nervous life of man. In whatever hemisphere , you may always sleep with your foot to the equator , and lot your body lie "true as a noodle to the pole. " The proper direction of the body is ol the utmost importance for the proper _ cir culation of the blood , and many distur bances in the organisms have boon cured by simply placing the bolster in a differ ent point of the compass from that it had occupied. Lot such as have hitherto been in the habit of sleeping with their heads whore their foot ought to bo take to heart the cxamnlo of the late Dr. Elschwostcr of Madgcburg , who died re cently at the ago of 109 years. The most unhealthy position , wo are told , is when the body lies duo east and west. Some observers assure us that to sloop in such a position is tantamount to committing suicide , and that diseases are often aggravated by deviations from the proper postures. "Ton claim toe much for SXMAJII TAN NisnviNH , ' Bay a kcp tic. "lion [ ' can ono medicine be a epcclflo for Epl lepar , Uyapcpslo . _ Alcoholism Opium Baling , Rhenmatum , Hperumtor- rka > , or Komlual Weakneiw , nnd liny other coniplainuf" Wo claim It a tpscijte , elm ply. became the ilrus of oil dliraeea arises from ttioblood. ItsNcrvlnoResolventAltcratlioani Lnxatlvo propcrtlcamcctaUthecondlUoat herein referred to. It's known world trftrt as CHF.nVEZG0HQUERURl | | | | | | | | | | | | It quloU and composes thu patient not by tlio Introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics , but by the restoration of nctl\lty to the stomach and nenou vyttuin , whereby the brain Is relieved ot morbid fauclcnhlch uro created by the csatei aboro referred to. To Clergymen. LuwyiTo. J4t mry men. Mer chants , llanVcra , Lodlca and all these whoso sed entary employment causes ncnoua prott.aUon , Irregularities of the blood , stomach , Ixmcls 01 ] cldueTaorwhorequlroanerTOtoulciippctUeroi tlmalant , SAMARITAN NKIIVINB U Invaluable , Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful Invlj ornnt that over ( attained the linking trttcia , Jl.W ) . HoldbynllUrusgUts. (14J ( VbrtoUinoiiUlsandrlrculuiiwnilsUran. T21 2 8 A. filCHUCKD MXC. CO , . ? & 07&0.i OiJyBack ! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it The singular thing about it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rheumatismdyspepsiaover- work , nervous debility , &c. "Whatever the cause , don't neglect it Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as BROWN'S IRON BITTERS , and it does this by commencing at the foundation , and mak ing the blood pure and rich. * LocantporU InJ. Dee. I , iSta , For a long tm ! I hare been a sufferer from stomach and kidney dlieaie. MyappctitewaiTerrpoor and the very tmall amount I did eat dliagreed with me. 1 wai annoyed very much from non-retention of urine. I tried many remedlei with no luccen , until I uied Brown' * Iron Bitten. Since I uied that my ttomach doei not bother me any. Myappetltelulmplylmmenie. My kidney trouble l no more , and my general health It iuchlhat I feat like a new man. After the use of Brown's Iron Bitten for one month , I have gained twenty pounds la weight. O. B. SAKCIHT. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS. It has cured others suffering as you are , and it will cure you. SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. [ IvCOBrOIUTED. ] Tilt * company Is i now prepared to receive orders for SIOUX FALLS JAHl'EH H10NE , for Building Purposes. .ml will make figure on round loU for prompt dellv cry. The campai y Ii shipping Paving Blocks To both Chicago and Omulm , and solicits correspond ence and orders from contractors ? engaged In pacing treats In any of the western citleo. TESTIMONIALS. StTCRlxin\DR.XT'H OrficK , Chicago , West Dh. 1 Isou Itallway , Chicago December 5,1882. f D. Elwell , President Sioux FalU Water Power Com. biiKSiRt I have' received from jour company since October 1 , 1882 , about 100 cajloads cf granlU pa\lng blocks and have laid them between the rails ol mr street railway tracks in the heart of the city. I < any are the most regular In shape and ( icrfoct In arm , and as far aa I nae been able to judge , ar < i MMsensed of as durable feature as any material that 101 ever been offered or laid In the city. Yours , JAH. K. LAKE. [ Copy.l tin. Louis , March 23,1883. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN This \ to certify that I have examined a piece ol granite taken from the Sioux Falls Granite Quarries , md , In my opinion , It U the best stone for street pav < ng I have seen In America. ( Signed ) HENRY FLAD , Pres. Board Public Improvements. Stone for Paving Purposes. And any person Interested In such lmpro > ementi will find It greatly to his advantage to communicate wltlifus. We Invite correspondence on the subject. 1 The general management and nuponlslon of tin company * ! business U now In the hand * of Wuu Me Bain.- . Address your letters to A. G. SENEY , /Ves. of Jasper Stone Co Hosteller's Stomacl Bittern meet * the re i quIrcmcnU of the ra tlonal medical phlloa ophy which at pres cut prc\alls. It Isi iwrfcctly pure > CRO- table remedy , embrao- Ing the three proper ties of a pre > entl > e , i tonlo and an altera the. It fortifies th ( body against disease , Imlroratca and re \ltallien the turtle stomaih and liver and effects a lalutarj change In theentln system. For sale bj PruggUU and Dealcn generally. mlOm&e-cod&v SUODIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , S17 and S10 yforth Main JBt , Kt. Louis. WHOLESALE 1JEALEIIS IN BOOK , NEWS , ENVELOPES , CAHD BOAU1) AND PRINTERS1 STOCK , ffTCatli mid for lUun and Pajwr 8 cK , Scrap Iroi and Mctak 1'aiwr block Warchou c , 12iO to 1S27 North Slxtl trect. urn ) 2 1 3m DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS MTUEMOVED TO QlMlNATIONAL BAN ! BUILWSO. COMPOUNDED WITH MINERAL WATEB. BEST REMEDY N 'ME WOHLD fi".a RHEUMATISM , DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION , BILUOUSNESS. .K'OflEY ' COMPLAINT. ' . ' "fi H/Nc : DISEASES. SE.b NTARY DISEASES IMPURE BLOOD I L E Ris & CO. , PROPRIETORS ND SOLE MANUFACTURERS , OMAHA , NEB. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS' COCOA , "By a thorough knowledge of the natural law which govern the operations of digestion and nutrl * Ion , and by a careful application of the fine proper- les of cll selected Cocoa , Mr. Enpa has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which inay save many heavy doctors' bills. It la by the Judicious use of nuch articles of diet that a con' tltutton may ba gradually built up until strong nough to refilit every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at * tack where * er there. Is a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and properly nourUhed frame. " Civil Service Gazette. Mule simply with boiling water or milk. Sold In tins only ( Jib and lib ) by grocers , labeled JAMES El'l'S & CO. , llomapathlo Chemists , London , England. eou Mgn/iT. / , xvuauu , ur * > BAKER'S CHOCOLATES Frtmlim Cftix rat , th9 t > t preparation of pttln ehoenUta for fam ily UM. JJnktr'i llrinlftul Cocoa , from wlileh the cxctu of oil hn been nmortd , tiilly dlzwttd nd iitmlrabl/ ailupied for InralUs CaHer'i ratiilla Ctinevtatt , a drink or eatea at eon * ftctlontrj U a dclleiotii arllcla I highly mommtndtd by twirUU. Eater" ! Jlrama , Innhublt at a diet for chll- dnn. Otrnum Svtil OuxolaU , a Doit exeilltnt article for fuoUiu. Sold by Groeen ererywhere. WORTH SENDING FOR ! Dr. J. IL BCUKKCK uaj jiut published a book or DISEASES OF THE LUNGS m HOW TO CURE THE51' . K-h.Ui Coffered ninK. voRtrrll to ill anilleant ] Itcutitttlnrit i/u iMi * > /i'rmiufo i forullwuoiiupiM'H .IIC.IIIBCUCS eWiCf l ) th.iric1llulO tllJMllH-'ril.il .hoturoatorliiurn. J'.entlm ililipaiwr. > tMn-t \tr.i. \ II. hrilHXCK it M \ . IMillmU-lnMu. 1'u. &tM0 ( / . / > u wi J.t.flJ , if daman Mention Omaha Dee. An excellent Tonic and Appe- tizerotexquisiteflaror , uied tlia who1o nrldover. Cures Dyspep sia , Nerrouimu , Ileadicho , De bility , Fe erand Ague , Dlarrhcca , nnil all dliorvleri of the DlRestlre Organ * . II Imparts * delicious , flavor to a glass of champagne , Irmonade , soda , and all drinks. Try It. The genuine Annitura Bitter * Is made by lr. J. a. B. BIIQEBT&SOMS. 8 ldbjr HDruz- gltU , Grocers and Llq.uorl > ealer ) .W.WUPPERMAN , Solo Agent. 51 Broadway N.Y. A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forerer. DR. T. FELIX OOUBAUD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beantlfler. The Oriental Cream Purifies ag ell as Beautlflei the Skin , Removes Tan , Pln.plcs , Freckles , Moth- * patches and every blemish on beauty and defies dctec- itlon. It hag stood the test of SO years and Is so harmless we taste It tc be sure the preparation li rroperlymade , Accept no counterfeit 01 similar name. The distin guished Dr. L. A. Sa > re said . toaladyofthc Hiu Tex ( a patient ) : "As you ladles will use them , I recommend 'Oouraud's Cream * as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations. " One bottle will last six months , using It everyday. Also 1'oudro Jub- tile removes superfluous hair without Injury to the skin. skin.Mm. . M. B. T. OOURAUD , Sole Prop. 43 Bond St. . N. Y. For sale by all DrugirtiU and Fancy Goods Deal ers throughout the United States , Canada and Europe. jtjfBeware of base Imitations. $1,000 reward foi arrest and proof of any one selling the samo. 14-iseow.rae St-ew-Om I Have Found It ! Was the exclamation of a man when he got a boi of Eureka 1'lle Ointment , which U a hlniiile and surs cure for llles and all Skin Diseases. Fifty cents bj mail , postpaid. The American Diarrhosa Cure I Has stood the tc t for twenty years. Sure euro for all. Neter Falls. Dlarrhaca , Dyncntary , and Chole ra Morbus. Deane's ' Feyer and Agne Tonic & Cordial , It U Impossible to supply the rapid sale of the same. 8UUK CURB WARRANTED For Foer and Ague , and all Malarial troubles. PRICE , $1.00. W.J.WHITEHOUSE LABORATORY , l&TII ST. , OMAHA , NUB. For Sale by all Druggists Or sent bj Express on re rolpt of price. ti 4c8n I'lwlthcly Restored In from two toi M MANHOOD Mcl.-an Vegetable Confection. roi partlcuUrs oddrtw San MeUo Medical Co. l > . O. Box " " - - " 5181 , bt. Louis , Mo. Tunis & Kneller , DENTliBTS , 1107 FAIINAM STREET ( Up Btalrt. ) Pure Nltro Oxide OM kept comUntly on hand f w ulrM | extructlon ol teeth. J12-lc HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAHA , AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRICES , Important Improvements. Hare now been finlihed In our ttore , making It the largest and mod complete III the west. An additional story lias boon built , nnd the live floors nil connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. Ono exclusively for the use of passengers. Thcso iminonso warorooins , three stores , nro CO feet wide , are filled with the grandest'display of all kinds of Household and Ofllco Furniture over shown. All nro invited to call , take the elevator on the first floor and go through the building nnd inspect the stock. GHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. MANUFACTURER OF Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window Caps , Finials- , Skylight * &c. . Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. DEALERS IN Halls Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIEE AND BUBGLAKPKOOF RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors. TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFERS , MANUFACTURERS OF Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc. , Etc. 810 South T elfth Street OMAHA , NEB. 7-mon-w cn-fre-m SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. It Is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la equal to three pounds of corn , Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight , and bo In good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who use It can testify to- Its merits. Try It and Judge for yoursches. Price (25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address 04-eod-me WOODMAN LWSKKD OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Neb. Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings. Steam Packing at wholesale and rojail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner' 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. PERFECTION IN Heating and Baking Is only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , WIRE mil OVER DOORS , For sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS' ' OMAHA- J. M. BRUNSWICK &BALKE OOXtXJ = , XXy. JUNE eth. 1883. In order to protect the public against the Imposition of Mountebanks In our line , we hare concluded to offer BILLIARD MATERIALS AT COST , [ PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING FIUCES : 2.Be | t Zanlhar Irory Billiard Balls , per set . , Especially and solely manufactured for Iran Slmones & Flls at Venders , Belgium. No. J , 74 Inches wide , per yard . W.W | No. 2 , 74 Inches wide.peryard . . . * S.5O No. 3 , 74 Inches wide , per tard . ,1-5.00. j * Nominal HlieotlExactHlieofBedl Table. of Table | 5x10 ! 410 } 4x3 5x0.8 8x 8.8 4.2x8 ] KorBed For Cushion. Both , For Bed For Cushion. Both For Bed. . . For Cushion. Both , First I Quality. I S17 00 5 00 1200 110 uu 4 00 20 00 14 00 3 60 17 EO Second Quality. IIS 00 4 00 18 00 -IS 60 , S 60 17 00 IE 60 Third Quality. 12 60 S 60 18 00 111 76 3 25 IS 00 111 5 27C , 14 ( X ) BILLIAUD CHALK. I CUE TH'3. Best French Billiard Chalk , per gross $ 60 | Best French Cue Tips , 100 In a box * 1 00- POCKET NETTINOS Fringes , Leathers , finest worsted , per set ( C ) W 00. Orders must Invariably be accompanied by remittance , and same be directed to our principal roanufacv- orlea. THE J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALKE CO. , , CHICAGO , CINCINNATI , NEW YORK , ST. LOUIS , J iJTOinaha office , 600 South 10th street. eod rate A. M , CLARK , PuiDler&PaperHaDpr SIGN WEIT11R & DECORATOR , ' WHOLESALE 4 : HETAIL WALL PAPEBXI \ WINDOW SHADES & CURTAINS , Coniicca , Curtain Poles and Fixtures. m PAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES. / 1)7 South 14th Street , ( . NEBRASKA , ' OMAHA , - -