THE DAILY BEa WEDKESDAf JUNE 13 1883 The Nnbrae&a Rational Of Omahn ncb. Pntrt npClriDlUI , - - 525O.OOO. Surplae Fund , Mtxy 1 , IBOa - IB.OoO. UIHECTOIUJ : R. JOIINSON , PrMUenl , ol 3 lt , Johnton A Oo. AK. TOUZAUN , Tin Fmldtnl. < rfBo t n. W. V. MOKBa , ol W. T. Urn & Co. 'OI1K 8. OOL'.INJ , ol 0. U. * J. B. Collins. M. WOOLWORIH , Oounsflltr b AtUrnoy al Uw. L. fl. RKKI > , ol Byron lUcd 4 Oa II. TT. TATM , 0 "hU ol tl e First : atUikl Bank ol Omaha. THIS BANK ornid lor bostan * April 77th , 1S82 , ITi DUtEOTORS AWD RTOCKtlO , DKR8 are amen ; the -ad.rg I . kuitrcsi mm ( O uih , ' D < Isbailnets li coaJuilod wlth s eclil r ( * reic * > to lb bolt acd UtiMilag Uurnta ot ti BWOA * . 'Ill * pilr ni. COLtKTTIONS re'oli * rpcclU atteeHoi and dur < es lowen obtainable bora or eliowhere. INTEREST allowid en Unit deposits upoi firortbla Urnsar.duponacoantaol btnks arjd FOREIGN IXOHANOE , Ocrrrnnient Bonds and Ooantj mil City itcurltlot bautht and sold J. W. KODEFER. Broker. p , Ooutli , CoiumcrcUi Paper and all other < Uod securities deft t Iu Ilnom 4 , No. iW IN art St , , Council IlluHt , la. FIUAWCIAL. H - pedal Dlipatchto Tux lisa. Niw YOBK. Juno 12. Money 2@24 per cent ; closed offend at 24 per tent , Priuio Mercuntile Paper 55Cper cent. Sterling Kxehauue Bankers' blllu quiet nnd steady at 4 85J ; sterling exchange de mand , 4 b9 | , Govcruuieuls I per cent higher for S' . and 4' , teg tertd , otheiwiee uncbanytd 1'he btoik market thoaed ojusldtra- bla strength and improvement in pricta in the forenoon. In the Uut huur the innr- ket was lover without uuy vpeciul ouii'o except some slou t > realize pioti a. Cen tral Pacific , htch ban been very dull for a djy or two , deulmod per cent. Market ve.y little changed tro'ii olosidg prices yei teidiy , though a m j > rity of the stjctn were u fraction hl her thiu then. MININO BTOCK8 Mining stocks to-di.y w ra dull ; Horn- liver told at GH und O O ; Sierr * Nevada , 775 and 7oO ; Union Ojueolidate 1 , 87o ; Eureka Con-oil Utrd , 100 ; SUrra Grand * , 140 ; Coniolidated Virginia , 79 to 74 ; C l- ifsrnii , 42 to 3d ; Sturuierut , 65 $ , noru CjUHolidittd , 30 to 2(5 ( Sales of the day 33.630 nharei. Pipe Una Oirtlbcatei rery dull and steady at 115g to H7i , cloilog on call at UOYnHU NTS. iv. To-dai 8's 6'a 4V * Coupons li 24 A. . , . 11 P < dC : fi'a of ' 95 n'J BONUB. Osrrtrnl Pacific firsts 1154 re nocondd 90 'JO Iicbigli A Wilkesbarro 103 10J Louisiana cousola I ! ) t > 5 Mifwmri O'e 113 113 Bt , Joueph 109 HO Ht , Paul & Sioux City firsts .Md 113 Teunexnee ti's 39 40 do new 39 4U Texan & Puciiiu Und grunts. . ( Mi 01 j do U. U. ( Uv. . . . 8 8 * Union Facihc 1st mortgage. . 1154 11'J do laud grants . .111 111 do sinking fund..llti& & 117 Virginia G's V8 3ti do consols G'a 7 5Hi4 do deterred lU'J 10 < J STOCKS. Adams JSxpresa 1294 129 Allegheny Central 1 htf 1 Gjf Alton & Terra UftuU 8j 84 do pfd. . . . a/ ! IJ Amerloau Express 9J 8j Burl. , OovUr iUpldl ot North. 82 S2 Oana'ta Southern G62 0 < i | . ,0. , , St. L. * P I'J 18j do pfd 55 5n Central Pacltlo 7 i ,6 Obooapoake & Ohio 20 2i i do 1st pfd. . 30 3.1 * do Id pfd. . W 2 4 Chicago &Alto 135 lH4i do pfd 145 14 > Obi. , Hurl. 4 Quincy 121 j 125 Obi. , St. L. & New Orleans . 8 8'J Ola. , Baud. A OlovBUud. . . . 42 49 Clove , , Col. & Cincinnati. . .7 * 7'i ' Delaware a liudnun canal. . Ii9j 1II9J Del. , Lack. A Western. . . . 127 j li4 Denver 4 Rio Grande 47 4bj Brie ! tj { & 7 do pfd. . . 81 tO Kant Tennetueo 94 ( . 'i ' dc > preferred IbJ 18j Fort Wayne & Chicago MJ 1 1 Hannibal & tit. Joseph 42 42 do pfd. 94 9) Harlem I'M 1 ! < 7 Hovuitou & Texas Central. . . . 7u4 7 > Illinois Central 145 14.4 Ind. . Bloom. & Western 31 M ; Hanson & , Texas 3 3 A lko Erie k Western 29 28 > Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 11,4 HIM .Louifvllle & Nashville 51 5lj Louisv. , Vetv Alb. & Chicago 4J 49 M. AL. 1st nfj 10 1) do do 2d pf t 5 5 Memphis & ChnrleUon 424 42 Michigan Central 97 9ijj MempliUfc St. Lonls 274 -74 do ptd 174 11 Mifdouri Pacific 105i 10 ? S Mobile * Ohio 10 Ifij Monia & ESHOX l"2t li'Ji Nashville & Ohattaaoogo Mj bflA New Jemoy Central 8t > j b7g : Norfolk & W 4 4 4ai Northern Puciiio 51 § 5l | do pfd 89 $ b9i Northwestern 133 13 W do pfd 15li 1M3 New York Central I 3j 1234 Ohio Central 11 J Ohio & MUslguippi 81 do pfd..lli'l ' Ontario & Western iOj Oregon Transcontinental 85A 80 Pacific Mail 4Vj 4.4 Panama 98 98 Peoria , Decutnr & Kvannv. . . 219 214 Pittsburgh Cleveland 131 13.4 Pullman Palace Oar 130 13 A Bonding l9 > f)83 Rock Island 12i 12 > i Bt. Louis & San Fran 33 34 do pfd 57 574 do 1st pfd 99 99 St. Ponl A Milwaukee 1011 101 do pfd. . . 120 } 1'JO Bt Paul , Miun. A M.Miitciba.l'2lJ 1M\ \ Bt. Pnul & Omaha 4ii ( 40j da pfd 10W 10- > Teiaa & Pacific 374 U8& Union Pacilio 9Bj 9(5 ( United States Exprms CO 00 Wabanh , St. L. A Pifio. . . . . 2'J 28J do pfd.tltj 4 > 4 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.12"i 125 We t-iro "nlon Telegraph. . . 5 | 8l > l ] iIomuUik'3 . . . . . . . . . . . , 15 15 Inn SUrer 90 Ontario 25 21 Quick-diver 74 74 do nfd 30 37 South Pacific / Bntro 28 2C ' " " l i ll' FOREIGN FINANCE. , ' 8p cUl Ditpatcb to Tu Un. LOMnONiUOMKT. Ixwr > o.f , June 12. Contoli Money 100 ,7-lC ; account , 1100 IMS. Jtodu-rlUlnoli CentrV , 1481 ] Ptoniyl. H TM | * Central , 180J | New York 0 ntra ) , 1301. _ PRODUOD St PUOVI&10NB , ttwdal Dlrrtcit to Yin Bn , OinCAQO. Omo oo , June 11. Flour Market qnlet andWheat Wheat -.Regular opened doll lul : closed active nud higher ; 1 11 ( or June ; 1 lj ® 1 114 for July ; 1 Hi@l US lor Atuutl ! U2l l 15f fur 8 | iirmber ! 1 15j@l 15 } ( or Ojtober ; 1 It ( or tbe jear } Wo. 3 Obi * MRO mrtuK , 1 10J ; No SUilcagu spring , 9ic ; No 2 red winter At 1 tit rn In peed demand ar.d strmper ; B5j Gj for fi * h and June ) r > < fl@S7o for July ; 57 ( 57io ( or August ; 67gjjG74o ( or pteml'fTj ' M for tbe j * r. OnU Dmnd fair and market firm ; S9Jo for cash ; 3 } < i for Jnne39J ; ; fur JtiUj 83Jj f r August ; Ma ( Or September ; SOflj ( or the year. Ilyo-Maifcot dnllntClo. Flax B cd-M.rke * quiet at 1 4S. Pork MatVpt uioettltd and lower ; 18 3.ri@18 40 ( or o < fli at il .tune ; 18 40 ® . 8 42 * ( or .Tulrs 8 67418 CO ( or Auui-t ; 18 t7l@I8 70 ( or SeptiniberjlG 50 @ 1G 5 j lor tlio yoor. l. rd Market active but lower ; 11474 @llfOor ( o-sh. unit Junr ; 1150@11 B'JJ for July 107t@1072V for August ; IOCS for aeptembei ; 9 01@9 O i for the yar Hulk Meat * In f > lr deni'inilji-houl 'orn , t 7 50 ; tlioitrlba v. 9 ft' ; short ole r , 9 93. Hatter Mnikct ntrady and UDobun fd. Jwiffl Mft'ket ( | iiUt ut 1C Whisky S e rlynm ! unchanged. Fioigtits Corn to liuft.lo , SJo. CALL BoAnn.Wheat M rket active bu' l.jferj . 1 10J fur lune , 1 11J lor July , 1 13 ] lor AUKU t ; 1 14(5 ( 1 r September. Corn M tket o.isior ; declined Jj ( or Juno an 1 July. li ) > ts Djuiand nctirt ; dtollneJl J : for June Miii io ( or July. i'otk Uemuud acllvejlOo lower for An- LUHt | LUHtL'.rd Demand aolite ; 5c lower f jr Sep- teuibur. NEW YORK , NKW YOBK , June 12 , F'our Market dul ; Huperi > t tn wetorn , 3 15@4 10 W tie it Marliul opvntd woaW , decliued 9 , ftftf r r In became i-tr < URer , rootnl oloslorf linn ; uniralol prlug. 1 14 ; lcd rsi , 95i@l 23i : ptaAtuor No 3 da , 102 ; No 3 . ( , 1174 ; 'o ' "IIT N 12 red.1 7U7J. No 2 leJ , 1 23 1 23i ] in liV4toi ; ; UKra'ttd ' while , 84 @ < ttl 234 ; No. 1 white , notimiM A' 1 I J ; No 2ivd , June. 112,010 'm 1 201 2)4 , l < wini ? at 1 20g ; Ju'v , 67' 01 u 1 lg@1228 , K t 1 28 ; Auus672,000 o @l .44 , cliMlu * M I 243 ; Sep.emher , l.l''O i DO tm at 1 . " 4(0,1 ( 2i ( , ol ' lr R t 1 UJ ; Oof.iber , 38 , i 00 hu lit 1 V73 S-l 2sJ Corn ( 'iwb Io' < 4 1 ° luwr , uptloin opened Rtroiigcr , ( ter < * rlf Hoolincd i@ih. eli > l"B firm ; utur il < , 5' < ffiG54n ; No. 3 U > fc6'4 ; BtoKiuer , GlJ'irtt'u ; i\o. 2 654 (0HJr ( ; uagrnded whllu CV ; No 2 June , li&G5i > , cloIn * t Cr > i > ; Julv. 654 CG % clu inf ( f f5J ; Au u > t , 66i'crG7o , oio tnR ot GfJSpUni'ef ; , 67ft67 ( | , clotini' t. G74- ; October , 672@ < ' 7JJ , cloa inat 6ji Otis Al , rket i S ) lower and ( airly hollvt | uilztvj w MU-rn , 45$49c ; white western , \8f ) ! > 3i. EBSB Western f'f h , demand filr and unmet 6 nil ; 17@17i > . Pork D'io nJ auiire ; ne rfuet > , 19 60 @I9 75 op ion * nominal. LtrlM.rkel : tirru ; iirlute ite * , ctih , 1185 11(0 ( ; June , It 241 35 ; July , 11 25 11 3 ; A.ifii ( t , 10 92 11 02 ; Sap- U-m ' r , 1080 1091 ; Ojtouer , 1070,3) ) 1082. Uuttrr Demand ( air an I marked firm. Cheeie Market quiet but steady. BT. LOU1H. ST. Louis , Juna 12 Klonr Market alenrly nil u'ichnKO I ; f tni < v , 4 % " > 45 10 ; choiro , 5 50@.r. GO ; fancy , 5 85&G M WhenUrmit hinder ; ( nirly Active f tiMti. ; CSBT liUj lw r ; No. 2 r rl ( nil , 118@11 4 f > r euh ; I 18jrl 19J fr ior uv ; 1 171 1 18J ' " Al1i" > t ; ID 19J or S p'Binb i ; 1 2l@l21J f ir Do- i ; 1 i7Jojl ( 17j fo the year ; Xo. 3 red f l , 11 © l 14 bul. Corn Market hiubor and low ; 5 4 ® j for eah ; f > 14 513 ! for Julj ; 53 ® 3\o \ fir Ausuit ; Ma5j ( ! for SepteuiO t ; 54o fr Ojlu'wi ; 4")8fe4Gj f ir Hie year , O.H-Mirketluwor ; 39jo for cash ; 394 for Jul ) ; 28o for Anguit. II , u Market nnmtnil at COo. li rley Notbln d > in ? , Corn & ! < ! -Uarket > t < dy at 3 59. liuitirM .rke ; du'l "Kjgt M rket ateady and unchanged at vVhUkvMarket iteadv at 1 14 P irk Market lower ; J .btinir , 18 70 ® 18 75 Uulk UettiMarket hwer ; Inn ? clear , 9 5 ; ibort rlh , 9 GO ; nbort ule r , 9 85. 1 Market nominal. KANUA8 OUT. KANHAHCITTJuiel2Wheat Market stanriy ; N < \ 2 red , 'J9'tt99ic or o h ; 994o for Ju y ; 99Jo for Au u * . C rn Alrk < tt .low ; 43jji bl 1 forcaeb ; 434c hid for July ; 4 4 > bi i for Augunt. lUta Market Blow ; 354c bid ; co op- tiona. TOLEDO. TOUCDO , Juno 12 Wheat Dam ind light , nit holrtnrj nrro ; No. 1 whits " igan , 1 llfcl 11 ; No. 2 white Muhi- 'J-'c ; nieuiud ubltv , 70c ; No. 2 red \ ' , 1 IGl fur cfh and June : 1 17 bit f > r July ; 1 174 fr > August ; 1 219 tor Sap. turn hi r ; 1 ? : < i for Cot ber ; 1 IU ) for tbe ye r ; 120 | tur January , Com ft rkrt dull but firm ; high mixed , C9j ; NJ. 2 , 574 f < r c h and June ; " 14 : UJ for July ; 5'J4@5'ga ' { ' for AuiU < t Utt > M rknt dnll nud n"iiiin l ; No. 2 , 41tf rcaih ; 40'ir41c f < r July ; ; -3o naked for the jear ; it-3ct l , 39'2391o , L1VEKPOOL. LivEiirooL , June 12 Weather fine. li e.aiui.lf ) - Qiiltit nud steady. Flour-ll-@lli 01. Wh-t Wintwr. 81 lld@9 2d : unrlng , SnUKg.O- . KVlif trulu , 9j2l@9.4J ; No. 2 California , 8 9lii9j. ( Corn Dull at 5a 5 I , LIVE STC'Jii ncUl Dlaloh i to Till Bit. CHICAGO. OniOAQo , June 12 Tbe Drovers' Jcar * nul reprt us followg ; Ilng'tMarket fair ; declining 15o ; cloned weak ; mix it at I ! 3'i@ " 55 ; heavy packing anil BhippioK GC ) G9 ; light , 025 ® G 70 ; BHiB | , 3 25&G 00. Cuttle Market dlow and weak , 10s de- clin' ; a 1 rue volume of business ; exports ftf f > 80 0.0 15 ; good to choice rhlDnlntr , 5 0 @ 5 70 ; cjinmno tof > lr , 5 CO ® ' ) 45 , SvcpMirket B'OW ' and m derately nc- tiva ; iirlotHttuadj ; Inferior to fiir dull at 3 003 5J ; good , 4 50 ; uhoice , 4 50. bT. LOUIH BT Louis , Jtui'i 12 FIoB In fair driiit Ltl uU wedk ; light hipplne at G 50'ir ) GG5 ; rougli to to. d .I'.cUo , G 356 05 ; butchers' to extra , GCO@i9) ) . Ci'.tle Market rnty ij ilet and weak ; thlpplnir di-maud very BU v heavy uteern , nGll lji'O ; lik.t | , tie-it , 529 550 ; com mop , 4 756J5 00 ; giDJ ova nud heifer * , 4 W @ i 00 ; ciniuun , 3 60 ® J OD. Sneep lnrk t alow nn < i lower ; medium to ii'ima muttons , 3 ( ,0@J 09 ; lambs , 1 J5 ! @ 273. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITT , Juno 12. The Commer- cinl Indicator this aftornoou reports as followHt Oittle Market lower and Blow ; ihlp- plngl nt nrs of 1.100 to 1.3CO Ibs. at 4 50 < < r5 35 ; oiwi , 3 00@4 00 ; atockew1 and fee er ' , 3 80@4 70. no 8 Weak ; rDglni frrm 0 0@G B5 , with bulk of sale ) at G 30G 45. Bheop-Unchanpprlj very little done ; natlvea averaging 97 Ibw. , 1 50 , MEW TOBK. NKW YOBK , Juni 13 De vea Dretied beef netdy at O' IO j ; olty , 8@91 ; w itern Ameiloan refrigerator beel dull ; Liver pool , this morning , 12o. bheep Market wnakert ; iheipiteajy ; xtreme * . lamh , 5 97J@7 60 p r twtj 3 0@5 70 ; ftaeral ulei , lanbc , ibp P. 47W ! 5CO ; muttJQ iluw at U 50 < ilO 10 per cwt llr Mttket li'itnli ally lirui drllve 7 00447 fO per cwt. for corn led , BpecUl Dlfp * < h' to Tin IIn NEW YOIIK , June 13 Hay Demand fair and niaitct fl in. Oi ff e Market dull and lower. 8u ? r Markntdull ; rfllnel qulet | oon- fnotlonerii A , 8 9.IGcut ; loaf en Icru-hed , anulat'il , f-Jj. ien Mtrkntdull and nomlntl , -Demand f * lr nml 'iiatkot litin. 1'etroleum Market dull. U > * In Market quiet unclungpd. Turpentine Market dull aud oatler at WOOL. Special Dispatches to Tit * Hsi. Ji BTON F.09TON , Jnnn 12 , Wool dull ; Ohio , acd PennsyuanU fla ces , 37 420 ! Wisconsin and Michl an (1 , 3'@A7c : dtlnlne minWnj il'i , 40(24"ic ( ; uii - nul woolf , 10@30o ; . wooi * , 2 ( JJ.4JJ. riULADELl'IUA Juim 11 ! Wool-Qalot but litm ; Am V' tk , M hgm , In.i < -a nnd wo.tiTii fine. 5 370 ; inoiiuu ) , 42 ® 43c ; c < nr < o , UKrf.V ) ; iinwmtui com'i ' iu deUIno , ms'ium , IHfrfS vdo ; ooaiae 2V < i ) 27 ; tn > w.hwl , 3H@42 ; Oicgnn , V4@ 33.Now ; Mcximu un I Colorndu , 17l < 4 2iiI'll ; led , 82MWo ; l'a.iii ) lvMiUMI entVtrciidr XX n < i lib. vi % 4UC ' ' 1'-1 ( ! ; cxtrn , © iQi. ; lucclum , 42c, ( ; , i < K1O Sjisclil Dl i'KlchM to Tin U rl.OUll AND ( IHAINf , OlllOAPO , Juue 12. KeodiptR and ship ments ol flour K' ' " l r ttio pm. 21 hours h vo been m ( Flour-bbla . 12.WK ) 8 OCO Wbmt buahbU. . . 4901)0 ) 8fio ( orn- " . 39) ) ( HO . ' Si I OW OnU - " . ilMHU 121,1' 0 Kye " . 1G00 7 IMI ( Jarloy- " . 1S.IHIO 2G 0 TOLEDO , Juno 12. lUceipts nnd hliiii- ill tin H tf fl > ur and giiuii for thu p > at 21 houm have been us follow B : leo't { Shipm'ta. Wheat . 2 ,000 . "OU Com . 3 , KM Id.OOJ Oats . 1,000 ST. Lee is , Juue 13. hucelit * aud iihtpuicntri of Hour cud hTnio for the piw , 48 hours have boou an tullowu : Hccointx Mhip't Flour-bbl . 4.000 4(00 ( Wheat buahola . M.O 0 G ( H)0 ) Corn " . 8 1 000 54 < K ) Oftts " . 12000 11.000 Uyo- " Barley- " 1,000 NKW YOBK , June 12 Kooelpt * i ud thlpmenta of Hour and irnlu ; for the past 24 houra have been as Flour barrel . SOOiO 9,00 Wheat busbuU . v0tOO ; CHOiiO Oem " . 8J.OOO 99.000 Oat * " . 51,000 50 KANSAS OITT , June 12 receipts and ahlpuienta oi grain Kn the pant ! M houra have boon as followa : llao't ) . Shln'tb Wheat , bushels . fi.OOO 6000 Corn " . 800 10.0UO LIVE STOCK , ST. LODIB , June -lleceipti and < bipmeutn of live < < tock fet the paat 21 hours have been as follows ; Keo'U Shlpm'K Hogs . 3400 150 Cattle . . . 1.5HO 4uU Sheep . . . . . 1,401 CHICAOi , June l ! . UeCoi iud ahl | mentK ot live uioclc for thf pun V-1 h.ourn have been a t'plloc.-a : KpclShliH - HOR . .2JDOO ' 2,100 Cattle . 701)0 ) 1,8 0 Sheep . J.UOO 110 NEW YOBK , June ' 2 , Hueipls am ahipmenti of live htoolc for the pant 2-1 hours have been as follown : Uoo't" Bjevw . 4-10 Sheep . . . . 4 4UO Qiar beef . O.rcasiojof tiiu.ton . Hogs . 0,01)0 ) KANSAS Our , June 12 Km-uipts anc ehipmentti of live stock for the pint 24 houra have been aa ( ollnvvi < : IWtii. Shlprn'tn Cattle . 2,00 Hog . 5,3,0 Sheep . 3)0 . . . . OMAHA aiA.Hii.inra Omox or Tn.3 OMAHA Hit I Tuesday ISveninr. June 12 I While tO'dity'n local trada wan not tqua to that of jeutcrcraj , western I livers 'ellt'd the voluma of bo-iutss to qnito a eatisfuctorj figure. The lumber trade la on the incren o nni dealord Iu bubo , ) wire , hardware , fdrinlm- plumenU , and menhandiaj < f lllcu chiruc ter , expeiience quite a lively bun 'The following are tba chtuges to-d y : Wheat , oa li. No. 2 declined Ijc ; No. 3 del lined 4o ; n j ct"d Hdvouoed 1fr2j Barley , i uah No 2 advanced S ; No , ; declined 2j. Kye , co h defined 14o. U U decliued 23. Uld potatoes advnnred 15@2 ! > o , Grain , WHEAT.- h No. 2 , 92 : ; c * h Nti J , 7Uo ; rejected , G74e. WAKLEY. C tt No. 2. 7Gj | 'Vo. H , 28e. 28e.UYKOash UYK-Oash , 47 CORNMIxoJ , 38o. OATS-38a. 8EKDS Ulnn gr sa seed , 125@160 ; timothy seed , 2 10i$2 ( 25 ; to 1 oluvur med , 9 00 ; whlto clover seed 13 00 ; millet seed , 100 ; Hungarian aeed , 1 10 ; orchard graas seed , 2 50. Live Stock D'aler * in live stock experienos a very Hillsf'ctnry tride in nil tranche * Ni t- withfetiudmg the fact that prices reniitln uuohiinge I , the denund f > r gin d tt-ef cut tle and fat sheep it fully u > to the uprly , with prospect * of a ride within u day or two. ( \ \ TTLKF t st-wrs , $100@5 25 FATCOSV8 ? 37f > @ 400. 8I1KKI' Flour and MlilktufTi , Heit wlntur wheit 3 00u,3 75 Second quality winter whent 275@3JC , 7ia > t t > prmg wheat-2 0) ) @ 2 7n. Second quality > prini { wheut 2 4 l2 M ) . Bran , per ton-10 00 Chopped Feed , p r ton 18 00. Pro ucj , POTATOES 0 d potatnei are In go-xl demand n > l nifir. with n ready HID | , white the price tf tbe new crop is good wl'h it fair lem nd ; old 45Go ( ) ptr ouiihc j new , 150@5tOperbbl. JOIVIONS Tne 'ild drop U oimpuratlve. ly out of thrt m rket , smldea'eiB ' 1'anHM only Bermudas , which nell , > t $2 40 ( 2 GO per box , and tbe new ur > p which u mm in bunches and U hard to quota , aa the prices dllldr BLoirdlng to qiuluy and denund. HUTTEK - Choice imnntry , 10114 , Kxtr * fine dairy U a shade higher and fiudi a ready sale. iCGCiS-Kresh , 15o , HONKY Caliloraia , pel Ib , Ilo. APPLES-Out of market. OIIANOES O llfornia , 3 00@3 60 ; Momlna. 4 0 > 3@S5 00. LEMONB - tt > 5 50 per box. 8TIUWUEKUIES Are icaroe.thouch the tupply baa been nunnuilly large for ome time past. Th prlco * average about 17o per quart , looce in Iraxei. DKANB-Navy p r bushel , a 60S2 76. Poultry. CHICKENS Live j r dot. , $150 ® 6 00. Drewed , per M ) . , Ifxj. lirocora (5ANNID ( OnODS jit i , ( Ctand- ard ) , jwr MW , 3 70@390 ; itrawber- rier , 2 Ib , | * r CM , J 40 , ra < p. jorrlta , 1 ft , per owe , 3 RO. Dam- ons , 1 n , per cane , 2 45 , lUrtlctt l ara per ca * , 2 40. Whottlubsrrle * er cafe,275. Kpg plums , ! ft i rcwjo , ; ' 90 ; jreen R gc ,2 Ib per ease , 2 90 ; do choice , , Iti ier CMO 4 0. Pine Apple * , 2 B > , per cato 4 00d85 75. Peaches , 2 tf > per caie , R 00 ; do 3 tt > . caw , 4 004 60 | do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per do pie , 6 Ib , per doteu , 3 J > 0. LAUD Omaha llafinlnlngOo. ) Tierces , Hie ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12jc | ; 20-lb . . . + ? ' * . _ . . _ . . . . 1 nH . . it 12ic ; 10-lb tiaib , tcraw top , 13je ; 6-lh do , o ; S Ibdo , 13o. ICK Ixml lana prime to choice , 7JK 8c ; fair. 7(97ici ( Patina , 6 c. KIS11 No. 1 mackerel , half brln , 7 M. No. 1 nmekerel , klU , 1 00 ; family mack. erol , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kit * , S.V ; No. 1 white fuh , half brbi , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05. SY HUP Standard Com. , Me , bbl . ; Standard do , < l gallon'ke n , SI 05) ) SUn- dard do. 4 gallon kega , SI 75. SOPA Iu Ib papers , $3.30 per cane ; keg oda , 2 c. NKW PIOKLHS-Mtdlntr , In Umh 0700 ; do Inhftlf bbls , 4 OdisinMld , In bbls 9 CO do , In lialf bbls , 500 ; gheikltn , In bbbi , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 0 00. TEA8 .Gunpowder , good , tis < g > 55 ; Jbolco , 000$76c ; Imperial , good , 10iVH5o , J'jMtt ' flOVJ75o | Young Hyson , coo.l , SVi ? Vci ) choice , R5c5l ( ! 00) ) Japi.n Nat ! * > ! , | jc : Japan , choice. 60 < 37&c : Oolong , good , Rbtjllll ; Oolopg , olm.oo , 40 < $ Pf > | yonchmip , ijood , ! lftt ( lOc ; choice , Ji5(045o ( , UOPK SlMl , * Inch arid lav-gM , UC ; 9 inrh , Ilk ; k inch , 12o. WOODKNWAK1S Two boo. , ( IAIII , 1 75 ; three hoop tmlla , J 00. Tulii , No 1 , 8 fO ; Plonoor wwhbonrds , 1 Moob ) e rnwnSWl ; WollbuckeU , 8 N ) LEAD Hur , 81 65 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , a ISj Kirk's tnttuor , S ( iO ; Kirk's utimdsrd. 3 75 ; Kirk' * wblto Ilursian , 5 & : Kirk u Kutoco , 2 Ifi Klrk'a Pralrl * vjut'cu , (100 ( citkr ) , 40 ; Klrk'f rua uolfit .o > , POTASU Pennsylvania cans , 4 o.u In ctfri , 3 5 ; liabbltt's Vail 2 dor. . Iu 1 ' . ' 0 ; Anchor Ball 2 doc in CMO 1 f > 0 i'KANUTS lloasted , choloe , ro- * lOoj-cr lh ; fnnar whlto , lOJn ptrll ; hltn Virginia raw , lOat roh ti > d 12 c. c.OANDLK9 Uoie , 40 lbsKs , 15)fc ) ; KM , 15Jc ; IHKW 4(1 ( Iba. , 16 oz. , As , l.rij < . , MATCHKb Per caddie , 95c [ roun , , s. 1" 10 " ( invo , caniv , n 4(1 ( COKFKKS Ordinary Rr'ile ' , 3J@9 fair , lOiiuUlfic ; good , lOi'i'lIc ; nrlme , IU (51121 ( ; t lolly prime , 12@124r ; ch < ire. lx @KHc ; fancy green nnd tcllow , M gdvornmrnt Ja. i , 20 @ 20 ; I roiiKled , 14L' ; Arliurklo'H rotstrd , < 44i ; M.L.uirhln'n XXXX roisted , 14j ; 1m- itntion Juva , lOJia i8jo \MNHGAK-Nuw York apple , Ific ; Ohio apnle , 13o. dAI/1. Dn y loads , per bbl , 1 85 A h on , in sac ks , 8 50 ; bbls dalrr 1. SB , ' ) 50 SUGAKS-Powdered , lOlc : Cut loaf , lOJc ) Granulated , 94c ; Confectioners' A , | to ; Standard Kxtrn C , 8gc ; Extra 0 , 840 ; inwilum yellow , 8Jc ; dark yellow , 7Jc , ' 1TAHOH. Pearl , 4 o ; Bllror Uio.s 94o ; Corn Starch , 94ot Kxceslorl ! } | , 7B1 * i Corn 8a MEATS-Hama per lh. , 14c ; hacon per Ib. , 14o ; clear side bacon per Ib , 11 Jo dry salt 'Idea per Ib. , 10Jc ; bacon 'boulder * per lh. 94o ; tierce lard per Ib. ; Ilia. SJ'fOKS. Pepprr. Ul | Allspice , 19 Clover , 30 ; Cousin , 24 , CliLKs Jfull Oroam , JSjn. iklrn , 11) LYE American , S 40 ; Greenwich. H 4 I ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 7 001 Lewir' lye , 4 G'Jewell lye , 276. FKHP Jobbing prices , Chop feed 91.50 per 100 Ihs. ; ohop corn , 81.40 ; btan 70c per 100 Ibs , HOMINY New 13 * 50 per bbl. Dry Gauds. BHOWN OOTTONH Atlantic A o ; Apjiloton XX , 7o ) Atlanta A , Kcj BUG , FF , 3Jo ; Ruokeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot \ \ 7io ; ChlttbnftUKO A , fijc : Uroat Fnlln K , Sic ; Hoosier , Die ; Honoat Width 80 , In linu Head A , 8c ; Indian Htandani A , ; Indian Orchard d. w. , GJo ; Lnwroact IjL , Gc { ; MjBtlcrlvtr , 74c ; Pequnt A , R3c , 4n ; Utlca 0 , 51o : Wachusott B , 7io ; do A , dn V 4 Vfif. FINK BKOWN COTTONS AJlendale 4 : 74o ; Alligator 8-1 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 $ ; Atlantic LL , ( ijcj Badger St.nte X 4-4 , GJo ; Benniugton 0 4-4 , GJo ; linckoye S , 4.4 , b ic Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 84c ; I coula O 39 , 84o ; Lohlgh E 4-4 , 9io ; Pepporoll N 80 , 7c ; do 0 31 , 7io ; do R SG , 7Jc ; do E 81' , B o , T > ona8int 0 'M , Tjte ; Wauirntta 4-4 IScBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS AndrmoK gin L 4-4l94cBIackfttonaAA ; Irr.perial Hto , do do half hle.aohsd 4-4. Dot Cabot 4-4 , H3 , Kidolity4.4 , 94oVnilt ; of the Loom , OJ ; do onn.brlo4.4,12jcdoWaterTwist,104eGreat ; ; Fitll * Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrank 4-4 , 12ci Lonsdcde. lOo ; do cambric 37 , 12io ; New York MiiU. 12Jo ; Poquot A,10o ; Pepperel N G Twills , Isic : ! r > ooahonta. 4-4 , 9& , Pocaiuet 4-4. 84oi Utlsa. llo | Wamintt * O X X , DUCKS Colored ) Albany M brown. rfoj do 0 , drat , ilot do Xja. strip and plaids , 121c ; do XXX brown and drab , strlpo.i and plaids , 13Jcj Arlington fancy , IFlrflo : unswiok brown , 84o | Chariot fanny 124o | do extra heavy , 20cj Kill River brown , extra heavy , 114c | Indiana A browq IH.v Neoonset A brnwn. 15o TlUKliMjO Amosteag A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 32 , lH4 < n Arrowanna , y4c ; CUromont B 15 , 154o ) OoutHtoga.z ) tnt , 174c ; Hamilton D , II40 Lownton A < U , 15c ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , 2 > o ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl Klver 82. 16Jc ; Putnam - nam Xi. blue atrlpe , 12o ; Shetnoket S I0jc ; do S3 I2o : Yoomau'f hluo 29 , 9o UUNIMH. Amo < keak , blue and bronu lC4o ; Andovnr 1JD blue , 154c | ArllngX bice Scotch , IKI a ; Concord GOO , blue uv. brown , I24o ; do AAA , do do ISjj do XXti do do 144o Huymckktr's blue and brown , 9io ; Mystlo River Ul ) stripe , I64o | Pearl River , oluo and brown , Ificj TTcsaevllle , bluu and brown , 144r. CAMURIC Barnard , 5'c ) Kddyxtoof lining , 24 inch double Taue , 840 ; Gurner A glazed , f4c ; Manhattan ; love (2niib ( , 52o Newport do Co ; do glazml , 5fo | Poquot do 5o ; T/okwood kid finish Co. CORSKT JKANS Araory , SeiAndros ooggln sattoen 8Joj Clarendc n , fiJo ; Conet- o > a sattfens , 7ic ; Hallowel , 80 ; Inldl Orchard 74 i Narrgansett , Improved , 84 . Pnpporill sattnen Sio : Hookport , 7o PIUNT8Aliens , 6j' ; : American , 6ioj Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. IScj Coohoco , 7o ; Oonoatotja. 64o ; Dunkirk , | Dnnnoll , 6JQ7cj Rddystone. 7o ; Qlsncester , Co ; Harmnuy , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Mer ri ao D. 7o ; Myctlc , 54o : Bprarues. 60 ; Southbrldge , 60 ; do. Ulngh&ing , 7o | Marl , boru , 5jjc : Oriental 6c. Q1NOHAM8 Am'wkea ) ? , 9jB | Argylf , tOlcj Atlantic , Ocj Cumberland , 7c : Hfghlanu , 74c | Kenilwortb , OJc | Plun- kett 0 nt HUCHOI , 8t COTTON AUKS Abbervllle l 4o Agate , 20c ; American , llo | Artlslan , 20o : Cairo D and T , 13io ; Olarl'-a D and T' 174c ) U ocean Co.atripcalandT. ICc ) Key- ftuno , l4o ; Nantjckot. I'Jo : Nonpareil IfJoj Ooaan D and T , 134c ; Royal , 1041 SUBBOX , 12o ; Tloga , 124cj Waohnsett shirt In ? c'leokii. 1240 ; do , Nankin , 124o ; York , plalr. Nankin , 124c ; do.ohonks , strlpoi anu IMIOV. I''tc ; do. 8 oi 20c. .SHKKTINaS Androscogtrln 10-4,370 ! do 9.1 , 23cdo ; 8-4 , 22r ; Continental C 2 , lie , Fiutt of the Loom KM , 274 ; Now York mllUDS , E5o ; do 78 , 30o ; do SH , 224o , Pembroke 10-4 , 25cj Pequot 1C.4 , 284c , do 7J , 19o do 49 , IGo ; Popperell DO , 29o do 67 , 21cdo ; 57 , 18o ; Utica 90 , 3fio : do 58 , aaioi do 48. 17r 17rOrugi. . DRUGH AND UiKMIOA UB - { UM Carbolic , 50c | Add , Tartorio , 55o ; Balsam Copabla , per Ib , 70oj Barl , flujiafrNt , per Ib , 13 | Calomel , per Ib , 7&oi Clnchna'dia , pnr oi , 8105 , Chloroform , par Ib , 83ci Dover's po-vriert , per Ib , 81 25 | Kpicm Salts , per Ib , Bioi Glycerine , pure pe bl , 3ct ( ) Lead , Acetate , per Ib. I2o Oil , Caztor , No. 1 , per gat , 1 25 : Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , 8115 , Oil , Olive , per iral , 81 S0 | Oil. Origanum , 60 ; Opium , 85 ( Oj Quinine P. i W. ft R. A p. ; per or , $1 7 > | Potawlum , Iodide , per b il 65 ( Balacin , per or ; 40ct Bnlphate o Morphine , jttt oi , 83 76) ) Bnlponr flour per ( b , 4c < Jitrr hnlne. DAT on. 81 25. Paint * Oil * an * V rnlihM QUA 110 * carbon , p r 124o | 150 * headlight , pr gallon , Hjcj 175' htiwlllffht , per gallon , lilc ; 160' Water White , 18o ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 57) ) Hunted , bollo-i , per gallon , G0o { lard , winter str'il , per gal , Ion , V5 | No. 1 , 85ct No , J , 75c | castor , XXX. | > r gallon , 1 SO ; No. S , 1 20) ) sweet per gallon. 85ci sperm , W , B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fiih , W. li. , per gallon , 05 = ; ncaUloot. extra , per gallon , 90o | No. I , 76c | lubrl * citing , tero , per gallon , SOoi rummer , 15e , golden nuclilne , No , 1 , per ration , 35o ; No , 1 80 ; sperm , signal , tier gallon , f Oc ; tur pentine , per gallon , 56a | nnptha , 84' , per gallon , IGct fl * ' , 16o PAINTS IN OIL-Whlte lead , Omaha P. P , . Co ; white load , St. Loulu , pare , fijoj ] tnrr lllos green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20o French ilno , riecn seal , 12o | French cine , rod seal , He ) French ilno , In varnitb asst , 'We ! French tlnoc , In oil amt 15o | Haw ind burnt amber , 1 Q > cans lOoi raw and burnt Sienna , lOai randyke brown , wg refined lampblack. 12o | coach blank and ) lvory black , 16c | drop bla < k , 16o ; Prussian 11uc , 30o ; ultramarine blue , 18oi ehivme Ktven , It. M , A , 1) , , IGsibltnd and shutter < rroo , L. M. & . l > . , IGe ; Paris green , X8o ; Indlnn red , 15c : Venetian rod. Do ; Tuscan dn , , 2'/ci American Vormillon , I.&P. , 18c | imiiue yellow , L , , M , , O. & D O , , 18cj w ochre , Be ) golden ochre , 16) ) patent ryor" , Sot ( Training oolorm light oak , dark iai. walnut , thcatnut nd ash 15c. Dry Paint * White lead , 8c French sine , lOci Par bltelng 2lo | whiting gilders , Ijjo ; tilting ooml , Ilo ; Inmpblack German- town. 14c ) li mpmack , ordinary , 10o | Prti.i. ilsn blue , * > &oj ultramarine , 18at Vandyke LVOMTD , flci unibor , burnt , 43) ) umber , raw tc ; Icnnn , burn t , 4c | sienna , raw , 4o [ 'orIi genuine , J.r > c } Paris preen com' iOu ; chrome gruon , N , Y.1 20o ) ohroni . -roon K , , 12c ; vormllllnn , Eng , , 70c | v r nillllnn , Amorlcit , IHc ; IndtMi red , lOc rme pink , Itoi vcnotlnn road , Cokanoso JJc : Venetian rod Am , , IJc ; red load , 74 < * i ahrtiuiu yvllow , prmilue , 20o hrome yol. low , K , , He ; oohru , rooholle 3o | ochre French , ? Jo ; ochre , American , 2c | Winter's mineral. 24c ; lehlgli brown. 2Jc' Spanish lirowii , Ukl Prince' * mlnnrAl 3o , VARNISH KS Barrel * pet rollon Kurnitute , extra , (1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 61 ; coach , extra , fl 10 ; each , No , 1 , il 20 ; Dnmir , oxtrn , 81 75 | apnr , 70c ; phaltum , extra , R5c ; sheila 83 501 hard oil fiatx ! ] , SI ! 0.Hides ! Hides , Furs , Etc. UllJlv - .ri.u butcher' * hldiB , 6t 1 cured riC'iHoi hldav , green salt , iry Mint , Bound , ] 2idl3o | dry call and kip , 12 © Ho i dry salt hides , nound , " " "lc ; grea nnlf. wt,8 olMTis. , IKJ lScj oill , wt , under 8 Ib , per skin , 50 ( | ? ruu ( xillis 50i01 ( 25 ; grenn lamb nVIw , $1 25C41 damaged hidrr , two-third rate , cut scored nnd one grub , olnnned two. tllnin rate , ) branded hldev 10 per eent. off Coon tklnn , No. 1 , 45o ; No. ? , 300) ) No. 1 M. ) No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 80c | No. ? 15c ; No. 8 , 16o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , , bOci No. 2 , 25e. Skunk , No. 1 , b'J5o | ttfio ; short utrl40m ] ! , narrow stripe * broad strip * . lOc Tllow 7o , Leathar. Oak sole , S8e to 4'Jo ; hemlock sole , S8o to 85c ; hemlock kip , 80o to 100 ; nmner , f > 5c to 80o ; hemlock oalf , 860 to 130 ; hem- look upper , 23c to 2Go ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; oalf kid , SSC3fvn- Gretsen kid , 2 50 to 175 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , I 20 to 1 il'li ' French kip , 1 10 to 1 5C ; French calf , 1 26 to S 00 ; run- ietu. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOr to35c ; pehbla 0. U. Morocco , S5c | ilrnon 3 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-No 1 ar oak , 42o ; No 3 do , 89c ; N. 1 Ohio oak , S8o ; No. 2 do MCI No.i . Milwaukee , 8/01 NQ , > < i' Lumber WHOLI8ALB. We quote lumber , Intn and shingles on cars at Omaha at the following prlceui JOIST AND HOANTLINO 1 ft. and under , i-22 00 ; lh ft. , 823 50. TIMBKKH IB ft. nnd under , C22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 23 50j 2C U , 82f > 50 , 22 ft. , (20 50 ; 24 ft. 820 50. PhNCINGr No 1 , 4 ami G In , , 121 00 ; Nit. i' , 822 (10. ( SlIKKTINO-No. 1 (2nd ( eommof uunrdr ) < H3IOO ( ; No. 3 , I8 00 L1AIKTor barrel , 81 25t Imlk per ous- 35c ; Content , bbl , $2 25 low * pliwtnr bbl , fU fiO. Hnlr per bn , 50o. Tarred ( elt 100 lb , ? 3 50 , Straw bnnrd , $3 f 0. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , ruloo , J)2 ) 8tl ; plow to l , ipocial nn t , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or UcirmaDC > o ; cait tool do , U ( $ > 'liO wairon siiukos , set , 2 2 > < 83 00 ; hcbe , per set , 11 ; felloes , nawed try. I10 ; tongnoo , each , 7085o ! axlot , nacli , 75c ; mnaro nut * , per Hi , 7llcj wwhor * . per Ib , 8@lho ; rlreU , J or Ib , lie ; coil chain , per lh , 6@12ct Imalleablj , 801 Iron wedgee , Co ; orowbors , 60 harrow teeth , 4o ; * ; jrcg ( toel , 7C 5 c | Burden's hiirwhor * , * 3 * ! ; Burden' * mulesbnos , 6 21. DAH5KD WIKK ID car lota , In ( g 7ja pe. 100. NAJLfl Uat * . 10 to 60 < f , 3 60. SHOT. Bhot , * 1.86 ; Buck ihot , 82.10. Oriental Potrdor , kegs , $ G.40 | do. , bal kegi. $3.48) ) domarterkpgs , $1.88 ; Blast In ? , kato , JSJfFu : o , per 100 feet 60o. ( JOAlr-CnmbarUnd blacksmith , 15 | Morris Run Blo bnrg , $12) ) Wbltehreast lump , 34 0) | Whltobr a t nut , 14 0) ; Iowa lamp , )4 0) ) ; Iowa ant * 4 00 ; KoakSprlnr | , 1700 ; A thrauiti , 811 5IJ@12 00 ; Canon City , 97 00 per ton. nor * * * and Mula * . Uxtra draft horses , 9175. to 225. ) Com mon ilraH horses. 810U. to 150.1 Extra farm hornet , 8110. to 125. ) Common ( o goad farm horser. 990 to (100. ) Extra plugs , AGO. to 75t Common plugs , 020. to 5MO. MULK8. .Kitta ) , 2b. toUO.l good , < 1M ) . to 140. ; fair , t76. to 100 , | common , W ) . to 75 Liquor * . AljCOHOL 188 proof , J 25 p r wlni gallon ; extra Onllfornlu uplrlts , 1(8 ( proof , I ? .5 tier proof gollou ; triple refino'l dyirlt.H ll7 ! proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-rllK-tlllixl uhiBkloa , 1 00(31 ( 50 ; fine blended 1 50@ . 250 ; Kentucky bourliout , 200(0700 ; Ken- tuoky .tnd Pennsylvania ryen , 2 00 7 00 BUANDIES-Iuiported , * 0 00J)1600 ) | lomextlo I 40 4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50 (5 ( 001 'lomentlo. Hl/MS-Imiwrtod. 4 50 < $6 00 | New 2 00&4 00 ; domestic. 1 60A3 50 PKAU1I AND APPLE BRANftY- 1 75$4 00. CHAMPAGNKS Imonrted per eaito , IK OOC < 34 00 ; Amirliaa per ease1 00 ® 1600. Wool Mnrlno uurraihsd , light , 14 < $16o ; beaiy I3 15o | medium nnwashed , light , lE@2i ) : washed , choice , 32o ; fair , 80o ; tub Wkshbd , 28c ; bnrry , black and c U d wool 2trto ( ) leu. Tobaccos. VTNK OOT Cnmmoii , 20@30o ; good , 4 @GO l'.o e Leaf , 70o ; Premium , 05 c ; Diamond Crowu , E5c ; Siveet Sixteau , 47oSMOKIN7GO. SMOKIN7G-O. S. , 20c ; Muikovy , 21o ; burlum , 16 oz , 40c ; Durham , 8 oz , 50o ; Durham , t oz , 52s ; Durham , 2 oz , 55 ; Seal of North Carolln , 1C oz , 42c ; rfoil of North C r Una , 8oz 4o ! ; Seal of North Car'iliua , I < z 4G ; Seal of North Carolina lina , 2 oz , 48s ; O rC Durham , 4 or. 28o ; 0 K Durham , 2 z , 30 ; Undo Ned , i , 21'I'limimd Ji'rri' . 3c. PLUG TOBACCO Climax. 50 ; Bul. ll'in 50 ; Hood > ! < > , IS , Htnr 48 ; Rudy , 44 ; Hereey's , 48 ; BlBrl ; 38@40. R'membor , II you wuut henlth nud ntrtirith ( ; of mind and uiuaclo , nno Tr"n athltiit'rn pneli Jtlio r iUlr | > menii o ( Ihu rail n 1 r enapti.loao \ \ - fh ) wh'cn tp.e iCi.t prevails I Is a pirleclly puratn Mil' iime'Jv , tiriiiraa- . . \n\t \ \ the thiet priperiei ol a ( iterant I ve , a ionic and an at tcr.ttvo ftfoitl fles the boly ? iln t dl t , luvliroiatis a d r TlMIs * the clinch a otluUrj ch ot In thi la Irnrit'U , , for nl Drocjliks t D aUr s | . allr. r K * < l- * A rml > ltttton of Pr * . toj-lile of Iron , J'mirlon Ihirlt mut J.'hoiplumiat * a ixtiu6iv form * Jfor DrtilUlif. Leu of Arn > lite , 2'rottratlon of VitaH J'otceri ilf. i V X * * V AJ-iJ VT AitMli After a thorough trial of the URIFIES OWN TONWJ , I take i > loa uro in itAtlntr that I bAve been to. . . , Xcnofltod by 1U tmon a moat excellent remedy ; nun. UlnUtoro and Pub * the debilitated vital forces. lie Speakers will find It of the ) er * , t t r a. 1 n o Tonlo la ncooa * ary. I recommend it aa A reliable remedial agent , posnoaiiinK un doubted nutritlre and restorative Lontmltt , JCr. properties. , Ort. ] , IVJ DR. HARTElt MEDICINE CO. . 813 . UAI1 ! CT. . CT. tOOIO. " -Illi MANUFAOTUUKlia Carpenter's Materials I ALSO SASH , DOORS , 6UHDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Baluste'p , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-ohm facilities for the Manufacture of all kind * of Monlfiluss , Plaog \ ssld matching a Specialty , Orderi < from the country will be promptly oincntod. A. M * CLARK unPteiiui SIQH wfliTgn ft pgnnmuR. : | WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER Window ades aud OnrtaiiiB , OORNICBOUUTAIN ! ? POLKS FIXTUUBH , Pali * , Qlis i 107 r Btr rt OMAHA - il\NUKAOTUftlfR OF BTRIOTLV FIItSr-OLA83 ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing. Association , CELEBRATED KEB & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS Orders from any part or the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : Ail Our < 'O < KS ) arc Made ( o the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the "West. . OfllDB Ooiw 13th and Haruoy Streets. K * POWKR AND HAND Steam Pumps- Engine Trimmings , rlALUDAY WIMD-MRI.LS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Oor. Farntuu and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.