Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    THEOM B-\ DAILY B 1883.
The Omaha Bee
'nbl ! hcd e\ory morning , exucpt 8nn
7 , The KnJy Rtcnday mcinlng ciftlly ,
One Year..810.00 I Three Month . &UX
Olx Mouths. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1,0
CHE WEEKLY BEE , published over
One Year P2.00 I Tliroo Montlu.
Biz Months. , . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . !
AutnioAN NEWS COMPANY , Solo Agcuta
Hewsdealora in the Unlkxl States ,
ttfons relating to News and Editoria
dfttter : should bo vidrecscd to the Knuon
or Tun But ,
Letters and Itrmittnncca shnnld bo
OUAHA , Drafts , Chocks and Postollicc
Jrdcrs to be ir.aJo payable to the order o
the Company ,
? lie BEE PUBLISHING GO , , Props
g. nOSE\VATin Editor.
NOTHING eecina to bo going on in
Wanhingtou nowadays but the poke
clnbn ,
THIS la a great day of rollot in
Nebraska for chronic claim Bookers
J. N. Pcorman , Tom Konnard and
Bill Stout are relieved to the extent o
Boveral thousand dollars at the oz-
ponso of the state treasury.
cold shoulder from Virginia in the
late elections , but ca long as the Fed
eral patronage hold out ho wlllropndi-
nto Virginia r.ontlmctit aa readily as ho
helped to repudiate Virginia bonds.
FANNY Kp.Li.oao BAOHEHT hai sued
the Aforniny Journal of Now York ,
for declaring that she is out of her
head , and Mr. Bichort out of her
heart. MM. Btohort slugs in her libel
unit to the tune of 50,000.
Fiuuba have boon discovered in
connection with the Froodman'a hos
pital at Washington. In the light of
past experience , the name freedman ,
connected with any charitabln Institu
tion , leaves an unpleasant taato in the
THE marine baud will play regularly
in Washington this eummor , The
band is the cmallcst salaried and most
effective portion of the establishment
of the marlncn , whono principal duty
consists la getting sick at uea and
uiarohing in proci'sslon ou hud.
WE are to have another sectarian
collate in Bullovuo , in the Interests of
the Prcabytorhns , for which con
tributions nro requested and plans
being drawn. Every now addition to
Nebraska's oducatlonal facilltlca ought
t'j bo encouraged.
UAHVAHD OOLLEOB hco refused to
confer thu degree of L. L , D on Ben
Butler. In uccorclhnco with the regu
lar custom of the Uulvoralty every
governor rooolvea the degree ns a mat
ter c f oourao. Bon will now cock hie
eye towards Cambridge and the fur
may bo expected to fly before many
GENERAL CIULMKHB , the hero of
.Ft. i'illow aurttho "Shoo String dls-
trioi , " longs to otoop hla glittering
blade in the gnro of Col. Qsllotrny , of
the Memphis Appeal. In the on-
cuing conflict , Col. Galloway will have
'tho heartfelt nyspiuhlos of the coun
try. If nothing oleo but n duel will
dlspoaoof Ohalmors , lo' the good work
goon. _ _ _ _
SECRETAUY LINCOLN was under fire
several times during the war bat ho
aaya the experience waa a mild ono
compared to the Gro which ho has had
to endure since taking the war port
folio. Four years of wrestling with
competitors for soft army positions on
the staff are enough to turn any BOO-
rntary's whiskers as gray as Goo , Ed
munds' .
EVKUT onoe nnd a while our city
officials are taken with a violent
spaetn ia enforcing the lawr. A few
day a ago on IncfTtnsivo peddler , who
Bold his preparation on a street cor
ner , was arrested for obstructing the
atrcots. Although ho showed his
license , which under the ordinance
permits huckstering , and notwith
standing that half a hundred peanut
peddlers and fruit stands Hue our
thoroughfares , and occupy from five
to ton tlmca tbo amount of space , the
culprit was dragged to the police
court , fined $4 and costs for violating
the city ordinance , and warned against
colling his patent grease eraser on the
sacred atrcots of Omaha ,
Thcro is a good deal of potty perse
cation in this performance. No ono
believes that the ordinance against
direct obstruction was ever intended
to apply to a man quietly peddling
goods on our eldowalka , so lone as his
presence docs not interfere with a
reasonable freedom of travel. In cities
whono streets are not moro than half
BS wide as these of Omaha , street ven
ders aio unmolested. Nassau street ,
lu Now York , which is no wider than
an Omaha alley , is lined with these
pedestrian merchants. If the mayor ,
the marshal , and the police judge are
yearning to enforce the laws , there
are other ordinances of much more
importance than the one against street
obitrnctlon that are dally being vlo
lated under their very noaei.
Dlapatchos from Pltt/iburg / nut
othur Industrial contora bring goot
nown. The great etrlko of tlio iron
worltorj haa bocn happily avorlod by
the restoration of raten on merchant
Iron of laot ytpr'o ecnlo. This meanB
continued work and wngoa for 10,000
worklngmen , most of whom hare
families to nupport. A lockout of
three months would have meant the
Io33 of moro than two nnd a half mil
HOUM of dollars in wngoa to the conn
try , and would have decrcaaed by
nearly donblo that amount the pro
dncora fund In the United States , It
la a matter for general congratulation
that the iron workers will continue to
work , and that the mills of Ponnsyl
vanla , Ohio and Illinois will not close
their doors.
In covcral other lines of Industry
the relations of worklngmon to tliolr
employers are still in a disturbed con
dltlon , It la earnestly to bo hoped
that conciliation and compromise may
win the day. As a general rule atrlkea
and lookouts hurt the working men
much moro than they affect the cm
ployor. Accumulated capital cm ntaud
financial loss tncch bettor than men
whodepocd upon their dally wages for
a tiring , Just at the present
tlmo , when wo are noffiirln
from over-production , many ea
tablishmonta can well afford
to abut their doors in order to reduce
their aurplna stock. In nach cases a
worklngman's strike will simply play
Into the hands of the employers. Et
lorionoo provea that strikes generally
happen in pronporous times and on a
rising market. When manufacturers
can neil all the goods they can pro
dnco , and at a good profit , It pays
them to nubmlt to a reduction in
profits rather than to lese their trado.
5nt when goods are Bold on n small
margin , and trade is dull , they are often
; lad to abut down work for a few
wooka or month * . When production
n curtailed prices rleo and the goods
boy have on baud correspondingly
apprcciato in value.
Our workiugmcn are becoming bet' '
or educated on the trno relations
which exist between capital and labor
nd the cannon which affect wageo.
They do not glvo up their right to
trlko , In other words to rofnao their
abor when they bollovo the price of-
orod is too low. But they are Icarn-
ng to understand that ctrlkoa tire
moro judicious at oomo tlmca than ut
thorn and that oompromiao and con-
illation in labor troubles are goiior-
Hy moro cfTjotlvo than brnto forca
nd vlolonco. That la a great stop
orward. The next muat bo the or
ganization of boaida of arbitration ,
which have proved so successful In
Ingland and on the continent.
There haa boon a decided advance
n Douglas county property during the
ant year , and good farming lauds
within n radlua of tea mllon from
Imaha are oornmandlntr from $30 to
ilOO an aero. The low prloo of prop-
rty nud the alow rnto of Rottlomont
u a oounty that contains the largest
Ity in Nebraska haa often boon com
mented on. The ono hr.s largely do
icndod upon the other. Much of our
> est laud haa boon withhold from
ottlomont by eastern apcculatora.
argo tractn have remained for
earn unoccupied and uncultivated
n Douglas county where their nettle-
mont acd cultivation would have etlm-
latod the Dales of adjoining sections
nd correspondingly increased the
alua of alt the land in the precincts
n which they were situated.
Nothing la bettor oatabllshod than
ut settlement stimulates settlement ,
nd that the active cultivation of
arm landa enhances the value of all
10 property near It. Landa In our
ounty adjacent to Omaha have
pproclatod rapidly as the city limits
lave boon pushed to the north and
woit , but the country precincts have
lao gained greatly as section after
eotlon of unimproved land has come
nto the market and boon taken up by
otual settlors.
It la tlmo that the population of
> 3nglaa county ontaldo of Omaha
hould boar a fair proportion to that
f the county seat. According to the
ast census there were 37J45 ( inhabl-
ants tn the entire county , of which
0,518 resided within the city
Imlts of Omaha. This left
nly 7,127 inhabitants in the
onnty products , Including the towns
f Watarloo , Elkhorn and Mlllard , or
ess than ono-hfth of the entire popu-
atlon of the oounty. Lancaster
ounty , by the same coueus , waa cre
dited with 28,090 , of which only 13 , .
03 resided in the city of Lincoln ,
u Otoo county the proportion of
ounty to city luhabltania was still
moro marked.
There la uo reason why Djnglaa
ounty real estate should not briug as
high prices as any in the atato. It la
nearer to the beat markets in Nebraska ,
a just as fertile , ui well watered , and
aa fully supplied with shipping faclll-
lea aa Liucaetor and Otoo , or half a
lozou other counties In which farms
rule higher than they do In our own.
nvostora and practical farmers look-
tit ; for a change of location are begin
ning to E3i > through a millstone , in
vhlch there has alwaya boon a very
arge hole.
TUB sales of lands in the Otoo res
ervation on Tuesday attested the value
of good farming property la 0 ge
county. Mont of the land went nt
double ita apprairod vainoaml an high
as thirty dollars an ncro WAS bid for
particularly fine parcel * . There In
plenty of land In Gaga county cqnall )
good that could have been bought at
half the figures , but the prices ob
tained at the Otoo nalo will probably
Increase the valno of property through *
out the county , bealdca advertising
ono of the moat fertile ecotiona cf a
fertile stale to the four thousand lane
aeokora who were present on that oc-
caalon ,
Some of the moat important laws
enacted by the Nebraska legislature
last winter , go Into effect on the firal
day of Juno.
Among those nro the not anthorlz
Ing the state buard of agriculture to
locate the atato fair for a period not
exceeding five years at any ouo time
or at any ono place ; an act to prevent
deception and fraud in the laeuo of llvu
stock podlgrcc ? ; and an act to protect
sheep hnobaudry and provldo for the
appointment of sheep Inspectors , This
act authorlzoo county comralsBionors ,
upon petition from a majority of the
iheop owners In their county , to ap
point aa sheep inspector the person
recommended by the petitioners. The
inspector la charged with the Inspeo
tlon of sheep to ascertain whether
they are free from scab and other con
taglous diseases.
Another is the act regulating volnn
tary assignments , to which wo have
already referred at length.
Next is an act authorizing distrio
attorneys to appoint deputies whenever
over they oan procure consent from
the county commissioners. Severn
aota governing cities of the first anc
second class and villages which have
heretofore been published , also go
Into Immediate effect. There are
mainly charter amendments and re
vised charters , Then wo hare an no
for the incorporation of churches ,
parlahes and religions societies. This
act waa oxproaaly drawn for Bishop
O'Connor , to unable the Catholic
churches and parishes to manage anc
control their property.
Next in an act amending section 97 ,
chapter 1C , compiled statutes. This
act simplifies the method of securing
the right of way by railroads.
Next is an act requiring county
iroaanrura to publish a complete ox-
iibtt of county finances In Juno and
January of each year.
Then an act authorizing the county
ommiaslonora of Douglas oounty to
trade , pave and Improve roads load
ng into Omaha , which has
> een already discussed in those
columns. An act relating to the du-
loa of county oommisalonora pro
vides for the levying ot taxes , the
cooping of the county records and
ho publication of proceedings , and
also of the meetings of the board of
equalization , and also that all claims
against counties shall bo verified by
ho affidavit ot the claimant. Another
aw which goes into i fleet pormtta
county oommlaaionora to issue coupon
> oudo for the payment of outstanding
connty obligations , subject to a vote
of the county doctors. Ono of the
moat Important r.otn , to which wo
hall hereafter refer at length , la the
aw to provide for township organlza-
Ion whenever the qualified voters
may vote for such government. This
menanre la copied largely after the
excellent township nyatem of New
England. Two aota relating to ali
mony provldo that all judgments in
llvoroa oases shall bo lions against
property as in other actions , and the
refusal of the husband to give socurl-
y for alimony shall subject his prop
erty to sale upon execution , Another
act prohibits bogus tlckota at elections
and provides fine and imprisonment
aa a punishment for its violation. The
amendment to the militia laws grant-
ng privates two dollars a day , pay
commissioned ofliocr three dollars a
lay and the adjutant general $300 a
roar , alao goes Into effect to-day ,
BDROLARS and confidence men are
entirely too numerous in Omaha at
ho prusont tlmo. Scarcely a night
lasaoa but that wo hoar ac
counts of houses entered and
money and valuables taken
n the most thickly settled portions of
ho city , while the police court records
show 110 reports of commitments for
sroeny or burglary. Where are our
jollce ? This ia a question which Mar
shal Quthrlo la respectfully invited to
answer. Many citizens will bo Inter
ested in his reply ,
THE free oil plpo bill was defeated
n the Pennsylvania legislature yoc-
torday. The Standard oil lobby still
rules the rooat at ITsrrleburg.
The Illuminations have faded out In
Moscow , the crown rcata on the head of
the Imperial llomnnoff and the costly
pageantry over , the eyed of Europe once
nero turn to the more cuauuonplaco but
vitally important problems upon the eolu.
tlon of which depends the peace of the
continent , ami the maintenance of the
resent equilibrium. The conviction ii
'orclng ' Itself upon the minds of others
.ban alarmed French statestntm that the
: rlple alliance of Germany , Auitrla and
Italy , to lately comumated by the Iron
chancellor constitute ! a supreme tribunal
of Europe , which U capable of enforcing
IU will and caprice upon anv or all other
European powen , and without whose con
sent no European question can be decided ,
The note of alarm U already sounding
from the French prew. It ii asserted that
Vcn Mollko h&a been making a tllcnt
journey along the Italian fontlcr and ex
amining with rol'llerly ' care the mountatu
pa&fcs. The watch along the Khtne Is re
, doubled , tlie Upretls ministry lu Imly
falls at n nud from Htoinarck and n new
cablnut la forming which will work In
harmony with the counsels nt Berlin.
France Is being encircled with bayonets
wblto French troops arc amusing them ,
colves with fttei and frtvoltten or pursuing
n boolleiA i , f roll for undenlrablu territory
In the eastern nrchlpclfjlo , The picture
may be overdrawn , but It 1ms a back
ground of sober reality. In tbo event of
wr.r the vnat armle * o ! Auttrla , Germany
and Italy would comprho 3,001,323
men. Each would bo BO many parts
of one gigantic and perfectly eUhornttd
mnchine , every mlnuto movement of
which would bo directed by the German
general stiff juit AS tlio nrn.loj of Bs-
v nl , Wurtembnr * nd linden were di
rected In 1870 by the Prusalnn stiff The
power to throw 3,000COJ noldlcr * ngaiast
her frontiers l the danger with which Bii-
m rck now menaces the French republic.
Th t luch a power exists in Europe is
Itself a menace to peace.
Through fticlcnots and weakness Bis
innrck's ' etar utlll chines In the ascendant.
His domestic policy haa been an apparent
failure , but his plans for increasing Ger
man Influence and prestige abroad are
working continually towards their con
summation , Having welded together the
iNcrth German confederation inlSCGand
the German empire In 1871 , tbo great
chancellor i * now welding together a still
greater military nnd political nnit , equal
In extent to the empire of Charlemagne ,
ami intended eventually to embrace the
whole of Central Europe , Italy and the
counties contiguous to tbo Vatican.
Parliament haa accomplished little dur
Ing the pa-it week. Thecovornmentuoems
to gather Itn ( battered forces together
slowly , aid Irish obstruction boa found a
new field for operation in the grand com
initte * . The debates hive been syite
rustically protracted , with the result of
withholding mer.eures from the house ,
when few important billi are ready. It
la expected that by the end cf another
wot-k tbo tenant farmers bill will be in
readlne > a for n clabite which mny bo ex
pected to last through BO vernl weeks. Some
time baa been wasted in n further fruitless
attempt to dta-over tbo exact nature of
Englnnd'a conferences with the V tioan
regarding Irish m.ittoi ? , but Mr. Glad-
ttono'a mouth ia oMeil , nnd silence gives
iood ; grounds for tbo charges which the
Irish members are still making
against the government. The mo\o-
ment for it now Suez canal ,
which bus mnde good progress , comracnte
Krance'rf fortlgn policy , nnd the continued
ill henlh ! of the queen , who h been re
moved by special train to the quiet and HP-
clujlon of Balmoral , make up the chief
topics discussed by tha London preaa.
There h some ill-advised talk of a reopen
ing of tbo Alabama award question ,
through a formal demand on the United
States for tbo undivided surplus , but tbo
( liaciiRslon nw.ikeim no response from the
government or tbo groit London journals.
From Ireland cornea little news of oxcit <
ing interest. Tbe papal letter to the
bishops ha ] been followed by a general ac
quiescence on the part of the priest * , and
u sullen ol'etlnacy on the part of the people
ple , which ahoviB itself in largo contribu
tions to the PuruQll fund , an invitation
to the pope to mind bis own
business , and a decided foiling cff
in the amount of Pater's pence.
In fact BO perioin hai been the deficiency
in thin last tiarneil fund both in Ireland
and Amcrtci that the Pop a baa Issued an
appeal for larger contributions on the
ground of the absolute necessity for in
creased support for the Vatican. It i * un
derstood that lloaloy and Davitt will
shortly bo reea ed from piison but no
cir.mency in spite cf earnest appeals need
be expected far the c mvlotod murderers
of Phtcaix nark notoriety. Fagnn wan
Inngocl on Wednesday. CUffroy meets bis
tiito to-day and Kelly will bo executed
next Saturday. This will complnte the
rotrilution for the great tragedy. The in-
[ oimeie , richly rewarded for their treach
ery , have lift the country to escape popu
lar vengeance through u probabl * secret
From Franco comoa reports of renewed
igbtlng in Tonquiu. It ia plain that the
Asiatic province cannot bo acquired with
out a severe struggle. The defeat of the
roconuoitericg party , although it resulted
n the lots of soma nf the French uflicers
of prominence , is not it Itself of much mo-
nent ; but it shows that the Anna-
ne G themselves are hostile to the move
ment of tha French , and this will require
; be establishment of garrisons in the chief
ilnceH , and to this extent will weaken the
wailable forca uoceseiry for the invasion ,
fho L'renrh Chambers only voted n small
appropriation for the expemea ot the cntu-
> aign about 81,500,000 and tent out
. , 00 soldier ? , which , joined to tbo forca
already on tbo ground , will make au army
of about 5,000. Were they opposed by
AnnameBO alona they would tnako
abort _ work of thorn , and would very
speedily occupy the wbola penin
sula , but the invasion baa
aroused China to the fighting
pitch. That government bag already
dispatched 0 000 troops tn the frontier ,
who are wellarmcd with modern weapons.
Aa the Chinese httre u splendid fleet , very
Kiwerful cruia-ra with heavy armaments ,
md in all reit ot , except perhaps in the
matter of officers und discipline , well pro-
tared to dispute with tin French fleet ,
md bav * an immense population on which
o draw for soldiers , they may make a
very stubborn resistance to the French
army and navy. In the end they will be
overcome , provided there ii no interfer
ence by the French with the interests of
other nations , but that result will require
a larger appropriation and more soldiers
ban were at first thought necessary for
the work. Evidences are accumulating of
xtralned rslatlons between France uud the
Vatican , which are rxpectad to result in
open rupture. The coronation ot the % r
hew out n harmless legitimate outburst ,
mt neither that cor the rnmored death of
beComta tie Cbambord were sufficient to
awaken popular excitement against the re-
Alexander III , crowned and annotated ,
till remains in Moscow , receiving the
lomage of hU tubjuta and the conar.ttula-
Ions of hid kingly neighbor , Tha ex
pected general amnesty win not issued ,
nnd Imperial clemency sitiffied itself with
a pardon to the exiled Pules. Both the
imprror nnd the oraprapa appo r more
earlcs < of danger ( since the coronation ,
loth wcie present at a pnblla reception on
hlonday , ncd on Tuesday were the ccntnrp
of attraction at the great count bill. On
Wednesday their majesties eat in a box at
he theatre , nud clrovo without e > cert
hrough the open streets. All forrign cor
espondent ) comment on Urn enthusiastic
oyulty cf the common people , but aa the
censor of the press would scarcely hai a
leimlttcd any other report to have pa > 8-d
lii supervision , nothing can be in far red
rom tha opinions expressed by telegraph ,
t ii certain , however , that nt present the
revolutionary fooling U moat active in the
ilgher ranks ot Huaeian society , and that
he peasantry U comparttivoly free from
nihilistic contagion.
The anti-German spirit in Bohemia ,
nore especially on the part of tke church ,
a likely to bring about n convention en
mane to Protestantism of the Germans In
hat reghn , most of whom are Catholics ,
The fanaticltm of the Cza cb clergy , from
ha blihop of Konlggratz down to tbo
mallcat curate , leaves tbo population
oarc ly any alternative but tha renuncln.
inn of their nationality or their faith.
) ne of thn recent decrees of the bishop
ordered the sermons in the church at
L'rautenau to be held In the Czech Ian-
ruage ; a mo t arbitrary step , considering
hat four-fifth * of the population
are Gormen * . From thin it may be In
tarred what tbo effect of similar fa-
nrttlctl acts muit bn In towns nnd village
In which there la a smaller German popu
latlon ,
A Ick tfllcor out at Fort Scott ,
Got hla inueclcB all tied in a knot ,
Ho is now out ogolu ,
And aaya for all pain ,
St. Jacobs Oil gars right to the epot
Special Dttpatch to Till Uis.
NKW YOUK , Junol. Arrived City
of Rome , Liverpool ; Do lleytor , Ant-
QDEKNSTOWN , Juno 1. Arrived
Wisconsin , Now York.
Susan E. Douglass , nged 27 , re tiding in
Cumberland county , Pa . during the ah
Bonco nf her husband Tuesday , cut the
thrnata of her three children , two boys
and a girl , and killed herself. Insanity ,
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
or * Throat * Btrelllnan , Hprnlnt. Ilrultet ,
llurnl , Bculili. front Illtci ,
1ID ! ALL OTHER IIUIMI.T l'il.18 1.1D 1CKE8.
old DroiFlita And Dealers ererwher . Flrtj C oU a
bottl * . VlrectfODi la 11 LitiKiugft *
THK fllAIHi : ' ( A. VOOKI.KH CO.
[ From Uie Boston CMat. ]
The above Is a good llkencw of Mrs. Lydla E. Flnl
im , of Lynn , Mass. , who above all other human belni
ay be truthfully celled the "Dear Friend of Woman ,
some of her correspondent ! lore to call her. Eh
ealou ly doroted to her work , which Ii the outcom
t a life-study , and ll obliged to keep tli lad
istants , to help her answerthe large correspondent
tilch dally pours In upon her , each bearing Its ipecU
urden of suffering , or Joy at release from It. U <
tgotable Compound 13 a medicine for good and nt
rll purpose * . I hare personally Investigated It an
n satisfied of the truth of this.
On account of Iti proven merits. It Is recommend *
id prescribed by the best phyjlcl&ns In the countrj
na Bays i "It works UVe a charm and sates mud
iln. It will euro entirely the worst form of fallln ]
f the uterus LoucorrhoD * , Irregular vid palnfd
' cnstruatlon , all Ovarian Troubles , Inflammation ad
Icoratlon , Floodlngs , all Displacement ) and the cot
tquent eplnal weakness , and Is espocli/ ! ! adapted *
to Change of Life. "
It permeates every portion of tt rystem , and frl
tit life and rigor. It removes falntnein , fla'ultncj
tstroyg all craving for stimulants , and relieves weak
ess of the stomach. It cures Bloating , IIoadachM
fcrvous Prostration , Qlncral Debility , Bleeplcssneii
bprosalon and Indigestion. That feeling ot bciu
own , causing pain , weight and backache , Is alwayi
ermancntly cured by Its nsov. It will at all times , am
ndir all circumstances , net In harmony with tha Ut
kit governs the fcm&lt ) system.
It coits only JL per bottle or six for $5. , and la Bold h
rugglsts. Any advlco required as to special cases , an ]
ko names ot many who have been restored to port
calth by tlio use ot the Vegetable Compound , on V
btolnct ) by aildresslnic Iln , P- with ( tamp for rsplj
Mier home In Lynn , JIaaj.
For Kidney Complaint of either SOT this compooEdf
jrur tuwcd as abundant testimonials show.
"llrs. finlt ham's Lhcr Illls , " Mys ono writer , *
"it KorM for the euro of Constipitloi
'd Torpidity of the liver. Her Boa
vonclf rs In Its special line and Hdo ftl
ipouuil In Its popularity.
c her an an Angel of Mercy vbcca tok
' ( rood to others.
J- (21 UnvA.ULD.
Mrs. S. A. Allen's
Public Bonofactross. Mrs. S.
A , ALLEN has justly eimcd this title ,
and thousands arc tins tlay rejoicing
rver a fine head of hair produced by
her uncqualed preparation for restor
ing , iiivinorating , and beautifying the
Hair. Her World's Hair Restorer
quicU > cleanses the scalp , removing
Dandruff , anil arrests the fall ; the
hair , if gray , it changed to its natural
color , giving ! ; the tape vitality and
luxurious quantity as in youth. "
hair is now restored to its
youthful color ; I have not
n gray hair left. I am sat
isfied that the preparation
is not a dye , but acts on
the secretions. My hair
ceases to fall , which is cer
tainly an advantage to me ,
who was in danger of be
coming bald. " This is
the testimony of all who
ust > Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S
* Oio "GoUJo ilia it. " That n the
t' c , r i-ion of in my who have had
Ih ir , ny hair icMorcd to its natural
cuUir , .lit ] their bnM spot covered
wi 'i n ur , after usui ] * one bottle of
l. _ „ , ! ; . . 11 ii. tut a dye.
, , , , ,
Onih Ncb ,
1617 Dodge Street.
Telephone 2to. 144.
OlOco Houra : From 9 to 10 n. m.
nnd 2 to 6 p. m.
Undertakers ,
China and Glass , .
St. Louis , Mo ,
may 22-3m
Washington Avenue 1111 $ Fifth Street ,
1622 Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Quotations sent on Application. Consignments tolIclteJ and'rcm'ttancoj ' promptly made.
This Flour la made at Salem , Richardson connty , Nob. , In the combln '
roller and stone system. Wo give EXCLUSIVE aalo of our flour to ono firm in
place. We hao opened a branch at 1G18 Oapltol avennu , Omaha.
Write for Prices. VALENTINE _ _ Xt . RFPPY . S Iem or Om h , Neb
Addrcf s cither VL&I > 1 I IIXi CX. > 'U.rr I t mlo-flm
S3 jGa.3C.3EJ
And Window Glass.
BX. Hellmaii
ISO ! and 1803 Farnam St. Cor.
1213 Farnam St. , Omaha. W h.
, TO , ,
Stair Railings , Balusters , WindoWj
and Door Frames , Etc.
Kirat-olast faollitlea for tha Manrjfftctarii nt all blmU of Mouldings , Planing
matching Specialty. Orilorn from thutiutry will t. promptly eieonted.
Hil ! < all oommnntf ttnn tn A M/YKK Pn
'V&Z' * TAV fafZJW t * & * S"F A * 9
1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHi