THE OMAHA DAILY BKE-SATURDAf JUNE 16 , 1883. , ' j , TRUE 1 Temperance 1 Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept , because of the non-removal of the cause I liquor. The way to make a man temperate is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car ry so many bright intellects to premature graves , and desolation , strife and unhappiness - happiness into so many families. 1 til a fact ! BROWN'SIRON , BITTERS , a true nonalcoholic ic tonic , made in Baltimore , the Brown Chemical . Company , who arc old druggists - , gists and in every particu lar reliable , will , by remov- . I ing the craving appetite of the drunkard , and by curing the nervousness , weakness , and general ill health result ing from intemperance , do more to promote temperance , in the strictest sense thin any other means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines , especially'bitters , ' are noth ing butcheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with BROWN'S IRONEITTERS. Itisamedi- cme , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive or gans of the body , produc ing good , rich blood , health and strength. Try one bet tle. Price # 1.00. GOI4 > UEJDAT * PARIS , 1ST * . BAKER'S CHOCOLATES rremfvm Cftofofaf * . Iho bff t preparation of plila chocolit * for fam ily uie.Inltr'f llnakfait Cocoa , from which th eieni of all hit been rtmorcd. ettlly dljtt itt J mil nlmlribly ijAptcil for InTilMi. _ ; ; , Urr' I'aitilln Chocolate , M * drink or eitcn a * con * foctlontry li dillclout nttlcle | highly rreommended by touriito.JxUr1 * Jlrnma , InTtlutble ! ft diet for chll- drtn. German Sonet Otoculati , a mot uctlltnt rllelt for funlllti. Sold by tiroeers CTerjnhere. \V. BA.1CEII & 2 > oref\citcr. 2Icut. BALL'S ' SORSETS Every Corset Is warranted satli- . factory to Ha wearer In eTerr way , 'or the money will bo refunded by the person from vr bom it was bought. ? lk * only Oonet pronounced by oar leading ; phyttalaM 4 * * U ) > rloue to lha wearer , and endorsed by ladlesM Jj /mortoomforuble and perfeo * flttlog Conet m * PHIOE8by KollPa > ta * FeJdl taltk Praterrlns. $1.BO. B lf.A4JmtlMt. * ! . JiM- ' - - ' ( extra kcavy ) lee , Mnrataii , ! . taUh PrewrTlna1 ( flM octll ) , | ktrt-8 < p arUnc , l.OO. ' ! > * * ! ky lt 4l lieUU VeaUrs i . CHICAGO COMET CO. . CM A ttmn or Beauty la Joy orv * . DR. T. FIXIX QODRAUD'B Oriental Crtam or Vaglcal Ceautlfler , The Oriental Cream rurlflei as well as llcantl- fiei the Sklc , Ileiaoroi Tan , I'lmples , Freckle , Mothiutch ean'ererj blemlsh'oii de lection. II ha * stood the test Ol tOyearian' ' If so harm less wi taste It t ( be sure I ht pro pa ra tion Is pro perly tnadi Accept DC couuterlell similar oam * . The dlitlngulihrd Dr. L. A , Bayre , said to r Udy ol the IUVT OH ( a patient ) "As you ladle * will use them , I recommend 'Oi uraud Cream' a * the least harmful of all tbi Bkln preparations. " One bottle will last ill months , using It trery day. Also 1'ouJio Jub. til * rtmcTe * luperfluou * half without Injury le th * skin. MM * . M. B. T. QOURAUDSol * prop. , 43 Bond For tile by all Drnreiit * and Fancy Ooodi Dealer * throughout the United State * , Canadi nd Europe. < VOewar * ol bae Imitations. 11,000 nwaid Itrarrnt and proof of anyone selling th * line , BEFORE-AND-AFTER Electric Appliancei art tent on 30 Dayt' Trial. TO MEN ONLY , YOUNQ OR OLD 117 HO are differing from NIITOFS DZIIUTI VV LOT VrriUTT. Lies or Nn i ruacs i Vioon. Wiinxo WXIKXUIU , and all iuo dlt > xur ota rcaioxii. Katraa Knfitlnie from Affliu ir Of ana CMtixs. 0n dr tvttel an4 eomplet * rr > x n.UouotIUui.niVtae > ailllDiuoopivtU4iiu ( VbegTJUlc t dUcorUTT of th * Nineteenth Crn' t ; ItndalCDCi farllliutrat * < iri = plil < tfri . A J ! / < ' VILTAIIIELT CO. , MARCH.UL. . KICK. POBl'BY OP THE TIMES. The Joraty. A .Terser , like a coat of mall , The > hspdy form Inw3f , And ton dainty walet can't fall To add developed gracei ; To draw It on tiqulres o knack Qdte eaiv to attain ; But what a bnitneis 'I Is , good luck , To get It oQ sgaln. j lirldgepott Standard. A Nickel In tbo Plato. I dnirly lorn my Saturday Whene'er I'm In the lurch , For then I draw my ralary And ready am for church , So that when Brnday morning comes With pious joy elate , I to the chapel go , and put A nickel on the plato. All through the week I know I do Some things that may not be Exactly what the minister Might sav from sin ain't free ; But when i drois and go to prayeri And show m telf r'l straight , I feel I've fivsa It np when I put A nickel on the plate , AC Hand. The willing-collar day * ara come , Tha hotteit of the year , When people iweat And groan to get A gins of cooling beer ; The circus and tha organ man Drop In upon the scene Tha small boy' * pants 'JL'hMr holes enhance Upon the base-ball preen. -Williamsport Breakfast Table. Only B Onromo. The bloom of May Is on her cheek * And beauty dwells In her dark eyei ; Her foim U tht tha sculptor seeks , And In her voice iweet muslo lies , Too soon I found tha bitter gall She' * but ft cbromo alter all , An Eden fair life seemed to me , And she an angel by my side : I never dreamt tuat heart could be A * cold as winter' * toy tide ; Bnt one dark day I burst the thrall- To find a chromo after all. Like some poor bird decoys beguile To leave it * sklei for hidden snare * , I came to bask In her sweet smile And be imprisoned unaware * ; But soon the sunlight followed shade I left the chromo nature made. The Bbadow. In bleak Innd and desolate , Beyond tbo earth somewhere , Went wandering through Death's dark gate , A soul Into the air. And still , SB on and on It fled , A waste , wild region through , Behind there fell the steady troai Of one that did pursue. At last It paused and looked about , And then it was aware A hideous wretch stood in Its track , Deformed and cowering there. "And who are then ? ' he shrieked , with fright , That dost my iteps pursue ; Go hide thy shameless shape from sight , Nor thus pollute my view. " The fnul form answered him : "Alwaya Along thy path I flee. I'm thine own actloca ; night and day Still must I follow tbee. OONNUBIALITIEB. It is coosidcred a c * < sgraao for a Ulcdao girl not lo ho married when shots eleven or twelve years old. Co-education seems to imve the accent upon tha "co"ln Buchtel college , at Akron , U. Two girls have lately ran away with brakeinen and married them. Annia Wallacea sixtoen-yoiu-old blonde , who ban taken an active part in the salve , tlon army work nt Eaiton , L'a , , has mar- rK I A coal-black negro who wai o cow re- cuit. At a wedding in Harlem , N. Y. , where the bride was very dilatory In arriving at the church , a lady remarked concerning the efTjIi : "Well , the Idea of that woman being late in gottlni ; hero when she has been waiting tweutjsix yo rs for just such a chanoa as this. " The Kentucky law saysi "No marriage thai ! be solemnized without a license there for , Issued by the clerk of the county in which the ferualo rosldis at the tlmo , Nothlnc in said hero about the county In which the male resides. Has the male Kcntucklsn no rlghti ? David Peanon , of Carroll , 111 , , aged 77 , and Mrs. MoPaddcn , of that city , aged 80 , were united In marriage the other day , and took their departure on a bridal tour which will include the nottd watering places of the east. The bride is spoken of as a ' 'leading rociety married belle of half a century ago. " A couple w ent np from Hungerford township to Le Marir. Iowa , a few days ago to be married. They quarreled In the ' otel about the clergyman to be employed , o favoring a Methodist divine while the ady wanted a Congregational clergyman. The upshot of the matter was that the 'ady wallced back to Hungeiford town- iblp , and the man , after waiting a day for her to relent , alio went back , Tne official returns of the marriages'sol imnlzed ! Fiance during tha last je&r how a total of 279.530 for the twelve months. The greatest number in one month tnok place in February , when there were 34.157 , Next comei November with 32.074 , May with 28.273. January with 27,585 , Juno with 27 216 , October with iC,782 , July with 2',020 , September with 18.883 , April with IO.G',2. March with 14,011 , and last of all , December with 18,087. | _ _ HONEY FOB THlfl LADIES , Bonnet string * now tie nnder the chin , instead of across the back. Contly satin fabric * , brocaded with clus ters of walnut * , are Improved , The much-worn terra c itta and ] crushed strawberry shades are on the wane. Tailor-made street suits usually In browns or deepgrays remain the most fash ionable , The Boston Globe is mean enough to speak of a young ladle * ' seminary a * a "goose farm. " Inch-wide ribbon loops In levtral shade * are much affected by many young ladies with plain linen collar * . It Is distinctly asterted by all fashion authorities that velvtt Is not to be dis carded during the summer months , Bows cf narrow satin ribbon , In throe pr even four ihader , are seen caught in vailous places on the new white toi lets. Corasge bouquets seem to grow larger. This Is probably due to the fact that at this leasou of the year ( lowers are unusual ly cheap , Djttcd and tambour muslins , worn over color , with yards of lace aud ribbons for triuuulnps , are among the prettiest of toi lets for the sea-iide. Gold basket-straw bonnet * , trimmed with ilame-colored lace nnd fancy silver straws and velvet Intermingled , are the newest fancies lu French millinery , "I waa so mad at George l * t night.,1 raid a girl of her sweetheart. "Yes.'Wd her Ill-natured brother , "I noticed when I looked la the parlor you were up in urms. " A new cbeesc-cloth drees Is garnished with rowscf narrow black ribbon , borderIng - Ing the flounce * and .drapery , , and used piuhe buquein acorrespondlngman. Many of the silk toilet * for lummer , combining black and white , ara trimmed with double ruffles of black acd white lace the black arranged over the white , Long loose-wrlsted momquetalres are gradually growing fewer In numberr , and fashionable dealers snort that in a year they will almost be numbered with the tblogs ol the pait. The most fashionable handktrcblefa are of sheer white cambric , with ft spray of bright colored flowers embroidered In one corner , or a fne vine In white or colors embroidered around the entire edge. edge.Many Many of the new parasols of silk and satla are lined with Watteau-patterned foulards , with lace arranged on the outilde In fan-pleatlogs. These f re especially de signed for ga'Ben party use , coaching , and lllce occasions , and not for the promenade. It Is said that a young lady can never whistle In the presence of her lover. The reaton Is obvious. He doesn't give her a chance. When she gets her llpa In ft pro per position for whistling something else always occnrs. Two young ladies in the country were standing by the side of a wldt ditch which they did not know how to cross. They ap pealed to a boy who wr comlog along tha road for help , whereupon be pointed be hind them with a startled air and yelled "Snakes ! " The young ladles crossed the ditch at a single bound , A. nratty and serviceable fabric for aaorrtng snmmer dresics of white organdie , Frencb muslin , and the like , Is a niw very sheer cambric , with a solid embroidery covering Its entire surface from selvage to selvage , the embroidery being done In ex- quliltectaln , Venetian , old Flemish , and Irish point patterns. Mrs. Lillle Drvereaux Blake is going to print ft hook entitled "Woman's Place To- day. " We presunn she will say that roman'a proper place it at the head of the amlly and tha soda water fountain : and hat It it proper for ft man to wash the llshes and sew on buttons , wh"e it li nt a woman's place to chop wood and cany p coal. RELIGIOUS. The London Missionary society owna ve mission hlps. There are 18 000,000 Catholic * in Spain , nd 40,00. ) magnificent churchei. Grace church , New York , is to replace x wooden iplte with marble at a coit ot 60,000. One church in Lagos , Western Africa , its c ntrlbuted during the pait threeyears ver 815,000 for church purposes. The Presbytery of Utah has under Ha barge three candidates for the ministry who are converts from Mormonlim. The white Baptists of South Carolina iave640 churchei and 58,782 communl. nts. and the colored Baptists number 90.000. One hundred and ten Presbyterians have eceded from their church la Fredericks * mrg , O , , and formed themsolvea into a Congregational church. All religious Instruction or even allusion o religion In the schools of France is so trietly forbidden by the new law * on the ubect ) that the name of the Deity is larofully oxprnged fiom the new text looks , The United Presbyterian general assem- > ly has finally dcided to allow lastru- nentr' ruuslo in church worship , though lot without a tharp and rigorous protest rom the ministry , which th'sy will present o the next assembly. In the Now Koglond conference of the ItethodlstEpit copal church there la only ne minister who receives as high a salary s 82 000. Only five riceivo more thin 1.C30. The average salary is about $5GO. Amcng the bequests of the late Anson Jlake , jr. , of Brooklyn , N. Y. . uro S5.CCO ) the Evangellcp' educational nociaty of 10 Protestant Episcopal church of Pbllo. olphla , und 82G.COU for general charitable net benevolent purposes , The Southern Baptist conference held ; j annual meeting at Waco , Texas , Init wiek , 6G3 delegates being present. The epott of tha home mission board showed hat $78,0 ( ) had been raised and expended iy stfctd boards. The total receipts of ore' ' a ml'eion boards were 55)COO. ) , A lurgo colony of Dunkards Is about to ettlo In Northern Kansas. Tlmy are about to build three churches in Brown ounty , near Sabethn end Morrlli. Their ooent ineeticg at BUmaick grove opened he oyeo of thousands of them to the beau- Ice and advantages of Kansas , ntid thou- niida of them will probably bo added to bo'populatlnn of the state within the next 3W years , They are n class of people de- Irablo In nny community. They are uoral , intelligent nr.d obey the laws strict- V , nnd are very thrltty. A religious weekly savsi "Chicago is > oglnnlng to look for Its first gray hairs , ud will soon rank among the patriarchs , A. few days ago its tit. Mary's church had > semi-centennial ; and a few days hence ts First Presbyterian church will celt- irate the same. In the fifty years Cathol. cism claims to have grown to forty-five hurchor , 135 priests , and 250,003 mem- iers. But it must be remembered that a arge proportion of these members ore only omlnal Catholics , who do not keep up be forma of religion. IMPIiilTIEB. "When you are in Rome yon must do aa he UOIU&DB do , " M the Aumlcan tramp aid when he squatted on the steps of a athedral la the Eternal City and held out bin hat. At St. Anne'a Sunday school in Lowell , n answer to the question : "What ia the greatest church festival ? " a little orphan ol Ix years promptly answered : "Straw- > erry festival. " A young minister named Stocking was iresented by his wife with a pair of socki ait week. Donations are bting received jy the ladles of his church to buy him a losejcarrlage. The union of the two Bible aocietiea baa called out a letter from a Connecticut olervyman , who furnishes figures , if they are correct , to show that it costs (4 to dis tribute A Bible worth $1 , under the old- fashioned colporteuroqe system. A Tennessen landlord has just been forced to pa ; 9700 for kissing an Indian woman who waa a guest at his hit el. Aa It is only ten centa to kiss the prettiest girl at church fair , this tn n will never cease to kick hlmielf for his financial folly. A western preacher , whwe congregation bad begun to fall off somewhat , had it In timated that he would discuss a family scandal the following Sunday morning As a consequence , the church waa crowded The minister's subject waa Adam am Eve. Eve.An An old colored preacher In Atlanta , Ga. was lecturing a youth of his fold about thi tin of dancing , when the latter protested that the Bible plainly said : "There it a time tn dance. " "Yes dar am a time to dunce , " said the dark divine , "an1 its when a boy gets a whlppin' for goln1 to a ball. ball.There There is A beautiful practice cmimon throughout a portion of Mexico for llttli children to kneel before a stranger am pray * that ho may have a safe Journey. And the fathois ot the children have i practice , not no beautiful , of "laylnc ; for' the stranger In the forest with a jack-knife two feet long , A Brooklyn Sunday school clais hat just finished singing , "I want lo bo an angel And with the angels stand" when the teacher , obierving that one o the boys had not contributed his voice tc swell the sacred refr in , said : "And yoi want to bo an angel , too. don't you vfl ] liel" ' 'No , " reiumcd Willie } "Not rlgh away. I want to be a circus rider a gooc deal tint. " , , JU an evening 'prayer ' meeting in neighboring town , , as tbe.9o'clock .be ceased ringing , tha , clergyman .piesldln "arose nnd spoke In a most 'solemn and Im presslve manner of the reminder that the had just received from the bells of th Ight of time and the necessity of spend- na time well while It Is oars to Improve. When he at down an elderly female arose nd In a shrill voice startled the audience > y remarking in a contradictory tone , "I hlnk It must be fire. " A Norwich , Conn. , church ia pastorlesi ; auie , dancing. Pastor objects to dancing t A church fair , Ladies Retting up the air Indignant. Declared It wouldn't raise cent nnlesa the bowels of the cat drew nt the melody from the hair of the horse , while flyintr feet kept time. Ladieawon. 'astor resigned. Lota of dancing. No > reacher. Great change , though , from bo Connecticut of Cot to a Mather. PEPPERMINT DROPS. Motto for a female chiropodist : "She toops to corn curl. " There seems to be no call for an exhlbi- ion of grief at a circus. Yet the audience s alwaya In tiers , The cruthed strawberry color that W B o fashionable for a time baibeen succeed ed by a shade wlleJ spoiled molasies. Undertakers are just now sending a boy round to see who are going to put up isminocks. The doctors pay half the > oy's wages , It boa been suggested that the policeman who pays for his beer In theic day wc/u'd / IB a greater curiotlty than Waihlngtou's negro nurse , The victim of either cannot dlecfru nuch difference belwteu a piano aud a land-organ. At tloi < both appear to be played by a crank. "I don't like to have my husband chew obaccn , " remarked a young married lady , 'but I put up with it , for the tin-foil is pit too handy for anything In doing up my frent crimps. " "Business la pretty good , " said ) an un- ertaker to an interviewer ; "but if lying rai pnniibed ai It was in the daya of AnarUs , I wou'd have to enlarge my works and purchase fifty moro hearsev' Ie would also give some other undertaker job. A Mr. Bar- middle-aged lady applied to - nm for the position of circus manager. When asked about her proficiency she alvely rep"ed that she hei been martied bree times , and if eny one could explain be word circus she was the person. It Is said that a game of base ball took lreaf wdaya ago , and the whipped line don't attribute their defeat to the jnjuat decision of the umpire.1' It oe. I't seem possible. The game should > e preserve In alcohol of one of the great- .t t arloLtn-1 of the mine anth century. A. newspaper editor In Constantinople in been eentenvd to imprisonment for ifo for Gallic ? the sultan a ' bald-headed ild Imbecile. " Inere appears t3 be very ittle encouragement to tell the truth ' t Constantinople , and If an editor there wanta to keep out of t > vi nn be should pub- ish a boya and gill * ' we6kly. A prominent phyricin says a person bould never bo waited except where there iur tiuctB'/ ! for it , Thlshygea' ) act ehov'd be remembered. When a mm r''ia- ' ' p in church , the deacon who .ies r onnd " 10 contrlbn'on box should ot wako h' d UD unl 3 the collection is rgent for the oenefit of the heathen in be Jimjsmbo. ; e Islm'- ' , for Instance , 'he di ky deninns of that bonlghtod re- ; Ion may need i 11" mel night caps much wt se tbci Cio sleep : r needs a ap. MUSIOALi AND DRAMATIC , The right name of Henry Irvirg , the English actor , is Broadrlb. James Barton will shortly organize a ompany to play comic opera on the road. Emma Thursby receiver 5,000 for seven imcerts with Mr. Thomas in San Fran- Isco. Isco.Mario Marie LItti has tung at the bead of a ompany for three years and in 615 con- ortt ) , Charles Wyndham has engaged Howard "ftul , of London , for h a next American our. Shiel Barry , the English comedian , haa > oen engaged to support Boucicault next oason. < Mru. Hamilton 'Griffin , mother of Mlsn Inry Andoruon , wa recently made the mother of a son and heir. Dr. Damrosch's concert tour has come o a sudden end , owing to disagreements > etween the financial managers. Mine. Theo haa an engagement to op- tear at the New Renaissance theater , 'ari > , In a n < iw opera written for her. The Brooklyn Philharmonic orchestra numbers 112 men. The annual receipts have gone from $15,000 to $30,000 In five oars , Next season Miss Anna Dickinson will ako the road under the management of ' . U. Leenau , who is now booking time or her. The management of the Madison Ifuare company baa re-engaged that val uable actress , Agnes Booth , for two sea- ons , The ( performances of Wagner's "Parsl- al" at Bayreuth this snmmer will com mence July 8th and continue on alternate lay a to the end ot the month. Mme. Nilison'a first appearance aftei ter return to England waa In concert al be Royal Albert hall , May 9. Toe aud- ! moo numbered 12,000 , and waa very en thusiastic. Frank Bangs , the actor , waa married ast weeka to a daughter of Singer , the sewing machine man. Her atage name during her brief but expensive experience waa Agnes Leonard. The couple go to Q urope on their wedding tour. Paris , for 2,230,000 inhabitants , has twenty-three theatres , six muslo halls am ; hrte cirousses ; Vienna , for 1 204,000 in labitants , has seven theatres , one clrcu and six muslo halls ; Berlin , with 1,300,000 Inhabitants , has thirteen theatres , one clr cos and five mnslo ha\ls. \ Mr. Thomas says that his present tour is tha most successful he has ever under taken. The eipenses of his troupe are about $1,600 a day. Mr. Itlntr , the bus ! ness manager , says that New York Is the only city in America that will stand afou weeks' representation of anything tbeatrl cal or ixusioal. BDUOA.TIONAtj NOTES. There were thirty-two students in the class which completed the course at the Cincinnati law school last week who falle < to passed the required examination , There are 132 pianos in the Boston < ub lie schools , and they are kept In tuna at a cost of (1,200 a year by inmatea of th Perkins Institution for the Blind. Out of the 1,300 graduates of Middle bury college. Vt , , 6CD have been mlnlltei of the gospel under nine ecclesiastical or raulztttont ; eighteen have become preel dents of colleges or theological seminaries seventy have become collee professors and forty have become missionaries. Among the succesful competitors for free tcholatshlp in the Koyal College o Muilc , lately established under the speola patronage ot the prince of Wales , are a mill girl , the daughter of a brickinaker the eon of a blacksmith , who tojk big rank In tinging , and the son of a farm laborer , who excelled In violin playing. A New Hampshire paper says that th country district school in that State is fa fronUbelng what it wei a generation ago Benches which were crowded then ur nearly empty now , and In the place of mer ry groups of children scattered along th roadway , here and there a solitary schola takes up bis lonely walk to sthool. Tt towns veryteneraUy [ ; make liberal prov tlon for their tchools , but they have no I ho children to send , The university of Pennsylvania has , I retpect ef its counts of collegiate study made a new departure. Tbe , , .tudeni } has at the end of thu spphomore year\th 'choice-of three distinct' fields. He ma continue in the regular academies coursi he may study for k diploma In science , o n the special line of mechanical or civil nglneerinj , or he mty , In the school nf nance , fit himself for business life. In ils lait eonrso the studies include polltl- al ccanomy , con titutional law , meroin- lo law and prictice , the history and laws ! finance , legislation and administration , nd the theory and practice of accounting , i well aa general literature , history and modem languages. That bad breath oomoa from Indi cation. Take Samaritan \Nervint \ , t itopi the cauio. $1.60. Mr. John R. Patterson , of Evaru- Ille , lad , , says ; "Samaritan Nervine nrod my wlfo of female weakness. " bar Dragglsti koap it. As a trno and iQiclent tonic , and no that czoela all other Iron medl- Inea , take Brown's Iron Bitten. Where tbo Hlch Co mo From , N w York Sun. All czoopt Tory few of the rich men f the present have made their money Inco 18GO. Btforo that tlmo the mi j irlty of them were poor , and their roapects of winning fortunes wore ot greater then than thoao of thou- ands to-day. The ranks of wealth are all the imo recruited from poverty , A now lais ot 11 oh men will come up during be next quarter of a century , and It will be cDmposod chli 11 y , If not almost ntlrely , of those who are now atrug- ; llng to make both ends meet. In very department of trade and mann- aotnre vigorous and enterprising ronng men are forging ahead , not be- tanae they have capital in money , but > ecauao they have capital in brains and nergy. A man with a now Idea of nactlcal value , and who knows how to iso It , never had a better chance than 10has now. 'SFECIFlCHh St. Vi tus Dnucc , Alco hol mi , Opium r.ntlrc , fitiphtl * bcrorula , ; /o/riUtl3- ; ; Jllcod DiscafcB , J > UtrxjJsitt , Ncr- NERVE vousiii.'SJ , Sick . icatlsm , JTcrv- 55 WKS Weakness , * iUraln Worn- , - Miami Soraml- onsncfiS , Coxtlitncsi , Nervous Prostration , 'Mneu Troubles aud Irrcijularitics. $1.50 , at npglktH. gnl0 | TcMltnonInln. Samaritan Kcrvino is doiiiLwonders. . " Jr. J. O. JIcLcmoln , Alexander City , Aln. I feel it luy duty to recommend it. " lr. ) 1) . F. IjitiKlilln. Clyde , Kansas. "It cured whcro plij-slclnns f.illod.1 Itov. J. A. Killc , Beaver , Pa. JOTT-Correspondenco freely nnsivcrcd.-Sa THE IR. S. A. RICHMOND MED. CO. , PROPRIETORS. ST. JOSEPH , MO. (17) ( For toctisoulals and circulars Eend stamp. The Public is requested carefully to notice ic new and enlarged Scheme to le drawn fonthly. TCAPITAL PRIZE. 875,000tti 'lohetsonly > 5 , shareslnprnportlon L.S.L. . . . Louisiana State Lottery Company ) "Wedo herfhy certify that we supervise \the rrangcments/or all the Monthly and Semi' inmial Vramngi of The Louisiana State Lot tr\i Company , and in person manage aud con rol the Drawings themtelvtt , ami that the game re conducted with honesty , fairneti , antl in oed faith toicaid all partK , and we authorize he tome thu certificate company , with/ae-tim- lei o/ our tiijnatures attached , in itt advertise- Oommtsslontra. iLCOiporatei ) In 1603 for " 5 years br the logic- a'.uro tut KducAt'ona' ' ind CbarltabU purposed with a capital cf $1,000,0,0 to which a reserve und ot over $550 000 has since been ddeil. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise M made a pare ol the present SUte Constitu- ion adopted December 2d , A. D , 1879 , The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ed by the people of any state. It never tcalet or postpones , Its Grand Single Namliar Draw- lBg tmke place monthly. A. SPJLBNDID OPPORTUNITY TO "WIN A VOK-rlllNE htfVKNTII 1RAND UK&W ING , CLASS O AT NEW OH. .EAN8.TUKSDAY . , July 1O , 1883-U8lh Monthly Drawing. OAPITAIi PRIZE , 175,000. lOO.OttO Tioketa at Five Dollars aoh > Fraotioui. la Fifths In Proportion , LIST Or PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 175,000 1 do do 25,000 1 'n do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF tflOOO 12QW 5 co 2000 10,0(0 10 co 10CO 10,000 VO do COO 10.0CO 100 do 2W 20,000 300 do 100 80,000 600 do 50 25,000 1000 do ! 5 25.000 APPROXIMATION HIIZES. 9 Approximation prizes ol $750 6,760 9 d do 500 4,600 9 do CO 250 2250 1S67 Prizes , amounting to _ . $ i65,50i Application ( or rates to clubs should only bs made to the office ot the Company In New Or leans. For further Infontalhn write clearly dviog nilladdrcsi. f nd orders by Expnsi , llrgts tcrod Letter or Money Order , addnssod only to M. A. DAUPH N Niw One ins La. OrM. A. Dcuphln , OO7 Seventh 8t. Washlnaton , D 0 L..S.L. . . . . LOUISIANA STATE LU1TBRY 00 B. FRANK MOORE , 127 La Sallo Street , Chicago ( Formerly S19 and 21 Broadway , N. Y. ) Now ftJanagc-r of ChioaKu Offloa. To whom annly for Information and tickets. 153th Month y Tuesday , July 10 d" . , ' W.1S ? , ! cl000Tlcl"t8 85 See full scheme clieichere , WORTH .SENDING FOR I Dr. J. U. BClll NCK lus Jiut ruulUhcd a tiouk o DISEASES OF THE LUNGS NO HOW TO CURE THEKT luchlgoa"i > rcxlFKii ! . l uiUi.'or llalile to any l Uui Utroat or IUUKH. MwUnn th& rarer. lr. J.ll. HCIIK.M-K .V UllX , I'hlU.lrtphtK. l' ( Suti if i/uu uUA i'iuf. or Ccnnun Mention ths D HAS THE BEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND HAKES THE LOWEST PBIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS iave now been finished in our store , mar Ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE HOUSE n the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , ) ne Exclusively for the use of Passongore. These immen&e ware- opm8-Tthree8lpresffare66feet wide-are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei hewn All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock- OHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADE 18 FARNAM ST. OMAHA PERFECTION HEATING "AND SAXIMC la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE liAUZg OVER DIMS , For aalo by MIL BORERS & E B. CHAPMAN & CO. ftfVir TfPCA T Ta1 Tlli5Arfs'iiBiC ' C ยง LUiaiiiSAJb a ( Q-lftQUJia S 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. N > .h. MANUFAOTUIIKB OP STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS \ MANUFACTURER OF FINE BUGGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGONS My Repository ia Constantly filled lth a Koleot Stock. Beat Office and Faatorj. 3 , W , Oor. ID en ana uapitoi Avenue. m 2 ru&e-ly FIREWORKS Flags , Balloons , Torpedoes and 4th of July Goods , SEND FOR PRICE LIST TO THE ) HEADQUARTERS oo. 3 JUSTS * POWHR AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmmgat mnn. , uggtgg , HALLADAY WIHD-MILLS CHURCH AHD SGHOOl 8EL Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha. Nob. AN3 RETAIL UKiI.23 Rl Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOCKS , BLINDS * MOLDINGS , LISSE , 1 rBTATl AOKHf MR lOLWAOEKE OEUXKT COUPAKTI Near Union Pacific DepotOMAHA , KED