Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlio Star Route Lawyers Pro-
paiod to Test the Efficacy
of Pray or ou the Oouit ,
Suits Begun ARolnat Weutprn
Mail Contractors to Recover
cover $300,000
A b-jtrocte of the ? Report of the
CoiniulaBioa oa the Reduc
tion of the Nuvy Yards ,
Senator Van Wyck and the
Dead-wood Mail Route
Tahor'a Haste.
Tlio Doooltfal BSiij Wloltoraoii DU-
oppeara to Avoid Arre t and
Bpecl&l DlipatcUM to Tun Bn.
WASHINGTON , Jane 10. Tno de
partment of agrloalturo reports an in-
croaao In the cotton urea slightly ox-
coading 3 per cent. Florida aud Ten-
nesaeo lull by ouo point to maintain
their area , and there ia a decrease of
about 10 nor cent in the cotton dis
trict ! ) ot Virginia and Missouri. Tno
increase Is about 8 per cant In Toxaa ,
7 In Arkansas , 5 in LouhUua , 3 tn
Alabama ; 2 rtapacttvoly in South Care
tin * and flliaslaolppl and 1 in Gjorgi * .
The department record on tliuu''Oi fur
1882 wai 10,270,000 acre ? ; racum * Indicate -
dicato a breadth nt 1C 780.GOO ivores
an Increase of 50-1,000 ucrer. The
nrce > by states Is lu thousand acr < >
Virgluiu , 55 ; North U. ollmi , 1,050
South O.xrohni , 1 118 ; Mlsoisulpt'i
2,278 , ' Louisiana , 93i ! ; Texas. 3,035
Arkansas , 1188 , Totitusscc , 807 ; JM.U
Bourl , Indian Territory und othoi
Btn'cs contributed the remainder.
The Averasgua of condition re : Vir
ginia , 81 ; North Carolina. 81 ; Soutl
Unrollnn , 85 ; Georgia , 86 ; ilorlrfa
94 ; Alabama , 87 ; Misjiauippl , 80 i
Lnululnna , 91 ; Texas , 89 ; Arkuiibua
87 , and Touneuaeo , 78.
The condition ot winter who t iire
ported lower than in May ihroaghou
ttio en'iro area , with n fev oxoeptincs
The decline amounts to 4 points ii
Connecticut , 14 in Now York , 2 Ii
Ohio , 8 in Indiana , 15 in Illinois , am
7 In Mlanourl. I : ta alight lu Mlchl
gan and goner jlly throughout th
Bouth. The general av rag c nidi'.ioi
la 75 , against 83 in Miy , In June
188'It waa 99 for vfinto I > is bv aa fol : Connecticut , 2 ; Now York , ( ! 3
Now York , 101 ; Ponnaylvunb , 97
Djlawuro , 83 ; Maryland , 98 ; V r
glnla , 93 ; North Chrolirr.i , 95 ; S-mtt
Ovtolina , 95 ; Ooor la , 9G ; Alab&mi
J5 ; Mississippi , 83 ; Texis , 80 ; A.C
kanaas , 80 : Tounussas , 85 ; West Vir
gluia , 88 ; Kentucky , 77 ; Ohio , ( ! D
Michigan , 80 ; Indiana , 07 ; Mtuaourl i
70 ; Illinolfl , 51 ; Kvms , 80 ; Oillfor
nia , 89 ; Oregon , 90 Tonne li uro
Indicate the condition of growin
wheat , without reference to thu lena i
orsa by the p'owlog ' np of the white
killed arcan. T..J iprlu wheat are
has bsen Increased nbout hnlf u mil
llou acres , or nor.rly 5 pur cont. Wii
coneln reports a redaction oi 1 pi
cent , Iowa 2 Minnesota m : k u n
incraaio if 5 percent ; Nabratka ,
Dakota , 40 ; Montaaa , 35.
have an r.oror.go of nearly 10OCOOC , ,
\ acrea. The condition of spring whei ;
ia everywhere high , avowglug 98
the flame aa laat year.
The urea of barley ! > i increased
cor cent ; the total acreage Ic aboi
2,350,000 acres. The condition ave
ages 97.
The Increases In the area of nate in
per cent ; area nearly 10,200.000acre
condition hlqh , nvoiaulng 90
PIIILADELVUIA , Juno 9 I'ho mont
ly report of the secretary of the u
tional cotton exchange , chows thn cc
ton movement of thu United Scat
from September 1 to May 31 us to
low * : llioaipka nt ports thla yon
5,803,522 ; last year , 4,451,114 ; nhl
pcd onvriand to mills ibis year , 2
443 ; laat year. 410,70
shipped to Oinoda th
year , 34,302 ; last year , 29,97
exporta to Great Britain this yen
$203,581 ; last year , $207,457 ; oxpoi
to Franca this year , § 409,992 ; It
year , $316,242 ; exports to tha cent
nnnt this year , $1,338,701 ; lust yei
$743,081 ; experts to channel poi
this year , $15,403 ; last vrnr , $44 2 |
stock at ports this year , ? 5C9,440 ; Ic
i { / year , $470,481 ; nt pea batwt-on pni
' I " this year , § 10 834 ; laat year 835 5 ;
i takings of United Srateo spinners t
year , $1,590,728 ; last year , $1,521
' " " *
, 'tff' ' MILWAUKEE , June 10 The anni
corn crop rsvlen of Robert Llndblc
& Oa. , Chicago , wai completed Site
day. The toview comprlaoa ropoi
from nearly or.o thonaand polnta
the loading corn states. Inqnlr
wore aent during the laat days of M
to eleven hundred points in the prl
clpel corn states , ton m number , u
Ing Information concerning the pn
ont condition of corn , acreage plauti
damage done by cold and not , etc.
comprehensive auramiry of anawon
here given : The condition of o :
generally la very good There ia Ini
incroaie In the acreage planted t ;
yoir , espacially In winter wheat atat
where thousands of acrea of rulr
whoit have baeu plowed
and planted with corn. 1
damage done by thu c :
weather and rains in May r.nd '
latter part of April , appeared to hi i
amounted In most cases to but lit
moro than delaying planting , and
tardlng the growth ot grain al
planting. The warm troathcr wh
aot In nbout June 1st changed
aspect of aft'ilrs very much. We
bright weather carao jest In time
do Its wurk , tad It boon delayed
drys longer tha r 'anlt would h
beeu Qi a trocs. As tt is , there i
promise of a largo yield , and *
good reathor promise irill not fai
, - fnlfillmout. In sections where ,
p cause of poor quality of sc
or bad condition pf soli , corc |
not come np , the acre
bos In nearly all cases been
planted. The state of Kansas prom
ifcs Jargest Incroaxo ID the yl >
Kanaaa produced in 1882 , 157,000,00
bushels of con . TMs jeur U la call-
uinted , the estimate being bated upon
the known incrc&so of ane.igo nnd outlook , tint the produotion
will not Ml below 200,000,000 Mia-
uouri will ii.cro.ioo her production In
proportion , nnd tlio per cent increase
will not bu much lota. Ohio , it Is esti
mated will produce near.y 100,000-
010 Of forth-olght counties in Wis <
o'lutiiu heard from , twenty-eight , re
port an Increase lu acreage o ! from 2
to 25 per coat , whllo but ttvo report a
Icaa acringo than hat year. Nearly
every county now gcnO.n a favorable
report of the oatlook. Oi thirty
6.iUimt's in KMISAS , reprcnontlnt ;
fairly dlffdront Beoilou * of ,
23 report nn lilcroiao in aorcAf.d i
from 10 to 33 per cent ; 3 a Blight do-
ctoaso. Reports are uniformly good
as to the general outlook. Of 31 coun
ties in IlUuola , covering dlilareut portions
tions of the Mate , 13 report nn In-
croaco of ecroago ranging from 5 to 33
per cent ; 5 a deorcaio of from 5 to 25
par can ? . Of 15 Indiana oonniies , 9
report an increase in acreage , whllo
none report n decrease. In Indiana
the Irciit did orau damage , hut wher
ever It was cut to the ground , replant *
injt hen replaced the damage.
Of 31 counties In Iowa , 18 < ? lvo nn
Incioiso in acreage of from 10 to 25
per nent ; 3 a silent decrease.
Of 10 conmies In Ohio , 5 give
an iucrasao of from 5 to 20 per ount ;
throe , a deovoAso of from 5 to 15 per
per cont. Wisconsin makes n moro
unfavorable allowing then any of the
lea stated. Ot fifteen counties In
Qonthera Wisconsin , four glvo an In
creased ncrcatjo ; five n docrnajo in
Thu uuEe/iiou\bl'j / ; vronthor haa been
the solo trouble In Wisconsin. Plant-
lug has been dulayod nn'il , in aoma
LicnlltlPD , It IB too late to raise
, nioro thfen fodder. A dnzsn
Koutncky counties , with trro oxcap1
: tloiu , report an increase cf anroi > gt >
Of fotirtinui counties in Miuucootrt
, toveo civo nn Increased i cr s , foui
a decrt'iiBO. With the t-xcc/tion of
Wisconsin , each nt the stilus cDvered
report the general outlook good. Only
iwo counlitu of the uatlro number report
port nuy dumago ihmu bj worms.
While uo oatimato of the ggrcg ti
, yield of the tun status IB nUomptod
; the iucro.iccd ncreago and ganoral
f.ivorabla stand warrants the belle
that thn ur'iiriatf crop will exceed the
crop of 1882 nt least 12 per cant.
Sp'clal Ulep'vtrhoa to TiiKbn.f.
Jay Gould'a yncht , the Atabnta , inudi
a Buccefif til triul trip Saturday.
Mujor NickoiRna'd fraudulent dtrorci
wan nuunlled a ; I'liiladelphla.
There have been thirty-two deaths fron
yolliiw fevar , ia Havasn , tUo pist v.eok.
John W. ( Jreea , D respected citizen o
Gr.snt county , ICy , , WAS ani na
Ynpine-r .Tachson , Andrew Hoppo nn
William Kellv were killed by an cxplnsioi
iu the Ansoini rubber works nt New York
Litoet reports siy Crook Iwd uo goaera
engaGewont up to May S7 , but at ttmttlm
was confident he could walp the Apaches
The governor of Colorado will oill 01
extra Bcsaion uf the le > ; iel turo to connldc
innttera in cnnneution with the proposci
, capitol liuildiuj.
r- Misn Moty McDonald was reppateJl
r33 outr-ged Friday rii ht at Cliicipro b
' John Mnlaney , Dau ilanley nnd Ueorg
! , Hulligau , three boodluma , who were ai
ar Henry D. Kino , nrrestod Jn Silt Lilt
ea City on a charge of urson committed i
1is ] j3udon many yoaia ngo , ban hocn BCI
is- tcnced to ten yenrV pcual Bervitudo.
cr Oolooel GhtTlca Sehurix dropped don
Saturday nilit , iuan elevA'ctt r ilr j
car , iu Now Yn k , lie was 68 year ) ol
H wns eleiU'l icgintcr uf iiruoklvn
A check for the full amount cf 1'ayma
00 ter Wasson's doticit has hoen jireiontei
It ia not knvivn whut effect it will have c
nt the prosecution , hut fiiands Of the accus *
hope for his ucuittfll. |
Wong Chin Van , editor of Thu Chlnr ?
5 Amorieau , New York , has hnd C'hiu 1'c
nt Tip iirresteci for tryiDR to assassinate hiti
' ad been ventilating the
houseo. nr.d Tip was chosen n ; thulr agei
, to remove the obnoxious editor.
Albert C. Ives , lati of The Now Yoi
us ; Tiraoj , aailcd in die City uf Rime Satu
day , to take part in the conduct of t
caw Aiueiican daily paper , The Uiipntc
th- tn be o tablUbed ia 1'arU July 1 , by L.
ia- Chnuibcrluin , until recently private aocr
tary to James Gordon Uennutt.
tes Judge DonohuB , of the Now York B
prome court , isnued an atUchmont again
the property of Albeit Weber , the pia
manufacturer , on Application of Kielbc
IP- Giro , who clftinin that Weber converted
52 , hit own uie $2,000 , which ho pUced in I
10 ; hands iu January IftJt.
The Kentucky court of appeals hIP
-i. nlHritiod the decfsion of tha court bolo
' in refuting to grant a now trial to Oral
ar , one of tbo A hlaua murderer ; , chirg ;
rtn with first outraging and then murderi
aat a girl named Gibhona , nnd afterwards BI
tt- ting fire to the house in which were t
tttr , body of the girl , her comrade and brothi
, who were niao murdered ,
rts The Niagrra Falls park commission h
7-1 ; decided ta select nnd locate a proper n
ast ntcessary to bo preserved for the pn
r purooje of preiervin ; the scenery of t
52 falls cf Niagara the following lands : Gc
; Idftnd , the Tbroo Slater lelunds , U
hla Inland , Luna Island , Chaplu Island ? , a
16- , the Binnil ielanda aclj caut in the rir
Also a strip of land oeginniog near l' ' <
Day running nlong the fihore of tald rii
t * nnd including Priupeet park , the c
uai and D.-ba.'d nlope. The amount of p
om perty to bo nscureti will not , U ia believi
ur- excetU 11,0:0,000.
irts Garibaldi memorial services we
in hold yesterday rt hla ancient roalder
rlea In Statcn Island.
I.y Oheiter W Onaptn , ex-president
In- ihe Boston & Albnny railroad , died
iak- his homo in Springfield , Mass. , y <
03- tnrday. Ilo waa born lu the ye
od , 1798B.
A B. .7 Monily of Syracuse , N. 1
sla killed hli dtup-danghior , Mrs. Sue
orn llynei.und then killed himself ; fain
rco troubles
his Governor Bntler and atafl will i
tea , tmid thu commencement of Willla
nod college , Williaaistown , July 4. N\
np llama conferred L.L. D In 1804 , up
rho GJII. Butler.
old NEW YOHK , Juno 10. Arrived , I
the Etoamslilpa Brltanto , Baltic nnd Alai
ave fromLlvurpnnl ; NomlalB , from Eav
ttlo Sailor , from Bremen.
ra Jane 10. Arrlv
fter the Lori Ohvo , from Liverpool.
ilch LOKDJW. JnnolO. TftoOhio , P ]
the ndelphio , Peruvian and Montreal ,
urm rived out.
tun Raliemluu Canvontlon.
IBV cl i 111 DUpatch to Tun Use.
la a WILWACKKK , Jane 10 , The trl
i-Uh nial convention of tha supreme lot
U of of the Bohemian Benevolent csroi
bo tlon of the United Scatee convonoi
oed , morrow. Delegates to-duy mot
did north side Tumor hall , and wcro
2age dreieod by N. Sasjdr , editor of
ro- Dannlce Novovekia , published
ilsos Olevoland. A grand ball wu given
leld. the ovoniog.
A Detailed Review of the Pres
ent Conaitioii of Corn , dot-
ton and Wheat ,
The Former B&ttlou Success
fully Against Gold and
Wet Weather.
The Qc"o ; ge Largely Increased
in All btattiP , and Con
dition Excellent ,
The Cotton Plant In Poor UomU-
tlon nnd Wheat Fairly Good.
Sptclal Dispatch to Til a Dm.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Morrlck ,
n hla addreea in the otar ronto cuoo ,
tiat outlined the rcquoatn the prosccu
tlon will make In thulr prayers for In
structions to the jury , and if thwy are
approved by the court , it la likely thu
final cbargo will bn strongly ngniuit
the defendants , Undoubtedly the
prayers of thu defense will ntrlko at
the vitality of the Indictment. Not
much hope Is entertained on thut side
of r. favorable recaption of their
prayers , mtny of which are formulated
for the purpose of scouting exceptions
for used hi case of tppaal , ohould the
court reject them. The defense will
probably maintain that the aUtuto
- of limitations has ran against the cue ,
but already Judge Wyllo has practi
cally decided that point BO far an hie
court is concerned. Judge Wyllo
acorus disposed to uco all his power to
eociiro u verdict of some kind ; In other
, words , to prevent disagreement.
A carious fi-atnro Is the position
occupied by Herdoll. Ilo has con
fessed himself guilty , yet should the
jury ncqult the other defendants It
< would have the i fleet of Betting nnldo
. the plea cf guilty of "conspiracy , " and
thus , In a negative way , declare him
, Inuuc3nt of the chnrgo of which he
] admitted himself guilty.
Special Uttrpatch ta Tin Bm.
WASHINOTON , Juno 10. In June
1882 , m-reomonts worf > made between
Goo , B.tsa , nstiitaut U. ti. attorney
and lljbortG. Ingerooll , uttornoy foi
the ballsburys , Parkera and others hi
toreated with ihoso star ronto eon
tractors , torefor the claims of thogov
eminent for alleged overpayments or
various routes to Richard A. Elmur
second assistant postmaster
for arbitration. Elmer has been ex
[ .mining the payments on routes t (
< those contractors over aince. Ilavint
concluded his labors , Elmer rjco itlj
directed the attention of the postnnsto
general to the matter , citing the rovlsoi
atatcto , which sayn : "Any. sum
wrongfully paid by reason of fftloi
statements in the mall service , tin
postmaster general must DUO for thi
recovery thereof " The matter ba
; Ing referred to the attorney general
; ho decides tint arbitration 1 * no
binding. Suit was therefore inati
tutod against the above parties on thi [
8'.h inat. The amount suodforia noa
: Q
iu § 300,000. Elmer's invebtlgation hsi
u- dovclopedlargo overpayments , pnrtlon
lorly on the route running from Wil
low llmch , Oillfornla , to Kino , Nc
vada. Othar oult nsjalnst the nnci
i ( prtrtlea ere to folio * ; also ngaiut
other cmtraotora
. . . WAVY
id.on BysfM Dispatch to Tin U3H.
art COXOJUD , N. H , Juno 10. S.'crc
tnry Ohnndior has received and con
rC' oidered the memoranda furuiahud b
OU , the navy yard commission , Oomnu
in doroLnco president , concerning the
IQt ropcsed report to congress , and t\p
rov-'B rocommendailona fc
rk losing certain yarda and concentri
rkr rho ion of organization and reduction <
ho ! xponsen In the remainder. The
heft i ako eilect about Jnly 15. The rci
mrnoudatlons Include roorgantzitla
nd concentration of the mechanic
BU- opartment of every navy yard co thi
ist hero shall bo ono shop In each fi
mo : he performance of the oarr
ert lass of work. The lomml
Ito ton consider It of abaoln
mportanco that Mara lalar
ias navy yard bo retained In full opor
iw , Ion , as It is the only workshop of U
ft.ed government on the west coast. It
ed > reposed to abolish eightformauahlp
ing : , s follows : Foreman of Iron plater
the rot- quarterman Iron plater , master plut
ior , > or , superintendent of dry dock , for
man of blacksmiths , superintendent
ties machinery , qnartorman machinist , for
md : man of joiners , and the formanthlpj
the me coppersmiths and plumbers are to 1
ant merged Into one. The removals w
ird rednoo the dally pay from 8179
md 5136. It is recommended that Pens
rer , cola yard bo closud , Norfolk yard
'art retained lu fkat clais condltlo
hff and that Washington yard
ire loslgnated as the naval arson :
ed , Ljaagno Iilsnd bo closed as yard or n
val station until plans bo propar
ore and approved for such yard as the d
ace ! ) rtment requested authority to co
itruot and oongroos authored , T ?
Uf novr yard is to bo retained as a fir
Iat class yard. New London Is to
es- dropped forthwith from the Hat
ear navy yards and the naval asylum TV
bo transferred to a vacated site
the Thames. Some difference
Dlla opinion exlata In the commbulou
illy regard to the disposition
Baston anuPortaniouth. Allargrect
at- yard at Portsmouth indofonsll
tms agalu&t attacka from Ironclads , a
Vil recommended no further cxpondltai
pen bo made thereon for improvement n
any kind. All agree that It would 1
the diflieult to over estltn&to tbo Itnpo
ska anco of the Boston yard In time
freed war and that It should bo co improv
aa to utillsa the water frontugo to t
ed , utmost extent at the earliest n
meat ,
Sputa ) Uleiatch ) to Tun BKH.
WAbiiisQTOK , Juno 10 Adjut :
General Drum yesterday received
ofliclal telegram from Phllndslp ]
len announcing thnt the dcsroo of divoi
dg In iho case of Mijor A. U. Ulekorsi
cia U. 8 array , had bet n ust aaldu and I
toiu formi-r verdict deckred null and vo .
iu ImmodUtoly upon its receipt the gi ;
ad oral of the army ordered Gen. Dri
the to immediately leeao papers for I
a arrest of Mejir Nickoraon , prop&i .
In tory to hla bolng tried by court ro
llal on charge of condnct \
becoming of an officer and
conllcnuu. The papers were is *
sued lu the afternoon nnd n nusion
gor dispatched at once to servo tnoin
on him , It is thought however , thnt
there will bo dllliaulty in rinding him ,
as it Is the general Impression thnt ho
has left for purts m.known. For sev
eral days past his whoroabonta lia o
been ; * mastery to his uioat iiitlinato
acqimtnu' cex
Ellorta to fit-1 ntiy trace of Mojjr
Nlckcrsan in SV.irhhigtou were fruit
less , and the accrotary of war in
structed the pnymsslor general to
withhold hla pay as n retired army
ofl'uor ,
SpcclM Dltr tch to Tim ! ! .
TA toll's IUSTE.
WASUINOTON , Juno I ) . There Is
coualdorablo apart at thu treasury de
partment over a draft on the seertary
for 503,000 drawn by ex-Senator Ta
bor. Ic wna protested of oonrBO. The
drift was diipoMtod lu a Colorado
bank by Tabor , who expoottd In
this way to rocolro the money for a
pli'Co of laud recently aold by him to
the government for * now postollijo
and oturt house at Djnvor. Ikforo
Tabor cm got IIB ! money the attorney
general must notify the United States
district attorney to exam
luo and report to him upon the
senator's title to the property. If cor
rect the district attorney will aoud on
a cortitiod abstract of title , and when
reoolved the attorney general prepares
a voucher. This document goB to
the first auditor , who examines nnd
passes upon It to too If the law lisa
boon compiled wIHi. Then ho Bondo
it to the firat comptroller , who paseoj
upon It. Next It goea to the register
of tha treasury , who rogls
tors it aud keopj the original and
Bonds a copy to thi ) warrant
room , llero n , warrant la drawn for
the amount and thla Is cent to ( ho
treasurer cf the United SUtoa. The
latter makes n draft for the amount
upon the nearest nub-treasury In f aver
of Tabor , nnd it U innllud to his post *
oflhu address , after being aont tn
llegUtor Bruce for registry , and it hna
bt'on returned In duo conrno to hla oflico
Tabor ohonld not bo in Bach a hurry
nor BO direct In his methods.
As to Van Wyok'a Indirect attack
on tbo postolllco department In con
nection with thn letting of the Fort
Noobrara and Djadwood mail route
In hlo poraonnl politics ! feud against
Valentine , a special further Buys that
, Gro ham ww displeased when he
found that Van Wyok's letter had
boon pnbllnhod buforo it was racolvod
< at the postofliao department. When
ho wn naked , "Will you reply to the
lettoil" ho said :
, 1 'I don't thnt it li necessary. Sena
tor Von Wyck cimo to BOO mo th
other day and said that ho though
the aervieo vras unnocoscary. IL
asked mo to have the matter looker
up and I Raid that It would bo.
: don't think thnt any further statement
mont on ray mrt lu needed. Tin
: matter la In the handa of Gen. Elmur
nnd ho la competent to attend to It
No ono doob s Elmer's Integrity o
iflblonny or would suepect him o
doing nn Improper not , and Ohio
Clerk Lyman'a honesty is not quez
tioncd. "
. . Coadliion of the treasury In gel
coin and bullion , § 104,210511 ; nllvc
j. dollars nnd bullion , 8113,815,737 : frac
I. tional Oliver coin , § 28,411,000 ; Unite
_ StMes notco51 515 105 ; total , ? Ii87
„ 938,4 ! ) ! ) ; citrtilieates outntft'idlns
gold , $00,800,940 ; filvnr , S71.552
551 ; curruuoy , 812 420,000.
Attempt attinlolilu.
SpccUl Dhp.-itch to Tint Urn.
GK.VSI > ISLAND , Nob. , Juno ! ) 0.
Bvjon , farmarly nn employe of tt
Union Pjclfi : , nttumptjd auicido la
oir ! night by t&kiug araonlo. A uoctc
3or waa aummonod , v/ho admlnlatorod a
or emetic , but ho ia not yet out of dat
nof gor. Bacon had nn arm crushed nn
last March and this la
oy amputated , cu
c posed to bo the cause.
: Bonthnrn Cyolonei.
nt Special DIppatch(8 to Tux Us *
or , Toxna , Juno 10. La
ue yesterday afternoon a terrible cyoloi
Is- prevailed west of hero. The Dai
ite Hill place wna completely doatrnyi
ad by lightning. A well BO f nil of wat
ra- , that It could be dipped from the t >
raho WAS tusked dry. Joe Browu'a pla
is waa utterly ruined. E/orything lu i
path of 150 yards cattle , homed , ai
, fencing was picked up and cirrli
m- through the air like atrawe. Parti
re- on the edge describe the roar of tl
reef storm as deafening Crops am vo
ro much injured. A heavy hail otor
roof otrnok McKlnnoy. The largest h :
bo atones over noon hero fell.
rill ST Louis , Juno 10. A tornac
to passed ovcr'a part oi ( Jilloway count
33- Mo. , Friday evening , and did oonal
ba 1 orablo damage to farm houses , on
m , bnlldinc ; und other properly , but m
bo body U reported killed or wounded ,
an- The Tozni Cattla Drl o.
red 8p clalDllp&tcb to Tun UKK.
Jo- Sr Louis , Juno 10. A dlapat
3U- from Dallas oaya : "I'ho cattle drlv
3Uho ao far this acutson , exceeds all cxpocl
rst- tions. Over 200,000 head have
beef ready piosod over the trail that lea
of through Albany. This does not I
clndo moro than half the number tl
on have boon nrlven from the atato.
in Nlokeriou'i Divorce Annulled
of Bpect&l Dispatches to Tin DEB
the PHILiDELFHIA , Juno 9. The COt
bio of common ploaa to-day annulled t
md divorce obtained by Mejir Niokor
rca on the ground that it wuu obtained
of fraud , acd dl.imUeud the libel a
be impoiiod tbo payment of nil costs up
rt the libcllunt.
cod Z-lttn , Rnttor.
the Hpoo'al Dlitcli tJ TIIK HUH.
no- BLOOMINOTOS , III. , Juno 10 , Ml
II iri Lnt , V.1H prana doMia , Ib n
boltuvi'd to DO out immtidlato d ;
ger , navitg 'ijjilBi'0.ici n fnvora
cftuugo ycRtor ny. Khc ia , howov
ant dollrlous moai of the time.
< m
ihla Faitary Bur ami
TOO Special LiHiintcn to TIIK Hr.s
on , N , J. , .nno 9. Stoo '
the stojkin fujtory burned. LOBS $1
.Id. 000. There uru 200 operators out
en- omployment.
the Fatal tlrxlooa ! tow >
.ra- Special DIfp t TUB tin.
inr- "Nr.w YOJIK , , Juno 10. Pntr
un- Regan , 44 years of ago , proprletoi
the llickot court and saloon , at 404
Madlaon otroet , was killed to-night In
his place by Police Oflber John W.
Smith. The flicor hnd bcn detailed
to arreat violators of the ixolao lav.
lie was drctcud lit cl IZMIB' clothes
nnd entered llo nu'd eal-jt'l1. llt can
r elated arreat and attacked ( ha otlloor
wl'hn cavalry anbro , whereupon the
otlicor fhol him , Smith wai placed
d > r nrrnt.
Tlio Final Obsoqaios Over tlio
Remains of Joliu Howard
The Tribute of the Living to
the Author of "Hoin- ,
Sweet Home. "
SpocUl Dlepitch to Till nil.
WASIII.NOTO.N , Juno 10 Af .or thirty
years' burial lu the laud of his exile ,
the remains of the author of "Home ,
S oet Uomo , " worn yesterday laid to
rust In the aoll of his natlvo land. The
pageantry of the funeral cortege and
the ceremonies of the occasion wcro r
tribute to the genius of John Howard
P.iyuo , in keeping with the place ho
hold * in the homes and honrta of the
American people. With the nolomn
strains of the funeral dirge , the
measured trnmu of martial columns
and a distinguished following o
notable men , representing all tin
honorable wnlka of life , the funora
procogalon paaaod through the streets
of thu natbual capital to the alien
resting plixco cf the dead. All the
pomp nnd circumstance of hnnm
grandeur , contributed to this -Turn
honor paid by the living to the dead
The government was represented by
Ito chief executive and his council o
constitutional advisors ; by crrauta o
the banch and Us judiciary ; by members
bors ot both houtea of concrete ; by
numerous representatives of the ntmy
and navy , ami by members of the dip
lomatic corps. The array of promi
nent government officials ; of rcprot-
ontatlvoa of foreign powern ; thu prea
ouco of the military and throngs of
citizens , gave the demonstration a
national character that marked it nn n
tribute of thu ontlro nation.
was formed nt the gallery of art
whcro the military nnd civilians bfgar
to gather eoinp time before the np
pointed hour , 4 o'clock. The romaini
wore eucloaud in n hands oaskol
nnd placed in n hourao which hid been
built especially for the occasion , II
was a nquaro finished vehicle , wltl
< glass walls , aud surmounted b
nix utna and drawn by twelve whlti
hcnsiMi The proccealon moved ii
d the following column of march vl
I Ponnoylvaulu avenue to the come'
J- tery :
r City Military i , .
liatt\lionHocondArtlllory. ! _ _
School Oadota.
r OlliolfttiiiB
3f l' . H Uon
f bouring the
About fifty carriages tollowed , con
raining relatives of John llownr
Payne , Iho orator of the day , the poc
Id of the Jcy , the president of the Unite
ur States , members of the cabinet , mom
c- bcra of the diplomatic corps , thu chit
und uscoolato of U
cjd justice juiticea
Duprntno court of the United Scntoi
the chinf justice and aEBjpUto juotlm
of the District uf Columbia , aud man
other ' ' ' .
( I'sllnguiah'-'d pdrsotib.
All along the whole course of th
route people gathered to witiitjaa tl
splendid and Imposing funeral p
goant. The Bldowalka were throngi
. and wlndowB filled with ouger npeot ;
bo tors. The relative of Payiio in tl
iat : procoialon were Uev. Mr. Liquiir ar
wife , of Bedford Station , N. Y. , tl
or latter being a niece cf Payne ; Mr. (
N. Payne , of Brooklyn , who wna a
oompantod by Gabriel Harrlnon , c
iutimato friend of Payne , and anthi
of a book o ( reinlnlnconona. Auothi
pile | - Intimate frlnnd , Mr. Joseph Da SI
Plckott , of Frankfort , Ky. , was all
Before the proceaslon reached 0 :
ilo II111 the holders of tlcketH had bogt
no to arrive and take their positions (
ck the platform which had been bn
ed around the monument. The shaft
tcr s/hlto marble , aatmountod by n bu
iOp ono half larger than lllo size , Is au |
ice ported on a b so of solid gray granl
itc six foot cquaro. The height of t
nd monument In fourteen feet , and
od general design Is Raman of a pn
lea classical . The inscription
typo. ! ) ai
ho detilgna on the shaft are simple. (
irr the front IB the following brief but ot
rm fiotont lutcrlptlon ; "John Ilnwa
all Fnyno , author of 'Home , Sire
Hoinn. ' birn Juno ! ) , 17'J2 , died Ap
do 10 , 1852 " On the back is the inacrl
ty , tton which waa on the tombjtono th
Id- marked hla grave In Tunis , It is
follows :
"Surevhen thy qontle spirit lied ,
To realms ftbovu the azure dome ,
With arms outetrotchol God'd ungel IB
'Welcome to boaven'n home , swi
home. ' "
ten Thn monument was shrouded
vo , folda of white , and unveiled durl
ita- the oxcrclaoa , Ample plutforma weal
al- built around throe uldeu , leaving t
ids south aldo open. On the north si
In- was the platform occupied by t
hat speakers and distinguished gucs
On the loft , or west side , were seat
the singers end the Marino band , a
on the oust nido was a plut form wlu
the general public wcro acconm
art dated. There were Boats provided I
the about 1,000 people. The front of t
' covered wl
son speakorb' platform was
by ovcrgrnonB and flowero , whllo our i
mtl tional flog and Tnnla colors appear
yon on either aide. When the process !
retched the cemetery the oofliu v
carried by the pall bearers Ineldo t
gronnda , nnd laid upon a bUr outsl
the monument. It rested upon a I
Ilo. of ovevgreoiiB and llotrurs.
an- were M follows :
iblo Munlo by the Marino band ; reading
. Scrlptuiei.
' I'oem by llobert Chltton.
f * Unveiling of thn monument nnd Payi
"Homo Sweet Homo , " sung by a I
chorua with organ accompaniment ,
whole assemblage joining in tbo last vei
, , Orntion by LelKD Uobtnaon.
a Interment cercmonleir.
I" , " Muaio Grand Halleluiah cboruH fief
of the "Messiah" of Hinde ) , by the I'hllh
menlo society and Marine band , the at
once rising.
Ifnnio8 le In tbo Arms of Jesus , "
the Marine band ,
tick The coll'm WM. placed in the vault
0 { reclly underneath the monument.
SoDtator Jones , of Florida , Ban-
quottofl by the Irish Mom-
hors of Parliament ,
Preparation for OelebrfttinR
Bright/a Qnnrtor-Oonton-
nialof PablioLifo ,
The Czar Hntere St. Petersburg
Amid tbo Obeors of His
Subjjcts ,
A Largo Variety of Wow-
SpocUl UlipAtch to Tin Un.
LONDON , Juno 10. The batquot lu
honor of Senator Jonoa , of Florida ,
by the Hah tuombora of parliament ,
wna prodded over by Parnoll , MoM
of the Irish mombora were present.
Tno principal tosatB were , "Tho Irish
nt homo and abroad , " "Senator
Jonoa , " nnd "America. "
The chancellor of the oxohccqucr ,
Ohlldors , In n speech at the aiiuua
dinner of the press fund , pointed to
the great progress of the press lu
AmprtcA. lie i/nvo as nn Instance the
publication In Chicago of the revision
of the now tratamont the day after It
appeared In Englnod.
The government olFora only 75.000
for the Ashburnlmn collection , The
amount demanded ia 90,000. The
Times aaya the public will learn Vrith
keen regret that the negotiations for
the purehaao of the Axhbnrnham col
lection have oollapaod. Germany and
the United Slates arc eager to secure
thcao literary treasures. The latter
oartninly will not allow thorn to pruu
Into other handa for the eako of n
paltry $100,000
' Qreat preparations nro making for
the John Bright calibration at Bir
mingham thla week in recognition ol
his Borvlce as roprnsontatlvo for Br |
mlugham in parlhir.ont for over a
< century. Thcro will bo n motifitci
tradca' procession , binquot , picnics
etc.John GrAnt Mackay , suppoaod to be
a Fenian , has boon arrcotod at Oar'
dill for having n quantity of explo-
, elves in hla pooseealon. II o wna re
manded for iv wcok , The nrrcat li
considered 1 mporlnnt , the dlstrlc/ po
lice reooutly receiving monaciug lot
, tors.
LONDON , Juno 9. A debate oc
cui rod In tlio commons last ovonlc
ralativo to tbo execution of Sullumni
] Djound. The inombara oppoced t
the execution were led by Sir Goorg
Otrupholl nnd Mailer , members froii
Klng'a county , who urged the government
' mont to telegraph a request to oto
the execution. Sir Drummond Wol
r.ssortcd that the death ot Sullomn
Dsoundwas hurried in order to allenc
ohnrgco ngalnfit the khedlvo. Glad
atone declared that nu Malot hnd u
Informed the government that thcr
hud been liny injustice done to Sullo
i- man Daomid they had dlatlnctly d
< ! cllnod to Interfere In the matter. II
at ( aid Dulforin had luformod him tin ,
fd chargoa made agalnat the kheklvo wet
i- rldlculouH.
iof LOND IN , Juno ! ! . Bidgood , Jonc
lie ) & Wilson , woolen wnrohouBO rnoi
n , failed. UnbilltlcB , 111,000.
BpoclM Dispatch to Tiir. llnu.
ho MADKID , Juno 10 The gcvon
hem moiit Iv.u ordered the proiiiicutlr
m- of thu democratic j mrnnlu 131-L1
med oral urd El Glebe ior convoying 1
n- alnnatlono lu regard to the queen's d
nho parturo for Bohemia , Tno procco
nd lugii are tnkon under the opecial pro
ho law pitaad by the tcrlcd. Thiu IB tl ;
O. liral tlmo the law baa been opjilli
O.o - whllo the liberals htvo ; been in ollic
an Btfjro the publication of the u
or joctlonablo articles aiworal douiocrat
or papers covertly alluded to the Ban
hn aubjuct , retloatlng upon poraono
lee high rank. Several duels a
ranged between thu editors aud n
COKUNNA , Juno 10. An Engll
nn brig recantly hoisted a Fenian its
on groan ground with the whlto cross
illt centre , and at the time was flyinp
of amall English flag at the foremai
iat The English canaul tent n tnossong
P- to order the captain to lower t
Ito green flig. The mooaengor met wl
ho rough treatment on the veeso ) . T
Its consul oummonea the Spanish cot
mi guard and a party of armed aallc
nd boarded the vofliol and removed t
On objcoMonablo flag. Inquiry was I
uf- atltutcd.
rjl Speclil Dispatch to Tin BBI.
jp. ST. PETEIIHIIUIIO , Juno 10. T
dot czar and cziiiua have arrived frc
MOBCOW. They drove in nn open ci s
rlagoto the Kaan cathedral-and wi
enthusiastically choired along t
route , Their ma joe ties then pi
id : ceodod to the Potorliof palace.
eet ky Prospect was lined with trooj
. The city everywhere was decorated ,
ROME , Jnne 10. It la positively
firmed that Archbishop Vaunuto
papal nuncio to Vienna , who repri
encod the Vatican at tha coronation
the Russian oiuparnr , prceontod I
czftt in Moscow r.n autograph lot1
from the popo. It Ia also stated
pending dlflbultlcs between the Vc
can and Russia were arranged.
Gladstone's statement tn the co
mciiB In regard to the olrcumstnui
of IDrrlngtou's visits to Homo , hi
L'lveti great satisfaction to thu Vatic.
Errinaton Is about to Icavo Homo
England. Ho will bo Riven a prlv
audience by the pope before ho gc
ErriuRtoii und the Pope *
Special Dleiutch to Inn Io ,
BO&TON , Juno 9. A corroipondi
of The Pilot cables the following :
jof RDIIIO , JunoO , The pope to-c
refused to rocolvo Errlngton , v <
aakod an audijr.ue. This may In
full cato a complete change In the Ir
the policy. Errlngton is in absolute-
greco with the Vatican.
The recent letter from the pope
the Irish bishops , it ia eald , waa
har- tended to bo secret. Errlngton ha
ncll- copy before the Irish blihop * recoil
thulrs. Do communicated It to
English party in Rome , which . '
"by boon very influential at the vatl
tdl- and In dismay at the pope's eniplu
rotuoal to glvo on , andiouuo to Ecrl
on It ia reported that Erring ! on.
will leave Rome for England ,
SporIM I > l v tcri to Tin linn.
DniiLtH , Juno 10 Dirlo , ono of
: ho invincible ! ) , haa been liberated
'rom prison ou ball. IIu can not llvo
ontj.DunuN , Jane 0 Timothy Kelley ,
conncclod with participation In the
Ptte ilx park mnrdoa , waa hangad at
KUmatnhnm j\ll , at 8 o'clock thla.
r. Vorlni ) , member of the prfaon-
ura * aid soilcty , called upon the lord
lieutenant lost uvonlng and gave him
personal nasnrauco thnt at 8 o'clock of
the night of the Fhcailx park murder'
Kelley waa prtsnnt at a mooting of
thu coalaty. Tntti morning Var Inn
atood In frout cf the jtll end stated
that , ho oxncctcil every moment to >
hear thai Kelley hnd been reprieved.
The crowd W H very qulot. A number
ol women fervently read prayers for
tht ; tlj log. Whun the b.aok fu < < was
hoisted over the prison some purnon
uttered n ap-Jcch , and ( \ youag vromio
foil on her knees and called the nurse
of God upon Jameo Oarr , the Infi rmer.
The crowd soon dlopcrsod.
ALFIANDUIA , Juno 9 Thou cu-
tlon ol Sulleman Daound thla innrn-
tng , for acttlng lire to tVlexttti'lrla ,
took place In the taUUt of the rutun of
the great squaro.
Sullunnn had to bu nlmoat ctrrloJ
to the t'cairjld , and WAS nearly c mti-
toao from Irlght bf are ho was finally
hungod , Some uaraons say hn dlod
bi f jro Mio drop fill. On the w y to
the execution the condemned mur
mured > hnt he hnd been victimised by
Additional Porticuiara of the Grn.TO
ch toTil ll
DRH MOISKS , Juno -Iloparlpra- -
Eoni to Wnverly returuud last ov < ' , i > iug
with the detail i of the hnuelug of the
Barber boyr , nt 10-30 Friday night.
After they had baen brouijht bBclr
from Indupoiidonno and lodged In jtll
nt 1 d'clooii Friday , word waa rapidly
uant through thn towns outside , and
by 5 o'clock the otrcoto began to fill
with people from the outside. They ,
, continued to nrrlvo , on foot and iu all
kluda of convcyanccB , until 9 , when
the town waa full. About 8:30' :
' Inrco crown collected In the vicinity of
the jull , a.t BDeotmorn who hod gathered
to witacia the lynching. Those who
IB did the work mot at aorco distance
away and appeared to hold a consulta
tion. The man who took ohorgo waa
Shopnrd , n brother of the man killed
by the Barbara last fall In F.-.yotto
) county. Ho did tiouo of tbo work
diil not lay hla handa either to break
( ing Into the jnll , to takluc ; the men
out , or hanging thorn. None of the
lynchora wuro mnokcd , or undo any
nv attempt to conceal thmr identity , nor
nIfi did they make nny uoioo or t lk , but
Ifi : ( imply kept utondlly nt work , with
tn coiilncta nnd dohrrulnntlou. When
cud the ohoriir hoard the mob coming ho
dot tonk the woman , Oroncn , out of her
ot cull nnd concealed her In bin houao.
S 10 iihol her parnmuv.r at u hotel the
licet of the wcnk.
( The mob doMiml > 1 tha k iyi from
ieftt Shcrill Adnlr , bnt hfi ro'infl ' do
ftt mudo no > ffj't to p-o'os ; dm BirharB
iru nt any timt dnra g lh nvrninn The
oatcr dnn-n wrro i-ncily broken in , but
103 iho tt aid > dv.ra wcro ttr irply lurrod ,
in. and It rcqulrati an ? iour : vrif5 a hulf of
hari w tl : with : mi : ! rlo'.Uro ba'in-
mora to br"r.V ih Ki lo n. Finilly ,
shortly uf < ' . - 11 " 'cl ck , tt g-ivo wpy ,
andn'c n * my jj-'in' ' othoooU where
tlio t < vo nn" > wi * cii liuod. TI.O tiret
nn wtw ! > n pp. li < e h ad In vas Vnoclted
- ot'iiBi-'lcta , t > 'it tlioy T/cfo at once overwhelmed
- whelmed with nuoibdio ; lopcu uoro
3j thro',7U over th ! r roekn mid they
3d- vToro drngfjt-d or. ' . Mayo ? Rhepnrd
L'DU and othnu oxposlulatcd. Without
hu hcsltntlng , liowovor , tie inob iouk the
mon , ono ufter the other , und hung ,
CO. thorn to the ne-.ri'Rt trco I f
jb- It vrr.n jait b'fnro 12 , ir.iJnlght\
tin wh'm thry wcru fianlly hunj ; Their
mo until 11
bedim were loft hiinglng
of o'clock Saturday morning b fnro they
nr- were cut down by the coroner. The
bodies were placed lu rndo cofinA just
aa they had gene for a week , without
IshK. coata , Imta , or booto , and will bo do- llvored to tholr alotora and other rela
lu tives who live In the eastern part of
RB the county. An Inquest will bo hold.
ger Thn Wroitling TonrnmmenC-
the Bpcclal Dlipatch to Tin Bir.
1th ST Louis , Juno 10. The wrestling
Che tournament began to-dey. Thn first
iBBt coatcst , between Ohrlstol and Xaoh-
073 titz , Uiicco-lloman style , waa won by
the Ohrlntol In ten mluntoa ,
In- The second contest , between Blbby
and Bixorwos , Gnujo-Romnn , was.
won by Blxorwoo In BX ! minuter.
Thn third content , between Oaunom
and Whistler , o tch-aa-catoh-aaur wan
won by WhlnUor In forty-five mlnuteo.
'om The fourth contest , between Ohri -
r- tel end Btxerwoo , Gnuo Iloman , wna
ore won by Chrlntol ; no fine rnporiea.
ro <
A remedy that can destroy tlio germs at
scrofula , ami when once settled has Iho pow
er to root U out , must Uo appreciated By
those aDlletcd. The rcm.irkuhlo euros at
nf- J'OUIIK children ami the were wonderful cures
! of those ot middle ago mul Into In life , as IN
lustratcd by our printed testimonials , prove
Hoon'a SAiisAi-AUiUA to be a reliable remedy
edy , ronlnliilng remedial agents which do *
thu positively cure scrofula and eradicate It from
tier tlio blood ,
all WAIINCH , N. n. , Jan. 21,1873.
all- MICSBUH. C. I. llooi ) & Co. , I.ouell , Mass.i
Cciillemeii Var ten years pievioustotho
early ] > nrt of 1877 I had been a constant suf-
om- fciuriiom scrofulous ulc is or sores , \\lileli
icca had llnally reduced mo to n helpless condl-
tlon. PS described In my Icticr to you In Scj > -
invo tcinucrnf that jear. Tlio continued excel
n. lent health which cnnblcs mo to kcup house
for formyngedfalhcr ami to enjoy life , keeps
nllvomy Intense personal liituiustm HOOD'S
'ato HAisHAi'Aitiu-A.aiid I cannot refrain f nun ex-
cca presshiR my urnlltudo for the permanent ,
cure tins wonderful mcdlclno effected lu my
ease nearly two years aso , while HvliiK lu
Lowell , \Mien all my physicians ijnve mo up
its lichi ) ' In nn Ineuiablo comlltlon. Ouo
luut tiling before 1 rloso. 1 have recommended
your.Sar.saianlta | to huiulieds , and 1 think
moro Ihan a thousand cases , ( mil my fallli in
day Us Invincibility In curing scrofula lias become -
VfllO como nbsoluto liy Iho wonderful cures it has
olfccted aside from my O\MI. 1 trust you
idl- will not bo slow in making the merits ot
rlsh HOOD'B S.utHArAUii.i.A known uvcry\\hura ,
dla- for It Is n duty you owe to mankind. AYlUi
best wishes I remain very liuly yours ,
\d u
Ivod Is a Bkllfully-prepared compound , conccn-
trattil c draet , ly a process peculiarly our
oioiS oi ihe best remedies ot thu vegetable
kingdom known to medical science as altera
lean tives , blood.-iiurillera , diuretics , and tonics * .
tatic BoJd by all druggists. I'rtco § 1 , or six Jot
lug- 65. CI. . UOOU & CO. , Lowell , Masi. 4 . \
\ : u . jiai