THE OMAHA DAILY BKE-THURSDAf JUNE 14 , 1883. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business , strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a houchold , strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what Is wanted , in the often heard expression , " Oh I I wish i had the strength I" If you are broken down , have not energy , or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing ) you can bo relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT TERS , which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501V , Fremont St. , Baltimore During the war I was in- jurcdinthe stomach by a piece of a shell , and have suffered from it ever since. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis , which kept me in bed six months , and the best doctor * In the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from Indigestion , and for over two j cars could not cat solid food and for a large portion of the time wasunable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Urown's Iron Bittcrsand now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. DECKER. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic tonic , It enriches the blood , gives new lifer to the muscles and tons to the nofve.s , , , - T ' * GOIVD UCDAT , , I'AKIS , 1BTC BAKER'S Kiler * rnmivm Oionlalt , thi l > prcpnratton of plain clincolnto fur fan lljr uw. JlnUer'l llrtaifatt Coco * frum which the ever. , ol oil hi. bcc removed.cniilyillcritixliUKtiilinlrikl oilnptcit for Invalid ! llufrr' $ KrutiJi f/iiKWafr , o. a drink ot "Ifn u coi fcctlonory I. ailellcloui ertlclo i hlghl rrcotnmcnilcil by toudili'ulfr Jlmrnu , Invaluable oa a illtt for clil drtn. Ornnan Stoett dtuwlalt , luoit excellent article for famillci. tiold lij Grocers otcrvrthcre. \\T. BA.TCK11 Ai CO Every Corset \rurnutod latl * . fcotorrtoita wearer IncTory w&y , cr tbo money will be rorunded by tbe person from vrboui it yrai bousbt. T'VktonlrOorMtpronoaruiod by onr leadln * phjtleU ; 4d Mirloaa to Ui w uvr , andfadorMatir ladle * i i ' moitcomrorUble and ptrtoo * flttlog Oontl rr PniCE , by I Preservingtl.BO. . tMaUU ( utrakeavT ) 99.0O. Narla , . Prtwervlx ( flue comtll ) 90.00 , Panel Bklri-BupporUic , 1.BO. fw Mle by l atdl > B IteUU IleaJcre evcrrwkw CHICAGO COlttiliT OO.i CltloacOf Ul < Aneiccllcnt Tonic nnd Appe tizerof rnulnlli'lUior , nurd th whole world over. Ciiien ly jiet la. Ntirvnuinr ii , lliadAchi * . 1 > < I.lllty , rVttrainRUiS ! , 1'lnirluv and ull Ulionluni of the IHKmtlv Or arii. U Impart * it drlklou llavor tu a glah * of thaiuiviKni liiuon&de1. aoda. And all urlnUi Try It. The irixulna Ancoitur Dltteri U made lit Dr. J. O. 1 hiKuuvr A : Snx * . Bold liy all Pmi Kl t , Qrocer. anil 1J | uor Do'lrr J\VV'UpPEnMAIISol , Agent 51 Groadwav , U , Y. me-eod- & ' QKATEFDIiCOBCFOKTXX d. EPPS'S ' GOGOA BKEAKFABTi "Dy tboionzh knorrledie ol tb natural Ui which govern tbo oporatloni ot dlzoetlcn ai nnimioo , and br a cireful application of tl One tuoptitlei ol wtll-i'loctod Cocoa , U Xppi bu provided oni bruklaat Ublcs with delicately Baroiod bofetage which may lari many heavy doctori' bills It Ii by the Judlclo rue ol tach aittcloa ot diet that a ecnit'tall may be gniuiHy ballt up on til itronjr enou to ictlit every tendency to dlstua. Dandle al rabtle nuUdlea are floitlng around tu tea 10 attack wherever there It a we k point. 1 Bty ee = ape many a UUl ahatt by keeping 01 M\ dwell tortlned with pure blood and a pn uly noailihed Iramt. " Civil berrlct Oaiekte Uade limply with boiling water or mllV , 61 o tlui only ( J-lb and Ib ) , by Qrocori , labeled JAMBS BPPS 21 CO. , BomcBopatblo Gbemlote , i . , . i i. n 1or RUBBER BOOTS SHOES & ARCTICS. * -v OASES - 10,000 , , inolodlog standards and Rr des match , are offered to the jobbing tn at leas than manufacture ' prices 1 FIELD , THAYER & 00- , 170 Oongreis'Gtreeti DO TON. EARLY TIMES IN CALI FORNIA. The Universal Mania for Dam- Enormous Rento Paid by Gam bling HoijseB. v $120,000 | p Year for a Two- Story Frame Bulfding. Judge Almond' * Oonrt-Tba Vigil ance Gcmmittee A Specula tion in Ration * "I wan'seated ono day , " said my old army friend , "In my little 7i'J brick office at Ban Diego In a llstlets mood , with nothing In particular to do , and nothing In particular to think about. The old town was the drowsiest , qnl- ntest , dreamiest place on the coaat. It was BO far away from the wild tur moils of the mining camps that scarce ly a rlpplo from the centers of excite ment ntlrred the waters of its shining day. 0c slonally a little coasting steamer , with asthmotlc groans and much plashing , oamo pounding up to the dock with late San Francisco pi pers , and it may bo two or throe ofli cors returning from a month's siege in the boisterous bedlam of city enter ed by way of the Golden Horn. Some times ono of the Pacific mall and ( toamshlp's line would round into port forau hour or two , loaded and crammed with people for tha mines , then after tbo blue film of amoko from her chim neys had vanished upon the far-oil horizon line , the Inhabitants of San Diego would return to their listless oo onpationa and a dead qnlot followed. My little office was situated on the plaza and waa the only edifice of the kind In the town , the others were ol adobe. Immediately In front was c tall fhgntad from which the Amrrlcat flag floated when there was Btfibloni breeza to move ita starry folds. As ] eat thcro on the occasion referred to , I was startled Into consciousness o Bomething now and strange by n tre mendous cheer , immediately followoc by two moro. glvon with a hoartlncs and zent altogether foreign to thi sleepy denizens of San Diogo. ' rushed to the door , and oluatoroi about the fligatnff were elx or olgh men , the r&g cdrst , halrcsr , dirtiest most tattered and woo begone looklni wrotcbca that I over laid oycn on With huts in their bauds , their arm waving and their foot flying , the were executing n wild danao nronu the polo and underneath the fhg c country. Oa investigation I fonn thorn to bo a pirty of Americans wh had been shipwrecked on thu poninai lar ol Lr-ror California , and had tra\ ulcd through that nrld , desolate n glen along the const until they reaohe dan Diego , and their barbaric enthusiasm siasm was caused by the sli-ht of th o'.d ilig and a protpect of a nptir tncnl , of whlnh they had not p&rtnko for weeka. I sent them down in th surf to bo eorabbcd and scoured , d ( tailed the post burbor to trim thol nh&gpy manes , droassd them throne ? ! out wth | BOldlcr clothro , and fill : thorn to the very oyca with array ra tlons. After the procaus cf trantfoi mation had bcnn completed dlicovcrcd among them a ulnp by tl n.imo of Williams , who had boon or of GJH. Scott's OBCott during the catr p&lgn on the Oily of Mexico. IIo wi ono of the gamblora who hat mudo virtue of nucoaaity and voluntocrc for the war rather thnn bo nent to th roar whim the Mexican capital lay aa ptizi before us. In duo time I nont them on to Si Francisco and accounted for the foot clothing and transportation fnrnlaho them as astlotanco rendered to dlt tressed Americans , and I doubt if eve a moro correct return were made t the qaartonnastor'n department I Washington. A oouplo of month after I was walking along ono of th streets of San Francisco , when I WE nuddouly aclz d by a man droisod I sumptuous apparel , a ponderous watc fob pendant from a massive gold chad diamonds blazing from hit shirt froni and about him an air of abnndanc denoting a plontltndo of lucre. Afte extricating myielf from his boar-Ilk hug I found that It wasHVilllami , on of the starved wretches of San JDlegi Upon Inquiry ai to the cause of tb transformation from thn grub of a fe wcoka before to the gorgeous butterfl of the present , he btde me follow Wo entered a largo adobe building the doors of which were open wide aud paiiod down&nilslo batweontw rows of faro tableu , about whlc were excltod crowds. Oj ono sld Was a band cf music , and about th tables were scores of extravagant ly dressed women , many of thot dealing faro , others chatting with th Don-players. At the extremity of th largo apartment w ra tTro or thrc small rooms , ono ol which wo ontoroc In this was a fate table , the room we lavishly furnished , as much so as II diminutive BEB ! would admit. At on ftldo was a good-elrod safe.Tlllair unlocked the door and disclosed bag of gold dnst and glittering piles < 'alngs' f GO pieces , tf octagon shapi Usnod for convenience in the absent of United States ooln. Ho said , have made all this since I arrived I San Francisco. There la probab $50,000 In that safe. Yon found n naked and hungry , fed , clothed at sent mo on my way. Great fortutu are made here every week In re rstato. I am no builnesj mtn , i there la no use in my making a dive that direction. I beg of you to tal as much of that money as yon deslt take it all If you require It. Invest aii'l if the ventnro U tuioossful rotn as much of the sum advanced as y see fit. If' ' It it lost noltbor of us w bo much the woreo off , us I ohall pi bably lose it in gambling by th t tlm Of bourse , I declined the ctfjr , a Williams aoemod considerably hurt the rtfuial , This occurrence was1) ) tor the city had become IN A. MEABUBE CIVILIZED , and the qamblicg mania had t certain extent tubalded. In 1840 this wit altaostj IhbBolefumuieruent 'ho popuUoo , and snccesslnl garabl were among the richest , most tulon ! nnd Influential citizens of the toi Every bar-room displayed Ita atti tlous of monte , faro , roulette or rot ot nolr , aud merchants , lawyers , i even o'ergymen , crowded e ge around to itako their gold upon winning card , Ilentn paid for these and other business placjs were onor * nous. A two story frame building , known as the Parker IIouso , psld itu iroprlotors $120,000 per annum ; of hit num the gamblers who occupied ho second story paid' ont-half. Mio 'El Dorado , ' -moderate-sized anvas tent , brought for gambling purposed at the rate of $40,000 per annum. At ono corner of the p1 z was a firm of brokers who paid $7G- 00 for a small building , and the gov ernment paid { $8,000 $ per month for a mc-story frame for a custom house. L'hcao prices , extravagant as they ap- > ear , were not disproportionate to hose obtained for everything olio mrohaeod. No coin was in clrcnla- ion of lois value than 25 oonto. Taking such nocbssarlos as tickets to a show , these to the pit were $3 , while a reserved seat commanded (55 , Da * cent board was $8 per day , or about .0 cents' per mouthful. Washing was rom $12 to $20 per dozan , largo and small. Common laborers received $1 per hour , while skilled mechanics de manded from $12 to $20 per day POKKR WAH TUB FAVORITE OAUK among gamblers , when after having wearied of blooding the iambi the wolves wonld turn to and rend each other. They scorned to need the sharpening resulting from cintact with cool heads and steady nerves. Some- Imes they would have a sot-to lasting wo or throe days , scarcely wasting Imo for meals cr sleep. At the con cluilon of anon contests the floor of the room wonld bo probably six inches deep in cards , as but a single hand was played with a deck , which was hen thrown away and n now ono substituted , and moro than likely the great plies of golden 'slugs' would gradually move to the corner of the table and the vanquished ones be in a condition to boirow a take of the winner and start again the following day at bleeding the rod- ahlrtod Iambs oi their bags of dust as they came down from the mines. Oa- caslonally a gambler wouid como out winner to the extent of several hun dred thousand dollars , and turning ever his treasure to the express com pany for shipment to th6 American aoast , except a few thousands foi amusement during his homeward voyage - ago , ho wonld take passage for the oast. I remember ono caao where the party had rak.od in a largo fortune. lie went to Wellington and resolved that ho would matry and lead n mora life. Ho became enamored of thi daughter of a woman whc kept a boarding honao , am after satisfying them of his wealth hi wao acosptod ua the hmband of thi charmer. The old lady and hoi daughter immediately gave up thi boarding business , and turned the ! attention to the mure congenial occn patlon of opandlag the Uallfornlan' money. His co-operation WM not ai all necessary to the sncoescfal con < Hnmmatnn of the schema iatined they made the poor folldw'q llfo s supremely miserable that ho olooei the engagement by throwing himself ii front of a locomotive lu Now York When the ueirs cuuo back to th coast , and was road to a crowd of hi old associate ! , ono of them romarkoi that it demonstrated the evil effect of a man's flying too high fjr hi root , and the snbj ? ot wan dropped. The enormous ufhx of stronger : [ tor the gold discoveries brought to other the extremes from the fou oruera of the earth. Ban Franalsc ad the ablest bar nnd the bcsi phyal lans , and at the earno time the grout st number of the unit dating an eokloca thlovcrnnd cut-thrnato of an lly on the continent. Criminal rom all parts of the world ilosked the ho coast , but their ranks were child ( crultcd from tbo Eigllsh penal col nles of Van D.oraau'd land and No' onth Wftloa. Tlcket-of-leavo me nd old convicts who had curved tliol cm were given good residence by th olonlal authorities , and their pree uoa was soon felt In the rapid in ranso of crime. All manner of atroe ies were perpetrated , murder , thef ud robberies , but that whlc dasod the paoplo most wa ho frequent recurrence of dovna ating fires , Several times tbo cit ad been destroyed by inoandlary coi : tgatlons. Lynch law was tried one r twice and a criminal hanged , bi 10 cff-.ot was but temporary. Th clays of the law , the banding tc ether of thiovea and assassins fc mutual protection , the faclitty wit which an alibi could be proven b omrados of the accused , at length e : operated the bettor portion of th ( immunity to such an extent that 1 821 the celebrated vigilance commli oo was formed , composed of 400 o 00 of the bosl , oltlzjna of Sin Frat sao. In a most deliberate , open an rdorly manner the association wa ormod and without haste or tumul iclr decrees were executed. The rraly resolved to rid their city of th aso which had inaugurated an nnpai Holed reign of oilmo , It was not fc 10 purpose of revenge upon any indl Idual , out to wage war of cxtormlni on upon desperadoes. It was agree lat at a signal from on onglno houi all the members should assemble i loir rooms and prccood to THY ANY 01UUIXAL who might bo brought botoro then 'hey were at all tlmoa to be on th lort , ready to pursue and capture ao erson caught oommlttlDg a crimi nd the punishment agreed upon we eath , If the thief was approhonde 110 o'clock at night the taps of tt > dll brought the committee togotht md tbo chances wrro that within ew hours' time his body wonld t [ angling from a ropo's end. It Wi ) uly by this summary method thi hey could strike terror to the hoar 1 the criminal olastes , by giving the .o understand that vengeance swl certain and Inexorable , would 1 visited upon thorn. The dangoroi classes know that not only would tin punishment bo euro and terrible , b they know that hundreds of viutla eyes were upon them , ready to dote the slightest Infraction of the la Dangerous characters were warned leave and the boats were crowded wi terrified rascals. Four men were c ecuted , and crlmo came almost tc standstill. Other towns saw the go tffjots of thoTprcoeedinRs in San Frj qlsoo and vigilance committees TTI ' rganiztdaud incalculable good v the result. BO EXTRAVAGANTLY 111011 the pay of an army cflisor woi scarcely board him were ho not lowed the benefits of the commdsi department , An order was im giving officers the choice of come tln their rations al 20 cents each or of drawing thorn In kind. This was a great advantage to these in Califor nia , an that which was charged igalnat us at 20 cants cnu'd ' bo rotdlly dis posed of at $2 CO. Nearly all of the officers had a large number of rations duo thorn , and a scheme was con cocted to realize the handsome profit of drawing them In kind and selling them at current prices. All the b ok dues of this ser : were bought up , a small steamer was chartered , loaded and placed In charge of a spruoa young man , a nephew of an old offioer , and ho was directed to crnho about and toll his cargo wherever he could obtain the hlghoit prices , Each ono Inter ested began building castles lu Spain with the comfortable prtfhs which wero' sure to result from the ventnro , Wo bid the Httlu steamer bon voyage and impatiently awaited the time when the agent ahonld return with a snug little fortuoo for each. Well , wo arc waiting still , and that was more than thltty years ago. Our ship novoi came in , neither did the agent return , but after disposing of his cargo at the rate of $2.50 pt-r ration ho in n thoughtless mood en ngtd p&s9ge , it was supposed , in soaie outgoing vessel and hied him hcncn with the sum total of our ration money abjnt his person , I know of ono officer who lost $30OOC by the operation. Afterwards if we drew our allowanca in klnti wo were careful not to allow It to drift awaj beyond our roach. W. B H. NEBRASKA. CIIY- A Collection of Interesting Itema Iron tbo Metropolis of Otoe. CorreeponJence of The Deo. NBDRASKA CUT , Nob. , June 11. The gaa works will noon again be it operation , and light will bo furnished at a reasonable rate. The old Seymour house Is being re built , and will bo dubbed after Oio < county's democratic statesman J Sterling Morton. Politic } , however , will not bo introduced in the kitchen , and when completed , which will b < oomo monlhsj'it Is thoneht the Mortal will become a popular hotel. The "pork factory , " as it is nnanl mouely called , la doing a good bus ! noes , and tm proven a financial sue 0038. Judging from iho fine churoh build ings moat every denomination bob ) represented ono wonld suppose tha this was a highly moral town ; bu supposition , like a pretty wo man , oinnot always bo be llevcd. Saturday , twa of th most highly respected young men o the city , thoao at least who move I : the higher circles of society , were ai rested for robbing about a week age A long trial resulted in an honorabl discharge. Saloons deal out their liquid olixl on Sundays the name as week dayz except , perhapo , the doora are nc ajar.Farmoro Farmoro near the city inform t that though the season is late crof in Otoo county wlii provo an aven > yield. The town exhibits some iino yar.ii dwellings and bnninoau blocks. L'.l is all that Is wonting. OATD. bad breath oomns from Indl gcstlon. Take Samaritan kNervin It stop ] the caueo. $1 50. Mr. John H. Patterson , of Evam vllle , lad. , oftya : "Samaritan 2fcrvii cured my wife of female weakness , Your Druggists keep-it. Cocdoneed Crop Report for MAV. PLATTSM UTJI , Nob. , Juno 15. To tbo EJItir of Tin Dm ; Sic The following otatomont gives th substance of the information gatherc from the reports of correspondents 1 38 counties In this state , in reply i circular No. 3 sent out from this ollic May 25h ; , viz. : Oattlo-Condition June 1st , 102 pi cent , , Horses Condition June 1st , 102 pi cent. cent.Mules Condition Juno 1st , 102 pi cent. cent.Hrgs Condition June 1st , 103 percen Sheep Condition June 1st , 107 pi cent. Cattle Per cent on band June 1st , 188 117 per cent. Hortes Per cent on hand June Is 1882 112 per cent. Mulei Per cent on band Junel t , 183 115 per cent. Sheep Per cent on band June 1st , 188 110 per cent. Condition of wheat June 1st , 1833 , 11 per cent. Condition of rye June lit , 1833 , OS pi cent. Rainfall May. 1683 , 4 4-9 Incboc. Condition o ! dairy cowa and stock , II per-cent. Acreage of corn Jun 1st , 1883 , 121 p cent. Acreage of wheat Juno lit , 1883 , 03 p cent. cent.AcreatrooJ potatoes June lat , 1883 , 1 ( per cent. ' Acreage of clover June 1st , 1883.108 pi cent. Condition of winter wheat 91 per cen Condition of winter rye , 1'22 per cent. Increase In acreage tame graaa , 10S p cent , Condition of tame Rrasies , 90 per cent. I'Aituies ( wild ) , 97 per cent. Frosts have been reported In BO' oral localities about the 15th to 181 of Miy , but no perceptible damoj waa done. Wo trust that reports to como tb month and for the year , will show maikod lucreroo in the condition ull crops. All reports made are comparison with Juno 1 , 1882 , 1 ( representing said year the per cent the crops nbovo or below that figu gives the present status. Youra very truly , DANIBL II. WHKELKR Secretary. Uno Experience from Many. I hare been sick and miserable long and h d canted my husband much trouble and expense , no o Boomed to know what nllcd mo , thai wus completely disheartened and dl oouraged. In thia frame of mind gat a bottle of Hop Bitters and no them unknown to my family. I so began to Improve and gained so fi that my huoband and family thouj it atraugoaud unnatural , but whor told them what had helped mo , tt Bald-/Hurrah / for Hop Bit'era He may they prosper , for th y h made mother well and us happy. ' The Mother. Young man or woman , If you w big money for a small amount , t k cettlfic te in the Marriage Fund M - ual Trust Awjdation , Cedar Rap 3-'Iowa. ' BILL TUCKER'S GRIME , A Obild of Thirteen Assaulted by a Notorious Rowdy of North Piatto , Futile Attempts of the Villain to Purchase Peace From the Parents. The. CltJ sni of Keith and Lincoln Counties Red Hot lor a Hemp Plonlo- Correspondence of The Bee. OOALLAIA , Nob. , Juno 7. Oa the 15th of May laot tbla county waa startled by the rumor of a critno un paralleled in Its criminal annals. Wm. H. Tackor , a resident of North Piatto and engaged In the e'a- loon business there and at Ogallala , was charged by Mine Flora lUyner with a rape upon her person. The youthfulnoea of the child , who Is * onlyfonrtoon years of age , joined to the fact that the perpetrator of the outrage Is a notorious sporting man , gambler , brothel proprietor , married and having an Infant daughter , aggra vates the circumstances of this osso. At the preliminary examination Tucker made no defense , and wai bound ever to the district court In the onm of $5OCO , which sum was nnbao- qnently lowered by the justice presid ing to 82,500. Pablio sympathy being aroused In the case , a subscription list , intended to defray the expense of employing legal counsel for the child , was started by the citizens of Ogallala , and In one day twenty signers expressed their feelings substantially to the tune of $100 , and more funds are being rap idly ( subscribed. No particulars of the preliminary trial hare yet botn published. The journalo of North Piatto , at which plaoo tha crlmo was committed , in serted brief items , chhfl/ noted foi warnings to the public not to hastily form either their opinions or judg ment until the caio should como to an iasuo. opinion will neither sour nor spoil by belup saved until then. Nor TV II the methods employed to sllenco the pen In this Instance procure sllonco. The testimony of tbo child on tht day of trial iras that Tucker intimi dated her with a shotgun while riditif in a buggy near North Phtte , thi child at the time being on a visit to thi wife of Tucker. Threatening her thus ho accomplished od his execrable designs , and the fac is well known that he has staca ao knowledged an attempt to commit thi act. act.Tho The unhung scoundrel is at presen inventing methods to evade the pun ishment ho so deservedly merits , cvei approachingtho family of the ontragei child with an overture for peace In th ohapo of a deed to his private dwellln , in Ogallaln. It la needless to add that the famil ; of the child ri fated the oiler with th contempt and scorn it so justly merit ed , and deeply feeling the abamo e the matter they have determined t attempt to bring the felon speedily t justice , in which design they arobein substantially endorsed by the gooi and prominent element of the conn ties , both of Lincoln and Keith. 0. B. Wo notice the Mauiage Fund Mutno Trust Association , of Cedar Ilaplih Iowa , highly spoken of by the loadln papers You vhould secure a ccrtlficat at onco. Wiite fur circulars and appll cations. A Fit at Last. Cincinnati Conrtne.-clM Otiette. A certain hatter lu this city baa fo years past had hanging in his window an Immense silk hat , No. 0 , with i label , "Presented to any man whoai head will fit It. " Yesterday aa Hat nnm's giant taking a atroll for hi health , his eyes fell npon the hat ant the premise. Walking lu ho enquired "What Is the alza of that hat ) " The hatter looked at the fellow'i GOO-pound bulk , aud as the colt sweet began to oozi oat on his fore head gasped : "Number " nine. ' I'll take the hat , " aaid tbe giant It waa hanled down , dusted , am given to him. Ho placed It on hii head , a perfect fit' , and walked aw aa prond as a lord , The huge crowd which quickly gathered to see the fan cheered lustily as ho walked off wit ] his pIz3. I E : t > n n-H - > : * 7 > ! 'i oi | I n fa ? liu * W la \ I JJfadaehttltom voucncss , * < _ . . , . i . i , . . i.iutNni , jVcn \ O f > - UH5 ' 'rain. ' Worn , CV 'ivNCVOUH ! ! Wcstratloi Kidney TfoM * * and IrnyulitritM , Sl.&O , t VrussMi. raiiii | rIYMiiioiiJnl ! . "Sanwlt-m Jumnu hiiotni ; wouiliM. " I > r J. O. Jlclx rniiin , AU Kinder City , Al "I fitl it my duty tu iccommeiiJ It. " lr ) ] ) T. Uiuxhlln. Clyde , Kinin "It cuml liera iiMf'kinnt fullcil. " i\t\JA Kdie. Uiwcr , I' S'Corr i > iioniJcico ! I'reoly nnmcrcil.t THE DR. S. A. KICimOE MED. CO. , PROPRIETOR ! ST. JOSEPH , MO. ( T OT ? - ' 'T"Mil.-ila aiul circulars scuil f Iniay. NATIONAL Cor , Water and Ccngreii Qtreets S40O.OC CAPITAL , - - SURPLUS , - - tiOO.OC Traneaota.a general Banking business. 11 oelves tbe acsouut of Banks , Bankers ai others. Draws Foreign . Exchange ai make Oftble Trunefera in Europe and T > egraphlo Transfers of Money throngho the United States. 03uys and sell * Gc ernment and other Investment Beeurttli and executes any business for Its Oon ipondenti in the line of Banking , ASA P. POTTEI Preildent J. J. EDDY , Caihler. J. W. WORK , Aaa't Oo ht r. mith-me HAS THB BEST STOOK IN OMAHA34ND3HAKES THE LOWEST PRICES < A n\ IMPORTANT imOVEHENTS Have now been finished in our store , ma ! * ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE HOUSE in the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS ; , One Exclusively for the TWO of Passengers , Those immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furnitnre evei shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flow and go through the building and inspect the stock' CHAS. SHIVERIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omnha E. B. CHAPMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GtBOGEES 1213 Farnam St. . Omahn , Nob. HENRY LEHMANH , JOBBER OF "WA.T.T. HPA "P"P ] AND WIN 118 FARNAM ST. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in 8IL- VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and 'see our Elegant New Store , Tower Buildmg , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any.EastomManufacturer andDfaler , Pianos and 0 gans sold for cash or inatallaient * at Bottom Prics. A SPLENDID sfck ol 8teinwy , Ohickarinj * , Knabo , VQJS & Soa's Pi- 4 \ snos , sndot-r maes. ft Also Ciough & War en / ' SterJipg Imperial Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail 'o see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & SRO. , A Large Stock always on Hand. M WUFACTURER OP BTUICTLY FIRST-CLASS PERFECTION HEATING "AMD BAKSHG to only attained by using Stoves and Rangss. WITH WI&B IfAUKS OVER DOOBS , For sdo by N WOOERS s mm I Hi IIANOTACTUKKBB OJ Carpenter's Materials \ A1SO . 8A8H DOORS rBLINDS STAIRS ; ; , , , Stair Railings , Balusters'Window and Door Frames , Etc. FlnVolask ( aollltie * for tbe Manufacture ot all kinds of Moulding ! , Planing aou inatchinR a Specialty. Orders from tbe country .will be promptly executed. lcommunications tn A. MOYKR , Froptletor