THE DAlL * B E"THURSDAY JUflE 14 fl FflUM DRINK. ItOlllo J unman Hub off lild Htijijily of Liquid Lightning , Atlti Mtllrt III lli Outirt llouta Wltll ttta Ooot Kult of Brink ( MI , 'iW < J of lud o ft Day with Air find Hr.-roleu , N t f0fttrtiflUnii H ; th * Ounrt 'fit * tltiry MJH lr o It f (1 Up. Ifilfi IVrAlt gj * < l ! liinMtfh ( atill UM , WylNtllsiiTtiH , Juno 111 In obodl Mi I'd to ihu dlrtotloti el JudKO Wyllo tliu Btar r"titu jury oatno Into outlU itt 1 1 itlfi n in , to rccolvo lust too- llntiH ( in pnliil. < ol law before Buatod , Jdidf Viirnoil , who nni liok during llio night , UII on the tlaor In it lit , Iln In now tltidur thu earn ol n phjsi- olmi , Tlio remaining jurors returned lo tliulr room. In iiliotit llftpon inlnatia Diputy Mirilul KoMott ropottud that Vernun WAK tutting Up , nttd < ronld noon be all light , Jtidijo Wyllo said , ' 'I hnvu a iletil o ( doubt In my ml ml In tutu - tu ( ho uunitquuiicei of this uooutreiicn. This nun Ims been drinking A good dcnl. lit ) la a hwrd ( ( linker , DiHlng Iho proems at llio tilnl , on oiio ucij.-lon , I Imti tu lake him . * nlao i\td : Him him .n pretty sharp arfinoniihn ulul ho promised tu iibatAtn , but I huvv ( ilxcrvul tlut bo lint rmumod hurd drinking , uud I supiicna thus bomy autillttuil In the j ny mom nndcu tln uff supplier ) of ( .nut kind re&uked In this Mltuck , 1 don'e ' kilo * wuothtr it U itollrluin tromotis or rnnnta. 1'orter llal fie U not fn to bo on thu ju.y norr , 1 nuppoao thu doctor will glvi ) him n pri > tcriptlon mid It will prolmuly bu brnudy or whisky. Thti ( J/yor tlu uvi < ; lvuu U tu him. Morrlck 1 3Upposo whfttevor the doctor priButlhi ) ! ) 'or thu jaror can bo ink MM I/ him , I'liu Judge Undonbtidly but a prescription uf tlila kind In npt to Imivo till inl ml In NO nhittsvud a condition tu oruntud.flhulty. Dopnty Mitatinll He in all right. JnUu | ; Wyllo Then the jary , can como ItHck , duty cntno back. Foreman Crane nald : ' Y'ltir honor , ono juryuuu do- ilrrA tu nak n qanttlon ot Iho court , I'D most of ui u seems a quo'tlim of ( not , but wo pmfor tu let Uarrt au npoak for hlmuttlf. " Judge Wylto The court will h-ar hla ij'iuillim nud If it ho a ( peedon ol fuui no will not undertaku ID p en upon U. Juror Harden then replied In a O'jniuaed muuuur and put a question. to the court uf mi ulaiuat uuUitclllgi- bln charaitor , whluh adoiuod tu rolutu tu the date of certain orders made bj llfrtdy , raid tu the u&turo of tlu "atuinlilinx block" whih br.-tdy an ; : ho futttid in hij rty. Jud u YVyllr' - 1 ! > ? nro qtmtiom of Uot u tid nut Uw and It U not foi the court to instruct yuu in that con tiuotlon , NJIT , ( { oriUiuosn , you h ve hud n itck member of the jury with yotl hnd a dUugruoablo ( CctJtmt , hnp thlo morning. Hor.ofmr to Ci In n moaettro rojtoiod , and I hopj hi will bo nblo now to patform hla antlue , I don't propooi ) to ( llaiihar c tbl : jury very easily. Thij iii the ctcond tlmi this oitao had been ttiod , and I dou'i with tu put any undue atrosu upoi yuur minds , bat the court thlnke j-.n uaght tu Rureo ou n Vtirdlo ; of auuit kind , You can rotlro ugalti. The Foreman Yonr honor , wi Imve not agreed upou a question o oontplntcy. In 0590 no ohould egret upon the Kullt c ( any ono of thu par tloi 1 nioh to hnorr It wo can report ti the court Jmlgo Wyllo No ; yon must report port a vordlct n a whole , according tu my InatrnotloiH. Yon can dcod ! upon any point In thla Indlotniont li any order or time , but a vercllc1 , < rhci reported , mutt be a complete vordlo and not bated upon pi rt of thn In1 dlotmont , bnt upon Iho whole. Ther nro aabilantldlly hut two qacattono I ; the Indictment. First as to the con piracy : O.i thnt yuu huvo a rlgh tuny whether defendants , or nuy c them , are coucjrnoa with Kardall t that coneplraoy If you dccldo tin there w n uon ptracy with him yo mnit Bay who waa ongtgod 1 It. lint that U not all , yo tncit find , at bint , ouo overt act fol lowing. If yon find am ono overt bat It l.i your duty to rande a reid'ct ' as tu the pirtlea so found nd that oovorj the whole ground Youoinnotiythat you find oouiplrnc and no overt act , or an overt act anne no conspiracy. A verdict of gollt tnustbu n general verdict in that we ] A verdict of not guilty , of cc-arai coveri the whole ground , and that U rule aa to the whole or any number < defondanli. The forerain oornplMnodof thohljj temper < % tnro cf the jury room , on naked tu bo permitted to walk la tl Oily IU11 park , tu which request tl court toicded , Buying ho weald tre' ' the jury well a ; proaont , but Int mitlnz that a rssort might be hi to the common law rnla "Daprlv tlon of light and food"- a vcrdf wan not eon forthrorutcg. The dt- nty miMhal waa Inntructed to allo Jiuor Vernon to drinks pi day , but to p'vnt circnlttlon of wlikoy bjttlo uoiou ) ; tha j trorn , * ar the court took , a recess nnill 10 A i to morrow , with thu understand ! : tht It would meet to receive n re diet if the jury should ajroo upou 01 before that honr. CAPITAL NOTES. 3p * Ul Din t * * j to Tun Un. STATIONS llNTISUEn. J'l. ) ' 13 Cin ; ro appr pruHufor > noxr. &toyatr \ , iu.ujdUia r'lscon.i naflM of lha folluwtog ii'tuied atttlo U midtf n ( MBury &ud ordered : Ei ; I'm , Tex ; K ln Ujak , Idaho ; F' KetMh , ftl"n .j Fort MUfonla , Mon Vie he Nev 5 Panta Rosa , Fli Kiobe t r , N Y ; Sn Antonls , Te : SinU Fa , N. M ; Springfield , M Tuason , Ar'z ; Vliall * , Oala ; F < Waefcinkle , Wyo. ; Wlnoemncca , Ne Toe following nsrocd dtatloct of t t Ihltit oltM will hereafter ho n > > 'Allicnl KI etalloui of thu fliB'cUtt ' ; Fort Oustfr , Mont. ; Grand Oily Tcs. OIIUISINU HOUND 1IIR HbltH. WAHIIINOTIN , Juno 13 The BGC- oad hinrd of Inipootlon having ro- reri'd the fintllnn uf the first board mid proiiDUiiio.l thn 1'idta saawnrthy , ahitwill jail from Norfolk July lit , on n Vi > yti' nround Oipo Uorn to Alft'.k * . IKr tutttity , huwuviir , will not b > * put on h iord until BUU roachai Sin Fou- o.tcu. IUVKKUB Iir.URllTH. Thn president , in consultation with the soarotary of the tremurrnd cam- uilnlunor of Internal rovonun thN nfttiraoon , In re nrd tu thu jn-i.p utl ruluotlun u ! the unmbar of intern * ! revenue dUtrloti. \ ODinp\rtivo nUt , munt hno boon prepared at the trctmiry depirtmuut showing the do oruasii In reni.lo'B the lleoii year to Juno 1st , $7,173,030 ; for the fi-at quarter of the present fnl l yf-ar the receipts nero abunt { 6,000 000 In tx o.'ns uf the reoolpti of thn oirrttpond- lug period u' the year 1831 There hni boou u grivltial reduction olnca that tluio h iwuvnr , whloh It In csti > muted will am Mint to nearly $10 000- 000 by thn end uf the pro tout fucal year. HtAR MIIL RBKVIOB In the BooMon of country ootnprla- lug thu Indlux tucrltory , KUISAIJ , No- br hk and Dikoti , the ooat uf tha nur mull nervloo f.rthi > year ondloi ; Juno , 1882 wi\i $003,081' , the mileage bi'lna ( i,803,073 ; the ooat nf thn Bfr- vicj for the year oudlug Jnnn , 1883 was $395,060 , nnd ralloaga 7 601) ) 7o7 , nhonlng th ro hat buon a reduction in the c. > it of torvloo the pait year of About $110 000 , while the mileage in creased nearly a million. SPORT1SG. ProurouH of the SbootlnToiirnumemt at Lincoln Inn Turf uncl 'Dlnmona 8p cl l UlKpstcCM to Tin Dr. * . TUB BlIOOTIhO TOUUNAJIENT LIXOJLN , Jane 13 , There was qilto n largo attendance at thu fair yronnds bath to wltuoaj aud parttcipVo iu tha ahooti'Jg tonrunmeut , the day bciag very bright and pleasant und thu blrdn iu lluo condition. The firs' ; matc'a on the prnrrt-jicno [ ; wan for thu champion toaca cold modal of the Nebraska State Sportamon'a ustoctatlou , presented by I'forzheltnor , Keller it C ) . , 18 John struct , Now York , thronfjh E. Hallott , of Lincoln , Neb , open only to mem bers of the atato association , toitmi of two , 10 sntlo ! ; blrdi luslu'led , the badio to rnwiUn thoprcp.-rty uf the Nubr tka Siato Sportaiuun'a ostcctft- tlou bus 'ho toum wlnuing it may ro- tixln It ou yeAr , the to in DO holding ha r.nli'ldd ' to the untr.inca f ioa ccxt year , any club having the privilege to ; : ? many toinn m they defer - for thir. coute&t Tim aoore wan n follows : Dunham nnd Hillett 18 II.ft. amlO K. Rnith 17 Jlitliawsy Hnrlnf 15 K \V Deu nnd Browning 18 Uiniwell nd Je ! d IS . ' . W. Ueunml Kbetly 20 Jt oiler acrl lliiininell 18 J. W. Don and Eberly , ot Nemata , tock thu ptlzi. ' 0otist No 0 , jrir.-i a allvor cap , presented in AIuj , 1877 , bythoPlatts month Sp.irtamcn'd clabj for olub four rnorabiru oi r. olnb tn sti & t-iatu , 10 &lnglo bird > i , 21 rhi ! . Untranoo , coRf of blrla ; Hi\llott , Hath * 6y , Diinhii - , ilcliride , of the Lliicoln c uH ; tuti.l 31 Siniih , Law- ! , Smith , J. N. Smith , o ! thn l'l Uimontt\ club , total , 33. T. W DMI , Kserly , J. W. Den. Bro\7n- ITU : , of the Nrtiuha club ; tottl , US , Stra.ilurfVbh , K-lley , Ward , cf the lj ncatcr olubj tntjl , 33. IJwJ , B rdwpll , Fitih , White , of the Tekatuih c'utotnl ' ; , 33. IJricy , Lll er , Simpson , Hummel' ' , o ! tboUmnhn Wcrkinjmeu'a club ; total , 12 , The Nomnha tuim took the prlzi by n acoro of S3 birds out of a pcnaiblc 4' ' ) . Furae No. 7 , open tom9mbara of the asaocUtion only , fire pairs , wild birds , 18 yards' rlae ; tica two pair 21 yards' rise , ICO yards boundary , en trance $5 , birds included. Parse , $200 first prizs $80 , eocond $00 , third $40 , fourth $20. The icore was an follows : Smith and Potty ; eocond to Ilslee third to Matthowson nnd Hughes , auc fourth money to liuicmul. Oontes No 8 , only half tinlshsd ; It will b ( fiaishod early to morrow morning. CHAETEK OAK PARK. Jatio 13 Class 2'J2 ; parao $1 OCO , Director won , Dtt Smith second , Wlnut third , Ccrnelli fourth ; tlmo 2:22i : , 222i ; , 2-.22J if 2:22 : } 2:22 : , 222f ; j 07 < , 1'rlnoo won , Blaokmai M.Ud Pfomd. K l third , Onwan foartb ; time 2'JI5 : , 2:20 : , 2:28 : , 2:29. : lir.KlllTO.V 11KAU1I RICES. niuouro.v liEAOu , Juno 13. Llgh rnlna did i.ot tutoriero with the race tn da ) . In the i3a-.h of five-eights of a mile iron , ilukory Jim second " iliirtf ; tlmo , 1:03 : Thru'-q'nrf'tn of a mile , Clara 1 : wnti , El.mchi nin Becond , Loudo r-i-i'j ; tlco , 1:10J : Fivelyh'.tis of a mile , two-yoai olda , on , Australian set ond. I'oot third ; Mwo , 1:03. : 'R ' Mtlo nnd a qii rtor , Gaorgo H'lke wou , Tupvty eecund , Uonlsotti thlrc ll-ne , 1:58 : llnrdlo rscn , IlDihentor won , Bust * 39ond. } Jolj ! of tUu North third ; n tlmo taltrn. ( J1VIKOTON RACKS. COVISOTOV , Juno 13. Fourth duj o'.nh ' pnr e , mils and B furlong , L'zzi ' rs S Tf.nj , Luc ? May , second , EJwlu A he tuird ; time , 1:69 : n- S-tm'.lon otilcca , 2 yoar-uldt , throi quirtaraof n mile , Geu. IT-trdiug wo : Aaoilon , eecoud ; time , 1:24 : rt Rlppla atikcj , uulden 3-year-old t. ; mlle and a qcurter , Lsonhtna rroi Jlarkland , suond , Ocollot , thlr time , 2:25 : Olnb purao , heatt , thrfo-qu&rtors i irt a tntle , Marne/ Aaron won , Roy ! IV. Oiuke , seond , Milaslno , third ; be IV.ho time , 1:25 : , CROOK'S ' VICTORY. Additional Details of the Fight in the Passes of the Sioim The Hostiles EurprisedJnTheir Fastness and Quickly Routed. Savon Inditna L"fc Dead After the Firet Volley from the Scouts. Crook's Poroaa in Command of tha Camp with Scaroaly a Wounded Man. Thn Huitlles Loaded Down with Gold , Stlvar , and Other Val- nablo Plunder , Special Dltpakh to Tai Dii. Ciiiinao , Jane 13 A Tacioa spec ial tu Tno Trlbuuo B yj : The apcoUl courier ot The Trlbuno arrived at Tombstone Sunday night from Orook'i headquarters a ; Silver Creek , AritDoa , brlngluu the first till oUl information of Crook's expedition. It left Amsrlcin toll ou the 3i of May , matching 200 miles southeast from San Bernardino , on the bounda ry line of Cilhuahua and Sonom , fol lowing the ttnil of the hoattles. Crook was guided by tha Apicho Niditiki , who waa captured near SmOrtrlno just previous tu the ( xptdltum. Li vlnp at a point abjnt 200 miles south of ho linn the coumuud oroajod the S.urra Mtdres range , advanced filty nillrs over an Indescribably roe h 1 , eight moloj being killed by fll- ini ; over pceclploea , mid pros.ibd on without delay , rendered nearly bare foot by tbo sharp rockc. TUB OAUP DISCOVERED , After fourteen days of hard march ing , nlfjht and duy , the Indians' oimps o ( Cj&to and Bonlto were dis covered iu thu heart of the Sierra &l drcj in uu almost impregnable po- oltlon. Thu Apaches did nut dream of an attack , fur the entrance to the utirouijhold vraa next to Imposeib'e , and tha w&rrlora wore principally out on n raid under Jub , only thirty-suv on 4)001(9 ) being in camp with the wo men and children. THE SURPRISE , The San Carlos aconts , nndor Cipt , Crawford and Llenta , Atwood and Mscksy , with Al Sabre , Mclutonh , and Mlckoy Free , chiefs of the scouts , stirronnded the camp before the hoa- tiles wore aware ot their picxImUy , and ndvaccid from dill'orent points , and wsvo near before they wotu dia- covered. The acouto eesrctod thnm- aelvoa bulilud rooks and commenced lirlug npon the camp , onuting u per foot pt > ulc. A numbur auccoedua in escaping , thoagh nearly all surrend ered. 8CVEX 0001) INPIANH Savon wtre found dead in Uncimp. Flvo Mtxtcitn wumon aud u llttlo ? lvl were rec&pturtd. They > ? ere tukun from Cirmon nnd Chihuahua , und nre now with Crook in good health. E/erythlnn in the camp wan bainod > j carit.d off by the sours Aimcii ; * hn propeity captnrjd were 10D pjuieiatid ojulw , forty bhiiu lon'li'd ' with plun der , fidilc ! , glr lea , oio'ha. ' % pj'd nnil ollver watcheir , and eovci-al thouain.l doiiir ! : i , ' ; old , oilvor and greeabftckp , shotviug that they had bojn very uuO' C33ful in their raids THBCVPIUnCD ClItKFa After the f'ght most of thoan < rhc escaped oamo in. Altogether 383 pria oners were takan. Tao chiefs oip turod were Ohnto , Banlto , Ger.mlmo , F chcZj Loco and Nana. The twc latter vraro long reported dead The chiefs oeys an Ameiicin bay &h years old , captured a month 030 , ic Now Mexico , with Is the tquiws la thi mountains. He is uo doubt Ojtrll" AlcCcmas , Runners wera uont ou and they are expected hourly. Afte : the fijht tha command with pi-isoneri marched lelinrely back to Amerlcai soil , and the entire command wlti the prisoners are now encamped ur Silver creek , about sixty miles sent ! of Tombstone , CROOK'S COMMAND SABB. Not ono of Crook's command wa lost or even wounded during the ram patgn. The Cltiten and Epltapl courier , who accompanied the expedl throughout , rode sixty miles to cl& ; in six hours , with only three relays a horaoe , to bring out the dlsp&tohca. DETAILS 0 TUK CAPTDRE , Thoconricrstates thatanother roasoi why Crook romalna at Silver Crock i that ho Is nwalting norm from th secretary of war as to what dieposltioi to make the Indians , ni Wllcox , th agent at Sin Carlos , refused to rccalv them , and that ho will go back to < h Sierra Madras after the rest of th hostlles if they do not como. In con versatlon with Smith , the conrlo mentioned , ho stated that the hostile had plenty of money. Oce ol sqaatr , who was the poeneeaor o thren bills , made Inquiry of aamo oni at Co ) . Btddlo's ui to the valu of her possessor. Upon bulng i formed that the notes wsro for S each ftho grunted and decided t negotiate , nnd pointed with her aklun fiager to the naught after the five o aoh note. Qlta a nuiabor of back had stiver stars and other orn < > meni hoiton oat of Mexican dollars onthol headgear , aud several of them Amu can double eag'es made into nosl lacor. A rough KU033 ejtimato of th amount ot wealth nuiont ; them is full ยง 5,000 , end probably mnro. Tl : troop find picVara of the commit ] state that the placa where the ciptni occurred In the protticot bpatonofrt ! and the road ti it rongSer thia m > i Ul man cvar trod. M ckey Frao , tl noted scout , statoi that ho h : worn cat R pair of boots and thn of moccisina on the trip , L r. nnmbors of the hoatlloa seemed p'uaas ' with tha situation , evidently expos log .vumtnudinte return to the Heal pota of Sin Oarlon. The on complaint cornea from some i the eqaawa whoso bucks are amoi thoio who made tluif osoips. Om'jo who wera with the expedition st& that Crook had surrounded the I dims before they knovr of his prc ence ; that if not done so It wou have taken six months and all the men Iu Arizona to have gotten thorn. CROOK'S .VOUKVTV. As an Illustration ot Crook's modesty and total absence of fuss and feathers In his mako-np it may bo atatod that although the light and ocoured on the of last month. Ho leisurely retraced his stops tn Cimp Supply , at Silver Ornok , not Bunding a ninulo courier ahead to signal his movements. The first Inti mation had of O.Mok's return with the quarry was the arrival of a lieutenant at Col , Middle's head quarters at 8 a. m. Sunday with dls patches for G inp Bowlp. the nearest army toltgraph station. Upon making inquiry concerning tha uononir. who was supposed to ba 100 miles dhtant , In the Sierra Madrcs , iumglno the snr- prlso that awaited the camp , when in formed that Crook was only two hours bthlnd , with thu captured Apaches. About 10 o'clock the general rode intec c np , with an escort , aud ho greeted Gjlouol Blddlo with "A nlcomorting , colonel , " nnd straightway struck cut for the wash-basin , which ho had "plod , and was soon encaged in per forming his ablutions , after whloh ho throw himself into a camp-stool and engaged In conversation about his campaign In an off-baud way , as if hnutiug the orneleat and fiercest fee ou tbo continent , in the wildest aud most inaccessible country to ba found , waa a matter of everyday occurrence. The reported loss to the Indians in the tight was BOVOU bucks. A lieutenant , name unknown , was the only person wounded in Crook's command , aud ho bnt slightly. Commencement Kzaroli * * at Lin coln. Special Dispatch to Tin B i , LINCOLN , Jono 13. The university commencement exorcises ccsnrrod ted - d y. The weather was bountiful. Omaha takea two honors 0 Clemens Uhasp , bachelor of arts ; Champion S. Ohase , L. L. D. TELEGRAPHJNOIE3. Sptc'at Dlrpatchei to Tun BIB. The International Military Rifle team will nail for England Tuesday. Norman L. Munroe , the New York pub lisher , hnn begin action for liuet against Jus. Gordon Bennett ; dnmigoe , 5100,000. The Mexican government has ordered troops to the new gold diggings of Lower California. The prefect uf the territory ban been ordered not to admit location * ) until he has received special instructions. In tbo i > ult uf Clmlfls A. Ilown. of Bos ton , for $50,009 ngaliut the Fitchburg railwav company , ttio jury gave a verdict fur $12,000 , llowa wan nn ex inert mess enger and WAS crippled for Iffe in a col- liiion , owing to tba disobedience uf orders by n conductor , The committee cf the board of trade in vestigating tha charges r f i-diiltorritlon lu lnr > l manufactured by Fowler Bros. , In Chicago , vslted the packing establishment ot that tinn yesterday and examined the machinery used fa the manufacture of the allayed adulterated product. Ksporteru were excluded dnilng the examination. A Serlani Accident. SpecIM Dispatch to Tun Ills. BUIDOE , Oonn. , 13 At the coiomoutea attending the dedication of the soldier's graves and monumentc to d j , while a tiduto was being fired in honor of the Rovornmont , by . bat tery of nrtilloryfrom thin Frt , Trnrn- ball , WilllamH jj and Sodgwlck posts , Q. A. II. , were passing at the time , receiving Iho conten'a cf two ROtm In their ranks. The first dlschnrga wi\ : received by Williams post , but the soemm ) , which watt mire oerinin TIM rosulvfd by tlio S.d- wlclc r-tJSt , Eighteen men worn in jund moro or Ictcac rlouft'y ' , iiafollow Crannvtider J. 0. Urami-r , of Solj ; vfick Poj1 , Norwich , popperoi from head to foot with p.nvdur , uiod than 3) ) pfeoos of coaiaa potvdor having on- twrod h's tide and limb ? . L oatciunt Win. Carruthora , ncsiatant pietvnai- tcr ut Norwich , hand bcu'acd from pof.v'3or. It la fented hlo Injarlei are fatal , Charlca Young , of Norwich , artery cut on log , hloadlng profauly , and pappsrjd iu the face , bond and body with coarse powder. The In. jarlca of the others are ICBS oerionr , The Itijurod men were conveyed tc private residences , and modlcul at- tondanca was promptly onmmonod. The Pop * and IriihAmericans. . Special Diapatrbei to Tun Lin. CIIICAQO , Juno 13 Bishop Spald Ing , of Poorla , arrived here to-day , oi hla way homo from a vtelt to Home where ho had a conference with Pop * Lso. Ho declined to bo interviewed bat ono of the local churchmen In hli confidunno ttnteo that the pope ha fully decided to call a conference o American arahblshopa , to bo hold It Rome in September next , for the pur poao of considering the condition nm discipline of the Oithollo church ii this country , and , it in understood , ti consider thu irholo subject of the attl tudo of the Irish National Losgao o America toward Great Britain , am the position which the head of th churah ehould assume toward that or ganlntlop. Oklo Greonbuokera. Special Dlipatch to Tni Uni. Cotnunus , Juno 13.Tho croen back cjnvcMilion nominated the follow ing ticket : Governor. Ohas Jenkins lleutenat governor , Wm. Biker ; BU promo jadg * , short term , n A. Ohatr borlaln ; tupramo judge , lone tone Jr.n. K. Qrogan ; clurk o { the suprotn court , Wm. Beutr ; attorney ganora Lloyd G. Tuttle ; auditor , Ool J. E Rhodes ; treasurer of stale , Joh SH'Z | ; cnmmlssloner of public sohooV J. M. Oise ; member of board of put lie works , John J , Soribner. The C ; olonn In Knniai- Special Dlrr tcL to Tin UH. ABILENE , Juno 13. A reporter hi just returned from the trsck of tl : iiturm which occnrrad along the lir of Clay uuiD.skluson counties , Tc honaes were blown dowu anU thirt etablen deraolL-lud , O 10 email chi ' .a killed ard five people injurci none fnUally. The liousa of MtlUi Ay era nas b > > atnrn * , Aycn at wlfo rcv.0ii"y b-uiiod und a lltt cb.l.i bo-n ! a ti < i'i aaco , bu ( . four two hourn r.frorrrad ualujaroj. Tt torrn of laJa'.lry did not Bovorcly isi < loji 'rtd yesterday The w s bat ono nouso doitroyod and i ouo wai injured. Grant ! Lidio tlifloers , Speclil Dljpatch ta Tim Cii MILWAUKEE , Juno 13. ThoMaso of thu Su'.e ilwud Ledge scssh olociud L E Reed , 'of Hlpon , Me Worshipful Gud Master , Oliver Li bsy , Gren Bty , D put Grand Mater tor , II. V. Virgin , Viroqua , Sent Grand Warden. IOWA HEMS , The State Qatlioring of the Un- teroflBfl Deiuocraoy. Tbinninfj Oat the ThuRa The Oouditiou of the Crops Railroad A Pointed Allntlon to tha Papal Ball 1 > j tha IrUhmaii of Dt fiSolurl. SL r * l r.oni r I'mi. DE.S MOINKS , Juno 7 , The history of the democratic convention , which not hero yesterday , would bo mighty lice reading , if It could bo gotten , bat t will never BOO daylight. Soflijo it : o any , the "Mlsolelppl river saloon jjlt , " as Colonel Clark , n democrat , terms It , swept the deck aa clean na n platter under the uoso of n hungry dog , And moro than that , ttiJy inur ded the free trade , silk Blocking fol lows. The delegates from the n > rth , west and central part of the state , when they arrived hero , freely ex pressed their Aversion tu the lioruo racing , poker game , jo- jund god uf beer , ideal judiciary , out they teen learned that Gin- brlnui was on top. It waa a notice able fact that the soldier was entirely Ignored by the convention. It la true Jerry Murphy , of Davenport , extolled In fitting words the army service of Col. Morritt , in presenting his name for governor , but without effect. It la trno Bouton county delegates were instructed to secure , if puaalblo , the recognition of the soldier in the plai- form , bnt It doss not appear therein , So the ooldler h&s no honor whloh n democratic state convention Is bound to respaot. Judge Day has secured the delegation from his own county uf Fremont , and it is stated ho will thooo of Binggold , Taylor , Decatur , Page aud Olatk , A VEXED QUESTION. There is likely to arlao a vexed question in the Nlnotoonth sanatoria ! district , which formerly consisted uf Hardln nnd Hamilton counties. The last legislature made & new deal ; Har dln aud Grnndy counties were pat to gether aud made the Thirty Fourth district , and Hamilton wna put into the Tcirty Ninth district. In 1882 , John L Kamrar , of Hamilton , WHS elected senator for four yeare. By operation of law , his district ceases to uxlat on the 4th day of July , 1884 , and yet ho hn ; ouo session tu corvu. The new district will probably olrct Mr. Huff in October , who will claim his tight to a seat. The senate on h va but 50 membarf. . Gin Mr Kamrar bo unseated before his term uxplrc&l Cm Jlirdln county have two Roimtors at the aamo timt ? There vtili bo u contest ovur the matter. Marshall nnd liucai counties have , at their primary republican olucttoue , declared in favor of prohibition. In Marshall county the icano waa mane fquarcly on candidates for the lglfli- turo , J. G Dobbin being a lil h license and J. G. Brovrn declaring tor prohibition , A clcso cauvaa ui the county wns uiudo. The delegates tu the state convention are positive pro- htbltlouUta , P. M. Sutton , ono cf the moat brilliant lawyers uf the utaU' , vias Dt'Icottd to cnccocd Duloa Arnold , who haa served the county so long , but who clrultiiud turtuur ccrvlcj. SLIGHTLY 1 * HOKAL At a hrRO and cnthcslostic nteotint ot Iziahmon told hero ou Tuesday thofollowiunrcaolutlona , wltti there , were adopted : rsoLVKD , That we who nre of Iri'l unge , ai.U the frioudsof I eland ro idenl Des Alomor , deem it a , duty und \\\y\ \ \ \ rivile oto ooiitritute our inlte toward tbi ftymout of thia iiiojt juat debt , and wi ill do it , even if some "dUtinguinhei er ona nre ineulced" nnd have their "jias " , on iuthmed" thereby. lUbOLViiu , Tflat dnecendanta < , f the mat who rtHiaied Henry Plantagenet and Nlch Us lirtaltepur In the Twelfth century Hell'1 und Oliver Cromwell in the Sov nteentb , will na resolutely oppjsi the em resa of India , with nil h r cohort ) anc Hie ? , whether they ba holy or unholy , ii } in Uit quarter of the nineteenth century It la uselecs to aid the Irish Natlonu 3figao was tnlly indorsed. DIED WITH TIJEItt BOOTS ON. The Crooked Creek crowd , whi lave tetrofizjd Andubon , Shelby } &i and other counties for severs cars by their vlllalnoua exploits an Betting thinned out , and they an olng with their boots on. A fev weeks ago , Carl Strahl bit the dust and John Mllhollern , who WAS wltl ilrn , lost au eye by bullets frou iiorge Halleck , Roll Strahl htd gen > eforo. Jubn Anderson heard tha am Howlot , of Atlantic , nccneei 1m of Bteallng n jug of whisky. Wit ! fames Brown they went to Atlantic ti Ipo out the dltijraco , hut failed ti find ilowlet. Sq they wenl to Wloti o nvengo themsclvou agilcat witness oa against them before the gram ary ; but they got In the lines ot tw leavily loaded guus tired in the dark and Tent dowr , as Brown romirksi > afore he expired , "shot all to h II. Two tnoru uf the gang are abiont WillUm Northgravea and UjLert V < ii Winkle , who roblnd Dr. Ballard elnco docusaed , of (3,000 and fl d , bo recently wrote one of the "boya" the would be back when the Icavci wcr on to avenge the kllliug of Strati ! Bow they will sacceod depends o who gets the first "drop. " Milhollor Is rocoverlng from his wonudj , an will attempt to got satisfaction of Ha lock , who is a dead shot , The com inanity brcat'nea freer than for mac years , bat thu three left of the gati are dcepernto fellows btid inaplroa \ whisky are fie for devlllth decdi , THK OLIIN CROP. The outlook for corn is not encoa : aging In lowjt A very largo area not yat planted , end much that wi planted mmt bo replanted , and il 10th of Juno IB very late tu plant cui in this state Yet many formers wl were hero from dill'jrent p rta cf tl state this week , and who have hi much oxporleuco with late plantln Bay If coin can bo got Into the grout thia wock , with a good aouon , it wi como out all right , for Iowa has nev failed to pull up at the last end of tl aonsau , Some uf them , however , re commend planting Yankee ; orn , as requires a shorter season , and w produce a larger crop and better co than Iowa seed , 11IC1II LICEMiR , The license to sail whisky , alias al rrlno and bser , has boon fuod at tl following rates In the cities name Dnbuqtto , fj5 ( ; Iowa Oily , f 120 ; Mar- ongo , f 180 ; Divoupori , J200 ; Oodar lUpldB. g'JDO ; Slonx Olty , fMO ; Kco- knk , $300 ; Onunoll Itlutb , $300 ; Hur- Hugton , 5100 ; Hoone , $500 ; Fort Dodge , Sul'O ' ; Washington , ff > CO ; Spencer , SCO , ) ; Oikalooaa , $000 ; Dta Moltifg , $1,000 ; Ottnmwa , $1COO ; Bedford , ? 1 COOj Urcst'D , JJ1.000. At Bedford it Is provided there shall bo no door soreous , window shutters , chairs , settees nor billiard tables In any saloons , and no minors allowed to outer. Drinks must bj taken open and square. OONOUtSOMAN DEKIllNO , Kx Congressman N. 0. Doorlng , on account of greatly Impaired health , has decided to go to Washington tnr- rltory for a time , to recuperate. lUlLIUUlt UiTTEUB. The Wabitsh surveyors are running the nnrrotr guugc through Lyon coun ty , and it Is expected the road will be pushed forward to Hock Rapids nt once. The objective point , now , cf this road la S.oux Fulls , Djk. The managnrs uf the diagonal real nro at work very quietly now. Sinoo Wilson was hero from Now York the brass bauds aud claquors have boon called off. nnd there is loss bluster and nolto. The most ( hat gets to the public nro accomplished facts. It is qulto evi dent to a close observer that the pro ject IB not nbnndonod or Bold out yet , The DM Motties & Fort Djdgo mana gers are mnking arrangomontn with the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul to run passenger trains from this city to Spirit Like , to leave hero In the oven- lug and arrlvo nt the like curly next morning , The election of Mr. Cable a * president of the Rack Itltnd neces sitates another promotion along the line , according to the rnlo on that rotd. E. Q. HISOELLANKOUS. The Li GroBso , Southwestern & Minnesota , and Iowa Southwestern have been consolidated as the La Croeso & Southwestern railroad com pany. Tns road will run from Groou Bay to Li Ofosso , thence diagonally across Iowa , entering the alato at or near Hetpur , in Winnioshlok county , thence to Charles City , in Floyd coun ty , Ackley , In Hardlu county , thence through Boone county to Dea Molnon , thence eouthweut across the corners of Madison and Adalr counties and across Rtnc old county , thence to St. Joseph ur KaasM City. Tao outlro line hai boon surveyed to Bjone , thirty five mileu north of thia city , and grades fixed at 210. Tlio road frill be a con tinuous lluo from Green Bay and the pinery regions of Wisconsin to Mis souri. Tlio grades are light and the construction will bo easy. John J. Blair , the railroad king , has volun teered to iaruleh the Iran to lay the track , and n well known civil engi neer of Naw York is ready to take the contract for conotruction. The Wabiish in hustlin ? freight through from New York to IOWB. A citr load of fruit left Now York on the evening of May 29 and arrived at Ottnmivu on iho morning of Juno 1 , or tbroo dya and ono half from start ing , which U the quickest llmo on re cord fir fro gUt trulnn. It Is reported that nugotlaUnna nro pending for a trancfor of the flO'Called Diagonal rota to the Ocntril Iowa , nnd this IB moro apptrunt from the fact that the Central lown oilicUU went over the completed portion of the Diagonal a few d vs blnco from Marshalltown , but the Diagonal folks deny these rumore. Meanwnilo sur veys riro being mndo ud tubsidies Tnrkitl "p eotuh-Trest- thij point to-- nard Nebraska City , and prooecdlnga for condemnation of right ot way have been oimmouced , which looks very much aa though tlio original project was goinc ; throuoh. There la nc question the Central would be pleaccc to got hold of It. Hntlor County /5.ntl-liJonopouts Dispatch to Tus u . RISIKOS , Nob. , Juno 13 An on thustssticj Butler county auti mono poly convention at Dmd Olty to-d i unaniuiouiy ondonted Senator Rsy noldt' caurso in the hp'.olature. ' 11 jy noliis wan elected chairman of thi Hastings delegates Resolutions en dorslug S'lckol and Reynolds for dele gates to Chicago were adopted wltl great applause. Pnnniylrania Law * SpecfAl Dlspitcb to TUB Dm. HAKHisuURfl , June 13. The gov crnor has signed bills to ubollih th contract system in prisons and reform atory luatttutloni ; providing pa j man to miners for ell clean cool mined for better security and safety o bituminous coal miners' to prohibl polltloal parties demanding from off cials contributions fur political pui poses , and preventing sale of thoatr tickets on the streets. Mongolian Speclil Dispatch to Till lin VICTOP.IA , B. C. , Juno 13. Chinos Grms are quietly buying or leasing large quantity of real estate In th northern part of thci city on whhh t erect extensive baslness hoossi. Th transactions ara regarded as slgnlfi cant ofthu iutoutiun of the Chinos to tnouopollza trade in Ohlncno au goods with eastern Oinad on completion of the Canadian PaclGi LLS SYMPTOMS OF A < TORPBD LIVER Loss of Appetite , Bowila costive. Paia in the Heart , with a dull sen- Ention in the back part , Palu under the Bhouldor blade , fullness after en tintr , with a disinclination to ez- c-.tion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , ' Low spirits . . , . with a feel- Insr of laav' W < = nrincss , Dizziness , Fluttering at thoheurt : , Dots ] before the eyes , Yel- ow BUin , Ileadncho foneraily over the right eye. RostleBonoco , with IU ful dreams , hiRlily colored Uruio. ! d CONSTIPATION. . . ; . r > . JI.I.H nro rjpeolallj ulilitcil lo knell < akr , oiir ilnin ft- ft-ftH kiirli n iluitiuo < ir leelliiir na to .11 . uktintUli ( lie Kiillti rr. ' 11 > I iirr * use thu Aii | > etltf-tftti < l cans * ! r IhoLiHl ) ujTnUc oil I'lculi , thiisi r\ * tain U iinurUlutil , nnd bv tlielr Toulo Action n iho lUitrHtlieOruuiiK. Hc - uliir hliuiU nruiriHliirod. | fit u > . conu TUTTSHAlRDYE. IUm on WHifxpRB cli iire to a OI/ISST > ii liikluai > | illustliuortl liI'Uu . . . . , . niiviiratcolur AflHlit laiit-IK-IIH ly. S .Id . l > y llumrl < uorbiiitby k r > M < ic Oi'FICi : , : ifl MPUItAY KT. , W. T , f Dr. TITTMMiM lL r\ < , L THE D'JKIS ' DEMISE An Miraoft/MurflerBr / Shot to oaSJi t flnlontown , Pa. The Nutt Pills A Fnmtly of Three a Necro lit gp c ! ll ir tch toTni Uit PiTTSUt'itn , Juno 13 Post's Unlontowti ( I'll ) fpt'olnl Nutt , son ut Stuio TrcaenVr C > ; italn A , JS'uU , dromtBpd , nliut uuku ud N. L Dukes , MA fmh&r'n tntiflirtr , this ovoiilag ai 7.30 o'cl ck. Ilfljiihotfour tlmu.i , all the b.v'id . Ibkliiyiltict. . Duk-s ( Hi'd lii-JtMiny DiA < hnd been fnq.mmly WArntd o ! ui > ger in romn'iilni ; fit Uoluntuwn , .Sid ho lately mid thv ho would mirii stay theru or iu thu cnuntury , I1 ii. iitd llrtt ho hud nipron-i'd oi tin t u of Ctptalu N Hi , nut ! wus novn- nun on the street niter night I'- .liy : Jamo Nutt wnr icon pr ctioli t ; with a rcvulvor at hia hump nnd thl.-i uvun- ing about hall-p'Ut 7 o'clock l < o was standing at the paid Dho , when Dukes attnu along , As Dukci wu.i pio.ilog ho turned his head und noticed young Nutt , Just us ho stepped fiom the doorway Nutt tired , thn shut ihkiug effect in D iikcn' aide. Dokca nUrteu to run , when Nntt followed and nhot again , Bv this time DakcL w&u un the postdficj step ? , when ho rocatvod another otiut , and full insldo thu door. Nutt followed and fifed two more shots into DukoR1 prtctralo body , one taking ffi'Ot In the utck. Dukto wai .vJ baforo any ono oould uot to him. The revolver that did the work l& the sntno ouo that Oiplain Nutt rtlcd on the mornlog of hln doatli. V.ung Nott | ! Bvo hiuidolf up , nnd it nu / in j ill. Iln was otlm , bn Llo M a nheot. Fivu ihnta vcro IHfr ur of which took iffjct. The oolontr'tf jnry la now sitting. Excitement Is rui hlBh. hlBh.At At 11 o'clock to night everything wcs qalot. Young Nntt la not , qulto twenty yearn of ngu nnd IUB nlwcyo boon considered quiet and luotrotsivo. The murder which led to the trngody la still frenh iu the minds cf all , Dulton , < 7ho was engaged to Miss Lizzie Nutt , had written mfsmiouj letters to her father , Captain Nntt , qncntlonlng her chastity , nnd Captain Nntt , upon invitation of Dukes , had gene tu the lattorVt eoura ou D. comber 24 'h to BottlO tho'cffalr quietly , when D keo shot nnd Iclllod him. Tao murder created intonao pxcilumeiit rnd Daltoa was arrcatcd , trlod hid niq , luod. roliasu canaed yront ii di Llon > , nnd threats on hie life vou hc'.rci on all ildir , bat uo attempt vrsa : nude to carry thnm out , nndt' vraa ( ev' ' < rally bolievud Ui-it ho rronld bu ulloivrd to remain nt Uuloutonii onwoluoted. AInrdor ofa Ftimily. Speclll D.satch to Till Unit. COLUUBUS G , Juno 13 At Rock- fcid , C " > im county , A'ab. uia , J .rdno CrLi > ( ! = ( ! ' ) tn iid th huuci uf s peaoiful ci ,2011 , 1J jv.uii C-.iden , nnd Eliot h.m wii'ijy ' in ) . ; on nod , Tao wifu jumped nj | : n-cl t ; n ii-xt'u ahut hvr djxn. Tao ron ns.udto give the alarm ni d hn w u > ( hu shot. All wnrou'ituuily ki"d. ) ! A daoahter aged 14HTP , vc3 [ cl Mirt guvc-ebo alcrm. Thtrovns no prvucaian for the murd > ' ? n 'lilt conr.ity is tconred for the ti-'nJ. A 7rjr3 Arr steel fur Knrd r. 8p. cls.1 Ulti.ntch tuliu 1IJ . CISOINKATI Jui ) 13 Publication .u uiudo htr ) to 'is ; < t' thoir'tn < bfurnuou tit Cjlumbnr , Onlo , of WiiJiaru D ru.jh ueto ; , cnutgcd with the manivr oi Ribhorin' chlliiren nt AihlHiid , Kjiruiky , DrfCk.niliec 24 , 1881 Fauuiu and Robbi * G-b | ! i.s nnd Ummu Oarloo wcru f outid doao iu Q burnlug Louso. The plrla hn.i baun outraged. Three men were j.rnn"pd , GJO. Ellis , Wm. Nenl and Ellis Craft. E.llu madn a confaoalun upon which ho was convicted , nontenced itod hung , bnt was hung by a mob. Ncal and Craft were also son teucod to hang , end now await tbo decision of the governor os to the day of the f xocn- tlon. The arrest of Dlrcly was made upon circumstantial evidence which , it Is claimed , clearly Implicates him sod two other colored men , D.ibnoy Jones and Raabon Kendall , warrants for whoso arrest a Thn Enginser * * Special Dlipitch to Tni tin. CLEVELAND , Juno 13Tho Ameri can sooloty of mechanical engineers occupied all day hearing and diaoucelng technical pipers. There will bo a ro- cjptlon to-nlghfc at the opera houso. Another Cariosity for Barnam. Spec'kl Dtapntch to TUB Bu. CHIOAOD , Juno 13 Ono of the sea lions m Birnum'a inonagerlol&atijight ivvo birth to a young one , nnd it is thought to bo the < irat one born In captivity. The weight of the Infant is bf wflpn nix nnd nnvnn nnnnds SAKFORO'S RADICAL BUHE I'cvl tM , Wit r Ii hrtr. ci I cm tii Now anil I")01 H n Iru No BD-In t"e licid , Ncncnu Ho ilic't aid "ever n r-anil > r. 11 > d , I h klg iniii * l < UI 1'dtrul , in , mtiri-.e rlramed ai.d trail il lin-tth h co mil nn 11 , last i nul brail * K Mi ornl , and mamc K ed. ( ' < u h , 11 mliitin Dioi'ii.n j int > the Thro t , 1'alns In'liil'uat.liypi' , j , v > ntln-of ttiiuth a a K cth i o- ( t H'B-p ' , i tc. , cur d in e bo tlu it ' aUl al t''iri' ' , o o box C'\ti-rh l Holrcir. an i one l > r Kinlori * I ha'rr , in one I'a-Vt- , " , ol all ilriif-R i1 * . fo 81 Ask lor < . KOHIIH HAIIH-L i i KK , a ( iiueilNt 1'HI u ol Wiuh IUzil.Ani 1'itio 'a ' Kr M > tliHc\-r ; ul.t- 8 > IH" , CtC. ruTTXIl IRI 11 AMI CliruiCAk Co IJcst ui for ilio ill 11 nnl pr krii- > ti n , th * In tant It ii applta. ) VOLTAIC / /o ( H ikiiin titin , Niur i'i V'A Si l tl , Cousin , Cnld , W , ik , | . IU i. , H onuih Howelg , I1 * ! . .HjUuibneia , . Ui , Uvcr . * * . Uliiloui l\\cr - - - , - - - \ , NMalarKianil l.piiieinln , iuo Krrtr'e ' ' - I'atte-y l&ujhit | 'Ui ( iV K or ) b it