Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion ,
Cures general debility , and
gives a new lease of life ,
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
E cstores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
'Strengthens the muscles and
nerveSjCnrichcs the blood.
Overcomes weakness , wakc-
fulness , and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills , fevers ,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St. , Diltlmore , Dec. i68r.
> 'or tlx yean I have been a great
lufTcrcr from Blood Dlteaie , IJys-
BO debilitated that I could not retain
anything on my stomach , in fuel ,
life hau almou become a burden.
Finally , when hope lujalrnoit left
me , my husband feeing UKOWM'S
IRON ilirrnrs advertised In the
aper , Induced me to give It a trial
? otn now taking the third bottle
and have not felt 10 well In lix
years ai I do at ( he present time.
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs "bracing up , " than
any medicine made ,
Omaha National Bank Building ,
Every Corset Is vmrrnutod satii-
factory to Its wearer iu every ivny ,
cr the mono ? will bo refunded \ > y
the person trorn whom It was boucht.
oetronounfw1 b' ur I"11" l
tli Pretcrvlnc. 01.60. Belf-AdJu tln . t !
oBl < extr hevy ) 9.00. Nar ln , ! .
1'rwertlni ( Hne eautll ) 8.00. l > M-c m
Mle t > 7 leadlx lletall Uealen
cousisT cu.i
Anc cotlentTonlo nnd Appo1
tiioroft'iauUltonnvor , H CI | tin
i..i , NorYuuttiii" , lliailnolio , DC
UM ) , VevtT and Avuo , l > lirrlin i
nnd nil dl > ortli > rn ut the Dlii" > tlv
Umnni. It linnrt | < ft tlUlclou
llAVur to n ilayA of chnnitwiimc
li-nionmlo , unln , aud nil ilrlnL.
Try It , Tlio pcnulno Ancoitur ;
Ulttcrt l < niido by Ur. J. O. 1
Uirnrr.T & MOH. fl ld by nH Dnni
El'ti , U rui ei und Ll < | uur luuk'i i
J.V. . WUPPCRMAN , Solo Agent
51 Br dwavN. ( Y
tno-eod &
" '
Mr Dear Little Hymn-Dock.
The 1'itbot c S'orr ol a MollflcdLour ,
Oar j-enr h n Mttn Mollle Smith ,
A lovely rnaldtn , iiHimp and healthy ,
I wished to tiiakii my wife forthwith
She ln n p.t ( hat U tcry wealthy ,
Shn pt.ld oLJcclton ehehad none ,
And then I went right to her father :
" , " paid he , "you'll uoterborny
JJo you'think I felt sighted ? KUhcr.
But I rcunlvcd to Imva her rtlll ,
And to her wrote nnmo fond epistles ,
Thnu h In my heart thnt nwful slight
StucV like n Bhariienid bunch of thtv
tlee ,
Ono Sunday nt the church wo mot ,
And , by her stolen , molting Klanccr ,
I knotrthat Rhe WAB willing jet
To fly with mo and take the chsnccs.
The orgnn pealed In thunder tones ,
Her dear pa tnoczcd nil through the eor-
I pvecd n hrmn-book o'er to her
In which I wrote , " 15u ct the German. "
Shn came , we danced , wo Ulserd , wo fled ;
Wo hurried ri ht cl ! to a niller [ ,
( I mean n mtnlntcr , of courno , )
And 110 one ever did It nicer ,
Gnod hcavencl how her pn did rave ,
When to him the nown was carried ,
And ha was made to realize
That Jlolllo Smith to Jones wan mar
ried I
But time at liut can even mtlt
Tbo heart of any average Uaesnr ,
And Molllu'fl pa imii coma around
And named our flret-born Kbonezer ,
I dearly love that little church
Whcro Molllo'a pu snouzed through the
ncnnon ,
But most of all Ilovo Iho bonk
In which I wrote , "Bo &t the German. "
L ° Dl
_ _ _ _
Tbo .AucUoneor.
The man that runs an auction ,
AudwKtchoi for a nod ,
Must either bo near-flighted ,
Or else he's voryodJ.
For when you bid on Romethln ;
Ho xrulIrR with Rvrpot content ,
And thinks you nod a dollar
When you only nod ascent.
The Tired root.
The potter ulnod at bin dally work ,
One patient foot on the ground
The other , with never xlaoUing apood ,
Turning hli ivvlft wheel round.
Sllont , wo Blood bosldo him there ,
Watching the restless knee ,
Till my friend eald low , Iu pitying voice :
"llow tired hlsfout must btl"
The potter never paused In big work ,
Shaping the wondruui thing.
'Twan unly o common flower pot ,
But perfect In fanbloning.
Slowly ho raised Ida patient eyes ,
With homely truth Impircd :
"No , inarm , it isn't the foot that kicks ;
The ono that utanda
The Momuntouu Qaontloa.
Thi < y Rtood beside the garden gate ,
Beneath the elm trees itpreadlng shade ;
It wag the solemn hour of eve ,
The witching titno for lovers made.
Ho watched the radiant orba of night ,
An one by ono they gemmed Iho sky ; ,
He gazed upon her comely form , _ j *
Her lovely nock and lustrous eya.
She r.ojtlol cloeoly to hla Ride , , . it
No word she itpoko , but only preiscd ,
With trustful look aud gcntlo mien ,
Her graceful head against bla broatt.
Ho gazed upon the glossy hulr.
Which well ndnrued the ahapely head ;
Ho looked upon her dainty feet ,
Aud then these little words ho anld :
"Could she bo hie ? " and as bo asked ,
Ha fondly itrokfid that glossy hair ;
"Oh , yes5' the fanner said he'd take
TITO hundred dollarx tor the marc ,
A Little Lucly.
I know a little lady
Who woarn n hut of green ,
All trlmin'd with rod , rod roscR ,
And a blackbird on the brim ,
Shatlos It down with ribbons.
Under her dimpled chin ;
For oftentimes I I'D breezy
When aho cornea tripping In.
Sho'll drop a dainty courtony ;
Pnrhapa nho'11 throw a kiss ;
Shu brings RO many hundred
That ono nho'il never
With laughing , ftunny glances
81i9 comDu , her frlondR to grout ;
Tliero'a not are her maiden
In nil the world HO awootl
Her uamo the rnROH toll yon !
'TIs In the blnckbird'a tunol
This amillng Ii tlo lady
Ia jutt our own dear Juno I
-Llzzlo L. .Gould , In St. Nicholas foi
Moscow , May 27.
The stately nations crowd the gray olc
town ,
To crown with pomp the ancient Mus
Guoats from afar , fair , and yellow , am
And some peihapa are there the host dli
not Invite.
To wear a crown with these thorns con
cealed within.
To start in f ar if but a hare pass by ,
To live friends and kln-
That ouch a mail is Emperor I deny.
I , with my wealth of love amasaed about
My email estate , perhaps , and low de
gree ,
With kingly friends whoso faith I canno
doubt ,
I am more truly Emperor than he.
I'd rather be the commonest of oommo
men ,
And wear an old felt hat crushed dowt
Than be the Czar nf all the Russian , whoi
Uneasy resta tha head wears such
Brlgham Young's nineteenth wife , An
Bliss , was married on Sunday In Lodl , Ute
to Mr. Donnlup , a prominent merchant c
MnuUtoe , Mich.
The younx Duchesi MuglUno , nee Hat
dlnl , mtkrrlod t sixteen , U the belle i
Home ; n "really triumphant youn
creature , with the figure of n nymph , "
The eldest daughter of Lwrenco lUrre
will be married to Ujrun Hoder at Stut
K&rt nbout the mlddlo of July , Mr , B.i
rett will visit Ueru&uy In time to bopre
cut ,
The engagement of Mips 1'orter , i
Washington , dauuhtcr of Admiral Porte
to Mr. Gimpbali , the brother of Mr
Ghartetcn , interests muuy New York ui
per tens.
An Kogllih girl of nobility has late !
como to this country to marry n young ei
Klueor on ono of the Kraud Wotei
ruilroads. She says it is the only oppo
t unity ( ho has to tee tha lloclcy inou
A Scltuite , H. I. , man thought it vrou
be funuv toeend uboxus in.irrlago not !
to The 1'rovidence Journal. Hut since I
found that hu Is likely to have to pay
Coed round fine for his Joke , his Ideal
conili } - > urntlUrn has materially change
A notable'vcddliiR early during tha e
suing month wi.l te that of Mlsi Kdit
daughter of the Hon. Hamilton Fish ,
Mr. Oliver Nortboote , of Knglnnd , whi
will take place at tin country seat of t
Fish family at UarrIsous-on-the-Huds > :
The story comes from London that M
Frank Leslie , who Is at prtieutIn tb
I city , U to wed the Marquis
the eon of Mmn , Tusiinri , whnie w x.
works suggested the Identity of Mrs , Jnr-
lay , and the inventor of the "Ciuinbcr ot
Horrors. "
D.\vld Petrion , of CarrotHnn , II ) , aged
feventy-eoven , id Mrs , McKad'len , of
that city , DRed seventy , were united In
marriage the other day , and took their de
parture on a bridal tour , which will in
clude the noted watering phjcs of the cast.
The bride Is tpokcn of M a "leading so
ciety married hello uf half H century ngo. "
The groom is n prominent nnd wonlthy
citlien of that place , nnd known to many
of the older people in that tcctlon ,
Juno will bo full of w < ddlngp , mrnyof
whkb will have n pnrdcn party nspect
To on joy thn pleasure of walking to church
over n bed uf roscn one must be mitrried in
June , Ono hears of tevoral pretty inno
vations In the conduct of them Junn wed
ding * , such an processions through the
rectory grounds to the church , preceded
by tha choir boys singing , nnd n group of
young married ladles bringing uu the rear
of the bridal train , ni in old Florentine
days. Some of the June brides have de
cided to wear no glove ? , which is n sensi
ble determination. New York Letter.
Japanese ton kettles are usjd for flower
Tiny ash-trays are In designs of owla and
monkeya ,
Clustcrnof buttercups arc placed on tbo
left Bhouldcr.
Sprajs of weeping willows are worn by
young widows ,
Narrow clothes-lino Ia used to braid
traveling dresses.
Prayer hooka are suspended from the
belt by a chatelaine ,
Flower dog-collara and fans to match
will bo pretty feature ) of summer evening
drew ,
A lace-pin has large and tw little puga
of silver , with ruby eye : , chained to a dla.
mend rock ,
Fashionable girl ? wear , in the house ,
old-fashioned baga nt the side , tied with
Innumerable ribbons.
"Dear" meana beloved , also expensive.
How often the two meanings nro com
bined in ono womnn !
The newest engagement rings have a
heart of ruby sunk in the gold , with the
monogram of the protpectlyo groom cut
on It.
Amber h a very fashionable color , and
ono of the mont beautiful importations
from Worth fa an amber satin recaption
The new stjlo of ladles' boss hare snakes ,
bugB. etc. , worked on them. The credit
for this discovery belongs to the society
reporter. L'jwcll Courier.
A woimn wh'so mouth isn't largo
enough to eat n quarter of on orsngo at
once will certainly pet herself into trouble
by trying to eat cno in public ,
The fashionable fan is the Mascot , It
la of pale pink fluffy leathern on ono aldo
and light blue un the other , with a handle
composed of a turkey's claw.
A Mexican 'lady of rank now visiting
the city of St. Louis haa hair two and a
half yarda long. She woara it in two
braids , and haa a page to carry the ends as
ho would a train ,
A NewOrleana washwoman had a letter
advertised for her In the "Ladles' List , "
and ( ho waa HO proud of the fact that ehe
at once quit work. She felt that washing
waa beneath a lady.
Cincinnati claims a dog which is ao
sensitive-minded that he will bowls In the
most sorrowful manner when he sees a
brunette woman go past with a red bow at
her throat. Detroit Free Press.
The magpie fashion Is again popular ,
and back } and white toilets abound. This
la noticeable , first , in the great number of
checkp , plaids , etripea and blacks In this
combination , In medium-priced fabrics.
A pretty woman In a hard ware atore an
nounced that the wanted a masher , when
all tbo clerks made a rush toward her to
oiler themselves , but rstired demoralized
when ahe calmly added "a potato number. '
White Rtraw bonnets and hats are not
considered In qulto as good style thla eea-
Ron OH thoBo ot dyed vtraw in colon of
gold , term cottn , nmbor , bronze , straw
berry , ollze , nuns' gray , laurel green and
brown ,
It la stated thnt at the oloso of Inger-
oll'i ) defeuau of the star route thlovw ,
many ladle * were weeping quietly. "
Women may always bo depended upon to
make fools of thomsolyos. Denver Tri
Uodor a recent legal decision in Chicago
it Is established for all time that when n
blor.d luwyor IdascH a pretty girl book-
Agent and is cowhided by n rod borulod
lever , the party last named inuat pay 95
A man in IlllnoU ha * brought suit for
dlvorcn hooiuao hla wlfo allowed him to go
tn work morning with uo other breakfast
than cod ilver oil , and had bought a piano ,
which she did not know how to play nnd
had not the moans to pay for.
Stylish young ladies now wear the
Chevreuse collar with the prnmeuada costume -
tumo trimmed with deep Venetian cutwork -
work or frulpuro embroidery. Thu cuff
to match m a plain turn-over , nnd Is gen
erally half covered with a long glove ,
The pretty zophyra in "glnghans ellata"
come in beautiful mixtures of strawberry
and olive , palo blue and cream , crossed
wlthhairllnoi of Venetian red ; dark
hunter' * groan and pink , aud pale print'
rote and umuvo , crushed with line * ol dark
golden brown.
"Woman * * tltlghtal" exclaimed a Phlla.
dolphin man when the subject was broach'
ed : "Wh t more right do they want ? Mj
wife bosses mo ; our daughters boss us both ,
and the servant girl bosses the whole fain
ily. It's time the men were allowed eomt
righta. " Philadelphia New ? .
A lady living near Algonn , Iowa , boughl
n mourning outfit at a milliner's shop it
that town the other day. She aald thai
her husband was in bad health and llabli
to pass away nt any time , and it might uo
be bandy to oomo to town for theio thing
when ahe needed them , Chicago News ,
The ready mads costumes of light sum
mer woollens are very attractive both It
style and price. Among those are styllsl
nnd serviceable oaahmerea , In fawn cole
belgJ , terra cotta , ocean blue , reseda
strawberry , and olive , rhowlng a gleam o
scarlet or gold In tins rucba linings am
panel facings.
'A. little more animation , my doir,1
whispered Lvly B tothegejtle Smau
who wai walking through the quadrille
"Da leave me to manage my own business
mamma , " replied the prudent nymph. "
Bhall not danoo my ringlets out of curl fo
a uiwrrlsd man , " Of course , not , my love
but I waa not uwaro who your p ttne
was. " Cedar Kaplds People.
Glove bracelets nr < very narrow and havi
the Untfe-blado edged. A pair of these I
t close sot with pearls of happllly contrast
ing color * , a illamon I spook glittering a
the top ot each pearl. Others are not will
tbo magnificent yellow aud brown stars o
beauty ; ngnin , vtlth stpphlreg , rubloi , em
f eraldi or harmoniously with the Aleiau
drito tourmnlluo , peridot , balai ruby , th (
lustrous cat' * eye and diamond.
Ostrich tip i make a becoming trlnnnlni
to evening drewea , cut equaro cr heart
shape in the neck. This trimming ia no
necessarily carried out on other portion
of the drc.'B , for where a toilet has fit :
Dk-atlngs or ruchlngs of tha dresi materla
or is luce-trimmed , the foa'her garnltiu
may head tha lace or pleating set nioun
the neck and sleeves.
There is a pretty fashion , lately com
Into vogue , ol wearing tiny baskets c
flowers hanging at the tdt > of the ovenliij
dress designed for garden party or dam
ing wear ; they are bankets cut Int
halves , and attached to the right ban
tide of the ikirt , and are ID some ways a
Improvement on the hanging muuchoi
muff ma-le pi flowers , which were apt t
get Into Uie wearer's way ,
Good health , rosy chocks and boat
tlfal skin , ladles c&u get by tula
Brown's Iron Blttora.
A PHtflbnrg saloon kcenrr in
on a now sign the wordc : Dudj Diop Inn
Crcatn hn : riaen to the top ot finbiou
and { jlv n color lotbe latent style in hate ,
An Arkansas man hr.s iandpAetol | ) : the
( lilnfl n en bis house co that ( t cyclone
can't take hold.
The Daltlrnore papers nro begging tho'r '
unfortunate bass ball team toinjku ahomu
run and stay there ,
The pttM is a mlghtr power. It has
been growing warmer ever elnco the pa
pers began to pitch Into the spring
A St. Lout * man traveling on the plains
was ansaultud by wolvej , but having a
ga4 bill In his pocket he threw it among
them and they flad howling.
Tin man who thinks that his boy cm
hoe In the garden whiln a circus pro-ceslon
Is puiiug , In always tha man who hr.aa
front seat when the performance begins.
The Brooklyn letter carriers now wear
white b'lmoUf A little money saved un
the helmeta mUht ruro helped to glvo
them comfortable overcoats last winter.
It takes n good many ppanglcs and a
good deal cf glitter to make c rcuj life
Appear anything but dismal when the ulty
ia ovorcant and the wind blowj chill mid
the clouds drip.
There are only nine or ten men this year
freezing to the title cf "Tho Man With
the Iron Javr , " and the ch p with thebrass
chin or the bronzed check will begin to feel
a trifle ono uia ed.
When there is n big wind in Missonr !
a bll of fire hanga on tha base of the fun
nel-shaped cloud , Other states must feel
very small when they think of Missouri
and her ducoratod cyclones ,
A Pennsylvania man hai applied for a
pension because he lost a tooth during the
war. The fact that ho only loat i uo tooth
would seem to Indicate that he never got
near enough to the front to chew hard
A time latch for garden gates is the
latest Invention , That may work in i > ome
section ) , but what Tbo Commercial A Ivor-
tiacr prays for ii u patent front fctoop on
hinges , that can be lot down aa suddenly
as a table leaf.
Tha Chicago editor came into his sanc
tum this week , took off his mullUr , stamped
the snow from his ovornhoes , molted his
frozen muatacho , warmed his bands at the
n'ro , and sat down to bis table nud wroko
an eloquent article on Chicago os a summer
resort ,
"Father , " said the young man , as he
entered the homo the other evening in a
flurried manner , "I bavo boon called a
dude ! " "Nu ? " "Yes I have , and it ia an
Insult that must bo wiped out In blood t'
"llophl Bosh ! The party was eimply mis
taken , Ho probably mount to call you on
idiot. "
Tha stage board looks to a Montana
critic as much like a beard that trew there
as a cow's tall would if tied to the bronao
dog on the front porch. When you tiu n *
heavy black beard on a young actor whoso
whole soul would bo churned up if ho
smoked a full-flodgid cigar , he looks about
as savage asabolof mush and milk
struck with a club ,
Kvcry ice cream salcon in tbo city will
be thrown open to the public before tbo
close of next week , and , if the average
yonug man has indulged too freely in
matinee ticket * since September , he had
better drop Ida best girl a note stating
that he has gene to Chicago , and then
frequent tlio back streets until be can
raise a spring suit aud some pockut
change ,
Asbestos long enough to tlo into a knot
has been found In Nevada. It Is Tory tine
aud silky ,
A gooie , the pot of a Uhlan regiment for
twenty-three yeard , and celebrated
throughout [ Germany , has juot died at
Hunting alligators in the river and bay
ous cround Orungc , Tex. , is an important
industry. Three Italian luggers employed ,
und the skins are shipped ia thousands.
i'lvo sea elephant ? , recently BhiupeJ
overland from Sun Francisco to Now York ,
have boon purchased bv the Philadelphia
zoological garden * for $20,000. The Piil.
udolphia collection is now ono of the
complete in the world ,
T , M. Patterson , of Wnterford ,
has carried a Whitworth rillo bull in hu
body for nineteen years. Until tno years
ago it never gave him any trouble , and
although probed for several tiratH it could
nuver bo found. It has recently worked
itself out of hi * side ,
A mastodon's tooth , between three am'
our inches long and about the i.iza of c
nan's thumb , was discovered not long ngc
ipou , the upper Willamette river , it
Oregon , forty foot underneath the surfaci
fitho ground , by some workmen whowcri
'igging a well.
Tue hurricane of 180G blew over "bun
rsds of thousands t cocoanut trees Inthi
Saliama Island ? . Instead of dying , the ;
ot only knpt on growing in their horizon
tal position , but up shooti from the top
Tbtuo shouts am now forty to .fifty feet ii
"iei > ( ht nnd yield im abundance of fruit.
A scries of photographs , illustrative o
nine experiments made by Prof , Voc
Kiomsseu , formed a curious exhibit at tin
Munich Electrical inhibition. Tbo.
.lictures showed a humuu face bearing th
ixpro slona of joy , pain , surprise , doubt
dl'gust , etc. , the v\rioua changes bavin
been excited in turn by bringing a curron
if electricity to act upon the ditfercn
aclal nerves of the penon photographed
Under the electric influence each set o
nerves produced its own peculiar contoi
ions of the countenance ,
Some lake * are distinctly blue ; , other
present various shades of green , so tha
In some catoj they are hardly distinguish
able from their lavel , grass-covered banki
a few are almost black , The lake of Gi
neva is azure hued , the lake of Constanc
ard the lake of Lucerne are green ; Th
Mediterranean has been called indlgi
The lake uf lirienz is greenish yellow , an
Its neighbor , Lake Thun , is Dlue , Ne <
York tas both green and blue lakes. Th
colors of rivers differ yet more widelj
The Rhone is blue aud so is the Dannbi
whila the Khiue ii green ,
It will uo doubt astonish many persot
to learn that oven the purest country al
Is peopled with a host of microscopic cor
putclej , animal and vegetable , aud eve
with a multitude of living creaturei
wnlch enter our lungs together with tb
air we breathe , and which corner in tin
to take up their residence in our ow
bodies , na in a well furnished house all pn
pared to receive them. The surprise wi
uo greater und even more disagreeab ! is known that the number of thot
norms , thus held by tba nir iu eutpensioi
enormously Increase In pluce * thickly c
even constantly inhabited ; that there i
not a bedroom , a saloon , e\en un attic , i
which they do not swarm.
"Holy smoke ! " yelled the pollcoma
when ho saw that a church was about I
There's much in common between tl
llev. J , Cook and the llev. Bob Ingeraol
Kwh iscngas" ' 'u ' reforming the univen
and elevating humanity nt so much
Before the scheme to connect with tl
telephone and churches and residences ct
hope for succesi-.Bome genius must Invent
tclotcopo attachment through which tl
ladlei can Inspect the clothes of the otb
female worshippers.
An old farmer In Texas having said at
church meeting , "I have belonged tot
church thirty years , aud bless the Lord ,
has never cost ma a dollar , the go ,
preacher arcs * and responded , The la
bless your itingy old soul. "
In Portland , whera prohibition ia t
law , the city marshal ! has Instructed t
pollw that they must not allow rum to I
fold ore if ted through the streets on 8 un-
day , and tiiat tbo grosrgcrloa must be clear
ed out and tbut up at 10 o'clock week day
ovi-nlngs ,
YounpPrfi'sInBMys that It h nil very
fine to laud tha wltdom of Solomon be-
cnu o nf hiii rincl l * > n In a baby case , but
that he wnuld not have given Mich univer
sal sallsfnotl m had .ha been called upon to
nmrlro a baju ball game between twocuAm-
plou nines.
In one of the chnrche. ' , while tha ther-
rnomoler was in theulno'les and the whole
coufircgatlon felt M though they were be
ing cooltnd , the tutribtor aruto to deliver
his ecrmon , At tlio announcement of bin
text , a brnnd smile illuminated th" faces of
bis hcareM , They con dn't help it. It wat :
"And Peter stood by the ti'o and warmed
himself. "
A country clergyman who recently
preached In an Austin church Is a ( treat
admirer of the writings cf ( Jhhrlcs Dick-
otic , and quotes from hit novels almost as
often M he dooa from the IJiblo , lie sur
prised his C3u/regatlqn by winding up i >
gnrgeoun peroration with : "It ii thus you
tec , tny brethren , as thn Scriptures say ,
' the flesh ia weak ' "
Barkis h Tiillin' but ,
"Duel a clergyman over sweat ? " asks a
religiously woculy. We don't remember
to have ever heard one 3Tear ; but if that
Inriibu \ u'ergyman ' who recently rode six
mile ? nu horteb ck to marry u cwplo , and
upon returning homo found tbnt the fee
paid him was anold-fn'-hloued copper cunt ,
which he thought was a twenty-dollar
gold piece -If ho didn't swear , it was be-
cnu'o he couldn't ' think of the rUht words
at the time , Nurriitowu Herald ,
At a recent nautliern camp meeting the
eloquent divine haid : "The wheels of the
righteous nhrlek and groan oa they toll up
the hill cf salvation and over the ruts of
temptation and the brid o of daniii&tlon ,
and have to scrovrdgo pretty lively to get
up at all ; but the sinner , w th greased
wheels nnd flying color * ) , slips down to
tarnation like e > dope of oil , with n ripp
and a whizz , and raUcu no dun whatever , "
Now who says oratory is a lost art ?
The Somerville ( Tonu. ) Falcon brings
the story of one ot the daughtcra of tha
dusky race , who has jnit mndo her first
visit to the EpUcopal church in that place.
On reaching homo she Raid : "Look here ,
Mlflsuc , I never need euoh doln' : u that at
church afore. The people they he's prny-
in' , and prayin' , aud the preacher no holler
at urn to get up and den be gets mud iiid
turns his back on 'era , and don't have
nuflin to do with 'em "
Ther * is a large demand in Germany fur
Luther literature oqalust the approaching
celebration cf the great Keforiner'a birth ,
Nov. 10,1483.
The latest Rtntiatics of the Mcthodiat
Episcopal church show 18,152 churchea
an Inert-use of 2 G orer last , year ; 1,748-
021 members an increase of 31'J17. '
The general synod of the .Reformed
Church in America will meet in the Mad- !
* nu arenua Koformcd church , Albany , N ,
Y , on Wednesday , June G , at 3 p. m ,
A colooBol statue of Luther will bo nn-
veiled during the Lutherjuartnr centenary
celebration in November at Elileben , the
Reformer' * birth pUce , The statuii rep-
restuts Luthur crunhing in hla right baud
the pupul bull , which ho Is on the point of
throwing into tha tire , ukile with his left
baud he clasps a JJiblo to his heart.
The London pri > ibytory have had an-
nthor full nidctiBsion af creed revision ,
Ono of the strongett supporters ef revision
is Dr. Monru Gibson , who waa formerly
in Chicago , Throw overtures ware before
the presbytery , but tbo prayer of etch is
substantially the satoo that the West
minster Confession may be revised , or some
shorter confession prepared for common
use. The debute was continued nt length ,
and when a vote was taken it stood 43 to
21 in iuvor of progress.
The state of Pennsylvania seems indi
genous to the growth of singing evangel-
istu. Meeirs. Sankey , BH ; > , McGranahan ,
Miller nnd Stebbins were sll born nnd rear-
e within a little distance of each other ic
Pennjylvrnla. And nov/ come * to Chica
go another singing ovauguMst in tlio person
of Prof. E. O , Kxcell , wlu > .io name h sig
nificant of his vucal powes , Tlu pmfessor
is thu author of several book of skcrtd
music , aud in bis Hinging of gospel hymns ,
it in sold , will compare rery favorably with
any > f thu evangelists who have preceded
him in the work Ona who hvj he rrt all
the noted singing fvangelhts , and thiate
he nhould know , says bin voice br.s the
sweetness of N Crauuhan' , ? , iho power of
and the fnrvor of P. P. Blisa' .
KALAMAZOO , Miou > , Feb. 2,1883.
I know Hop BittoH will be r rcc-
ommondstlun honeutly. AH who nee
thorn coufcr npou them the highest
encomlnmo , nnd give them credit foi
makinp ; curea all the proprietors
olnim for thorn. I hivro ktp : them
oiacii they were lirat offered to the
rmbl'c. They took high rank from
thu first , and ranlnUlnud ir , and arc
more called for than ell others couv
binud. So Ion ; ; & they keep up thuli
reputation for purity uud naefulusas ,
I ahall contlnno to recommend thoui
aotuothliiR I have never boforb done
with any uthnr pitont modlclni ; .
J. .T. BASCOOK , M. D.
The first white men that saw Iowa wen
LrmU .Toilet and Father Marquette , ii
1773 ; the first white settler waa Juliet
Dubuq uc , in 17781 the first permanen
settlement wns made in 1873. Countlo
ware organized iu 133i. The first train o
earn was ran out of 'Davenport ia ISM
the first governor was Itolit. Lucas.
Princes , potentates , plain people
everybody neodn Samaritan Nervine
Ool. H. Waters , U. S. district attorney
tornoy , Kansas Olty , said : "Samari
tan Nervina cared ray nleco o
spasms. " Druggists in all ntate
keep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Davenport National bnnk , with
capital of $200,000 , puts In the circuit cour
to have Its as e ament reduced to $ V7,6C (
The reaion given M that the stock of sa\
inga banks lnth city nrn not taxed.
B riehtVIl n o. Diabetes , Hidnfi
Liver OP X7riunry Dli ns
Have uo fear of any of theao dla
oases if you QUO IIop Bitters , us thu ;
will prevent and onro the worst oaace
oven when yon havu been made wore
by Bomu great pufTod-up protondo
onre * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Iowa creameries on the line of tb
Illinois Central railroad wi * t of Dubnqu <
load from eight to ten cars of butter weoi
ly which ia shipped to eastern marhoti.
iiuiisins , 1'alllu
Milsions , St. VH
us Dance , Alc <
holism , Opium Eatlug , Seminal tteakucs
Impotency , Syphilis , Scrofula , \ndall \
tlcrvous and Blood D lonscs.
f l'o Clcnn'mcn awycrs , ! .tcr/iryMci
Merchants , ISaukers , Ladles anil all who :
Dowels or Kldncjs , or who require a ncn
tonic , appetizer or stimulant , Samarita
lien iiie la invaluable. _ _ _ _ _
r tS" Thousands
proclaim it the most
wonderful luvlgor-
ant that over sustained
tained a slnklngsys-
tern. fl.50ot Drug
St. JoaojpH , 2JtQ. V
Have now been finished in our store ,
mg it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
Ono Exclusively for the use of Passengers. Theno immense wnre-
rooms three stores , nro 68 feet wide are filled with the Grand-
oat display of all kinds ol Household and Office Furniture evei
shown.All nro invited to call , take the Elevator on tbo first floor
und go through * ho building and inspect the stock.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
" 85JD
- _ - > | H
Fire and Burglar Proof
TT" .JBu "FT F nHCS .
SI 2S 5 < &
Farnham Street ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
fflear Union Fasiflc Deoot. QKAHA.
la only attained b ? nalng
Btoves and
ITor nale by \ ,
Jasper Stone
This Company Is now prepared to receive orclorj
( or
Braiding Purposes ,
Ami u ill make figures on round lot ? ( or pioept
delivery. The Company Is shipping
To both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits conres-
pontleiue and orders from contractors en *
gttrfcd In pat Ing streets Ii any ol thu
Western Cities.
EnrBiranxNDFNT'sOiTiCB , Chicago , West Divis
ion Railway. Chicago , December C , 1S92. E.
Elwell , President Sioux Fulls Water rower Com-
pnny. Dear Sir I have received from your com
pany flnce October 1,1SS2 , about 100 car lovls
of granite pa > Ing blocks and have laid ticmbo-
tween the rill" o ( our street railway track ) In the
heart ol the city. I have been using caving ma-
terlalln this city ( or m-ny years , and Iiinke plea
sure 1 easing that In in ? opinion thagrtnlta
pa\ lug blocks furnished by your company are
the rncut regular In shape and pcrfe k In form ,
and ( far a I have been abln to judge , are pos
sessed ot as durable feature as any maUrlal that
has OTcr been offered or Uld In the city. .
Yours , JAS. K. LAKE.
ST. tons , March 33 , 1833.
'Thls Is to certify that I have cxatnhicj a piece
-J granite Uken from the Slonx Palls Granite
Quarrlei , and. In my opinion , It 1 toe beet stone
tor street paving I hove teen In America
( Signed ) HENRY FLAD ,
Pros. Boaril Public Inprovernenta.
Stone for Paving purposes
And any person lutcrcstcd In snch improvements
will ficil It KTuatlr to his advacta a to
comiuusl : to with ux We Invite
The seneril manac m nt and oupcrvlslon ol
the con > iw..iy'8 binhicj-f a nor la the haiUi
of Win. : > .
Addrcn.1 you letters to
I'roildifiit cO ) bo Jtajtr Stone Co.
ml ID
217 ind 210 North JUln at , St. Leuls.
NEWS , f rMftltO tWHAPl'IKQ
Printers' Stock.
< 3TC sh paid ( or Ragi and Paper StocV. Scran
I run and MeUls.
Paper Stock Wlt hou es 1229 to 1237 , North
Sixth Miett , may 24 301
Iron and Slata Beefing , J
0. SPEOilT , - - Proprietor. /
1111 Douglas St. - Omaha , W
iron GornJces I
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , ,
Bpccht'a Patent Metallic Skylight Patent ,
( Adjusted Hatchet Bar aad Bracket
Shelvini * . I nm the faneral agent
for tbo above line of gooda ,
Croatinga , I5alustrndcs. \ ernndas , Ironx
Bonk Ilalllngs , Window Blinds , Cel
lar Guards ; also
A , J. .SIMPSON. .
1(09 and lill Dodge Btreit ,
OUAUA , Nu ,
8. :
i.c. I
c.o. .
1m 1i
to I
I bar
S'a ,
* '
Ht ,
31 Qt <
An :
,1 ,
( i-
i ]