THE DAILY BEE WROXKSDAY , UTXHJ 20 , 1883. Dry Goods and Carpet House. largest tin-U nd holt p tt riv ol Ever Brought to the City and at TIIAN EVEH OFFERED IX THIS VICINITY. /Do / Not Fail to Call and Examine Stock Before PurchasingHARKNESS , Bros , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. AVE YOU TIME , TROUBLE , MONET If you buy your -OF Hi Main uiul 17 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. I ) 11. T. I'1 15 Ii I X G O U II A V 1VS The following thu time of arrival and aru departure Oriental Cream Beautlfler. of trains from the local depots. The trains start from or Magical the Union Pacific depot about ten minutes earlier The Oriental Cream Purifies as welt as Ilcantiflea than helovv btated , and arrive at tlio depot uhont ten the Skin , Uemovcs Tan , Pimples , Freckle * , Moth- minutes later. patches and Trains on | s > ol lines anil K. C. run on Chicago time , every blemish .1 half hour faster than local. Wahash trains nm nn on beauty and St. I.onis tune , twenty minutes faster than local. I" . defies detec P. and Lincoln trains run on Council Hluffs time. tion. It has stood the test rmcvoo , ROCK ISI.IMH AMI PACIFIC. of 30 years and Depart. Art lie. Is so harmless Atlantlc'Kxt. . .5:35 : p. m. ] 1'aelflc I'.xJ f > : U. a. m. we taste It to Kx and Mail * . . .0:2."ia. : m. Kx and Mull . .0M : p. tu. be 8nre the 1XM MoliieHac.7:16ain. : | lies Mnlneac..4:40i. : | m. preparation la CIIICAUO , Bl'ttLIXnTOX AND Ql'INCT. j roperlymade. Dejiart. Arrive. Accept nn Atlantlc'Kx < . . . .fi:3-ip.m. : I 1'acinc Kill. . . .0:20 : a. in. counterfeit m MallandHx 0:10a. : m. Mail and K.7:1X1 : ) i. m. similar name. X. Y. K\ 6M : p. m. I Nub. k Ka's Kx. .0:10 : a. m. The distin CHICAGO aildjNUUTIIWKSTKRN. guished Dr. L. Depart. Arrive. A. Say re said Atlantic Kxt. . . . 5:15 : p. m. Pacillc Ilxt. . . .0:16 : a. m. to a lady of tin JIail and Ex' . . .0:20 : a. m. Mall and r.x'.0:15 : p. m. H.U'Tox ( a patient ) : "Ac you ladles will u e them , Accom ( Sat ) . 5:10 : p. in. Accom ( Mnn ) . . 1:45 : p. m. I recommend ' ( Jouraud'a Cream' as the least harmful KNNAH CITY , NT. JOB AXI ) CUU.SCII. HLl'Hfl. of all the Skin preparations. " One bottle will las ! Depart. Arrive. slxnionth , using It everyday. Also Pniidro Jub Mall and Ex 0:65 : a. m. I Hxpresa . fi:3.'i : p. in. tile removes KiipcrtUums hair without injury to the 8:25 : p. m. Mall and Ex. . . 0:45 : p. m. skin. y UMOX i skin.MMK. . M. H. T. nOUUAUI ) , Sole Prop. 4S Hour * Depart. Ajrlvc. . . N. V. Overland Ex lltfOa.m. I Overland Ex..4:0(1 : ( p. m. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal f Lincoln Ex 11:30a.m. : | Denver Ex 8:00a. : in. rs throughout the L'nlteil States , Canada am Denver Ex 7:00p.m. : Local Ex Uiltila. m. luropu. Local Ex 7:2"ia. : m. " Ex OWi a.m. .TU'Heware of ba o Imitations , JI.OOO reward foi Emigrant 6:20 : p. m. " Ev. 0UO : a , m. rrcst and proof of any one selling the same. WMIASII , NT. LOL'IS AXI ) I'AlIHC. 14-wcow-mu 'Jt-evv-Bm Depart. Arrive , Mail and Ex . . . .9:45 : a. m. . | Mail and Ex. . ,4'ti : ) p. m. Cannon Hall.4:50 : p. m. | Cannon Ilall..ll:0. : > a. m. HIOUX CITY Axn I'.icmc. Were Cornice-Works Depart , Arrive - , For Sioux City.7:55 : a.m. | Frm Sioux Cit)0'pO : p.m. For Fort Xiobrara I Frm Fort Niobrara Neb * 7.ri."j.i. : in. | Neb * fl10p. : ! in. ; l-'orSt. Paul 7:41) : ) p. m. | From St.Pant..SM : a.m. IHON AND SLATE UOOFINO. C1HCK1I ) , .MILVVAl'KKK AM ) ST. I'AI't. , Leaven Council Hlulls. Arlvcs Council Hluffs. Mill and Kx. . . ' 9:20 : a. in. I Mail and F.x. . (1:55 : p. m. Atlantic Ex. . . . 15:15p. : in. | Atlantic Ex.0:10 [ : a. m. C. SPECHT PROP CHICAGO , SI1MVACKKK AXI ) ST. I'AfL. , Leaves Omaha. Arjlvcsat Omaha. Mail and Ex.7:15 : a. in. I Pacific Ex. . . . H9:4 : ! > a. in. AtlanticKx . . . [ 3:4Up. : m. | Mail and Ex.7:25 : p. m. 1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Xeb. 'Except Sundave. " ( Except Saturdays. { Except Monday. [ Daily. MANUFACTUHElt OF COUNCIL ni.l'KKH AM ) OMAHA KTHKKT RAILWAY. l nvo Council Hluffs. Leavu Omaha. S a. m. 9 a. m ID a.m. 11 a , I 8 a , in. 9 a. in. Ida. m. 11 Galvanizea Iron Cornices. m. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 3 p. m , 4 | a , m. 1 m. 2 p. m. 3 p. m , . p. m. 5 ) > . m. fj 11. in. I 4 p. in. 5 p. m. 0 p. in. Street cars run half liourh to the Union Pacific depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at t ) iifDonner Wlndoiv , FinlaN , Tin , Iron and Slat o'clock a. m. , and run regularly during.tho day at 9 , looting , Specbt'N patent Metallic Skv light , 1'atcn 11 , J , 4 , 5 , and 6 o' clock , and run to city time. adjusted Hatchet liar and Hrackct Shelving. 1 at ho general agent for the aborc line nf goods. Ire : r'encing , Cresting , Halustrades , Verandas , " Iron Han Chicago , Burlington & Quincy ilallings , Window Hiinds , Cellar Ciiiards ; also genera tgent for Pecrsnn k Hill ] tent Inside Illlml. KAILKO.M ) . eed br th * Nralo of OFFICE OF FHEIOHT AGENT /our dutlM Toid nUbtwork , AI tm- , \ sttiBUlantianQ QIC torcbnlnn rvvaa < AXD COUNCIL Ili.urTH , May 12 , 18S. ! . ) Hop Bittr c waM * UM HarwT rocr a-r Uv > - Arrangement ! have been made for the ) flncr tlon or tlun i If you u LOADING IN CHICAGO DAILY of ono or more cars rt a or ilmgle , old or with MEHCIIANDISESOLIDCONSIONEI ) to poor bulth or Unzuljh parties In COUNCIL DLL'FFS. otu , nl7 on Hop Wlio T r yon are ZMV * hto Tr you i ttuiljtram oui JiTThese cars will come through to destination form " o nrr nithout stopping. C/nick tlmo | is'thereby Insrned. that _ - - your . * . _ . j Please order jour goods tia C. Ii. k < } . H. U , h T by * tlm l7 HopB A. B. WEST , tiidn GENERAL AGENT. rveo , dltot Womo , tlood. NEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO , UwrotiwrcMi tomtit Ton , will b * mradKroaoM HopBltt r * . HASTINGS , NKH. oUbrdrcr 'tTrnrJ "w < - BxK f lrtted.trj Capital , $250,000. III nvfo/our It may life. It hc JAS. II. HEAIITWELL , President. A. L. OLAKKK , Vice-Pre-ldent. K. C. WEHSTEItrrreasurer. C. 1' . WEHSTKK. Cashier. DIHECTOltS : Samuel Alexander , Oswalt. Oliver A. U Clarke , K. C. Webster , ( ieo. II. Pratt , .las. It. Hcartwill , D. M. McElIlinney. Pirst Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnhhea a permanent homo Institu tion where school Ilnnds and other legally issued Mil nicipal Securities to Nebraska can hu negotiated 01 the most favorable terms. Loans made on Improve * : farms In all well settled counties of the state through responsible local cnrresiiondenK ev MA VERICK NA T/ONAL BAM. Cor. Water and Congress Sti. as o © T o oxr. CAPITAL , $400,000. SURPLUS , 400,000 Trail-acts agcncral lianking business. Huccives the accounts of banks , cankers and others. Draws forelgr exchange and makes cahlo tranfcferf In Europu am telegraphic transfers of money throughout the Uiitcd States. Duyf and soils government and other Investments tccurltlcs , and executes an ) business for Its correspondents in the line of banking. ASA P. POTTEH. President. . J. EDDY , JW. . WOHK , Cashier. Ass t. lvu.liU'r. /i. ni.tlh-nic DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS /fTRF-MOVED TO OMAHA NATIONAL BANK IJl'ILUINO , CUOOKXI ) MIS OVMPAICIX. All liitorcwtlitK Omiitor on Indians and nn Indian I'lulitoi' Kn'oi'l ol ( Me ( "ii Curl Schurz In the F.vcnlmt Pmt. It is ri'i > orU'l that in 18:15. : wlu-n funeral ! - oral Scott cnmluotctl tin1 war ajjuinst tlio Setninolus in the jnngk-s and swamps of Florida , his fnrco was dividi-d into .sev eral columns , surroimdini ; in a large cir cle tlio jilnct1 in which tlio camp of thu hostilu Indians wan suppHM-d to be , and that us these column * made a concentric advance , each mie of them was to lire a heavy gun every morning and evening , seas as to let the others know of its where abouts. In this way thu dillercnt col umns are said to have been well informed about each other's movements , but the Indians were duly advised in the same way. It turned out to be not a good way to catch them. General Crook carries on Indian warfare - faro on an entirely dill'erent principle. There is no firing of morning and even ing guns , no beating of drums , no sound ing of the trumpets , and no waving of banners in his method. There is a com plete absence of dress parade , of military style , and of all those things which con stitute the pomp and circumstance of war. He goes about it in an exceedingly sober business-like wayand his success is in a great measure owing to the fact that he carries on an Indian war in the Indian way ; in other words , that he looks for victory less through gallant charges than through the means of rapid marching , stealthy approach , and sudden surprise. Those who are acquainted with ( ! en. Crook know that , witli reganl to Indian warfare , he is in a certain sense a "theo rist. " His theory is that , man against man , the Indian possesses certain im- rtant advantages over our soldiers in a lampaign ; that lie is a better and more ntiring horseman , is a better marksman ' well armed , usually bet- er acquainted with the thea- re of operations , and more skillful in vailing himself of the accidents of the round. Tlio Indians have also the ad- antage of being able to disperse when lard pressed , while the soldiers moving .gainst them must remain together unles.s heir numerical superiority is very great , en. Crook ooncludes , therefore , that it s always bust to tight Indians with In- "inns , as much as it can be done , using ; i > rco of white soldiers only as a .support r reserve. His theory is , further , that Indians liken into the government service as Couts or soldiers can be depended upon is entirely faithful and trustworthy , and hat , when they have confidence in the lommanding olHcor as a great and success- ill warrior they will put forth their ut most efforts in the execution of his orders , 'ho correctness of this theory even in ; i arger sense is borne out by the faithful ervices rendered by thu Indian polieo- en on the reservations. And finally , Son. Crook's experience is that while the ndians are exceedingly watchful and no- ivo when in actual contact witli the one- ny , their vigilance relaxes when they : hiiik the enemy far away , and that there- ore the remote and seemingly inacces- ible retreats or strongholds are apt to be uito open to surprise if carefully ap- iroached. Acting upon these favorite theories , Jon. Crook organized for the pursuit ol lie Apaches a force in which the Indiana ppoared not as a mere auxiliary contin < gent , but as the main body Uf > 0 Indiai couts to only fifty regular soldiers , These Indians he did not take from i ribo unfriendly to the Apaches , but fron he Apaches themselves , regardless of tin cry rained by.timid souls that these scouts ed against their own relatives , wouli surely murder him rather than light hem. And then , when the hostiles dis lurscd before him , he marched his forci in a fitill hunt over the roughest possihli trails , led by Apache guides , into th < "icart of the Sierra Madre , considered b ; the Indians inaccessible excep to themselves , and completol ; surprised their villages , which coii tained their women and childrei ml their plunder , and some of the ! chiefs and fighting men. Taking hi captives with him , he returned across th American boundary line , without seiiilin ; couriers or bulletins ahead to proclain is success , and those who are personal ! ; Acquainted with him will recognize th' man at once when they read that , unox pcctedly coming back from his perilou expedition to Col. Biddlo's camp , ho hiv at first nothing to say to his comrade but "Nice morning , colonel. " Anothe striking feature of this expedition that w'liilu usually about live soldiers ar killed to one Indian , on this occasio eight mules were lost , but not a singl man. General Crook'w success will undoubt edly have a tremendous effect upon th imagination of the hostiles in that region who will see in him a war chief that can not lie beaten or resisted. A good man sin-renders therefore may bo looked foi and the campaign against the most do * desperate characters who still remain i the liuld will bo greatly simplified. Th government will probably do well t leave the winding up of this business en tirely in Gunoral Crook's hands , It wi be difficult to find u man whose judgmen can bo more implicitly trusted. Mori over , while ho thoroughly understand the question in all its aspects , the Ii dians themselves not only Htand in aw of him as an invincible warrior , but the have also confidunco in him us a just am humane man. In fact , some army oil cors who favored the extermination the ( ry , were , not many years ago , in the I ml it of saying that General Crook had pel haps become a little too much of an Ii dian himself. They will , however , lit deny now that this is one of his stroii points. ItciiiiMiihor Thin. If you are sick Hop Hitters will surel aid Nature in making you well when a else fails. If you are costive and dyspeptic , < are suffering from any of thu numeroi diseases of thu stomach or bowels , it your own fault if you remain ill , fc Hop Hitters area sovereign remedy i all Hiich complaints. If you are wasting away with any fun of Kidney disease , stop tempting Dent this moment , and turn for a cure to Hi Hitters. If you are sick with that terrible sicl ness NervouHiieHH you will find a "Hah in Gilead" in the use of Hop Hitters. If you are a frequenter or a resident c a miasimitio district , barricade your nyi turn against the scouige of nil countrii malaria , epidemic , bilious and ii termittent fevers by the UHO of He Hitters. If you have rough , pimple or Hallo skin , bad breath , pains and aches , an fuel miserable generally , Hop Hitters wi give you fair skin , rich blood , andnweu est breath , health and comfort. In short they euro all diseases of tl .Stomach , Howels , Blood , Liver , Nerve Kidneys , Hright'ft Disea.iu. 8500 wi bo paid for a case they will not cure < help.That That poor , bedridden , invalid wife , si er , mother , or daughter , can be made he picture of health by a few bottles of lop Hitters , costing but a tntlo. \ \ ill i ou let them suffer ? Colorado Miirlilc Denver Times. Mr. Tweedy , who was sent cast b\ the now c < iiniiny | owning tlio now marble quarries discovered in tlio Arkansas valley - loy , fur the purpose of having tlio marble compared with the Vorinont j > r < > diict , has rottiriii'tt , anil brings n remarkably favor- i\blo rojinrt. The heaviest marble dealers of Vermont united in the opinion that tlio specimens wore fully equal to thu best statuary iimrlilo of Vorinont , anil upm , hearing how the niino was located , linn it \vn * openedand the position of the strata , Hiiid that the Colorado deposit vns as good as anything in Vorniont. The test niado of the marble l > y the eapi- tel CDminissinnors shown that nf all the wimples submitted it stood socniid for building purposes , the hard granite frnin the quarries owned by Hon. William A. llamill Rtanding lit-st , In texture , fineness and ehoinical proper ties the niarlilo has been shown to ho DUO of the best building Htonu.s in the state. In the test under pressure , it stood a crimhing of 15,708 pounds to the square inh - inure than fifty times what is necessary .fur the heaviest building in the city that is likely to be erected- The owners of the deposit arc jubilant over the proHpects , and consider that they have ono of the most valuable pieces of propority in the state. Si-iioFfLA. A medicine that destroys : ho germs of Scrofula and has the power o root it out is appreciated by the nf- licted. The remarkable cures of inen\Mi- non and children as described by to.sti- uonials , prove Hood's Sarsaparilla a roll- ilile medicine cnntaining remedial agents which eradicate Scrofula fnini the blond. 100 doses $1.00. Sold by nil dealers. C. I , Hood A Co. , Lowell , fass. Monstrous 31osiullocH. | N. V. .Iniirnal. A .lerspynmn while returning homo Into .mo evening was thrown out of his car riage by coming in contact with what deemed to be tlio frame of n cottage blown over by the wind. A close- in spection revealed the fact that it was the skeleton of a Hergen county mosquito. Hearing a noise in his melon patch one evening a Long Island farmer pointed his gun ill the direction of the disturbance and tired. The next morning ho dis covered the dead bntly of n mosquito as largo as an ostrich , with its bill lirmly embedded in the biggest watermelon in the garden. A Pennsylvania mosquito attacked a Hchoolma'am who was walking in the woodsaand while trying to dufond her self from the ferocious creature she shat tered her now parasol. The hungry brute escaped. There is in Delaware a certain kind of mosquito whoso bill is as long as that of seaside landlord. In the Great American Desert thu bodies of mosquitoes are used for fuel and their wings for fans. A VKTKHAN SOLDIKK. Mr. 0. ! ' Howies , of Nn.'J4 , Common .Street , Lynn , Mass. , sas : "While in tlio uriny , at tlio battle of Spottsyl- vnnia , 1 fell whilu gutting nver n rnil-fenconml was badly injured nnd loft for dund , but iiftoi a tiino 1 was picked up by comrades , and upon examination it , was found tlutt my buck \vo > badly hurt anil my kidneys puriouuly injured , : ind 1 have suffered tlio most excruciating pain nhicc ! , and could obtain no relief nUliting ! treated by several phyhiumns , nnd 1 hail givei up nil hopes of getting hulp when I was re commended to u o Hunt's remedy. 1 pur several bottles nt ono of our drug store. ' in Lynn , anil began to tiso it us directed , am can now attend to business and am frco fron tlio pains 1 formerly hail ; and 1 wish to say ti my friemlx and comrades that Hunt's Homed ; will do nil that it is claimed for it , nnd worth ; of all praise. You can use my testimony whei you have oceasiofi to , as I most hrartily re commend it to all that have kidney or live troubles. " April'0 , 1883. "YOU MAY US 15 "MY " XA.MI5. " I do. iru to inform you what your vnluubl meilicino has done for mo I was induced t try it by a member of our family , "who hai been henelitted " I hnvo nulTerei terribly from kidney difficulties. At times haVe been very bad , having HOVLTO pains in m ; back , with general IOMI of strength and vital ity. ity.My My urine was very bail , with n heavy sedi input of brick dust , which was fast loading t gravel. 1 commenced using Hunt's Itemed } with n marked improvement from the fax I the pains left , tlio mine became inoro natural and I can truly say ono liottlo effected n pei iniMiciit cure. 1 hnvo recommemleilit to ninny persons but here and in Itoston , all of whom Rpuuk of i with the highest praise. You are at liberty to use this letter or m , iiamo in any manner you may think best , thn other sufferers may lear the value of the greal nes.s of remedies. Most truly yours , JOHN K. Cox , G2 I'lensnnt street. MAI.DK.V , Mass. , April i3 ! , 188X GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS' COCOA "lly a thorough knowledge of tlio lav which govern tlio operations nf digestion anil mitt tlnn , niul by a careful application nf thu flno prnpc tics of well selected Cnc < > a , Mr. Epps has provided in breakfast tahles with n delleatch flavored hovcra ; which nmyna\u many heavy dw'tors' lillN. UNI thp jnillelous use nf such articles nf illut that a cm stltutlnn may ho gradually hullt up until Htrnt HiotiKh to rcttUt even tfinlnii'V tu ill-i-u'o. Hnmlrci of unlitlo maladies nru lliuthiK nrnniul nt reuily to a tack Khuri'tor tlirru Is a wcakpnlnt. We may escuj man } a fatal nhaft h.v kcrplrur imrhclvosucll fnrtllli ulthpnrv hloixl unit prnjivrly nnuri hfil frame. " Civil ServlccOazette. Mitile nlmpl.v nith hnillns water or milk. KnM tins unit ( ill' unil 111' ) h > L'rnuerx , luUU'tl JAMKSKITS&fO. , Hninitpathlc C'hcmUfs l.nnilnn , Kn 'laml. RUBBER BOOTS S/iocs and Artlcs.10,000 Cases. ttaimariN anil railfu to match , uro nflen to tlio jiihhlii ) ; tmile atKVI \ tlmn nianufactnrei prices li\ Field , Thayer & Co , 17S C'onirunn Kt. - lioston. John D. Peabody , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGE01S OITIC'K UOOMH , 3 and 6 1J07 PAUNAM. ItcHlilencc , 1714 Donvlaii Omaha , Ne ALMA E. KEITH. DEALKIl IN Fine Millinery IHAIII OOOD.S , WAVKH , HANGS , ETC. Stock Entirely Fresh and Net 105 intli Street , Opp. I'ostollico. FOE SALE. BEMIS , 15th and Douglas Sts. No 1 Urire house of 10 room , It cistern , ivell , etc. Kver.vthlm ; i-omplctc , full lot 22J ami Webster street" , J.VKHI. 2 Hnu e of 9 rtHinw , Kith room , lint and col.l na- ter , K < M | b.irn , ftill lot , near Chicago aiut ' .Mth Htreet , ? HtMti. S House nf S rooms , bath room , rliwrfii , urll , cis tern , barn , etc. , near 1Mb ami Cumln , $ uintl. 4 Two story homo of S rooms , well ami els- tern , on | ) O IKO , near Kith street , MHHI. ) j \Mtgo \ full two ctor.v house , S or ten room * , full lot , etc. , on Junes near lUth street , &MKM. ( I Ono ami one-half storj houoo of 3 rooms , cellar , brick foiimlatlon , near Convent of Poor Cl.ilre Sinter ) In Shinn' aililltlon , tlou. 7 llnu e of 0 rooms , well ami cistern , one ami one- ball lot on ( "am , IMh street , $1,000. 0 House nf 11 rooms , two storv , < Insets , etc. , one- half lot , on Ulth , near \Vch ter , gA.iHHi. r-1 House of about 8 room" , cellar , well ami cl tern , on 19th near Webster , ? IIKH | ) . 10 Uiivo IniiKi ) 8 rooim , itonil Kirn , eli' . , Int BO\ltlt feet , nn llth i-lreet near Center Ktreet school hou e , V2 , . ' oi > . 11 Two xtnr.v frame hou c 7 rooms full lot on Cbliii- , U'o , Hear 23il rtreet , A'l.'mi' 12 frame home , ft rooms kitchen , well , etc , ( Inml Kirn , full Int near KM anil Ma-nni xtreets " 'JIOi > . in Hrlck house nno aril one-half xtor.v , four roonn ami kitchen , Lirue barn , on Sherman avenue ( inthstieet ) , near bridge , &lf < Hi. 14 L.irKe new ono ami one half . . 111 rooniH , brick foumlatlnn , cver.vlhiiitf iinnplcti1 , lot MllxlMI feet on Sherman avenue , near Pop- pleton's 4rti > o. 1. ) Two story hiIck liniiM' of (1 rooms 2 elostts , gan\ \ eillar , elstein , well , etc. , -1 niul Mason streetn , $ iliioii. 1(1 ( New house of ll rooiin ami kitchen , , els- tern , etc. , on 17th near Jackson street , i > .V > oo. ISTwostor.v house of (1 ( rooms , basement , cellar , ci lcrn , well , Int 40x271 feet near St. Mar.v' . ave- line niul 2ilil street , sVidO. II ) HIIUHO nf tl rooms , IIMH | eillar , full lot nil Leal- inwnrtli , near ITIli street , _ t ) Two hoiisex , one of tl rnotns , one nf S rooms , bavtMiivnt , cWern , will , etc. , on Pleicc near Ulth street , SIW > 0. Jl Three acres of Kronml ami oM St. Mnr.v's convent with about IS or 2il rooms , : t Ktnrles , nn St. .Ma- rj'K avenueopposite Woolunrth'n resilience , $211- IHK ) Jl llon o of n rooms , cistern , full lot , on 19th near Jackson street , $ lrtr > o. House of n rooms , cellar , etc. Full lot on Mb , near Piereo utieet , v2riiU. Jl Lanie bouse of 7 rooms , , well anil cistern. Lot : il ( by llfj feet on California near lUlli street , JT illwl 2S ilonso of 2 roonii , well , cistern , etc. , near 1'lereo and 13th street , Sl,300. JO Two houses , R rooms each , cellars , viell , cNtern , slusl , etc. , near 2'itli and Cumin ) ; streets. I.iilfn lot , < ? VX ( ) . 27 llou-e U rooms , nnu nnd nnu-half storon duties , near Saunders , street , < 2IXXI. 23 I.anxe hrlck house of II rooms , ctllar , well , cNtern etc , nenr ISth street nnd St. Marv's avenue , if'MO. J9 Onu lar o honsu nlnu rooms , and one nf three rooms , \\f | | , etc. Lnt IKKW1 feet , near 10th nnd NIchnl.iH streets , $ .1XX ( ) . Ill Small huusu 4 rooms , two hits , on 17th street , near .Nicholas , gl/iOu. 0 TXMI lar u houses , nnu nf 7 rooms nnd onu of 8 rooms , tivo lots , on ISth , near Nicholas street , ? 4,0 < X ) . 111 House 7 rooms , half lot on Wchttcr , near 21st street , * 2MXJ. 112 'IVo houses , one of n roomn and one of 0 rooms on Chicago , near 12th ( full lot ) 33 T o story hnnsu 10 moms , half Int ou Wehster near Kith streut , < 2M)0. ) 31 Hrlek housu of 11) ) rnnms , cellar , well mid cNtcrn , on Cass near Ifith street , * 3snn , , . ' ( . " . Lariro hrlck hoii u of cicht rooms , hath room , cellar , well , clitern , eti' , on Fannim , ncnr 17th street , i 12,0oo. 37 Two houses , nnu cottage , and onu two tor > house , two lots on Chlcairii near 'Jntli street , SS , . fiOO. ; t3 U-irK'o now hmisu of 111 rooms , lot OtKSS feet or ClilcnKo , near 20th street , 7,1X10. 40 HoiiHuof 11 rooms , hit 230 hy nhont 400 feet 01 Sherman avenue , near Clark street , 911,11X1 , 41 lloictunf rooms , h'lck hascnient , ll\2l ( feutlo 40x140 feet on IHIh , Hoar Inird street , $1,000. 12 Honsu nf 7 latxu rnnms , hasement , hath room etc. Lot MlJxlMl feet. ? 7mxi. 43 Housu nf II rooms , U jot on Far mini nenr Ibtl street , fcifl.rxxi. 44 Store ulth rooms nhovo on Dod c , near post of lieu ( on leased Krouiul ) &MK ) . 45 lloiiso of 3 rooms , coal shed , etc , on Ifttli nca Sherman street , if"no. 40 Small hnnsu.thrcu rooms , on Ic.iseil tirnnnil , least to run for two vears , on Hurt , near 2Mli street * 20 ( ) . 47 llou-c of 3 rooms , cellar , etc , lot 132x170 feet ol 12th , near street , W.fiOO. 4S Hoii-e of 3 ronnw , lot 2oJ ( feet on tuth stree near Capital avenue , $700. 49 Housu of t riionH , cellar , well and cistern , m Hartley , near 2uth street , tf2fiM TiO Three ( innscH , one nf 5 nnd 2 nf t rooms each well , cistern , etc , full lot on 17th near .lonci struct , # 5,200. M 11 on-o of fi rooms , cellar , "oil , etc. , one-half In nn CnllcRu street , near St. Mary's nveiine , stt.ooij 52 Housu of 7 rnoms and hamnoiit , three quarter of a mile from end of red street car line , * lljij LOTS. No. 1 Lot 30U4Q feet nn 17th near l/ard sheet , * 52J. 2 Full lot on Mt. Pleasant avenue , near 23d ttree { will dli lilcl , ODD , 4 Lot on Furnam , near 25th street , # 1,500. t > Lnt r > SJxii2 : feet on Farnam near i'lli street Sj Two full lots on Farnam near 25th street , ono fn Sl.Sinjaiiil one fur c .ixx ) . 0 Three full Ints on 23d near Clark street , ) > f > i each. 7 Two lots on Sherman uvenue near Poppleton' residence , $ | nou each. S Four lots nn 17th street , near Poppleton'n resl deuce , 17 U > each. 0 Lot 50x100 foil on ISth street near St. Marj's av eiiue , < f'J,200. 10 Hlxtten lots on St. Mar.v'n avenue , St. Mar.v'xcoi vent proper ! ) * 2OOU to f 1,000 each. 12 Konr acres on D.iven | > ort street , near city limit ? 2im. ( 13 I'nll lot on Douglas , near 21th street , glIOO. 11 Two lots on 10th street , near lake's atldltlo kclionl house , * lflOO' 6 Five acres near Prosjieet Hill Cemetery , $200 pe acre. 10 1'onrloUon Madison incline , near Poppleto street , ( near park ) $3. ' > D each. 17 Lot on 10th Street , nuar Lcuienworth , * 1WJO. IS Lntnn Cass , near 2l t street , Xl.MI. 2.1 I'our lots near 23 < 1 and rurnain street , 2,350 t * 3nu < > each. 24 'Ibreo Ints ill Nilson's iulilltlaii , two on ( 'hard street and onu on Idaho street nuar Cnmlnv W55 each. 25 Ten beautiful resldencu lots on Hamilton htree hl h and sltfhtl.v , SI75 to AS50 each. 20 Two acres on Capitol avenue near city limit' ' $1,000 per acre. 27 Four uereM on ( 'upltol avuiine , near cit ) limit' 91 , 000 per acre. 271 Ton acres on Davenjiort , near 1'loa-unt fctreci * lUuil per acre. ! W ( Iroimd on llitli street , opKwlto | namnair Hrov try , tube sold In lots of 1UO fut front and rut nlng back to raiUoad , t'JO ' per front foot. 30 Two lot * nn Sewurd , near Saunders street , conn lot f'no , liiiMu luljolnlng corner H'oo. ' P.i Two lots on diaries street , near Saunders , tfj ! each. SI Onu aeru on Cumlnu' and Hurt streets , neo Acadeni.v of Sacred Heart , if2ooo. Will divide. 32 Three ijiiarters of an aero nn California strei near Aemlenil of Sacred Heart , yl.MK ) . 33 Ixjt on CiiIKornia near 21 t utrect , loo. ! ) : i : > One half lot on Uard , near lUth strict , 750. 35 Threu lots on Culdwell stieit , near Saunder WOO each for limldu and * ' < ( > for cnrncr. 110 Threu lots In llojil's addition , nuar falrgronm make olfcr. 37 Two third * of a lot nn railroad , near Kith slice * -,500. K Twii'tlilriNof a lot on railroad , near IMh stree > 1 , fio. ( 39 Corner lot on 15th near Jackson street , 1,500. 10 Half lut on loth near DoouUs tlrctt , > flM > . 41 Full corner lut on Hurt near 21st street , 2,300. 42 Two luts on Deoutur near Irenu street , * a ) ejie ! 43 It Movtll ftet on Shernivn aven nuar Mreit , * " , , ( imi. 44 IM 23xtU ) feet on 12th near Douglas street , mal nlfer. 45 Ixit on 2.'ld nuar draco strut , tftiO. 40 Two lot * on 16th ktrt-i-t mnr Nail Works , ( fJ.M ) 17 Acre lot in ( lUo's addition , on Cameron nu Samidero treet , f.M > , it I/it on Division street , near Ciimlng street , $ ) ll i3 Aero lut III Ul > u' * iidditlnn , on Cumurun no Maunders street. Maku otler. M Hlock In Hoyd'a addition , near fair ground , $10 51 Ixjt on Parker strict , near King , 350. f > 2 Full lot on Pier near Caldtull street , jl.UUO. 04 'Hireo loU In ( Irand View , near Bod's piickli liuuw , Make oiler. REAL ESTATE & BELL , Opposite Postoffice. Bargains in Improved Property. .No. 10:1 : lliiii > e fi nuniiH anil iKKfini'iit , .Mtli anil Xliniui . i ! inn 17:1 : ( liKMl liniiop , Kirn , ( 'mulim * ami 1MH. \ ( . . 2 Oi i 17'J llnii cft ri'oinxnn li-.i fil lot . 4W 170 llun c .S rnnins nn I'm k lui'inlc , rnrn'er , rho.ip . . . ! 1 300 107 llniix- near S.minli'rs trei't , full Int. fa j llTtllH . DlHI 100 HmiwCriMinis , i ! tnr > ui tltlirtrvvl . I MHI 1IV > Unlike .1 rnnin , IMh ami l.t'.ui'iiuuttli t. 1 MiO 101 Ilimii' ll\r ruinni , Hamilton Mrcot nrar Charles . 1 nee 1(1:1 ( : T\\o tioiKex , full lot , 'Jdth ami llanu > . \ . 1 don 1111 Two 'tnry hmi e near 1'ith utri'i't , corner 0 IHKI 100 llmi ti tuo rnniiH , ( nil lot , .Vth ainl ItoUK- - l.'iS lnn | o A riMMiii , .Mth anil Clark . 1 3IH1 lf > 0 Two ( \cres on I'uinliii ; , lmprn\eil . . . 3 OiK ) lf > 5 llnu 4 rooms , barn , Oth clreet . 1 .in ) 1&4 llnil-o 2 riiiini , kitchen , vlv , I''lh utreet . POO l.VI (1 ( liniiiei , rents for gll.t per niiinth , 2 full h > ts on Iea\enunrth ami ISth "Ircet * . . 10 MW 1'iU 'I\\o hmli'i'S I ) anil S rnnmi , Imril , etf , ( nil lot , l > n\cii | > iirt nuil 24th Htu-rt . . 0 1HH1 1M ) IIOIIKO 0 rnnni , on IMh , on car line 1 Son 1411 Unmix ) rimnm on'nth , nearl'anl . . . 2 Mil 1 llnn-od riMiini , harn , .Mth niul and Clark 2 KM U7 Hmiw 4 rnniiH , 2lntn > : intli i-treet . 1 Mil 1411 Umixo4 roiinii , 20th and . 1 MX ) 1M llniiou (1 riHiini , | i | > l lnn xtrect.ehi'np - 2 fton 1V1 lliill i'4 rnnini , trcei.Mh utrcet . 1 NX ) Kill lliMi-u ( I riinins , now , Shliin'H aildltlnn . . . 2 MKI till Three linn cs , Capltnl nvcnne nnd 10th utri'i-t each . 1 XI IN ) lliwi'ft rooms , I'lcan.xnt htreet . 1 SiK ) 122 HMirri'i , hu\l o , pinion , itc . I CIH ! 111) ) llnnio ll ronni" , 21 t and l.e'i\en nrlh. . . . 1 ( L'O 120 liiinhlo hniiie t rnnms nn 2lxt street . . . . 2 Mil 1 li : The hnn es , full Int , Ifllh nd Mu i > n . . . . 2 f > o 101 I'lMuicrei , Siiiindrrs utri-ft . 3 ( liHl 101 3 Ints and liniiM- , nth street . 1 ooo 04 Hume 4 rnnms , Iflth ulreet . HiK ) TwohnnteK , full Int , rent ( nr * 75 per niiinth , 13th anil Cn . C. ( "XI SO llntisc II innini , llmlce nil27th . 1 IH.H ) Unimproved Property. " 2S I.nt Cais and ! Sd 1 ! * X ) 321 lot near car llnu 1 nee 317 0-lnts near Park nU'ime , each (175 ( 3ill mints I'arkersaililitlnu each ; < ! ) to ( Inn ! Uii : I lot 2'th and DaM-njinrt 2 nod 21)7 ) 7 liit riirti-rs additionJftVi tii"- OOJ 2D1 S lutH oi | I'ark atcnnc , niaku an nITer 2112 2 hits nil Icaiin street SIM ) 2Hi ( | J acres nn IJiiincy Mreet 1 100 1V ) Unlike fi n nmi , cnrner .Mh street 2 fax ) Ml lots In Low us aildltlnn each l-lno to # 4IXJ 17.ri IntH In llnyd'H nildltlnn , each 00 to MO KX ) hits in Ilan einn I'lacc , each : i.M ) to 1 Mo 201ntn In HnrrUak aildltlnn , each 31X1 to 2 ( > M ) liitu In Inane & Selden'iiailiHtliin 35(1 ( to Mm M ) lot * In llcillck'n nddlttnn 7X ( ) to t MM ) 10 aero IntH , 1'ark place. . . MX ) In 1 MX ) 4 acres on CnmiiiL'street 6 300 0 lutn In 1'atrlck H aildltlnn 4lx ) to 0'itl 0 lots In Shlnn'H uddltlnn 400 to t ( "l 1 lots In Uavan'H aildltlnn MIX ) tn ( XXI Hints In I' . V. Smith's nddltlull 4I.K ) to 3iitl Ints In lliirhach'H l t aililltlnn , each. . 1 01X1 I.iitu In nil parts nf thu city , and In evcr.i addition u can ) terniw ? Call or vend ( or dcxrriptltu pam- > hlctn. Five Acre Tracts , ist i" < t nf city , SI25 per acre , # 100 ca li , hatancc n tlmu at ( Iper cent. Thin prnperty Is mliulniliH ndapteil 'tu ( 'iirilfiilnt 'ROl'OSALS ' FOR DRIDOE CON- HTItUCTION. Ai.r.n 1'iioi'osAi.s wn.i , in : UICIIVKI : : > in thu HlHk'r lk"iH'4 until 12 o'clnek IUHIII nf Mini .lav . , .Inly 2nd , A1 1) ) . 1HS3 , fur tlio cnnxtrnctlnn of irldu'u In the city nf Omaha , north nf tlio ITnlo 'aclllo car shnp4 , nnd leading to tlio Water \Vorl , inmp. Such hrliluo to he riinstrncted In acrnnliinco lt ilansand HH | > cllratliiiii ! on Illo In the nlllco nf th : lnaril of I'nhllo WnrkN , Bids to hu accompanied h ho HiKiiatnres nf prnpni < eil snrctlei * ulin , In tli inentof thu nuanllnu nf such I'nntract , will elite Into iinnds ultli tlio city nf Omaha In thu sum i llto hundred dollars for thu faithful execution r inch uork. The Hoard of I'lilillo Works rvsvr\CH the rljht ( t uleet any or all hids. JA.MKS CUr.lllllTON , Chalnnan llnanl nf I'uWIe Works. Jo 18-taw-tw PROPOSALS FOR PA VINO. KAI.KII I'llOl'OSAl.S Wlll < UK UKCIIIVKI ) II' thu nndenlKiieil until 12 o'clock noon of Mm day , .Inly 2nd , A. P. 1HSII , for tlio pa\in nf Hariie street , In I'nvlni ; Dlitrlct No. 0 , hclnc that jiart i lliirnoj Htreet I.Unif lietueen thu vast llnu nf Nlnt ntreet and tin ) umt llnu of Fifteenth street , u\ce | thu Intersectlnn niadu hy the crn-mini ; of Tent ' street. Al o for the pa\li'iK of Sixteenth street I iuhik- District No. 8 , lieinj ; that part nf .slxteent treet l > ln hetueen the smith llnu of llon la * stret nnd the south llnu of Izanl street , liotli | > a\lii | ; ill1 trlcts aforesaid heln In thu city nf Omaha , county i lmilas ) and stnto nf Nuhraxka. In acconlancu "It thuwlshemif thu le al Inajnrlty of prnperty n nei lmttliiK nn said piuliik'illt-trli'ta unil In nliudlcnco t ordinanfes Non. 5t > : i and T > S7 of nald clt ) , thu materl : to lie used In paUnu the afnreiald dlstrlctx ninxt h 'Trinidad or Mieut Asphaltnm. " All such pavlni ; t ju laid and unrk ilnnu In acenrdanco willi jilaiiH nn spcclllnttlnnH nn Illo In the nlllco nt thu Hoard i I'nhllo Works. Koparntu hid * to ho presentud fi each iiavlm ; dlitrlct , with sciuratu | prlcox named I each old for u UMI years' unil ten juarn' unarantuo i said paUni ; . Hlds to ho accompanied hy thu sl 'm tnrus nf proposed eiiretles who , In thu e\ent nf th auaidliiKnf thu contract , will enter Into hiinds wit thu city of Omaha In thu mini of thirty tlionsan dollars 'for each nf thu uhinu dcMcrlhed patlm ; ill ; trlcts to iiimiru thu faithful performance of mich cm tract , Illds limit also hu accompanied hy a cert I Ik chock , payahlu to thu city of Omaha , In the sum i lUu hundred ilollars ( or each hid ; uneli check to I returned to Milder In the event nf nnn-accvptancu i hid , and to thu successful hldiler when mieli contrai and linnd aru ilnlr untured Into and thu samu a | linnml hy thu llnanl of I'nldlc Works , thu Maji and City Council , an provided hy law and ordinal otherHisu such check to hu forfeited and placed I thu credit of thu patlnir fund , All Mil * limit ho inailo upon printed hl.inkn , to 1 fnrnlidieil hy thu Hoard nf I'nhllo Work * . The Hoard nf I'nhllu Works reserves thu rlnht I reject am and all hid * . .IAMC.S CHKKJIITO.V , Chutnnan Iloanl nf I'nhllo Works. Jc 18-tau-t PROPOSALS FOR PA VINO , Sealed proposal * nlll hu received h.thu . tinder * ! ) , ' ! eil until noon of Saturday , .Innu the 2.'ld , A. I > . Iss fnr fnrnUhln pailn material nnd paving ; thu folloi liiKillotrlcts In the city of Omaha , to-vvit ; I'uvli dl trl < tH NOH. 'l | , . ' > , U , and 7. llliU are specially I vltcd on the fnllo\\ln < , ' | utini ; materials , to-ult : He qnallt.v of Slonv Tails ( Ininitc , hest iiiullt.v | nf I.In Stone , hest iiiulit | > of Sand Stone , and TrinliUd A idialtnm. All material to he furnished and pavlni ; lie done in accurdancu v\ith plans and spccillcatioi on Illo In thu olllcu of thu Hoard nf I'uhllc v\nrks. Hit to hu acTomiianled h.v samples ( of materials prnpnst to hu furnished h.v each hiIlor. , Illds to hu uNo a cnnii.iiilud | hy thu slnatnreof | proposed sureties , v\l In thu event of thuaHardinu nf thu emitructw ill eiit Into a linnd ulth the < iu nf Omaha In thu sum nf ti tlion-iinil dnlhirs ( "In.noo ) , fnr each district , for tl faithful execution nf said word. Hldu to ho nccni panted h.v u certified cheek in the sum of lUo hiindn dnllars { , M ) ) puvaljlc to the cit ) of Omaha. Sncu chti to he returned to lilddcr in the event of non-accei anconf hidund to the succes.sfnlhidder vihun contra Is duly entered into and linnd N dnl.v k'iu-n , ivi hnth hond and I'nntract are apprnved hv the imi.v and city council. UI'N to hu iiiuile on prlnteil lihiii to ho fnrnlilied hy thu Hoard of I'uhllc unrku , The Hoard nf I'nlillc wnrks ie ervu thn rltfht to i Jwt unv and ull hldi , or to accept u | > art or tlio win of any did. JASIIIS CHKKIMTON , Clialrmun Iloanl nf I'uhliu Works. Omaha , .lime H , ] ssi. : um.2w | E. L. EVSorse & Co. , REAL ESTATE AND LOAN nuoKr.its. 1022 Cnpitnl Avu. - . Omaha , Ni HOllMKHUKNTr.D. HKN'CSCOI.I.IX'l-KU. JOHN G.JACOBS , Formerly GUli It Jacolu UNDERTAKER. Short Line - ( II1 TtlK- CHICAGO , & St Paul IIAII.WAY. Is no rnnnliiK Its I'AST KXI'UKSH TUAINS froi OMAHA and COl'.N'L'll , HMJKKS with Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers. and the flmt lllnlntrCars In the world. If .vnu nru irnlnK cast to C'lllCAdO , MILWAUKEE , or nnv pnlnt lievond ; nr If ' M > u nro Eolnif north to ST. I'ArLOItMINS'KAI'OLIS. Take thn HKST UOtTK. theCIIICAdO , MILWAI'KKK * ST. 1'AITL rall r. Ticket nlllce Inonted at I'axton Hotel , at corner of r'urimni nnd Fourteenth utrcets aud at U , I' . dcK | > t , and at Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. rffSee time Tahlo In another column. I' . A..XAHII , Oeneral (1. II. FOOTK , Ticket Ak'cnt , Omahd. S. M. MKIlllILL , A. V. II. CAIH'KSTKU , tlcnenil Manager. ( lencral 1'iLis'er Aircnt. ( I. T.CLAHK , OKI ) . If. HKAFFOIU ) , tleneral Sup'f. A et. Oen'l I'ass Aft niedlr The Clergy. Painful Case of Tetter. I have for 25 or 30 yearn been a iitftcrcr from DRV TirPI'KU. ltilfTrloH | > il Itself on different pnrtloiw of my lii lv , eitendiiiK to my feel and luiuli , cauic \n\S \ \ them to Itch Intolerahly and to crack. It was > painful that I was comtelled | to wear ftulh lluhlier Illores day and nlht fnr months at a time. After cnn < ultln tlio hest ph.vidclami , and nslni ; all tlni rvnusllm which canio to my notice without relief , I commenced the tun of HWlFT'S Sl'KOIFIC , and ant happy to say that there IN scarcely n ircstltfo of the disease left , At no tlmu In twenty-llvo yean have 1 felt such relief and freedom from disease , nnd I cheer fully recommend Swift's Specific. tt > all similarly af- flUtcd. J. II. IIIIANIIAM , Macon. Ia. nronchltla and Minister's Sere Throat CURED t 1 was tali ) low hy nn attack nf HnHichltU and Slin- WIT'S Sere Throat , niul my lifo was nlmost despaired of , when my doctor said trv S. S. S. I hesitated for some time , hut I was afraid nf bclnj { porniajiontlj- Ulil asltlofrnni the active duties of my ministry , 1 decided to | { lvo the preparation n fair trill , and after persevering tn Its nso I found complete/ relief , and am cnjo.vlnt ; excellent health. 1 nm clearly i > ( the opinion that Sulft's Specific U onu of the host Altera tives and Hlnnd purifiers In existence , and I take pleasnru In recommenillni ; ill tlvo curative qualltloti In other * allllcted as I wus , 11. C. HOUNADV. $1,000 Reward. VIII hu paid to any Chemist who whit will flul , on \naljsts of I1X ) hottles M. S. S. , ono | rltclo of Mer- nrlodlilo rntasslnm , nr unv ' mineral Mihstanco. TUB sw'irrsi'KciFio co. Drawer 3 , AtUnta , ( la. ifWrite for the little hook , which will ho. mailed roe. Price : Small tlie , 8UX ) per buttle , large RHJ holdlii ) ; donhlu quantity ) Jl.T.'i huttlu. icll It. DR HENDERSON A regular graduate ill , , mcillclne. Over sixteen JOtlandoUS W.vntlottoSt ! jours' practice twelve Ui KANSAS 1'ITV , MO. , i'hlcapi. Authorized hy thu state to treat Chronic , Nervous and Private dlsca e Asthma , Kpic ! ] yUueuinatUm , Piles , Tap * Worm , I'rlnary and Skin Dls- easesSeminal WeaknesiinlKht ( losses ) . Sexual Debilityln ( > s of sexual power ) , tc. Cures Kiianintcd or money refunded. Charj ; > nvv. Thousands of cases cured. No Injurious meill * i-lnes used. No detention from huslnesH. All mDill- Ines furnished oven to patients at a dhttance. C'on- iiiltatlon freu and confidential call or write ago experience aru Important. A .HOOK ami 'or holh sines Illustrated and circulars of other hhiu'S sent seakil fnr two So otainps. KKK.KMU3 I'.U.M. mud eod-wly DR. WHITTIEE , 617 St , Charles St , , St. Louis , Mo. A iim'I.AIt : : riltADt'ATi : of two medical college * , has heel i cnpik'cil longer In thu treatment of CIIUON- IC , NKUVOl'S , SKIN ANDHI.OOI ) DiseHscn than anr other plivslciaii In St. l.ouls , us city papers Dhowanil all old n'sldentM know. Cnnsiiltatlon freu and Invited. When It Is Inconvenient to visit thu city for treat * ment , incdlclncH can hu sent hy mall nr express every where. rumble eases | ; iiaraiitccd ; where doubt ex ists It Is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervous Prnstratlnn , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness , Mercurial and other atTectlons of Throat , Skin and Hones , Hlond Impurities and illnod Poison- , Skin alTcctlnus , OKI Sores and Ulcers , Impedi ments to Marriage , Hheumatlsm , 1'lloH. Special at tention to cases from overworked brain. SUJUilC'AIj CASI'.S receive special attention. Diseases arUInu from Imprudence , Kxcesses , IndiilKcnccg , marry , vvboinaynot , why , cunsus , conreiUcncen | and euro. Sallctl for 25c ; postao ) or vtamps. a23d&wljr DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S I'llKVKNTIVi : AND CUHK FOR EITHER SEX , Tills tcnicil.v being Injected directly to tlio scat of thu disease , requires no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicines to be taken Intern- all , When used as a preventive by either BUX , It la Imimsslblo to contract any private disease ; but In the * catu of those already unfortunately allllcted wo guar antee three boxes to cure , or wo will refund the money. Price by mall , pontage paid , $2 per box , oc three boxes fur 5. WHUTEN CIUAIIANTEES jssueil b.v all authorized agents. Dr.Felix LeBrun & Co IKOLE PUOPIUCTOUS. C. F. ( iondman , Druggist , Solo Agent , fur Omaha. Neb. mie wly Health is Wealth. Dr E. I' Wcst'H Nerve anil Ilraln Treatment , a guaranteed diieclllc for II.VDteria , Dliziness. 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