Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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to vigorously push a builness ,
strength to study a profession ,
strength to regulate a hoiuchold ,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. All this repre
sents what is wanted ) in the often
heard expression , "OhI I wish i
had the strength ! " If you are
broken down , have not energy , or
feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing , you can bo relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT
TERS , which is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for ail wasting diseases ,
SOT TJ. Fremont St. , Baltimore
During the \v r I was in
jured 5n the stomach by apiece
of a shell , and have suffered
from it ever since. About four
years ago it brought on paral y
sis , which kept me in bed six
months , and the best doctori
in the city said I could not
live. I suffered fearfully from
indigestion , and for over two
years could not eat solid food
and for a large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
lirown's Iron Bitters and now
after taking two bottles I am
able to Ret up and go around
and am rapidly improving.
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria ,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood , gives
new lire to the muscles and tone
to the nerves ,
Hallway " .lime Table.
uuvn. AURIVl
Dally Exproi < .U:15 : p m I I Dally Eipress ? :26 : p tr
Denver up. , . 7Wpml. : . Kip.7:35 : a it
Emigrant. . . . 0:00 : p m | Emigrant f > .1 am
Lincoln Ex..11:41am : ! I Lincoln Ex. . . . 1:08 : pn
Mixed 8IBam : | Mlxe * 4:45pu :
Dummy tralnileave Onrabam ( ollrwi 8:00 : e
m ; 9:00 : am ; 10:00 : am ; ll.OOa tn , l:00pm20 : ; (
m ; 8:00 : p m ; 4Wp : ) m ; B 00 p m ; A:00 p m
Dummy train * leave ( Jnuncll Ulull * u follows
8:26 : m ; 9:26MII : : 10:25 : m ; 1125am ; 1:25 ]
m:2.25 : p m ; 3 26 p m ; 4:2) : p m ; 0.25 p in ; 0 : 51
m.Bnndayi ho Dummy trains leave Omaha ai
0:00,11:00 : : m ; 2on , 4.00 6:00 : and 6:001 > m.
Lrarrs Council Uluff < at 8:26 : and 11:25 : m
225 , 4:25 : , 6:25 : and 0:25 : p m.
ram No 2 7:45 : am Puts. No . . . 7,2.1 an
" No 10 6:46 : pm " No IB 11:20 an
11 No 4 3:40pm : ' No 3..11:20 anNe
Emigrant No 0,0:15 : a m No 10 7-20 pn
NoT.O-OOpm " No 1. . . . 7:00 : pn
Loivo Omaha ( or O'Neill via St Paul
Line ( or Dlalr 8:30 : a r
Arrive from Ntllgh B:30pt :
Oi' , M. k HT. P. n. R. U. P. DEPOT.
Hall& Kx 7:45 : am * Mall & Ex..72 p in
Atlantic Fx..8:40n : lit 1'acflo Ex..0:45aal :
Dally except Sunday ( Daly.
Omaha 7:46am I Omaha ll0a c
34Jpii ; > | " 020 pn
a , B. & Q. R. B. U. P. DKPOT.
* . . . . . . . . . . : a ml Express fl:45an :
Express 3:40 : pm I r > il * 7 25 p u
N. V. ! x. loivce Council BluOa at 8:17 : p rat
" " arrives " S Oauit
Sundays oxcepted. fOmaba time.
0. , R. I. St P. B. R.-U P. DEPOT.
Mall o:45 : a ml Expreo 7:45 : a r
Kipresg .720 p in I Hall 3:40 : pi
duudays e > cept < u , | 'Sundays exctptcu ,
0 It N.W. R R.-U. P. DEPOT.
Moll * 7-45am | Exprwi 0:45 : a r
Expreu 3:40pm : Mail * 7:29pi :
juoilayi excepted | 'Sundays excepted
8. 0. & P. R. R.-U. P. DEPOT.
llallt 6:00 : a m I Kxpro * 9:50 : a r
Bxpre * e.-OOpm | Vlallf 7:20pt
Sundays eicepted.
NoZ 8m am I No 1 4:50pi
Mot 12:45 : pro | Nu 3 11:45 : a i
Uunuayi excrptod.
K. 0. , ST. JOE , & 0. D. R. R B. & M.DEP01
Mall K25am | Kspreos 6:00 : a I
Expr M 7tOpmUaU | 0:60 : p i
Dcn'er Eip.R:15am : , . . .B5pi :
Lincoln Kxp..835 p in 9:40 : a i
Express. 6:50am : I Express 75 : p
Mall 6:1 : pm I Mall.t 8:0&a :
Trilns leay.nic at 72A p m and arriving at 6:1 :
a m will have Pullman l epcr .
Opening and Closing of Malls ,
aouri. orsx cuisi
a m. p. m. a m. p.i
Chicago t Korthwcettrn..11MO 9.00 5:302 : :
Chicago , Rock hland'ft P. , 11:00 : 9 : < H ) C:30 : 2 :
Chicago , Uurllnitou & Q . . .11:10 : D.-OO 5:30 : 2 :
WabMh 12-J1 8:30 :
Sioux CHj il'aclOc
Union Paclflc
Omaha & Republican Val. .
Ilurllngton & Mo. In Ntb. . .
Omaha It Northwestern. . . .
Ills ourl Pxclflc
Local malls ( or State ot Iowa leave but en *
day , viz : 4 30 a. m.
A Lincoln mall ts also opened at 10:10 a. m.
Omce open ttunda ) s from 12,00 m. to 1:00 :
T11O3. F I1M.L Pc tma > t r
Saturday tvenlnc Trains.
The ( olloklDg tabli ibows the date and nan
ot roar's tunning tralrs to Chicago flora I
Uhlon Pacific transfer on Baturdav ercnlDjca :
The Uiilcao , St. Paul lllnnoajylli and Om
trains lta > o every HituriUy altemoon.
Th Cblc > KO , Mllwaukea anJ St. Paul tn
e v * nverv 'iih av
D , PEABODY , H.D , ,
S. 3 * 6 1537 FAIUUU.
uglM Street/.Omaht , Nd
Ono year ARO there wets not over 2CO
people In Dicker county. Now the popn-
IfttUn l from 4,000 to 6.COO , and rapidly
Farm haodi are In grest demand In
Minbrrn county. The Advocsto i y
that none can bo hired at any price.
A colony of r. b , III. , pconlt , largelr
compoRcd of employe * c ( the K'gln watch
factory , ban settled In Hand county.
Six new builncwa blocks hare been cnn-
tracted for at Kckelion , Uarnei county ,
and will bo built at onco.
There have been 119 now rntdencon and
foundatloni for recldencei Lntlt In Blouz
Falli this sprlnj.
It It tatimated that In the Mitchell land
dlttrtot alone ,0,000 acres have been ob
tained by fraud.
Watortown anticipates the compUtlon
of the Brcoklnni branch railroadb lorean-
other winter.
A p manint organlntlon cf a citizen * '
KMOclallun has been made at Orwrtlowood ,
Hatnlln county.
Flftv new bnslnets houio * have been
utarlcd In Jameelown since the beginning
of tljo year.
The Mall oitlmatcs that from three to
fire n w buildings ate commenced eaohday
at Mitchell.
The rlrfiln sod li btlog tnrntd ortr at
the rite ol 0JO acres per day In Ilannoa
A ntock company is to be organized to
build a hotel nnd aanitailnm ot Kckel-
It Is auKgested that Incorporation would
be beneficial to Lake Preston.
Hand county propoios to ralie 100,000
bushels of wheat this year ,
\VblteLakohMmade a f'J.OOO bid for
tbo county scat of Aurora.
1'lerre'a Gorman paper haa succumbed
to the Inevitable.
Goodwin , Deuel country wants a cheese
Alexandria Is to have a steam grist
De Smot talks of Incorporating.
Cheyenne Hun : An IntorMt has been
i > wak ned in thu mints of the Silver Grown
diitrlct , based upon lata developments ,
that will lead to important result * , and
pMsibly the erection of a raieller lu
Cbeyeuno thli season. This i what le
A firm at Carbon shipped in 12.0CC
pounds of wool lant week , Several othei
MLR ot about the same quantity will be
thlppid east teen ,
The road from Cheyenne to Fort Lara <
inlohas been docUrul a publlaone.
The next territorial Sunday school con
ventloti will moot In Cheyenne.
Houie-broakem are said to bo Improyln.
their upporlunlties fn Ohoyonne.
A new brick yard has been started ft
llvauatun ,
Th possibilities of Colorado ai an agri
cultural tt\te nro thown by the fact tha
In twenty.tbroe yours the wheat norear
lui Iccreased f n ten acre * to DO , 000
' 1 ha Urge scale upon which Irrigation I
no v bolt R planned and carried out wil
soon cau-o a very lunie Increase la th
acreage available for tha raiting tf wheat
aa well ft other cereals.
The county oommlsnionorB of Delt
county , with those of tinnnlson county
were computing the neteamnent due OUL
nlion from Delta on the general debt c
Ounnliou county. The valuation of Delt
was fixed at about 875,000. From thistli
assessment will bo ina'Jo.
Thn followirg I a condensed ntntemen
of the amount o 1 uclncsi done us tbo U
P , drpot in Fort f olllns during the mcnt
of Ma > : Ticket rale ? , 32,275.40 ; tel <
Krams , 8U7 92 ; freight. JG.7B214 ; ex
press , f G82.1H5. Total , SO 840 81. '
Pneblo Chieftain "Tho Oilorado Ni
tlonal mining and Industrial bxponltio
lhi year proml'es to he a cotnplete u <
cets in every wny. Pueblo will be repri
nintoil in n manner teroailiu the uccot
\cltyinthoutate. \ )
It now troniplion that Pueblo' * unit
depot project Is cot so much of n ce
Ininty aa it might be. The location hi
not been decided on , end many cnteitft
doubts regard uf the aoceptiinco cf tl
Track laying has been returned on tl
Caitleton branch of the South Park Hi
since the right of way was settled , nnd tl
vast oo.U banks owned by tha ocmpat
will be reached in n few day ? .
The three McDongils. well known oatt
thlovei ) , havu been arrested at Trlnldai
and are now undergoing trltl. When a
retted they bad ntveral head ot stole
cattle In their possession.
An Attempt Is being mode to find thi
Indebtednesi of Conlj a county. Als
mesa Is also endeavoring to fund her clt
Fort Colllas last week celebrates ! th
oomplitlon of her new water works , whlc
cost in the neighbor ! ) > od of 980,000.
The Delta Chief li ol the opinion t hi
within five years Mesa county will ba ui
der the ointrol of the Mormons.
Ex Senator Tabor contemplates U
building of a 91,000,000 residence in Dei
The railroad is to he extended froi
Georgetown to Silver Plnme immediate ) ;
Summit county jnurntls are ndvocatlr.
the establishment uf a jail.
Trlnldad'd two banks have consolidate
and doubled their capital.
Trinidad has been placed on the stat
circuit for amusements ,
Work his been commenced on Trinidad
new union depot.
Pushlo has commenced a war on the ui
lloetmcl canine.
Business in Ljadvllle is having an u |
wjtrd tendency ,
Coyperonoil ) will ba retained ai tl
nuns of the cow town at the 11 to of tl
Anaconda puiolter. The location is c
Warm Springs creek , eight miles fro
Stuart , nnd seven mlta * from War
Sprlnas station , on the Utah & Northei
railroad. )
The stamp mill on tha Montana lead
MiGlnnls Is at woik with excellent resul
and the twenty.staint ) mill being erecti
on the Collar in I no is rapidly npproaohli
completion ,
There are 80,000,000 acres of unsurveyi
lauds ID Montana , and onmeroua eectlo
will Imvo to be re-surveyed , owing to t
Imperfect , worthleaa chnranter of the wo
Chinamen are now tiigpgtd work !
over the old tailing * In Kmlgrant gulc
iniklnt ; from throe to live dollars per lit
ufier piylng claim owners a small percci
The 13I11IPKS Test siys that D.
1'aiker , a stock man of St. Louis , Mo , ,
23 looking for a rouge on which ho oxpei
S to i lice nlno or ten thousand bend of sto
J3I cattle.
The McrqnU do Morco , the titled B
-23 tiller of the Iji'.tle Missouri , baa nuruhas
an luteiest In the Ncttliein Pacific i
-25 frlgerutor line.
-27 An Immcnso agrioJtural WArehonso a
17 supply cstabllihment U to bu put up
- 172" th * depot in Helena It will bo of brie
uuU will cost about ? .M.003.
tha A company hag beea nivanUed at n
tou for tli ro'luctlou tf orei in the B
Ini k ' diitrlct , nith n cipit l of $1,00
IT. S. Dolce and W. A. I'owenwllldr
17,000 bead of cattle from Texas and C
oritdo tbir. tetaon to their range on Bea
Young cattle are arriving rapidly fr
the safttcj for the Yellowitoue rant
Over fifteen thoniand head have already
arrived , .
lillllngi ptople nra excited over the ex.
peeked arrival at that point lome time
n Jnly of a genuine colored minstrel
Steps nra ! > ( ing taken to orgtnlza a comp -
p nv tn eioct extensive ilaughtering and
refrtgfratlng entabllshmenta at or near
rear the nnmherof school children
In Montana was 11'ZGV. nnd (117 351.00
were exptnded on publlo echools.
De r Lodge voted In favor of Inulng
815,000 bonus for school purposes , Forty
fire votes , all In favor , were cast.
The wages on the Canadian Pacific nro
93,50 per day for a man and team and $30
month for laborem.
Flva hundred children born In the homos
of Helena have yet to see their first rail
way train.
Btnart Is to have an opera hiutc , an
elevated railroad , and a weekly news *
pa er ,
The M E , conference , Bishop Wiley
presiding , will convene at Buttf , Autiut ;
15th ,
Aborted toad , timilar to those foand
In Califor U , haa been found near Ull >
Glondlvo now boaata of a board of
Sheep ( hearing haa bcKun In Mlaou1a.
ISimman is to have a publlo park
Glcndlvo wanta a photographer ,
The San Diego Sun sayi : "ITie front
station on the Atlantic and Pacific railrokd
is nuw at Palo Verde , the end fit the track
being ten mllsa farther toward the Cole
rado. Two miles of track are being laid
etch day and the Colorado will b crossed
abont June 7th. The piling of the bridge
la all In but abont ISO f5t , The Southern
f acIBo track on the California sMo is at
the river , and that company baa a larga
yard laid , eating-house and other bull . -
log * erected , about three miles west of the
nver. "
The San Luis Oblspo Timea aayt :
"numbersof dairymen are losing cowa In
the northern part cf the county. From
thelatdt o > nci It IN learned that the ani
mal becomes stupid and listless and dien
in two or three days. Antopay reveals n
great quantity of coagulated blood around
the stomach. Tnere u no known catue or
cure for the dlsoone , It does not eecui to
bo contagious. "
Farners In tha foothill * of Fresno
county have of I Mo tuifertd heavy loaeea
from atock thiuvoi. They put detection
at work and new snvoral men nio in jiil
charged with t aling Block.
The postal o'erku ' oil the Atlantic & Pi-
cifio railroad have been ordered to rilsoi/u-
tinue their pnctlce uf luiving m ll nt
towns where no poitjilicea have been ta'.ab-
Tha petrified remains of an Ichtbyoeau-
rui have been found in a uhalk formation ,
resting on. a strotuui of KJ pjum , on the
ranch of John Burker. in Kern county.
Land hunters ID aearch of railroad and
government land are numeroaa in all pnrtu
of Tulare county , where euch luud in
to bo obtained.
Marced papers complain of a scarcity of
mcotmnlcH. Gtr onterr , pafnt r , black-
rrnltha and lurnotB mnkera are laid tu be
in demon i.
Oceanslde la the unmo of n new watering
pUcti Just Irtid out on thu line of the GAl
furnia douthcrn railroad , In San Diegc
Cherries are beiog shipped from Su'sien ' ,
Solauo connly , in Uige quantities , ua high
us O'jO or 7LO being Beut tonvard in a nlngl (
A cane inodo of 8.000 pieces of paste
board playing cards , tightly rolled ant
glued together , is curried by a mau it
The project for n railroad from Lea An
geles along thomounttticb to 1'ueadeuu am
lialdwln'o , and to Duirtc , IB revived.
A dovil-fmh measuring eight fett in cir
cumference waa captured at Santa Mouii
a few daya ago.
The S n Jooqnln Valley agriculturn
a-eoclatIon will utf.-r $30,000 in premium
this year.
Several perrons have been fined flQ
ach in Soliao county fir a violation c
the fish law.
A climbing rosebush on n rcsidonco i
Sinta Koso , Cal. , coutainaovr .rpOOOroEc :
Tehauia county haa 800,000 ncrc < i
vacant land subject to entry.
Deer are reported plentiful in the wood
of Slekiyou county.
A wooly pig in the curiotity at Shasta.
Advlcca from Victoria , B. C. , aUtotha
th ) strike of Indian fishermen is over , th
men acording to the Jemanda of tbii car.
nery rompanica. Fish are running fairl ]
but in by no means largo numbetu. j
light pack U expected.
It la proposed to atart a "forfeit" ten
perance society at Iteno , Nov. The inltli
tlon fee will be $25 and when a membe
slips upon hla pledge ho will lose hla ahar
e of thipot.
At a recent meeting of the cltlzena c
th * aew camp of Fleming , N. M , , it wa
decided that no dance-houtea should b
permitted in the town , and strong ant !
Chlneat resolutions were paased.
Crop repirts from the districts In Oreeo
lying east of the Cascade mountains con
firm the estimate of 20,000 ton * of gral
for th * coming season.
Heporta from the Yukon mines , Alaska
are discouraging. About aeven mlloj fron
Uarrisbnrg many of tha claims Ate bmiei
under sixty feet of snow.
The number of sheep in New Mexieo i
reported to have Increased from 10,000 ,
000 In 1680 , to 20,000,000 at the preten
time ,
Portland , Oregon , la to have this year
million dollar bridge , and railroad work
shops costing five million.
General Logan will deliver the openini
address at t ho Tortio-Millennial Eiposltloi
in Santa Fe , July 2nd.
Bernalll'o ' county , N , M. , talks cf build
Ing a court house , to cast $100,000 ,
Victoria , U 0. , will shortly be lights
by electricity on the tower system.
White lead works are to bo eetablieho' '
at Socorro , N. M ,
nn The Testimony of a Phyaiotan.
Jamea Bteoher , M. D. , of Stgournej
Inwa , says for several yearn I have bee
uilng a Conch Bnl-am , oillod UH. WM
and In almost every case throughout m
practice I have had pntiio auocoaa. I hav
used and prescribed hundreds of bottle
ever ulnce the days of my army practic
(1869) ( ) , when I waa turgeou of Ilosptti
No , 7 , Louisville. Ky.
Henrj's Carl ) olio Bnlv .
It ia the beat aalve for cuts , bruise
Horec , ulcers. Halt rheum , tetter , chappo
hand' , chilblains , cortu and all kinds <
ekin eruptions , freckles and pimploi.
RUBSlan Jaws In Vlrfilnla ,
ita The colony of rafngoa Rtnalan Jan
itak la Middlesex county , Virginia , ai
doing doinathlug to dispel the notio
ill that the Hubrow raoa cannot proapi
ed with the plow and the hoe. Ttioy ai
o not inakiug eo much money as a co
tor.-Dlunturmakt'B lu a gooJ aeaaon c
ut the Yaaoo bottoms , but they nro 1
fairly good nhnpo and acorn coutoutoi
They bavn ilulahod their spring plan
lug. With a favorable eoaco
krB . - they vflll make crops to oa
B , ry thorn through the next yea
Tholr land IB not tha beat In Norl
Ive America , but they have 50,000 eoro
IB ! nnd will raise wheat , corn , oats , gai
den vegetables , watermelons at
aut cfinlaloupoa. The finances of the cc
OS , ouy are atlll ombirrasaed , and tl
colonists are compelled to content
thonnolves vltb ihe simplest noooasa-
rlos of life. ThtJr honaei , fonoca ,
nnd cattle are In go d condition , nnd
the trrntment they rforlve from tholr
neighbors Is rcry different from that
they were Accustomed to in Kutala
Tunt the colonists will prosper in thli
oonntrv h pretty certain.
That bid breath corona from Ir.dl-
ROitlon. Talco Samaritan Nervine
It stops the canso. $1 00.
Mr. John R. PattnrHon , of Evann-
vlllo , lud , , says : "Samaritan Nervine
cnrcd tujr nlfo of female wraknees. "
Yonr Drnjglsts kwp It ,
Da N&lxt Lady.
Arkanrsaw Traveler.
At a uej/ro bsptla'cg the other day
n allm pruaoher took n f t nlstor down
Into the murky water * of a biyon ,
Jnat M he dipped her under tbo T/nter
nho slipped fnin his grwp , and ylld
ing under the root of a largo cypr s
trau , from rrhlch tad ontanUment ( It
I Impotstbl ? to i xulcato her until
llfo vfv9 extinct. Thu j > r ' 5clur , Tilth
out the ollghtett show i f < , ubarinst-
ment , ralssd h'n ' hm c , a' d turning
to the crowd on thu hit K txjUtme : :
"The L wd jlbh-th n' de L - d
tnkoth airny , au * bleca d bo the no mo
ob do L wd. "
'Dt's all right , so fur at do Lttrd'a
oaniarncd , ' replied the clrowntd wo
man's husbfcnd , 'but vcnAt's I gwinc
ter dc7 I nlu't go 'jjotlon ter dt
Ltwd takln'hor awry , ef ho'vldoa mo
win anodcr wife 'bout do aatnonlw. '
'Dti L\wd koowa hli own busincca , '
sold I ha preacher.
'Bit dut ain't do plat,1 persisted the
husband. 'I wantn a vrlfo , an' I
wants her right honh. Yerse'f tuck
dat 'omun Inter do water , rui' 1'to
gwlno tor hole yono'f 'spunelblo. I'll
gin yer ten mlulta ter git me a wife ,
an'of It do eond obdnt tlmu yon ain't
done mtido do 'rangfinentH , I'll ' maul
yer till yer couldn't bapluo a cat.
Does yor honht"
The preacher rcfliotod a moturnt ,
and. addretelug R liater , oald : "Sli-
tur Kate , ter keep down a Vturbiuce ,
77on't yerso'f marry de pen'iamiul"
The elstor agreed that Immediate
matrimony waa eomowhut in her line ,
and then the gilof atrlckon hnabind ,
tnrning to tb'e preacher , exolaitnud :
"Do settlement nin ustijfaotorv , brnd-
dor. Souse do r . xr. Kiy. )
Cfno STs rlouoo from Many.
I havu riti-n , tilok ai.d inlaurablo ac
long and li d canted my husband ec
much trouble and ixpenao , nq ont
seemed to know what ailed mo , that ]
waa completely disheartened and dls-
conrngcd. In this frame of mind J
got a bottle of Hop Bitters and neor
them unknown to my family. I aooi
began to Improve and gained no f >
that my husband and family though
It atrnngo and uunutnral , but when ' .
told them what had hoi IK d mo , the ;
aald , "Hurrah for Hop Bit'ere 1 lom
may they prosper , for thfy havi
made mother welt and ua Imppy. "
The Mother.
Ha Waa a SucKer , But Too Old.
Cluclnnitl Enquirer.
A few dnya tgo a stock dealer fron
Flora , 111. , arrived In the city with
oonplo of car loads of Block , which h
dfopoaed of to good advantage. Whll
down abont the Ohio and Mlssltslpr
depot , ever which roud hla stock hoi
arrived , a pair of bunko sharks aciza
him up , and concluded ho waa just th
man they were looking for , and the
they would tr m n "honoat" penny c
so by bunkoing the nuckor. So No.
appronched him and said , In the moi
oordinl manner possible , at the muo
tlrao holding out hb hand : "Whj
how do yon do , Mr. B.aoU When di
you get here ? "
The ntock dealer said to the nlc
young man : "I guooa yon are mle
taken. My name liu't Black , but Jc
Brown , and I'm from Flora , 111.
came hero yesterday with a oouplo <
eaia of atock , and Bold cut to-d y an
made n little money. "
"Oh , " eald the nloo young mat
"yon mn&t excuse mo. I thought yo
were an old friend p ! mlno by th
name of Black who lives at ladianai
Olli. "
"Wo harm done , mister , aald th
stockman , aa he turned aronnd an
started up the itreet.
Hn had not gene more than a coup ]
e of blocks , however , before nice youn
man No. 2 came up air smllea , hoi
ont hla hand , and , shaking handi
aald : "Why , I'm real glad to see yoc
Mr. Brown. When did yon leav
Flora , and how Is father ! "
Said Brown , looking the nlco youn
mnn ever from head to foot ; "I lei
Flora a oonplo of day a a go and brough
sotco stock to the city , but I'll got !
darned If I can toll yon how yon
pap la , for I don't know him. "
"Don't know my father In Flora ,
said tbo slick young man ; "why , ho' '
president of the First National ban !
then ; yon must certainly know Johi
Thompson. "
"Oh , ho , BO you say John Thomp
son , prenldont of the Flrat Nationa
bank at Flora , la your pap ? "
"Yoa I do , " said the nice yonn
man , all smiles.
"Well , then , If that's the OZBO ,
know year pap , you bet your bottoi
dollar 1 do , I have known him al
life ; bnt see here , If John Thoinpas :
la your pap , who In the h 11 U you
mammy , for old John waa never mar
rltd , "
The nlco young man suddenly lofl
A young lady way ont In Montana ,
Who kills tlmo by pitying piano ,
Gut hurt ono day ,
And couldn't play ,
Bnt St , Jiicabs Oil cured Johanna.
Ilow the' Fifty' Plan Worked.
"I remember , " said a Detroit be
to his Sunday cohool teacher , "yc
ted ! mo to always atop and count fifj
angry. "
? 'Yee ? Well , I'm glad to hoar i
It cooled yonr acger , didn't It ? '
"Yon BOO , a boy , ho came into 01
alloy uud made facea at mo and don
mi ) to Cf-ht. I waa going for hit
Ho was blggor'n me , and I'd have g
pulverized , I remembered what yi
aald and began to count. "
"And you didn't Cghtr
"No , iniv'aui. Juat aa I got
forty-two my big brother came alon
and the way ho licked that b
would hnvo tuada yonr month watt
I waa going to count fifty nnd th
"Woll'a Health Renowor" restoi
health ! and vigor , onrea Dyspepa
Impotence , Sexual Djblllty. $1.
The Palncea ot California Millionaires
OverJooklUK San Frndoisco
1 hu iiouxn Hood of Oablo
3orrtspcnJonco Clevellnd Loader ,
Tiie great auvdtitogu of the hill topa
for roaldoncea IB tbo commanding
vlow they have of the country for tons
of mllrH itUtnnt , and of the beautiful
bay of Bin Franotaoo. California
atroet ardBaoramontoatroot both com-
mouco at the harbor and run through
the bnalnesa portion of the city tor
half . mile till thy rt ch Neb
hill , close to Kearney street.
Itaaonld bebournu In mind that
the city la laid ont In rqnaio : ,
and the ittroeta run lu atraJght llnm ,
at right &Dxlof , over hllla auct valltjt.
Uurs the o ba ! road commenoea on
Osllfornia etr it , The can move up
the hill one block , till they coma to a
croiB-itrrot , whuro It la level to the ex
tent cf Its width , and then ascends
again till they ooruo to another cross-
Direct , with the same level apace.
AUir crowing ha'f down etr ota ,
half a dtKjn icvwl pUc&s , and p&ealrig
hmf A dczsn Kqn rea , the oablo cara
rjioh the top. After proceeding an
eighth ol ! a mile the earn go down hill
and encounter * like number ot crona-
slreetc , nnd f ei nsvctiiug the valley
andcronlnglt , they will climb another
long htil with Its acrlea of crouloga
and terrace * , which add mccli to Ua
appuarauco , Oirlog to Iho t-aey faoil-
Uy ot reaching the bualnvas portion
of the otty , by mo nn uf thel * cable
road * , Ovilfornla and other streets
climbing thcso hllla nro oacnplod by
the arhnornoy ef Sjiu Frtnolsco. The
ifisldcncca ot thin ctty ara all built of
wood lu * rdi > r to guard rgnluot being
aotkun dowu by oirthqoakot , whloa
vlelt the city &ml-OL Cjk ioually. Thia
roiniudo mo thntln addition to the
intkhy cjnrtcilti and nets cf hospitali
ty extended to mo by the ptoplo
whom I hbvo met In this city , they
hsvo kludly gotten nu a im ll shock
of r.u varihquaku for my uapeQlal ben
efit. At lunat wo had a alight chock
otio morning slnco my nrrhai , without
doing any hitim , and it give mo au
inkling uf the peculiar nbnaatlou a
"quake" gives. 1 hereby tender my
thauha for thli paunliar entertainment.
Ic looka odd to sto the palacea on Neb
hill , cottlng hundreds of thouwuda of
dollars , constructed of wood , bnt they
urij aplcudld spcclmona of elaborate
urohltcotural deal no , and vie with
pretentious mnr.aiona In the east in
magnificence. It will naturally bocup-
pustd that fifes would ocur frequently
lu a city built almout entirely of
wood , and to they would If the houses
wore conattucted of pluo aa Obictgo
mostly was at the tlmo of her great
fire. But the dwellings here arn bnllt
of redwood , which ia the principal
lumber of California , and docs not IP- ,
nlto and burn easily , cousi qnontly a
fire does not got much nndur headway
bcforo the arrival of the oteam-
OTB of the fire depart
ment. R'.diTOod IB aimllnr in ctilor to
the heatt c birch wocd r.ud IB equally
as hard , and ia uuaccpttblo of a fiuo
polish , resembling that of fresh ma
hogany. I have coen mantlo-
pieces made ot this lumber which
uro really artiatlo and bountiful.
The mnublons of Qov. Stanford , of
Mrs. Mark Hopklna , and Mr. Oharlca
C.-cckor , uro palatial and present the
inont gorgeous architectural effect , al
though built of wocd. Mis. Hopkhib *
houao pccapleii the highest point on
Neb l.i 1 , r.ud can be seen from all
pulntn of Su Ffanolacr. From ita
obcervntory , which ia ntatod to be 140
feet high , a grand view la obtained In
every direction. The coat uf thooo
three mansions , with tholr grounds ,
furniture , and works of art , IB about
? C CUO.OOO. Thio , I think , is greatly
exaggerated. Still they are a magni
ficent trio of palacoj , and are the
largest wooden dwelling houaca in the
world. There nro numerous other
fioo roeldenoaa on Oalitornia , Sacramento -
mento , Buah and O.ay atroota , on the
hill tops. I noticed that the railway
mtignatea , the Huntingtona , Orockora ,
Hopkina , and Stanford , have their
homoa on top of theao hllle , while
Fiood , O'Brion ( trho ia deceased ) ,
Sharon , and ether bonanza kings ,
have tholr homoa in the lower
part of the city. It looks as though
the railway aristocracy decline to ao-
elate with the plebeian bonanza fol
lows who made tholr Immense wealth
In mining stock jobbing , although
they have the reputation of having
made it In legitimate mining , which
la not true. The houses of these
bonanr.i aristocrats nro very costly ,
bnt du not compare with those on Neb
There exists a menus of so-
curinc a soft and brilliant
Complexion , no matter how
poor it may naturally ho.
HnL'an's Magnolia Balm is a
dohcato and harmless arti
cle , which instantly removes
Procklos , Tan. Redness ,
Roughness , Eruptions , Yul-
gar Flushings , etc. , etc. So
delicate ana natural nro.-its
effects that its use is not
suspected by anybody.
No lady has the right to
present n disfigured luce in
society when the Magnolia
Balm is sold by all druggists
for 75 cents.
OOI.D MEUAI , , IM.KIS , 187
\ fSIMtr'i TYrmiun Clecafalf , the b <
rrP niUon of | Uln chocolate for fti
itjr u e 1'iiitr'i lrtafait Owe
< Smi nhlch the ticri > of oil hu bf
O.U.TI-Iforlrn UJi.Jaifr'i Cam *
t/korolati , at a drink or eittn u co
fm t'.oncrjr It a Jellcloui titlcl. I hlb
rx otiuucndcd by lourUti. Itaie
Jtmma , lanlaitl. u a did for cb
dicu. Gtrnm Stcttl CAorutuU ,
mo t ciccllcnt utlcl. for fimlUtt.
tiolil bjr Qrocera eterjnhtre
31 AitErt < ss co
Have now been finished in our store. maV
Ing it the largest and most complete
In the West , An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively ior the uao of PasHenfjers. These immense waro-
rooms--throe atores , are 66 feet wide-ara filled with the Grand
est display of all kinds of Household and Offioo Furaituro evai
anown.All are united to. rail , take the Elevator on the first flow
and go through the building and inepaot the stock *
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha-
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
It IB the beat and chenpeot food for stock of any kind. Ouo ponnd IB equal
to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter -
tor , Instead of running down , will increase in weight and be in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well as others who use it can tea *
tlfy to its merits. Try it and judge for yocrnclvca. Price $20.00 per ton ; no
charge for Backs. Address
o-t-ood-roo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL 00. . Omaha ,
Offices and parlors over the new. Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets.
A. 8. HBHBLATf , I. D. , - PROPEffiOE.
Dr. Fishblatt can ba Consulted Every Day Exo' p Fridayo
Saturdaysi these two Days bsinc devqtert to Hio Dieifinsary at-
DCS Monies , Jovafcpeoial attention given to diseases of the
And Female Diseases , as well as all Chronic and Nervous IJlseaseB
Hoi Jlicov red the Kicatost euro In the world for wc\kneu ot the back and Hmbe , Involuntary
dlscharces , Impotency , g ncr l debility , nervousDcs' , languor , contusion oMileai. palpitation ot thr
brart , timidity , trombllng , dlmuoea ot slht or giddiness , dlsoiacfl ot the head , throat , SOB * or nkln
aHectioni ot the liver , luugu , stomach or bowels thosetenlblo disorders art-Ing Ircm go Itary hab >
Its o ( youih , unJ secret pructl es inure tital to the victims tsan the sons of Syrens to the marlv-
em ct Ulystt , blighting their moatr.ullant hope * or ntlclpatloui , rendering mirrla e Impossible.
Those th < t are buffering from the evil practices which destroy taolr menulaad payslcal Fyatemi
The o ( which are a dull.dlgtrcs d mind , which unflta them from porlorralng enelr boat--
choly , tire easily ot company and hara pre ( > renc < to be alone , feeling ai tired In the morning ai
when retiring , Bimlntl weakmx , lost manhxxl , white bone deposit In the urine , nervouineas , COD *
fusion of thought , trembling , watery and weak eye , dypop8la.conitlp tlon , paleness , p ln
weakneei In th * limbs , etc. . should consult me immoUUtely and be restored to perfect health.
Who have beoomo ylcilms of solitary vice , thai dreadful and destrastlvt habit which annually
iweeps to an untimely grave thousand ) e-t young raon of exalted talent and brllllaal Intellect who
might otherwise entrance listening senators with the thunder * Of their eloquence or wake totctta
oy the living lyre , may call with full confluence.
Uanied persons or Young men contemplating marriage be aware of physical we knon , low ,
procreallve power , Impotency , or any other disqualification speedily relieved Ha who placd htm
self uuder the care of Ur. Flshjla tmar rellftouJy confide tn hlshouoru a gentleman , and cocl
dently rely upon hla still as a pbr-lclan.
Immediately cured and full vigor rertored. Tola dttir ralng affllcilon which renders life a burden
and marriage Impossible , Is the penally paid by th victim lor Improper Indulgonce. Teen ? people
areap to com-rlt excwsM fron nut being awar * ot the dreadful consequence ! fha may errraa.
Sow who that understands this sahjuct will deny that procreation Is lost sooner y thosa rolling
Into Into lmpropr habits than by pratleatt Bolides being deprlv d of the plea ur of malthy 08-
iprings. tbem st sarliu ) and destructive symptoini of both body anlmlnj arlte. Taa tyttombo *
cornea derangml , thuphvslcal and menial functions woikoa. Lonot procreatlre vow ra. nervoal
Inability , djspepala , palpltatloa of the heart , Indigestion , { constitutional deblllty wastlng o ! the
frame , cough , couenmptlon an1 dtath.
Persons rained In health by nnltajned provenders who keep them trifl'n month after iraorlfc.
taking poisonous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
graduate of one of the mtt eminent college * of the lin'ted 8tat i , hu effected iime of thi most
astonishing curei that were evei known ; many troubled with rlrglng In the tars r.nd head , when
aelecp , great nervousness being alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended earn *
tlinea with deiaagement of the mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. T. addresiea all those who have Injured themselves by Improper Indu'gence % nd solitary
habltawhlch ml a bath body and mind , unfitting thorn for buslneu , study , so-loiy or marriage.
lhcsoaresom ot the uffctaproduced by the early habits ot voutli , vis : Wank-
new of the back and llmhd , pains In th ) heal an 1 dlmnan of sight , loin of muscular power , palp ) ,
tatlon of * he heart , dyspepsia , nervoui Irritability , dona omoal ol digestive ( unctions , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FUSE. Chuttei moderate and wl'hla the reach of all who neJ silantHs
Medical treatment. The o who res de at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention
through mall by Mraply sendlag thler symptonm with postage.
Anilrctu Lock llox 34. Omah . Nob-
Flags , Balloons.
LV3E3 C 3O3E iZ.l
Torpedoes and 4th of duly Goods.