Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1883, Image 3

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    The Nibrasfca National Bank ,
Of Umnbn , N b.
Pnlrt UD Oaoltal , - - $25O.OOO.
Burplne Fund , M y 1 , 1803 , - 16.0UO.
R. JOHNSON , President , ol St le , Johnnn
& Co.
A. E. TOUZMJN , Viet President , ol Colon.
W. V. MOUSE , ol W..V. Uorta & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of 0. I ! . * J. S. Colllni.
M. WOOLWORin , Counwlltr * Atttroey at
L. 8. REED , ot Byron Reed & Oo.
II. W. TAXES , Caihler , lor many Jtut CM ler
ol tie Ftnt Katlontl Bank ol Omaha ,
TIIIS I1AMK op utd lor builnesa April 17th ,
1882 ,
amonj the leading bmitncti men ol Oji > ha-nd
tebadneia li conducted with tsrecUl rttereoc *
to the belt MidlncitMtnilnterMti otfltl intrain-
tile pitrtni.
COLLECTIONS reccltra ipocUl attention and
ch gea lowest obtainable bcre or eliewhore.
INTEREST allowed on tlrre depoelte Upon
Urorible terms and uponaecounta of banki and
FOREIGN E10HANC1K , Oottrnment Honda
* nd County and City eccurltleg bought and sold.
Etockr , Condi , Commercial Paper and alt other
Good Boturlthsilca t In
lloom 4 , No. 28 IVarl St , , Council Bluffs , la.
Special Dispatch to Timllin.
NEW YORK , June 13
Money Market e ay at Sfe'JJ per cent ;
closed at 3 per cent ,
Prime Mercantile Paper 6(36 ( per cent.
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills atetdy
At 4 8 11 ; sterling exchange demand , 4 0.
Governments J per cent lower for 3 > ,
unchanged otherwise.
The fccncrnl result of the day's luslne
lu stocks haj been an advance of 1 to 2 per
cent for the day on money stocks. The
general Hit , with only a few exception : , is
also a fraction higher than yueteiday. The
mntket closed strong at the highest price )
of the day.
Mining stocks dull ; Sierra Grande sold
at 145 and HO ; Union Consolidated , UOO
and 880 ; Sierra Nevada , 775 ; Northern
Belle , 033 and GOO ; Navajo , 170 ; Sonora
Consolidated , 29 and 27 , and Sutro Tunnel -
nel , 27 and 26
Sale ) of the day 27,405 chares.
y . 103ft 103 *
5'a . lOSJj 1038
4J'i Conpona . U'4 1122
? t . . . 1104 uyJ
Pailfio 3'a of 'S > 6 . 128 128
Ojr-tral Pacific first * . US } U5i
Srle seconds . 9t > 90
Lehigh A Wilkosbarre . 103 103 *
Louisiana consols . 65 05
Missouri 6's . 113 113
Bt , Joseph . 109 109
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .113 1 13
Tennen8ce6' . 40 40
do new . 40 40
Texas & Pacific land grants. . G4J 04
do U. . div. . . . 8 J 8li
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 11&2 llr'i
do land grants . .111 111 $
do sinking fund. . 117 117ft
Virginia 6'a . So COde
do consols C's . . 8GJ ! 7
do deferred . 109 10'JJ
Adams fcxprceg . 129
Allegheny "Central
Alton & Terre Uauto . 8J 8UJ
do pfd. . . . 915 a/
American Express . 83 88J
Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North. h'-J 82 ,
Canada Southern . Cti 071
C. , St. L , & P . 18J 1KJ
do pfd . 5t > 55 *
Central Pacific . 56 7bj
Chesapeake & Ohio . 2ul 20J
do 1st pfd. . . 3ui 30 }
do 2d pfd. . . Jsv * 2-JJ
Chicago & Alton . 134) 130
do pfd . 145 145
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy . 125 120
Obi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. .80 8 ±
Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland . 40 41
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 70 77
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 109 ? 109 i
Del. , Lack. & Western . 1274 l
Denver & Kio Grand . -ibjj 47
Brie . S7 iS
do pfd. . . 80 8)
Eaat Tennessee . i'i ' 9&
do preferred . 18J 19
Fort Wayne & Chicago . 131 131
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph . 42 42
do pfd. 95 95
Harlem . 197 197
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 7 I 71
Illinois Central . 14SJ 147i
Ind. , Bloom. & Western . hi * 31 *
Kansas & Texas . 34 31ft
Lake Erie & Western . 2S ± 2 4
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 11 4 1121
Louisville & Nashville . 5 1 * 53 *
Louisv. , Now Alb. & Chicago 49 5j
M.&L.lst ofJ . HI 10
do do 2d pfd i ) 5
Memphis & Charleston . 42 43 }
Michigan Central . 9tiJ 8
Memphis & St. Louis . 1:7 i i8
do pid . 67 ' 71
Missouri Pacifio . 105fJ lOfiJ
Mobile&Ohio . U > 4 15 *
Morris & EHPOX . 1V24 12J
Nashville & Chattanooga . 554 68
New Je way Central . 87i b81
Norfolk & W . 4'J.t 4.'i
Northern Pacific . 51 J 52g
do pfd . 69jj 9J
Northwestern . 13iJ
no pfd i5L'i
New York Central . , , . . .123 V-Mtf
Ohio Central . lllj 11 4
Ohio & MiBaisalppi 3j
" "
"do pd..iu5 ; us
Ontario it Western 27 itfj
Oregon Transcontinental 8G FGjj
Pacific Mail 4'4 43
Panama 98 98
Peoria , Decatur & Gvansv. . . 21 } 221
Pittsburgh Cleveland 133 134
Pullman Palace Oar 131J 133 *
Reading 58J GUjI
Book Island 1251 120
fit Lonla & San Fran 34 33
do pd ( 57i
do 1st pfd 99 99
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 104 10
do pfd..U'0
Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 1234
Bt , Paul & Omaha 4G * 47 $
d ? pfd 10i 105 *
Texas & Pacific 88J 39
, Union Pacific 96 DGI
United States Express GO GO
Wnbasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 281 ' - &
do pfd. 44 ? 4 4
Well ? , Fiirpo & Co. Kxpresg.l'J.'i 12 4
, Western Union Telegraph. . . 8G1 87J
Horafwtnke , 15 lr >
Irm Silver 290 285
Ontario 2J 25
Quicksilver 7i 8J
do pfd 37 30
South Pacific 623
Batro 2C
Special Dltnatch to Tun iln.
LONDON , June 13.
Stocks Illinois Central , 148& & ; Pennnyl-
Tanitt Central , IGO ; E ie , 138g.
pedal DlipatahM lo Tua Baa ,
OIIIOAOO. Jnne 13 , Flour Market dull
and unohaneed.
Wheat Aegular , dull , weak and lower !
1 108 for Jnne ; 111J@111 } ( or July
113J113J ( or Aoguat ; 1 14M2 (01
September ; 1 15J for Ostober ; 110J for
thn year ; No , 2 ( jlilcigo iprlng , 110 ; No
3 U3lc go spring , 93ju ; No , 2 red winter
all I2j
i tru Market actlvA I'ltt low < r ; 65Jo for
ca h and June ; SIJOl CJl lor July ; 56 }
< jPGJa for August ; 07J for September ;
60J ) for the > rar ,
Uats In fair demand ; cath firm ; options
oist ' ! 39Jo for cash , June and July ; 32 }
(332 ( ] f r August and September ; SOjjJ
( or tue year.
Kye-Market quiet at Glc.
Flax Stei M.rkit nailer at 1 42. '
Pork Market eialer bnt in Rood demand ;
18 20@18 25 lor crh and June ; 18 30 for
Julv ; I845@ 8474 for'AiiRU-t ; 18603
IS G2i for September } 16 1 < 1@1G 45 lor the
year.Lard In good demand but irregular ;
1142J@1145 ( or onh and June1147J ;
for July , 10 72J for Augnut ; lOCOQIOGjJ
( or September ; 9 90@9 9 i for the year.
Bulk Meat * - In no d ilennnd ; tbouMerti ,
at 7 50 ; short rib * at 9 50 ; short clear , 9 9J.
Butttr In K'loii demand ; crojiuery , 15
@ 21 ; dairy , 12@l8o ;
EjfgsMarket quiet nt 1C
Whiiky S oulynud unchanged.
Freights Corn to Bull lo , UJo.
CALL BOAUD.-Wheat-Market firmer ;
advanced la lor July and August , audio
( or September ,
Corn Market firmer ; advanced i .
lire Mirket active and firm ; ad-
vanucd lo for June , J ( or July and August.
Pork Market Intgular and fairly ac
tive ; advanced 2 0 for July and August ;
declined 2jjo for September.
Lird Market active and firm ; advanced
2jo fur June , August and September , and
do for July.
NEW YORK , June 13 Flour Market
dull ; extra Ohio , 4 10 0 7 ; St. Luulr.
4 10 ( < z)7 ) 00 ; Minnesota patent pro.ess ,
5 60(0,1 CO.
Wiie < -Market lower ; No. 2 tnring ,
1 IK ; No. 3 spring , 1 01 ; unladed red ,
1 07@1 23j8tf-uier * No. 3 red , t 03 ; No. II
red , , 1 17@1 ' 71 ; afe iri-r N 2 rcil , 1 j71
( flU 19 , No 2 led , 1 2.1 1 22J in elevttoi ;
No. 2 red , Juno. SO.OiO hu 20@1 20J.
clewing at 1201 ; Julv , 480000 tu , 1 li
@ 1 221 , clofiDK at 1 23 ; A" " ' ' . tGS.OOU
b i 1 23 * ( < 31.M1 , closing itt 1 2l\ \ September ,
l,25'.ttiO bu at 1 2.8,1 ( 2bl clm-lo nt
1 25J ; Ofltolier , 2JO.IOO hu at 1 27i ol 2&J ,
ole in nt I 27 * ; November , 4 O.OuO bu ut
I ' .9J l 3' , closing nt 1 29 *
Cjrn Uanh No 3 , la 140 lower , othrrj
r-leoJv ; oii'lon * lower ; ungraded , 4 ! > 4@CG' ;
No. li G31fcGl < - ; No. 2 GSJ/dbGj ; low
inlxfi ) , Olio ; iSo 2 Junn , b5 | bn3 , closing
at CSls ; Jnlv. GSp G * ' } ' , cioriu Ht d5Jc ;
August , GGl G c , cloilnj ; at GG c ; Sep.
temtinr. G7CaG7 . , cloeinf nt G71i. ; Octo
ber , G7J@i8lo ( , closing nl C'Jj.
OMB Market lower ; mtxud woatern , 42
( S47c ; white weotprn , 47 < 5j51c ! ,
Kggs-Firm ; 171@174o.
Pork Dull iiiul nominal.
Lard Mtrket atronver ; prime Btoim ,
oa h. 11 35 ; June , 11 SS'Sili 2S ; July ,
II 24@11 28 ; Augu < t , 10 92@ll 00 ; S p-
itm"er , 10 83 < < all ) 93 ; Octouer , 10 7'J@
10 c8 , year , 10 28@10 35.
Butter Markec quiet but firm at 11 ®
Cheese Demand fair and market firm ;
ST. LOOIB , June 12. Flpnr Market
quiet and unchanged ; family , 4 O'igS 10 ;
choice , 5 50@5 CO ; fancy , 5 8J@G 20
Wheat-Market hwer ; No. 2 white ,
1181@1 18ft for rash : 11 31 18J for
Jul > ; 117iVr,118i ! ( or AuguH ; 118J
@ 119 * for bsptembir ; 1 20J@l 21fi for Oc
tober ; 117@117 | for the year ; No. 3 red
'ill , 1 1JJ.
Corn Market opened strong and higher
and closed nt ins do price ; ; 60 ! @ > lc
or cash ; 51J@521a for July ; 53@ 3io
' ir Augu't ; 64cA tor September ; 53Jc fjr
Jc ober ; 4G@4Gc | for the year.
OUa Market lower ; 39J@39g3 for cash ;
! io for June ; 31o bid for rtugust ; SOo bid
'ur the jeir.
Iljo Market nominal.
B rley MHrket nouiinal , '
Corn MenI Market quiet at 2 50.
Butter Mirket dull und ut.clmnged.
K gu Market higher ut loc.
WhiakvMarket steady at 1 14.
Pork Market dull ami nominal ,
Lml Market dull und nominal ,
firmer ; 1 18 ? for July ; 1174 f ir A ugust ;
1 1821 li < l for September ; 1 20j@121for
Octooer ; 1 17 for the year.
Corn Market weaker ;'for Jnlv ;
53s for Aujuet ; 5Ja fur September ; 4DJo
[ or the year.
Oats Market weaker ; 39 g39Jo ( or
July ; 30Jo bid ( or Anpust.
KANSAS CITT , June 13 Wheat Market
quiet and alow ; No. 2 red , 991 o bid ( or
ca-h and July ; 99o bid for August.
Corn Market firmer ; 42C$43&a for
cash ; 44o bid for July ; 45o bid for
Data Market slow ; SGitgSCJo for caab ;
no options.
TOLKDO , Jnne 13 Wheat Market dn'l '
but nrm ; No 2 red winter , 11G for cash
und June : 1 KiJ for July ; 118j for Au
gust ; 1 V j for Sr > tembei ; 1 22 * for Octo-
uer : 11G for the year ; 1 2i ( f Jr January.
Corn Market steady ; high mixed , 59o ;
No , 2 , 57i3 for cash and Juce ; 68@581o
for July ; A9\o \ for August ; tejected , 54 ; ;
Oats-M. rket dull ; No 2 , 41i@121 < sfor
cash ; 40lCa42j | for July ; 35c naked for Au
gust ; 31 32 0 for the year ; rejected , 0. ,
LiVEnrooL , June 13. Weather fine.
Wh ntAl irket dull and easier ; winter.
8) lld@9j 2d : nnrlne , 8 Oila.9i ( ; No , 1
California 9j2Jg9i3J ( ; No. 2 California ,
Corn Slow nt 5a 5J ,
Special DlepatchPB to Tin Dm.
NEW YOBK , June 13 Hay Market
C'i Ifee - Market quiet but firm.
Suuar Market dull ; standard A , 8jj@
8 7-llij ; cut limf nnd crutbcd , 9ic : granu-
lat-ii , 8 13-IG@8io.
llico Market steady with a good de
Petroleum Quiet and unchanged.
Tallow Qaiec and unchanged ,
lljsln Market stronger.
Turpentiae Market quiet and un-
Bp dl Dlipitctei to TBI Bn.
LONDSN , June 13. 10,100 pounds of
Port 1'hllllp and Si Jney wool Bold to-day.
There waa a good demand and prices were
Speclil Dbatchea to Tin Un.
OaiOAao , June 13 The Drovers' Jour
nal rep : rtn ax follows :
Hnga-Demind brisk , active and firm ,
hut not qnotubly libber ; all Bold ; inixcit ,
( i aO@5 70 ; heavy , 0 05 7 CO ; light , 0 25 ®
0 75 ; skijs [ 3 'JfitgG CO
Cuttle Demunri brisk , more nctivo am
firmer ; all sold ; exp .rtrr * . n 113 cO 15 ; goot
to choice tlilixihu- C0n.5 ( 80 ; c iinmou to
medium , 5 00@5 CO ; OOWB nud mixed B ow
and btenlv ut 2 .00 ® 5 CO ; atocliers anc
feeders , 3 00@ I 00.
Sheep Url-k and strong ; common to
1'ootl2 75@4 25choicetoextr ; > ,4 50@0 00
KAMBAS OITT , June 13 , The Commer
cial Indicator thU afternoon reports ae
follows :
Cattle Market firmer and lilcherj'ehlp
nlDK steers of l.UJO to 1,475 Iba. a
5 12i(25 ( C5 ; cows , 3 004 50.
HOK& Market lower at G 03@G CO ; balk
of sales at G 25@G 40.
Sheep Market qolet ; natives averaginc
931b . ,300.
Niw YOBC , Jana 13. Be Tei Marke
a trifl * firmer and ! 00 pw htad.blffher with
a good finish ; gras < f l Texas ctcen told at
tO@8 22 cwt. live weight ; 3 carloads ol
choice urn-fed Tcxans nolii at 6 44 ; com *
uon to vilme natito toer , 5 & 0$0 { 65 per
cwt. ; txportbr * u > ed S3 carlotds ,
yheep Market qnlet bnt to Hy ; l mb
inner ; extrrmrai sheep ; 4 00@GOOp < < rowt. ;
lAinlni. 5r > 0@760per cwt t funeral s lei > ,
75@5 75 forthcjp ; 0 007 (0 for l mb <
Hogs-Lire hogs otendy at 7 00@7 33
> er cwt.
ST , I/3U13 , June 13 Cattle Market
moreacilrrlnite ny f n t weak ; heavy shift.
> ttigiteer , DGO@6COlUhtite ; < rf,5 OO ft CO ;
lutcher steerr , 4 rOg500 ( ; good own and
htif < n . 425@47o : cruimon , 3 60@4 00 }
ra a Texan range , 3 75 ® 4 CO
Sheep Market slow and wotk ; mcdlnm
to fnir , 2 75@3 0 ; good to choke , 3 75@
Hogs Market active but lower ; light
Hipping , G 35(36 ( 60 ; rough to good puck-
ne , G 00@ti C5 ; butcher * to extra , G 60 ®
75 ,
pccltl DlipatchM to TUB 1) .
OIIIOAQO , Juno 13 Iteceipu and thii > -
noata ol flour and grain for the pu t
4 hours have been as follows ;
Uecelnts. Shli > 'li >
Flour-bbls 9,600 11 000
Vheut bunhbls 41,000 7,6U0
Corn " 631)010 ) Sii'J 000
Oata- " S'Jl.OOil llti.OCO
Uye " IN" " 00 37.0IX )
Uarley- " U.OOO aGO
TOLKDO , June 13 , Kecoipta nud hlp >
nents of ( lour and grnln for the ptst 21
IOUIB have been as follows :
Kec'ts. Shipm'tft.
Wheat lf ,000 a 1,000
lorn 23,000 31.000
Oats 8,300
ST. Louis. Juno -llecelpta and
hlpmontii of tlour ami grain for the pa (
8 hours have been as lollowo :
llocolrtf. Hhlp'U.
Flour-bbls 5,000 8(00
Wheat bushels 22,000 11.COI
Corn " 37.000 26 000
0 te " 18.000 5,000
lye " 2,000
Uarley " 2.COO
NBW YOBK , Juno 13 , Uecetptn uu.t
hipmcnts of flour and grain for the past
< ! 4 hours have been as follows :
llecpipti SbD' .
Flour bariols 11025 2,778
Wheat bushels 1 20 012'.I'll
Corn " 15J8)0 127i7J
Oats " 78,400 83
KANSAS OITT , June 13.Kocuipta and
hlpioents of grain for the past 2-1
lours have been as follows :
Uee'ts. Shlo'ta
IVhcat , bushel 7.CXX ) 11,000
Corn " 120,0 1,100
Oats- "
ST. Louis , June 13. Receipts and
blpmenta of live stock ( or the past 31
lours have been M follows :
Reo'ts. Bhipm't * .
Hoe * 0.000 950
Oattlt OCO
Sheep 1,300 500
CIIICAOO , June 13. Rsoelpt and ship
ment * of live stock ( or the past 3-1
hours have been aa follows :
. Ron if. Bhipm'ta.
Hogs 24.000 2,300
Cattle 4,000 2,800
Sheep 800 100
YOBK , June 13. Receipts and
ihipmenta of live stock for the past 24
icura have been aa follows :
Koc'ta Shln't.
B36VM 2,910 379
Sheep 7,780
Juar. beef
Jucassesof mutton
Hogs 4,400 . . . .
KANSAS CUT , Juno 13. Uecolpts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21
lours have been as follows :
Roo'ts. Shipm'ts.
lattlo 1H 0
Hogs 5,51)0 ) . . . .
Sheep 1.3UO 500
lo Frloei ,
OrrioB or Tnc OMAUA KH , I
Wednesday Evening , June 13 , f
A bountiful supply of snnthino and the
warm weather ha * made trade in all
branches unusually brisk and Urge num
bers of Bales were repoitol. Buyeri show
a confidence in making purchases that has
not been noticed for norao wseki past.
Grain remains unchanged na follows :
WUKATOftflh No. 2 , 92j ; cain No.
3. 7Gc : rejected , G7io.
BARLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 7Goj No. 8 ,
fiYE-Caah , 47c.
CORN Mixed , 38 ? .
SEEDS have been steadyanduncbangec
For saveral days with only a fairdemand as
the season is far advanced. We quote aa
Follows : Blua grdsa seed , 1 2. ' > @ 1 50 ;
timothy seed , 2 10@2 25 ; rod clover seed ,
9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; mlllot seed ,
100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass
seed , 2 50. ,
Live Stock.
The demand for peed butchers' stock
ttill continues fully equal to the supply
and fat oUtle cup daily find a ready sale.
Tno f allowing are the quotations for to
day :
UATTLEFat nlnem , $5 00@5 25.
FAT COWS - $3 75@4 00.
-ei OOCa:4 : 25.
Flour and MlllttufTs ,
The following quotations are the tame
as yesterdiy with a gcoa local demand and
gome few large western orders ,
Best winter wheat- 00@3 75.
Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5.
Bent spring wheat 2 GO @ 2 75.
Second quality upring wheat 2 40@2 60.
Bran , per ton 1C 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 18
These prices are for round lot consign-
enu unle'a otherwise stated.
EGGS Receipts are larger and the
market ruther dull. We quote at 15s.
BUTTER -Trade with city retailers Is
only fair ; packers are buying bright color
ed sweet grass freely at lOo , the cuttlcgs ,
however , sell slowly and the supply is un-
uiutlly large.
We quote choice dairy at 12@14c ; choice
creamery , 17@18 : ; common country , 14@
1C : .
ONIONS Bermuda onions are about
the only kind in the rrnrket and remain
the lame as yesterday ; $2 40@2 GO.
EGGS Fresh , unchanged with a good
deinnnil. We quote at 15c ,
LKMONS JuLhanged. We quote at
85 ' 0@5 50
OltANGi:3 : The msrket is unuauMly
well supplied , with the following quota
tion * ; California , $300@350 ; Mealna ,
SI 00@5 OD ,
LIVK POULTRY -Luge receipts and
n weaker feeling. Wn quote to-day :
Spring chicken' , lirgo , $1 50fci ) ! CO ; small ,
S3 60 ; rooUcrs , 81 00 ; liens , $1 50 , per doz ;
dressed , 15o per pound ,
Qrocero Llot
CANNED GOODH-Oyitaw , ( Btond-
ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; etrawbor-
rioH , 2 ft , per cone , 2 40 , raspberries -
berries , 2 H > , per caae , 3 60 , D&m-
sons , 2 Ib , per cone , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per , 2 40 , Whortloberrie *
per case , 2 75 , Egg plums,2 Ib percuio,2 90 ;
Green gages,2 & per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
D ) per cane i 60 , Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 00@ & 75. Peaches , 2 Iti per ease , 8 00 ;
do 8 Hi , CARO , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ft , per
case.2 GO ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 3 80.
LARD Omaha Refmlnlnif Co. : Tierces ,
12Jc ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12gc ; 20-lb cans ,
124o ; 10-lb pails , screw top , lijo ; 6-lb do ,
12Jo ; 3-Ib do , ISo ,
IlIOB Loulilana prime to choice , 72 ®
Sot fair , 7ft71c : Patma , Cjo.
FISli-No , 1 BMckMtl , half brb , T 60 }
No. 1 mackerel , klta , 1 00 ; family mackerel -
orel , half brU , 6 23) ) familv tnackortt , kits.
86c ; No. 1 wuito fish , half brU , 7 00 ; No. 1
kits , 1 05.
SYRUP Standard Com. , SSo , Mils. ;
Standard do , U gAllon'kep * , (1 95 | Stan.
d iti do. 4 gallon keg * , 81 75.
SODA In Ib papers , 63.80 perca e | keg
roda , 2a
NKW PIOKIiRS Medium , In batroh
8700 ; do In half bbls , 4 OOjimallo , in bbla
900 do , In half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , In
bbbi. 11 00) ) do , in half bbls , 6 00 ,
TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 4555 ;
Oholco , G0@7f > c ; Imperial , jrood , 4045o ;
Oholoe , 60@7Sci Young Hyson , iood , 36 ®
iOc ; choice , 66c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
IDci Japan , choice , 6076cj | Oolong , good ,
85@40 ; Oolong , chn.oo , 40C < 5i | Bouchonp ,
rood , S5ftJ40c ; choice , 350460.
ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , lie ;
3 Inch , lUc ; 1 Inch. 12o.
WOODKNWAltK Two hoop palli ,
1 75 | three hoop palls , 3 00. Tnbt , No.
1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer washboard * . 1 86 Double
Crown 2 SO ; WollbuokcU , 360.
LEAD Bar. 81 66
SOAPB Klrk'a Savon Imperial , S 4 ! > ;
Klrk'i satlrmt , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , S in ;
KIrk't whit * Russian , 625s Kirk's
Kutoci. , 816 Kirk's Prulrir Queen ,
[ 100 cakoi ) , 40 ; Kirk's mairnolla dot , ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 ea f ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In cant ,
I 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case 1 C > 0 ,
PEANUTS Roastwl , choice , red Tet.
ncssco , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , lOio peril ;
raw white Virginia raw , 10fl | roasted'
12 o.
CANDLES BOXM , 40 Ibt.lPt , 15jo ? ; 8s ,
l&ic ; hexes 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Os , U < Jo ,
MATCHES Per cuddle , . 95o | round ,
ca" > ' . * 8 IHt iqnaro , cases , pn 40 ,
COFFEES Ordinary Rrados , 3l@9'j
fair , lOCAldic ; good , 10i@11c ; prlmu. 11
@ia : atiliitly prime , 12@121o ; chnlrp. li
Ktjc ; fancy green and ynllow , Hirlec ( ;
tld I'overnment Jaxn , 20 @ 2G ; Levering
rousted , 14c ; Arliuckle'n roastril , I-U ;
McLtupbllu's XXXX roasted , 1 ; 1m.
itation Jnvo , IGUalSio.
VINEGAU Now York apple , lic ( ;
Ohio apple , 13s.
SALT. Dr y loada , per bbl , 1 8.V A h-
on. in eno ks , 8 60 ; bbls dairy 60 , rn < , < l T
SUGARS Powdertxl , lOJo : Cut loaf ,
10c } ; Granulated , 9Jo | Coiifoctloncrh' A ,
l'4c ; Standard Kxtri * O , Pfic ; Extra O ,
8muiliiiro : yellow , 81c ; dark yellow , 7Jc.
ilAKCH. 1'enrl , 4ic ; BllTor Uio s
ilis : Coru Starch , 9j3 | Kxceldcr 4loti ,
7o : Corn. 83
MKATS Hacu per Ib. , 14c ; bicou
l > or Ib. , 14c ; clear side bacon ] > or 11) , lljc ;
iry Halt hldoa per Ib , , 10 0bacon ; nhouldurB
per ) b. 94c ; ticrco lard ] M > r Ib , ; 11 $ } ,
8VICK8. Pepper , 21 | Allspice , 19 ;
Clovop , 30 ; Cassia , 24.
OUKEBH Full Oream , ISisi Part
QVim , llo
LYK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewlb'
lyo. 4 6V Jo well lye , 276.
FEED-Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.50 per 100 Iba. ; chop corn , 8L40 ; bran ,
70c per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY Now 83 60 per bbl.
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc |
Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , Ho ; Boot ,
FF , 84c ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ) Cabot W.
85c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , GJo ; Iiawrenco
LL , Glc ; Mystic river , 7io ; Pwiuot A , 8c ;
la ; Utlca 0. 6io : Wachutott B , 7 jo ; do A ,
ci do K 48. 12f.
.4s 7ic ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL , Oio ; Badger State X 4-4 , G O ;
Bonnlngton 0 4-4 , GJo ; Buckeye B. 4-4 , C co
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJoj Laconia O
39 , 8Jc ; Lohlgh E 4-4 , 9ic ; Popperell N
30 , 7c ; do O 82 , 7io ; do R SO , 7io ; do E 39 ,
81o , Voc&sset 0 4-4 , 7 o ; Wamsutta 4.4
vin L 4-4 , 9ic ; Blacks tone A A Imperial Sfc ;
do do half bleached 4.4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 9)ioFruit ) ; of lhoLoorn,9j ; do
cau.brio4.4,12jcdoWnterTwisl,104oOront ; ;
Fallc Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk 41 1 , 12c ;
i. IOc ; do cambric 87 , 12&C ; New
York Jliila , 12jo ; Pcquot A,10o ; Pepperol
N G Twills , 12Jc : Pooahontaa 1-4 , OJo-
Pocaaaot 4-1 Sloi Utioa. llc | Wamantta
OXX. 1' .
. 1'ft.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany 15 brown.
Be ; do C , drab , lie ; do X.A. stripeo and
plaids , 12 0 ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripee and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
IBrDc : unswlck brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy
12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , llioj Indiana A
brown IRm Noooneet A brown. 15o
TlUKliNUB Anjoskeag A U A 32
19o ; do XX blue 32 , 18jc ; Arrowacna ,
9Jc ; Claremont B B. 15o ; Co'ueatoga xo
tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lowieton A
30 , 16c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omoia super
extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl Rlvor 82 , IB o ; Put-
nrm XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuckot
lOJo ; do SS 12o : Yeoman'r blue 29 , Oo
DENIMS , Amoskeak , blue and hronu
ICic ; Andover DD blue , l&ic | ArllngX
blue Scotcb , 18 c ; Concord 000 , blue aw
brown , 12Jo ; do AAA , do do 18 } ; do XXto
do do 14o Haymaker's bine and brown ,
9 oj Mystlo River DD stripe , 16Jo ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , IGc ; TJncasvllla ,
blue and brown , 14 Jr.
OAMBRIOb Barnard , o ; Eddystono
lining , 24 inch double lace , 8jc ; Garner A
glazed , /-Jo ; Manhattan glove finish , Eo
Newport do Go ; do glazed , EJo ) Peqnot no
&o : I/ockwood kid finish Co ,
CORSET JEANS Atnory , 8o | Andron
coggln satteen 8Jo ; Clarendc a , GJo ; Cones
o ! < ea gatteons , 7io ; Hallowol , 8c ; Inldl
Orchard 7ic ; Narr gansett , Improved , SJc.
Popnerill Hattnen 'Jio ; Rockport , 7Jo
PRINTS -Aliens , 6Jj ; American , f a
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4jo ; Coohcco , 7c
Oonostoga , 6o ; Dunkirk , ; Dnnnell ,
6J@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Glonceatcr , Go
Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , Sic ; Mor
ri ao D. 7c ; Myetlo , 5&c ; Spraruos , Go
Southbridge , 60 ; do , Ginghams , 7c ; Marl
boro. 5jc : Oriental 64c.
GINGHAMS-Am keapr , 9Jo | Argrir ,
lO o ; Atlantic , Oc ; Cumberland , 74c
Highland , 7ioj Kcnilwortb , 9tc | Pluc-
kott , 9ki Suff.5i , 8c
Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20c
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Olarlou D and T
174c ; Deccan Co. stripes DandT , 16o ; Key
atone , 13o ; Nantucket , 19o : Nonpareil
IGc ; Ocean D and T , lUjo ; Royal , 1G ) i
Sussex , 12o ; Tloga , 12ic ; Wachusott shirt
In ? checks , 12o : do , Nankin , 12ioj York.
plain Nankin. 12Jo ; do , checks , atripe * ant
fancy. 12 o ; do. 8 oz 20o ,
BHEETINGS-AndroscogKln 10-4a74o !
do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , llo , Fruitiof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now
York mllls98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58. 22 4o ,
Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 284o , do
71 , 19o do 49 , 16o ; Popporell 96 , 29o
do 67. 21cdo ; 67 , 18o ; Utlca 96 , 860 ; do
58 , 224o | do 48. 17o.
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , 65e ; Balsam
Copnbla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sasiaf raa , per
Ib , 1)3 | Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchoa'dia
per oz , 81 05 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 85o
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; Epsom
Suits , pnr Ib , 8(0 ; Glycerine , pnro po bL ,
SOo ; Load , Acetate , prr Ib , 22o
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , ? 1 25
Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , 8115 , Oil
Olive , per gal. 31 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60
Opium , 81) f 0 ; Quinine P. 4 W. & R. & S.
per oz , 81 76 ; PotaBnlum , lodido , per Ib
31 G5 ; Solacm , per oz , 40cj Sulphnto o
Morphine , per oz , 83 75 ; Huiphnr flour
per Ib , 4ct Htrvrhnlno. oer cz. 81 2"i.
Pslnta Oils end ties
OILS 110 * carbon , per gnllou
124o ; 160' headlight , per gillon
14ic ; 175 * headlight , per gtllon , 19c
150' Water Wliito , 18c ; Jlnssod
raw , per fallen , 67 ; linseed , boiled
nor gallon. GOc ; Urd , winter utr'd , per al
( on , C5 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7Ec ; castor
XXX. prr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet
per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W , B. , per gallon
1 GO ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , G'JCJ neatafoot
extra , per gallon , 90c ; No , 1 , 75c ; lubri
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 16c
golden machine. No. 1 , per eallon , 35o ; No
! l 80 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tur
pentine , per gallon , 65o | naptha , 84 * , pe
gallon , 16o : 61' , 16a
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P , P , . 60 ; white lead , St. Louis , pore , CJo
WaneUlM green , 1 to 6 Ib oani , 20
French zinc , gve n aeaL 12o | Trench sine ,
red leal , lie ) French zinc , In vamlah out ,
20oi French atnoe , In oil aut 16o ; Bi
and burnt amber , 1 ft cna 10i ; raw ant
boral Blena * , IOc : Ttutdyk * browo , M
eCnod lampblack. 12c ; ooach black and ;
"ory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , 10o | Prussian
> lue , SOc I ultramarine bice , 18o | ohrvmo
reen , L. M , It I ) , , IGajbllnd and ( butter
reon , L , M , & D. , 1C : ; Paris green , tKoj
ndlan red , 16o ; Venetian red. 9o | Toscw
re , 22o ) American Vermilion , I , A P , , 18c |
lirotne yellow , L , , M , , O , ft D 0 , , IKc ;
ellow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 16 ; patent
rycr , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
AK. wilnut. hestnnt nrl Mb 16o.
Dry Paints
White lead , 8c ; Froucb zinc. lOct Par '
whiteiug 2ic ; whlUng gilders. IJc ;
tilting coin1 ! , lie ) lampblack Gorman-
own , lie ; limpblack , > nlinary , 10o | Pru .
an blue , 56c ; ultr.Mimrlns , IBo ) Vandyke
rown , 8c | umber , burnt , 4a ; umber , raw
cilenna ; , burn t , 4c ; aionna , raw , 4o
'aris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com'
Ooj chrome green , N , Y , ' 20c ) ohrom
roen K , , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng , , 70o | vermillion
million , America , 18o ; Indlau rod , IOc
o-e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Gokososo
jci Venetian red Am , , lo ; roi load , 7Jo |
tiromo yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yol-
ow , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ) ochre
Trench. 2Jc | ochre , American , 2c ;
Vlntor a mineral. 24c ; lohlgh brown. 2ioi
mnlah brown , 2Jt | Prince's mineral So ,
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon
'urnlture , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No. 1
> 1 | coach , extra , 81 40 ; on oh , No. 1 ,
I 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; apan , 70o ; a-
> lnltum , extra , 86c | shells 83 60) ) hard
II t.nlnh , 81 SO.Hides
Hides , Fun , Etc.
UIDES-Urern bntcher'a hides. G ?
c cured 7i@8j | hldoa , green salt ,
ry Hint , sound , K'WlSoi dry call
nd kip , 12@llo | dry salt hldre , aonnd ,
C(3Uo ; green calf , wt , 8 ol6Ra. . HW12c ;
teen calf , wt , under 8 Iba , per skin , 50c |
rorn poltw , 50(481 25 ; green lamb nklns ,
1 25 ( 160) ) damaged hides , two-third rate ,
ut scored and ouo grub , classed tv < o >
Irdi ratt\ ) branded hldpn 10 per eent. off
Coon kln , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 80c ; No. 1
20. | No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 30c | No. 2
5c ; No. 35c ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
> 0c | No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b26c |
* c ; short stilim , 40m ur.rrow strlpoa
iiad stripe , lOo Tallow 7o ,
Leather ,
Oak note , S8o tu > t2o ; hcnilock so'e , 38o to
5c | hemlock kip , bOo to 100 ; runner ,
> .r > o to KOc ; hemlock calf , 860 to 1 20 ; hem-
oo't upper , 2to to "lie ; onk upper , 24c ;
lllKator , 100 to 050 ; o lf kid , 32ffl85n-
GrciBen kid , 250 to 2 76 ; oak kip , ' HUe to
00 ; oak calf , 1 . ! 0 to 1 'M ; French kip ,
110 to 1 EC ; French onlf , I 25 to 2 00 : riiK-
uettr. 6 r > 0 to 7 f > 0 ; llnlnKB , 6 CO to 10 50 ;
upnngn ; , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B , L , Morocco , 30c
o 3no ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , S5c ; siinonj
2 M to H CO.
IIAKNESS-No I M nr oak , 42o ; No 'J
do , Sl'c ' ; N. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
" 6c | No. 1 Milwaukee , H7o ; No. 2 do S4o.
Wo qnoto lumber , Iain and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following price * :
under , $22 00 ; 18 ( t. , 823 50.
TIMHKU3-1G ft. and under , $22 00.
TIMBKU AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ;
2C ( t , $23 50 , 22 ( t. , 926 50 ; 24 ( t. 820 50.
FENOING-No. 1 , 4 and G In. , tU OO ;
No. 2. 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boardn ) , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME For barrel , 81 251 bnlk per bus-
We ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Ihwa plaster
> bl , 92 50 , Hair per bn , 60o. Tarred
olt 100 Ibs. 8 50. Straw hoard , 83 50.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , ratou , (2 80 ; plow steel , apodal
cast , 7oj cniolblo,8o ; special or Uerman,6c ;
cant tool do , 16@20 wagon apokea , act ,
2 253 00 ; hubs , per act , 125 ; ( elloea , flawed
dry , 1 40 ; tonguoa , each , 70@85o ; axloi ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llo ;
washers , per In. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
loll chain , per Ib , 6@12o ; ( ( malleable , 80 ;
ran wcdgoa , Go ; crowbars , Go barrow
ooth , 4c ; sprint ; tool , 7@Ho ; Burden's
iori f ho n. fi 2 : Burdon'u muledhoos , 6 25.
BAKBKD WIKE In car lots , 7o ©
71a per 100.
NAILS Hates. 10 to ROtC. 3 0.
SHOT , Shot , 81.85 ; Buok hhot , 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kogv , CG.40 ; Jo. , hal
* ogs. 83.43 ; do , , quarter kngn. 81,88 ; Blast
'ug , keita , $8.JfiFuo : , per ICOfcct t > Co.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812) )
Uorriu Knn Blomibiirg , 8U ! | Wliltebreast
uuap , 81 03 ; Whitoliron t nut. 04 03 ; Iowa
lump , 91 0) ; Iowa nut ? 4 00 ; Itook ( Spring ,
8700 ; Anlluaoito , 811 5I12 ( 00 ; Canon
'Jity , $7 00 per lou.
Morsea nd Multia.
Extra draft horses , (175. to 205. ; Com
mon draft horses , 8100. to 150. ) Extra
farm horcos , 8110. to 125. ) Common to
good farm homer , 00 to 8100. ) Extra
plugn. 860. to 75. | Common pluge , 820.
to 310.
MULE3. ( Extra ) , 8126. to 160.J good ,
5100. to 140. ; fair , 875 , to HX.i ) common ,
560. to 76.
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 125 per wins
jnllon ; extra California spirits , 1 > 8 proof ,
125 per proof gallon ; triple refined nplrlta
187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-dlstlllod
whiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended 1 50 ©
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 0007 00.
BUANDIES-Imported , 18 0091000 ;
domootlo 1 404 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 5006 00) ) domestic ,
1 40(553 ( CO.
RUMS Imiwrtud , 4 506 DO ) Nov
Endand. 2 00(2)4 ( ) 00) ) domestic , 1 W3 50
75(34 ( 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease ,
38 00 34 00) Amirlna , per oas , \2 OOJd
1C 00 ,
Merino nnwachsd , light , 1410c ( ) hosiy
13@15o ) medium nnwanlied , light , 18a21) ( ) ;
washed , cholot ) , 32c | fair , SOcj tub and
washed , 28o ) bnrry , black and r tted wool
26o lesr.
FINK OCJT Common , 20@30o ; good ,
45@GO < 3 I'.oso Leaf , 70o ; Premium , G.ric ;
Diamond Crown , 5c ; Sweet Slxtoau ,
SMOKINO-0. S. , 20c ; Muikovy , 2Hc ;
Dnrlum , 1H oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c ;
Durham , 4 oz , 52c ; Durham , 2 oz , 5.ric ;
Seal of North Cnrollnn , 1C oz , 42c ; dotl of
North Oin.linii . , 8oz 4lo ; Senl of North
Carolina , 1 oz , - HiSeal ; of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 48a ; O. K Durham , 4 o ; , 28o ;
O K. Durham. 2 cz , 30j ; Undo Ned , i' ,
24c ; Tom and Jerry. I3c.
PLUU TOBACCO -Climax. 60 ; Bui-
lion 50 ; Her nhoe , 48 ; Stir 48 ; Kudy ,
44 ; Heuey'n , 48 ; Black , 3H@40.
Kimorabor , If you want health and
strength of mind and muecle , nao
Brown'a Iron Bitters.
achlllttrra mceti
the r iiulrrinen's
ol Ihu rail u I
n edlc'il | ) | IIMO.
| li ) wh'ch ' ktpie.
Hint prevallH t
Is a perfectly
pure > iitatili
icciioOy , tiiilnao
liU the tin it
jir | iun ei ot a
ji uvu n 11 v o , a
onto anil an al
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lltK the boJy
ntralnat illita o ,
lmlK'0' tia a u
r < \Uil/n the
toriilil Htotnach
anil llvur , anil
Koroal UiURKlsta d Diallers cjncr
, ly | ray 1H iiii.oml4.iv
S , E , Oor , Farnara & Tenth Sts ,
Highest Cash Price Paid
Call or 8ond Poatal.Oord.
James H. Poubody , M. D ,
Residence No. 1407 Jone Bt.
Office No. 1607 F rn m St.
Offle bonr , M m. U I p. m. and 9 p. m. o
pbont for offioo , D7IUildtnoo,12B ;
A. eomblnalton of JrY *
ttucitlt of Iron , J'cruriaio
Jlnrk antlJ.'ho/t ] > lionii *
a ixitiitablarm. .
DtbiUly. Ia of Arn * *
Me , 1'rostratlon of fta\
ate ,
[ UiV. A. I. ilOUBS Wrltco : HEV.
Artor n thorough trial of the TORIFIES.Indastry , .
CUON TONIO , I take pleasure "Iconaldo '
n Btatlntr that I have X > eon 1T f9f % g % J ?
! > . * onofltod by Its | | . | JIJ M XA moot .excellent remedy ;
IBP. Ministers nnd Pub * the dobllltatod vital forccsu
lie Spoakora will find It
of the RTfiatCBt value
where n Tonlo ia nooca *
aary. I rooommonil It
OM n rollAblo rrmotUal
tiKont , posBosdlntc un *
doubted nutritive and
reatorntlvo , Ay , proportlca. , Of. 3 , ISS1
nipAiiB nr TDE DR. HARTER , MEDICINE CO. . 113 u. UADJ cr. . cr. LOUU ,
- a , ; , i
191"na 5Q
ell -i1 H-ti
W3atlS ! S5.f 5 w <
glfil | | | | p
osMsSlla0 ? 1 o
52 § oB' -
WSC'r'l &tlP
SrfalP i 3
J E iSg a 3 its
S c-g fcSojj ol
rfe-i8- 3 = s
. . 8
IK wT f C -J TT. JJfcCi
My llopooltory la Constantly tillo-J vlth a Solent Stock , licit
Office nnd Factory. U. W , Oor. lotn ana uupiioi Avenue.
m 2mAft-lr
Locismi'-liing , Bell Hanging , Saw Filing ,
x * . - * * 3E iJTC * r a.nac.
6th Street 2nd Door North of Dodgo. Omaha , Nob.
Fire and Burglar Proof
o .
1020 Farn ham Street ,
Window Caps , FiniaU , Skylights , &c.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Oor. Far n am and 10th Streets Omaha. Nob.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Union Pocific Denot. - OMAHA ,
And Window Glass.
M. Mellnian & Oo
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t-