Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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1 -
Queen Victoria's Health Qradu-
ally Failing and the Doctors
Express Alarm ,
Orops'cal Eymptonin and Fits
ot Melancholy
tbo End.
The Irish Invincibles Expedite
the Sn2in7 Daad-
ly Poluon.
An GiUolul Report of the Pblrmtih
at Uftiioi Gtiinral Fcrtlun
* Special Dispatch to Tin llm.
BJSTON , Jane G The Herald cable
glvoa the statement of a correspond
* out who made it his buiineaa tn Interview -
_ ' view "a well-known and itfl lential
y member of the inner court circio , " In
relation to the qnocri'u health. Ue
waa Informed that atvoro dropsical
aymptoma act in atd that the queon'a
i cjnditlon waa considered ao nna fo
that her dootora all protested bga < n t
the preaont journey to Saotlind , The
only reason the dootora assented to
her removal waa the inability of her
msjesty to got about. The hurt leg haa
mlulffllz3d her out door exorclno.
This h j baan moit a dly mimed , but
It ia thought the fresh air of Balmoral
will , in a great degree , make up for it
The Immediate roault of this cessation
of out-door life has been fit after fit
of aorlons depression. ' Thia melan
choly haa frightened the doctors , nd
added to the internal morbidity of the
ayatem , and is causing nil who know
to anticipate at no very dUtant duo at
Iei3t the q lean bolng confined a con
firmed invalid to bod.
Bpechl Dlepatol ca to Tm Bm.
LOLION , Juno5.-Tho Aocnt stakes
handicap waa won by R J rdlno'u
lahuiael ; Lord Coifdor'a Wi chcraft
second , Sir F Johnston's Thabala
' third. Seven ran.
LONDON , Juno 5 The race for the
Prince of Walea stakes for three your
olda waa won by Lord Falmouth'a
Qalllnrd , who ran third In the r co
for the Djrbj ; Duke Hamilton's t
alan second , Lard Bradford's Liicoou ,
'J ho anmmar mooting of ihe Ascot
oonned to-day. A gold vuso vnluod ut
200 sovoreigaB , ctvon by her nnjdat , .
was won by J. Johnntono'a Border
Mlnatrel ; K. Vmor'a H alosoopa sue
end , Lord lloaobarry'a Bonny Jean
third. Six atarteri.
LONDON , Jnno 5. The Dally Nowa
correspondent at Berlin oaya that the
in yor nf Moscow has gouo to his
estate in Tambow , or , in other words ,
haa been banished for havlug es-
prcaaed a hope In hla speech ut thn
barqaot to the mayorocf cities during
the coronation festivhicH that the c :
wonld inatltnto a conotltntioual re-
Adviceo from Slorra , Laono under
date of May 24th aay that lif ty per
eons vero roaatod alivu for wltchcrafl
in Sheboj district
LONDON , Juns 0. A dlspsloh to
the Standard from S.orru Ljono
atatca that King Kall'.j Ivalkali , uu
thor of the late war in Ashtaneo , waa
fit ? Iui3'.bj7 vcs crpd to hln thvono.
Lard Dafi'orln is decorated with the
grand cross of the ordsr of 'Bith.
In a rjcsnt debate in commons SI
William Harconrt , homo ( secretary
Implied that Lord Iloiobnry , in th
capacity of under Bic'otary tor the
homo department , was apoclitll ;
charged with the Scj'ch intcront
merely aa a temporary plan intendoi
to propitiate the Scotch nioinbcrr
The atatomcnt of the horn
accretary has ( ffinded Lord Iliao
berry , who on ontorlng the house o
lords to-day took a aoat apart from hi
colleagues , evidently threatened to re
sign , aud it la assorted haa alread ;
written to Gladstone acquainting him
of hia lutontton , It ia atill hoped tha
the matter will bn aottlod.
LONDON , Jnno 5 Lord Boaoborr ;
resigned the cfliae of under aocrotar ;
of the home department , and Johi
Tomlinson Hilbert , member of pirlla
meat for Oldham and parliamontar
, aeoretary to the local govornmen
board , waa appointed Lord Roaeber
ry'o ancceasor. The' resignation
duo to the recent ezpreaalor.a of feel
Ing in the house of commons , that the
ndoar aooroUry for the home depart
ment ahonld ben member of the honao
of commona ,
Informers Kavanaugh and Hanlan
were aont to England from Dublin
Special Dlipitch to Tin UKI.
DDBLIK , June 5. It la rumored the
Invlnolblea extensively used poison 0u
removing obnozloua poraona. The
police are Investigating a number of '
CM6B of auspicious doatha la the last '
few years , especially the case cf the
hotel keeper named Jury , of Dublin ,
who died a fortnight after the 1'toftalx
park murders. From disclosure * by
informers the authorities do not doubt
that Jury waa poisoned. The reason
alleged for poisoning la , ho
Inadvertently opened a letter
addroaied to Tynan , who waa staying
at Jury's hotel. Jury discovered thu
letter ( contained directions in regard
to the secret society , and fearing tha
vengoancoof membory of the society i
ho destroyed the letter. A waiter ,
however , iaforracd Tynan that Jury
had n letter for him. It la thought
that Jury's removal was then decided
Edward Harrington , editor of the
Kerry Sentinel , and the prlntorof that
paper have each bosn aontoncod to Im
prisonment for sir months. Thia le
on account of the publication in the
cflisa of The Santtnol of n placard in
vitlng persona who wished to join the
InvluclbleH to attend a meeting. The ;
will appeal from their noutome. Ttri
coruporiton on the paper plcadec :
guilty to aaalatinq in the publicatioi
of the placard andeachworoeentoncec
to two months.
SprcUl Dlipitchea to Tuiliii.
PAUIS , June 5 An official roper >
from Tonquln , in regard to the recon
hostilities near Hanoi , ataten Oaptalr
liavlora was killed while endeavoring
to prevent the caplnro of n gun , ai.i 1
which was auSjcquently recovered , '
The Fronnh column retreated In good
order , the troundtd uoro earth d
bck to llano ! . and all the
dead left belhd. The enemy
lost 113 met' . Tno oltuitijn
at Hanoi is reimurli'p. Twocomp-
nlca of tionpa othr'i'd irom llniuhoug
for Aaual on the 27th nit. The oem >
tnander of Fort Niin > Diuh telegraphs
that ho ( gable to rrpal any uttack.
It la stated that tUo prluo'p ' lohjjct.
of the cabinet council to-day w a to
cxamluo , in vlow of a rup'uro wi'h
China , apian for the campaign against
China , supplied by an oflisor familiar
with the country.
PARIS , JJDO 5 Marquis TH n ,
the Chluoso rcprf.aeutntivo at Paris ,
London and St. Petersburg , nnd who
roprc/outcd China at the coronation of
the czar , has been lutcrvlowedat Mos
cow. Ho said that diplomatic rela
tions between Franco and China wonld
certainly cuaeo If the former operated
in Tonquln without having seriously
arranged with China.
Special Lilppatctus to Tux Die.
Sr PKTBR&UURO , Juno 5 The
Journal do St Petersburg any a : The
coronation of the cztr will leave be
hind indelible traces in the hearts of
the pcoplo of the great acts ciTtioted
amidst tts splendors. The czir'a letter -
tor to D.-glera regarding Ruesl * ' con
ditlon , aud her relation with foreign
powers , was thefinlahod programme of
ponce , wlih which tha people sympa
ROME Juno 5 It Is the Intention
of the Vatican to express its thanks
tn Great B.'itaiu for aid extended
Catholic missionaries in Soudan ,
BERIIX , June G Tha sugar tax
bill ptsaud Its second reading in the
reichetag to-day. A cominittoo was
appointed to inquire Into the manu
facture of nngar troin beet root.
ROME , Jane C la the debate on
the tariff , ( n the chamber of deputies ,
Oiporlo Raid It was abiolutoly necei-
sary f jr Italy to defend horaelf against
competition , not only nf America bat
Asia and Australia , which abound in
virgin noil.
litiais , Jane 5. Ono hundred end
forty three soldlera at Poscn wcro
anoldentaily polaoned. The condition
cf the men la dangorono.
A bill to prevent corrupt practices
ut elections pisiad thu second reading
In the commons last evening ,
BERLIN , Juno 5. The North Ger
ratm Qjzotto dmilcn that Biamarck
consulted judicial authority in rela
tion to tbo dissolution of the federal
treaty with n view to * abolishing tbo
Remarkable Growth and Prosperity
pority of Half a Century.
Agriculture and Commerce Go
Hand in Band with Schoote ,
Colleges and Churches.
ThQ StrufTgleRof the Early Set
tlers and t' e Formation
cf the Stau > .
Histirloal and Statistical S
Chic go Times.
If the whole west did not prcsont
an exn'mpld'of ' growth tud do7tlcp
merit which , woudoifal as It really la ,
has ccnaod to astonish , it would bs
diiHcalt to believe that lo n , a ntato
no proaperous end great , co advancad
in agrlcalturo and oommorco , so rich
in ojllo ea ; > ud tuhoolc , and BO abun
dantly supplied frith churches and
charltica , dates its actual nottlomont
back only to the year 1833 atlmo
comprialug bat a little more than a
generation , und easily covered hy the
rucoilostlou of multitudes of men now
living. White men , adventurous
hunters , had , to bo sure , in
vaded some portions of the wilder
ness now included within the bound
aries of the state , and the bold and
hardy Dabuque had , almost fifty years
before , formed a little settlement on
the eito of the city which now bears
hla nemo , but such adventurers were
trespassers on the soil of the red man ,
and it was only on Juno 1 , 1833 , that
settlement was commenced which was
recognized by the laws of the United
States and the Indian treaty made the
preceding year. This , therefore , is
the proper point from which to date
the history of Iowa under the occupa
tion and control of white settlers , and
Friday , Jane 1 , had been appropriate
ly selected as the time of the semi-
centennial celebration ,
Iowa derives its name , which Is f aid
to mean , in the language of the In
dians , "tho beautiful land , " from the
river so called. It was originally a
part of the vast terrltorlei Included In
LonUUna ceded to the United States
In 1803
of whites within the preaent limits of
the atato was made by a colony of
mlnera from Prairie dn Ohlen under
lulleu Dabuqao in 1788 115 years
alter the discovery of those shores by
Marqnotto and Jollot. The territory
was men a part of the Spanish prov
ince of L mieiana , and the northern
portion u ! the proeent atate was occu-
pled b ? the Fox Indians , from whom
Dubuq'io obcalntd a permit to work
the mines. Tbo extent of the mining
territory claimed by Dubuque was do.
fined na "ivbuut seven leagues" alonf
thu Albdselppl. The claim also extended
od "three loignos" in width from tht
river , Including the prairie and bluff
on which the city of Dubnquo non
Dabuquo llvod on good terms with
the Indiana , acquiring great Ufluoncc
ever them as a aortcf patriarchal chlol
In hio colony. Ho collected aronut
. him n uumber of French and half
broods , built a furnace for smelting
load , n homo power mill , and cirrloc
on some trndo with the Indiana in beer
d sale of poods obtained in exchange foi
load at SLnuls. . Ha died In 1810
For the next 15 years little waa doni
by the Frouoh mtncra , although man ;
folloTfors of Dubuque remained in tin
vicinity for nearly 20 years after ils
death. The aetUomont formed by
DabuquB was eventually broken upb :
the fiarco Indian wara between ho
rival tribes of the northwest. In 1831
a few whltoa obtained
permission free
the Indiana to explore the lead mine
Dabnqne. Too found but few
traces of Dabaqnc'a nottlemout re-
mslnlnp. About 70 building" , con
directed nf poles and bark of treen , re
in lined tu toll of thoao who had BO re
cently Inhabited them.
The mining operations of the settlers
tlors were soon luterforod with by the
war department , which being deter
mined to protect the Indians in their
rights , ordered
to diiporso tbo Intruders from the
mines. Anticlpitiag his action they
rtcroasnd the r.rcr. A military forot
was then stationed at Dabuquo to
keep the cxttlora from returning. Djr-
Ing the Bask Uwk war which teen
t > rk ko out , theao troops were with
drawn to protect the settlements of
Illinois and Wisconsin. As a result
of this war the Indiana not only
failed to retain the lands which they
had sold east .of the Mississippi ,
but lost a largo tract of
their poiieaiions In Iowa. The
treaty which secured the Black Hank
purchase was nindo by Gen. Scott in
September , 1832. It Included the
territory bordering on the west side of
the Mississippi , extending back a dis
tance of about forty miles , Atid com
prising } he eastern pnrtlon of the pret
ent state of Iowa. After the close of
the war the lodlnns mootly abandoned
the neighborhood of Dobuquo , and
eomo ot the nottlerj who bad been
driven r ff in 1830 rotnrnod in the fall
of 1832 to take pntaoetbn of their
former claims. In January , however ,
troops wore again aout from Prairie du
Ohlou to remove thorn nn the ground
that the tmnly with the loduns would
not take efface until Juno 1 , 1833
It was not until this date , then ,
that the actual settlement of the atato
began , aud it appears that Simuel
White wivi thn first legal itettlor. Iu
the fall nf 18312 Danlol Tothoro ar
rived In DJB Molnos county and sot
tied on the prairlo about throe miles
west of the Mlflfllosippl river. About
the it&mo time Samuel White with his
family , erected his cabin , near the the
livov , at what fa known as the upper
bluff , within the limits of the present
city of Burlington , This wao before
the extinction of the Indian title.
There wan then n government military
pont at R > ok Island , and eomo dra
goons came down trora that place dur
ing the next winter and
burning their cabins. Yvhlto remain
ed iu Illinois nntll the 1st of the fol
lowing Juno , whpn the Indians eur
rendered posaension of the ' B ack
Hawk purchase , " and on that very day
ho was on the ground from which hi
had been driven , aud built hla secant
cabin. This cabin stood on what la
now called front atroot , between Cnur
and High otroeto , In the city of Bir
licglor. Soon after Mr. Whito'n re
turn hia brother-in-law , Mr. Djollttln
j ilood him , and in 1833 they laid on
the original town , naming it Burling
ton , from the town of that name In
In 1834 the territory now includot
in Iowa was placed under th jnrisdlc
tlon of Michigan , and in 1S3G nude
tha1 ; of Wisconsin. On Juno 12,1838
Iowa KM erected into a separata ter
rito'ry , and on July 4h of the sam
year the now government wo formal
ly installed at Burlington. U.idor it
territorial organization lova include !
all the country north of Missouri , between
twoen the Mlsslaalppl r.nd Muaour
rlvcra , and to the British line , am
coriocquontly the creator part of th
prcsene ataro ot Minnesota and th
whole of D koto territory , with n
area of 104 C03 tqusro mlle In 183
thf zorort'O'cnt nimnvrl tt',1 JftT. i'.Y
in 1844 ac'tato canctitution wan foruiod
and a petition eoat , to cunsirpsa fur ad-
mistier to the union. Tals was not
granted on account of the constitu
tional limits nnsumed , and by aa ; wi
of M'jich 3,1845 , cotigrcBB a'ofiaod the
bonudariea that would bo acceptable.
The next ynar the propoeod buundnr-
iea were npprovod by a convention as
sembled for thn purpose , and ou Dc-
comber 23 , 1810 , lotra was admltiud
into the uoioii. The capital was re
moved to DdB Moinea in 1857 On
January 25 , 1855 , an act was paoaod
by the legislature submitting to the
people th ? question of cilllng a con
stitutional convention. The proposi
tion having bien approved , an election
of delegates was bold In November ,
1850 Oa January 19,1857 , the convention
vontion met Iu Iowa Oity and framed
the present constitution , which was
ratified August 3 , 1857 , by a vote of
40,311 to 38,081. The word ' 'white"
where It had boon used In defining the
qualifications of eleotora , the basis of
ropresentatlon , and the obligation of
mllltla dnty , was stricken out by acts
of the legislature , aabupqueatly up-
pr wed by the people in 18G8.
BTho opening |
was the signal for an active emigration
thiher. The firat comers were not
alow in discovering the great fertility
of the soil and the ealubrlouoneefj of ,
the cllmato. The possibility of the
region veto recognized , andthousatide
wore almost at once tempted to take
up their homes in that favored sec
tion. The increase In population wan
as rapid as that exhibited by almost
any other western state. In 1840 ,
when its firat United States censoc
was taken , the population was 43,112 ;
in 1850 it was 192 214 ; I860 , 674,013-
1870,1,194 020 ; 1880 , 1,024,615.
The greatest industry of Iowa la
agriculture. The land la aa rich and
- fertile as any in the world , and the
acreage under cultivation la large.
Tno number of farms have Incroiaoo
from 14.8U5 in 1850 to 185.351 In
. 1880 , or irom 2,730(104 ( acres to 24.-
752 700 , of which 19.800 511 acres
are highly improved. The advance
In production haa boon aa remarkable
Q ap the increase of the atato in papula
The average aizj of farms in 1880
waa 134 ooriw , and the valno § 507 ,
430,227. In1880 _ _ the valnoi of live
Block waa $124715,103 , against ? 3.-
689,275 in 1850. It consisted ci
. 702,322 horaea , 44,424 rmlea and
aseca , 2 f ro oxen , 854,187 mlloli
COVTB , 1,755 312 ether oittle , .155(351 {
ehoop , 0,034,310 aninc * .
Tlu vaat majority of the population
of Iowa is ougoged In ap.rimlture , but
the state haa mndo
In 1850 tha number of mannfacctnrlng
oalablisbmonU waa only 522 , the oipl
' tal employed waa $1,202 875 hand-
employed 1,707 , wagoa 8473,01(5 ( , anc
valno of prodncta $3,551,78 , ' ) , It
1880 the United States census showo- ;
thn number of establishment ! ! to b <
0.021 ; capital , 33,987,880 ; haudi
otnplnrrd , S.C 813 ; p H In
725 Oti2 ; Vhluo ot material * tUj 7 ( 4
Ull ; vulu.1 of product * , $71 U4jlJO )
Great iw haa been the uinturui de-
volopmout of thn ntati1 , It haa not been
to the neglect of itn t'inc.itional Inter
oala. According to the auditor' * Inat
blrnninl report , the numbrr of tchool
children tu low * la 594 750. Of tint
number ; H1 292 are by approximation
botwooti the rgca of U aud 10 yo.uo
The number < f < ll ngoa onrollwtl in the
ichoola la 431 513. The nvorogo attendance -
tendance la 254 083 Thfl number of
public schools ia 11,244 of which 503
are graded ; teachers , 21,775 0,5JO
main nnd 15 230 female ; school Imunoa ,
11,221 the value of which Ia (9 533- ,
493 The receipts for all school pur
poses throughout the atatii were J5 ,
OOli 023 00 , and the expenditures $5-
129 279 49 The illiteracy la vury
mall , Oat of 1,181 G41 pornnna over
ou years of ago only 28,127 ro re
ported aa nnnblo tn road , or 2 4 10 par
< tnt , whllo 4(5,009 ( , or 3 9 10 pur cout ,
jau not wrlto. Thia ia n butter show-
ng than la nindo by any ether atato
? h > number nf newapapnra published
n Iowa Ib 509 , of which 523 are print-
id In the Eugilah language.
The number of aonvlotlnna for
rlrao dnrlntr the laat biennial period
was 2,451 , a diminution ai compared
with th prior term , when they num
bered 2 979 The amount of finca
mposed fur the period wn * f 137-
' 07 33 nnd the amount collected waa
f34,959 42. The nnmbor of poraoua
u the poor houses aud receiving aid
n counties without poor .houses ia
Ono of the Important Industries of
lie ntato In mining , Thora are in no-
irntiou 457 mlnos , omp.loyluR 0 176
lauda. The coal moaanrca are regara
od as the moat prominent sources of
mineral wealth , though the mlnoi
it the galena limestone h .vu attracted
the earliest and greatest attention ,
and have so far boon I ho most Impor-
.ant in ths valno of their
productions. Their aggregate thick
less in the aonthorc part of the atnto
a lota than five hundred feet , and In
thfaaro found aoveral workable beds
of bituminous coal , ono of which la
aomotimoa Reran foot thick. Along
the Mltelcalppl river , between Divcn-
port and Muooatlno , a deposit of this
character atrotohoa twenty mllca up
and don the river , and thruo miles
back of It. This la itho extension on
the Ioa aldo of the Illltiolo coal field ,
the Mississippi river having separated
this portion from the tat In body , Tno
coal fi'jld ' of the otat.i embraaea an
area of twenty thousand rqutro miles ,
ard coal ia mined in twtmy-aix conn-
tioa. The coal ia bitua 'nous , and of
excellent qanllty. T lcnd mines
are in tno boll''ooonplod by
the the gOona lltntstono. This
traci rob'inn the Mhaieaipp
rivi-r at Dabnque , and lies
along the valley of Turkey
river totvntd the northwest , but the
only mlnoa that have bjon worked in
It aio tinar the Mkeljcjppl. The ore
Is chit 11 / found iu vertical crevices
which are traced In east nnd woit line :
with rotnnrk&blo regularly. They ar <
ccngrfg.-.tod In great nnmbor iu the
Immediate vicinity of Djbuqno , am
from the report of the uUto geologists
it nppoarj that uo district in the MU-
ulsalppl vatloy ban produced BO largo
an amount of ere for its ( xtont as thi
tract of tvvolvo or fifteotiiqui ro miles
Icina haa nleo email deposits of iron
ere , and there are many ether minor
ala of considerable valuo. A depitl
of pypotim of romorkiblo Snouensjn
purity oxlsto near Fort Djdga , from
which a superior i.rtiolo of plafttor o
pnzla haa be:1 ! :
; . - . * . . -
Butlnr Given Up Onu
pedal Dispatch to Till Ur.x.
, Juno 5 - G > vornor Ballot
e-.t n mosR-go to Ho la ialatnre this
freraoou , i i nhich ho imyo ho will al-
uw the ullla appropriating' money for
'ariuus atato cburltablo iualltntmna to
leoamo laws without his signature ,
farther contention wonld bo
isojeca. He , however , protcota
gsinat the wrecklea ) waste of money ,
which wonld result from the pasaaga
f thcco bills , and clalrna theae Instltu-
iona can bo conducted at a greatly ro-
iuced coat.
Thomnn 3. Sbicldi shot nnd killed JOB.
r. SsltoD.buperlntenJent of tbo Maryland
and Uharlotte copper mines , In North
'jirollna , ypBtordiy inorning. Shields
hlraa that Beltnti reduced hi- " oUter aud
ofuied to marry hor. Shields has iur-
Miss Julia Koho , daughter of tbe
Jebrew millionaire , David O. Kobe , of
3bc ! go , waa married nt tbo Lai and hotel
oat evoninK to Irvtot ; Uernhelujer , of Now
York , a relative of the tSollgmsua , bank
ers ,
Flft en Years of Suffering D dy Cove eel
Hjmor Had twelve Doctors Paid
Out GOO No Cu e no nope.
I wl'l now ntato that I raide a mlracu'ous cure
> f oaai'f the womt taies of skin dliiaicj kinwn
Th pitlmt In a man 40 jearjold ; liad mil jroc
tlftrevn. . Ills eyes , sclp an-t ncariy hli
whole bed/ presented frlihtful Mipear-
ance Had had the attention ot t eltc
diffdrrnt phyelclans , who prutcritiel the beat
remedies knjivn to th'piofcailon.BUChaj lortldu
potoailum , arecnlc , ejnotlvo tublln/a'o , > ar tp-
a Ilia , etc. Had palJ t * > 00 for mei'lcal Iru.tai nl
with but little relief. I prevailed upn him tr
use theCi'Tici'RA HEHOLTRNT ( bloort purlflur ) In
ternally and I ho CumfRitnd < : uTUUR < rin < | . ex
tcriallv. He did so , and a toinplttelitured
The rkln on h'shead , fae * , and a a y other part
of bin body , which presented a rnoit I athsoinc
ftpncarnno.1 , It now as toft and smcoib as that o
M an Int ill's , with no ecir or trice of I hi dU
emu If It bebluil. He hia now bcej cured twelvi
niontlw. Keiwrtrd bv
r. II. hltOWN , K > i | . Uarnwo'l , R. a
ttferoi.ce , Di. A. UAKH , Uharlcstou , H , C' .
Kelpie s fir Eight Yea-s-Uns le to Walt
- ton.'no Year Qot Pbout on ranis anc
Knees A Wo derf. I Cure
I have hv ) a most wonderful euro cf Sal
Uifuin. Kir novento'ii ju id I eulfur'd wit
Hal. Unuiinr I hvl it on my head , nock , a imam
ltg I vtat. nulablo to uailc , nnlj on mj hand
and kn ui , lor eighty an. I tried lumnrcds o
rcnitdlo ; not onu Md the Itait meet. Tb
ilictorn nalcl ray raaa wu lucurtblo. Ho uiv par
cntstilrd ovorj thins that camu tlong. "I jw
> our f dvcrtl < tni ( nti ) , ami oincluc-l ! retry Cm
ti KA I.HMKDIH. Too CUTICUK * ) iroii < ht 11h
laiuicr to the urf > co cf my nkln It would dro
oil ni It lainmr , ui. til n 'W I am well
All I ci'iHty Is Jttmiik ) ' < umo > t oiartlly for IIn ;
euro. Anv p rton > < > Ii littir a frail
lot Hum w-lc or ocnio nnil b u luc , and fltd on
thcmeclvei. WIU , MuUOSAM ) ,
iM i Dearborn rtt , Chlogo 111.
The 'utcura Tr ntmvt , for the euro o
Hkin S' lp ami . I ol H4 are , cinUsts III tb
Inturniii ute ol ( 'irnt > HKNULVE.NT , thute\
lllnoJ I'li-lfbr , a.u , i t > ixtoin.l uu.I CITILI K
Mid 1 1 TIM iu ur , the grrtat bkln euro ' . l'ilc
otOni.iiU muJI iioxm 60 ft' . ; large boxen , l
CLTIIVIU ofwiUKxr 41 ] nr bottlo. ( 'unu K
cor. 26 ca ; ( 'i.uii.t . IUVINO Botr. 10 cti
Bold by .
I Onu J AND 3HLMIOAUOO t-'otttt
D ftOy Kcr Infant" " u ftrj'l Illrth Humor. .
UrMit anil Kklii lilvmithpn , unu Ci'Tld'K
kiniailu'lcuu < y ptrfiuiul SLIa IleiiitHlui
and T.ilct , lia'h and .Siuiery Hinatlvo Atx
lutoljr puro. taluj 1H31 daJ 1881 , 1,100,000.
Eailway Time Table ,
u. P. n. R. MAIN MSB.
DvllyKiprr * . 13:1,1 : pm I PM'y F.nrtM 1:25 : p m
IM rer f.xp . 7'4i > p m Donrrr K p. . . 7:3 : ;
Kmlcranl. . 6HO : p in | KuilKtant . . .f'J n In
tftva. ARRIVlt. I
Llrcoln M. . Ilil a m I Llnroln K . . . .1:03 : run
lll i 1 8:15a : m | lllxel .4:45pm :
Dummy train * It ave Omat > a ai fell wa P:00 : a
in ; p.-OOa m ; IOCOam : ; II.CO a in , lwpm2.oO : ;
in ; . " . ( K ) p iu : 4:00 : p m ; 5 00 p m ; tf:00 : p in
Dummy trains leave Ccuncll Hindu M lollown :
8:2J : a m ; flS5 : a m : 10:25 a mj ll.vftam ; lSSp :
m : 2:85 : p mj 3 ! 5 p in ; 4:25 : p iu ; B : 5 p in ; p
Sundayr * h < i Dummy tralni learn Omaha at
9:00ll:00a : : nr,2.-00 , 4.U ) , 5:00 : antl e:00pm. :
Ltatri Council UluR * at 9:25 : and 11:25 : i in ,
7:26,4 : : 5. S:25 : and 6:25 : p m.
I'm No 2 . .7:45 : am Pa . No 5. . . 7,25am
11 No 10 i : < 5pm " > ol5.Mll:20ain :
"No 4 3:40 : pm ' No 3. . .llutO am
KmlirantNoe.6t5am : ' No 19.- 7-S'ipm
" NoT.tWOptn " No 1. . . 7:00 : pm
nve Omaha for O'Neill Tla tit I'aul
Un lor Illalt 8:50am :
Itora Nellgh SUtOpm
C , , M. A ST. I' , n. IU U. P. DKI'OT.
( all& Ki 7:45 : am'I JUII& Ei..73'Jp in
Mlantle Kx..8:40p : nf Pacflo Kx..9:4Aa : ai
Dally eicopt Sunday | fl > aly.
VAHA3U , ST. LOUIS A I'AClrlC U. ll.-U. P.
Omatia 7:45 : a ra | Omaha. . . 11:20 : i ra
SMJp in
G , U. t Q. 11. a-U. P. DKFOT.
Uall * 7:45a : m I Kipreu 0:45 : a m
KiprcM 3:40 : pm Mall * 7,26 p tu
N. Y. Kx. leirra Council Illudi at 8:17 : p mf
" arrlret BSOamf
'Sundayi ' exceptoti. tOmaha time
C. , R. I ( I P. U. U.-U P. DKPOT.
> lall 9:45am : I ExproM 7:4S a m
Kiprest .JSOptuI Mall 3:40pm :
* dundayi ei ooptcu. | 'Sundays cxrrptou.
C. & N. W. IU U.-U. P. DKPOT.
Ualt 7-t5am Expren 0:45 : am
3:40 : p tn Mall * 7:2ilpiu :
oxccptnl Sunday ) excepUd
S. C. & P. U. U.-U. P. DKPOT.
Mallt :00am : I Kxpro 0:50am :
KxpruM 0:00pm : | Mallt 7:20 pm
| SaiiUy exccptrd
DEPOT N. 15TI1 8T.
Not 8.-00 am I No 1 4:50 : proNe
No i 12:45p : m | No3 Ill6am :
Sundays oiccpted.
K. 0. , ST. JOE , & 0. B. U. R-lt. & M. DKPOT
Mai K' aral Kiprcm 6:00 : a m
Kxpr M 7:20pm | Mall 0:60 : pn
n A. M. K. , IN NKDRA < < KA.
Denver Rxp Mlfi ; a m BS5 : p m
Lincoln Kxp..6:35p : tu tIOa ) : in
Kxpreea 0:50 : a m I Kxprrn 7f5 : p n
Mall 0:1 : pm I Mall 8:05&n :
Trilng lear ng at 7:25 : p m and arriving at 0:5C :
a m will have Pullman nl
Opening and Closing of Mallt.
KOUTR. oritl CL08 * .
a. m. p. m. a.m. p.m
Northwestern..11:00 : 9:00 : | BltO 2:4 :
, ock IsUnd & I'.11:00 : 0CO : 6:30 : 2:4 : <
' urllnjlon it Q..11:10 : U.OO 5:302.4 :
Waliaili' 12:3' : 5u %
Sbux City k I'aclflc 6.-00 7:20J :
Union raclflo 4.-00 11:40 :
Omaha A llcpuhllcan Val. . 2:0)11:10 : :
UurlliiKton t Mo. InN.b. . . fi.OO 7:405:30 : :
Onmlm.V Northwestern. . . . C,00 7."JO
Mlt ourl 1'wino 6:50 : 5:30 :
Local mallii for Htnto ol lotra leave but once
day , vlf 4 30 a. m.
A Lincoln mall IP aluo opoiml at 100 : ft. m. .
OlLco open Hundaj a from 12,00 m. to 1:00 : p
TIIO8 P HALL Po tma t r
Saturday Evening Tralni ,
The fol'o rliiK taliU thaws the data and namet
rf lor.i'H ' mnnlnir train to Chicago ( com thi
Uhlon I'acillp transtcr rn Haturilav evening :
( r tr
" ? a
January 20 13 0-2.
ohruary. . . . 10 3-24 18
W : : : : : : : 3-21 14B20 7-8 17 103n
May B-20 10
June 10 2-S
July 7-23 21 14
Aujust. . . . . I. 18 11 4-25
bp4fUjt * 4. . * * , - . * - 15
ctober 20 13 0-27
1) ) 3-2 17
1-22 )5 )
TboCrtlcair < , fit l' nl MfnnrajHIa and Oin > ha
rnlns leave cvurv S.tiinliy nltoinoon
Tim Cbk'VRO , Mllwaukr * and Ht. 1'aul tr&lns
avp rvrrv uanr * v fiffiTfrnon-
KU9 and 1111 Dodga Streol ,
The only OIL STOVE that will burn nl
prado of Kemneno with 'AlISOIAJ'TK
S3AFKTY. " Send for descriptive clrcir
Ur , or call And txtmlne It , Address
1321 and K23 ! Furnara Street ,
James H. Peabody , M. 1) ) ,
llpudonco No. 1407 Jonen St.
Oll'ico No. J507 Farnnm St.
Olllce fcoure , 12 m. to 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. to
p. in.
Tolcphonoforcllieo , 07Uo ; < ldi'noo.l2fi
S , E , Dor , Farnam & Tenth Sts ,
Highest Cash Pr.'ce Paid
Call or Suud PostalCard.
The Natural Mineral ,
From Blrreiborn on tlie Tlliina
FHEII'K IIOI.LKNDKII & CO. , Kolo agirr or th
U. t ) . and Cau i , 115 , 117 , 11V | Uui H' . , > 'ti
01. . '
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets.
Dr. Fiehbhtt can ba Consulted Every Day Exo pfc Fridays and
Raturdayst thos \ two Days boiiic dovqteii to His Di&nnnsary at
DCS Moinrs , Iowa * bpooial attention given to diseases of the
AndFomalo Diseases , as wollas All Chronic and Nervous Dleoasos
Hai Jlscov red the Kreatoat cure In Ih0 world for w ikn - of th back and limbs , Involnntatr
licbarires. Impotency , K'ntril dobl Ity , nervousness , languor , confusion of Ideal , palplt tionol tht '
irart , tluildltr , trembling , illmnem ni ilicht or RlilillneM , ul e ie of the hea < l. throat , o o ot < kla
Rection * of Ire liver , lunK , stomacher bowels thoiotertlble dlnrdenarl'intc frcmso Itary hab >
Its of you h , nul ( went prictl ei mure f ital to the \lctlm fian the iont s of Syrens to the marl ? .
r of Ulji" , bllKhtlni their raortrultant ho MI or nlhUuktloni , renderlai nurda e ImpOMlble ,
Those thit aretuBerlng from the enl practices which ilejtro their mentUand parncil syoomi
The symptoaiiof which are a dtill.dlstroiwl mind , which unnts them from performing melr btwl-
nets and social duties , makes happy marrliK * la'L'Ofa ' ble , dUtrene * the act on of the hrart , caiulDf
) il hcsot rrstlonot splrl's. ev I f Jruhxllni ; ' . cJ < iranlloe. fein , Ura m , reu'lrsi ulKhU ,
llul > ies < , foricotmlneii , unnatural dtschtrircs , palu In the back and ) hips , ohort breathliijr , mslaa *
lioly , tire cully of company and h v < proNrcncu to be alone , ( ccllnz ai tired In the lamnloj M
hun retiring , siinlnil wi < aknisi , lost manhxxl , white bone deposit In the urine , erroumeiM , confusion -
fusion of thoushl treinbllnjr , watery and weak eyes , dvpepsla , constlpitlon , paleness , ptln and
weaknoe * In ths limbs , etc. , should consult me tmmodUtely and be restored to perfect health.
IVho bars become victims of solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive habit which annually
wrepstoan untimely grave thousands ff young men of exalted talent and brilliant Intellect wh
mlnht othcrwlne entrance listening senators with the thunders of thutr eloquence or wake to ocla-
iy the llvlnit lyre , may call with mil conQdtnce.
Married persons or TODDR men contemplating marriage be aware of physical we kness , lots
mcroatlte power , Imix-tency , or any other dlsquillflca'lon speellly r. Moved He who plant * bins
self under the care of ur. FlohMn t inav rcll < ioujly confldo In his honor as a gsntlsman , and cant-
lently rely upon his skill as a phy < lclau.
mmcdlatety curoil and lull rigor restored. Tuts dtiirmslng aflllotlo' which renders life a burden
nd marriage Impo'slble , Is the pcmltv paid by the victim lor improper Indulgence. Younz people
aresp to coinn-lt exciun do u nnt brine awari ol the dreadful consequence i fha > may e'lus.
ow who that underc.ands this subject vtllliUny that procreation It lost sooner by those falllne If
into Into Impropir habits than by prudent ! Deildos holngdeprlv d of the pUaiuro of hialthy oi-
siirlngn. the most eorlous and dotructlve symptoms of liith body an 1 mind arise. The system tw
comoaderanirid , thaph ) steal and menta' ' functions woiken ) Ix iof procrcatlro power * , nervoat
Inability , dspep la , valultatlonof the hrart , Indigestion , [ condtltutlonal deblllty.wastlng of th
'nice , couifh , couiuiuptlon aul death.
Penons ruined In health by untrained pretenders who keep them trlflln month after itnonlh
Uklng polionous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
of one of the mcut eminent college * of the tin ted Stairs , has effected some ot thn most
aitonlshlng cure * thalwoioevei known ; many troubled with ringing In the cars and head , when
ailoep , great norvounnois being alarmed at cnrtaln sounds , with frequent blushing , attended earns
tlmoa with derangement of the mind wcro cured Immediately.
Ir. P. addresses all thoae who have Injured themselves by Improper Indn'genco'andsollt ' ij
Imliltiwlilcli rul'i both body and mind , unfitting them ( or bu lne < s , study , so-lety or marrlags.
These are noino of the mclanch ly efftcla produced by the eirly habltn of youth , viz : Weak *
ne a of the btck and llmlxi , pains In tin head an 1 dlmnou ol uluht , lti of uiaicular power , palp ) .
tut Ion of ihu l.iurt , dyspepsia , uorvooj Irritability , ot dlgegtlro functions , debility ,
connumptlon , etc.
CONSULTATION KHKK. Charges moderitto and wlthlu the reach of all who need n-lcntlQo
Modlcat trt'atment. Tlioto who rcn do at a dutanco and cannot call , will receive prompt ftttontlo *
throiiKh niall by simply Bcndlnr tiller eymptotns with pottage.
Aiiilrrwn fxwk Ilnx 34. Omaha , Neb. _
Flags , Balloons ,
Torpedoes and 4th of July Goods.
Jasper Stone
'hl ' > Company Is now prepared to receive ordcri
Building Purposes ,
dwlll make flmires on round lots for piompt
de'Ivory. The Company la shipping
To both Clilctgo and Omaha , and tollclti corres
pondence aud orders from contractiri en
gaged In pa > lni ( street ! In any of tbe
Wettcrn C.tlcg.
.U'rHixTMDFNT'iiOrncii , Chicago , West Dlvls
Ion lUllwvy. Cnlcago , December 6 , 1882. C ,
KlweU , I'rolde t fcloiix r lls Water IMwtir Com
! pany. Dear Sir I ha\u received from your com-
| ) ny > lnce October 1 , 1BS2 , about 100 car loidi
of granite paving block * and have laid them be
tween the rtll * of our street railway tracki In the
heart of tha city. I have been using raving ma-
teilal In ttili city for m ny j cart , and I take plea ,
sure In laying thtt In my o.lnlon Ihu gr nlto
paving blr.cUH fiimlahed by your com [ > any are
the taoit rtgu'ar ' In tbapo ard perlo t In form ,
and i far I have In en abln to Judpu , am nog.
ifsofil ol < a duraMo fraturu aa anv materl.l that
haa ever b en odeiod or laid In 'ho city. .
Youro , JAS. K. LAKK.
( Copy. )
ST. LOUIM , March 22 , 1833.
Thla Ii to crrtlfy that I have exa"dncj a pluce
of granite taken from the Sioux 1-alU OrAnlte
Quarrioi , and , l > i my opinion , It la the beet stone
for struct uavlnir I ha > oiucn In * m > rlca.
( Hlgne.1) ) IIBNHY KLAD ,
IVca. Iloanl PiiMlcIinproveiueuu
Stone for Paving Purples
And any person Intertntcil liiBuchlioprovcincnl
will llnd It K really to hi * ndtanUgo to
communicator Ith u . Wu luvito
The ( { eiicril managemint and supervision o
th coini'JO } ' " hnilntfuf la now In tha hands
of Win. Mclialt.
Addreaa your letters teA
A , G. SENEY ,
Prmldcut of the J apcr Stone Co
ml tnic-U
Are acknowledged to be tha
best by all who have put thorn
to a practical tost.
Buck's Stove Co. ,
PIEKCY it BKADF01&1) ) > .
President. Vlco iWt.
W. B. DEiailEN , Src aud Troai.
Lincoln , Keb.
Oorn Planters Harrows farm Pollen ,
Sulky Rakes Ducket i levatli g rVlndmll * .
Wo are prepare 1 to do Job work and manufac
turing for other parlies ,
AUuic < s a' I onleis to thi
_ I/ncoln. Neb ,
10,000 , OASES ,
Inclndlng rtandnnh nnd grades to
nintcb , are offered to the jobbing trade
at lets than nmnnfioturorV prices by
170 Congreit Btreit ,