THE DAILY BEf-jJlDESDAV JPHfi.8. . That BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure n. hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life , Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nervesenriches the blood. Overcomes weakness , wakefulness - fulness , and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Wallcer St. , Baltimore , Dec. 8&i. For lx year * I h ve been a creit tuffercr from Blood Uiieaie , Dyi- pepila.indComtlpation.andbecame o debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach , In fact , life had almost become a burden. Finally , when hope had almoit left me , my husband steins HKOWN'S IKON liirmns advertised In the paper , Induced me to Rive It a I rial. 1 am now taking the third bottle and have not felt > o well In six years u I do at the present time. Mn. L. F. CIIIFHX. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up , " than any medicine made. GCI/U MEDAt , , IVUIIS , 1870. BAKER'S Jlnler'i Prtmluin CT rotal , lho lot preparation cf plain ctiocotato for fam- IIu > i > . Haler' llrrakfinl Coroa , which the exert * ol oil hti been removed , culljillctileil and irlmlribly cjaptcilfor Invallji. IlaHer't yunillti CAvfahitc , a drink or eaten u con- fcctlr.ntry U a dellcloui artlclo t hljhly recommended bjr tourUti. Duker1 ! Jlroma , Inraluable at a diet for clill- dren. Qtrman Suietl Chornliitc , a moit rzctlltnt trtlclt for Umtlki. Sold lij Grocers oierjrrhcro. \V. IJ A.1C3CK & CO. * JJorcheitcr. JUatt. DUFRENE & ARCHITECTS ! .REMOVED TO Omalia National Bank Balding , PILE OINTMENT S GO OINTA1ENT ff ? f fr ? . . 25 .Fovor ARUO Tonio Uordlal. . .1 00 STINDARD LIVEII PILLS. . . 2 ri vnunAA : us 2f:3.'f ! : : : f . 26 SUUE OUUE FOR CORNS . 25 ( Warranted or money rtlunclcil. ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mnnutuctur'cl hyV. . J.Whltohon e. 008 North Ctb St. "imiba oti. nu J. E. BERGEN , AND FAi OY GROGEilfES , Cor. Slxtoenthaml Strsetn. K t * < Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have pat them to a praotioal test. ADAPTED TO COKE OR WOOD. MANUFAOTUBED BY Buck's Stove Go. , 8AINT LOUIS. | BOLK AOENTfl FOR OUA IU An excellent Tonic and Appc- tizcrofrxqulMtallaror , urn ) Hie viholo world orer. Curral iixip. Hf , NervuU'neHf , IKadache , bt * tlllty , t'cvfrand AKUO , Dlarrhui i l all ( luwrdi'ii of the Dltrtittve Orgtni. It lni | rti a ik'llcloui flavor to a Rla vt chaniiueiiOi UtuonjkUe , oda , and alt urtnLs. Try It. Tbo icrnulna Aneoitura Betters. l roaJc by Dr. J. U. U 8.1(1 liy H UlTJI tl t < , Uruccni and U'juurt > e.ilrr J. W. WUPPEPMAN , Sole Agent 51 Broadway , N. Y. ERIN'S FORTUNES , It is In the Hoaits of Her Sons , An Bnthueinatio Expression at the League Moutlug Tues day Night. Uoyd'a open * hocoo waa crowded Tuojday upon the occasion of the meeting held to ratify tbo notion of tbo 1'hiladolphia convention In April hat. Preceding the organization of the assembly the A. O. II. baud gave a series of patriotic and atlrrlng alra from the balcony In front of the houao , which the largo crowd on the direct evidently appreciated , and at the clone a selection was played on the Innldo. Tfco iomblago waa called to order by MR 0. .1 HMYTII , itr.j.ntv ivc if Jxuoraeka In the con- tic. ' . ' uuoll of it.ti lu : > ino. ; Ho opoko uUi > nl the convention as a parllamim- cry body , npon the work which Hdld ntl the duty of Irishmen to tholeoguo which It formed. It was , ho eM , n athering of mou noted in all the 'alks ' of llfulor thrlr consorvativonoBa nd rare ability. Union must honce- orth be the watchword of Irishmen. ' Vlthout It they can accjmpllnh nuth- ng ; with It , everything. IJo that uato a otraw in the way of the uncccrs f the now league la a traitor to hla ooplo , an enemy cf humanity and etiorvcfl the excoratioua of all liberty- .ivlng pcoplo. Putty Dlrifcs und flol- eh asphatlona must bo burled in the ncccto of tlla humane , heaven-sane- lonud movement. MAYOH 0'IIAHE. Mr. Smyth , npon closing hie re- narkfi , Introduced Mayor Ohaoo , who aid that ho waa glad that Ilia oiliolal oaltion allowed him to prcoldo on tills ccaalon. Every Irishman , said ho , now how real and earnest hla Inter- Bt hao been for Irlahmen Bluoo the rst mcotlog In thin city , and that in- oroat would continue , for ho believed hat Irishmen are a uoblo race , fnll of uergy , having plenty of brain , end Iwaya rrndy to fight. The fighting men In thla world no the ones who tvhi the battle , llo denounced the jaglleh government aa cowardly and rrogant. Ho declared himself body nd aoul with this movement , with 'jrnoll at ita head. The tlmo la coni ng when England will bo ruled by a resident , and not by a queen. You night as well try to dam the Missouri Iver an to atop thin movement , with 'arnoll aa ita great leader. Union lone la neccBsnry for the BUCCOBH of litn movement. Upon the suggestion of May or Olmec wo necrot&rleu were elected Messrs. rlosErn. lironnan and MoDjvltt , and a ommlttoo ot three on resolutions wau ppnlntod , namely : Meenrp. Smyth , 0'MalIoy ' aud Olalr. ItBV. 1)11. 1KTTH , llev. D ; . Qeo , 0. Botta , formerly iBstor of kJt , Barnabaa church in thla ity , and now of St. Louis , waa next ntrodncod aa the orator of the ovou- ng nnd waa enthusiastically rccolvod. Mr. Bottu eulogized the Irish race u the moat eloquent language for their mdyinj ! love of country , and tholr il'orta to nsslat with financial aid and ithor help thoao who uro fixhtlng the battle of life and liberty at homo , llo cullud on Irishmen to demouBtrato to lolltlaians that they are as good men iftcr election aa bofoio It. llo waa ippasod to the lohorno of hixvluc ; the rlsh all desert their natlvu land and itnlgrato to Amorios , aa It waa Incon intent with the love of country which ) ud baa placed In every man's heart , llo believed thatsomo day the liberty if Ireland would bo an accompllahrd not. natloua have rleon , flour- shed , ruled mllllona of people , aud lecayud und almoot forgotten. 5n U wai with Rome , the mlstrcas ol ho world , and no It would bo with inclnnd. What la there about Eng- atid that aho should live forever ? I-\ t bocauio uho has aubduod India , crushed Ireland , and ran riot atuonf .ho XuluB ? Will Ireland over bo free' ' Yes , thauk Qed , Ireland will bo freo. Mr , Botta closed by calling upon the [ rlsh to unlto aud assist with hear ! and soul and pnrso In the formation ol the Irish-American national league. Mr. Smyth road the platform adopted by the national league at Philadelphia and then road the follow- lug The representatives of the Irish men of the United Statoa , in conven tion nmomblod , at Philadelphia on April 26th and 27th , 1883 , after dig- nlfiod , harmonious and honorable de liberation honorable to themselves aa the representation of high-spirited and liberty-loving people and honor able to all who abhor oppression and love freedom having formnlatcd a corks of resolutions declaring the solemn conviction of their mluda on tbo Irish qucatlon considered In Ua various phases , and having iu the spirit of thoao resolutions formed anew now organization to bo known as the Irish National Loagno of America and promulgated a constitution for the government of the oame , bo It there- foru RESOLVED , That wo , citizens of Omaha , do hereby express ouraolvca aa iu full sympathy with the clear , logical nnd fuarloiu resolution ! ) adopt ed by the Philadelphia convention , and that they have our enllrojand un qualified endorsement ; ixnd RESOLVED , That tbo plan of organ ization adopted by the Philadelphia convention for the union of all Irish men In the United States , under the uamo of the Irish National League ol America , is hereby adopted , and that wo do now proceed to org.mlza a branch of the Irish National Laagua of America in the city of Omaha. RKSOLVED , That wo renew our pledge of confidence in the sincerity , vigilance , patriotism and ability ol that bravo loader and advocate of Irish rights , Oharloa Stewart Puruell , who , amid throats , taunts and bitter vituperation , stands calmly and brave ly fighting for the liberties of the Irish people. RESOLVED , That wo cordially en dorse and. will cheerfully contribute to the Parnoll fund that these obliga tions may be canceled which now encumber the homestead of our loader on account of hla faithful labor la the public act vice , to the detriment cf hla prlvato Intercuts. REHOLVED , That copy of thoao renolutloiiH bo furnished THE OMAHA DEE , Republican and Herald for pub llcntlon , and that a copy bo alao uent o The National Citizen , Rt-dpath'a Woalcly , Irish World , Boston Pilot , Irlsh-Annrlcan , Tbo Republic , for publication. Mr , Smyth announced that on next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock n moot ing will bo held at Itnomy'a hall for the purpoto of organizing a branch league , A call boiod made for Riv. Mr. Williams , that dontloman addressed the audience briefly. Ho ndvieod the Irish to act prudently , and tc unite and leave all extraneous matters alone to loaro crcode nnd ether differences to themsolvoo and unltn in the one common cauno of Ireland. The Omaha Glou club had a pious- nnt surprise in ntoro for the mealing In the ahnpo of n volunteer song , "God Sftvo Ireland , " which took the homo by atortn. A vote of thanks was ten dered the club , and the mooting ad- jonrnod to moot on Sunday at 2 p. m. at Knony'ft hall. AMONG THE CHERUBS. The Approaching Vacation anil the Way it Will bo Spent by Scholar and Teacher. Rambling Reflectiono Suggest ed by a Flying Visit to Borne of Omaha's Schools. In less thnn one month the achol- QEtlo year in all our educational insti tutions will have come to n cloao. It will bo attended with the usual packIng - Ing of books , exchanging of aouvonlra , cloning of rooms and parting of frionda. The "gay aohool boy , " who cures considerably about the morrow , and hla little nlator who rather emu latca him Iu that rcapoot , will hurry homo to torment their doting parents and give their touchers a rest. And the gentle ( ? ) teacher , if she has saved enough after her Innocent dissipation in trillloa which adorn and beautify , will take her rent , by working harder than over In climbing hills , or rowing bents , or broiling under the ann , and 'aboring generally to convince herself hat oho ia having a "right nice and ery pleuaaut tluiu. " Teachers , of all profession ? , are moat addicted to this speclca of recro- itlon. It la ao delightful , In after osslon d'Aje , to recount it to the rlcnd or frlonds who wore not BO 'placed" aa to have boon able to on- oy thomaolvo ? . Even though the recounting bo In- plred by that eccret satisfaction which makcB na all fool bettor than ur neighbor , let U bo hoped the lady may have enjoyed heraolf aa aho ro- jresontR , booauRo thoao who know the nature and exactions of her occupa ion , will cheerfully admit that she leartlly deserved It. A flying visit waa made to some of mr educational Institutions a few daya inco. An o Hi car of the board of education cation accompanied the reporter. It waa an unexpected vltlt , and caused ho lUter to fool , aa a consequence , dcupito tbo oasnninco of hla conductor to the contrary , that it waa ono of In- rnalon. It aeomcd to bo generally undor- teed , that visitors , under certain clr cnmstancoB , are welcome In the chooln. The teacher generally ntrlvou o miku the call ao pleasant to the caller us it may bo within her power o do , und to doalro him In retiring to carry with him a high estimate of her us nn Inotrnctroas nnd of the attiilnmonta of her echolarr. In Homo of the olaaa-rooma visited , stay of bat a moment waa indulged , In other * ! ec.ita wcro taken and time Duflhlont waa apont to observe nol only the ruothod of the teacher but ttlso the euccesa with which it waa at tended in the Imparting of Informa tion. A more than cursory view woo taken of the component elements which entered into the composition of the aovoral olasaea. The children , of courao , in the main were of Amtrlonn birth , though Ir many instances with countenances BO strongly marked aa at once to identify them , na the ease may have been , with Irish , German or Swedish ancestry. There were colored faces , which , o course , left no doubt aa to their origin andnpon | which no Inconsiderable in telligence waa distinguishable. Wherever over the reporter wont theao swarthy features beamed , their owners little thinking , perhaps , of the awful wealth of blood that was p nrod out to achieve for them , among other things , the privileges they were 10 innocently on joying. The eohool of the backwoods am the public aohool'of early years have largely passed away. The Titanic eys torn of instruction by which the luckless loss student waa oramnmd with the information which ho waa incapable o appreciating , because the instructor lacked the Insight to hla nature to make him not only appreciate but seek for it , IIM , iu a manner , boon con signed to oblivion with them. In ita stead have come , on the part of the teacher , u knowledge of the ttndcn and a study of the moaua to make palatable to him the mental food neo osaary for hla intellectual well being Of thoio facts the reporter waa at Interested observer in many of the o'.awoE. The toaohera , in multiform und interesting wtyu , had found the colora and flavors which attracted the BOiioca cf their echolara. Aa a consequence quonco , it waa n musing to see wit ) what gusto the little ones responds to the uaduotlvo appeals , and , unkaowi to themselves , yet most heartily , anal lowed the Bugar coated pill , or bruk the cake of sugar bread which , th while , contained a germ of kuowlodg that nudor other forum would bar boon avoided. There is a reat deal sild about th bad boy iu the class room , lie Is never ending source of annoyance t the teacher , The reporter looked fo him , and a diligent search of certain faces failed to find him , where experience enco suggested ho lay in disguise But the bad boy was not found. ] may have been because of the wantlu skill of the inspector , but certainly thi b. b waa not on that morning , a cast , rampant. Suiiubody , however , ug csted that the yotini ? gentlemen , or obvious roRtonn , was on hie good ) ohavlor. The dlaslpllno no.ioad was Iu a high cgroo commendable. Thur wwrogu- arlty , order , nilanco and neatness , where eaoh nnd all of them wora unmt ennlred. And it it a cheerful tusk to > o&r thla In willing testimony to what , nder all circunisttmctSs , IE no denlra- ) ) o In sohoola. There nro few things pertaining to ho system of education in thla city which Mr. Oonnoyor doea not know. Vhat thone few thlnga are no ono hall siy. Cortoln , there wna nothing which the reporter Inquired nbout rom th t gentleman wtiloh did not eccivo immediate answer. Ho knew ho nsino of clas , the tlmo it bad bt-yn tudylng , the changes that hud been iiado , those that wore to bo made , and hundred other thlnga which , while ; hcy make a visit pleasant , tre not nccuasury to bo aeon in print. Mr. 3onnoycr ia aucrotary of the board of education , and If ho la moro welcome o "his girls" irhon ho calla upon th m with their monthly chocks than ho ii when ho makes hla occasional cslla at ho nchoole , it muat bo moat agreenblo o contemplate. B rif'Iit'nIMic'nrfl. IMnbntcB , Kiilnov Liver or Urinnry INnrasw Dave no fear of any ot tneao diti- o : ca if you uao Hop Bittern , aa thay will prevent nnd euro the worat citsca , ivcn when you have boon m&do worao > y Borne yroat puffed-uii proronded cure. FORTUNE'S FAVORITES , Who Thsy Are , Whsro They Live , and to What Extent She Bloesus Them. Wonderful Record of the Paac Year. A partial list nf the prizi-a nbova One Plumtaud dollars , finld by Tito Loulehua Stntu Ljttiry Coimiany durbg the yunr endluK April , IfcBI ) , together with the lamtu tttiil iililren-cK Riveu tuthe Oumpauy the bolclerf , ouiittiut ; tliojo v/bo have nmounts are on tile at ho ullici of thu Company. UUAWING OF MAY 9. 1633. Fuhn Weg8rKaBotf > , Miin ! , through First NatioualJUnk. St. 1'eUr , i liun . 30,020 htrle * N'oltou , cor , Sixtet-nth ht. and Arcnua Af , Oalvea'.oo , I'ex. . 10,000 IV II. Acker * , 77 Kiverst. , Com- lirid eport , Al. , < . 'J,5 > 0 Gillett & . CJ.'H Newlmrytjort Jix- proas nod b'reiKht Line , ! ! liHut ' ( , 8tinie | , U Franklin t. , au l 75 Kilby ft. , boston , AUen . 2,500 viL I'ieicf. tbronch Buuk ot ° Oummerce , St.oul , Mo . 2/CO C. M. Stiuauu , Falrtield , Iowa. . . . 1,250 DRAWING OK JUNK 13 , 1882 , Beall & Ulckotta , through K n- tucky National Bank , Loulavillo , Ky . C.OCO Mra. J , Fronty , 3'Jli Vourbou at , , NewOrleanH , | La . 4OCO Chas. W. Monison , Kllov/ortb , Me 4,000 Joe C. Oaawbodut , Ualveston. Tex 4,000 I. 1) . lUyne , liaronno and Canal sts , New Orleati" , L . 2,000 Urn. L. Horn , 167 Sc.jAnnet. , New Orleans . 2,000 DRAWING OF JULY 11 , 1882. Wm.V. . Irwin , L. & N. R. 11. , 2d nnd Main sta , kouisyillo , Ky v . 16,000 I'jtl 1'h W. M. Martin , Jiungor , Mich . . . . 15,000 3 , Pittman , Mount Veruon , Ky. , tbroiuh Farmero' National Bank , StanfordKy 4,000 P. S. Dcuarry ; , Ascension Pariah , La , throuph llcruard Lamann , Uonftldaonvllle , L 3,100 II. B. Maynird , 220 Tnltdat. , New Orlevip , La ' . 2,000 F. A.Mbgi , IGa Urnilineja : , , New Orleans , La 2.COO L. Uiineiro , 331 Dr.uphina et. , New Orlean 1,200 J. C , Spear. IU and 19 Boy Is ton Market , Boston , MUBU 1,200 Jno. H. Scott , W. & G. R. R. Co. , Washington , D. 0 1,200 , DHAWING OF AUGUST 8 , 1882. J. A. Burks , Leolln. Natchttocbea Parish ( UoboUtin Stulion ) Li. . . . 15,000 D. W. Sweenoy , D.nid City , Tex , , coUectod through Fanniu County lianlf , Bonhain , Tex 15,000 John Head. Ill We t Wahiutoa U. , BluomlnKtnn , III 2,000 G.G. Uieve , LyouH , WIs 2,000 W. W. Holloway , 7 South 3rd at. , Lafayette , Ind 1,200 Daniel llroyl , 181 South Clark at. , Chicago , III 1,200 DRAWING Off SKPTEMBKU 12,1882 , R. R Deacon , collected through Bittoa County National Bank , Butler , Mo , 15,000 D. P. BUir , President Kast Mlsa. Matrimonial Asaociatlon , Colum- bur , Ming 15,00fl P. N. Johnson , Houston , Tox. . . . 15,000 Peter O. Johnson. Ill Seneca at. , Leaveuwortb , Kau 5,000 Mioh el A. . Fmuennn. 1 Elder Place , Botton , MASS 5.0CC DRAWING OF OCTOBKK , 10 , 1882. John 0. Housa , Aecsuilon Pariah , Pa tl5OOC Gwvnn Harris , C09 F et. , S. W , , Washington , D. 0 15,000 W. L , Lewis , Co-operative Ice Co. , Washington , D. C I'i.OOC Stm. Hobaon , Memphis , Tenn. . . . 5OOC U. 0. Huntlngton , New York City 1,200 F. Sancan , Pabl aber Sentinel , Thibodaur , La 1,200 DRAWING OF NOVEMBER 14 , 1882 , J. M. DIxon , EnnlT x 15.00C Joi > uphiue Miller , 319 E. 521 street , New YcrkCitv 15.00C Chas. Mnwatt , Schooner "Lucv May , " Newburyport , Mne 10.00C HermannToislwfr , New Yori : City o.OOC Chan. Nne , CO Nuw Churo'i etreet , New York City 5,00 ( W. T. Ciarlr , Phlladnlpola , Pa. . . . 4.00C Kiull WfllfllK , 1U2 Magazine street , NewOrloantf , L 2,00 ( For nocount < > l At'tnt Southern Uxproai Co. , LymhhurK , V * 2,00 ( DHAWING OF DECEMBER 19,1SS2 Sallie F. Kinsley , 1723 Master ut , PhiladelphU , Pa 10,00 ! Thoa F. Ball , 820 E. 5th st , South Boston , Mats 10.0CK Harper S Frle. , 137 W. Court at. , Cincinnati , Ohio lO.COi J ImT. Garvin , 'JO Wlllard Plase , Suuth End , Boston , Mass lO.OOi F. BollUa en , 711 Pine at. , St. Lmij.Mo 6,00 L. Shelton , collected through Ken- tusky National Bank 5,00 Mrs , Harriet Wonoinan , > esjier , Onond Co , N. Y. . . . . . . . . . . 4,00 Paid Wells , Fargo & Co'a [ Bink , San Frhncleco. 01 , ; ; 4' ° ° Underwood FI hcr , collected through 1st Natlouul Bank , Thiee Rivers , Mich . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00 Geo. 0. & D. Ayerii , Danville , Va. 2,00 DRAWING OF JANUARY 9 , 188J Alvlu Kensler , Ode , Mo 75,00 Auemtlne Leper , 90 Baronne at. , New Orleans , La 6,00 F. Tagllaplctre , 123 Cunt ! nt. , New Orlwna , La . 6COO H. E. Htevenr , Tltusvllls , I'a , , col- ( acted through Penn , Bank , Pittsburgh - burgh , Pa . 1,200 N U Apple , Omnhi , Neb . 1,200 J. B Ketclmm , 032 Broadway , New y.rk . 1,200 I'nltl Union nnd Platitord Bank , Memphis Teun . 1,200 DRAWING OF FKBRUAIIY 13 , 1883 , Cha . Kidney , .Ir , , Maytville , , , collected tluouh ; W , R. Rlsou & Co , Iluntfivill'j , Ala . 15,000 Crlttenden T. Colling * , Sscond Nc- tion-\l bank , Loutaville , Ky . 15,000 Prld National Metropolitan Bank , Washington , D. 0 . 5,000 George Kohler , Ztlo'hl , Ohio , col lected through 1st National Banlr , Cincinnati , Ohln . 5,000 San.ucl Cook , 1608 Tenth at. , N. W. . Washington , D. 0 . 2,000 Geo. E. Harriii , Burgeon ijeneral' * ollioc. Washington , D. 0 . 2,000 L. R Darin , 23J Wiuhluftlon bt , Now Orleans , L % . 2,000 P , Lmcy , 520 Burgundy Bt. , New Orleans . 2 0:0 Henry Monde ) , collected through Seasonxood , S > ni & Co. , Cincin- nnti , Ohio . 2,400 G , Xiii , Philad'lohls I'a . J.-iOO Pslrt Nrditri y Valley Bank , Mn- ryville , Mo . 1,200 DRAWING OF MARCH 13 , 188 J. J. A Ion Scliatllor , Allentown , P.i. 15.QOO J , J Doycr , Ilaniicotiii Dapot , Sonthamptnn Co. , Vn . 15.0CO F. E. C lendcr ! , Si. Paul , Mlnu. , oolloetod through Nut. Bul : of St. Psul . lf',000 John Shlp'ey , .Mnrrls nwn , Tcnn. B , ' 00 lorarl Browu , OjMa , FU . 5,000 O. Allan Pi roe , 18S Canal at. , New Orlcam . 2,000 IV id International Brink , Chicago , III ? . 2000 B. A. Hathaway , CMcaeo. Ills. . . . 2.000 J c b F. Diction , Nawluryport , M ? H . 2,000 Geo'gy Whitman , Kenn < r\illc , La 1,200 Prtf. .TobnO. SutlN , 12 Hopkins 8t. , ClnclnnUl , Ohio . 1,200 Go rga H. Pcrsonc , Mount Look out , Ohio . 1.200 W. P. Cord , Aimlia , Ohio . 1 200 Jno , Francisco , Wiidhineton , U. C. l,15uO W. II , St. Olalr , Waihlngtou , D.C . 1,200 L'RAWING ' OP APRIL 13 , 18 3. Misbaol Connollv , Troy , N. Y. . . . 25000 lUnry M. Ku'8dliu6- 8 Do rborn Bt. , Chicago , III . 15,000 An.itolo Tricot , Veriiitlllcuvillc , La . 15.COO Jiiniei R. Day , Malta Bend , Saline Co. , Mo . 2,4rO Edw u T. Ei-enberg , Jr. , PbiUdcl. phla Pn . 2,000 II. II. Harper St. Gaorgy'g , Colle- tou Co. , S C . 2.COO Win. II. Hampton. Tiacy City , FrinUHn Co. . Tenn . 2 COO R. F. Kniger. 211 Fourth nt , , Milwaukee - waukee , Wis . 2.C03 Fur full fa ticutars of tie C/raml Semi' AitMttil Drutcitnj othe I2tk inst. tec scheme in iniuther column i\f \ thtsfcipir tu- SIOUX FALLS Jasper Stone [ INCORI'OllATEDJ Th's Company Is no-v prorarod to receive onion for SIOUX FALLS JASPER FOR Building Purposes , Ami wilt make fitrurca on rouml loti for piompt delivery. Ibu Company la shipping To both Chicago and Omaha , and colldti corres pondence aad orders ( rom contractor ! ) n * S ged In paiiur etrcuts In any ot tL o Western 0 tied. TESTIMONIAL 3. FurPMMiiND T'sOtnci ! , Cblcago , Wfet Divis ion Itallwny , Cnlcaso , December 5 , 1S82. E. KIwol , I'roslilo-'t fcloux Fills Water Power Com- piny. Dear Sir I ha\o received from > cur comp - p oy flnce Ottober 1 , 18S2 , about 100 car loida o ( B'ft'ilto paUni ; blocks nnd ha\oUld them be tween tbo rolls of our street ratlwav tracks In the heart of the city. I hate been iBlnir ra\lnf { ma terial In thla city form nyjearn , nnd I take ple\ ' eurointajlrff tht In my opinion theKroilte paving blockn furnished by your company are tbo moit regular In tihape and perfe t in form , and 10 far aa I have been nbln to JiUcc , are pos- ( ceaed of ax duritblo feature as any material that ba $ e\er been offered or laid In iho city. . Youre , JAS. K. LAKE. [ Copy. ] ST. Louis , March 22 , 1833. TO WHuil IT MAY CONCERN This la to cnrtlfy that I have ciamlncd piece of granlto taken from the Sioux FallD Oraalte Quarries , aud , la my opinion , It la the licet atone for street pavlmr 1 have icen In America. ( Signed ) HENUY FIAD , Pres. Board Public Improviuionu. Stone for Paving Purposes Aud any person Interests ! In euch Improvement ! will tlnil It creally to hh adtantngo to communloto with us , Vfe Invite OORRESPONDKNOE ON THE SUBJECT. The central mna"emt > nt and supervision ot the company's builnesa la now In the hands of Wm. JlcB lc. Addreu your letters to A , G. SENEY , President of the Jjepcr Stone Co. ml m&r-tf JIDI : ariuNn ATVAOIIUKXT NOT J'ATKWI KB. A. J. 'SIMPSON. LEADING TA&S PAOTOEV UCJ tnt Ull UcdKu fitroat , OMAHA , NKI , JOHN STAW.F.S , JKHOMKECnAMl1. 10 1'roMdcnt Vlca 1'rcu t. \V. S. IJElbHKN , SPO THE NEBRASKA MfcUFACTURIE 00 10 Lincoln , Neb , MANDFAOURERS OP Ocrn rianttr * Hnrrowt Farm Roller * , Bulky Pokcf Bucket tlevatlrg Wlndmll We are prepaieJ to do Job work and manufac turlng for other p rtlea , Addiesi all ordeil to the NE11KASKA MANUFACTURING CO , Lincoln , N b , HAS TEE J5KST STOCK IH OMAHA AND1AKES THE LOWEST PRIDES n\ \ Have now been finished in our store , ma ! * Ing it the largest and most complete TSf. In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS One Exoluuively lor the two of Passengers , Those immense ware rooms three ntoros , are 66 leot wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kiiu.s of Household and Office Furniture eve shown- shownAll All are invited to calls take the Elevator on the first flee tnd go through the building and inspect the stock. OHAS. SHIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Om ha -DEALERS IH V S H Fire and Burglar Proo f tea ex 1020 Far n ham Street , WI10I.UaAi.lJ AND BETAIL BKALEB IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , D80RS , BLfKOS , OLDIHGB , LIME , $ mM OJTBTAT5 tamt JOB IIILWACKEG Union Pacific OMAFA , ity k.ZKno > asixmaaauaa454caratsJBOTO POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 'JIWIH8 UAOIUHREY , DKLTiNG , QOSE. BRA03 AND IRON ? IP PAOK1NQ , &T tFOOLESALE Alitl KETAIL. L BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Strsets Omaha , Neb. PERFECTION HEATiftG AHD la only attained by nalng Stoves and WITH IfAUZE OVER DOORS , For ealo by * " ilfflLTOSI OGERS' & S8HS MANTJFACrOREK OP Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET. - - OMAUA , NEB The Oldest Wholesale and BetaH JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATOHISB at as Low Pri ces as is coinpafciblo with honorable dealers. Gall and afto our .Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner nth ? .nd Farnham Strasta THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TDK WEST I Gtaneral Agents for the ' Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufacture ! } . Our prices are as Low as any EasternManufacturer and Dealer , Pianos and O'gans sold for cash or installments at Bottom Pric s. A SPLENDIO st ck oi Steinway , Chickering , Knabo , VOEO & Son's Pi anos , and otb > r makes. Also Ciough & Warden Sterliiig Imperial , Smith American Oreanu , &c , Do not Tail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BROM IFAGTURERS OF SHOW GASES A Large Stock always on Hand. \ MANUFACTURER OF FINE BUGGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGONS My Repository Ia Constantly filled with a Saloot Stock. Best CKCT Office and Factory. 3 , W ! Oor. ioin ana uapitol Avenue. m a rn&o-ly.