Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    If '
A * Which Mell a Farmer Mr
A Parallel for tha Arabian
NiRhte ,
On the 9th Instant a very thrilling
adventure befell outtlor who llvca
two m'.lcH and n half west of the old
Ponca rcBorve , on Ponca creek , whoso
name Is George Volkonborg.
About 2 o'clock in the afternoon as
ho and n hired man were at' work put
ting the joists In a new balldlug
which ho wan erecting they and-
dculy saw a fannol shaped clond approaching
preaching from the northwest and
were surprised by seeing a largo one-
story frame building descend from the
summit of the cloud and lighting
Tthhlu thirty rods of the place where
they were at work.
Tola building proved to bo a livery
stable , and upon opening the door In
the roar a > oung Qjrtnan waa found
lying upon the hay and partially
ntupefiod. Mr. Volkonburg and a
f rlo'ad eiortod their ntiuoat oudoavors to
bring him to consciousness , and alter
some labor ouccuodod In learning that
the unfortunate mau'a first name was
Hans , but they were uuablo to find
out his surname. They took him to
their camp aud ho ate In a moat raven-
OUR manner. Having partially satisfied
the Inordinate cravings of the Inner
nun ho told them that ho wad hostler
in this building which had been loci-
ted two and one-half miles west of
Ponghkoepalo , Now York , alluding to
the building ho wan then ID.
Mr. Volkouborg telegraphed to
Pooghkoupalo to find out whether
Hans' statement was true or not aud
np to this writing no answer has boon
received. Thio affair has created an
immense aonaatlon In the neighbor
hood of Ponca and is unparalleled in
the hlatory of the ntato of Nebraska.
The only explanation la that the
building mast have been picked np
by a pacalng cyclone and cirrlod clear
across the elates , and as the picket
fence anil other outnldu appurtenances
wore still around it , Mr. Volkonburg
will consider that the hand of Provl-
doucD waa In the matter and will keep
the properly unices it ia claimed very
, 1 Set-to Arranged to Take Place
v- on the 18th ,
The Florence Cut-Otf to be the
Scene of the Fight.
The most interesting thing in sport
ing circles at proacnt la the prospec
tive fight between "Baby" Barno ? ,
"tho Nobrrska Giant , " and Jack
\ Nugent , the well known variety man
There has been considerable feeling
between the two of late over Nngont's
depreciation of Barnes * ability in the
pugilistic line and a colliulcn has oc
curred twice when they happened to
meet In saloons. Barnea is a power-
fnl man , but Jack is also n hard hitter -
tor , and the friends of each feel confi
dent in their own man.
On Saturday night the two mot ut
the bar in a Douglaa street resort ,
and Nugent tsbnccd Barnes qnito se
verely , telling htm that ho could whip
him even if ho had stood up before
Paddy llyan. The proprietor Inter
fered to prevent trouble , and the two
were about to udjjurn to the alley for
a fi ht uhon their respective- friends
solz3d and aopirated them.
This , of coarse , added tti the feel
ing between the men , and Barnes sent
u friend to Nugent offering to make
him a present of $100 if ho would
tand np before him for threa rounds-
Qioonabary rules , and allowing Nu
g'jnt to name the time andplaca.
The latter accepted the challenge
nnd named the 18th as the data , the
fight totakoplaooon tbo boantitnl lit-
to ) plateau along Pouca crsok , at the
Florence cut-off
Nugent wanted the money put np
In a certain bends yesterday , and as
that was done it may ba aoaapted ni
a foot that the fight will take plaoo ,
as neither will bb satisfied until the
rivalry has boon settled by a set-to In
the ring. If the rules are adhered to
thla may bo all right , but if not the
authorities should Interfere and
not allow the matter to go any further.
Both are good men but after the tron-
bis they have already had there musl
bo more or leas revenge in the contest ,
There will naturally bo a largo crowc
on hands and serious trouble may oo
cur if no restraining Influence ia oxer
claod , Omaha has boon condomnoc
enough already on account of thesi
pugilistic encounters without thi
thing going any further.
An Interview With the Manager o
tbo W. rj. of Lincoln.
Llnm'n Journal.
Friday the B. & M. telegraph line
plan into the hands of the Wostori
Union. It is just a year to-day sine
0 , II. Smith aasuined the manage
mcnt of the llnca hero , which show
that ho can stay in ono place a year
despite the predictions of his friend
that ho wouldn't stop at ono plnoo
year. "Smithy" Is a good oporatoi
an'd can't bo beaten anywhere. Th
whole force ai now organized stands n
follows ; 0. n. Smith , manager ; L
Karncs , chlof operator ; II. II. Done
orcat , first assistant ; Goo. E , Dent
night operator. I'luttimouth Herah
With a view to writing up the llghl
nlng jerkors of this city and ahowln
our readers a few statletha , a Journi
representative clipped the above art !
clo from the Pluttsmouth Herald an
visited the Western Union tolegrap
office. Manager Gerrans , who hi
been identified with the offioo ovori
years , mado-the following statomen
The gross earnings of the Weater
Union company In 1832 were $20
000,000 , which amount rrprarrutod
tnorp thau 3'J,000,000 r oss ; ; o . "
During that length of thnoniany Im
portant events were enacted , The U
ifc M , lines had tmasod Into the hnndt
of the Wustorn Union ; President Cox
had \jjltcd Earope ; Superintendent
Yatoi had built a tnapnlficjiit rial
dcnoo on Matreot ; J 11. Oralg had
accepted lhn position of night
operator at Lincoln ; Mr. Xjlmor , of
the B. tt M , , rndohnpod his inludtu
regard to tha cmylnir ctpioliy of the
Western Uultm operator * , mid now
bcllcvco Out two etroiig tuun might
move his handsome qnarlotto table
across the street. Besides thla , the
messengers had commenced wearing
pretty blao uniforms , highly orna-
mouted with nickol-platcd buttons -
tons , The
nunegor oau-
maratod several additional changes ,
but The Journal man ,
concluding ihat ho WBS not getting
the desired Information , approached
D-iWltt Syford , the poutlomsnly djy
clord , who ti\a ! ; "Sy. " Mr. Syford ,
after bulug m-ow the article , exproB ed
considerable tucprlso ut the growth of
the PJattamouth oflioo. llo could
scarcely realizj that such great
changes had taken place in so short a
time , ilo had ones douo all the work
ut that station hlmiolf ,
An Organization Effected nnd Officers
Plattsmouth Journal ,
According to appointment a majori
ty of the inoorporators of thla pro
posed railroad mot on lost evening at
8 o'clock. Representatives were present -
ont from thin city , Falrbnry nnd
Avcca. Messrs. Tuoa Uarblno , E. E.
Eldrcge , J. B. McDowell , 0. F.
Steele , Jsinoa Ireland , Falrburjrj 0.
Ttfft , Avoca ; 0. U. Parmolo , A.V. .
McLaugllu . H. Newell , J. V.
Wockback , F. Gunthor , S. M. Chap
man , R B. Windham , Quo. S. Smith ,
D. H. Wheolar , H. Black nnd
0. W. Sherman were reported pres
ent. John Fitzgerald , of Lincoln ,
being 111 , was represented by proxy.
D H Whoulor called the meeting
to order and prosified during the ruout.
lug. R B Wj-nUhaia noted ua cnalr-
man. After cuuMdurublo dlscueaton
as to the proper and hignl method of
proceeding , Thomas Harblno reported
the Eontlmont of Jcilaraon county na
strongly In faver of this railroad , aud
made a very unique and Interesting
address. It was determined , finally ,
to elect n board of directors nnd a
committee was appointed to august
names , the committco reporting the
following uamea for directors , nnd
they were c'aoconj \ acclamation :
John Fitzgerald , Thos. Harblno ,
LUtlctield , 0. H Purmele , E3.
E. L'.drcdge , R. B. Windham , N. K.
Grlggs and O. Tcff : . By request
Mr. Windham ma-Jo n report of a
recent trip oaat aud the Information
ho had rocolvcd as to an eastern
The meeting of the incorporates
then adj inrned and n mooting rf the
directpra was called , and the follow
ing officers chosen :
President , John Fitzgerald.
Vice President , 0. H. Parmoleo.
Secretary , R. B. Windham.
Treasurer , A. W. McL tughlln.
A conference was hold from 8 to 9
a. in. , aud many matters preliminary
to actual work were talked over , and
a satisfactory understanding wad had
It is probable that the board of direc
tors will bii culled together before
long and arrangements bo tnadu to
open stock booku for the compuny.
Altogether it was an Important
meeting , and ouo that will no much
to advance the Interests of Plntts-
mouth ,
Anurmtnrn Bittern do not only dlstln-
truUh t "emsolvej by their aromatic odor aboro
all othuts gencia'ly use , hut til y are at * } a sure
jirercntlio lor all jl ! nt ! ( orlK'Ini'/uif ( root the
d uestlve o'fxns Uoware o/cojnUifotu. : Ask
your grocer or drac ift ( or tin genuine nrtldo ,
manulacturcd by lir. J. O. II Sliigert & Sins.
The Ceromonlea at the Cblld'd Hospi
tal Laet
The cornor-atotio cf the now Chlld'e
HoBpltal , on Dodge street , above Sev
enteenth , was laid at half-past fire
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Blohop
Clarkson , Djan Mlllspaugh , Ray. Jaa.
Patterson , Rov. D. . McNamara , Rov.
J. A. Fulforth and Rov. Thos. Staf
ford participated , while a number ol
other clergymen were present and i
largo assemblage of citizens.
The order of eorvlccs was duly hold ,
and Bishop Ularkaon performed the
ceremony of laying the corner-stone
with great impreasivenois.
A hymn , "Faith , Hope , Charity,1
composed by Rev. H , B. Burgees , ol
Plattsmouth , for the occasion , wai
then SOUR.
Rv. James Paterson , A. M , delivered -
livered the address. Speaking of the
laying of cornerstones as a ceremony
and of its significance , ho dwelt upon
i tha language of architecture , anc
pointed oat what this beautiful build
ing would oxproes. Ho n ld thli
"will speak In n nsmo which is abov <
all others , and bo a reflection of tht
character of Him who wen (
about continually dolnq good
It will nlso o'nfcr inori
enduring lustra on itH foundora thai
all the monster monutnentfl of nntl
qnlty , becacao thciu will ba fount
hero thoBo who will shtno uu stars li
heaven , forovur nnd ever , But whoi
the building Is finished and stands ou
lu the light of day In its omall ba
just proportions c.3 a houeo of rofag
for the tick , homelces and negloctci
children for whom it Is Intended , i
' will look to you continually for th
support of Hi ! nssfulnos nnd aroma.
The Gloria In Ezcehls was then EUU
and the norvlcu concluded with th
boneniotlon pronounced by the bishop
The hospital , orooted on the slto c
the temporary building which ha
been used for over n year and ha
proven much needed , will ba twenty
eight foot in slza , two stories , a base
ment and an attic la height , construe !
od of brlok and stone. Mr , B.JA
Fowler is the architect.
1'rlvato adrlcea from Vera Cruz stal
that yellow fever in very bad. The ai
thorities are trying to conceal the cond
UOD , and phyefcUDs and newspapers the :
will give no account of the number <
deaths occurring there.
Admiral John Randolph Tuoker drotnn
deed at hU residence , at PeUnburg , V ,
last uioht. aitcd ? , Ho left tlio Unltod
Stntntnnvy for tbo Oonfodcrole cavy at
the beginning ol tlio war , At the clare
of the war ho cullitad In the Peruvian
n vy.
Thp government tecurcil the coufiic tlon
of 51 700 worth cf dlnmeiuhln NOK * York ,
clfllinlnn them tu have been fnuigK'01' ' ' ) ( {
uhicli Mn. Hcck'innn cucleftvnod to Mil ,
Mm Heckin n wni kniwti ai Mndntno
Witltcra In I'lttiburR , where ho koj t n
saloou with pretty waller girls.
UEUUN , Juno 12. After witnessing
the trial ttip yesterday of the Olion
Yuou , the now Ohlneso Iron-olad just
built at Stettin , Marquis T , Song , on
the part of OhltiM , had an nudtonco
with the minister of foreign hiTtbre.
The lattpr hod jiwt previously receiv
ed Uifon Yon UfAiult , the Gorman
mlulator to China , on his return from
1'okln. It is stated that Drandt pro
ceeded to Paris , The whole ntTi > lr is
a subject of much coininant hero.
1'rluco Von llohonloho , Oarman am-
basa&dor at Paris , is expootyd hero
PAHIS , Juno 12. The Irlnl bi'Rins
to-day ot' Murquta do Iloyn and i-uven
ether paraons , obnrgod with man-
alaURhtor In that thny dispatched four
old Balling vcHiols to the Island of
Port Breton , Occanlca , with oral-
grants , most of whom d od on the
passage or aft IT their arrival of hun
ger and dlacaao. They are also
charged with fraud with the sale of
Imaginary land in Port Broton.
Tlio Paris Temps maintains that if
a contest occurs between Franco and
Ohlnaboforo the Ohou Yuou Is ready
for sea , the voasel must bo detained
by her Gorman builders until hostili
ties. It is the Intention to take the
Ohon Yuan to China under tha Gor
man flag and manned by a Carman
DUBLIN , Juno 12 , A hotel keeper ,
whoao death waa roportud to have
boon ciusod by poison administered
by invluolblos , has bcon exhumed and
no trace of poison dieoovorcd ,
OTTAWA , June 12. An order In the
council waa panaed placing silver and
Gorman silver In shoots on the free
LONDON , Jnno 12. The trial of the
men concerned in the dynamite con
spiracy wni resumed this mot nlng ,
After tha policeman concerned In
the arroit of the prisoners had given
formal audlonco the court adjourned.
A correspondent of the Exchange
telegraph company , at Paris , nays
that it Is officially announced that
negotiations between Franco and
Ohitm are progressing favorably.
Wo notice the Marriage Fund Mutual
Trust Association , of Cedar Kaplde ,
IoT/3 , highly spoken of by the lending
papers You should secure a certificate
at once. Write for circulars and appli
cations ,
A N w Superintendent.
Special Dlipatch to Till U .
BOSTON , Jnno 11. The state board
of health , lunacy and charity to-day
elected Dt. 0. Irving Fisher superin
tendent of the Tovrksbnry alms house
Ell Perkins and the Masona.
Oil City Derrick
A reporter mat Ell Perkins at the
depot yesterday on route for Now
York , llo said ho had recently boon
made a Royal Arch Mason , and at the
same tlmo wai very busy reading a
book on masonry , preparatory to at-
tendlhg the grand ledge in Now York
on Tuesday. Our reporter , desiring
to interview Mr. Perkins , asked him
from whence ho camo.
"From my homo in the holy city ol
New York. "
"What osrao joa here to do ? "
"To learn to stibduo my oyil pas
sions und make money lecturing anc
writing. "
' Then you are a nowapaper man , ' .
"I am oo taken aud accepted amen )
fallows and brother B. "
' 'How may I know you to bo a news
paper man ? "
"By having when treated uovor re
fupod , and am now ready to btreatci
"How may 1 know you to bo a nowa
paper man ? "
"By certain signs , examining m ;
empty 'grip nnd by olforiug mo a frc
paea to anything. "
"Whoro did you first become
uowapapor man ? '
"In roymlud ? "
"Where next ? "
"In the inner ofiica of n duly-con
atltutod newspaper in the holy City o
Now York. "
"How were you made a nowspape
man ? "
"I was blindfolded and my fac
blackened with printer's Ink. In thl
condition I was driven three time
around the room by the managln
editor with a rod-ink roller for a bit
I was then conducted to the Gran
Worshipful Master , Hugh J. Hoatlugi
In the east , where I took the solera
oaths and obligations of journalism.
"Will you bo off or from ? "
"Off aa BOOU as the train starts. "
"From what and to what ? "
"From Oil City to Now Yorl
Good-byi" And Ell was off.
"Preliminary *
Wall SttMt News.
List fall a narrow-gauge road 2
miles long was planned and a oompon
organized In Wisconsin , and an easi
orn man who scented n chance forpn
fitnblo Investment called upon th
president to make some inquiries ,
'How is the now line getting on
ho asked , after aorao general conve :
satlon ,
Splendidly. Wo have the right (
way for the iirjt five miles , and hav
taken steps to gobbl * it for the othi
"Hovr much stock have you ii
sued ] "
" 200,000. "
"And how much hai been sold ? "
"Well , you coo , it has all bson pn
llmlnary thus far. Wo have so !
enough Block to buy now uniforms fi
all the general offioora , fnrnlah uptoi
eral rooms with mahogany deaka nr
moquetto carpets , and aa Boon as v
can work off sufliclent to porchai
horses and carriages for the prosldon
secretary and treasurer , and furnd
the superintendent with a yacht , v
will begin the real serious work <
building up o prand trunk lino. "
Oablnot Photos , ? 3.00 per doze
Cards , $1.50 } 4 Tin Types , DO con !
at the San Franolico Galleryi 12 !
ta Farnam Btreot. mon&aattf
Ono car load of Window Gla
just received at 0. F. Goodman's.
For White Lead and Mlxod Pali
, , Go to Goodman's ,
The Thriving Condition of the
MotropoliH of Nanoo
Oounty ,
Political , Belljiou3 nnd Gen.
oral Ite > inn.
CorrrapondoDCo ot Tim Ilxx
FUU.EKTJX , Nob. , Juno 7. The
touch of civilization and Battlement iu
this grand etato of Nebraska Is almost
more wonderful thnu the touch of
runglo changing the wilderness wanto of
the country into the neat nnd attrao
tlvo habitations of entcip-lslng IUMI.
Kullorton is only in its Infancy but
Is putting on the growth r.nd oxpnn-
don of an Inilauntlnl commercial center -
tor , having ftlrondy a population of 800 ,
with n projpuotivo growth which will
go far beyond this in a very few yoaw.
It is the county coat of Nance county ,
beautifully situated at the junction o (
the Oudar and the loup Mid to nil appearance -
poaranco li destined to bo ono of the
most flourishing towtib in thla part ol
the etnto. But n few yoara ago the
wild Pawnee Indian hunted at pleas
ure hla native bnffjlo herds without
tuolcotatlon and without restraint , nnd
could the old warrior look out from
his hill-top resting place ho would sue
a change moro foio'blo than over ap
peared to him iu the wildest imugln-
lugs of his drnam-Innd hours. All
over theao magaifhent valleys are
beautiful farm houses , bespeaking a
thrift aud wealth both stimulating and
attractive. The ticto of population
has poured up these productive valluyo
until almost every nvailitblo ncru has
been brought under cultivation or hold
as pasture land or na n investment
from which a rich return is expected
in the near future.
The town itself ia one ot elugulnr
beauty for situation , and is rapidly
attracting a lar o number who ro
anxious to aoonro n location in oo de
sirable n pluoo. Business la well represented -
resented In ita v.\rlona departments ,
and merchants , tradoimon nud profes
sionals oconi disposed to drlvo down
their ntakco for porinanont roildonne ,
fouling that the place ia good enough
for them. Stops have junt been tnkun
to erect a fmo public school building
which will meet the demands of the
growing population. There are two
churches in the place the Presby
terian and Methodist , both iu good
condition , Sunday , June 10h , will
long bo considered an Important day
in their history , na at that tlmo they
completed their arrangements tu ded
icate their fine now church building ,
bearing the name of 1'resbytorlan , It
la a fine structure , tastefully and ar
tistically arranged , and is properly
enough considered au ornament to the
town. Rov. J. C. Irwlt , the pastor of
church , and hla estimable wife , have
accomplished nn excellent work hi
pushing forward the enterprise , which
gives great promlnonoo to their de
nomination In this whole bcotlon of
country. The people hold them In
high esteem , as well they may , for the
spirit of labor they have nhown ID
nddtng so valuable nn ncqulaltlon tc
f the town , as well as the douomlnatlor
which they represent. Rov. Goorgt
T. Cushman , sv nodical missionary
for the otnto of Nebraska , wai
present to conduct the intorcHtin ;
services of the occasion. A large con
gregatlon of people showed their dooj
Interest in thla important aohlovomon
brought to HO happy and ouoaossful i
conclusion by the tact , skill and liber
ality of the business tmm who tool
hold of the enterprise with a deter
mlnatlon of maklcg It successful. Tin
people are certainly to bo oongratu
latcd for the results which have boai
reached , nnd als6 for their happy for
tunes In happening to locate In BI
pleasant a place where the privilege o
church aud school and business koo ;
pace with the mighty march of pro
CjroBS of the thuos. It would seen
that our wlao men in railroad affair
would discover the utility nnd profi
of pushing their llnca In this dlroc
tlou and securing all the traffic am
trom this and contiguous points to war
the northwoat , and also to open a llu
of transportation for the largo stoo
Interests which are becoming a con
splcuons feature of the valleys an
Is table lands still stretching ont in th
regions beyond. But it is only aqnci
tlon of tlmo when the iron horsu nl
puff along over the old hunting pat
of the old PiHiioo trlbo , who hoi
this productive garden spat M his owr
and that , too , trilhlu the easy romoru
bronco of men und women now llvlu
in sight of their deserted villages an
camp grounds.
YOUDK man or woman , If you wai
big money for a small amount , take
certllioftto In the Marriage Fund Mul
nal Truit Association , Oedar Rapid
It Took.
Wall Btretk Dallj Newt
A Bowery dealer In clothing g <
hold of a ch p the other day who ha
a knowing look in his eyes , and wl
strongly objected to paying $7 for
coat which ho hod tried on. "Vhel
I dcan't eay dot It is worth stm
dollar , " replied the dealer. "The
why do you ask it ? " "Vholl , my oyi
hat got so poor dot anypody can pn
badt money on mo now. If Isold di
G- goat for seven dollar I chonld oxpe
to git ono dollar In gounterfolt mom
and two dollars la silver di
vhas plupged cop , " "I gueBal'll tul
a- It , " said the stranger , alter a pansi
aId and ho ecraped the bottom of h
err pockets and hunted his wallet ovi
r- for bills. "Dot li right , young mm
rid and I know you wouldn't nhcat an o
man mlt sere eyes. " The tout w
so bundled up , and the stranger diea
poared In fc lively manner. The deal
ah turned to the cash on the counto
vo carefully examined each picco , at
of there was a heavenly smile on h
countenance as ho chuckled ot
"Only ninety cents of bndtmonc
and some of dat blonly good onuu ,
to put In dor hlldren'a
22 bank ! "
dyed and repaired at the now d
house. OfiicolO ? S. 16th St. , opr
postcnioe. All goods by mall
oxprois promptly attended to.
UUBLBDRT & MltLEE , Prop's ,
'IMIKCl'IITI'.ATItKATlIKNT , Ifr the c.lro
I ot tiif , nonl.i , mill li'ooil dlsciuM , connisls
In HIP Intotiml Mot Outlcurt ltoiol > ont , the
ni w lilrtnl pin ( dcr , mil tbo txttrtnl tiK ol i'utl-
cuianiHl t'ntlcur oip , tbo great kln cntoi.
SALT l .1tUM.
> MIIMilX > nal.l , r , J Doubcrn St. , Chicago ,
erttetull } ac < u lt" penn nirpol Silt Ithulim on
In oil no jk , urni" , iul lij ( 'or \ciilcon jrn'n ,
not > 1 > U'lo WAlk rscr | > c o IntiU tint ktirri lor
ono jo r ; nol Milu to ) > , ' | > M n-clt for eight jcart ;
tnrJ hiiinlriilf vl rcunil < ei , tloctori | irjnouiircil
h ca < n IpprUoji'rniaiin ; th tun il liv Cutl-
'titn Ili'roMcnt ( tiocil | > utMlt"r ) liitrrnull ) , ami
Oil ICUMMK ! Cull , uta Haii ( theKro l ikln cute )
11. K. Canwtrr , Kii | , llemlrrnon , N. Y.
nrrilot l'joiiA , li or I.upro y o ( t\unty > cars
iitirdlrK by Ciltlrnr * ItiKO'ti-nt ( lilcoil jur Her
In ertialu , mil Cut CUM anil Cu leu aHj pthc (
KtK * . ikln i uri ) I'xtcnully Ton incut wonder-
Mi' ft o nn ridrd. l'u rtrtlflod to litorna
Jii-liivi cf the ptaei it it pr.Mnl-out cltlfns All
blllc-cd Mlth ItcnlTK nd calv dlnfaioi ihouU
nj lo ti < ( or this tmtl iionlal In ( ill ) . ,
1' . II. Drilc , r. | , Dotral' , Mlcli , ( uflerol lio.
nl n I il.Bi'rlitljii | Irom a nklu aJKcat'which
ppcuro I on till html' , h a I mnl lice , aiul ncur-
ly tlr ttn\ol bH c ) " < . Tcoinast cntrlul ilcctor-
liU ( illfil tt bflp > In , ami a tn all tail l llnl ho
uiol tl.i Cu Icii'a Itrsjlvtnt ( ilojil jiur'flit ) In-
torn.illv , t' it viu.t a'tit llutu IUA Soi | > ( llio great
iklu euro ) o tirimlly , nnil unit curucl , ail lui
rouatiioil I'crtectly well to Ill's day
OK N Huwone.
I'm , H. K. Whlpplo , Drotur. lllch. , wiltos
tl at hot fvo hu d , iul 1110 | urti ot her body
wrru vrtTf alinoik im . ll'-d o * rod with n-abs
aid on t tufl > rrd feitt 4ly and tried ov <
rrvtblnir IVinunc-nlly ciinvl liy Cutlciiri Un
ol\ cut ( nlooiliiirlllcr ] ) .tin ! ( Jutlcilta and Cutlcu <
ruS ap , tli'j ir at tkliiiurci
Ou lcur illrm-iltfi ' 'or nalo by all
> 'riiilpt' | . "r re ut Oiiilen a , * m tl lioiei , ( uj ;
larjjo ' 'ooi tl Cutlcitrj lU'wlrtii1 , yi per hot *
tin. Uatlcura Soip , I5o ; Outlcuta Sharing Soap
TIT ? A TT TV r'or lloub , rhinnnl or Rreat
JJllEU II ( , kln Iliacklicaili , I'.mplot , Skin
Hciii' ] t 0" , iui ! In'anlllo Humor' , uno Cuilrura )
H < ap , an iiquUHo Skin lloautllK'r , and Tollit ,
llalli jn.l ursury K natl\o
K it rtqvtttnl carefully to natiee
the new iiml tnlnryttt Scheme to It drawn
[ nlhl/
t.f JAPITAI P,1) ZE. 875 OOC-
Tlok tonnly85iUnrtislupropartiati
Louisiana State Lo'tory Coiupauy ,
" \reita \ lirrrhicrtity that irt mptrviir tht
arrangements for all the Monthly and SemiAnnual -
Annual llmuniwi of The IAIUIHUIUI State lint
tern Cuiii | iiiianil \n jtertim manage uin ! ccm
trol the Ilraicinyi themselves , and that the sain *
are cunJncted with lumrtty , fairnrn , and in
good faith toitaid all jtarlict , and ice authontt
thecumixtny to n c tint certineati , trithfae-iim-
ilfi n/uur tijnatares attached , tu iti advertiie-
mentt , "
Ir.corx | > rixteil In 160S for ! R years lir the IrRti-
U'.ure fur Kilncatloiia' mil Chmllablo puipo < io <
with a c pt | l 0(41,000,0 ( 0 lowlilclia rcsorre
fuuil of OTur $550 030 liai tinea boon i > rl Jed.
Hy nn o\erwliolmlne populur rate It * ( ranchlat
was inuilo n para of llio present Stoto Constitu
tion aJopttil Duccmlicr 1IJ , A , I > , 1S7J ,
The only Lattery ever voted on and endari-
tit by tlit people of. any state.
It never icdlci or posti > onei.
Iti Grand BlxtRln Wiimbsr Druvr-
jjii txku plnoa monthly
LKANS.TIUI-DAY , July O , 1883-U8th
Monthly Iirawlnx.
CAPITAIPKlZf. . 375On < ) .
lOO.OOO Tiokntii ut Five Dollar B
uohFruotlniip. . In Fifthn
iu Proportion.
LIST O ? i'llIXUS.
1 Mi do . looa
I 'o ilo . 100W
! i 1'HIZKS OK (00'J ( . . I'J.IKHJ
fi 10 m .
1,0 < ia loco . lo.tioa
10 llu MX ) . 10,1'iC
KO ill 2K ) . SO.fOO
300 ilo 10) . SU.OOfl
( CU ilo 60 . IbXKJ
1000 do 5 . 23,00J (
AtTIlOXIMA'llON I lll/.Kl.
B Apir"xlinati3n ) prizes ol tTW ) . 0,760
9 ( In do 5 JO . 4.MHJ
U do co lito . 2150
HCI 1'rlirs , amouitln ; to . . .fJ6S,5c
Application tor ratd to chilis should only be
made to tlio otllca ut llio Company In Now Or <
for liitther Inloritalhn write cleir'y ' rlrlnj
full ddr ii. hf ml order * lit' FJipr si , Kijli
tr J Letter or ilontj Order , addr. m J only to
H w Or.eins
or M. A. Oauphln ,
OO7 tleventh fit , Waihlnp.ton , D O
. ,
127 La Salle Sfcroot , Ohicago
( Kormcrlj SI3 and 211 nroailwty , N. Y )
N w Mi\no [ { r of Chicago OfQo
T * Khoii apply for loforruatlon and tlckeU ,
nt 131th Uouth }
t- a , Tuesday , July 10
Fir > 1 P < li 875,000. Txkets 85
Old la H thua Cnucn.
See full ichtint elietckere.
Dt Nebraska Loan & Mat Gompafl ]
S , NEB.
Capital , - - - - $250,000
JA.H. n. Iir.AHTU'KJ , , President.
A. ( , . CLAIIKK , Vlro-1'reililvnl.
K. H , WEIIflTUR , TroMiirtt
0. r. WKUaTKU , CiuhUr.
Samuel Aleiandtl ( ) jwald"0llv r ,
Oty A. I , . OUrk , K. 0.Velwt r-
y 0co. 11 I'rutt , Jaa n. llea
Ot D. H.McKI III..DOV. .
First Mortgage Lcmnu a Spooialtj
or a Tnli Ooinpany ( utnlnhM a permanent , horn
ItiBtltutlon whore S ( hoot liond sand ether lofcull
linued Municipal Dnccrltio to Nctiritiku can I
HO bo negotiated on thn moit ( ikvorablo termi
Umn made on Improved ( arm In all well nettle
cnmitl io ( the itate through rMponilbls lo < - (
corr'H'Omlenli ,
ir ,
n :
10,000 , CASES ,
including ttandnrds and grades I
match , are offered totha jobbing trac
yo at less thau inanufaoturtira' prices bj
FIRLT ) , THAYER & 00. ,
170 Controls'Gtrett ,
LocEsmitliiiig , Eell Hanging , Saw Filing ,
K * . . /x. apTSTMC'TOr flL.iia : .
Cth Street 2nd Door North of Dodgo. Omaha , Nob. i
1213 Farnam St. . Omahn.
JUNE (5TH ( , 1883.
n order ta protect the uublta ( k ntnRt thn Impotltlnn of Motmtobtu'ita la our line , wo
hnvo concluded to olFor
RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron OomicoB , Iron Sky Lights , Eto,1
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NfiB
Fire and Burglar Proo f
1020 Farnham Street ,
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , & .C.
Iron nnd Slate Eoofing ,
0. SPEOUT , - - Proprlotor.
Ill Douglas 8t. - Qmalia , Hob
Iron Cornices I
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , ?
Bpecht'fl I'nlent MoUlllo Skylight Pntcnt ,
Ailjimted Hntohet liar and Brocket
Bhilvinif. I am the I'onoral BRCnt
for the aboro line of goods.
Oroitlngs , liftluatraderf , Vernndas , Iron
Bank Hailing , Window Lllndfl , Gel-
lar UunrtU ; also
I'ro-IJent. Vice I'rei'l. '
W. B. DKISIIEK , Sec. aud Trea-i.
Lincoln , Neb.
Corn Planter * Harrows Farm Roll n ,
GulkyRakea Bucket tlevatlre Windmill.
We ara prepau4 to do Jok work and matiuiai-
turlne ( or other 1'artU * ,
AJdio'i all ordum to thfl
Lincoln , Neb
Fuvor and A nu Tonlo Cordial. . .1 00
DiARRHK.\ourxi ; ; . 25
( AV&rranteil cr money refunded. )
Uanutactund by W. J.Whtoho" ! e. CO&Noith
etutlt. Omiha Neb. p il-mSio-cm
The Natural Ulneral ,
From Bin oiborn on tlio Rhino
FBKD'K HOLLENDER tt CO. , Bole agtit or th
U. a. ana QauaJa , 110 , UT , 11V | Klm at. , Vt
Jasper Stone
his Company la now prepared to rooolve order *
( or
Building Purposes ,
nd will make fltrurog on round Iota ( or piompt
delivery , llio Company la shipping
'o both Chicago and Omaha , and eollclU corrc-
poniience and orderg from contractor ! on-
gat'cj to paving streets In anr ot tbe
Western Cities.
, Chicago , Wtst Ulrla-
on Hullwty Chicago , Urcember 6. 1882. D.
KUvuti , l'ic lde > > t h'lom Flla Water Power Coin-
) any. DtarBlr I h vo received Irom your com-
any flnco October 1 , 18S2 , about 100 car louls
it granlta pa\lnK blockn and haielild them bo-
weep the rillx ol our street railway t rack i In tha
inut ot the city. I hare been ualnK raving ma-
eilal In thin city ( or m ny yean" , aud I take plea
sure In tajlug thtt In my ololon the granite
laving blnckn liunlaticJ by your oumpuiy ara
; hu icost rtru'nr In tbape and porlo t In ( orra ,
and to far ( n I have bren ablfl to Ju.-jic , are po -
CM I | of as durtlilt ) Kature aa any iritcrltl that
iiRr ) oviit birn cfleioJ or laid In the rlty.
Yours , JAH. K. LAKE.
ICopy. ]
8T. Louis , March 22 , 1683.
Tills In to critlfy that 1 havu examined n piece
c > f K'anlto tiVcn from the Sioux Falla Qr.vilto
Quartloi. and. to my opinion , It \ the belt etona
( or micet jiavltiK I havuieen In Am rlca.
( Signed ) IIKNKY FLAD ,
1'rea. Uoanl Public Iinprovttnenta.
Stone for Paving
And any person InterceUd In euch Improvement *
will Uod It ereatlr to hU ad\anUfo to
couiruunlcato with us. W Invite
The general management and uporrlslon ol
the compaay'i builncu la DOW In Iho haida
ol Win , McCain.
AJJroas your letters to
A. a. SENEY ,
riwIJeat ot tha Juper Stone Co.
rl mtiU