" . f k- . TRB DAIL * BJ E-MONDAY JUNE 4 Nebraska National Bank N n. Paid np Capital , - - 9260.OOO Surplda Fund , Mny 1 , 1033 , - 15,000 N. DIIIKCTOUS ! ' . 8. R. JOHNSON , President , of Btwil , Johnson A Co. A E. IOUZAUK , Vice President , Dostc-n. W V. MOK3K , ot ff. V. lion * & Co. J OIIN S. COLLINS , of 0. H . i J. S. Oolllni. J , H. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and Attorney- I L. B. REED , ol Byron Reed & Oo. - D. W. YATKS , Cashier , lor rt any years Of the Flni National Bink ol Omaha THIS HANK opened ( or buslnesi April 27th , 1SS2. ITS DIHECTOUS AND BTOCKHOLDKUSar * Among the leading buslni men ol Oinaht , and Its buslnesl Is conducted with oipcclal reference to the leit anil Increasing Interest ! of Ita mer cantile patrons. COLLECTIONS rocclre prompt attention and charges owcst obtainable hero or elsewhere. INTEREST allawiil on tlmo dope IU upon , J favorable terms and upon accounts of batiks and bankers. /m FOHEION EXCHANGE , Uorernmont Bonds , -f\jand County acd City Securities baught and sold. * * * | | J. W. KOBEFER. ? K Brolior. % Stock ? , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other , /Oood bccurltlia dealt In , ijy Room 4 , No. 23 1'carl St , , Council Bluds , la. ' FINANCE AHD RCE , FIITAKCIAI * Ipeclal Dispatch to Tun BUR. NEW YOBK , Juno 2. Money 2ia ( 3 per cent , closing at 2@2J Prime Mercantile Paper-5gG ( per cent. Sterling Exchange Bunkers' hills steady at 4 83J ; demand , 4 SO , Governments were generally unchanged , lltilrond bonds strong on moderate amount of business. State securities dull. Speculation on the stock exchange haa heen dull and somewhat irregular , but in the main strong. The market opened J to I 1J per cent higher th&n at the close of yea- terday , and immediately after opening V there wns a further advanca of J to 1 per f cent , led by Canada Southern , This was f followed by a reaction exteudlng to J per cent , Af tar this the market again became strong , and shortly after midday recorded anadvancoof J to 1J percent , in which New Jersey Central , Heading , Erie and Richmond & Danville were the loading features. In the early part of the after noon the list receded n fraction , but again becatna strong , and during the next hour and a hslf uold up J to 1J per cent , coal | shares , Union Pacific and Omaha being most prominent iu the upward movement. The prices hero reached were the highest for eome time past. In late trade specula * tlou became less active and prices dropped off a fraction , but moat ot this reaction Wbc recovered in final dealings , * nd the market closed irregular but firm , with an advance on the day's transactions of i to 2 poi cent , coal shares , Uuiou Pacific and Vaii < derbilt stockd being uiojt conspisuoua , U1NINQ BTiCC. The market to-day waa dull. Sierra Ne > vada sold at G25 to G2U , Union Conaoli \ dated at GG3 , Consolidated Virginia at u ( and 58 , California ot 30 Mid 29 , Sutrc / Tunnel at 25 and 24. Eureka Consoliditet f at 335 and 315 , Uoru Silver at G3S andiGS Iron Silver at 310 , Navajo 170 , Sierri Grande at 150 , and Sonora Consolidate 40. Sales for the dy , 38,505 shares. To tal sales for the week , 2G2,7G9 shares , ' Bullion receipts in New York for thi , week from mines , 51G2.000. 1 Pipe line certificates to-day were ngah active and Irregular , between 118 ; and 1231 , closing on call at 12C § . tvery GOVERNMENTS. Ycstored&v. To-day - " 103J 103J ' 5'a' . ; 103 103J I M 1't ' f 1 "I 9 I 1 1 * 'J i 4a ? . . . . ' " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1101 no ] J P iifis 5'a of ' 95 125 125 BONDS. Oattril Pacific firsts 1142 H5 Eric seconds 954 'J5j Lehigh & NVilkesbarro 10. 10V Lonisiuna consols Gi 04 } Missouri G'e U2i 113 Bt. Joseph 10'Ji 109 Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . U2J 115 Tennessee 6's 40j 41 do now 40 40 Toiaa & Pacific land grants. . G5J GO do K. G.div. . . . 82 ? 83 Union Pacific 1st mortgage. ,114i 114J do land grants . .107i 107 ; do siukiug fund..1104 HGj Virginia B'B. . . . . . 38 do COIlttoUuB - > > ad' do uotuirod 110 10U ; feTOCKS. Ai w J5xpie3 128 128 Allegheny Central 11SJ Ii5 : Altos & Terra Haute 734 75. . ' do pfd. . . . USj , 94 Amrlcan Kspruea 93 93 BUB. , Cedar llapida & North. 81 81 ; Cftlftda Southern 653 i 0. , St. L , &P 1M 18 \ do pfd 51 ? 65 ' O tral Pacific 7G | 7 Cteaanoako ft Ohio 20 M " do 1st pfd. . . 29 ? 3J do 3d pfd. . . 2-i SKI. Cbicago &Altou 131 134 do pfd 145 14ft Obi. , Burl. & Quiucy 122J 123 f HM. St. L. & Now OrleanD. . 81 81 f' Din. , Band. & Cleveland 39i 41 I oiovo. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 70i 70 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 108 109 Del. , Lack. & Western 125 127 Denver & Kio Grande 474 47 Eria 853 3U ; , d ° Pftl" ' 78 8U M ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .A' ' epwferrod' . . .I. . . . . . . . 183 18 A b'ort Wayne & Chicago 130 130 > J'J Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 42 42 * do pfd. 0 * M i TTr TBI t lytj luo 1 Houston ftTexw Central. . . . G8 G5 Illinois Central 11' Ind. , Bloom. & Woatern 284 2'J Kr.nsw& Texas 29 1C Lake Erie & Western 27 21 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . lii'ji 10i ! Louisville & Nashville 50 5C Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 51 54 I , M&L.lstofd 10 K do do 2d pfd 5 E Memphis & Charleston 4. ? 4'd Michigan Control Uljj 9 ; Memphis & St. Lout 27a * t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 10l Mlarari l' i tic I' . . . . . . . . . . . ? 10) ) , . Mobile * Ohio Hi J U Morris & Essex 12u * 1 _ Nwhvillo & OhaltRnooga noi j Ntw Jersey Central 8IJ o. Norfolk &W 414 . ; tlortbern Ptclfic. . . 50i 6 do pfd 87j oi Northweatern 1814 J3 ; do pfd 1491 14 ! New York Central 12.4 12 ! Ohio Central HOj 11 Ohio li Mississippi " -S'r S ; , , / do pfd..lOf.5 10 ! , . 'Ontario & Western 254 2' ' Oregon Transcontinental 83i o i * > Pacific Mall " 2 * i Panama. 98 > Peorla , Decatur & Evansv. . . 20J 2 PlttsburgA OleveUnd 133 13 - Palaca Oar 1283 12 Bt , Loaii & SMI 7ran 34 { S do pfd r.si r > 8 do l t pW 99J 99J St. l' ul & MllwaUu-P 103J do ptd. . . 120 120 3t Paul , Mluu ft ManltoJia.117 119J St. Paul & Omab * 47i 4Gj d ? pfd 104 ? 10 : > i TCXM & L'aclfio 37fl 37) Union Pnclfio 9lJ 901 United State * Express f > 8 C8 < Vobash , 8t. L. & Pacific. . . . 27J 271 do pfd. 4 43 * Welb , FIITRO & Co. Express.11 ! K'U tVestern Union TeleRrsph. . . 83J 8 J Homcttake 15 Ontario 25 Quicksilver 7 do pfd K South Pacific , 7 . . . Bntro 27 FOREIGN FINANCE. Spccltl Dispatch to Tin 11 n. LONDON IIONEV. LONDON , Juno 2. Consols Money : ICO 11.16 , ex-Interest ; consols , account , 101110. PRODUO1D & PROVISIONS tfpaclil Dltpatcho ] to Tin 13n. CHIOAOO. OHIOAQO , Juno 2. Flour Market quiet.Wheat Wheat Regular , irregular hut market fairly active ; 1 13 lor June ; 1 lf > 9 for July ; 1 103 for August ; 1 10 | fur September ; 1 1VJ for the year ; No. 2 spring , 1 12J@ 1 j3 ; Ko. 3. 95a ; winter , 115. cm Market unsettled , but Rpnerally higher ; 57o for cash and Juno ; 08J@58.Jc fur July ; C8 @ 59o for August ; 69lo for September ; 63@53Jc tor the year. Oats Market firm ; 39i@39 o for ca < h ; 39g@39o for June and July ; 34&0 for Au- KUtt ; li-'go for September ; bljjo for the year. year.Kye Fair demand at G4c. Unrlev Nominal at 80j. Flux gjed-Firm * t 1 45 Pork-Strong ; 19 i0@19 ! 221 'or ' osk and June ; 19 321@19 55 for July ; 19 50 ® 19 521 for AiiRuxt ; 19 G5@1970 for Septem ber ; 17 25@17 30 for tha year. Lard Opentd ( strong and higher , closing r.t inside prices ; 11 G i@ll 70 for CSKI ! and June ; 11 77i@ll bO for July ; 11 3L'1@ 11 35 for AuRUBt ; 11 S7i@ll 30 for t3ep- tember ; 10 321@10 35 for the year. Bulk Moutn-Steady ; bhoulders , 7 GO ; short rib ? , 10 lr > ; short clear , 10 50. Buttsr-Quiet. Ixga Quiet. Whisky Steady and unchanged. NEW TOBK. NEW YOBK. Juno 2. FJour Market dull. dull.Wheat Wheat Market unsettled and irregular ; opening i@jo { higher , weakened and re acted j5tolc , closing sieady ; ungraded spring , 1 05 ; ungraded red , 1 08@1 221 ; No. 3 red , 1 20 ; No. 2 rod. 1 23i@l 24 in elevator ; ungraded white , 1 09@117 ; No. 2 red Juno sal , t528.000bu all a31(5)l23 ( ) | cloelng at 1 22J ; July sales , 1,750,000 bu at 1211(311 ( 2Ei , closing at 1 259 ; August sales. 1.230,000 bu at 1 CGJ@1 27g , closing at 12CiJ. Corn Market for cash i@Jc higher ; op. opened § @Jc better , but lo t the advance and clo-ect tirin ; ungraded , 5G@Gf > 2 ; No. 3 , C2JffiG3c ; No. a , GG@C7c ; No. 2 JuneG5i @CGJ , clni-ing at 65J ; .Tulr , G63@GTc. clos ing at GGgc ; August , G7i&G81o , closing at GSc. © its Market steady ; mixed western , 45irt,19c ; white , 49@58c. Krfgs Market tteady. Pork Market nominally unchanged al 1C 75@20 00. Lard-Market dtoady nt 11 Go@ll 03. Cbecto Market itecdy. BT. IOD1B. ST Louis , Juno 2. Flour Markel steady aud unchAngen , Wheat Market opened a ehado beltoi but steadily declined and closed weak and unRettled ; No. 2 red , 1 20g@l 18 for cash : 1 21@1 211 for Juua ; 1 21icei 27i for Julyi 1 21-j' l 22jfor A gi.st ; 1 S3ol ( ; 24J f.ii September ; 1 23@1 2Gj ] for October ; 1 20' ' @ 1 21 for the year , closing at inside prices No. 3 red , 1 13@l 11 bid. Corn Market slow but pretty steady 51 @ 52Jc for cash , which is higher ; 51 (5 ( 52Jc for Juno ; 54fiij54o } for July ; 5G@6ti.li for August ; 57J@671c for September lSJ@19o for the yiurclosing at ineidoquo tations , Oats Market firmer but very slow ; 40 : @Uic for cash ; 41c for June and July 31Jo for the year. Itye Market firm and slow at COJc bid lUrley M rkat dull c 55@75c. L ad Market quiet ; hard , 4 121 ; soft 4 20. 20.Butter Butter Market unchanged. Eggs Market unchanged. Corn Meal Market quiet at 2 50. Whiskv-M rket btsady at 114. Pork Market dull and unchanged ; onlj peddling trado. KANBAR our. KANSAS CUT , June 2. Wheat Marke stotdy ; No. 2 red fall , 98@9Sls for cash 100@100i bid for July ; 97J3 bid for th < year. year.Corn Market firm ; 431a for caeh ; 511i bid for July ; 4G c bid for August. Oats Market slow ; 40c asked , TOLEDO. TOLEDO , June 2. Wheat Market eas ier ; 1 19 for cauh and June ; 1 20 | for July 122 for August , Corn Muiket quiet and weak ; CSJc fo cash ; 58jh f'T June : GOc for July. Oats Dull at 4 LIVE STOCK Special Dispatches to Tus Bit , CHICAGO. OHIOAQO , Juno 2 The Drovers' Joai ual ntprts as follows : Hogs M'irliet Blow but steady , closin strong ; all s > U1 ; mixed , G 50@G 85 ; heavy G 90@7 25 ; light , G 55&G 91 ; skips , 3 40s ( G20 , Cattle Market ( risk and strong ; al sold early at firmer rates ; exports , G 0 @G3) ; good to sboice shipping , (5 70 ( < G 00 ; common to fnir , 5 10@G CO. Sheep MarLet quiet but weak ; inforio to fair , 3 00@ I 2" ; ffood , 540 ; choice t extra shorn , 5 50@695. bT. LOUIH , ST. Louis , Jnno S } . Hogs Marke dull but rusiur far tpi < ; light ahipplnu GbO700 ; mixed to good pacilng , G7 @ 7 00 ; butchers to extra , 7 107 20. Cattle Tha uautl Sitcurduy dullnei prevailed ; the supply wai very lliht an buyers scarce ; prices unchanged ; llfli shipping , G 80@7 CO ; common to fal stoerc , 4 755 00 ; stockcrs. S 7o@4 5 ( cows and heifcrp , 3 f05 25. Sbetp No a up l-l Xi nothing doing , KAVSAB out , KANSAS Guy , June 2. The Commei clnl Indicator this afternoon reports t follows : BCattle Supply mr derate ; rnnrki steady ; natlret , 1 85 )5 ) 80 ; cows , 3 00 ( 450. 450.Hogs Lower and w iJc at G 5C@G 91 bulk of sales , G 50@G G5. Sheep Quiet and unchanged at 4 25 ( 4 35. MISOBLLiANBOUS. Special Dispatches to Tun Bu. WOOL. NEW YonK , Juno 2. Market dull at unsettled ; dommtio fleece. S0@4o ; pullm 18@4fic ; unwauhed. 12,23 , ; Texa < , ll@a MBROHANDIQH , Special Dispatches to Tun IEI. NEW YOKK , June 2.-ColTce Marki quiet ; Rio , 7@15o. Sugar Market nominal ; granulated , f @ 8 15.16. Molausot Market dull but oasier. Klce Market bteady , Turpentine Market steady. Tallow Market firm , TRAFFIC. IpeeUl D1 pttflit to Tin B . TLonn ARD esAist , TOBK , Jnns 2 , KeoelpU thlnmoaU of flour and grain for the post 21 hours have been on followm P.eecipta Flotir-bbla . 10,000 4G.COJ Wheat bushfcl . 98.0CO ll.UMI Corn " . 55.0CO 71,00(1 ( Oats- " . . . . " 8000 27 OntOAdO , Juno 2. llcoolptH aud ship- menU of flour and grain for the 1'iv.t 21 hours have been as follows ! UotoinU. Shlp'ts. Flour barrolf . 7.0X ) 3,700 Wheat btuheli . H.OOO 7,000 Corn " . M5.000 201,000 Oata " . 108,000 El'l.OOO Kye " . 12,000 . Barley- " . 18,000 4,400 ST , Louis , Juno -Ueoolpts and shipments of flour and grain for tbo pat 48 hours have been ai follows : KoceiutB. Uhlp'td. Flonr-bbl . 3,008 4,000 Wheat busholi . 22,000 7,000 Corn " . 80,000 3 1.UOO Oats " . ; 5,000 10,000 Kye- " . . Barley " . KANSAS Out , Juno 2. Kocelpts and shipments of grain for the past 24 hours have been aa follows i 1WK Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels . 7.1)00 ) 2,700 Corn " . 150,0 3.800 Oats " . LIVE STOOK , CHICAGO , Jnuu 2. Kjoelpt and ship ments ot live stock for tbo past 2t hours have been AS follows i Keo ts. ShU-m'tn Hogs . 12,000 2,900 Cattle . 11000 3,800 Sheep . 1,700 100 KANSAS OUT , June 2 Receipts and ohipuiunta of livj stock for tha po t 21 hours have been as follow ? : Koo'ta. Bhipra'ta ' , Cattlo.l . 2,000 Hoga . 3,200 . . . . Sheep . GCO ST. Louis , Juno 2. Roceipta and ahipmcnts of live stock for the past 21 hours have bscn as follows ; Roo'tfl. Shlpm'tfl. ' Hogs . GOO 1,500 Cattle . 400 700 Sheep . 400 OMAHA MAi'.KBTS , Wlioloctlo Fxiaea. Oviioi OT Tnt OIIAUA BBS , \ Saturday Uvoning , June 2 , J Notwithstanding the extremely unfa- orablo weather , trade has been very eatis- 'astory , eapeciitlly with jobber ? , though immlsaion merchants and retailers report nly fair sales. No channel of eny importance have beer oportcd outside of tbo grain market hich , as usual , remains on tha averngi , bcut the same as last week. Early fruits and vegetables ore in gooc lemand with the maiket fairly suppliec nd prices rather high. Early potatoes are scarce and soil rcadll ] rom $1,00 to $5.00 per bushel , and spriuj ihickens are scarce and iu good demand ft 'rom $1.50 to S3.00 per dozen , The following are the changes roportei i the market to-day : Wheat Cash No. ' . ! declined Ho ; No. i eclined Ic. Ilyo Cash declined 2s. Coin-Declined 21c. Oats Declined 2c. Kgg Fresh advanced Ic. Fat hogs -Declined lOo to 15o. Fat sheep Declined 50a to 75s , Grain. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 91ie ; cash Nc , "Glc ; rejected , 70o. UAHLEY.-Cash No. 2 , GSc ; No. I 2o. RYE Oaab , 48c. CORN- New mixed , 883. OATS lOo. SEKUS-Bluo KMBM Heed , 125@15 ( t'mothy eeud , 2 10ii)2 ! ' ) 25 ; rol clover peec ) 00 ; white clover n'ood. 1 ! ! 00 ; millet seed 100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grae ieed , 2 50. Live Stock. CATTLE-Fat steers , S500@5 25. FAT COWS-S3 75@4 00. nOGS-SG25@G50 , SHEEP100435. . Flour and MlllstufTi , Be t winter who&t- 00@3 75. Second quality winter wheat 275@32J Be = t spring wheat 2 GO @ 2 75. Second quality oprini ; wheat 2 40@2 M Brau , per ton 1C 00. Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Live per doz , , $1 00j ( i 50 , Dressed , per 11) ) , , 15c , PreKuco. POTATOES Old 25@50o p r Uushe new , 4 50@5 00 per bbl. ONIONS Bermuda , 82 50 per bu bo : BUTTEll Choioo country , 10@20u. KGG3 Kreah , IGe. HONEY Oaliforafa , perlb , 31. APPLES Per barrel , 54 000)5 00. ORANGKS-Caiifotnia , 3 00 ; Mossim OO ® ? ! 00. LEMONS-85 00 l5 50 per bor. STRAWBERRIES - 15@20o per quar BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 50@2 71 Orocera Liist CANNED OOODS Oynters , ( Dlani ard ) , per COM , 3 70@390 ; etrawhe ricn , 2 tt > , per case , 2 40 , ran ] berries , 2 H ) , per case , 3 50 , Dan soon , 2 & > , per case , 2 45 , Bartlo peora per case , 2 40. Whortloborrli per case,275. Egg plom,2 Ib perciao,2 9i Green caBoa,2 Ib per ccso , 2 90 ; do choice , Qi per cms i 50. Pine Appleo , 2 Ib , per ca : 4 OOftfS 75. PcacheB , 2 ft per cazo , 3 0 do 3 In , cji'o , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 IT ) , pi cv > ae.260 : do ole , G Ib , per dozen , 3 30. LARD Omaha RefiuininiCo. : Tierce 12.ta ; 40 and 50-11) cans , ISflc ; 20-lb can 12 > c ; 10-lb pallj , Harew top , 12Sc ; 5-lb d 122c ! 3 Ib rfo. 13c. UIOK LonUiann prime to choice , 7i ( 8cfoii. . 7 74c ; Patma , Gfc. F1SI1 No. 1 nvtckcrel , halt brio , 7 B No , 1 mackerel , lita , 1 00 ; family mad erel , half brio , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kit K5c ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brla , 7 00 ; No. kits. 105. BYKUP Standard Com. , 38o , bbl Standard do , 41 gallon kegn , (1 95) ) SUu dard do , 4 gallon kega , 81 75 , SODA In Ib papers , 83.30 per case ; hi twin , 2jc. NKW PIOKLEH Medlms , In barre e700 ; do iuhuU bbln , 4 00 ; mall3 , la bb 900 do , in half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , 'ju. 11 00 ; do , in half bblf , G 00. TKA8 .Guupovdor , good , 455 Ocolca , C0(7 ( > 75c ; Imperial , good , 40 ( 45 ilaj , C0ft75c ; Young Hyson , good , SG s ; fihoioa , 6s > c81 00 ; Japan Nut Let 801 Jnpnn , choice , 60S75o ; Oolcng , goo J5@tO ; Oolong , ohn.co , 4065j Boaahon Roo.1. 35 ( 40a ; choice , 35 ( 45o. KOPK vSiaaL i Inoh ftad .larger , 11 i Inch , lljc ; Hnch , 12o. V/OODENWAUK-Two hoop pal ! 1 75 ; throe hoop poile , 3 00. Tubi , N 1 , 8 CO ; Pioneer wbghboarda , 1 5 Deut Crown 2 90 ; WellbuckuUi , 8 50. LEAD Bar. n 05 BUATB Klrk'B Savon Imperial , 34 Kirk's nctlnot , 3 fOKlrk'i ; attnd rd. 3 7 Kirk's white KustUn , 525 : KIrl Entocb , 216 Klrk'a Prairie Qa (100 ( cakei ) , 40 ; Kirk'a magnolia do ; POTABIi Penasylvauli oane , 4 cm In c&i ; , S 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. in coi 1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 50. PKANUT3 Roaated , choios , rod 'i'e nesuo. ' , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , lOJo perl raw white Virginia raw , 10o | ro&stc 12J.C. 12J.C.OANDLEBBoiM OANDLEB-BoiM , 40 Iht.lBs. 15Joj I 15Jc ; bcxtg 40 Ibe. , 1C oz. , 6t , IDJo , MATOHEb Pei caddie , 95oj rour (3B , 83 I'll nqntre , CMOII , to 40. COFFEES-Ordinary grades , 31@ ! fair. 10@104o ; good , 104 llc ; prime , 1 @ 12e ; strictly prime , 12@12ic ; choice. @ 13Jc ; fncy gre n and yellow , 141 ! old government J T , 202G5 ; Itoverim roasted , 14jfe ; Arbnckle'a routed , 141 McL ufrhlln'i XXXX roasted , 14k ; li Itatlon Java , lG181c. { VINKOAU - New | York ppU , fcl ( Ohio appl * , 13c , SALT , Dr y loIvd per bbl , 1 83 | Anh- ju , iu see fcs , 8 BO ; bbU dairy CO , 5n , 11 fO BUOARS Powdered , lOics Cut loaf , Ok ) OrAnulitsd. 91c ; Confectioners' A , ic ; Standard Kxtra 0 , 8 0 ; Extra 0 , Jc ; inwllum yellow , 8io ; dark yellow , 7Jc. 8TAHCH. Pearl , 4JC | Silver Ulnm ic ; Corn Starch , 9io | ExceUloiQlosfl , Ao t Corn , 83. MEATS Hmni per Ib. , 14c ; bacon icr Ib. , lie ; clear side bacon per Ib. , llic ; ry salt sides per Ib. , lOJoj bacon nhonldora er ) h. 91a ; tierce lard tx > r Ib. ; HJo. BPIOKS. 1'oppor , 31 Allaplce , 19 ; ! love , 30 ; Camla , 24. OHKKSfl Full Cream , ISJo ) Part Iklm , llo. IiYE Amerloan , S 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 | Vestern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 } Lewis' ' ye , 4 Gr , | Jewell lye , 275. KEBD-Jobblng prlcoa , Chop food l.&O per 100 Iba.f phop com , 91.40 ; bran , Oo per 100 Ibs. 1 HOMINY Now 83 60 per bbl. Dry aoodo. BROWN COTTONS Atlantlo A , SJc ; Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot , tTF , Bio ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W. 'cj Chittonango A. GJc ; Ureat FrUIs E , jo ; Hoosler , 6Jo ; Hone t Width 80 , In- an Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A , IJUi II F'INE "BROWN COTTONS Allondale . } ! 7Jo ; Alligator 3-4 , 8c | Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; . . .antic LL , Gic ; Badger State X 4-4 , OJc ; knnlnston 0 4-4 , fijoj Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco ndian Orchard AA 9-8. 8ioj Laoonio 0 9 , Sic ; Lehigh K 4-4 , Ojc ; Peppcroll N 01 7c ; do O 38 , 7io ; do H SO , 7Jc ; do E S3 , Jo , ? ooasset 0 4-4 , 7gcj Wamsutta 4-4 3a BLEACHED COTTONS Androioog .u L 4-4,94cBlackstoneAA ; hr.porial 81'c ; 0 do half bleached 4.4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J ; fidelity4-4 , 9kFrult ; of lhoLoom,9i { do rr.brlc4.4,12JcdoWaterTwlst,10JojOrcat ; folld Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12ct Lonsdalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 124o ; New York Mills. 12io ; Pequot A,10o ; Popperel N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontan 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pocassot 4-4 , 8Joj tJtico , llcj Wom.ntto O X X , 124o. DUCKS Colored ) Albany E brown , cj do O , drab , Xlm do XX stripes and latds , 1240 ; do XXX brown and drab , tripos and plaids , 12Jcj Arlington fancy , Br9o : unawlck brown , 8Joj Chariot fancy 240 ; do extra heavy , 20o | Vail Kiver rown , extra heavy , Hlc ) Indiana A irnwu 18m NonoMot A brown. 15o T1UK1J.NUB Amoskeae A U A 33 9o ; do XX blue 32 , 184c , { Arrowncna , Jc ; Clarcmont B B , IBic : Oonostoga.iB ra , 17ic : Hamilton D , 114.0 Lewiston A 30 , 15o ; Minnchaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supei extra 4.4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32. lejc ; Put- nain XX blue stripe , 12cj Shotuokot S .OJc ; do S3 12o : Yooman'r blue 29 , 9o DENIMS , Amoskoak , blueandbronn Jjjc ; Andover DD blue , IBJc ; ArlingX ) lue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 124c ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXlo do do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown , > 4c ; Mystic Hlvor DD otripe , IGJo } Ponrl iUver , blue and brown , ICc ; Unc&avllla , > lue and brown , 144r. CAMBRICS Barnard , Mo ; Eddystone Inlng , 24 inch doublet taoo , 8Jo ; Garner A jlazcd , F4.CJ Manhattan glove finish , Ego Newport do 6c ; do glazed , 5Jc | Pcqnot do ic ; Loekwood kid finish Go. CORSET JEANS Atnorr , 8cAndro | coggin sattoon 8Jo ; Clarendcn , BJojConos ofca sattocns , 7ic ; Hallowoli , 80 ; In4 < H Orchard 7Jo ; Narr ganeett , improved , 8Je. apperill eattocn Sn ; Rockport , 7io PRINTS Aliens , 5Je : American , 6Joj Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Soj Oooheco , 7cj Oonoitoga. Gic ; Dunkirk , ; Duunoll , 5J@7o ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Go ; Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , GJcj Mer ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jo ; Sprapue * , Co ; 3outhbridge , Go ; do , Ginghama , 7c ) Mar ] , bora , 5c ; Oriental C4c. GINGHAMS Amiskeag , 94o | Argyll" , lOlc ; Atlantic , 9o ; Cumberland , 7Jc | Highland , 7ici Kenilworth , 9Jc | Plur- hett 9 > oi Snreer. 8c COTTONADKS Abbcrvllle 13c Agate , 20a ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20oi Cairo D and T , 181c ; Olftrka D and T 17Jc ; Deccau Co. stripes D and T , Ificj Kcy > btone , 134c ) Nantncket , 19c ; Nonparml IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13 0 ? Royal , IGJi Supnnx , I'Jc ; Tioga , 13\c ; Wachusclt shirt in ? checks , 12ic ; do , Nankin , ISlcj York , plain tonkin. 12jo ; dochcoka , utripe.1 anc lancv. 124c : do , 8 oz 20c , SHEETINGS-AndroscoBitln 10-4,2740 do 9.4 , 23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C i2 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Nov York mills98 , 35o ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58. 22&c & Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; PcquotlC-4 , 28Jc , di 74 , 19o do 49 , IGo ; Popperell 96 , 29o do 67. 21cdo ; 57 , 18c ; Utica 90 , 3Go ; di 58 , 22icj do 48.17a. Drugt. DRDGB AND CllEMIOALB- Carbolic , 50cj Acid , Tartarlo. 55a ) Copnbia , per Ib , 70e ; Bark , nnttit.fTM , pe Ib , 1J3 | CrJomol , per lb75c | Oinchoa'-lir per ox , tl 05) ) Chloroform , per Ib , 85c Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 23 ; Epeor Salts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , purs po bl S0c | Lend , Acetate , per Ib , 22 Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per g l , PI 25 Oil , Castor , No. S , per nil , H.15 , Oil Olive , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. EC Opium , $5 00 ; Quinine P. k W. & R. & 3. per or , 81 75 ; PotaEoium , Iodide , par 1' 81 G5 ; Salacin , per oz , 40o ; Snlpb&tc Morphine , wcr or. , $3 75) ) Bulpnur fiou per Ib , 4c | Strvchnlne. nor or. 151 2i. Palnti Oil * und Varnlihot OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gilloi : 14o ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 19c ISO5 Water mite , 18c ; linseed per gallon , 57 ; Unseed , boileH lion , GOc ; l rd , winter ntr'cl , portal .uu , 95 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 76c ; captoi XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. S , 1 20 ; swocl per gallon. 85o ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon 1 GO ; fish , W. B , , per gallon , GSc ; neatafool extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubr eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 1C < golden machine , No. 1 , per callon , 35c ; Nc 3 80 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tui pontlne , per gallon , 65c | nsptha , 81' , pe gallon , IGa ; 6.V , 15o PAINTS IN Oil , White load , Oinah P. P. . Go ; white lead , St. Louis , pnra , G2 < Karseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2G rrench zinc , piocn coal , 12c | French zini red seal , lie ; French zlno , In varnish ass' 20c : French zince , In oil osut IBo ; Ra' and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 10o | raw an burnt Sienna , 10o : vandyke brown , refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and Ivory black , IGo ; drop blak , IRe ; Prassh blue , 30o ; ultramarine bice , 18o | chrni : green , L. M. tc. D. , lGoblind ; and shnttc Kreon , L. M. k D. , IGc ; 1'v.ris . green , 16 < Indian rod , 15ct Venttlitn red. Oo ; Truoa drc , 22c ; Amerloau Vermilion , I. A P. , 18 chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18- - yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1Q ) pfttei dryer , Be ; graining colors : light oak , dar oak. walnut. heatnnt and ash 15c. Dry Palnti White lead , 8c | Ifronoh zlno , lOoi Pa whlteing 24oj whitinc gilders , Ifc v.hltln com'l , IJcj lampblaclt uermai town , 14cj hmpblock , ordinary , lOc ; Pru elan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vandyk brown , 8oj amber , burnt , 43) ) amber , ra 4cslenca ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4 ParU green genuine , 25c ; Paris green con 20cj chrome green , N. Y.1 20oj chroi green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , En ? , , 70c ; vi million , America , 18cj Indian red , K rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Ookiuoi 2)c ; venttlan red Am. , IJc ; roi lead , 7i chroma yellow , genaine , 20o hrome vc low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8cj ochi French , 2Jc | ochre , American , 2 Winter's mineral. 24c ; lehlgh brown , 'l\ panlah brown. 2 1 Prince'g mineral 8 VARNISHES-BarreU per falloi Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 81 ; oooch , extra , 6140 ; each , No. 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 7Bj apan , 70c ; & phaltum , extra , 85o | ihella 83 50) ) bai oil finish , 81 30. _ _ _ Hld , Furi , Etc. HIDES recn butohei'a hldca , G 7 cured 7i@ oj hides , green e l dry flint , sound , 12O13oi dry ca and kip , 12Q14oi dry salt hides , eonn 10llc ; green calf wt. 8 o IB tte. . 11012 green calf , wt , under 8 QM , per ikiu , M ) Kreon p lt , 5051 S5i gre n lamb .kin $1 25lBOj damaged hides , two-third rat cut scored and one gftib , eluied tw Ulrdi ruU. ) branded bides 10 per cent , c Coon iklni , No. 1 , 45ot No. 3 , 80cj No. 20.1 No , 4 , lOe. Mink , No , I , 30c | No. 16c ; No. 8,16c ; No. 4 , 61. Fox , No.ll Wei No , 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b2Bi 65o | short itrlpe , 40oj narrow itrlpea bru a itripe , 1Q , Tallow. 7o , \ Leather. Oak lolo , 33a to 4Uc ; hemlock sole , 180 to 3. ' > c ; hcm'ook ' kip , 80a to 100 ; runner , 65o to SOc ; hemlock c.ilf , 85c to 120 ; hem. lock upper , 23c to 2ic : ; oa ) : upper , 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 50 ; call kid , ! l2@35n- GroUcn kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 .SO ; French kip , 110 to 1 fit. ; French cilf , 1 25 to 3 00 ; run. netts. 6 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Mnrocro , SOo to 35o ; pebble 0 , D , Morocco , 85c | tiiiiou ; 3 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-NO i 'ar oak , 420 ; N a do , 3 c ; N. . 1 Ohio oak , 38o | No. 2 do , 35oi No. 1 Milwaukee , 37ot No. ado Sic. Lumbar , WHOLtaALB. We quote lumber , latn and ihlnglea on cars at Omaha at the following pricent JOIST AND 80ANTL1NO-1C ft. am ! under , C22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 1G ft. and under , 822 00. TIMHKK AND JOIST 18 ft. , 82350- C ft , $ ' . ' 3 50 * 22 ft. , 820 60 ; 34 ft. 32G 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 124 OOj No. 2 , JS22 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2ml ( common boardnj. $20 00 ; No. 3 , 318 00. LIM15 Per Imrrnl , ? l 25 ; bulk per Mia. 3oo ; Oeincut , bbl , 32 25 Iowa p'.uetor bbl , C3 60. Hair per bu , 50c. Tarred felt 100 Ibn. 93 50. Strnw bnanl , C3 6D , Heavy Hardware Lltt. Iron , ratw , 82 80 ; plow ate l , apcolal cast , 7c | crucible , 80 ; RpcolalurGormanC o | cast tool do , 15@20 wagon apokea , not. 2 2r > © 3 00 ; hr.bn , per sot , 1:5 ; felloes , sswcd dry , 1 40 ; tonguoo , each , 70i86o ( ; axloa , each , 76o ; Kiunro nuts , ix > r Ib , J@\lo ; waohcrs , per Ib. 8@18o ; rirnta , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , G@12o ; { tnallcablo , 80 ; Iron wedgoa , Go ; orowbara , Go barrow teeth , 4c ; spring tocl , 7foic ) ! | Burden's horsnuhooii. 6 2i ; Burden's nluleahoo , fi 25. BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @ 7jo per 100. NAILS Ratoa. 10 to fiOy , 3 60. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck ehot , & 2.10. Oriental Powder , kega , 86.10) ) do. , hal koga. $3.48 ; do.quarter kpgu , 81.88 ; Blast In ? , kocra , 8S.S5FuRe ; , per 100 foot Mo. ) COAL Cumberland blnckumltb , 812 ; Morris Run Blonaburg , 812 ; Whltebroaet lump , 81 03 ; Whitobroart nut , SI 00 ; Iowa lump , S4 Otf ; Iowa nut ? 4 00 ; RooltHprlng | , 0700 ; Anthraolte , Cll 50@12 00 ; Canou City , 87 00 per ton. Honai end Mulct. Extra draft horoen , 8175. to 225. | Common - mon draft hones , 8100. to 150. ) Extra farm horcco , 8110 , to 125 , ; Common to goad farm horarn , (190 ( to 8100. ) Kitrs plngR , 860 , to 76,1 Common plugs , $20 , to ? 40. MULES. ( Extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; good , 100. to 140. ; fair , 875. to 100 , | common , 60. to 75. Liquor * . ALCOHOL 188 proof. 1 25 p r wbe all on | extra California spirits , 1E8 proof , 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined iplrite 87 proof , 123 i > er proof gallon ) re-dlntlllod blakl&H , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended l > 50g ( 50 ; Kentucky bourboni , 2007 00-Ken ; , ncky and Pennaylvanla ryei ) , 2 00(2)7 ( ) 00 , BRANDIES-Imported , 86 0016 00 omentlc 1 404 00 , GINS Imported , 4 50(2)0 ( ) OOi domestic 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 606 00 ; Ne England. 2 0004 00 ; domestic , 1 M3 ) f > ( PEACH AND APPUS BRANDY- 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported pir oo > o 8 00t)3i ( ) 00 ; Amicliaa , per am * , 12 OOQ 600 , Tobnocoa. FINE OUT Commont20@30c ; good 5@GOcj Rose Loaf , 70o ; Premium , G5o Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweat Sixteen , ' 7cSMOKING0. . S. , 20c ; Muikovy , 28c Durham , li ( oz. 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c Utirham , 4 oz , 52c ; Durham , 2 oz. 55 : eal of North Carolina , 1G oz , 42c ; deal o orth Cirrliua , 8oz , 4lo ; Seal of Nortl Carolina , 4 oz , 4Go ; Seol of North Care ino , 2 oz , 48c ; O. 1C Durham , 4 07 , 28 ; K. Durham , 2 oz , 30- ; Uncle Ned , iH ! 4c ; Tom and Jerry. ? 3c. PLUG TOBACCO-Climax. 50 ; Bui inn 50 ; Horseshoe , 48 ; Star 18 ; Rudy 4 ; Hercey'H , 48 ; Black , 38 ® 10. Wool. Merino nnwathcid , light , 14lGo ( ) hcmy 13lDo ) medium unwashed , light , 18(5 ( 21 washed , choice , 32c | fair , SOc ; tub ai , w&shed , 28o ) hurry , blnck und ooltcd woe 26c leu. Ouro tuia Uoui. Do not Buffur your Lunga to bc 3rn dlouaaod by allotting a cold to cot tlnuo without an effort to euro It Thousands have died promatur doatha , the vlctlma of Conanmptlor by simply uecloctlng a cold. D1J. WM. IIALL'a BALSAM fo , ho LUNGS will onro Gelds , 00u l : and Oonauuiptlon nntor * nd ( julcki thau any other rninody. It auta a moat llko mtala iu mcny caaon , and 1 others , Itn offoot , though alow , la nut If ponlitcd In , according to diroi tlons. Henry'd Oarbollo Salvo Is the Boat Salvo for Cata , Brnlsoi Soroa , Ulcora , Salt Rhcm , Totto : Chapped H d3 , Ohllblalua , Oon and all kturia of Skin Eruption Frookloa and Plrnploa. Got Ilonry Carbolic Sitlve , anallothora are ooun torfolta. Prlco 23 cnnU , SL AVEN'S ' YOSTMTTJbr COLOG N Made from the wild floworn of tl K FAMED YOSEMITE VALLE It la the moit frttsrant of parfara Manufactured by II. B. Slaven , Ha Franolnco. For ealo in Omaha bp V J. WhltohouBO and Konnard Bri A NOTED HUT UNTIT1JJI ) WOALUl [ Tram tt Ikxrton Olotx. ] kitrt. Rtdori Tim bor la a good UlteneM cf Vra . I.ydla E. r tm , of I.jnn , MILU. , nbo ! > OTO all other bumui txl uy b trutbf ulljr collxl th "Dear Friend ot Worn ; Home of b r oorreipondenti loietocall her. IMalouilj dtrotwl to her work , which U lh outc < t Uf itudj , and U olil ! ; d to keep all I ulitanU , to help her ani wer the larga corrciponji hlch dall poun In upon her , each \ m\ng \ it * ip arden of lufforiiiff , or joy at release from It , FCetable Compound La a medicine for good and rll purpo > ee. I hara pcr onalljr InTMtigiUJ It Batlifled ot the truth of Dili. Onaooount of Hi prorun merlti. tt l recommes id prt ortlxxl bj the bait phjildani In the coun n tayii "It vorVi like a charm and UTee rn Un. H will cor * entirely the wont form of f J f tha uterus , IxmcorrhtM , Irreeular uid pali ioutruatlon.allOrarUnTroublri , Inflammation Icoratlon , Flooding ! , all DlipUcemtnti and tha < MUent iplnal wnaknuu , aad U eiiwclC'y ' adapt * It perm ? to ovcry portion of Ibe rynCtm , andgl w Ufa and rigor. It rcmuTC * falutueM , fla'tilri Mtroyi alt cravlnn for > tlmuluiti , and rillerei TII KM of theitomacb. It curee Illuitlni , Ilcadic rroui IVoetratlon , ( leneral Debility , 8lc ple n cpreatlonindlndlamtlon. Tint fe llnz of bear t > tnicauUnif pain , weight and liacVache , l < alvt irmanentljr cur l by U > < ! ' It " 111 at all tlmre , ndtr all clrcuinatanroi , act In harmony with tbu Vat Korcrni tha fumalx vyttrin. It com only $1. ir bottlu or ( li for | J , and li aok rueglitn. Any iulflc r iulr l an tu ! < Jal CAST * , le namei of many who havu brm rc.torwl tu pw talthbytho uwof UKJ Viirotaliln Compound , cw btalnrd by aildnwdna Mr * P. wltb etoinp for n , t her home In Lynn , II HM. For Kidney Complain * , of t < l\tr MI till eomtiom iurpaai < l aj abundtnt t tlmonlali ihow , "Km , rir.kliam' Uterl1Ui"Myion nrH r , < ! , i wrlJ for tha euro \ > t CoiinUr * ) tmt Torpidity of the llivr , Her B t wondere In lt > | * { al line and U nipouud In IU popularity. < t hw u an Ancl of tlanj wWl * .fa , Mra.A.M. -t mmMnnllon ' - of 1're * tojrlite of Iron , J'rriifiun Hark nil d J'hoKjiltorua in n iHtliitalilfi form * For JtrbiHljXM of Ajn > * tllr , 1'roitratlon of t'ttnl 1'owcrt it it in < Hai > tma- tile , 11KV. A. I. HOJUU3 Writes : Hanoi fricro" " IU3V.J.L.TOWNEB , Aftnr a thorough trial of the P U RIFIE S Xnduatp5 r , . . . . take ff JAUuutry ? , JL ijRyd : * IRON TONIO , I pleasure yjL/f " In Btatlnic that I have boon ff "I consider 1ft KIOUMJ cnutltod by Ita - ' n moat excellent remedy tot uso. Mlnlstora and I' the debilitated vital forced. lie Speakers will find It of the irroateat value whoroiv Touiois nocoo- nry. I recommend It aa a reliable remedial RRent , uosaesaln r un doubtotl nutrltlvo and roatorntivo propartlcB. i * ( mll * , A > , , ( W. : , 1883. riPAtM B ? TO8 DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. . 13 H. KAIM CT. , CT. 10910. oJii : B5 . . . * If O f a. ' fill3 ! 5 o zsSll3l5 | 1 " a " 5Slo.3Si ori Spgl g-sl S2 H Z o j(2 ( > "Si-g'- ; B n-i - Q.S ® " rf" d * t tfi U ) rt OfiriK V 3.2 D 5Q 238 " 38 ? v2 S c.S8o5S3"ig ? 3wEuuSB2 Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. TniHTERNTII STREET. - OMAHA , NEIJ UANUKACTURKH OK FINK BUGGIES , CARRIAGES & SPUING WAGONS My llopooltory la Oonntantly filled lth a Roloot Stock. Unat rnotoiy. S , V , Cur. lotn aunuujntoi Avenue. in 2lnAlv SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE GALL YOUU ATTENTION TO OUR It Is the bunt and clunpoat food for clock of any kind , Onu pound IB cc to tlirco pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fnll and winter - tor , luato.id of runulnj ! down , will Incrcixao in wclfiht and bo in good murkot- ftblo condition iu the oprlng. Dairymen RH well aa olhors who use it am tus- tlfy to its inurlta. Try it and judge for yournulves. Price $25,00 portou ; no clmr o for np.ckfl. Addrcea o4-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL 00. , Omnhn , Nab. AND JOBBERS IN -lour , , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , AH Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm Am ) mmoTOEED for BOTOUI ) RAILS AND LAFLN ft EAHD PDWDSU OR Flags , Balloons , Torpedoes and 4th of July Goods. SEND FOal PRICE LIST TO THri II * CORNICE W08KSn ! Iron find Slate Hoofing , 1CJ ITU 0. SPE011T , Pruprloti ? . 1111 Douglafi St. - Omaha , Ho- ! en Inj UALVA2UZBU Injml mlU Iron Cornices I U ( DORMER WESDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Eooflug , aU SpechVs Patent Metallic Skylight Patent , lAdjusted Hatchet liar and Bracket Shelviui ; . I am the renera ) agent kdl for the ahovo line of goods. IRON FENCING , lot CrpstlnRB , lialuatrades , Verandat , Iron lout Btnk Ualllngu , Window Dllnda , Cel lar ( iiurtln ; also GENEUAL AGENT FOR PEERSON & RILL I'ATBNT IN D. SIDE ! BLIND. PILE OINTMENT $ DO Fever and ARHO Tonlo Cordial. . .1 00 STANDARD LIVER PILLS. . . 2 DIARR11OE ( JURE 25 SURE ODRE FOR CORNS 25 ( Warranted cr money refunded. ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufkctur cl by W. J.Whltehotue.flOi North gth St. Omaha Keb. o i4-iu&s-6m DUFRENE& ARCHITECTS .REMOVED TO Omaha national Bank Building ,