Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1883, Image 3

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    TIIK nvii.v urctt---mmi \ Moxn vv .n TV if. is : , .
The Nibrasfca National Bank.
Of'Omaha , K b.
Paid up Capital , - - $250.000.
8ui plus Fund , Mny 1,1383 , - 16.OUO.
R. JOHNSON , President , of Ste l , Johnson
* Co.
A. K. TOUZAL1N , Viet President , ol Boiton.
W. V. MORSE , of W.tV. Morse & Co.
JOHN s. COLLINS , of o. n. * J. a. Collins.
M. WOOLWORin , Counsoller ft AtUrnej at
L. 8. REED , of Byron Reed & Co.
H. W. YATKS , Ouhler , for m ny ye rs Cwhler
of ttc First National B nk of Om ha.
TIIIS BANK op ne4 for business AprU STth ,
1882 ,
amonj the leading tnilnesi men of Omiha , nd
ts business ll conducted with csreclal reference
to tbebcst and Increasing IntsrwlJ olflts mercto
tile pttrcns.
COLLECTIONS receive special attention and
charge * lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere.
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon
ftvortble terms and upon aceounU of banki and
FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bonds
and County nt" City securities bought and sold.
Stocks , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other
Oood oecurltlen I'oalt ' In.
Uoom 4 , No. 2S Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , la.
Iptclal Dispatch to Tun Uii.
New YOBK , June 15.
Money Market easy at 2@24 per cent.
I Prime Mercantile Papcr-6@Gper cent.
* Sterling Exchange Bankets' bills dull
f . . .
k r * - - . and heavy at 4 8j@4 84sterling ; exchange
demand , 4 88 .
\ Governments unchanged.
The stock market at the opening was
firm fit a fractional improvement ever
yesterday's closing quotations. In early
dealing * the market wai itronc , and ) a
further advance of J to j per cent took
place , but shortly before 11 o'clock thla
advance was . entirely lost. There wr
then n partlfl recovery , rter which the
market again became weak , and about the
middle of the dpy sold down i to 1 per
cent , the latter In Union Pacific and New
Jersey Central. During the greater purt
of the afternoon the market was strong ,
and up to within a short time of the close
recorded an eivance of 2 per cent m Wa >
bash common and preferred , and of i to j
per cent in the remainder of the list , the
latter in Central Pacific. The market
closed weak. The closing prices , as com.
pared with those ot yestsrday , show iuegu
lar but only fractional changes , except for
Wabash common , which is up 2J per cent ,
and New Jersey Central , which is down 1
per cent ,
Mining stocks were dull. Sierra Grande
declln d from 145 to 130 ; Horn Silver
soldatG25andG33Navajo ; at 180 ; Sierra
Nevada at C50 and 663 ; ' Consolidated Vir
ginia at 70 and 8G ; Satro lunnel at 21 and
25 , and Sonora Consolidated at 25 , Sale
of the day , 25,103 shares ,
Ycsterdnv. To-da ;
8-3 103 § 103J
5' 1038 103j
4Va Conpon 1123 1
4 ? , , 119J 119J
Fi > llQa&'s of'95 127 127
Osttral Pacific firsts 1154 H5i
V Jirlo seconds 9Gj 1)1) )
Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 103j 105) )
Louisiana consols 65 05
MliBourl 6's 1124 113
Bt. Joseph lO'J 109
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .1134 ' 18
Tennessee 6's 89 * 89
do new SUJ
Texan & Pacific land grants. . 65 65
do R.G. div. . . . 851 85
i r Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 116i 115
do land grants . .111 111
do sinking fund. . 117 118
1 Virginia B'a 36 38
do consols 6's 864 41
do deferred 109 109
Adams Express 128 129
Allegheny Central 1152 115
Alton fcTerre Haute 83 * 81
do pfd. . . . 9l5i UO
American Express 88 89
Burl. , Cedar Rapids k North. 824
Canada Southern 08 67
O. , St. L , & P 19 1
do pfd 56 56
Central Pacific JGJ 7li
Chesapeake & Ohio 2oj 20
do 1st pfd. . . : . 30
do 3d pfd
Chicago & Alton. . . . 135
do pfd 145
Ohl. , Burl. & Qulncy 125
Ohl. , St. L. k New Orleans 79
Oln. , Sand. & Cleveland 42 40
Oleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 76 70
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 110 10'Ji
Del. , Lack. & Western 129J 12 ! )
Denver & Rio Grande. 474 47
Brie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38)x ) 883
do Pfd. . . 81 81
East Tennessee 9 | 9J
do preferred 1 ° J 103
Fort Wayne & Chicago 131 131
Hannibal & Ht. J oseph 42 42
do pfd. 94 92
Harlem 100 IW
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 72 7 < >
Illinois Central 147 l4
Ind. , Bloom. k Western 814 311
Kansas & Texas 31g 31 §
Lake Erie & Western 2tjJ ) 2ttc
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1124 112 $
Louisville & Nashville 53 j 538
Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 6U 5j
M.&Llstpfd "IJ.1 X2
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 424 43
Michigan Central 984 881
Memphis & St. Louis 274 iH
do pfd 674 ' 8
Missouri Pacific * 10 J , " _ 106 J
Moblle&Ohio 154 10
Morris & Essex 1244 1L'H
Nashville & Chattanooga 68 i 084
New Jersey Central 885 874
Norfolk &W 42 ? 4J
Northern Pacific 52J 52g
do pfd 9'ft ' 90
Northwestern 185J 1321.
do pfd 153 * 151
New York Central 12 ? 1224
Ohio Central Ill } H 41
. & , . . . . . , . 1
: : : :
Ontario & Western 2S | 27i
Oregon Transcontinental 6 |
Pacific Mail M'i 42j
Panama 98 98
Peoria , Deeatur & Evansv. . . 22 22
Pittsburgh Cleveland 133 133
Pullman Palace Oar 13 J 133 ]
Reading GOJ GO
Roci Island 120 1251
Bt. Louis & San Fran 33 } 33 :
do pfd 57A 6"
do 1st pfd 99'i 00.
St. Paula Milwaukee 1054 10. .
do ptd.,120l 120
Qt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.123 ? 123
Bt. Paul & Omaha 47jj GS -
da Pfd. 100 100
Texas k Pacific 393 8
Union Pacific 90ft 95 '
United States Express 62 62 '
Wabasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 29 31
do pfd. 45JI 4G
Well * , Fargo 4 Co. Express. 123 125 !
Western Union Telegraph. . . 87S 178
Homeatake 15 L5)
IronSllver 252 §
Ontario 24 M
Qoloktllver 74 7
do pfd 36 JO
SonthFacifio 62 |
Bntoo. . . . . . . 25 21
Special IMvpatch to Till Uii.
LONDON , June 15 ,
Stocka-IIHnoU Contra * , 1361 , ex-divi
dend and accumulate J divide fli ; Pentuyl *
vanU Central , 161 j ; New York Genual ,
J , ex > dhldend ; Erie , 1393.
Special Dispatches to Tui On.
cniOAQO. '
CHICAGO , June 15. Flour Market quiet
Wheat Market wrak and lower ; 1 08J
@ 1 09 for June ; 1 10@110 J for July ; 112
( $1124 for Auenst ; 1131 lor September ;
114@114 J for Oetober ; 1 OS } for the year ;
No. 2 Chicago spring. 1 084@1 09 ; No. 3
( JhlcsRO spring , 92c ; No. 2 red winter at
u'orn Mirket ur ettlod but generally
lower ; 554o for cash and June ; 551o for
July ; 5G4o for August ; SG a for Septem
ber : 66 $ ) for the year ,
Oats Market quiet and lower ; 39fo for
OMb ; 9j@393a lor June ; 394o for ulv ;
3J1 for August ; 80Jo for September ; 30 o
for the ye r.
Flax Seed-Market weaker at 1 8l ! | @
Rye ft
Pork Market r. i Ive bnt lower ; 17 80@
17 90 for c&sh and Juno ; 17 874@17 90 for
July ; 17 974@18 00 for August ; 18 15 for
Seotember ; 16 03@16 10 for the year.
Lard Market active bnt lower ; 11141
for cash and June ; 11 32J@11 35 for July :
10 45@10 474 for August ; 10 324@10 35
for Septembex ) 9 80@9 824 for the year.
Bulk Meats-lu falrdemitnd ; bhoulders ,
at 7 25 ; short rib * . 0 i'6 ' ; short clear , 9 CO.
Butt r Market sto.idy nnd unchanged ;
creamery , 15@21c ; dairy , 12@18o ,
Eggs-Market steady and unchanged at
1G ) .
Whisky Market ateidy and unchanged.
Freights-Corn to Buililo , 2lo.
CALL BOABD. Wheat Market active
but lower ; downed go for June and | o for
August and September
Corn Market nnHve but lower ; dec1ned
Jo for August nnd Sjptember.
Oits Market active but lower ; 391o for
Juno ; 39J3 for July ; 31g@31Jo for August ;
29jo for September.
i'orlc Market aotive but lower : 17 80
bid for June ; 17 75 for July ; 17 874
August ; 18 O for September.
Lard Market aotive but lower ; 1010
for June ; 11174 for July ; 1125 for August ;
10 174 'or September.
Barley Unchanged.
NEW YORK , June Ifi. Flour Market
dull ; extra Ohio , 4 00@G CO ; at. Louis ,
4 00@7 ( ) .
Wheat Cash lots quiet but steady ; op
tlons opened lower , closing unsettled and
deureesed ; ungiadcd rod , 1 03@1 25 ; No. 2
retl. t 22 in eltvUor , 1 201 f. o. b. ; 1 22ffl
1 2"jj canal ; No. 1 white , uominel at 11-M
tl 15 ; No , 2 red , Juno , 6C.OCO bu , 1 If }
1 20 , closing at 119j ; July , 861,000 bu ,
1 VCJ@1 218 , clo-lngat 1 2 * J ; August , 1.-
384,000 bnl22J@l 234 , cloainR'at 1 2j )
September , 3,868,000 bu at 1 2JJ@1 25 § ,
closing at 1 24 | ; October , 832,000 bu at
120g@127g.clo < lng at 1 2GJ ; November ,
88.000 bu at 1 2SJ@1 294 , closing at 1 281.
Corn Cash lots firm ; options openec
l@4o lower and cloned weak ; ungraded ,
60@65c ; No. 3 , 60(2C04c ( ; No. 2 , 65fa65.i > .o
steamer , white 63e ; No. 2 June , 644ts64jCi !
closing at 644c ; Julv. G5@G , le , closing a
65c ; Anguit , l > 53G61c , closing at 65c
September , GGJ)67J ( ) ; , cloainc at GGJOc
tuber , G7J(267i3. ( closing at C74c.
Oats White ii'm ; ; mlxod western , 40
(247c ( ; white western , 47@55c.
Eggs Demand fair rid market firm.
Pork Mxrlcet duU and unsettled ; mess
pork , 19 C ) @ 19 25prlrne ; | mess pork , 18 CD
Lard Orsh lots hrni : options unsattlcd
prime steam , ct h , 11 40@11 42J ; June
1120@ll3o ; July , 11 05@ll 21 ; August
10 74@10 95 ; September , 10 60@10 81
October , 10 64@10 75 ; year , 10 05 ,
Butter Market unchanged.
Cheese Market unchanged ,
BT. Lome ,
ST. Lours , June 15. Flour Marke
quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Market fairly active but lower
No. 2 red fall , 118118fo
cash ; 118 } June ; 117J@118g fo
July ; 116J@1 174 tor August ; 118 ®
1191 for September ; 120@121J for Oc
tober ; ' 110J@117 $ for the year ; closing a
ineide quotaVions ; No. 3 red fall , 113 blc
Corn Market dull nnd lower ; 40J@
B0c for cash ; 60i@51o for July ; 52j@
52r$52 c for August ; 53o for September
53Jo for October ; 454@4lic for the year
cloning at inside Ciurei.
Oats Market lower ; 40Jo bid for cash
S8o aiked for July ; EOg for Angrit ; 29
for the year.
Rye Market nominal ,
Barley Market nominal.
Corn Meal Market dull at 2 60.
Butter Market steady and unchanged
Eggs Market lower at 144c.
Whiskv-Market steady at 114.
Provisions Market dull and lower tc
seU ; only a smr'l order trade done.
lower ; 118 for June ; 1171 'or J7 ' : 116
for August ; 117J for September ; 119j fo
October ; 1 Ifil for the year.
Corn Market dull ; tOJa for Jul. .
52&o for August ; SSJtO bid for September ;
45o for the year.
Oats -Market du11 ; 381o for July ; 29lo
for the year.
KANSAS Cur , June 15 Wheat Market
lower and wa"k ; No. 2 red fall , 9SJJ3 for
cih ; 983 for July ; 97o bid for August ;
97 $ } bid Septimber ; 9GJo for the year.
Corn Market lower and slow ; 424o bid
for cash ; 434o bid for July ; 4-I jo for Au
gust ; SGJ i asked for year.
Oats Market slow ; SGJ : bid for cash ;
no options.
TOLKDO , June 15. Wheat Market
active but a ebade lower ; No , 1 white
Michigan , 110.\@l 11 ; No. 2 do , 90s ;
rejected , 72c ; iNo , 2 red winter , 11-U
for cash rnd June ; 1151 tor July ; 117 §
for August ; 119 ] for 8) tember ; 1 211 tot
October ; 1144 for the year ; 1 25 aukcd
for January.
Corn Market steady ; high mixed , 59o ;
No. 2 , 57Jo for cash and June ; 680 for
July ; 59e591 for An < ,4st ; 594o bid for
September ; rejeoted , C4J ; no grade. 481.
uats Market e 'ier ; No. 2 , 40a for
cash ; 41 aiked for July ; 33fj31Jofor AH-
( nut ; 31@32o for the year ; rejected , 38 ©
39 a.
Llv nrooL , June Breadstntfa Quiet
and Bt tdr.
Wheat Winter. 8j 10J@9j 4i ; spring ,
81 Gd(39s ( Id ) California , 9 < i 2d@9i 4d ; No ,
2 California , 81 $ ) il@9i.
Corn Dull at SB 4d.
Special Dispatches to Till 111 .
OBIOAOO , June 15 The Drovers' Jour
nal reprts as follown :
Hogs Demand fair and prices un
changed : all sold at Htctuly prices ; mixed ,
G 30@G 65 ; heavy. G 60&G90 ; light , G 25@
G 70 ; skips , 3 25@G 00.
Cattle Supply ratber excessive ; ex
ports , 6 80'40 G5 ; good to choice chip
pine , 6 40@5 75 ; common to fair , 4 & 0@
. 615.Sheep Demand active and strong ; oqm <
mnn to fair , 3 00@4 C ) ; good , 4H ; choice
ST. Louis , June 15. Hoga ht
: shipping strong and.beUir , 6 40@G 60
common to good packing , 6 10 ® 0 50
, ; butchers' to extra , 6 05@6 75.
Cattle Weather very bad ; market slov
and almost entirely confined to local trade
heavy shipping steers , 5GO@GOOj Ugh
shipping steers , 5 00(5)5 ( ) 50 ; good cows ad
heifers , 4 25@4 75 ; common , o uu it
) Krau Texans , 3 7&4 75 ; choice era I
'lexans , 540@570.
Sheep Quiet ; extremes , 2 50@4 35 ,
* N w YOKK , June 18. Beeves Gp e >
firm * ad a sh d higher ; closed w oJ
pens barely cleared ; poor to strictly prime
steers cold at 5 50@G 65 per cwt ; extra
steerr , U70@U7n : light to good distllloiy
ted stteis , 6 60(30 ( SO per cwt ; 150 export
steers sold at C 30@6 75 per awt ,
Sheep Market steady at 4 00G DO per
cwt. for sheep ; 5 73@0 00 ) x > r cwt. for
lambs ; central sales , 5 00@5 75 tor sheep ,
625(38 ( 00 forUmba.
HORS Nominally firm tor live hogs ;
7 10@7 50 per owt. ( or oidlnary to choice ,
KANSAS CITT , June 15 , The Commer
cial Indicator this Afternoon reports as
follows :
Cattle-Market slow ; steers of 1,160 to
1,420 pounds , 4 90@5 30stokers ; and
feeders , 3 80@4 75 ; cows , 8 00@4 60.
Hogs Market steady at 6 00@660 ; bulk
of saloa at 6 25@6 40.
Sheep Market quiet and prices un
changed ; natives averaging 97 It * . , 3 50.
Special DlipatehM to Tns Uii.
OHIOAOO , June 15. Receipts and ship ,
meats of Hour and grain for the pant
24 hours have been as follows :
. Receipts. Shlu'ta
Flour hbls 10,000 10.000
Wheat bushels 77,000 4,1C
Corn " 275.000iO.i.iXX . )
Oata - " 134,000 227.0CO
Bye " l ,500 50,000
Barley- " 6,000'
TOLKDO , June 15. KeceipU nnd ship
ments of Hour and gram for the p.tst 24
horns have been as follows :
Kec'ts. Shipm'ts.
Wheat 20,000 27,000
Corn 19,003 46.0)0
Oats 6,500 2,000
ST. LODIB , June 15. Receipts nnd
ahipmcnta of Hour nnd grain for the pnat
48 hours have boon as tollows :
Rocelutt. Ship'ts.
Flour-bbl 3,000 4(00 (
Wheat bushel 7,000 7,00. )
Corn " 43000 22,000
OaU " 8,000
Rye- " ,
Barley- "
NEW YOBK , June 15. Receipts nnd
shipments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as followx :
Receipts Bhp'te.
Flour-barrels 21.CCO G.fCO
Wheat bushels 108.500 31,6 iO
Corn " 197,000 60,616
Oats " 97,800 1,053
KANSAS OITT , June 15. Ueoeipts nnd
shipments of grain for the pnflt U-l
hours bavo been aa follows :
Iteo'tit. Shlo't ?
Wheat , bushels 5,000 0,000
Corn " 13,0,0 17,000
Oats "
ST. Louis , June 15. Rocelpta and
shipments of live stock for the paat 3'
hours have been as follows :
' . ' .
Rea'ts. Shipm'ts.
Hoga 3,200 2,500
Cattle 1.COO 900
Sheep 700 600
OBIOAOO , June 15. Roelpt and shipments -
ments of live stock for the past 3-
hours have been as follows :
Reo ts. Bhlpm'ts ,
Hogs 18.000 3,300
Cattle 6,600 6.COO
Bheep 100 230
NBW YOBK , June J 5. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Rec'ta Shln't
Bsevea 3.8C3 648
Quar. beef 2,24
Carcasses of mutton 4C
Sheep 3,100 ,
Hogs 2,160
KANSAS OITT , Juno 15. Receipts am
shipments of live stock for the paat 2'
hours have been as followx :
Rfic'te. Shipm'ts ,
Cattle * . . . 2,000
Uogs C.OCO
Sheep 250
Special Dispatches to Tni B .
PmLADKiriiiA , June 15. Wool Quloi
and unchanged ; New York , Michigan. In
dlanaand western fine , 35@37o ; medium
42@43c ; coarse,34g35c ( ; unwashed combln
delaine , medium , 33@3 c ; do. coarse 2
27o ; tub wr bed , 33 ! 2o ; Or ; on , 2'
33c ; New Mexlcrn and C > lor lo , 17
25c ; pulled , 32@B3o ; Pennsylvania tna
WeatVirelnla XX and above , 40@424c ;
extra , S9@iOc ; medium , 42@43oj coaise ,
35@S6c ,
BOSTON , June 15. Wool dull and un
changed ; Ohio , and Pennsylvania fleeces ,
37@42e ; Wisconsin and Michigan do. , 35
@ 37c ; delaine combing do , , 49@45c ; unwashed -
washed wools , 10@30o ; pulled wools , 25
@ 45o.
NEW Yonn , Juno 15. Dry goods im
ports for the week , $910,955.
Special Tui Bus.
NEW YOBK. June 15. Hay Market
quiet tut steady.
Sugar Market dull and nominal.
Molaasea Market lower but moro ao
tive ,
Rice Market quiet but firm ,
Petroleum Market steady.
Tallow Market stronger.
Turpentine Market firmer.
Wholeulo Prlooi.
Orriox or Tui OUAHA Bci , I
Friday Evening , June 15. J
Trade In all branches was fully up.tothat |
of yedtorday , with only a few changes.
Alterations reported had n slight down
ward tendency on the average.
A large number of western buyers were
In the market , and bad it not been for
this fact jobbers and commission men in
somefaw Instances would have experienced
only fair sales ,
The general tjraln market is less active
than uaual , with a alight change In prices.
WHEAT. Lower ; cash No. 2 , 91Jo
cash No 8 , 75o ; rejected , G74o. '
BARJiKY. Cash No. . / , 76oj No. 3
RYE Lower ; cash , 4Go.
CORN- Quiet ; mixed , 38o.
OATS Unchanged ; 38o.
SEEDS -Prices unchanged , but will
probably decline by the first of the week.
Sales fair with a few large country orders
We quote as follows : Blue grass seed
125@140) ) timothy seed. 2 10@2 25 ; roc
clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seod. 12 60
millet seed , 1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10
orchard grafts seed , 2 40 ,
Live Stc 2k.
Receipts larger than usual , bnt price
firm , except for hogs , which declined 68d.
Veal especially scarce and In good demand
Prices are n ehade higher. The folio win )
are thn prices quoted to-day :
STEEUS-5 10(25 ( 35.
FAT COW3-S3 75@4 00.
, nOGS-$000@G25
RUEEP-81 00@4 10.
Flour and MlllstufTs ,
The local demand wa > a trills below tha
ot yesterday , although western orders wer
larger than for some clays ptst , Prlcei
however , remain about the same , will
large receipt and a weaker feeling ii
; flour. We quote as follows :
; Best winter wheatQ ilit and a shad
lower for smaller orders ; 3 00 , 3 25@3 75.
; Second quality winter wheat 2 80@3 3 30. (
Bext quality spring wheat Large re-
celpts and a weaker feeling , We qaoti
2 GO @ 2 80.
Second quality spring wheat Dull i
Bran Qalet and unchanged , Onlr a fe
large orders reported. We quoU 10 00 pi
Chopped Fwd Lower andqul l at 17 ' {
Trade Is not M brisk M yesterday. Prices
are somewhat lower , especially la berries ,
The following prloes were obt lned from
comtnl lnn men and packers :
UKUIUKSReceipts somewhat In ex
cess of yesterday , but country orders
caused asotrcity , and a good local demand
cloinod the market o.trly In the afternoon ,
Tha following ftro the quotations :
STRAWBERRIES-2 52 ; ) GO. Some
few slightly damaged lots wore sold at
1 C0@2 00
RASFHERRlES-Scarce , and sell rap.
Idly at 18@20a per quart.
iiKMONd Unchanged. We quote at
OKANGES Qalet. The following are
the prices to-day : California , 303@360j
Mestnis 4 00@5 10.
CHERRIES Active and lower ) 4 50
per bu.
NEW APPLE3-Lwge receipts and
PEAOUES-Only a fair demand , but
unchanged. We quote at 1 25 per box.
EGGS Ujcel'in laree and prices from
le to 4o lower. > Ve quotlat 144o.
liUTTEH-Still dull ami n tilth lower
thin yrsterday. We quote : Choice daliy
at 1214cchulco ; creamery , 17@18c : con
mmi country , 13@15c ; poor to good , S@llc.
ONIONS Largo receipts and a dull
market ; Burmudas unchanged at 2 40 ®
2C5.NEW TOMATOES Activeandln good
demand , Wo quote : 2 00 per third bushel
NEWOAUBAGES-Soircohut a shade
lower. Wo quote at 7 25 per crate.
Market only fairly supplied. I5 celpts
fell short of yesterday. Nearly everything
In this line is take up by loc.\l dealers am :
couimniBis BI fast M It arrives. The foi
lowing are tr.o quotation * reported U > d y
Largo spring chickens , 4 75@D 00 ; nun' '
slow at 3 75. Old hens sell readily at 4 63
Grocers List
CANNED GOODS Oystan , ( Rtanil
aril ) , per oaoo , 3 70 ® 3 00 ; strawber
ries , 2 Ib , per case , S 40 , ra p-
harries , 2 Ib , per case , S 60. Dam.
sons , 2 It > , per cage , 2 45 , Bittlott
paftrs per case , 2 40. Whortlolmrriss
p r coso,275. Kgg plume,2 Ib peru. e,2 90 ,
Urocn tfiigos,2 Ib per ease , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
Ib per o > eo i EO. Pine Applet , 2 Q > , jxjr case
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib pur cane , 3 00
do S Ib , cose , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 tti , per
CRso.200 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozou , 2 80 ,
LARD OmahaRofinlnimCo , : Tierces ,
12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12gc ; 20-lb cane ,
12Ac ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12gc ; 5-1 b do ,
122e : S-lb do , 130.
UIOK Loublann prime to choice , "J ©
Set fair , 7@74c ; Patmn , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 60
No , 1 mnckerol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack ,
ore ) , half brig , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits
Snc ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No , 1
kits , 1 05.
SYRUP Standard Com. , SSo , bbls.
Standard do , 44 gallonkes ? , 81 93 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , 81 75 ,
SOD A In Ib papers , 83.30 per cose ; keg
eoda. 21c.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels
8700 ; do In boll bbls , 4 00unalls ; , In bbls
900 do , In half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , In
bbls , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 6 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55
Choice , G0@75o ; Imperial , good , 40@45o
Oholos , 60@76o ; Ycung Hyson , ( rood , 86 ®
60o ) choice , 6So@81'00 ; Japan Nat Leaf
BDc : Japan , choice , 60@76oi Oolong , good
85@40 ; Oolong , ohn.oo , 40@65 | Bouchoeg
good , 35 < fc40o ; choice , 85(8450. (
ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , llo
g Inch , lite ; linch , 12o.
WOODENWAKK Two boon pailr
1 75 ; three hoop pulls , 2 00. Tubs , No
1. 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 86 Donbl
Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckoto , 3 60. '
LEAD Bar , 81 65
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845
KlrU's uitlrwt , 3 60 : Kirk's standard , 3 76
Kirk's white Russian , 625 : Kirk'
Kntoot. , 216 Kirk's Prairie Queen
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cose
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case
1 90 : Anchor Boll 2 doz In case 1 60.
PEANUTS Roasted , choloe , red Tct
neeaee , lOo per Ib ; fancy white , 104o perlb
whlta Virginia raw , 10o | roasted
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs.lfis , 15fc ; SB
I6jc ; bcxos 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , 15c ,
MATCHES Per caddie , 95o | round
ease * . S8 10 : sqnuro , cases , BO 40 ,
COFFEES Ordinary grades , 3 aa ,
iair,10@104c ; good , 104llo ; prime , 114
! 2o : strictly prime , 12@124c ; choice. 18
§ 134c ; fancy green and yellow. 14@lEc ;
i government Java , 20'20 ' ; Leverlng's
roasted , 14fo ; Arbuokle'i roasted , 144c ;
McLiuphlin's XXXX roasted , 14Jo ; Im.
itation Java , 164@181o.
VINEGAR New .York apple , IGc ;
Ohio apple , 13c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash-
oin. In BBC ks , 8 60 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s , 8 60
SUGARS Powdered , lOlo : Cut loaf ,
lOlc ) Granulated , 94c ) Confectioners' A ,
9c ; Standard Extra O , 8gc ; Extra 0 ,
840 ; mudium yellow , 8o ; dark yellow , 7c.
STARCH. Pearl , 44o ; Silver Gloss
94o ; Com Starch , 91o ; ExcelslozGlosr ,
7Jo : Com. So ,
MEATS Hams per Ib. , 14o ; bacon
per Ib. , 14c ; clear side bacon per Ib. , lljc
dry salt sides per Ib. , lOlcbacon shoulders
per Ih. 94o ; tierce lard per Ib. ; 11 So.
SPICKS. Pepper , 21 ; Allsplco , 19
Cloven , 30) ) Cassia , 24.
CHKKSfl Full Cream , 134o ; Fart
Skim , llo.
LYK Amerloan , 8 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OC ; Lewis'
lye. 4 65) ) Jewell lye , 276.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran
70c per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New ? 3 50 per bbl.
Dry Qoodi.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic
Appleton XX , 7c ) Atlanta A , 80) ) Boot.
FF , BJc ; Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
. 89c ; Indian Orchard d , w. , GJc ; Itawrence
JjLjGlc ; Myatio river , 74o ; Fequot A , 8cj
4o ; Utica 0 , & 4a : Wachusett B , 7Jo ; do A
E 48,13 o ,
M : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7itc
Atlantio LL , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 64o
Benniugton 0 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye B , 4.4,6o
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84ct Laconla 0
39 , 84c ; Lohlgh E 4-4 , 940 ; Pepperell N
DO , 7c ; do O 82 , 71o ; do R 86 , 7Jo ; do E 89
84o , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7 o | Wamsutta 4- <
. 18o BLEACHED COTTONS Androsoog
| gin L 4-4,94oBlackstone : AA Imperial 8f o
do do half bleached 4 , Go ; Cabot 4-4,8 }
, Fidelity 4-4 , 94cVralt ; of the Loom. 91 ; dc
oan.brIo4 ,12lodoWaterTwlst,10ioGreal ; ;
Falln Q , 9o Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c
Lonsdale , lOcj do cambric 87 , , 12Jo ; _ .
York Mills. 12lc ; Peqnot A,10o ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 12401 Pocahontai 4-1 , OJo
. Pocasset 4-4. Slot Utlca. llc | Wamtntti
DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown
80 ; do 0 , drab , Hoi do XX stripes am
; plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab
stripes and plaids , 12Jcj Arlington fancy
! Br9o : unswlck brown , 84o : Chariot fancy
124c ; do extra heavy , 20o | Fall Rive
brown , extra heavy , llcj Indiana erA
brown 18m Nerxmset A brown. 15o
. tag ; A U A 82
19c ; do XX blue 82 , ISfc ; Arrowanna
94c ; Claremont B B , lEJci Conestoga xa
tra , 174ci Hamilton D , 1140 Lewiston f
30,15o ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , 20a ) Omega supe >
extra 4.4 , 28c ; Pearl River 02. 161c ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ) Bhotucket it9o f
lOJc ; do S3 12c : Yeoman'f blue 29 , 9o
DENIMS , Amoekeak , blneandbroni
164c ; Andover DD blue , 164oj ArllngJ
blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue IW
, brown. 124o ; do AAA , do do 134) ) doXXt :
do do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown
In Cic ; Mystic River DD stripe , IBJc ) Feai
River , blue and brown , 16c ; Unoasvlllc
blue and brown , 144r.
OAMBRIOS-Bamard , 6lo ) Eddyston
. lining , 24 Inch double taoe , 84c ) Garner 1
- glazed , P4"l Manhattan glove finish , ic
Newport do 6c ; do glaz d. Mo | Peqnot
tetat 601 Lockwood kid finish 4v
at CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c | Andre
ooggln iatte n 8Jo ; Clartndc n , 6Jo ; Oon
ew 082 * latteent , 7Joj Hallowel > , Boj Injdl
Arnold , 7 | Berwick , 4j | OorikMo , f
Oonostog * . GJo ) Dunkirk , | Dnnnell ,
Gi@7o ; Kddystone. 7o ) Gloucoiter , Go )
Harmony , 6e ) Knickerbocker , Glo ; Mor
rl ao D. 7c | Myotlo , CJo ) Sprarnes. 60 ;
Sonthbridge , 60) ) do. Ginghams , 7c | Marl *
boro. 5Jc ) Oriental CJo.
GINGHAMS Amitkeag , 9jc | Argyle ,
lOlc ) Atlantic , Ooj Onmbnrland , 74o ;
Ufghlnncl , 74o | Konllwortb , 91c | Finn *
kott , 9oi Sussex , 8c.
COTTONADES Abborvllle 18(0 (
Agate , 20o ) American , llo ) Artlslan , 20oi
Cairo D and T , ISJc ) OUrl < M D and T'
174c | Decoan Costripe * DandT , 16c ) Key *
stone , 134c | Nantnoket , 19oi Nonpareil
IGoj OooanD and T. 13jo > Royal , 1041
Sussex , 12c ) Tloga , lajpj Wachnsettshlrt _
In ? cheeks , 124o ; do , Nankin , 184o | York ,
plain N nkln. 124o ) do , checks , stripes and
' "
iancT. 12 o | do , 6 di SOo.
do 9.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c ) Continental C
i2 , llo , Frultlof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now
York mllls98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOo ) do 68.224o ,
Pembroke 10-4 , SSoj Pequot 1C.4 , 284o , do
74 , 19o do 49 , IGc ; Pepperoll 00. 29a
do 67 , 21odo ; 67 , 18o ) Utica 96 , SGo ; do
58 , Sale ) do 48,17o.
Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tartarle , 65o | Balsam
Copabla , per Ib , 70o ) Bark , Sassafras , per
Ib , 1J3J Calomel , per Ib , 75cj Clnohon'dia
per oz , 81051 Chloroform , per Ib , 85e
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 25) ) Epson :
Salts , per Ib , SJoi Glycerine , pure po bl ,
SOc ) Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22o
Oil , Castor , No , 1 , per gal , ? 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8115 , Oil ,
Olive , per pa ) . 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60) )
Opium , M (0 ( ; Quinine P , d W. & R. A B. ,
per oz , Cl 73) ) Potassium , Iodide , per It
81 65) ) Salacin , per oz , 40c | Snlphate o
Morphine , > or ot , 83 75) ) Snlpnnr flour
per Ib , 4ot Strvcbnlno. oer oz. 81 25 ,
P lntt Oils and V rnl hM
OILS 110' carbon , pei gallon ,
l4o ; 160 * beadllKbt , per g Hon ,
14c ) 176 * headlight , per gallon , 19c ;
150' Water White , 18o ; linseed ,
raw , tier gallon , 67 ; llnsood , boiled ,
nor gallon , GOcj lard , winter str'd , per seal ,
ton , 1'5 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No , 2 , 75c ) castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No , 3 , 1 20 ; sweet
per gallon. 85o ; cponu , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 GO ; Cell , \V. B , , per gallon , G5o ; noatnfoot-
extra , per gallon , 90o | No , 1 , 75o ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , 80a ) summer , 15o ,
Idou machine. No. 1 , per ration , 35o ; No ,
SO ; Bporm , signal , cor gallon , SOc ; tur
pentine , per gallon , 55 : ) nptha , 81 * , per
gallon , 163 ! 0 * , Ifio
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha
P , P. . Go ; white load , St. Louie , pure , GJc |
Karvoillca green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , gtoon soM , 12j | French elno ,
red seal , lie ) French zinc , in vnrnlnh anot ,
20c : Frcuoh since , In oil mat 15o ; Raw
aud burnt umber , 1 Q > cans lOol raw and
burnt Sienna , lOo : Vandyke brown , vg
refined lampblack. 12c : conch black and )
| < rory black , IGc ) f rep Mai k , 10o | Prnsolan
blue , SOo ! ultramarine blue , 18o ) obrvme
green , L. M. k D. , lGobllnd ; and ihuttnr
, L , M , n. D. , IGaj 1'ttrlu green. X8o )
Jreen rod , 16oi Venetian red , Do ) Tuscan
dre , 22o ) American Vermilion , I , & P , , 18c )
chrome yellow , L. , M , , O. A D O , , 18oj
yellow ochre , DC ; golden ochre , IV ) patent
dryer , Be ; ( Training colors : light oak , dark
oak. walnut , bestnut nrl atb 15o.
Dry Paints
White lead , So ; French slno. 10c | Far
whitelng 2io ) whiting gilders. IJc )
hi ting com'l , llo ; lampblaok German *
town. I4o ) llmpblackordinary , lOc ) Prns-
sian blue , 55o | ultramarine , 18o ) Vandyke
b/own , 8o | umber , burnt , 43) ) umber , raw
4csionna ; , burn t , 4c : sienna , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 25o | Paris green com' .
20c ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o | obrom
green K. , 12cj vermilllon , Eng. , 70c | vermillion
million , America , 18c ; Indian red , 10o
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cokusoso.
Zlet Venetian rod Am. , lo ) roi lead , 74 l
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ; ochre
French , 2Jo ) ochre , American , 2o )
Winter B mineral. 24c ; lehlgn brown. 24ct
Spanish brown , 24c | 1'rince's mineral 8c ,
VARNISHES Barrels per mllon
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1
81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; oaoh , No , 1 ,
81 29) ) Darnar , extra , 81 75 | npan , 70o ; v-
phaltum , extra , 8Bo | ibella 93 C0 | bard
oil fialsb. 81 80.Hides
Hides , Fun , Etc.
HIDES Ureen butcher's bides , Ogi
7c cured 7i@8o ; bides , green salt ,
dry ftint , sound , 1218o ) dry calf
and kip , 12@14o ) dry salt hides , sonnc' ' ,
10@llc ) ereen calf. wt. 8 o 16tte. . ll13oj
green call , wt , under 8 C > 3 , pet skin , 60c )
green pelts , C0@81 2G ; ereen lamb iklns ,
81 26@150j damaged bides , two-third rate ,
out scored and one grub , classed two-
tLlfds rate , ) branded hides 10 per Mnt , off
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 30oj No. 1
20j ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 30o ) No. 2
16o ) No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , Bo. Vex , ,
60oj No. 2 , 26o. Skunk , No. 1 , b15a |
CSo ; short stripe , 40oi narrow stripe *
bred stripe , lOo. Tallow 7o.
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ) hemlock sole , 18o to
85c | hemlock kip. SOo to 100) ) runner ,
G5o to 80o ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 26oj oak upper , 24o
alligator , 4 00 to 6 60) ) calf kid , 8J@3/
Grelsen kid , 2 60 to 276 ; oak kip , SOo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip
110 to 1 at ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
setts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , B 00 to 10 60
; toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
to 35oj pebbU O , D , Morocco , 86o | slmon
2 50 to 8 00.
; HARNESS 1 n-ar oak , 42oj No 3
do , 39c ; N B.I Ohio oak , 880) ) No. 2 do
35o | No. 1 Milwaukee , S7o ; No. 2 do 34c.
Wo quote lumber , lain and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following prico'i
, nndor , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60 ,
TIMBKRS-10 ft. and under , $22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60
| 20 ft , 823 50j 22 ft. , 826 60 ; 24 ft. 820 60.
. FENCING-NO , i , 4 and e in. , 124 001
. No. 2,82200.
SHEETING No. I (2nd ( common
' ' boinlu ) , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00 ,
LIME Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per bus-
e 35o ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. COo , Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. 8 ? 50. Straw board , 83 60.
, Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , (2 80 ; plow steel , specla
o. > st , 7o ) ornolblo.Hc ; special or German.Gc
; cant tool do. 16@20 wagon spoke * , set
; 2 253 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawet
< dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7086o ; axles
each , 75o ) square nuts , per Ib , 7lle
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rlvotc , per Ib , lie
, cell chain , per Ib , 612c | | malleable , 80
Iron wedges , Go ) crowbars , 60 harron
teeth , 4o ; spring teel , 7@Kc ) Burden'i
borseshnas. 6 21t Bnrden's mnleehoes , 6 25
; BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o ( a
71 o per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf , 8 60.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Back shot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , kegi , 86.40 ; do , , ha
kegs. 83.48 ; do..quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast
Ing , keics , 83.86iFnse , per 100 feet 60o.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 012
Morris Run Bloraburg , 812) ) Whltebroos
lump , 81 03) ) Wbltobreoit nut , 84 00) ) lowi
lump , 81 00) ) Iowa nut 84 00 ; RookBprlng |
J700 ; Anthracite , 811 50@12 00 ; Canoi
, City , 87 00 per ton. '
, Horses end Mults.
llitro draft horses , 8175 , to 225. ] Com
man draft bones , 8100. to 160. ) Extn
A farm horwi , 8110 , to 125. ; Common I
good farm hones. 890 to 8100. ) Extn
: plugH , $ GO , to 76 , | Common plugs , 820
, to 810. to.d
MULES. ( Extra ) , 8125 , to 150. ) good
81CO. to 140. ; fair , 876 , to 100. ; common
er 860 , to 7C.
- Wool.
8 Merino nnwaihed , light , 14J10o ( ) beat ;
13@15o | medium unwashed , light , 18020 !
washed , choice , 32c | fair , 80c ; tub cd
washed , 28c ; burry , black and c tied woe
26o Icsr.
to Tobaccos.
ton. FINE OUT Common , 20@30c ; good
45@GOoRose | Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c
, Diamond Crown , 65o ; Sweet Sixteen
na 47c.BMOKINGO. . B. , 20o ; Muikovy , I05
naA Durham , 16 oz , 4Goj Durham , 8 oz , 50 <
Durham , 4 os , 62o ; Durham , 2 oz. 5oiot
do Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 42c ; Seal c
North Carolina , 8 oz , 44o ; Seal of Nort :
ros Carolina , 4 oz , 4Go ; Beal of North Care
les Una , 'J oz , 48o ; O , K. Durham , 4 or. ro80
O. K. Durham. 2 oz , SOc ; Unole Ned , i'i
io. 24o ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOB ACOO-Climax , tX ) ; Bn
lion. 60 ; Hem bo . 48 ; Star 48 ; Rnd ;
13 44 ; Utrwr-s , 48 } Black , S8 40 ,
X combination of J'rw
ioxlttooflron , : '
a palatable form * Jfef
DtbiHty. fiot of Apn *
Me , frustration of Vital
J'ouiert il i ttwlltpent *
iV.A.IKOlJU3 Wrltoa- 6(0.HEV.J.L.TOWNEB ,
Aflor ft thoronah trial of tbo PURIFIES :
IRON TONIO , I taho pleasure
In taUn * that I nave boon
re * ; : , ionofltod by Itn ILODD f n. moot exoollont remedy ; '
nan. Ministers and Pub the debilitated vital force * .
lic Speakers will find It
of the irrcateat valno
where n Tonic la neoca *
ary. X recommend It
asi a rellablo remedial
agent , posaoaainir un
doubted nutritive and
reatorntlvo properties ) .
' - - , . .
on. ! , IBS.
" * B - ' , , ,
ad-fiS rt'f 1
5s . . . ay i si
l-3ai- ifc | | -j
Fire and Burglar Proo f
x. o o
1020 Farnham Street ,
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
M. Hellman < fe Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3W-
- This Flour la made at Salem , Rlohardson oonuty , Nob. , In the oombln
; roller and stone system. Wo glvo EznintivK sale of oar flour to ono firm la
; place. Wo have opened a branch at 1018 Oapltol aveune , Omaha.
Writ AdJrcus * for either Prices.A V M UGIN | ET NIT I I I NET . GL S. Salem or Omaha , Neb
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , anr
All Grocers' Supplies.
; A Fall Line of the Best Brands of
And Window Glass.
1622 Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
; _ QuoUtlopi sect on application. Consignments solicited and remittances promptly miiat. _ _
ro- ; On Long Time Small Payments
A , H08PE. JR. . IC1 fitdse , OsMha