Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    Iff ,
Have the Largest Stock and Choicest Patterns of
Ever Brought to the City , and at
than ever offered in this vicinity ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
The follow IDS arc the tlmoj of arrival atid departure <
parturo of tralna ( rom the local depots. Tht
the trains start from the Union Pifllc depot
about ten minutes etrller than be'ow ' stateil ,
and arrire at the depot about ten minutes later.
Trains on pool linen and K. 0 , ru i on C Icago
lime , a half hour factor than looal. Wnbash
trains run on St. LouU Mine , twenty nil u i
faster than loca1. U , 1' . and Lincoln tralusr an
ou Council BluHj time.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext--RSOpra Pacific Krt..DlB : ra
Erand Mall.923 a in ExandMall < . .OA5pm
D. Molnea ac.7lB : n m lca Molnegac.4:40 : p in
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Exf. . . B:35p : ml Paclflc Ext..OM : a ia
Ualland Ex.9iO : m Mall and Ki.7Xpm :
N. Y. Ex . 6:20 : p m | Neb & KM Ex.'JlU : a m
Depart. Arrl\e.
Atlantic Kxt. . . 5:15 : pin Pacific K\t..0ir : > a m
Mall ami Ex * . . 9:20 : am Mall and Ex.C:15pra :
Accom ( Sat. ) . . 6:50 : pm Accom. ( Mon..l:45pm
Depart. Arrive.
Ualland Ex..g Ram I Ejtprws . 5 .35 p m
8:25 : p m | Mall and iU.J' p 1-1
union rActno.
Dtput. Arrive..lxiO
Lincoln Ex. .1130 a. . XenverEz . . .B'OOa.m ,
Denver Ex. . . 7:00 : p. m. LccalKx 0-M& . n.
Local Et . 7:25 : a. in. " K905a. . in.
Emigrant. . . .520 p. in. " Kx P-Olltt. m.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 430 p m
Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cuiinon Ball. . 11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
or Sioux Clty.7:55am Frni Sioux C'y.6:50 : p m
or Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Nob" 7:55 : am Neb * CSOp : m
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m
Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex.9.-20 a m I'Maltand Ex.6:55 : pm
Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : p m | Atlantic Ex..19:10 : a m
V Leaves Omaha. Arrica at Omaha.
Mall and Ex.7:100 : in I Pacific Ex | 9:45nm :
Atlantic Ex..13:40 : p m | Mail and Ei.7-M p m
Except Sundays. fExcept Saturdays. JExcept
Mondays. { Dally.
Council Blurla & Omaha Street R. R.
Leave Council Uluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 ft m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , tpm'p m , 3 p
m , 4 p m , G p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at
B o clock a. in. , and run rcvrularly during tha day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city tlmo !
OMAHA A.SU COUNCII. BLUFFS , May 12 , ' 83. )
Arrangements tmo been made for the
Loading in Chicago Daily
Of one or more cars with
Theie can w.ll come through to destination
wlthiut a oppla < . Quick tlma 11 thcrniy Iisued.
Plcaie order yau goods via 0. B. & ( j , U. IU
A. B. WEST ,
Douglas Vapor Stoves
The best and elmpleft In the world. Alee for
74 Gasoline Stovtg. CouocH B.ull , .
, . . , , , ,
222 Mroodwfcw. Oonvcil BlnlTa
inoi. orrioia. ii. M. rum
Coocil Bluffs , Ia.
Established , - - 1856
Dealers In Foreign and DouiMtle
nd homo securltlM.
Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
0. SPKOHT , Proprietor.
1111 Dongha St. - Omaha , M
Iron Cornices I
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , i
Specht's Patent Motalllo Skylight Pnteot ,
i AdjuateJ Hatchet liar and Bracket
Shelving , I am the ceneral a ent
for the above line of good ) ,
Gratlnga. Balustrades , Verandas , Iron
Bank Railings , Window Blinds , Gel-
lar Guards ; aUn
rln" ui ilut-l * . uM o
ltb Ifc'itfUi'
r l7 ift Hep
v > ( niter
rhx ( fftr .
, ? ttit , ton
cr itimu'iil'.r.
M | .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 ,
"Weilo hereby certify thnt tc ? mpenite the
arrangements for all the Monthly and 5 mt-
AnnualDratcmginf The Louisiana State Lot
teni Company , anuinpmon manage aud con
trol thf Iiraicin'jf thtinnelivs , and that the same
are eumlucted icith hvnctty , fairntnn , and in
quod faith toiratd all fiartiet , and ice authorize
ihewiiijtany to um thu certincate , with fac-sim-
( let ofnur denature * attached , in itt advertise-
inentn. "
Tc > OTio i
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Iccorporatcd In 1603 for 5 years 1)T Iho legU
lauru ( or Kducatlona tnd Cuarltable putposoi
with a capital of 81,000,0 0 'ownlcha reserve
fund of ever $550 00 baa mnrc been dJccl.
Hy an o\cr hclmlnc : popular \ofo Ita franchise
w as made a pars ol the present bUta Constitu
tion atcptid December M , A. t ) , 187" ,
i iGr nd 6ln le " "um - ' rwlm v.111
tnko place monthly. It neter Kales or postpones.
Lock at tbo lollo lii Diatribution :
157th Grand Month y
IfiQ At New Orlenn * Tucsd y ,
une 12 1883
Under the personal eupcrv.slon and manage
ment of
Oen Q. T. BEAUREQARD of lo"iltn > n
Q.n. JUBM.A. EARLY , of Irnlnli.
Capital Priz9 , $150,000 ,
jtarNotlco Tickets ao Ten Ooll r only ,
naive * 5 Hft 92. Tr thi , 31.
1 Capital Prize of 8150,000 1150,000
1 Grand Prlte ol 50000 60.000
1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000
! i Lar e Prizes pf 10,0 ( > 0 20,000
4 Lar e Prizes of 6,000 20.DOO
20 Pilzoa of 1.000 20.000
61) " COO 25,0(0 (
100 " 300 30,000
200 " 200 10,000
coo " KO co.tvjo
1 000 " 5' 60,000
100 Approximation prizes of &on $20,000
100 " " 100
100 " " 75 7MO
2 279 I'rizrs , amounting to 9522,500
Application for rates to clubi should only be
made to the olflcs of Iho Company In New Or-
cans. For Information apply ta
Ml. A. DAUPH'N '
Htw Oreidt La. ,
or M. A , Dauphin ,
OO7 Seventh Qt .Wathlngton , D 0.
ti S L
M * . M
127 La Salle Streat , Chicago ,
( formerly 819 and 212 Broadway , N. Y )
Now MunM T nf GbicrtKu Offloo ,
To uho n aoply lor laformatlon and tickets.
IC7th Crard onthly and thExtraordinary
Co i l-Annua Crawlng
Tuesday June 12.
First Capital I'riza 8150,0003,279 prlrcs
tl > ir | ti $5 ,5UO. 'tickets , ilO ; Halves , $5
kJ | TJ th > , < ; i. Hco full scheme cUe
Nobraslia Loan & Trust Oompanj
Capita ) , - - - - $250,000 j
JAB.D. ItKARTWKLL , PrceldenJ.
A. L. CLAltKK , Vice-president.
K. n u-j rtsTKR , Trsnmircr
Bimucl Alexander Ojwald Ollv r ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webttcr
Oeo. II I'ratt , Jas. B. Hcmwell ,
D. II. McEl Hlnoey.
Firnt Mortgage Loans a Specialty
"ThU Company farnlahw permanent , homi
Institution where Bthool Bond sand other logallj
lesued Municipal seccrltlo to Nebraska un bi
be negotiated on the most favorable termi
Loans made on Improved farm In all well settle <
counties o ( the itito throub responilbl * toca
corrisponJeaU ,
Renl Kstatu Transfers.
The following nro thu tool estate
transfers , reported by lloso it Mo
Mnhon , No. 4 1'oarl atrcot , Oonncil
Blair * , lows :
Ohsrloa L Van Saelver to Thotnna
W , Vau Scalver , H " nw J 25 mid part
e } 1)5 ) and part nwj 30 , 75 43j $2,500.
Win Ltutrnp tu Oluf U n , lot 3
block 1 , Hillside addltlm. ; $750.
A N. Motneny to M iy J Lyons ,
lot. 5 Mid C , block 7 Mnden700 :
A , N. Mothuny t'i M rv J Lyons ,
lots 1. 2 and 3 , block 2 , Mludon ;
? 3OOU
0. , R. I. & P. 11 11 Cb. . to EUn-
n h A , llarrla , a. . I av ] , 5 , 76 41 ;
0. , H. I. .t P. 11. H Oo . to H n-
n h A. Harrla , in J nwj 5 , 70 , 41 ;
J. F. Evans to Gaorso W. My -
wood , lot 5 , blook 10 , Street's add ;
? 400.H .
H 0. Gory to J S. D vn , onrl of
lota 2 nnd 3 , block 4 , Drills' 2i add ;
W. n Pike to Nunev J. Marshall ,
a * ' awl 0 , 77 , 43 ; Ul 000
'Total tales , $10035
John C Biokni to A. E. Taylor ,
lota C , 7 , 8 , t ) and 10 , blook 12 ,
GrlrWodd ; $5.
Sarah Terrv to D irons ( blur , ai.J
nwi 21 , 74 , 39 ; SI 000
1 orry Kiel to 0. Sohroodor ot al ,
lot 5 , oo 3. 70 , 44 ; $250.
A. E Taylor nt al. to John 0.
Bickns , lota 0 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , blook
12 , Grluwr.dd ; $5
M IT Wallo ot1 to J. A Pratn et
ol. , lota 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 avid C , of block 114 ,
Orcrcmu 0 i > ; $150
F M. Gallup to Thorns * Rlshton ,
lots 5 and 0 , of black 24 , Noola ,
Joseph F Focman to A E , Taylor ,
lota G , 7 , 8 , 9 nnd 10 , of block 12 , iu
Griruea1 add , ? l.
Thomp-on Kitollff to Gon. Rtohnrd-
non , lo'r 18 and 19 , block 8 , Voorhia'
add. , S2200.
Total ualiiei , $4,101.
BO ranch ould abont the inor-
Un ( > f Hop Bittora , iind my wlfo who
was ahvdya doctoring , and never well ,
touted ino BO urgently to got hereoruo ,
I concluded to bo hnmbucgod ar"viti , ;
and I am glad I did , for in loan than
two months' neo of the Bitters , my
wlfo was cured , and aho haa remained
ao for eighteen months ulnco. I like
such hnmbueiioR. U. T. , St. Paul.
Pioneer Press.
Tne County Board.
The county board of anporvieora
oantlnned In cecslon yoatorday. A
oommlttoo of oltlzana appeared before
the board to Indnca thorn to take
some action for the relief of there din-
by the flood. The aldermen
aho appanrod before the board to aao
abont getting aomo help from the
county In robaildtug the brliitrcs
washed nway. Both rcqaents were
kindly recalled , and whllu no formal
action waa takua unough waa e.tid to
Indlsalo thut the coanty nil ! do fully
ito nhwrf.
The other work ot the board yontor-
dny consisted mainly In attending to
roud uiiittsra.
Tlui potltlon for a mart by Horace
Everett , and others , in Noitwulk town-
chip , wan rciorrud to Snparrioot
Frntn , to report on at the next moot
The road potitioncd for by Jamec
Graham and othora , in Knox town-
ohlp , wao granted oncondltloaof pati-
tionero paying coat and damages ao
8ea od.
The potitlon of W. H. Maxfiold nnd
othora , asking for vacation of road h
Norwalk townahip , also the poliilon
of N. P. Dodge and othora , nuking for
vacation of a road in Gainer township
were granted , provided potitlonora
pay all costa.
The petition of Joseph Mohat end
othorfl , for the rodnction of the wldil
of a road In Boomer township , waa
Invalid mothora , weak children
nervous and frotfnl infanta are bene
) fitted by using Brown's Iron Blttoro
Harraloaa hut ( flioaclona.
10" WHEAT-No. 2 aprlng , STio ; No. S , 70
) rejected 55c ; coed demand.
Cons There la not enough corn cominj
in to make a market ; dor.ITS ) paying SSj
rejected corn Chicago. 523 ! new inixeil
- 5Sc ; whita corn , & 3o. Tne receipts of cert
are light. .
OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 33
HAY-G 00(0.7 50 per ton. 35 per balu.
. UTK 40@4 ! > cj llsht oupply.
CoiiH MEAL I 25 per 100 pounds.
WOOD Good supply pricoa at yarda
COAL Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton
soft. 5 50 per ton.
BUTTKB Good butter scarce nnd In fall
dciniind at 25oj35c ( ; creamery , S5o.
Eaos- Heady sale and plenty at
10@llc per dozen.
LAUD Falrbftnk'a. [ wholesaling at 12&3
I'ootTRT Finn ; do/ilora paying IBo pai
pound for turkeys and lOc for chickens.
VEGETABLES Potntoec , 50c ; onlonn , 50c
cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; applet ) , 2 5 (
© 3 50 per barrel ,
City Hour from 1 GO to 3 40.
liuooim 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLE 3 00@3 60 ; calvpa C OOQC 50.
Hoaa Market for hogs quiet , M tbi
packing bouaefl are cloning ; ehlpperg an
paying C 00 to C 75.
Good health , roay cheeks end bean
, : tlfnl I'kln , ladies can get by ULDJ !
< Brown'a Iron Bittnre.
Waenea nna Uuwn bed Butter.
Amcilcsii Dalr > min ,
The difference between washed ant
nnwaohed butter la auuloycus to tin
difference between clarified and UL-
clarified acgar. The former consist
of pnro naccharlno matter , whiln thi
latter , though Icen nwuot , haa a flwoi
in addition to thr.t of the pure ou ar
When unwashed there la ulv/iiya i
little buttermilk adhering to the bat t
ter that glvca It a peculiar flavor ii [
addition to that of the pnro butter
which many puoplo llko when it in
now. Waihlng removea all thin for
clgn matter and loaves only the ttviti
of the batter , pure and slraplo Thoai
who prefer the taste of the butter to
that of the former ingredlonta mlzec
witn It , like the waahed butter heat
The flivor of batter consists of fatt1
mattera which do not combine wlti
water at all , and therefor cannot b
washed w y by It , The effect of
fushlng upon the keeping qualities of
the batterdopoadt upon the parity of
the water ntoii. If the water onntalna
no foreign matter that will nff ot the
butter It keeps thu batter for tmvlnp
the battormi k w , hrd out Inotoid of
worked out. Evidently thu grain of
the butter will bo mora pjrfeotly pro-
anrvcd If thn buttermilk bo removed
by oirolu1 iranMnR. The grain it such
n Important f o'or Iu the mike-up of
line butter thnt it 1 necoaaary uo
should bo very partlo 'lar uottultijaro
It iu any way if wo would cxcol In the
art of battur-mxklng.
PrlnccB , potuiitntoa , plalu people ,
ovrrybody noodn Samaritan Xcrvint.
OfdruglitB1.50 ( ; ,
Ool. II.Vatora , U. S. district at-
tornoy. Kunaas Olty , Bild : "Samiin.
tan jYm-fne eared my nloco of
spusim. " Dragglata Iu all states
keep it ,
Tlio E.octrloLUht m
Sprli gfliU ( Mm , ) Kcpub lean.
The value of the electric light In
light houses IB soon to be thoroughly
toattd in the New York lower harbor ;
but though electricity la Quod tuccusi-
fully in many llght-hor.aea both In
England aud Franco , our light
house board do uot expect very
eaUefaotory rcaulta , Prof. Morton
of the boaid , who haa been
OArrying on long sorloa of
oiperlmonta , aaya a aeriouH obataclo
la that American coast light hoasva are
arranged to throw regular Intermit
tent thshec , and the irrcgu'arlty '
which would reault from the dying
down of the electric light would bo
sadly confusing to aoamou. The In
oandcrcont light does not waver , bat ,
on the ether band , the power la not
great , and the board auoin to bo rely
ing mainly In their experiment upon
the possibility of at ( Intently lucnjaj-
ing the power of this lamp P/of ,
Morton haa succeeded in dev l-
oflng 400 candlo'powcr , which
ij atrong for oxporlmon-
til purpoaca. Bit back
of any botturmeut of light rouulus the
g'avo conaldoration of oxpenaa. If
the electric light la uaed all the k'liso.i
will have to bo r eg round , for it has
been found that thu croat lonsca now
need for the latnpi aorvo to diaaipito
rithrr than concentrate the rays ot
the electric llcht. Farthormore , two
dynamo muchlnoa will have to bo kept
at the foot of every light houao , one
to ho in roaorvo if the ether nhonld
fall. Altogether , thnroforn , It U ex
coedlngly doubtful if electricity will
aoon onperccdo oil iu our ooast light
Wo notice tha Mnrriago Fund IMutm
Trust Asaociatioo , of Cedar Rapids ,
low , highlv tpokcn of hy the lotdlng
papers You buuld Hocuro a < .crtiHoat (
at unco , Wtitc for circulars ami uppll
Up n True Away from a bear.
Correspondence th'civjo ' Newj.
There were three of ua at FingilafT ,
A. T , a Gotiton chap , Orockott , an
old hunter aud trapper , who lnd boon
in the Sin Francisco mountains over
niici > thu firnt , nnrvoy waa mad is by the
Atlontlo nud Pacific , and tb" writer
' "Doaton" wail a very good follow , and ]
a capital ohot at u target , particularly
whoa ho could got on hla back and
twiut his leg around hlo nock , a ) a
Crcodtnor. Ho had yet to kill hla first
big fjamo. Wo were ascending the
canon , and the troen grow umallor , the
- brauche nearly touching the gronnd.
I wan wondering whou. wo would SG.O
our game , when I heard a ahout from
Boston ; " 'iGroat hos.vone ! Look
- at the bear ! " und , no doubt , it waa
well ho did about , for at that atmin in-
otunt the bear a grand apocimou
ralead himself oa hla hind legs. Ho
could not have boon over fifty feet
- from ' BjatoD , " and about 100 feet
- from Crockett and rnynolf.
< Crockett yelled ; "Flro , man ; and
do it quick 1" find then there came the
report of all three of our rllloa. In.
: Btantly the boar dropped , but recov-
ornd hliiiBilf quickly , and inado tor
"Bt ton , " who , forgetting his aklll In
, the face of the Infuriated boast , throw
hla rifle asldo and rnado for the nearest
plno Bomo roda dlatant , the pinloni
boiog too email to climb I hold mj
; breath. It seemed en if the follow
oould uevor roach thu tree. T dared
not shoot , as they were la a direct
Hue from me. In a moment "Boa-
, ton" had reached the tro3 , and will
, < the aplltty of a sailor ho shinned it nf
the body of that tree , the infuriated only a aeoond too lato. JOB
then crack wctit Oreckett'a rlfla and
the victory waa won. 'Tffaa a deatl
wound , the hole through the croa-
turo'u lungs bnlnp nearly aa large at
oar gun-barrel , In his death atrug-
gle ho tore the ground with his olawi
, and tooth in a manner convincing ui
of hla tremendona strength. Onci
dead , Orocketr called on ' 'Boston" t
, como down. But not until wo botl
nat down on the carcaaa would hi
move , and hla first worda were ; > ll'v
had all the bear hnntlng I wan * . '
Tie creature woiglied at leaat 70 (
poundu , aud hla magnificent browi
pelt became my trophy.
Hop Dltten are the Purest and Beit Dlttori
Ever Made ,
They are compounded from Hops
Mnlt , Buchu , Mandrake und Dandelion
lion , the plaeat , best , and moat vain
able medicinoH in the world and con
tain all the boat and moat curativt
propertloa of all other remedies , holtif
the croitoat Blood Parlfior , Live
Regulator and Life and Health Roa
oriug Agent on earth. No dlscaao 01
ll'hualth can poeaibly lomj oxiatwhen
these Uittera are used , BO varied ant
perfect are their opcrationa ,
They give new lifo and vigor to tin
aged nnd infirm. To all whoao cm
ploymontn cauao Irregularities of the
fovolaor urinary orgnna , or who ro
qulro an Vpatizar , Tonic and mile
btiinuldiit , Hop Bittcro cro invaluable
being highly curative , tonic and atim
tnlatiug , without intoxicating.
; No matter what your foelingi 01
RVinotoius arc , \vh * thodlaoaaoor ail
mam ui , UAO liup D.ttura Don1 , vmil
. until you arc Men , if you onlj
a fool bad or mlnnrahla , uao Hop Bitten
_ at onci ) . It n-uy JWVQ your lifo. If un
u dri'd have beoa mved by ao doing
, $50 wtll bo pkt fo. ' a case they wil
not euro or he ! p.
- Do uut aufl'er nr 1ft your f rienda anf
f f ) but uao and ur o tnem tu uao IIoi
Roniombor , Hop Bittcra la no vllo
drugged , drunkun nostrum , but thi
, Purest and Beat Mndlclnu ever made
the "Invalid's "
Friend and IIopo"ant
uo pcraon or family should bo wlthoul
hem. Try the Bitter * to-day.
llowthoy Loolr , Dross nml Uvo nt
Their Uouio on the iluduou.
New VorV Journal.
Mr. Jay Gould'a brown etono palace -
ace on Fifth avenue and Forty-
aoronth street la oloeod up , and Ita
treasures are under the oaro of an an
tiquated Gorman charwoman aud the
watchman. Mr. Gould haa retired
with hlo family to their tuuiuior homo
at IrvlngUm-on tho-Hudaon
, twenty-
two uilltB from the great olty and Ita
pulsations , Hero the great and llttlu
Goulda revel In the peaceful retreat of
rural domesticity. There are apatt
from Mr. George ( .5 mid , the oldctt
ton and heir ( nbo can so.ucoly bo
placed Inthocatugoiy of llttlu Goulds ) ,
live promising children three bis
and twit glrla children to whom the
"ticker" la an Instrument of profound
mystery , much the same aa the works
( f a watch are to an average boy.
"Oalla , " "puts , " "atraddnV aud
"privileges" have no significance for
them except the caprlclona prlvlloces
which all the children cf wealthy niun
naturally expect aud regard at a right
The boya are Elward , Howard ard
Frank ; the glrla are named Nelly and
Bttllo. Mr. J y Gould la oasomhlly a
domestic , home-loving man , Uo lit.
orally dotes upon hla family , and
aparea no cipunso to develop tholr
Btndy or recroationo. Yet , withal , ho
la somewhat of a disciplinarian aud ,
aa much as ho o n do , personally aat *
istioa hlmaolf upon thu progress they
are making.
The oldest of the llttlo Goulds la
Edward , a line , sturdy lad , who some
what resembles hla mother In fcaturea
Uo la butwoon 17 and 18 yoara old ,
shy and reserved toward strangers ,
of studious habits , aud U la aatd that
ho la doatlnod to boooino an engineer ,
having ovlnoad considerable taste for
mechanical pursuits. Llko hla elder
brother George , ho ia fond of boating ,
and ia an export angler. Hla man
ners are extremely propor.sosslng , and ,
although hla experience of society ia
yet very limited , ho haa a aelf-cou
valued bearlug end oonfidnnco vury
oharactorlatlo of Gould , papa. His
education haa BO far boon received at
at the handa of n tutor.
In poiut of ago Mlsa Nellie Gould
couiua next she la "awoot sixteen "
Shu la a happy medium between a
blonde and a brunette. Her tavorlto
colors are warm , bright tlntn. Slnoj
loaviog Bohool some four yoara ago
aho hat boon educated by a Covering ] ,
with apodal maulers at home. For
alnglug aud painting aha haw a decided
preference , especially for the lattor.
tier liguro la somewhat slender , and
her deportment shows nn caay grac ?
nhlch promises to become still
more distingue aa aho growa oldor.
Llko moat girls of her ago , aho IB extremely -
tremoly fond of reading , and although
of a sprightly , vivacious tompuramont ,
a certain dignity of oarrago | Is very
marked. Affdctlouato aud open in
her nature , aha IB us much of a com
panion aa a daughter to her mother ,
who IdollzjB Nelly with the full
strength of a parent's fond alli > otloa.
Her costumes are tastefully but plain
ly made , and aho never wears diA-
Howard , a lad of nearly 14 , hua
been somewhat dolloato in health. He
doca not particularly care fcr books
Ilia chief taatoB buiug for all kinds of
outdoor sports , an boating , fishing
biso ball aud thu usual gamea which
chsractoilzo boya of his ago. Ho la
fond of asking a\l \ kiuda of qucBtiona
la oonntantly on the I'go , " and IB nul-
doin ( { ulot. Ho can rldu ua well at
any lud of his ujo ; , la a fair airlmmor
- and aocma to be just the kind of
boy out : would cxpccl to make a inui
of. Hla gocd nature aud easy gdii
diopoolUon maku him a great favorlti
with all the fiorvauta.
Hullo , a prime little lady , la Nolly'i '
junior by three yoara , and la the wine
llttlo woman of the family. Her beau
. tiful oyea and deuiuuiexpression inakt
- her appear older than aho really ia
Uor ( paint sayings and keen inalghl
into w hat pasnea before her , iuollnohei
parent to believes that aho will gron
Into a clover woman. She roaombloi
her mother in appearance.
Frank la the "baby" of the famllj
being the youngest the apolloc
child , aa it woro. Ilo la still a sonloi
member of the uuraory , whore hi
- holds his own with n childish grip thai
compels one to suppose that he hai
considerable of a temper c f hla own
Aud hero at Irvlugton , one of thi
! moat beautiful of the eatatea aloug thi
Hadaon , theao children know no care
AU his frlonda aay that It la hero tha
- Jay Gauld seems to grow a boy apaln
to lay aaldo his business cares and t
- enter into the full enjoyment cf hi
children's merriment. Ho will plaj
lawn tennis , croquet , foot ball , haudli
a bate ball bat , leap , jump
< and "cut up" llko a youth ol eighteen
Biata , archery , doga , sporting appa
ratno of all kinds , peeleR , horses and
( in fact , everything that can bo anm
mod up as constituting the anxlllarlo
of the family's needs , la here. Am
then when tha lampa are lighted eoll
talro , gamoa of chance , or maybe
a cursory examination of the boya
lessons , will help paaa the ovonini
aftor-tho day's bnslnoas caret.
B ricIit'iDiicnse , Dlaliotoi , Kldnei
Liver or Urinary Diieni *
IJavo no lour of uuy of uuiao dla
* oasca if you uao Hop Bitters , aa thuj
will prorunt aud euro the worst oases
ovou whou yon havu boon made worai
) by como great puifud-np proiondoi
care ,
lie Lauutiocl Out.
Detroit Krco Tress.
Ho waa from the oaat , and If ho wa
not an ox-dotcctivo ho had at least
right to bo called a philosopher. II
was farming around the Third atreo
depot the ether day with a auspicious
looking young man , and making
great ohon of a fat wallet , and finall ;
the apodal officer stopped up to hlu
and oald :
"My friend , who h the yonnj
man ? "
"I think ho la a pick-pocket , " wa
the prompt reply.
"Whora are you going/ / "
"To Chicago , and ho has jtut par
chased his tickol to the aamo point.1
"If you think him u uuspfclou
character why do y u train Iu hlu com
piny ? "
"Simply to bent him. "
"How ? "
"He goes toJOhlcagoJbocauso I an
going. Ho means to pick my wallo
between hero and thoro. Uo had t
aorapo his pockets to boy the tloket > '
I have two wallota' juet alike. Abon
I half wny to Chicago I shall lot him go
i hold cf the one staffed with paper.
Uo will leave the train at the first
station after , Ho will have no
money , find no friends , and bo mad
enough to bust when ho aeon my trick ,
I'm ' just cracklne my aldea over the
way hla chin will drop when ho opona
thoiitolou wallet. '
Abont an hour after , when the train
had departed , the c 111 cor waa surprised
to BOO the joker hanging around , and
this time alono.
"Then yon didn't go to Ohlcapol"
"Sty , " answered the man , aa ho
came closer , "that chap wasn't after
my money , after all. lie simply
wanted my watch , and I'll bo hanged
If ho haanrt got it. Where's the chief
of polict ? "
tls beauty truly blent whose red and
white ,
Nature' * own iwcct nnd cunning baud
laid on. "
IV7unl' powder Imports a richness
the kln ni noft as down.
At thla time of the year dangerous
rKptllps are moat frequently aeon in
Now Mexico , aud are moat aggroaalvr.
Oil last Tuesday evening two pros
pectors came Into Sooorro , who relate
a s trail Re cxpoftonoo they had with a
rattlesnake the week before. The
partlculara are downright "atiakoy , "
aud bat for the reputation theao men
boar for veracity wo would not publish
thorn. In proapootlng abint fifteen
miles oaat of Li Joya they found
copper float , and aaparatcd to trace
It to the land. One of them , Ei.
Bonuott , on reaching a oinall hill ,
discovered an old abaft. Ho fired a
ahot to notify hla partner and bo au
explorations. The shaft looked to bo
ahout forty foot deep , and abont thir
ty foot dlatant there wna au Incline
connected with It. Ho prepared to
dopcond by this. When nearly at the
bottom the looao wash gave way and
ho was precipitated downward. He
shouted to his partner , and waa pre
paring to look mound , whou to hla
horror ho dlacovorod that hla descent
had atlrrcd up a rattloanako. The
blood-curdling warning wna rattling
horribly in the silent Lulu , and caused
the cold affoat to OCKJ from the pros
pect or'n forehead. The glistening
eyes of the reptile chone upon
him in the gloom , but he
was too unused to the
placa to distinguish further. Ho retreated
treated to a oornur , and aa the shaft
was a largo one abjut eight foot
square ho had tlmo to aolzo n rook
aud prepare himself. The eerpont
followed , and springing at him atruck
Ita fanga Into the top of hla largo
prospecting boota and celled about his
lega. At thlo time ho oould aeo his
Burroandlugs , and with n doaporatioa
cqnal to the occasion , aud before tin :
reptile had tlmo to withdraw ita fanga ,
ho grasped its scaly neck and closed
hla hand with a vice llko graap. Then
enauod a content between man aud
roptllo , desperation and fury.
The huge serpent alternately tight
ened Uncoil about the enemy's log till
the blood coaacd to circulate , and
ehook iteolf iu the vain endeavor to
wriggle from the Iron raep. Ita luir-
rid rattling denoted Ita furious attug *
glca Thu prospector heard the hiaecia ,
oould Don the bright gruouluh oyea
ilishlng fire and fool the wlgullnp of
the roaloi ) aa ho hold the aniike , but
whether standing or thrown to the
, grunnd or laahod by the tall of hla
aggressor , ho hold bin grip. He would
, occasionally yell Iu the hope of reachIng -
Ing the oara of hla partner. For at
leant a quarter of an honr the straggle
, continued , the prospector the whllu
- growing weaker , keeping the fan go
from hla body , bat fueling that hlu
enemy wan alowly choking to death
t Ita lanhing became alow , ita writhed
: leea , nud finally , after one last otru
glo , waa dead
The prcspoctor continued hlu yells
until Ida partner came , being too weak
to rise. After aorno trouble he waa
raised to the Bnrfaoo , otlll giaBplngthu
- aorpont , with his widely distended
ni'iuth aud protruding fanga. It was
, a long tlmo before ho could renew cir
culation In hia leg , and ha la limping
yot. She Biiako measured twelve feet
and had eighteen rattler. The mine
wao christened the Sorpont'a Litr , not
liar. All thla happened on May 17
at 3 p. m.
Captain Joseph L. llaydon , retidlng al
No. UM Fourth street , South Uoston
Mass , formerly captain in the army , now
with the Walworth Manufacturing Com'
pany , South Boston , writes , April 21) ) , 1883
, "While living In Cambrldgoport my wife
wftsMHIoteil with terrible palnsln herbacl
and sides , rccompanied with great weak
< noas nnd loia of appetite. She tried man ]
so-called remedies without avail , growing
rapidly worse , when her attention wai
called to Hnnt'n Hiinodv. She purchased
a bottle frow Lowell' * drug store , in Cam
hridgoport , and after taking the first dosi
she boKan to feel easier , she ooutd slcef
, wel anil after continuing itn IHO a short
< tlmo tbo fievoro pulim in her back nntl aidi
entirely dUnppoared , aud nlie Is a wel
woman. Many of our rtlutives and friend
have wed Hunt's lU'iiody with the mos
gratifying rrmilta , I have recommenJei
i it ninny timcH , nnd ni many times heart
the Rama ntory. Hunt'ri Homed y IB oil tha
IB ( ilalmed fur It , nml a r itl liluaslng to nl
ellllcted with Kidney or Liver trouble. "
Mr. 0. G. Wheeler , No. 23 Austin Strce
Catnhridgeport , Mass , , makes the follow
- in ? rcmurknble statement. Oa April 27
1H83 , ho MrUou an follows : ' 'I have keei
troubled with kidney dl nnio for near )
DA twenty yearn. Have tulTered nt time
, with tb'rible pains In tny back and limbs >
many inediclnci' , but found nothlni
reached my case until I took Hunt'ri Hem
edy. I purchased a bottle of A. P. Ollson
7SO Tremont Stieet , HoHton , and before
had u od this bottle I found relief , nml con
tlnuing II H uio , my pains und weakneiu al
disappeared , and I feel llko a new man
a i with new lifo und vigor. Hunt's Komod'
lo did won Icra fur inn , nnd I have tin heal
ut tancy in recommending it to nil tflllctei
kldnoy or liver dlteanoti , aa I am ptuitlv
i that by Its neo they will rind Immttltat
relief. You may use thU letter In any w
you chooue , HO tbut the people may kmn
of a Ntire mcdlincQ for the vura of
easei of kldnoju and liver. "
< CJ
ru OINTMENT . 25
Fever cud Agno Tonic Cordial. . .1 DO
° ( Warranted cr money refunded. )
ifanulacturfd bv W. J , Whltehouse. 806 Nort
Ot' ' cth St. Omaha Keb. an il-inSe-Ci
217 nd 2(9 ( North JUIn fit , St. Louis.
HOOK , ) n/vnrijf / JWRITIVO
NEWS , f rMrunO twiurriNO
Printers' Stock.
f iTCnh ralit for Il | fX anil Paper StcV , Scrap
Iron anil .MoUla.
1'apcr .Stock iVarehouse * l'j0 ! to 1237 North
Sixth itrect. may2l3m
Blood Poison.
AiV. M , Oft. , Aptl 17 , 1V$3. $
In 1878 I wm lie tlctlm ol a roinblo llnvl
PoUaii , and after belnic iroi'ed by tlreu phjil *
o'ftns wan co Iliinl f > u > y bed , not mlc < a - | M
my ha"il to mv liovlspit Inup o otu ( blioj ,
nd reduc < l In weight tt-m lNit > ) | uiuli
I t oti b-iran th 1110 ofS'VII-TS 1'BCIPImil !
I lie's than three mciithwa nit rlj wo'l ' ,
welched 1J ! * nil IIITU noicr hid
niniOdi | of the ili rn"i slnja. II ti hvl uot
bco-i tor Swift's Specific ' wotil'havi ' h.wi In
mygMXc. JOHN V. IllsaOP.
Mercurial llricunutlam in ilo mo a cripple
Alter t ) lng Hot Hprlnffs twooar * nnct the er
cuiy ml 1'otuh trta men tun II 1 wisa ikctcton
and unable to ilo anthin ; . I * M prevailed
U0n to take Ik eourni t * . H. 8. After taHInz
thriM t-ottlai tu ) i > | ) [ o ltd begin ti Improt' , anil I
I Kalnoil llcsh rabidly \Vhin I nail t km I
tmilvo bottle * I lilt n well 09 I o > or did. I Is II
now tttiho mull hs sin u 1 took 8 H , 8. My /I /
hialthand appetite are good , and I am abe ! to 1
uttondtj Ml ilio buslnc cm get
lUt Springs , Jan. 1,1883. Oil AS. BEUO.
I fifin UKWAUI > will tin paid lo * nv
rip I , UUU Uhcmlst who w.ll llnd , on nntlyila
ot lOo botllri ol 8.8. 8. , one particle ol Mercury ,
loiltdo ul roiikwlnm , or olln.r Mineral nli ) ncc.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Qa.
Our llttlo book nul'ml fn-o to nrpMcailE.
i !
DR n. C.V st'n Nnuvn AMI Dims TRRAI
uiisr , nKiiartt.tofd uppilflj for HviicrU , 1) til-
IIC.K , ConnilsloiH. FltH , > 'er\l ui Ncura'ula ,
llcada hr , IT\O n I'roetrntibii cati ud by the
use of alcohol or tobucn , \V.kcHiH'ic i , Mental
licprrsn on , H ltcnlnK of tlu iraln rts'lltlni ' ; In
Infinity nnil" nillnu lo ml-on , nccay , aui
Picmituro I'lil ARC , ll.irron c s , I.osn if power
linilhcr tci , Ir ! oluiitirj Lo IK aid -p.nmt-
ONhwt cau'cd by ovettxurtlon of thu brain ,
flollirl.UMi cr oxi't I idulirojao Rich box on
t IIH ono mrri'h'n tr. atm n' , f .10 a six
lioxo for 8510 nt > mill ptcp' , it on r culpt
of piloo
Ticuraniyraio , W th aio'1 nr or ncclv.ilby
uilorilx i x H. n > inrna I d * lth ifi ( W , vc will
feml ill pticrn rovr uilf'in gU'rantjn 'o re
fund Iho inain ! > if tbu truMincnt do nil t vlloct
acuio. On r.ntcci mil cnlv Iw
m icvwlv Pru'CvUt Onnlm No'i.
Dr. Felix Lo rim's
Tlili remedy being Injutrd dlr'ctly to the seat
of tbo disease , requites no chuijo of diet or nauseous -
seous , mercurial or colioi ou > nuillclnes tu be
, taken Internal ! . ) . When used
by either Is Impossible to contract any pri
vate ctlsca c ; but In ) ne cue of these already
we guarantee 1 boxei to cire or we w II refund
' the money. Pilcu bv null , poitago paM , f2 pjr
box , cr S uoxoi for t5.
Written Guarantees
Isauol by all tuthoilied a cn's.
UR. FKLIX LE 11RUN & CO. , Sole Props.
0. F. OoodmaDiUjfinst , Sole Agent , for
Oumh * , Neb , miu awly
BlTfit OharlMSt , ET. LOUIS Mo
A REGULAR GRADUATE ol two undloi
colloKe , , h Bboon lontfi.r onk-aeed In thi Ireil-
nient ot UIIUOMIU , NKltVOUU. 3 It IN AND
BLOOD LHwus.u than any other phyolcliu ( a Si.
Louis M city paper * show and all olJ rwluOBll
know. Oonnulutlon free and Invited. Wteti II
li IncocTonlenl to vlolt the city for trealutnt ,
mtnllclnn can bo sent by mill or exprtva ( ivti -
where. Curable 10.101 Kturatiteedj wbeio dc'jll
eiljj It l.i fraatly stated , flill cr writ * .
Norvnua prootrntlon , Debility , Mont * !
ami 1'hynionl Woaknesn ,
othnr affections nf Throat. Skin nnd
Ot HlniKl Iroimrltlctf end Hlojd
w- Sltlu AirocUoun , UM Boron nct
, Ir&iKxUuiontn txi Mamnae , lUieuinAi\ ,
ly ; 1'iU'H. Special attention to CUBOB ln
en ovor.workwl linilu HURJIOAli (
, reeciVD Ppecinr'&ttonUon. Ulaomen urniuR
aRn. from Iniprj'lonoo , KreoaBea. ln < lultfcno- <
. whal
' MIEEME well told. llM > r
ptavrhomayia ; t.
II- ry > Wh ° mly Dotl whj'
cause * , consequonoii
. and cur * . Sealed for 2n poeUse or ttamix.
' Wtivtl
Chronlc.Nur/otHaml Prlvatadls-
caned. A-iluua Kpllvtuy , Hb u *
1 * " ' ! I'- ' , TiiwV irrn , Urtii'
a J Skin Dlwaseo , HHVISAL
. AaNMs ( nlvht loaics ) SHXIML
DKIUI.ITT ( less ofsexuaipwor ) Etc. Cures KUJI-
antecd or money lolurduil. 0 wrg't lav , Thou ,
snnds of canes cured. No Injurious n > villclnn
used .No detei tlou from bii.incwfl. All ti cdl *
clnnu lurolsho I ncn to patients at a dlataoca ,
Cotnullatlon free Mid co'iddcntlal call or write ,
A co Kiultiiperloiicoaro Iniporttut A UUOK for
boih nexis llluotiated and circulars o ! uttior
thiiK4i ! < ent sealed for luo 3o ct&uipi. I'KKE
Ml SKI'M '
PEHSONAJf-"l'ans of the human body
enlarged , developed and streuuthenoJ , " tjU
an Interuotlui ; adventkement lonj run In qni
paper. In reply to inquiries wo will aay Ibcl
there no evidence it humbug about thin CD
the contrary , the advertisers arv very highly In
dorsed I ntorcHted persons may get icalel cli.
, culars f Ivlni ; all partlculara , giving all pat tlou addressing Erie Mixtlcal Co. . P. ; o.1 |
CIS , Iluffalo' N. fToledo K. ' '