Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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Tlio NibrasKa National Bank ,
Of Omnbn , Nab.
V Paid up rnpital , - - $25OOOO.
fiurplnn Fund , May 1,1883 , 15.OUO.
K. JOHNSON , PrcsUrnt , of Steele , Johnson
& Co.
A. R TOUZALIN , Vie * frwldent. ol Iknton.
W. V. MOUSK , ol W. V. Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of O. U. A J. S. Collins.
M. WOOLW01UII , Countoller & Attorney t
L. 8. REED , o Byron Reed 4 Co
U. W. YATKS , Cuhlor , for many J cars Cmlilcr
ol tl o First fv'ntlonul Bank ol Omnh ,
THIS BANK opened lor builaeaa April 27th ,
1882 ,
mon ; the leading btiilncsi men of Ooiih.i , > nJ
Its biulnena li conducted wlthdfeclal reftrence
to the bait and Incieaalng Intercity otjlti unrein *
tile | utr nt.
COLIE7TIONS rfelro tpecl&l attention and
char < ei lowest obUlnable here or olsonhere.
INTEREST allowtd on time dcx ) > sltg upon
firor.blo terms and uponaccounts ol banks and
and County and City securities Inught and sold ,
Btockp , Honih , Commercial Paper and all other
Good accurltlts dealt In
Room 4 , Nn. 28 1' arl St , , Council Bluffj , la.
Iptclal Dispatch to Tin liss.
NEW TOBR , June 0
Money 2@2& per cent ; closing ollored
at 2i per cont.
Prime Mercantile Paper 5@G per cent.
Sterling Exchange Quiet and steady
at 4 83J ; sterling exchange demand , 4 88J.
Govtrutuenta unchanged. lUIIroad
bonds , Kenorally firm. State securities
higher ( or Tennessee compromise , others
nog'ooteil. '
'Ibe stock market advanced to-day ,
clcslng tasler , the result of the day's busi
ness beim ; an advance of i@lj per cent
on tha general list , the latter on Heading ,
la tha Ut hour Ohio nnd Mississippi de >
clined , laiving the alvance on that stock
f jr the day 1J per cent.
Mining stocks to-day were dull ; lllo
Grandu mid at 150 to 140 , Horn Silver at
G7 > nnii 025 , Union Consolidated G3 aud
and 82 > , Eureka 300 , Sjnora Consu.idoted
at 29 to 33 , Sutro Tunnel at 'tl and 28.
Sulej of the day 35,010 share * .
Total sai 8 for the week 192,117.
Bullion receipts In New York for the
week from mined $158,100.
Pipe line certificates tu-day wa.'e active
and stroDK , adrAnclng from 1151 to 1192 ,
and closing on call at 118g
intoreJiv. To-day
8's 1034 1U33
B'a 1033 103 |
Vs Coapons 112g 1/4
rs Hill U'Jft
Ptifin 3's ' of ' 95 127 129
Osr.trul PncJtio urats 115J 1153
Lrie Heconde 90 DtiJ
Lehigh VVilkoabarre 103 103
Ijouiaianft consols C'i § 05
Misnouri ti'a 113 113
St. Joeupb 109 119
Bt , Paul A. Sioux City ( irate . ' 144 113J
Tennessee G's 39 39
do new 39 39
Texan & Pucihc laud grants. , ( n OJ |
do U. G. div. . . . 81 8)
Union Pacilic 1st mortgage. . 1154
do land runta . .1H9J 110
do linking fund. . 117 1171
ti'a 3ti 4J
uo consols B'a Cji 3b |
\o 'toterre.l . 1194 109J
hxprbsb 129 } 1294
Allegheny Central 116 $ 1 5J
Alton & Terre Haute 81 82
X do pfd. . . . 9/ 974
Americhu tixprexu 924 yj
Burl. , Oodur Ilaplds & North , "AU 82
OanAflik Amthurn CGJ G7j
0. , St. L. & P 18i 18j
do pfd 55 ! 5l >
Central Pacific lb\ \ 77i
Chesapeake A Ohio 20) 2uJ
do 1st pfd. . . 301 30
d < > Ud pfd . . 22 ? 2.J
Chicago ft Alton 13J 13 t
do pfd 145 14'
Oht. , Bun. & Quincy 121 ? 1251
Ohl. , SU L. & New Orleans. 81 81
Oln. , S nd. & Cleveland. . . . 44j 434
Clove. , Col. A Cincinnati. . . 7n 7U
Delaware & Hudson oitual. . . 1193 HOl
Del. , Lack. & WeMtern . . . . 127 ? 128J
Denver & Hlo Grande 474 J74
Erie t.t > i i > 7ft
Ic pfd. . . 8.1 81
East Tennessee 94 93
dr preferred 19 19
Foil W ynt ) & Chicago 130 130
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 42 42
do pfd. 954 954
Harlem 188 1915
Honoton & Texas Central. . . . 71 71
Illinois Central Mii § 145 j
Ind , , Bloom. & Western 3U Kli
Kansax & Texas 3 ' 1 3 I
Luke Erie A Western 30 284
Luke Shore & Michigan So. . .11 J 111
Louisville & Nabbvllle 5'I ' 514
Louisv , N'ew Alb. & Chicago 52 49
M. A L. 1st ufl 10 M
do da 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 43 42 j
MIchiKcn Central bGJ 97i
Memphis & Bt , Louie 2 > H J8
do pfd 73 57
MUeuuri Pacitic 105 * 101
MobUe&Ohio 1GS 154
MorrU k E B X 1274 W
Nashville & Chattanooga 54 64 4
New Jersey Central 8 1 fcGj
Norfolk & W 7 42i
Northern Pacific 518 5lj
do pfd 8'9 h9A
NorthweHteru 13 * 13li
do pfd 151 li U
New York Central 1v > 3 | 121
Ohio Centre' U I 1114
Ohio & Mimlimippi 335 334
do pfd..108 108
Ontario a Western , G | 2 i
Oregon Transcontinental R5j 8f !
Paoifio Mail 4U 4 1
Panama 1)8 ) 98
Peorin , Dccatur & Kvansv. . 22 214
PltUburg < " Olevelitnd 130J 1304
Pullman Palace Our 129 ISO
Reading 7J 69J
Rock Island 125 I'J.ij
Bt. Louis & San Frnn 34 34
do pfd 574 fi72
do 1st pfd 99 99
St. Paul& Milwaukee 1014 1041
do pfd. . . 12 < i 1'JOi
3t Panl , Minn. & Manitoba.ISJOJ 120 ?
21. Paul & Omaha -lljj 4G |
d ? pfd 104 10 >
Texa & Pacific 381 3S |
Union Pacific 9fiJ 97
United States Express GO GO
Walmsb , St. L. A Pacific. . . . 2M S8 !
do pfd. 44 44 |
JVplls , Kargo 4 Co. Express. 12 125
vl'nutern 1'nlon Telegraph. . . RGJ 80 |
Hnrnp'taze 15 . .
Irm Silver
Ontario 25 . .
QuickHllver 74
do ofd 30
South Pacific
'dntro 27
BpcUl DUptch to Tut B .
LOKDOH , Jane 0 ,
Consols Monty , 100 5 18 ; aoeount , 100
9-1 * .
IprcUl Dlipitchefl Io Tns Dn.
CHICAGO , June 9. Flour Market dull ,
Wheat Hcgular , market unsettled and
generally lower ; 1 10J for CAsb ; 1 1I5@
I 12J for July ; 11411 143 for August ;
I 16J ht September ; 1 lOj for the yorfr ;
No. 2 spring at 1 IOJ ; No. 3 , y4c ; winter at
I 13
worn Market active and lower ) SSJo for
: ih and June ; 6 > 4'G3a for July ; 55 { | @
> Go ) ( for August ; 60Ja)57o ( ) for September ;
J04o for tbo year ,
Unts Marknt wnnker ; 40Sc for cash ; 40i
@ 40ioJune ; 39J@39Jo for Julv ! 33jo fcr
August ; 31Jo for Septonibor ; Sl@31j3 for
the year.
Uyo .Easier nt G2c.
Barley Nominal.
Flax Seed Market weaker at 1 43.
Pork Market opened etrone Mid higher ,
closed at Inilde iirices ; 18 G0@18 G5 for
CHih and June ; 18 G7i@18 70 for July ;
18 85@18 874 for August ; 10 00 for September -
tember ; 16 61@1G 55 lor the year.
Lard Market demand active , opened
strong and higher uud cloiod at ! u Ue ;
II 52i@ll 55 for o eb and June ; 11 05 ®
1107J tot Aunust ; 10 8J@10 874 'or Sep.
tember ; 1) ) 879 00 for the year ,
Hulk Meats Fair detnuud ; t-houlJors ,
at 7 GO ; short ribs at 0 85 ; clear , 10 25.
Butter Market good demand , un *
K gs Qai't at 10io.
Whisky Steady ucit unchanged.
NKW YOBK , Juno 0. Flour Market
Wheat -Cash held ttron er ; options
opened J l higher , weakened and de
clined 4@i't closing steady ; ungraded
rd , 1 Oi3@l 24 ; Nv. 2 red , 1 23 elev tor ;
ungraded white , 85ol ( ) 234 ; No. 2 red ,
June , 240,000 bu at 1 20j&l ( 21 , clos
ing at 1 201 ; July B < * ! ea , 350,000 hu at
1 Z2i@l 23 , olotlng at 1 22J ; August ,
sales , 408,000 b at 1 24jjgl ( ' , closing
at 1 2ij ; September sale , l(80uOO bu at
" 2 i@l 27i , closing at 1 2G .
Cjrn Market opened ifejjo higher ,
weakened and Ml c > U4 ( 2c , ctobiiiR stetily ;
ungraded , 50(2G7c ( ; Wo. 3. G31@C34c ;
steamer , G5feG7'5 No. 2. GGJfaG7o ; NY.
2 white , 67c ; No 2 June , G5 @GGj , closing
at GGc ; Julv , G53@GG33 , cloeint : at GGJc ;
August , GGg@G7u , elo-mg at GHjc.
O ts Market i@Ja lower ; mixed
western , 44(2494c ( ; white western , 48@57c.
Eggs-Quiet at 17@171o.
Pork Mniket i.omimtl at 19 7620 00
Lard M.rkut steady af 11 35@1140.
Butter Mnrkot quiet and firm for
chr.IcelOa22c. (
Cheese Market dull ; western float , 80.
ST. Louis , June 9 Flour Market un-
ch ngod ; family , 4 05t$5 ( 10 ; choice , 5 50@
5 GO ; fancy , 5 831 6 20
Wheat Market opened batter but de
clined , then initially recovered und closed
quiet ; No. 2 red , 119@l 194 for cash ;
1 204@1 IS j. closing at 11UJ for June ; 1 20
@ 1 184 , eloping at 118J for August ; 1 21J
© 1 20 for September ; 1 231 ® 1 21 $ , clos
ing ut 1 22i for October ; 119J@1181 ' r
the year ; No. 3 red , no sales.
Corn Market lower and flow ; 5"4@51o
for cash ; 504@51io for June ; 51 52 1 ]
for July ; 634 ( < $53o | ! for AuRUnt ; 5454u
for Septemh r ; 4(51 ( the year ; closing at in
side quotations.
Oats Market opened higher but de
clined ; 40@404o for ca h ; 40Jo ( or June ;
39j@40 c for July ; 31J@32io for August ;
orlug at Iniide prices ,
Rye Market lower ; 58c.
B rley Nothing d.dni ; .
Lead Market quiet at 4 12J@1 15.
Corn Meal Market steady at 2 50.
EKHB Market firm at 134o.
Whisky-Market fcteady at 114 ,
Provisions Murket very dull ; only a
ainu.l job trade doing at irregular priced ,
KANSAS CUT , June -Wheat Market
Biady ; No. 2 red , 99i@99go 'or cash ;
1 01) ) bid for July ; 1 00 ut for September
Cirn Morkut ate dy ; 42jji tor oath ;
c for June ; 434o bid for July ; 451o for
Oata Market alow ; SGo bid for cash.
TOLEDO , June 9 , Wheat Market dull ;
oish and June , 11CJ hid.
Corn M rk t dull ; cash and June ,
54c ; July , 58Je.
Date Market nominal at 42j ,
apaclkl Olipktchoj to Tim Bu.
Nxvr YOBK , June 9. Receipts and
hipuionts of flour and groin for the post
24 nourc have been oa follows :
Recnipto SliD'tn.
Flour barrels . 15 OK ) 6,0ro
Wheat bushels . 106,000 190,000
Ooro- " . 90,000 103,000
Oata " . . 23,000 85
CuiOAOO , June 9 , Receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain for the pant
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts , Shii > 't > i.
Flour-bbls . 91.000 85,000
Wheat bushels . 47,000 5nOU
Corn " . 320.0U ) 312000
OaU- " . . . .2'29,000 255.0CO
Rye " . IG.iOO 3,000
arley- " . . 8,500 5,50
ST. Louis. June 9. - Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
48 hours have been as follows :
KcceiftH. dhip'ts.
Flour-bbls . 3,000 4,100
Wheat bushels . 2000 18,000
Corn " . 40,000 12,000
Oats " . 32,000 1.000
Ryo- " . 1,000
Barley-- " . . .
KANSAS CITT , June -Kecelptx und
shipments of grain for the pant 21
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Ship'U ,
Wheat , bushels . 0,000 14.000
Corn " . 800 7,000
Oats- " .
CniCAcn , Jnne 9. Uscelpt nnd. ship-
menu ui live stock for the past 2t
hours have been as follows :
Rno t . Bhipm'tn.
Hogs . 12,000 2,100
Dnttle . 900 3GOf , )
Sheep . 100 SCO
ST. Louis , June 9. Receipts aud
xhipments of live stock foi the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Roo'tB. Hlilpni'tc.
Hog * . 350 2,100
Cattle . 200 750
Sheep . 203
KANSAS OUT , June 9. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follnwc :
Reo'tB. Bhlpm'is.
Tattle . G 0 . . . .
Sheep . 2JO
Special Dljpatchei to Tui Dn.
ORIOAQO , June 9. The Drovori * Jour
nal rep. Tin as follows :
Hugs -Market rlnw and vronU ; sales of
mixed at 6 40@Q 85 ; heavy , G 80 ; ,7 15 ;
light , G 46&G85 ; skips , 3 40@G 20.
Cattle Market brink , but supply em-ill ;
sold early at 10a advance ; silps of export *
at 5 80' 0 00 ; good to choice hln.lnif | , 5 40
@ 5 75 ; common to fair , 6 ( J0@5 40
Sheep Market quiet aud steady ; sales nf
common to fair at 2 75 ; good , 4 OJ ; choice ,
6 0) ; market well cleaned ,
BT. LOU in
ST. Louis , June 9. Hogs No supply
and prices nominally unchanged , ranging
atG3r88 ; in 'mile ; sales of light ihlp-
DIUK at G 50@G 70 ; mixed to so. d i tokinir ,
6 2.V G 65 ; butchers' to extr , G 60@6 9 1.
Ca' tie Not enough to make a market ;
no buyer * for shipping grades ; the few
Brings were taken by butchers at un
changed prices ; exports G ln@0 v5 ; good
to choice i hipping. 5 75@GOO : light to fair
ihlpntug , 4 75@5 65 ; a > ws and hfdfen , 3 50
© > 00 ; grMs fed Texans , 3 765 00.
Sheep Market same a * for cattla at nn-
eoAngd prit ; fair to cbtlce , 8 755 00 }
spring lambf , 1 603 00 ; Texas sheep , 3 00
@ 423.
KANSAS CITT. Juno 9 , The Commer
cial Indicator this afternoon reports aa
follows ;
Cattle Stendv ; thlpplng steers , C 05@
CBO ; cowf , 3 004. 25.
Hoes Ixiwer ft G 25@G 65 , with bulk
of sales at G 35@G 45.
Sheep-Steady at 8 'Jog3 G5.
Special Dlf } > tch < - to Till linn.
NEW YonK , Juno 9. Ooffeo Market
Busnr Market ccmlnal.
Molasses Market Quiet ,
Tallow Market quiet and steady ,
Turpoutlno Market steady at 33.
SpocUl Dlipatches to Tin H i.
J OSTOK , June 9. Wool dull ; Ohio , and
Pennsylvania extras , 37@42c ; Mlchhau
HOKCOK , 3G@39i3j combing dolnlne fleece * ,
i5J@4Uc ! ; uuwikxhcil wool * , 24@30o ; Col-
oruclo spring , 23@30c } pulloU wools , 21
@ 45o.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. Wool firm. Do-
mustic tleecei > , 80@45o ; pulled , 18@45o ;
unwRshid , lV@28o ; Text * , UOiSo.
1111Y OOODS ,
NEW YOUK , Juno 9. lry goods There
was u very quiet uinrkot , with Bcarcely
anything nolug in a general way , although
fur nutumn Hioctaltivs engagement * arc
being completed.
Wholesale * 1'rioo * .
OirioE or TUB OMAHA But , 1
Saturday Evening , Juno 0. t
Toward the latter part of the present
week n inure cheerful feeling prevailed
and sales nil around averaged larger than
tbo week previous. Both buyer and seller
seemed to have more confidence of a good
business for BOIUO weeks to come and trade
generally was quite satli factory.
The following are the changes reported
from day to day for this week ,
Monday , wheat , cuuh No. 2 declined 2Je ,
rejected declined 80.
Tuesday , wheat , cr'h No , 2 declined 2o ,
Turpentine declined 5j.
U edneeday eg a decliued Ic ,
Thuuday , barley , cash No , 3 declined
Io. Kyo adv mctd ic.
Friday , McLanghlin's XXXX roasted
coffee Iu pound packages adv nced Jo.
The following are the changes reported
In the market to-day :
Oil ? , Carbon advanced 4 ? , headlight ad
vanced Jo Turpentine declined 6c.
Live chickens advanced 50c per doz.
California oranges advanced 81.50 per
Grain , wheat c vch No , 2 advanced Ic.
Butter declined 11 < < Bo.
McLaughiiu's XXXX roaited ccflee ad
vanced Jj.
WHEAT.- Gash No. 2 , 931c ; cash No
8 , 70Jo ; rejected , 55c.
1JARLEY. Cash No. 2 , GSc ; No. 8.
KYE Gash , 48Jo.
COHN- Now mixed , 38o.
SEEDS Blue U.T an seed , 125@150 ;
t'mothy need , 2 10 cf'2 25 ; re 1 clover seed ,
9 00 ; whltH clover flood , l.i 00 ; millet seed ,
100 ; Hung > ri > n see 1 , 1 10 ; orchard graaa
seed , 2 50.
LIVM Stock.
CATTLE-F t tocrs , 8")00@5 25.
FAT COWS § 375@400.
HOGS-r,25C rG60
SHEEP S400 4S5.
Flour and MIHstulTs.
Beit winter wheat 3 00o,3 ( 75
Second quality winter wheat 275@325.
Ben spring wheat -2 G I @ 2 75.
Second quality M'ringwheat 2 40@2 60 ,
Bran , per tun1000 ,
Chopped Feed , p r ton 18 00.
Pro uc3.
POTATOES O d 25@60c per Bushel ;
new , 4GO@5CO per bbl.
ONIOIN& Bermuda , $2 50 per hu box.
BUTTKhCholct country , lOtgllJo
KGGS Kresh , 15o.
HONEY Oaliforaia , perlb , 31 ,
APPLES- of market.
OUANOESOallfoinia , 450 ; Messina , '
4 Otl@85 00 ,
LEMONS85 00 < S > 5 50 twr box.
STRAWBEIUUES 15@20j per quart.
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 50 z.2 75.
CHICKENS Live per doz. , $450 ®
5 00 , Drcsxed , per lb. , 15c.
Uroctirs Lint
CANNED GOODS Oysters , ( Dtand-
ardf , per caao , 3 70@390 ; strawber-
riee , 2 It ) , pin ca , 2 40 , rasp ,
berries , 2 Ib , per cnee , 3 50 , Dam-
none , 2 Iti , pet onte , 2 45. Bartlett
I earx per caaa , 2 40 , Whortleberries
per case,275. Egg pluiup,2 Ki perct.sel ! 90 ;
Groan gagob,2 IT > per oato , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
't per ca o 1 * > 0. Pine Apples , 2 fi > , per case
4 00@5 75 , Pcachee , 2 G > per caxe , 8 00 ;
do 3 III , CUBC , 4 00u2l4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , S H\ per
oaau,2iiO ; do pie , 6 R > , per dozen , 2 80.
LAUD Omaha UalinininiiOo , : Tierces ,
12ic ; 40 ind 50-lb cans , lVc ; 20-lb cons ,
12c ; 10-lb palls , screw top. 12So ; fi-lb do ,
12o ; 3 lb do , ISc.
KICK Louisiana prime to choice , 73 $
8c : fair , 7fiJ74c ; Patnm , CJc.
FISH No , I mackerel , half brls , 7 GO ;
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brL , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kltr ,
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half hrU , 7 00 ; No. 1
kits. 105.
SYKUP Standard Com , , 3J5o , bbla. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon'ke a , $1 95 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , (1 75 ,
SODA In Ih papers , 83.30 per case ; keg
uoda , 21c.
NEW PIOKLEB-Medlum , In barrel.
87 00 ; do Inl . .If bbls , 4 00 ; malLo , In bblb
9 00 do , In half bbU , 5 00 ; gherkins , In
bblB , 11 00 ; do , Iu half bbls , 6 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Ohrlce , 60@7Co ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ;
Oh MM 60@75cj Yonng Hyson , good , 86 ®
30c ; choice , 65cj ( 81 00 ; Japan Nat Lea ! ,
S.'Jc ; Japan , choice , f > 0 $75a ; Oolong , good ,
U5@10 ; Oolong , ohn.ue , 40 ( iR5 | Sonchontr ,
go id. 35f410c ; choice. S5 ( J6o.
ROPK Slaal , 4 Inch and larger , lie ;
tflnoh , IHc ; ilnch,12o.
WOODENWAKK lto hoop pallf ,
1 75 ; three hoop palb , 2 00. Tub , No ,
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 186 Doable
Crown 2 90 ; V/ellbuokete , S DO ,
LEAD Bar. 31 C.r. .
8OAP3--K k' Haven Imperial , 845 ;
Kirk's uatlct , 3 C.P ; KirkV standard , 3 75 ;
Klrk'i Tihlto UuBilan , 525 : Kirk's
Kutoci , 215 Kiilc'u rroirlc Queen ,
' 100 oakoO , 40 ; TCIrk'a magnolia doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cant , 4 ca-o
In caao , 3 S5j Babbltt'n Ball 2 doz. In case ,
1 'JO : Anch < r Ball' ' doz In cano 1 0 ,
PKANUT8 ItoMtt-d , choice , rod Ten
neiace , lOopor Hi ; Uncr white , lOJo pcrlli ;
raw whlto Virginia rhw , lOej roasted'
OANDLKil Iioiee , 40 Ibs.IRs , 157o ; 8a ,
U > lc ; btxeu 40 tbu. , 16 oz. , s , IBJIo.
MATClLKb Per caddie , 95cj round ,
fwii pa mi Mqti rn , CMM , on 40.
COFFEES-Ordlnary grades , 3J@9j ( ;
Mr , lOrajlOjc ; go-d , lOH' llc ; primerili
§ l2c ; st-Icily prime , 12@12ic ; choice. IU
13Jc ; fancy green and vellow. H@150 ;
old government Ja , 20 (5)20 ; Leverlng'a
roasted , 14jc ; Arhnrkle'a roaited , 14ft :
McL uifhlin's XXXX roasted , 14o ; Im'
itatlon Java , 16i M6Jo
VINKGAK - NBW York apple , 10c ;
Ohio apple , 13o.
SALT. L'r y loads , pjr bbl , 1 85) ) Ash *
da , In B C ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 61 , 8 60
8UGAH3-Powd rBd , lO o : Cut lo f ,
10c ; Granulated , UJcj Confectioners' A ,
91o ; Standard Kxtra 0 , 8io ; Eitra 0 ,
8jci medlom yellow. SJc ; dark yellow. 7Jo.
flTAllOH.-Pe rl , 4o | BQvei Glow
9Jc ; Corn Starch , 9Jo | KicelilorGloM ,
700 t Cora , 8a
MKATS H m § per lb. , 14c ; bacon
per lb , , 14o ; clenr side bacon per lb. , lljcj
dry utll nldos perlb. , lO c ; bacon nhouldors
per ) b , 9lc ; tierce lard per lb , ; HJe ,
SPICKS. Pepper , 31) ) All pic , 19 ;
Cloves , SO ; Casila , 24 ,
OHKKaH Full OreAtu , 13o | Port
Skim , llo.
LYK American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ;
Western , 2 7B North Star , 2 OCi Lewis' '
lye , 4 6fi ; Jewell lye , 276.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.60 pee 100 Ibs. ) chop corn , 61.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New J3 60 per bhl.
Dry doom ,
BIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8i < |
Appleton XX , 7c | Atlanta A , 8c | Boot ,
FF , OJoj Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 78 | Cabot W.
71c | Chlttenango A , 6lo ) Uroat Falls E ,
8jc ; Ilooeicr , CJo : Honest Width 8c , In
dian Head A , 8o { Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , GJc ; Iinwrcnco
JJL , Olc ; Mystto river , 7io ; IVquot A , 8Jc ;
JoTutlca 0 , 6io : Wachusett B , 7Jc ; do A ,
Hjnt Hn R 48. 120.
-4i 7ic ; Alligator 8-4 , Sc | Argyle 4-4 , 7ijt }
Atlantic LL , fljo ; Badger State X 4-4 , OJc ;
Bennington 0 4-4 , GJo ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , fijco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconla O
89 , 8 Jo ; Lohlph E 4-4 , 9 Jo ; IVpporell N
SO , 7o ; do O 33 , 7ic ; do U SG , 7 o ; do K 39 ,
8io , Vooasoct 0 4-4 , 7ic ! | Wamsutta 4-4
gin L 4-4,9icBlackstoneAA : Imperial 8Sc ;
do do half bleached . 4-4 , 9c | Cabot 4-4 , ;
FalU O , 8 _ . . _ . , . . . .
Lonsdalo , I0c ; do cambric S7 , 124o ; New
York Mills. 124o ; Poquot A.lOo ; Pepporol
N G Twills , IS&cj Pooahontai 4-4 , OJc ;
Pocansot 4Blci Utloa. lie ) Waunntta
OX X , Mh.
DUCKS Colored ) AIDany K brown ,
80 ; do 0 , dr b , Urn do X v. stripes atul
plaids , 12c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plalda , YDic ; Arlington fancy ,
IBrSo : unswick brown , SJo ; Chariot fnncy
12ic ; do extra boavy , 2Uo | Full Hivcr
brown , extra heavy , llic ) Indinim A
brown 13of Nononaet A brown , lee
TlOKl Uo Atnoakeag A U A 3U
19o ; do XX blue 82 , 18jc ; Arrownnna ,
9Jo ; Claremont B B. lf > ic ; Conontoga JJ
tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , llio Lcwcton A
SO , I5o ; Mlunohrthn 4-4 , 20c ; Oir.o a supar
extra 4-4. 28o ; Pearl Rlvor 32. 16jc ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shatiicket S
lOJc ; do S3 12o : Yeoman'f blno 2'J , 9c
DKNIMS. Amoskoak , blneand bronn
16 Jc ; Andover DD blue , 15io ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , IS&o & ; Concord 000 , blup aw
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do ISfc ; doXXto
do do 144o Hnymaker'a blue and brown ,
94c ; Mystic River DD otripo , IG c ; Pearl
Itivcr , blue and brown , 16c | Uucfiavll'.o ' ,
blue and brown , 14r.
CAMBRIOa Barnard , 51c ) Eddystone
lining , 24 Inch double taoe , 84c ; Garner A
glazed , FJc ; Manhattan glove fiulsli , 5o
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jo | Pequot llo
So ; I < ockv oed kid finish fio.
CORSBT JEANS Amory , 8o | Andron
coggln sattoon 8o ; Clareudco , GJcjConec
oHua satteeus , 7Joj Hallowel , , 80 ; lnM\ \
Orchard 7io ; Narr gansott , Improved , 8 .
Pepperlll n&ttccn fljo ; Rockport , 7jo
PRINTS -Aliens , 6 Jo : American , Bit ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4So ; Cocbeco , 7o ;
Ooneutogn. OJc ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell ,
OJ7c ) Kddystone. 7o ; Gloncoster , Cc ;
Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mor
rl ac D , 7o ; Mystic , 5Jo ; Sprapuoa , 60 ;
Southbridge , 60 ; do. Ginghams , 7c | Marl
boro. CSp ; Oriental G c.
GINGHAMS Amo kc g , 9icj Argyle ,
10k : : Atlantic , 9o ) Ournborland , 7Jc ;
Highland , 7ic ; Kenllwortb , 9Jc | Plur.-
kott , 90 ! Bupsex , 8c
COTTONADE3 Abborvlllo 18Jo
Agnto , 20e ; American , lie ; Artlslnn , 20c ;
Oulro D and T , 18Jc ; Olarloj D and 1"
17io ; Deccan Co. stripes DandT , 16o ; Key-
atom ) , 18Jc | Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil
IGo ; Ocean D and T , 13ic ; Royal , 16& & )
SURROX , 12o ; Tioga , 12ic ; Wsohusott ihlrt
in ; chocks. 12c ; do , Nankin , la c ; York.
plain Nnnkln. 12)c ; do , chocks , stripes nno
fancT. 12 o ; do. 8 oz 20c.
SHEETINGS AndroscoRBlnl0.4a7ic !
do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
i2 , llo , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
York mlllB98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30s ; do 68. 22Je ,
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 1C-4 , 284c , do
74 , 19c do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell 90. 'J9o
do G7 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18o ; Ullca 90 , SGo ; do
58. aaioi do 48. ! / .
Carbolic , 60c | Acid , Tartarlo , 55c ) Balsam
Copnbla , per lb , 70o ; Bark. Saatiaf ras , per
lb , 12 3 | Calomel , per lb , 75o ; Ciuohon''lin ,
per oz , Cl 05 ; Chloroform , per lb , 83o
Dovor'a powders , per lb , 91 35) ) Eptou-
Salts , per Ib , 34c ; Glycerine , pure po bl ,
30c | Lend , Acetate , per lb , l'2c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , ' 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , Np. S , per gal , tllE , Oil ,
Olive , per gal. 1 50 ; Oil. Origanum. 50 ;
Opium , 85 CO ; Quinine P. 4 W. & H. & 8. ,
per oz , 81 7 > ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb
81 C1) ; Salacm , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate o
Morphine , per 01. , 03 75 } Sulpnur Soar
per lb , 4oi Htrvchr.Ine. oer oz. tl 25.
Pilnti OIU and Varrlihct
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12JOJ 150 * headlight , per g llon ,
1440) ) 175' headlight , per gallon. 1'Jc ;
150' Water White , 18o ; Ilnsood ,
raw , per gallon , 57 ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon. GOo ; lard , winter str'd , per gal ,
Ion , 95 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet
per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 GO ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , C5o ; neatsfoot-
extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubri
cating , core , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15o ,
golden machine , No. 1 , per tallon , 35c ; No ,
U 30 ; bperm , signal , uer gallon , 80c ; tur-
pentina , per gallon , C5c ; n ptha , 84' , per
gallon , Ifio ; 6 < ' , Ifio
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. . Gc ; white lead , St. Louin , pure , GJc ;
Wnruaillea croon , 1 to 6 Ih cans , 20o
French zinc , gtoen neal , 12o ) French r.hto ,
rod soul , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
20e : French zlncn , In oil unit 15o ) Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans lOct raw anil
burnt Sienna , lOc : Vandyke brown , * g
refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and t
l ory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , lOo ; Prussian
blue , 80a | nltramarlue blue , 18c | ohrxino
jreen , L. M , & D , , l < hbllnd ; and shutter
green , L , M. < V ! > . , IGe ; Paris green , Uo ! ;
Indian rod , IBoj Venetian red. Be ; Tuscan
dro , 22c ; American Vermilion , I , A P. , 18oj
chrome yellow , L , , M , , O. & D O , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochre , Id ) patent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
onk. walnnt. hestnnt and auk ICe ,
Dry Palnti
White lead , 8cj French line. lOoi Par
wbltolng 2ic ; whiting gilders. Ijoj
whiting coml , lie ; lampblack Gorman-
town. 14c ; limphlack , ordinary , 10e ; Prop-
slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 : ) umber , raw
4caienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paria green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com'
20o ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 2Ccj cbrom
green K , , 12o ; vermilllon , Eng , , 70cj ver
million , America , 18c ; Inrllau i-ed , lOo
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cokauoso
2Jo : Venetian red Am. , Ijjc ; roi load , 74o |
chrome yellow , cennlne , 2"c hrome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8c ; ochre
French , 2c | | ; ochre , American , 2c |
Winter's mineral. 24o ; lohlgti brown. U4 ° :
Spanish brown , 24c | Prince's mineral ( to ,
VAKNI8HEB Uwrela per gallon
Furniture , extra , 91 10 ; furniture , No , 1
1 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
$1 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 7B | anitn , 70o ; t -
phaltum , extra , 860 ; sheila 98 60t bard
oil finish. 91 ( SO.Hides
Hides , Furs , Etc ,
IIIDE3 'jretn butcher' * bides , OS
7o cnrod 74@8c | hldo , green salt ,
dry flint , sound , I2&l2ci dry naif
and kip , 1214c | dry salt hides , COUDI ,
lC@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 o 15 It * . . ll12t ;
green calf , wt , nnJer 8 8 > s , per nktn , 60-1
Kreeu pe/ltii , G0g)91 ) 25 ; green Umb nkln ,
91 2. 150 ! damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored ind one grub , olattod two-
U.lrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per ent. of !
Cooneklns , No. 1,45s ; No. 2 , SOe ; No , 1
10jj No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 80c | No. 2
16c | No. 8,16c ; No. 4 , Be. Fox , ,
GOo ; No. 2 , 26o , Skunk , No. 1 , b6o |
C5f ) | short ttrlpe , 40oi narrow strlpei
brood stripe , lOe. Tallow 7o , ,
Oak lole. 880 to 42o ; hemlock ol , 18o to
85c | hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ] runner ,
65o to 80o ; hemlock calf , 860 to 130 ; hem
lock npper , 23o to 25c ; oak upper , 24oj
alligator. 4 00 to B 60 ; elf kid , 82KN
GrtsUsn kid , a 50 to S 7B { oak Up , 80 to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 itO ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 6C ; Franah oalf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ran-
setts. 6 60 to 7 60) ) llnlnra , C 00 to 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 10 60j B , L. Morocco , 30o
to Sou ; pebble 0 , D , Morocco , 35c ; slmoni
? 60to800.
HARNESS-NO i r oak , 42ot NO i
do , 39c ) N . lOhloonk , 3Sc | No. 2 do ,
S5o | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c | No , 2 do Sic.
Wo qnot lumber , Intn and ehlngles on
cars at Omaha at the following prlce > i
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 833 60.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 922 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 923 50 ;
2C ft ,923 , 50 ( 22 ft. , 920 60 ; 34 ft. 926 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 txl 6 In , , 924 00 ;
No. 2,92200.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) , 920 00 ; No. 2 , 018 00.
LIME Par barrel , 91 25 | bulk per ous-
io ; Oemont , bbl , 93 S5 Iowa plMtor
bbl , $3 60. Hair per bn , 60o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. 98 CO. Straw board , 93 50 ,
Heavy Hardwire Lilt.
Iron , rates , 02 80 ; plow steal , special
east , 7o ; crucible,80 ; special orUorm nGc ;
catt tool do. 16ft20 ( witepn spokes , sot ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , par set , 125 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
often , 75o ; square nuts , per Tt > , 7llc ;
washers , per lb. 818o ; rivets , per lb , lie ;
cell chain , per lb , C@12o ; Imallonblo , 8c ;
iron wedges , 60J crowbars , Co harrow
.ooth , 4o ; spring tool , 7(4tic ) Burden's
lorspfhoos. fi 3S ; Burden's uiuloshcxi , fi 31.
BAKBED WIRK-In car lots , 7o @
7io per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GOtf , 3 RO.
SHOT. Shot , 91.85 ; Buck .hot , U2.10.
Jrtcutnl Powxlcr , kegs , 90.40) ) Jo. , hal
cogs. 63,48 ; do.quarter kegs , 91,88) ) BInst
Ing , kcs , 6.Sfi/Fuse , per ICO feet 60a.
COAL Onmborlaud blaokomlth , (12) )
Morris Run Bloonhurg , 912) ) WhltebroMt
ump , 94 03 ; Whltobreatt nut , 91 OD | IOWA
lump , 91 OJ | Iowa nut 94 00 ; Rock3prlnr |
V700 ; Anthracite. Sll G0@12 00 ; Cauou
City , C7 00 per ton.
Monet and Mulct ,
Kitrn draft horsrn , 9175. to 225. ) Com
mon draft homos , 8100. to 160. ) Extra
farm horocn , 8110. to 125. ) Common io
good farm horary. 690 to 0100. ) Extra
[ ilugn , SCO , tn 76.1 Cominuf plugs , 920.
MUTjES. tErcra ) , 8125. to 1DO. ) good ,
SI ( J. to 140. ; fair , 976. to 100. ) common ,
WO. to 76
ALCOHOL 1S8 proof. J 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits. If 8 proof ,
L 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 123 ixir proof callou ; retllsllllod
whiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blcndod 1 60 ©
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 COS)7 ( ) ( X )
BRANDIES Imported , 88 00 < 9)1G ) 00 ;
domestic 1 40(34 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50(96 00) ) omoetlo ,
1 40(013 ( 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 60&B 00) ) Nav
England. 2 00 ( < 44 00 ; domeitlo. 1 603 11
1 76 ( 4 00.
OHAMPAQNKS Imported per ease ,
18003400 ( | Am tla ( per ease , 12003
16 00
FINE OUT Common , 20@30o ; good ,
45@GOo , Rose Loaf , 70o ; Premium , 65o ;
Dlitmond Crown , 55c ; Swuot Sixteen ,
SMOKING-0. 3. , 20o ; Mmkovr , 2 < c ;
Durhim , 1R or. 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c ;
Durham , 4 oz , 52 > i ; Durham , 2 oz. 55 ;
Seal of North Carolina , 1G or , 42o ; otl of
North Carotins , 8oz 44o ; Stml of North
Carolina , 4 oz , 4Ga ; Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 < iz , 48c ; O , K Durham , 4 OT. 28a ;
0 1C Durham. 2 nz , 30 ; Uncle Ned , i'a ,
24c ; 'I'oin and -lerrv. VHo.
PLUG TOBACCO Cllmnx. 50 ; Bui.
linn 50 ; Horceilioi48 ; Stur 48 ; Rudy ,
44 ; Honey's , 48 ; Black , 38@40.
Merino unwa > hod , light , 14Jll6c ( ) ber y
13rJHiO | medium unwashed , light , lb'c.20 ( ;
washed , oholoe , 32o | fair , SOo ; tub nr.d
WftBlicd , 28c ; Imrrr , b' ' olr. nnd cotted wool
25360 htr.
CJno Exp r uo. > fr.mi Mnny.
I have bonn sick nnd inlaunililo BO
long and hid cauiud my haaband Bi
umoh tronblu and ixponsu , no ono
seumod to know what atled mo , thnt I
was oomplo'ely dlaheiirleiiod nnd dla-
onurtyzod , Iu thin frarno of mind I
got a bottle of Hop B tturn and nsod
thoni unknown to my family I anon
bog&n to Improve and gullied BO fast
( hat my husbund nnd iamlly thought
it atrtinfje and unnatural , but whim I
told thorn what hod holn d mo , they
onld , "Hurrah for Hop Blt'oral loni ?
may tboy prosper , for thry hava
made mother well and us happy. "
The Mother.
Mudu from the wild flowers if the
It la the most fniirMnt of purfumo
Manufactnred by II B. Sliwen , Hun
Fraiiflsoo , t 'or sale In Omaha by W.
J. WhltuhotiBo and Konnard Bros
Ramembor , tf you want health and
atronijth of mind nnd uinsolo , uae
Brown's Iron
EURH by tuu Acre.
Bantu Ilirban Hxpresa
Laat Tacadny uftornoon Ocptaln A.
Lirco , thu well known fishorniaii , ro-
tarnud to port uftur a tivo doya' ornlae
ainoii ) ; the lalaiida olT the const. Ilia
voytigo WAS somotliliitr oat of the ordi
nary way , and hla route was one eel-
deut taken by him or , in ( act , by any
cither conator. Ho had undertaken
the contract to provision fonr neal
fiililiiK utatlona at Santa Grnz and Sun
Mif-Ubl islaude , and In ordur to reach
thucn was oumpullod to make hla nay
tnroagh atratige waturs and unex
plored ohanuuia. Ho rcporta that hu
sarr ooantlusa uuinbtrs of acnla and
BOA lions on the rooka objut Sun
Miguel and Bantu Cruz Islands , nnd
that the Bual haulers there arc
having a proiperuoa loaeon thlc
spring Thuy are killing the aua llona
for their eklue and fat , the latter they
are "trying out" for oil on the rooka ,
At one place Captain Laroo found a
colony ( f Ohlnitmen engaged In gath
ering abalonra nnd catching and dryIng -
Ing roakcod nnd nlui fuh for ahlpmunt
to Ohina. Th > y liuvii eccuiuulated
nuvcrnl ronn of urlnd full and will aoon
have n loud ' > r a s jhooner. The moat
lntereatlug portlnn of 0ptaln Lulco'o
atory v/aa his esortptiuii of an ialand
covered wi'h CKK * ' " ° Buyfl a "hurt
dlatanco from Son Miguel Ialand ,
standing out lone and solitary ia the
Pacific ocean , there Is n rook with a
Eiirffvcoof about three uoroo. The nldca
nro precipitous and almoU lunccojelblo
izc pt during calm wrathor. While becalmed -
calmed rioir thu roik hu vlalted It and
WHB araazsd at tbo sci'iiu preai ntod to
hla vlnlon. Tfte Uland U covered with
a. inycr of guano , In which eoa fowlo of
all descriptions wore funnd ln > lng or
Incubating their oggc. The aorfuoti
xppoared to ba almost entirely covered
with egga , principally thoeo of thu aea
Hulls , abates and u aniall bird known
as the suit water duck. Ho aay.i It
wus d.flbult to wu.k without
treading upon the epga Ho brought
away aovoral bnahela of those egga.
The ahagi-n' epga are of a light blue
color and aomewbat smaller than a do-
mostlo hen's egg , The gull egga are
somewhat larger In alia , light brown
tpotted with black dote. Luoo aaya
ha oould oislly load a ship with those
ecrgo from thli Island , bat na there line
no market for them here , they are not
worth gathering.
A. combination of 1Y * .
loxli/o of Iron , JVrt < v < aM
a jxildtabl * form , Jfof
Debility IMK of Apr * *
Mr , 1'roitraHonof Vital
1'mvcrt it it indlipenta *
Ho ,
RBV.A.I. liOJBUa Writes : UK V. J. I , . TO WlflGB ,
After thorotinh trial of the . URIFIES
ft . . .
Industrj , j ,
ffiON TONIO,1 take ploaauro THC - sayd :
'i '
In I haVe boon/Sr consider'
stating that / T nnT *
. : . .onofltcd by Its / Li I .ill III ix moat excellent remedy i'
. ftlnlstor tubJDJUUU1I
use. * nnd - , the debilitated vital forces *
Uo Speakers will llnd it
of the greatest v n 1 u o
whore n Tonic la nocos *
ary. I recommend it
aa a rollablo remedial
RRont , posscsslnrr undoubted -
doubted nutrltlvo nnd
rostorntlvo .
' ' " . ,
„ ui. 2 , IMS
DR. HARTER MEDICINE co. . an w. MAIU c ; . . CT. Looia.
S fSl 5 §
* l > > . <
sf itif
O- ' - d 3 IS
O3 ! " 3 5 ° '
' I * I 8 !
iB gar'
za 13 2 O1
z % lFf. 5-0 ,
oa lS.2iasg 1 oa
x s s < sd
oilafl2l 41 2g
. .
* .H&4 ortjn tx PM w
"isiiil S-L Ilfc $3
o sj10 *
l Ai m lii ; = a
| | | | | s
; |
Slg2SSl$3l5 ! $ | |
a.i,5o " " 1
8&33.B H-
Flags , Balloons ,
Torpedoes and 4th of July Goods.
Ac OO.
r.yi iys'i r < ' z-n. i\i & * * t&JMM'ii.A.vja ±
! ACUWilA\VJ2WATriR : ( m Sffl1 ft > 7 J67EmmTO ! !
unj anger
sms WR-VBK &
Window .OiftiiBB . ami
107Jo will I 4th
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balustes , Win
and Door Frames Etc.
Klntt-elnsu tikOllItleH for the Mnnnf oturo of nil kin It of VlouldlUK' , f'litnlng u
mntnlilnr a Bppolilty , Orders from til * coiinfry .v > M bo promptly Htecnt > jJ.
\ I'VYKR , V' vnetnr
And Window Glass.