Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1883, Image 6

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The Drop Rapidly Heading Out
in the Interior of Iowa ,
The Bloody Barbera urn Taken
from Jail and Btrotohud
Near Waverly.
A JonlouD Liovor Shoots His
Hival m the Streets of
Oskuloosa ,
.Arrest of u ' 'Retired" New
'i York Banker
Near Atlantic.
Thn Defaulting Poymaitor X.lnRori
Mil Past Career-
They Will Bo Lynched.
SpoclM Dlejiatch to Tin Una. *
Su.MNEii , Iowa , Juno 8. The Bar
ber boys were taken to Independence
jail the night of Juno Cth to keep
them from the mob. The sheriff of
Bremor county returned with them at
one o'clock to-day and they are lu
Wnvorly jilt. The pronpecla are they
will bo huiip to-night or to-morrow
The Barbara I/yaohod.
Special Dispatch to TUB UBS.
Dt'BCQUE , Juno 8 The Herald's
apticUl from Wuverly says the Barber
boy'i ' were taken from Jill by a mob at
11UO : o'clock to-night and hung to a
tree , half a rallo cant of the jail. The
mob was composed of uitm from
Fayotte county , and were led by a
brother of Shepherd , whom the
Barber boya killed last fall
at West Union. The sheriff
refuted to glvo np the key ? , and the
mob battered down the doors with a
alcd o hnuimor , and nftor a ahort delay -
lay inside , brought the orlminalo out
with ropes around their uooka. The
boa did not flinch n particle , and did
not even plead for mercy during the
whole crdoal.
Jealousy and Vistolo.
BpcdM Uiepatch to Tni U .
DES Me INKS , Jun 8 , At Oakaloosn
yeatorday , Ilmso Pnrcall , the discard
ed lover of Mies Turner , mot the
yotine lady walking with Mr. Di'Bafid ,
and efter upbraiding her for her un
faithfulness , turned upon DeBofid and
said , "You are the cause of thla
trouble , " drew a pistol and shot Do-
Bofid In the loft cido of the neck , the
ball passing upwards and coming ont
at the right aide of the face , then tried
to shoot Miea Turner , but waa pre
vented by the crowd of men who
gathered. Parcel ! rm away and hue
not been apprehended. DaBouea'
wound la oneldercd very dangerous.
Moore Villainy
Sfccial DUpatch to TIIK UBS.
DES MOINHS , Juno 8 A detective
from Now York arrested William 0.
Moore in BjiiEon townaulp , ton milee
from Atlantic , yoaturday. The prla-
6ner ia now lu tno county jail. Moore
was president of the Vicor ( N. Y. )
bank , a branch of the Rochoatei
bank , with Mr. Oharlea Upton ai
president. Bath banks oloaod on the
0ama day , the Victor bank wit !
$130,000 dopoalts and no assets
wliilo the llic'aeator bank gave i
ahowlng of $90,000 deposits , witl
bat $50,000 asneta. Oharlea Upton'i
trlitl cornea off at nn early date
Moore and bla eon Gjor o carao t (
Atlantic three months a o and Goorgi
bought n farm in the township wheri
they were living at the time of hi
fatlnr'a arrest.
Tbo Wnns-m Caartmartial.
8pcl l Ul p tch to TUB Dei ,
GALVESTON , Juno 8. In the Was
son conrtmartial the defense iutro
dnced Gon. Vincent , aEslatant udja
tant ; Mcj jr Ruwell , department In
epector , und lieutenants Hickey nm
Ljater , eighth cavalr/ . All tcatiGei
at great length as to the long Inter
course with the accmed as classmate
and CDninxdoB , going into dotailc re
garding hia career and reputation , am
tolling how ho waa lookou np to no th
Boul of honor and an exemplar o
mural character and tompordto habile
, The accused then requested adjourn
J mont till Monday , as fforaca Wilson
of San Francisco , a material wltues
! for the difjuae , would not arrive til
Sunday. Tno delay will also onab !
t , the accused to complete his wrltto
1 Btatemout and finish hla side at th
next mcotlug.
'Will Probably Qot a Rest
Spoclal Dispttch to TUB BSE.
CINCINNATI , June 8. John Bltt
nor , Jr , 15 years old , la on trial bi
fore Mayor Lord , of Riverside , f.c
araon , being charged with barnln
the Dabui cooperage works in Aprl
1882 , entailing a loss of $100,001
Two wltnoaaoaca testified that the be
told that ho act the place on fire ; ( hi
ho had raado two attempts bofon
and two tiuco , and that hla object wi
togotaroat. Ha waa omployoi 1
the factory.
A Southern Duel.
8p cUl Dl r tcb to Tns Usit.
' HICUMOND , Va. , JUDO 8. Sherl
Donkloy and T. W. Waller fought
horjobaok duel near Patrick com
house. Waller waa fatally woundei
Ho waa an opponent to D jukloy at tl
laat elcc'.ior. ly Row with Rangus
Special Ubpitofl to TUB Um.
MEMPHIS , Tcnn. , Juno 8 Tl
Appeal's Falton ( Ky ) special Boy
A eliootluK utTrny occurred thla ovei
leg between a poaeo of men under tl
leadership of the city marshal at
Bill and Juhu Oaqlea , two men wl
'uvo caused no llttlo trouble to tl
leaouful citlz. na of Fulton. In tl
li'ing , which was begun by the Oacjlc
Bll Chgka , w a killed and Jol
Ojfles waa .wounded , but ho escape
A U'gro , who w&n not parttclpatln
wau'thot dead. Will Jonce , ono
the \otsu \ , KUII wounded lu the hci
and .rrn , and the olty marshal w
badlySoatcn ever the Uead ,
% . Fazitlvn Pardoned.
Special Dijutrhcs to TuibiR.
LOUICILLE , Ky. , Juno 8. Go
ornor Blckburn to-day pardoned
0. Olivet , who in 1870 , as cashier
the bank f Bowling Green , default
for a laryi sum. Indictments we )
found ag&Ut him , but Oalvert h
fled and never returned. Ho Is
thought to bo in ono of the South
American atatoa.
Wlckrmon Ulnnpponrs
Special DlipaUh to Tun Unn.
I'JIILAUKMMIIA , JnncS The where ,
abouta of Msjir Azor NiokerJon , U.
S. A. , whoao first wlfo has tiled an ap
plication to set naldo the dccrco of
divorce granted to the Mftj'.r , la tin-
known to counsel and frlenda In thla
city , All inquiries are ftnUluca ,
The N w Rules nud Tholr Ettecton
Sprclil PUpatcb to Tin UEI.
CincAoo , Juno 8. The report from
Washington that the oecrotary of the
treasury has ordered that samples often
ton arriving in San Francisco for Chicago
cage merchants should bo sent to Now
York for Inspection before the tea Is
delivered has educed some talk among
these meat lnt < .reatcd ? s to the reason
for auch order , nud the Influence It
would have on the tea trade lu this
"If the report as published should
prove trno , that samples of all toao ar
riving In San Francisco consigned to
Chicago should bo aont to New York
for inspection before the tea la deliv
ered horn , would it in any way be det
rimental to the ton trade in this city } '
waa ankod Mr. J. W. Djano , ono of the
heaviest tea Importers of this city , to
"That would depend a good donl on
how it was done. If some samples
wcro Bent to Now York ahead of the
arrival of tha tea , and examined there
without loss of tlmo so aa to allow the
tea being delivered hero Immediately
on arrival , such order would not make
any difference , but if nny delay was
c&nsud In the delivery of the toi on
arrival , then It would bo Injurious to
the interests oi the tea trade. Wo
don't want to have any time loat In
the delivery of tea on arrival. "
The gentleman also stated that the
only excnao which could bo offered
was the fact that no ton Inspector hsd
been appointed for Chicago.
"Aro tea Interests In thla city not
of snh importance aa to warrant the
appointment of an inspector for this
place in any case ?
"On ! yes. The tea interest of this
city are the largoat in the country.
Recent otatlatioj show that far moro
tea arrives at San FraucUco for dis
tribution at Chicago than arrived at
Now lork. The amount of business
done la largo enough to hava an inspector
specter hero , and that ono has not
bean appointed ia only because , aa I
have already aald , no Inconvenience
baa thna far been experienced under
the present arrangomonta. Should it
bo nccasaary to" have an Inspector
hero , ono will b3 appointed. "
Mr. Spaldint ; , collector of cuatoma ,
declined to convorao on the anbjoot.
Towlor's Foul Iiard *
Special Dispatch to Till Uil.
CHICAGO , Juno 8. Inquiry into the
quality of Fowler Broa. ' lard , on com
plaint of McUeach , continued before
the board of trade committee to-day ,
in Eocrot acailon. It ia learned from
outside sources that two witnesses ,
employes In Fowler Bros.'house , tes
tified that they frequently saw boel
and mutton tallow loaded upon the
elevator to bo lifted to the floor or
which the rendering tanks were filled ,
and that the same machinery wan nsec
in making "prime atoam" and "re
fined" lard.
it Tlio Rlfla Tonm Want Cash.
1 Special Dlspatcb to Tiu linn.
NEW YOKK , Juno 8. Alexander E
Korraheed , of thin city , haa addroasoi
A letter to Wm. Henry Smith , gouera
manager of the naaoclated preaa , in
forming him "Taut the probibilltle
now are that no international tuam wll
go to Wimbledon. No subscription
hnvo b oa obtained by those outaldi
of the committee and our labors fat
to ciah the ucc3tiary amount , Noth
ing haa baen received outaido of Nov
York and Brooklyn and uuleus tin
subscriptions to a considerable araonn
are received from other cltlca befon
Tuesday wo shall report 'failure' , am
the money subscribed will bo rotnrnoc
and the national rliloa of Great Btitali
advised by cable that the match la off. '
The fetrikerj do Not Appear-
Spo lal Dispatch to Tun Bll.
ST. Louis , Jnno 8. Informatloi
received from Oolllnavlllo , Illinois
la that the striking miners , who wer
expected to arrive there aomo tlm
last night or early thla morning hav
not turned np , and all la quiet there '
Inquiry of Plnoknoyvlllo , Bellovlll
ana other places in the mining die
trlct fails to reveal the prcaeuco of th
atrlkora , and there la no Informatlo :
at any of these points of any band o >
body of men moving about the conn
try. It begins to look aa though th
reports of last night wera very mnc
exaggerated , or that the striken
after moving out of Ballovillo , brok
up and wont quietly to their homoa.
Stornit *
Spocul Dlepatch to Till lim.
o READING , Pa. , June 8. The atorr
of laat night wai the severest fo
years. A force of men waa kept a
work all night repairing the wnshoD
at Perklomen Junction , on the ReadIng
Ing railroad. Two barns wore atruc
by lightning and a church at Amity
Iffa vlllo damaged. Cuttle and horse
a were killed in various parts of th
rt country.
lie Woolen Milli ) Cloning.
Special Dlspatcncs to TUB Dun.
UXBRIDCIK , Jane 8. The wooli
company of UxbriJgo la about to aht
bo down. The other torv mills runnic
a : will shut down KB aooo aa thay can 1
n- run out. Hlnadalo Broa , of Uln
lie dale , who employ between 300 andOt
id hands at two mills , have glvon uotli
ho the mills will bo run only three da ;
ho a week. It la reported ono or tv
ho woolou mills will follow this courco.
HOP . y Rains in IlHuoii-
d. Special Dlipatch to THI ll ,
d.S , SrniNariKLi ) , Juno 8. A hoai
of rain utonn , accompanied by ha !
ad otruck the southwest portion of tl
33 city at 8 p in , , unroofing sever
hoiiBos , blew down barns , fences , etc
and doing quito a largo amount
damage , No persona Injnro
Specials from the Bluffs , Chapl
Jackson , Borlln , and other polnta <
T.of the Wabash railroad , weat of the clt
of report the heaviest rain storms th
od haa fallen for years. The whole con
ro try Is Hooded and great damage do ;
ad to crops.
Merrloi Finally Winds Up His
Speech and Demands a Vor-
diet of Unlit/ ,
Monday'd Session of the Court
Aaido for a
Prayer Meeting.
The Junketing Directors of the
Union Paoiflo Appointed
By the President.
Tbo Eult Against ' 'Bottio and the
Baliy"-Otlinr BTnttcra-
SpocUl Dispatch to Tun llni
WASHINOTON , Jnno 8. The proal-
dent has appointed the following government -
ornmont directors of the Union 1'aolfio
railroad oouipitoj : Isaac II. llromb-
ley , Connecticut ; Ooorgo G. iUvon ,
Now York ; Watson Partial ) , Nebraska ;
OolRato Hoyt , Now York ; and Arthur
L. Oougor , Ohio.
Secretary Teller has approved the
action of ludlau Atjout wllcox In re
fusing to rccoivo Ohlrachna Indiana
who recently applied for admission to
San Carlos reservation.
Secretary Teller has reversed hla
decision In the o so of Wm. William
Ohandlor vs. the Village of Sault Sto.
Marie , Mich. , and now decides that
Potterfield is located upon the tract In
question , ovldonca being produced
ttiat the Indians did not rcstdo on that
tract , as was supposed at the tirno of
the first decision.
A suit to recover $3,000 oonnsol
fees has been brought by J. S , Blgo-
low , nn attorney ol this olty , ugalnst
Bottio E , Mason , wife of Sergeant
Mason , who is now serving out a sen
tence for attempting to kill Gultoan.
The suit eaino up in court to-day , on a
motion to dissolve the order restrain
ing Mrs. Mason from Using the money
collected for her some tlmo ago by
public subscriptions , Among the pa
pers submitted by Mrs. Mason's coun
sel was a letter from the conusol for
Bjgolow , cffjricg , in behalf of his
client , to relinquish all claims for
$500. The case was submitted with
out argument ,
Merrlck concluded his address in
the atar route case as follows : "Tho
people , regardless of psrty , would pay
everlasting tribute to the administra
tion that had the high moral oourago
to punish corruption in members of
its own polltbal household. " Ho de
manded from the jury a vordlct of
guilty against all defendants ; not a
verdict based on sympathies , but on
faota , and evidence , and law. Ho de
manded this verdict in behalf of the
people cf the United States , whose
I public treasury those defendants had
3 robbed. Ho demanded a vordlct Ir
i vindication of the official trusts the do
, tondants had disregarded ; of the l&v
I of the land which they had spnrnoc
wlthcontompt , He demanded a vordlc
In vindication nf the truth , and honor
and virtue of the American people
which these men had otalnod am
blackened. By a vordlct of guilt ]
that Injury to virturo , and truth , am
honor might ba redeemed , and that
too , by a jury take" from the people
showing the appreciation of virtue out
raped and honor disregarded.
Merrlck thanked the court and jur ;
for patient attention tuid took his seat
An attempt at cpplauao was chockoi
by the court , who usked If both side
were prepared to submit tholr prayore
After short discussion , counsel o ;
both aldea agreed to submit the !
prayers In season to cocuro tholr pub
llcatlon in the noxtlsauo of the Record
and then the question arose as t
the tlmo to bo allowed for argument
At Ingersoll'B suggestion it was ds
cldod to limit the argument to Mor
day , the time to bo equally divide
between the prosecution and defense
The attendance of the jury bolnc ; uu
necessary during the argument o :
prayers , they were excused unt
e Tuesday , and the court aajonrne
o until Monday.
Wheat In Michigan and Illinol
Special Dispatch to Till HICH.
0 CHICAGO , Juno 8. Crop roporti
dated Jnno 1 , from 859 correspon
dents in Michigan , give the followin
percentages compared with last yoai
r Wheat , southern four tlora of conn
ties , 70 ; north of that , 85 ; oats , acri
10 ago 90 , condition 01 ; barley , aoroag
9G , condition 82 ; apples , coudltlo
00 ; poaches , condition 02 ; estimate
wheat crop , 22,000,000 buahola , i
nearly 10,000,000 short of the crop <
The Illlnoii state board of agrlon
tnro makea the following report of tl
condition and prosperity of wlnti
' wheat crop of the state , Jnno li 1
Estimated crop , north division , 590
000 bushels ; central division , 8,891
000 ; south division , 6,450,000. Tot
15,937,000. The report of May 1
estimated the crop at 20,008.000.
Hl | > li IGBIISB lu Illtn
Special Dispatch to Tun Dm.
CHICAGO , Juno 8 , The fact th :
the high llconso bill is almost certai
to become the lair of this atato ( a tl
general topic of conversation t
night. About 4 000 ealoons In tl
city nro paylnu $50 each per yetr , i
OB ebont $200,000. It in estimated th ;
IB- the number wl'l ' bo decreased to 3C , (
IBDO under the now law , jieldlng a rovoni
CO to the city of 51,500,000. From
ys aoriea of Interviews among partloa It
ro torcatod the following are found to 1
the prevailing opltiloua : The Citizen
Tomperatico Lasgno lejolcea and w
celebrate the event by a ruas mootln
Tao Womau'rt Christian Tomperan
ry Union views the bill with dislike at
" auaplclon , aa a echomo of the rnmso
ho era to prolong the Hfo of their trafli
ral The leading liquor doalera will acoo
* the situation and will net contest tl
Of constitutionality of the law if passi
d. by the Bonato , admitting that it c nn
be BUcooHifnlly attacked ,
y , The Fkyilolani.
iat Spodal Dlipatch to Till lin.
nno CLEVELAND , JUDO 8. At the oloali
no session of the American Medical tat
elation , a resolution by Surgeon-Go
Meller , that in the very near fu
ture , if not now , cronutien will become -
como n sanitary nncucalfy In largo
clllos and populous dlnlrloto , WAS referred -
forrod to the Hcotlon on hypieue. A
committee on oorglcal torvlco aboard
ocean vaaaola waa nppolutcd.
Special Dispatch to Tin Uu.
LONDON , Juno 8. A stormy debate
arose in the commons to-duy on a mo
tion to recommit the Lotd Woleoloy
and Baron Alccstor annuity bills , for
the purpose of commuting the pro
posed ponslona for lump eums of
money. Sir Wilfred Law on ( radical )
and Lord Randolph Chnrchlll ( conservative
vative ) opposed the motion , the lat
ter alleged an Inquiry into the Egyp
tian war was hrst nccotsary. The
origin of the wnr , ho s.Ud , was disgraceful -
graceful , not glcrlous , as the Rovorn-
mout'a puppet , the khedive , WM the
real author of the mossRCroa at Alex
Sir Stafford Northcoto ( c. naerva-
tlvo ) Btipportod the goverumont. lie
characterized aa shabby the prosout
raising of the question as to the poli
cy of the war. lie declined to bo Ind
by Churchill , and ho hopad the homo
would not bo induced by the noble
lord to accept a position degrading to
its honor.
Gladstone declared Churchill's alle
gation In regard to the khedive en
tirely at variance with M evidence In
the hands of the govorntnon.
Churchill promised to glvo proofs of
hla statement if the government
would grant the proper Icqulry.
llor majesty's dispatca steamer
"Lively" stranded near Stornojray ,
breaking np. Lose , 35.000
The committee of Influential chip-
owuora on the project of another Sues
canal resolved to proceed vigorously
with the work , especially as the
ntatomonta made by DJ Losacpaattho
mooting of the Surz Caunl company
In Paris are regarded aa moat unoat-
Isf.tctory. The assumption of Da
Loanops that harmony existed between
himself and the Eaglloh dlroctorn waa
strongly dltapprovod.
The Irish members of parllsmrnt
will glvo a binquot to United Scntoa
Senator Jones , of Florida , at West
Special Dispatches to TIIK n
BEULIN , Juno 8. Consideration of
the budget began in the rulchstag to
day. The progroealsta tried to have
the proposed military and naval votes
deferred nntll autumn , but a motion
to that effect was defeated by a coali
tion of the tory and Catholic members.
The proposed vote for a now corvette
will , however , bo refused , notwlth <
standing the desperate plcadluga ol
Gon. Yon Oaprlni , minister of marine.
PAUIS , Juno 8 , It ia atatod tha
only in the event of France's attompl
to establish intor-communlcatlon between
twoon Tunqnln and Annum will Ohini
cloao her ports against the French ,
VICTORIA , June 8. Ohlnoao firm
advise the Chinese government t
allow no moro men here at proaont , I
Is aborted that 2,000 Olilnoso labor-
era died laat year , The mortality 1
attributed to cxpoanro , accident an
sudden ehaugo.of diet ,
ScurAUi , Jouo 8. A powder maga
zlno wan struck by lightning and
tremendous explosion followed. Man
persons were killed.
CETTARO , Jnno 8. The Turks dn
featcd the Mallssorla , who are I
full retreat. Their villages uro 1
TOULON , Juno 8. Six thousan
men are ready to ombirk for Tot
ALEXANDRIA , Jnno 8. Sulolrao
DAond , sentenced to death far uetdr
fire to Alexandria at the tlmo of 11
British bombardment , haa boon e ]
OTTAWA , Jnno 8. Ono man killc
and four probably fatally injured I
caving of the roof of the phoapha
mlno at Woat Tomploton.
ROME , June , 8. The idea that tl
Vatican haa any misgivings in rogai
to the wisdom of Issuing a papal mai
ifosto on Irish affairs is diflpollod t
the fact that tha propaganda are pn
paring to reprint five aoto of the pro
ont pontifical relative to Ireland ft
circulation among the Irish by tl
pope and clergy.
LONDON , Juno 8. To-day at tl
Ascot the Alexandria plato waa we
ot 3t by Faugh A'Ballaogh , Wallouote
second , Credo third.
The SVorthlnghnm stakes handles
il10 were Wun by Djspalr , Hornpipe. BOI
10 end , Tyndrum third. There were el ,
teen starters , Including Lorlllard
' Aranra.
The llardwicko stakes were wonl
Tristan P , Lorlllard'a Iroqnols acoon .
Shrewsbury third. There were nil
Juno 8. T ,
portu recently Informed the Unit
at States minister of commerce that t !
In treaty botwaun Turkey and Amor !
lie will tormlnato March 13 , 1881. T
0- Turklah tariff expired on the eat
hoer date of the present year , After t
or tcrinlnatiaii of the treaty the import
at tlon of ull American inoati , lard a !
00 similar product , will bo prohibit
uu Tha porto has vlrlnilly increased t
uua duties on eplrlta by oompolllnr stora i
u- at Smyrna , ll also maintains Ua i
ube inind relative to atorago of pttroku ;
' No American doluguto has boaa n
111 pointed to nou < i.uo with Turkey cc
K- corning the now tariff , althongh t ;
KCO appointment of ono haa boon twice :
id quested by Wallace ,
io , QOEENHTOW.N , Jnno 8. A force
pt two hundred Tarklsh regulars , marc
ho Ing to Llpeanlk , were attacked a
od murdered on the Iat iuat. by a beef ,
tot of Holtls. Acconnta were recnlv
hero of sanguinary fighting that to >
place on the 2J and 3d in Albania I
tween Turklah troops under comma
of Ansym Pasha and a body of 0
_ „ trails. Tno Tarka are reported
10- have loat 1.300 men , and the Oastri
School Children Thrown Into a
Panio by a Oausoless
Dry of Flro ,
Tha Aotora1 Pand Society Moot
nnd Onnvans tbo Work
of the
A Kidutippecl Oustodinn Suea
for Pnlse Imprisontuont
uud Ooneplraoy.
The Florida Slilj ) Gnual Compnuy
Go to Worlc VlRorouily.
Special Dlipatch to Tin DEI.
NEW YOUR , Juno 8. A panic , that
might have resulted lu u dreadful loss
of life , occurred in the primary school ,
Fifth street , thla afternoon. A schol
ar shouted "tire , " and a ocono of wild
excitement and confusion followed.
Ilnudrcda of children in the dlfforont
clam rooma crowded towards the stairs
imcl nil iffjrts of the ( oaohora to preserve
servo order were luiil'octnnl. A num
ber of children vro crushed and had
tholr clothoa torn In the struggle.
Thi ) police report no ouo seriously In
jured. There waa no fire.
The firat annual mooting of the
actors' fund society wna hold thin
attornoou in Walhoh'n theatre. Total
rucolpta the past year , $57,392 ; ox
pandituroa , relieving dialtcaaod actors ,
$12,349 ; nxpouaca of fitting up rooma ,
etc , , $1,794 ; b.ilauca on hand , $43-
219 , Several English actors' 111 were
nenlntod to roturu homo. The oatab
llnhtuont of an uctora uxchango waa
dltfcusaed nnd the proposition favot <
ably received. A committee was ap
pointed to aolool n nnlUbln burhl plot.
Lsidcr Walluck was chosen president.
An notion hnn been begun by Lawia
F. Stoat agalaal District Attorney Mo-
Kouti , ,1 nines F. Roberts , n clerk In his
cllico , Thomas Brcnuitn , cimmlnnionpr
of olurltloa ant ! correct ! n > , and Warden -
don Ltwrotici ) Dumph , if the llart'a
Inland nlma huuao , aa dttfondanta to
rooovor 5100,000 dnnng vi for alleged
uousplraoy agnluat him , imd falao 1m-
prlBonmout. The plalntill'ia abrothor-
lu-lawof Molvoon , by whoao Ir lluenoo ,
it Is alleged , ho waa kidnapped and
aontinod for throe yearn and ton
menthe oa Hart's Island. This waa
done , It la aald , to enable MoKoou to
got oontrol of the catate of the plain-
tilPa father , of which the plaintiff wai
The Florida Ship Canal and Tranait
company hold a meeting to-day , pro
dded over by lion. John 0. Brown ,
of Tennessee. Highly encouraging
reports were made by various commit'
tecs and the fooling of confidence in
the Buccoea of the enterprise was very
marked. General Charles P. Stone
chief engineer , was prcaont. He
stated ho had examined fully into the
ropartn of the provlona engineers nnd
entertained no doubt of tha f
of couutrnotlng t\ tide watur ship cnna
across the peninsula cf Florida
lie also stated hb aBalatan
onglnoer , A. F. Hill , li iilrsidy on th
ground in Fioildu , ai > d that the aotun
wotk the eurvcy will begin luimedl
aloly. The survey will bo coraplotoi
ia about BX VTOcka , and na soon as th
exact route of the c.iuat Is determine !
npou , contracts wiil bo lot and th
In work bo pnaliod with all pocalbl
vlyor. It it thought work will bcgli
In September next. Genornl Stoni
han had largo cxpotionco lu Egypt li
connection with the Suez canal
id Leading capUaliato in thla country am
England are eager to furnish the fund
for the construction of the ciiinl
It ia well undcratood hora that the
canal will have the booking and friend
in ly co-oporaliou of the great Texas am
Arkansas Byatem of toads , with con
10 nostlons rnmlfylng throughout th
t- aonthweat and oxtundn/ ! / through ti
the Pacific. Gon. Store expoota tob
In Florida In two wcokb.
to and reproaontatlvcs of the Union Pt
clfio and Centril Pacific railroad line
resolved to keep the freight rates c
the Morgan stoaraahlp line and Soutl
orn Paclfia rsilrond route at the earn
rd Gguro ua last year.
A Oaao For tno Authorities of Otc
Corrc | Xiidc ) co of The lice
SYIIACUSE , Nob. , Juno 8. Willlai
10 Devon , a native of Lexington , Ky
Inc a tailor by trade , in the employ i
Q , U. Myore , waa brutally beaten I
P Dltza'o aaloon last Monday , and it
cX feared haa sustained fatal Injnrlci
X- , Ho waa a first rate mechanic and I
" every respect a good man , except f <
hla Indulging In too much drlnl
by While upending the fifteen dollai
.d , which ho had aavod from hla week :
no wogcB , after paying bin board bill , th
bar waa free to all. Ho ran acroea
brute of a man by the name of MI
ho Williams , who makes It hla bnslnoi
ed to lay around taloona and gamble , an
ho cheat men who are not capable ot tal
lcho Iny oaro of their money. MoWllllim
hone uaod hln No. 10 boot on him and Ic
no bin bond In nuch n condition that r
ho mttii oonld tell what he looked Ilk
tund The following morning ho left M
nd Prnphot'a boarding plaoa and i
Jd.ho uurkod that bo would rralk down
ho the timber , a .d that la the last w
ole seen or hoaid of him. There la
lo atrung anuplclon nmong the poop
in , tluit the man from hla hoivy boatti
haa laid d < wn and died. There h
nu ellortj made to hunt the in :
here up lor wo have no cflicora : it Syracin
ro Thla brutal aut would not take pla
In Wichita , KanaaH , or in Goorg
town , Colorado , or In Daadwoo
of Dakota. There la alwaya eomo hone
shnd able man there. Although they u
nd revolvers there thuy use thorn In i
a > honorable way. The boat thing th
red can bo done with MoWilllama la
ok ship him down Smoky How , Naa
be. vlllo , and lot him run a shebang of 1
.nd own , or let the sheriff of Otoe ooua
lasto tsku him in charge and keep him nn
to the ranu ia found , dead or olive.
ills It ia strange that tornadcei a
lightning would patH over thi
THUG ' t
JTNE GTH , 1883.
lu onlor ID protect the public afjalnat the Imposition nf Mountebanks in our line , wo
have concluded to offer
2jj Boat Xmzlbar Ivory Billiard lUlla , per ait . $22,0
Ktpcctally and Solely manufactured for tin by Iwnn & File , at Vcrvlore ,
Belgium ,
Nn. 1 , " ! Inches wMc , per yard . $0.50
No , 'J , 7-1 inches wide , tier yard . , . ,
Host French Uilllnril Clmlk Tor ( jrosii $ .50
IJoat French Ouo Tina , 100 lu n box 1.00
1'ookot Netting ! * , Frlngon , Iioathcri * , Fluent Worsted , per eot (0) ( ) 3.00
Orders mutt Invariably bo accompanied by remittance , and aamo bo direc
ted to out principal manufactories , with additional 5 per cent to the Omaha ,
ollico ,
Otlico , 50 ! ) South 10th street.
gambling dives , owned by the father
of lies , and will pick np churches and
virtuous people In the clouds. It
make's ono half bcllovo there IB no
hereafter. J. S.
CJnrn at Puonnioulni
Mr. D. II , llarnaby , ol OweRo , N. Y , ,
p.iya tlmt bin daughter wna takpn with A
violent culd which terminated with pneu
monia , nmt Ml the beat iihynldaiiH KAYO
tlio CAi-e up nnil imtil elm coula not lira hut
n few hniirs at input , She WRB In thin con
dition when n friend rocommcniioil 1)1 ! .
LUNGS and ndviiiefllior to try It. She
ncceptoil It na n lust ronort , nud WAI mr-
Iirisoil to find tlmt It pr ducod a marked
cluined for tlio liottar , nnd by prrenvorlnf ;
in its UFO a ptrni'iuent euro WAR ellccto.l.
Bunlncss Fnilnroi.
Spoclal Dispatch to Tin lln.
NKW YOIIK , Jnno 8. Business
failures past coven days 173 , an against
151 last wouk , an Increase 22 , Dis
tribution of failures as follows : New
England aUtea 23 , middle atatnn 22 ,
western aiatoa 60 , southern 2(3 ( , Pa-
cllh ulatoa und territories 17 , Now
York city 10.
The Prlntnm' Union
Bporltl Dliiutch to Till Uil.
CINCINNATI , Juno 8 The Intor-
natlonnl Typographical Union adopted
a resolution that an effort bo made
to got full wages for female compos
itors who had served the regular ap
prenticeship. The oUloorB elected
uro : Proaldont , M. L Crawford , Chicago
cage ; Ylo'J presidents , A. 0. Jones ,
, Pittsburg , and John Mathasso , Cin
cinnati ; secretary and treasurer , Wm ,
Brlggs , Washington ; corresponding
secretary , Wm. A. Wilkinson , Galveston -
ton , Texaa. The next mooting will
bo hold at Now Orleans In Jnno ,
Eyes brighten , o'louks become rosy ,
imnclc.i gnn * avrungth by the nso of
Brown's Iron Bittora.
Special Dispatcher to Tim llnr.
George bherman was arreatod ID Chi-
0 R9 yesterday afternoon for mnbozzllnf ;
about $11 000 us clerk In the ollico of the
American Steamship company. Ho con
Heavy rain yCBtordny nftoruoon flooded
Blreoti and in ny lower II x > r ot Innlnem
lunmei ID Now Orlennu , Haiti full wan
two anil a quarter inches , the greater part
fell in ICHU than nn hour.
The Mamiachuralta sonitn pniMul , 10 tc
1 ? , a bill incorporating lhn Oipu Cod Hhlp
Cunnl comtmny ; oapltal. S.'i.OOO.OOO. The
company Is rcqulro , ! to deposit S200OCO
with the etato UH a tHiaruuloo of
10 Remember , If you wnnt health and
strength of mind and muscle , use
Brown'a ' Iron Bitters.
Ono of the nub Rntlal InatltiitlonH Ia tit
Marriage Funtl Mutual Trust Aiiociation ,
of Codnr Jtapid' , Iowa. J cgnlly crpnn
IzoJ , ullicorod and managed by rellablt
men , Kvflry uumnrrlud pernon ahnuh
have B certificate In thla n < moclation , It fi
a splendid Investment , Wilto for clrcu
Ian ( iaod nuentd wanted , dmo
Deputy Sheriff Kd. Crowall la deter
)0 ) mined not to let up until bo his brought
hli whole family out to this country froir
Philadelphia. Hla brother , Dr. G. M
Crowoll , lisa arrived , and will probabl ]
locate hero. Ho Is a graduate ol
Jeilerson Medical College , am
baa been resident physician of tbo Fhita
delphi * hospital for sorai time. He wll
bo warmly welcomed here , whore hla twi
brothers are already Uoated , There an
still three more of the bojt , and they wll
drop Into line after while.
0.r. . I < O33 of Appotlto , Bowels costive ,
r. Pain in tlio Head , with a dull ( imi
r.e - tation iu the back part , 1'aln under
eto the Shoulder blailu , fullness utter
cutuifr , with a disinclination to x
as eitlon of body or mind , Irritability
asa of temtior , Low eplrlts , with a fool-
Intr of havlny netflootucl some duty ,
iio Wcnrincsn , Dlzzineng , Fluttorlnjr at
the heart , Dots before tlio ayes , Tel-
Sow Qliin , Hendacho ironoruily ovoi
118 tlio riffht rye , KcstlesanosH , with fit
in ful dreams , Uglily colored UrUin ,
f 'i i ' yiTi' * nf wj * JiftASifcmt
o- TITTT'S I'lItliH ixro oppclixlly
Niluiitril III fciirli ciikcu. nun iluiie el >
Jc-cU Hiicli . . . . u fliiumu of fecllntl to
| |
llicy IIICITMIIO tlioAiiiiclltrnn(1c n <
ISO tholiiHly loTnUo an FltMli , t Inu I hu > .
an ( cm U IKIIII Itlircl. anil liv thi'lr Toiilo
at uliir NlfiiiiN .
H.T .lliiri-ny St. . IV. V.
ity OIUY Him on WiiiKKKiia clmniro to a a LOSSY
IliacK by a tlnulu apillcatli | > n of tliU DVK. U
M lmi l > nrtHinmtiiniU'cilir
lly. . Hold by IiriuntUU , oricnl by fi ' rcb
rcccliaof. . . l. )0 ,
nd Ol'FICU , U5 MimilAY ST. , N. T ,
. ' ' , . . .
CDr. TITT'81IlM'lI rUlu.M-li.ror illoa .4 >
aao tuful U bU nut I , BtlM t II LK oauuiUuUM. J
Special Disputeod ) : to Till list.
HIIIOHTON litACic , July 8. Warm wo -
thor Hinl liiciotncd uttendnnco ftt the race
trick to-dny. Five races , which were ad
mirably contested , kept the crowd ID good
humor. First dnxh , thros-quartom of n
mile , for which live horses caino to the
post , Unknown WAD the winner In 1:20 ,
Hickory Jim no'-onJ , Harry Mnnu third.
The mlle nnil n-qitirler w.t3 won by
Itahoock , O inlllus toconj , Monk third ;
time , 2l7J.
v Klght BturtciR in the third rnco , mile ,
Juliet croBjcii the line lirst. Doubtful oeo-
end , Allnnoko third ; time , 10
Centennial won the fourth race , mile , ! n
\W\ : , Little Katlo second , Charley Oor-
hnm third ,
Hunllo rnce , mlle nnil n quarter , Jim
Mitiuwnn won , L'rond Dick second , Billy
third ; time , U:30i. :
Wir.KKsn.MtHK , Juno 8. At the races to
day conntnhlen attempted tu nrroat W. H.
Hooker , of Chlongo , proprietor of the
wheel of fortune on the grounds. A riot
ensued , nod several Hhots wore exchnngocl.
Win , liowser , of New York , wns iiorl-
ously benten by a countable . To-night
the cnnstiblawan nrroitotl anil held to ball
( or robbery , buttery and nsHMilt ,
rROVlDHNoc , June 8. Oln s " : I5 , Wln-
shlp won , Mnglo Koooud , Fennor third ;
tlmo 2:2/i. : / 2 : 1 , 2:27. :
Clam 2:25 , Hzra L. won , Vila Doe second , i
FriMik third , Nickel fourth ; time 2:351 : ,
2:27 : , 2:25. :
I'HII.ADV : riliA , Juno 8. Olevelanda 8 ,
PbilftdelphUH 4.
130KTON , Juno 8. Uostona 13 , DetroiU
"NEW YOHK , June 8. Buffulos 11 , New
Yorka .
1'noTiDENCE , Juns 8 , Providence 10 ,
ChlcsgoH 2.
HAliTfoiin , Juno 8.-At Charter Oak
nark , to-day , Bulr jopgod Maud S. In three
1 Wv heats. " The tint mile win made In
2:30 : , fccond iu 223 ; , and third in 2:143.
The last mile waa trotted with the least
oiertlon of any.
Auuuitv , N , Y. , June 8. While Rcorlnff
for a ruro , the gelding driven by Kugene
llont , cf ijyrncuHe , beuimo untnunuKeaMe ,
and the HI tic y was broken by n collision.
'Iho horsodaihod from the track through
the ground * , dragging the driver hy the
feet. HvH'd hnul wna cuished by the
horeo. Ho will die. A buggy waa
suiaeliod nod povcral pertions Injured before
fore the liorac was ( topped. The largo
crowd WCH wild with excitement. The
racei wcro returned within half an hour.
HCl.KVFDANl ) , Juno 8. List day , fast
track. 2:11) : trot , Ulxlo Springer won
Btraight ; Social second , MixuJ It third ,
otherH distanced ; time , 2:2UJ : , 2:2G : , 2:23 : | .
In the exhibitions between heats Cling-
Rtono trntto.i the last quarter In 82 seconds ,
Frank I'nlmcr and Arknnano Bob trotted
a mile , double. In 2"ii . Juy Kyezs trot
ted the hut quarter iu B3i. Little Brown
Jug paced n mile in 2:0J : ! , the first quar
ter In I ! . ' ! .
Free , for all pace , Florabnlla won , Fuller
leoond , O m third , Sailor B y dintanoed ;
time , 2l7i : , 2:13J : , ili ! : ( , 2:17J , 2l : ! > l Fuller -
lor took the mcoixl heat , Florabulla the
third and laat.
Lii : I'AllK HACKS.
Wii-KESiiAHiiE , Juno 0. The nDaclal
purse of 91,000 waa won by Edwin
Thomas ; best time , 2:23. :
Flft'en Yean of SufTarlne Bdy Covo'ed
with Humor Had 1 welvo Doctors Paid
Out S500 , So Cuie no nope.
I will now Ute that I made a miraculous cuie
of ona of the worst en lea of skin dlitagea kniwn.
Tha patient la a man 40 years old ; liaj suffarod
flltce i loan. Ills eyei , o lp anl noany bl )
whole body presented a ( riihtful appear-
aiico Ilad hail the attention ol twelve
dlRcrcnt phyelclana , who prescribe l the beat
remedies knu > vn to tIiprofcB lon.8iich oa Iodide ,
potamlura , arsenic , orroslve eubflma'e , tarsip-
a Ilia , etc , Had paid $500 for medical Ireittoi at
with but little rullof. I prevailed up n him to
uao the CITICVRA hKHOLTRNT ( blood purlfler ) In
ternally and Ilio CuTicuiuiuil CuTicuRiSoip ex-
ten all v. He did no , and was completely cured.
llio nkln on h'dioad ' , ( acr , and IE a y other parti
ol his Loly , which prugcntei a moat l.athsoma
appearnnci1 , I * now ad olt and fimcoth aj that ot
aannlnl ru's , with no ecir or trace of llu dl -
UOHU Idt behti.d. He has now beej curid twelve
month ? , Mcportcd hv
V. U. HHJW.V , Biq , nirnwell , S. O.
) cfcrotco , Di. A. DAKK , Charlcatoo , S , C.
Kolp'e s fiir Eight Yea-s-Unablo to W lk
tor una Year-Got About on nanai and
Knees-A Wo derfj Cure
I liavu had moat wonderM euro cf Bait
H > num. 1' r o\ruiito \ n yuais I Buffered with
Sri Kncuui , I hid u on my head , nock , ainn and
U'gn 1 wan nut able to walk , only 01 my handi
( iiiUn o > , forelh'btyiara. I trluJ hunured * ol
rciiiiclliii ; not one had the loait meet. Tbo
UiUns Haul my rano wig lucunblo. So my pir-
crtJ til-d ototjthliu that came rlon ; ; . I naw
> o jr rodvcrtl > cinenta , and conclu kU io try Ci'il-
cur.A UKMEDHH. Too CuncURi hroiigbt tha
bit nor Io thoaurUce o ( my skin It would drop
oil oti It ca no out , until tuw I am well.
All I cvimy U ( thank jonmoit neartllyJor my
cure. AIIV pereou who ihliuathU 1 tter a fraud
let them w Itu or eomo and > < e uie , and find out
themselves. WILL MaDOVAUD ,
311 Dearborn bt , Chlvmo 111.
The Cutlcura Tr/almv t , lor the cure of
Bkln , Soilp and Hood JJUa se ) , dnnigts In tba
Internal nun ol CuriciMA RESOLVENT , tha row
UlooJ 1'uiiner , aid the external me of CuricURA
anJ Ci'TtctRA roAr , the great Skin cureI'.Ico
of CI'TICUKA ni li boxes , BO ct * . ; laiv'0 boxes , 81.
CtiTici'Rt nhkOLVKST tl per tottle. CUTICUKA
Hoif.'JJ OH ; CU > ici'UA tllAVISu SOAr , 16 cti.
bom uf kll drugKUli.
RARV Kor Inla"'e and Ulrth Humora.
UMU I and Suln Ulemlibea. iu CirriOTKA
BOAr. delloomly periuned Hkla n8 utiaer ,
nd T lltt , llatb Mid Nunery Sinitlve Abac-
lately pur. . Hales 1831 anil 1831 , 1C00.000.
* '