Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY J3EE OMAHA , MONDAY , JtTNK 18 , 1883.
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept , because of
the non-removal of the cause
liquor. The way to make
,1 man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
artificial stimulants that car
ry so many bright intellect1 ;
to premature graves , and
desolation , strife and unhappiness -
happiness into so many
It is a fact I BROWN'S I RON
BITTERS , a true nonalcoholic
ic tonic , made in Baltimore , the Brown Chemical
Company , who are old drug-
psts and in every particu
lar reliable , will , by remov
ing the craving appetite of
the drunkard , and by curing
the nervousness , weakness ,
and general ill health result
ing from intemperance , do
more to promote temperance ,
in the strictest sense thin
any other means now known.
It is a well authenticated
fact that many medicines ,
especially 'bitters/ arc noth
ing butchcap whiskey vilely
concocted for use in local
option counties. Such is
not the case with BROWN'S
IRONBITTERS. Itis.imedi-
-cinc , a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous ,
muscular , and digestive or
gans of the body , , produc
ing good , rich blood , health
and strength. Try one bet
tle. Price gi.oo.
' "
, - - - 'Vt -
iLER & CO. ,
litm Ctmlattlhl txtl
preparation t > f | tile cuxxltu ! for fam
ily . Enicr'i Unnlfail Qroa ,
f lam which th * net M of oil hit t ra
. KaJtei'i I'anQla
t' , as R drink or etlci M con *
fy li a ( JilMoai rttlo ! i klghl/
endeJ by tuurUtt ZTulrr'f
Inrdueblo n a diet for dill ' *
dr n. Otntm Bitttt Ck'jculats , a
neil cxctllcnt ortUle far ftmUiii.
Bold bjr tiroccri ertrrnhcro.
W. B A1C33II & CO.
An cicellcnt Tonic ntA Appo-
tizerof vx'iuutte flaror ,
wltula world over. Ciirei liftftfy
tin , hVrrounncT , HuulacUe , ! > *
tllliy. I'oTer&iul.licue , iru-u
aud oil lUnordrr * of tlio l > lntlra |
Orzanm , Jt Imjuirti dcllcloui
flavor to a irla of cbamiotfiitf ,
iMbuoade , aoda , and all ilrinka ,
Try It. TM ( ifrJuJo Ang itura
Qjtterf 1 made by Dr. J. O. JJ.
ftwsuT&Boxi. B 14byaHI > ruK.
IfUU , Oroccr * and
J. W , WUPPERMAH , Sole Agent
51 Broadwa.v , H. Y ,
* -
The Chest of Money Foniifl Bnried in
Old Fanny Harepye's ' Cellar ,
Mystery of Her Life and Doatlr-
A Laborer's ' Story of rind
ing the Treasure ,
Tlics I'ajrmitHtcr and Ills Iiovi * .
New York
Tlio death of Mrs. Fanny Haregrovo in
a solitary hottsu in East Eitrlity-Bixth
street , near the river , was peculiar , fsho
haa lived tlicro until thu memory of the
oldcat inhabitant remarks not to thu con *
trary. No ono know liow sliu cnmu thero.
She appeared to have no friemlH or rela
tives Occasionally an old gentleman
would call on her for jin hour , and they
would be seen Hitting together in the
gatden , but ho never entered thu house ,
She permitted no ono to do tlito. Con-
HJdorablu curiosity wan exhibited in the
neighborhood to know something about
the interior of the old IIOUHO , but it was
never gratified. The edilico is one of the
oldest on Manhattan island. It used to
lie n great place in the times of the ear
lier presidents , and wat for a long time
the abode of a Colonel Joyce , who seems
to have given receptions , at which the
wine flowed deeply and freely.
Then for a long time it Hccms to have
been inhabited , nnd after a while thu
people who were sparsely scattered
around noticed n middle aged lady in oc
cupancy. Now and then she would order
some small things nt the grocery stores on
Third nvenuo , but so seldom as to make
the neighbors wonder what she lived on.
At length HIU went thu way of all flesh.
The first that was known of that event
was the sight of n hearse driving up at
thu front gate. How anybody had been
notified of the death , or who had taken
charge of thu funeral arrangements , no
body know. But tlio cotlin was carried
out of the house then and there , which
proved that the previous rites had been
attended to. Tt is supposed that Mho
wrote to certain oflieials to como and see
her on such and Htiehti night. That they
camu and found her dead body and in
structions what to do.
Owen Murphy is a laboier of No. 2118
.Second avenue. He was called upon by
a man dressed in black , and having n for
eign accent , last Thursday. Ho was asked
what ho would charge to do u job at dig
ging that would take a day. Ho agreed
on a price , and met thu man in black thu
next morning. IIu was accompanied by
another man who , from his talk , he
judged to bo an oflicial of some sort.
The man in black told Murphy to como
into the garden , and ho pointed out a cer
tain spot wheru to dig. Hu went at it ,
and after about half an hour , whenever
hu dug down over three feet , the man in
black told him to eomo away. Thu two
others then consulted.
"Let us try the next , " said the man in
black , and they wont over to a sycamore
on the left of thu garden.
Murphy was again put to digging. The
roots of the sycamore made the job a
difllcult one and Murphy had to go for
his pickaxe. When hu got back thu holu
was iv good deal deeper than 'when ho
left it. Ho was urged to proceed. After
a moment or two the tool struck on
something that sounded like metal. Thu
man in black went down on his knees
and then dug away with his hands. Hu
found thu hard sulmtancu. Itlookedliku
an old piece of iron , but was so inex
tricably uncased by the gnarled roots of
thu tree that it could not be budged.
The man in black told him to go and
got a saw. By this time quite a number
of people had gathered and weru look
ing on from the street. They seemed
puzzled and somu ono said they
were going to bury old Fanny Haregrovo
under the tree. It took a long time to
saw the roots away and the saw was
b.idly damaged by coming in contact
with u small iron box about six inches
long by four in breadth. It was more t <
luck than anything elsu that thu box : wai
discovered at all. If thu pickaxu had
not struck in one little crevice it would
probably have been lost. The man ii
nlack displayed great joy when the bo ?
was pried out of its encasements. Ho
took a small key from his vest pocket
and tried to open thu box but thu lock
was too rusty. They worked at it for n
long time and then smashed it in will
two blows of the pickaxe. The box con
tained only papers. Four or live o :
these they read. The man in black
said :
"Thero is poor old Fanny's ' uiarringt
certificate. " Then ho said , "there it is
thu money is in the collar. "
Murnhy went with them 1ml no
through the house. The man in black
wont round to open the collar door fron
the inside. Ho brought a lighted lamp
In thu cellar hu counted off thirteen fee
from ono wall nnd seven from another ,
and told the man to dig a ain. Ho hue
to break the cement which was n fooi
thick with his pickaxu again. Then h
dug quickly and about a foot and a hal
under ground camu to an iron box live
times the si/.o of the first box. As i
was drugged np by three men iU weigh
demanded thu exertions of all three mei
it rolled over nnd broke open ,
shower of gold pieces fell out. The mai
in black took up a few and looked a
"All coins of Louis Philippe , " ho said I.
"Tho box must have been there sine
1848 at least. "
"How much is there ? " asked thu other
"There should bo ( iO.OOO francs , " said
thu man in black. "Thu box under tliu
huarthstono had-10,000. "
lie then handed Murphy a $5 bill and
lot him go without putting any injunction
of secrecy upon him. Murphy told thu
story in the neighborhood.
A .Journal reporter found it next to im-
possihlu to tiim out anything about this
singular woman who buried her money HO
carefully in her collar and went out of
the world leaving hardly an impression of
what hhe had been , though living in Now
York all those years. The story sis told by ,
ono who know her was that many years
ago she was betrothed to a paymaster in
the French navy-that during the tur
moil of thu revolution of 1848 ho ran
away to join her , takingw ith him a chest
of gold which belonged to his govern-
meat. had been 1II
They together only u
few weeks when she found that ho was IIa
thief and upbraided him with it. Not
loi' " after , afraid of capture , ho blow out
bin brains. This blow ohuost dethroned
Jif > i' . The
reason. ill-gotten money she
would not touch. To give it back would
Lo to cast obloquy on the memory of Ida
man ho tenderly loved. The chest of
gold disappeared.
The man who found it a few days since
was no doubt an enu'B ary of the French
government como to claim its own.
Fust 1'ciTorinaiKien In 1HHU.
JJoiton Globe.
Thus early in the season many re
markable performance : ) have been done
on the turf , chief which , it must bo con -
ceded , was the U.18 | made nt Cleveland
Wednesday , in n third heat , by I'hallas ,
n green stallion , owned by Hon. .leiomo
1. Case. Phnlla.t is a cherry boy , stand
ing JHJ liutuh , and of fine conformation.
He was bred by Maj. II. C , McEowell ,
the breeder of Iniguo and other fast ones ,
foaled in 1877 , nnd wni got by Dictator ,
sire of Jny-Eyo-Seo , out of Betsy Ti el-
wood , by Clark Chief , grandnm by Erics
son , son of Mnmbrino Chief. A stouter-
bred horse uoiild bo hard to find , if ,
indeed , there is any. As a fivu-
year-old he showed itrial mile
in li:27 : at Chicago , and repeated in liiUUJ.
An offer of 810,000iwas afterwards re
fused for him. Bair seems in a good
way to win the $10,000 offered him by
Vnnderbilt if hu succeeded in beating
2:10.1 : with Maud S. Friday the little
mare made a mile in 2:14 : } . Thu Cleve
land track has gained additional for fast
ness the past week , for , in addition to
Jay-Eye-.Seo's wonderful mile , the fast
est ever made by a five-year-old 2:1 : li ; |
with two quartern made in . ' ( ! ( seconds
each. Campbell's bay gelding , Fuller , in
the pacing ring _ Friday , measured a milo
in -l-ij : , and Little Blown < Ing paced a
milo in 2:15 : .
Morning JnurniO.
I'm ( Tnluntu of Viinsar ,
I'm tin ! firxt olio In my cloM , fir ,
And n coimniw.tir In mi } tiling that'H ( > rcuk ;
I'm .1 ( luvoleo of Latin , ,
And my tutors Hay I'm pat ii
Donil Iniiguiigcx i > < > clmnlc anil niitiinu' .
I can writes n dissertation
On fiireiiHlcnl Ilirtntiim ,
Hut I roilly citmiot jiructico uhat I preach ;
1 inn mi fait witli tlio IIIIIHCH ,
And my | iuiicil nuVr lufiiHcs
To IIIiiKtrato thu thought * my i iul doth rc.icli.
I'm mi uilept In goninctry ,
I c.'in cnjio with trigonomutiy ,
Ami can put in practice ovcry ziK'-ig crook ;
I know nil about astronomy ,
Not to mention Dnutcrmmmy ,
From tlio Aljili.i nnd Omega of tliu book.
No , I really c.innot cook , ir ,
lint thun you iiuudn't look , nir ,
Kor tlicru isn't nuy morsel I can't cat ;
And uhfii it COIIILM to gum , sir ,
I can fairly mnko thing * hum , sir ,
In a manner that you'd call n startling
Though I know how to waltz , nlr ,
I'd lu pleased to have you call , nir ,
And hear my execution on tliu jii-an-o I
Can I wash , or iron , or now , nir ?
Oh , good gracious I You can go , nir !
If yon stay I ceitainly will dlo , I know. C.
The germs of disease are neutralized by
.Am//ie. / § 1.50.
A correspondent , Mr. S. L. Morgan ,
Wnlken , Mo. , says : "ffanHtratln J\rcf-
I'ino cured my boy of fits. " You can get
it at druggists.
c v
AVIII .Man Mvcr lo Able lo
StorniH 't
Violent displays of natural force , says
Thu London Standard , are painfully hos
tile to human progress. If the valley of
the Thames weru frequently rocked .by
earthquakes , London woidd bo an im
possibility. A very slight tremor would
tilt the Egyptian obelisk into the Thames
and topjilo down St. Paul's cathedral. A
volcano in Middlesex would lower the
quotations for government securities nnd
seriously diminish the rateable value of
the metropolis. For prosperity there must
bo peace , especially with the
powers of nature. America itself
would not be what it is if thesa
horrible cyclones occurred in every state
and at frequent intervals. The question
aiises whether these atmospheric disturb
ances may possibly bo effected for the bol
ter in course of time by that sort of indi
rect inlluoneu which civilization exorcises
on climate. It is true that man may mar
a climate as wull as mend one. Ho dis
turbs the rainfall by unduly cutting dowi
thu forests , thereby producing a 1 tern a
tions of drouth and flood. But in othei
instances thu cultivation of the soil np
peart ) to ameliorate thu climate , ami mi
turo grows moro kindly as man fulfills his
mission to "subdue thu earth. " Wo
seem on the verge of learning how to dis
arm thu sen , of fury. It is one
of the strangestwu might say
thu oldest discoveries of modern times
that the crested wave which seems irro
sistablo in its force , loses nil its terre
and much of its power when encounter
ing a film of oil. When the storm threat
onn to overwhelm thu ship thu skippu :
has merely to fetch up hiu oil can , nnd
though the wind continues to howl am
shriek through the rigging , the waves an
powerless under the oleaginous film. 1
is too much to expect that the wildwiiub
will over hu subject to human control after
tor this fashion , except by somu long
continued and occult process unconscious
ly carried out. It will bo a strange result ,
and yet it seems a possibility that mar
will be able to meet the storm more suc
cessfully nt sea than on land. Mori
probably , as thu population ii
these states increases , nnd th
consequent danger of disaster i
increased , men will adopt a modi
of buildingsuited to the necessities of th
case , as the Swiss have done in thu cas
of the avalanche. There is , .however , r
favorable element in this problem , ever
if matters should not improve. Cyelonu
outbursts , such as thosu which have buoi
displaying their energy in Iho LTnito < ;
States , act in a very circumscribed area ,
It is saddening to read of thu mischie
that is done human beings crushed by
the furjof the blast , and hard-won property
orty irretrievably destroyed. But tin
spacu thus visited is a mere scrap com
pared with the broad continent whicl :
spreads from tlw Atlantic to thu Pacific
' 1 hu storm-path is but a diminutive lin
compared with the smiling area on ever ,
The nuwt ctlicaduuH Htiiuulnnts to uxcitu th
njijiotito tire AiiKOHtiirn Hitters , preparei
by Doctor ( ! . H. Slogcrt & Sons , liownro < :
counterfeits. A k your grocer or druggist fo
the genuine aiticlu.
Til MM
lnillamiK | > llH llctluw.
Two young ladies of Terre Haute wer
returning from California. The parh
ear was erowded with passengers. At
small station a woman in showy attire 01
lured and demanded a whole section. I
was not to bo bad , and the eonduetoi
hrakoman , porter and eook , who seemoi
to bo impressed with the now passenger' '
importance , were all painfully exercise
to know whore to put her. The cause c
all this eominotion was very blonde , ver
largo , very richly clothed , and very swol
When it seemed impossible to get her
whole section , or even half a ono , sh
turned to the young ladies and said :
"Will yon consent to take the upper
girth of your section , and let mo have the
lower ? "
"Sorry wo can't oblige you , " replied
one of the pink-cheeked fairies ; "but
really wo prefer the lower girth for our-
solves. "
Then the big blonde straightened her
self up , threw ineffable contempt and
importance into her pale eyes , and said :
"Perhaps you don't know who I am ? "
"No , wo don't , " rcjAIcd the Terre
Haute girl , in a tone of serene indiffer *
unco. ' >
"I will tell you , " said the woman of silk
and jewels , "i am Mrs. Col , Dunlovy
Wickersham. " ( ltinlevy Wickenaliam is
known all along that end of thu road as
the bonanza man bushels of money - >
much Dial hu needs nothing more ) .
"Aro you , indeed ? " replied the Hoosier
maiden. "Perhaps you don't know who
I am ? "
Madame Bonanza's face said that she
didn't , pud also thai nlio had some curi
"WellI nm Mrs. Gen. fSrant. "
"And I , " said her companion , who had
hitherto kept silent , "am Queen Victo
ria. "
A hunter who lives at Bear Hun.
Hurt his arm by the kick of a gun
The hunt it did spoil ,
Bui St Jacobs Oil
Cured him before swelling begun.
Cnplnro of Thin Notorious Jloon-
hlilncr , AVI HI' Has I'.ccn Hounded
I'or St > von VOJU-H.
Deputy United States Marshal Wheeler
placed in jail yesterday ono of the most
desperate of all thu many moonshiners
and smugglers of the mountains of Ten
nessee -tho notorious "Heck" Giles. Hu
was arrested by Deputy Wheeler , in
Oregon county , Mo , , and will be tried
on three indictments charging a violation
of the revenue laws and murdering De
puty MarHhal F. H. Torbolt , near Paris ,
Tunn. , October 1 , 187(5. ( Giles began his
career just after the close of thu war , and
soon became the leader of a band of
desperate men , who carried on an ex-
tcnsivo tradu in thu mountain
fastnesses of East and Middle Tennessee.
Hu was ver } ' successful and accumulated
considerable proqerty. Ho was sharp
enough to carry on his business in nuch
a manner that conviction was almost an
impossibility , and many refused to bo-
liuvu him guilty of the many offenses
laid at his door. Hu was arrested once in
the fall of the year 187I > , on a charge of
running tin illicit distillery , but the
proof was not strong enough to convict
him , though ho was hold to answer a
charge of soiling smuggled tobacco. Be
fore tlio day of his trial his wifu became
ver } ' ill , and he begged to be allowed
to go to her. So deep uro his
vows to return in time for trial
that Deputy Marshal Torbett allowed him
to go on his honor. The day for his trial
came , but ho did not appear , ami in reply
to a message from Torbett ho declared ho
would never return , and that ho would
never bo taken alive , alleging as a reason
that he had been chased and shot in the
heel by a United States oflicer who had
no warrant for his arrest , or some equally
foolish excuse. Torbett wrote him sev
eral times afterward to redeem his pledge ,
but bo was obdurate , and sent Torbett
word ho had better not attempt his arrest.
This fired Torbett , and , in company
with Deputy Mack Alexander , ho went
to Henry county bent on capturing his
man. At daybreak on Sunday , October
1 , they reached Giles' cabin. Alexander
stood at the back door with two navy pis
tols , while Torbett went around to the
entrance. When ho arrived in sight of
the door ho saw Giles standing just within
thu room with a shotgun in his hand.
Torbett remembered that ho had nothing
more than a pistol , and seeing Giles was
inclined to resist , wont back to Alexander
and got ono of his navy pistols. With
this ho returned to his former position
and tried to reason with Giles , who with
out a word raised his gun and shot him ;
down , dashing away into the woods. A
dozen men sptang up , like the dragon's
teeth , from the bushes ahoyt the house ,
and Alexander found hiinself powerless
in their , hancjs.Torbotit1'jy ' ( | gasping on
the ground with nineteen buckshot in hi
body- Alexander removed him to a bee
of moss under a treu near by , and as , ii
a fuw moments , the sun rose over the
tree tops and fell upon his face , he
groaned , spoke three or four words and ex
pired. Alexander was warned to leave
at once and was obliged to submit with
out an effort to traeu thu murderer of hit
brother oflicer , Torbett was an excel
lent oflicer , bravo and determined , am
his murder created a profound sympathy
at the timo. Since that hour "Heck"
Giles has been hounded by United States
marshals over Arkansas , Tennessee
Kentucky and Missouri. Ilo has mad
several narrow escapes. Marshal Wahl
run had his hands almost on him in Laki
county once , but by a desperate game h
managed to escape. Hu wont alway
armed to the teeth , and ho was
a terror in every neighborhood h
has over visited. Yet it is sail'
ho had friends , or at least accomplices
everywhere among oilicers of the law ,
and through them ho was kept posted ii
regard to the movements of Unitei'
States deputy marshals. His crime i
said to have been a cold-blooded murder ,
yet under the laws of the United Stutoi
he is simply guilty of a misdemeanor
which is punishable by imprisonment fo
not less than thirty days or more than i
year , in the discretion of the judge by
whom hu is tried. Only Indians are liunji
by Uncle Sam , who considers thu inur
dur of one of his oflicers no greater crin
than selling whisky or tobacco withou
license. There is a recent enactment
however , in favor of revenue officers.
LADY BKAUTIFIKHS Ladies , you , can
not make fair skin , rosy cheeks , an
sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics c
I' ranco or beautitiurs of the world , whil
in poor health and nothing will givu yo
such rich blood , good health , strength an <
beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is ccrtai
Arkausaw Tmctvr.
"What other business do you folio' '
besides preachingi" was asked an oldco
ored man.
"I speculates a little. "
"How speeulato ? "
"I sells chickens. "
"Where do you get your chicken./ / "
"My boys fetch \-min. "
"Where do they got them ? "
"I don't know , sab. I'floallorss-obusy
wid my prcachin1 dat I ain't got no time
to ax. I was a gwino to inquire du udder
day , lint a 'vival come on an tuk up all
my time. "
Ono ICxpurliMiro IVooi
I have been sick and miserable so long
and had caused my husband so much
trouble and expense , * no one seemed to
know what ailed me , that I was com
pletely disheartened and discouraged. In
this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop
Bitters and used them unknown to my
family. I soon began to improve , and
gained so fast thai my husband and fam
ily thought it strange and unnatural , but
when 1 told them what had helped mo ,
they said , "Hurrah for Hop Hitters ! long
may they prosper , for thov have made
mother well and us happy.1' The Moth-
Is your wife's health poor ? Are your
children sickly ? Give them Brown's Iron
Bitters , It will revive them ,
The only known iptelflc for Kpllcptlo Flt . 3
Also for Rputni nnJ falling Slckno * . Kcrroni
Wcafcncai It Inntantljrcllcrct and care * . Cleantca
blood nnd quickens lwrKl h clrcnlntlon. Neutra
lize ! germs of dlteito * nd cares ilckneu. Cure *
tisljr blotches and ttnbborn blood notes. Eliminates
Dolls , Orbnnclci and Bcalds , JTTTcnnjincntlr and
promptly cures paralysis. Yes , It Isa cbarmlng and
healthful Aperient. Kills SerofnU and nines r.rll ,
twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good , rcmor *
Ing the cinsc. Hont billons tendencies and makei
clear complexion. Equalled by none In the delirium
of fovcr. A charming rcaolrcnt and n matchlesf
lamtlre. It drives Blck Headache llko tlio wind ,
lircoatalntnodrastlocathartlcorojlates. licUorci
the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Ilhcu
mutism by routine It. Restores llfe-glrtng proper
ties to the blood.
Is guaranteed to cure all ncrvout
disorders , lirltellablo when all opiates fall. Itc
freshes the mind and Invigorates the body. Curci
djspepala or money refunded.
DIsFKWtnf the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed
In wrlllnKby over fifty thousand IciMllnR citizens ,
clergymen and physicians In U. B. and Europe.
CZTor sale by all leadlnu druggists. | 1JO. ( U )
For Testimonials nnd circulars cnd stamp.
The Dr.S. A. Richmond Med Co. SUoseph.Mo.
M. R.
Phccnlx Acsuraticc ( . "a , ot I.nml'.in , fash
. . ? * i,3ai , ! > 04.GO
Wc-.trliester , N. V. , Cniltil ) : loou , < lijo.OO
Merchants , nf N'ewark , N. .1. , 4'ujiital 1'J76IX)0.1 ) > 0
Klre , 1'lilloiltljilila , Capital . . 1,200,000.0s
Flii'incn's . .
Office , Boyd's ' Opera House ,
CM ) CCll }
Capital , $250,000.
.IAH. R HKAHTWnU , . l-rcnitlcnf
A. 1 , . UtuMtKK. Vire-1're-lileiit.
i : . C. Wr.llSTiitrrrca : urer.
O. 1' . WKHSTKU. Cathlcr.
Samuel Alexander , < /swi ] < l Oilier
A. I. . C'larkc , IL 0. Webster ,
( Jcii.ll. 1'ratt , .lax. II. lli-nrtwell ,
I ) M. McKIHImioj.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Thin Cnmian.v | tnriiNliC' * a permanent home Instltu
tlnu whuru biluinl Hnnils nnil nthcr legally Untied Mil-
nlcljial Sururitlci to Nebraska can bo negotiated in
the must /.unr.iblu tvnns. I.iiant niaile mi ImproU'i :
faniH In nil ucll settled cmmtlei of thu state timing } :
rciinnsblu | | Iwnl eorn.'pimili.MitH. u\
Thcl'iMie it i equated carefully to notice the
new and cnlaiycd Scheme to be ilraicn Monthly.
ffi'CAPITALJPRIZS. 575,000. Tickets Only
$5 , Shares in Proportion ,
Louisiana Ttate Lottery Company
"Ife ilo heicby etrti/u that v * mtpereiit the ar
rangeiitcnt * for all tlit Monthly anil Stiiii-.titnnn
Ira\cing \ nf tht Loitiiiana St'lte lottery Coi/ywnv
addinprium iiintiai/t nnd control the Drautny
thtmttlcet , xndthdt l ! i tame art eontlttctfd teitl
lianctyfairne > .nntl in gooil faith tauanl alljiar
te , and neauthurite the cuMptiny ta " c thi * err
tijirntr , trill , /ne.tiMi nf our v""r" attacltni
tn its atlcertinctiitHtt
Inrorinr. ] teil In 1S8S for 2r > jcjn by the lejUlaturo
for educational ami charitable pur | Mei Ith a cai )
Ital nf 81,000IUO ) tn whlclin resonu fund of o\i.r
J'iM,0iO Ins since been ailJcil.
lly an morn helming jiopulir vote Hi franchise
was nu'lu a part of the prept'iit state constitution
adopted December 2il , A. 1) . 1371) ) .
The only Lvtttrij trsr lottd on anil nuloratil I'J
thieuil of any ttatt.
it nertr Scaltt or J'ottpotiet
Its grand singlu nunibur drawings take
pliico monthly.
A sri.nNniii oppoinvNirv TO WIN A rou-
Tl'NK. Se\enth ( Jrand llrawlnif , fhsi O , at New Or
leans Tl'KSDAY , .It'l.Y 11) ) , ISsJI-lS th Monthly
llrawlnj , ' .
CA1MTA1. 1'ItIXi : , $7.1,000.
100 , ( l TICKETS at KIVi : DOU.AUS KACH. I'rac :
lions , in Fifth * In Proportion.
LIST of nil m.
1 do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
8 Pltl/.KS OF ) 12,000
n 'do 2000 UM.IOO
10 do luoo 10,000
20 do M ] 10,0ix >
10(1 ( ilu ' 'HO 20,000
: w do lee : toooo
fiOO do nil 2.1,000
KIM do 2S 2),000
0 Approximation prizes of S7SO 0,7,10
0 do do .100 4,500
0 do do 2M 2,250
1007 Prizes , amounting to $20.1.100
Application for rates to clubs should only bo mailu
to the olllce of the Comp.inv in N'i'\r Orleans.
For further Information write clearly Kl > lm ? full
address , Send orders by Kxpresi , Itu/lstc're Letterer
or ) Ione.\ Order , adilreiiied only to
or 51. A. DAtTIIIN , New Orleans , I.a.
607 Socnth St , Washington , 1) , C.
imi. .m * *
B- Frank If oore ,
127 La Salic Street. Chicago ,
( IVrmcrl > illO anil 212 llruvtwa ) , X. Y. )
Now JI.iiiaiTr of Clilcairo Olliie To whom ai | > l > for
liifornutlon nnil tickets. lASth Montlil }
Tuesday , July 10th ,
Kir > t I'aiiltal I'rtic , 'i.iKX ) . Tlokctk NboM In
Fifths at 1 eadico ( full scheme fl vnhctv
00 1 , . H. R. JO ES ,
rou THK
4tfTho lic t anil simplest In the world. AUofor
7-4 Uak'ollne > to\i . Council lllull * .
E. L. Morse & Co. ,
U220 pjtol A e. Omaha , h
bciii flm hid in our > t/re , niaUni ; It tlio largest anil ( runt rnmplcte
In the west. Anndditional ] story has been built , and the live floors nil
connected with two
One exclusively for tljo nso of passengers. Those immense warerooms , three
tores , are 00 feet wide , are tilled with the grandest'display of all kinds of Household
mil OllieoFurniture over shown.
All are invited to call , take the elevator on the firs I floor and go through thu
luilding and inspect the stock.
1206 1208 and 1210 Farnam
, Street , Omaha Neb.
Galvanized Iroo Cornices , Window Caps , Finials ,
iic. Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nub.
RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc. , Etc.
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NKU.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Bwss and Iron Fittings ,
Steam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH :
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Ooxwo y.
jt-N-notb.iss. , .
In onler tn protect the public against tliu Imposition ot Mountebanks In ntir line , we lu\o concluded to oiler
; i'i.KASiNOTiiiiK : : KOU.OWIM ; PUICKS :
23 Host Xanlbar h or ) Billiard IlalN , per set .
K.speciall ) ami Mile ) . * inaniifacturcil fur ban Slinnm & Kitz , at Venier * . Belgium.
Ni > . 1 , 74 Inches wide , jcrj aril . $ O.SO | No. 2 , 74 Inches wide , | er jnnl
No. 3 , 74 Inches wide. IK.Tjid
. . , . . ,
4 „ | { > llJljlAUl.J Ifilllim * I \ sn i ii J
Bent French Milliard Cli'ilk , per irriw. ' S S' ' > ! Pcvt French CIKI Tips 100 In a box. . . . . . -tl 00
I'OCKKTNKTIIMJS Trills , l.eathtis , fine'.t worsted , per et(0) ( ) v < Ou\
Orders must imanabh lie accniiipanlcd b > reiiiitUnre , , > nd tame 1 e directed to our principal inanufact'
nrles , with additional 5 per cent to the Onuha olllee.
rft ? Omaha utllcu , fiOO Smith 10th ttruet.
O' fjces and Pai'toB's Over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , Between Farnam
and Douglas Streets.
A. S. FMBLATT , 1. D , - - -
Dr. Fishhlatt can he consulted Every Day Except Fridays and Saturdays ,
these two Days being Devoted to his Dispensary at Des Moines , Iowa. Special
Attention given to Diseases of the
And Female Diseases , as Well as all Chronic and Neryons Diseases ,
Hat illsco\creil tlio created cure In the world for weakness of the back ami limbs , Imoltmtary dUcharxes
IniiMitGiiri/KenvrnlMeblUt } , ner ouano > w , languor , confusion of lileas , palpitation of the heart , tlmlility ,
trembling , iliinncss'of Klyht or iriildlncsa , of the head , throat , nose or skin , Aflertloni of the ll\cr ,
lunira , stomach or bowcli- those terrible habits arising from solitary habits of south , and tecrot practleea
moro fatal to the \lctims than the sontfs of Sjrens to the mariners of tlljbes , blightln their most radiaui
hopoH or antlclpatluiis , renderiii ) : marria o impossible.
TOiwo tlut uro sutlerliiif from the e\il practices which destroy tliolr mental and physical systems ,
ThoKjmptomsof which are a dull , distressed mind , which unfits them for | < urunnliii ( ; their business and
social duties , makes happy marriage Imposslhle , distresses the twrflon of the heart , raiMiij ; Hushes of heat ,
ilvprcvilun of Kplrits , o\il forebiKlliiKs , cow.irilUe , fear * , dreams , restless nlcht" , ilizzlncss , forKetfulnets ,
unnatiir.U diseharKes , pain In the back and hips , short breathins , im-lancliolj , tire easily of comiwny and
ha > o preference to bo alone , feeling as tired In the morning as when retiring , seminal weakness , lost man
hood , uhltc boiio deposit in the urine , nertoiisness , confusion of thought , tremblliih' , watery and weak c > cs ,
d\kpc'iisU , coustlp.itlon , paleness , pain and weakness In the limbs , etc. , should consult me immediately and
bo rertored t < > luirfect liealtli.
Who luiM K anmlotims > nf olitar > > l < * o , that dreadful and de-trurtitu habit whli b annually suecM ] to an
untinulfnv < K ofnuni . ; men nf exalttd talent .uid lirilliant intellect who ml ht otbcrwUu
t'litraniu lUteniii ; ; oenators with tliu thunders ol their i'li > < | iieU'c "r u.ike tn iTtr.i'the . living Ijre , may call
.V.irilcd perMini or .muni : men coiiteiiipl.itlir ; innrrLtcc lie aware nf ph urahne , IOM of proprcatlvo
i"ncr , iiiipnteiif.v , nraiu other illMiualllioatlini upcvdily ii'lieii'd. He who plaie > hini'-elf muter the care o (
l > r. 1 Uhlilatt ma ) rvljriou-ly | confide hi liN honor .i < a Kentkiiuin , and fiuindcntly rely upon hU bLill ai a >
1'h"1' ' " '
linnicliuloh eiirvd and full \i > ; i > r rr-tnrnl. ITiU ili-trwhlni ; alllli'tliniuhlth lendeiN Mfu a biiiden ami inipiivllilc , U the i > oiuH > p.iid b\ the urtim for liupniper InduUeiu'e. Vniinu' people are apt tn
Kiiinnlt cxtx'vei ( rnni lint Iwint ; aware nf the dreadful ooiueiiutnres that maj eniiiJsow who that
thin Mlbleit will item that priK'mtum U hist winner b\ those fallin ; ; Into improper . habits . . . . . than . .
i In piiule lletldes belni ; deprlml nf the plea.ure nf livaltli.i " ' , the i ' K'rli > U8 and deiitructitu
hnth 1 > 1.\ and mind ari-e. The Mrtem Uvomesi , the leal and mental functlnnj
I.IK4 n ( rooreatl\o | JLIWCM , nertoiK iimbilit ) , djupipnla | , palpitation of the heart ,
iiwal debllit } , ait In ; ; nf the frame , i > nii'li | , eoiisuiiiption and death.
I'CI > OIH ruined In health In imlearnetl . pnteiuK'n . who . . . Krcii . them trillhi- month after month taklns
poisonous and injurious compounds , should , applt hm ]
craduato of ono of thv most eminent colleges of the Tnited States , has vlfected some of the most astonish- *
me cures that weru CUT knutn ; man ) tronblud with rinKlni ; In the tvii > and head , when o leeii , great
IIO.Moujiiess , K-inj ; alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent hlushin , attended somitimen with derange *
incut of the mind were curiil tnuuodintc ! ) .
l > r. r' . uddre eiall thn > o who ha\e Injured them > i.Uu * by impro ] > er InduUence and sulitjry hablta whlclt
ruin both bed ) and mind , imtlttliiK them for bu > lne > s , mud ) , society or marriage.
These art ) somu of the melanchol ) cffecU produced b ) the early lialilts of jouth , \ lzVeakneiu : of the
bark and limbs , jialiiii In the head and ilimnessof bl ht , liuft of musciihr power , palpitation of the heart ,
d ) > p psla , nenoutlrrltabllit ) , dcrun inciit of dUjcitlMi functions , debility , consumptlun , etc.
CONtiULTATIOX KUKK. Cliarircj nioilcratc find within the reach of all who need Bclentlflo Medical
treatment , Those who reside at a dUtance and caunot call , will rccclu prompt attention tbrougb mall bj
tluiply Miullnir their ijmptonu with jx > taa'e ,
AdJrc.-i Luck llox 81 , Omaha , .Net ,