Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    THi ! ) DAT LI BEE'-FB-iDA * JUNE 15
Have the Largest Stock and Choicest Patterns of
Ever Brought to the City , and at
than ever offered in this vicinity ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
If yon buy your
* IF
10 Mftln and 17 Pearl Street , Oonccll Blnffa. t
The following are the times ol arrival aad de
parture ol trains ( ram tha local depots. The
the tralna etart Irora tha Union PAlie ( depot
about ton m'nute § oirller than below stated ,
and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later.
Trains on pool lines and K. U , run on Crlcago
tlmo , a hall hour ( aster thin local. Wabaah
tralus run on St. LouU time , twenty mluu t
faster than loca' . U , I' , and Lincoln trains an
on Council Uluffd time.
Depart. Ajrl > o.
Atlantic Ext. . . 620pm I Pacific F.x { 9:15 : am
Ex and Hall.925 a in Ex and Mall.6M : p ru
D. Molnea oc.T:15 : a m | Dca Molnoaac.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Exf..5:35pro : Pacific nxt..920am
Mall and Ex'.9:10 : am Mall and Kx'.7GOpra :
Y. Ex 520pm Neb & Kaa Ex..0:10 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ex r. . . 5:15 : pm Pacific Ext..0:13 : a in
Holland Ex.9:20i\m : Mall and Cx . .6:15pm :
Accora ( Sat.f/0pm ) : Accora. ( Mon..l:15pm ) :
Depart. Arrive.
Ualland Ex..955am I Express 5:35pm
Kipivnv , 8:25 : p M | Kail and ES..6M5 p ri
Depart Arrive.
etlABiZr.ll 30a.m. Overland Eiu.- -
Lincoln Ex. .11:30 a. n. 31 cover Ex. . . . 8:00 : a. m ,
Denver Ex..7:00 : p. m , I.OCA ! Ex. . . . .630 a. ta.
Local Ex 7:25 : a. in. " Hx . 9:05 : a. m.
Emigrant..530p. m. " Ex . P.-OOa.m.
Depart. Arrive.
V Mail and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m
CUnnon Ball. . 4:50 : pm | Cannon Ball. . 11:05am :
BIOCI cnr AND FAnno.
Depart. Arrive.
or Sioux City.7:55um : Frm'Sloux O'v.6:50 : p m
or FottNlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb * 7 5 am Neb ' 6:50pm :
Far St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8fX : ) a tn
Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex. . * 920 a m I Mall and Ex. . . * B:65 : p m
Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : pm | Atlantic Ex. . . | 9:10 : a m
Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
lUUand x.7:15am : | PftclDo Ex 19:45km :
Atlantic -Ex.3:40 | : p m | Mall and Ex.7-25 p m
Except Sundays. { Except Saturdays. ( Except
Mondays. | Dally.
Council BluQs & Omaba Street B. B.
Leave Council Uluff . Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 am ,
11 a m , 1 in , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , ipm , 2p m , 3 p
m , 4 p m , 5 p m , p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , G p ru.
Street cara run halt hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the cara begin tholr trips f.t
9 o clock a. in. , ana run regularly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ;
OMAHA AH > CocMcib llmrra , May 12 , ' 83. )
Arrangementa hire been made for the
Loading in Ohioago Daily
( Mono or more cars with
These can will come through to destination
without atopptusr. Quick time la theraby loued.
Please trJm jeu goods via C , B. & Q , U. II.
A. B. WEST ,
Cor , Water rvd Congren 8treU.
SURPLUS , - - 8400.OOO
Transacts a general Banking buslnesa , llo-
oeivei tbo account * of Bauki , Bankers sad
others. Draws Foreign Ezchaugo and
makes Cable Transfers in Europe and Tel-
egraphlc Transfers of Money throughout
the Uulttd States. Buys and eolls Gov
ernment and other Investment Spcurltiei ,
and executes any business for Its C'orre-
cpondcnli In the line cf Banking.
AOA P. POTTEf Preildent.
J. J. EDDY , Oathler.
J. W. WORK. Ass't Cashier.
The Natural Mineral ,
From Blrrciborn on the Tlhlno
; RBD'K'HOLLENDER & CO' ; Sol * a rt or the
U. S. and C nii , 11B , 117 , lltf | lm St. , N w
01. A23-Sm
fflwaite & St Paul
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Oars in the World
araoiuio1 MILWAUKEE
Or to anv rolntjboyond ; or
Take the BEST ROUTE , thj
Ohioago , Milwaukee&St.PaulIi'y
Ticket office located In Paxtoi Hotel , at corno
Farnam and Fourteenth stroet-i and at U. P. De
pot and at Mlllard note ) , Omiha.
CO"8ee Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Arent.
0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
General Manager. General Paaa. Aeenl
lSur * . A a't.T > n. 'as. Air nl
Ho"i 'BitteViJ
"f ri < n r 7Qucf , iun < l
lucrotloti ur dl'sipft
rra ) cr alsRlr , oltl oi
, rclr
Th o Ter you ( c. .
> 70 it ijneiu
a l cl , ton-
. .Etcr itlmtjl tlcf.
of ti * roma
tottvl * . Hotn
Utvornftti * I
Yon will tie
Hop Bittsri
pi r kIt
It i it ma ) SOF-
life. It hn * IT CO. ,
saved hun- Kutwhr.I
. , Oil.
xc 3JJ
Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
0 SPEOHT , . . Proprietor.
1111 Donglas St. Omaha , Hob
Iron Cornices I
Tin , Iron and Slate Eooflng.J .
Specht's Patent Metallic Bkyllght Patent
Adjusted Itatchet Bar and Bracket
Shelving- am the cenoral a cnt
for tbo above line of goode.
Creating , Balustrades. Verandas , Iron
Bank IlalHngs. Window Bllndi , Collar -
lar Uuardn ; nlsn
Omaha National Bank Building ,
Waterloo w s not a Waterloo for
the Council Bluffs team. They took
second money ,
Thn telephone between Ilarlou n'nd
Avoo will bo put up before three
week * p es. So the promise la given ,
at bait ,
Somoof the rcoldonto nuar Hnrlnn
roco greatly alarmed 'the ' other niiht ?
> y the honli of what they decided
must bo a panther In an adjaoeut
lough. They turned out en maaso to
inut the brute down , but discovered
hat they hud boon hoaxed by a small
ay with a big pair of lungs.
Another dally passenger train ( B to
u put on between Atlantic nud O.iun-
it lilulTi , whijh will prcvo an ncoum-
nodatlou , especially on Saturdays nnd
londoya , when the regular trains only
nn onoo In three weeks , leaving those
who doalro to travel on those days the
holco between a freight and a cou-
truollou train ,
Special Deputy Marshal McFidden
tas brought In from Taylor oonuty
mther allognd violator of the roTC-
nuo Haws , Qoorgo jWoodard , who
waved examination and gave bonds In
ho sum of $200. If there wore a fotr
moro spoclala as z.ialous as MoFnddon
hero would bo gathered in qulto a
rep of those who soil whisky from the
loot leg , as there are uiauy of them
at largo.
W , R. Tanghan , E Rosoorano and
thera , returned yeatorday from Dao
tloluoa , where they have boon attend-
ng the grand lodge | of Drnldr. Tboy
oport nil enjoyable tlruo. The torch
Ight procession numbered ever 1500
) raldn , and the next night there was
a grand banquet. Ten new charters
were granted , and the report of the
ordrr throughout the atato wuro very
> ncournpng. ! lu the clootion of of-
icors Oonucil IJ'offa was rumemberod ,
W. R. Vaughim bsiof ! choouu to tlio
second chair , that of deputy noble
3rand Arch , P. V. 0ry , mayor of
Das Molnepjbolnc ; chosen noble grand ,
3. Rusocr&na wan tnado opeclal deputy
or thLa part of the atato , and district
loputy for Ilarlan , Avoca and Council
Bluffs groves and chairman of the
committee on grievances.
They Take the Law into Their
Own Hands and Thump a
Wife Beater ,
His Mother Defends Him by
Obooting at the Vigilantes.
Walnut has boon pretty well shaken
up by a eonnatlon growing out of a
family unpleasantness. A follow
named Bill Bjrtlctt la the target of
their wrathy denunciations nnd bloody
throats. It ttppaara thut Bcrtlot
lately had a qaarrol with his wife , a
worthy woman , wiio takes in washing
to uupport the family. Bartlett , alter
pounding her badly , left the town
having hoard throats that the cltizena
purposed giving him a coat of tar am
foathora. ACtoi1 rumalnlng away for a
few daja , ho returned after dark ono
ovonluy. A youog boy iiamed"Vuuhi !
chanced to bo thuro , having curao fur
his washing , &a had boon his custom
for aomo months past , and the fiend
of jealouey at once fired the hnsband'a
patnton. Ho procucded to thump the
boy very aevoroly , and ic i
claimed that the boy's life
would have bom endangered , it
the wife and her son had not interfered
fored in the boy'i behalf. Bjrtlet
then threatened to burn the house uni
kill his wlfo , but wan urroated am
lodged in the oalabooso. 13la wlfo
rather than aparo the money and the
time to come to Council Binds to proa
ecnte him , agreed to lot the matter
drop if Bartlett would leave the town ,
and he waa turned loose.
Some of the eltlcaun who did not
enjoy the thought of having auoh a
man in their community , formed a
vigilance committee and wont to his
father's honso , where ho waa anppoaod
to be stopping. They talked of hang
ing him , but would probably
have contented themselves with
giving him a thorough ducking in the
creek , but Birtlett had got wind of
their Intentions , and hence skipped.
As the vigilantes gathered about the
house , Bartlott'a mother fired eeveral
shots from a revolver , and although
she hit aoiiO of them , she ( succeeded
in frightoulnp them array. The citi
zens are still qnito indignant about
Bartlett , and it la predicted that un
less ho keeps out of the way there will
bo moro trouble.
B. T. Hancock , of Chicago , partook of
Pacific house viands yesterday.
J. M. Burns and wife , of Creston , were
in the city yesterday and stopped at the
F. K. Newton , of Lincoln , waa at the
Pacific yesterday ,
II , B. Kent arrived at the Pacific yes-
teiday from Dorset , Vermont.
D. S. Allen , of Chicago , is at the Ogden.
Jno. Donahue , arrived at the Ogden
from Davenport yesterday.
B. C. Merrill , of Boston , is at the
F. L. Moore , of Cincinnati , was booked
at the Ogden yesterday.
B. F. Croasdalo , of Little Slour , was In
the city yesterday ,
Miss Jennie Fish , an old teacher In the
Council Blulfj achoola , la in the city , a
Rucat of Mra. Ed , Spoorer.
K. N. Harris , Ute of The Creaton Gazette -
zotte , hus accepted a position with the
Iowa and Nebraska Insurance company ,
A. K. Sheldon , of Lincoln , who"vraVioT
some tlmo In the employ of THE BEK In
tbla city , waa here yeiterday looking for
some favorable opening In the journallitio
Mrs. Norris and daughter , of Council
Blnlfi , are visiting father and mother
Foote for a f sw days , Avoca Herald.
Mr < , J , 0 , Adams , pf Avoca , Is danger-
ouily ill , and her husband , who is at
Miller , Dakota , has been called home by
Mr , Julius Schneider , one of the oldest
csldnctaof Avooa , hna sold his property
tnd business to Mr , Schmidt , and will re
move to Council Blufff , where ho will en-
; ago lu the wholes-lo grocery business
with PeUr Beck , Wo are sorry to lone
uch oolltl nud square-dealing oltiicns ns
vlr. Sdmtilor , but with him prosperity In
its oow underlining Avoca Herald.
A Inmo mau in Kalumazoo ,
lad n shin that was yallor and blue :
lo had awfully burned it ;
St. Jacobs Oil turned It ;
U ok to its natural hue.
The Vatornn Lovl North Interviewed
-Tho Sawdust Aronn of
New Tork Trtbine.
Just ull Fulton , in Jay street ,
Brooklyn , Thomas Dent keeps an
' agllsh ahop-honso which ho calls the
. ' 1 oeuix iun , for the reason , as ho ox-
) lalus , that the original establishment
was burned in "tho great Gro of 1847. "
Brooklyn , it aooms , has had 1U threat
ire once , as Now York and Boston
and Portland , and uvon such a modern
own ns Chicago have had theirs.
This locally famous chop house and
ovornl predecessors in various
tlcs appear to have risen , metaphorl-
Uly spenklng , from the aahos of the
847 ostabllshniout , Mr. Daut aud rv
atge oollootlon of plcmroa of racing
ceuoa and sporting characters and
portraits of actors moro or loss noted
it ono tlmo , and now moot If not nil
brgottcn npponr to hnvo boon the
inly Burvlvors and relics of the orlgl-
ml houso.
Among the moro roent additions to
ils collection , and ono which the old
lost of thu Phcenix , appears to take
mush prldo in , la a small and some
what faded pictnro of a young and
dlminutlvo man dressed in tlghta ,
losing in the most light and airy style
on a broad ped upon the back o ! a
mil-colored hnrso which is cavorting
tt the break-neck apoed still to bo neon
n the circus rlni ; . The figure is
jraoeful ao well as tin ill , and the face
a smooth aud almost girlish , The
legend below , carefully written by
some master of penmanship , gives the
engraving Ha chief interest. It is as
[ ollowa : "Mr. Levl North , as ho ap
peared before Lints Phlllippo , the
king of the Froidch , nnd the royal
family , Paris , Juno 21 , 1845. Pro-
nonted by Mr. Rivera , utago mana
ger. "
An old actor of renown aud 1.1 old
reporter of The Tribune wore conning
the picture a few days ago whllo dip
ping their ale , and were commenting
on the iiibjeot of it. Bath had soon
Lavl Norih when they were ruero
boys , and nhon ho waa nt the height
of his popularity aa "tho great and
daring bareback rider , " etc. Calcu
lating back dates they discovered that
they must have aeon him before the
date of 1845 on the picture. While
they were thus commenting the door
of the Pbernlx inn opened nnd a
aoinll figure , that of an old man , bul
whooo grey hair was the ouly evidence
of hl'i ngo , walked in and passed by
them to u table on the opposite aide
of the room. Ilia entrance did not
disturb their calculations , which cul
minated in the remark of the actor
that the subject of the picture , il
allvo , must now bo qnlto an ok
man."What over booauio of him ? ' asked
the ripirtor of Mr. Dont.
"Ho in allvo and well , " naid Mr.
Dsnt , asilllng , "and that ia ho just
behind you , " ho added , pointing to
the iittlo old man who hud just en
tered. Introductions followed , load
ing to an informal talk about North
and the picture , and about clrcusca
generally of the last generation nuc
the preuent day , North la now nccrly
70 ynara old , but docs not look ovoi
50 , and moves with the elasticity o :
40. He lives quietly in Brooklyn ,
where he was born , and dally vlalti
his friend Dant. Ho has been retiree
from the clrcaa business for aorno
yosre , but waa actively engaged in il
as boy and man , and as tumbler ,
clown , rldor , and manager lor forty-
The engraving naturally led him
into his Grot reminiscences. "I was
performing with Rivers' American
circus In Paris , " ho eaid , "and hoc
aomo reputation which reached the
king's ears as a graceful rider. Thai
style was thu rage then ; were 'pooora
in these days regular Ojcar Wildos
on horseback. The king wished to
BOO the circus , Ho didn't coma to the
circus , however , but had the circus
como to him. There was a largo rid
Ing school at Nenllly , where the king
had his summer rosldenco It was de
stroyed throe yoira after I was there
in ihu revolution of 1818 The school
was located in the park , which was
most extensive and beautiful , running
for mllea along the bank of the Bolni
and Including some of the islands in
the otroum , Oh ! it was a lovely placn.
He had the circus give exhlbltlonx before
fore him in this rldlng-tchool. I tel
you they did things up In atylo tboro ,
I had a tent for a dressing-room which
was as big as the ninal drneslng-room
of the entire company. It wan far-
'rilshod with largo mirrors and a dross-
lug case , and there were flankles In
livery to wait on mo and hand mo icea
and wluo between the acts. My ton
waa aomo distance from the riding-
mhool , across thu boantlful , smooth ,
Krauuy lawn , aud eren the pathway
between the tent and school waa laic
with carpet for mo to walk on. They
treated ui royally , I tell you , I fol
during the performance the mare
shjiny at the rnualo as I did my back
ward uomers&nlt ad the queen senl
her own surgeon to nttond mo. "
"Yon did such nets in these days as
the aomorsanlt on horaoback ? " uakod
the reporter ,
"I wrts the lirit who ever accoia-
pllahodlt , " w .i thoroply. ' Oa ! wo
hul darlog fjAta > n tuote days as wol
an mare y ruc&lul p alugi , There
are very few ( .f the daring acts of to
day whtoh were not done forty aye
sixty yuaraugo. I have never soon amore
moro clarity or Biiocosaful bareback
rider than old nun Hunter was away
bic'i in the twenties , whim I wno u
small bray and whom I eaw before J
jjluod tlio prLCicdoii. Ho did all the
really diflioult net a which the boat ol
them do now , Wd hear a great doa
eald of the double oomoraault nowa-
dayu ; bub it uiud to bo done years
ago , and vaulters Jellied themselves
long buforo the war trying to do
three somersaults in a Hlng'o ' leap , ]
don't think it will ever bo ooom-
) llshcd. It it impossible for a mane
o calculate when to double up and
hen to straighten himself out in or *
dcr to laud with safety In such a long
lying leap ,
" 1 joined the circus , " ho continued ,
n answer to a leading question ,
'when I was 12 years old ; that was In
1828 It waa In Brooklyn hero or
rather It waa a little distance out of
Brooklyn , at the Military garden ,
which was situated whore the now
caurt house now Is , and occupied about
nil the space now bounded by BoeJum ,
loralcmon , and Fulton , and I guess ,
3ourt street , too , though there were
10 streets there then. It was consid
ered a long walk then from Brooklyn
out to the Military garden. The clr-
cna was Howe , Quick it Mend's , and
some of the hanJs saw mo tumbling
ibout oataldo the show nni called
iowo's attention to mo. My mother
apprenticed mo to him under my
ihrcat to run away if aho didn't , and
n fifteen mouths afterward I was a
Ider , at 13 years of ago. It wno a
iftrd life , but it made mo tough as
, 'on fee.
"No , circuses and menageries were
not big affairs in these days llko they
ire now , Wo didn't have droves of
torsos and herds of elephants , nor
throe rlugs and three touts , Wo
played lu Military garden in the open
ilr ; and when traveling In the south
t waa customary to show In the yard
attached to the inn at which wo put
up. Menageries lu thoao days con
sisted of an olephnnt , a lion or tiger ,
and two or three monkeys , but only
the monkeys were plenty enough to
Inpltcato In ono show , There won a
} | g elephant in these days named
Columbui. Ho was so big that It took
a stock company to own him. Munog-
irlua and circuses were distinct organ-
Eatlons In thoao daya. The nonta wivrf
\ great field for both before the war.
I have played with a circus for two
mouths in Columbia , 8. 0. Such u
: > lnco as Milledgovlllu , Ga. , was good
lor a week or ten dnya , nnd auy conn-
ry village was a good two dnya'stand ,
The country people , black aud white ,
: or scores of mlloa arouud used to
noiuo to a circus in thuso days.
"It is the '
magnitude of Barnnm's
show which ia Its biggest attraction ,
there la nothing particularly no IT ;
ouly variations of old nets. It la the
duplication , triplication and all which
brings out the Immense crowds. People
ple will go to ceo a circus with four
rings when they wouldn't go to a
allow with one ; aud a oinglo oluphant ,
Jumbo though it be , wouldn't of him
self attract pcoplo who will go to BOO
a whole herd of them of all ages ant
nlzcfl. Hiding blx horaos isn't anymore
moro dlflioult than rldlug two , but i
aonuda bigger. I have no doubt tba
Bkrimm's expenses are $2,500 a day
but I doubt If they ere $1.500 Show
men must bo allowed a considerable
leeway for lying. It'o no doubt a blj. ,
"Thoro never wan n ciroca wblol
blicoooded which did not luivu rquca-
trlan performances , aud never will
It's my belief. It la thu ohnrm of the
sawdust ring , nnd when you havon1
got performing horaoa and ridero yon
had batter call your ahow a muaeun
and play mortuatda and thrco-hoadei
women and nlguor Indians on the
public. "
North had previously explained tha
ho had just oomo from the "Big In
dlnii Wlgwan , " a mongrel ontortalu-
mout of educated monkoya , trainee
doga and swarthy braves , and otho
brutes , and the reporter fancied thl
laat opinion ' .van on oiprcvtolon of hi
contempt for any Hurt oi porformauc
that had nothing of the centaur lluca
anuta about it. "
t > bout the Ayrahlroa.
The Ayrshire brood of cnttio orig
inatod In the country by that nam
in Ssotland. They have boon brough
to their present high atato of porieo
tlon principally through careful sc
lection In broedln ? , They have now
boon bred for moro than a contur
with apodal regard to their mllkln
quulltlca , In color they are gonorall ;
red , or brown and whlto , distinct !
marked. They are of medium size
compactly built , and with such a per
feet sot of digestive organs that the ;
assimilate food with thu least posslbl
waatr , thus converting into milk al
the available portions of their food
In disposition they are kind and docile
cilo , aud are very appreolatlv
of kind treatment. Ayrshire mil
la pronounced by analysts am
physicians to bo a per too
food , and its composition moro near !
approaches to the milk of the huraai
raoo than that of any other brood o
cattle. It is on that account qaalifiuc
In 1ho highest degree f it the growth
nnd nourishment of young children
and for the sustenance of the adult
Bolng rich lu ciooln , it Is particular ! ;
adapted for the manufacture of choose
giving larger rotuans for the amonn
used than other mllka. Butter mad
from Ayrshire milk is noted for iti
mild , delicate flavor , firm toxtnro one
keeping qualities. Ayrahiroa are no
ouly large , but rich milker * ; they ar
InduntriooH feoieru and hold out their
fljw of milk well to the end of til
Boaaon. On account of their thrifty
make-up the heat aud dry woiUho
does not alfoct their flow of milk lu
the Bamo way that it does cuttle of th
larger brouda. In fact , they are preeminently
eminently the poor man's cow , aw
will glvo moro milk and make mor
butter for the amount of food con
anmod than cattle of any otho
breed. They easily succumb to hnn
ger and cold , An instance rooontl
oamo under my notice where a hen
of iivo thousand head parlahod I
three months , Taoy were hnrrlodl
driven from Texas , arriving on thol
Montana ran o late In the fall in n pee
condition. Now a genuine Montutih
la a "rustler" to use a parlance o
this section consequently , where th
snow aud wind cumo they seek th
sscluolon of a anchored ravine , and I
the thick plno protect themselves from
the cold. A hay-stack is unknown
and upon the aldo hills , always bcro
they pick up a eustouauco from th
nutritious grasaua , Of late it has bo
aomo the cjstom for ranchmen to en
hay from juar to year in roadlncs
for a aovero winter. The nutrltlo
and color of the grasses are constant !
retained , owing to their peculiar varl
oty aud thu absence of rnlna , Th
streaks of alkali furnished a aubst
tnta for salt , and , In short , if there I
a land bettor adapted for stock grow
ing I have failed to find it , The at
vent of the Northern PactGo rallroac
to tbla point has boon the moaun o
poulnff and developing an industry
lat renders It possible for the cattle
men to kill thotr cattle at the noareat
allroad station and ship the meat In
cfrlaorator cars to oadtorn markets ,
ho feed Imparts n delicious iUvor to
10 moat and makes Montana beef
ccldodly hotter than that fattened by
oru ,
Information About Does.
A correspondent of A foreign paper
rltoi : Many poraons will juit now
nrchaso swarms and oouitnonco boo-
coping ; It Is , therefore , essential that
iat they should know something of
10 natural history of bees. Wo can
alculato by the weight of the awann
to number of boos , as the "authorl-
os" allow five thousand bees to
10 pound. The hivn will then con-
of queen , workers and drones ,
'ho qnoon lays all the cggt , from
which the inhabitants of the hlvo are
reduced , She dcuoslts from two to
ircu thousand dally for weeks in suo-
esslon , The workers perform the
saontlnl duties , such as comb build-
ng , brood raising and honey
inhering. The drones nro the
males , aud tholr approach at the
warming sonson for the fertilisation
f young queens is a wise provision of
aturo. They gather no honey , and
re driven from the hlvo durlug the
month of August , when tholr services
re no longer required , Honeycomb
ouslsta of six sided colla made from
c , which la not gathered , but olab-
r-tud from honey by the bocs , Five
worker colla measure ono inch across ,
nd in thcao honey and pollen are
torod nud worker bees produced ,
'ho ' drone cells measure four to the
neb , and in thoao the drones are
atsod. The cells in which queens nro
ulsod hang llko acorns upon the alder
r end of the combs , and Bomoliniea
a many ns twelve or fourteen may bo
nund In n hlvo nt swarming tlmo.
Vhon n hlvo is deprived of Ha
ueon , previous to the introduction
f n foreign Bovorolgn , and fearing
liat her majesty may not to favorably
ocolvod , the beekeeper must bo cmi
ul to out ont all queen celU envo nn
pen ono , on which ho may cage the
icw quoou , na , when liberated alter
orly-elght hours' confinement , the
eon Imagine Mioban juat emerged from
ho vacant cell , and acknowledge her
nthorlty at unco. The qnoon no
luuht Inya all the rggn but they must
> o kept warm by the boon until they
product ! tiny whlto i-rubs , which hatch
out nt tha oud of three daya , and nro
then fed by the nurses with n mixture
of honey , pollen , and water ; whouful"
. .rown , nt tbo end of six days , they
nro sealed ever with n brownish cup
of wax nnd pollen mliod together.
In twelve daya they emerge
from tholr incarceration perfect boos ,
thno occupying tbo cell for twenty-on
days ; firat three dnya In the egg atate
six na nn unsealed grub , nnd twolv
In n atato cf quietude ensconced
within the coll. Drones pasj through
llko change ? , hut require twonty-Gv
days to complete the transformatlor
from un egg to n perfect drono. The
drone brood may nt nny tlmo bo
known by the alz3 of tholr oella and
tholr convex o < ipplngs. BOOH onu
raise qauouo from eggs destined to
beootnu worker bocs , provided that
dronoa nro nbrond to mnto with the
young qncona. Should this occur
when no drones nro ubout , all thulr
ulForlo would bo In valj , as tha eggs
deposited by such a quenn would pro
duce none but dronet ; even the t'gga
laid in worker cells would prodnoj
mlulatnro dronr.s , uud . tlio hlvo
go to ruin. Although the queen
is much larger aud moro !
fully developed than the
wcnkur , nho arrives ut full maturity 0n
five daja' le&s tlmo , nnd aho hatches
out I" about night days nftor ulio is i
scaled in. The doeo cf royal jelly
which oho receives is enld to hastun
on the tvannfoiirmtlon ccono. The
queen lives iivo ycnre , but the work
er'a llfo lu snrnmur dona not exceed
two months , but the beoa hatched ont
in the autumn live till the following
spring. Dronoa are to bo found In
May , but are driven ont cf thu hlvo
before the end of August , and their
nervous nnturo prevents thorn return-
lug to the hlvo , banco they dlo at
once. As wo advance In the practice
of beekeeping , wo mutt avail ourselves
of the inventions nf modern Bolunco ,
suoh as bar frame hives and comb
foundation , as much valuable time is
saved by their employment.
Mr. Joseph O. Blcknell , No. G12 Main
street , CambrlJgoport , Mass , , writes April
27,1883 : "I have been terribly adllctedfnr
years with gravel and kidney dlaease. My
urine contained brlckdust deposits , and at
times I could not pass my water except In
drops and with great pain ; and have had
to get up a * many aa fifteen times during
the night. I tried several physicians ; they
did mo no good , but n friend of mine , who
had used Hunt'4 Itemedy told mo to get a
bottle and try It. Ho had been cured of a
severe case similar to mine , and that oth
ers had med Hunt' * llemedy In Cambridge
and pronounced it a medicine of real tnor-
it. After being repeatedly urged I pur
chased a bottle , and before I had used all
of It I passed a stone as large as n pea.
followed by smaller ono . I have used In
all ton bottles , nnd It has completely cured
mo. My kidneys are la excellent condi
tlon , ami for one of ( G3) ) sixty-eight yearn
I can truly nay I feel like a young man ,
wlrh strength and vitality. My family use
the Itemedy , and would not bo without It
nnd never fall to recommend It to our
friends and nolghbom In Cambridge and
Boston , Yon are nt liberty to ne * my name
In praise of tha best kidney and liver med'
iclne , Iluut'n Remedy. "
The above words are from Mr. LEWIH
KKEN , No. 0 Highland Avenue , Mslden
Mass. , April liH , 18SII. llosnyi : "J have
been troubled fur yearn with kidney and
liver complaint , followed by gravel , with
severe palna In my back and groins. I had
grtnt trouble In iiuenlng water , It being
scanty and accompanied by terrible liurn-
IiiK , the VC8361 boinft coated with brick ,
duiit deposit. I waa recammeudeil to line
Hunt'n Komcdy by a friend who had been
completely cured of a similar trouble , I
purchased n bottle at thu drup lst-H , nnd
cotmnencod to Improve at ones. I h.ire
used hut two bottler , and it has done won-
derafor rno no moro kidney trouble , no
moro pain. It nan given mo now Ufa , and
I would not bo without Ilunt'n Kemecly nt
any price. It U all tlmt It li recommend
ed to he , end 1 cheerfully give thfa testi
mony for the benefit of tbo many sulfercin
from kldnoy dl eam > and trr-wol "
Consulting and Civil Enginooi
Speclil attention to Surveying Town Addition !
anil I.oti. Kurnliblng Estimates ol Kicav&tloun ,
Hiking U > IK , i'lwu , Ac. i
Em 10-17 OMAHA NEU.
917 ind 219 North Uiln fit. , St. Lcul * .
noon , i DADCDQwnrmo
NEYTS , t rnrtnO IwitAtriM
Printers' Stock ,
WC h paM for IUri and Taper Stock , Scrap
Iron and MeUli.
Paper Stock Warehouses 12 to 1237 , North
flUth itrret. may 24 3m
PILE 01NTMKNT . $ 50
1 < over and Atnt ; fomo OorrlUI. . .1 00
J5C3E3V < ; V'I3
uSk/n-csEi : & : cj-aossr
8UHE OUHE FOIl t OUNH . . . . 26
( Wo r ran toil tt money r * funded. )
ManufactUMi byV. . J. Whltcho" * " , tHli North
Cth St. Orn ha Neb. p i4'u > uira
I haTe suffered frJtn Scrofula about 17 Jears
The dkrase tic nctno < tly conflniii to my IIKI and
iui'1 ankl" my nhln bone * ori co\cre4 < flth
TIIH nnott All retncdloj und
treatment * which I tried Mien to d. mo nnt
Kood. A I itgni liking B 0 N. . ran tnu-
\re \ for alioiit f mr nil illu an > l I AM UKIU'AI < fLY -
LY KM. . I tockH. 8. N under the
loncf a phynlclan of 0 yinr * ' atl e prat'ceif ' \
youroidur. I'reilouj to t Ling S. S. H I at times
could icnrfdly walk. Now I CAM WALK ALL DAT ,
ami have to Ui&ukS. H. U. , audit only , for laj
54 Foundry 8 icct , Atlanta , Ux
I hue taken with Rtcat benefit S. S. S. for a
eteu cnno of Eczcnm. Tlio eruption hai entirely
dtiuppoircil , and 1 am well.W.
Member N. ( la. Conference , Atlanta , Ua.
If you ilount , cjmo to 101 us , and wo will Cure
You , or cbar o nothing ? Wrlto for tlo little
book , free. , Atk any Urnirgl't us to our st n < llnr. |
bo paid to any chemist who will liml , nn am\y- \
tof \ 100 tattles of S. S. a. , 0111 i > artlclcot Mr-
cury , lodlJo Potassium , or other nitncml tub-
tan 5.3.
Proprietors , At intn , ( la.
Price of Hiiull Slie , $ l Ok ) lrga Hit ? , l."B.
A UGQUI.AU ( JKAPt i'lT. 4 ( twi. tiki
ooln.7 | d.hac been lonci 01 , r oO In ( h it il
nioM oz niMOKIO , NKRVOtlb. SKU' A.MIJ
DLOOI ) DliWROOD thun onv other phvelc.l < c E6.
Louis us dly p. pai' nhou > .lf.l ) cK1
know CmimlUtlcn free nntt Invited. tThoi II
In IncanvanluEit ( ) th3 rlty 'nr tti'itmsnt.
roodlcUif' ' ! by null or etpurf
whore. Ccr Uf cftimairanincJ ; ti.rn
> l iiltl < > f ; n ly rUkii. Oall or writf. . praitmtlun , DabUIty.
nnd \Vci > kn"- < . MBrourinl
a ftflfti'tloav of 'J hront. hkln nnii
Skin AlfcctiTitia , OH I''cetf ' ,
to MiuriiMO
rcooivo UIcxuion 'tilling
iroin Ktcontw ,
. . . iT-tha * hol
I'.ory well told Jlilf
receipts ; who uu ; m < -
ry , who may uot , * 7.
causes , cousuijne
and cure. Sealed fcr Mn poiUge or stain { < > .
iNr , ( ruar nteod iprclllo for ByiterU , Dizzl-
netg , OonfuUloni , Kltn , lie hun Neuralgia ,
Headache , frTO > 1'robtratlon cauicd hy the
use ol alcohol or tobacco , Wakefullncu , Mental
Depress on , Boltcning of the train reeulllnf In
Innnlty and loidlng to ruliory , decay , and death
Prcmaturo Old Age , Ilarronreo , Lou cf power
In ilther eet , In'oluuttry Lo-uo and flpenuat-
orrhcua cauied by orortxortlon of th brain ,
lelfabuin nr ever < lndulcnce | > Each box > on <
tilnn one month's trcatuuni. tl.OO a boxer ilx
boxes for $5 W ) lent by mall prepild on ncelpt
of price.
- To euro anyjcuo. With each order received by
ua for fix aoxfg , accompanlid vtlth $5 00 , we will
lend ihti purchoaer our wrlttun guuantoo to re
fund the money If the treatment doci net effect
a me. Ouir.mtcca luucd only by.
m Aevwlv Drutllit Omaha Neb.
< Dr. Felii Le bran's
, , G bran'sG
Tbli rotiedy being Injected directly lo the ro t
ot tlio dlieifli ) . requires no dilute of diet or nu > -
tooua , mcicurml or pclsonouii mcdlclnoa to bi
taken Internally. When used
by cIther -oxIt It Impwlti'o ti covtract any \K\ "
vate ulaoa c ; but In tha ctfe ol llioso ilrea.iy
we guirantuo 3 Iioxc3 f > core or no w II rotund
thu uioiuir 1'ilcu by null , postage paid , f. per
box , crSboxo , Kr S3
Writtou OnarantQos
laauod by all authotlzoil agents.
UU. KKLIX LE IIHUN 4 : CO. , Sola 1'ropj.
0. P. Ooodma , Uiu irist , bohBent , lei
Onithi , Nub , tntu owl y
the huuiun bojj
KI.IM , . . * , uviuivpou aud strengthened , " ctlt
an Intonttliif advertiaeuicnt loog run la an
juor. In reply to inquiries we will say thai
there ao evidence t { humbug about this Co
the contrary , the advertUtri arr very highly Im
doruoJ Interested | > oreonii may get ak-J cli.
culars trlvlni ; all partlculara , tclvin ? all pirtlao '
" ° * °
" ' ' J
OlS .5
, UuBalo'N. Toledo . ' 'ii
i II