THE OMAHA DAILY Bfifi-SATUfiOAi JUNE 1(1 ( The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Saturday Morning , June 16 , LOOAlj Don't forget the St. Joseph excursion this afternoon at 4 p , m , Tickets half price. One case of disturbance ot the peace was np yesterday , and the man was dis charged. , Thomas Kuby. a young boy charged with burglary , U In tha j all awaiting an examination. The U. F. superintendents are still working on the new time schedule , and expect to complete It and [ putltin opera tion by July 1st. Ask your grocer for D , Q , Evans & Co.'s celebrated Anchor roasted ccffeo and Star Baking Powder. These are the best and cheapest goods in the market , eodtf The old firm of F. 0. Festner & son bos been reorganized , and they will again make things hum at their spacious and finely equipped quarters in Creighton ball. A man WM arrested Thursday on sus picion of trying to swindle a dealer out of a suit of clothes , his excuse for not p yln6 boln that bis companion had run off with his pocket-book. Deputy U. S , Marshal Allen returned homo from an official trip yestetday to find that during his abtocce his little ciVht year old bor had fallen and broken his col lar bone. The doctor reports the child aa doing very well. H , P. Morse & Co. call attention to ono small lot of ladles' summur gnuro vests at 15s. each , worth Joe. , and one case ot 40 dozen men's netted summer undershirts at 40c. , worth at regular prices 70s. Our readers are but consulting their own interest - . est when they call at Morse's to make AIJ , their purchases , The well known and popular Mr , A. H. Ay Ion worth , late olerk of the Grand PacICo and formerly of the Puxton Hotel , haa entered into a partnership with T , J. Salsman , of the Grand Pacific. These two gentlemen belnij both experienced hotel men and well known to the traveling pub- 11- , are a strong team and will undoubtedly mak * the Grand Poiflo one of the leading hotels of the west. Tha suits of A. 8. Patrick and M. T , Patrick of this city against Erwln Davlsol New York , were called for trial in U. S. court Thursday morning , Counsel fcr de fendant , moved for o > continuance , which the court overruled , and an adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock. Then the trial was adjourned tok0 oclock yosterdaj when the taking of evidence began , The bargains on Morso'n counters an as plentiful as ever and customers as nu merous. They have made some addition ! to their lace * , and are offering 1,500 plccoi Torchon , Cream and Black Spanlsl French Point Valenciennes , and all variety oty of cotton laces at less than coat of 1m portntlon ; so large Imi Morse's tr&de h theee laces become that they have devotee the entire counter in roar of the malt stalroieo , making over fifty feet of coun tor-room to the sale and dliplay of thesi good * aloco. The music for the commencement ex- trotses at the state university , \Vodnes day , was furnlibed by the Omaha Muslca Union srcbestrb , under the nanagemen of Mr. Julius Meyer , and The Uncoil Journal says : "The playing of the orohes tra was beyond criticism and WM hlghi ] enjoyed by the audience , The "Nebraska University March , " composed express ! ] for the occasion by Prof. 8. Hot man , thi leader of the orchestra , li deserving of eipe clal mention. It was a fine production and does credit to the musical talent ol the composer , " L. O. Gandy , of Humboldt , Neb. , formerly connected with the Fanners Advocate of that city , WM In Omaha yes tgrday , en route to Chicago to attend thi railroad exposition , irlr , Gandy Is the In ventor of a railroad grading machine foi nse In prairie country , or where the lane passed over is not too rough. It is agooc deal llko ii culky plow , and Is run by i traction engine. The inventor U confi dtnl ' of Us'nlerlls , anil will push It for all it li wpiib. , Jt looks like a practical anc Work-saving piece of machinery. A tnyeterloui cue is reported of thi effects of whitky or of drugs put In i mafiV cup , wnjoh-may yet prove fatal t < him , . Mr. H. Welser , U the baker at thi MUl&rd hotel , and at 3 o'clock Thursda ] morning he was taken to Jail lu a state o : helpless Insensibility , lie WM put In i ' * cell where he remained in a souni A i sleep until S p. m. , when bo wa . "removed in tha same condition ti .v the hotel , Here the best of care WM takei , i rf-hlm and medical aid summbned , but ui totnoon Friday ibowed no signs of oomfrj 'cot of tU tupor , which bad then lutot 'rtwenty-o'n ' hours. It was feared that h ehad oen drugged , and the results of th tioM may yet prove serious. ' B&al , Eatate ITanarern. Thejojkwlng deoda were filed to rd ta hq county olerk'i ' offio ooo Ifyrfroportei for THE BKK b ; OB' ioa'l efltate wr.oncy : Andrew J , Hanscom and wife t Henry Baldwlq , ' w d lot 1 , blk 1 ( Haosootn'fl PJaco , ( GOO. II. Vlach andSrlfe BO Joa. Vojer , ' d n A lot 27vblk 9 , Kountze'u 3d odd " $400" RoBwell Smith and wlfo to A , Paddock , * d undlv f J lot 1 and 2 , bl 11 , Smith's odd , ? 375. GrjHtav Enjzelko to Matilda Engel ker , B 4 of o J , lot 11 Koantzo'a 2 add-9000. r Edward D. and Laura A. Titus 1 * John S. Oollloa , w d , a 44 feet of i lot 4 , block 194-$3,700. John Trnnncr and wife to Wm. C Fracher. w d , lot 11 , block 0 , Wlloox lat add-1200. Augustus K nnttB and wife I Toseph Baieoka , w d. a J lot 20 , bl 9 , Kountze1B Third add. $125. Pan. 0. Rogera and wife to Ilanda McDonald , n J of lota 1 and 2 , blo < CO , Credit Fonder add. $400. Geo. H. Boggi and wife and Lai W. Hill to John N. Dannb , w d , 1 < 10 , block S.Bogipi A fflll'i BMOE U.-I600. r A LIVELY FIRE. A Stable Burned in a Dangerous Locality , Narrow Escape from a Eerioas Conflagration. Abont 10 o'clock last ovonlng a fire broke out In John Frank's aaablo , near hla property , the California homo , on Eleventh and Douglas , The Drat alarm waa given by the blowing of the water worka whlatlo , and aa the flatnos ahot higher a itam- podo waa made for the spot by the crowd , and an alarm waa aent In from No 2 engine honao , which was promt * ly responded to by the department. In the stable wore several head of horaos and throe cows , all of which wore gotten out before thofiro spread , aa it shortly did , over the whole build ing.The The junk store next door to the stable had a narrower escape , and in fact bat for the water works the whole block would probably have gone. As it was the water waa gotten on quickly ) and jtho fire soon put out , The stable was entirely ruined , and considerable damage done to the con tents of the junk store , the latter be ing Insured to cover all lose OB. , MILITARY MATTERS. The Latent Orders from Headquarters - * tors of the Department of the PJotto. V Private Eagono Lyon , ro-onllstod at Fort Sidney , Nebraska , is assigned to company A , Seventh infantry , and will bo sent to the station of his com pany on the first favorable oppor tunity. Recruit Christian W. Jacobson en listed at Fort Dooglas , Utah , is as signed to company II , Sixth infantry. Recruit David Williams , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to the Fourth Infantry. The quartermaster's depsrtmonl will furnish transportation from Omahi Nob. , to Fort Ribinson , Neb. , foi Trumpeter Edmund H. Olseke , trooj M , Fifth cavalry , on furlough withoul moans to return to hla station , Hii ; roop commander will bo notified b ] ho quartermaster furnishing thi ranaportatlon that the coat of thi aamo may be properly charged agalnsl ' ; he soldier. To carry out the provisions of gen- ral orders No. 53 , headquarters o : ho army , series 1882 , commanding iflioors of posts'and troops serving it ; ho field will ( consulting the targe record for June ) select the five bos ihots in each band , company and troop Including only those of good charno ; er and habits ) and Institute a compotl Ivo contest to commence July 5 , or BI loon thereafter as practicable ; "no or dlnary exigency of the BOI vice , field 01 > thor duty will bo allowed to Inter ore. " Tho'compotltlon will bo In ao tordanoo with instructions anuonncec n said order , and each competitor wll ro two (2) ( ) scores of five (5) ( ) shots caol ay at 200 , 300 and GOO yarda ranges , Tho' ranges should bo properlj : qnlppcd , and the scoring and mark net done under the supervision of t ommlsaloned officer designated by thi est or detachment commander. The record of oaoh competition wll bo sent so as to roach these hoadqnar > rs not later than July 25th , ant rom these records competitors will bi leleoted by the department com mander and brought together a Omaha early in August. As iklnmihlnc ; matohca in oonnoo- ion with the team contests are con- omplatod by the governing orders 'skirmish firing" and "estimating dls anoo drill" will bo included In thi rolloilnary practice cf competitors a heir poata. These are Solid Facts. The best blood puriher and system reg ulator ever placed within the reach of auf 'erlng humanity , truly is Electric Bitters 'nactlvlty of the Liver , Biliousness , Jann Hoe , Constipation , Weak Kidneys , or an ] llsease of the urinary organs , or whoevei requires an appetizer , tonlo or mild atimu 'ant , will always find Electric Bitten thi ) est and only certain cure known. The ] ot surely and quickly , every bottle guar nteed to give entire satisfaction or mone ; funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle b ] 0. F. Goodman Homeopaths Successful. The regenta of the state university n compliance with the request of thi itatn homeopathic oonvontlon hold i few days ago , have made the folloTlh | ippolntmonta : Dr. Hart , Omaha , professor of mo .orla modloaand therapeutics. Dr. Paine , of Lincoln , professor o hoory and practice of medicine. Dr , Wrighter , of Lincoln , profosso : f obstetrics and diseases of womei , nd children. yTho following will bo appointed a aboard of censors : 0. JL. Dinsmoor , A. M. , M. D. Omaha , chairman. Q. H. Panel ! , M. D. , Omaha. R. Oarsoaddo'n ; JJ..D. , York. H. B. Lashlee , ' Mr D. , Gram A. R. YanBlcklc , M. D. , Hasting. deliver twenty lectures upon electro thorapbu.lica during the term. " ' Oeatn Record. The funeral of the late John 1 Olark , who died at Lincoln Thnrada morning , tdok place at 2:30 : p , m. yet ttrday from NKC03 South Fifteen ! street , Rev. Dr. atolllng officiating and the attendance Bfrfc" very large Mr , Olark waa engaged In f rolghl Ing in the early days , and made h ! headquarters at Council Bluffs. Six 'eon years ago ho crossed to this clt and OsULllihud a livery stable , battc than any that the city had had , cot ducting It until about three yeai ago. He waa a moat public -spirits citizens , manly and generous , an number * of the friends whom he mad in those daya remained ateadfait t him. Six ; yean ago last winter I WM stricken with apoplexy and h health was seriously Impaired , but WM not until hit- received the secon stroke a yaarago ttt hla health alti gt&tr fare way asft h w at to Ui coin fur treatment. Tha third stroke occurred on Tuesday and , combined with softening of the brain , soon re sulted in his death. Mrs. Olark , who has been residing Chicago for some past , waa tolepraphed and immediately upon receiving the dispatch , started for Lincoln , but could not roach there until after her hnsband bad breathed his last , Friends had kindly attended to all that was neoesiary to bo done , and Mrs. Olark came to the city with the remains last evening. Her little daughter May , who was attend ing school at Datrolt , was telegraphed of her father's Illness , and came at once , but could not aoe him before ho died. Mr. Olark has R mother resid ing in New Carlisle , Indiana , and o sister , Mn. Jack , living ten miles east of Council Binds. Ho wai about fifty jean of ago. BATTLING ELEMENTS. A Violent Storm of Wind and Bain. B uniting Balls of Fire A Flood and Hurricane. Considerable damage is reported from various parts cf the city , but nothing of an extremely serious na ture. The storm was worst in the west and south limits of the city , and trees were blown down , honeos pros trated , cellars flooded , and so on. The cellar of Brawn's now building opposite the Paxton was filled with water and a portion of the walle caved in. Hcllman'a collar waa agalc flooded , and the old steamer No. 4 was bniy to-day pumping it out. The sidewalks and crosswalks woio covered with sand and mud , and the atrootc an vtith water llko rlvora. The worst cfLct of the storm \vai eon on Douglas street , whore the pav ng work is going on. Dawn thlastroo .ho torrents pcurod with a mass o "obrla and a force irreslstablo. Froti ho corner of Thirteenth and Dong- las for a distance of nearly twc locks east the "cushion coat" onlj had been put on of asphalt and thi ' 'knuckles" at the crossings , the lotto ; ontalnlng 5,500 pounds oaoh o isphalt , and believed to be Ormlj fixed in place , although the wearlnj coat had not yet been put on. Thesi were torn from their place by thi flood and twisted clear around , si hat they had to be partially out am dragged into place by teams thi morning. A atone roller welgbln ) 3,200 pounds waa washed down thi itreot for quite a distance an < nothing withstood the water "orco except the huge steam rollers The atream In some way forced Itaol under the cushion ooat of aaphalt anc 'Ifted it aa the wind would a curtain washing sticks , corks , atone and de brio generally under It for two blocks BO that both ( ides of the street have ti bo ant out , at a loss of several bun drod dollars to the contractors. The wind was quite atrong. It blev down a now frame house on St Mary's avenue , and demolished twi or throe other email buildings. Sev- 3rnl families took rofnpo in thel collars , the suddenness of the utorm' pproaoh not allowing them time t dress themselves. The storm extended as far west a North Platte and lasted until about ' o'clock. PERSONAL. , n. Jasperson , Syracuse ; N , K. Fai singer , Central City ; O. W. Merrill , Lir coin ; W. W. Lowe , Syracuse ; W. E White , Tekamah ; H. H. Robinson , At tclope ; N , S , WycclT , Norfolk ; ate amen the guesta at the MUlard. F. 0. Rogers , of Lodge Pole , a brothe 1 Dr. Rogers , of the MUlard pharmao ] Is at the MUlard. R. I , Fellowr , of Aubarn , and Hut Herbert , of Oakland , are guests of th Metropolitan , William M. Shaw , of the Indlanapolli nioomlngton & Western railway , Is at th MUlard. J. W , Halse , special agent of R , G Dun & Co. , is a gueit at the MUlard. M. Lawrence and Ed. Tlerney , c Fierce , D , T , , ii at the Paxton. O , O , Bates , city attorney of Beatrix was in the city yesterday. W. \\ellerand 11. 0. Keller , of L r. onln , are at the MUlard. W. 0. Orman , of the B. & M force , t Denver , Is in the city , V. G. Langtrv , of Blair , registered o tha Paxton last night. O , M. Berry , of Uennison , Col. , li t the Metropolitan. A. R. Flanders , of Albion , is a pnest ( the Metropolitan. S. A. Adams , of Salt L ka City , Is i the Metropolitan , Alex. Bentley , of Red Cloud , Is a gxa ot thel'axton. James McSpaden , of Denver , b at tt Metropolitan. H. H. MtUer , of Halley , Idaho. Is i tht Paxton. B. L. J. Grant , of Silt Lake City , 1s i the Paxton. J. F.Pagleyof Riverton , Ii at the Me ropollta ? . Chas. Slvalle , agent for Cola's cirouX in town. Col. Allbrlght , of Madison , Is at tl MUlard. W , B. Balrd , of Lincoln , Is at the Pa : ton. ton.Mark Mark Morton , of Chicago , Ii in town , Vie Blerbower registered at the Mlllai yetterday. L , R , Lancaster , of St. Joe , li at tl Paxton. U. Dakln , ot Pells , Iowa , is at tl Metropolitan. Mrs. Frank Plant , ot Marshaltown , Is gneit at the MUlard. Thos. Niblook and family , of Denre are at the Paxton. James Walling , of Hasting * , register * at the MllUrd yesterday , F. U. PoweUof the U. P. force at Che enne , U at the MUlard , Mr. Thos. Cotter returned Thursdi from GhlwgG , whtre he had a moat no able visit , takittf In tha railroad txpoi Uoa and othtr plaoti. Ha also parciuM BOW atw aad Improved hi ) job office , of which we will have more to say on Its arrival here. J , H. Hunter , the life Insurance man , has returned to the city. 0. A. Sleeper , of Brownidate , Mich. , Is at the Metropolitan yesterday , Geo. H , Daniels , commissioner of the Colorado pool , is in the city , George 0. Burgstrim , of Nccuah , Wis. , Is a guest at the Metropolitan. J.W. Barohntt and J. G , Miller , of Lincoln , are guests of the Paxton , John W , Young" , superintendent of the Utah Central railway , Is at the Paxton , A. Hi Bowen , O , Oliver and James Walding , of Hastings , registered at the Paxton yesterday. Mr . W. W. Cronyn , of Allegheny , Pa , Is in town visiting her sister , Mn. M. 8. Maitlnovlcb. Seth Cole , of Omaha , and J , 8. Bvm- fortb , of New York , woio among the ar rivals from the east Friday. The latter will probably locate In the city. MIii Minnie Kennedy lott Wednesday for Ltrtmio to take part In a concert given he IS'.b , accompanied by Mrs. Bailey , who Las completed a two weeks' engage. ment at Mr. Vicker'a , of Chicago , in ipera. She will fce gone some weeks. NEW INCORPORATIONS. St.Pliilomona's ' Church of Omaha The Nebraska Telephone Com pany. The S widish Llbrar .Association Several Important documents were filed with the coanty olork Friday bj rerions association , among others bo ng the articles of "S : . Phllomona'i Church of Omaha. " These artlclei are filed under the now law whict wont into effect Juno 1st , 1883 , and 1 or the incorporation of "Ohnrchc and Religions Societies. " The incor poratora are Rt. Rnv. James O'Oon nor , vicar apostolic of 'the dloceau c : Nebratka ; Rev. Wm. Kelly , vicai general ; Rev. John E. English pastor of St , Phllomoua , M. Donovat and Wm. A. L Gibbon , lay members The highest indebtedness to bo Incur red at any one time la $30,000 and thi affairs of the Incorporation are to b managed by a president , treasurer au < secretary , the Bishop or vicar apes tollo being ox-officio president. SW1DISU LIBRAE ? ASSOCIATION. Articles of incorporation of thi Swedish Library association were filei Friday , the object of the association as indicated by the name , being to es tablish and maintain a library for thi nso of the members. The trustee chosen are Gnstave Andreen , Ang fionzon , J , F. Ligergren , G. A. am E. A , L'nqucat. ' E. M. Stonberg 1 chosen clerk , Charles Johnson presi dent , and G. Haneen clerk. JHE TELEPHONE COMPANY. The Nebraska telephone company organized in July , 1882 , baa filoi amended articles of incorporation The amount of capital stock is In creased to $500,000 with the prlvllog of doubling that sum , A president vice president , secretary and treat nrer , and a board of nine director 111 , manage the business of the con pany. The signers are Col. J. J Dickey , vlco president and L. B Korty , secretary. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remarl able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King New Discovery for Consumption and a Throat and Lung diseases is dally curie patients that they have given np to die , stirtl'ng them to realize their sense < duty , and examine into the merits of th wonderful dU'cov.-ry , resulting inhundrec of our best Physicians using it in the ! yractice. Trial bottles free at O. F.Goo < man's Drag Store. Regular site $1.00. BLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGN Made from the wild flowem of tb 3TAK FAMED YOSEMITE VALLE It is the moat fragrant of perfnmi Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , 8a Francisco , Jfor sale In Omaha by J. Whitchonae and Kennard Bi HOUSd AMD HOME. How to Decorate and Furnleh Boon fne Latest lu Iloutiuhoia Goods. Philadelphia rrosa. Bedroom hangings may bo In or color. .Soft blues or plnka or dollcai creams , bright withal , but not gaud ] and hinges of the same color , wit cords and tassels , will be anffialci ornamentation. Eao omiol , cffe tire and tasteful material can casll bo found in the largo varieties of en tonnes and Madras. Madras muslins are now printc with copies from cathedral window where geometrical figures and plotui osqo patterns are produced lu full red purple , various shades of Olive greet blue and yellow and somber brew and gray. The resemblance toatalne glass when this muslin la tight ! stretched across the window frame deceiving. The Williamson tile , a metal subst Into for the encaustic tiling which hi for BO many years monopolized ma : tel facings and kindred ornament : tlon , Is really ono of the most beaut ful of recent decorative Innovation The tile is either etched or in b > relief , and the tubjtc'.a chosen a from floralfern and anemone growth offering a wldo choice and fasolnath combinations. The current number of The Bulldi and Woodworker , published in No York , by Oharloa D. Likey , IB p i tlcnlarly i-rollfio in cottage piano , dcr n or more of which are givoi Some beautifully . oared baso-boari from the Cincinnati hcuie of JBtt-PJ man , the phonographor and 't'eaohi of wood carving , are among the illn tratlons , as well as a carved fin place and mantel executed by h pupils , A design for a book-case also presented. A firm In Beaten la making a woe decoration that haa many of the at rantagei of carving , and can bo sold i about one-tenth the figure that la d minded for the ordinary carve work. The proceas b a mechanic atamping of rarlou form * upon tl work , M that , after stamping , tl deilgn ha T ry mach the appctuani of Uta | hud oarrtd. The exUat which thoao carvings can bo mod is almost unlimited , Not only can f urnltnro beboaatlCed and embellished at n slight cost , bat ulsu n areat vari ety of papering nnd thn like , which tbo expense cf dtCTntltgiu anyway has heretofore kept pitta. Tables and oaaola and framed and plaques are treated to the process , and it , ls often silvered or gilded or bronzed. Jflat frames for mirrors are made with very handsome effect. They may bo covered with plush or velvet , or stained to imitate woods. If cov ered the material may bo worked with such designs as may occur to the fancy of the amateur , flowers of brilliant and showy colors , birds with lone , richly colored plumage , and a diversi ty of other Ideas , blossoms , vines , turfs , etcIt the wood IB atalnod , It offers an opporrnnity fcr the employ ment of a painting skill , and the frame may be elaborated with painted pUqaes or oven landscape sketches , a tall tree upon the side spreading its branches over the top of the mirror , and Its root sinking into the grass shown at the oottom of the ghos. [ Decorator and Furnisher Japanese ( roods , sifs a London cor respondent , are going out of fashion , excepting when genuinely ancient. This is accounted for by the dologa wo ' ave had of cheap Juiyaneto toys and lurcolalns. Still good old crloutlal hlaa keeps its price and in as much u vogao as over. Another very love- 7 Ituiu of decoration la the porcelain motato dado slid f < i < z3 work , which greatly nted in omntiy bouses , whore , by the way , the old fashioned Dutch tiles are extremely popular , they are clean uud cheer- nl. I eoo many people are already beginning to ornament the extnriur ol heir houses with thoao bright and iltrnn , quaint and plcturetque tiles which are qtill ao common ia Spain , "ortugal and Mexico. I need not saj , hat flowers cro moro in fashion thiu ver , and that no room la conalilorcc omplote without thorn , and also t quantity of growing large loafed PX jtloa , palms and ferns , in marble 01 brass vases on podcatala. A London letter-writer gosnlplog o ! styles In furniture ovur there says ' 'Early English" furniture now ou- irdly out of fashion. ' Qaoen Anno' has also been shelved , and the Itallar Renaissance is the thing. "Earlj English" waa an absurd style cf dec oration. .It belonged to no period , and was In reality only a poor , modi fied copy of the Japanese. The goth la has also entirely disappeared , anc Is now confined to ecclesiastical build ngs. The idea of gothlo chalra anc tables IB as ridiculous aa were thi gothlo cottages and villas whlor fifteen years ago were all the vogue , The Renais sance , on the other hand , permlti great latitude , and , while deooratlvi and elegant , is also convenient in an extreme degree , because It adapts it self to all the exigencies of modorr life. The rich wood carving of thi period , so beautifully reproduced by the modern Italians especially It Florence and Milan , and the eqnall ] rich and glowing hangings of silk anc tapoatry now employed to cover tht walla , as well as drape the windowi and doors , are at once pioturecqnoanc decorative. The ball of Jay Gould's house , sayi the Now York Journal , Is lighted bj Oriental lamps , in glassjjmosalc. Thi floor is of marble. Oa the left of the hall the reception r ooin is placed The walls are hung in embossed volve of on old-gold shade. Yellow sill curtains give the chamber a softened agreeable tint. Upon a red velve carpet is extended a huge tiger rob trimmed with bear skin. The mantel pleco support a two curious Japanes statuettes In braes , and between then a curious French clock of hart. < mored bronze , surmounted by ; mythical figure , also of bronze. Ii each corner Is a bronza ntatuet restln upon a black marble pedestal. Th mirror , some six feet In height , is o gold , Inlaid with Ivory. There ar only four paintings In this cosy nes of elegance. The articles In thla rooc ooat about $20,000. The parlor doe not contain a single chair the upholstery holstory of which is not ombrotderei by hand in the moat brilliant contrasti In the corner nearest the window facing Fifth avenue atanda a marbl atatue of II Ponaooaa. Each aide c the Fifth avenue windows sapor Seyres vases fit Into niches made t receive them. Midway betnoen th door and the entrance to the llbrarj into which this apartment opom stands a magnificent cmlnot of Ivnrj Inlaid with gold , that cost $5OU ( Tie marvelous frescoes cost $10CO ( In the library tboro are pictures the cost about $75.OCO' The dining root Is richly uphoiatered ia emboose leather. A Build mahogany extenolo tabla fills np the entire canter tpncc nt which thirty people can alt com furttbly. GRAND PACIFIC HOTEI CORNER OF NINTH AND HARNEY STS Omaha , Nebraska. OPENED MAY 17TH , 188J This hotel contains 100 roomi all outside rooms , and 30 room on the first floor , especially ndnpl ed for sample men. A cuisiu of superior excellence. Ileac quarters for the state trndi Special inducements to the the : trical profession. Hotel situate five blocks from depots. lion cars pass the door both vray every Jive minutes. . * * > SALSMiN & AYLSWOH , PROPRIETORS. DcxtcrL.Tliomas&Brt WILL BUT AND BKLL. uro AIL TRAJOAonojii ocxraoti rauurwrra. Pay TaxM , Boat , Houw , XW. for Infants and Children. Cnstorfa promotes PiprcHtion and overcoinuH 1'liituleiicy , ( Jonstipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , mid Fcvcrishncsfl. It insures health nnd uuturul sleep , without morphine. " Castorla In BO wellaimptcd to ChlMrcn that I recommend It ns superior to any prescription known to me. " II. A. ARCIIEII , 21.1) . , 83 rortland Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y. VHmt RlvM our Chll Jr n rosy cb * kV What euros their fevers , mafcen Utatn rfeop ; 'Tin Cintxrln. Wlicn linblon fret nml cry liy turns , What cures their colic , klllu their WOTTOS , lint Caotorln. \VT nt quickly cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , _ Fart-well then to Morphine Syrups , Cnstor Oil mill Paregoric , audItallCantorint CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absolute cure for Blioumtv tlsm , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Powerful and Pene trating Paiu-reliovinj ? ami Healing Kcinedy Jcnown to man. Houraska Loan & Trust Oompany HASTINGS , NEC. - $250,000 = I Capital , - - - , JAS.I ) . I1EAHTWELL , PrcaldtDl. A. L. CLAHXE , Vlco-PrcsUont. K. O. WV.BSTER. Trciwurei O.'P. WEBSTEU , Caihler. DinECTOBS. flamuol Alexander Oswald'Oltviij. A. L. CUrkc , K. \Veli9tcf1 Ooo. H Fmtt , Joa. 11. Henttwcl ! , P. M.McEl Uluuer. First Mortfjagp Loans a Spooialt ) Thin Ccmpiny f'lrnlflhM ? ctra nont , homt nctltutloi v.'bare School Urn > l coi > d other leifallj MUf'l Municipal uecLTitle to N'cbr.Aska can hi bo tuotlittu an the most fi\orable terms Loin * undo on Imnrovpd ( arm In all well eettl ° < l coU'ittn" of the stare throiun roironalhle local corr-coonde-'lii. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE , 1617 Dodge Street. Tobphono N9. 14t. OlBco Honre : From 0 to 10 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. SPECIAL NOTICES. wl'l ' POSITIVELY not bain terted unless paid In advanca. TO LOAM MOnEY TiTONEY TO LOAN The Om-h savings oanlt 1.VJL Is row prtpared tom&ke loans on Omnha city or Touelaa county real estate at current rates o Interest. NJ ccmm'kslon cba'gtd. SSjtf | /j O.SKY TO LOAN The towist lUtta ol In- l l tercet. 13errls' Loan Ageccy,15th & Douclas 234-1 f fI'.Y I'.Y LOANED f n chattel mortgages , lorn 7 Union Block. 535 ImoJ LOAN On chattel mortgages "KUWAlWS , 1109 Fainam St. 73)-lmf N Call at Law otllce of D. L. "I , Creltfhton Block. r\n ONBV canfd on chat cl property , by J. JjJWM&tffc No. 213 South Mtns'rctt. 7404 nit CJOAH TOLovirea1. estate , s'curl'y it ftu- nMl/U. rent ritts. Ballon liroi. U21 Karram St. 1)1210 WANTED. ANTED Ocod girl ; Gorman pref-trcd. W 2410 Dodg' , Sll-lll WANTED A c'rl ' ( or Keni > ra < hoiiitwrlt and cooking , Oldrr girl or widow prefcnee. Oed wages pilJ , oddreai P. W , , IKK offlre AN1 KU-Glrl for hcute work. Ap ly 2115 Calliornlaitreet. 020-ld ANTED THO aiprentlcei to learn clrcsa- W miking 1016 Capitol avenue. 914-619 WANTKD-Twj good girls at 110J Davenport St. fc03-it | A boy IS or 16 J cars old The WANTED Ncwa Company 215.H. 14th .St. 009-161 - steady man who epeats German WANTED-A to tend bar , none but n 1 h goo 1 references nee I apply Chirlts Joseph Co hi deer garden 10th and Cajtelar ft)7-15t Girl far gintral house-work at WANTED houie6 6 S. loth St. 910 03. ANTED A go' d order cook , good wages to W the rl/ht one at tht llarney Be. Kestautant. 910-15 : ANTFD T o gills at Elavenhauso 10th St. W tear U. P. Depot. Gjcd wages. OS-i& ! WANTED Light Ing rod silesman. Apply to or ttd 1rn-s LaOr n oiCo. Avoca Km. 807-10 A ulduiu arf-u urjiaan lo'lli'ht WANfED , wagts 84 00 rcr week 912 DjuglasSt 83 16 "ITIT" ANTED A tfocd compete * t girl to dnie"- VV tral houao-wort , good wajcs given. W. W. corner 18-h and Dnvm.port. iSA-'l WAITED goo I reliable tinsmith. Call oa or iiddrtea fowl e& Vandeihouf , r-tw ard , Nebraska. 877-tf SITUATIONS WANTED Bran oxperonccd Scotch hep- WANTED herd a rltuaUrn of truit on aoma thetp ranch , llasch eia cf-a ranch at presout. C n give good referenei ahomier abrcal. Apply at BKK office. 822-1I1-5 ddlo aged Englfh woman detlres a situa tion as nurse or to d < i lluht housiwork In a Itooi family , best of references given Addtesa E. II. 1418 llaroer St. SOMbt A poahl n as-driver for delivery WANTED grcceis p/releireti. Call or ad- drets 1801 .umlug st , EDIUKO GWITTIL. FOR BENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. TTTUIl KENT One 6 and ono 7 room honsi. 1 } Intjulie Western Corulce Wcika , 1110 Doug- fas street. 827 21t riOH UENT One good furn'ahed room. Inquire - ! quire 11 IS 17th btroet 929-18 BENT Three room cotttge for rent on California stieet , between ilth and 25th st. TJOit KENT Five rx > m furnUhed J2 with barn , to a family without children for lummer rae tha. Aittcu with rclercnucs G III F. 2321 St. Miry'j avenue. 921-16-t 011 KNT .Homo o' 6 room' , c Ihr , tll , cittern all In gcod repair. 1191. North ISKhsToet. 023-21 lOIl RENT House with SroorrsS. lOlh St. Just oS St. Mary's ave. Apply on preml'tn. TTtOR RE\T Two ar three unfurnished room * . J } Apply 1410 J kson Si , 005-K.J HHNT-Houie 7 rooms KS. FOIl " 4 " $12. " 2 " S 7. " 10 " JJ8. " 7 " HO. Store n w on 10th St. $ i5. UALLOU BROS. Hit Farnam St. 013-16 TtVO Nlcily fainUlel roomi fcr rent with or without ooard atJlli California Ht. B14-20' 11 > O LEf A nice cottage of ilx rooms In good JL condition Jchnsn Ml. tttween 2Sd and 21th St. off 8t. k t't avenue. Heferencta required. 303-15 XQR RENT Ilriue of 3 rcoms aad batement of a rooms. Apply Bt office. 894-18) ) TjWR BENT CotUg. ot six rooms wither * I th- J * out tainllnr * , MIS Ollfftrula St. 8C3-164 mo IJCT-KOOM aad bond , 01 tonlshtd X kouw ( oi luamtr. Ut CaW r U St H7-lmo. OH HENT Largo furnlttud roui at 1318 Jackiar a tect 742-lmt 1710R RENT Two ccttaio ( < , cxcellu-t repair. jj Ltavtnwtrth audSonlh a o uo 82' ntiac2j. MoJAGUE , _ 610-tl npi-naito 1' > i. FOR KKNT Corner f IBtlnndDav- STORB ( nport. Inquire 1010 Davenport ttrcct. 403-tf TJII'UNiaHEI ) rooms mil board. Modern con- JQ tcutbuvvb 1S10 Dodge street 1000ual7t ] f-OR SALE TmOR PALE A peed ililn ? pony. Address A. C B. Bun Office , POR SALE Stock ot d > u < 8 nnd ( fruztl'ta BUi-drlcs , in pool condition , nt n barga'n. Will ln\olcc $1,0.0 or 81,203 Satisfactory rca- rousforaelllLg. Address IV K Coulter. Waterloo lee , heb. 9255f TpOR SALE Drug store , bBl pftylnif a , d we'l JL ) iBtabllthcdtraua In Iowa , ( .to K clean , and Kood reason gUcn fr elUnc. Stock will In * > olce about fifteen or olghto > ri hundred dollars. Addrcta D. II. Dean , JlitchclvHIe , lena 03 18-t _ . Lot on H n Francisco B'rcct ' about 'our rods from ake St. mrsCblctyi III. will tell cheap for c-sh or trade for stock 1 1 goods. E L MORSS&GO. lC22.Capl.ol avenue 017-20 ' A lot of Canarjs&Cjgos cheap. EORS'L7 _ Apply 10IQiCaptil ! avenue _ P0015I TGR SALE 100 he d ofmulciand 6'lheidol R ho cs and ponlrs at E. Ectob-rcok's Stock YarOs between Capitol avinne-and Douglas St. on 10th Si. 80-E-1SI _ IVOR SALE CHEAP A black belt.7y : ars eld J ItqulreatC. II. thl < oBlce. BM19t I70U S ILE 600 h ( ad yearli helf n. 9UO head 2 Mats eld helf. rai 453 " 3t nd6 je r " 300 " land 2 yer old steers 4CO " Sand * " " 300 " mixed cilvcs. cilvcs.STHAiNGK STHAiNGK . Caltleco tricto-s. Hide , Wool , and'Tallow ' d lets l- ets Slom Clt } Iowa. _ SailTa- ! fTlOR SALE The Smy mill will cell cr ex- JL ? chan.e for R > al estate. Addrers-Jihn Roealnk Sinilejeattot Paplllljn. P.O. sddruSJ Omuhx SUJ-235 Oil SALE A thoruugnbrtd cow. Inquire at EJhclmdt.Erl < ksot.'ri. 87913 10R SALE Hotel In good tow- , near Om h rajlogwell In exco'ltnt otdtr. Gjorl hair * well furnished , will bear Invoitlra'.lon AMK , 687-tf 1505 Furuam. TTI USALK Houioaniilct within ono block of L the High t-choln.u t oesold this noek. In- qiilroatthiaodlcn. 8 3 t \ pot ) SALE OR EXOHANOI-Full lot ami 3 IJ ( IweHlnss ccrner ot tltll and Pac'flo c'iccn. ! Klro lots in south Omaha. AlRO 100 acr.sof land ne < tr Stanto , Nebraska , and bulltlin ; and stock of clotting No. a 1 Tenth etto't. Wld exchange - change ftr Nf brifka f r.ii lard > . Further p r- tcularaat Gco. II. I' ttnon's Clothlug Store , 01 Tenthetrsst. 845 sitmonh 4w I7OR REST Hou < os three end four roirrs > In- JD quIroCOTN. 13lh i. SJO-lSf T710R.SALK A new Hall's fc ( suitable for of- JL1 flc or house. V n Cott. at ilnr-Mcj er's. 758 tf _ T7UR SALE Old newipapers In large and small JD quantities at this otttce. tf SALE Flax mill machinery consisting ot EOH brake , 2 duttors , beater , picker , prena , &c. Can work either retted or green etnck , alto ahafc.- Ing , pulllca , and bclllnit for dtivlng thoxlio tr , abe ooo 36 II. P. engine with bn'Ior , smoke. > t cl tii'l U fix ureco i p'ota. Addrow WI'V.- e OHy 'otva. ' t9o-Smll IOR SALE A flnt-claissooond band top : ) IIL- JD gy. Call at 1319 Hainey stroot. 397-tt LOST A rc'l bill book , containing txpenao b'lliof Ueyrr&Raapkeand-Jt C. Collln. Liberal reward will be paid If leftato offloo. 930-lbt TnORPOPLIO USE-A Jer ey rBull , took ftrat P premium tt l 8tf.l5IS DaoaturSt. bet- wee.i 25lh an 1 SO h St. orlh Omaha. tOMOj rpAKEV UP A amillinryinaroahou11. 1'i years JL old , blazed lace , both i u s-spll * . Owner can have earao by c * Unit on N. n. porn 8.W csincr 20 ! h abd 15culcd , and jajlnu clur 'm , SlO-'tlleoahwt " " 1IRST-CHS3 - ? . weeh. at F 1004 1'cdge ' street 8lM8t ! T ADItS AMD YOUNQ MEN In city or 1 j couctiy to UKO nice 1 ght and rleacant work at their hornet ; JJti 85 o day caallr and quietly made ; work seui by mall ; no carvaisnv : r > o ttainp for it ply. Plcaao addre.B 1U1UI lu Mauu. factuilng Cu. , Phllidoiphla , Fa , drawer TT 749 Junt2 TueThuSatlZt flAAKKN UP Ono hnrte and one mare colt. J with Irlt hind f t white Mare ha white star on forehial. Owner can recover rame by proving ownership on appUcntioa to R. Price , Saratoga precinct. 566-Ct oew { EDWARDKUBHL MAO'STER OF PALMVSTERY AND CONDI TIONALIST , 468 Tenth street , between Faraasa and Uarney. Will , with tbaikld ot rnudlan spirits , obtain for any one a gUae * ot the past and present , and nn certain conditions In tbt fa- ture. Boots and 8ho made to order. Ptrfocl attfifM-tton POWDER \ Absolutely Pure * This powder never TailM. A Barrel of piliHT strength and wholeaoiMntM. Mere ec u lca ) tha > tha orplnary Ui4s. Nad cannot b sold 1st oonMtUion with U multitude of Uw tot skor * lgbt.alnmot konh > t p w < ir ejMTB2.TAl.IUUM * * * C * XfW TOTvt