The Daily Bee. COUNCIL Thursday Mominjf , une 14 , t- * - - OUSUtuyiONIlATil Si So * * ' - - - * SO L . . " " . * l Mall . . . . . . filtoo p t Tf > r , Omen : No. r Penrlauoot. . New -ovltrny. § tyle . Addition * ! loc l oo e * oth Soott atroot hai n foot bridge acroei the creek now. Thn wtor nnlns are being laid Jong Bw dw y np 10 far as 1'oarl. Tharoll known tecd "J ok Pore y" I/reported as on the nlok Hat. A rfibscrlptioti has boon started for extcildlug LUrrisou struct to alynater Mr. nna Mrs. Mition , living no r ihfi nsylum , are happy lu the arrive' of a tiuo buy. Too Mwniorohor sooloty aud the Harmony bind start to-day for the iicjgurfcst at St. Jo. A regular old tlmo barbccuo la among the attractions bolng arranged or 110 comli g Fourth. The Institute for thoduaf and dumb elojod yuitorday noon , aud the pupils dlsporeo fur thulr homes to-day. The Mothodlats are to hold n social thiixweninx at the rcnldonco of Mr. T. E. Oivlu , on south Second atroet. Oco of the carpenters omplnvcd lu the oouatrnailon of Bjllo 0 ovor'e homo had hla cuat stolen yesterday. The cnso against young Allen for trottlL'g his horses over Market street bridge waa npalu continued y oat or day and will comu up again to-day. Will Mssnn was thrown from a watnn yts.trdaj by his team starting on a run , and icoslvctl some aevoroin- jorloi , Including a broken leg. Jjttfc ) Abbatt ran yesterday called to * , uston house to marry J. S. Lldguii and India Thompson , both worthy residents of Hardln township. Thorp were three plain drunks dis posed ( f In the pollco court yesterday , John English , .lames Woods , nnd Tim MoOrthy. None of the trio had cash. cash.A A Inreo eagle baa been placed over John EponototB new building on Broadway , as a oornloo ornamentation In good keeping with the novel gal- T nlxd Iron front. Mr. Hunter has started out on his work of collecting the poll-tar. The firsi fifteen notices did not augur very well , there not being a cent of cash paid lu , all preferring to work It out ou the streets. L. 0. Brockott Is making some In ternal luiprovemouts in his store , oo as to ueo the room to bettf r udvunt age , thin btiag mcseditotud by hie largo and vnrlud ct < c'c ' , while nt the intoa tlmo It 1mproves greatly the in terior uppuaranco cf bis storo. Warning has already boon given the city on horiuea that they should make rraugaaieuts at otice ao that in case of nnrxtuolvu fire the claU'rcs could bo rifilled from the creek. The small blast ) of yesterday morning gives an other warning. Protection from fire la surely aa important as the laying of iomo sidewalk or creasing. The oovy of Partridges on Lincoln avonno were agiln in some aort of trouble with their neighbors yester day , and Chief Field had to go and orve as petcimokcr. He made DO arrests , as there are already some caaes pending , by which the neighbor hood now is to bo adjusted. Two of the plain drunks serving out fines by work on the streets kipped out yesterday , ono from Street Oommlislonor Hardlng's care and ono from Deputy Marshal White's euro. The t ffisern do not seem to feel badly about the loss , the city saving a board bill for each. Tao name cf "Oikor Welld" ap peared on the po'ija ' record yesterday , charged with being drunk. The police man who registered him evidently had llttlo reapacs for the genuine Otcir , or else was tryiug thn phonetic spoiling "Osker" had no tUjcts , and as no in formation was filed against him he had nothing to pay nothing with. The case of Paulas Placard , charged with assaulting n deaf and dumb man with an ax , btoiuso the latter Insulted him aud took aomo drift wood ofl his place , was called up yesterday. The county attorney was not to bo found to attend to it , and it went over until Saturday next. Mr. Sjars represent ing the atnto by request of the court , and John L'.ndt ' the defendant The Nonpareil la clear off on stating th v. movement is on foot to extend Harrison street to Mynster Springs. The movement is to txtond a highway np Dack hollow , put Foster's "place and Riv. Jor , Knotts' , and np ovet the divide , and along the divide to In ternet with Orescent Olty road neat the poor farm , Ool. S rp has started the move , so that The Nonpareil man naturally would ignore that fact. David Bradley & Oo. are havicg iomo extccalro sign palming djno on their big agricultural machinery ware , house. Two of tha palntora while on iwloglug ( scaffold hud a narrow escape , u they were lowering it , the end striking the telephone wire , causing it to tip and splllin" them on the ground , At first It was thought they were ee tlonsly injured , but later luvojtlga- Uon only revealed lumps aud bruises , Mr. Eagol , who has property or llin atreot near the foundry , com plains of the way the city Is maklnp Its Improvements of streets and alleye ita fill of Main utrset , etc. He clalrai that the city Is rjspondbla for th < most of the water which has covercc the property of that vicinity , and li still standing there , for lack of an ; proper water courses or ditches. Thi railway tracks keep back the water too , and the companies will not dig 4 ditch or make a drain under thel tracks./Mr. Engle represents not enl ] his own property but other ptopert ; owners in that vicinity in the com plaint , and they demand some relief Dr. WMt , DenUit , 14 Pearl atrwt CLASHING CHURCHMEN. Baptists Recall ROT , Mr , Lemon as their Pastor , Whereupon Some of tbo Mem bers ifeoedo Altogether. The Baptist church of this city seems to bo lu a peculiarly unfortu nate petition at present , owing to a wide difference of opinion aa to whether Mr , Lemon should bo the pastor or not. A short tlmo ago ho reilguod that petition to accept the no of financial agent of Shurtlcff ollego , at Upper Alton , and last week 0 shtppod his household goods and made ready to move his family to Mton , but hli friends rallied about 1m and so urgently protested that ho onsoutod to retncln hero if they do Ired him to bo their pastor again. 1 Any cf them claiming they would eave the church If he did not , n bu- tiess meeting was hold Tuesday even- ng to determine , the qoeatlon , and rom all accounts It appears to have eon a rather lively ono , there being much faollug ahowu ovtr the matter , A motion was made for Mr. Lemon to nko the chulr , but this was oppoeed in the gronud that the rules required .hat . the presiding oiticar shall bo the pastor , or in hU absence iomo member of the church , aud that Mr. Lomen is neither , ho mvlng resigned the pasturate , and luver having deposited his member- hip letter in neither church here , but had retained that uloowhoro. There was much lively dltctuskm over this , and the motion was finally overruled , and another person calif d to the chair The friends of Mr. L men offered a esolntlou inviting htm to seivo aa upply for the church for ono year This brought the matter to a direct aauo and a counting of votes. The inntlon was , after numo very earnest discussion , carried by A largo msjorlty , ho vote being 42 to 21 , When the matter was thus settled , several of th < s prominent members of the church asked for letters of dlsmUnal , which were cheerfully granted , while others xprossod themselves as not qnlto de cided as to what they would do , ex cept that they would withdraw their npport , oven if they lot their mem bership remain , and attend other churches. The minority who thus stoutly op pose Rev. Mr. Lemon's return as pas- or , do not seem to put forward any ibjectlons to his moral character , but simply that they do not believe hoe o the man for the place , and that heir personal feeling Is such that hey cannot work harmoniously with him as a pastor. It Is Indeed unfor- nnato for ail concerned that anch n difference should nrlio. The church hero ht.i had trouble in the past , but had overcome It , and entered upon a career of ncotulneea and prosperity , which promised great things fcr the "ntnro. It la to bo hoped that this now trouble , like former once , maybe bo left behind as the church pushcn 'orward in its course. The many Honda of Mr. Irjnien can not but regret aao that his etum to the pastorate , so eagerly do- Irod , Is marred by suuh a contest. As , citizen RJV. Mr. Ljinon has always been very active In all public enter prises , especially of a btuovolent na ure , and there are many outside of tbe church who wlllbc [ gUdon ) this account , : hnt Oaunoil BlufTa ! not to lo o liitu He will now bo on the grounds to push "orward the hospital scheme In which he has been so actively interested , and there are other enterprises for the relief of the poor and distressed In which he will also probably bo promi nent as in the past. The OAUGHEYWuSEon Broadway - way Is ono of the best hotels of ita alzo lu the west. Wet nails $3.00 per keg , at DoVol & WrigbVa. Just received , a car-loid of cobs. Address orders to L B Cjudns , Box 109 , Olty. The Water Worka. The regular auuusl meeting of the stockholders of the Cjuncil BlnfhOlty Water Works company vras hold in tbls city ut 2 p. in. yesterday , and the following direqtors were elected tc serve for the year ending on June 12. 1884 : Uobort Sowell , John B. MtGborgo , Edward F. Sauford , John N. OJZAUB , , nd S.dney W Hopkins , of Nen York ; Sidney W. Hopkins , Jr. , ol Now Haven , and George F. Wright of Oouncll Bluffs. Parties desiring ico-croam for plo , nlcs , etc. , cau 09 supplied at the European restaurant. Four of thoao sentenced to thepenl tentlary , Kempton , Shlpinan , ilig gins and Fates , have been takoa ovoi the road by the sheriff , and , In vlon of the recent attempts made by then tq break out , Jailer Shanz sleeps mori sweetly now , and will probably get E fall night's rest when the others go , Kempton left behind him a slingshot an ngly weapon , which ho had con cealed in tbo jail , doubtless waltiuj for a good chance to uee it. A few more of these rod cashmen shawls at Davidson's , Republican Wara Primaries. The republicans of Council Bind will moot in ward primaries on Mou day evening , Juno 18,1883 , at 7:30 : p m. , at the places below indicated , fo the purpose of electing delegates t the republican county convention t bo held at the court honso on Juuo 22 The First ward , at Wela & Clausen' ' etore , and select five delegates. The Second ward , at the iilice nf Smitl : Crson & liar ) , and aeltct eUnt delegate : Tbe Tblrd ward , at tha city building and select leveu delegate ) . The Fourth ward , at the court house and telect nine delegates , By order of the republican townshl central committee. Cms. II. HAUL , Chairman. Commercial job printing , finei style * and reasonable rates , at Pryor' Bu Job Ofiw , 7 Ptarl street THE FIRE BUG , Ho Tried to U Ooo of the Duel- ness Blocks In a Blaze , The A pparont Intent Being to Flauder as well ao Burn. About 3 o'clock yesterday mornlcg tome of those who had been out to the dance the night before , dlt- covered tmoko pouring forth from the hallway between Paregoy & Moore's retail store and the American oxprets tffho , on Broadway. The Bluff Olty boys responded to the alarm very promptly , and speedily rqnelohod the flimcs , which were found to bo at the head of the stair- ay , on the icoond floor , snug to the oor leading into Justice Sohun'a flioo. The attorney * , Llndt & Hart ooopy tha next clihe , whllo on the ther aide are the oflhca of lie express company. Tbo fire id but llttlo damage except the doorway to Justice Schutz's llie : and the partition , but the water , Hoeoeary to put it out , drenched hta fflce pretty well , wi < h books , papers , to. , eonio of which belonged to J. W lulrd , who has his tflhe there also nnoro were very plain algna of luccn lirisui , the casing by the expreis llbes having been whittled away and hen lighted , with an evident Intori- Ion to atari a bl&ze there , but It failed , ' was then started across tbo hall , hero nro Indications that a like at- cmpt to sot the building on fire was rled the night before , for on Tnanday ho attention of thnao in Justice ohurz'a otlioo wat called to the fact hat the door had been slightly scratch- d about a hole cut In the door for lipping papers through. The scratch hen looked an If some ono had hold a andlo to the door mid tiled to Hot It u fire. After this discovery Justice churz Intended notifying the pollca , ut the trial of a caao catuo on ui thn mutter was nogltcttd. It uemo that the only purpose of the in- : onditr > am was plunder. There Is in ho block a j itrclry store with a heavy took of goods , boiilos the express flice , and other places holding valna- ) les , aud it is deemed probable by many that whoever started the fire ' ad an eye out for the possible chance if plundering. Open for work , Pryor1 * BEE Job 'rluting ' Offiao , 7 Pearl street. PERSONAL. J. W Butler and wife , o ! Neola , are at be Paclfac houte. Rusiell Smith , of Dei Molnos , was at ho i'aclfio yestoiday. C. II. Ilolmei and wife , of Magnolia , own , are at the Pacific. T. L. Enni ? , of Dea Moints , was at the yoatcrdny. ThoniBB Wordell , of Mncin , Mo. , head- id ye terdi y'd list at the Ogc'en. J. W , Murphy , of Dei Molnes , wit at hs Ugden yesterday. W , vV' . Loomia , of David Bradley & Co. , lias gone to C'hiccgo on a businoia trip. llev , Mr , llartN , of Omaha , WAR In tbe : ity ypsterdtty , and favored Till BEI with a cill. P. L. Goodwin and J. W. Barton , cf Malvern. were In tbe city yesterday. J. W. Smith , of Huron , Dakota , or- l oU ui tlm ogiten yesterday. E. G. Lander' , of Roihford , III , ar- Ived in tbe city yesterday and la at the Oden. C. S. Cl.irV , of Tbe Nonpareil ; has gone , o Marengo , in company with hta wife , who lias been in poor health alnce her .drilling . experience at the time of the flood. _ Real Estnto Transfers. The following are the real estate transfers , reported June 13 , 1883 , by Rose & McMahon , No , 4 Pearl street , Council Blnfh , Iowa : IHohurd Ksoron to Willkm Miller , lit nv | and part of etil nif and Jn.i,8l800 . , 0 , u. I & P. II R. Oo. to M W. Fergncon , BV j aw J. 30 , 75 , 40 , $313 83 , J. II. JetiKiiiB to J. M. P.tlmer , lute 21 and 22 , block 15 , Boivnrd'u ad < dltlon , ? 20 ( ) . D K E oher to J. P. G u'dnr , lol C , block 7 , Grinw.1 addition , S8PO Total sales , $3 113 83 ; total ealei for the week , $20,128 33. Awning for sale cheap at J. 0. Blx by's , 383 Broadway. Cur New Lioaii uuu nuprovement ( Jo Investigation Into the matter CSLI vlnces us that ono of the moat cqnita bio , reasonable and feasible plans oi building houaca is that proposed anc in operation by the Morcamilo Loan Trust and Improvement company o : ibis city. By Investing in shares li this Institution , which is backed bj some of our beat and most rcliaMi business men , It becomes possible anc comparatively easy for a man of moderate orate means to secure a comfortabli homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at i certain monthly payment , in a fov years a man can own a honsi of his own for about the earns ai ho pays monthly for rent. W ( believe the Mercantile Loan nnd Trus company , by organizing and openlnt up for business , having filled a Ion ) felt want in Council Bluffa. Tholi plans and system of loans will beat the most careful scrutiny and exam ( nation , and rro have no hesitancy it pronouncing them reasonable am equitable , and backed by gontlcmct of honor and integrity. As the com pauy exlata It becomes at once an In atltutlon of value and credit to on : city and those who dcslro homes Their president IB T. A. Klrkland vice president , Judge Peako ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Ool Beebo , and their office IB in the baao mont of Shugart's and McMahoa'i now block , corner [ First avenue an < Pniirl WIHTHERLICH BRO'S , Iron & Brass Pounflrj Oor. 6th Street and llth Avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OASADY F. U OROUTT. J. N. , . , . CASABY & OROUTT , 502 IHIOADWAY , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. EXCLUSIVE CARPET Only one in the City. Stock now Complete , Mail Orders Solicited. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Hrn d wny. Bulk and Barrel Lime , LOUISVILLE AKD PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PL4STKR , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. lUnl ami S. . . " Ccal a I ) wpt 1'rlco. Ko. 3t I'rarl Street O nn II niuCfs. J 9 Wholesale and Retail BOOTS AN Fine Shoes a Specialty , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs. NUGENT & SMITH , MERCHANT TAILORS , First-class Goods and the Best of Workmanship Guaranteed. Noa. 7 and 9 Muln Street , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHN BEflO & CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 18 Main Street nnd 17 Pearl Street. LD PI ADB. ! . OH DRUGGISTS. PrcBorlntlonB com a Ut ij pound'.il at nil hour 100 Broadway. / Grocery 216 Main Street J. M BARS TOW , M. P. . Oor. 5thFSt.Cmid 5tb Avo. I r IMUiTC OFFICE : Oor. Mnln and 5th , up-stalra. i Ui Ti Reatdence , 609 Willow Avenue. N CPt < li I IDT JUSTICE OF THE PEA.OE , * OUClUnX.1 Offluo over American Ezprozs. U/AH MED LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT SC IIHUN E-IB j for fnnerala nt roaeonablo ratea , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Who e Je butter , tge , poultry and fruit. Ship tool. Drstt by return mall. 1 Broadway , A nirnnc NEW BO T AND SHOE STORE , fV rlLllllE.1 Cor. Main and First avonno. UCDKffBT7 ? p * * * 1- PETHYBRIDGE& " I kot , 327"Broadway. Merchant tailor. Stock complete , aud enltamado ; JABOBKOCH nt reasonable prices. No. 805 Main street. RaTIJ CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and I V IvBI I Hi Broadway. Pinna and specifications furnished In FINE HARNESS I have the variety that brln p rona i1S4 Main street , . MERCHANT TAILOR , Artiatlu Work eD. 872 Broadrray. UnilfC O OflRI FURNITURE , STOVES and HUlft & OlJInB Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. I ? l f-DT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jarow I C4 HfUi I y ettitu nnd federal courts. n IP DT P H H Mauu't Fine Fnrnl'.uro.Upholatory goods EOTf 8 I PC. UUayCuttHiutaTJaWinaow Shades , 309 BVay. D A HIT ft D 1 1 1 1 And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadwny. L Sov- OMNI iMniU i cralgn. Prop. . P. J. Montgomcrr , M. P. , Phy. VETERINARY SURGEON , OfHoa Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street. ft I UrilUfTOQV Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup- \ Ui nCIlNkiUOT ; piled , 8th St. , between Gth and7th Avonno. Justice of the Peace , Notary Public JADOflTT and General Conveyancer , 416 B' way. SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. New Opera Honao. Befitted. $1 , $1 50 per day. DE GAY & GASSEL , CONTRACTORS Corner Sixth street and and BUILDERS Arenne G. AI RfiV NEW AND SECOND IJAND HOUSEUOLD WIJ nLiYllj GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway. rrntio'iii * I COUNCIL DLUFF CI fVVATKK WOIIKSCO } 20 I'oarl Ht .CouncilllluBs , Io a , Junofi.'iJJ. ) Notice ( a hcritiy ( { Ken tint th i retfohr annnl m ctln ol tlie mock'ol enoHhoGi ncll Illuftj City WntofV n.9 lonjp n ) ill bi > hill a ilie oBie : ( Ihu C tnpiny , o. ifl 1'iar' stre t , In'he cliy of Cou ell liluft , Inwa , on WcdncaiUt , the 1 th da ) ot Ju c , 1833 , at 2 o'clock p m , Jor t o e'ccilon nl dluct're , tj ccrfti ( or Iliounuhu joir , ami the tr > ii8 clon ( of mch oihcr bublucti u may lawfully : < : mt liefrre It , Tno tranHu bo kn ol the company will clo'o rn t rlJay , the 8th Jay cf JUT , 1883 , at 3 o'clock p. m , . uid l I itpnu on Tbii'ri'ay ' the 14th day ol June , 18r3 , it lOoclori a. m. U ) order ot the Hoard nf 1)1 cetera. JOHN II COZENS , Jo 6 7t Ataklict Secretary. taoa. orrioii. n. M. roaar , OFFIJER JUSEY , r Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - I860 In Fortln * ad DooutlU behw Dd bOCM M Wil t. P. OVERTON , DEALKH IN Hf.rd . Wood , Yellov7 Pine a id Red Cedar Lumber , On . iu ttcd U I'ar I'll'nc ' , CeJar Tckrririli | I'olesanil rencd ) oats , Oik I ) mcnalou i-tufl , Ililil e SlatciUi cf all klndu , at lied luck 1'iicea. A Siocalty | : In WOOD Al D COAL for brick yard purposn. A full supply rfwood and coal lwaya on bind it 3aril , K)2nd ) HOI Main street. Otllce , S05 First atenuc , bttncxn Main and Pearl ttrtetn. HORBAH , JBILBE & DO. , ! . xc. as The tlne t quality a'id larvett Block weat ot Chicago of Wooden and Metallc Caaeo. CalliM * tended to it all hourt. W cltfr entorietltlon D quality of rood * or price * . Our llrMorgan haa aerrea M uaaertaktr for fortr > n and tbot- oughlr uoo nlUMjl fall boatnew. Warerooma , SU Proaway. UPIIOUfTERIRO In ail Ita branctie * oromoUr alt nd d toAlto carpet-U lor u > 0 taaonqnlM. falagl . | i > la MM B4 Of Z. T. LINDSET & CO. , 412 Brudwnv , 0 mnoll HlulH , \ , „ . , , . ' " * A < Wcjt Sldu Square , ) B. S. TERWILLIGER , DECORATOR AND DEALER IN FANCY 31 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO. , EKU & 1)UJUETTK ) e \i > and 18 Pcarl-sfc. , Council BlUaTs , la. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN GROGERIESPROVISIONSBOOTS&SHOES XO2XT Drafts on Back of Ireland , Dublin , frilo. 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WET HAILB , $3 A KE& , AND OTHER CHEAP , AT DEVOL & WRIGHT'S , 504 , nnd 10 and 12 Main St. . routuj ] frluffr , Tova. MilM. . MoALIST * TDK LEADING DEALER IN * ! H Iff * VP * V V1 "J * % " " * -Mrrf Wf"Sr fl'r 4T t f JTA * A "f VM MILLINERY & HOTIOHS , 225 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. \ M. GALLAGHER , IRXJES Now Store , Freiih Oooda , Low Prices , Pollto Attondanta. First Door . East of the Metrepolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway -na-tu-th. f _ r febalynatuth. _ PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i WINDOW SHADES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FRESCOINaiN MODERN STYLES , -Ntl& North 18 Main ANp 20 HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD , MOKEY LOADED , ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. ROSE & M'MAHON CE1STOM HOUSE , MAXMOHN. PROPRIETOR , 215 , 217 and 219 south Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . . IOWA. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THK LEADING DEALER IN 3E& C * 837 Broadway , Oonnoil Bluffs , Iowa. GOUHGIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertlicrcenta , cue Lcit , Found , To Loin , For Sale , To Rent , Wanta , Boaidlnz , etc. , wilt bo lanortod In tbl column at tbo o - rite of TKK CKKT3 IT.R LINE for the flrot Insertion and FIVE OKNTf ) PER LINE for each eubec'inonk Innoitlcn. I/iiTO adv ortlscmo at cor office , Ho. 7 Purl Street , near nuadvcay. Wnnta. - M'uillan m hou cktcp"r or nil BO Kidruticis glien. K quirj at 417 I rcuilnay , C until llhlfla - eltintlon m a mll'tr. ' If. jeirs WANTKD-A . 5 jcnri tn ! er roller iiroirrg. No 1 etoueilrtatcr. Addicva II , No.S lisa OXco. - KveryboJf In Connell Blufft tote WANTED Till On , 50 cente per week , da llvenxl by carrion. Office , No I Pearl 8tre l near Urcdway. For Sale and Kent. TT\O3 SALE A hotel , fuinlsbid , goad locality I'and gooi termt. AiUrtM A. E. II. , llii OXce , Oouncll lllufli. MBS , fi , J , HILTON , M , D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON lit torwaAw * * . C BB UB1 V MKS , 6 , J , HARDING , M , I ) , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Graduate ct Electropatnlc Initltntloc , Phil * dclphta , Penna , OfflcB Oor , Broaflway & ( llonn Avo. COUNCIL DLUFFa , IOWA. Thf treatment ot nil dUnwii acd rtlnfal Scultlos peculiar to frualea it ( j ecUliy PROMPT CASH PAID. No commliil 'nichirgtd Send forQuiUtlona. M2 BroaJway. - ICOU.NCIL IILUFFS. W , R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Om h and Oouncll Bluffi Real EiUto & Colleotlon Agenoj. n Odd Ftllor block , otw