't - - * TUJK OMAHA DAILY BEE-WlJJDKESDAi. JUNK 13 The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , Juno 13 , LOOALi There wan no board of trade mooting Tuesday on account of the lack of a quorum , A complaint hn been filed agnlnst Oso. Howard for threatening the life of Ann Kelly. Kelly.The The paring work w a pushed Tuesday for nil that It WM worth , ns the rain , for once , did not Interfere with It. Saturday evening of next week li the time for the first concert on Capitol hill by tbo Musics ) Union brass band. The Omaha Glco club held ita ilrtt mooting yesterday nt their now quarters over the Omaha Savings bank. Mrs. Annlo Doll has been complained of for obstructing the directs with a build ing. The cans is tot for 2 p. m. next Tuot- day. Three span of horses nro now required to haul the large etonea fur the new court house , which cimo from Cleveland , Ohio. The mooting of Trinity Guild take * place Wedncnday afternoon nt 8 o'clock , instead of Tuczday , as notlco heretofore given , W. J. WhitehoiiBO , the IGth street druggist , has removed to the corner of IGth and Webster. It wna the quickest move on record. The hydrau lo elevator nt W. L. Pixr- rotte& Co.'i hat store took a tumble Monday with seven piusonpora oj board , but although it fell the depth of the four thnrs no ono waa hurt. There is a bad washout on Franklin street , near Baundora , In the direct line followed to Prospect Hill by the funern processions , compelling nil vehicle ] to make quite n turnout , It should , by nil meant , bo tixed up at onco. At the request of the members of the Dot lna county bar , Judge Wnkely line appointed hla > on , Mr. Bird Waekley , of < ficial stenographer of hla court , It Is nt appointment eminently satisfactory to al partlec , as Bird la ono of the brightest young men nnd best stenographer * in thi west auywhsr * . The sportsmen's tournament openec yesterday nt 0 o'clock , nt the Lincoln fad gromds , There will bo three contests the first two nt glass balls nnd cla ; pigeons , and the Inat nt live pigoona fo a puree of 8250 and the Ilallot cup This match took place In the alter noon. At tbo police court yoaterdnyther were but four caoi to bo disposed of , On woman who persisted in remaining withii the limits about the third ward echoc house , prescribed by ( ho city council ha < her cose continued to Wednesday. On individual paid n line for disturbing th peace , and ono for intoxication , The las cute was n plain Slocum , who was sent t jail. A "timo mooting" of superintendent of Union Pacific lines la being held headquarters to roadu ] t time table * fc the fast train between Omaha nnd Ogdet About twenty-four hours will be sivod bi tween San Francisco nnd Omaha when tb now time tables go into effect. Gonen Superintendents SmitbEgbert , Dickinsoi Nichnla and Doddrlge , and Superlntem finta Deuol , Wurtell and Havens are pa : tlclpatingln the meeting. ANNUAL EXAMINATION. Interesting Proceedings at Browne ! Hall Yesterday. The annual examination at Browne hall closed Monday , having occaplo the past ton daya. There are tw principal written oxamlnatlono'a yoai nd the closing examination of th present school year shown great ad ranccmont among the pupils. , great deal of attention much mor than usual haa been paid to compos ! tion thla year. Miss Annie Thomas , of Falls Cltj read an essay entitled , "Tho Jdoi English Dinner. " "A yearning for the boantlfal d < nled yon , shall strain your'powora , waa the tltlo of the otsay of Mil Louisa Taylor , daughter of Col. Taj lor , adjutant of the department of tb Platto. Mlso Belle Dickey , daughter c Oolonol J. J. Dickey , road nti ossa on "Lawronoo Barrett. " It was very clover effort. "A Prlmroso by the River's Brltr nYellowPrlrnrosotoHlm Was Notl Ing Moro , " was the unlquo tltlo c Miss J onny Kelly's essay , Miss Osslo Abbott , of Fromon road a strong essay on "Character. " "Every Day Is a Llttlo Life" was th subject of essay by Miss Lnlu Oromoi of Omaha. "Tho Restless Pnlso of Garo" we . the subject ot an essay by Miss Nolll a Van Antwerp , of Des Moines , af Following the essay came a clobat f upon the momentous question , "Whlc Is the worse character , the hypocrll ' or the liar ? " I Doling the exercises several Cno si lections on the plauo were given b Miss Sumner , of Schuylor , nnd Mil Mary Huber , of Brownvllli The commencement will tel plaoo this evening at 8 o'clocl The programme is an Interesting on Including vocal aud Instrument , music , the awarding of medals , at the graduation of Miss Margin Wilson , daughter of Gen. Wilson , ai Miss Carrlo M. Dlnsmoro , of th olty. Miss Dlnsmoro delivers the B Intatory , and Mies Wllaonls the val dlctorlan. Tbcee ure Solid Facts , The best blood purlhtr nnd system re ulator ever placed within the reach of BI fering humanity , truly Is Electric Blttei Inactivity of the Liver , Blllonsnesf , Jnu dice , Conitlpation , WeaVKidneye , or ai disease of the urinary organs , or wboev requires an appetizer , tonic or mild itlm Unt , will always fiud Electric Bitten t best and only certain cure known. 'Xh Mt surely and quickly , every bottle gui ant d to give entire satisfaction or rnon refunded. Bold at fifty cenU a bottle 1 O. V. Goodman. CITY COUNCIL , Tlio Paving of Fourtoontli Sfcroot Ordered. Other Important Buamess Transacted. There wan a regular mooting of the city council last night , at which there were present Mossra. Andoraon , Bohm , Djnham , Kiufmann , Marphy , Hod- field , Woodworth and President Baker , The journal waa road and approved , TETITIONS AND COJ1MDWICATIONH , From the mayor , approving certain ordinances. Filed. From the mayor , nominating \Ym. Whlto , Wm. Drew and Hugh Murphy appraisers of the damages from cx- touolon of Dodge atreet , Confirmed. From P. 0. IHmobaugh nnd F. II. Davis , withdrawing petition for closing of Oolfax street In Bartlott'a addition. From II. Kountza , asking thai Tenth street noath of Plorco be brought to grade and filled , oto , Ilo < furred. From Helen E. Freeman : Giving right of way through lot 1 , block 103 1 for aewor purposes , in contidoratiou ofS400. Filed. From Dr. P. S. Lelaonrlng , city physician , roportlut ; the provalunco of nmall pox in the olty. There are two caaoa at 1 114 Chicago atroot ; ono cato on Fourteenth and Dodge ; ono en Eleventh , near Howard ; one on Eigh teenth , between Davenport and Chicago cage ; aovon In all. The email pox hospital has boon put In condition to accommodate cases , but the only pa. tlont called for ( Tom Blddeaon ) re fused to bo removed. The city phjal- clan again called attention to the filthy condition of the atrcota and alloys. Referred. A number of bills were referred without reading. From the chairman of the board of public works , reporting the award of contracts for storm water aewora , aa follows : JonoR street extension tc Wm , Fitch it Co. ; Seventeenth atrcot aower to Wm. Fitch A Co. ; St. Mary's avenue to Hugh Murphy & Co. The award oi the Harnoy atrool ion or , north to Chicago , etc. , la for the _ > roaont withhold , the lowest bidders , however , bolng McUngh & McGarook The right of way baa not yet boon so ured through the Union Paclfn ; rounda. The Union Pacific official iffar the right of way under cortali ondltlonr , and the board aak for In- truotlona. Referred. From G. B. Lane , eecrctt > ry of th Electric Light and Power company proposing to erect at the interaoctloi of such streets aa the council ma ; dcalgnato , lamps similar to that 01 Tenth and Farnam otreota , of 2,001 candle power , to bo lighted until nf to midnight. The company will oroa twenty or more at the rate of $18 po month for three yoara , The communication waa accompanied niod by a petition signed by aovera icoro of prominent citizens. Reforroc o thoTommlttco on gaa. From Ubll and Radlck , asking fo certain ohangoa on North Omah crook. Referred. From the city marshal , roportln the number of policemen , their ben and the tlmo of duty. Referred. From the city marshal urging tha aowor connection bo made with th city jail. Referred. From the city marshal , asking t have some point located nt whlo refnao matter can bo dumped. Re forrod. The annual report of Lowio Rood secretary of the public library fund was filed. A petition to have Nineteenth etroc graded waa referred. From tha olty attorney , rotnrnin the claim of T. Morlarlty for damage with opinion that the olty la not liable Referred. From Edward Whetman nnd othori aaklng for the opening of Loavenwort atroot from South avenue to Par avenue. Referred. By Bohm : To repair Elghtoont atroot from Loavonworlh aud Marc ] Adopted. By Bohm * To repair Pierce atroi between Nineteenth and Twontiot atroets. Adopted. By Throne : To repair a bridge o Seventeenth and Maroy street Adopted. By Kanfmann : To fill water worl dltchoa on Ut. Mary's and Park avonni Adopted , ByRodfiold : Oalllngforan oatimal of the grading of Seventeenth atro < from Harnoy to Oantro atroot. Adoptee By RedGuld ; Galling for an catl mate of the amount of money ncco : aary to meet draftaon the general fun during the comlnc fiscal year. Adoptee By Andoraon : To put the alloy between twoen Hamilton and Oaldwoll street , from King to Campbell stroota , in pasjablo condition at n coat not to o : oced $1GO. Referred with power I act. act.By Dunham : To ro-oloct Wm. Wa Uoe , P. L , Porrlno and L. S , Rood a the library board. Adopted , By Kaufmann : To ralao the aide walk on Nineteenth and St. Mary1 avonuo. Adopted. By Thrauo : Requiring the filling i the pond on Twelfth uud Leavonwori atroota. Referred. KEFOKTB OF COUUITTEK3. The committee ou claims reportc advoraoly aa to the claims of Mr Kroba and Mr. Jackson for damagi from the late storm. Adopted. The claim of A. R. Toozer for alen lar damages was also rejected. The committee ou atroota nc gradoa returned the petition of Si : toonth street property holders f < shoot asphalt pacomont , recommencing ing that the request bo granted , On atroetonndgradea : Rocommom ing thu digging of a dl oh to prote Tvronty-aocoad nnd Oumlng street Adopted. On police : Adversely to makit each couucllmuu a apodal pollcoma : Adopted. On aide walk nnd brldger : Racort mending tbo conetruotlon of a brldj north of the U. P , ahopa and loadh to the water works pump houe Adopted. On atroota and grades ; Ilocommcn ing the eatabllahincnt of a grade f Wheaton street , from Coming atre to Indiana avenue. Adopted. From special committee : Rocor. nondlng construotlon of aldowalka on Vhcaton atrceta. Reomnmlttocl From committee on pollca : Rcfor- Ing request for oppolutmrut of Wm , loach aa night watchman on Tanlh troot to the mayor frr action , Ltloptod , The committee lo whom wan re erred the matter of nccuricg terms or the right of way for newer pnp- toaoa for the oxtonaton of the south itanch of the North Omaha newer hrough blocks 192 , 102 and 207i , oportod favorably and recommended ho adoption of the cut-oil plan ; also bat the matter bo pat through at uco. Adopted. OUUINANCKH. A special ordinance appropriating nonoya out of the pavlm ; bond f and or paving the Interauoilona of BtrootB n paving district No. 2 , wtta passed , A opeclal ordlnanco authorizing the aouo of $32,000 ' district paving jondn" of dlatrist No. 2 , waa pieaod. An ordlnancn providing for thi avcmont of S'xtcenth ' atroot with ophalt , was p&aeod , An ordlnanco prescribing the width f tires In nil vehicles of burden to bo aod on the fltroMs of Omaha , wan cad twice and referred , The ordinance takea effect Juno 1 , 884 , and requires Urea on anch vohl- loa to bo at least throe Inches wide , where aad ! vehicle la morn than one on in welcht , and four Inchon where ; h over two tonu in weight. Penal- lea r.ro to bo provided for the viola- Ion of this rule. Mr. RudQold intro * need the otdlinnco. The Katrtbrool : market houaoordl- innco waa considered at some ength and referred lo the judiciary ommlttco. Councilman Kaufman was granted iroo weeka leave of nbiorco. Adjourned for ono week. BANGING A BLACK. An Unfortunate Victim of MiB- taken Identity , A Serious if Not Fatal Attack in tbo Dark. Between 8 and 0 o'clock last oven- ng nn affair which may yet reault fa- ally occurred on south Thirteenth troot , directly under the Union P.v Ifio railroad bridge. Mr. Travis , the colored gontlemac who runs an all night restaurant ou Twelfth and Dodge , ia the owner of t Ight , covered vehicle known as the portaraon'a wagon , n colored mar named Henry Wilson being the regU' ar driver. Travis lives near Ilaacill'j urk , and last night Wilson waa drlv- ng his team homo when an nil ray oc' currod which iraa nearly n tragtidj * . Just aa Wilson passed under the U. P. brldgo on Thlrtoonth street , wo llttlo glrla bailed him with "L that vou Mr. Travel" "No , " waa the reply. "Yea , It ia you , Mr. Travla , " wn- .ho answer , aud itnmedlatoly after twc men stopped up to the wngon nn : ono said : " /ot / ; out of that wr-g in yoi of a ! " They at once pulled poor Wilaor )1T and proceeded to give him n torrl- ole pnnlshmont , knocking him dowi sousaleca nt the ontant nud finnll ; rnnnlng away nnd leaving him lylnj on the ground. A crowd quickly gathered am Officers Matza and Hand Timmo ur riving Watson waa put iu his wngoi and taken to Dr. Gronumtum'a cilice whors hla wounds wcro drccaod , 1) having four horrible gaahoa on hi bead and bolng otherwise badly uao up. The wagou wan then driven t Travis' roataurant nnd loft with hi men , It la evident that Wilson wao mli taken for his employer and cot th licking Intended for him , What th provocation waa no ouo know , na Trai is had not been aeon up to midulghl Wilson's wounds may yet prov Fatal and ho lies nt the jail In n orltl cal conltlon. Real Estate Transfers. The following doeda wcro filed fc rooord in the county clerk's offic Juno 11 , reported for TUB BEE b Amoa' real ootato agency : Joseph Redman and wlfo to Jon mlah A. Llnahan , q. o. d , , 10 acre swof 32,16 , 13-32.00. Amanda and Divld Harpator t Jeremiah A. Llnahan , w , d. , 10 acre aw 132 , 10 , 13-eCOO. John O'Noll and wlfo to John Slof w. d. , w. \ of lot 3 , block 4 , Cred Fonder add. $500. Augustus Rlcs to Henry G. Rlohto : w. d. , s A of lot 7 , block 8. Kountz & Ruth's add.--150. Jas. E. Boyd , mayor , to Addio ( Ambrose , q. c. , pt nt part of Marki street running aeroja a w. cor. 5 , bloc 114 , by direction of council. M. F. Shlnn nnd wlfo to Job Bluett , w. d. , lot 3 , block Y , Shlnn 3d add 8300. Dannls Cunningham nnd wlfo t Dadrlck Olaou , w. d. , lot 2 , block t Cunningham's sub-dlv , $350. John Muckloy nnd wlfo to M. I Mooney , w. d. , lot 7 , block 2 , Rood first addition , 51,200. ; Byron nudLowls Reed nnd wives t Maria Dora , w. d. . uA of ri of lot < 1 Regan's addition , 61,1)00. Henry Ohnrlea nnd wife tn Luc Elllngwood , w. d. , TrA of lot G , bloc 198J , § 1,400. Andrew J. Han t com and wll to Sarah R , Uhl , w. d. , lot 19 , bloc 1C , Hanecom place. Tuo St. Joe UnonftorfoBt. The K. 0. , St. J. & 0. B. Ry. wl run an extra train to St. Joseph o Saturday evening , leaving the B. . M. depot on Tenth atreot at 4 p. n sharp and reaching St. Joe at 8.30 , i time to take in the evening conco ; and attend the grand picnic on Sui day , returning to Omaha Monday i 4:15 a. in. Round trip tickets ai on sale at the city cflbo , 1224 Fa imm street , and at the B , & M. dope The trip will bo n delightful ono. 3LAVEN'S YOSEnUTE COLOGN Made from the wild flowers of tl FAU KAUEi ) YOSEUWE VALLE it ia the moat fragrant of porfum Manufactured by II. B. Slavcn , tit Francisco , ifor tale In Omaha by V J. Whltehouio and Kcnnard Bn COMMENCEMENT. ntorosting Exorcises of Brow- neil Hall. Conferring of Diplomas und Award of Medala , The commencement exercises at Brownoll Hall took place loot evening , cd were largely attended. The fol- owlng was the . rUO IUHUI , 1. Chorus Conctne. 2. Grand Dan two planon litrg. The Miflsej Vau Antwerp aud Wag. gontr. 3. Vocal ftolo , ballnd Cotccn Mis * Ambrose. Essay , "Jlultum In I'atvo , " Miss Ulns. mote , 4. Vooaldnctt. "Venetian Iloat Song " . . ISlumtnthal f . rhno neitettc IMtr. TLe Blfsios funnier , Folds , Keese , Latham , McKlHIuney , Kelly. Jisay , "The Insatiate Tenth of Time , " with valedictory , Mist Margaret Wilson. 6. Vocal sole , "Night Dews are Fall. Ing. " * . Miltlott } MIPS Crcmcr. 7. Vocal Bole , "Tarnntclb" lituint. Mlsa Kee o. KHributlon of Prizes and Medals by the Hector. 8. i'Juno golo , "Mandolinata Fantalalo. " Kollwj. fillsi Hoover. 0. Vcoal Sale , 'The Menage. " . . . . Slumcnthal. Miss WilRori. 0. Vocal trio , "Farewell. " M nteriti. The MltBoa Latham , Van Antwerp and Cremer. Granting of Diplomas , Addresj by the lii'hop. The Nicene Creed. Collnots. Gloria in Ezceldln , Benediction , MBDALH AND PHIZES were awarded by Rector Djhorty an ollown : Dandy przo ! for music , Mica Mamie lumnor. Woolworth prfzo for higher mathe matics , Mies Lola Shears. Hawkins prlz ; , grammar , Miss BBS- lo YaioB. Yatoo prlza , composition , lllsc Jlanoho Bnckworth. Yatca piiza for writing , D. Lah- mnna. Hawkins prlzs , arithmetic , Miss jlllnn Hesa. Krountz prize , langages , Mlsa Flor- onoa Yatcr. Chase prlzo , rhetoric , Mlai Beanie MoElHlnny. Patterson priza , composition , Mia : Jonnlo Kolloy. Olarkaon medal , for deportment , Hiss Carrlo Diasmore ; honorable men .Ion , Misses Florence Falca and Elaii Abbott. Woolworth collegiate aoholarshlr ; modal , Miss Margaret Wilson. Meyer modal , Music , Mlsa Marj loovor. MUlupaugh modal , English lltern nr.i , Mlaa Anna Thomar. R ° ctur'a medal , art , Miss Mary Ha ar. ar.O'Oonnull preparatory scholarshl ] medal , Minn Mabel Pratt. Dlnsmoormcdal , improvement , Mlsi Elslo Abbott. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of tl world. Warranted to npnedlly cure Burns Lruine ! , Cuts , Ulcers , Salt Kbeuin , Keve 3oren , Oancero , Pile ? , Chilblains , Corns Tetter , Chapped Hands , ami all akin crap Uous , guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 23 ccms per box. For sale by 0. F. Gooduiun , MILITARY MATTERS The Latest Orders In the Departmoc of the Platto. The Atlantic & PaoICo tolegrap company having ccaaod to exist , an its obligations na a subsidized lln having been assumed by the Unlo Pacific telegraph company , paragrap 1 , general orders No. 23 , headquarter department of the Platte of Ootobs 25 , 1872 , la revoked , and all officle dtopatohon from those serving in thl department cent at stations botwec Ogdmi , Uta'h and Omaha , Nob. , will when practicable , bo by that line an marked "charge aubaldy. " Paymen by cash Trill bo made only on enc portions of other lines us are passe over before or after acceptance b the Union PaolQo telegraph company The following correspondence i pnbliahed for the Information an governance of all officers serving 1 thU department. Paragraph 2232 of the regulation ! us originally published , provided tha commotatlon may bo paid a aoldle traveling under orders on detachc command , when it la Impracticable t carry his rations , at the rate of on dollar a day , or lens , aa the seorotar of war may direct. The aocrotary c war became satisfied that in the case where commutation was noceesarj the allowance ' ' ono dollar per da waa not sulBolont , and therefore , b conoral orders No. 104 , of 1882 , fret this olliao , authorized the payment cone ono dollar and fifty cents per day na maximum. It waa not intended t authorize the payment of corainntatlo In cases whore It hzd not before boo authorized , but the attention of th secretary has been called to anch large number ot caaea In which th increased commutation has beenpal without justification , that it seem necessary to call the attention of com mandlng oflicorn to the requirement of the regulations. The secretary of war la advised thn tha increase In number of Instances o improper payment of the commutlo : allowance la very great since it waa In croaacd , and it ao < tni difficult to ao count for thia , except by anppoatn that in rncny catra the commandln oulcor hao boon le < * to order the com mutloti upon the uj.nal or eupposei prcfurenco of the oullatod man , au has not bated hi ) action on the Ini practicability of carrying rations , a required by the re-gulatlono so thn commutation la now frequently give ; when It would not have been given I it had boon ono dollar per day , bu the proper rations would have buo carried. The caaea brought to the at tcntlon 6f the secrottiry show cloarl that the authority to make the allow anoo Is bolng abased , and that th abuio la growing. The logical reault of an approval c the action in all the case * proiento would bo the nllowanoa in the future of the oominntiltlon In all ciiaca of ravel. Taking each caao arnarntcly , t ia found that the gru.tt mujjri y of commanding cfllcera do not order cum * mutation In similar cases. It ia thought advisable to Indicate ho general vlowaof the department aa o the pmnar construction of para * graph 2232 of the regulation by a gen- iral order , lianed thia dny , nnd at the anio tlmo to provide for obtaining the views of department commanders on ench cnjo M It arleea , ao that no far ns lossiblo the views of command offi- lorfl nnd of the accounting oflicermay > o brought into harmony. PBB80NAL. 0. F. Goodman left yesterday for jlneoln to attend th annual meeting of he Nebraska l'h nniceutloal convention , J. W. Paul , master cir builder of lha /tab & Northern ctr word ) at Kigle lock , Idaho , h3 returned from the ox- iibitlon of railway appUmci at Chicago , nd will leave for Kigla Hock to-day , J. O , I'rcncott , of the firm of Preac3tt& > ) . , rmiBio dealer * , hai gone eut fora hort tlmo. Mr. X. P. Curtis will have nil charge of the business in hla nb- eneo Prof. Landeryou , long A papular land * cape and marine painter and tcnchtj in big city , wlu hrn been for three jeiri ) abt in .England , has returned to Omaha , Colonel Geo. N. Hick * , chief bill clerk t the U. P. local freight cilice , left Mon- ay for n brief visit to his home in Utlco , N. Y. Mr. Will JUkor , for some time past with > Ir. John G , Jacobs , in the undertaking maiueas lefc yesterday for a visit to his M home near York , Pa. B. F. Waterman , of Red Cloud ; Wm. Charltcn , of Lincoln nnd M. It. Newel ) , f Herman , are guota if the Metropoli- an. an.D. D. W. Hitchcock , the U. P. represents iiroat SanFrauuiico , will arrive in the city to-dao on the U. P. overland rain. Misses Katie and May Mason , daugh- era of Col. Mason , have returned from attending school at Rochester , N. Y.J Oscar Groehelle , formerly with Mo- tlahon , Albert & Co. , wai in the city jerttorday , and called at the BIB cilice. Mrj , D. S. liuell , one of the talented vocalists ( f tbo city , his gone to Chicago and Michigan on a visit of several wo ks. Ex-Senator Caldwell , of Kansac , presi dent of the Oregan & Idaho Land Inv irovement company , is in the city. John J. Colquist and N. C. Christian , son , of Sacramento , Neb , , are at the Mil < ard , S. 0. Gilliland , the Utak representative of Milton Rogers & Sena , ia in the city ot a visit. Mra. Robert K , Strahorn is In the citj on her return from the east to Denver. O. II. Gordon , of Collini & Perry , hai returned from a trip to Now York. A. II. Swan , the Cheyenne cattle man wan at the Millard Monday , Moiars. F. W. and W. S. Getty , o ! Blair , are ut the Mill ard. 11. H. Porncrqy nnd W. F. Norria , o Ponoj , uro at the Milbrd. F. Krueger , of Beaver Dam , rcgistcru at the Paxton yesterday. A. B. Cranberry , of Silt Lake City , is ; guest at the Metropolitan. Morris Chambers , of Denver , la a gues at the Metropolitan. A.I n. Gale , of Lincoln , ia a guest of th Metropolitan. II. L. Rivera , cf Kentucky , Ia at th Metropolitan. M , R. Moore , of Barada , is at the Met ropolltan. J. 0. SLepard , of Nebraska City , id a the Millard. lion. B. D. Slaughter , of Fullerton , i at the Millard. lion. 0. 0. Charlston , of Phelpa , in [ a the Millard. J. 0. Smith , of Crete , ia at the Metro politan. H , K. Palmerston , ot North Loup , is a the Paxton , J. W. Deweeeo , of Lincoln , is a guest o the Paxton. Theodore Haller , of Blair , ia at th Paxton. John H , Durbln , of Cheyenne , Is in thi city. A Startling : Discovery , Phyeicinns are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption and al Throat and Lung diseanoa h daily curini patienta that tboy have given up to die , i starting them to realize their cense o duty , and examine into the merits of thi wonderful decov ! < ry , reeulting in hundred of our boat Physicians ueing it In the ! yractice. Trial bottles free at C. F.Good man'g Drug Store , Regular size 81,00. PACIFIC CORNER OF NINTH AND HARNEY STS Omaha , Nebraska. OPENED MAY 17TII , 1883 This hotel contains 100 rooms nil outside rooms , and 80 room ! ou the first lloor , especially lulnpfc ed for sample men. A cuisiiu of superior excellence. Head quarters for the state trade Special inducements to the thea trical profession. Hotel situatec five blocks from depots. IIors < cars pass the door both wnyi every live minutes. T. J , SALSMAN Proprietor , A , H , AYLSWORTH , Manager , ( Late of Paxton Hotel. ) infants and Children Without Morphine or Nnrontino. Mlmt Rlrcs our Clillilren rosr chcrVs , What euros their fovcrs , mnK > s them siren : 'TU C'lutorla. V > 'h < * n Ilnblci fret , nnd err by turns , V/liat tutva their colic , kflls tholr worms , Hut C'mtorln. What quickly cun-i Constipation , Sour Stomncli , Colds , Indigestion : Hut f'mlnrln. rarpwcll then to Morphine Syrup' , Castor Oil nnil l\in > iurlc , amiHnllCn HnllCn < tnrln ni-- ' . -.j ] ; . . - . M'tL .j.y.i , . ; --I. Qgntr.r ; tnJmQnt. An nii- olufo ccro Cov Rliowmntism , iiraiim. 27 iras. Gnlln , &c. , ntiel nu " fttc.ni > ' ! : ico-n Paij-rollovor. Alt thof nho from inllienlictn , rtttatfi M elhtr cauri are wf tk uLnervinl , ) w * j IrtteJ , phj-iiciily dmlDt'd , and unable to or r form IliVii itutlcn trojrrlv cau bo rcruinlj al pfrma- umtly cuff d , * ithit a itotiucli nu.Uriiic f ndoriM by doctor * ntlniilen tnl tl \tft Th * Medical Weekly HBTI * The old plan of trratlog Vert oit ItolilIlM * Ihy 1 < nl 1)rcnr , .1 c. , UwMljmirrrrelclbylllHMUHTON IIOMJrV * Krca hupplo rum * * mured of certain restoration to full and per fect munboml. Simplf f Tec 11 TO , clrittttjr , pleasant , bend for tr MliiOnptiltatfnn with phrMclan free MAUSTUN IUMII : > V ro. . 10 w. inu su it * * iori. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3T8PECIAL8 will POSITIVELY not beln sorted unless paid In advance. TO LOAM MOKEY TO LOAN The Om ha sjvlnim rank MOSEY prejurcil to tmke loins oa Omaha city or Fcuitlaa county ictl o tie at current ratdo I ut i rest. NJ ccmm'bslon cha-gdl. 33311 . I O.NKV TO LuAN Tbo LUHIBI Halts o : In- IV ( ( tercet. Ucmia' Loan Aeccy,15th ( 4 Douglas 2w4li iJKEY LOANED rn chattel mortgages. in,7 Union Block. 635 Imoj LeAN On chattel moitgaEfi S , 1103 Fatcam St. 73'-lrn { -t ] T ONblT 'SO 10AN-C&11 at LswoHIca ol D L. ItL 1 , CrelKhton Block. : OMfSViiirCOwrd on chat'el property , by J , i . MLUTAtAS f * > 313 South I4tn frctt. HELP WANTED. A first cl i bather , t r M , WAKTKD g , 23 Broi4 aj , Couacil Hinds. ANIED \ mlilille apr-d woman for llph ( hcusework , wages { lOO'ier week 015 DjuglasSt. 83316 Tnoiooi tarbere steidy wsrk , WANTKU 13th St. Omaha. 803-H' \\J ANTED A t : rl at Helneko's rtB auranl VV corner 13thani JacksonBt. 889 135 Affocdcnmiioto-t Klrl to do ton- WANlFD cral holism-work , good na ea glrrn. N , W , corner 18th and Dtueuport. 83-tl ANTED \ glr for ff etJA houje-AOik , IK W children 7C6S. 10th St. Lclor. 835-10 ] cir f jr central hrntcnork Gcrmin prefeuod. CIS S. nth atreet . 1ANTE1 Rood girl f r Eentral house ncri W In > n all family. Apply tH.'ON 18th St , 883-131 Two co'lectrrn at on c , V15.CO per week. Apply to P. K. Colin 67 Barker Block. SU1-15 ' AN1ED Agitl tods urrcral Jiojif- oil In email family. Applj corner P rk Wlu a\enuoaud Wilnut St. B. Urniha. 850 13 $ WANThD Two ccoJ dining rrom girls to gi west. Agocd laundro's for h-tel to g < north. A gocd woroan cook fnr city , wapc : ccod , A nuo b r cf Isttlaii paci ! In citv , il bo liunlal.eU free at 217 16thSt. 869-12 { WAX TED-A good tellable tinsmith. Cull 01 or address howleo h Vandcrhosf , geward N braika. 877-9 ANIED Girl ftr light homework 161 ! W Howard bet * een 10 an i 17th. b70-12 ( ANTED A BlrlatScandlnarUn hrtel Htl St. 871-121 WANTED Irrmcdlstely a d'eh wishtr , Ap ply at the I'luntois boase corner 11th nni Dodjo. 87212t ANTED A oed w fhcr woman or Rirl a W Uoeton Laundry north ISIh St. 875-tl WWAN1 WAN1 ED Immediately a girl 12 to 15 ti takocareof cbi'dr.n. ' inquire 1109 Day cnport St. Bfil-13 * WANTED 25 ttama to btcik prirlo ! immed lately. EOGGS&H1LL. 805-1S WANTED Four girls to wait on table , wage 15 to per monih. Apply at the Metre pal itanllrtci. faa 13 W ANTED Immedlattlir girl at 1514 Callfor nU at. S 0-12 ( ANTiD Situation as cook Good refer encs given. Cor 18th and Webster Sts. 83H2 SITUATIONS WANTED A M ddlo aged hngli > h woman I'ojlrcs n sltua _ ctlon as r.utso or to di llnht hous work In i coed faml ) } , l ) 8t of rettrencea gi\cn Addict E. II. Ulb llarncv St. 88Mb ) ANTUD 1'oshlon a shlpplu ; cl erk o book-keeper by a young itaa. II II. 11 Bee offict. 807 13t rri A" TED By a girl wha tborouKhly under YY utaids houao woik , a p'oiton In atnu family. Pleaaa address box 6J3 Fremont Neb. f5T-ll > A position as driver fcr deliver : WANTED Krccis ; prelerrcd. Call or aJ dm * 18nl Cumlt t' at , EDWARD COKIUL. 81i-15 * rjlTUATIONWANTCi'-UyathoravKhU-cjm O vetcntbank cleik flft en0'rs Okptrlcnco Qret cla > 3 tfeic.oc < i. AcJrcisj II. 912 W liar slsoa St Chicago 111. 8:9 13 } MI8CELLANEOUU WAtITU Burd by ttentlen an * nd lo ( li WANTED family , where would ba only board era picfcmd. Location louthnestcrn put o city , not too lar from cpera house. Address " 7. licootllce. 87d-12 ( ; A n ce'y ' furnhhcd room In a goo < WANTED foi man and wlfo an ! li ) e r ol < ton. Inferences address K. K. lite oince. tSg 12 FOR LENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. I710U KE ! T 10 r.orn cotta < e with Uuu an ( J ; boiutlful giounds , our fcracr resldeiceoi bt. Miry s avei-iie. ttrctt cu pats the door. J. B. Q blOD. 8'4 11 PIOR KENT 1IOU50 4 roonw , furrlturo for il I" ( .heap. Inqulro S. W. corner lllh and Dlv jtionttn. 870-tf _ HE > T Cottigo wlthS rojme. Dr Pau1 FOK lOJ-11 1T\OK \ KENT CottiKO of lx roomiwlilior with jj out furniture , 2210 Ca'lfsrnli fct. bG2 IbJ TnOR UENT DurlPB the summer montlu , P Qntly furnlibfld six room hcnso , plea anlj il uatoi near head nt fct , Uar > 'i avenue , to t troall faml j without children. 1'Uato tddren with rtferonces. H. 2 Bes oitlce. E57-tf TPO LET Hooms acd bond , or furcUhed J _ houe for lun-mcr , 1WB C llJorrU St 837 imp. KENT One or two rooms , hindsomelv " TiO furnlstcJ kt 1013 Dode it. U2-19I Fumlihed or uafurnlihed , wltb EOOMS , 1610 Davenport. 829-13 RUNT Large lumUhfd room al lilt FOR Street. 7i2-lm { nENT.mrnlihed toomi with tabU board FOR ' ' FOR RENT Corner 8lh and Pltrce. . S' EIXYAttOS , 1109 I'&rn'Ei strctt. 731'2t r.lOK RENT Two cnttatrc' , txcellnnt repair . , Jj Ltavcnwirth andSomh ave no , ? 2 < nn < lt28. JloLAUUE , 010U cppotlle t' . O. _ _ Kdll ItKNT-Coriier of IClh tml DIT- 3 iniort. Imiulro 1U10 DtMiiipott ttr-it. 1C3-H tii-ivniaiir.ii rooms and hovd Voders conJ * - J } > tlt. , H UlUDodgostroU 1000J'JmTt ' I-OR SALfc. tOH a ILE-600 h < ad je Tlln7 heifer * ! Jj WKjhcadSiiats eld helfrrs , 459 " 34 nd5 Jesr " 30Q " laud Jjeirotd stoeri , 400 " Sand 4 " " 3UO " mixed xlves. xlves.BTIUNOB BTIUNOB HR01. Caltts co trutO's , Hide , Wool , and Tallow deU- urs Sioux Cltj Iowa. ny > lm T710R SALE The 8 r. y mill will ( dl cr ex- JL ; chan. e for Rial estate. Addren J'-hti Roeslnk 3mileicattof Papllllon. P.O. addrc'Omaha. Foil SALE A thoraughbnd cow. Inquire at Eihclm & Krl kson'd. 879 IS IjlOH SALE Hotel In yood tow , i mr Om < h i ? raj leg wall In excclltnt older. GiO'l barn will turn abed , will btar iitatlr : tlon. AMK- ' . W tl 1510 Fin.ru. rp\VO Good hcrs i 'or alo. Inqu'rs ' of Ncr- JL ttti'a iftoctry li h St i.ttr Davonpcit i8l 13 Fi RS LF lou o and lot within one bVcV of tlulllgh lilnolir.U3t DO sjld thU * oik. In- q .treatthinoltku. B 3 If J7IOW SALE OR EXOlIANGrt-Kull bl tttll ( 3 I1 dwellings curncr ol llth and Pac fle B ucti. Nine 1-jts In suii'h Ore aha AI no lf > u our. sot land nui Slanto . Nelua In , end butiJIii' rnd Itockofclot I ( f No , 8i4'lcnt ttcp t. Vtll > x- cuance f r br kadru laid , . 1'urlhi-r p r- t'nibraivt 0 o 11. I'jttr-o 's Clothlur Store , E04 Tenthstre t. f54."i sjt-mon-h-4w I , ORBALH Two peed hotssf , by W O , Mor- X' ton , 101 north IGtb nsar Davenport. 8U-11 SALK 100 aoroi Improved 'arm near FOR ' , Iowa ; (5a > ro9 under cultlvnilon , 10 acres wcodhncl , ba'anco pa turo , $27 pc r a"re. 209ncio3 Improvedfsrm.ono half mile from Elkhorn - horn station. RCCI ! houeo ai d bare , living water. 145 acron under cultUatlon , balance piwluiu , all fenced , 835 p * r acre. 7 lots la Yitea & Ileed'saddltlon , near Procpcct nil ! cemotary , S-tO ; tiiurpijm nta. llomoind lot In Grand Ulan j Neb , , 0 rooms , clofeie , cellar , well and shrubbery , go d fence , $ l'tO ; tlmo payments. 3 loin In Grand Island , Neb , well located , (75 , tlmo pa mints. 6 lolslnLono'a subdivision In South Oa.alu , f053 to 8700 , tlmopajmtn s. Houao and lottwo , stoiy frame 12 room" , cica da , cellar , city wat r , rtnts for SSO , gocd loca tion , $3.100. Honso ard lot 1 } story Ira-re , fl rooms , clotcts. collar , cistern at-d well , coir U , P. chops on 15th st , $2100. 6 lota In A len'n subllvls'on of Roger's add , Ocoly locitcd ; 60 to { 400. lOacns , { wo miles from Yankton , Dakota , cne mile from the tomcat ; a very great barga'n ' , Plice 81 00. 1 lot cirncr IlldUra an ] Dlvlilon , $1000 , OQ9 h If casn , balance on time. E. L. JIOR1K&CO , E25-13 1C22 Capltcl Are , I7\OR \ RK T Houics three nndf jur'roam. In- JU quire 008 N. 13th si. tS50-10 | SALE A new Hall's f afe , suitable for of- FOR or house. Van Cott , at Max Mover's. _ 758-f SALE Iluildlng and Oiooor ; buglnces , FOR H Snelman , cor. 15th ftudHoward. . 723-12 § IOIl BALK Voeo Piano. F E2S-tf C. J. CANAN. TJ1OU SALE Old newspapers In large and small Jj quintUlcs at this oll.co. tf T710H SALn Flax mill machinery conslstlrg ol l" brake , 2 du'te's , beater , | Ickcr , prri" , &c. Can work cither rutted or pieeu H' tk , alto xhutt- Ing , pulllea , nnd bclllni ? fordrlvlig tbeuboro , aUoone35 II. P. engine v.lth boiler , moke- ituck and all Wxturoa comp'cto. Addrov > WILL IAM TAIT ChJiles Cltv low * . 295 3m | FOR SALE A fint-cla s second hand top ling- Ky. Call at 131 ! ) IHtney itrect' : 7-tl INSlRUCriON'-In MMhtaatlcf , \ PRIVATE . , Agrlcuttu al and KnrlneurlDg \ Dra Up llc'crencc ] . Addttes 'M "Vn ttilee. B81-13I . S10LEN irom the , rimlsa SlKAYl.DOK Etieet and dec nd , trarUajd'i packing boutr , Blnco Miy litb , n 'J-ycar-oltl bclfrrcnlor , bluish graj ; medium hti'gSt ' 83tJdltandwlt TiitoDojKODBICII , E P.rion who took thi wronf pira < ol from . Hjskell'd Paik Juno 10th pliase rctu'n to Qco. llclmrod's Store ICth St. and save troublo. tOS-tf rilAKEN UP A smtll pony mare about IZycars JL old , blazed face , both tats split. Owrcrcin hae same by av'llng ou N. O. FcrdS.W [ csrctr ' Oih at.d BouluTiid , and pajltu charges , 810-CU leachwf IRST-CUSS BOARD-83.30 per week , at F lOot Dcdge street 819-lgf T ADIEO AND YOUNG MCN In city or 1 J country is take nice 1 glit and rl1 a'ant v ork at their home * ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly made ; work soui by mall ; no canTa H HIT : na stamp for rrplv. I'leaeo addre H KrlUUe Manu facturing ( Jn. , Pbllidclih'a , Fa , drawer IT. 749June2TueThuSatl2t rPAKKN UP One hoicc ana one maio colt , J with lelt hind feet white Mare ha whlto star on foreheaJ , Ouucrcan recover tame by proving cwnerahlp on application to H. Price , Saratoga precinct. 5GG-61 cewj | EDWARDKUEHL MAOISTER OF PAUIYSTERV AND OONDT TIONALIST , 433 Tenth street , between Farnam and Harncy. Will , with the aid of guardian eplrlta , obtain for any cno a g jtnce of the p j ) and present , and nn certain conditions In the fa > ture. BOOLO and Sbors rawlo tn crdei. Perfect t&tlafactlon traaranteo'l Absolutely Pure. This powder ne er varies. A marvel of pu rlty ttrcngtn and Kholcsomeness. More economical than the orplnary kinds , and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test ihor wiUbt , alumor phosphate powder Sold only In cans , RoTii. liiKi.vo POWDSB Co. , Wall-St.'lltl New York. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE , 1617 Dodge Street. Telaphono NO. 141. Office Hears : From 0 to 10 a. m. p.nd 2 to 5 p. tn , H , PHILLIPS THE LEADING NEW YORK Call And look oer my new etore nnd see my new goodi. 1207 forxjim Btroet. Ittn undir the management of Mr. Kaliali