Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1883, Image 1

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S , P. Morse and Co.
The unprecedented success of
this department is entirely duo
solely to the fact thai purchasers
in il have been sold nl the cost to
manufacturer the
L | with custom duties added ; them
depressing effocls of the new tarn -
m n ifl1 law which goes into ofl'ect
July 1st , has induced
to slaughter their goods , and we
have consequently resolved to
sell SILKS at prices lower than
for the past 20 YEARS.
Wo still present an unbroken
line of Black Silks from cele
brated Lyons makers ? .
25 pieces Lyons Black Silk
21 inches wide , manufac-
facturo of Alex. Giraud &
Co. , coat in Lyons 3 francs ,
about GO cts. , add duties
i.JO ft , 3Gc , total cost 9Gc ,
usual retail price # 1.15 ,
but we"are selling this lot
at 874
15 pieces "Cachmere Prin-
cesse" Black Silks , rich ,
deep lustrous goods , that
are usually sold at 2.00 a
yd. , this lot we will offer
1 at. ! # 1.37 |
1S pieces Antoine Guinet's
! "Cashmere Sublime" Black
Silks 22 inches wide , heavy
I cord and superb finish , reg-
4 ular 2.75 quality , we will
' sell during this sale at. . . 1.90
14- pieces Alexander Girauds
"Cashmere Princess"Black
Silksbeing the finest qual
ity made by this "King of ;
Silk manufacturers. " full
24 inches wide , and never
offered less than 3.50 , our
price 2 40
Intend ing purchasers will con
sult their own interests by exam-
ing these bargains in Black Silks
for the are
GO pieces heavy cord colored
gros grain Silk , manufac
tured by Crochard , LeMar-
cliond Fils , Lyons , find
ever offered at wholesale
less than 1,00 a yard , will
be sold by us during this
sale at 75c , usual price. . . 1.25
24 pieces all we have left of
our celebrated 'Metropolis'
Colored Silks , and will be
closed at 1.174they are
worth every cent of 1.75 ,
being full 21 inches wide ,
heavy ribbed and very lus
trous ; warp and filling of
these Silks contain the
same number of threads
consequently they will not
. cut or slip or warp.
SUIViMii blLKo ,
100 pieces Elegant qual
ity pencil stripe silks , in
Blues , Garnets , Browns , Bronzes ,
Grays , Modes and Purples , at 35c
a yard , worth GOc
50 pieces elegant designs in
fancy pencil stripes , checks , gri-
salle. elc. , all at oOc worth 75c.
50 pieces very choice high col
ored checks , fancy , grey stripes
and bronze , navy , myrtle , wine
colored silks at G5c , worth at regular -
" * ular pric's Sue.
15 pieces 24-inch Summer
Foullard silks , navy , bronze , ca
det , seal brown and black , with
' white figures , at SOc a yard
worth 75c.
We have just received a ship
ment , our direct importation
o Paris cut and made Ladies'
Jerseys ; they arc beautifully
shaped in the back and over
Ihc hips , but have come late ;
have turn over collar and
sleeves trimmed with cull's and
buttons ; they co4 3.00 apiece
to import , but wo have placed
them to the manufacturers or
der anil he telegraphs us to sell
At $2.50 Each
They arc a Terr great bargain.
S , P , Mom & Co.
S. ii
Cfl i f
H07 flJi KB
For Iho pur-
ppso of introdu
cing this make
if Collars more
fully to the gen
tlemen of this
tate. wo will
se1 ! them during
our great sale at
i dozen ; usmlly
sold at $3.00.
They combine
SOWN MA E die advantages
of durability
without being
thick and cum
bersome , arc
made of the
very finest Irish
Linen , and are
perfect m fit ;
we have a num
ber of new styles-
in addition to
those illustrated.
Those who once
them will
no others.
I Eight different
styles of fiuesl
quality Men's
Cuffs , during
his sale at
3 50 a doxen ,
usual price 4 50
These Cuffs are
made of the
very best Linen
mown to the
rado ; the work-
tnanshp and cut
is perfection it-
ielf , nnd if you
paid 75 cts. a
"pair for CufTs
"they could not
be finer or bet
for Collars and
Cufl's will be
filled promptly.
Oost of mailing
half doxen Col
lars 7c halfdoz-
en 1180 , re
gistration , lOc
The caution which we gave to
those who purchase for hotels ,
restaurants and all prudent house
wives , at the beginning of this
sale , to ant'cipatc their future
wants oven for two years to come
has not been unheeded , and our
sales have been enormous. Those
who have not yet purchased ,
need have no fear that they can
not obtain as good values now as
earlier , because we have our
to drav from , and you will find
that the fortunate possessor of
any of our linen goods , at present
prices , owns GOLD DOLLARS ,
or their equivalent for 50c.
40 pieces Loom Dice Damask ,
56 inches wide at 15c a yard ;
regular price 30c.
25 ] > eces Loom Dice Damask ,
6G inches wide at 25c a yard ;
regular price 37-Jc.
20 pieces /fnrnsley cream Dam
ask 58 inches wide , in lain or
Turkey-red border 45c cts per
yard , regular price 75c
20 pieces Scotch bleached dam
ask at 37-Jc u yard , would be
cheap at ( UK- .
18 pieces G4-inch Irish Cream
Damask , made by Richardson's
Sons & Owden , Bulfa&t , at GOc a
yard ; regular retail price 90c.
32 pieces white Scotch Damask
G4 inches wide at G2 V cts per yd.
3G pieces white Scotch Damask
G4 and GG inches wide at 75 cts
per yard.
8 pieces white Scotch Damask
GO inches wide at 90c per yard.
20 pieces hand-woven German
double-damask , full two yards
wide , the finest goods imported ,
at # 1 25 a yard ; worth every cent
of # 2.50.
Our sales of these goods have
reached such magnitude that we
have devoted a counter to them
exclusively ; over a hundred styles
of Children's Straw Hats nt less
than small dealers pay for Ihem
al Iho jobbers ; wo buy by Hie
case from manufaclurers and
have made four prices.
Boys Straw Hats 10
Boys and Misses Straw Hats. 15
u u u ,05
u u it ( {
usually sold at double.
S , P , fee & Co.
.p. mi E&GO.
ONL LOT utility Men's un-
lauudried Shirts , made from
Fruit Loom Muslin , 2,100 Linen
with Cuffs or bands , an Al shirt ,
at 75 cts. each ; would be cheap
at 1 00 each.
75 dozen of the finest quality
unlaundried Shirts made , hand
made buttonholes , very choice
Linen , New York mills or Wam-
sutta Muslin , sleeves assorted
lengths , with "Cast Iron band"
in back ; would be cheap at 1.25.
OUR PAIGE , with bands. # 95
" " Cuffs. . . . 1.00
This shirt cannot be purchased
in Omaha except from us ; being
made of extra materials , this
shirt is too heavy to mail , express
rates being much cheaper ; per
half do/en , by express , 60c.
GO dozens Men's Gauze Under
shirts , extra fine quality , and
worth 40c , will be sold dur
ing this sale at 25c.
48 dozen open mesh netted Lisle
Summer Undershirts that sold
at wholesale in April at T 0c
our present retail price 45c
these are very cheap
48 dozen finished seam , sill
front Summer Gauze Under'
shirts , nn extra good qualilj
undershirts , usually sold at 7G
our price now SOc.
1.00 each for French Balbriggai :
Undershirts and Drawers , witl
French waistband , that usual-
lysell for 1.50.
1.50 each for French Balbriggai
Undershirts and Drawers , tlial
usually retail for 2.00.
1.90 each for the finest uumbei
of C. & G. French Balbriggai
Undershirts and Drawers thai
is imported ; the usual retai
price of this quality is fron
5.00 to 7.00 a suit.
75 do/.en , all we will have this
scasoh , of Men's pure Lish
Thread Undershirts , will b (
sold at the very low price oi
85c each ; never offered in tin
cheapest times for les thai
3.00 a suit.
Anticipating a backward seas
on , we Availed lo purchase lliosi
goods until they were very cheaj
and wo now offer at
LOT No. 1. 120 dozen Ladie :
three threaded Lisle Gloves
ten button length Jersey wris
at45c , worth 75c. '
G5 do/.un Ladies best quality
three thread Lisle Gloves lei
bullon length , new shades
Mosquetairo slylc at 45c wortl
r * *
90 dozen pure Silk Jersey Mills
new colors , thai cost G2Jc t <
import and have never retailei
under 75c ; our price for thcsi
35c a pair.
.i. . , > i.
S , P , Morse & Co
Wo have replondislied our
stock from our wholesale rcsbrvov
and added many new bargains , tu
40 pieces 42 hicli "Bon joifr * *
French black Cashmere 'during
this sale at 50 cts 'a yard worth
75 cts. x i
20 pieces of 33 inch all wool
fine "Albatross" cloth , will be
sold at 37 | cts , tn4ov'nus retail
price GO cts. - _
18 pieces 46 inch finest quality
1)1 nek Nuns Nciling , during this
sale 55 cts a yard , would-be cheap
at 90 cts.v
22 pieces very'finest quality 4G
inch all wool biack French Gren
adines or Lace Bunting , all new
goods , 90 cts a yard , usual retail '
price § 1.25.
12 pieces cx.trn fine summer
weigh/ , silk finish , 42 inch Jllack
Tamisc will be sold at 85 els ;
worth usually § 125.
28 picceslino ; all wool Black
Nuns' Veiling „ will be sold at
18 } cts ; usual price double as
5 pieces English Silk warp
llennetla , during this sale at
$1.20 , usual nrico 1.50.
G pieces Silk Henrietta at
$1.55 , worth and usual price
2 00 a yard.
- 4 picif\ilcst ( ? .Silk warp Uen-
rictta imported , will bo sold notr
al $1.S2V els. , imported to sell nt
G pieces French Black Etam-
ino Cloth , 52 inches wide at
$2.90 Tory rich for Spring and
Summer wraps and worth 4.00
a yard.
5 pieces real Camels Hair at
1.50 a yard , suitable for Dresses
or Wraps and being made from
finest Camels Hair , is worth 2.50
to 3.00 a yard.
Summer White Gnods
We have six qualities of these
beautiful sheer White Lawns.
India lawn , 15 c , usual price 20u
" 17ic , " 25c
11 " 25 c , " 35c
" " 30 c , " 40c
" " 40 c , " 50o
75 pieces very fine slripo Nain
seek , fully equal lo any over sold
at 35c , will be sold at 25c.
We open to-day from our
wholesale reserve 250 pieces ex
tra fine , fasl color printed Cotlon
Lawns al
4 CJts. Per Yd.
150 pieces bcsl quality Cotton
Lawns 32 inches wide elegant
designs at 8 1-3 cents , wholesale
price 15 cts.
Nearly every retail store shows
its customers very inferior quali
ties of print at a jew price , and
asks 8.\c \ for choice style * ; we
never buy any but the very best ,
and under wo circumstances are
wo induced lo buy or .sell poor
prints At present wo oiler our
entire stock of
ALLEN , Yard.
S , P. Morse and Co.
S. P. ' &
. . Morse Co.
LADIES'Hte , ? * ?
* Wo opened for sclu thia morn
ing the balance of our stock of
being gooils that usuallp soil for
1.25 lo 1.50 a pair , and all new
andt fresh ; for the purpose of
closing"them out , we will oHer
' 7u G5 cts. a pair.
13LA.CIC , yThreadlfoso
DERBY RimiKD , I G5capair.
Laces at merely nominal prices
to close out the lot immediately.
In view of the largo ( ' /jmand for
these goofls , wo have "devoted a
special for their sale.
Thv > i\'go4ods cannot be import
ed Lo-d'uy at the price wo offer
Linen Torchon , 2Jo , worth 5c
" 5 c , " 8k
8Ac ; " 124c
" u. . "lOc , " 25c
MORESQUE- ; * Lace a
ORIENTAL , ' 25c
MADRAS , worth
ALENCON , 25c )
DUTCI1ESS , . vto
Cream Spanish Lacci. . . . # 15
. 'Black . " 15
4-inch u 25
G-in'ch " . 40
Cordonnc " 65
Nancj ; " . . . . . 75
Escurial Clia'ntilly Spanish
Lace 90
Hard Run Spanish 95
Spanish Flouncing 1.00
Spanish Guipure Flouncing 1.50
10 pieces neat figure , elegant
Black Brocades , will bo sold at
GOc. No one can sell these good"
less than # 1.00.
20 pi ces rich black Brocade
Silks nt 75o a ynitl , ocml L whole
sale 1.05.
18 pieces hand woven rich
black Brocade Silks at 1.25 a
yard , during this sale only ; regu
lar 2.00 quality.
12 pieci" lionet and Guinet
black Brocade silks at 2,00 and
2.25 a yard , that have positively
never been shown less limn 3.00
and 3.50.
All our finest black French
Brocade silks , in superb patterns ,
all beautiful texture , the finest
goods imported , at 2.50 and 2.75
a yard , worth 3.50 and 4.00.
10 cases full size Honey Comb
bed spreads , suitable for hotels ,
&c. , at 95c each , usually sold at
15 cases best quality 12-4
Honey Comb spreads , during this
sale at $1.20. usually sold at
§ 1.50.
5 cases of the heaviest knotted
fringe "Bridal Quilt" spread ,
weight and quality of the highest
standard , will bo sold at # 1.00
each worth all of $2.00.
G cases 12-4 imported Mar
seilles spreads , a purchase from u
failed manufaclurcr , at $1.GO
each. They cost $2.00 to make.
3 cases 12- extra qim1jfyMaf-
seilles spreads , are offered at
§ 2.00 each. Same quality was
considered cheap last season at
HanflkBPfiMof Dept ,
1 case Ladies' pure hemstilclipd
Ildkl's , 10c each , usual 15c
500 ( Jimsn Ladies' hemslilched
Linen Lawn Hdkfs , and 2-inch
hems very fine , at 15o each ,
worth 25c.
10 do/.en Ladios' very sheer
Linen hemstitched Hdkfs , and
hemstitched , with blocks sot
in each corner , during this sale
at 25c , cannel be purchased
less Ihan 50c.
S. P , IOFJB and Co ,
8. P , Horse & Co ,
50 pieces double warp soft finish
Cheviot Shirting atlOcayd. ,
raluccd from 15c.
50 pieces heavy Amoskcag twil
led Cheviot Shirting , at lOc ,
jisiial price 15c.
25 pieces Genuine Scotch Cheviot
Shirting , 29 inches wide , will
be sold at 20c , usual price 30c.
150 pieeoF'jjlaiichesler. .Oriental
Morrimao Furniture Cretonnes
at IGix ; all now , desirables patterns - '
terns , and the very best qual
ity , our former price 25c ; otli-
er3 asfc30cio Uric for them.
200 JMCCCH of striped and figured
Swisses , .suitable for Curtains , aj t }
marked down to- loc , usu"al > * " . . * -
price 30c to 50c. *
150 pieces wide fine quality Dolled
led Swisses , ' educed to 25c a rf
yard , these cosl 30c lo import * ' " ' '
We have still a full jino of Am
erican printed Salines which
wo S'j > ll at'I-pMi : usually sold for
0c to 45c.
60 best quality Cashmere Em-
broidt-red Robes reduced to
. $13.50. were imported to sell
for # 25.00.
220 braided and Embroidered
Summer Robor , 14 yard pat
terns , with 9 yards of Em
broider , will be sold at # 5.00 ,
# 7.50 , # 10.00 , $12.00 , orig
inally cost to import , double
the price.
Wo have just purchased a mnn-
faclurers' slock of
at 55c on the dollar and now wo
odor a parasol that sold in April'
. $ 5.00 present price $3.00
0.00 " -J.OO
8.50 " G50
12,00 " 7.50
We lake p'oasuro ' in affording
those residing al a distance the
superior facilities of our
Assuring them of fuilhful and
prompt scrvico.
Its organization is such that
every advantage lo bo derived
from a personal visit Is secured
to the CHstomers whoso wauls
and wishes are clearly expressed.
Intended to bo of practical
service to non-residents of Oma
ha it invites correspondence con
cerning all wants , largo and
Please bo particular to STATE
JrXPLIOLTLT whether goods-
are lo be sent by mail or express
as wo forward all goods by ex
press unless otherwise directed.
\yiien desired by mail remit suffi
cient to cover postage. No C. 0.
D , can bo sent by mail , and pre
payment in full is required on
all mail matter.
Parcels weighing 41b or less
can be sent by mail at once cent
per 07 . , articles such as Table
Linen , Shooting , Ginghams , &c. ,
often weigh over 411 > ,
In making selections from
samples please make No. 1 and
No. 2 in case first choice h sold
when order arrives.
As the rush during this sale is
without precedent , wo caution
patrons that many lines of goods
advertised will bo sold quickly
and we advise that they either
have some friend make selections
or entrust us to do so ; wo war
rant oyerylhing as represented ,
and will use the same care in se
lecting thai you would yourself.
I fin want of any goods not ad
vertised hero , you can depend on
gelling them at the lowest price
atwhich they can bo sold.
are especially invited to our
housekeeping department , ns the
goods in it are 20 to 50 per cent
less than they have sold for in
S. P. lorseand Co.