Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1883, Image 1

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    ' . *
Oen , Drook Sketolus the Mongrel -
grol Mob of Hair Lifters
Taken in the Mountains ,
The Bloodthirsty Ohiefp , Nana
and Loco , Among tbo Cap
tured Crowd ,
The Village of the Hostilea
Wiped Out in a Dny With
out LOBB to the Victors.
The Flying Baalri Anxious for
P.moo and Grab.
Special Dispatch to Tui Bus.
SAN FKANCISCO , Juno 12. The fol
lowing dispatch from Gen. Crook was
received at the military haadquartora
thin afternoon :
SILVEU CUKEK , A T , , 12 miles
north of the boundaryvla Tombatone
Lfl Tombntoue May 1st with 193
Apucho Bconta under Crawford , Gov.
Wood Mackoy with the Ohaffeo com
pany of 42 men and the Sixth cavaliy ,
and rations for two months on rnuloe.
Followed thu hoBtllea to Ohlracahua.
The country id of Indescribable rough-
nesD. A number of mules lost their
footing stepping from the trail , fell
down the precipices and were killed.
The stronghold of the Ohlraoahaas la
in the very heart of the Slorre Madres.
The position its finely water
ed , a dense growth of timber
and plenty of grasp. They had been
citnpod for miles near the head of the
JBavIspo , occupying prominent elevated
peaks ,
for miles , rendering surprise almost
impossible , and making retreat aoourc
through adjacent canons. Captain
Crawford , with the Indian scouts ,
early on the morning of May 15th ,
surprised the village of Chata , the
chief who led the recent raid intc
Arizona and New Mexico. The fight
I lasted all day. The village was wiped
, out. The damage done cinnot bo es
timated. A number of dead bodies
were found , but the Indescribable
roughness ot the country prevented n
count being made. The cntlro camp ,
with stock aud everything else belong
ing to It , woo captured It waa learned
from the prisoners Uken that the Ghlra-
Cahuas were unanimous for peace and
had already sent two ine < uengora tc
try to rosch S u Carloo. On the 7tli
they began to turrendcr. They oald
their people were much frightened b ;
our eadden appearance in their fastnesses -
nesses , aud had
They asked mo to remain until they
could gather nil the bands together ,
when they would ro back to tha reser
vation. By the terms of thn treaty
ray operations wore limited to the
tlmo of the fight. I told the Ohlc-
acahuus to gather up their women and
children without delay. They an
swered they could not get them tc
respond to signals , the fugitives fear
ing they might bo eot by our Apache
scouts to entrap thorn. They told us
v they had a white boy nho was in the
village jumped by our scout * . He
had ran off with the cqnawa who on-
caped , aud who had not yet beet :
heard from. They assured me everj
ono of the band should como in if ]
would remain a abort tlmo. The torim
of the treaty embargoed mo greatly ,
and being in that rough region with
there being between three aud four
hundred Chlracahuas to feed , I wai
compelled to return with the Chirac
ahtua. Wo found six Mexican cap
tlveo , five women and oue child , taker
in by Chlracahaua early in May. Thoj
are uovr with the command. Them
women say they were captured noai
the Mexican Oeutral railroad , at t
place called Carman. They furthei
atato when tbo Ohlracahuaa diacovcroc
the Annoho scouts were in thu coantrj
they became greatly alarmed anc
abandoned the trail. The 30 (
headof cattle were driver
away from points in wenton The eattlo were after-
wurdo picked up and driven off by t
body of Mex'csua. Wo murchot
back aa rapidly ns the condition o
the stock and thn strength of the
Women and children would permit
I foand the country depopulate' ! foi
a distance of ICO mllca from tin
Apaches. The Ohlhnahaaa insist tlial
ihey have alwaya lived iu the Stem
a ; uladrac ; that even when the male
body wont on the reservation aomi
remained behind In the mountain :
and have never been on a reservation
I have strong hopes of being able
of the last Apache. Of these nor
with na are Loco and Nann , BO ofter
reported killed , nd the fnmllloa o
other prominent chiefs. I saw ni
Mexican troops after leaving the set
tlement In northeast Sonora , I havi
auoh assurancen that the white boj
will be brought back alive that I an
looking for him every moment. ]
will inform you by coarlor.
Shot Through the Heart
Spod&l Dlspttch to Tui U .
ST. Louis , Juno 12. Advices fron
the Indian Territory eay IJsnjamln F
Porter , private secretary to Ohle
Ohicot and brother of General Porter
military commander of the Greek na
tion , waa found dead In the street It
Okmulkeo , yesterday morning , shol
through the heart. Whether his doatt
was accidental or the result of a quarrel
rol with a gang of roughs carouslnj
around town , firing revolvers the nigh
before , is not kuowii.
A Miisonri Cyolono.
Hpocltl Dispatch to Tin IJn
ST. LOUIH , Jane 12. Meagre ao
V4 counts from Williamson county , south
ern Illinois , say a tornado about i
quarter of a mile wide croised thi
southeastern corner of the county las
Saturday night , blew down sevora
houses , scattered fencing and tore uj
foreit treea in Its path. Tire boy
wcro killed nt Now Bnrnaldo nnd n
wKfi > fnmily struck by llghtnlrc ,
m . 'i' nro ylnBWhclo
lock. . * " 'nwn ' nwny at d
% '
nil poaoh6ru ' * > - of tlo
storm nprootod. " iv * 3d that
wcnty or more people w > killed ,
3ut of this there la no definite knowl
Annual Meeting of tne Pnarmnclal
Association nt the Capitol
Thu Mtutmerchor.
Special Dispatch to Tils lias.
LINCOLN , Juno 12. The capital city
assumes n metropolitan appearance.
Aside from the atato tournament ot
tflmroda , there Is gathered hero about
eovcnty-fivo dispensers cf drugs , In
t.rtonlance on the second annual moot-
ng of the State Pharmacial nssocln-
Ion , which convened to-day , The
'allowing ' tflloora were elected :
Dr. Park , Ashland , pieaidont ; W.
3. Lane , L'ncoln , secretary ; 0. M.
Liolghton , Lincoln , treasurer.
A larger attendance la expected to
morrow. Its ol joals ara the cultivation
of good fellowship ntnong Ho members
nnd n gonornl discussion of topics
renting to the improvement of the
Bcienca fiand praotlca of pharmacy.
The next nunual meeting will bo hold
at Omaha , May 2 , 1884 , MooaorB.
Julius Meyer aud S. Hoffman , of
Omaha , nro hero directing the music
for the Uermauin Mroanorchor concert
nnd bill which conclude the day's
performance. Everything passed off
quietly aud the entire programme
la pronouDcod a grand success so far.
Creating Mow Railroad Pools ,
Special Dltpatch to Tils B .
CHICAGO , Juno.12. Pursuant to the
call of tha vice chairman of the joint
executive committee of the trunk
lines , B meeting of paesongor agents of
roads in thu territory north of the
Ohio river nnd cast of the Mississippi ,
was held hero to-day for the purpose
of considering the question of a gen
eral passenger pool throughout that
territory. About twenty roads were
represented , including the trunk linos.
The matter was discussed nt length ,
d favorably , but as some lines whose
ncquioaconco was doomed necessary
were not represented In the mooting ,
no definite action toward the forma
tion cf npool was taken.
A resolution waa passed , however ,
setting forth thu desirability of pool
ing the gross money earntnge
arising from all bneinctia received
from or given to lines went of Chica
go , or which crosses au Imaginary
line drawn through those two
points and originating at or destined
onboard points. A committee was
appointed to gather statistics of the
traffic with n view to fixing
equitable terma for the pool. The
advisability of forming minor pools
within the largo pool waa alao dts-
cnesod. The moeilcg will probably
continue in coralon several days.
Tbo fclnsons-
Spccfal Dispatch to TUB BBB.
MILWAUKEE , June 12. The Ma-
eonlo grand lodge of Wisconsin con
vened to-day in annual eocelori , with
about four hundred delegates. A
strong convention la expected , owing
to alleged shortage in the accounts
of Grand Secretary John W. Wood-
When the report was made on
Woodhull's account , it waa learned
than ho la short at present aboul
§ 1,000 , having borrowed $1,700 in
1881 to make ap a deficit , which In all
would bo over $3,000. The funds
taken are divided among the grand
lodge , grand chapter aud grand com-
mandory. It la proposed to break np
this trinity of offices in ono by allow
ing each grand body to elect Its granc
secretary. A resolution having been
passed to glvo nothing to the press ,
oven the names of delegates are sup
pressed. _
Kentucky Justice *
Bpcclal Dispatch to Tui E i.
HIOKMAN , Ky. , Juno 12. A mask
ed mob between 2 and 3 o'clock yes
terday morning took Henry 'Colbert , n
negro , from the jail here and carried
him off to the i , woods with a rope
around his neck. It is not known for
u fact what waa done with the negro ,
but it b supposed that the mob hungi
him. Ho was accused with having ,
in company with another negro , Peter
Hart , made an attempt on the night
of the 5th of March to
enter the fconao of Mrs.
Llzrlo Prnther living about nlc mllce
from Hickman for the purpose of oat-
raging her , Colbert was only aerostec
& tow days ago. A preliminary ecam
[ nation on Saturday showed conclu
lively that ho aud Hart went tc
Prather'a housu nt the Instance of a
white man named Hnzee Woodall ,
and were under Instructions to do hoi
nil the harm that they could. HOT
haa not yet been arrested.
Wlioat , Corn and Outs.
SpecUl Dispatch to Tin Un.
CUIOAQO , Jane 12. The Farmora
Review In its Issue to-morrow wll
make the following as a condensed
crop summary , baaed on reports from
its correspondents in California , Ten-
nesauo , Kentucky nnd northwestern
states nnd torrltorea. No change It
winter wheat , and for the worse I
any. Spring wheat is stoollng neil
and growing finely , Oats are im
proving and promise a fine crop , The
iirat planting of corn Is poor , the second
end coming better ; no stand made.
Train Wrecked by a Storm-
8p : tl Dispatch to THI llm.
LEAVEN WOUTU , Juno 12 , The storm
last night did very little damage In
this city , but out on the Kansas Cen
tral road the damage was heavier , anc
ten ratios weat of Clay Centre throe
cars were blown from the traok over a
bridge Into the crook twenty-fivo fee1
below. 0. W , Gordon , commercla
traveller ; Mrs. Geffc and her little
daughter , M. J , Reagan , Oouductoi
Sheldon , the express messenger , anc
A. T , Welch , mall agent , were kadi ;
braised , though not seriously , excepi
the little girl , who It thought to bo in
ternally Injured.
The Great Conspiracy Trial Al
most Ended ,
The Jury Charged by the Court
and Looked up for the
The Emperor of Japan Made
'Happy With a Cool Ihrer-
Quartora of a Million.
rXeorganiglnc thoRtvesmo Borvica
Chinese Vmnmliiic Qenvral
Onpitnl News.
Special Dtipntih to Tus II SB.
WASIIIHGTON , Juno 12. Judge
SVyllo began hla charge to the ntur
route jury this afternoon nftcr thankIng -
Ing the jurymen for their patient
attention during the treary months cf
the trial , and reminding them that
they had nothing to do with public
demand , iiowewaperartloleo , or appeals
to sympathy , but innot decide the case
upon the ovidoccj. Ho at onoo com
menced to atato the legal points In
Jadgo Wyllo then turned to the
printed prayers nnd commented upon
these not already dltpoted of In hia
preceding remarks. Touching the
amount of credence to bo given Her-
dell's testimony , Judge Wyllo said it
was not to be dhcrodltod because it
was that of an accomplice , If It was
corroborated by other witnesses and
sustained by material theory and as
pect of the case. In considering the
testimony given by the defendants ,
the jury must make allowance for
the temptation to which they wore
exposed. He conld not grant the
government's prayer that the jury be
directed to regard ns circum
stances tending to provo guilt ,
the refusal ot the defence to produce
books aud other written evidence upon
notlco. That was not law. It did
not allow an unfavorable inference to
bo drawn from auch refusal , but it al
lowed the prosecution to glvo second'
ary evidence , and it wna good for all
U conld fairly prove , nnd it conld not
afterwards bo impeached or contra
dicted , The court thought the jury
oould find any other of the defendant !
guilty of conspiracy with Rerdell. OJ
the failure to call Boaler and William-
sou the court aftid the jury was at llb <
erty to draw nn Inference ) , If they be
lieved that those witnesses could have
given important nvldrncc. This dla-
posed of the prayers for the prosecu
tion. Judge VYylio then proceeded te
answer such prayero of the defense a :
wcro designated by that aide. The
jury was Instructed It was their dntj
to find there was no conspiracy If th (
facto proven could bo accounted foi
by any rer.aoaublo hypothenU o
Innocence baaed np < ? n evidence
A large number cf prayers attacking
the indictment , npon the ground tha
it had been drafted under impropei
statute , and in some places orronooni
discretions given were , refused. Th <
ninety-ninth prayer , admitting tin
right of the jury to disregard the en
tire testimony of a witness wh <
knowingly aweara falsely on a mate
rial point , was allowed. The nine
teenth prayer , clothing the defendant
with the presumption of Innocenci
until proved guilty beyond a reasona
ble doubt , was alao allowed. Man ]
of the remaining prayers for the do
fenoe wcro refused , und the remnlndci
withdrawn. A number of exoeptioni
to the charge were noted b ;
counsel for defense. At Bllse
suggestion the jury were instructed
structod they might find conspiracy
between Peck and ono of the defend
antr. The foreman aoked that thi
jury bo furnished with a copy of thi
charge , but Jndgo Wyllo amlllugli
said that it was "all in the air. " Hi
had no record of It. If the jurj
were nt n loaa In regard to any point
of law , the court , upon their appllca
tlon , would relieve them. Bailiff
were then sworn to take charge of thi
jary. A copy of the Instrument wai
tjiven the jury and they retired. Thi
court then * ook a recess until 1 (
o'clock to morrow morning , will
the uudc : B landing that if the jurj
arrived at ti verdior before 10 o'clocl
to-night the conrt will reassemble t <
receive it. -
CAPITAL NOTES. DleiutchcB to Till HBI.
WASiiiNaroN , Juno 12. Thi
treasury department Issued Important
regulations to-day governing the ex
portation of cnttlo from thin country
In addition to the quarantine cattli
ahods now In BOO , veaaola engaged litho
the transportation of cattle will bo in
epcctod and disinfected to proven' '
the germs of contagion from remain
ing m tha apartments in which cattlt
are shipped. In view of thoco rogula
tlons it la thought that England wil
relax the proaent stringent rules
which seriously embarrass oxportora ol
lh'0 atock.
The civil service commission an'
Chief Examiner Mill loaro hero In i
few daya for the purpose of conduit
Ing examination * with local examtn
Ing boards in various cities.
The attorney general haa docldoc
that tha question whether there an
already two or more members of i
family In tbo public service , as pro
vlded In the civil service act , la not t <
bo considered by the civil service com
The president has appointed Henr
Ecperson register of the land office a
Li Grouse , Wia , and Ellsha W. Davl
agent at the Uintah agency , Utal
territory , vice Crltohlow , whooo tern
will expire July 1st ,
Upon the return to Washington o
Secretary Ohacdler , he will advertise
for sealed proposes for the pnrchaei
of two Iron olads , two Iron and twen-
y-slx wooden ships , which have boon
condemned by the board of Inspection
as unfit for farther naval service , Pro-
> osals for the purchase will bo ro-
elvod until about September lOtb ,
The president to-day had a long
conference with Secretary Folgor in
regard to the question of reorganizing
nud consolidating the internal revenue
dlstrlote. It is proposed to settle this
quotation as soon aa possible , nnd it Is
expected the announcement of 401110
perfected plan will bo made in A few
The commission recently appointed
3y the troaaury department to Investi
gate the allodgad smuggling of Chinese
women and children Into the United
States by way of British Colnmb , sab-
mlttod a report horn which it appeals
, ho practice oompaiuod of wna not gen
eral , although tberomay have been isolated
elated cases. The1 commission requested
quested additional vlgllanco on the
mrt of theoustom ollicors oil the bor
der , nnd alao on the part of the revenue
onuo cutter rtnttonod nt Puget Bound.
The department of ntnto hnn been
apprised by Binghara , United Bin tea
minister to Toklo , of the delivery to
iho government of Japan of the trcn-
aury draft for $785,000 , the tmouut
of the Indemnity fund returned thtt
joTernmout by the United States. In
accepting the anm the minister for
foreign affairs of Japan , expressed in
most cordial terms the appreciation ol
! ila government at the equity and jus
tice constantly manifested by the
United States towards Japan , and al
ludes with much aatlsfaction to the
present happy relations existing bo-
twoou the people ot both countries.
The TrounlM at Troy.
SprcUl IJIep&trhof to TII bn. 0
TKOT , N Y. , Juno 12. There was
much excitement about the station
during the examination of William
Sloochor , member of the firm owning
the iron works , charged with having
Instigated the ohootlog of Hutchison ,
saying ho would give $15 for every
ouo of the strikers whom somebody
would kill. Though not charged with
shooting ho was refused ball. A war
rant woo prepared against Sloooher ,
charging murder. William B. Hazou
allegoa that Sloechor offered him a re
ward for every union moulder ho hot.
Inioaon , Wlnestono nud LiW have
been recognized aa the loaders in all
the troubles that followed the Intro-
duotlon of non-union mon In the mal-
liable iron works. Wlnostoua haa
boon arrested ouco and Itneaon once
each on charges of assault on non
union men.
How Ilioy Do It in Mexico
Special Dispatch to Tui UK * .
Mixicn , June 12. Galllermo Vallc
and Mlgaul Auzi were cdectud presi
dent nud vice president cf tho- na
tional ruprorao court. The clFalra rii
the Mexican national rallru d in
Michoacau are complicattd , The
Monltore Ropnblloano eaya th. otutc
Dfovcriiincol , Intends to transfer , v
other company the nun * ooncessict
granted by the state for n railway frorr
Patzsaaro to.n point on the Mexlcat
Central railway. The National railway
company haa already spout large inmi
In the construction of its road frorr
Morelia to Patzonarn but forfeited thi
charter granted by the state , owing tc
non-compllanoo with .the terms of the
DhipplnoNcwi. .
Spod&l Dlapatcb to Tni ] ! ns.
LCNBON , Juno 12. Arrived out
the Palermo from Baltimore , and the
State of Georgia from Now York.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 12. Arrived , the
Scythla from Liverpool , Gellort from
Hamburg , Clrcassla from Glasgow ,
Persian Monarch from London , Davoi
and Brooklyn Olty from Bristol.
LONDON , Juno 12. The Htoamoi
Lake Winnopog from Montreal , al
Liverpool , la disabled. The Odes
from New York , arrived out.
Tire * .
Bpodal Dispatch to TUK Bil.
BKAIDWOOD , III. , Juno 12. At7:3 : (
last night a fire broke out In shaft G ,
In this city nnd has boon raging evoi
since. The fire department labored
nil last night to exMngnlst
the flamoa , but without sue
cosa. Violent explosions were hearc
during the night. Thirty-two inuloi
were burned , nnd It Is rumored thai
several lives were lost. The shaft li
ono of the most valuable in the coa
fields , and was worked solely by col
ored men. The loss la thought to be
Table Talk.
Every lady who presides nt a table
is Interested to know how eho can de
pend upon having things como upon
the table aa aho would llko them ,
How often are remarks like this made
"This is fate when I
just my ; espec
ially want n nice thing , somehow 01
other U turns out poor ! "
A lady expects company far ton.
She orders , for Instance , biscuits , nnd
they are brought to the table heavy
and Indigestible. How many house
keepers can tastlfy to mortification , at
well ns disappointment under such
circumstances ! It may not , however ,
have occurred to them that It Is nol
alftaya the "cook's fault. " Your bis
cults , cakes , pot-plot , puddings , etc. ,
cannot bo raised with earth or worth
less substitutes , and It bocomea youi
own fault when yon permit any bak
ing powder to como Into your kltchor
about which you know absolute ! }
nothing as to its purity or healthful
uesfl.Tho market Is flooded with "low
pttcod Baking Powders , gotten up te
make an unjust profit by unscrupu
lous manufacturers and dealers , anc
It is worthy the attention of all honsc
keepers to note there Is at least om
brand of Biking Powder dlatlnctlj
sold npon Itamoiita , and which can bi
rolled upon for Ito uniform strongtl
and purity. The Hoyal Baking Powder
dor , now known almost the work
ever , as a standard article , has stooc
the test of nearly a quarter of a can
tury , and Its frlocdi among the ladloi
MO legion ,
Henry Watfcorson Visits the Idol
of Domooraoy at His Ooun-
try Seat ,
Where the Sinowey Oiphor Cul
tivates "Pige , Poultry and
Blooded Stock. "
'If An Apparition Had Stood
Before Me I Gould not Have
Been Mor > Surpriaod , "
No Power ou Earth Uonld Induce
Kim to Aoorut tlio Presi
dency. Dl r tch la Tni Un.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 12. Hon. Ilonrj
\Yntteraon , who him liceii spending
some days with Mr. Tlldonhaa wrlt-
tcu tlio following account of his vlall
'or The Louisville Ooutlcr-Journal , In
which paper It will appear to-morrow
morning :
I have boon spending a few days nt
jlroystono with Governor Tlldon , and
lot luoroly because his old friends In
; ho woat und aouth have nn ovor-pres-
cnt personal Intoroot In him , but bo-
canBO his name la at this moment upon
Lho lips of politicians of ovary alaas all
over the country , I propose to glvu
the rotidora of the Courier Journal
some particular account of him
When I parted from him a year age
[ did never expect .to BOO him again ,
[ ndcod , I was BO skeptical concerning
bis restoration to health as to tool a
delicacy abontlntrudlng onhlsprlvacy.
Ho was good enough to Bond for me
and I wont over to Qramoroy Park
In a somewhat sorrowful , sympathetic
aUto of mind. My surprise almost
The old houio was undergoing recon
atrnctlon and enlargement on a mag
nlficont BO&lo , but the old library li
atlll the same , being hold from tin
Imnd of deapolllng splendor. For tin
last , I take It as a tribute of alFeotlor
to remorseless old times , old frlonda
and old books. There found tin
governor. If nil apparition had stooi
before me I could not have boon mon
astonished. The daya cf 75 G' ,
seemed to have come back. Hid lov
vciloo was found again. Ills oyoa wen
bright and hla checks rosy ; his Intel
lect as slnewcy and eloar , and his wl
as incialvu as they were when ho madi
nothing of
and back , or driving Kentucky bay
from Qramoroy park to Grey atone
IIo took mo all over the now house
pointing out the various changes , ex
plaining hla various deelgna and die
cniatug architecture nnd architect
with characteristic ) Intelligence. II
quite tired mo out , a favorite raalovo
lerrt way ho has of punishing hi
h-Iouds , wliubiii ! lei > f ; etui : ? , .r.D - dr
Ing through labyrinths of doooratlv
arto and treading tapoatrlod nn
freecoed mazes of corridor and chair
bor. On current ntf lira ho talked wit
his utNal pungency and candor. Whe
endurance had ceased to bo a virtue
I oald , "Governor , don't you thin
wo have had enough of thlr. " II
smiled In his dry , half pungent , ha !
sarcastic way , and replied , "If yo
are tired we will go down atalro. " A
Greyatono hla life la of
Ho has a farm hard by , nnd no em
of plgi , poultry nnd blooded stock
Of courao I had to be dragged ovc
thin farm , and the devices which th
old gentleman put elyly forth to tra
mo Into some unguarded treason to th
butter aud eggs of my blue grao
country wore many and Ingenious ,
stood my ground like a hero , but I
must bo owned that the gevornor'
farming la , llko everything he under
takes , thoroughly well done I asko
him whether he tried to make mono ;
out of It. "Oh , tie , " ho said , "It 1
easier to make it some other way. "
While I was at Greyatono not K <
much ns a ehadow or ghost of a pull
tlclan crossed the threshold or up
poarod on the ground. Snrronudoi
by his nieces aud his bonks , the eli
statesman and philosopher was as un
rcaorvod In hla conversation aa he WHO
and always Is , simple and
Ono of the young ladles told mo tha
the Httlo household had ot throng !
over 200 volumoa lait vinter. Thi
governor IB a voracious and vorsatll
reader , no hew thnn an attentive uni
wise observer i/f alfalrn , and w
talked of everything from Thoma
n'Kempis to Thomai A. lloudricks
IIo playfully obeorvod that the ohle
objection lie had heard to the elootloi
of Mr. Carlisle to tho.spoakershlp ws
that In Borao recent volume. " , pub
llshod by one Mr. Froudo , there wao i
Biioplclon that he had mistreated hi
wlfo Here I must atop , I know that th
public fa moat ourloua to learn who
of political affairs , current and proa
pootive. I have no doubt that If
had a right to apeak I conld , by faith
fully reporting biin , make niynolf a
oncoontortainlngandlQstruotlve. Ha
the opinions of every man are all hi
own and hla house la eacred. I neve
know a man more entirely frank li
his intercourse with hla frlondu thai
this Bago of Greystono , bat I am no
his mouthpiece and It Is not for mo t
come all the way from Kentucky t
Now York to do that which ho la s
much bolter able to do for himself ,
can Bay , however , for myself , tha
nothing passed which loads mo t
modify the opinion I have BO ofte
expressed , that no power on oart
conld Induce him to accept the prcal
The luiuranoa Mon-
Bpoclil Dl p tch to Tin Un.
OLETKLAWU , June 12. A largo n
Influential conference of oxccntlv
officers and managers of American an
foreign fire Insnranco companies dole
general business In the United States
> < > gan to-day , and will continue to-
noirovr. The meeting Is purely do-
Iborntlvo , havlnt ; reference solely to
the general Internal policy and man
agement of the companies , nnd has
nothing to do with rates , legislation or
ithor matters of Interest to the pub
'no ' Sbootlucr Tournnmout nt Lincoln
NotuH frctu Otuur Points.
Special DUruktcfics to Till llsit ,
LINCOLN , Juno 12. The Nebraska
State Sportsmen's tournament opened
the fair there bong
nt grounds to-day ,
ng quite an attendance , the matches
jolng well contented and spirited.
Purse No. 1 , Tuesday , 10 clay pig-
ooii ! , IS yards rise , S3 entrance ,
money divided 40 , 25 , 15 and 10 per
cent. Score :
Hallott . 5 Mill . 8
lluiutnell . 10 1'etty . jj
r.eeilcr . 8 Tjattn . . . . . . * >
} Urley . fi lUluy . 4
lUiiin . 8 Ward . 5
Webb . -I Deu.J. W . 8
White . 3 Fitch . 8
owmnff . 7 Ueu , W , T . 8
Hardwell . 7 He rd . S
Bborly . 8 Dciihnin . 7
Simpson . . . . . . . . . G Uuuimors. , . B
First money won by Ilnmmoll , of
Dmaho ; necond , J. W. Petty , of
Dinahs ; U. T. Mills , third , and Don-
liam , of Lincoln , fourth.
Pnrsd No. 2 was ton glass balls nnd
ton clay pigeons , eighteen yards rlas ,
purao divided 10 , 25 , ID aud 10 per
it ; entrance ? ; ! , The score was aa
'olio we : B
Don , J. W . 17 Loodcr . 18
llummo ) ! . li ) Hlmimm . 15
Ward . If. Hnltott . 1(1 (
Dnlloy . 15 Webb . 12
Browning . 15 Den W. T . 10
White . II Petty . 10
Harley . 17 Kbtrly . 17
Mill * . 18 Hill . 17
Uardwell . 17 Hoard . 18
Latta . 18 Fitch . 10
Douhain . 18 Bummer . 1U
D y . 10 IJiuin . ig
The ilrst money was won by Hum-
moll , of Onnhft ; Loodor and Latta
divided iccond ; llarloy third ; fourth
divided I by lltxllott , Don Fitch and
Purao No. 3 , a team ahoot of two
mou from any club In the association ,
20 single birds to each team , entrance
$10 per team. The aooro wna ai fol
lows :
HMlott and Dunham . 1C
louder anil Hummoll . 11
Mlllii nnd Potty . 1(1 (
W.T.Dan ami Drowning . If
Simpson and iiracy . Ifr
Smith , 0. S. mul Mnthowa . It
Board and Latta . 11
Jonnlngn nirl U. II Smith . 10
Kberly and J. W. Dn . If
Arlmthnot mid I lichen . l'i
ICelloy nud Habcock . li (
CJroHB and Day . 17
White nud Fltoh . 17
Ward and Webb . 1 (
First money won by Eborly nud Don
2d , Gross und Day ; 3d , Petty nnc
Mills ; 4 h , Uabsock and Rally.
If to-morrow la n favorable day i
will bo the best duy of the touruamon
nnd n big turn out la expected.
COLDMDDS , Jutin 12 220 : close
Overman won , Dick Wight second
Alta third , llnmblotonlan Bashni
fourth ; tlmo 2:25 : $ , 2:21i : , 2:23 : $
2:20 : cln s , Nov.i won , lilncic Ju
second , Urban * Hell third , Gresoi
fourth ; best time 27 $ ,
ElAUTVoun , Juno 12. The Jun
meeting at Charter Oak park oponoi
thia afternoon. Tkroo mlnuto class
Judge Davis won , II. B. Winshlj
acoond , Modoo third , Magic fourth
bent tlmo 2:23. :
Olasn 2:28 : , Amelia 0 iron , Happ ]
Thought second , Bjtty Button third
B S Hlraey fourth ; lime 'J:22i : , 2:22 :
2:22. : W. II. Votidorbllt ordered frou
Now York Maud S and oshor horaeo.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 12. The bllllan
match for thu championship balk llm
was pUyod to tilpht between Jaool
Bohwller , holder of the emblem , am
Maurice Ylgnenux. In addition ti
the ohamplonahlp there was $1,00 (
pending on the rosnlt. Game , 801
pointn. Betting was In favor o
Bohwflfor. SchrefFdr won the load anc
eoored 3 Yignoanx followed with 17
In the fifteenth Inning Scliiofcr scoroc
G2 , Vlgneaux followed with 90. Ir
the thlrty > elxth innlug , YJKueaux , af
ter brilliant playing , closed the game
Satiuffar making every cll'jrt to catoli
np. Score , Vi nonux 800 , Sliulfai
G 14 , Highest run , Vignoanx IOC.
delphian 4 , Olevelanda 3 ; twelve lu-
Kj Juno 12. Providence
8 , Ohloago 1
BOSTON , Juno 12. Benton 20 , DJ
trolta i )
NKW YOBK , Juno 12 New Yorki
17 , Bufl 'os8. '
Special DUpatchta to Till llns
The MaRiachnsctta Medtoil fosity , 01
to C8 , declined to admit women to mom
Secretary of War I/ncoln mid Genera
Sherman nlrlroaaed tlio graduates at tin
military aci > : lfniy yeaterday.
Doth of M'Jlo UtU'j jihynlclans agrei
that 8bo U mcell better , anil that tbi
cbancea n'o now fnvorablo for her Hpcoclj
aacl cumpleto recovery.
The American Society of Mechanics
itilneera mot In Uluvoland youterduy
About olxhly mauiberH are preneut frou
the prlnciiial cities of the eastern , mlddli
nndvestern fct t.n. (
The brldgn over the Oanadlan rlvor aiu
liftcou mlloa of track on the MUaourl
! C uHaa and Texas railway , In Indian Tor
titnry , were wntheil away , delaying tralui
and matin two daya ,
In the United States circuit conrt al
Kansas C/'lty , yeatenby , Juitlco Miller de
Hveretl n opinion In the oleomargatlai
cane , argued two wooka ago , The docialoi
generally U advomo to oloomartarluo ; ,
The opening reception of the Now Yorl
Constitution club was held laat night
The objects of the organization are to op
pone monopoly , maintain jiut and honea
governmout and obtain wlio and pun
regulation. Addresses on the objocti o
the club wera mule by Iter , Dr. Oollye
* nd othen ,
Senator Van Wyok Dofcails the
Methods of Minor In Pro
curing Petitions ,
And Securing thn Oontrnot.
While Yet on Trial for
A Olinptor of Mnch Intornut to tha
Pot plo and the Neliraiha
S | > oclil Iepatch ! to Tim llii.
WAHIUNOTON , Juno 12. Senator
Vrtn Wyok has written another letter
o the postmaster general concerning
ho Nebraska mall route , recently lot
to Minor. IIo sayc "A vision or n
nosacngor must have appeared to
Minor In the prisoner's dock , ndvislng
him to present himself nt the post *
oUico department at n certain hour ,
and to bo conveniently In the room
adjoining that of the chief of the
aurcnu , but not engnnod so noisily In
jualncBs , or abstracted In thoughts of
> rlaon gloom , to which the bureau was
tiding to plunge him , as to prevent hla
overhearing the conversation of the
chief and n portion of the Nebraska
delegation , and that then , forgetting
ila proiiocntlon and forgiving hla tor-
uiontora , ho should at once relieve tha
> orplcxod bureau by Bonding a clerk
o convoy the joyful Hdlnga that
ho protforod route. Strange that
nnocont olrcumatancea should wear
ho Bomblnncj of conaplraoyl In this
case Miner was doubtless most inno
cent and the Nebraska delegation
uost guilty , aa will appear hereafter ,
and the contract bureau a victim ,
willing , however , to bo deceived.
The excuse fur tills Illegal letting was
, hat elnco congress adjourned strong
lotltlono , bearing the names of the
Dcst mon In Nebraska and Dakota ,
were urging U. The records of your
department show three petitions , ono
'ram Nullgh , ever ICO inllos east of
Port Nlobrnra , on the line of the
Sioux Olty & Pacific railroad , con
taining 140 nature ; the second care
fully omtta to give any locality , but
from the text evidently cornea from
the ttlnok lllllo country , with 120
nnraoa ; the third and last represented
to bo by cltlzjna of northwestern Ne
braska , which Includes a largo terri 1
tory and sparse population , elgnod by
80 poraona , bearing the
The etar routera ulwaya cparato nac-
eoEefully In the region of the forts and
mpi , whore rcaldo army autlora und
mib-contractora. As Fort Nlobrarn Is
qnlto a retreat for soldiers they hailed
the oxcltamont of reading and filgulnir
a petition , and wore accordingly atll-
( zid , und npnrly seventy soldiers nnd
army toamstota wore transferred from
the muster rolls to thin petition , only
one representing the suffering citizens
cf norther * Nobraskn , leaving about
tviiily ! UJ''M.UT ; Rccilocltlzepn to
plead for thle aervian. "
< -I
Tha "Wainon Canrt Mnrtlnl.
Special Dltpatch to Tin Bisn.
GALVKSTOK , Juuo 12 The Now l
SanAntoulaBpoolalsays : Tu < dayafter
the formal prollmlnarles In the Was-
son court martial , the accused , palo >
and erect , proceeded to submit his.
o so with a firmness of volco nnd om-
phnslu of Intonation , evincing that
he roillz d ho was loading thu final
ohurgo In the Waterloo of Inn military
career. The court was visibly affected ,
ono member having recourse ton hand
kerchief ns defendant unfolded the
atory of his fnl | , but there was n per
ceptible revulsion of feeling when ho
rrcltod the deliberate porpotratlon of
the hoax of the alleged robbery on the
train. Liter on thu defendant re
gained tlio nympathy of hla court ,
commanding It to thu end. Th j judge
advocate general replied informally at
aumn length. After the court was
cleared there was a session of three
honra and adjournment tilt to-morrow ,
the finding not to ba kn'iirn for aomo
weeks. Wasaon'a ftlcudn fear for the
Cnr Builder * ' Convention.
Special Ulipatch to Tun HIM.
Oiinuno , Juno 12 The Master
Gir Builders'association of the United
States Is In annual aoaslon In this city
this morning. After filleting n pre
liminary organization Mayor Harrlion
delivered a welcoming addront , and an
nHjinrmnont wnn tnknn till 2 p rn.
Is becoming as In liow Mich nn Im-
mciiso sale could bo created In Lowell for
IIOOll'H KAUHA1-A1UU.A. Hilt , lily irlcllll , II
you could stand behind our counter a week
nnd hear what those say \\lio are using It ,
the reason would appear as clear as the
noon-day sim. The real cunithu poucr of
HOOII'H .SAitSAi'AUiu.A demonstrates Itself
In every case whore our ttlrccttoiu aio faith
fully regarded. Woonld that \\u mlilit
get before the people n ( part of the
confidence that 1s exiuesscd to us e cry day
In this medicine by the u \ \ ho have carefully
noted ( without iircjudli-e ) Its effectsii ] > on the
blood and upon the \\hole sys
tem , stimulating nil the ( unctions of the
body to perform the duties nature requires
of them. Try a bottle nud satisfy yourself.
ColJ Hands and Feet.
I.OWKI.L , Feb. 3,1879.
Mnssus. C. I. HOOD & Co. : ( Jeutlcnien
About ono > ear ago my daughter commenced
taking your .S.usaiailll.i. | At that tlmo aho
had \ery llttlo aiietlto | ; could taUo no loim
walks , nnd her l.ico was badly broken out
ulth.ihnmor. .Sliu\vaslo\s-spliltcditrotililed
\\lth cold hands nnd feet ; her blood scorned
to bo | ioor , and NIO was la ; i condltlntihlcll
ixiused us anxiety. After taking ono
liottluuf yourKaisaiuiilla she began toliu-
iu eve , and she now has a good appetite nnd
can takoimich lunger walks. Her humor la
nothing compared \\lth what It was ono year
ago. bho Is In bettor spirits , Is not troubled
with cold hands nnd fed as pretously. . Ami
I attribute this lmpro\cment In her condi
tion largely to your Sarsaparllla. She lias
taken lx bottles , nnd Intends to continue Us
uso. Iai Inclined to oppose the trial of U
nt Ilrst I now liruo creat ( altli In It as a
blood purifier. Very truly > ours ,
No. set Broadway , Lov ell , Mass.
trf * fe i ?
Bolil by all druRcIsts. Trice 81 : or slxfo pELL
85. I'rt-paiccl by 0.1 , HOOD & CO. , Apot , - % . s v
ecarles. Lowell , Mass. .lOD.