Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Morning , June 11 ,
Yfatorday WM a fane day , and no
IVere WAS a runaway veatetday on Bt.
/Mary's avenue , by ono of Homan'j teams ,
and a woman waa thrown out of the car
riage and badly hurt ,
Mn. J , F. L , D , XJortimann waa
taken down to the asylum for the Insane
at Llnctln , ycaterday , by Deputy Sheriff
CrcwelL She waa accompanied by her
The ronnd-up by the police ycatcrday
lucledcd eovcn Hloctimba , eight tramps
and onodtiturbanco of the peace. A squad
of officers went out at 1 o'clock thia morn
ing to look for trama ,
The Onuba Maennerchor will go to
the Saengerfost at St , Joa this week , no-
ccmpanled by ths Fourth Infantry band
of twenty-two plecea. About thirty per
sons wilt comprise the delegation.
A big train came in from the we t yea
terd y afternoon'four coieh loads of cml-
granta being attached behind the Pullman
aleoperti , making thirteen CAN in nil. Spe
cial cirNd. 100 alaocamo in on the train ,
Tiio examination of the firdt class of
> seml-JoAf children who have been taugbt
to hear , will take place at the Nebraska
> loatltute for the Uonf and Dumb , on
.Thursday- , Juno 1-ith , 1833. It will bo a
roost interesting event.
On Saturday two magnificent 87-ton
engines for the Southern 1'acific , pasted
.through Omaha. They are what la known
aa the "consolidated cngino , " and are unjd
principally aa "puaherb" on the heavy
, gradea. Twenty-five , In all , have been
ordered by the S. P.
Omaha ia now futnuhlng St , Loula
-w'.th crackora , tbo Garneau factory Irtvlng
chipped i carload there on Saturday even *
ing. Thi ) firm will no doubt aend a great
> many moao'Carloads ' to that city , where
thar formerly did bualnesa , and their
i goods are-well known ,
The d-sath of Mn. Alvira Purtell ,
wife o ! M j ir Purtetl , of Ft. Omaha ,
which waa announced on Saturday , will
be generally regrttted by a largo clrclt of
f Hands , Mra. Purtell wai a highly edu
cated lady , and endowed with unusual
buiinest ability , being moat popular in th
latter rapacity.
Mr. George Merlcle , a well known
-cltUira of thla place , died yesterday morn *
ing , at the age of 67 yeara. ILa deceased
tml been a resident of Omaha for the past
twenty-foven yearr , residing m the aoutb
irplrxt of tbo town at the time of hta death.
. ' 'Ilu'W&H at ono time a member nf the city
. council. The remalna wore taken to Un
dertaker Jacobs' establishment nnd in the
aiteruoon wore shipped by express to
Conrtlandvlllp , Courtland county , N. Y.
The aupremelodge of tha 0. S. P. S. .
or Bohemian Benevolent Society , will
holda itaaessiona thla week at Milwaukee ,
Mr. John Rosicky , if thia city , a'tend- '
tot ; a a Ihltnnte. Ninety 'loflRoa , In-
eluding a memberihlo o ! 4,500 will bo re
presented. Among the lodgea in thli ktata
which will ecnd delegates are the o ol
Odoll , Wllber , Crete , Plattamnuth ,
Wahoo , Sadlor , Plaholvllle , Mobrara ,
. 'Weal Point , Omaha aud Schuyler.
' "A ayndicate of Chicago and Ne-
brtaka railroad men , corjaietlng of A. E.
Tonzallo , Q orge B. Harrla and J. O.
Phlllippl..of . the Atchlaon , Topeka and
Santa Fe roadj the-Ilon. James Lilrd , at
torney for the Chicago , Burlington k
Qulncy , and congr a man from Nebraska ,
( land'Ojlonel Low Cropaey , 'of the Bur-
'llngtonfe Mlaaourl River In Nebraska ,
* wtth h driuartera at Lincoln , have Juat
old one piece of raining property in the
Ban Juan country.'Colorado , for $160,000.
These gentlemen have other valuable prop-
rtlea in the Centennial atate and the ter-
< ritorie * f New Mexico , which they pro-
< pocetodevelcp this aewon. Burlington
' .Hawkey * .
W. B. Smith , pencil puiher , mpplo
- mcntary editor and contracting agent foi
* Tbe Rural Nebraika , haa been in akin f
'fwquent viiitato Nance county of late ,
.and from authentic Bourcea It la anppofed
'that one of Fullerton'a aoclety ladlfa will
isonn take up ber realdence In Omaha , ai
'Smith contompUtea a tilp to Fullerton ir
few daya. Matrimony may be the ob
ect , and if ao TUB BBS will expect alaw
caki and a box of clgara , and an a Idlttoi
to Omaha's aoclety of a refined and cul
tared lady who baa long been known a
ono of Hamilton andNancecounty'a | bellei
uid wo can only congratulate Smith.
"The Black Flag , " with the origins
company and eoenary from the Unlo
.Square theatre. NeV York , will be pr <
ducet at Boyd'a opera honao tb
Officer Matia' * little daughter , wr
; Ba bBonBun lngforatlong time fn'ro
, awelllnln berbacV waa relieved by
\pby icl n ixtractlng a needla which B !
Tiad swallowed unlcnown to her parents.
A new pump with a capacity of fi
million fallens In 14 bour , ha b * n i
celvcd by the waterworks company and
.being et up. /
_ The Women's Chrlitlan Temperat
UnUm IU give fcBliial at the Y , M.
. "A. rooms on Tuesday .evening next.
The attention of contractors U cMl
to the Important "proposali for paTlcg" '
today's paper. ,
\f \
t \
"Mr. 0. F. Goodman Is alwaya ulivs
Tni * OIRIDCBB , uu ! * - " . , , , :
the best of every article In hia line ,
baa seonrtd the agency of the c ltf > r
New Dlfcovery for Consumption. 1
known for Oonaurapti I
only w-it ln cure
Couchp , Cold , HoaracnraB , ABthtna , t
Krver , BronchltU , or ny tffectlon of
Tbroat or I.unira. Sold on a noull
ruaranUe. Trial Vottlea free. Kegi
' * * ' S1-00-
You Bit.
"It la aaid that the greaieat drc
.d a gambler la that he will be p
'll ed , " And ono o ! the /tlmea / w !
IM { "paralysed" la when ha 1
91,000 on four king ! andn ce
ad the othar thzowt down four i
Doafch of a Morabor of Boffalo
Bill's Troupe ,
A Dramatic Scene in a Sioux
Teppe ,
The Cincinnati News-Journal of
Thursday lait Bays : While the band
of the Wild West exhibition at the
baao ball park was playing the musical
prolndo to that jantqo exhibition yea
totday afternoon , gay snatches of
waltzes and inspiring strains of mar
tlal music , and an oaor and joyous
crowd waa gathering on the benches
and In the grand stand , a sooao of
qnlto different churaoior was enact
ing in ono jot the Indian tuppos on the
other nldo of tha grotmde. A foatito
of special interest L ? the dhow has
boon the twin Indian babies , born sf
a Sioax mother and a whltoathcr ,
John Nelson. They littd royal blood
in their veins , their mother being the
alstor of Rod Olc/fid , the fa
moan chief. Ibth wwo girl * end
saw the light only a day or ac
before the show reached' this c.'ty '
The mother refused tooonniderhoraelf
an invalid , and went ahont her du'.tos
jnat as If nothing nnuruosli had lisp-
ponod. She took' part In feho parade
nround the grounds on Sunday , and
the intcnro heat of the day proved too
mnch for the paooose , which was
weakly from the firat. jft kfwi been
attended by Dr. Beck , ami , ttn eltua-
tlou becoming critical , other phyel-
olans wore called in consuMatJon yea-
tjrdny , bnt wlthcnt avail , mi tbo little
atratiger closed ita ojvt forever shortly
after noon , The mother ( a word of
equal ntgulficiuco in BJoux an d AtiglO'
BJZOD ) woo hoast broken , ami the
father , who taken a prominent part in
the performance waa 02 emend
from doty for the > day , . Un
dertaker Epoly was' BUUfor \ ,
< uid arrived nt the wigwam about
7 o'clock. It rna Btnsnge at-d aven
damatio soeno that took pJ co bowlo
that canvas houao of > m , tm\ng. The
agony of boroaveaient ttocaw nJlkrxto
palace hall and lowliest h bltatl ,
The Interior of fcho tsgpo , wilh KB
polo anppertod walla , in the inc'Jfltlr.ot
half light of ovonitiff coning through
the opening at tholop , oiiowcdaL'oniid
the sides assort of divon'ot ' Uan\iota >
a > nd hay , npyn which' ' WOOT < piled and- *
dies , weapons , lariat and' 3tu } home-
hold uto"Bols , Euro nnd < ihvre from-
tbo roof hang the plotaroeqaa Indian
garmonto of'tho family. Otitwe oldo
aat the mother in the ohsraiierlatlo
crouching Indian fashion , ha * head
bowed in an agonn of'snpproswd grief ,
and at h r aide Iarltt2i ] > olotr ffath-
ed bnodis. Gtbnrud nlioot was a
group , of synpathotioi Indian
women , Managoir Bdrko , , tho-under
taker , and press r proaontadve % The
futh r , > frank faced , can tanned
frontloretnan of' fifty , , l.d a. few
words In Slnnx io the mother , evi
dently an exhortation to buaiup
bravely though his o < m voice wai
husky rritli emotion.and the ander-
taker gently liftbd the llitlo bundle
Mid placed it in the Batltnllnod caeket.
Thu cloth was rotaovod from the tiny ,
peaceful little facn and the oufin waa
placed at the coether'a nl-do that ahu
might 7low It for-tholatktlrao , "
shu over aeon one , " oeb * < l Mr. Burke
of the father indlcstlng. the , coffin ,
The fa > her shook his he ad. Lnng
bnt l untlro allonoen the mother
bent above'jbo waxen Jtature
of bar child. It waa ev pretty
face , the omall und rogntar
llneaoaenta of r oroamy irhito , , ovw-
spread by an IneffableatnreBslon o'
awooineia andj peace. POOP llttl
scion of a hnted antl > hnnted racj ,
hon much opprerwion , iiijpstloj
and wrong In aommoo. with her people -
plo she baa oioaped ! ' Thmoti ir
mudo no alga when the lid of the
o.iakot waa shut and ( i wastahon cat
and plaood ( in tits ondortakir'n
wagon. Tbo eldoab child , a. boy of
perhaps 10 , . sat outtldo. at bho tej < e
entrance whhont moving. n.muoU or
evincing the allghteat IntowiBt in the
proooodlnRS. The uhlld wlU be barfed
In the Weiloyau comoloryr this.morn
Irg "The old laJy , taki * It ptratty
hard , and I don't think ha'd batter
go to the grave , " said tb < father In
answer to n qnosUon.
John , Nelson , the faVhor , whoae
Sloux'.oamo la Oha
oha-sKi-mvpo-uuo ,
which' , hanslated , inoand Rud Wood
Fill ihn PIpe , la an iutor-satlmcchurao
tfr. B rn In Oharleatun , Vu. , hla
imagination WM oacly fifed by hts
grandfather's niorlf a of the early In
dia i wars , and ho ran away from home
while yet a boy'aud' found hia way to
an uncle in iJlnourl Aftnr a brfol
stay here ho went oa to California ,
and there joined Spotted Tail's band ,
and was adopted intv the tribe. Hi1
gives a ploturetque aaoannfc of the
killing of that noted chlof ot the Pint ) IJliitT agency a yi < ar or an ago. He hai
it had n vary wild add eventfnt life ,
In 1808 ho wan pressed Into aorvlor
10 as a soont be Qoueral Auijur , and
10ft waa forced to leavohl * nmlly and pos
fta leislotiB , losing aone $3,500 worth o
a stock , for which ho has never tenable
able to recover any thing from the < mv
ernmpnt. At the solicitation of B if-
falo Dill ho organized the band of In-
te- dlans who upprarod at thvso cxhlbi
teii tlona at the Pne Ridge agency. H
la ontapokenln hl d nnnci tlon of th
management of McGllllonddy , th
Indian agent there , whom ho charge
0. with all RiRumr i > f opprostlon an
"inavery In hla dealhgs with both tti
led Indiana and the government
'in hlnka unices MaglUlcuddy ia reinove < [
, nd soon , there will bo au apr'alng ' i
.ho Indiana Inanpuritltig one of tl
moat bloody masuaorca that has o
currod for ycara.
ure Buoklen'a Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of t
world. Warranted fcj i-peedllv cure Burr
" Bruises , Cuta , Ulc r , Salt Rbnm , "e
lav f n-a , Cancers , Piles Chilblain * , Con
, i Tetter , Chapped Hand * , aud Jill iktn em
tive tlona , guaranteed to cure in every tnatani
ultr or money refunde < i. U5t nUper ox.
For aale bT O. F. GooHmhn.
Ita Orjranlratlon ac Orounse's
Yesterday ,
htn Tha supplementary mooting of t :
anc gmthtrlng held at the opera house li
we kln the InteraU ol the Irish 1
Uoskl LwfBt , wuhold tl Oroini
hall ycatorday , Kaony'o being aban
doned on account of the small pox
case in t'ist building.
A branch society was organized
with the /ollowlng nflico : P. J
Murphy , proaJd'in' ; Pat Foley , vice
prMdont ; Mr. Tttrpy , secretary ; Mr
O'Malloy , treaso/or.
Tno mootlncr "M a moat onthualna-
tlc one , and $15(7 ( were raised for the
Parntll Indcinntt } ' fund. The new
organization starts with every pros
pect of incccsa.
An Interesting AddMs by ODD ,
0,0 , Howard ,
Delivered at the St. Marya
Avenue Congregational
Yceterday rocrnlng General Howard
delivered an oddresi at the S > . Mary'o
Avonno Oongrtgational church , , on
the "Plnn of Life , " entering into the
mlnntfic'bf failnnr and ancctaa , until
ono felt ilmont Tilling to allow thu
general to Jay oat hlu campaign n ; > d
'jlvo dircdlons io > secure BUCCQDJ ,
While contemplating the plans of
mon and tie plans of God , thor3
seemed to bt an nttampt made ( bat >
probably unknowingly ) to reconcile
predestination of God unA the free
agency of man.
I'lAW OV 3fl/ll ! ,
Lit any man of intelligence look
back over twenty years and be will neo
dfefccis that imvr his carver , that will
cause him to attribute to himself
nothir/j. else than vury inferior Jung-
uientpund though ono's lift ) pinna be
laid nuTor BO poi-faotly , there , will bo
a time when tha wrongs sldt > of the
garment will be ahoirn wheu he
looks up/n the pai. . instead oS th future -
turo and boanty will h vo VfMilahod.
Tno earnest Ohrlutiau , Wlllianj Wil-
berforco , at fifty , i ld : "liow ovent-
iul has my life boon ; , I cm truce thf >
band of Oed loading mo iu iv way I
knew not. "
And when iho plan of man 5 fol
lowed with ) gre at pmelston y. , , ID oppo
sition to the plan of God ) , does he not
at last see , In reference tohb own
plan , how da fcotivo It WOB > Tlie
mother of J4o < > b bAd - plan , for her
son , and At It st , when the- many
changes and chratlaemonta bad almost
caused him to driop l , , ho attained the
acme of Guti % pi an. The beluvad sun ,
and hated brol her , Jbsoph looked
forth towari tl 10 gilded palaces of
prosperity Mi4 the path to these
palucu" he atrawo d with Imaginary flow-
en. Bui , as he la lowori.d tnlo the
pit by hla . uloiaa brothers ha lotes
sight of thu
and also when hi i waa within prison
walls iu a foielgi i country. But at
laot , though thopt tth had b.'onruggorj ,
he is placed irhet e the plaua cif man
aud Oed met.
Accidentally a. i shepherd boy came
from the tieldiwho ho had been tend
ing his father's' dw iks , and while at the
tout of his father , ho U annotated klnc
by a prophet _ d the prophet Ivad LO
fear oi the li ud not executing his
plat ) , but DU' . d sit 1st hni ) thought at
many periodztof' hi i early lifo that his
royal proapocta .wet o vevy-moagro.
A boy m 7 aiiei npt to follow the
plans of his Jttc r , Ba may become
strongly attaahed to thofurnu anc
endeavor to taaru the art ofou3.ivu
tion. Th'erevnmylbo a death that in y
frustrate t'aeipUn ' nf thut youth , aiu
au acadenilxiedao tion laufiWid to
him which ha. accepts ; Hi ) then atud-
leu law on atxcinnt of balng moro con
Blatant wll.hhis wl hoa _ Hu is then
converted red { del n that ho ia-oallec
to the mluhtiy. The worthier calls
from mat-yji homci the- only promliu
if rncocisa ad probuH i of i acfiport
Aud thus e. BOO the plana of * man
successful t > , suoh a BUDkllidegrea thai
thuymtj b < prouounotdt a failure b )
mail , while the plans tfc'God nro per
fectly cm rrlodont. Thou should then
riot for man bo erected a i f rivn <
broken cclainus for his monnnmn' ? I
would , tru'ibo eminently
Dr. jBurhnell uuys , "Every l.Si la a
plau ol God " In IBiO , when Oati
oral G rant had cciumiand of two
armies , hla worda wurtt nubistutitlall ;
theaf , "I have a plun , but 3 nms
aqnaie that plan wl'h the plaattf G x
in mo. " Abraham Luiooln cnuyht th
visluu wjeu hoaaid , "S-.andtMlll am
sue t'io ' salvntlon of Godt" Elan i
DVOI retJy to plan and attempt to fol
low uha'Xilan | , yet ho Is nt iua y tluie
onuijpatLbd to any , "Man proj/osos / bn
God dtvfiufCB , "
II , is u sentlal thai m < m ira&o soin
pln'3s for the futuroand , as thu cam
ltr o eudotyor to tee the plwiof Q c
u us lu.bu in sympathy wuh > this pbt
from oni > whoia on > nlecloiii
n tnnt mukur , and > ' , adied a
G traallel , on of the utoa
jarrtod .f thu Jnwiuhirahlla ,
being filled with' hatred to
wurdt thu gospel for whlah in afti
joaiwho inffdrod and dlvJ. But h
earlion oduoAtloa ic a bo's H put nf thi
lut-nfi God Iu preparlu for the goa
; ) < 4iwnrk ouo whaihad o-xubiaed quail
fufUloua which w ro irt tlilto. Anc
fur our highest typo ot the pUn n
Cfcid1 in mn , oudwhtiro the pUn o
a mm la Iu ontir < sympaihy with thatc
ad G. < d , la found ki the Mo of Ohrlit.
n Ifcit some iiay s y th i there ai
[ t oh ( < n u and honored unin. Iluw dou
1 Rod deal with , ua who art ) his aubjcat
1o To my mind everything mnst no ail
ii to God's will , or n k opti
10- to God's lt wpk It wonld b i
ho hai ttvtir bofnro hib tntud
thing i onn oomptota whole , to dinri
grd a p/utlon nf his croatnrns "h
wt-ro m ide in hl irnaqo nnd for who ;
rer Christ dlod. Man In not ln uima o , i
on , a rock. Ha haa not mutely Inline
IP- en , M a bPMt , hnt hehim Intellft , and r
nan nay , "I am , " "I know , " " 1 WU |
And to prove the ooenltuicBof G/j /
In riferenoe to all mankind ; there la
oonaelonsn ia In man to which we c ;
always appeal ; wo are not our owi
all And If God haa a plan In every Hf
theie Is an Individual duty and a prli
leee. The doty Is r.ur own and tl
ho prlilrgi la from hcven.
aat In one'a llfu wruk there Is no In
In ton end If hla days may s u b
ba low and foil of trouble , for by thla 1
it's I U wtiklng U plui of God , Sot
may look at the carter of S.ephon
and s y , " \VA t a failure I" Blmply
becBUio ho was killed beloro he had
an opportnnlty f / proicblng the gos
pel of Ohtiit. Gut Iu his lifo wn aee
.in epitome of succors , Fitlth in
hrl t , testlm my for G.irfnt , lufferinK
or Christ oud donth for Carln , Iu
ils short lifo wo can read the hlf
nry of all , or nearly all , f ho opoetlce.
re laid they must also Include oter-
Hj ; and thla la pottiblo bocacse
Ontlat haa nitdo the ueceseary prop-
Whtu steamers are built for rivers
[ icy will not stand thn ocean storms.
, nd pinna rndo mtroly for lifo will
bn shipwrecked Iu the ocean of ottir
ulty. No Immortal soul can ever be
tatitlied with fume , wealth , pc/ver or
exaitid station aa its chief Attain
ment. There are many In the west
who are arulnus to make money fast ,
rii partisnlarly those who Invo
omo from the east for that purpose ,
mt they novcT find i ; , of ItBcJf A
ouroj of perftc' joy. A man of : uy
fqwlotanco had ar > opportunity f
Miixitiy ten thousand iollara Iu thran
montha down south. Ha hesitated
t , biicanst ! noahnu wua to ba
10 ir. : ane. E'ut hn w nt aud made
HI tun thousand and retnrni'd , after
hlch hn oould not look' mo honeatly
u the face.
Lit the end jualify the means is
"tun ( > noted and it haa. marked thu
ilatory of the pnat with many deeda
It h nnt the end which JjwtlGon the
moans , and if anything otturwise jnat
ta obtained by nnjuet meuus the cud
H corrrngnndirtgly nnjiiat. In thu
ifialrn ft Mo Gtid gives to man the
iweet liberty of choice1 , and man
lonld plnce hla hand In Qi.cVa hand
nd thnn ho will ooou aer qttu clearly
M plan of' his father. Bow sweet la
) t prater , "Not my will buS thine
rodono" And when the heart can
rely nttor theao word' , It la at thld
no bank prepared to do effective worker
or the Lord of hosts ,
, irmj Orders.
Dontouan * Colonel Thomaa-M. An-
eraon , Ninth infantry , is hereby ro-
oved aa moinbtr of the general court
marilnl convened at Fort D A. . RUB-
oll.Wynmlnc , byparagragh 4/lspocUl
rdera No. 51) ) current aeries , from
leadqanrtera of the department of the
> t tto.
First Lieutenant Rnfas P. Brown ,
fourth ItifautrTv 'will proceed to Fort
) . A. RuBaell , Wyoming , and report
a wliness before the general conrt
martial now in aoaslnn at that pi'3t , iu
ho OMO of Private Frod'k Plitt , , band
f Ninth'lnfantry , now on trial by it.
I ving cnmpleted thla duty he will
etnrn to- his pr-iper station.
On the recommendation of hie
ro'jp and peat sommander , the uu-
xpirod portion of the sutonco iu the
aao of Prlvnta Jiimoa Alldridgo ,
roop Fj' Fifth aavalry , published In
; enorrPt > iturt martial orders lib. 28 ,
urn-nt Eeriea from theao headquar-
era , ia roniittfd.
Thn followl'-i ; rectnlla , onliaied at
i'ortDiaghis , ( Tan , and Omaha , Neb , ,
ro nsalguud aa fellows :
E Sward Oostollo to the Slrfch In-
Thomas Alldridgo to the Fourth In.
TbouaandB Fay So.
Mr. TWl Atkiw , Olrard , Kau..writeB
I nflvtr hesitate to recommeil ycurElec
, rlo Bittern to my ctMntner * , they give en
ire nnt.'rVotlou ftnd are rapid 3 llors. '
Blectria Bitters are the purest and bes
nedlcinolm'iwn&d will po itivsy con
Sidney and'-lJiveroomplalntH. t oriCy thi
ilood and'rpguUte < the bowels. No facdih
can uQ'iru'to be wHhnui tbetn. Tiroy wil
inve hundr di o dollar * in doctor's Mil
everyy ear. '
Tno Scaurge la Spreading , "cuic. Ni
A-loerm Folt.
The rooppearanco of the snail po :
n thla city. wae > announced on Sivfrnr
day , ando alnca * our last report ha
aprear ) some , although no al rm what
ever l folt.
The red ' flUg ; baa been hong ont a
varlooa pl. co Including Kuony'i
tall , wliare Ttxn Bldderoo la del
with ihoHaosBc. .
Col Dona1 * , who htxl' ob rg
of tha pfat honoo la t wiiitt
> , WAS ennt nut * i"tl
by ti . authvrUua last nlpht. To
furnltueu ftnJ U the r qt' ; ' < pmi ) ta i
tha houao atHl' remain au they wore
mid If. will b" opened op in alipe ft
wlth < > uX ury Iroablo.
lah < ; two nuw o ta T TO if
purtedi Ckio of thoen waa.nt. t'ue re !
dent ol13Uhlaf Ka vaar G.ll
gut. on Kluveuth street , whoi
tfUt ; h 9 bpnQ pat unt , an
ona ut G > ! iteomlnl'a building , on D < ni
laRtruer , two doors west ol The R
puHictm nfiiiw , where Jnlto Muik , 01
oJfB'ildvilu'a mon , hua been taki
down wltb the loathioma dlaoaite
D oi tvo action will bo ttkou by tl
nathovHioa to-day , to prevent the It
of th
lloul C'-'d ' rVut , r I ) j < bar on f om tha N
n < i KTBH U n livi Nn si'k In ti e He id ,
lie ilic'io ail \ ? ovf r lf ' ntly r 11 v d ,
C It , klnp iniKM < 'It loil 'od , niimhta-ie rloau
aid fcalcU , bfoH * ! w oi mil imill. tutt ) i
ail > c ns'Otrtl ' , and rasa < c ccbe t
Oiu ti , llu.noblO * lioipnK ( ! Into the Thrc
Palna In titCI t.l > yp < n , > v.ktliu of . tren
a id K eth. lo cl S'i p. i tc. , cur 4.
ce IxxllB ° t ' aill al < ? "rf. n > e hoi C&tan
Solvent ui on Of. 8 nfon ( ' § 1 ha'pr , In
I a I > K . o * " > lr"ilK " , for 1 . Aalc Irr
ro D KjLDiOAt CUKX. a puredUUbntl-n ot WI
H.icV. Am I' lie , la. Y t. U rlfold,0 | onr I
a-iu.s eKI'ortM D l' < * > CUEMIOII , (
Forth r ref and pr
U n , the In-Unl It < B appl
Neur l |
ScUtlui. Coujhf , Coldi.W
f/r Uaik , S omuh and Paw '
- Bh ; Ming Palua , Numbo
I'on , Dftptptla , u
"lit , milieu * rui
with a Poiotu PWlu )
V *
Sumo Useful Hints iu Respect
Tll8r8tO ,
How to Escape , as Suggested
by the Signal Service.
Tfco dIrooUoni from the signal BOP
vlco , which If followed , taty enable
perioni to rccognlzo the danger and
oecapoit , thould Omaha bo BO nnfaj-
tanato M to oomo in ita path. Gen-
ally the tyclono gives nmple naming
flf He approach. It IB preceded nanallj
bf a auhry nnd oppreetira calm.
Olvnds fora firat in the southwest ,
and then almost Immediately in the
northwest , or vlco rarsa. If they are
Hghi their apjuaraneo resembles amoko
lB3Ulngfromahurninji3aiMingor traw
atcckrolling rap la fantiviMo ahnpca to
great ik'ighti ; again like a fine mist , or
( julto white , Ilka fog or oteAsn. Thcee
dark cicada at t'uicn prcaun-i a gro n-
iah or copperiali hue. Aqaln they ap-
| pcar jot black from-cenler toclroam
'feroncc ' , Mid they aoniotlmet * preaei t
purplu or bluirih tinge , or , aft tlmen ,
are utrangcly lucli ) , bat nlwajs with
That appears to bo blick smote eur-
ronndlog them The dottle form In
be nonthwtsat aniV ijorthvreet , end
ih-ally cnuio tcgethsr with a terrible
oyaeh , and then tiio funnel-ohvped
; o nado eland i ppo v * > npoii the wjnt
orn uky , luovlcn boVrily to the front
roaj vtthin the coufusd mass
A.heavy , roaring uofoe , like
hatof & h'w.vlly loaded
'rulftht ; trtdn p welng ovnr Q biidgo or
hroui'h B tatmzl , is tmrd , uaa tbsn
lui cyctoco or tornado la upau you
Mote its path as well ao you cnn and
lee without doby.
If jou ro tieir thv > osnfo ? of lie
obubU * conree , run to feho north , If
io halfway butwuea the oanter
mid thu noiithoru edge , your chnnotB
ire still beat in o.waptng to tbo north.
If further to iho aoaih do not
attempt' to ciosa the entire
path of the cloud , bnt See ftir-
thnr aoath , bearing ellghtlj&east. . In
no event ubonld you ran dtzootly easter
or northeast. There la alwayo Buffi-
clont tinio-to escapee the toi&ado , OTeti
If it bo bat a few rods froin-yoo , for
[ ta breadth la only a few hnndted feat ;
is a genaral thing the tornado elena
IB aeon at from one to three miles cits
tant , giving yon from one to threa
minutes' wartjiugoTjfliclent time to
enable yon > to got from qparter
to half a milo ont of Itycouroo.
Aa for hcscoB , they a o no protection ,
and are ioi bo ehnnned in natorai
of thla kind No building
baa been or is likely to bode vised thai
can withstand the force of'a tornado
A. frame honeo la better than a brlol ;
or atone cze , bsoauso : is more ulaa-
tic , and a cne-atory building la more
olastlo thfta > one of two otoilos But , ,
whatever the style or character of ) the
house , always leave It if it is in the
pith o ! a furuado. Tfio elgnel ervicn
recommend * as the beat place of'o&fety
H cellar or dugout , and many faniiera
In KiDBio'.havo conotrueted theau
dngonlB almple holes In the ground ,
covoied to protest the lumatvn
from fly Ing. , tint DO , where thny oin
run iti me event of tornadoes , "Elidtj
no clicamctaiicss , whothar in a build
ing or collar , ever take position in a
northeast corner , in an eaot room , a
against au .east wall , oveniRemein
ber also that the tornado moves almost
alwaya in northeasterly dtruotlon. Il
forced to remain in your honao , , anc
where yoti.hhvo no cellar , always tak <
a position..against tbo west or Boutl
wail the former IB the botten
either face downward npon th <
fl > or or standing with yoai
back tc . the vail , aodi olwayi
take your final position upon thaBrs
or ground Sjor. Naver stand o > Hi
in front el a door or window , aoar i
steve or heavy pile of fnrnituro , , anc
always close jonr doors and windows
It yon of the hounof avokl fur '
eata and groyca , make for the opei
field andt throw yourself , face down
ward , towards the east and yons-aim
t over year head to protect it. . Thes
storms tr& the most frequent ID
saa and Iowa , bnt rom overa one
have bwn experienced in the Coir
iioctlcoitvalleyo. _
Then1me mtny cheft ; cosnKiSioa. ol
fered fcccalf , which cluita.tocontftln.noU
In-t ioj | ? l < itiH in the skin. Thi it all b
all , or nfr.rly aV , nre ccnipoundiil froi
the most deluterlJUB * nvt poUunouadrog
In the auaterU medic. * . They dotrov to
vitr.llty.of the kkin , tnti ! r the ccn-ume
prematurely witheie 1 and old. J. A
LV > za.ial gniranfcea bin medicated o rt
pit i ion p. iwder riitiroly frta.trossiall inji
rlous a tte' , and will gladly pay ? 5ttJ I
auy pr.ictlial cbemlit vbu can finrt up
unalraia the nli hteat tracfl of white Ion
or araenh. Ut * unne ' .iher , and you wi
nevt.- regret , Price 50 tent * and $1 (
per box Sjld by all diugglatu &ad p (
Omaha , Nebraska.
This hotollcontains 100 room
all outside rooms , and 80 roou
on the firsb floor , especially adavi
! E ed for sample men. A cuisii
of superior excellence. Ilea
uied quarters- for the state trad
a.d Special inducements to the the
> t.
Btn trical profession. Hotel situat
five llocks from depots. Her
Itch cars pass the door both wa
every five minutes.
ren > . .
Proprietor ,
Pal IMt , A , H , AYLSWOETH ,
Manager ,
( Late of Faxton Hotel ]
for Infants and Children.
anil ovurcoinca Flatulency , ( Joustipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
Fovcrishncss. It inanrea health nnd
natural sleep , without morphine.
" Cnstor'o Is so TrcHndaptod to Children that
I recotiimund ItaSBUjrriortoniij-prcscriptlou
kuowu to me. " n. A. ARcncu , II. D. ,
KTortlnnd Avc. , Urooklyn , N. Y.
Wlmt glrcs our Children roir
Vliat cures tbclr fevers , makri them alp
'Til CMtorln.
Wicn Imbtcn fret nnd cry by turra ,
AHmt cures thvlr colic , kills their worm ,
Hut rantorlra ,
' \Yhn.t quickly cures Cousilnation ,
Stiir Stoniucli , Cold , ludigcfitlon ,
Hut Cnntorln.
Farewell then to Jforphtno Syrups ,
Castor OH und 1'arrguric , ( iMl
nnllCnstorln !
CENTAUR LINIMENT nu ubnoluto euro for Rheuma
, Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. The most Powerful mid Jt-cnc-
Pniii-relievlnjf anil Healing Kennedy known to-man.
will PO8ITIVCUY not boV )
aertcdunlci * paid lirodvanco-
' TO LOAN He Om hn.s vln ? § onnlt
MON'CV prjjMred to % ku loans o > a Omaha
city or J'ouelfts county i3e tvu ot current
rattao In'jSrujc. Nu ocnia > kHlon chrt'iffd. Xltt
JV1 terest. lleralo'loan ABonoj'jlBt ' irDouiilaa'
H/TONFY / tOANHP-Cn ohattcl mortgagM.
1YJ Iiooiii.7 rjmcn Block. 5fl lmc §
' LOAN On chailel irorttaies
M'E nU.UV > S , JlOV rauiaai S' . 7llnC
UCvHY'lUMJAS Cull at Law otlieo of li. I
M H , frel hton Clock.
"D < 1iat y > piojicr - , by J.
. > : < TUT/j < 5 , So 213 South Htns.ruit1'
WANTED > ; irl whi II oronghly uBiMr.
n anils home vroik , a pi IHon In a una.l .
/aml'j I'le t3 ddi 3 rx > i (103 , Viemin' , N i.
85 11)21 )
A'/flwcill h iflrl Jo do itrii'rtl
WANTFD . in toull liiulli , Applj corner
J'ark Wiloo vc tuiu Wali.ut ar , South umaba
ASTSB IdSrnwllately a fir-tclaaa coolf ,
WMher Amtdraaur. 2120 HiiriiDV * t
S63-tf ilB8 J. M
A zlrl tri ceneral htra oworli , 205
WANTKn attM , betwmn I3th Md 13th.
, . ANTFn A. 'tot-daw , Dlne r awl m
* chlmsc. ACompalunt man of good ch iac <
A tdduie ae-d JTOOIU fo' llht
WANIED , wa es 1N < , week 312
jugla Sc 833-11
TFD Ttraiod'aifli ( Hrl
WA gmcy. O - oon'ftn ! or fttoodj.Hr | . Ap
ulj 21" nort 1 that B1-
ANTE J A sbl gen. inl houeoork ,
the S. E , cot'of Slot tat 1 Uumtng at.
" Biy , 15orl6TM , r o'd on llr < nc
WANTE" 1 ' ) pra.'oTitd. Omaha Bloom
Woik , l&th and I JJI'.lo ttrtvM. tlli-UI
T D Tivoaompetent el rl , ono to co 1 ;
WA an i lmt.wi a git I < o d > u-co c
crttnnd ak c < root cftilrtnn > Ilef renc B ro
ijuiied. Apply o ilr , O o E. 1'tltch ft , VU8-
buuth IHh Birfet BJt.'jf-
WAITED Cftrcentor by < b month ,
man. 3211C J o. Q. Jicos <
IANTED-AtllT N. H'h § 1 , a dln | . c-room
gl > ) at one * 833 9-
WANiED-Aie > cd < to k a t Metropolitan
Hot. Ut OKI. 81S-9
IxNTEJ A tconrt cook , i it < ha Emme
W e. Wom D.pKfcT ) . '
D SttaiUeniM cook. Oool re/or
WANTf ulteu , Cor 13th and Vfelt er Sm.
61 , 12
A auto avi cn ra rer at rbolui
WANTED . 792-11
1YE AO NT3-WAWTI For a popit at fi
J selling new book. Cull at 118 sown rth
rcet TCItf
"ITTANTEDA'iposlIti mdrlvi ir frrdcllvery
U YV wagongt'CLia. . jreitrnd. l all rr al
rfrtra 18 1 v utskgor , IDWAISD 0 ( iiu
W M EvsvStie.
- a i OIK raa of txpcr en.e In
WANTED-By a po iii 'i an hnr j-v It >
teujperato > i c < n In a fli n : > < \ icir > iiciu.
AJdieaa t > A. 3lli Olllc. , Oatalu
'ilTOMION WANTE B Btborat ]
O vttcutbAik rlerifilt MIBirj ox.
Aud'.B9 11.012 u Unr
fint cUnfw3rit&
ated StTtiUag * > ) S30 > Ut
W"kNT31.V-'itu tinn by young woiui.n k
nuire t K > I ini.l d In a cod Ja-J.ll.v Ap
ply at bi. J.teph' ' ictpiui.
- OM 1 rgi fur lubed roort.wlii.
FOUVEiT- . ' ul uatcd , bui.i5.uf r iwo
gent' inn. 1U& Howard .
81&11J- ' SHIS. A. M. 0 PaEY.
HE\Ti i -orli e .
' finel ) fuirUhed B x ro-ui h n-e pitat t ) ;
iluafi irar hfad oi At , Uar ) ' < & 7vnui > , to a
.mailfanilj without ch'ldrrn l'taa
w th rifmmfs. H. 42 Bos omce 8S7-U
A NKcotUje for ret/t f hr era inn
JbutWvun t ainain and InugUa. t5.-ll >
rpBiLKT Rnrms ad botfd , tr fur Ulta
I tcu u f.r tnu.mer. 18 8 lalliau < a Si
Oit l > ESr Furnl-hed rotros , No. 21D > o tb
P 9th trtieet , ujlwcea Uapliolntveuua
HKST Twoionnectlng roinia fmnJ-he-1
FOR > r four MI or a 'wiulj ,
wltb boird. Da ; Lo rd furuls'jtxl. 70J tS h ' .
3. . 82-2 ! > l
0 KKNJ Onn or t o room , Ivndsoraa'j
T : fu/a'ihelkt IHH Did o kti fc M t
UOOMS Fii-ncheil or unfurnlthed , with
23 XV kc r' , ICto f avcnport- _ SiJ-13
> t- l OR ' K TA h ardlng iouseNo. TO i uth
I' IS h B letrontiii.liik 17 rtom , tniood re-
mil. Apply 211 * cuth 14th ttrctt , or 1 1 Jltn , M
Wvutn , ( i 8 north I7'li e5 cot , beiWKn C.lifnr-
(1- n'a uid \ \ eo t r atretta. _ tUl 12 }
IIE T Two neu br ck st rt > tn Kth
lo. Foil - nea Capilclb enue. I q Irt at N v\ ,
corner 'f 15 h a il lUrai ) . _ 730-11 )
OU HI-NT-Oiio pmo. I quire at K h m
and Kil-k on TtiSll
ed .
HKNT CottH'oot thrw ro lui , Le ven-
FIJU and 23J ili-iet i. T , J. Pitziur.rrln , 01 !
S. 17lh tt < * t. 788 ( f
ys OR RENT KL room cot'are Hh barn.
171 1011 KENT Viirnn ti cotUgu , i.x roo.oi
171J Mil. 1111 , 2219 Ctl toiolai rut 76191.
I70R ENt Large tiunUhed room at 131S
L1 JacktOJ S rect. 742-lal
-FuinHlied rooms with tabUboud
TORE rOK HE T-Crntr Oth > a4 fla'cr.
S' S , > 100run-nitrt l. 731-21
TTIOR BENT Two oottafw. tictll.i.t mtalr ,
1' IxaTtnwoHh and South av LU4. Its aaalM.
. o.
QTORE VOH RENT rorncrof ICtliMidDlv-
J tnport. liiulr ] 16lU Davenport ttrcct ,
[ JlURNISIinD rooms and board , llcdorn con >
1 } vcnlences , 1810 Dodge atroot.lCOOjunlTf
8ADK CS EXailANOE-Full lot sn-J
dwellings corner of Uth anJ 1'aclHc gtrtcti.
line loU In Bitth Omaha Also ll'.u aor B of
and no r Stanto , Ncbra-ka , nnd buuuln > r i-nd
slock of clot. l"i'So. 8i,4 , Tenth tttoot. Wlilsx-
nurgo for NtbriHlia firn lardj. Kurthir jifir-
cularj at O > o H. Pjtmon'fl Clnthiliit Store ,
M Icntheticp' . 845 ( .at-mon-ili Iw
3IiP. . A marly IILW cn'ik bt vo. 13etn
FOK ouly elx uo thj. 17 8 Hurt strict.
TTtOB SALK OH FAT - A black horse , 7 years old' '
JD1 luqulioatC , l scte otl'co 834108
tAIj1 Two jrood horse * , by W G , Morton
ton , tcl north 15th near Davenport.
SALE ICO crea Improvr l 'arm near
FOR on Iowa ; tfift-ros undercuUhMlon , lo
acren wcoilhni ) , baLmco pa lure , 27 pira'to.
200 acres In pro\cdfarmone half mile from I'.lk-
horn s'atlcn. K .0(1 ( licuee at > d I an , llvlni ; natur.
' 145 acres under cultivation , balance paatute , all
fenced , 335 p r a > .
7 lots In Y'ttM & Hocd'siddltlon , near Proeptct
Hill cemctary , KitOlfm pijm t .
Hon-o nd lot In Grand Ulan I Neb. , 0 roorrs ,
clotC.B'flikr , well ur.d uhrubbcry , 4,0.d Knco ,
> li CO ; time imymtntiv
3 lots Iu ClranJ Island , Neb , vroll located ,
H5. 'Ime pa muits
> I"'a tn LOHCS hubdlnilon In South Ouialu ,
tC 0 to I701 , time itvjnun s.
llouio nrid lol.two s'oiy fume 12OODIP , dra
fts , cellar , illy nat r , rintg lor 850 , KOCd lot * .
linn , S3.W
lloueo rd lot 1 } tory fraTe , n roTnn , ( lo pts.
cellar , cittern aurf wll , noir U. P. shops on 13th
5 lota In A lfn' aub'lua'on of Iloger'i ai'd ,
fli o'T locitfd ; y 50 to i'AO
16)ncr8o mlici from YanVlon , Dakota ,
one uille from the louvent ; a rery Kre > t buga n ,
pi Ice tit 00
Hot c.rner Indlara an1 DlvUlon , $1000 , on5
h If case , balanie on time.
E. L. M"R&CO ,
81313 1C 2 Capltil A o ,
\Lr.OU HKNT M w ofU.o with Dvo
looms and nil m dtrn oun > . n vu > is - - s-
( . .orncr2d and Ila-nuy. 81 0
llou < "i throe and f urrfiM-s , Inn -
. n lis ) . 8',0-lRt
SALT A new Hail's * < e , iaiblc for of-
FOH or ho' ' BO V..nCctt , bt Max M } cr'u. S.
< OK SALK Hulk l > tr and ( J n-o i miuets. V
Ji J. II S | > arnan , icr. 12th 1.1 il llou ird. .
_ _ _ _ _
Foi ialeo ly toiniiniiUs It.lionicnJ
LOlt ca > tr > i.k J 0. Wucixat arK . .v-
cuuo houeo , I antcom plio- , . 062-t
523-tf 0. J DANAN.
"C1UR SALE Old nowfipaptrg In luge and email
J ; qllMitltlM lt this OltlCD. tf
FOR SALE Flax mill machinery onslstlnp of f
brake , 2 Uu'te'8 , beatrr , picker , pre s , 4o. jf
Canwor'i el .her r ttcdor ureen stock .altonhaft.
Injf , pulllca nd btltlnn fardrUli r tbo ho tf
al o 35 II. P. engine with b'j'ler , sinnlce. .
tick nl nil 1x'Ure < co p. ' U . Addre % v\IL i
I AM T/tIT l b u les CItv I ovra. S95 Sni I
rOR SALE A fir tlaa second hand top bug.
er Cull at l.lln llain v otrerr W-t
niAKEV UP ABm-llpjrjnmareabcu' I2yara
j oln , Mazed luce , b Ih ia a unit' . Owretciu
b T m iiv ci HI.L' tn N. n. p r .S.\V cjru r
20th abd UculiTtid , and pa. } Incli.rk'is ,
810tl leachwt
OR STOLEN ODD hay broncho
STRAYED about 5 jean ol' ' . Star on hrad ;
ir-irteHnd < t-r , brardvd on left hlpanchur J
H ward will be given for > Inlornikila > a Dee
office. SiS-llJ
CI SS BOAKD-J3.SO per week at
1001 cd.' . HU-lSt
r ADiLS A D vnuva MEN in cltj or
i j cnut t-y to tiiHO plro 1 cht ad Fl > a > ant oik
M their ho i et ; 8 tj 85 a day ta ily ant quietly
itiidt ; wgi > HU i bv m < . < l ; no en vk-snu : 10
ktnniptorr ph. IMoaxa eudro H Rillt'lu ' JUr u-
tactUtii ) ( Co. , Fill do'r.&a , Ta , drawir IT
71 ! ) JntiiS 1 ueThuSatm
UP - O' o h 'tie and onn nine cell ,
J Hiihl thud f > ft tohtle iUro ha wh le
siar on fjnhia > . Owrur an ri cover fame ly
l > rrnini | . wnetbl Ip ou. application to H. Trie ,
3anJoia pret-liict. StM-tit oe | | |
TH 'SALIST ' , 498 Tenth atreU , tittwion Furn ro
and Harncy. Will , with he aid of kuardlani
tt ) ) it , obtain for n f one a iclancu of lhepaat <
and pruBcnt. ud nn c-irtalu condltloni iu tht MI-
tuiv. Boot ! and Shoo * tn di to nrdai
ftrlxfkctlnn ini
i V
Absolutely Pure.
Thla powder never varlu. A marrei ol pn rlty
nrenjrtb and wholeaomeaeai. Vlore txeaomlcal
than the orplnary klnda. and canno * k lold la
competition with the nu&ltude of U U t her J
wtJuht.alumor ph pute ! powder Soid only ID
pana. ROTJU. Biiixa rowpaa Co * . Vrall-8t. > | 4f
Haw York.
Po ltlv l' P torad In
M _
Ic nY c < takU Coafeo hn For tart c >
ultn a dr. . . Va M tM M d. Co , t. O
Box 1U1 , M. LouU , W , Jautll diw-i