Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Image 5

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Tin L'gubuiog ' Voyages That
are Now Midi ) Over
the Atlantic ,
Tha Most Bemftrkub * Tripa
on B oord Still Bwitter
Building ,
CnUiui ; Down llio Schedule Tlmo
to Europe to Six Di yi.
No * Yctk Star.
This is the URO of fAit tltno. lu
thin raspeol it la ahead of all other
ngta and cyc'o * , not excepting the
golden to > > f Greocn and the halcyon
cluj'B of Ireland , when her kings , with
thulr ntuudarda of green unfurled , led
the Bed Branch Kuighta to danger.
lu the race for fast tlmo the utonm-
ahlps uro mukhii , ' rapid ntrldoa to be
first. Slnoo the Sirlus left 0 > rk Har
bor on the 4 ti of April , 1838 , nrrlv-
hiKinNow York on the 231 of the
Boino mouth atonm navigation has
tnndoan Inmiunao pain in speed. The
Great Wcitern , vrhlch life Sonthamp-
ton on the 8 h if Aptil , arrived in
Now York on ihu sauio d > y ai the
S.riua. I ho latest modern feat of
fast tlrao han buen accomplished by
the Noriuimllrt of tha Trruisitlautlque
lino. Shu left Havre at 9 o'clock on
tho' morning of May 6 und arrived at
Sandy Hook M.iy lu at 8 p in , , thus
making tbo voyn e in eight dnyo and
eleven hjurp , ihu distance being 300
miles farther than Quconstowu.
The AUaka and the Arizona of the
Gayon line have hitherto boon easily
first in tha raca for the faiteat tlmn
botwueu Now York aud Q loonotoirn ,
having run fr > m the furniur to tha
latter port In 0 days , 18 hears and 37
minutes , while thu Arizona performed
the sumo distance In 7 days , 8 houn
and 32 iniuntee.
The Anchor line has hlthorto boon
provorbiilly alow , but , in If fflth the
Intention of redeeming UB character
In this respect , It la about to make a
grand effort for the fastest ocean time
on record. With thla intention the
Roaio started from Qacouatown ot 3
o'clock Thursday atcernoon. Mr.
Henderson e.ild to a Star reporter :
"Wo expect ahe will mcka the boot
tlmo on record. In her speed
trials on the ether aide
nho haa made eighteen
and a half knota an hour , which la the
highest apeod over obtained by a
steamship upon the Clydo " Others
Are of opinion , however , that the
Rome will hardly make her best tluie
In her firat voyago. It took the Ari
zona a year to como up to the faateat
timu which aho has made. The Rome
waa originally built for the Inman
lln , In Barrow-on Furnoae , by the ;
Barrow shipbuilding Hue , owned by
the Duke of Devonshire , who la also
the owner of the Anchor linn She ;
WAS returned by the lumau line ba-
cause nho did not como up to the con
tract ia her freight capacity. Some
improvements were then made upon
her and her onqtno capacity increaaod
with the intention ot leaving all her
ocean companions iu the distance.
How far this calculation has been cor
rect throe daya more will toll. If ahe
can sustain her eighteen and one-half
knota an hour with favorable weather
and a straight course , it ia presumed
she will make the voyage in G
iaya aud G hours or thereabouts
The next fastest time to that of the
Alaska woa nude by the Sarvia of
the Onnurd hnp. She crossed from
New York to Qaaanstown in 7 daya ,
5 hours and 45 mlnutru , having Icfc
New York Aucust 30 , 1882 The
Arizona , of the Gulon line then cornea
next , running from Qucenstown to
Now York in 7 days , 8 houra and 32
minutsa. TnoVhlto Star line makes
an admirable showing of good aver
ages Blnce tha year 1870 , but ltd spe
cially good times undo ; eight days are .
ai follows : Garmaulo , April. 1877 ,
Qaeeastowii to New York , 7 daya , 11
hours , 37 mlnutoa ; Britannic , August ,
1877 , Qneenstoffn to Now York , 7
dajs. 10 hours , 53 minutes ; Ger
manic , February , 187G , Now York erto
QaooiiBtown , 7 days , 15 houra , 17 mlu
utos ; Britannic , Dapcmbor , 1870 , 7
days , 12 honra , 41 minutea ; Alrlatlo ,
May , 1881 , 7 days , 23 hourr , 39 mln-
utoa. For six voyages from QaeonsHf
town to Now York In 1870 the Britan18
nlo haa an average of 7 dya , 18 hour i * i
2G mlnntea ; and for the same number
from Now York to Qdoonatown the
average Is 7 days , 20 houra , 50 min
utea. The same veaaol haa an average ;
of 54 voyagoa of 8 days , 3 hours aud
22 minuses between the years 1870
and 1881 ; and the Germanic has an
average during the aamo years of 50
voyages of 8 days , 6 honra and 20
minutes ,
The best tlmo of the Inman line was
by the Olty of Bevlln , October , 1877 ,
from Qnecastonn to New York In 7
daya , 14 hours , 12 minutes. The tlmo [
made by the Glty of Rome , the great
champion of the Anchor line , now on
the way here , In May , 1882from Liv
erpool to Now York , waa f days , , 20
hours , 50 minutes , There are a few
points of considerable Interest with
regard to all thau fit timers not gen ;
erally knorrn to the public , and to
which the ag9nt of the Inman line
called the attention to the reporter.
"There la a practical limit to thla
fiat tlme"ho remarked , "whichs ema
to have boon neatly reached. During
the past fourteen yonra , with all the
app'.Uccou of aolanco nnd Immense
espeTUB , ae spaed haa ouly boon In-
crowed ftDmt twenty hoara. Thli , of
conrso , is H great deal , but it la still !
bacomlag mure and inoro difficult aud
expensive to increase the epoed , eo
that , iu u abort time , it will bo a very
oxpuniiivo nutter to incraasa the lime
an hou. , and it will not pay to do BO ,
Now take the Whtto Star line , for ox-
ample. Their ahlpa mnko the bust
averaga tltna a trlflo ever eight days
and I vouturo the prediction that In
future they will not boat their previous
record , bocauao it will not pay to do
" " '
"How sol"
"Well , lu the firat Instance , the
freight apace la greatly encroached
upon by the immense machinery required -
quired for ono of the faatost. Then
there Is nn enormous expanse in coal ,
For example , the Alaska now bnrnn
245 tons a day during the voyago.
The Sarvh burns about the eamo
amount aud the Arizona 215 tons.
Compare these with the amount t con
sumed by the Olty of Brussels. In
her quick voyage of 7 diys , 20 hours
and 33 rail HUH , in 186'J , aho con
sinuod only 120 tout ( ttr u y. "
I Is 1 worthy of note iho tin Oily of
Berlin ) of tliii jino , ntvlor iha emu *
maud of that famous kjjpor * , 0 iptnln
Kimticdy , no , * roilrcd to the qu.etudo
( f domcsuc iifd eel U lf i , nu-io daven v yif/os In 1878 , whloli
averted 8 days , 2 Inuw nuu 37 mtu-
Ute * .
Tin Worru , of the North Gjrninn
Lloyd , li rtiiothnr of tlie candidates
or f t iiii' . In her trip fihe
undo 17 } kijnta un hour , and made
the run ii.iiu Now York to Sjnth
ampton In 7 dayj , 21 hours last full.
"Wo consider the lima between
Smthaiuptoti ! and Q.iucnstowu about
Bcvenlocn or eighteen hours , " eald
Lloyd's ' ncont , "aid we thnreforo conc -
c udu tli-il tl-o Worra could make the
run to Q loc-natowti in 7 daya and 3 or
fonr'houra '
There will ba considerable cxclto-
inotit In atojunlilp clrcha when thoiix
days of tbu Rmu arc expired , if in
dvod she dooa notshorr up at Sandy
( look sooner , and if nho should make
her apprnrancn but a few houra after
that time , It will probably be the sig
nal to prepare for a Knuid ocean re
( jattaof Htcumshlps , It oho comes up
to expectation In this trial trip , It li
said tha Dako of Devonshire will
stake n million upon her against the
combined llcota of the Atlantic.
The Rod Star line mikes no preten
tious to fast time , bat the agent says
thikt their Kvetas ; of ten days to
Hamburg h jaatabiut as goad tlmo
aa any ot thorn can chow , when nulli-
ciont allowance has b > : cn made for that
thirty elx hours' hard steaming
through thu chuuucl , anil six or tevon
houra mo-o through tbo "hzy
Scheldt. " The ii rat ocean stuamahlp
was the Eatorprlao , which silod from
England to Calcutta in 1825.
Tno Married nnd SinBlo Men Play at
The finest game of cricket ever
played ! in Onasha waa played Wednes
day afternoon , bat wean a picked tile
of the Omaha club , as nearly as possible
bio married and single. The chief
features of the game were the batting
of Howell for the single m'oa and Mr.
Uurd for the married. To thoao nn-
acquainted with the gam ? , the abbre
viations stand as follows : B stands
for bowled out on tha bowler ; c ,
caught out. Following la the score :
1 , Bhepnnl b. llowell 7
a Hod eth hit wioket , b. llowell. . . . C
3. Petera b. llowell 0
4. li.jey c. Ho well , b. Hichelleu 7
5. Firth c. J. ( Jarnaby , b. B 0
0. Lanyon c. Bracey , li. IIowoll 0
7. Hnrat o. Bracey , G w 21
8. lleaton-c. nnd b. Kichelleu 2
9 LeBeyt-runont. . . . . . . . . , . 0
10. Culler-c. llowell , b. lllehelieu. . . . 3
11. Clark b. Kichelleu 0
12. Baxter o. J. Uarnnby 0
13. LuoiH-c. Whltehouse 6
14. Lse not out -I
Huns 67
ByoilO , L. Bye 1 , widen G 17
Total 74
1. How ll-b , Hoay 4U
2. Riohelieu run out 5
3' Mah r o Hocigetb , b. Hhopard. . . . 3
1. Brasey b. Shepard 12
5 Juice * Cunahy b. Shepard 0
G , John Oarnaby ran out 21
7. . , Thompson . b. Shepard 2
8 Copeland b. Iloey . 13
9. WUtona-run out . 8
to' Jonei b. Shepnrd . 3
11. RiohrrdB-o Uodcoth . 0
I2- Butler oiught out . 0
13. Wbitehouse . 4
ByeaS. L. bye 1 , wides 3 . Ill
- . , 7
Total . 118
Doatli cf OP Buol.
Special Olipitch to TUB l ! n.
NAHUVILLK , May 31 GeneralGac.
P. Buol , 0. S. A , died this r.ftarooou
near this city , from the effacta of an
operation performed on hio jaw aorao
three weeks since , combined with
heart disease. General Bael WAS a
first cousin of General Dan Carlos
Bnel. At the tlmo of his death ho
WBS calonol of the Fifteenth United
States Icfantry , now stationed at Fort
Stanton , Now Mexico. Ho has bean
on sick furlough ciuco January last.
Hf entered the volunteer service tst.In
1801 * , rose from the rank of captain
to onlonol , and was brevetted briga
dier general.
Ourloua Woric of tno Lightning In a
Dwelling Bouee at Greenville ,
New Jersey.
The house of William Smith , on the
old Bergen road at Greenville , N. / "
wai struck by lightning on Monday
night. Mr. Smith , with his mother
wlfo and two children , Hattle and
Harry , returned from Now York
shortly after the atorm began. Ho
waa very tired , and lay down on a bed
with hla boy Harry in n room off the
parlor. The child waa soon aaloep.
Mra. Smith lighted a lamp In the
parlor and a candle in the kitchen ,
She waa about to light another lamp ,
and her girl wai standing beside her ,
when a fhsh of 1 ghtuing illuminated
the house. Simultaneously came ate
crash of thunder that scorned to
ahako the earth Mrr. Smith fell 1 on
the fbor In iho kitchen , nnd her
daughter dropped beside her. The
older Mra. Smith , who W..D ultllng ,
remained in her chair , but , like i her
daughter-in-law and grandchildren ,
became uncoaBcioua. Mr. Smith
tried to start from hi * htd , bat was
unable to move. Everybody In the
hoaao was momcntari'y ' r.tunnr.d ex-
cent the boy Harry , who Blcpt un-
consciously through it all.
At last Mr. Smith , recovering hla
oxvolca , called to his wife to como to
him. Ililslng herself after aome min
utos , she looked to her mother-in-law
and daughter , who ulowly regained
conaclouanoaa , and then wont into > her
husband's room. Ho doscrlbss his
aonaatlons aa reaombllng what he
would hnvo expected from a sot-to
with Sullivan. When ho was able to
rlae i ho and his wlfo wont through itho
rohouso 1 , In several places the paper on
the I walla had been torn from the
plaster ; , and In three spots it was on
fire , but it was easily extinguished ,
All the lights In the home had been
put out , end the two clocks had been
atopped. Many of the windows 1 and
one of the lamp chlmneyi were
broken. The carpet In the parlor was
burnt , and r n'ooo of oil c'cth ' In thd
kitchen , ncai * , .M > cli Mra. Smith win
standing at the tlnni of the shook , wr.s
npllt. The uiatchi'a on ( ho kitchen
tnantnlplcca had entirely dlanppcarod.
The frfttnowork of a mirror In Mr ,
Umllh'a bedroom waa burned , nud
aorao ca the varnish wns atlcklni , ' to n
bottle of bay rum that had baen t.tud-
ItiK before it. The nlcctrfc cnrrout
leotuod to have pasted through the
kitchen floor Into thu collar , whiro it
toro donn somu of the ulaater aud
apllndurod the woodwoik Mrn. Smith
WAS rendered almost ontlroly duaf by
the shock , nud her llmbi on the
aldo wore nearly useless. Shu is re-
covering ,
An Interesting Woddtntr of Deaf
in n Brooklyn Uhurch B
BraoVljo Union.
Af full-dress wedding of unnaunl In-
tercat took place hat evening nt St.
Lake Episcopal church , on Clinton
avenue , near Fulton street , the con
tracting parties bolupr deaf mutes.
The announcement of the ftct that
deaf mutes i would bo married had the
of gathering u largo campany , who
packed the church long before
the hour stated for the cere
mony The brldo waa Mlaa Leonora
0 Gray , youngest daughter of Mrs.
Elizibeth M. Gray , of this city , ana
laagritduato : of the high class of the
Now York Institute for Deaf Mutes ,
and haa ! for years boon a decided fav-
orlto iudoat mute society of thla city ,
The groom i waa Mr. John W. Pratt ,
of Middiotown , Conn , , who la a graduate
nato of the American asylum at Hart
ford , Conn , , which waa the firat Institution
tutio of Ita kind over orgaulzad in
the United States , Curiosity prompted
a number of gneata to attend the cer
emony , but those who expected any
great variation from the regulation
evening marriage aorvlco were compelled
pelle to go away disappointed. Aa
J0 any wedding upon entering
the church , ushers were in at
tendance , but luatead of being deaf
aud dumb , as eoma of the guoata ex
pected to find them , they wore entire
ly the opposite. Taoro were , however ,
among the company a number of deaf
inutej , aud while the nahora were
unfamiliar with the sign language ,
whenever a person entered the church
and began a myaterlona movement of
the ( Ingots , ho waa immediately
eacortod to a front seat Irrespective of
hln relationship. A party of four
fnahlonablo attired young ladies ,
whoso beauty waa fcuflblontly notlcoa-
bio to secure the Immediate attention
of the four nahora , entered the center
door a tow minutes before the hour for
the ceremony. Instantly four dainti
ly gloved hands wont up and the del
icate fingoro bfpnn to move with graca-
ful rapidity. The sympathy of the
nihera waa aroused at once , and they
politely escorted the fair guests ba-
yond the latin ribbon Into a front
paw ; but as each lady , as she entered
tha teat , gave the uaher a captivating
srnll and aweet'-Thank "
a you , air ,
the ushers retired not as happy as
they might have boon had they not
been the victims of a joke. Of conrao
a wedding of this character could not
but have a ludicrona aide. The hour
for the ceremony was 8 o'clock , and
at precisely that tlmo Mr. A. H. Mea-
site played the "Wedding March , "
and the biidal party marched down
the aisle , the bride and groom balng ,
oat of step , not hearing the mualc.
Tin rector of the church. Rav. George ?
R Van Da Water , and Rev. Thomas
Gallaudot , of St. Ann'a church ,
New York , wore awaiting their
arrival at the chancel. The bride as
attired in whUo satin with long a ,
and the tulle veil W B caught with a
wreath ( of orange blossoms. The
groom . was dressed In full evening ?
dross. Rsv. Mr. VanDj Water read
a portion of thu regular Eplacop&l
marriage aorvico , Dr. Gallnudet Inter
preting it with the sign language as
he progressed. Dr. Gillaudot per
formed the remaining psrt of the
service , speaking and Interpreting by
motions. Whim that part of the
service was reached whore the minis
ter soys , "Dj you take thla woman > , "
oto. , the groom bowed hla head. Dr.
Gallandot interpreted as fast aa r.ho
BDoko. Ho is a BOU of the Rsv. Mr.
Gallaudot , who firat introduced the
sign language In thla country , and who
founded the first Institution of that
tort in this country in 1817. The '
bride was given away by her uncle.
The nahera were Mr , J. H , Johnson ,
of < hlfl city ; Mr. Oharles Pratt , a
brother of the groom , of Mtddloton ,
Conn. ; Mr Henry N. Tifft and Mr.
Irving H. Tiffc , of Now York. A re
ception followed the ceremony at tha
residence of the bride's mother , * o.
1114 Fulton atroot , whore a large
company of deaf mntea gathered and
expressed their congratulations with
out saying a word.
Where the Difference Was ,
An Arkansas man had located In
Texas on a few rich acres , , and after > a
year or two of southern effort at
farming got discouraged , packed his
household goods in a wagon and
started back to Arkansas. His dilapi
dated team , consisting of a Mexican
pony and a Texas steer hitched to
gether , were pulling the load leisurely
along the road , when he mat a neigh
bor , who saluted him.
"HJlo , Clayton ! Which way ? "
"I am polncr back to Arkansas. "
" \Miat for ? "
"Oh , I am tired and discouraged.
I can't raise any crops here ; the conn-
try ain't worth a cuss forearming , innIt
Is altogether too hot. "
"Well , Olayton , this man appears
to have mighty line crops , " eald the
neighbor , pointing to a neat house and
thu oloau , tidy-look Ing acrea surround
ing It , that vicre carrying a fine utand ;
of different kinds of nmall grain.
"Yes , that Is eo , " said the Arkansas
traveler ; "but , d n It , Porklus , that
man la a Dutchman. "
Anror Wanted.
Can any one bring UB n case of
Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric
IHttcra will cot tipeeillly cure ? We Bay
they can not , aa thousands of cases already
permanently cured , nod who are dally roc-
orumendlng Ktrctrio Bittern , will prove ,
Urlght's Disease , Diabetes , Weak Back , or
any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood , regulate the bow-
ela , anil act directly on the dUeased parts.
Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at t 60o
bottle by 0. F. Goodman ,
The Homo Now York Llfo Insur
ance company haa the largest ratio of
assets and surplus to Its liabilities of
any of the loading companies.
The Oliilliiig Wave of Dull Times
Strikes tlio Oontor of
The Railroads Temporarily Dis
turb Real and Fioti-
clout ) Values. '
reAno Disoiple of Joseph
Refuses to Squeal and Becomes -
comes a Martyr.
The Floxrory Duo Blofiomi Behind
Bare W -Moat for Two
Corrcapondenc'o of Tin I ) a
SALT LAKK , Mny 28. Northern
Utah shows elgns of approaching dull
times. Bear L ko valley , which anti
cipated so much from the building of
the Oregon Short line , in disappointed.
The railroad carries more away than It
brings in. C.ioho valley , one of the
richest and moat prosperous dlatriots
in the whole Rocky Mountain region ,
show signs of overtrading. It the U.
P. and 0. P. carry the termini of
their lines to Salt Lake Olty , of which
there la considerable probability , then
Ogden mnat Inevitably suffer liuan-
clally. Prove has the beat prospects
Immediately ahead of her , but the
extension of a branch line of the Denver -
vor & Rio Grande through Sanputo
aud Lawla oountloa will necessarily
open those rich valleys to direct
communication east , and glvo the
merchants of Monte , Ephrtam , aud
Kiohfiold a goodly aharo of the
Southern Utah trade. The
advent of the Denver aud
Rio Grande hiw disturbed values ; aud
aa that little road Boema alive from top
to tor , every day brings Ita surprise or
its rumor ot something surprising. A
few daya j o an effort waa made to
steal the Utah and Nevada railway ;
two parties voted the Btooic held by
the trnatoo of the road (05 ( per cent of
the whole ) and both preaentud proxies
algned by that gentleman. It was a
caio of 8 to 7 , or In this Instance of 5
to 4 , for tbo D. P. tutoreat had five
ropresontativea present , and the ether
party only four ; and , of cinrso , the
five . won. Now for court proceedings ,
writs , , attachments , Injunctions , etc , ,
ad libitum. ,
But railroad squabblca are of little
Import compared with the general in
terest manifested iu thu case of a lady
now in prison in the Territorial peni
tentiary. A month ago Belle Harris
was nobody , to-day eho Is a martyr.
A abort tlmo since she waa brought be
fore a grand jury at Beaver Oily
aa a witneia in a polygamy examina
tion. She waa aaked if oho was mar
ried , but refused to anawer , stating it t
was a privileged question. The jury
reported her to Judge Twlss , United
StatcsassoBlate'jnstlco for that judicial
district who committed her for
, con
tempt. She was brought up to town tli i
a journey of 200 miles , having a sink
nursing infant with her at the time ,
aud hence taken to the penitentiary.
That establishment haa no acoommo-
dation for females. The only woman ,
over sent there before , during the
whole history of Utah , WCB a negro
woman , many years ago. Mrr. Ilar-
rla haa boon confined In the guard's '
dining room. In the meantime the
marshal la dividing of ! ' the butcher
shop , DO that aho may have a compara
tively accludcd plaoo , which , when
finiihod , her frlondu intotid to furnish.
Unfortunately , the lady haa been
taken sick einoa her incarceration ,
which adds considerably to tbo indlg -
nationexprj'isifidby horoo-rellglonlats ,
Her solicitor. ) hope to ohortlo release
her on a writ of habeas oorpntr.
There la another polygamy case
which for a fotr days attracted
qnlto an amount of alt ont lor.
0. F. Duo , o florist , has boon
brought up before the justice
of the poaoo for abusing his wife.
Examination showed that "tho gray
mare vras thu bettor horse , " and that
vrhon they quarreled , whloh was a
frequent occurrence , she generally
did the whipping. Not cutting the
satisfaction that she expected from
the police judge , she complained
against Duo for polygamy. To the
great surprise of the non-Mormons ,
his follow polygamlata let him go to
the penitentiary in default of ball ;
there seems to have boon a sentiment
amongst them of distrust and chagrin ;
that a polygamlat should be fool
enough to attempt to whip a woman . ,
aa they think his extensive and varied :
experience should have taught him
better. So thofloraculturlst languishes
between tour bare walls where no
flowers bloom and no women are
permitted to enter.
To-day a blacksmith named Fowler
went Into a butcher shop on Second
South street , and quarreled with the
proprietor , who is named Galllfant.
Finally the blacksmith planted his
brawny fiat into the faoo of the dealer
in meats , and the latter retaliated I by
drawing a revolver and emptying
three or four of its barrels into the
body of the blacksmith. As I wrlto '
Fowler is ttllvo. Wr.NO.
Pro ldor.t. Vice 1'rca't.
W. S DEIBUEN , Sec. aud Trcaa.
Lincoln , Rob ,
Corn Planters Harrows Farm Rollers ,
Sulky Rates Bucket t levatl g VVIniimll s.
Wo are prepaid to do Job work and manufac
turing for ether parties ,
Addioaa all orUe.8 to tlm
Lincoln , Nab.
DexterL.TJiomas&Bro ,
Pay Taxes , Rent , Houses , Ktc ,
[ rtom tli * n 4on WoM )
* . . FMtort
Thu atwre li a coed Ilkenrn of Mr * . Lydla E. tltj
Im , of Ijnn , Mann. , nho abiiTeallothtr liuman t ln
y lx truthfollr railed tli "Par Frlrnd of Woman ,
Horn * ot hrr romiK > ndrnt3 lototocall h r. Sb
KAloiuly dtrot d to tier work , which tl the outoord
f ft llf itudjr , and Is olilUnl to k p lit lad
talttantii , to help her answer tha Unro corn"
dlch dalljr puur In upon hf r , ach t * rlnit U
rvlen of mlTfrtnjr , or Joy ot rclrue from It. IK
TcoUUtComiKjuncIlm lurdlclna for coed and nl
'II imrpoioa , I hat * pornonalllurr tlg U > J It an
iimtliflpd of the truth of thin.
On account of Iti proven nirtita. It 1 reoommendf
idimcrllird | > bythelwit pliyflcUnt In the counlrj
no Mym "tt worki like A chariu and taffi mud
Un. U " 111 euro entirely the wont form of fallliH
I the utoruK , Lcuoorrtitra , IrroenUt tnd p Uif
enitruMlonallOrarlinTruu'jlri , Inflammation ai <
Icerttlon , Hivodln , nil Dlii'laccmmt * and the col
> jnent iplnul wcnViiSM , and It j > cit''j adapted I
\e Chance of IJfo. "
Itiwrmratocrcryiwrtlonof tfc rj lsm , andRlri
iw life and rlcor. H rvmovct f&lntnomi , fla'ulrm-j
tbtroyn all crarlni ; for itlmuUntt , and folium wivili
tra of the ttomach. It cum Illoatlne , IlrAdarhot
frroui 1'roitratlon , ( loncral Pflillltj , HlcrplcMiioM
vprrwlon and Indention. That frnllnir of Urln |
owncautlnff l iln , weight and luirkache , U aliraji
tniuuiently curcxl liy Id uw. It will at all tlmn , an (
nd ' r alt clrcnmitAncw , net In hanuony with th * lai
Vat ROTrrns the fcmalo fjtlcm.
It costi only (1.vr bottle or Fix for | 3. , and U cold h
ruptrlot . Any adIco rcqulrvttnn li BiK lal CAMM , 3 ]
te namen of mriny n ho ha % o licon restored to pnrfed
raltht > y tlio nrorf tbo VinrrtaMo Compound , can b
btalned tiy addrcMdng Mr * 1'- with Ump lor nplj
\ lier homo In Lynn , Main.
For Kidney Complaint of rithtr tn this eompooodf
urpauod as abundnnt trrtlinonluli ahow ,
"ItiK. rinkh in' IJ crlinn"aayionowrltw , "a
i t UMrfd for the euro i < f Ooiutlpatloi
oil TorjiWUj of the liter. Her Wool
ondon In Ita iprHal line and httj tal
upound ( a It * popularity ,
t her iu an Anfftl ot llorry when eel
C ! ) Km A. at D.
Hailway Time Table.
Dally Exprai.lS:15 : pin Dal'y ' Kxprtea J:2li : p m
lenvr Kxp. . . 7:10 : p m Denver Kxp..7:115 : a in
Emigrant. . . . 0:00 : p m Emigrant ft.'i a in
tlAVK. AtlRlVll.
Lincoln Kx. . llilSa m I Lincoln Kx..1:03 : p m
[ xod 8:15am : | Mlxml 4:45pm :
Dummy trains leave Dmal m follf va 8:00 : a
m ; 8:00 : a in ; 10CO : am ; 11.CO n ni , 1:00 : p in ; 2.00
u mi 8:00 : p in : 4:00p : in ; 5 00 p in ; (1:00 ( : p m
Dummy traim leave U mv II llfuftii aa follows :
8:25 : a in ; 0:25am : ; 1C:25 : n m ; tl25 ; ui ; 1:25 : p
m : 2:25 : p in ; 3 25 p in ; 4:25 : p iu ; 5:25 : p in ; 0:15 : p
Sundays The Dummy trn'ns ' leate Otnalia at
9:00 : , lloo : a in ; 2:00 , 4.00 , 5:00 : ami < i00 ; p m.
Leaves Council Bluff * at 0:25 : and 11:25 : l in ,
2:25 : , 4:25 : , 6:25 : ami 6:25 : p m.
Piss No 2. . . . -7:45 : am Ptt'B. No 6. . . 7,25 m
" No 10 6:15 : pin " No 15 11:20am :
" No 4 S:40pm : No 3..1l.TOiun :
Emigrant No 0.0:15 : am No 19. . . 7-20pin
No7.6-00 pm No 1. . . . 7:00 : pm
Loivo Omaha for O'Neill via tit Paul
Line for lllalr 8SOom :
Arrive from NollRh 6:30 : pm
C. , M. & ST. P. H. K.-U. P. DEPOT.
Uall& Ex 7 : m' M il& Ex..7.-2rp ! in
Atlantic Kx..8:401' : uf Pao flc Ex..9:45n.n :
Dally except Sunday t Daly.
Omaha 7:45urn : I Omaha llt'Oam
3:41) : ) p ni | '
C. , B. & Q. H. U.-U. P. DKPOT.
Mall" 7:46 : a m I Express n:45am :
Expresii 8:40 : pm foil * 7.26pm
N. Y. Kx. lo vcs Council IlluHs at 8:17 : p uif
" " orrlvin " 8:20 : a mf
Sundajaoxceptud. JOmahatlmo
0. , U. I. & P. H. II. U P. DEPOT.
_ . ,
Mall 9:45 : am I Express 7:46am :
Expresi .7:20 : p m Mall 3 : IU p m
jjuuday cjcopt.d. | Sundajgexccpted.
C & N. W. H. U. U. P. DEPOT.
Mall * . . . .7-45 am Exproai 9:45 : a m
Kiprosa 3:40 : pm „ , . 7:2upm :
riundays oxccpt d Sundays cxceptud
S. 0. & P. U. K.-U. P. DEPOT.
Uallt 6:00 : nm I ExnroH 9:50 : am
Uxnreu 0:00l : > m | Mallf 7SM p iu
tSiiManya oxccptctl.
Nng B.oo am I No 1 4:60 : p m
No 4 12:45 : pm | Nn3 11:16 : a ui
SiinJnja oxctptod.
K. o. . ST. Jon , & o. n. u. u-u. > t M. DEPOT.
Mall. 8:25 : a ml Kxprosa 0:00 : am
E prtw 7 : pmsiall | 0:50pm :
Denfer Exp :15 : a in B:35 : p m
Lincoln Kxp..035pm 9:10 : a in
Express 0:50 : a m I Expresi 7:55 p m
Mall . . CM Jim | Mall 8:05am :
Trains Icav UK at l-lf > p in and arilrlDK at 0:50 :
a m will have Pullman nlacpcr .
Opening and Closing of Mallt.
a. m. p. m. a.m. p.m.
Chicago & Northwestern. . . 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , Ilock Island li P..lloO : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , llurllnston & Q..11:1.0 : B:00 : 5:30 : 2UO
Wabaeh 6:30 :
Sioux City & PaclUc
Union 1'aclflc 4:0011:40 : :
Omaha & Itcpubllcan Va ! . . 2.0J 11:10 :
Burlington & Mo. In Neb. . . 0:00 : 7:40 : 5:30 :
Omaha & ' orthwestcrn. . . . 6,00
111 ? ourl l'\ciflc
Local malla for State of Iowa leave but once a
day , viz : 4 30 a. in.
A Lincoln mill Is also opened at 10:30 : a. in. .
Olllce open faundays from 12,00 in. to 1:00 : P.
m >
TII03. K HALL PoetmaiUr
Saturday livening Tralni.
The follonlnif tahli shows the date and namttt
rf roads lunulnx tralrs to Chicago from thi
Ublon Pacific tiandfer on Saturday evenlncs :
C a
1. "
The i.hlc.ii > , St I'anl Jlfiinoaivlls and Orualia
trulns leave every Siturdiy altprrioon
Tha iiblcsiro , Milwaukee and St. I'aul trains
cayu even aiur ay atternooir
Call and look over iny new fctore and ice
ray new goods.
1207 Fern m Htrnnt. 12117
un-ler the management of Mr. Kalhh.
J. , ,
OonaultinR and Civil Enginooi
Siwchl attention to Survoylni ; Town Additions
ami I , ti. KuinlflDB hstlmaUs of Excavntlons ) ,
Making > l > l > ' > > lM"i 4c'
| m 10-ly OMAHA , NKU.
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets ,
Dr. Fishblatt can ba Consulted Evorv Day Exof pt Fridays and
totnrdaysi those two Days beiiic dovqtod to His Difiipnsary at
) es Monies , Iowahpooml attention given to diseases of the
And Female Diseases , as well as fill Chronio and Kervons Diseases
331 ? , .
Ha < Jlicov red the groMuKt cure In the world lor wmkn
of Iho t > ck ml llmta , InrolunUry
tmrirrs. lni | > otoncK' ' nir l tloM'lly ' ,
limtt , , condition nfMcat. ) > nl | > U tlonof th
, tlmtillty , Irembitinr , illimuifn ni
nlcht or uldJInem , UlHixtt * ot the hfiwl. throat , ucwo 01 ekln
iRuctioniol the liter , IUIIK" , toiimch l
or > o os ! tliraetrrilblo illnorJera from
its ot yoil'h , tin ) ( vnt | ir ctl en more Itta ) t the vlctlnu t'mu the nrHtiu no lUry hab
con ot
Bjretft to the nikrlp-
cr cl Uljw.t , kltglilltii tliolr -
; moitrvllunt Ii0xn
| or titUliiatloix , rcniturlni murlno
Thoco th t are ut/crln < from thu evil ( irkctlcos which clojtroy tholr tnenuUpJ ; pnyalcal ; Impossible Bjrateml
The nympto.n ! of which luo * < liillill tro cil
< * < mini ! , which untlla them trom
n B nnil iltilles , r.iakua pertormlnit inelr bml-
happy imtrlnk'o Inuio'i bte , dljtrtnicn the Mt
on ol the hcnrt ,
flu < liriot huat ilo camlof
, ri'tubnol ' .
Bplrl' 1
cv fjroliMlnic .
Ululcrn cowaHico , fo > r , ilretmi , ron'lrflt night * ,
* (
, Iorietulnei9
; , unnatural illich\rir9 , p&lii In th back amli hlp , * hort tirfathlnj , melan
choly , tire cully ol conii iiy and havu > ri'i
r < irnto to ho alnue , feeling ai tlreil In tno
wliiiu ' . - murnlnjt M
rc'tlrliiR B.-inlnil
luslon of thought , , wiakmss lout manh O'l , white l > one ilo ( > o it In the urine , errotitnow. con-
treuiMInK , watery and wiwk ejeii , dviwrsla , constlpitloa , pulciifiw , pUn *
woaknou In the Ilmbt , etc. . nbould consult aa
mo Immediately and bo restored to ported health.
Who hare hecome victim * ol nolltary vice , that dreadful and destructive habit which
weeps to an untimely grave thousinds rf joung men of exalted Ulonl and brilliant Intellect annually who
might otherwise entrance listening eenaton with the thunders
of tholr
or waka toeosta-
cy tlio HVIUR lyre , may call with full confidence. -
m 4
Married persona or tounR men contemplating marriage bo of
physical we kness , loss *
procroatlio power , , or '
Impctency any othcrillixjualltlciv-'lonipoo.llly rtllotud lie who
self under Iho cam of lr. ) Klinnla tinav places bin ,
rclUjioujly contlde In hla houor
aa a gentleman , and coat-
dently rely upon his skill an a phyilclan. ' -
Immediately cured and full vigor restored. ThlsillaJi'SMlng allllc lo * which rondorn life a bnidtn i 1
and marriage ItupOfalblo , Ig thu poinlty paid by the victim lor Improper Indulgence. Young peopla I ' 1
aroap to commit exctmoi tion mt liclnir aivari ol the drovllu tha' \
conioquencei m ' .
f > ow who that underatandii this § ul > Jtct will deny that procreation It loetejonor by those y o' falllnc ue. f
Into Into Improper habltjthau bypriidentl Uoililcs being ilcprlv d of the plrajure of malthy OS-
prlngft.thoiu-JstserlatHand dtatructlvo aymptomt of Inth body an I mlnJ arise. The tjstomba *
rouicit dcrang > d , the phi ( leal and menial fuuotlonn wo kou' Lonof procrcatlvo ponren. nervool i '
Inability , djspcpiila , palpltAtlon of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debllltyWMtIng ol th t
fiaino , cough , consumption and death.
Perionn ruined In health hyuuleained pro'cndora who keep them trlflln month after | moctt | - i
liking pokoiiouaand Injurious couiK > und > , should apply Immodlately. '
lirrnlttito of one of the most riulncut colleges of the Im ted States , hvi eTi ( < cted aims of th * most
antonlalilng curoa that were evei known ; many troubled with ringing In th * iara and head , when
luleep , great uortousnona being alarmed at certain sounds , with frtquont bhistilnj , attended somt
tluioa with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. r addresses all those who have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence 'and nollUry
hablUnhlch ruin both body and mind , unllltlng them tor buslno'a , atudso icty or marriage.
These are eoino ol the incUnch lyofl < ctii produced by the oirly habits ol voutb , vlx : Weak *
nees of the back and llinbti , p lns In tin b l an t dlmnosg of sight , IOM of muscular power , palpi
tation of iho heart , djspepala , nervous Irritability , doraugement of digestive functions , debility , . '
consumption , etc. , - -
CONSULTATION FIIKR. Chargei moderate and wlthlu the reach ol all who need sclontlfla
Medical treatment. Thwo who n-n do at a dlitanco and cannot call , will receive prompt attention
through mall by simply Bending thlor symptoms with postage.
Cor , Water and Congreis Street * .
Tranancts n general Hanking bunliiOBB. llo-
ccivea the accuunta of linnks , lianbcra and
others. Drnwa Foreign Kxchaiifa ; and
makoa Cable Trnnaforn in Kurops and Tel-
uKrnphlc Trnnafera of Money throughout
the United Statca , Ihiya and eolla Oov
ernmeut and ether Invcfltmont Securities ,
nud executes any buainoHs for Ita Corro-
epondcnta In the Hue of linnklng ,
ASA P. POTTEr Preildent.
J. J. EDDY , Oashler.
J. W. WORK , Aaa't Cathie r
BSTA11L1B11KU 1818.
A. J" . .SIMPSON. .
1109 tnd 1111 Dodge Street ,
217 ami 219 North Main HI , St. Louli.
Printers' Stock.
OTCash paid for Raga and Paper Btcci , Scrap
Iron and lleUlg.
Paper Stock rVarchousea 1229 to 1237 , North
Sixth street. may 2 < 3m
Iron nnd Slats Hoofing ,
0. SPE01IT , Proprietor.
1111 Douglas St. - Omalia , Hob
Iron Cornices 1
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , ,
Spucht'd I'atont Metallic Skylight Patnnt ,
" " lUtohet 15ir RUC ! 15rackot
"rSbelviiii ? . I urn tha penoral
for the ttbovo line of goods.
Creating , Halustrmles. Verandas , Iron
liank KaillnKH , Witulow Ullnibj , Gel-
lar Guim1 ; nlno
Flowers , Plants and Boupota ,
Hewer beds prepared for .aj on In tho.clty at
leasoDable prices ,
Jasper Stone
lila Company la now prupnred to receive order *
Building Purposes ,
And will make ( lnuron on round lota for piompt
do'lvcry. The Company la Bhlpplnjr
To both Chicago and Omaha , and aolldta corrca
ponJcnco and ordorH from contractira on-
cacod In paling atroota In anr of tbo
Western 0 tlca.
EUPitRlMBNDfM'a OiTlcB , Clitraro | , Wret Divis
ion Itallwiy Ctilca(0 ( , Dcccnibir 6 , 1882. D.
Klwel' ' , Prosldo t fcloux Vt\\ \ \ * Water Power Com
pany. DrarSIr I h i o received from > our com-
jnny Incu October 1 , 18S1' , about 100 car loidsv
cf K'anlta paring blocks nnd have laid them bo-
twoei' therallnof ouralreot rallnav track lln the
heart of the city. I have been uslny rsvlDR ma
te ! Ill In thin city form ny years , and I takoploa-
auro In FAlnK ttut In my o.lulon thoRranlto
paving bb ckn fuinlshed by your company any
the inoit rcgu'ar In khapo ard porfo t In form ,
and i afar I have bivnablato JU'RC , are poe-
tonaed ol M diiMblo feature aa any matorlil uiak
bt ever been offered or laid In 'lie rlty-
Youri , JAS. K. LAKH.
( Copy.l
ST. Louia , March 22 , 1833.
Thla la to certify that I have examined a pleco
ol xranlte taken from the Sioux Falla Oraoll *
Quarrloi , and. lu my opinion , It la the bvat iton
for atrcct paviliK I have teen In Am-rlca.
( Signed ) HENRY KLAD ,
Pros. Hoard Public Improvement * .
Stone for Paving Purposes
And any peram Interentcil In euchImprovement *
will flrd It ireally to hla advantage to
communicate with ua. We Invite
The general mana em nt and lupervlslon of
the company's business li now In the band *
of Win. Mclialo.
Address your letters to
I'reildent o ( the Jjipcr Stone CD.