THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY JUNE 11. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business ; strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a household , strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted , In the often heard expression , "Oh I I wish i had the strength ! " If you are broken down , have not energy , or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing , you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT TERS , which Is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases , 501 IT. Fremont St. , Baltimore During the war I was In jured in thcstomach , by apiece of a shell , and have suffered fromiteversince. Aboutfour years ago it brought on paraly sis , which kept me in bed six months , and the best doctors In the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion , and for over two years could not cat solid food and fora large portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. DECKER. BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood , gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves , If TV. J i vai lit ' jn otliii lncf , vrealf Jour rtutlri ftToki nlKht nork. o r - " iorr bruin rwrvf . * - Hop "uitttrio AXO DM MorCV. It Ttm r norm MII ) I fiicretlon or dl'ilpkl rleC cr ulagta , old or L .8 , uafrlo , > f rw noorhvKUborlJ.nKUtili | , . , ji tfd w B > - utie , rtly on HopJ ] Bltter . -b n T r you tttl I nuiJI ; tram f > " ct l your T ni I fnrn o ( 1C I o n ) UMdi cltanilliK , loin' ptJlBttfcM thAt rev in ? or ntlmulatlnc r tlmolr ' waC La > \ " ° P KopQ > ttn O , ! , ft . U 'ij utt'U * . ( Mini. and trtn'f'fi ' tlocd , HOP bio cur it&Olii. . r < ? I I nirvo . ' . o ; I > P..TJ Too rrtil be thl > f.3UO , , - ' e credit jouitu DJ.rnltt.Vl. Mop Blttor * Jfjou r rr"Vrk ! : and o r < nlrlUdti7 NEVEK l i it n wj- arruot r nvt your FAIL lift , ft hn it > MnO him I C. ' " " < ! Cr . .CiU IWB * . OO1VD MEDAI , , IV/iniS / , 1879. BAKER'S 6HOCOIATES Jlalnt TVrmfwn CAoroMfo , ( In hot plrjiarillon of plain chocnlole for f ni- llj uif. IMti'l ] ! rca/ait Oxoa. from whlcli ( lie cicm of oil hoi been removed , coilljr dlctilcj and admirably mlnpleilforlnrallji. 7'iUrr'i t'amlltt Ctioeolutt , aaa drink or citrn a con- fcctlonf ry li A iltllcloui article | highly recommended l > jr tourliti.Inter * Jlroma , Inralutblo ai a diet fur clill- drta. German Sweet CJiofalatet' a moit excellent article for fimlllci. Sold by ( JrociTS etcrjnhcrc. W. B A.ICEK , < Ss CO. , Joreli iter , Mait , SIODX FALLS Jasper Stone ( INCORFORATGOl Thli Company U now prepared to receive ordon SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE , FOR Building Purposes , And will nuke fleurei on round lots ( or piompl delivery. The Company li shipping PAVING BLOCKS To both Chicago and Omaha , and Mlldt * corre- poiidence aud orders from contractiri en- gtKcd In paving itroetg In anr ol tbo Wettern O.tlM , TEStIUONIA.t.1. BtT isiM Ena'a OrncB , Chicago , West Dlvli Ion lUllw y , Cblcago , December 6. 1882. D Elwell , Pieeldeot Bloux Kails Water rower Com pany. Dear Sir I have received from your coin p\ny Mnce October 1 , 1832 , about 100 car loadi of granite paring blocki and have laid them bet t e i > the rail * of our itreet railway trucks In thi heart of the city. 1 have been using ravingtna terlal In this city for m ny yean , and I take plea lure In ra ) Ing thit In try olulon the gnnltc paving block * furnished by your company ar ( the moit regular In ibape and perfe t In form and ta far ai I have been able to jujge , are pea tossed ot u durahh feature u any material thai has ever been offeed or laid Inhe city- Yours , JAS. K. LAKK , [ Copy. ] ST. Lofu , March 22 , 1883. TO WIlwM IT MAY CONCEUN- Thls la to certify that 1 have examined a plee of granite taken from the Sioux Kalli Qranlt Quarrlei , nod. lo my opinion , It la the belt iton lor street paving I have teen In America. ( Signed ) IIENKY FLAD. flea. Board Public Improvement ! . Stone for Paving Purpssoi And Any perioa Intercxttd Iniuchlmprotenienl will Qed It greatly tohli tdtanUgoto commaolc&to with ui. W lu\lto CORRESPONDENCE ! ON TU ; SUBJECT. Th general nunavtmtat ind luperrlilcm the cctrpijy'g builneu U DOT to tlio bauds I oi Wm. Ucli&lo. Address your let ten to -A. a. SENEY , P/eilJtnt.o | tb Juptf 3tooe Co. mlm&t-tt HEADLIGHT GLEAMS. Rumor That The Union Pacific Will Remove Its Shops , And Thata Union Depot Will be Built on Ninth and Farnam. New Which , if Trno. li Important For Umtlin. The moat Important Horn of news daring the past week was that con cerning the proposed purchase of the largo tract ot laud west of the city , near what is known DB "tho Sum mit , " on the U. P. track. It li generally believed that the ob ject of this purchase Is to bnlld oxton- alvo stock yards , which seems the more plausible , as the track lies be tween the U , P. cud B & M. , where both oomo oloao together by their carves , and form a convenient shipping and roonlving location for stock goods and psckiug house * . Ono of the most prominent and well Informed gentlemen In the city , bow- ever , thinks the land is to bo nsod for an entirely different purpose , Ho says the Union Pacific folks have long been anxious to remove their shops from the river bottom , a treacherous location and subject to floods or the encroachment of the river , He be lieves that the land in question has boon chosen f.s the now alto for the shops , and tha' the Union Pacific company will bnlld up a town of their own , such as the city of Pullman , near Chicago , where the Pullman cir shoos are In operation. Pullman Is ono of the most beautiful places In the country , the shops , oflhoo , dwellings , etc. , beIng - Ing of uniform style of architecture , nud tbo grounds laid out in avenues nnd walks , with miniature lakes , fountains , bright lawns and beautiful flower beds. It is an incorporated city and rules ltolf. Saoh a place is what our Informant thi'ika is to bo built near Summit andlt wonld lead to the cxtonelon of the city limits and the building up of additions out to that spot Ho also oaya that he can Inii.glno no reason why so large a tract should bo wanted f-r stock yards or so largo a prioo patd for a location fur that purpose. In case the oohomo ho speaks of were carried out thorlvor front wonld bo utilized by the several railroad companies for yards , freight honaos , etc. , and would bo graded and filled up like the B. & M. "dump. " It Is also rumored that negotiations are In progress and plans very nearly agreed upon for the erection of a fine union depot by nil the roads , which Is to bo located on the present site of the Oanfiold House , on Ninth and Farnsm. This would bo the most convenient and available place In the city for such n depot , and with the yards on the river front , wonld make ono of the groatc&t Improvemonto Omaha could have , Of course the truth of those con jectures la known only to the digni taries of the various roads , who tnko their own tlmo In perfecting their plans and making them public , but It very pleasant to oven think of the possibility of cnch a ntrldo toward metropolitan importance. iNVBSTMEwfc. Ono of our prominent business men said to us the other day : "In the spring my wlfo got all run down and could not oat anything ; pasting your otoroloaw a pllo el Ilood'a Sarsaparilla in the win dow and I got a bottlo. Aftorshohad taken It n week she had n rousing ap petite , and did her everything. She took three bottles , and it was the best throe dollars I over Invested. " 0. 1. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass BROKEN BRACES. A Thrilling Battle Between a Railroad Agent and a Bnrglar , A Lady Who Had Preeence of Mind in an Emergency. Ono of tbo must Interesting of the many burglaries committed In thla city of late was that of wbioh Mr , 0. B. Maxwell , ticket agent of the 0. , M. & St. P. road , was the victim Fri day night. Mr. Maxwell resides on South Eighteenth etreot , and about 3 o'clock yesterday was suddenly roused from his slumbers to BOO a man stand ing over him , whom ho know at onoo to ho a burglar. "Get out of this , yon con of aqanl" said be , bat Instead of giving tbo man a chance to cot ont ho grabbed htm and was jerked ont of bed in an Instant by the follow , who struggled to got away. The lights were all out and the contest was car * rlod on in ( ho darkness , only the forms of the two men being visible to each other. They got out of the bedroom - room into the dining-room , whore something suddenly broke and the lu < trader got away , falling ever chain aud tobies in the parlor , running oul the front door and around the bad of the house into the alloy. Mr. Max well was somewhat surprised to fine thut ho had left in his grasp i pair of panta , when ho sap- posed ho had hold of the burglar but on investigation fonnd that thuj they were bis own , which the man hai picked np to carry aw&y. Ho had holi of the trousers , while the thief hull onto the shoulder-braces with a doatl 8 grip until they finally broke and hi wan obliged to ran , Whllo they wcro tussling in the din ing room Mrr. Maxwell nwoko am E called cut to her husband , "Charlie what are yon dolnel" "There's burglar in the house , " was th ol answer. Qnlck as thought Instead of putting ho hobd under the pillows aud yollin "fire ! " as most women would dc Mrs. Maxwell said , "Hold on to hi a Oharllo. I'll bring' your revolver in ' mlnuto. " The fact was th ore wan no revolver in the house and Mrs. Max well know it , but resorted to thin lit * tlo snbtorfngo to terrify the thief , who , just at this juncture , got ( away from her husband nnd escaped. As soon as the visitor wa fiouo Mr. Maxwell lighted a lamp and brean investigating his loss. Ho found hli vest containing his watch , office koya , etc. , missing and also his wife's portmonnalo , shop , ping bag , oto , , the latter containing perhaps $4 or $5. This morning on looking down the al'ey ' the vest was found covered with mud and under it the office keys , but watch , chain and charm had been carried away. When Mr. Maxwell asked his wlfo wh t she meant by tolling him she wonld bring his revolver , sbo said "Oh , I know yon hadn't any but I thought I wonld make him run ! " The whole affair was ono of the coolest on both sides that has been heard of , and was in reality qulto a little advontnro to look back to. Without pretending to glvo an edi torial opinion of a remedy of which wo know nothing personally , wo du- slro to ask those of our readers who are afflicted with scrofulous or other diseases of the blood , to examine and test the claims of Hood's Sarsaparllla. It cornea to ns with high Individual endorsement ! ) , ia compounded by prac tical druggists , and ia made of ma terials recognized as valuable by all physicians. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed for r-joord In the county clerk's office Jane 8 , report oi for Tax BEE by Amos' real estate agency : John Rush , county troaanrer , to Ferdinand Stroltz , deed , lota 10 and 11 , block 458 , and lot 10 , In block 409 , Grand View , 92.35. John Rash , ooanty treasurer , to Ferdinand Btrolty , lota 17 and 20 , block 469 , Grand View , 83 7 4 John Rash , county treasurer , to Ferdinand S troll z. lota 10 and 11 , block 446 , Grand View , $5 47. Fruncla E. Bally nnd wlfo to OIo Olaen , q. o , d. , o 15J feet of lot 113 , and w 78j- foot tf lot 114 , Nelson's add. 12 00. James Thompson ot ai. to O. T. Davis , w. d. , w i of nw | of BO ] , 20 , 1C , 13-82.50. A. E. Jonyolln to W. 0. VunDe- wood , lota 7 aud 8 , Terroca'a add , 030. John Rash , county treasurer , to Fordenand Streltz deed lot 4 , block 440 , Ciraud View 81 82. A utoAmboat captain from Gouhcn , Was hurt by a boiler explosion ; Oa the pains in hla hip , St. Jacobs Oil got the grip , Ho calls it the all-healing lotion. Not Allowed to Graduate. Special Dlipttch to Tnic Bun. BALTIMOKE , Juno 9. A cpeolal from Annapolis to day saya that when Cadet Greene , first graduate , marched np to roccivo his diploma to-day , twen ty graduates applauded , among them three officers of graduating class , Glastcock , Webster and Gray. Oapt. Ramsey sent them to the frlgato Santee - too , aud wonld nut lot them graduate. WELLS' "HOUGH ON CORNS. " Ask for WolU1 "Rough on Coma . IBo. Qalckcomplpto , permanent cure ? Corns , warts , bunions. Shipping Nnws. BpocUl Dtapntch to TUB Ilia. NEW YOUK , Jane 9. Arrived , Elbe , from Bremen. HAVBK , Juno 9. Arrived , Franco , from Now York. Bank Statomout. SpecUl Dltpatch to Tui Iiu . NEW YORK , Jane 9. Raaorvo de crease. 82,475. Banko now hold $9- 009,170 In oxoo.ia of legal require monts. Eyes brighten , cheeks become rosy , mnaclcB gain strength by the nco of Brown's Iron Blttora. Fire. Special Dlapatch to Tui Bu. GliiOAao , Juno 9 , The grain warehonao of Douglas , Stewart & Forrest on Sixteenth street burned thla mornlntr. Lois , $1CO,000 ; in- oared , fGO.OOO. The Maverick National Bank ol Boston drawa foreign exchange , bnyi and oella Government and other in vestment securities , and transacts anj r business for Its correspondents in the line of banking. m&th-mo Young man or woman , If yon wanl big money for a atnnll amount , take t certificate la tbo Marriage Fund Mut ual Trust Association , Cedar llapldi , Iowa. \Vanta Her Name Chanjrod. Special Dispatch to TUB Him. CiiioAoo , Juno 9. Frances M. See vlllo , slater of Ohoa. Gnltean , whc was divorced from her husband Goo , Soovlllo. last January , filed a potltloi in the circuit court yesterday to have her name changed to Franola Marie Howo. THB BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited , This la especially trno of a famllj medicine , and it is positive proof thai the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon aa it had boon testoc and proved by the whole world tha Hop Bittora was the purest , beat am most valuable family medicine oi toarth many Imitations sprung np am bogon to steal the notfcoo in whlol the press aud people of tbo country had expressed the merits of H. B , and in every way trying to induce anf ferlng invalids to use their ntufl In stead , oxfectlng to make money 01 tha credit and good nnmo of U. B Many others started nostrums pat u ; in similar style to U. B. , with vari onsly devised namea in which th " " " " used ii word "Hoj > oa "Hops" were away to induce people to believe the ; were the sixmo an Hop Bitten. AI 10 such pretended remedies or cnroo , n matter what their style or name i and especially those with the wor ' . 'Hop" or Hops In their name or i any way connected with them or thol name , are Imitations or counterfoil Beware of thorn. Touch uono c them. Using nothing but genuine Uc Bitters'with a bunch or cluster < green Hops'on the whlto label , Trui nothing oleo , Druggists aud deale : are warred against dealing In Imltr counterfeits' * ' tons or , * ' * ' ' ' j 8TA.TB JOTTINGS. The Grand Island Independent f y : "The U. 8. circuit court for this district , Juilxea Miller and Dumly presiding , de cides that attorney * ' fees can be legally collected In Nebraska when made a part ot a contract In n note , and that the pro vision for such fee * In addition to the law ful Interest ciunot in any sense be con strued to make usury nor can the provis ion far such n foe make the note any the less negotiable. This Is an Important de cision , inasmuch as It WAR generally RUD- poiied that an attorney fee could not bo collected since the repeal of the attorney fee law of Nebraska , " Lincoln Journal : There la a man living Just west of town under whose boute It ia said thirteen skunks haio congregated , and ho in oonttquently in considerable trouble. They will not come out or go nway , and be doesn't dare to shoot them. Thirteen of these highly-scented animals ought to make an Interestlcggroupof sum. mer pets. There ix n project on foot to start a pot tery at Kennttrd. A resident of that town who claims to bo posted In the busi ness , Buy * there Is an abundance of the right kind of clay for making earthen ware , in that locality , and proposes to go Into thp business. The annual convention cf lh > > druggUti of Nebraska will convene in Lincoln on Tuesday , June 12th. It -xpt-uted l that not less than 125 drug itt will no In at tendance , Ecteorlte i rxj | > ruti < ) UD have bee m de for their rnlertbintnent. It in said that landi at thu Otoe reserva tion sale , on the 30th. brought at least $8 or 89 r-r acre more than fully an good land can be bought at private sale in the vicinity of the reservation , and in tlut section of Nebraska. Nebraska City business men are holding meetings for tbo purpose of organizing n company to build n railroad In a south westerly direction from tbut city. They will call it the Iowa , Nebraska & Kansas route , The postmaster at Arapahoe In in re ceipt of n letter from parties in New Jer sey , desiring to know If there Is a locality where about 100 families can find enough vacant government land upon which to locate a colony. Five Washington county grand jurors did not believe that tbo murder of a newly-born babe WM a crime , and there fore re I need to indict a wcman of that connty who was vullty of infanticide. A paper called The Reservation News has been published at Wyuiore during the incitement incident to the sale of the Otoe lands and distributed free on all trains run ning to that lection of county. There baa been considerable talk lately of organizing a company , wlcb a capital of 920,000 , to run a packing house in Sut- ton. No definite conclusion has yet been reached. Stockholders of 'V > n HnU county cream ery company rm H v-tccl to Increase tbo capital stool' 10 lO.OOO-to 85.0CO at once and the Hunt when needed , A Wnyni ! horse thief stole a horse , was captured , indictedby _ the grand jury , nnd sentenced to three'yearn In the peniten- Hard , nil within 48 hours. Ton thousand , of fifteen thcuiand dollars lars required , have been iubjcrbcd ! toward the cructlun of a Congregational church at Lincoln , Jan-en Dnncan , of Wood River , who had been drinking , took a dose of hydruta of of chloral to quiet his nerves , and died In ten minutes , Now that Decoration Day la past , ex- tentive preparations to celebrate the Fourth are being mads all over the state. Three Burt connty caloen keeper , ] must pay $2,400 to thewtfe ] of a man who , when drunk , witR killed by bin team running away. It is "Bald that the condition of Morre , the man shot at Fiemont , is more favora ble , nnd bin case ia becoming uioro encour aging. A novel feature of tbo reunion at Hast ings this year will be a battnllion of young ladles in unifotm , cirryicg brooms. A switchman named Geo. Heaves was run over and fatally Injured ttt Lincoln last Wednesday. A rattle snake large enough to kill an ox WM killed on the railroad at Aurora last week , A mare 21 years old in Washington county hits jint given birth to her eigh teenth colt , The Suttnn creamery expects to bousing the cream from l.OCO cowa by the middle of August. A counterfeiter baa been getting In bin work on some unsuspecting parties in Fremont , The first of ten wells to be sunk in Kearney In case of fire was completed last week. Three New York men have invested 350,000 in a Stauton county stock ranch. The cattle ranches north of Sidney are being fenced. Settlers are warned off. It la stated that the Flatte river was highest last week that was ever known. North Band oUImi to hava the finest fourth-class poitoffice In the state. Ticket sales at the Fairmont depot last month amounted to over $1,200 , A weekly trade journal is HOOD to make its appearance in Llnooln. > Brock ban filed papers for incorporation under the village act. Many farmers It Oass county are plant * Ing corn the third time. Boons county It the latest to want a creamery , Jack rabbit hunts are now the order of the day. OrdJi B twpbtlck kilns In operation. SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of so- cnriuc n soft and brilliant Complexion , no matter how poor it may naturally 1)0. Kazan's Miurnolia Balm is ft delicate and harmless arti cle , which instantly removes Freckles , Tan. lledness , Roughness , Eruptions , Vul gar .Flushings , etc. , etc. So delicate ana natural are its eU'ocls that its use is not suspected bjr anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured 1'aco in society when the Magnolia Halm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. ON'T WAI1 D TIJT. 1'ltICKS AIJVANCH nnd th llli.sTiiri-Milil , Ituy UiMifriil IliiUnlii ailmio i > tii mill lima TOWN LOT ; now while llicy lire clinil' . Town r < m ii riii > > < llv. lnrrrnHii riTiuhi. Thj SI'i : MII.\TI ( N OI'Tllli DAY. N.tIAl.1 t'AI'ri'Ali ' ItlXMJIKKU. Kor Inforiuatio : Imiulreot CUAULis : K. , In Ooiumlttloiier O.AK. W. If V. CHIUAUO.U of James H. Peabody , M. D , PHYSICIAN AHD SURGEON Rwidonco No. 1407 Joneo St. OfflcB No. 1507 Farnara S . in Office tours , 12 m. to 1 p. m , and 3 p. m. to n- p. m. - Tel ephoue for cfiize , 97 ; Roatdonco. 12 /J" V'f / . THE Admiration OF THE WORLD. Mrs. S. A. Allen's WORLD'S HairRestorer IS PERFECTION/ ' Public Bonofaotroso. Mrs. _ S. A. ALLEN has justly earned tlm title , and thonvinds arc tm ! day rejoicing over a fine head of hair produced by her unequaled preparation for restor ing , invigorating , and beautifying the Hair. Her World's Hair Restorer quickly cleanses tire scalp , removing Dandruff , end arrests the fall ; the hair , if gray , is changed to its natural color , giving It the amc vitality and luxurious quantity 03 in youth. COMPLIMENTAEY. "My hair is now restored to its youthful color ; I have not a gray hair left. I am sat isfied that the preparation is not a dye , but acts on the secretions. My hair ceases to fall , which is cer tainly an advantage to me , who was in danger of be coming bald. " This is the testimony of all who use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. "Quo Bottle did It. " , 1 hat K the expression of many who have had their gray hair restored to its natural color , und their bald spot cohered with hair , after using one bottle at MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR It is not a dye. JOUtTSTABLKS , JEROME SOUAMP , President. Vice Prcs't. W. S. DEISUEN , Sic ouJ Troas. THE NEBRASKA co Lit coin , Neb. MANUFACURERS OF Oorn Planters Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Rahes Bucket tlevatl. . g Wlndmll s. We are prepared to do job work and manufac turing for other parties , Addte 9 all ordeis to thn SNEB11ASKA MANUFACTURING CO , Lincoln , Nab. MAYERIUK NATIONAL B&NK. Cor , Water and Conaresi Streets. CAPITAL , - - S4OO.OOO SURPLUS , - - * t OO.OOO Transacts a general Bonking business , Bo- oelvea the accounts of Banks , Bankers and other * . Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Cable Transfers in Europe and Tel * egraphlo Transfers of Money throughout the United States. Buyi and lella GOT * eminent and other Investment Securities , and executes any business for Its Uorre < spondenti in the line of Banking. ASA P. POTTEf President. J. J. EDDY , Oathler. J. W. WORK , Ast'tOaihlir. m&th-me RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES & ARCTICS. 10,000 , OASES , Including standards and grades tc match , are offered tothe jobbing trade at losa than manufacturers' prices by FIELD , THAYER & 00- , 170 Congren Gtreot , DOETON. HAS THE BSST STOOK IN OMAHA ANDMAZES THB LOWEST PEIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , ma ! ' ing it the largest and most complete FURMITUREHOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , Ono Exclusively for the use of Passengers. Thpse immense warerooms - rooms -throe stores , are 66 ieet wide-aro filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All All are invited to oall , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stock. OHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omnha -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo f 1020 Farnham Street , : MANUFACTTJKEB OF SALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET. OMAHA , NEB 118 FARNAM ST. Brewing \j Association , CELEBRATED m & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOB ITSELF , Orders from any part ot the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods are Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets. J.M. BRUNSWICK &BALKEGO. JUNE GTH , 1883. In order to protect the public Against the Imposition of Mountebanks m our line , we have concluded to oiler BILLIARD MATERIALS AT COST. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES : OMAHA OORNIOE Wo R KS BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF ; Ornamental Oalvanizefl Iron Oornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc.1 S1Q South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , T-moD-wed-dl-m I"