Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1883, Image 1

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TWELFTH YjSAR. ' ! * ' * * NKB WEUNfSDAY MOANING JONb 6 , 1883 303
The Recent Papal Circular Trans
lated in England and
America ,
A Vast DiUerenco in the Lou-
and Intent of tbo
'Tho SupporterH of PArnell Ap.
11 for Ooutrlbutiona
to th& T ( ? timoni il.
A Homirkable Pontura of the
Appaal ano the Prominence
of tne dinners.
The p ia Convention
Ritillod iJlncnusriB
in Nutuerons Oitieu.
The Pinna untl Purp-ais of ilie
f3I'll U.f i xptiiilK d by
Thn F pe' .
Spoclil I ) HpaKh to Tux BUR.
NkwYoitK , JuntsG. The letter of
O.fdtuvtl Simocni , the prefect of the
prop igwndi * , to each of the Irish
blJhops , iho trnnbhtlon of which ro
Gently appeared lu The Lr > udon T.uies ,
causing the Irijh people to beihvo the
pope had assumed a position on the
quoai'.on of Irish liberty favor , bo ! to
tno British government , and which
raijed the clamor for bipcottlng the
popa , haa recont'y ' bean truua'aU-d ' by
J .ui"a A MoM-nter , of TheFreomau'n
Jnuninl , lit ) tranjlatlou chansi'nma
temlly the pbresaolt gy and purport
of that letter. The dHLnvnculuciaiied ,
it ia chimed , by transiting It ao-
cirdlng to aoh il&jtlo laiiu , which
w.u mod i The T.raea voislou ,
and by translating it scurdlug to i'o
c'esimlcil latin , which ia fol
loved by MoMaster's. The main
point of d'ffurenco Is that where
The L mdou Times ninkua it uppeir us
nn luill-Irt.ih document ; thsl i/f Mo-
Mister's ahowe how the cardinal holda
th.xt the right of the Irish people to
s lUkglu for liberty IB an iraprescrlptl
bio one. Tno pti clplo points of dif
ference uro ai follows , the ruloa re
ferred to bein thuso prosorlbjd by
the popa in hla lo tor to the cardinal
arsliblnhop of Dublin , and ombrac.d
in the lubtruo'ion of the sicrndcun
gretp'lon , that WB un jtiltnonsiy HC
copied by the irlih blah'ips in thelt
lito mooting ia D < b'in ,
The Frooman'd Jouriifx ! vor.tlon IB as
'Fir Indeed In thoio ru'aa it
Eat forth tint it is of improccnptiblo
tlphi ( F.k'fv ) fjr she Irish panplo to
ok rmitf t..HP their dlacniic-d oov
i i i'jti , and of impraicHptlbln rlgh
sjt thtra to atrlve for their ludeptnd-
\ i i < " , jot , fordver , fhat dlvino pro
\ i ipt miut ba guarded ; tint it be
ho'ivea t'lem to 'Heck lirat the king
dura of God and Dis > justice , " and rht
It N vile to miiaUin a c < uisn , ho
f , by wlcliod uinitia " * *
ly ! It 1 * not forbidden to g i her
tor relieving the eKnutioti ol
the Irish pcmplo , but , from iho tfinor ol
coUoctioni nro eu'truly to bd hanitd
as ar 11 > grnt'y himedut cxaBror.i'.lnj.
pipulti * p nilon-i , B3 that ; nj i inty
r willy avail to abusit these In atartlug
1 i'vk'34 an 1 disorderly plorc. B i
most espucUlly ran si thu clergy ah-
D'ttln from tlie i when it cippettrd evi
I'ent that hutrtdsaro thus t > r gj'.dori'd
clamors a ninat dlitinuulsbect mun EOI
on f jot , and no condemnation utterec
in any way of crloiKH and ansasal' ) '
ttiuii with which infamoni mon hr.v
defiled tliBiniplvea and when it fa ui.-
oitentntlously claimed that thu meas
urn of trno lova of cjuutry can be
ptuijod by the money coutrlbutod or
ri.fudt'd , BO that mon may ao ni to
b nrgoS on by fear and force. From
thnso conoideratlonn it cu ht to bn
patent tn your lordship thit the ol-
lootiin of money for the P.irnsll tijatl
monlal fund cannot bo approved b ;
thla sacred congregation , nor henoj
cvinot it in any manner bo com
mended or oromoted by ecclcBlaatics ,
and luat of all biahope. "
The London Tlmia * tranolaHon Is as
foll.jw ! ; "Ica \ trun that according to
t'info ' luBtrnctiona It Is hwful for the
IrNh to seek rodroas for thblr grlov-
cncrn , nnd ntrlvn for their rights , Inr
alwiyi , at the sama tlmo , obdprvlg
thn dlvino m xlm , to 'Seek Onns''h
Kingdom of Ojd and Ilia junlco , '
and r nunibprlt g iVso that It h wlckid
to further any e < t3Q , no matter ho *
j'Jit , 0 ° ! lllo nl moH'ia , It i- c.tiilnly
not fotblddon to collict for thu relief
of d'Streaa ' in Irolind , bu1at the aamo
tlma the aforositid apistolla mandates
nbjolu'oly ooudomu anoh collec
tions as are rileed In order to left jouci. '
popnhr ptaalon , aud to bo
caul M a nuauB for letdlns
mon Into rebcllijn against the luwq
Above all things they ( the o'erg ' ? )
iniixt hold tloruielvej aloof frrm suou
rnfcsrlptloni , when It is pluiu that
h ktred and dtaaenslotitJ are arouiad by
thorn , that dUtlngnUhcd persons are
hudrd with Irnults , that neror In auy
w y are cyueu'es pronouncad ni ; . tmt
c'imes and inn-dors with which wicked
men stain thcinjolvei , aud
when it Is asrnttd that
trno patriotism U In proportion to the
amount cf money givjn or refused , tea
a * to bring people under prtuanro of
It must bo evident your lordship that
the collect ! m cillnd thu Parne'l ' trail-
m mlul cannot be approved by thlt
tacrcd cot g elation , consequently it
cinnot bo tolerated , that any occlosl-
nstlc , mnch loss a bishop , should tukr
any part whatever In recommending 01
promoting It"
The letter wai not from the pope ,
as many have thought , but from thi
propoganda , _
D1 TkUil to Till llll.
OHICAOO , June B The
address on the 'Tarnill teatlmonlitl'
w , s issued hera t vdsy and el nod by
over two hundred Irlah-Americsue :
T ) the Irlah race , Its descendant
defenders and aympathlz r , through
out America : The people of Ireland
are , nt the present moment , onpnptd
lu preparing a imtlotul proof of their
gratitude to their loader , aud h ve
oMlcd It the "P.ruolt testimonial. "
F.ilthfnl to the trndltlonn of pwt
stru lea and triuaiphd , they forgot
their own diitross and wrong * , from
whio'i they aoU'jr , to unite In ahowli g
to their auooud "Llborator" how Will
they appri'olato hla spirit of ccnstluai
aolf B oraa3' , aslf forgetfulneea aud
aubllnu devotion to thulr
causo. In thoap , his qnallllea ,
they rocotnlzj the chi f cxnaa of their
onward though 'low advance towards
' disruption cf an a'lcn ' doapoiistn
the ouaiplato ronlzitlou of Irt-
and'a nationality. In thla tcstlmonltl
relate , prlt'at aud people hnvo again
oinrd hand' , i. Rued their appeal , and
1th inc'miparub'o ' gnuorotl'y eont In
huir offoringa , which , whether great
r Binall , are uauctlliod by thu spirit
which they are given. TboNatlm
! Li gui of Amerlctwill over bo &
Althlul echo or it tlrolcsi unxlllary of
ho iorcca which have rallied
.round . the otau ard at hnmo. F.iltli-
al to that Bp-rlt , the Philadclphh
onventlon was opened ; in that spirit
f its grand work accomplished , to
hit spirit which it his sworu undyirg
dollty , it appeals to the ntcu In
mfei-i'.T , to help it on. In the strtt ; ;
; ios of the people at home wo have
ctiroly participated , and In uphold
ug the wearied orniB of the leader ,
u claim cur glorlouu oharo. Let n < t
till continue the Immortal record
hlch the love lu free America for the
pprosjod In Ireland aroon haa begun
nd carried on BO vroll. L vt the ac-
wer to this appeal coma , as did Iho
nswor to tlm roll In the convention.
It c.imo gonorons and true , from
ho citloa-\ud torrus of Oancda ; from
he rolling p.-ilrit-s of the far weai ;
romfioSivunnahs of the sunny south
rom manufacturing martc and canters
f the catt Thla toatlmoiilt .l will bu
ho reward for a laborer ' 'worthy of
its hire , " of ono who haa uncaaeingly
nd at every sacriuco berne the "heat
nd burden of the day" iu the nation
1 struggle ; who , through weal and
woo , through calumny andlutrod , 1mJ
riamphuntly faced a wavot-lng fee Iv
vlll bo not only a vindication of thu
last aud pledge for the future but it
bo another proof cf Irlah na-
lonal gratitude , of Irish devotion ;
t will bo an answer to the widespread
spjct.itlon and deoiro in this country
) purtiolpato in the national toiti
monikl des'ined fur Liu , who la not ,
nly the tiu-ted political loader of
rotand , but who h ulao a worthy do-
jjndfint of Amerloa'a baloved "Old
Tne cjmralttoo uuhoaliu
luako tuld appeal to the peipln
u AutorlcA aud cjnfidently await iho
e ponao
HJV. T. J. Oonaty , tf Worocator ,
Mana. , haa consented to act nn treas
urer of the ' Paruell to titnoul-.l fund
u Aaerlcjt , " and lo him , therefore ,
o nitrlbutioiis should be eont ,
whether from branchto or from indl-
tduals , The 1'at ' tf contributors will
bapiilViahod. "
Thu ulgno are rupreaotitjtlvn Irishmen -
mon ft'om noirly every atato and torri-
ory of iho Union fh jy include
( Mazandor Sal'.ivnu , J Ini B > rno and
R.v Ohruu OIJ illy , D. D , preti
ctdiit , vloo president biid trcaouror of
he Irlah National Laigno of Amtri-
.A ; tiiLinb ra i f the couuoil of eovon ,
ciuporary aud peimajiiu chsirinin
if thu I'hllndolpl.ii convention , thu
tire ex-presidonta of the National
"jjiid Laacao ; of Aaienci , and the
ihttirm ii of the late cjmmlttco of
even ; it inclndee , alee , eight con
rcBBuion , five jadgon , ton UAiholtc
prleetti , three Protestant micistura , iho
rial delegate of the Aiiclunt Order
of Il.bernlauB , nnd B million-
Ires , including Eagone Kelly , ,
New VToiKtP tl. Kelly , merchant ,
St. Paul ; Timothy Fjluy , mlnoo.vucr ,
0 itorad > ; J > hu FitzgjMld , rAllroad
contractor , Nebraska ; Tnoa. L/nch ,
distiller , .Ohlcago. Interest will at
tach to the addroea in view of the
act that It w.iti written by two prieati
RUT. P A. McKeuna , ol Htidson ,
Made. ; aud Rov. Oiufloa O'Kjllly.
3ierlnl | DUpaecli to Til" B
CIIIOAUO , Juno 5. Tno masting to
ratify the proceedings of the Phlladd
phis coiiveutk'ii and for the formation
) f a new Qriuch of the Irihh National
League cf Amnrica , was held In the
p\rloh Bcboul hooao of the Catholic
p'\l dral of lioly Nirr.a to-night ,
Iliv. P J. 0 in way , vicar general of
this dlucoae , presiding. The rnouiing
WLB r.f moro t h nil usual importance
fiom the fact tliat reports wore received >
coivod in regard to the progress of the
of the loistio in this city , Ilf-
purts r ciivid from thirty-eight socle-
ill's In thiu city which paercd votes rf
illLlallon vslth the Irbh Nations.
Lo g 10 of Aiotrlos. Addresses were
duluored by Alexander Sullivan , prcs
ldont of thu National League , nd by
Judijo Morc/1. The following are
from Sullivan's nddreto ,
outllblug the polby of the
orgtnlzAtloi moro dfalinltoly than
lid ) herotoforn been done : The
Irhli National League Is an organ'/ . -
tton whlcA tiny appropriately incut in
a echool bonae. It may juutlyaak the
sanction tf men v/h'iso llvoi are dedi
cated torullgion. It la humane , j < iat ,
and pjt/iotlo in its parpoeos. It aims
to r .4i ( TJ dcBpotiem , Insecurity ,
brntalty , porsccationB of f irolgn nils-
rule , and catablleh in their phoo
eeouty < , contentment , thrltand peace ,
whlcli only come to people otijoylrg
the national right of self-govehnmont.
It is not an orgiinlzttlon of rajh Im
pao , without order , reason nud dlt-
c' ' inoor foundations and ( juldin ;
either Is IB n cold , bloodleBi movo-
tsenl , necking mere coramorclal or
Jnancbl battorment , without the
domlnent spirit cf love of land.
The Irlah National L ague of
America , nt n eafa distance
from always impending farulno , from
enforced Idlor.ets , from brlbnd wit-
nea e , picked jurlna , and perjured
judges , will not attempt to dictate ac
tion to thoee who are in tha tolls
ahrury and on the loane of conflict.
I wl 1 not raise u.e ombnrrMeing crj
if ' do toruotlilug" when to 0i tonic
thing would bo both mtiduiaj and
crime. It will boa faithful anxlllarj- ,
ready to furnish resource to il kit
fortnnato brothrou , to enable thorn 10
go where they iniv go in prudence ,
where they may gi In jnstlco to an op
prcaeod pet pie. It will give Its loyul ,
moral aud its liberal financial support
without question or dictation to the
rganlzitlon under the eel , nationi ,
trIotlofuIdar'C3 : of Oharlrn S on art
Arnell , which hta already enltid the
ooplo and tanht them tolf-rollance
at'lf cnn'rol , Mid which ooinpllou
stooo's ojnrts 'o RfJtn't ' th t they
ud been robbed of 820,000.000. . year
ab'rtntoo Int'dlotda
UUFFALO , N Y , tlcno 5 ThaL.nd
'iiuiu ' br nohm of thla city ti nlpnt
utifi-d the proceeding * tf iho P.ulu-
nlphu coavniitlon , I'arnoli und Ilia
ucui' TfR , Jann C An enthusl-
, ? tie n < outl > t wes hold In it id city to
Ight to ritify the pee ellr gs of the
'hlladelphhi oucvrntloii ot the Irlel
Tali inal Lvguo of A'neilo * J oej h
) ' 0jrm r , cditi r of The D ffilo Oour
er , wiiii thu orator.
Osro" > , Jnno C At Iho Line !
biiUO ratllicuUon hero to null' n
iirgo BtibsrripMon w.m inauo to Ihe
"runll t ( Btiiponhl fund.
PiiiLAiU'.LriiiA , Jane 5 The Ocn
, ral n'il < n c f the ttteh N 'lonal L'-agUc1
f mnod huro to i.lghN L-Jltort
rom btilllvan of Unlepgo Dialed the
of brnuch'a vK3 pr
NKW OiiL < iANi , Juno 5. - Ti c
ipora homo wdti crowtteil lo-iijtit bj
Irish- American ! * , who there formed
ho Ljuiiiijina branch of the Irlth Ni
ional L ipnn of Amerlcv
IIUC , Juno 5 The Irlab
N.\tlouitl Li'a f.o wr.s or auizad bore
, o nl ht.
, Juno 5 A couforonco of
prominent Irishmen , representing
ho diffjrent Irtah-Aaurlc.iii orginl
zatlonu in the ctalc , mot laet night , and
esued a call fur atiinio league convert
tlon to bo held in Fanomo hill July
2.b , the of the battle u
The Coming Man for Govornor.
Spcc'al DUpitch to TBI ULK.
COLUMBUS , June5 The recuhHcan
state ouiiVoiillou convened at 4 o'llock
.Mo ufttrnoon , the district dpletiatious
laving hold a meeting pr.-vlijusly to
aolect mtmbcra of thn various o. inmit-
toea. Senator L. P. Wulcott , aa tem
porary chairman , mido n lengthy
speech , revIowUg vho reojrd of the
jarty aud endorsing legblaiion on
ouiperanoo snbjeplr ; alee highly com
mending the admiuiatra Ion ot U jvei-
inr Fo&ti-r for the piat four JOHW.
Clio usual committed ! wtro then an-
unocd , aud the convention ni-
i urui'd nuttl 10 o'clock to morrow ,
ten thu ci.niHilttcti on reioiuttoiis
will report and a ticket bo nominated
There is no change lu er'Jtlrm < nt as to
Iho bead of the iioktit. ludlsa'iotiH
are Judffo Foruker will bo noml
natcd ou the first ballot by reclaim
The commltteo on peimancnt or-
nlzatlori to-nijht poloatod Suiator
Sherman prcnldeiit cf the convention
and George Greet cf Cleveland score
ury. Thn c.immi tco on ro.iokulona
d a atttilon to n late hour and will
inlsh their report In the ovonl.ig It
a undoratood the platform will t-n
lorco 1'qior tp.xttiin , Arthur's ni.d
Foster'saurnliilatritioiiti.viiil oiitiln u
ctrong tar'fi' ' plank , in favor of ib > 1
ibhlng the convict jlabor aybtrm , at d
'avor reduction of the wool tariff.
Dl pttcli t- > Tin UKB.
Nu-v YOKK , June D. The p.inlcky
fouling In tno p'jtroioutu tnurkut con
tinued , and many rppculuton were
brought to the verge t f bankruptcy
by the heavy decllno In qiotaiionu for
oil. It wua rnmnrod that two or thron
denlaia would b nnahlo to wearier
the sturni. The struggle between the
bulls and bosra win ono of the mtiat
deoporato knomi lu the petroleum ex-
chtuigen of this city. At the openlnu
of the ra , ket several heavy blncko of
polrolotirn , ono or two rauglm'ns h'gh
aa 400,000 barrels , were c fiend lor
Bale. Thin canaed adoprosalng tenden
cy , which waa counlornctcd by the
buying movement inaugurated by the
bulls. Thn quotations to day were
$1 1301 15.
Ucttlnt ; Rid of Hit Troublcc.
Siieclil Dispatch to Tun llni
NEW YORK , Jane 5. - Henry W.
Green , u m ohanlail tngtueer eupply
ing steam motive p'lWur to u number
of tnanuf icurlng tirma , killed himself
thla aftoiiioon in his room at the hole ) .
Ho had previously I wo attempts
lie lost $100 COO in a builuesa ven
ture i.bcut three years og > , nitl nlrnit
the ainie tlmo separation between
hltntelf and wlfo ocrurred. The wife
llvea lu Brook y.i with two children.
His aon is manager of the Kirclfy
trcupo ,
ThoNnvixl Aiuilemy.
Sjiocltl Dlsjutch to Till Him.
AhNAi'OLis , June 5 At the cfli-bl
moating of the board of vliltora to
the naval tcvlcmy this morning , the
cumralttoo on Iiiis.1 report reported
that It had Boltrtod Hon. R T. Mills ,
uf Texas , ax orator to the cadets on
graduation day , Thn board this af
ternoon , at 2 p. ra. , will bo taken ou
an excurnlon ia the utoamor Phlox up
Mie Severn liver to lljunl ll y. At
3:30 : there will bo fonoing OKoroUei by
the cidnto ; at 4:40 : , artillery drill , fol
lowed by drotu parade.
Bpccul Lil iJiUh to I in liii.
IfAnniKBt'Jto ' , Juno 5 The house
to-day concurred iti th > ) senate amendments -
monts to the bill to prevent political
parties from making aiacrtinonto , The
senate judicial apportionment com-
mitten reported their inability to agree.
Both homos appointed oommtttaes to
Invostlgito the charges igitnBt the
Standard Oil compiny. Tno congres
sional tipportionmnnt conference com
mittee was not able to agree on a re
port acceptable to both ptrtloi.
A Strong Pretest From ConpjGSE-
nion ConcBinin ? Forfeited
Laud Grants
Morrlck Continues Dotuoliob-
Time in the Star
llouto OOBO.
A. Decision Worth Mllliouu to
fcubndiz- Roadp , Render
ed by Lnwrouoo.
1 < 7 ( ; Cholrrn Extormlacil Tito
Turl 11 au
ptiihl Ulniiitrh to Tun HUB.
AN IMl'ullTtliT IirCISION.
orct , flint c Jinpuolli r if the tnu-
thi * 1'iyon mi opinion lu thi' mut
er of the rght of the Utah & North.
rn railroad cnmptny to paynie. ' for
Mrvlcen ruiidored ia carrying w-uln
. r tuo Uultcd States , he holda as f .1-
Flrct The oct of March 2 , 1873 ,
'vHa ' no rig't to any othcH
f the Koverntiu'tit to with
juld from n lallway company
A hlc'i did not receive aid in euUi"
lotuh of thu United Staten p > uiuit
f cotupniiaittiou earned by It la oirry-
UK mull * oven though Buoh oomp.\u >
B controlled by a bondaubsldlz a rail
Second Nellhor the naihil
'Thurman aot , " May G h , 1878 nir
tha Rctof MarrhS'd , 1870 , gi on aiy
tutuorlty to withhold acch compousw-
tlon from a railway company which
iplvod no old In subsidy bonda by
thn United Stater.
Tulrd The Btatutoo relating lo b-int3 pay of railways do no' ' , r
io l or In any nwunor intcrforu with
.ho atatutca elvit.g jurisdiction tn th
acenintlng rfiiijof of the treasury de
Fonrtn The Utah & Northern rail
way c mipauy Is entitled to payment
'rom Iho United States for Itn f rvu
: n carrying the mall of the L' Itcc
States hi pursuance of Ihorogu.atunB
of the poatdilico dupurtmmit.
'Ihin ' deci Iou finally determines In
: aver of thu Pacitic railway company'e
eng pending controversy as to tbtlr
right to rcco'vo ' pnyniorit in c.ish for
mull transpor'atloimii vices to tluigov
tirnment on luaaod or tinn-aubiijiEJc
j'Ttloi-a of their repeativo lni ! .
The comptroller ea > a the qtieut-.on nc
whole t pp'.ien not only to oonipcima
lion for nwtl neniot * , but for all other
rvlcn for the U.iltod Stated on un
oubtld z d ro.tda , nud Involves levsnv
mtlliun dollars ,
WASHINCTON , Juce 5 In Lbo IM1
' , onlgu > : i - - ' V jJ < ilJlA Q
StciniH'z of NMV York , en ( Xpert ,
tcatlficd that tn the cona ruatlon c.f
( he Phllodo'phlrt cna ! 'n houao Hill o np'ayd ' qiirry , i ituo-id of not
"dioniijnp , In turarurii'4 the stone
id , thereby inuloiii g tie ( rovcrn
m-.itt Inn Jurse amount He wa1
( iireeled to atibmU . rep ° rt na to the
r.ctiml amount BO IOB' * o fie fjovtru
mout. Adji urnrd lo Monday.
WASIHISGTON , Jane 5I.i tha utar
rou < o trial to day Mrrrlck cjiuparotl
"o nvidcnco given by Piracy and
.rd'-ll , and read coptoua oxtrnoln
troni the rep ) rta of D iraey'rf dZiiuilua
tlon , calling pirtlculsr aU'.ntlon to
the number of "I do not remember"
i\nBiern returned by thy wltneea. Ad
Thlrvl cavalry , rroantly court mnrtialcd
und cur.Eiirt d , has' left Fort Apache
without JoAve aud ia wandering about
NW Mexico , LIe will bn Brroatod
aud rxtrulucd by a medic 1 board ns
to his cr.ulty.
FOlirHTEULiM ) flUAhTl.
Ilipreconlatlvo Ojbb , i.f Ii.dlcnu ;
Dann , end 11 mccratar , ! uwc , thiough
au attorney , auut a cuimnm/ioili / jn to
S c.-otary Teller eakir g him not to al
low filing or nr cord la the Interior
department at-y mortgage mtdoby
the Now OrionPiidlio rdllread com-
uany upon landa ctiglnally granted
rho New Orltats , B.iton Roogo V
Yiolcaburg railroad o anpiu.y , aud by
the latter iransfeizul to the corpora
ilou fi.Mt named. Tha uicaiorlallatB
awcrt that anch inortgii [ ; ) haa been
executed and ij to bo uaod aa a ban's '
for land g'.mt bond ? ; that the contem
plated UJi auction ia In violation of
w nud there In grave d juhr SB to tht
right cf the Now Oileaua P cifia ceni
ptuy to nvall Itei'If af tils hud cront
lu any way whatorcr Oolb , Dunn ,
* nd R aecrAiis alao fi.ud isith becre
tury Tullor a protest u atnst aaj
action on hla part , / hlohr > u'd ' roiult
In the lajuanoa of c r'inciteu ' tate
to the Buuthhru Paclfiu R hroad com
pany for lunda originally rranttd the
Texas Pcolfio com piny. They taaert
those Iftiuls were declared forf-ltod by
iho judiciary onnimlttoo ( < f the honao
of repreu'ntutlvuM of ( ho Fonrty-
ncventh congrea * ; that bill for the
consolidation of the Southern Pacific
and Toxna Pacific roada , by which the
former hoped to acquire a shadow of
tltlo to the larida , was twloj defeated
In the houao and the Southfrn P cllio
company ojuul not , by au tBilgninont
from the Texai Paolfio oaninsny , an-
tjnlro ftiiytvalld tltlo to the lat'er'a land
It lo iifild by olllcers of the depart-
inent of agriculture that hog cholera
ia practically cxtermhated. Unsuc
cessful attcmptn hive buoa inndo for
nooks to cocuro virus from infected
hog for experimenting purposeo.
The secretary of tlm treasury has
instructed collectors of costunu in re
gard to the drawback on ens ra under
the tariff aot of March 3 , 1833. fixing
tlm following rates until Scptomburl ,
1883 :
First On rcfinod , loaf , out loaf ,
crushed , granulated , and powdered
ngnr , atovo dried , or drlsd by other
qually ctloollvo proccaso ? , 2 82 100
co'itfl ' per pound.
Second On refined while o ( fro eu >
( ; nr , undrlod and nhovn No. 20 Dutch
tMid'ird tu color , 12 28-100 omits per
Third -On nil grades of rrfuicd cof
no nugtr , No. 'JO Daloh ntaiid rdnud
hclow In color , 1 81 100 couta pur
Fourth On syrup resulting entirely
from n lining of abuvn cuuiuf r.ttud Im
ported ruttorlcla , four cents per
Tfo allowance on tng.tra wl'l ' ba
ant jo it to a dcduo'ion of 01 o per
ciu unt , a d the allowance on syrup tea
a d < duo'lnu of ton per centum , ai
p'U'crlboii by law , Meanwhlloacom
mi t < n ia to N ) nppolntod , cinMatlfg
f Gjcirgn Ivoyof , sug < r examiner ,
Ijttju ; Ira Aver , apt > all treasuiy
, > nn , NJ.Y Yolk , nud ono refiner , to
b tu looted by the trade at Now York ,
to di tcnnhio tlai proper rate of draw
bick ou Dngtri nnd tyrups under Iho
.iut referred to.
i.VANS' riiivr.
The comti huloi of of Internal rovo-
niio hai ilu'iliid li ) t dies , rolls and
tfbich huvrt been uat'd by thu
In pi'itlng labnN and
a hrniiut' internal revenue
iMrtnnt bo rnturuod lo tht
t iniil ( it/nurc.
Stno thuo ulnce Oipt. George
of the Utlind t > tnloo steamer
Uirlunn , wnu nrrcated nt Lipcz , M x-
In ' , nud triitd by tbo MesiOiin untborl-
ii'a upon iho charge of
Ho rui fouuci guilty , uid Eoutoncod to
lift ) yuino hnpn-Kiiiiinuit and thn nlil |
0 inlieoittil. II ipiusotitatlvo ROBO
or > nn , of Oj'ifornh ' , ncently wrote
S > stetjrj' Ffolliighuyaon onllim ; atton
( into thla oaat' , and auggi.oting tha
It wan proper Dill j tct f > r diplomatic
01 qalry. Mr. Juhu Du'le , acting
accrulnry , undo the f lowli g reply
WAhlllNtlTON , U. 0. ,
lo HOD. W. S. U'jfccrntu ,
til ; 1 hivu thu huhor to reply to
1'jttorf. aldrH < aed by you to the score
tary In relation to the O.IBO of Gtp-
taln Quorgo Oilcb , cf the ichoimcr
" \drlan " t L p-z , M'xloo. The
canj ot Ci [ ) ' , OkKblus had the con
Unr.ed ctirnust n'tuutlun of thla do
ptrtment flfnco Iho HUWB nf the en zure
> t the "AdrUtiu" r ' d the impriion
iiiont of her or w v/dB lirat ri.c ilvvd
In n > , aud ( iveiy i IFort haa brcn made
In lili b > < h lf ihrongh the Ujiti-d
S htea IrgiMon ! > Mtxio > and coneti-
lutn at L-p'Z. The department hi )
o. ly rnoriitlj boon put In pneresttanof
the jud clul coiitoncoJ In 'bn CACI * , on-
duinnir g tln > captain to five yuara'lni
prUoiin.ont ? ; id thn vi'cuil to noiilisca
tiun. A prlmn fucio CUD of guilt ap-
puara to liuvn boon m I'io on1- , but lint
UitrucHt { rotiRin and donlaln cf tbo
u iforttmiti > ni'Ui ai d tbo ap-
p.irorit po\orl'y if innodng the
uixiin"m nen'iuco in h'n ' c > n
o allowed Mexican tcoompHoes
lied buon'd to cf.cipo , have
s'roni'Jy unllaiud th > i"ymD\hiQH | of the
government In 0 p. . 0ttub'u behalf
And the prealdi nt huu directed that A
Ulijor < if the departmunt
i'd to L p 's ' with Inatrnc-
tlor a M' nj ko a lull lrivr > atig < tllnu of f
dm cian on the spot. U > ( tbd Btatri )
1Mi'l * ' < r M irpin JIHB a'a > boon direct
ed to w > tch the procpoJInga In the
: i * > poU which hai been limll tiled , and
to alfoH 0 ipt 0lob all propt r aid In
his defu'iPK , uiujl lying o > unnol K nec-
oaiary , inc.tug that the invrstigAtion
L > pi z A ill bn c n duotod by Horatio
N. Ucu-li , late coiihtil of the United
S WB at. Piionto C billo , a c mpotont
ill > r , on whoBo impartial judgment
hH riop.TiKiMit department places re-
Hat c\ 1 liuvo the honor to bo ,
ur obodh'tit iiorvant ,
J HN DAVH , Acting Sso'y.
Ilnotoi H in
III- ) itch to TriR UIIR.
T LiNi ) , .lu"o 0 The thirty
fourth annuU mcotlug of the Amt-r-
ic' n Mcr'iodr.n iclntliui bognu to day
in Qf.'a hall. About ono Uionsuml
dlaMngnlBhtd ph > tilcinnB fn m all
pirlit of the country tire attending ,
This afltirnoo i WHO uanaumod IniJiu
ooDoldorivtlaii of piofea ltmsl toplct.
A reception and bifqitot f illowod to
night In the nno'a hfinnt ) and roller
aKatlrig rli k D . K. 0 liubbard , of
Aahtnbula , attuudli g thit C"nvuntiiin ,
died aniUlcnly thin afternoon of npo-
at the houoo if Dr. Wodor
The u > ocuBi.d wad upwitrdB of GO ynara
old , and cmiuont among 0) ) i > physl
claua ,
Special Dlcpfht-h to Tut lli
L , Jiino fi. Arrived , the
N' rue TO ui from ll'ialo" .
NKTT YOUK Junolj.Arrived , the
India from
Tkn Uulou Frintora
Sp-H l Dlti itch to 1 Hi lltx
Juno 0. At Iho In-
Typographical Union thu
annual rrpt rtd of tflicura wuro read ,
ahoirlni' $3OrO aurplna hi the troas-
inj. Twonty-fivo now nnlnns won
til dud during thu your. There
ura now 175 unions in the Interna
tional organization.
Zi. Hud Ht t' . of
3pod l I > i | > Mcli to Tiu Ho.
Juun C A
dronght in this BCctlon ro alti'd in In
calo \blo dauiRgo , Information frnn :
the i uthwoU ropre'ionta nn alarmhn
ttato cf afTilrg , c ltlo ralaora liaviiu
to purchaao fond for Block. The p e-
tureo are all dried up and crops un
RtttTurlng grovtly for wint of rain.
A. Horolnn's &noiiUot > <
Spe UI DhiitUh t > ) lint iin
NEW Y > I.K , Jami 5.On May 2'
thu nrdiiclitl llwt'.r factory , lUi
Orreno eiret't , by Mr Ijjulu
Qjodau , a Ffenoh wormn , 02 ycart
old , wku doatroycd b/ iiro
Guedan ran up ativlra when the iirt
brnko out , an'l warmd the workman
nd other occupant * . Shu alonii f-ilNjc
toiaotpo She was mush pratioj foi
her heroic solf-a crlfi' : < < . At the cor
oner's inquest to-day it w a learned
iho had tried to Induce two of hei
workmen to barn thu homo to obtaU
the ln ur nco , as the was finanoUll ]
eirbiratsad. I lauow bolloved , fall
ing tn Indnon the workmen to burii
the building , aha did to herself.
I h Uriilco Vordlut.
SpcclM 1)1 ) ( tatcli to 1m Hu.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 5 TholJrooklyn
brtdgti dlnrtotor luqnist oontlnuod lh !
ftflurnoon. The acting prcsldont tf
the brldgo ttuatcca toatilioil thcro
wrro fif.y per cent less people on the
brldgu t thu tlmo of the accident than
on the previous day. All the police
men In the city could not nave
B'ommcd the tldoof the panic People
plo would nut obey the polloo r nicer ,
but were absolutely | crr7.s d with fear.
Ho did not aao how the otnlrwAyu
could bo done away with , aud tlu > y
were not build nl h n view of Icoscn
lug i\ny rxponec. The weakeat part
ct the bridge , which la wrakoat near
.uiobnr.tge , w.t o pitblo of aiiBtalnlng
awiUht of 05,001) ) tonti. As the very
most wolt'ht which the brlm * v
h vo to bear is cfttlmtUd nt 1 701 , to
it could bu conaldoriid a abiolutc'y '
Untoctlvo O'Conuor thought ten
pollcuruen in uniform cou'd ' have
Btocuncd the panto and uvtrtrd the
< ttiutropho. J B. , of
Brooltlyn , thought the paulo duo to
the notion of the brlJgo pollconnu
The ordered tbo orowd to go b ck ti
NOT ; York , thus bring about the oruoh ,
Tlio jury , aflor au hour * ' dollborn
tlou roturnrd with n vurdlut In wntah
thi'y found ' 'Tho doitth cf the victim
reunited ft from anll ca'ion by being
'rnmplid upon" They also found
"iho i Hi ot. 1 mnl triHU'o * rupruhnn-
atblo ' in not liavl"u ; tin brltlgo properly
porly polload , Too rooomuiondod
that the ncoommndationu for fee
paaeongera Ut > linprovt'd.
8 > l KTlMU.
HliccUl Illspatrlim to Tun llnr.
LOUISNII.LB , Juno 5 , Track alow
and Jddrg poor. Club purao , two
ypnr-olds , fiviveUlrlnof a mllo. , U > b
Mtloi' lilloy Amy Filrly had a walk
over , the only other entry being
S lllng purao , mlle hea'B , Alotropolli
won , U Hilton MooorH , Mwitiocllo
thlrdjtlmp , 148J 1:47J : , 1:51 : ] .
Nattru aUkea , all > ge , dn h of ono
and ono.oh.'hth mllui , John Ileury
won , Standiford K.illcr aooord ; others
drawn ; time , 2 01
Elmendorf Htnku , three year oldn ,
Uireo iinartiirn nf a mlle , Lloid D > IIy
won , ] \I \ as IJf w tcr atound , Noophylo
third ; timel:17i :
MAOiiiby thentitr Makes , atroplo
oliKo handicap , all agea , ono and ono-
qiurtrr milea , S.iowbok won , ( Juy
second , R'wengo third ; tlmo 2.00J
NKW Yoi K , Juno 5 - Track good
und rncIiH' i-piritod , Mlle and nqur-
tnr , Bio'juk won , Macbeth avoond ,
R nfindu Ihlicl ; tlmo 2. 1-1 } .
Lvliun' Htkeii , thai. ) vo.u'-old fillica ,
mlle mi'l n lulf , Ml i WooiHortl won ,
0 irnntSon second , Fuirviow thlrdj
tlm , 2.43
Jockey Club handicap nffcapatakoa ,
two mil" ' , Oou. M'juroo won , Monitor
acc'imi , Iliirtrlly thli-d ; timu , .
Sull ng iw < 'np3fak i , throo.ti ( |
of a mil'1 , OijiiHtnntln won , IVrolox
T > uch Mu Nit thlrJ ; tlrao ,
Stoupleclmaohnndlonn , ihort oourr.o ,
Little Monron won. Rtugor aucond ,
lutlda third ; tlnm , a.Ift ) .
Itl > VIllK CK1 . .luni)5.Nurraganeolt )
park oinui today. Three mlnuto
chine , Jtidgo D vla won , Magic , reo
end , Sualn D. , third ; bee * tlmo , 2:30. :
2-22 cluRH , Kentucky Wilkes won ,
Din Smith , Mc > nd , Wulnut , third ;
bust tlmo , 2:23IMNE :
P. sroN , Juno --Olovclanda 14 ,
1 ,
'iiiA , Juno 4 Dotroitu
G , I'lilhtdelphiaB 4.
PJUriitCNDK , Juno 4. Ptovidenco
10 , Uutlalon 0
NKW YOIIK. Juno - -Now Yorkj
10 , Ohlc go3 3
cr.hvrnNii Kiel's ) , ilnno -Tho opening
day of the Olornland Driving purk hnd
, late start , o'.vlng to the rain , and the
rncuu were unlinUhrd.
2-IH olasi , e'x ' nUrtoro ; boat tlmo
2:2 : ! ) ] . bylndlxtuid Phlllaa.
2:20 : olrtm , olg'it ' slarturn ; boat time ,
2:2D : ] , by
A Prlnin Oanan
Dimuti.ii to Tin link
HLOOMIMITON , 111 , Juno 5 M'llo
iMarloLUia , the prlnm d mm , arrived
hoTno thla evening from Negaunoc ,
Mich , wh"r'i oho ha ? been ill four
weokH She ia dallrl'iui to-night and
In ! > n ixrHiiuly crt0.l | | condliloi' '
Iromacompllratl'iiM f rhcurnatUiDand
atomaahlo Irouhloa She buflora the
most intonao agony. On the vray front
Chicago ahu bdgttn sinking very f a ,
aud H physician V > M tokgrau IDC ! f"i
to Jollot. The rumor got nbrond in
that place that elio had commltlfd
tnloldo by tnLIng a dose of opium.
The phyulclan f mnd her not suit rlt > g
from an oplato , but proitrato nud nl-
most Inaiilmato from ucnto aulTjrlng.
SIHX.U ! llnp tth to Tin It mi
, Wta. , Juno G Reports
from ovi-r fifty points in uurftarnVt
oinaln , Buiithurn MlnucBot'i at d Di-
kot.i , arntf gratifying chur <
iiolcr UH to small grain. Tno aouton
hau thu < far bcuu uno of iho bmt fui
whott uitd the promlcea are fur the
muat abundant crop The acrottgo la
about. . Iho Bnmo HO last year in Wtucoii'
sin and MlniHia U , and a largo in-
rtnaso In Iik ta Oats are doing
titiuly with B'juio lucreueu In ticrcago.
I'hu outlook for comb gloomy owing
to thii nufuvorablcnotH of the Nuaion
for t.uit cureal , and poor sued , In sonic
hnd bolng pluwod up
A Cirouc Tout DeiuolUlifil.
Ul > l > Uli tn 'Ikii Dill
UKIUUB , N. Y. , Jutu
Duuni ; iliu purfornmucu of NA <
i'j clroua this uvuniug , the otnvuBj
tuiits word struck by a terrific ruin
rqntll and utterly dmuolUhod. Abonl
1,000 pdrsoua Mere In the tents and t
terrible panto oucued. A largu oum
berof porootia wuro injured thocgl
noua fatally ,
Successful Dhaso of Two Notefl
Desperadoes in Central
Iowa ,
The Murderora Run Down
While nt Suppor.
S | ) < M.-UI Dlniiatclici to Tun Him
WAVKI.LY , In , Juno 5. The notor-
loua Litrbor brother * , outlnntidhy ro -
on of thulr ninrdcr of Deputy Shtrill
Sheppard , In FAotto county , lawn ,
aat Sop'.cinbur , nnd fo ? o'lmr crimes ,
and for whotc cnp uro 55,000 reward
were olTortd In Illinois and $1(00 ( In
thlo strtto , wtro discovered near S mi
nor , Monday thermion. A deputy
shur'U'ii'l > pneao aitiin itod their capture -
turo and Jirvla wan wounded In the
khouldf r by on" of the ontlawn. Au
.krnud body of 2 0 moil are nowfo ur-
Ing the woudi in the uclui y furthsm
uuil their cap'uro nppcaro acMtrcd.
OEDAU RAHDH , Ion , Juno D The
Harbor brothers , tire noted deeporj-
doca nud murdnrera over whoso hoada
largo rewards hnvo hurg for a year
past , rrcro rern in tbo neighborhood
of Snmnor , Iowa , early Sunday morn-
Ing. The ahotill' and a poaan linmo-
di.itoly atartod In pnrcult of the lugi-
tlvea. Overtaking then > , lovoral aholn
were txchtiuoii , and DJJ u'y Sheriff
Jarvio was Revevely wnundud in the
shoulder. ' [ ho outliiwo outorad
the ddiiso Avootla , and are with
out coatn and hntr , ha\ing loot
+ hoiro artlolea in the sudden surprise.
Four hundred mon scoured the wooda
but could not find thorn A largo
body of armed mon are otlll in par-
* nlt. It la bcllovi'd they have gene
Into the heavy timber along the Volga
ir Wapalo rivers. Every known avo-
uno of uecipo In gnnrdtrl.
WATBUIY , IA , JuueC The Bar
ber boyn were otpturcd this croulng
itbont 8 o'chok , while eating supper
In n linuflo about tlx miles aouth of
Tripoli , Iowa , alter a dcepcruto fight ,
In which the Baiber boja asvcroty
ivonndiid four mon , two of whom nro
martally wouudid.
Spocl&l Dhpatcrn to Tim Him.
A jcveto atorni nt Uomnnohe , Tex % *
laitt iiittht , blew duwu aevorul huuaoi. Jno
lixrn lust ,
It In B'atoil tint the atrlkn nt the lilaok-
fltDiio lull' ' , 1'inildcncp , U , I , will proha-
bly ho r.cljtiitctl.
James I'lik , Sr , died nt iho r'oIHenco of
liii Hiin-lu-lr.w. Col. ( 'i. Vf , lloukrr , In
HrHttloborn , Vt , , Usk nvtnluK , | { ( 71
Haven citnrp of iiiutrokci oocurrnd tn
NuwYorit City yesturthy. Thn thnr-
inciii" or niirkod ( , ) J degruod at . ' 1 u'onoc ! ! ia
tha uftfrnutm. ' '
The Viuit'orbUt ' fatntly Ina bought the
ISedfnrd Hprinit ( t'i. ) iiropi-rty i.tvl will
use it lu counu tijn uitb their
Huu Ibroiifilt the Hnuthorn ti r of L'tmujyl-
vanit conntua &a a nicuntnin tutnmer ra-
7lu. luprorne IrcUo nf thfl A O. U. W.
oin\o ril in Hi If ilo , H ipreiuu AVorkuuin
\Vm. II. Hnxtur , of Djuciit , ttHpmulwl to
the ncUicfH i f welrr.nic. The toiciH nro
rccrol' The ttt nttnio [ ia lurue , iuchullui ;
( lclritei ( ; from Oregon.
The tletnvr LinKshiiw , from Mnntraul
tin -.d of MK ) , f < 'r ' Ijiiulno , KngUml , i <
i'fhirt ( ) lit Oaiiu 1'iuc , Nuw Koiiiulbnil , unrl
in it toti.l In H The freight C ( n-ictid
chiidy ( if , peafl unit cattlu , The
vnni nitil rnr 'o waa fully lueurtd , Total
lea' , $ I7o.OH ( ) .
Cardinal McC'onkoy , Iby Instrument ro-
rottlrd fn the rculnter'd ofllci * , in NKW
Yorlr. yia'ardtr. otiiKiworel [ VionwOon *
cr l Q > inn ami I'rthtou to uct aa hU attnr-
IIC > K , tit inntin e IjU property and attend
ID hie bnilncxa * ffilr < i ,
i The aoora of die American Internaticml
nflatdim In aheaf of the wlnuinpr ncora of
thu liritUh toani cf n vo r afo. ; 'i'lu con-
trl'iiiilom fur the uxpccBOJ tf the team
nini/iiul / lo S.1,12J.
The (5r.itul O.-nnRn Loilfto c > f Cmaila I ?
In uiRuiun nt St. O.thorluen. Uelcgatca
nro PMMI nt frmn all i > uU of the Dominion ,
The rifiHuI nf the Djinlnlou Bovcrnmcut
In inc irpontte thu Uraugo order ia ona of
thu principal eu' ' Jsct-i.
Tlio Miublmn Central annnuncos
HwccpInK i Imi gen in It * running uchedule ,
to t > k'j iff i.t nnxt Riutdvy , making n re-
ihiclion In iltno lictwuen Chlcmo tu New
York f f fiiuuno un I i-lulf tn futir hoAn ,
It fn . { .nticlji.tml Iho chwogj will force
oinriietiiiK llDfo < i chnnjjo tln'lr nchodulod ,
niul porsihlf p trlpltnto a time war. .
Ux-Uovprtor A1. C. Glhbf , of Oregon ,
Kutmed In C/hiukpo InHt night on po
lyRUiny. Ho H'tld It WJH ItnpoiFlhld to
iin\lci urrter the Klimiml < Itw , anil not
lunch coul I It ! fXM'ct | l of the ireront
All iniiiUtifH t.iou ) il preach nn
nil jct of pnlyKsmv it leant t.rce a
ynnr , ami tlnm tie p the IntiuHt fn the
HiippiLMii'iii cf thu tvll before thi mlndi cf
the | > 'ople.
rpin : I'liosxr.A'iiox which follows
_ 1 Diphtheria , and tl.o persistency \\Hli
vthlch It clhiKS to the patient , are well
I. noun to all who ha\e had any uxpcricnco
with thla terrible disease.
The following lettir sliowi liov/ the ro-
anil luvl orutiiu ; properties ot
at it oNcrcoinc II , anil
fl 'OOU ' S how hyltallz -
li"S " fid enrich-
" " Wooa "
neutializcs anil
CMtllcatei the poisoned ni.itter tiiim It ,
lirlngln : ; to the cuinalciccnt the culor , llfo
and \lior ; of loliust health.
I.ownr.r , .
. f. I. Iloonftt'o. : Uentleincn
My Iho illphtherU last Aplll.
'lhuili < i.ise left her ury\M.ik. hlooil poor ,
with no apiiellte , mill bho conlil not seem to
r.iliy [ loialtselieets. HHUD'H HAit M-Aiiit
I \ \\.ii irroimiii-mteil hy u nelKlihoi. After
blrnh nl bteii t.iKlni ; Itufewd.osucnotiecil
nrh.iiii'ofiir tlio lietter she lieuan to
Vlth .1 irlMi. It seemeil to tauo out the
poison the disease hail loft In her hlooil.tho
chiiiKO lieluitery noticeable In lier face.
Mio todklttuo inontlis ninl fully u-nahicil
her henlth. lunch to our delight. NVo now
leeoinmeiul HOOD'S SAHS \ r.uu.ilth.i
liuut deal el pleasure. Very truly yours ,
J. It. SMI I'll ,
13 lluttcrflcld Street.
"That Extrcmo Tired Feeling , "
"Tho first hottlo has done my daughter a
nreat nf good ; her food tloen not dls >
lu'sH her IIHW , nor docs she sillier from that
citrtma tlral fcelln'j which she did before
taking lloou'u
Sold 1 > 7 all drugglsta. Prlco SI a bottle or
Fix bottles for $3. 1'rcparcd l > y C , I , HOOD
fi CO. , Apothccarlea , Lowell , Mass.
Hoofs Tootfi-Potetfcr , Only 33 Cents.