Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1883, Image 1

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    W *
# *
A Orazy Fenian Exhibits His
Toola at Birmingham and
Qo98 to Jail.
China Decides to Fight Unless
France Recognizes Her
Rights ,
A Lively Breezg in the German
Reichstag on the Ques
tion cf Duels.
A Iinrco Variety of Qniior&l For-
Hew * .
Special Dispatch to Tun BBS.
LONDON , Juno 4. The Pall Mall
, Gazette publishes another portion of
n letter from the Russian nihilist ,
Stepnlak , In which ho diclnrea that a
widespread aoclety exists in the Rua-
alan nrmy , composed exclualvoly of
ofiicora , nud including many colonels
of roglmeuts. In regard to the pres
ent acquiescence of tha nihilists , ho
Bays it would be foolish to nttompt a
revolt when the enemy ia on the alert.
An r.ttompt to nasaaalnato the czir
might atlll form the beginning of a
revolt or coup d'etat ' , bnt such nn at
tempt , of itaelf , ho says , la no longer
of importance.
The poltca of Birmingham to-day
arrested an avowed Amorlonn Fontaa ,
who declared his Intention of making
mischief nt the Bright colobratlou
neit week. The man Is 40 yenra of
ngo. Slnca hla nrrlvnl there ho has
received letters from America nnd
Pati i. He gives hla nnmo aa George
Smyth. Provlona to hla nrroat ho
bouj'ht fl'ty cnrtridgoa for n Inrgc
rove v or , then entered a tavern ,
where ho dlaplayed ttio revolver and
thra > ened to disturb the Bright pro-
cassl . Monday. The police were
Burnt inc.J , and when they arrived
Smyt > vri\a trying his revolver In the
I tavem ynrd. Ho was secured only
I after a utrngglo , during which he
\ tried t i nhoot the officers.
A o foepondont nt Shanghai telegraphs <
graphs n the bleb eat authority , thai
LI Hung Chang , Citnoao prime mlulo
ter and coruinandor of troopi In the
province , adjicont to Tonquin , do
claroa tli it unlesa Fravco recognize *
the rights of China In regard to Au <
nam , China la rosoivml to fi ht.
, LONDON , JULO 4. The earl of Went
meatli io deed.
LONDON , Juno 4. The statemanl
in Pi > ria that a duel with swords wai
fought on the Swiss frontier yeaterdaj
between Geor o O.waagnac aud nn olt
sergeant maj T , in ivhich the forino :
had hla thro jt scratched , Is denied.
LONDON , Jane 4. The omperoi
and empress drove to Sokolomkl to
were not accompanied by nn escort ,
The municipal authorities will ulvo i
t-yj " < grand dljonuer at Sokolnlkl t to thi
foreign nowepjpor correspondent
\ who attended thu coronation.
LONDON , Juno 4 In the common
tbla afternoon Lo/d Edmund Fitz
Maarlco , under foreign aecrotary
stated that the commanders of thi
men of war , Dreynd and Dragon , now
In Madagascar water , had been in
\ > ' atructod to conenlt aa to what moaa
1 nroa were nocoaaary to bo tnkon ti
protect the llvoa and property of Brit
lali subjects In Madagascar.
Gladstone declined to nn
awor questions M to whothg :
the oertlcua of the Dako of Albany n
governor general of Canada had bcoi
rofnaod. The government , bo said
woijawaroof ttio willlagnoaa of th
dnko to render services to hla crow :
and country , Ho added that this feel
Ing did the dnku the highest houoi
Kounard asked whether th
government would ropoaent that th
registration of n now act cf clalraa a
! Washington by the Alabama claim
> comnilaalontr waa in violation of th
V Intentions cf the general confcroncc
Lord E Imund Fllzmavrloo rrpllo
that It was not the intention of th
government to interfere in the matte
In any wuy
} ! / Special Dlepatclcs to Tint Una.
el BELIN , Jaco 5. The celabratc
? , Trlvoll brewery burned to day.
* * . * ' , The tory Ic&'Jnn In the relchata
have bean dellboraiing Blnco Tuo da
Inat whether the aon of Herr Vo
Klelst Ivltzow , the well known coi
eervatlvo leader , should challong
Rltchor for the cutting remarks tl
latter made In the relchstag on Vo
Klolst Kitzow , ridiculing duels whlc
ho considered barbarona. Ilo trus
that if any tory Hotspur wishes 1
contlnno n parliamentary warfare wit
other weapons outsldo the house , tb
Inw will protect him.
Herr Laaker started for Englani
whence ho goea to America , where 1
intends to remain five moutha.
A committee of progroaslita nn
liberals has boon formed wl h tl
object of erecting a monument
the Into Hermann Sshnltztt , Dalltaol
f jundor of the system of friend
BEULIN , June 4 The fitatement i
the Imperial bank of Germany aho\
nn Increase of C 240,000 matki ,
Special Dlepatchca to Tin lint
ST. PETEnsuuuo , Juna 4 A no
number of the nihilist journal , Tl
Will of the People , has appeared.
MADUID Juno 4. The minister
foreign allalrn has Informed the aena
ho believed the treaty with Chill
already signed and thecondli Ions hoi
arable to both countries.
ROME , Jnno 5. In execution i
the decree Uaucd by Gou. Garlbal
when dictator , the chamber of de
* utlea has approved thu bill provldli
that 8,000,000 lire ba nnnuslly Includ
In the badgot to compensate fan
lies ruined by plllago nt the hands
ntho bourbon troops In the yean 18
/and 1860.
PAKIS , Jane 4 While endeavorl
to extinguish a fire In a chemlc
toro'horu , ono firemiu was killed
uud ten severely Injured.
ST. jPETEMiiujia , Juno 4. Secret
Inquiry Into the riot , which occurred
In the streets of St , Petersburg last
Monday ovonlng , shows that It was In
stigated by nihilists.
PAIUS , Jnno 4. General Wcmllon ,
of the French army , in n letter to
Evormont , ssys the object of Moltko'e
tour recently In luly was to study
the best route for the invasion of
Southern Franco.
DUBLIN , Juno Davltl , Healy and
Qulnn wtro released from KUmatn-
ham jail thla afternoon ,
DUIILIN , Juno 4 , James Carey nnd
the other informers who testified nt
the trial of the Phaiulx Park murder
ers have boon uctlliod that they must
Indicate places out of the country to
wliioh they wish to bo sent. Ot > roy
protests that ho would remain In
Dublin , bat tbo authorities pointed
out that ho would receive no pollco
protection , nnd that en no condition
would ho bo allowed to remain In Ire
LIVERPOOL , Juno 4. Reonlptn of
wheat for the last week , Atlantic
ports , 23,269 qawtors ; Paolfu ports ,
32 000 , other sources 43,000 Corn ,
DUBLIN , Juno 4. Archbishop Coke
In tin uddrosa at Tlpporary yesterday ,
said that ho wonld not be able for
many reasons to accept any more
nddrossos during his visitation of bis
arch dlocaac , or to participate In any
popular demonstrations.
PARIS , Jnno G. At n mooting of
the Saiz cinol company to-day , n
proposal made by Da Lesaops to ex-
anilno into the project for the con
struction of a aocond canal across the
isthmus adopted unanimously. DA
Losaops assured the mcotlhg that the
English directors were given local as
'atanco , nnd prophecled that another
anal will bo built.
jLasaeps stated that the improve
ments now being made , at n cost ot
' 000,000 franca , would suffice for the
raflio of 10,000,000 tons n year. The
ompnny had n year ago decided upon
uilding n second route. They could
ccompllah this within the limits of
heir own lands , but could do the
ork much more rapidly and couvo-
iontly if the Egyptian government
ould grant fresh concessions. Ho
> ii negotiation ! for obtaining the
> ld of Euglund in this object ware
iroceodlng favorably.
Bo znro of Petroleum Jolly.
peclal Ulaoatch to Tun 13m.
NEW YUIK , Jane 4. The oustome
.nthorltles of U o do Janeiro recently
cized and conQecated as dynamite u
argo shipment of petrolatum , or pa-
rolenm j lly. The agent waa com-
died to pit } ' a heavy line , although
a protested Ihet thu goods were net
xploBlvu. He appealed to the CUB-
om honso Incpootor and offered tc
rove that the irtlclo waa purely a
aedlcinal preparation. The Inspootoi
ecllnudto return the goods. > Thp
gent cabled the owner hero to oppea
.o cbo oniporor for redress.
poclal Dispatch to Tils ISss.
BOST .N , Juno 4. Arrived : Vlr
glnla , Liverpool.
NEW Your , Juno 4 Arrived : Sf-r
la , Liverpool ; Bohemia , Hamburg.
GLASOOW , Juno 4 Arrived : StnU
f Florida , Now York.
NKW YuitK , Jane 4 Arrived , thi
Hiunmonlo from Hamburg.
LONDON , Juno 4 Arrived , th <
Auairalln and Hamburg from Moacow
NEW YOUK , Jnno 4. Arrived , thi
Main , from Bremen.
PHILADELPUIA , Juno 4 Arrived
ho Britieh Prince , from Liverpool
L'NDON , Juno 4 The Norinandlo
Soiln , Farnoasla and Djrian fron
Now Yofk , arrived out.
Tha Navnl Academy ,
Special Dispatch to Tin Bun.
ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Juno 4 , Thi
board of visitors of the Naval acadcm ;
met this mornlnc nud nppointed th
'ollowing additional committee 01
standard of echolarahlp : DrB. A
Geeen , E. V. K'ncaley , Prof. G. J
"Kch and Rev. J W. Dlnsinoro. Thli
comniUteo covers the field not here
fore InvGBlizated by the board of vial
toraand undoubtedly beara relation t
recant complaints of odets.
Ktriko in n Cotton Mill-
Special Dispatch to Tun Una
BLACKSTONE , 11 I , Juno 4. Ther
was a Btrikt ) of iho speeder tender
nt the Blackstone cotton mill tbl
morning , ciueod by the ehuttingdowi
of machinery and throwing eihthur
dred operatorj out of employment.
A Cyolono.
Spcc'al Dlsjntch to Tun UKI.
GALTEHION , Texas , Juno 4 , .
Greenville special Bnys : A tornad
struck hero last evening , in A south
westerly direction , with terrific force
There were torrenta of. rain for twer
ty minutes , and the total deatructlo
of the town Boomed inevitable , .
survey of the city shows n hundro
and fifty ' . houees blown down.
largo number of old buildings wer
inoro or leas injured , Only ono HI
IB lost , although several are serious !
Injured. _
Started Again-
Special Dispatch to Tim U .
CHICAGO , Juno 4 The Oilume
Iron and steel company at South Oh
oago , which has been closed seven
days debating whether It would ai
copt the Ptttsburg echcdulo , starte
again this morning with half the usni
A Trout to Rntlroudnn.
Special Dltpatch to Tun linn
CHICAGO , June 4. Tha Plttsburi
Fort Wayne & Chicago road to-ds
brought to this city an excursion tral
of eleven car loads of employes In i
shops at Fort Wayne , to visit th e :
position of railway appliances. Ti
company furnished transportation at
tickets to the exposition.
Tha Pennsylvania Lelilatnro. |
Spoc'.i ! Dlipitch to Tui Oil.
IlAiiniHUUKa , Juno 4. The aona
patsed the houao bill to abolish tl
contract system In prison * nud reforc
atory institutions.
Postmasters Already Applying
for Leaves of Absence on Ac
count of Bresliam's Order ,
The Oivll Service Coinmipaion
Debate the Meaning of the
"Ono Family" OJauee.
"Browt r , Attorney Oonornl , " will
Wrestle vrlth the Qaoitiou.
Sprclal Dtapatrhca to Tim linn.
WASHINGTON , Juno 4. O icr ; to
the order Issued by l\'stn. > er Gen
eral Groahatn requiring I'uat nn-i , BOO-
end class postniuatera to attend por-
caually to the dntloa of their oiliacs , n
number of applications for lenvoa o !
nbjunco nro already received iti the
The Mexican mall service from Now
Orleans and Glveston has boon re-
hold n meeting to-day nt which A
number of qneatlono of detail relating
to examination of candidates for
places In the civil oorvlco und to tbo
application of the now rules governlnc
appointments , were dlcoaasud , The
most important of theao questions
was what Interpretation should bo
given tbo words "ono family" In that
chuso of the civil aorvlco reform bill
which provides that when two persons
of ono family nra employed In the
civil Borvloo of the government no
other member of that family shall bo
eligible to appointment. As the
comtnlsalonora do not care to ox.
auilno persons who nro Ineligible
they wish to have thla question
definitely cettled , aud will nak the
opinion of the attorney general upon
it. They doalro to know whether
"ono family" moans only pironta nnd
their children , or whether , taking into
consideration the Intent of the law
( which Wfis plainly the prevention of
nepotism ) , the prohibition Is to bo nn-
deralood as extending to nephews nnd
nieces , brothers , ulster , grandchildren ,
ouslna or relations by marriages , ol
croons holding places in the civil ser-
WASIIISOTON , Juno 4 The lesuc
f standard nllvor dollnrn for the week
lng Juno 2d wns 106,000 ; corro-
pending period lust year , 117,000
In the star rcu o trial , Morrlck r < v
umod his nddreea to the ju-y , nnrf
f tor ctltlclhlnf ; Bridy'n policy looking
, o a daily mnll on every star route ,
: ho court and countol dlccuBaed thi
vldence CDiicerutog the expedition or
ho Touguo river lino.
Thn American TiTcdloit
Diepatcd t > Tim limt.
C'l.i.vmiAiiD , Juno 4 ' ho Ameri
can Mticijul association meets here to
morrow in their thirty fourth annna
oislou , to continue four days. Tm
address of welcome will bo tlollvorot
Ijy Gen. Ei. S. Meyer. The fore
noomi will bo dovotcd to general bual
noes ; the afternoons will bo dlvldec
nto seven floctiona , meeting aoparalel ;
o hoar pr.pera on and dlsBUsa practlca
inodloino , mntorla inodloa and physl
elegy in ono section ; obstetrics an <
diseases of women In nnothur ; eurger ;
nd unntomy In atiotlitr ; btulo modi
clno another ; optholmology , otolog ;
and laryngology another ; dlsrasoo o
children another , nud dental and orn
aargery another.
Several hundred delegates und otb
era have already arrived. A gram
reception and bacqaot will bo glvoi
n the Eaclid Avonua opera honau to
morrow night and a largo number rj
receptions ttt private resldoncea o
Wednesday aud Thursday oven
"ngs. Tlio oflicera of the asaoclatlo ;
are ; Doctors Jolm L Atlee , Ponri
nylvaula , president ; Engeno Grisaon
North Cirolina ; A. J Stone , Mlnnc
sotu ; J. A Oclerdong , Kentucky , nn
nnd n. S Orme , California , vie
presidents ; Win. B Atkinson , Pone
syivaula , eocrotary ; J. N , llinoi
Cleveland , naalatant eocrotary ; Illch
rd J. Dungllaon , PounaylvanlE
troaBuror ; C. H. Kblnschrnldt , Was !
Ington , librarian
The Brooklyn Bridge.
Special Dispatcti to TIIK DBK
Niiw Y. UK , Juuo 4 The Inquaf
began to-day iu the cases of th
twelve victims of the recent panic o
the Brooklyn bridge. 0. C Marth
superintendent cf the bridge tostifiu
to tbo facta of the occurrence t
learned by him. IIo stated at th
tlmo of the dliustor there were twonl ]
two special police oilicers on tli
bridge. A rolling has been put n
at the istulrway since the nccidon
but wltiitS3 Bild this precaution woul
not remedy matters there In case c
another panic. An Inclined piano ha
been uuggostod in place of the stalt
way but this also would nut afford re
lief , bnt on the contrary wonld t
dangerous In slippery weather. Th
The present stairway was the boi
arrangement that could bo made fc
the safety of paaaengers.
James S , T. Stranahan , truatei
said on days when there waa unnaui
protsnro of travel , ono of the wage
roads wonld bo thrown upon to th
public na n temporary relief , If
should uoorn best. Additional wall
for foot paavongooa could bo coi
strnctod on each eldo of the carrlaj
ways ,
Sala of n Mlno.
gpoclM Dlipatth to Tin 111 .
NEW YOHK , Jane 4 Jadgo Don ;
hoe , of the Bupromo coart , d
recta the resale of the pro ;
erty of the Great Boulder Ooi
solldatod Gold and Silver Mlnli
company , of Colorado. The pro ;
erty was sold under frccloeure of
mortgage given to secure the UBUO <
$100,000 worth of bonds and wi
bought In by the trustees of tl
mortgage for § 00,000. The resa
WM ordered In oonsequenco of tl
disability of the trustees and bone
holderc to come to any ngrectnei
with regard to the settlement. The
aalo will take place In this city af er
the expiration of the usual ulx weeks'
Special Dispatches to Tin 11 .
LODISVILLK , Juno 4. Muddy track
to-day. Five events. Mlle nnd clx.
toouth , Fnrrogut won , Jo SUrk > ec-
end , Pope LJO third ; time , 1 < <
Fleetwood otakcB for thtco-j-
olds , mile heAts , Lord lUgl-a von ,
Bjndholder Bccond , April Fool ihlrd ;
time , 1:48) : ) . .
Club purse , throo'qunrtorsoi mlle ,
Hey S. Clnko won , 0rson Vcouil ,
Sada McNalry third ; tlrno , 1 : 84.
Kenuesaw colling Bwocpstpio , nil
agea , ono mile , Bastott wo , < Pearl
Thorn ueoond , Taxgdthoror third ;
time , 1:41) : ) .
Club purse for malden tvo-yonr-
olda , bait uillo , Billy Gllmoro won ,
Illghfllght second , P. L Fox' ' Great
Tom Colt third ; time , 0:50. :
rmiaiiTo.v IIEACH KACE. ,
NEW YoliK , Juno 4. Th < fd day ,
fine woalhor , five untrloa. 0 ° e milt' ,
all ages. Little MInch wo % , Crom
well ocoond , Fiona third ; tltnu 1:40. :
Six furlouga , nil ago ? , Itacka won ;
LUMo Katiu second , Gift third ; tlmo
1:1G :
1:1GMUo nnd furlong , throo-j > r.oldii ,
Bonnlrotta won , King Fan aoivnd ,
Doubtful third ; tlmo 1:58. :
Ono mlle , nil ngoa , Mnry Osibotl
won , Gao. llakea second , Liramlntn
third ; time 1:45J. :
Mlle nud a quarter , ever five hur
dles , Huator won , Belle of the North
sooonel ; Dave Gideon thlrt ! ; lime
2:21. :
NKW YOIIK , Juno 4 Chloagoa 5 ,
Now Yorks 2.
B BTON , Juno 4 Boston 2 Olovo-
lands 0
PiiiLADELriiiA , Juno 4. Datrolti
10. PhlladolphlaB 3.
PUOVIDENOB , Jane 4. P/oVIiJoncc
5 , Bufhloa 1 , s
IlociiESTEit , Juno 4 Ojartney ao-
copts the offai of the manuffcoturln | ,
company , and will give bonds It
$10,030 to row hfo bant In the rnct
with Unnlan for a purno of $5OOD ,
t la probable tha r ce will bo rowee
, t Cincinnati or St. Lonla.
CIIICAOO , Juno 4. Among 'co on
rlc& f jr the alngln and doul 'o icul
' 0cos ot Pullman , Juno 22d nnd 23d ,
o date , are : Slnglo scull Haitian ,
Itss , George Ilosmer , Chur'ea ' E
Courtney , Pltistod nnd EIHotr ,
Dinblo ncull Gao IJoomor and Johi
IcKiy , Hnnlan nnd L ° o , W 'ignrbor
nd Solving. The course la on Liki
Calumet at the auburbftu vllloge o
ullman , just south of the city , whori
, ho moat elaborate aud oomph i. ; nr-
'angemonta for ( matins ; and ntherwlai
iccommodating 15.0CO to 20 020 pee
p'iO have been made.
Both races will bo thrco in' ; & will
urn. j
Special Dtepatccea to Inn HKI.
The hanilBomo steam launoli fur .It
< u'lVa ' yacht , Atlanta , arrived In 1'hili
dalphia yeetciday. It will bo uud I
utcrj not nuvigublo by tha Atlanta.
Mona L % Ilnino , a trapeze pcrfornio :
whlln dolntr his "walking cfilhif not" u
tha Pitrk tbontre , In liannpolia , last nigh
mo of the atrupa broke , letting him fall the t
ho otn 'o , n distance of twenty-two fee
His injuries nrathought to bo fatal , lie !
1'rcncli Canadian.
The Gorman Lutheran mtnlslorinm In
roeolvod to Appropriivtn $ JUOCO towan
the foundation cf a Uermnn professorial
Iu the I'hilhlelphl.t S juiinnry , in comrueii
oration of the 400th nnnlvor ary of tl :
birth of Martin Luther.
Cattle thieving in the lower Klo Gram :
counti'.u IH going on to an imprecedento
extent. Tbo dettodationB ru thoroughl
orgftnizod. A cumber of prominent clt
Z3nn are implicated , and them is no liiillr
or trying to ovad * tha range 'or cllizau
A meeting of gentlemen who propi/i
to Run yearl * exhibltloni nf hursoj !
NHW York city was hold lust nighl
Officers elected are : 1'roaldont , Uornelh
Kellowp ; vice proaident ? , J. JJ. HockHbe
lames U. Keene nnd Win. It. Scot
troaxurnr. H. 11. Hainlltoa ; tecrotar
W. T. Wharton.
The 1'lilladelphln Music 1'eatlval asa
elntlon has decided to hold a festival i
1831 , nud raised n guarantee fuud
SUO.OOO to IrjRuro itn mnceni. Tha "Or
tori j of Klijah" will bo prejeutod.
Mll-wrnulioo Matters.
Special Dlupatch to Tim DKK.
MILWAUKEK , Juno 4 In aplto i
Mayor S to well's veto , the liouec
ordinance was adopted by the connc
to-day by n vote of 28 to 10. It a
lows Holoon keepers to appoitl to tl
council for redreaa < f their llocnocs n
revoked by the mayor , or they are r
fused ono for any cauuo wh.V.evor.
I'rod ' F.fiald , aon of D 0. F < fiol
of the chamber cf commerce , has bei
lout In the woodo In Pen' koo rang
near Ashland , \Vla. , for tivo day
having strayed from EuglnoorSitwol !
Rurvoyiug party whllo doing work f
the \Vlfconbln Central road. Ti
party hnvo given up work nnd n
icDurlng the woods with dove.
Reform In Fnnuiylvnnla.
SptcUl UUpktcb la Tin list.
IlAiiuiaiiaua , Jnno 3 In the co
ute to-day n aubatltuto for the bill
prohibit political naecsimonta w
adopted. It provides It ahull bo u
lawful for nny committee or marab
thereof to demand of any person
the service of any city or county
the state , nny money or anything
value wltb the understanding t !
same will bo uuod for aiy politic
purpneo. In tnls ahnpo the bill pai
od , 25 to 22.
The governor signed the rallroi
bill allowing railroad cotnpanlus cs. ]
tal stock amounting to $160,000 p
mile and placing the maximum eto
and bonds nt ? aOOCOO ,
City Aeain Excited
Sfoclal Dlepatch to TIM Bin.
D DQE CITY , Kama ? , Juno 4. T
city is taclttd ever the proolamatl
pouted stopping nil gambling. Lu
Hhoit Is defiant nt his place of bus
uosa. The nrrlvnl of Bit Mxsteu
being mnnounoed , parties heavi
armed , being for and against hli
were nt the train. A company of
militia have been sworn tn ,
A Semblance of Opposition to
the Republicans Organiwl
in Iowa.
The Untorrifled Prepare to
Give Dr.ttlo Against Over
whelming Odds.
fho Republicans Harmonious
on A.11 Points but Liquor.
the Anther * of Daonratlou Iuy
Honored nt Do Muinei-
Correspondence of The ISoo.
DEI MOINKS , Juno 3. Tao democ
racy of lown moeta in etnte conven
tion. Tuesday. The outcome is nlmoat
> k foregone conclusion , The allk stock-
lug wing will carry olT the honors
thuro nro bat two the governorship
and the auprcmo jtidgcahlp , The ma
jority of county conventions that hnvo
instructed at nil , hnvo declared for
j G. Kluno , while aouio have in-
mated for Clark , Wltmor , Auguatua
iu < nr Dodge , and Boujaiulu J. Llall ,
neither of theao four would tike
Clark could not got It , in ho la In
aver of the amendment , and oppoard
delivering the party to the Mlaola-
ppl river saloonr. It la qulto cor-
atn that Kinno will got the iirat
, ace on the ticket nud Judge L. S.
10 second , although the south-
estorn part of Mio atato
111 push Judge Brton of Van Boron ,
ho in doubtless the hotter juriat , but
o dooan't happen to llvo In the ' 'Mia-
Bslppl rlvor saloon bolt , " nnd that
ottlen It. The party h dotormlnod to
ako n square lasuo ou tbo runend-
ont business , nnd force the ropub-
eau p rty Into It if they can. The
arroll county convention voiced the
ieas of that party na at proaout con
tacted when It declared , first , oppo-
tlon to all sumptuary laws , or nny
mendment of the constitution look-
ug that way ; nrcond , opposition to n
esubmlsBlonof the amendment ; third ,
pponltlon to woman suffrage , for the
eaaou that woman's phoo la at home ,
ud no true womiu wants antTrago.
There will bo n strong effort made
y tbo blllc stocking ! to got n free
rado plonk iu the platform , which
111 bring out the old mrtabsck "turill
or revenue" fellows , and there la
koly to bo scmo contest ever that
inttor. The clloncn of the "bright
ud glorious" Ei. Cimpboll In thn
impalgn la omlnoui , which loada to
tie conclusion that the old-Uciora arc
oelng their grip. Them la no change
u the outlook of the republican con
entlon. No formidable oppoeltlor
renonta Itself r.galnat the rononilnu
Ion of Gov. Sherman. ButJudgoDa ]
eema to bo losing ground , and It nor
corns qulto nmured ho will not bo ro
iiwuitmicd , nud iui.t nclcly On th
jround thut ho ha hud the officettv <
rears. The moat prominent name
nentloncd are JndgoMcDillof Uuloi
county , nnd Jadgo R-'ed , of Pottiv
wuttamlo county , with MoDlll nhoad
irid it IB authoritatively nnnounrni
hut he will accept If nominated. HI
n warm personal friend of Judgi
3.y , nnd co , poraonally , will take in
part ia the aonteat. He la simply il
ho Imnda of hla frlondo.
Thoio la no possibility of dlvldiiij
ho nctlcn of thu c invention on thi
amendment question. There li tn
unanimity of aoutimcut among lead
ng men of the party who have com
lore from nil parts of the state.
Decoration day was obnorvod li
Djfl M'jinea us It never h d baon ol ]
served before. The whole clt
.urned out , evidencing that the fire G
patriotism attll burns in tbo hoarta o
iho people , nnd that the dead horoc
nro not forgotten , Ono of tha in or
notable fentuipa of the occasion wu
the preronco of two of the five womu
who originated thlanoat npproprlat
custom of honoring the dead coldlei
by atrowlng their grnves with llowon
It happened In thla way : In ISO
Chaplain May , of the Second Mich !
can , wai In camp nt Arlington holghti
Ilia wi'o nnd two daughters , Jon !
and Ella , nnd Mrs. Erana , wlfo c
George H. Evano , of the Fifth Mlchl
gan regiment , n young brldo c
eighteen years , were with the chap
lain. Tno Kith of April tha ladle
were chatting about the war nnd H
various ccanea , when ono of them au
gested that the lonely graves abet
them would npponr more cheerful I
covered wl h IbvroM , nnd they at one
gathered flowers from the woodn nn
strewed them over the graves of Mlcl
Igan Boldinra. The next year they n
pealed the olfering , and in 1804 the
paid like tribute to the dead ut Free
erloksbnrg The war closed nnd tli
army dlaolyod , but the beautiful cm
torn thus Inaugural od has bcooir
widespread na the nation. Of tbi
original group bnt two rouisln , Mh
E'.la ' May nnd Mm. Eaua , the lattc
rflaldlcg In this city , with whom MU
Mty la apondlng n abort season The
were given n post of honor In thu co
omonlal Bervlco yesterday. The poi
of G. A. R. to which Mr. Evnna bi
longs will sccaro a photograph i
theao women , with which to decora
Its wall , nnd every Grand Army pn
In the country ouht ! { to have n cop ;
Probably very few few of yoi
readers know how thla custom orlgh
otcd. Thcro la no qaeatlun its to tl
corrcotncsu of thla oxp'nnatlo '
Theeo two ludloi hav ) been olacti
honory membjro of Crocker pea
with pormlt to wear the badge of tl
G. A R Thla peat hta three womi
In Ita membership , the third being i
aged wnainn who g vo her huab.ii
and five aona to the army.
The T xan Way.
Special Dispatch to Tin Uii.
AUHTIM , Juno 4 The grand jn
Indicted from forty to fifty mombr
of the legislature for gambling. Q J
a number of these Indicted have It
money with counsel to ploid gull
and pay the minimum fine rather th
to go to trial in court. Some 01
entered the county clerk's oflioo Sat
urday night nnd Rtolo nil the Indict
ments returned by the grand jury for
violations of the gambling law , Includ
ing these nealuat members of the Irg-
UlrUuro. There is no oluo the
thlovo , but sporting circles nro greatly
JudRO Jero Hlnck Shows Where Lion
the MnlneprinK ot L-\bor Htrlkos
The Lnua Oronnmir Under
Hullrornl nnd Ooal
Mouopa lou.
JSisw YOHK , May 30 , Jadpo Joro
Black , the last prominent representa
tive of the ante-wnr cabinets , hnsacino
pronounced opinions on coming politi
cal mutters , mid expresses thorn freely.
In nn interview liM night ho snld , on
the tariff qnoatlon , that congreaa had
no irioro right to levy n tax on Imports
than It had on land , beyond what Is
necessary for the support and main
tenance of the goeminent. . All
above that wns robbery. Beyond that
point the judge positively declined
to talk on the subject until he could
do H In his own wny.
"What is the condition of the nntl <
monopoly contest In Ponnaylnnnta ? '
"Thoro is n great sorrow nnd burden
Involved in that isauo , which Is fet
the people to take hold of. To show
yon how the monopolies nro all'jctlng
no , I will | ; lvo you nn example In
York , Pa , where It prcenes Iteolf on
my own attention with peculiar force.
Tbo freight exacted on the single arti
cle of anthracite coal Is nearly $1 per
ton more thnn la charged upon thu
anmo commodity oarrlodfrom the aauie
mlno and delivered by the same com
pany at Baltimore In all rcnion and
conscience It ehonld bo from CO ounts
to fl IOBB , onolng that the dlatauoo la
sixty milea greater to Baltimore That
makes the discrimination ngnlnal
York nt least equal to $1 CO on every
ton. The quantity conaumod in the
latter place ia Bamothlug upward of
100,000 tons , and the excoealvo tax
upon It all IB , therefore , $100,000
Evoty cunt ot thli Is na wrongfully
taken ns if It were feloniously stolen.
It amounts to us many times aa much
In the aggregate as all the legitimate
takca which the the aamo community
pay for fho support of the atnte ,
ooun'y' Bshnola nnd alma houses. "
"Who sulTors most ? "
"A manufacturer who UBOS 2OOC
tona of coal moat pay $11,000 of black
mail to tiiu railroads or to the monopoly
ely which they hnvo oroa'tod , unlesi
the iiillaenco of his wealth goto It re
mltod. * Hut the largest part of It i !
ovlud upon poor luborora whuai
nro barely ontTiclont to fur
hli their families In scanty mOaauri
1th food , shelter , t > ud clothing
Inch of It la paid by the contribution !
f charity for thoao who wonld other
, vho purlnh by cold aud bntigor , Thi
lan who can hear the titnplo otory o
ila wrong without indignation mua
o if ) cold honrtcd na n snake. "
"Now , " continued Mr. Black , " * <
ro often told that in thla ntrugglo f )
loneat govcrntnnnt agnlnnt the powe
of Iho railroad uaporr.tlbnb the jn :
cause haa no chance of BUCOMJ.V
lo acorn to bo out on n forlorn hopi
L'ho little finger of monopoly iathlckc
ban the loinn of the law. Tdo it
luonco of our enemies over the logli
at nro la mjstcrlous , Incalculable nn
trong enough to make thi conatltu
Ion a dead letter In splto of oatlin t
iboy It nnd n popular demand nlmoi
inlvrrBbl to enforce it. There la n
ithar subject upon which our press :
B Hhy as upon this , the moat Impo
ant of nil. Afraid to oppoan the cj :
rupt corporations nnd nsfinmod lo dt
\ > i.d them , It slinks Into silent net
r&llty "
"Is It trim , Jadgo , that the mam
'joturosD all consider u protective tu
U onflontlal ? "
"There the question of rnllron
monopolioa comeu in. Manufacture !
f Iron assure us that they can nn
dnco the nrtlclo na cheap ns the Efl |
iih manufacturers can. But Iho la
or can bring their product across tl
ocean nnd deliver it In our market i
n IOBB otiargo for freight than oar on
manufacturers can tend It fit I
or ono hundred nillca on tb
railroads. The railroad companli
atop In nnd innlat on taking from ot
manufacturers for freight ni much t
the Kigllah are required to pay I
duty , nnd nil that they can gut b ,
rides If the duty on foreign Iron i
f it instance , $7 nor ton , then the ral
oada claim that amount for freight
[ t helps the monopolies , not the pr
dnoora. Our manufacturers are near
the market in dlatnnco , bat not in tl
rate of charges for freight. Cool
they ba placed on nn equality In tl
alter they could compote wll
foreign manufacturers without
tnrlir. To show you ho
thu local freight ratcn operate again
nn , observe that If a ton bo carrli
GOO mllco , from Chicago to Phlladc
phli , for $5 , nnd the same chnrgo 1
undo for carrying It twelve mile
from Philadelphia to Media , the ra
In the latter caao Is fifty Union aa hlj
an In the former , I nm ere
Ibly Inlnformed that such d
proportionate chargou nro or ha
recently boon made , aiid that ,
a general rale , all local freights , whet
or the haul 1)3 long or abort , t
chnrgod , without regard to distant
the came , or nearly the aaino , th
would bo charged on the eaino frelg
If tnrrlod from Chicago to Boatou "
"Bat , " the judge added thong ]
fully , "you are Interviewing mo , " a
ho walked away
The Typographical Convention
Special Dli | > atch to Tin UHK
CINCINNATI , Juno 4. The thlrt
lirHt annual meeting or the Intern
tlonal Typographical Union of t
United States and Canada began ho
thla morning. NJ business was trai
acted. The afternoon will be epu
In trips to pulnts of Interest nbout t
Bprclal Dlspttch to Till Hli
ALiHAUA , June 4 A cyolono
liartnur county on Sunday dtmollsli
the houses on the plantations of Bi
roumont , Ntoly , Wilkinsons , Stll
Turner and Mrs. Metghain. 0
colored man killed and several otl
perioni wounded.
The Oanuoks Bradually Eecover
from the Effects of the
Foniaii Scare ,
Which Threatened to Knock
the Bottom Out of the
Wolland Oaual.
And After Three Wooim DnllliBrn-
O'ntion Ounoetvn the Following :
Special Dtiatch ! | to Tim HIK.
ST. GATIIAHINFS , Canada , June 4
A few wcoka ago the government at
Ottawa received n warning that it waa
the Intention of the Fenian faction
to send n party uf tbrir followora into
Canada the clay of Iho execution of
Joe Brady , ( May 11) ) Phwnlx park
murderer , to blow up certain portions
of the Wollnnd otunl. The govern
ment Immediately warned their rep-
reaontatlvoa at St. Catharines , nnd
ou Saturday , the 12th of May , a large
number of loyal subjects who lived In
the district were stationed nt short
dlatnncoa along both the old and now
caunla , to natch the movements of
nny auspicious characters. The day
before Brady's execution fifteen BUS-
plcloas looking mou , each carrying
u medium-Biz.d satchel , jumped
from the train nt St. Catharines.
They were immediately shadowed by
detectives , who noon after ovnrhcnrd
of.lliciunt conversation from the now
arrivals to bo convinced that ( his was
the party they were corumlaeioned to
wntch. The new arrivals walked
about , apparently unconcerned , but at
thu anino tlmo were making secret ar
rangements for carrying out the ob
ject they had In view. A few of their
number were sent along the cnnal to
select n suitable spot to destroy the
connection between the upper nnd
lower Inkon. They had not gone far
before they found the neornt had got
to the earn of the t ( lialala of the
government , and their game waa
up. They saw largo numbers
of men stationed along the canal
tn sentry hoxr * . The delegation re
turned to St. Catharine's , where the
party Immediately dispersed nnd re
turned nn quickly as possible to the
states. The watches nre utlll sta
tioned along the canal , guarding the
Icoka day nnd night. A government
olliclal on being Interviewed to-day
eald , "I tan satisfied wo did not take
our/roMutlonsone honrtoosoon The
gang came ever from B .flulo Sunday
nnd when they fonnd the O7nnl
gnirded nt every point they dispersed
nud roturndd to that city. "
A Texni Gnlo.
Special Dispatch to Tin U . , - , „
GALVESTON , Jane 4 Interesting ' $ s *
details of Saturday night's utorm are g 't'
coming In. Spoclaln this evening any * * , * *
no sorlons damage to property U re
ported except' near GrooUvxile , whero1
the storm assumed the form of n tpr-
uhdo. At Bouhnm the lightning
otrnck n hack returning from a picnic ,
killing the colored driver nud team ,
and tearing to pieces the conveyance
which alx negrooH just vacated. At
Palestine , Samuel Howard , on n fishIng -
Ing excursion with hla father , a prom
inent citizen , and two little bo > a , were
caught In the terrlblo rain storm nnd
sturtod for shelter. In the darkness
Howard wnlkod Into the creek and the
other * were unable to envo him ,
A Dallaa special sayc : The storm of
Saturday night BOOUIB to have done
Ita work of devastation In narrow
strips In eootloim miles apart. At
Cedar Hill , south of Dallas , farmers
report growing crops flattened to
the ground , fences blown down ,
reapers nnd wagons ( standing In the
fields rolled ever nud torn apart by the
fury of thu wind. Near Hu'cUlna '
Station the destruction was BO com
plete as to dishearten the people ,
some of whom came to town to-day ,
having given np farming nud turned
their attention to working at day
labor. Wheat standing in chocks
waa scattered to the winds , Water
In huge streams ploughed up the
fielda , cot jagged ruts through what
had been model ntanda of corn ,
cotton nnd grain. Hall of largo size la
banked up In low places , and loft
traces of Its violence by killing aheep ,
calves , rabbits , doga and birds. Flf-
loan mllcH west of Dallas great trees
In crocs timbara were torn up nnd car
ried long distances. Orchards trees
were twlatod , stripped of branchra ,
nnd young fruit la strewn ou the
ground. Wherever the tempest struck
there are loft romlndera of the delug
ing rain , murdorona hall and terrific
Street Car Employ * * oil a Strike
Kpoclal Dlipatcb to Tin llm.
GIIIOAUO , Juno 4 The drlvora and
conductors of State Street cable rail
way , to the numbar of ono thousand ,
quit work nt noon to-day owing to
n reduction of wage * ordered by the
campiny. A few of the cars of the
State Scroot line uro being operated
by now men.
GHIOACIO , Juno 4 L"\tor In the
afternoon the strikers gathered on
Cottage Grove avenue and State
atroota nnd endeavored to ponnudo
these running cars to stop , aud
failing , resorted to force , tn aomo in-
ntanoea dragging the employee off the
our a. In ono oaoo sonio rotten cgga
were thrown. A number of caia were
derailed and placed ncrosa the trtck ,
stopping the paaaago of nil o'ira till
the arrival of the police and deputy
a numbf r of strikers then a
few of thorn ro.urned to work. This
somewhat demoralized them. This
evening the superintendent oilled
them together nnd after a talk with
them mutter : were amlcnlly adjusted
and wurk renamed.
A New Funinn Plot.
In Special Dlipatcb to Tin U i.
id Giiuuao , Juno 4. TheDilly Newn1
Toronto , Canada , special r&ye : A.
Fonlan plot to Wow up the Wolland
ship canal IIM juat boon uno rthod ,
but p rtlcalara nre wanting at thla