Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , Juno 1 ,
It is reported the police are after i
young Udy dark In a prominent drj
goods store for displaying undressed "kids' '
In the show window.
Jane comes in to-day but Juni
rosoa are M scarce as hens' teeth.
The Omaha * Glee club will , It is re
ported , give a concert In June , assisted bj
the best local talent.
C pt. Qalnn , of the Fourth Infantry ,
fractured hU leg while rolling tea pins at
th Poxton bowllni ? alloy Wedneiday.
Married , at the UntUrlin imrponnge
Wednendny Mr. GeorRO Griffin and Miss
< 3ertrndo tHeniler , by Uev. W. K. Cope.
Ask your procer for D. G. Evans &
Co.'g celebrated Anchor rnaitoil cofTee one
StarBitklng PowJer. These nro the besi
and chcnpest gooda ia the market , codt
The owner of the force pump op
tared from the two boys on Tuesday night
will confer a favor by appearing attb
l > ollco court , claiming his property am
filing a complaint.
The Swpdleh Kvingellcnl Lutherai
synod IB In eenlon at Wahoo , Abou
vlxty delegates , under the charge of J. A
Hutman , left Omaha Wednesday in a spec
ial car , to attend the synod.
A little girl named Annie Peters wa
run ever by a light buggy near the end c
the street car line Wednesday , She wi
luckily but slightly injured , although tb
wheels passed over her waist.
A team attached to ono of the strei
cars got away from the driver while
chtnge was being made yesterday noi
the opera homo , and started to run awn ;
bat wai caught by a pasiengor before an
damage was done.
The many friends of the family of D
f. 8 , Lelsenrlng will learn with deep BO
row of the death of the doctor's BO
Albert , who pansed away from earth abe
10 o'clock yesterday. The fatal dl
case was consumption ,
N , B , Falconer , of A , Orulckshsnk
Co. , has commenced grading fur his nc
block , havlug twenty teams and thirt
five men at work yenterday. Mr. Falcon
means business and will make things I
until the building la completed.
Four hundred Mormon dupes frc
Switzerland arrived on the O. & N. \
Wednesday and went wctt on the U.
This will swell the Immigration fund of t
church If it does not add to the Intel !
genco of Utah's population.
The Omaha Glee club , at Its rneotfi
last night elected Mr. Henry Eatabrook
membership. This in a valuable acqul
tlon for the club as Mr Uttabrook Is o
of the best bnesoa In this necic o' woocli.
The police roundups Wednesday co
listed of five boys arrested as vagraul
three of whom wro yesterday c
charged , and two plain diunkr , ono
whom was committed and the other pi
the usual fine.
fl Over 1,300 shares are issued to date
members of the Omaha Loan and Ba !
Ing Association , and the secretary la Is
Ing new stock every day from G to G p.
and Tu s. Thurs , an'l Saturday eve
ings from 7 to 8 , at Bedford's coal ofli
213 S. Fourteenth St.
The Irish citizens will hold a mi
meeting at Boyd opera bouse on n (
Tuesday evening , June 5 , to ra'.ify t
action of the Phlladelph'a convention , ate
to farm a branch of the Iriih-Amerlc
national league. Mayor Chaea will p
Ida and other good speakers will be
Two men arrived at Fremont fri
Dell Creek about 11:15 : o'clock to-U
They were suspicious looking cbaracte
and a"gpeoted of being train robbe
The'shenff was telegraphed at Fremont n
onjthe arrival ofjthe train ho attempted
arrest the men , who leaped from the tri
after firing one shot. They were ho
pursued and fired at , with the result tl
one was killed and the other captur
The shot fired by the robbers will pro' '
bly prove fatal to n Mr. Moore , who \
truck In the neck by the ball.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve ,
The greatest medical wonder of
world , Warranted to speedily cure Bui
Braiseo , Cuts , Ulccra , Salt Rheum , Fo
Bores , Cancers , Pllen , Chilblains , Col
Tetter , Chapped Hands , and all skia er
tlons , guaranteed to cure in every instar
or money refunded , 25 cents per box ,
For tale by 0. F. Goodman ,
TUTTLK.-May Slat , 18S3 , Thomas 1
tie Jr. , son of John M. and Ltizle 1
Funeral at residence , south-east coi
Eighteenth nnd Leavenworth streets ,
day at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends an
LKIBENIUNG At hU father's :
dsncr , 7CO South Eighteenth sti
May 31 , at 8:30 : a. m. , Albert M. I
enrfng , age 20 yean , 9 mouths anc
days ,
Notice of funeral hereafter ,
\ A Zilfa Having Sorvloo-
' Mr. M. E. Allluon , Hutchison , ] {
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bolt
Dr. King's New Discovery , for Const
tlon , which caused him to procnre a I
bottle that completely cured him , v
Doctor * , change of cl mate and everyt
cite bad failed. Asthma , Bronct
Severe Coughs , acd all Throat and 1
dlreasea , it is guaranteed to cure.
Trial bottles tree at O. F. Gooda
drag store. Large eize , 91.
Death of An Old Citizen.
Mr. John Berlin , an old rosli
of Donglaa county , died yestordaj
hla residence ten miles west of
city , of pneumonia , at the advat
age of 72 years. Ho had boon
only slnco Bnnday.
The deceased was the father of 1
W. S , Hughes , Mrs. A. II. Ba
Mre. Dr. Worley , Mlsees Agglo
Allle Berlin and Mr. Richard 8. :
lln. His wife la a sister of Mrs.
N. H. Patrick.
The date of the funeral la not
fixed ,
"That whiter akin ol beri than nov
And smooth ai monumental alabos
WM all acquired by nilng Pozzoni'i
Medicated complexion powdtr ,
A Supposed Train Robber Shot
and Killed by tHe Sheriff ,
A. Deputy Fatally Wounded by
the Desparado.
A Prorpeot of m. Han cine Party bj
Jadgo X < jno1i >
Two men arrived at Fremont from
B9ll Crock about 11:15 : A. 11 yesterday.
They wcro suspicious looking charao <
tcra aud were followed to that place
by oomo Boll Creek cltlzane. Thoj
wore inspected of being train robbcrt
from Lyena , Iowa. The citizens ol
Boll Creek telegraphed to Sherifl
Gregg , of Fremont , to bo at the depot
when the train arrived and take chargi
of them , and ho doputlzjd tome ol
the cittzMia to aaalat him , They mot
the robbers at the train and told then :
that they wuro their prlaoiioro , upon
which ouo of the atrangera drew a re
volver and fired , the ball taking of-
feat , striking Mr. Moore in the month ,
and coming out at the right sidoof the
lower part of the neck , itiil'cllng what
ia feared to bo a fatal wound.
The sheriff , with a pease of men ,
attempted to arrant them when they
leaped from the train and started foi
the Platte river , the sheriff and hi ;
men shooting at them aa they allghtec
from the train. The strangers returned
turned the fire and ouo shot took of' '
foot. The sheriff' shot and killed oni
man instantly , and the other ono wai
captured and brought back to the city
The excitement waa intense , aud c
mob was almost inevitable. Thi
atroota were crowded with people , am
dozotu cf guns and revolvers wcro ii
eight. "ILuighlrn ! " and "Shoot him ! '
was hoard in every direction. B ;
great effort and precaution , the mayo
of the city and other parties sue
ceedod in taking him to Hie jail , Th
mob had not dispersed at a late hour
In a few minutes they arrived wltl
the body of the dead man , and thi
quieted the crowd somewhat. Th
prisoner's name was George Strain
from Silom , Masp. , ago 27 years , n
had a smooth face , with blao
moustache ; has a wlfo and on
oblld , n boy , living in Silcn
Mass. Ilo U a printer by tradi
Ilo claims ho did not kno
the other party whom ho waa travo
Ing witb | | and that ho mot him yoito
day at the Blaffj. llo also claln
that ho did none of the shooting. II
la greatly excited , and very muc
soared. That there should bo i :
violence , a heavy guard wan place
around the jail last night.
Mr. EJ. M. Moore la reported voi
dangerously wounded. Ono of U
physicians nays ho cannot rooovoi
Snonld ho dlo soon It will bo Impoe
alblo to restrain the mob from brea'
Ing open thu jail and hanging tl
prlnonor. The sheriff klllod the me
that shot Mr , Moore , though eon
claim that the prisoner le the 01
who shot him.
S. W. BosBoll , nf Detroit ; Dr. O.
Wherry , of Oxford .luuctlon , and W.
lleuilccr , of LUicyiuc , Ohio , are at I
Metropolitan ,
J. II. MoOonnell , T. .T. Foley and J.
Dullard , of North 1'latte , are at the 1'
MM. A. S , Paddock WAS ivmong I
Clients regiatored at the Mlllard jest
Hon. V7. W. W. Jones , Btate mper
teudcnt of publlo Instruction , ia in I
W. D , Gross and L , W. Oaborn ,
Blair , were at the Paxton over night ,
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wilder , of Co
riulo , are gueati ot the 1'axton.
J. D. Avery and K. B. llallady , of 1' '
mont , are at the Mlllard.
Z. B. Slater and J. Schrarn , of Boatrl
are gueita of the Mlllard ,
George R. Mann , of St. Joe , architi
ia a gucat ot the Paxton ,
J , J , Burns and F. S. Treadway , of K
nai Olty , are in Omaha ,
Guy C. Barton lelt laat Wedncsi
evening for Mow York.
D. Williams ami wife , of Fremont ,
at tha Metropolitan.
Mr , 0 , W. TownsonJ , of Laulavl
Ky. , la nt the Mlllard ,
John S. Martin , of Stantort , waa at
Mlllard last night.
W. U , Snodgraaa , of Bismarck , ii
guest of the Pulton.
A. M , Poet , of Columbus , la at tbo 1
it- lard.J.
itit - J. B. Templin , of Central City , la
tno Mlllard ,
ler K. T. Mitchell , of Lima , O. , ia at
" ' Millnrd.
" "
W. U , M r h , jr. , of Knnaia City ii
at , Captain liuitin ban returned from
ill- weat.
J. K , Lamaater , of Tokamab , ia at
Pax ton ,
Hon. J. O. Crawford , of Weat Poln
in the city.
n. of : A. Blakeatad , of Wahoo , ia at the
up. lard ,
rge B. II. Overton , of Norfolk , ia reglit
ing at the Mlllard.
tb , A. TJ. Clark , of Hastings , i * a guet
ing the Mlllard.
n'a S. S , Lowe , of Fremont , U at the '
ton ,
11. A. Simpson , of Blue Hill , ! > IB
: nt city.
at B. T. Well ; , of Black Hawk , Col
his at the Pxton.
: od A. K , Cody , ot Schuylor , is In the
ill Ooii , Carter , of St. Joe , ia In town.
W. D. Hill , of Beatrice , is is town
or , Hi-Mayor Galey , of Lincoln , Ii In t
nd M. A. Frank , of Falls City , ( a la ti
or- G. W. BrtggF , of Denver , is in tow
orJ. .
pot ia no article which so richly dose
the entire confidence of Uio ooram
Those euflorlng from Asthmatic
Bronchial Diseases , Gotiphs and 0
should try them. Prlot 25 cents.
The Subject Disonssefl by a
Learned Scholar
Who Leana Blightly to the Bid *
of Capital ,
The 1U. Iliv JAIIICB O'Connor do-
llvcrod a loctaro at St. Phllomona'a
CAthcdrnl Wednesday , to a largo au
dience and a inoit intolllgeut and ap
preciative ono. The lecture wna for
the benefit of the Union Cithollc
Library auaoclatlon , under whoso nu-
apicoa it waa given and waa ia a
degree connected with the lecture oil
"Socialism , " delivered some monthc
ago , thu subject thla time being "Lv
bor and Capital. "
Bishop O'Connor in recognized as
ono tf the most intelligent men and
noundeat scholars in tha cjtintry , and
bunco hla vlows on tills subject wore
anxionely looked forward to.
Thu speaker began by saying thai
the theory that capital ia the mast
fruitful nourcu tf poverty nnd crime ,
is ono accepted both by thu comniun-
hi and iiociallat. ' "Oapltalinta , " they
toll UB , ' "dro'aclasa who ? oap where
thc > y nave not sorrc ; who live in idlo-
neon and luxury , corrupting thorn-
eulvcs and nil around them. Tfieyarc
parasites , drawing Hfo and bustoiianca
troia Booluty without giving it any
thing In ro'.nru , extortioner * and rob-
ber0 , who In a thousand ways doopoll
the laborer of the fruit of hla toll aud
doom him to a Hfo of want and Buf
faring. " ThcBo are the chargeagainst
capital which socialistic writers nnd
orators make , nnd thty aoldom fall to
attract and cxclto a largo following
Bat dooa thu capitalist merit the op
probrlona epithets heaped npon him'
It la true that ho ia frequently an ex
tortloiier , but la ho necessirllj
BO , Is ho BO baciQuc ho la a capitalist'
It would acorn absurd to nay Ha. And
if It la wrong to amis * wealth , whore
dooa the eln begin ? Is it at fifty or t
hundred thousand , nt H million or tei
million dollar * ? ' lljforring to thi
danger of a concentration of capita
in the hands of
the speaker thought such npprehen
slon need not bo felt in our day , a
capital was moro generally distrlbutoi
now than formerly. "To the slave
and serfs of former days haa sue
ooedod a numerous and well-to-d
middle claeti of comparatively recon
growth. With a population of mor
than fifty millions , wo huvo in thi
country perhaps a dozen mod of ooloi
sal fortunes , who certainly hnvo grec
power for evil aa well as for soot
Hut there ia no reaiou to fear then :
Their wealth la not locked up 1
vaults , but ia Imeated where It
and as they uro bat mortal , it wil
npon tholr death bo divided am on
others , nnd in the majority of cam
will bo apout in far less time than
had tukou to accumulate it.
Great railroad companion and co :
poratloua ropronpntlug as they c
millions and sometimes hundreds
millions of dollars may , it la true , u
the power they poonwis to the luju
of individuals or of the amallor corp
rations ; but thin , it aenms to m
must bo the exception , not the rnl
and those who are thtm injured n
few in comparloon to the vast numb
bonclittod by theao bodice. It
clearly the Intercut , no well ns t
duty , of thono cotnpnnlea to di
fairly with the public. If there
aught In their manHQOuiont
TO orritKss THK MASSES ,
the remedies llo with the reprosoii'
lives of the people or with thu courl
Labor la indued a nonrca of weal
and culture , but it ia not the only 01
There are many othera. In the on
under consideration there are or
narlly three capital , directing el
aud labor.
la easily procured , and what is co
mou an A easy to bo procured IB , in t
natnro of things , cheap. Skill
labor , bocauao moro rare , coraman
a higher prioo. 'But rarer than skill
labor la tbo intolllgonco that cnab
rt man to provldn the maahlnoi
superintend Its working and provi
a market for its product.
A workman mast llvo and ma
re suitable provision for hla family , n
can only do so by his labor. Ills lab
then , Is worth to him all that ho c
procure for It , and ho can demn
any compensation ho may deem
but no ono lh bound to glvo him
and thla ia where trouble arlaos. 1
right of the workmen to strike v
conceded , the same as waa that c
merchant to refuse to cell good' '
11- what ho might consider too Ire I
The only feasible method propo
be for a solution of the question waa ,
speaker thought , that of arbltratl
and even this was ouo of doubtful
10 podlonoy.
TUB BntorprislCK Onto ana Mleslsal
In connection with the
, ho
through car running arrangement
N. Y. P. & 0. andEflo railways , 01
mouclng Sunday , Juno 3rd , Ural
III- express will leave St. Louis at 8 a.
with a line of Palace sleeping
red drawing room cars through to 1
York via the B. & O. rallrcad , ur
Inc at Now York second eveuiui
of 030 ; St. Louis time. Evening llm !
express loaves at 7 p. m. with thro
Palace and sleeping coaches to 1
York without ohango via N. Y. F
0 , and Erlo railways , arriving sec
the morning.
This arrangement gives the pasi
gors purchasing tickets ever the C
Mlsslialppl railway the odvautag
two through Palace cars , morning
ity. evening , from St. Louis to Now \
City , aud the only line seuu'ug |
aonjjers by the way of Washing
and Baltimore to all eastern cities ,
Purchase yonr tickets by the Gi
Ohio and Mississippi lUllway
secure the best of nccomuiodatl
when going east.
ore W. B. SIUTTUC ,
roe General Paasonger Aconi
nl- M. W. PEAUODY ,
. .
r.H.nd G on or A ! Superintendent.
Ida JOHN E. MoOLuiiB ,
Northwestern PASF. As'l
A Young Man Who Wa3 Too Handy
With His Pen ,
And Was Captured by Sherifl
Miller for Forgery.
From the Chicago Trlbnno ol
Wednesday it is learned that a olevoi
young man named lUy A. Porter ,
formerly a respectable clerk in the
employ of the Now England trans
portation company , the son of highly
respectable parouto , and the husband
of on accomplished young lady , wae
arrested by the Chicago avenue police
at u late hour Monday evening and
placed In a cell at that station. The
nrreat was the result of the combined
efforts of an Omaha representative ol
the Union Pacific railroad , Bhnrlll
Dive Miller , of Oruaho , Ilurnphrej
Al'ynahan and JDetectivea Haas aud
Whalon , The Indiscretion which hat
brought about the joung man's down
fall la an ability to imitate
closely the denatured o !
railway officials , which ho hat
oxeroleod to bait aovernl rallroadn In c
rather unuanal manner. Oa the 17ch
of the present mouth Potter presented
himself at the oflico of Mr. T. L
Klmball , general manager of the
Union Paclfu railroad , and kandoc
Mr. Kimball a letter written upon c
Pennsylvania company's blank , ant
purporting to bear the signature o !
Mr. William Thaw , second vlco prcul
dent c f the Pennsylvania. The lottoi
represented that the Pcnnsylvani ,
company would bo under obligation !
to the Union Pacific If it would Isaui
to the bearer , Goo. Burnott , and hli
friend , Calvin Drommond , omployei
of the Pennsylvania company , s
pass to Rad Rock , Mont. Thi
letter was datoi My 11 , and bore thi
stamp of the second vice prealden
of the Pennsylvania company , am
the passes were Issued. Two day
later advices from Mr. Thaw m&do 1
appecr that ho had Issued no such ro
quiet , nnd a telegram aont to Oolum
bus , Nob. , caught Messrs. Bnrnut
aud Drumraond on the train , and the
wuro aout back to Omaha. There I
waa developed that the George Bui
nett who had presented the letter wa
not the ono traveling on the past
When an investigation wns made I
appeared that Burnett and Drnmmon
were all rights that they hulled froi
Chicago , where they had betnomplo ]
od by the Bearing reaper works ; tin
Potter , the scheming young man , ha
c ITered to got them transportation 1
R-jd Rock for $90 , the faro being $3C
tor two , nnd Unit thi-y had innooaiitl
accepted his offer.
With thla aa a pointer the rallroa
people bfgn to look for the amootl
tougned yonng man , and traced hii
around to several of the Omaha hotel
among othera the Miilard , where 1
had nglatered under the allm of (
H. Counerfl. They then dlscovon
that he had been to the Omaha rat
road , and , ropreaentlng himself ca J
A. Slcvetifl , presented a letter pi
porting to bo aipnod by Mr. Thaw ,
In thu first c ao , requesting transpc
taitoufcr "bearer , Mr. H. A. Steveci
to St. P < inl. Thiii pasa was issued ai
"Slovens" had gene on hla way.
St. Paul ho attempted to work t
Manitoba road , but they In aomo runner
nor "got onto" him , and refused
honor Mr. Thaw's alleged request 1
n pitta ,
Liajc Saturday Potter returned
Chicago , and , though ho waa caref
ly searched for , it was not until Me
dav night that ho woi Iccited at f
222 North Clark street and arrtatt
lie had in bia possession at the tli
of his arrest a number of letters
recommendation from various railwr
and transportation companies , KOI
of which are believed to bo forgorl
Theao letters , with the forged lott
from Mr. Thaw , a number of boj.
letter heads of the Pennsylvania oo
pany , and a rubber stamp bearing t
inscription : "Oilloe of Wm. Tha
Second Vioo Prealdont Pennsylvai
R. R. Co. , " which were made
Omaha , are In the hands of Mr. 0.
Gorham , the western agent of I
Pennsylvania company , who will pr
ecuto Potter for the company.
Potter is about 24 years of ago
fine looking follow , who baa been o
ployed by tbo Burlington and Nor
woaUrn railroads and by the N
Euglaud Transportation compai
Hla parents reside In St. Joe , Mlo
and ho formerly boarded at No
Dearborn avenue , where he met B
nett and Drnmmond. The two m
who rrcro duped by him , will
brought back to testify nealnst hi
Ills wife io broken-hearted ever
arrest. Ho will have hla prellmln
examination in Chicago aomo tl
next week.
To the Editor of Toe Dee :
In The Chicago Tribune of the 3' '
Inat. the report of the urreut ot i
lly A. Potter at the instance of
Union Pacific railroad company ,
methods of operation to obtain tra
nt portatlon and the meaauro of eucc
la attending hla efforts , is very Inter
Ing rlmdlng for thoao who know
truth. The detection of the fri
13. practised was not duo to the aatt tieas of U. P. officials , but to the gi
judgment and cautions action of
stenographer of Mr. Holdrlgc , the g
oral ( superintendent of the 13. & M
od B Nebraska. Mr. lUy A. Potter j
L aontod at Mr. Holdrlduo's oflice a
s awed queat for a paas for Oolln Burnt
from Omaha to Denver and rotu
od put porting to bo elgned by V
Thaw , second vice president of
milo - Plltsburg , Fort Wayne and Ohio
ilo railway. Mr. Holdrldgo being abi
of the letter was opoacd by his otc
nd grapher , whoso suspicion was aroo
irk by two or three peculiarities In
general got up of the latter. Ha I
ison Mr. Potter to call Inter , and t
graphed Io Mr. Thaw , at Plttsbt
lat asking If ho had made the request ,
nd on receiving an answer in tha n <
ma tlvo , at once notified the Union !
clfio people of the attempted fro
as ho thought It was likely it ml
have been tried with them. 1
notice from the B & M. general
perintondent'a office was the I
inkling that the U. P. headqnar
people had of their being "done. "
Mooting of the State Eclectic
Fociety ,
A Movement to Add to the
University Faculty.
The State Eoloctlo Medical nasool-
atlou mot nt Howard , on May 29th ,
partaaut to adjournment. The mootIng -
Ing was oallod to order by A. L. Hoot ,
M. D. , vlco president. Roll of odi
cors was then called and the president
It. B. Morton , and the secretary , 0
L. Studevflnt , absent. D1 ? . S.
Gtimns was appointed eocrotaryro
torn. Mlnnteaof last meeting were
then road and approved. A vacancy
ooonrrlug In the of coneoraV. .
H. Baboackvaa Appointed to till oaicl
The names nf J. N Davla , of Yotk ,
and J. M. Kays , of 1'awueo City ,
were proposed for moruberahip , boluy
examined by the board of con&ora and
reported upon favorably , were elected
aa member ? .
N. S. Foster , M. D. , representing
oolocticu of Kansnn , being proaldont ,
waa oleotod an honorary member.
W. S. Litta , chairman of commit
ice on medical legislation , made a report
port , The report was received anc
adopted and the committee dls
The committee on madioil collegoe
then tnadu a report , whloa was re
celvcd , adopted and the comuiittei
dice bargee1.
A now committee waa then apolnt
ed on medical legislation , constating o
R S. Grlmea , J. N. McCaualand bii (
W. S. Latta.
Dr. Latta being called npon made ai
impromtu apoech in regard to thi
mceetlng of the National association
at Now Haven , Conn , last year. Th
reading of essays being then in order
Dr. latta read QUO of great interea
on the subject of criminal abortioi
condemning the practice in unmlstak
able tor mis ; thooieay waa well rocelvoi
and heartily endorsed by the eutlr
at&oclatlon which gave rise to gonon
dlecuBlon participated in by Dra. Bib
cock , Koya , Woodward , Grimes
Davla and others. A recees waa the :
taken for supper
At 7:30 the meeting wan called t
order by Vice-President Root , an
Dr : Grimes read an interesting essa
on Puerperal Soptlcomia , which led t
a very general and animated diaou :
Dr. N. S , Foster , of Kansas , b
pormlbslon , then addreaeed the aes <
elation In behalf of the proposed 01
lectrlc medical college to bo eatal
liabed at Topeka. Dr. Lttta the
cfiaiodthe following resolution , whlc
waa adopted.
HESOLVKD , That this association I
in full sympathy with their brother
the eclectic phyntcivnu of Kanaa
aud fenl dealroua of rendorlni ; the :
aeaiataiico in our power toiurthi
their college interests at Topoka.
The following resolution waa the
adopted :
RESOLVED , That in the opinion
thla Association the time baa arrived
establish a medical department in tl
State unlveialty , and that we r
apootfully ak the regents to appoli
three persons to fill chairs in aa
mcdlcal'department from the cclectz
school of medicine who ahall be her
after nominated by this uauoolatlon.
A ballot WRB 'then taken with tl
following results : To fill the chair
theory aud practice , Dr. W. S. Lit
waa chosen at the first ballot ; to-f
the chair of moterla medlca J. I
Woodward was chosou ; to fill tl
chair of demonstrator of anatou
Dr. R. S , Grimes waa nomlanted.
The hour being late , the tuootii
then adjourned until 8 o'clock , Mi
30th.May 30 , at 8 o'clock , the meotli
wan called to order , with the vl
president in the chair.
The next business being the ele
tlon of cflhoro , n ballot was thi
takec , which resulted In the eleotli
of n 0. Baboack , of Bradahaw ,
Dr. J. N. McCaaaland , of Pawn
City , waa then elected vlca-presldor
Dr. R S Grimes , of Lincoln , secri
tary , Ohaa Baud , of Crete , treasure
Dr. Latta corresponding sccrotar
and a board cf seniors , consisting
Dra. Woodward , Keys and Sturd
A committee , consisting of Di
Litta and Band , waa appointed
conduct the president-elect to t
chair , and having introduced him
the association , ho delivered a brl
but very appropriate speech.
D. Fifteen delegates were then ekcv.
to attend the National Eclectic Me
leal association , an follows : J. . '
McOaoland , A. L. Root , R S. Ill *
J. N. Davis , H. D Root , W. H. Ba
cook , R S. Grimoa , J. M. Kovc , I
Van Camp , 0. L. Sturdevant , R.
Morton , 0. F. Stewart , Q. L Nta
ea ol , H. Y. Bates and J. G. Van I
it- Walkca.
ithe A resolution waa then adopted i
quiring the secretary to notify ;
id members who are In arrears for dm
o3d and also inform them that they w
3d bo dropped from the list of mombc
don for non-payment for three ycarr.
nIn Dr. Latta waa then appointed
In committee of ono to confer with t
o0 - ollicora of the different railroads 01
0- procuie , if possible , a reduction fa
for delegated to attend the uatlor
association at Topeka. A case waa then reported by E
bo Grimes of a retained placenta , fc
Sent lowed by dlacnealon.
nt A resolution then
wna adopted i
oed qulrlug each member of the assoc
ed tlon to bring an eatay to each meoti
ho in the future , or send ono ; or repi
ild an Interacting caaa in practice.
le- A vote of thanka WAB then tender
the different railroads for rcdnc
faro , to the retiring officers , and to '
0. Olemmoni , proptletor of the Wii
ser hotel.
ft A motion waa adopted to reqn
lia the publication of thosa minutes
irsft THE BEE , the Seward papers and i
list various Electro Medical Journals.
irs On motion the association adjourr
to meet at Lincoln on the last Tucac
In M y , A. D. 1884.
R. 8. GaiMEi , M , D. , Sec ,
for Infants and Children.
Cnstoriapromot OH Digestion
and ovcrconiL'H .b tutulcncy , Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
Fevcrishness. It insures health and
natural sleep , without morphine.
" Cftstorift Is so well ndnptod to Children that
I rccoiiimcnil It us superior tonny prescription
known to 1110 , " ] I. A. ARCHEU , M. D. ,
83 Portland ATC. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT-au absolute euro for Ulicuma-
tism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , c. The most Powerful ami A-eno-
tratiug Pain-relieving ami Healing Remedy known to man.
lertedunles ? paid In advance.
T" > LOAN The Om > h sivlnifs nank
MOVEV prip > rcil tomiko loans 01 Omaha
city or 1 ruifl 8 ccunty tcil otto nt current
r.itiBO Interest. NJ tomtn'tslon chatged. 8tl
'AI OSr.Y TO LOAN-Tho Lowia' R tca of In-
1 > I tcreat. lienils' Loin Agcrcy,15th : & DouiiUa
- "n chattel mortRagcs.
MONI-YLOANKD ! lllock. 635 Imcj
KY TO 1O\N On chattel rrortgaws
MO EDWAHr.g , 1109 tarnam St. 731-lrat
A competent Blrl ti cook , wain
WANTED . App y to MM. Klnsrran , 554
Pleasant s'reet , tno streets we t ol theConrtnt
runnin , ; norihfroin St. Mar's avenue to Il.rnev
street. 670-lf
TiyANTED Goad alronsr boj to work-in press
room. App'y Bee office.
> ANrr.D A eocd baker. Addrip * F. P.
W Guthmnui , PUUsruoulh. 7J.-'J §
'ANTED Girl o take ure o ! a 10 month
old baby. 610 south 10th etioet. 7161
A first class co k and Uunnriss.
WANTED B B. VTood , 22d mreet ,
bet. Cats and California. 718-3) ) t
ANTED l astrj cook. Apply c r 12th
w and Ilcwar i abeit. 704-tf
ANTED Glrl.for geneial housework , 1'23
w : Joard utrctt.
WANTED A campetODt solhitor for Job
Printing of a'Uinda. ' A prod chvce for
the i\tht \ man. Inquire 10M N , 13 h street.
llsn to work In irardoi. i orth
WANTED Bt oot. H. W. BAIL.
695 31 §
nod njr-e vhl wmtod ImmediUo y. Oiol
A wac.'S. At noith otcorncr II ami I On and streets , Sulnn'aaJ'lltion 0 53 , $
A woman to wash and Irn , at
WANTED .net House. 070 2 S
OomtactUo woman io Oo chain
bor work. Wakei , 24.00 p r week Ap
pi ) 012 Uougl.s Bt. . U18.1
GENTS WANTED To cir nsa for a nev
ok. ( ) 118 8. 15th St. 0531
, 'JTED A c-mpetant cornJ girl "l'pl
a ; 13U Davenport St. W3 31
'ANTED-Adlnlag roomiirrafthe Crelg ) .
w ton hou e. 315 tf
\YANTED .s driver or to tak <
SITUATIONYANTED W. tH * office , 727-11
T f ANTED Pcsltion is book-ke per , best o
Tl nf nnces given. AddreesS. K. W Uci
office 649 It
wants to mtct "C'
I61-14 ;
HERE Dots "C" went to meet CT.
1KNT A ifixd hou'e of 4 roims. joe <
J1 utiblo osher' , aud nnH acre o
ground. Li cited hblickn soi th i f Cum cut 01
23d street. Inquire U Uallwla & Kchm'i ) .
REHT-FUt four ro mi. btit In tha tity
FOR ' ' 1,0 Paxtcn Hotil. Will ter ± on ,
orill. AddrBw"Vin" ll e oltici. 725-31
THOU KEN l-Furnished rooms with table boon
J } 1H16 Dodge. 043-75
RE.VT-One unlarnlshed rooaat 1011
FOR . y street N. W.M ItIULL.
724 tf
EOR RENT New home , 6th housa north o
St. MiiyV ncnue , on 2th ttroet. 7i)0- * }
Rr.NT A front room nlco'y furnished
Apply at 1613 Ddgo stroit. 7.9 It
FOR RFNT Nicely furnished room. Tweh
dollars per month. Oent'.emen only , 1G1
ChlcagostroU. 7Mt
RENT Desirable ur.furnlihel room o
FOR fljor 412 N. 18thSt 701-31f
REST Furnished rorm ai fi Farnat
FOR , GS31
rpOR RF.NT-A hou cf 4 roouw. lull lot , nlc
J. ' jar.i. city water , 10th sicet , half Hick sent
of I.eavenaorta. C9331f
110IIE 1'OR HENT-Csrner Oth ind Ple'C'
5 El ) .YAti > 8 , 1103 Farn m s'reet. 731- ' . ' *
RENT FurnUheJ rcom , 1900 Farnat
FOR . C91-4
NICE nowthno room cottajj for rent
jE $ goi < \ brick cellar , well anil Is'orn on 24ll
and California it Inquire No. 6132Utat.o
it hla cirpuiter ship uu Ctn tt , between 1011
and 17ih. fc83 tf P. J. CREEDON.
RENT 4 rom , nnw and p'easint , ne
FOR et rate. Tirnn , t'U per ni'ntb. tmn
quiet family p efe red J. P. W. ROF , Klni SI
bctw een Chalks and aewird. 579-21
HKVr Two r.lccly furnished fron
FOR , 2117 Webster street , ona block ( roc
streetc.r. 671-2
RENT Mhreorocmcsttase frr rent an
Foil for Eale.iijily S9 Falrrlew St ,
cor tt lUry'a ayenu , C71-2J
RKNT Eight room cott Re i h moder
improrementa , 214S LU cniort St C. I1
DiUoll C03-tf
RFNT Furnished roas with tahleho r
FOR Dodge 613-31 }
T710R RENT Cottage of three rooms , Twentj
J ; third ard Lcnonwortb , $11 per montt
rt v nqnlio < kt 012 S. Seventeenth bt. M24tf
UP.NT Two cotta o" , excellent repali
EOU and South ave uo. tH and i'li
JlcuAGUK ,
m.fllOtt opiioalto P O.
FOR UKNT-Oorner ol ICth and D v
STOUE , Inqulro IblO Davenport tired
f1O LET One or two tvomt , with beard , 1M
.L t ailfomUitreit. 881-B
TTIOU KENT Due Plant , one new organ , r i
X1 o table tcimi. Hope'i Mutlo Ilall. 3'W-li
* A -"UHNISIIKU rooms and bo&rd. Modern ooi
venltn i. 1810 Doilgn street.liXXIjuolTI
1J1URNI3HED ROOMS Very deilrable lootto
11 ! Peck. rel otaU , opp. P. 0. 001-tt
'NVlmt gives our Chlklrrn rosy checks ,
What cures their fevers , rnakcA them sloop ;
'Tin Canturla.
V,1\rn tables fret nnd cry by turns ,
'What cures their colic , kills their worms ,
Hut Cunt ( i Ha.
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion ,
Hut CrmtoHa.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor OH and Paregoric , audHnllCnfltorlnt
SALE Building and ( Jiooor ? bus'noss.
FOR II Spetman , cor. 13th abd Howard. .
will buyazosd Windsor uptight Piano.
$150 Little u cd , atJ1SX
7124 J1SX MEYr.t ( & DUO.
[ 71011 * SALE OR EXO'IANOE-A ( mill Bloc1 ! of
L boots nnd shoes , lat'st tyus ullllnvalco
ahout Jl.tOU. Will cxrUn o for roil
rjpcrty U c'.ty , a
81-2 K. L. . MOKSR & Co. , 1022 Capitol arc.
SAL ' House rf enven rooms Al'o three
roe an for runt , inquire GQi north 13 h St.
TjlORHALK rse , bucy anitnrno's Only
JL ; been used six monttH A at 1 Kht half spring
wtgon and open buifiry and Bowing michlm ,
cheap Call at 443 2jd Btrect , between "arney
and bt. Msry's avcnje. 669-25
Nearly now Klinball I lane for $133. Easy
A payments , at
713 4 MAX MEYER & BUO.
SALE At a Sacr lice -new hou-o ol four
FOR and full lot on 2 < ith between Paul and
Sherman St. Inquire of J. L. Marble , 217 N IGth
St. 054.1"
FOR SALE Two l eautiful lobs , corner , rn
Chicago itiett , fence 1 and trcea planted.
South aTid siBt front , 82 000.
Full io aid two laiyc h > uars thit are blinking
in 10 per cent on tS.OOJ fcr cieh J5.000
i wo fnl tj tnd 0 h usej thu rent for $115
per mouth Oaod loatbn. J1P.500
670-i S11R1VEK & BELLE
OR SALE 'Side bar tip bugjy , neirly new ,
E 1 24 F rnam 8t. 653 Sit
t < 1K l\ ( { For a good second band outran , at
JlJO.VW 7144 MAXMLYtUA L'Ki ' ) .
SAL OneSjeiro'd Iron Gray maro.
FOR ai Je lerson s-iuarc tarn. 05 < i-lt
T Old For saloonly ttnralnut s walkfrom end
.Ijofs'r et car truck J 0. Wi c.x at "MK ar-
eaue house , l' ncom plao . Cj'J-tl
HALK Voso Piano.
B10R - O. J. OANAN.
( JACB A arsl rld i second b ad f > i o'6n
FOR at 1SU Uaruuy St. :07-M
TJ10RSALK 7 room hou'e and barn , two full x
L' lots iii"fiy Improved. Fine location , South
Omaha. Sf3000. * MF.S ,
355-lrao 1500 Farna-n.
SALE Old newspapers in large and small
FOR it thla ollieo. tt
J7HR SALK Max mill machinery consisting ol
X ? biako , 2 du'tern , beater , picker , prcsf , kc.
Can work el.her rrtted 01 gtecti fctcck , alfo shaft-
liiK , pulllcs , and btltlni ; for driving tho-ibore ,
al-o ouo 36..H. P. engine with bailer , smoke-
( tick nivl W nx'ures co up tti. Addresj WILL.
IAM TAIT Chides Citv Iowa. 295-3m [
SALE A flr.'t-cla-s -cond hand top bug
gy. Cill at 1319 llainey street. 307-tI
A white ml c > cow with ftnill red
STRAYED ne'k aud o\cr ejc. Howard will bo
( aid if Mturmdto S. E torn r 14th and Marcy.
. as i *
On ! ait Sundy near ccrnfr cf 19 h and
j Cblevo street , iba'rawlr ' h If thu flriJer
l HcaTdltat th < Bee olll o or aJdre-n J J M.
Bee office th < } will beiewanledi " 2J-31J
A STRAY -Straied from the ucttom ; O't Sat-
Xurday 'ait , a dark r u co'ote'l ' tow' ; hlmhtly
lame li rlfjln hlu < i lep utid I 1) fa ntlv branded
on ono horn. Finder plta'e nturn tJ Jo n nit-
Ian , uoithSi1' street 72331J
T OST APe ItntbrnKc ntalnlnKalioMt $85 CO.
JLj Under will bo lib'rly 'ewi ( iodby r.itxi'n.
irif to022 northNlnneenth street. 711-311
T OST May 30th , olllcor's revolver , Stulth b
LJWe)80D,33 cUlbra , doulile atMon , lt i Ivory
lundle and Icathtr sciblo d Flrdtr liberally
rewarded by kaUri ? at MllmrJ hotel. 717-2)
GOOD two Rentlemfn. Inquire trom 2 to 4
p. m , at ronn. cltlit ( S ) Jacobi' blcck , cor 15th
ktreet and Capt'.l ; averuo. C83-tf
r\ ODD PASTURAOK Kor horfei nrly. Two
IJT milei wes cf postoffice , seccnd bou e wee *
frcm Mr. Ryan's. Ofi-if
UP Ono hnrie and ono mue colt ,
J with lolt hind feet : white. Mure ha white
star on furehcal. Owntr'-an ncovcr fame by
Drovlnir ownership on appllc&tlcn to R. Price ,
Saratoga preciuct. S.'G bt oew }
Rfstaurant , Humphrey & Co. ,
B 1115 Dodge street , boaiJ $350 ptrwock.
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Harnoy. Will , with the aid of guardian
aplrlta , obtain fnr any ona a glance ot the pMl
and prtuont , uid nn certain conditions In the fu
ture. Bcota and Shoes tnadu to oiaer fulocl
l\ \
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varie * . A marvel of pu rlty
Itrength and wholooomeneM. More economical
than the orplnary kind ! , and wnnot bo wld In
competition with the multitude of low toot short
weight , tlumor uhoiphat * jew or Sold only tn
caro. ROTAL Biuxa FOWDIB Uo. , Will-St.'UH
N w York.