Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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T he Omaha Bee.
fublinhcd every morning , except Son-
47. The t-nly Monday morning dully ,
Una Ye r..810.00 I Three Monlhi.g3.00
BliMonths. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1.03
CHK WKEXLY BKK.'pnblUhod every
Oae Vear . 92.00 I Three Months. )
Ijlr Month . 1.00 | One Month. . . . UO
NoweJo.ilors in the United States ,
n'.fona relating Vo Xow &nd Editorial
enttcra thould bo nddrcnaod to the Merion
3 * THE UXE.
Letters and RginltUtncea nhenld be nd
OMAHA , Drafts , Chocks and I'ostolfico
Jrdera to bo tnsdo payable to the order oi
Ibo Company ,
? ho BEE PUBLISHIHB 00 , .Props . ,
OMAHA IB taking no intercut In the
forthcoming national birthday as
IT la rather lonesome jaat now at
the summer resorts , bat the rush to
Arkansas hot springs still oontlnuoa.
BISMAUUK has boon designated as
the future capital of Dakota. To a
man np a tree It looks very much RB If
the Northern Pacific had suggested
that decision.
Tun funds collected for the Garfield -
field monument at Cleveland to
wards whoso erection Omaha was
ono of the first of clUes to respond ,
now nggrogato $125,000.
SUNSET Oox has bought a now
hoaao In Washington , and with remarkable -
markablo unanimity a host of ex
changes are remarking thai it is the
only House In which ho will over bo
spoalcor. _
THE twelve millions of dollars per
month which Is being paid out by the
government to pensioners ought to
ORBO the money market throughout
the country In splto of the frantlo
efforts of the Wall street sharks.
J. STEULINO MOUTOIT has boon retuning -
tuning his gentle bazoo to the free
trade song In Detroit. The only high
tariff of which Mr. Morton approves is
the railroad tariff , and ho favors every
sort of competition except competition
between corporations.
GCL. JOH.V OoOKBIULL , of thi St.
Lnals Post Dispatch , haa gone to the
Now York World nndor the now man
agement , As n pungent , pert and
powerful writer , Col. Gookorlll will at
onoo take hln plnso among the leading
editors of the grunt metropolis.
THE fiftieth day of the Towkabury
Investigation la at hand with Bon But-
lor'a appetite for horrors still uniatls-
fiod. Boston blue blood Is curdling
in the veins of , the Bay state arlatoo-
racy at the manner In which the
Widow is stirring up the auimaln.
IK the Now York World Is to bo bo-
llovod , Proctor Kuott can toll tnoro
and bjttor stories that can't bo printed
than any other man In America.
Knott and liuttorworth ought at
onoo to form a political partnership
to rake In the persimmons along the
line of the Ohio.
the million dollars appropriated by the
laet oongross for repairing four old
monitors. John Roach , William
Cramp , Holllngsworth and Socor each
zecelvo a fourth of the sum. These
four firms grow rich out of contracts
.awarded nndor the Uobeaon adminis
tration , An Innocent item in the dis
patch announcing the award , suggests '
that 83,000,000 moro will bo needed
to finish the job.
GEOHOE F. EDMUNDS , for many reason -
son * , wonld bo the strongest candidate
that the republican party could nominate l-
nate In 1884. Ho Is the ablest ex
pounder of the constitution In the
senate. Ho Is clean and honest. His [
popularity is not among the politicians
but ho is honored and respected by all
who appreciate a record of the highest
character for ability and Integrity ,
A man of the Edmunds stamp Is
the only kind of candidate with whom
the republican party will have hole
shadow of a chance for success. loIn
would draw nearly the whole Independent
dependent vote of ,1,300,000 strong.
There are good reasons for believing
that to could capture Now York , hold
Iowa and retain Indiana. New Eng
land republicans would back him to a
man. Of what other candidate can
this bo said ?
There are no indications yet of an
Edmunds boom. Any sort of a boom
at present would bo premature.
Besides Mr , Edmunds Is understood
to decline in advance the republican
candidacy. But some very sharp re
publicans who have an eye to the retention
tention of office are beginning to
realize that George F. Edmunds is
the most available Moses to lead the
forlorn hope of the party to A possible
victory In 1884 ,
Cincinnati is discussing a plan of
electing the principal teachers in her
public schools for a term of ton years ,
subject to removal for cause. This
Idea wna adopted several years ago in
Baltimore , nad has been attended
with excellent results , It brought a
civil service reform into the school
room , which was at once felt In the
rapid Improvement in the character of
the work done by the Instructors and
a corresponding advance in the work
done by the pupils ,
The last legislature took a step In '
the right direction , when thay amend
ed our school laws so that superinten
dents of pnbllo Instruction may bo
elected by boards of education for a |
term of three years , Teachers whoso
positions are constantly held on the
ragged edge , uubjnct to the whims of
ward and pot-houso politicians , cannot
bo expected to bo zealous and efficient
In their work. There Is a disturbing
anxiety connected with the fear of a
lots of position , which operates unfa
vorably upon their Independence and
individuality. This fact was rocog-
nlzod long ago by our largo universi
ties and college ? . Able and efficient
professors have refused to accept
chairs for short terms whore the lia
bility of n change was hold as a club
over their heads by regents and
boards of trustees. Once a good
teacher , always a teacher In our employ
while efficient , Is the motto adopted
by our loading educational Instltu- '
tlons. And it would bo a good motto
for adoption in our public schools.
An Omaha merchant who knows
what ho is talking about , remarked tome
mo the ether day that ouo good thing
about Jay Gould is that ho clinches
the fidelity of his prominent employes
by allowing them to make money in
the stocks in which ho Is operating.
"This , " ho ani'J , "has been especially
the case with several ofllcors of the
Union Pacific , Gould always took n
fancy to ti. II. Olark , who began his
carour as a brnkomau on a Now Jersey
railroad. Seven years ago Olark
could have gathered np per
haps $10,000 at the outside.
To-day ho Is easily worth
a half a million and holds an ofliclal
sinecure. Tom Klmball , whoso
elastic conscience makes him the
political nwnogor In Union FaolGo
affairs , has also profited by some
quiet pointers , and Vlnlug has raked
In a few thousands between his in
tervals of peanut eating and literary |
work. Of course I am not talking
about Dillon or Ames , who have
coined money through manipulating
Union Pacific stock on Wall street. |
No general officer of a road with half
an eye or ear to what is going on
around him need go bogging
as long as ho handles In ad
vance of the public the financial
reports which affect stock quotations.
Klmball , juat now , is awaiting the
Hailoy boom in which he and the In
side ring , who own the railroad town
olto , are mnch interested. They
have copied the plan of the South
PJntto Land company In which
Toazalln , Fitzgerald Margnotto and
several others amassed Wealth
without much labor. The Bailey
boom hasn't s boomed and wont , so
long as the hundreds who are out of
work In Wood River aud begging for
broad contlnua to write east the true
condition of ufTilr * as they are at
present In that country. "
Ohnrcn flowo sat in the Paxton
House rotunda th other evening
looking as young , and no doubt feeling
as wicked as over. Since his defeat ,
at the last state convention , Ohnroh , I '
has boon remarkably quiet , Ho play
ed a very small figure as hanger-on at
the sittings of the last legislature , his
old role , as pass distributor for the
Union Pacific , being filled by others ,
and as ho failed to name the winning
candidate for senator , the "gentleman
from Nomaha" has had no ohanco to
"chip In" In the jack pot of political
patronage. Just now Ohnroh is full
of town lot speculations , which on the
whole are leu hazardous and a great
deal easier than speculations as to the
course of political events in Nebraska.
"D&vo Bomgardnor to-day Is the
biggest man In Omaha , " said a late
member of the legislature from Ear-
Ian county to the writer of "Town
Talk" a few daya ago. Dive la wrest
ling with the duties of gnagor down to
the distillery , and handles the gnag-
Ing polo with as much case as ho nsod
to the quart measure down in the Re
publican Valley. Four dollars a day
Isn't a fortune , but It pays fairly ,
After the senatorial election DAVO , as
one of the original Mauderaou men ,
felt that ho ought to have a ot
position , but ho finally concluded to
take anything that was going as a re
ward for sticking to the successful
candidate. It was a great relief to
the senator when ho accepted a place
at the distillery , which was made to
order by a rigid cxoroUo of the new
civil sorrlco reform rules. Walker ,
of Lancaster , received the reward of
the just madu perfect by securing a
job with Dave at Ilor's , and two
stronger advocates of a reformed civil
aervlco cannot bo found in the state.
"Tho tiuo inwardness in the hitch
In the paving " oha
petitions , remarked a
red nosed lounger on the \Yabaah cor >
ner , has been an attempt on the part
of Peter Shelby aud Horace Newman
of the Union Pacific to got np an inside
side ring and force Colorado sandstone
as a paving material upon the ) le
of Omaha. There's millions In it If
It's only worked right. First yon have
the profit on the stone which no other
city would over think of using to pave .
Its streets with , then there's the profit
on the transportation over the U. P. ,
cut rates and rebates and a 'dlvy up'
afterwards , and finally thoro's the ad
vertisement for the quarry It's n big
thing on wheels and don't you forget
"Crook is working for glory ns
much an for Apache scalps , " remarked
an army ollicor with a black strlpo
down his trousers , as ho wlpod his
month uflsollvoly , after downing his
morning liver purifier In the Paxton
hotel . "lie's '
Saturday. n shrewd
man , as well as a great soldier , and
the stnrs of a major general are
twinkling In from of him. If ho suc
ceeds in pnnlohlng the Ohlrlcuahnas
and quieting both Mexico and Ari
zona , Terry will bo his only formlda-
bio competitor In 188G for Pope's
shoulder straps , Howard has too
mnch religion and record , and Augur
was a great bore In bis day , but
Trill shortly bo retired , Terry has the
advantage of being the favorite of the
volunteers. Ho rose from the colonel
cy of a Connecticut regiment to a
brigadlershlp In 18CC. Orook has
only bean a brigadier Ronornl slnco
1873 ' , but ho has a commanding
record < us our pluckiest and most suc
cessful Indian fighter , and has made
many valuable political friends in
both parties. Influence will decide
the question , and General Crook's
friends are confident of the success of
their candidate. Every army officer
who has served under Crook will bo
glad to BOO him coino out ahead. "
"I think nil the petitions are In
for asphalt paving , " said Contractor
Grant on Saturday O7onlng , "and wo
expect that Tuesday's council will ad-
vortlso for proposals for bids. If our
company succeeds in getting the can-
tract I shall double
my force of men
at once and make the dirt fly in a
way that will astonish the nativor.
With anyways near decent weather
wo can lay a thousand yards of asphalt
a day without any trouble , Estimat
ing that wo can begin work by the oud
of the present month on some of the
ether streets there Is no reasonable
doubt that wo can complete any and
all contracts awarded ns before cold
weather comes. After all the cam-
plaints about the depth of the Dong-
las street gutters , It Is a lucky thing
that they were made as deep as they
are. On Thursday night and Friday
morning they were just able to carry
off the torrents that rushed down
from the hill , while Farnam street was
overflowed. Of course when the
storm water sewer on Sixteenth street
Is constructed the gutters will bo re
lieved of a good deal of water and
mud , but there will still bo an area of
sight blocks to bo drained. "
"Tho rngo for the erection of brick
blocks , which has begun In Omaha , "
remarked ono of the architects , "is in
creasing. It is a sign of the advance
of residence property and of metro
politan growth. The Harris block on
Chicago street was about the first , fol
lowed by the Hawkins row on Cms.
Of : course I don't take Into account
the old-tlmo Boroy'a row which ueod
tc stand on Eighteenth street , between
Casu and Chicago. Now wo have the
McOrary , and McCormlok , and
Sweezy , and Paterson , and Gaylord ,
and ! Howol and Hitchcock blocks , all
built within the last two years , and
the double houses of Mr. Shelton and
Samuel Burns on Dodge street. I
might mention a number of others.
Win. F ,
Swouzy will erect this Bummer -
mor two brick houses , four stories in
height , on his lot on the northeast
corner of Dodge and Eighteenth
Directs , ono of which will bo occupied
by Lyman Richardson and family.
Mrs. Wm. Dolan is now bnlldlug a
brick row of three throo-story houses
opposite J. D. McCorralck's , on Eigh
teenth and Capital avonne , and at
lonst five ether blocks that I know of
are projected , The highest rent
for ouoh houses HO far obtained la
$75 , but I understand that several
of tbo now houses will command $80
n month. Tills is the most produc
tive form of Duo residence property ,
averaging fifteen per cant , on the in
vestment , exclusive of taxes and ro-
palra. Three houses
can bo built on
a full lot , and this outs down the
ratio of the value of the real estate to
that of the building Itoolf. The in
crease In prioo ot real citato in the
suburbs has decreased considerably
8t y
the profits In renting small cottages
on . which three years ago many of our [ |
house holders cleared 'from fi'ftoon to
eighteen per cent. There Is general
complaint now that the average rate :
paid by tenants throughout the city
falls below ton per cent , on the invest 7t
ment. At loaat that's the excuse
which landlords give to tenants for
not reducing rents or making repairs
whoa requested. "
"I see that an order has been
issued by Postmaster General
Gresham forbidding Absenteeism on
the part of postmasters of the first
and second class , " said a postal dork
In the corridor of the government
building , on Sunday afternoon ,
"It wonld have boon rough on Tom
Hall If the order had gene Into effect
four years ago. It is a small call-
mate to suy that he has boon absent
from his post moro than half of his
term , cither dangling around the senators -
ators at Washington , or working
Charley Hall's tlo contract In Idaho ,
lobbying at Lincoln or fishing at
Capo Ood. His shameful neglect of
his duties has
caused the gross
mismanagement of postal matters In
the Omaha oiHco. Yandervoort , the
battlo-scarred veteran of the late Avar ,
Is oven worse as an absentee. His
junketing and speech-making tours
occupy the moat of his time. His
gross disregard of his oiliclal responsi
bilities would have fired him from
acy ether division , but Yaudervoort
is a nephew by marriage to J nation
Miller and banks on his inilacnco with
the administration. "
A Chlnoie Cumulate in New Yorli.
Special DIspttch to Tni lln. li.u
NEW YOKK , Juno 2 A now Chin-
eao Consulate was opened hero yester
day. The consul trig
now , On Yeang
Ming , who reached the city this morn
ing from Washington Is n.m
, of medium
height and build ] with a thin Intel
lectual face and al.n
, quite pleasant man
ners. He speaks little English nut
relies mainly his utr
upon Intoprotor > ,
The homo , a substantial four-story
building , with heavy mahogany doors ,
has boon refitted at a coat of $2,000. )
The furniture la of ebony , upholstered
In orlmion velvet , with raised figures ! ,
and largo ebony framed poor glasses
stand between the windows ,
Oov. DAWOS bas recently completed hi )
stalf appointments , The staff Is now or-
ganlzsd a ) fjllowi ; K , 1 * . Kogen , adju
tant general ; 1'eter Karberg , fcttlitant ud-
jatant general ; L , D , Itlcharde , of Dodxo
county , commissioner general ; Dr. W , W.
Stone , of Haundera county , turgeon gen
eral ; 0 N. liaird , of Lancaster county ,
quartermaster general ; Fradlrlin Sweet , ni
Alerrlck cnuntv , inspector trtneral ; J , S.
Lellow , of Clay county , judgoadvocate
The arrival of a keg of beer in Stella ,
last Saturday created a row , which BO
8-itred the good people of that place that
they lift town and eoueht refuge In the
country , In the moan time the boys got
full and hid a high time. If cue keg ol
beer will dc/ all this in Stella , what will
two keg ) do ?
It Is estimated that there nro over 10,000
people at Beatrice1 'nd Wjmoro prepared
to buy land in the Indian reneryation , The
B. It M , are compelled to run extra cars
for the Immense travel , Many farmers
wfnipreparedto | | itay , even thoagg they do
not purchaieland in the reservation.
It la said that the recent meeting of the
Lincoln trotting ataocUtlon was nut a sue-
cc n , but It is proposed tu retrieve the
losses at a summer meeting to be hold ou
the 31th ] and Cth of July. A very at
tractive programme has been arranged for
the occasion.
Seward will celebrate the Fourth on a {
very eztenelyo scale , A largo amount of
money haa been railed , and a number of
the leading citizens are taking an active
part In the matter.
The Lincoln Journal saya the ducks appear -
pear to bavo halted In that latitude and
gone to nesting. They a o more plentiful
now , than any of the hunters recollect
' i , em to have been any year before at this
MOn ,
A scheme haa been started In Beatrice ,
and U being generally endorsed , for run
ning n excursion train to the New Eng
land states to allow the citizens of this
state an opportunity to visit the east.
There U Bald to be an excellent opening
for a flouring mill at Barada , Kichardnon
county , The citizens of that community
offer to bid any one who will put up a good
mill there ,
Millers onVootl river are having 4 hard
time. The rain baa caused much loss by
carrying away tha dams. In some in
stances the loss will bo heavy.
Bishop Wiley will presiao at the Moth-
odiat conference at Lincoln , September
( Hit , Omaha , September 12th , anil North
1'lutte , Auguat 30tb ,
Ben , Ilogan haa commenced a series of
lectures of Hastings. Subject , " 1'rlze
Fl hts. and Those Who Take Part In
There ts an interesting school board
fight at West Point. The old trcatraser
refutes to honor the ordora of the now
The Butter County Holiness association
camp meeting will be hula , at Browning's
Grove from .Inly5th to thd 12thInclusive.
Another revolver episode. Two Wy-
more boys play with ono and one of the
boya is killed , shot through the bead.
Since the first of Jammy there have
baea over 335 deodi filed for record In the
county clerk'a office at Brownvillo ,
A new town has been laid out in Custer
county , above Broken Bow , and a store
building bai already been erected.
It is understood that a tobacio manu
factory will be started at Hastings soon ,
which will employ fifty bauds.
No diioouraging frait reports come from
any quarter ot the state. The orop will
undoubtedly be a large ono.
The Hastings Exchange bank is to be
converted Into a National bank with a
paid up capital of $100,000 ,
Brownville has taken n new lease of life
In consequence of the near completion of a
creamery at that place.
A 1'latte county farmer reports that a
worm Is destroying a considerable portion
of hla growing corn.
Wahoo reports a good deal of building ,
new dwellings and business houses rising
on every hand.
A company with $10,000 capital has been
formed to manufacture amber cano sugar
at Schuylor.
. llumbold requires ] persona keeping
boarders in private residences to pay a ho
tel license.
A man fo-T milea south of North Platte
haa planted 80,000 trees and ten bushels of
peacn pits.
Beatrice precinct contain ) a population
of about 4,521 ; making the city proper
about 4,000.
Counterfeiting to a considerable extent
la said to have boon carried on in Central
A high wind recently blew down the
new opera house that was going up at
A new town baa lately been laid out
near Arnold's postoih'ce on the South
The expenses of the laat session of cour
in Beatrice were about $20,000.
U. S. Grant , a Sautes Sfoux , hag twelve
acres of corn planted.
A new bank Is to bo erected In Tokamah '
in the near future.
A postoflice haa been established at
Swift , Otoe county.
A Grand Army post has been organized
at Kcnecaw.
Table Book haa been having a little post-
office fight.
Grand Island now wants a board of
As Tola By the Hero.
Macon Teejr ! ph.
The following is an extract from o
letter written from Texas by a
young man formerly of Macon to a
friend hero : "Tho ether night I went
Into a saloon where there were eight
cowboys who had just got in from a
long drive. They crowded around
me and asked mo to sot 'em up. Just |
out of politeness I set 'em np , m
they go through they asked mo to at
'em up again , and I refused. They >
crowded around me , evidently taking
mo for a sucker , and swore they'd eat
mo up. I stood my ground , and told
them If they wonld lot the barkeeper
hold their pistols I'd try 'em a few
rounds. Then they took out their
pistols and gave them to the barkeeper
and in ten minutes I had whipped all
eight of them They aaw I wasn't to
bo fooled with and wo shook hands.
Every tlmo I meet a cowboy ho takes
off his hat to mo. "
What He Was Heally Afraid of.
From iho American Mining Journal.
It is said of a rich Phlladolphian
who has had some experience with
silver stock that while on his way to
New York recently ho sat'tn the sumo
seat with a well-known burglar forever
over an hour , and seemed to enjoy
his society. When the burglar loft
his seat along came a well-droaeod
stranger and dropped Into It with the
remark :
"I believe you are Mr. Short of
Philadelphia ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Well , Mr. Short , I have been sent
east by the stockholders of the Great
Inducement Sliver Mine to "
"Excuse mo sir good morning sir ! "
Interrupted Mr. Short , as ho seized
his grip and moved np eight seats
NKW YOBK , June 2. Reserve do-
create , $105,750. Banks now hold
91,071,750 in excess of the legal re *
qnlremonts ,
Among the arrivals at Grand Pacific
hotel yesterday wore D , Hannan and 0.
White , Stiuit , In. ; W. D. Lassett , Phila
delphia ; Gee , BIdford and wife , Chicago ;
B. F. Tuning , Ohio ; 0. VanAllen , Grand
Island ; K. W. Gllef , Now York ; J. A.
Lamb , Chicago ; II , Lamott , lockport ;
Jan. Sterrltt , Philadelphia ; Kll Marshall ,
Philadelphia , and J , P. Cummtngs and
wife , Ohio ,
Mr. F , Boafller , who recently WAS in
the employ of Smith , Van Natla & Co. ,
of St. Joe , Mo. , haa taken up n position
with Mr. W , 0 , Goodman , as manager of
the blnsa department. He cornea to the
gate city with the highest possible recom
mendations In every sense of tbo wotd ,
Hubert Arthur , manager of KJward
Thorno'a "Black Flag , " la In the city , n
guest of the Millard , Ills company will
shortly make the overland trip to San
Francisco fur a three weeks' engagement.
Mr , Arthur Is a rattling good manager.
Dr. S. D , Mercer and Dr. Klcbard 0 ,
Moore left yoatorday to attend the meet
ing of the American medical association ,
which boglna Its sessions in Cleveland ,
Ohio , on Tuesday. They will be absent
about a week.
Gen. Grant and wife , of Galena , Ilia , ,
were among the distinguished guests at the
Metropolitan yesterday , Lut the partlea
wore not the same who presided ot the
White Homo so long ,
Charles Pratt , Eeq. , and wife , Miss
Helnn * ' . Pratt , and Geo. D. Platt , of
Brooklyn , and Miss C. A , L tdd , of 1'ort-
land , , Or. , are registered at the Millard ,
Mr. John E. Ezekiel , of New York
city , and MUa Besalo Ezeklel , of Chicago
cage , attended by Mrs , M. K , Shcruinn , of
St , Paul , are visiting our city ,
Cjl. J. M. Wolfe , who la about com
pleting bis directory of Lincoln , was in
Omaha over Sunday and returned this
morning to finish his work.
General W. W. Lowe and Dr. Graff
left yesterday for Europe , in the Interest ]
of the oil company organized in Omaha
some time ago.
W , A , Leary , general manager of the
Iowa Telephone company , of Daven
port , was in town for a few hours on Sat
urday ,
D. S. Gibs and J. N. Chemblln , of
Lincoln , and K , S , Chalmers , of Emer <
son , are at the Millard.
Gee , E. Heed , proprietor of the Morgan
House , Dos Molnes , took tea at the Grand
Pacific last night.
D. G. Thomas and C. E. Goodill , of
Hock Springs , Wyo. , were at the Metro
politan yesterday.
Henry Gibson , Ecq. , secietary of the
Omaha Board of Trade , left for Chicago
U A. Othena and Frank Bersth , of
Plattsmouth , registered at the Caufield
last night.
Mr. John Hoth and family , of Lincoln ,
have cjmo to Omaha to locate perma
A. G. Sherwood and J , H. Connor , of
Central City , are guests of tbo Metropoli
Captain 0. A. H. McCauley , of the
army , has returned to the Paxton.
Mrs. E. Rabbins and daughter , of New
York , are visiting at the Millard.
Chaa. Wightman and family , o ! San
Francisco , ara at the Canfiold.
Geo. A. Miller and wife , of Des
MolnsB , are at the Millard.
Mr. Jamea France and family , of Raw-
Una , went west yesterday.
Frank Rennor , Jr. , of Weeping Water ,
is at the Metropolitan.
Geo. C. Kitider , of Park City , Utah , ia
at the Metropolitan.
R. Cooley , of Waverly , registered at the
Canfield yesterday.
Mrs. C. 0. Johns and child , of Oakland ,
are at the Millard.
Prof. Samuel Aughey , of Lincoln , Is at
the Millard.
O. B. Baker , of Lincoln , is at the Can-
fuld house.
Hon. Chria. Hartmann Inft for the east
yesterday ,
Hon. Isaac Powers , Jr. , was in the city
H. M. Simpson , of Denver , is at the
0. S. Woodrow , of Plattcmontb , Is at the
| ItMait HBTB Been a Whopper-
Special DUpatch to Tua Bn.
CHICAGO , Juno 3 , Three families ,
numbering twelve persons , partook of
lemon cream pie purchased tc-day
at a bakery and restaurant on Milwau
kee avenue. All of them are now '
very sick with symptoms of poisoning.
It Is stated that sixty-five ether per
sons ate of the same plo at the res !
taurant during the day , but as all
were transient customers it is not
known whether or not they were if-
footed the same way.
Special Dltpttch lo Tui lln.
NKW YORK , Juno 3. Arrived , the
City of Berlin and Egypt for Liver >
pool.FATHEII rd
FATHEII POINT , Juno 3. Arrived ,
the Quebec from Liverpool.
BALTIMOUE , Juno 3. Arrived , the
Hohonstaufon from Bremen ,
LONDON , Juno 3. The Frlsla , Gor )
mttnla and Olty of Richmond from >
New York , and Missouri from Boston ,
arrived out.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica : ,
Lumbag ) , Backache , HeadacheToothache ,
Son Thr t , Bwtllli > ( > . Hpratnl , IlrultM ,
llurnt , Bealdt , Frott llllr * .
ttU tij DnilliU tad D liti tTir ; k r . FlflC U
bullU. Vlr oUom U U LmD4 t ,
111 iF * n ( fii YAM M fi& F * *
111 * I" PI \ illf II rl I * X
I H u vB H w V H V l B H I
F HH PC * H u V W a li H B ha
China and Cllass , ,
St. Louis , Mo.
may 22-3m
Washington Avenue and Fifth Street ,
1622 Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Quotations seat an application. Consignments solicited and remittance ] promptly made.
This Flour Is made at Salem , Richardson county , Neb. , In the combln
roller and stone system. Wo glvo EXCUHIVE sale of our flour to ono firm In
placo. We have opened a branch at 1018 Capitol avonno , Omaha.
Write for Prices. WAI . FNTINE . & REPPY . Salem or Omalia , Neb
Address either YML.C.IN IIIV& OC rL.r l I | _ jnlB-8-n _
11J \3 T
And Window Glass.
. Hellman
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 131 ,
1213 Farnam St. . Omnha.
1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA f >
w A a
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
rirst-elasi , fncUItita Cor the Manufacture of all kinds of Mouldinga , Planing ecu
tnatchins . ; a Sposlalty. . Orderu from the country.will be promptly orocutod.
. .
W/ ll .nrnTiTilniittnnBtn A. MOYKU. PmnT
A. w , OLAR K
Window Shades aud OurMns ,
Pain , OUs & Brui
| 'TBo ' thll4th attest