Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Have the Largest Stock find Otoioest Patterns of
Ever Brought to the City , and at
than ever offered in this vicinity ,
40) ) Broadway , Council Bluffs.
If jou buy > our
1C Main and 17 I'oirl S r m , 0 .in dl B'ufR '
The followlni * are the tlrnoa ol arrival ft-.J do
p&rturcoftrain from the local dep . The
( ha trains start tram the Union P * IrtJ depot
about ton m nntea eir Icr thin bo nw BUtoJ ,
and arrive at the iepat nbout to a mluuUs Inter.
Trains on pool line * and K. U , m J on O Icago
ttmo , a hull hour faUor than local. Wabub
tratr.g run on St I/ouli Mme , t euty ml u i
laat r thvi loca' . U , 1' . aud Lincoln trilus 111
ou Council lllufTd timo.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext. . . BSO p ml PuclOo IUt..9:15 : a m
Kx and Mail'.9:25 : n m Ex and MallV.SS'i ' p m
D. Molnoa oc.7:15 : a in | Dea Molne8ac.4W : p m
Depart. Arrhc.
Atlantic Exf..5:35 : p m Paclflo Ex.0:20am { :
llnlland Ex'JiOam : Jlalland Kxf..7:00pui :
T. Kx 630pm Neb it Has Ex..9:10 : a m
Depart. ArrUo.
Atlantic Ext. . .5:15 : p m Poclflo Ext. . . .0:15 : a m
UollanJ Ex.9l : > 0ain Mail and Ex * . .6:15 : p m
Accom ( Sat. ) . . 5:50 : pin Accoin. ( llon..l:45 p in
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . . . 0:55 : a in I Express . 5.35 p in
- - " 8:85 : | i la 1 Hall ail Kx..S'15pw
union j
Depart. Arrt7o.
lKz.1120a.rn. OTCriandEr. .lCO p.tra ,
Lincoln Ex..ll:3 : > a. .
Denver Kz..7oop. : m. Local Kx 0-MK. in.
local Ki 7:25 : a. m. " Es 0.05 a. 4n.
. . . " Ex P-OOo-m.
Kmlgrant..B20 p. m. -
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . 0:45 : a m I Mail and Ux. . 4:30 : p m
Ouinon Ball. . 4:70 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
or Sioux City.7:65 : a m Frra Sioux C'y.6:50 : p m
or For t Nlobrara. Frin Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb 7:55nra : Neb ' 6:50 : pm
For St. Paul..7:40pm From St. Paul..8:60 : a m
Leave Council Blufls. Arrives Council BluCa.
Mall and Ex.9SO a m I MM1 and Ex.0:55 : pm
Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Ex..19:10 : a m
Loaves Omaha. Arrhes at Omaha.
Mall and Ki.7:15 : am I PadOc Ex 19:45 : am
Atlantic Et.3:40pm | : | Hall and Ex.7-25 pm
Except Suntla ] a. fExcept Saturdayi. tBxc pt
llondava. ( Dally.
Council Dlufia Si Omaba Street R. R.
Leave Council muffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , tpm , 2pm,3p
m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m , in , 4 p m , S p m , 6 p m ,
Street cars run half hourly to the Union PacIBc
Depot. O Sunday the cars begin their trip ] at
9 o clock c , . in. , and run rojrularly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , 5 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ;
OMAHA AKD Cou.iciii llLUrrs , May 12 , ' 83. )
Arrangements hive been made tor the
Loading in Ohiougo Daily
01 one or more caTi with
ThoM can will como through to deitlnatlon
wlthmts oppla < . 'Jilck tlmili thonby Iwued.
Please order y u goods vU 0 U. & Q , H. II.
A. B. WEST ,
rou TUB
Douglas Vapor Stoves
The best and simplest In the world. Alua lor
7 4 Gasoline Stoves. CouncP Tu f < .
tnoa. orrioia. n. M. roan.
Gil Eluffs , la.
Established , - - IC60
Dealer ) 1Q Korrtt ; . M l Domftll'e Excbftnir
nil boron 4ncurlU l
Omalia National 'Bank IMding ,
lilwankee & St , Panl
! s now rnnnln ; It a FAST KXPrtltSS IKAIN !
Pullman's Magnificent Sleeper !
FinGSt Dining Oars in the World
Or to any polntjiwyond ; or
Take the BIST KOUl'Z , tbl
Onicagu , Milwankofl&St.PaidE1 :
Ticket offlce located In Paxtoi Hotel , at cornc
Farnain and Fourteenth etreuU and at U. P. Di
pot and at Mlllard Hotel , Omiha.
jtSTSeo TlmeTablo In another colamn.
F. A. NASH , General Afont.
O. H. FOOTE , Tlcktt Agent , Onaha.
UrnrralUanacer. General Pas * . Ajen
OencvlSur * . Am'tfltn 't .
Are acknowledged to bo th
best by all who have put Iher
o a practical tost.
Buck's Stove Go.
. n.-o rui
ici' > . worv. < J *
, a' i itico iv ht. . . .
. '
u J ! J ut 1 brilr.pfi.-o
Hop OitttTK WMM a HorlU
tf j t.u r 1 TIKK nu
If w ifi"
* icrctiim or disilpa tlon you
ii r. ci ilixU old or
vie itly " V o uftt'arll.j
> . ntT r io'u ' ! ! flrn. ' . > " 'J ' < *
. .at ji. > r fjit ci > | . (
. * > Jf c1 'IKfi dl tlu > t n rv
s.f ci timnl * !
* time ! f v
a ' " by
t ? 'wop"
O. I.
, > AC lirult
rf t.t < oin3
. HOP i > i * c a r * reLit
t irrik. Uood.
tt'.f ctnmi < "
Lit * Of OpJ3
YOi Tftll (1C tobujno , i
turn ) If jocuit
Hoc nitt r
Ifjtrr riilm .
rr lc neaK plritc ltrj and NEVER ( .ircal&r ,
Id It may 101ennrt
nnvfcyour [ FAIL
lift. It lia *
aovet ! hun-
> .Okl
The Ulntrlct Court Adjourns Until
tu Last of the Month Prleonera
The trl l of Williams , who wai nr
rented for ( hop-lifting nt Htrkneai
Uroa' , J. W , Lang's nd several ether
itorcB , c mo to cloio yeaterdny fore
noon , the jary sarprlslnp ; m ny bj
bringing la verdiok of not ( rullty.
Lroni , vho w i oonvlotcd of bnr-
KUrlzlcg 0 , B A Q O TJ , WM ieu-
ttuood to nUhtecnraouthiln the pout-
teutlary. Ill * poitner , Baaoh , w/i
isntencsd to two yc n lit thu penUoa
fillko Mullen , cbtr d frith bir-
glaraouitultUd la 187U , nuienUuoed
to .lr ni'uthi.
Tie jarymvn TTO J dliobargod for
the term , aud the ooort djoutnod
until th ; 29. h but.
PL ii tat-
No natno li bettir and more pleaiintly
and widely kuowu thun that < .f Mr , J A.
1'uzzjnt , For jear be has made lilmsa f
( iruoai by the alpgant pirfamM and com-
pltxlon pamicr that bain hli name , the
utter buTtnf found it i way to the h llei
of 1'krc and London.
, Garmtny Kiery-
lioily ndmlrei ] boiuty iu ladieii , NuthloK
will do mere to produce or enhance it
than a uua of Mr. Poiunl'i
The following ro the real eitaU
tran foaoportod Jane 19 , 18811 , by
RJSB & McMahon , No. 4 Pearl itro t ,
Ooanoll Blulfr , lowi :
R II. Woodinanoy to S II Hop.
kl , block Nu 2 and lot * 1 , 2 , 3 4 ,
D , G 10 , 11 aud 12 , block 3 , Maoodo-
J. H. Ptlmer to W. W. Daarborn ,
lota 21 And 22 , block 15 , Howard'e
ad.i . ; $250
Julian Sohnoldor to John Q.Sohmldt ,
tbo w 140 fm-t of lot 13 , blouk 4 , In
AMIRB ; $ G G25
Total ualt * , $7.025.
carmot make flr iitin , rooy cliooki ,
and snarkllog oyea with all the CMS
motioa of Franon or boautiGura of the
world , while In poor health uud noth
ing will glvo you aaoh rloh blood , good
health , uirringth aud beauty as Hop
Bitters , A triil ID cartdu proof.
The Maverlok National Bank of
Beaten driwo foreign oxohango , bnya
and nollB Governraont aud other lu-
vestniotit Hecatltloo , and trona&otfi any
bualncoa for ita corrrapondents In the
line of banking. tu&.h-iuo
A potlklon ha bduu produnted totha
city council asking for the appoint
ment of George EJgar iio city dntoo-
tlvo. The petition Is signed by n mi in
bcr of the moat proinluunt builnns *
men in the city , rrlio ooem to nppro-
cUte soaio of the ( ; oed work done by
EJgtr iu the pact , There Rooms to
bo uo doubt but that EJt ar would
make a Grat olasi man for Ench a pail-
tlon , but there la n doubt felt amoug
aorno of the oiliaiala aa to the uocd of
a city coautvrfclU'A
huvo a dotocvlvo doparlmont of the
pollco force , aud It Bd ( > mi us if tnoro
was tmocgh baalncaa hoto to keep ono
man bnay in tliit llnu nnd relieve the
ruguUi1 foicrf of that much extra duty.
Hood's Snrsiparilla
In dealgnr-d to meet ihu wut ; of thoni
who nuod a mcdiclno to build them
np , glvo them nu appetite , piu-lfy thoh
blood , and oil np the machinery ol
their bodloc. No othnr article takcte
hold of the RjBtom and hlt.s exactly the
spot llko Hood'ii Sarcaparllls. It
works llko magic , ronohing ovrry part
of the human body through the blood ,
giving to all rnnewod llfo and energy ,
jl a bottle ; six for $5.
Eyes brighten , cheeks become rosy ,
mueclcn gain strength by the QKO tc
Brown's Iron Bittern.
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , 85c ; No. 3,70
rejected 55c ; < ? oed demand.
ConN There i not enouch coin cominf
in to make a market ; dealers paying S8j
rejected corn Chicago , I52c ; new mixed
flSc ; whltt corn , 63o. The receipts of con
OATS Soarco and In good demand ; 35 ,
HAT 6 00 ( < 57 60 per ton. 35 per bale.
RTI 40@45c ; light supply.
CORN MEAL 1 25 per 100 pounds.
Woon Good supply ; prices at yards
B 00@0 00.
COAL Dollrered , hard , 11 00 i > or ton
soft. 6 50 per ton.
BUTTKR Good batter noiroe and In fal
demand at 25 ? 35c ; creamery , 35c.
EOOB Ready sale untl plenty a
10llo ( per dozen.
LABD Falrbank'g. [ wholenallni ; at 12 3
POULTRY Firm ; detlera paying 13o pei
pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens.
VKOETABr.Ka Potatoec , 60c ; onlonn , 60o
cabbagon , S0@10o per dozen ; apple * , 2 51
@ 3 50 per barrel.
City Hour from 1 CO to 3 40.
BROOMS 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLK 300@360o ; lvei 600@G50.
llooa Market for hoga quiet , KI tbi
packing bouiea are cloalng ; ahlppera an
paying 6 00 to 6 75.
Are never imitated or counterfeited
This la especially trno of A tamil ]
medicine , and It is positive proof tha
the remedy imitated li of the hlghos
value. An soon as it had boon Ustoc
and proved by the wnolo world tha
Hop iMttors was the purest , boat am
moat valuable family medicine 01
toM-th many irnilatlona sprung np OIK
begon to the notices In whlol
the pruss and people of the countr
had fixprettaod the merits of II , li
and in every nay trying to induce suf
forlng invalids to uao their stall in
stead , exfectlng to make money 01
the credit snd good name of II. 0
Many others started nostrums put u
In similar style to 11. H. , with vari
onaly dnviaod nuniia in which th
word "Iio ; ) " o "Ilopa" wore usnd ii
away to induce people to bollovo th ,
wore the aamo HH Hop Bitten ) . Al
such prutendud romedlua orcnrcn , n
matter what their otylo or nuuio i
and ocpccUlly thoeo with the war
"Hop" or Hops In thtir nemo or i
any v/ay cuimoctcd with them or the- !
rntno , uro imitations or couiitorfoli
Beware of them. Touch notio c
them. Ueing nothiof ; but yonuloo Iio
Bittern with a bnnch or cluster t
green Hops ou tha white lubol. Tru <
nothing eleo. Druggists and doalei
t. are warred against dealing Iu Iralta
Ji J tons or coautvrfclU'
rredtrlck Bo1 U
Ho wns aa atnuilng into , this o\t
tlo-brcodcr , whoio name I qulto for.
got , M my droll f oti and stories hn
told ui before bud time , of which I
noted down ft p rt. Wo drew him to
the an * j sot of wild beasts , and oar
host w. . nothtnx U" UIMI * u lllui
trtod ono o'opodl ' * . Ho hftd a plr
of tarao puniM buhlnd the house , Mid
we salllod forth Jftth lights to ttilt
them. It WM baintlful to see the
oreaturn Urt from sloop and rear
themiolvoi ajalnat the , tholr
great , ole r 070 * Intani with outloalty.
Ths m iler put In his hand and
scratched thfm , whllil thsy arched
their bnoki to pron U , purring like
o U. No Mtlrakl hut prettier head ,
mora unkoofuf body nor nioro vohoty
pawt ; hat th ropirtlon li not cjr-
rtct. Tno head of the pam U too
small , hat of ih j gaar , 11s rival , li
too large aud b ad. IU body Is too
lent ; , "d iU p wi e mousironi
thee b Mt wefo ao parfeolly tame
that our host would not have oonGaod
tham if thtre had baou no ohlldrtu
absut the ranch , Bat nouo o ! thulr
tpaalai on ba trui'.cd with children ,
The pum and tha jaguar MO thn
ranchoro's special hate ; ho calli them
lion nnd tlgor. The homestead of Iu
Yjraon wa surrounded by it narrow
b lt of forest , which hedged It from a
uuaibtr of aavaun h * where the horda
pMtuied. A'l ' the largo oaralvora for
miles about collected Iu this strip of
rroodlaud , lying In ambuth f > r nn ox
that strayed bauoath tbo troo.i. S .ma
look np thulr quartos * psrcaauontly
until daitroyad ; others returned honn
aftos the intial ; otbnra paid a visit
longer of hoito . Wo asked how ou
earth thsio ( tots were known , nnd tbo
rauohoro oontosiod that ho had no
proof ; the authority of his ludlv
hunters Mtlsfiod htm. Of thcio ho
kept a little staff , who turned out every
day for sorvlo * . Ho paid thorn tragus ,
nnd a dollar a ptooe huad tnouoy fat
puraai killed , half a dollar for jaguurs.
The tigcoros ptradod , ugly , iquit
Indians , with big heads , small grvo
ojros , and a stupid typo of mouth.
Tney nil oiuie from Nlonrngaan terri
tory , for there are uo Indiana in Oosta
Rlcj , uaviag the wild tribes of Gaatnao
and Talamauaa o , ot loaat , wo toro
od. The latter , I fancy , are
known well enough. It la not dan
Reruns foi a peddler to visit them , and
these anxious to loam iholr appearance
and their ununora will find publlihod
uinturtal thiitls to say , I thluk no , for
our travoh tievor led us near tholr
country , and , personally , I know
nothing The Gaatnaos or Prauzoi
are ranch more savage , and no man
living Iu that day , I oionot tnll how It
b 3 no iv , could glvo serious lu fjrmatlon
regarding them.
A CMiplo of spears , one long and
ono akortor , made the equipment of
the tlgrorc. Their dogs , big , oloaohlug ,
light-colored animal * , wore ovldemly
rnUtod to the coyoto. Dingoroua
rnther thxn sivngp , not prone to bark ,
they pot form the role of honso doga
b.tdly. The Don assured us that pup-
pirn will not brk at all unless taught
oy others. Bat they learn nt OUCP ,
thus d.lFirtng from the thoroughbred
ooyoto , which cun only howl and
whimper in the Grat generation cf do-
muAticlly , and ooldom succeeds in
learning n true birk until the third.
Wo uakod why n dollar was granted
for ft slain puma , and but half for a
jaguar , uoelug that the latter animal la
much more dangerous and dostruatlvo
It appears that iu th. ) fathlon of hunt
Ing to which thtuj Indlcuo obttinntoly
odhero , tbo UBS terrible boait CAUKC
the gron or lees of life. Tigreron go
in couple * , the head man In advance
with his two npoiUK. the subordinate
followiue with bla machete or ohoppiog
kulfo. The jagu&r Is oielly tracked ,
nrid ho dooa not go far when ronsad.
So soon as It ii thoronghly onvoyoc
to his mind that thoao intruders wish
to eco him personally ho turna with a
roar that always gives suiiiolont warn
ing to such practiced shikaris. A
moment nftorward ho comes trotting
up. The foremost Indian kneels ,
holding a spear In cither hand , the
long ono farthest out his oompauior
stands at the sldo. The jtguar tlooi
not pause , but gathering himself up
cleaves the s > .r in a mighty bound , hii
forelegs wide asnnder , and oiairi
hooked to rend. Yery seldom does il
happen that the long spear falls tc
trausGx his unprotected chest , or th <
whorter ono his throat.
Such Is not the puma's conduct
When disturbed , ho skulks awlftlj
through the brushwood , andoommoa
ly escapes. In following a jaguar dogi
are seldom hurt , for he disregard :
them , and they have n need to pres
him. But the puma turns constantly
massacres A bound , and speeds oi
again. Even If wounded ho la slow t <
stand ; but when brought to b y a
length U Is more deadly risk to faoi
him. For this combat the epears an
naeloss. Springing with his pawi
crossed th-j puma would dash then
wide. His feet firmly planted , kmf <
la his left hand , mscheto In hU right
the Indian stand forward. Ho h
oue blow In mld-alr. If It falls , 1
the skull be not cleft llko an apple
brute and man roll over in n hlduon
embraoo. At such n tlrao the com
rade seldom wanted in jaguar huntlui
would bo invaluablo. But when ui
Indian sets out Intentionally to traol
a paraa ho goes fclono. So did hi
fathers and so does he.
"Vory , very rarely a jicjuar spring
with his paws crossed , aud tlieii then
( a walling In thn tigrero'd hut. For thi
epeire upon which ho relied are twlat-
od from his grasp , and the hugo beas >
falla upon him kneeling. If the com
padre with the machete bo tun , th
tigur has probably tire vlotlnn lustoai
of ono , The elriglo chnnco of thes
poor Indium lies in their d v < n , and i
Is but a vary small ono. Jaquara will
tlila uiioomfnrtiblo habit are soiree
however , if U bo moro tlrtu an BOO !
dent. Nouo of the ranolmro'e Indian
cad ooon a ca uthnuih ; that fac' prove
llttlu. Witnoesus ot
rarely uurvlvo
Silll a third roi55ii wta furnUho
us for the hlrUor ; ruwara , b id ) ex
pendltnro of doH aud greater rlik
Tm < putr.n baa a horrid lublt of foi
lowing a hiiuna trail. Thu same prac
tlau Imi bjun obstrgod ug lasc the tru
HOD. Thnro in no doab' that ttio fet
mer nuloul hai it. Thu raotlvo is neB
B j apparent ai iiiljht bj fanc'.od nt
( > U : > uu. It ii oviiuntly nn luitlncl
Should Ihla animal , t > ro irllng throug
the wood * , oonio n fosi a inan'n foot
liii tollows tliurn. though the
bo dtys old , IK'OV did , I linsi lcio , tha
the scant 1m not yet dlsperaod. M
oirnludhni paloted oat to IUB an In
Unco whore I took tholr atsuranoo
for It the tuau hivd pasted three days
Ixfore , And thu puma within two
houn. It nay bo tao cunning creature
knows It likely that where man HAS
gouo something U eatable , a'ive ' or
dead , iniy bo dlicorcrod. Ho la not
above gnanlnsr a stray bone , lint I
Imvo no serious suggestion to cllar.
Ua the moll it may , the prao-
tloa loads dirtctlj or Indlroatlj to the
doith of tnany traveler * bcNtod Iu the
woods And It otnios the puma to ba
regarded wi'h ' a shuddering hate which
the nmo ferocious jaguar do on not
When I udd that the troll of thrno
two antmnls ti distinguished ono from
the ether by a small heap of o rUi
which thu prjra * ' * foropan throws up
behind I think I have exhausted nil
mj memoranda of the hlnta which our
skillful ranohero ponrod fourth. Ther
U something ch notorlitlo In this do-
tall of tha footprint al o. The pd
ot either brute araalmcwit altko luelz. * ,
though the tlgor bo no much bl gor
ud heavier. Bat ho KOCH nlone- with
free , bld stride , while the ether
oronihos aud crawl * , hli hixul down-
proiiol bstwoen the thoaldcr4 , all bis
weight throvu ou the forolo a. Ttviu
they tluk deep , and leave a tLy hllloili
of moist toll bjhlud thorn.
The lora of ronoilo nnrollod by our
kindly hn t woj Illustrated with
itorloi. lie himself gave sJl bis mind
to war agilnat the puma , leaving the
jaguar to hit tlgraros. Oarlug only
to have the brnto * daitroyod , luaousl-
bio to tha pleasures of thu ch > uo , ho
found this system jndlolouo , For , at
ho uiod a rlUd , au Immense expendi
ture of time was saved. Aud the hab
it * of the puma mentioned divoat Ita
punult uf danger If firearms bo uied
a * a ru'.o , nndontood ,
Wo had diverged to the snbjaot of
black lions , au animal whoso cxlttonco
haj boon doiiltd , The r nchero had
uuthlug deoUlvo to dvanoe ou thin
dlepulud quoatiou Ho hoard with aa.
toulthmont and ooutempt thut Ea-
rupoatiaavaui doubted Black putuui ,
allowed , are M well authoutlcatcd
black jaguars , lie had never
tilled ono. Such akin * an had ootmi
wuuith his notloa wore very largo
ruly. But ho laughed icorufully t > the
ho Idea that any woodemati oould
uako a mtotako. And the tustlmony
f ono so oxpcrlonced linpruieod na ,
"Quo day , " aald our host , "nnws
uuie to hand thai two of uiy oalvoi
lad boon lulwd by a black Holt. It
was at the farthest pasture , oomu ten
ullcH out. Iu the afternoon 1 rode
hlthor with my doga , to sloop t the
requoro'e hut , aud follow the creature
a the morning. All the herd WM
> rought Into the oorMl. Soon after
dutk arose a great oommotlon , the
cows ranuini ; together , the balls
charging and furlouily skirmishing
round them. Wo turned out buyout !
; ho oorral paling , you nnduratand. It
s a big luolosuru , and the night was
very datk. Nolao enough there wan
already to scare all honest lions in the
world ; but on a snddon rose such
tumult aa sinful creatures uuko in
[ jnrgatory. Oattlo bellowed and
roared , women screamed ; than a mul
tltudo of galloping hoofa shook the
gruuud , hnd tltubora oraahodl All
my herd streamed through the fcuoe ,
tuarlng over the misty plain. For
tunately , none of us stood iu tholr
way.Nothing could bo done that night ,
aud I wont back mad. That four-
logged demon had sprung or climbed
the railing , snatched a young call
uudor Its tuottur'n belly , und van
iahud ; you taunt know ihut she wnj
tied to the houao wall. Some Indian
women saw it fl/ down nmoii | ; them ,
us they enid , its great eyes burnlnj
llko Inmpa , aaw it crouch u second
growllug , Blaring lit thmn ; seize thi
oalf bonOath Ita struggling mother aiu
tly back , I know too well that man
of my young stock would be mlasiuj
before dawn.
"Bending to ( ho ranch for mon
vaquoroa , I wont to bed. Next dn ;
nil turned out early , the Indiana ti
hunt my poor cattle , I to pursue thi
lion. His trail was followed oaa ;
enough. "
"A momantl" my companion ox-
claimed. "Did you uotloothat it wae
n puma's track by the olgn you havi
doioribed to us ? "
"Nol The dogs lifted It Instantly
and I followed at a canter. At thi
[ oroat edge I loft my horio. Thi
hounds had a long start , all but tha
old porro yonder , who waited fo
mo " He pointed to an ancient dog
grey aud scarred , the only one admit
ted to the house , of breed moro Euro
pean than the cars uutildo.
"I hoard the pack quarreling am
snarling a long way off , and I knot
what U meant. They had found thi
remains of that black devil' * sappu
and wore dividing the fragments. ,
was not alarmed , however ; ho woulc
leave little of a aucklng calf. It tool
mo more than half an hour to road
the spot , foi there was an ugly bit o
awarnp to circumvent. When I go
there not a dug rctutlnud , aud th
botiet , not of one but of three calves
trowed iho earth. It had boon hi
regular dining-room for thruo nights
ever since ho made his appnarauoo oi
my land That told that hla lair wa
not far off , probably , and I decided t <
search for It , though my one dog wa
rather domoral rod by o scrap or tw >
of meat snatched on the sly while
WM hunting around
"I kicked him off , and ho began t
Bmoll in a larger clrolo. The trail wa
ctruck iu a moment , of course , andw
set on. I know I oould depend o ;
that faithful porro not to outrun mo
t and I was rather warm to f-ica a blaol
lion , when ono h s need of a stead ;
hand , So I wont quietly.
"It was farther oil than expected
After two hours' tramp through th
woods I aaw h wis probable thobrnti
had hla don by the rtvor. U it loni
baforo wo got there my dog bocam
anxious and uncertain I could au
the track qutto plain , but hn did nc
follow readily , looking behind him
n pausing iml growling. 1 thought thu
taste of luali disturbed hla mind , an
urged him along , but moro and mot
unwillingly ho traveled , with suchod
muvomunta ui alarmed me , for
thought ho was going man. Suddnr
ly ho turned , ruahod by mobirklu
savagely , his 1mlr on and , Very gla
to see him go , I eat down to rustwhll
ho took n long start , and I cunsldoro
what to do.
"Tho purro's cry grow fnlntor an
fainter. Then Its note changed tctli
querulous worrying und snarling , wit
a loud , long bark nowand ugair
which tolls the inastor thut his do
wanta help with a dangorouiquarr ]
I gumjod how It was in that inomon
While I followed the lion'fl old trail it
had been following me ! I ran back ,
The porto wan working further from
our path , Luckily I struck nt uno <
the spot where ho had branched away ,
but It WM alow lifting his path
through the forest. I had made up
tny mind to return whnn the c'nmor
changed to jolpi and howls. Thu lion
had f Aond about , struck dowu my dog ,
and purhipa WHS toarlug him. As font
aa possible I hurried ou ,
"But If lions mean killing , nil Is
over Iu nu Instant when they have
tholr victim down , and the norm's
miserable yells showed him to bo still
living After awhile I o mo np. Boa
thu markt ! " \\\i observed two donp
soars on the left shoulder , aud two
alightur onw ; two nigged punctures
on the ri ht , IV'iro the pnma's claws
had graaped whilst he atrucl. ,
"Ttio children loved my dog , and
no artery WAS out. I shredded nooin
Spiuleh mnns , hound up Ms won dr ,
sloug him In my aoArf , nnd not out ( or
home ; no far had wo wandered thitt it
waa uearor than the onrul , 1 am
strong , seuoroo , but the itui wan hot ,
and a dig Is hvnvy ou ono'a shoulder * .
No path lad through the foreit , and I
could uot fool sure , uot being an Ii -
diau , that I was folloirlug the trno
courco. A hundred time * I thong\v
of dropping the pour anliunl , but I
had not the heart whim ho licked my
ueok , R'ld I uimomburnd what his fito
would bj dt.vocirud cllro by uuU aud
" 1'fjuontly ho became rcstlosti , aud
then ho growled. 'It needs many
lowjoii" to learn A fool , ' says the proverb
orb I hit him with my elbow , but
ho would uot bo quiet. Uo began to
bark funbly , gathering up hit limbe ,
puoriicustl I suddenly naught thu
hint and turned. At a few yard * die
tattoo tbo bauhon softly u waved bo-
atdnmytraokl The lion * ai follow
lui ; ui < uiii. I looked to my i ilia tun
sot forward. In ten mluutau the
growling recommenced , and the < x
citeiUEUit of the perro grew stronger
and etrouRor. The brntu wns croi-p-
lug up ! I oockol my gnu , fol l
rimnrl , but that devil wan quicker.
Nothing oould bo uuon but the wavlug
of the twlgr. I lirod n chauoo shot tone
no eiltiot , uud rtsumud my wsy , niter
loading. For n long tlmo all WAR
qatot. t gained the rlvt'r bnnk , aud
wao wording dovrn , relieved of all
uuxtoty , lor tint rpot wna familiar
In oil hour If.honld bs ut homo.
"Beyond a broad bolt of reodo and
Btromp | ; rmuid luy the clearing That
WUB itn ugly bit to truvnrna with n lion
at ouo'ts hoflls , and I couqratnlato my
self hn had rnn u\v&y. Ono could not
Bee n ynrd ou olthor baud when , half
way ttironch , the porro growled nuH
barked and nitug ltd in greater oglta *
tlon than boforo. I cried to the Hatntt.
Mid the iiivetu poured down. Whnn I
nrned t'.io reeds were all bonding nnd
ulvorlng but live yardn away. I whet
nd hurried ou , but the ground wan
lllicult. la a few momenta the dcp
g lu Rave warnini ; nnd the rcodo
wnyod all nbout. I ahotl But now
ho d g did uot coano to r.ilnti such
ooblo clamor ua ho could , and I thct
a fiiat ua I could load. Mudrn dl D > lc ,
etioros , wlmt u run that waa !
"Tho iirlug oavud invl Tvro va-
[ noroa ri-'sliag In the uhapo knew the
jund of my pleoo , and oamu to moot
no hallooing The porro WAS attnoat
hoked In convnlalona by this tlmo ,
and I bollovo tlmt lion hnd juat gath-
rcd hlmuelf to spring when their
ah out H nlarinod him ,
"Now , aonoronl What WM the
oroatnro that pursued mo tlnu , iti
rror.d daylight , thougb I drcd Into It :
very TOWS' "
'Might It not Imvo been n jaguar ! '
I nckrd timidly.
Yon uro Ignorant of our woodowfl ,
seiior ! Wiiy should n tignr follow t
mail ? The brulo wns not huuury , foi
It left uiy dog. And If a tigur had behaved
havod In thut atrunqo vrnv , ho woulc
have sprung na soon as ho cnme np
Nn ! It wan tk lion but a black one I' '
"Did you follow Ita trull ? "
"I ocald not liad u tlgroro till nox (
day. Thou thu fonUtopa were trnokoc
for mllen after it left mo , going stndgh
for the hills. The Indians saw It wsi
and returned. Wo hnvi
had uo alarm of bluok lions oinou. Anc
from that time , nonoroH , I have un
derutood how a kind notion does no
go unrewarded. For If I had nban
donod my dog , I should never havi
manned home that day. "
When wo loft iu the dawn , that excellent
collont ranch nro proientod each of ui
with n puma akin. Mine fa still at
ornament of the bungalow.
Mr. Joceph G , lilolmell , No. 012 Mali
street , Oambridgoport , MUFU , , writes Apr !
27,18S , < : "I have beeu terribly nllllctodfo
years with gravel and klilnoy dlaemo. M ]
urine cuotalued lirlckdmt dopoBlts , and n
timoa I could uot pans my water except ii
drops and with great pain ; and have hate <
to get up u' many na fifteen times durlni
tbo night , I tried nevera ! physicians ; tbo ;
did mo no good , but a frlond of wine , \vhi
had lined Hunt's Uemody told mo to get i
bottle aud try It. Ho had been cured of .
severe caio aunllur to mine , aud that oth
ers had uied Hunt's Itemody inCatubrldg
and pronounced it a inodlclue of ronl met
It , After being repetktojly urged I put
chased a bo tlo , and before I hiul used n
of It I pa aad a atone M largo aa n pen
followed by unmllor eau < . I have used Ii
all ton lottlon , aud It hiui completely cure
me. My klcluojH uro ID excellent cond
tlon , and for one of ( US ) sixty-eight ye&rt
I can truly Hay I feel like n young man
wlrh treugtlind vitality , My family us
the Remedy , uud would not be without II
and never iall to recommend It to ou
frlenda and nulgtiborx Iu Oumbrldgo an
Boston. You nro .it liberty to o my natn
in pralao uf thu best kidney and liver mec
Icloo Hiuil'd ' "
, Komedy.
Theabovn wonJu nro from Mr. LE\TI
KliXX , No. ! l lllnliluud Avtnuo , Al'Uilia
Minis. , April l8,18SH ! lloMoyu ! "I bftv
been troubled tor yearx with lildnuy nn
liver cotnulalnt , followxd by Kruvcl , wl'
Buvera | >\n in my buck and KrolDfl. I hn
trouble In pitMlng wutor , it beln
and accoiiipunloit by terrible bum
ttio vcHsel beiiiK co'tted with lirlc'j
dop'iBlt , I waa rec.iinir.endetl to iu
t'rt Hauiody by it frlund who had b e
completely cured of a slimlbr traublo.
purchaaeil a bottle at ttio driUKistn , mi
coiumencud to Improve at ouco. 1
uited but two bottleami itlHsiloue wo
dontfor mo no tnoro KMnoy trouble , n
more imlu. It IntH ) , Ivuii mo new life , an
1 would not bu without Huut'it Hemody a
any prlco , It h u'l ' thitt It ii reoomtneud
ed to tie , and 1 cheerfully give tlila te t :
niony for tbu benuiit uf the mnuv nulljr
from kidney itlioai-j mid
If yau are nut married , wiita the M i
rlage Fund Mutual Trint Aneoclatloi
l/'odar Kiplda , lowe , for clrcuUru oxiilnlt
t , In the I'lao , diae
enrsr *
217 Mid 210 North U itn Rt , St. Louts.
noon , i jwnmvo
NKW8 , if t\VHM'PlA <
Printers' Stock.
' 'l for Higi tnd Paper Stsc/ , Scrap
I'an aid Ustils.
l' | ) tr Slock tVftrrhiuaci 129 to 12.17 North
Slith utrrifit rnKrV > 4.1m
I h e uffotfil ( rim ScrofuU aliont IT je ri to iiRinnitly lonfiuo ) tjmv I > K vul
nnmnM' * my nhlti burin cr CU\OKM with
I , Anon i i run Kami ON * tu4 or KOTTIX H.KKII , AND
Tiiiuiwm ii.Moit All rim Ulua nJ
tri'niiueutH luc I 'tloil f-lui In ilj IIH nv
Kooil. A l i' I rjrn I Mrp 8 8 * . . roti'.lrm-
Irir for h ut ( urmi th cull AMUKKi M <
LY rtK.I , ' , . I IB KS a. S under thj iui > iivl -
loncf ft | > h1rln if ! .vtl.i\r < ' n tlto pm-t'io bj
5 our Old. ir | 'rrl'Uiint klOR H H. 8 1 nt fines
o ulit iiwcy i k Now I CAN wLK All. HIT ,
nnillinxuti lhachd. S b , and it illlljf mj
T OS Mel" U'ANP ,
64 foil dry 8 'ret , Alums , Ua.
Ill T * tiVcn with i teii litreflt ' S. . " . ( or
r'mr cm * n * Kir nm. Tno viitpilon Iiai i ntucly
il d.iiiiu.rcd , anil I inn will.W.
Momtior N. ( la. 0 no into , AUaMn ( la.
It JOII I'otl' ' t , 0 inn lo lo Hi , .virl o will 0 tr
Yo" , < r rbiu.u n < tliliu \\rlte I r fin 1 tt. '
booli , free. A h any tlr pjrl t IK to our ituti ling. I
( ) TliniWANii | ) ir.l.AUl 111 ! AHI will
l i jinlil to any clictnlut who will Mi'il. M nii&lj-
l of lUJ'wiilrnol H S rt on.iirtlol'0 | < < MT-
ciiry , loillilu IV tiui HIM , or other minimi tub-
Btoncj.TflK SWIFT Sl'EOlKIO 00 ,
I'ropilctora , At it ) In , ( ! .
Pr.coof S nM Size , * l OJtga Sit , $1.75.
Tin. E. 0. Wmr's NVRVH AI > HAIH T.IIUT
M vf , aijuiri tj'd iin cll | fir Ih'i'c
ne < n , Coiv ulnon ! Kits , Ncnl ui
lltiada h , nr\o > Protl ration raii"nd bv the
UHOOt ulCJ'iol or tobitco Wakuliilliltil. Mental
Depri'M on , Siltcnlug of th i ruin romlltli'C ' In
Infinity and 1 xilliu ; In ul-or , uoejy , niu duttb
Picnutiiro old Agi1 , ILirron , Lo' rt im er
In rlthrr OT , In ouuttry hi i' id p-rnmt-
orrhw * cau td by oNti'ixjitlno ol the brain ,
vullitt > u < nr < iv ' Hilii'iioncii ' E"Ch l x ou
t Ini onn nicn'h' * 'r > atm IP. J'.OO ' a luxor six
boxeifar 8i ( K ) nout uy in .11 prvpt il on r ictpl
at ptlcu.
WE au/jiANTii : : six BOXES
To cute auy caie. W th ic''ir < er itcolvilby
ui Icr nix iox H. aToiipa 't ' d > it > i tft 0- > , \\o illv
* onil ill pu.cnmro'r writ < . < > gvnranto'i to re
fund the inn icy U ihn troitnt" " ! do nut cflcct ,
acu u , ( in ruitwii l iu d cnly bk.
i' V. U OI M N
m I'ct'V w tr Druecut Ounha Ntb.
Dr. Fol'x ' Lo rati'B
riTinc 15 if sv ?
blTiitn &EX.
ThU remedy licln ? Injected dlr ctly In the raat
ot the dl oMo. requites no ch ii < e ot diet or nm > *
eous , meicuilal or poke ioui medicines to b
taken Intcnialtj. When used
by cither I xlt Is iutp ulble to car tract aujr { tJi
lute diaoa e ; but In the cue ol them already
we guarantee 4 boxet to cure or we w 11 refund'
the money. Price bv null , poatagt paid , 2 per
box , crS boxei lor t&
Written Guarantees
Usueil by all r.uthoilie 1 agen'i. '
DR FKLIX LK DltUN Jt CO. , Sol. Prop * .
0. I * . Qoodmai , Drugflit , Solo Agent , foi
Omaha , Neb , m&a awly
i ] \
17 Bt OliMleaBt , ST. X.Ot7IQ Mo
coIfgMh | a been longer ongafred In the treat
went oi uuuomo , KEuvoua. SKIN AKH
DIXJOl ) Disc at c * than nay other phyilclan In 01.
Loali u city papers abow and all old reuldeutl
knov. Oononltatlou Iromnrt Invited. When II
In Ir.oonf onlnnl toltlt the city lor treatnmut ,
ueillclnei can ho sect by mall or eiprow averr >
nhert. Oartble tarrs xtuianteed ; wbore doutl
ixlitx It li liankly btatcd. Call or wiitr.
Nervoqg prostration , Debility , MentaJl
and 1'hytloal Weaknpim , Mercurial cad
other itiloctioni of Throat , Skin and Doti-w
Ulood Impuritleo anil Mlojd
Bkln Affections , Old Borca nnd Uldnn ,
IinpedlmentH to Marriage. Khmuuntltm ,
L'Uea. Special attention to oaneti from
ovor-worliodlfcatij. SDU IOAL CASMiJ
receive Bpecl > f < 4Uontlnn.
from Impru'lrfnce , Kie < wn- ,
MERIAIESS told. wool ) iu.y
who may inari
who my notl Wflr'
cause * , conBounonwi
md cure. Ucalcd lor Zfn pittage or itamp * .
DR HENDERSON A rniruhr gii'cat < '
, , in mcdlclno. Over IV
( MX ) t OH Wjar.docta St , Dears' practlcu 12
KANSAS urn" , MO In ChicatEO.
Autl.oilrcd bvthoi-Uto f. trnal
ChronlcNtr"oiu and 1'riittr dU-
i-avut. A'lhmn KpUniHy , Kh < ta.
imatljm , l'iiTawo W rm , Urin
ary a 4 tJkln DlboasjA , 8nvi\AL
i-.i'IWltiKNie38 ( lllfht IOS ) HllXUAb
( Iri" ol sexual po er ) Etc. Cures uuar.
d or money roln..did. Or rL'fa loiTluiu -
inds ol cisen cured No Injurious medicine *
u-'ol in ilctui.tluii from budlnuos. All vdl-
clni'H luin'ehei eten to pttienta at a ills'ai ce ,
Consultation ( ri-o and coatldntlU-- or rlt ,
Ago ( .ml experience are Importint A HOOK lot-
lioihaoxcs Illustrated and clru"lats ol other
things sent ie led lor two 3o oticum. . Pi. KB'
rnKKONAIi-"l'irtsol the huiuau body.
enuri'W , rti vulopuj ami strougtboi.ciJ , " ci3.U
an iiiuioitlii od-crt somunt lonj ; mn la civ
taper. In reply to inquiries wt > lllBjy tilt ;
tlicrx iio oviloiHo t ! limnbutjabjiH this Cct
ilir contrar ) , the oihcrtljirs arv very bJk'ttly ln >
doited Intoiestttd pureonsDiity Ket fe&To-l cl .
culars Klvlnic all purtlculart , glvlnif all pa llc <
lar , by addrowlnif Erie UiidicalCc. , J' . 0. i
6153. Jlunolon' . V Toledo Ki ' '
" \