Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nibrasfca Hational Bank ,
Of Omnhn , Neb.
Pnld up Capital , - - $25OOOO.
Surpluu Fund , Mivy 1,1083 , - IG.OOO.
R. JOHNSON , PrwUent , of St le , Johnson
A Co.
A. E. TOUZAL1N , Vic * President , olBoiton.
W. V. MOU3K , of W.V. | Morto t Co.
'JOHN a. COLLINS , of 0. IT , ft J. S. Collins.
M. WOOLWOR11I , Coumwllsr & Atttrnejrat
It. 8. REED , of Bjron Reed & Co.
II. W. YATES , Cathlcr , for ru jr yeiri Cukler
of tte First National Bank ot Omaha ,
THIS BANK opened for builnoea April 27th ,
1883 ,
mon ; th * leading tistntii men ( Omahal nd
to buslneM li conducted frith crecUl referenc *
to thebtit and InertJlnglnttreila olpM mtroin-
tile patrcns.
COLLECTIONS receive rpoclM attention and
chatfet lowest otUlnible bore or eliswhcro.
INTEHKST allowed on tlmo deposits upon
fitoriblo terms and upon aceoanta of links and
.and County nJCity occmltlcs bought and told.
Brohor *
Stocks , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other
Qood ttccurltlcs dealt in.
Room 4 , No. 28 1'carl St , , Council DlufTs , la.
> OpccUl Dispatch to
NKW YonK , Juno 14.
Money Market easy at 2@3 per cent ,
, f' Prime Mercantile P per-6gGper ( cent.
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills dull
but steady at 4 854 ; sterling uxcbange de-
imand , 4 89 ,
Governments irregular ,
Share speculation opened strong with
the general list 4@i per cent higher than
yesterday'd closing quotations. After fur-
'tbor slight improvement in the early deal
ings , the market became weakened ehortly
before 11 , declined J@J per cent and was re
covered the next two hours and n half
The market was moderately active and ir
regular but in the main strong , and the re
sult of the fluctuations showed an advance
of i@li per cent , but from then to within
a short time of the close there was a
reaction ranging from i@lj per cunt , Oa
final dealings there v/au a partial recovery ,
while Oregon Navigation sold up to 12U ,
advance li per cant from noon. The mar
ket closed firm at a general advance on
the day's transactions ( if i@l | per cent.
Mining stocks very dull ; Sierra Grande
sold at 145 and 140 ; ChrytoliU , 120 ; Con-
olldated Viiginia , 72 and 70 ; Storment ,
.60 and 48 ; Little Chief , 67 and 55 ; Sonora
Oonsolidated , 28 to 25 , and Sutro Tunnel
25 ana 24.
Sales of the day 19,000 share ) .
T terd y. To-day
8' 1034 103j
B' 1033 1033
fi'i Coupons 1122 112 |
4 ! , HOj 1194
E ti6o3's of'95 128 127
Osctral Pacific firsts 1154 115J
Srio seconds 90 'JljJ
Lehlgh A Willtesbarre 1031 103j
Louisiana coiiaolo C5 65
Missouri G'o 113 1124
Bt. Joseph 10U 109
Qt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .113 1134
Tennosaee6's 40 9 *
do new 40 3 i
Texas & Pacific land grontn. . Gl 05
do R. G. div. . . . 8IJ 851
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. ,115i HEj
do land grunts . .lll 111
do sinking fund..1174 117
Virginia O'a 30 3t >
do consols G'o i.7 364
do deferred 109i 109
Adams Exnroea 129 128
Allegheny "Central 115J 115J
Alton & Terre Haute 804 83J
do pfd. . . . 97 9U4
American Express 884
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North. tJ2 < 824
Canada Southern G7i G8
. 1 St. L , & P 184 19
do pfd 55J 5ti
Central Pacific 76 $ 781
Chesapeake & Ohio 204 ' i
do 1st pfd. . . SOJ
do 2d pfd. . . 22 {
Chicago & Alton ISC
do pfd 145
Obi. , Burl. & Quincy 120
Chi. , St L. & New Orleans. . 81i
Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 41 42
Oleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 77 70
Delaware & Hudson canal , . . . IC'Ji 110
Del. , Lack. & Western 12'Ji 129J
Denver & Rio Grande 47i 47i
Brie ES 28s
do pfd. . . 8J 81
Eaat Tennesaee 9J 9j
do preferred I'J 18j
Fort Wayne & Chicago 131 131
I Hannibal & Ut. Joseph 42 42
do pfd. 05 94
Harlem l'J7 1UG
Houston & Texoa Central. . . . 71 72
Illinois Central 147J H7
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 31J 31
Kansaa&Texas 314 31 |
Lake Erie & Weutorn 20n 2u {
Ijake Shore & Michigan So. . . 112J 112 ;
Louisville & Naabvillo 53i 53 ;
Louiuv , , Now Alb. & Chicago 5'J 50
M. &L. 1st ufi 10 1' ' )
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 424 42 ]
Michigan Ccntrol 1'8 ' 9tjj
Memphis & St. Louis 8 27 <
I do pfd 171 67.
MUaourl Pacific 1051 100 ;
Mobile ft Ohio 15 15
Morris & Essex 123 121) )
Nashville & Chattanooga 58 t8
New Jersey Central 881 & 8j
Norfolk & W 4J1 42 :
Northern Pacific 52 ] 62 ,
do pfd 90 9 >
Northwestern 135J 135
do pfd 152 } 153
New York Central 124jj 121
Ohio Central 1114 HI
Ohio & Mississippi 35 35
do pfd..113 113
Ontario & Western 274 26
Oregon Transcontinental Eu'j
Pacific Mall 43 42
Panama. 98 98
Peoria , Decatur & Evansv. . . 22J 22
Flttsburg & Cleveland 133 133
Pullman Palace Oar 13Si 131
Heading 603 CO
S Inland 12G3 120
Ht , Louis & Son Frun 33 33
do pfd 681 57
do 1st pfd 99 ? 911
Bt. Paul& Milwaukee 10 ! > lOo
do pfd. . . . 1201 120
Bt Paul , Mlwi , & Manitoba.123i v 12J
Bt. Paul & Omaha 47j ' > 47
dD pfd 105i , IOC
Texas & Pacific 89 31
Union Pacific 0' > ! Ot
United States Express fiO K
Waba h , St. L. ft Pacific..285 a
do pfd. 45i 4 !
Wella , Forgo & Co. Express , 1234 121
Western Union Telegraph. . . 873 8i
Homontake U If
Iron Silver 285 251
Ontario 25 2
Quicksilver 84 (
do pld 30 31
South Pacific 52J 6 !
Bntro 2 !
Bp cl l DUpatch M Tns Bst.
LONDON , June 14.
Consols Money , 1009-10 ; acoonnt , 1
Stocks Illinois Central , 150J ; Pentu ;
Tanla Central , Oil ; New York Ctntu
/U71 Erie , 138 | .
Iptcltl niipfttchw to Tni 1 ! .
OuiOAOu , Junol4. Flour Market nom
inally unchanged.
Wheat Urgiilar , quiet but firmer , anil
a ( hade hetter : 1 10 } for June ; 1 11J@1 12
for .Tuly ; 113J@l 13J for August ; 1 14 J@
114 ! for September ; 1 1BJ for October ;
110 } for the year ; No , 2 Chicago spring ,
110 | ; No. S Chicago spring , U4e ; No. 'i
red winter at 1 13
Oorn Market stonily nnd firm : 55ja for
cash and Juno ; 56 | @ . * > Gjo for July ; 502
@ 5Gjo for August ; 66ia57o ( for September ;
50J a t ° r the year.
Uata Market ttoady nnd a rhade better ;
39jc for cash , Juno nndJuly ; 32 ? for Au
gust ; 80J@31o for September ; SOioforthe
year ,
Rye Market quiet at Clo.
Flax Seed Murket lower nt 1 40.
Pork Morknt native and firm ; 18 30 ©
18 35'for oiih Mid Juno ; 18 35@1837J for
July ; I847418 50 for Auguit ; 18 674 ®
18 CO for September ; 1640@1G4.2J lor the
year.Lard Market ictivo and firm ; 11 474 ®
11 60 for o ah nnd June ; 11 00 ® 11 524
for July ; 10 G7i@10 70 for August ; 10 025
@ 10G5 for September ; 997i1000 for
the year.
Bulk Moats In falrdemand ; bhoultlers ,
at 7 CO ; abort rib * , 9 50 ; abort clear , 0 90.
Uuttir Murket steady nnd unchanged ;
creamery , 15@21c ; dairy , 12@16c ,
EggaMarket steady and unchanged at
Whisky Steady and unchanged.
Frsights-Corn to linifdlo , Sic.
CALL BOARD. Wheat In fair demand ,
but at lower rate.- ; declined Jo for Juno ,
July and August , nud io far September
Corn In fair demand ; declined io for
Juno end September ,
Oata In coed demand ,
1'ork Market steady and firm ; So higher
for September ,
Lard Market firm and unchanged ,
NKW YOKK , June 14 , Flour Market
dull ; extra Ohio , 4 lOgGIO
Wtie.itCash lota i@ic higher ; options
opeued l@ijc lower , suusequoutly recov
ered the decline , closing firm ; No. 2 cpring ,
noiniunl ; ungraded red , 1 03@1 25J ; stemn-
er No. 3 red , 103 ; No. 3 rod , 117J@118 ;
stowmer N i , 2 red.l 174(3)118 ( ) : stoatuer No.
2 red , 1 20 $ f. o. b , ; 1 2l3@l 22 in elevator ;
ungraded white , 1 tO@l 23 ; No. 1 white ,
COO bu , 115 ; No. 2 red , Junn. 10I.OCO hu ,
119J1 203 , closinir nt 1 20g ; July , 728.-
000 bu , 1 ! sli@12l8 , closing nil 21J ; Au
gust , 092,000 b < t 1 liSg ® ! 3 | , cIoelnRat
123J ; September , 1.7cOlOO bu ot 1 238 ®
1 20 , closing at 1 25J ; October , 552,100 DU
at 1 274@1 27lolo ing at 127J ; November ,
24,000 bu nt 1 i'Ji@l 29j , closing at 1 20J ,
Corn Cash lots l@io lower ; options
opeued i@ Jo lower and closed firm ; un
graded , 60 ( 052 ; Nn. 3 , GO@GOc } ; nlenm-
er , ( iSJfe&CSJc & ; No. 2 , G5MG5j ; No , 2 June ,
GI ( j05Jc , clofiug nt G4Jc ; July , G5@Golc ,
closing at G5gc ; August , GGJSGGtJo , clos
ing at G6jjc ; September , GGjjQGSic , cloainr
at G7c ; October , G7 s.
Oata Market steady ; mixed weatorn ,
44(847c ( ; white western , 47@55c.
Eggs Market strong hnd higher at 18 o.
Pork Market quiet ; mean pork , 19 25 ®
19 60 ; family muu , 20 7C-1 OJ ; clear
back , 21 73@22 50.
Lard Market dull and nomtnat ; prime
eteam , cash , 11 52J ; June , higher ; later
months lower ; Juue , 11 31@U 31 ; July ,
11 25@11 29 ; Angubt. 10 9S@ll 07 ; Sep
tember , 10 92@10 90 ; October , 10 85 ®
10 87J ; year , 10 32@10 34.
Cheese Mai kct steady with a fair de
ST. Louia.
ST. Louis , Juna 14. Flour Market
quiet and urichnnged ; family , 4 S5@5 10 ;
choice , 5 50@5 GO ; fancy , 5 85@G 20
Wheat Market liwer ; No. 2 red full ,
118@118 | for cah nnd June ; 118J118j
for July ; 117&1 173 tor August ; 118 ? ©
119J for September ; 1 20j@l 21J for Uc-
tobut ; 117@1171 ( ot the year ; No. 3 red
f.ill , 1 17J.
Corn Market dull ; 50. } ® OJc for ca h ;
EOlo for June ; 513 ( 51 fta f > r July ; 52J ®
62jo for August ; 63 25 0 for September ;
53 o far October ; 4bj@liQ ( for the year.
Oils Market dull ; 3'Jjj < j bid for cash ;
3UJo for June ; 39Ja for July.
Jiya Market dull and nominal ,
linrley Mt-rkut dull and nominal.
Corn Meal Market quiet at 2 5' ) ,
Butter Market steady and unchanged.
Kgga Market firm at loo.
Whisky Market steady and unchanged.
Froviaiona Quiet and unchanged.
lower ; 1171 f ° r August ; 1 18J for Septem
ber ; 1 201 tor October ; 11G > for the year.
Corn Market lower ; Mjb for Julv ;
52ga for August ; 53o for September ; 53jo }
fr October ; 45gj for the year.
0tsMarket lower ; 391s for July ; 2'JJc
for the year.
KANSAS CITT , June 14. Wheat Market
steady ; No. 2 red , 99Jo bid for ca h and
July ; nominal for August ; 09io bid fjr
Corn Market better ani firm ; 4343gg
for cash ; 44o for July ; 45c fur August.
Oats Market firmer ; 3G&o bid for cash ;
no options.
TOLEDO , June 14 , Wheat Market dull
and easier ; No. 1 white Michigan , 110J ;
No. 2 do. , 92 : ; rejected , 70c ; No. 2 red
winter , 115J asked for canh ; 11DJ foi
June ; 11G tor July ; 1 IB.t for August ;
1 20 | for September-1 2i aakod for Ooto.
ber : 115 for the year ; 1 2G for January ,
Corn Market dull und prices n nbaae
lower ; high mixed , 58Jc : No , 2 , 57o foi
cash nnd June ; 58a for July ; 59o for Au
gust.Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 40J@41i <
for each and July ; 33o31ofor ( August ; 31
@ 32c for the year.
LIVERPOOL , June 14. Breadstuff Dnl
and easier.
Flnur-llf@lla GJ.
Whfut Winter , 81 Ild@9s2d ; spring
S Gd@9i ; Califirnial Jj2J@9i4d ; No. ' .
California , 8 < 9ii@94.
Corn Dull and easier at Ca 4d.
epeclil D patches to Tni En.
CaiOAao , June 14 The Diovera1 Jcai
nal reports as follows :
Hogs Demand fair , supply greater thai
anticipated ; cloned 5c lower ; quality good
mixed , U 30@S G5 ; heavy. G GU G90 ; light
G 25@G 70 ; skips , 3 25@G 00 ,
Cattle Supply excessive ; very dull am
103 lower ; experts , 5 SO WO 00 ; good t
choice ( hipping , 5 50@5 70 ; common t
fair , 5 C0@5 40 ; cows and mixed,240@4 9C
stockera and feeders , 3 10@5 20
Sheep Demand brisk aud prices highei
common to good , 2 75@4 50 ; choice to cxtr
KAHHAB CITT , June 14. The Commci
cial Indicator this afternoon reports c
foi Iowa :
Cittle Market lower , weak and clew
and trading confined to cows and otookei
at about 10@15a decline ,
Hoga Market ateady at G 0@GGj ; hul
of aalca at G 30(2G ( 40.
Sheep Market quiet ; natives averagic
07 Ibu. , 3 CO.
NEW YORK , June 14. Beeves Dres < e
beef ttcady and fairly IIrm at 9@10j ; clt ;
Sheep Market firm and higher for goc
stock , but extremely dull for inferior ; con
mon to prime sheep , 4 60i ( 40 per cwt
common to prime lambs , G 00@9 00 pi
owt.llogs Nominally strong at 7 00@7 I
per cwt.
BT , Louis , June 14. Hogg Mark
firmer ; light shipping , 0 40@G 55 ; ROI
packing to heavy ihlpplog , G 50@0 7
butchers' to extra heavy. 0 G5 ( G 74.
.00 Cattle Market steady with better d
mand ; exporters , G CO@G30 ; a lot of ste <
4 averaging 1G93 potnds sold at the outil (
prlcw ; light to fair , C 005 45 ; good co <
helfert , 425@475 ; louuaon , S60O4 (
Tezan , 3 75@4 15 ; good to choice
stpe.s , 660@690 ,
Shnop Market itcody and fair demond ,
ranclug nt 2 7C@4 60 ; spring lambo , 1 W ( $
2 75 per head.
BpocUl DIlpatchM to Tin Un.
CuiOAOO , Juno 14. Kocelpti and ship *
tuonta of flour and grain for the past
21 hours have been as follows :
Keceluta. Bhtp'U
Flour-bbls 12.000 7,000
Wheat-bushels 29,000 55.0W )
Corn " 227.000 420,000
Oats- " 100,000 158,000
Hye " 18,1100 3,000
Barley- " 8,000 1,100
TOLEDO , Juno 14 , Receipts and ship
ments of flour ami grain for the past 21
home have been aa follows :
Keo'tR. Shtpiu'ts.
Wheat 14,000 4,000
Corn ,000 48,000
Oats '
ST. Louis. Juno 14. Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
48 hours have boon as follows :
Koceiuts , Ship' ) * ,
Flour bbh 4,000 6.100
Wheat bUBhol 12,000 15(0) ( )
Oorn " S'JOOO 13000
Oats " 32,000 ? , OJO
Hyo " 3,000
Barley- "
NEW Yonr , Juno 14. Receipt * uad
uhlpmonts of Hour and grain for the pitut
24 hours have buen as followH :
Kocelpts Slin'tc.
Flour barrels 13,850 ' ,200
Wheat bushela 60,000 20.0011
Corn " 10JG'25 ' 28 ISO
OaU " 51,200 31
KANSAS OITT , Jnuolt. Kccclpts nud
shlpmeuta of grain for the poet 21
hours ha to been tui follows :
Itoa'tB. Shin'tx.
Wheat , bunhola 5.CKK ) 10.000
Corn " 5,0-0 10,000
Oats- "
ST. Louis , Juno 14. Receipts and
shipments ot live Block for the pant 21
hourj have been aa folio wo ;
Koo'ts , Shlnm'tH.
Hog 4,900 27,000
Cattle 2C09 1,100
Shcop 1,800 300
CHICAGO , Juno 14 , Rsoolpt and chip-
menU of live block for the past 21
hours have been tui follows :
Keota. Shipm'lK ,
Hogs 23,000 0,100
Cattle 7,700 3,000
Sheep l.GOO 100
NEW YOBK , Juno M. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been aa follows :
Reo'ta Bhin'ts
Bseves . . . .
Quar. beef 1,420
Carcasaes of rcutton 250
Sheep 7,200 . . . .
Hoga 790
KANSAS OUT , June 14. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ta. Shipm'te.
Cattle 1,000
Hogs 7,000 . . . .
Sheep 1.900 . . . .
Special Dispatches to TUB BUR.
NKW YOKK , June 14. Hey Market
dull and unchanged ,
CoSteMarket quiet but steady.
Sugar Market dull ; granulated , 8jo.
Molas08 Market a isler.
Kico Market steady with a { air de
Petroleum Market firm.
Tallow Market steady and unchanged ,
K'jsin Market firm and unchanged.
Turpentine Market firmer at 38 Jo ,
'Wholesale Prlooa.
Thursday Kvenlng , Juno 14 J
The general market still continues ao-
tive , with la.-ge sales , and prices are firm
but in moat cases with an upward ten
The produce market was especially
brisk , an 4 in moat cases the demand W E
greater than the supply ,
Grain quiet and unchanged.
WHEAT.-OaRh No. is , 92 cajh No
3 , 76o : rejected , C74o.
UAIILEY. Oasb No , 2 , 7Coj No , S
KYE-Oash , 47o.
OOKN Mixed , 38a.
BEKDS-Fairly active , with only :
few western buyers , 1'rioes suffered r
slight decline since yesterday. We quote
as follows : Blue grans seed , 1251
timothy need , 2 10@2 23 ; rod clover seed
9 00 ; white clover seed. 12 CO ; millet seed
1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grae
seed , 2 40.
Live Stack.
Good butcher stock Is in fair demand
Prices are a shade higher than yesterday
The following are the prices quoted to
day :
STEEHS-5 10ffi5 35.
FAT OOWS-S3 7fi@l 00.
HOGS-SG 25@o BO.
SUEEP-I 10@4 35.
Flour and Mlllstuffi ,
No change worth noting reported to
day. Prices will probably average a tritl
lower to-morrow than they are to-day , a
the demand is only moderate , and the sup
ply unusually large. Wo quote as follows
lioit winter wheat 3 00t$3 75 ,
Second quality winter wheat 2 75@3 25
13ent spring wheat 2 00 @ 2 75.
Second quality tprlng wheat 2 40@2 00
Bran , per ton 1C 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 18 ,
These prices are for round lot consign
ments unless otherwise stated.
Trade was liyely , with a good genera
EGGS Not ns plenty as yesterday , bu
prices unchanged. We quote at 15o.
BUTTER Is a drug tm the markel
only choice creamery and Rweet , brlgh
colored grass being saleable. We quot
as follows : Choice dairy at 12@llc ; cooic
creamery , 1718a ; common country , 14i (
IGo.ONIONSOld crop outol the markel
Burmudng find a ready sale at 2 40@2 65
LEMONrf Scarce and higher. W
quote at $5 T0@5 CO.
OK ANGE3-The supply continues larg
and receipts on the incieaw. The follow
in are the urices to-day : California. A 0
@ 3 50 : Meslna. 4 00@5 CO.
OIIHHKIKB Active and in t < oed de
innnd , with the market fairly supplied c
C 00 per bu
NEW APPLES-Find ready sale a
1 OOner box ,
PEACIIES-Only a limited supplj
with quick salea. Wo quote at 1 25 pt
UASPIJEIlHIES-Scarce at 20s p <
quart , and cm only bo obtained in sma
quantities ,
NEW OAUBAGES-In good demoni
with only a fair supply , We quote at 7 f
id per crate.
NEW $2
TOMATOES-Scarco 00 pi
third bushel box.
3dn BANANAS-Tho demand Is sbo >
n < equal to the supply. We quote at 2 501
t. ; 400.
er Poultry
DO Large spring chickens and old hem a
In good demand , with only a poor murk :
for email chickens. We quote : Lar ,
spring chlckenH , 4 50@5 00 ; small slow
let 3 50 , Old hens lell readily at 4 CO.
Qrocera Llat
CANNED .OOODB Ov.ten , ( Qtao
rd ) , p r e s , 3 70@390 ; ttrawtx
an riet , 2 tt , per case , 3 40 , rai
de berrle * . 2 Ib , per CAM , 8 (30. Dai
rt ooi , 3 ft , per caw , 2 45 , Bartli
p an per MM , 340. Whortl brrl
er CMC.27C. Kgg plums , 2 Ib percwio,2 00 ;
Jrecn gages,2 Q > per case , 2 90 : do choice , ,
ID per CARO 4 10. Pine Applet , 2 tt , per cia
. Peaches , a ft per ewe , 3 00 ;
o S R > . Cft c , 4 C < K 4 0 ; do , ( pto ) , 8 Ib , per
5A c.2iO ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen. 8 W ,
LAUD Omaha Ko nlnln Oo.t Tierces ,
21c ; 40 and 60-lb cans , IVfioj 20-11) caun ,
c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12gc ; C-lb do ,
c : 3-11. do , 13o.
lOK Lonliian * prime to choice , 72 ®
os fair. 774cj Patma , OJc.
FISU No. 1 mackerel , hall brls , J 60 ;
Vo. 1 mackerel , klU , 1 00 ; family mack-
rol , half brl , 5 25 ; fmnlly mackerel , kits ,
Woj No. 1 white fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. i
Its , 1 05.
SY11UP Standard Com. , 880 , bbls. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon'tog" , 91 95 } Stan-
anl do. 4 gallon kogn , 81 75.
SODA lu Ib paper * , 93,30 per case ; keg
NKWPIOKLES Medium , In baireli
700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , In hbU
00 do , In half Will , C 00) ) ghorklnr , In
Mi , ,11 00 ; do , in hrJf bbls , 6 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , oed , 45@55 ;
Jbolce , 607fic ; linpcrln ) , Rood , 4045cs
Jhalia , C0fe7'ic ' | Young Ilysou , ( jocd , Sfifrt
Oc | choice , C.ric6551 POi Japtm Nat Leaf ,
5c : Japan , choice , C076cj | Oolonp , pwd ,
5 ® 10 ; Oolcni. ' , chn.oo , 40@5f ) ) Souchong ,
ootl , aPW10o'cholco,8.'W4tc. ( :
HOPE aieal. t Inch and larRer , lie ;
Inch , lUt ; jinch , 12c.
WOODENWAK1C aVe boon i.allr . ,
75 ; tbroo hoop polls , 3 00. Tub * , No.
, 8 CO ; Pioneer wathboarde , 1 5 Uonblc
> onu290 ; Wollbucketk , 860 ,
JJJA1) ) Pnr , 81 6ft
80APB Klrk' Ssvon Imperial , 3 ;
lvA'b uatlnnt , B CD ; Kirk's ntnndard , 3 76 ;
Ciri'a whllo Uutsinn , 6 Mi Kirk's
Cutocb , 3 1C Kirk's Prnirio Qucoti ,
100 c 'cc ) , 40 ; PZirk's magnolU dot. ,
POTASH Ponnylvanla eanf , 4 o r ,
n cane , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In cnkc ,
90 : Anchor Ball 2 dor. In case 1 CO.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod 1' .
emeo , IC-o per Ib ; fnnoy white , 10 Jc peril ;
uw white Virginia raw , lOo )
CANDLES Boxen , 40 Iba.lPj , 15Jc ; Kn ,
5Jc ; btxps 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Gs , 15Jc.
VATClIUb-l'er caddie , B5cj ronnd ,
! . 8fl lOt sqnaro , casM ) , on 10.
COFFKKS Ordinary grades , 3j < 5 , ! > c ;
Mi , 10104c ; good , lOefflllc ; prime , 114
© 12 , : : at'lctly prime , 12@124c ; clmirn. 13
5)13fcc ) ; fancy prcin nnd yliow , 14o)13c ( ) ;
Id government JDVI > , 20 @ 2G ; Iievcrinti's
oasted , 14jjc ; Arlmokle'n rotated , 14)t ;
HcLnuphlln'B XXXX rousted , 11 jo ; 1m-
tatlon Jnva , lGicil8.Jo ,
VINKOAR Now .York apple , Ific ;
Ohio apple , 13o.
UAIiT. Driy loado , per bbl , 1 85) ) Anh-
in , In pr.o ke , 8 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5 * , II 60
SUGARS Powdered , lOic : Out loaf ,
OJc ; Granulated , OJc ; Confectioners' A ,
IR ; Standard Extra C , 8gc ; Kxtrn 0 ,
1 } ; medium yellow , 8Jc ; dark yellow , 7Jc ,
STARCH. Pearl , 4fco ; Silver Gloss
I4c ; Corn Starch , 9&0 | KrccilmcrGlobi' ,
' $ o t Corn. 8a.
MEATS llama per Ib. , Mo : buoon
ior Ib. , 14c ; clear side bacon per Ib. , lljc ;
try unit sides per Ib , , lOJc ; bacon Mioulders
> er Ib. 9io ; tierce lard per Ib , ; 11 Jo.
SPICKS. Pepper. 21 ; Allspice , 19 ;
Cloves , SO ; Caesm , 24.
CHKK8H tfuU Cream , 13Jo | Part
3klm , lie.
LYK American , 8 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OG | Lowlt1
ye. 4 6ft ; Jewell lye , 2 75 ,
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
$1,50 $ per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
fOc per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New F3 50 per bhl.
Dry Goods.
BHOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , Sic ;
Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , Ho ; Boot ,
b"F , 84c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
7cj Chittonango A , Gic | Ureat Falls K ,
8c ; HooBler , Glo : Honest Width So , In
dian Hoan A , 8c ; Indian Standard A ,
3gc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , Gjc ; Lawrence
IjL. Glc ; Mystic river , 7io ; Pcunot A. SJc ;
ioj'Utlcn O , 6io : Wnchuaett B , 7Jo ; do A ,
, c : do K 4R. 120.
1-4 ; 74n ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Aruylo 4 > 1 , Tic ;
Atlantic LL , 640 ; Badger State X 4-4 , CJo ;
ISenninrjton O 4-4 , OJo ; Buckeye B. 4-4 , G co
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , S ci Ijaconla O
39 , 8c ; Lohltfh E 4-1 , DJc ; Poppercll N
80 , 7o ; do O 83 , 71c ; do R 36 , 7Jc ; do E 89 ,
84c , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7ilc ; Wnmsutta 4-4
rfn L 4-4,94oBla35atoneAA Imperial 8Soi
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , 8gj
Fidelity4-4 , 94c ; Vrult of thoLoom , 91 ; d >
canr.brio4.4,12icdoWatcrTwist,104cjGroal ;
Falls Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c
Lonndale. lOo ; do cambric 87 , 12Jc ; Now
York Mllb , 12jo ; Pequot AlOe ; Popporol
N G Twills , 12JC | ! Pocahontai 4-4 , 9Jo
Pocassot 4-4. Slot Utioa. lie ; WamsntU
DUCKS Colored ) Albany brown.
8c ; do 0 , drab , Un do 2X stripes and
plaids , 124o ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , XZJcj Arlington fancy ,
! Br9c : nnswick brown , 84o ; Chariot fancy
124c ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rlvei
brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana A
brown ISnt Nooonsot A brown. 15o
T1OK1JNUB Amoskeag A O A SI
lOc ; do XX blue 82 , 18fci Arrowanna ,
94c ; Claremont B B , 154c : Ooneatoga'.xa
tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston A
30,15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega snpoi
extra 4 4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82. lOJo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetncket E
lOic ; do SS 12o ! Yeoman'r blue 29 , 9i
UENIMS , Amoakeak , blue and bronr
lG4c ; Andover DD blue , ISJcj Arllngil
blue Scotch , 184o ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 134 ; < loXXt <
do do 144o Haymakers blue and brown
94c ; Mystic River DD stripe , 164c ; Pear
River , blue and brown , IGcj Uncaevllio
blue and brown , Hir.
OAMBRIOd Baruard , 6Joj Kddystom
lining. 24 inch double taue , SJc ; Garner /
glazed , f4o | Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jo | Peqnot u <
5o : Ixickwood kid iinich Go ,
OORSKT JKANH Amorf , 8cAndroi )
coggin ( uttoeu 8jc ; Clarendc D , d'ls ' ; Canei
o'3ea sattoenB , 7io ; Hallo well , 8c ; Injdi
Orchard 7&o ; Nurr gnnflettImproved , 84c
Popperlll satteen Co ; Rockport , 7io
PRINTS-Allenji , 6io : American , 64c :
. Irnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4yc ; Cocheco , 7c
] ono8toga. G4c ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll
4@7c ; Kddystone. 7o ; Glouceitcr , Gc >
larmony , 6 0 ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Me
rl ao D. 7c ; Mystic , 64c ; Spraeuos. 6c
Sonthbrtdge , 6c ; do , Ginghams , 70 ; Marl
ioro , 5c : Oriental 64o.
GINGHAMS-Am keag/OJci ArgyU B
OJc ; Atlantic , Go ; Oamberland , 7Jc
lighlana , 7ic ; Kenilwortb , 9ic | Plai
kett , 94ci Sussex , 8c.
COTTONADKS Abbervllle 18J
Agate , 20c ; American , lloj Artlslan , 20 <
3alro D and T , 134o ; Olarlcu D and 1
74cj Deccan Co.strlpesDandT , IGo ; Koj
tone , 134o ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonparol
Go ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164
JuBsei , 12c ; Tloga. 134c ; Waohuaett shir
n ? checks. ISJc : do , Nankin , 134c | Yorl
> laln Nankin , 124o ; dochecks , stripes an
anov , 124c ; do , 8 oz 20o ,
BHEKTINGS-Androscogjtln 10-4J7J <
do 9.4,23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental i
12 , lie , Frultjof the Loom 10-1 , 274 ; Ne
York mlllaUS , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do fiS. 2241
Pembroke 10-4 , 35o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 284c , t
71 , 19o do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell 90 , 29
do 67. 21ddo ; 67,18o ; Utlca 9G , SGo ; c
53 , aaio ; do 48,17o ,
Carbolic , tOo ; Acid , Tartario , 55c ; Bales
opnbla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , BasnofraH , p
, 13 J | Calomel , pur lb,75o | Clachoa'dl
per ot , 8105 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 85
Dovet's powdert , per Ib , 81 25) ) Kpao >
Salts , per Ib , 31c ; Glycerine , pure pe I
30c | Lead , Acetate , per Ib , i !
Oil , Cantor , No , 1 , per gal , PI 2
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 0115 , 0
ut Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , E
@ Opium , 85 CO ; Quinine P. 4 W. & R. & f
per or , 81 75) ) Potassium , Iodide , per
IIG5 ; Salacm , per or , 40o ; Sulphate
ire Morphine , per or , 83 76 ; Bulpnur flo
et per Ib , 4ci Btrrchnlne , oer oz , 81 25 ,
P lnU Oil * and Vamlihea
6' OILS 110' carbon , per gallc
124o | 150 * headlight , per gUlc
Hie ; 175 * beadllKht , per gallon. II
150 * Water White , 18o | | lnse ( <
id raw , per gallon , 67 | llnioed , bolh
er pe r gallon , C0c | lard , winter itr'd , per R
ip. Io n , 9fi | No. 1 , 85o | No. 3 , 75c | ct
in XX. pr gallon , 1 SO ) No. 8 , 1 20 ; iwe
at per gallon , B5oj sperm , W. B. , per gallc
i 60 ; tUh , W. B. , p KtJlcw , C5oj M Ufo
extra , per gallon , 90o ; No , 1 , 75o ; lubri
cating , toro , per gallon , 80o | summer , ICc ,
golden m chlne. No. 1 , per uallon , S5o ; No.
1 80 : sperm , ilgnal , per gallon , 80c ; tur-
pontlno , per gallon , 65oj naptha , 8i , per
gallon , lOo : 6.1' , 15o
PAINTS IN OILVhlte lead , Omaha
P , P. . 60 ; white lead , St , LotiU , pure , Gc |
Karselllcs green , 1 to 6 Ib cant , 20o
French ilnc , gioen seal , 12c | French tine ,
rod scol , Ho ; French tine , In varnish asst ,
20c : French zluce , In oil arat 16o | Raw
and burnt umber , 1 ID cans lOot raw and
burnt Sienna , lOot Vandyke brown , vg
refined lampblack. 12ci coach black and )
l ory block , IGp ; drop bla k , 16o ; Prussian
blue , 80o ; nllramarlno blue , 18cj chrvnno
xroen , L. M , & D. , IGojbllnd and shutter
Kroen , L. M. A. D. , 10c ) Ptl < green. IRoj
Indian red , 16oi Venetian rod. 9o ; Tuscan
dre , 22c ; Amorioan Vermilion , I , & P. , 18o |
cliromo yellow , L. , M , , 0 , & D 0 , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 18 ; potent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors ! light oak , dark
oak. walnut , chestnut and iwh 16o ,
Dry Palntt
White lead , 8cj French imo. 10o | Par '
wbltelug 24o ; whiting gliders , lgo |
vthltlng oom'l , lc ; lampblack Gorman.
town , I4o ; limpblack , ordinary , 10c | Pnui-
< -inu bins , 55o ; ultraoinrlne , 18o ; Vandyke
twwn , 8c ; nmbcr , burnt , 43 | nmbor , raw
tciaionna , burn t , 4o ; stennn , raw , 4o
1'itU groun gonulno , 25c ; Paris green com'
20cj chrome green , N , Y , ' 20c ; chrom
grecu K , , 12c ; vermlllion , Eng , , 70cj vermillion
million , America , 18c ) Indiau rod , lOc
rceo pink , 14c ; vonctinn read , Cokttsoeo
2oi vonctlan rod Am , , lc | rod load , 7c )
chroiuo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel
low , 1C.2c ; ochre , rochelle 8c | ochre
Krmch , 2Jc | ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter's miuornl. 2Jp ; lohlgb brown. ? 4o :
spauni ( brown , 24u Tilnoe'i mineral Sc ,
VAUNIHHKS Bfttteln per pnllon
Furniture , exit A , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1
tl ; corcb , extra , $1 (0 ; oaoh , No , 1 ,
81 20 ; Uatnar , extra , 51 75 ; apan , 70c ; a > -
lilir.ltum , extra , HF.c ) sholln $3 60 ; hard
oil ( laiah , 81 30.Hides
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Green butchet'a bides , G
7' cured " 48j ; hide * , preen rait.
dry Hint , iiniiul , 12S)13oi ( ) dry call
anil kip , l"@lc ) : dry salt hlilco , Hound ,
I0llcjf-rctnovlf ( ! , wt.8 oiritts. . ll12c ;
croon cnlf , wt , under 0 Ittn , per okln , 60j
i rocu pvlU , C0@81 25 ; gi-een lamb aklnn ,
81 25 < yi 50i dduiRKeil hlilts , two-third rate ,
oat scored anil ono grub , nlnnnod two.
tDfda rate , ) bramtvil lildOH 10 pvr tonl. off
( ; con I'Ulin , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2. BOo ; No. 1
70. , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , JIOc ; No. 2
l&ci Ko. Jt , ICc ; No. 4 , f.e. Tos , ,
COet No. 2 , 25o. Skunlt , No. 1 , b2Be ;
6. > ot chart stripe , > IOct narrow ttvlpoa
broad eJrlpo. lOo. Tnllow 7o ,
Oak ffolp , 883 to 42o ; bumlock sole , S8o to
S5c ; humlock kip , 80n to 100) ) runner ,
C5o to EOcj hemlock cnlf , 85c to 1 20 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 2Go ; oak upper , 2lc ;
allieator , 4 00 to 5 CO ; atlf kid , 2(74Hr ( , < v
Gretccn kid , 2 50 to 2 70 ; oat kip , 80o to
1 00 ; o k oalf , 1 20 to 1 III ) ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 uC ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
i < etlo. 5 50 to 7 50 ; llnlnpo , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
topplngii , 9 00 to 10 60 ; li. L. Morocco , 80a
to 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , S5ot slmon ;
2 50 to 8 00.
HARNESS -No I ar oak , 42cj No 2
do , 39c ; ML. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
S5o | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 3 do 34 o.
We quote lumber , lath und chlngles on
cars at Omaha at the following prices )
JOIST AND r CANTLIN-16 ft. and
under , ? 22 00 ; Ib ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 18 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ;
2C ft , 823 50 < 22 ft. , 82G CO ; 24 ft. $20 50.
I'ENOING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 2J 00 ;
No. 2. 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
bonrcia ) , $20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , $1 25 ; bulk per Una-
S.'r ; Cement , bbl , 32 25 Iowa planter
bbl , 8 ! CO. Hnlr per bu , 50o. Tnrred
felt 100 Ib * . C3 50. Stri.w board , 83 50.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rat OH , { 2 80 ; plow steal , special
cant , 7o ; crucible , 8c ; ppeciAlurGcrmauCc ;
CAS ! , tool do , 15(3)20 ( ) inion npokos , Eot ,
2 25 3 00 ; bubo , per cot , 1JV5 ; fellcoa , cawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7U8fic ; axles ,
etch , 75c ; emmro nutB , prr Ib , 7llc (
washers , per Ib , 8@18o : rivoto , per Ib , He ;
ooil chain , pur Ib , G@12c ; 3tn.tlleablo , 80 ;
Iron wutgcn , Co ; crowb&rs , Oo hnrrow
teeth , 4c ; vprln tcol , 7&Ho ( ) Burden's
her Bi hrmp. R 21) ; Burdoa'a raulushoos , 0 25.
BAUBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @
71o per JOO.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GOtf. 3 10.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kege , 98.40) ) do. , hal
kegs. 83.48 ; do.qUartor kegs , 51.88) ) Blast
Ing , kees , < ? , S6Fusc. prr 100 feet 60a.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812) )
Morris Rnn DIombnrg , 912 ; Whltobroait
lump , 84 03 ; Wbltebreapt nut , 01 00 ; Iowa
lamp , Zl 03 ; Iowa nut 9(4 ( 00 ; Rookianrlntr ,
87 00 ; Anthracite , 811 50@12 00 ; Canon
City , 87 00 per ton.
Horse * nd Mulee.
Kxtro draft horses , 8175. to 225. ) Com
mon driu't horgos , S10U. to 150. ) Extra
farm hordes , 8110. to 125. ) Common teed
od farm homes , 890 to 8100. ) Extra
RH , 800 , to 75. ) Common plugs , 820 ,
to 840.
MULES. ( Extra ) , 9125. to 150. ) good/
8100. to 110. ; fair , 975. to 100. J common ,
SCO. to 7C.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 1 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , u8 proof ,
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined nplrltn
187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
winkles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended 1 C0@
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken- nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 D0@7 00.
BRANDIES-Importod , 86 00(91600 ( ]
dementia 1 40(34 ( 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 506 00 | domestic ,
1 408 00 ,
RUMS Imported , 4 60(36 ( 00 ; Now
England. 2 OOfcM 00 ; domoatlo , 1 50(33 ( CO
l 76(3t4 ( 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per ernt- ,
28 00 ( 31 00 ; Amtrtm , per os * , 12 00 ®
1GOO ,
Mnrlno nnwaihed , light , 14lCo | heavy
> ia15c ) medium unwashed , light , 18@20 |
II washocl , choice , 32c ) fair , 80c ) tub ntd
washed , 2Sc ) bnrry , black and c Ucd wool
; 2KSo ! leu ,
r Tobaccos.
rL1 FINK OUT Common , 20@30o ; good ,
45@GOci Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 65o ;
Diamond Crown , 'C5a ; Sweet Sixteen ,
, -
n SMOKING-O. S. , 20c ; Muikovv , 25c ;
j- Durham , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50o
Durham , 4 oz , 52c ; Durham , 2 oz. 65o ;
Seal of North Carolina , 1C oz , 42c ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 8 oz , 44c ; Saal of Nortb
Carolina , 4 oz , 4Uo ; Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 48c ; 0. K. Durham , 4 or. 28c
0. K. Durham. 2 cz , 30e ; Uncle Ned , i'u ,
2lo ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOBACCO-Climax , GO ; Bui
lion 50 ; Honenhoe , 48 ; Star 48 ; Rudy
44 ; Ilettey'n , 48 ; Black , 38@40.
Ilomomber , If you want health am
ntronth | of mind nud mneclo , us
Hrown'B Iron UltterB.
lo I'rmMtnt Vlco 1'rcs't
W , S. UKISIIEN , See. aulTroai.
Id ,
13 m r MADiUf AOTURIM C (
ID ,
5oi Lincoln , Neb.
2oWj Oorn Planters Harrows , Farm Rolleri
Wj Bulky Flakes Ducket llevatli 8 Windmill
ill , \Vi are ( irepaioi to do Job work and manula
turlnjf Ior other imrtlcs ,
AilJiuos all orueis to th
Lincoln , Noli.
on 9o , ; Fine Millinery
ed ,
Mt Stock Entirely Fresh and In
on ,
wt- 109 llth Strut , Opp. PottoftM.
Fire and Burglar Prao f
ZL O < O 3EET S , A ; O -
1020 Farnham Street ,
- - - 3SST3EB3BB
Window Caps , FimaU , Skylights , &c.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Oor. Faruam and 10th Streets Oraaha , Nob.
JUNE OTH , 1883.
In order to protect the public againat the Imposition of Mountebanks in our line , wo
have concluded to otter
23 BeatXkUzlbar ; Ivory Billiard Balls , per snt . $22,0
Eipeolilly and Solely manufactured for us by Iwan Simouei ft Fits , at Vervlers ,
No. 1 , 74 Inches wldo , per yard . 86.50
No. 2 , 74 inches wide , per yard . 5.50
No. 3 , 74 Inches wMe , ner yitril . . . 4.60
Best French Billiard Chalk Per gross 8 .50
Beat French Cue Tips , 100 in n box 1.00
Pocket Netting * , Fringe ) , Leather' , Finest Worsted , per sat ( G ) 3.00
Orders mast Invurlnbly bo accompanied by remlttunct ) , und satno bu direc
ted to out principal manufactories , with additional 5 per cent to the Omaha
Office , COO South 10th tro t ,
A , M , O LARK
Window Sludaa aufl Curtains ,
. JBE.
My Repository la Oonotautly fillo-3 Ub. a Solent Stock. Bott
Office find Factory. 3. Wi Oor. locn una unpitol Avenue.
BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors
I Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
o. Ornamental Galvanised Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Eto'J
If , 310 South Tweltth Street , OMAHA , . NCE.