TEE OMAR \ DAILY BEE-THURSDAY JUNE U 1883 The Omaha Bee. "Published every morning , except Bun- ay. The only Monday morning dully , ] BY MAIL Bao Year.$10.00 I Three Months.(3.00 Blx Months. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1,00 CHK WEEKLY BKK , published every Witnonday. TKUM8 POST PAID One Year 93.00 I Three Months. TO U Month 1.00 | One Month. . . . 30 AMKBIOAN NKWB OOHPANT , Bole Agent * Newsdealers in the United States , ) COimESPONDENCK Oommnnl. catfans relating to News and Editorial matters should be addressed to the Eorron r Till BE * . BUSINESS LETTERS-A11 Bunlnew Letters and RsniltUncea should bo ad Ircued to THE BEE FCBLIBHINQ COMPANY JMAIIA. Drafts , Checks and PostoCBco Orders to be made payable to the order of the Company , The BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Props , E. R08EWATEH Editor. WAHM weather and corn oomo and go together. Tan music has began to play , Mr , Boyd. How do yon Ilka the tuntt HABVABD refused an LL D. toBjn Bailer , bat Mayor Ohaio gets it from the University of Nebraska , THE board of cqnallutlon la work * ing qalotly , but In their off houra find time to knock down slightly the already low valuations of wealthy pro perty owners in Djuglas oonnty. THE roporta of the department of agrlonltnro Indicate an incroaeo of I ! per cent on the acreage of cotton. With a continuance of the present weather corn will nozt bo hoard from , Mn. BOYD olalma that the odltor of THE BEE la trying to injure hlo busi- nesj. This is the first tlmo that Mr. Boyd has boon willing to pnt his on- torprlco on a business basis. Baforo this ho hag always claimed that park was his business nnd theatre management - mont pnro philanthropy. SIXTEENTH atreot haa boon ordered paved with asphalt. This insures as three asphalt paved streets , Douglas , Ilarnoy and Sixteenth , of which Djnglas la nearlng completion. The sooner the contracts ard lot and work la began the bettor our cltlEjna will bo satisfied. TUB New York Sun calls the atten tion of scheming politicians to the fact that the present congress la ao constl- toted that it the presidential election vroro forced into the house forthcijioo by a third party raovomont the vote by states would bo twenty-two for the democratic candidate , fifteen for the republican candidate , and ono Btato ( Fiorldt ) divided. THE president hai written n letter to the manager of the southern expo sition extolling the enterprise in high terma and praising the roclal , com mercial and industrial advancement of the south slnco the war. It will now be in order for the democratic press to point to the republican convention - vontion of ' 84 as the motive which dictated the president's loiter. IN spite of the decision against the drive well patentees , they are still at tempting to collect royalties from ptrtles using the Invention , Farmers in Nebraska and claowhore are warned to resist the payment of a slnglo "dol lar to the drlvo well sharks. The de cision rendered at Ds Moinea laat May completely disposes cf all their Ighta to the invention. It was , in effect , that Green , having in 1861 de vised a process by which a rod was diiven into the ground until water waa reached , which might be pumped to the surface after the rod waa with drawn , did really abandon this Inven tion to the public by failing to apply for a patent until May , 18GG ; that the retimed patent of 1871 is void because it embraces the application of a prin ciple not covered by the original In vention , namely , the substitution of a driven pipe , which remained in the ground , for a driven rod , which was afterward pulled cuk to allow the Insertion of a pump ; that there was ptoduced to the court an abund ance of testimony showing that E , W , Purdy had in 1849 and 1850 put down driven wells in Milwaukee by a pro cess substantially the same as that em ployed by Qroon , and , also that In the summer of 1861 , several months before Green put down his first well on the camp ground of his regiment at Oortland , N. Y. , there was success fully constructed at Independence , Iowa , a driven well , which waa a tube driven down to the water-bearing atratum , with a pump attached to the top of the tnbo. The court , for these reasons , hold that the original patent was void for want of novelty. Even bad the claim of novelty been snt- tained the patent would have been void , because of iti practical snr render to the use of the public. The elaborate legal machinery sot up under thii bogus patent to wring money from owners of driven wells Is still in succeifal operation , but no m&u who is cognizant of this Des Moinoi decision need hesitate to resist all attempts at extortion. The patent la -absolutely worthless. MR. BOYD ADD THE BEE. Mr. James E Bayd appears in a card in this morning's papers In which ho pretends to glvotho true version c I the controversy between THE BEB and the manager of the Opera Honoo. This card is chiefly remarkable for what it suppresses. Mr. Boyd wisely omits to state the causes which led to the refusal of THE BEE to advertise the Opera House on any different basis from that on which It advertises any other business enterprise in Omaha , and contents hlmsolf with impugning the motives of the odltor of this paper and throwing dust in the nir to befog the main isino. Lot the facts speak for thomsolvca , Early last wlntor , the editor of TUB BEB gave Imperative orders to hls business manager to return all complimentary tickets to the opera honso and to in form ita management that the system of wholesale free puffi would bo dis continued in the column * of this pa per. Ho was requested to Inform Mr. Boyd that after a cer tain date , TUB Bex would pay in cash for all favcrs received from the opera honso , and that it In turn must plaoo itself on the same bnalnoss footing with THE BEE Prior to that tlmo Mr. Boyd'a enter prise had boon glvon the free run of TUB BEE'S local columns , and column after column of free puffj had ap peared oaah week on our fourth page , in return for which TUB BEB received a throe-inch card announcing shows , and eight complimentary aoaaon tickets. Mr. Boyd was nformod that the cud rate would not bo raised , but that all local puffs must bo marked as advertisements and paid for at the same rate charged to other Omaha business mar. At the same tlmo the odltor cf TUB BEB ; ave orders to all employes to accept no passes to the opera house , and notified Mr. Boyd that none would bo accepted on acsonnt of this paper. Thia brought Mr.Thomis Boyd down Farnam street In a high dudgeon. Ho declared that no cird advertising paid and that cards were only given as a sop to the nowspapora to indues Iccil inffj and favorable advance notlcoa clipped from other p pora to gull the public. He ordered all advertising ont of our advertising columns and in- formodourbuslnoBBofiiso that from that date ho would pay a line rate for ad vertising In our local columns , using as little opaco aa ho sa.w fit. This arrangement was snth factory to this cfllco nnd con- Inuod BO until early In the spring. 3omo four months ago Mr. Thomas Boyd inserted a two-lino advertise ment in THE BEK , ending with the Bontonce , "For further Information BOO llerald and Republican. " This , taken in connection with the con tinual diaparagomcnt of thia pnyjr , both publicly nnd privately , by Mr. Thomas Boyd , gave reasonable grounds for cffmse. The attention of Mr. James E. BDydwaa c&ilod to the notice. Ho condemned it emphati cally. Ho declared that the notice was Inserted without hia knowl edge or consent , and blamed hla brother for the trouble with THE BEE which ho Inalated should never have been permitted to begin. Ho was informed that if ho intended to nae ont columns In that manner he would bo charged 81 00 a line for each Insertion , which aa Mr. Boyd well auys waa a prohibitory rate and was Intended to bo such. Hero the matter dropped , Since that time Mr. Boyd has patronized the columns of THE BEE aa much or as little aa he desired. Ho haa paid for hla advertising at ex actly the same rates aa those charged any other mer chant In Omaha. And from the day when TUB BEB refused to publish a dally advertising shoot for Mr. Boyd's benefit ho has not been charged a cent more at line for hla noticca than any of the largo ad vertisers who nso our columns. If it bo blackmail to refuse to gtvo away our goods in exchange for what wo do not want , THE BEB haa consistently and persistently blackmailed Mr. Boyd , since its surrender of his free tickets. But if this bo blackmail Mr. Boyd and everyone clso who takes a oonrtety for a right meat make the moat of it. One thing more. Having forced a personal fight , the proprietor and the manager of the opera house must not flinch at the consequences. Other papers in Omaha are tied hand and foot by Mr. Boyd'a passes , and dare not ctltlclza either Mr. Boyd or his enterprise through fear of losing the privilege of giving six dollars in ad- vcrtliing for ono dollar's worth of ad mission to his theatre. It wts largely with a view of shaking off this bondage and placing itself in an independent attitude towards the opera hcufo that THE DEE surrendered the canplimentary tickets nearly six months ago. That attitude it rrlll maintain. It has spoken some plain foots regarding the conattustlon of the opera house. Mr. Bjyd knows as well as anyone their truth. The public , who have so liberally pat ronized his enterprise , will sustain ua in their publication. But oven If they Jo not and join the chorus of dcs pairing writers , who grip their pasies in ono hand and ewlng their editorial censer pots in front of Mr. Boyd with the other , TUB BZB will try to survive , It Is running R newspaper the fearless expression of whoso honest opinion must occasion ally hurt the thin skinned and all the more when the truth Is as notorious ns it happened to bo in the Instance which la now making Mr. Boyd groan and gyrato. WK need an inspector of buildings , and the first structure ho ought totx- amlno Is Boyd'a opera homo , Mr. Boyd boasts that it can ba emptied in five minutes. 80 It could bo if an audience would fall in Hue and march ont In military order to a drum tap , Audiences generally , how ever , refuse to act that way in ease of panlo. At the Brooklyn theater , which had five times the conveniences for exit that Mr , Boyd'a has , two hundred people tratnplod each other to death on the stairs , or were smoth ered In the halls. That was in a thea ter in which the auditorium opened on the street. In Mr. Boyd'a "tem ple of amusement , " 1701) ) people have to go up and down from ono to three flights of stairs at every perfor- manco. In ease of panic , no ono doubts that the loss of life would bo immense. It is also trno that a door haa been cut in the eaat wall of the building , opening on the roof of Hanscom'a brick shanty next door , Mr. Boyd neglects to say that the doora swings to the inside , and in a crush would bo entirely useless , But with the present accommoda tions for exit , a portion of the audlonco might straggle to the street before the fire reached them , if the stage was properly separated from the audi torium by a brick wall. Instead of this there is only a half inch plank partition dividing' the scones and flies , and all the kfhmmnblo material which clatters up a stage from the main audlocca room. Such a piece of economy is criminal , and would not bo tolerated for a moment in any city where a proper building law was en forced. Nino-tentbs of all theatre fires start fron the stage. It la highly important , on that account , that it should bo aa Isolated as possible. It is the truth that hurts , and that is why Mr. Boyd is so agitated over THE BEE'S dltclosures. There is ono way % in which ho can discount them , uud that Is by making such changes In hla opera homo as will make It reasonably aafo in case of fire and panlo for thathousaudnof our citizens , who , at the present time , Uko their lives in their hands every time they enter Its doora. TUB Ohio republicans have opened the campaign of 1883 on an tquwlan and high protective tariff platform. The canvats will bo made on the Scott license law and "proteitlon to Ameri can Indnatry. " The resolutions which treat of civil service reform pensions , contract prison labor and a good many other things may bo regarded cs mere embroidery. The real iaiuos are as stated. The campaign will bo np hill work for the republican party and the chin- coa are ogMnst the election of its nom inees. In the firct placa there la a general belief among the liberal olo- monta of the party that the republi can loaders are playing into the hands of the prohibitionists. Whether thia [ a trno or not it will have ita effect Dn the voto. Bo , too , irlll the position of the party on the tariff. Aa long aa the old Issues growing ont of the civil war and questions of currency and finance remained unsettled the repub licans of Ohio wore constantly able to draw upon llboral and Independent voters who could not support the posi tion of the Ohio democrats on these Issues. For years the republicans of Ohio were indebted to this class of vo ters for their successive victories. But now , when all the old questions are put ont of the way , the republicans will vainly attempt to Intlco them to a platform of protection and 111-dlsgnla- od prohibition. TIB ordinance regulating the width of tires , drawn np by Olty Attorney Oonnell and introduced by Council man Radfield at the last meeting of council , ought to pass. Several months ago TUB BEE called the attention cf the council to the necessity of some such law. There Is an enormous amount of heavy hauling done In Omaha. Any pavement , however strong , will bo worn and crushed and out into ruta by our heavily loaded and narrow tired wagons and drays , Mr. RodGeld'a ordinance provides that all vehicles of burden carrying a load of more than a ton in weight shall have a tire of at least three inches In width and where ( ho load la over two tons the tire shall bo four inches. This Is a reasonable demand , St. Louis has a law requiring G Inch Urea for a load not exceeding 8,000 ponndi ; 4 Inch tires for a load not exicedlug 0,000 pounds-and no on down to 2- luch tires for a load cf 2-500 pounds for all four-wheeled vehicles ; making similar provisions for drays and other two-wheeled vehicles ; and making overloading a misdemeanor punisha ble by fine. The law will have two good i fleets. It will lead to the in troduction of broader * tires for all hanllcg wagons and It will force teams- tera and draymen to hanl lighter loads each of which will relieve the pave ments and prolong their lasting ca pacity. a EN. onooK's VICTORY * OjnorM George Crook has boon heard from at last , aud turns up In Arizona with three hundred Apicho prisoners , Including Nium , Lsoo , and several of the mosc favngo ohlrfntf the hostile Ohlrloauhaui , Ills < fllcUl report of the compalgn confirm * the rumored baltlo with the Indians on May 1C , when the band wnro muted after a desperate engagement In the heart of the Sierra Madre mountain' , aud their stronghold completely de stroyed. ( Jjorxo Orook struck oao u ( his old-tlmo blows , and the surrender of the bulk cf the Apaches followed as a matter of course , It wilt bo In order for the sensation mongers who have bjcn predicting the assassination of the American gonnral , and the massacre of his com * mand , to draw In thulr horns , II any soldier knows how to handle the In dian question that mm Is ( Inner * ! Goo. Orook. And Ihii Ijdlmu know General Croak. Tint uco'iutits tor their rapid suainlinlon when ilia "Grey Fox" uud the Apaoho to tits were dlicovered surrounding them in the heart of Old Mnxloo. Thu now.i that little Charley McOomna Is safe and will bo surrendered as noon as Jnh'a band come Into a camp from which they are bagging for tarms la gratifying. There will now ba Ices talk about treaty violations than wo heard cov eral weeks ago. The Moxlotni will bo glad to havd the treaty violated every summer If it results In clearing Sonora of the bloodthirsty devils who have made tt a living boll for the laat five years. TUKRE were only 30 delegates at the recant Wisconsin prohibition con vention , Prohibition seems to pro hibit interest in tomperanca in the Badger state. TUB star ronto jary is still ont. How much ttn gv rnmont Is out will not bo known till Biiaj and Morrick hand In iholr bill * . What U la Hero For. New fork Tribua * . The Lautavlllo Courier-Journal in quires : "What is the democratic party hero for , exsopt to reform the Urlfl ? " Well , wo can think of half a dozjn things that it la hero for that have nothing whatever to do with the tariff It ia here to give the republican party something to dofoit every four years. It Is here to exclto envy in the breast of every American humorist aa it diaconrses of Cttn-trM-i zi-tlou - - - , as If it were really mentioning some thing. It la hero to give a striking illustra tion of inane unfairness and cowardice by snoerlrg "fraud" ot an electoral commission which It helped to form and by whoao decision it agreed to abide. It is hero to shear how long a party that Is clean out of principles and whose record cannot bo sifoly handled without fi'st bolug deodorized , can keep Evbovo ground elmply by forca of momentum. It In hero to < determine whether , bain ; ? hopaleoly divided ngalnot Iteolf on the free trade issue , U can bo glued to/ather ( in 1884 by a platform com mittee. It Is hero as the most notable politi cal shocking example known to our history. It is hare to sit np nlghtr , suppli cating the smiling oaople to make a change for the sake of a change. The Conrt Knowi Itiolf. SpecUl Dlipttcb lo Till Bn CHICAGO , June 13. In Justice Woodman's court , this afternoon , a bailiff named Barry Murphy , became noisy and refusing to listen to the ad monitions of the magistrate , the latter bounced from the judgment coat and administered a severe pummelling to the recalcitrant constable in the high- eat style of the pugilistic art , and then calmly resumed the dispensation of jnctico. No molasses and water mixture , but a concentrated extract of the active medicinal properties of roots , barks , Ac. , la Hood's Susaparllla. Bltippixtp Spdal Dliratcti to Tni liix. LONDON , Juno 13. Arrived , Assy- rim , Monarch and Nevada , from New Los DON , Juno 13 Arrived out , the steamers Ponnland , Rotterdam and Hibornlo. NEW YORK , Juno 13. Arrived , the Denmark from London , If ? MI are not tnarrM , write the Mar riage Kuml Mntu&l Truit Auocltttuo , Ochr lUplda , Iowa , for circulars cxulaln- in * th pLin. time Tht H ; ttlc land company hnvo | mr > chtttd Uni ; m the reiervatlonjlay \ 1"rj- side ot the U. P. , and , It ! understood , will itart a town. A correspondent In one ol their orgtni state * lint they have cbo n their man to run a naper thete Ii the lnt rait of Ucatilce. Ha i yi the Wyiccre Uigle. THE GREAT OcRMAH REMEDY FOR PAIN ! ' . , , MM ID J tint Ccutlci Lumbijo , IIACKAUIIR. BUC1CII. TWHKU SORE TIIROA1. JUNST k.-i ; u , Cu'i , In IM IirilMM.MCAI.U9. Itl t'l V nm cu'i i wnu f < U I I" r > r jl.ll H t > i r" l > UMkM > l > Uariik < ti. Til Ciij'.u A,7ri'.if C ) . , . - C. j 4 , r.S.t. BRIGHT'S ' DISEASE. A Oaeo of Kidnoywort Ilailly Koodod in the HoiRhborliood of Blnnlnpjiain. The Abolition of tbo A 1113rl- Taritf n Doon which land Ptnyn For , Tlin I'rapnscil Olinrnh Litwn onsMtl 'In tlin Uirmna Lnliiltng ; , TUB nmatiT Hmi3. 8 | > cUI Il ) | > lcti It Tin II" , Loxixm , Junn li ; /ll/ht / / ; lion , ilolin Iliixht ilellvcrud au addrfM at Illngley hall , IJIfinliiHliniri , bnforo sn andlonco of over 120 000 penons , iMoto than IfiO addrrise * arul eon * grattilallans Irom various llbural asso * clat'ons ' wcru prnsontod hltii ( lirat onthinlism pruvnllod , Mr , Hrlitht reviewed the nvnnls of tlio Nat filly yearn and Ultl * ilrc i upon \ha unor * ir.oun advantages oonfrrrcil ttpoti the country by the ropoalof tKo curulaws , lUforrlng 'o ' Amur ten llrlght snld , "i'orii.lt mo to addrunn K vtortl ' .n the HTtlcan otnssos of the U'lltcil HlnltK , I aui uu onuiny < f the Unllinl Htntff , I fought her bi'.tlri In ( Ills country [ Cheer * , ] I ryinp thlr. with lirr M much no ns then , nluioit iwi tnuoti M If born on hur neil , I bo- Hove iho iiacitlon In thv United Slates botwrun proleollvo and simply rovntti ) tftrlir , Is neatlng IU soluilon. The opinion I * | jfowlti that Irresistible ooonomlo faat * aiu ( jlfiirlng thcmsnlvos for the coiiildnratlon of atoto'uion and every Intolllgout pvr- sun In the great rt > | iullla , An ox- trAordlniry cundltlon of thlnga cxUts ( hero , No country of any ago over experienced or duauird ol an jotuil aurplui of rovonno of thirty millions sterling. This fact to fatal to the high protection party. The government doon not will ! kuuff what tu do with It. " After an olcqiiunt Illujlou tn the war whloh abolnhnd slavery , litlght said , " 1 ballovo thu nozc okcllon for president will bo fought on the free trade lines. The great people of Iho United S atos wilt declare it to bi the Inallcuubio right of every American cltizin to npoiid his money In the world's choupeKt murVots. " GKHMANY. Hpirlil Dltritcb to Tl'.s His. BKIILI.S , June 13 , In relation to hla roirnmont irom political life , Von Bjimlpecn stated that afterthu receipt of the Intt note addressed to Prussia by the Vatican , Bismarck was nndo- elded whether ho should break ( IT tin. collations , lie therefore sounded V.m Bonnlgeon on the subject of ciT.c'.ing a compromise with hts party , thu national liberals. The Interview convinced both that a common policy was Impossible , nnd Bismarck decided to rely on thu clerical and conserve- tivn majority. In the debate In the chnrch bill In the lowur honso of the Inndtag , Wind thorst , ultramontane leader , statud ho hoped tbo government nnd con * servatlvca would nnlto nntt Improve the bill by accepting amendments proposed by the oontro pirty. If they did not accept them , the centre would reject' thu vrliolo measure. Thu special committed of thu rolohatsg to consider the workrnen'a ncoldent insurance bill recommended parliament to decllnit the proponnla of the government nnd demuuct a now bill allowing rural laborers n aharo of the bentfna of In turanco ngalnsi accidents. QEIfERAI , FOUEICm HEWS , Spcci&l ln patct < i to Tin llin THE tITOATION AT SHA.S'OIIAI. LO.NDOX , Jtinu 13 A Shanghai din , patch dated Monday Bays the situa tion la becoming very sorloui. Ohliieoi troopa are massing around the olty. Very uuoasy feeling provallit amocg foreigners with rcgird to the unprotected condition of lurolgn set tlements. A DENIAL PA HIS , June 13 , It Is denied at the American legation that American of * fleers asked leave to serve In the Chinese navy. navy.OK OK THE L'OMdO. It Is reported from the Congo river that Stanley arrived at Brtzzivlllo with 1,000 men. Dr. Brazzt haa 200 iii L 11 uud la making little progress. 1'IUOHTKUL HirLCHIOWH. LJIDON , Juno 13. An explosion in a msgizlno at Scutari caused by light * nlng , killed 1GO persons and wounded 63. Two hnndrud barrels of gunpow der aud six thousand cartridges were destroyed , ST PcTEiisRuno , Juno 13 , Kiplo Ion ef gun power in a factory near the city occurred to-day. No details. There stories of thejbarracka at'Kalnga have fallen , klllng thin persons and injuring many. AUKEHTED VJH UUKHRR. LOXDO.H , Juno 13. A man named Swiotioy was nrrcstod at Q aeons town charged with complicity In iho murder of Ljtd Monntuiorrli Sweeney had takvn paitago for Now York. A GOOD llURMHin. LONKO.H. Jens 13 Labouohlro re cently challenged Irving lilihop , the thocgbt reader , to toll thti narabsr of * bmk note known only to Libou * chlro , nnd Firth , M. I' , the latter to hold the note , Lbouchlro put up a thousand pound * itualnsl n hundred , til o prccjedi to bj devoted lo chilty. Thieo thousand jx > rson wure present , but nwiug tn dlipntfi concorulng the crnilliicns iH'lthrr labonchlro nor Kirth were presnut , llo erir , lilihop guessed the number cf * hu n < tent the llr t attempt , and LOW clulms to Invo wint tha thotiiund pound * . The auditnoo vtas illtur- u rly. THE OOMxrlRATIliN' IHHL. Ixixwtx , .luwn 13. At the trial of the ilyoftmlte oiasplrators ovldenco wts Rtvtn by w HUH/MM to show the odtineotbo b tw < en Ausburgh and Dr. Gallagher. It WM proved that the latter Introduced Iho ( onnir at the Ciiatlcg Cross hotel tu Mr. Gal- Isghrr tu order that ho might ob tain letters and tologrami. Antbnrgb , In examining Inspector M lvillo In regard - gard to words which pissed between thm when the former was arrested , called the Inspector M liar , bccauio he denied that ho had said to him vAns- bargb ) at Itbat time , "You had bet- H , WESTERMAINN & CO , , QUEENS E China and f&lass , 000 WASHINGTON AND 609 ST , CHARLES ST , . St. Louis , Mo. S DRY GOO SAM'L 0. DAVIS & CO. , Washington Avenue anil Fifth Street , . xoxrxa , FELKEB , BAUDER & 00 , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE DEALERS 1822 Oapilol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska , , n > t nn M'tyitat'o * , Con Unm nln iollcltc I an J remittances promptly m de. SALEM Tlila Flour U nuelff at Haletn , Ulohardson county , Neb. , In the combli roller fttnl Htiiiio y lnm , Wo give BXitn ( iVE i le of our flour to ono firm In plaoo , Wo ha o opened a branch at 1(118 ( Capitol nvenue , Omaha. . ' ! r VALENTINE & REPPY. STEELE , -JJHNSeN AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Suit , Sugars , Canned Goods , anr All GrocerrV Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brando of mm m mmmmm TOBAOBO. Rents for HSNWOOD HAILS A3D LAIM Si BAND POWDSB G tcr turn luformrr and got JL'uCO " Chief Jinllco Oolotldgo rtstorod or der , The trUl o ( the iiinn concerned In the ( lynnmlto coniplrftsy win rcaumtd thin morning , Tha detoatlvo biloon In which L. iloito left iloloncn last Saturday waa recovered In the North Sea. The Truth states that the queen has recovered from the Injury to her knee. The depression of her majesty's spirits Ir , howrovnr , laid to cnuiu sorno anx > loty owing to thn Iniluunco on hsr general hotlth. It U the Intention of the cineon to leave Scotland on the L'0h , : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KA1LRUAD ROTES. Sp eUI Dl p ler la Tni Un. l-KUrKCTIMI A I'OOL Ctiiuioo , Juno 13 The mooting of the Koneral paucnger atonts ( of railroad linn north of the Ohio river and east of the Mliititlppl , with the view to a RC M oral pool on through bnalnris on points west to the sea board , continued to day. The chair man was Instructed to formulate a table of percentages for the various lines ona pUn similar to that now In operation on the trunk lines. It was dflcidtid to propose plan * for subsidiary pioli but * roti Cleveland , Detroit , Toledo , Indltnapdll : , Columbus , St. Lonli and noubmtl polnti. It will take two or thioj months to complete these ichoJtilca , which will then ba inbjoot to the rtcooptanso of the lines Inturcited , run MiMgoimi RIVEU root To-morrow a meeting will bo held in connection with the pussengor agents of the Missouri river lines to confer about tlu proposed pool , and the mat ter of abolishing payment ot street commission In Sin Francisco will also ba considered. TUB TRUNK LIMBH Ni now dovolopmoats to dy lu the anticipated trnntt line uar , growing ont of thft recent acceleration of the Michigan Southern. AN EXrllKSS AOUKEHKNT. DENVIIH , Juno 13. The express lltl tUti ) which has boon pending thu Uit thrao yvc.tr , and which Involved right ol the Wells , Fargo Kiprom company ana tha Adams Ktprois company to transact business over the lines of the Denver and Rio ( Iratulo railway , was Amicably settled to d.ty , the czprcsii companies withdrawing all suits. The following U the now ar rangement ; Through cxpreua intttor of thu Wells , Fir o company will bo carried between Danvr , 1'uublo , O den and Silt Like , the Rio Onviulo Kxprcaa ociupauy to do nil tlio local buslaoas between thoao polntti and op-'Mto the balnnoc u ! thu Kh > Gruido Itnca exclusively. \AUDMASTKUS. . The eighth annual convention of the Yurdmaalcrs' beueGt ttssockti. < nof the United States and Canada Is In session to-day. Most of the day was consumed In org.tnlzttlon. The prni- tdont's report shows an Increase of membership of 2SG In the last fiical year. The afclrs of the association nro In a thoroughly protpirouu condl- tioi . About 200 dolofiitos are present , ropro anting ovary state in tha union. Local orginlzitioua tender a barqiot and fj rand bill Thursday night. Ex cursions through the monntnlna con- anma the balance of the week. THE t NUN PACIFIC HAILWAY HROUOHT TO TKIIMS. Th i Iowa board of railway corntnls- slnuo-3 have brought the Ualon I'a- c ft ) ; . llwny company to terms. Eror allies the board was created they have endeavored to got from thu Union P - olu'o company n atatvmont nf the trim's over the bridge bstwcen Omaha aud Coucill Bloffi , bat the company per- fectlj Ignored the board. This year they determined to pash things. The objeu was to classify the brlog * , and fix t.o valuation tor the purpose of taxation , as all railroad property In the state h taxed. The compsny , after persistent punching for some time , informed the board that they had .10 jurisdiction over the property of th tt company , which wa chartered by ra act of congress. The board wsa atnpld enough not to see the point , and hammered away , whlo i bronghi the rospoaca that the U. T. termlimted t Omahn , hence was not amenabln to Iowa statutes. Tin board rejoined thnt by pioclaraa- tlon if President Lincoln the torml- nuo i { the road was fixed at Council Blnl'j , nnd this had bot-n confirmed In the federal court by Judga Dillon , now . { onoral solicitor of the Union l' . cllij and iho company ou ht to bo wllli j ( ? to ftbido by la via of their own ettal llahmunt. Tno cjoipany then ro- pilot It rrai Impossible to separate the trafl o account * of the brldgo frtiaj the gam ral accounts , but the board WM still obiivloni , inasmuch as the bridge Is o | prated by a separito corporation. aud lmlHed on a statement , and thuj vcre referred by the cora- P' nr to tha roporta of gav urunent directors of tui ! road os Hutainln ? U tbo compiny ooujivp. ! ! | Thn bind rand.t answer that thotii repnrt WCM chtitlr osn- spio oils for wlut th y did net conuin nrd iht-y wujld fa to thti narln ii r ( unhor ri > llwf. Aswrtl- uu tc'.uu WMP b xuu to omptl thn ojnipuy to fuouh thslnl.tw- i w.ntoil. l > .H r ! wt Uui ku wai ao-.ili-ii thu'I , , . ( . < viiM fun iahnd. mid kbit notion furc wltndr wn Thin ncs mpllshed whit ivmr | * s h i f itW t.i t ictirc nlucii thrnl wit at at ir.mit of the rtu mm nf of i IP road. Th\t t ; wl I M nnd Ciirrot Is * * rturu * l Vy UM tha It mint > > f > mmn a * i > r Mlfe thu prctldft , : and * . r < l > KM * * , A Djnvor m a Stu in HUT w v uj in hit llo brcauia vtrrUiwo , Itj MM oor l i KOI St. chwro