Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Publ ! hed ever/ morning , except Sun
jr. The * nly Monday morning dfclly.J
Uae Yew..810.00 I Three Months.I , . ,
Six Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . l.CK
VIIK WKEXLY BKK , published cvorj
ODD Year . 92.00 I Throe Months , N
Vbr Months. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 2C
Newsdealers in the United SUtci.i
CVfoni relating to Nowi and Editorial
oiftttora thould bo addrcued to the KDITOB
Or Tint UK.
Letters and Remittances should bo ad
OMAHA. DrfJti , Chocks and I'ostolfioo
Ltrdcra to bo tnado payable to the order of
Ito Company.
Ihe BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props . ,
. ROSE-WATER Editor.
WAKU weather und corn oouio and
go together.
Fonrr-six democratic papers la In
diana are solid for Tlldon and Hen-
drloks and a fresh bar'l.
GENERAL HOWABD Is elf for the
Yellowstone Park. His salary will
run light on dating his abnonco from
duty. _
MB. MEKRICK has concluded his
nlno day speech In the star route
trial , and all the jurors are still able
to ansTTor roll call.
ANOTHEH courier has been hoard
from In Arizona. Orook has'corrallod
a conplo of hundred Apaches , Includ
ing seventy-fire buckaand has reached
the boundary.
QUEEN VICTORIA la reported as about
to abdicate. When Vickoy ( ? ota ready
to hand over her official perqilsltos to
her son , the court undertaker will bo
f . -
In active demand.
Washington have bought a $43,000
house for him. There are compensa
tions for the hard knocks that warriors
got If they live long enough to find
them out ,
WHATEVER crops may suffer from
the long continued moisture the small
grain and grass crop.aro reaping the
benefit of plenteous rains. Still we
would willingly lot the grans crop rest
; | an It la at present and give the earn a
chance with a ilttlo annahlno.
TUB Onion Paoifia owns nearly a
million acres of land In Nebraska.
That IB , they own them enough to
morgtgage and sell them , according tc
Judge Dandy , but not enough to pij
taxes on them. Bach ownership In t
.sweet boon dented to the producers ol
this state , who pay the taxes for i
panpor corporation.
MA/OR NICKERSON'S disgrace hai
boon too mncb for him , nnd ho Is now
a fugitive from justice with a military
order out for his arrest , A mania foi
gamblln g is at the bottom of the MB jor'i
trouble , which seems to bo a combiua
tlon of moral and financial wrecks fol
lowing the promptings of illicit pas
PRESIDENT Aimiuula gaining stead
ily In popular favor. Ho has boon ar
agreeable disappointment to his ont >
mlea and a source of sollcltndo to lilt
' A stalward friends.But for a 1 that , af
the present rate , the president wil
Cad less opposition at the next repnb
licau national convention than ho wll
at the polls a year from next No vein
MR PorrLETON has earned his sal
ary and can now retire from the pnblli
prints for another year. Slnoo hli
memorable election dispatch , order
ing the bulldozing of Union Pdcifi
employes , Mr. Popploton has not at
traotod half as much attention as hi
has secured during the last week b ;
hls earneit plea for the railroad ta :
shirker ? .
TUB attention of the street com
mlsslonor is called to the condition o
Sixteenth street beyond the bridge
The avenue is In a dangerous state fo
either man or boast. Ono sldo i
graded and the other half is in dee ;
rutf , while trenches and water pips
invlto accident and menace life , llm'
and property , It is high time that thread
road should bo pnt in a passable con
predictions ol TIIK BEE re
girding the results of General Shorl
dan's visit ts Omaha have boon cou
finned. Fort Thornburgh is to b
abandonedTort Brldgar becomes a el
company post and the forces in th
department of the Platte are in
created by the addition of the Fourteenth
toenth infantry , which will make It
headquarters at Fort Sidney nut
later in the fall. The Ninth lufantr
will go to Fort Bridgor , whoi
Oolpnol Mason will aaaumo oomman
until further orders. There ai
rumors .that intensive improvement
are to b made at Fork Omaha Vci
shortly and that General Sherldai
jivQ hlsUte.visit ; , Is raoro generous !
1 '
W'J'rfk *
lipoiod to varda this department tbi
\j * > * v * k ' * J * * * < * *
ever. -
Taking advantage of a orltioUa < of
TUB BEE on General Yan Wyck'ii op-
poaltlon to the Nlobrara Deadwood
atago route , the Omaha ltnMican
makoa a vicious attack on the senator
which Is as unjnst as It Is uncalled
or. Slnco the time when John M.
Phayor represented our state in the
national senate , Nebraska han had no
abler senator than General Van
Wyck , Unllko several cf his prcdo-
oesors ho has boon a representative
f the people , and not a tool of the
orporatlons. No railroad has boon
bio to boast that they carried the
oto of Charles n. Van Wyck in
ho\e \ pocket , and no corporate
nonopoly haa counted him among
bolr paid aponta at the national cap-
tal. That Is a great deal to say ,
when wo consider the past history of
Scbrseko , and U la chiefly for this
oison that tbo Hepublican , which
.vo.1 by railroud patronage , cannct
peak of the general without a sneer
nd a scoff.
TUB BEB is not 'and never has
> eon an organ of Senator Van Wyok.
t reserves the right an an independent
opnbltcan paper publiahed In the In-
crests of Nebraska , to crltlso or to
ommond the general nololy according
o his deserts. It has found muoh to
> raleo in the bold ntnnd which ho has
akon azalnst the aggcsilons of cor
porate monopoly fond in the fearless
manner in which ho has arraigned
orruptlon regardless of party lines.
General Van Wyck is Impetuous ; ho
s sometimes eccentric. Bat ho is al
ways an honest man. That Is BOUIO-
bitig over which Nebraska may con-
ratnlato herself , In addition ho is
n able and well Informed roprcaoata-
Ivo of the interests of the state , with
n eye always open to its welfare , BO
ar as ho understands it. The senator
laa made a record in Washington , of
which ho need not bo ashamed , and
io people of Nobrr.ska who refuse to
ake their cue from the railroad com-
lanloB have no reason to be aahamod
f their senior aouator.
Daring the paat week the volume of
general trade haa boon moderate. Im
proving crop prbspeota and the settlement -
mont of labor troubles are largely re-
ponslblo for a better fooling in oast-
rn trade circles. While the whole-
ale markets aa a rule promise to con-
Inne quiet for weeks to come , Indus-
rial oontrea arc hopeful of the near
nturo , and confidence la becoming
moro firmly established in general
rado between jobboro and retailors.
? here ia a feeling that a clearer nn-
oratandlngof cropprospootawill glvoa )
low impulse to business In all branches
nd that auificlcnt activity will be de-
eloped during the coming fall and
winter months to compensate in a
rroat mcaauro for the dnllnesa and
otsoa of the first half of the year.
In the textile trades the condition
continues unaatiafaotory. Produo-
ion , both in cotton and wool , ia car
ailed. Heavy tuspenslons in eastern
woolonmlllaaro reported , andadditlon-
al oneaaro anticipated. The dullness IE
uanufaotnrea has Ita effect on the
> rloo of riw matoriala and all claasci
of bnyora are moving cautiously In
expectation of a further weakening ol
values after the lot of July. The grain
trade "haa boon fairly active at de
clining prices.Influenced by a fraei
movement of supplies from couu-
ry points and the continuance ef fa
vurablo weather for the growing cropa
The not result of the woek'i
justness up to Saturday in whca
a a deollno of Ijj in all de
ivories. The stock of wheat In sigh
ihowa A further Increaae of abon
140,000 bushels , as the export movement
mont haa booh insufficient to take u ]
the receipts. The ahipmonta from Nev
York , Philadelphia , Baltimore am
Boston aggregate about 350,000 bush
els for the week. Reports ooncernlnj
the condition and prospoota of thi
growing crop are generally moro en
couraging , and have cauaed a free
ling movement , both by farmer
and doalera. The foreign demand con
tlnuoa light , especially from th
United Kingdom , where the larg
atooka in eight and the prospects o
continued liberal receipts from Indl
and the Black Sea porta cause genera
IndlfToreice on the part of bnyora. Th
decline in priooa for this aide haa beoi
fully offset by a reduction In quota
tlona in English markets. At th
close a better demand is noted at com
paratlvoly low rates for the continent
Corn values have declined 2 < a2J cent
per bushel within the week under th
combined influence of larpo receipts a
western centres and a better feeling ate
to crop prospects , have been coneldoi
ably Improved by the warm woathei
The close of the week shows n recor
cry of abont 1 ooutfrom lowest prlcet
The viiiblo supply haa increased abou
350,000 buahela , but the gain la main
ly in the west , aa eastern arrivals hav
boon taken np by ahippora. The 01
ports from the eastern Atlantic port
aggregate l.OOO.COO bushels. Th !
outward movement has baon facll
tatod by cheap lake and canal rccolpl
from the west and low rates of frelgl
by the regular line steamers from Ne
York to Europe. The foreign demam
however , haa boon well sustained , no
withstanding the fact that the reqnlr
j menta of the principal feeding dUtrlo
i of the United Kingdom have bo <
largely supplied by reboot Importalloi
of barley from the ports of tbo Black
Sea. Late advices to shippers report
a lessoning supply of thio competing
oareal , and Indicate a better demand
in prospect for American corn.
THE BEE is down on the Thomas
concerts. THE BKE Is down on the
opera honee that's the long and short
of it and THE BEE Is down on the
opera house because Mr. Boyd refused
to pay the concern blackmailing rates
for advertising. Itejntblitan ,
Mr , Tom Boyd may discover that
patience aomotlmo will coaoo on the
part of Tun BEE to bo a virtue. THE
BEB has treated the opera honno with
n great deal of consideration , It has
treated Its proprietor and manager
with even moro. It is a matter
of indifToronco to ua whether
Mr. Boyd refuses to pat
ronise Tun BEE or not. That
Is entirely for him to settle on a square
business basis , But when ho uses
our columns to advertise his concern ,
ho must pay the same rates aa any
other business man , no moro and no
lois. TUB BEX Is not running a junk
shop. It shut down on free pnffr foi
theatrical troupes some months ago.
That Is what troubles Mr. Tom Boyd.
And now a word about the opera
house and Its management , Slnco the
day when Mr. Boyd opened what ho
calls his "tomplo of amusement" ho
has boon flittered and beslobbered by
the press of Omaha until the subject
has become sickening. No Omaha
newspaper has .ventured to criticize
the construction of the building or the
management of Ita conductor. Six
free tickets for each ahow in return
for column after column of free pnffe
have closed the months of the editors
of the HtrM and Republican. It It
a notorious fact that no place ol
public amusement In any of onr large
cities la aa open to criticism aa Boyd'e
Opera House , The building ia a good
one to look at , but a very bad ono , to
got out of In case cf fire or panic. THE
BEE haa thrown in Ita waste paper bas
ket ccorea of commnnlcatlona from in
dignant clttzouBdunomucing the Opera
House as dangerous , and pointIng -
Ing out just where the danger lies.
Last night when the entrance
was blocked with a crowd
which stood jammed in the
narrow passageway that loads fro.v
the second story platform , ono of ont
prominent business men called ont BO
that even Mr. Bjyd might have hoard
him : "There is no Omaha newspaper
that dares to expose this fire-trap ! "
"Fire-trap" is the right word in the
right place , Frescoes are pretty , but
solid walls , a brick proscenium arch ,
ground floor entrances and plen
ty of exits with doors opening
outside are still better when the
public safety ia Involved. A large
atago la good , but a largo stage sepa-
atcd only from the audience by a hall
noh plank partition makes an excel-
ont flue for flames. Two gallorlec
Ivo a theatre a metropolitan appear-
nco , but where ono of them la emp
led by the same narrow pusagc
hrongh which the audience leaves tht
arquot and parquet circle the dangoi
, o human life ia increased.
Those are a low plain facts abon'
r. Boyd'a "tomplo of amusement , '
whbh is an ornament to our town , i
iourco of profit to Ha owner , but b ]
no moans as safe as it might bo for thi
ublio who patronize it.
TUB Now York Jltruld gives proml
nonce to a special dispatch from Rom
tatlng that letters have ben lasnei
by the propaganda summoning all Am
irican bishops to Rome to rccolv
papal instructions , and to make pro
paratlona for a provincial council o
ho whole Raman Oithollo church ii
America , to bo held next year 1 :
some olty of the United States.
The laat council was held In Biltl
moro , but it la said by some of th
priests who have been Intcrviewe
hat a new council Is needed for th
enforcement of better dliclpllno i :
the church , and for a moro con
ploto withdrawal of the priosthoo
from political affairs. The tendency t
liberalism In action under derrocratl
nstltntlons and kflaoncea is to b
counteracted , and the bond of all !
anco between the church in Amerlc
and Rome ia to be strengthened.
None of the priests in New Yotk
nor the otrdlnal himself , have bee
apprised of snob a pnrposo as is an
nounood in the dispatch , or , if the
have any knowledge of it , are not dls
poaed to communicate It In advance o
the official public announcement ; bu
there seems to be a unlvonal feolln
ouK them that the council would b
convened at no distant day , and the
there la need for it , ,
BILL OHANDLKR denies omphat !
cklly that ho ii a candidate for th
Now Hampshire senatorial euocessloi :
By the time the monitors are con
plotod the secretary of the navy ca
retire with an oaiy conscience fror
politics and business , which , with Mi
Chandler , are ono and the same thing
Scared at Tholr Shadow.
Cluclaiutl Enquirer ( Cem. ) .
The czar la not so nervous aa h
w s The only really norvona porsot
now are the Ohio republicans.
A Siren That Lurea the Horo.
Glnclnnitl CommercUl.
Draw poker stems to be so demo :
allzluo ; In the army that it ought to t
prohibited In the article * of war.
Soiitn-LER , Nob. , Juno 11 , 1883.
To th * Kljtor of Ihe B .
Do kind enough to ask U. P. VIei
ino what became of his bill competi
ng the railroada to pay their taxer.
laving plead Ignorance of the true
tate of affairs during hla last can-
a : * , ho popped np at the opening of
engross and offered a bill , as ab vo
tatcd , whereupon The Republican
ailed upon the world to behold thereat
roat null-monopolist laboring for the
ntorestfl of the dear people , etc. , etc.
Since then the nilrnco has been pain-
nl ; not a leaf stirred ; the star rout-
ra are remembered by him with now
eals , but hla constituents are for-
otten , or turned over to the mercy of
ndgo Dandy.
If the railroad company IB golnc * to
teop him in congress the wji'.or SUR-
eatu that progress upon this Valen-
lue bill bo reported often. Of course
10 ono expects the bill to pace oven
Hr. Valentino never dreamed of It
tecomlng a law , nor would he vote
or it on the final paeaage ; yet an op-
mrcnt eflort waanecessary , as wo now
observe , to keep the people In good
tnmor. 0. J. M.
Senator Cameron haa not gained
much nlnoo ho fled to Europe , If Lo
lees not got better ho will stay abroad
wo or tbreo years , dropping ont of
lolltlca altogether. And ho might as
roll , for ho has no aptitudes for poll-
Ics , little tact and addros * , makes no
ignie aa a speaker , and probably
CUOWB qnlto aa little abont public af-
alra as any man In the senate ,
not excepting Woodpnlp Miller
who , by the way , Is not a fool by a
onK shot. It is said that Cameron
ua not made a cent of money by his
ifiiceo , and is a poorer man to day
han when ho was elected senator. He
waa elected because hla father wanted
ilm elected , which waa reason enough
o the Pennsylvania legislature , which
IB owned , body and boots , at that
true. And old Simon Cameron has
> oen one of the nstutoot political man
ager * who ever got control of a great
tate and made a fortune.
Postofflco. , <
n Nebraska and Iowa during the
week ending Juno 9 , ] 1883 , furnished
> y Wm. Van Vleck , of the post
ffico department :
Discontinued Wola , Howard
Postmasters Appointed Clarion ,
.ladleon . county , Amos T. Rlogta ; Em
met , Holt connty , Augnat Mllenz ;
" "orest " City , Sirpy county. Augcstlne
? . McKenua ; Lambert , Holt county ,
Jasslus P. Tracy ; Newark , Kearney
connty , Allen M. Brewer ; Scandi
navia , Harlan county , Morris Lsnd-
teHs ; Snowflikn. Kearney county ,
fela 0 Johnson ; Srohl ; , Loupconnty ,
Edrlok Burch.
Postmasters Appointed Oottnge
1111 , Dabnqne county , Charles W.
Augustine. Gallon , Oaso connty , J , B.
Thomason ; 'A .vlnglo , Dubuque county ,
) . 0 , Huutlngton.
How a Soldier Won tbo Hand
the Nleco of Mrs Senator
ipcrJil DL patch to the Globe-Democrat.
ALBCQUEIIQUE , N. M. , Juno 8 In
'ortnatlon haa jnat reached her *
hroagh one of the gentlemen attend
nt ; court that Santa Fe , aoclallj
speaking , is just now raked from con
: efto circumference. Era Canning
urn IB the nleco of Mra. Gen. J. A
Ljgan , but it does not appear tha
she has a particle of the die
crotlon , policy and good jadg
mont which IB known to character ! z :
the words and acts cf her noble-splrite <
junt. The young lady is inoxperloncec
In the wava of the world , having booi
shut up in a convent all her llto , am
never having been permitted to freel ;
cultivate- the society of gentlemen
Goeslp relates that flirtations wer
conducted without reserve from he
npstalts window in Paymaster Tuck
or'a residence with the aoldlora , untl
the matter became generally kuowi
and until her charms wore freely dls
cusaed among the privates of the Santi
Fa post. Sorgt. S. S. Errott , of th
22ud Infantry , soon came to bo rec
ognlzsd aa Mra , Logan'a niece'
admirer. She made tryst
with him , and the ;
reel and walked and wo > ed along th
banks of the romantic Rio Ohlqnot
and in the hills among the cacti , sag
brush and scrub cadars. Here the ;
must have told their love , while Mra
Tucker waa all the time under th
Impression that her little eon , Logan
waa out for a walk with Miss Onn
ninghatn , when in truth and In fac
that young lady had left him at pla ;
In Major Aallhache'a place and strolloi
off alone to meet her lover. Final ! ;
it all leaked out , and fearing that th
atoim was about to bnrat on thol
heads , Sergeant Errott and Miss Cun
ulngham slipped quietly away abont
week ago , and hunting np a minlstoi
were secretly married. The soore
waa kept until Tuesday , when th
storm came , A council of war wa
hold , and the young lady wa
called on to explain. Thi
she did by confessing her accre
marriage. What followed la unknow ;
precisely , but thla much ia a fact. Sjn
atcr Logan said ho didn't mean to hav
any uuoh d d nonsonao arouu
him , BO Sergeant Errott waa summoned
od , a minister waa called in , audagal :
thia time in the presence of th
household Mlu Cunningham and he
soldier boy lover wore declared hue
bani and wife , and ao it all ende
There ia nothing very bad about it , a
it haa turned out , but the gossips mua
talk , yon know , and they are makin
the moat of thla , Errott la a clove
follow , and ho is in luck. Miss Can
ningham will bo a wiser and botto
woman a year from now. The ol
folka are making the best of it , an
that'a all anybody can do.
uyater Hatching ,
Annapolll Dllpatf h I ) the llkltlmoro AmerScii
Prof. W. 0. Brooka , of the oynte
commission , hai submitted an lufoi
mal report to the governor , date
from Hampton , Virginia , May 21 !
in which , after statin ? that he Is nc
yet prepared to make a formal report
aaya : I discovered five years ag
hat It la postlblo to rear oyctora in
unlimited number from the cgge , and
o keep them nllvo for n few daya and
or some tlmo after they have devel
oped their oholla , If these young
oysters could ba roared until largo en
ough to handle and plant , the anpply
f oysten could bo increased
ndefmltoly. There would bo
none of the uncertainty which at-
undo fish-hatching , for the young
yetora would otay where they are
> nr , and would bo as tanglblo as pota-
oca. The great Importance of the
ubjcct has led many naturalists to ex *
orltnent nt It within the last five
'earn ; but they have not advanced bo-
'ond the point where 1 left the nab-
oot. Thy difficulty which they have
net la duo to inability to renew or ro-
dace the water without looing nll'tho
tytitcra , aa they are so small that no
lothod of atralnlng can bo employed.
) arlnc the winter I designed an au-
aratus to meet this dlfllonlty , and the
ohns Hopkins University allowed
mo to construct It at their ex-
unso. It la a system of inclined
rongho , with ledges in the bot-
om , like those uaed in gold
washing , and the young oysters are
aught llko the pockota formed by the
odgus , while the water flown on , A
onewal supply of water la poured
nto the top ot the trough by a steam
mmp. A number of young oysters ,
onr days old , were put into the ap-
laratua on Tuesday noon , and none of
hem have escaped , although all the
water hai boon replaced over many
lines. These oysters , which are now
nlno daya old , are ntlll healthful and
igoroua , no the experiments are ao far
nocessful , The apparatus baa com-
iletoly removed the obstacle which
ins stopped all iuveatlgations up to
hla tlmo , and it will , therefore , allow
mo to try other experiments. So far ,
hen , the now method ia a auc-
esa , but the oyotcrs have not
; rowu. Ont of many hundreds I
lave now found only three , which are
ny largar than they wore on Tuotday ,
when they wcro put into the machine.
? ho weather np to yesterday haa boon
cold and unfavorable , and their failure
o grow may bo dnu to this , or to a
ack of proper food , or to eomu cause
is yet uninspected , I feel , though ,
hat I have command of the subject ,
and can now experiment until I find
what ia needed. Oapt. Waddcll and I
iavo agreed that the importances of
ho mattur justifies me In sticking to it
'or the present , nnd wo have decided
.hat it will be boat for mo to remain
lore , while he reaumea the work of
examining the oyster beds of Mary-
and. "
Norvoua Weakness , Dyapepala , Im
potence , Sextunl debility cnted by
Woll'o Health Renewor. " $1.
A striking Instance of the failure
which may attend the efforts of a
man , before ho finds his propel
phcre , Is found in the Iffo of Henry
W. Shaw , bettor known to the world
aa Joab BUllnga.
That ho ia a man of national inter-
ereat , may be inferred from the fact
hai his ' 'Farmer'a AllmiuBX , " in its
second year , reached the onormoue
sale of 127,000 copies , and during ita
encceatful career of ten yoara , the
author and publisher have each re
ceived $30,000 from the profits.
Bath hla father and graudfathei
were members of congress , the formci
acting aa political manager for HOEIJ
From the time of hla birth , In 1820 ,
until 1834 , his life waa opcnt at Lanes-
bore , Berkshire county , Mass. Going
west In 1834 , he led a frontier life
and engaged in the various occupations
of Blearing steamboats , keeping a
country atoro nnd auctioneering. At
forty-five years of ago , while editing n
small paper in Poughkoopalo , to which
place he had come for the purpooo of
educating his daughters , ho compared
several of his humorous essays with
thcEO of Artcmua Ward , and wondered -
ed why his own had filled to strike
the popular taato.
Concluding that the secret of BUG-
cesa waa in the phonetic spelling , he
adopted it in hla "Ewa on the Muel , '
and disposed of It for $1.50 , hla first
earnings in the line of literature. The
eosay was extensively copied , and fur
ther efforts In thoeamo line soon made
hla name a household word. From
thla time to tha prenent hia career haa
been ono of continual financial suc
cess , From The Now York Weekly
alone hla Income haa been for mans
yean $100 per week , for the hall
column which he contributes to eact
Daring the laat seventeen yaara he
has delivered a thousand lectures , the
serious delivery- his nonsenalcalltlot
being , at tlmoa , BO Irrcslstably laugh
able that ho aoon bccimopopular wltli
the laughter-loving people.
Ho ia a man of pnro life , and ia t
moral toao'hor in hla way. He love
hla homo , and finds hta chief dollphl
and proudest moments when with hli
Ilttlo grandchildren. In his dallj
Walks he anowa none of that cccen
trlolty which many attribute to him ,
but lr , on the contrary , ono of the meal
natural of men. His lone hair la nol
a literary affectation , but ia ao worn tc
hide a physical defect ,
Underneath the bad apelllrcc of bii
proverbs and aphorisms there la , a <
times , & depth of wisdom and phlloso
py which gives him a higher place U
the world than that of a moro humor
ist , and which ii often overlooked bj
thoao who are amused merely by hli
peculiarities of expression.
rullltei anil euro
Neuralgia ,
ScUiici , Lumbago ,
Soriatu , Cull , Sruixi ,
inl ill otbtr > * lllj uhH
and f tlu.
nm cnn i BOTTU.
Balibj > linrii ( ( < iliin6
Dtttori. Plnclleni U II
1 1" IT &i 0 III
Ql UttEidW ,
China and Glass , ,
St. Louis , Mo.
may 2.3m
Washington Avenue and Fifth Street ,
1622 Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Quotations sjr.t on application. Consignments lollcltej anil .remittance promptly made.
This Flour la rrnde at Salem , Rlchardeon connty , Nob. , In the combln
roller and otono nyatem. Wo give EXCLUSIVE anle of our flour to oue firm In
place. Wo have opened a branch at 1018 Capitol avenue , Omaha.
i'K.for ' ! ftlcc9t VALENTINE & REPPY Sllcm or Omaha' i Neb
Address cither WAH1 I 1 1 I IIN CX. r G. r r I s mtiMli
STEEIE , jiMmoN & oo. ;
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , anr
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
M. Hellinan cfc Co ,
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t-
r 5 p" & * " if""Tf" s < v i
la only attained by tulng
Stoves and R
For sale by
Lath , Shingles , Pickets , *
Near Union PaciJBc Bavct - QMAzrA , " 13 P
And Window Glass.
MANUFAOTUltEll 01' FINK " * \
My Repository is Oonatantly filled ith a Seloot Stock. Beit
Office and Faotoiy. 3 , W , Oor. ibm ana uapuol Avenue ,