r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-FKJDAf JUNE 15 , 1883. STREHGTH to vigorously push a business , strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a household , strength to do a Jay's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted , in the often heard expression , "Oh ! I wish i had the strength I" If you are broken down , have not energy , or fesl as if life was hardly worth liv ing , you can bo relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS , which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases , 501 IT. Fremont St. , BiUlmora During the war I was In jured in the stomach by apiece of a shell , and have suffered from it ever since. About four ycarsagoitbrought on paraly sis , which kept me in bed six months , and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion , and foroscrtwo- years could not cat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron Bittcrsaml now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. DLCKER. BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic tonic , It enriches the blood , gives new life to the muscles and tone to the neives , Nebraska Loan & Trust ( tampan HABTINQ3 , NED. Capita ] , - - - - $250,001 JAB.B. nEAIlTWKLL , Proildtnl. A. L. OLARKE , Vtce-Froldonl. K. 0. WKB8TKIX , Treamirci . 0. 1' . WEBSTEIl , Coihler. B mnel AlexunJei OiwkldVUllref. A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webntcr' 00. n Pratt , Ju. a Hcartwtl ! , D. M. UcEl Illnnoy. First Mortgage Loans a Spooialt RThli Oompui ; farnlahn p imftneal , her Initltutlon where School Bond und other leg * iMued Municipal lecurUU to Nobnuka can bo negotiated on the most ( > or tile tern Loani made on lmrrove'1 farm In all wfll icttl oountlet ol the lUtt through rotponilbl * to ootrMponclenti. _ JOHN'D , PEAJBODY , M.D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGED ! OFFICE nOOMS. 8 A 6 1607 FAIINAU. Unldencel7l4DougUt Stieet. Omah , Nb MONITOR OILSTOV The only OIL STOVE that will bnra Kr de of Kerowne with "ABSOLU' SAPKT-Y. " Send for de criptUe clr lar , or call and exkinlne It. Add rest MILTON BOGEB8&SONB 1331 and 1323 Farnam Street. * t-mon-w l-2m ft' THE WILY CAN , Enormous Extent of Trade in Preserved Provisions , Three Hundrtd Millions oi Cans in a Year , Of Corr , Fruit , Vcgatnblei and Fl.h. i. Y.Journ l. 'Hero are sotno figures that maj utorcat the readers of Tbo Journal In ogard to the consumption of canned > roducta last year : Of canned toma- OCB , 50.000,000 ; corn , 25,000,000 ; nlmon , 53,000,000 ; lobntora , 30,000- 00 ; oysters , 30,000,000 ; ether fish , 2,000,000 ; peaches and hard fruit , nch as applea , peers , apricots , etc. , 0,000,000 ; vegetables , 30.000,000 mall fruits , berries , currants , oto. , 2,000,000 ; moats and poultry , 25 , . JOO.OOO ; total , about 300,000,0K ( n . " The speaker waa Mr. Alor. Wiley , manager of one of the largest manu- isturlng firms of canned products IE bo world. "Where did all theBocuns go ? " "Well , outatdo of the United Statei hey wore distributed In France , Kng and , Gormacy , Penang , Borneo , Jankok , Slngaporo , Calcutta , Madras , .long the Malabar coast , and Non South Wales , Oar agent at Moscow rdercd a very largo consignment in nttcipation of the coronation of the zir , for these gooda are a novelty In lusala , where they are now selling aat. Well-to-do Russians will pny al most any prlco for them. " "What cln'ees of people oat canned oed In the United States ? " "Tho mlddlo classes , no to apeak , rhoro are largo arid tracts In thla conn- ry where people aeldom BOO green rult the year round excapt In this tm. " "Do you claim any superiority or the cinnod over the green vocota- leu ? " ' "Yes , In this w y : We are now amiln < ; asparagus at the rate of (5,000 ( ana a day , and putting it up within brco houra after pulllcg it out of the round. It la gathered in the oarlj lornlng before annrlao while the don a still upon It. The some remark np HOB to tomatoes , of which wo art uttlng up 42,000 oann dally at oui aotoryat Morrlotown , where Q etrliif f wngono n inllo long la woltlug overj mornlrg to rooelvo the canr. Thi ame holda fjood with pena , which an lee gathered before the sua'a heat cat ot tit them. If you buy almlln ; vogot bloo grncn nt a retail store they an anally from ono to throe days old , ? hey lose their freshneta , whercai under oar prccesa they will romalc rtnh and awoot for three years. " " .Hut what about the chemical ac- lon of the uoldet ? ' "All our gooda are now coldorcd or ho ontaldo by a new patent process , > y which It ia Impoaobio for the aoldei o touch the oontonta. Hero , for ex itnplo , la cno of our tiovr cana of thi cJnd 1 refer to. You can sao for ycur self that It Is an I say. " "What la the Dooret of fiuccoaafn canuln ) ? ' "To duatroy the germ of the fer mentation that la all there la iu It apart from rigid cleanliness. "Which is the larpost packing centn InthnUaltodStatet ? ' "Bihlmore , dtoldcdly , for all kind fruit , vegetables nuA ovat rs. Nai York ia the great distributing morkol And yon raust reirombcr that It I only the seaboard oltlca that real ! enjoy fresh vegetables. " "How arc thn various klnda of frnll etc. . Dnrohaaoa ? " "Vast tracks of market garde Farms nro bought np In the locality c the factories , BO that the produce I gathered right on thu epot. The vef Btable bntineta ia largely dovelopln Into still greater proportions undo thU system , " "And your fish ? " ' The majority of ealmon come fron the Pacific coast , and lobatoi Malno and the British Provinces. " "What about fictitious brands ? ' "That uaed to oauao a great deal c trouble but it Is now dying out. People plo are beginning to find out the bei for thomsolvoa , Oa our labola n atato in Gorman , Italian and Euglls that our canned gooda are warranto pure and wholesome and our dealer are authorized to refund pu : chase price in any ease where sot BUinnrs have caaso for dlasatlsfai tlon. " Who are the largest manufaoturoi foam ? " "A firm in Baltimore. Wo are no manufacturing our own of the beat tl plate. You aeo it i necessary for t to bo very particular because our fo ; pjgn trade ia becoming very largi Oar market In India la rapidly lucres Ing , where canned goods are a god aond to ppoplo who never saw thoi before , Boatdos , foreign goveri monta are very atrlot in enforcio their sanitary regulations , to wlilo American manutaotnrora must confin if th'oy wish to hold their own. Th Jrenoh government ia particular ! \lgllant In thla respect. With regar to alleged charges of blood polaonln lot mo say that out of the 300,000,00 cans oold last year not a slntflo case c sickness was reported so far as I ai aware , and thla ought to bo auawi enough to auoh ill-founded complaint In aelf-defonao we are compelled t watoh all tooh cases aa como to 01 notice. When they arlso they a : usually traced to Irresponsible parti of limited faculties , for If any tuc result were traced to us , or to any r < spouelblo manufacturer , It would bo very aerloua thing , and Involve n lo of probably thousands of dollars. " A movement is on foot among tl wholesale grocers for the ostablls rnont f "Wholeealo Protectl Qrccera' Union , " in the Interest > that particular branch of trade. Tl object la to regulate , among oth things , the foreign traffic. It la tl present cuatom with many largo me chants to charge cartage duties f railroad comignmcnta equal to abe a dollar on thu ton. Sqveral rallroa deduct thla from thtlr rcanlur bill Bald Mr. Moorohouio to a Jonruallc 4 Thla apparently small Item amouc M j r.mon largo Crrna to- many thonaai dollars a year. Siuae merchants order not to offend .thole cqitome will lot the amount go , but in lar trancaotlons the lots is a very eerlo one In the aeeregate , " It ia to produca harmouy in thlaai kindred market that the organization la mooatod , THE OIKOUS OF THE FDTUEE. Permanent Locations at Great Cen ters , as in 'tho Daya of Impe rial Homo. Doiton lloi ! d , It la not possible that anybody hae forgotten the * circus cf his boyhood daya. Then they voro uard to hav ing an elephant or two , They had n camel and r. few ether animals. There waa but ono ring , and the performer ! did not live at hotels , but tried to be contented with whatever good thing ! more likely they were bad the gods sent them. There were no Bleeping oara then. The happiest mac was ho who could pick up a nap here or there on the road , when the fit took him undisturbed by the roaring of the lion or the loud talk of his keopor. Olrcnses then wont to small towns , comparatively speaking , such as the big shows of thla day can not afford to visit. Ono tent , ono brans band , ono ropo-walkor , ono elephant , or poasibly two , ono great rider , and a few ether Individual specimens these ra do np the ahow of the daya of out fathers. Talking with a friend just now , ho recalled the memories of his first circus down in Plymouth county , and moro thad fifty years ago. There was ono elephant attached to that "Bet , " by name , and aho not many years after crushed the head of her keeper , which ho confidingly placed in her mouth , Foolish man , foollah ele phant. The animals of thla day are bettor trained and hold in closer anb- jectlon. In the old days some oi these shows exhibited in the open all In the tavern yard , or aomo ether oonvonlent place , While hero at the north , ono day or two was enough ; In smaller southern towns , a show would stay a week. Hero , Gftoen mlloa wat as lar aa you could expect a man to gc with his family to a circus. Dowr there , fifty miloa wasn't a great dla tanco. There is nothing particularly now about the clraun of the present. There la an awful lot moro of it too much , aomo paoplo think , Bat Mr , Wataoti had other ideas of the circus of the past , His recollection wont no far ther back , bat his suggestions did. There have been circuses fort no thou ennd yearn , and , , if one thlnka for r mtnuto , it will bo acoa how oaay wai the transition from the old clrcaa ol ilasclcal daya to that of those latoi iinca. Twenty O3utnrioa ago thcj lid things on n tremendous scale. In tome , for example , there was the cir < IUB Maxlmns. In the tlmo o : Julias Ctoiar it waa 1,875 feet IODC nd G25 feet wldo. The depth of thi inlldlne ourrounding the upsico wai ibout 312 feet. Its dimensions wen ubcequontly much greater. All tin ircl iu Homo , of which there were i onsldorablo number , are nearly ob 'toratod , but a clrcua on the ppiai ai , about two miles from R'jmo nown aa the Oirous of Maxontlno , ii till In a otuto of preservation. It instruction Ia believed to hnvo dif jrcd very littlu from that cf otho indent buildings for similar pnrpoeoa Hong the cldoa and at the end wen angeu of stouo Boats for the aooota oro. At the other end were tuo air oreo , or stalls , covered and furnishoi vrith gatot , iu which the horses nni ihariota were driven , tonnlnatintr a ioth ends ia milae , or goalo. Thi ; amcs were inaugurated by a prccos ion from the cnpltol , In which per ions bearing the images of the god vruut first , and were followed by th pcrformcra in the games , the consul and othora. The clraas' wee pjrtlca 'arly djelcnod ( for racoa. A pltchoi battle waa uomotlmoa roprasontcd Saa fights weru occasionally oxhioltcd Viat sunn of money wtro oxpoudei under the einpiro for the killing c wild boaatf. Pompcy gave public ox hlbltlons la the circus for five one cesalvo daya , during which five hue dred Ilonaund twenty elephants wor destroyed. "Tho circus of the future , " said Mi Wataon , "interests mo much mor than the exhibitions of the days am years gene by. Think of its posslblll ties ! Wo can't do things on the seal of the llomana. The coming aho wma will oontider our big shows too big Even now people look with ausplolo upon the man who honestly advertise that ho can aoat fifteen thousand pec plo under hla canvaa. But what a little tlo handful that la compared with th throngs who were accommodated , "a the existing ruins show they could be at Homo and Athens and Aloxandrle In Jerusalem , it may interest sera people to know , there are the ruins c a great clrcua building. But none c these were to be compared to Rome1 Circus Maxlmus , which had altars an chapels , Images and statues of th doltlea. In It was an iron railing n high as ono man upon another , an also a ditch to protect the people fret poialble injury from the porformeri Now , what thla suggests to mo is the the circus of the present will ditap pear ; the olrcna of a half century ag nobody wanta. The circus of twont centurloa ago we can not havo. Whc wo shall have is a combination. Th magnificence and permanoncoof struct urea of the Roman empire , the tin : pllclty and singleness , so to speak , c the moro recent daya , but no throt ring displays , They sound well who you road an advertisement , but fe people can look In two dlreotlonaat one They are the beat wo have , but by an by wo shall have bettor ; the best tl world can afford in the way of novo ties and foata of skill and daring , bi aa much superior in style and su roundlnga to the show of to-day aaco bo Imagined. A combination of E ropoan aolldlty with American ento prtso and liberality. Think of this i a possibility In Boston and No York and Philadelphia , in Ohlcat and CinclnnaUl and New Orhmn suppose wo had substantial , bandson buildings , elegantly finished like the in Parla or Berlin , "or a half dcz : other European cltior. Would the not bo drawn oven larger crowds thi wa have had bore ? And there is n ether thing. Speaking of the co traat between tha two continents the European cities where com'panl nro located for months , aa I wou hnve them in the cities I have name thcro ia a change ot the bill eve night In the week , A man of f ami can go to-night and aeo a dlfl'oro performance from what was given It nleht. No moro men would bo 01 ployed , but theywould , be able to i moro than ono thing they oonld rl or perform on the trapeze , or porha do a half dozen ether thlnga aa mlg bo required , See what a saving o expenses thla would oauao. A clrcn cheaper , morofashlonable.moro varlec in Ita attractions , moro pleasing to thi public , and less wearisome upon thi porformora this la the circus of thi future. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Relic * of the Lost Cause. The Washington Sunday Iloraldhai an Interesting article ahowing wha has boooroo of the confederate goner ala. It aays many have died , and i few have disappeared. But those ol higher rank who aurvlvo are getting ot fairly well. Of the five field generali of the confederate army , J. E. Johti- aton and Boanrcgard anrvhn. Gjn Johnson la the general agent of i prominent Now York Insurance com , and Gon-lhauregard is the ad iitant-general of the stoto of Linlal ana ( where ho has created the fines body of militia for ita num bers in America. Ho li also ono of the oommlBslonori for the liquidation of ono of the olc Louisiana atato banks , outsldo o which bo haa ether Important bnclnoai oonnectlona. There were twenty-one lieutenant generals In the Oinfedrratt army from first' " < J , and of those all were from the U it d Stbtoa arm ] but four , viz : ll't ' nsrd Taylor , N B , Forrest , Wadu Hampton and Jour B. Gordon. Of them the followlnf are living : D. H. Hill , who is in North Carolina ; Stephen Lee , Early Bncknor , Wheeler , and A. P. Steiw art , beside * the two not from the ok United States array mentioned above Gastavns W. Smith is the rank ing major general living , anc la state commissioner of in anranco in Kentucky. W. T Martin lives at Natchez , and ia a rail road president. 0. W. Field and L L Lanmx are in Florida , and are botb in the employ 'of the United Statei oorpa of engineers. Marmaduki Johnson la ia St. Louis , and ii wealthy. William Preston lives ii Kentucky , and has a fortune ho Inhor ited. Humes lives in Memphis Tenn. Wlrt Adams is an agent fo Mississippi , and lives at Jackson Frank Armstrong llvca hero and Ir St. Lonli , and la connected with thi Gould ayatem of railroads intho % south weat. Churchill wan governor of Ar kanaaa , and lives at LIUlo Hock , Ool qnitt was governor of Georgia , and i United States aonntcr-olect from tha state. Colston h.m returned froc Egypt , am ) Is living aomowhoro li Virginia. DibrcOl la a member o ongrcts i'-om Tcnneusoo. Lyon , whi lommanikd ono of Forrest's dlvls ons awhllo , lives at Eddyvillo , Ky ' don't know what Mackall , who wa brlgodior-goncral and chief of Gen Bragu's staff , is doing , but I bellov ho llvoa In Georgia , McGowan Is i member of the sapreme court of Soutl Carolina. W. R. Mllea , Is a cotton ilantlng magnate on the Yazoo rive u Mlaslanlppl. R A. Pryor is a pros lorous lawyer in New York , and , mil diotn , I hoar ho ia on onthualaa lo advocate of Gov. B F. Bailer fo , he presidency. Rlpley , "Old Rip , , a ho was called , is In London , thief of an American rlfla com any , and Roddy la there wltl 1m. John G , Walker la in Mexico nd la getting rich In diver mining nd llolmes la hla partner. Wllllar 0. Wickham ia a prominent rallroa man end republican in Virginia. 0 the three Lies who were gecoraln- Onatia , who was Mr. Divla'o chief c taff ia the prealdout of the Waah ngton und Lee college in VlrRlnln Wllllan Henry Fltzhugh Lae , genera ! y called "Runoy , " la a planter and 1 proancroaa on u ft * > estate. . Fltzht Lee , a cousin of'tho others , ana 'amous cavalry ciliaer , owns tli 'Ravens wood" uctato on the Pott mac , about fifty miloa below Want Ington , where ho la living like a fin Virginia planter of the olden tlmi Robert Luc , the general's yonngei .on . , who served in the ranks a great ) part of the war , lives &n the Jamt Ivor and owns a handaomo cats ! here. Longalroet livea at Gaine vlllo , Ga. , and ia United States mai bal. Gon. Early practices law i jynohburg. Lieut. Gen , A. P. Stov art la president of the university < Mississippi , at Oxford , and Llout.-Get S. D. Lee is president of anotlu Mississippi institution cf learning. I H. and Patterson Anderson are deac Gen , B. Frank Ohoatham is the eupo : Intending commissioner of thoTonnei BOO penitentiary , and W. H. , c 'Rod , " Jackson , ono of Forrest's d ! rlslon commanders , ia living not Nashville qn a magnificent plantatioi Gen. Wheeler , who commanded all c Gun. Jnhnaon'a cavalry , ia a plantc in north Alabama. Gon. Liwton , th quartermaster-general of the ooufec oraoy , la a leading member of the Si vannah ( Ga ) bar , and Gon. Gorpai the oonfodorate chief of ordinance died In Alabama the other day. Cool roll , the ranking confederate got oral from Missouri , la a United Stati senator. The skin is of that delicUo nature npc which the moat improvement can bo mai and by the uao of l'ozzonl'4 Medicati Complexion Powder all roughness , B allot ness and irritation can be overcome lea log the ibln delicately white , toft ai biuooth , This preparation haa a worl wide reputation , so no fear need be ente tftlned of the res It. Bold by all dra gists. A Oourteou ? Retort. Tbo lionr. A good story is told of the ulfo an American diplomatist , who la fet of calling upon the colobrletiea every place which ( ho visits , Beli In Florence sorao tlmo ago , eho o preaaod her Intention of calling npc "Oulda , " the well known novella Her frlenda attempted to dissua her , aaylpg that "Quids , " had a vl lent prejudice againat American Undotertod , the female diplomat ! called at the novelist's house and w mot "Oalda. " who said : "I must ti yon that I exceedingly dlaliko Amoi cans. " "I am very much turprlssd hoar ( hat , " was the raply , "forth are the only people who read jo ucaty books ! " Eyoa brighten , cheeks become ros mueclca gnln strength by the uo Brown's Iron Bitters. Gambling m the Army. Said an old nrmy correspondent i gardlug the revelations of gambll among army officers at Washlugtc "It Is not to bo wondered at that ii army ciUcors should garablo when II a fact that the vlco was a common c during the most active campaigns the late war. I have seen men ape the evenlnga between two days o ! battle in playing cards for stakes. wasn't exactly gambling under fire but It was the next thing to it. Then was hardly an officer's mesa , rogl mental or staff , ( hat wan not a pokoi club , and thouaandaof dollars ohangec hands after oaoh visit of the paymaa tor. Froez3-out poker , the wlnnoi to maintain the mess until the next day , waa a common form ol gambling among the officers. Man ; of the private soldiers were llvelj gamblers , and hardly a oompiny wai without Its 'poktr shark * usually a cool , qnlot , 'goody-goody * sort of char from aomo country district. Early in the war professional gamblers haunted every depot of supplies , and pressed upon commissioners , quartermasters , and paymasters , Ono or two pxymas < tors lost fabulous flams to these sharks ; then defaulted , wnro sent to prison and the gamblers fhd to Canada until the storm blow over. The vlco la ct common and AS fashionable in the army , among r ffijors and privates , ai it over was the only difference la thai the army is not qnlto as largo aa il was. " Extreme Tircd'.Feellng- A lady tolls us "thu fir t bottle hai done my daughter a great deal ol good , her food does not distress hoi now , nor does nho suffer from thai extreme tired feeling which she did before - fore taking Hood'a Susaparllla. " A second bottle effected a euro. Nc other preparation contains such a con contratlon of vitalizing , enriching , purifying and invigorating proportiei aa Hood'a Saroaparllla. The Uuty of To-day. From Rer. Henry Hopklot * Memorial Sermon a Kanias City. Oomtadea , to pay honor to deac men's memory and b falao to living issues ia mockery. Ho who votes foi a dlohone.it man , whether for a cltj oilho or a national trust , dishonor ! the soldlors'o memory. Ho who di rectly or Indirectly barters hla ballol inanltn the grave on which freab flowers shall fall to-morrow. When , then , yon aeo men at the polls lot about by their masters , voted Instead of voting ; when you see them drunken when yon BOO them acting blind ly through Ignorance , or pas slonately through prejudice ; whet they vote for money paid them , cal out to them Hold there 1 do not thi ( sacrilegious wickedness 1 Our broth ers by the hundred thousand died and men were maimed who still live ti aavo the institutions that yon are try ing to destroy. When your nolghbo : ataya fiom the cancan or the poll through indifference , tell him tha some men gave four yoara of fighting and that his sloth In a shame to him Standing In the Interest of the proson I nay , lot not the scones and the sacrl fices of the past bu forgotten. Th sufferings and doatha of north an iouth alike are the argument of tc day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counter/diet This is especially trno of a famil medicine , and It io positive proof the the remedy imitaicd ia of the higher valuo. AH soon aa it had been teato and proved by the whole world tha Hop Bittora was the purest , beat en moat valuabla family medicine o tearth many Imitations sprung up an begon to steal the notices in whlc the press and people of the countr had expressed the merits of H. B , and in every way trying toinducosul fcrlng invalids to usa their stuff In stead , effecting to make money o the credit and good name of H. Many others started nostrqmo pat n invlmllar fitylo to U. . , cwlth var onaly devised namoa in which th word " " " " used 1 "Hoj > oa "Hops" were away to induce people to believe the were the eama OB Hop Bittore. A such pretended remedies or cares , n matter what their style or name i and especially thooo with the wor "Hop" or Hops In their name or i any way connected with thorn or the ! name , ore imitations or counterfoil Beware of them. Touch none c them. Ualtig nothing but gonuinoHo Bitters with a bnnch or cluster o green Hops on the whlto label. Trua nothing elso. Druggists and dealei are warred against dealing in imlta tons or counterfeits' Are acknowledged to be th beat by all who have put thei a praotioal test. ADAPTED TO COKE OR WOOD. f UANOTAOTUHED BY Buck's Stove Co , BAINT LOUIS. | PIEUCY & BRADFOilK HOLIi AOENT3 KOU [ R BOOTS SHOES & ARCTICS. 10,000 , GASES , including otandards and grades match , are offered totho jobbing tra at lets than niannfacturers1 prices b HELD , THAYEB & CO. , 170 Congreii8trect ? , BOSTON. g i ; o Ise DAVIS & BI1YDER , ) f 605 Farnam St. Omaha Nobraal fc U'fully Bolfcted UnJ In E&itern Nebrukt | tie. Qiett Btrgtlni In Iniprurud lirnu , Om llrlr > opettr. HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAtfAsANDJMAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES IMPORTANT IMPBQVE1ENTS Have now been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete in the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , . One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , Thftse immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown * All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stock. CHAS. SHIVERIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omsha JOBBER OF A "T" T" T3 A "DTP "D _ au - _ -i-J Jtr-G2L. JCT H.i Jtu s- AND I EASTERN 118 FARNAM ST. OMAHA and THE LEADING The Oldest Wkolosalo Retail JEWSLRYEOUSK in Omaha. Visitors can here IK THE WE3II ior the find all novsltios in SILVER general Agents Finest and Best Pianos and VER WAKE. CLOCKS , Organs manufectured. Rich and Si.yli h Jewohy , Our prices are as Low as l-he Latest , Most Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer , and Choicest Selections in Pianos and O'gatss dold PBECIQUS STONBB and for cash or installment , at Bottom Pricfls. all of P07E descriptions A SPLENDID st'ck oi WATCHES at as Lo Pri- Steinwuy , Chickering , C88 as is compatible vrith Knabo , Vwa & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Oall anos , an doti-i'i1 makes. see our Elegant Hew Also Cbugh & Warfen Sterling , Imperial , Smith Store To wor Buildmg , , American Organs , &c. Do llth and Favnham corner not fail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BROB , MAHUFAGTU : Large Stock always on Hand. PERFECTION is only attained by using . Acir"rjnft. * K A Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE IfAUZS flVilB DOOBS , For ealo by ROQHHS & mm lull-ma ANHEUKSR-BUSGH. Brewing Association , CELEBRATED THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOE ITSELF , Orders from any part oT the State or th& Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Coutis arc Miule to the Standard of our Guarantee , GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the "West , . Office Comer 13fch and Barney Streeta. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR It la the be&t and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound ID oqnnl to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake la the fall and win ter , instead of running down , TV ill lUcroaco in weight and bo In good market able condition In the spring. Dairymen as well an others who use It can tea- * tlfy to Us morlta. Try It and judge for yourselves. Prlco $20,00 per ton : no " ohargo for Backs. Address I o4-eod.mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb