Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJ1E UMAJd \ L.A1LX J UJN ifl 1 1888.
The Omaha Bee.
I'nbllihid evorr morning , except 3nn-
17. The nnlr Monday morning dally ,
Ono i > r..C10.00 I Three MonthsW.OO
OU Mouths. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00
i.'HB WEEKLY BKK , published every
Ono Ve r 82.00 I Three Months. W )
Qlz Months. . . . 1.00 | OnsMonth. . . . SO
Newsdealers In the Uultcd States ,
itlons relating to IS'ewa and Editorial
matter * should bo addressed to the Korron
betters Mid Remittances should bo nd
OMAHA , Drafts , Checks and I'ontolQco
JrdcrH to bo made payable to the order of
the Company.
? ho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
GKNUUAI , CUOOK still turns up missing -
"TUB School for Scandal" The
United States army.
An Augusta dispatch announces that
the Malno prohibitionists are weaker
thin they have boon at any time In
three yoari.
THH pollc'o were In sight of the jam
and crash on the Brooklyn brldgobut
as usual they didn't wako op nntll the
disaster was nil ovor.
telegram order
ing Crook to purano the Apaches regardless
gardloss of department or national
lines has been published , and sots at
rest all question as to who mast bear
the responsibility for the alleged vlo
latlon of Mexican territory.
THE czir la vary well pleased with
his coronation and Is distributing or
ders aid titles with great profusion.
The order of general amnesty to po <
lltloal exiles has , however , failed to
pat In an nppoaranco , and the Nlhl
llati dynamlto factories are starting
ap afroah.
BOTH honsos of the Illinois leglsta
tnro have passed a resolution for < h
snbmlsilon to tha people of a proposl
tlon to so amend the constitution ate
to enable the governor to veto any
1tom In an appropriation bill. Thfi
power was given to the governors o ;
Nebraska by the constitution of 1875 ,
TUB Bnffiilo JUrpresi notes tha
General Grant's railroad speculation
wlth'Jay Gould In Mexico converted
him to the theory of government sub-
sidles , which ho did not believe In bo
foro. Railroad subsidies may bo al !
very well in Mexico , Your UncI
Samuel doesn't moan to grant anymore
moro of them.
THE amicable settlement of differ
ences between the Iron workers and
Iron masters at Plttaburg averts the
calamity of a strike , which would
have thrown thousands of mechanic
and laborers out of employment , am
insures pence and prosperity la th
great Industrial canters for the nox
.twelve months at least.
TIIEHK is a good deal of alarm fol
among Wuohlngton clerks ever the ox
initiations of the civil ncrvlco com
mission. There are rumors that sine
cures will bo abolished and Inoompo
tent clerks discharged. If this shonli
happen to ba the caio the genera
smash up In the dopartsmonta will b
worse than the results of a oyclono ,
TIIK OMAHA HER claims a Urge
circulation than all the other journal
in Nebraska combined. TIIK BEE Is
in a mild and Indifferent way , a liar ,
Falls Oily Journal.
The trouble ) with the person wh
edits the Falls Olty paper Is that h <
delights In misquoting TUB BEE , W
never claimed to have a larger olrcn
latlon than all the papers In Nobrask
combined , but wo did claim that th
Dally BEE has a larger olrculatlo
than the combined circulations o
all tha other Nebraska dallies. That
claim we are able to substantiate by
the books. In Omaha THE BEE cir
culates five times , as many papers as
cither the Herald or Republican.
That apsaks for the relative standing
of papers where they are best known.
TUERE are some complaints of the
nlowness with which paving Is being
carried on In Omaha , and numerous
inquiries why work has not boon
begun on the cross streets. General
H zm and the weather bureau are
chiefly reeponslblo for the delays in
finishing Douglas and Tenth streets.
Paving in pouring rains and laying
foundations in mad Is hardly prao-
ticablo , S3 fir ts the awarding of
contracts for the sldo streets is con
cerned , the council has not rnado as
much haste as they might have done.
Bat clew and euro la a better matter
than haste and waste. The streets
have been ordered paved , the peti
tions from property owners for mater
ial have been filed , and at tonight's1
meeting advertisements will undoubt
edly bo ordered for bids. With fair
weather , and ordinary business ability
on the part of the contractors , a great
deal of pavement will be 'laid down
before winter seta In. Under especial
ly favoring conditions our entire bust ,
new section will be payed by the time
now begins to fall.
The national anti-monopoly con-lw
fcronco , which will moot In Chicago
on the Fourth of July , Is destined to
bo ono of the most important gather *
ings that has taken place in this
country slnco the close of the war.
Under the call the conference will bo
composed of delegates from every
state In the Union. Delegates have
already boon chosen in several states
from the congressional districts , and
conventions , to select delegates , have
boon called In others , If thcso calls
are responded to in other states an
they will bo In Nebraska , the confer
ence will represent a largo majority
of Independent American freemen ,
who are determined , at all hazird ,
to resist the aggressive domination of
of corporate monopolies , Oar own
state , where the political con
flict with giant monopolies has
boon carried farther than perhaps any
where else In the country , will take a
loading part in the coming conven
tion. Wo hope that the district con
ventions which have boon called to
elect delegates will choose carefully
and with discrimination. Lavol.
headed representatives ought to be
sent who can explain the grounds of
the anti-monopoly revolt In Nebraska ,
the struggles which hnr farmers wore
forced to pass through before form
ulating their principles and com
pleting their organization , and the
causes of the measures of success and
failure which they experienced In the
last two sessions of the legislature ,
The great Lood of the Chicago conference -
once will bo such a collection of facts
bearing upon the relations of the rail
roads to the people , and such an Insight
into the control of the two great poli
tical parties by the corporations that a
discriminating decision can bo made
whether a now party will bring the
relief which the old falls to afford.
There will bo weighty reasons
advanced for and against the
formation of on Independent antimonopoly -
monopoly party. Many of the
strongest antl.monopollsta believe
that the tlmo has not yet come for
national Independent action , while
others are as firmly convinced that
nothing will be gained by waiting.
Batoro the convention meets TUB
BEE will discuss the matter and pre
sent Its views moro fully. For the
present It only urges npon the Nebraska -
braska convention to pick their best
men as delegates for the Chicago
AN obscure paper In the state takes
THE BEE to task for speaking of "tho
famous florr Most" Instead of the In
famous communist.
And why not ? What does the edi
tor know of Most or of his doctrines ?
What , for that matter , do nine-tenths
of the papers who abuse the Gorman
agitator know about his principles or
the language In which ho sots them
forth. For Instance , they charge Most
with clamoring for a division of prop
erty , when in fact ho disclaims any
such Impractical design. If the lecture
which Herr Most gave In Oinaha had
boon given In Boyd'a opera house
In English few who hoard It
wonld find any cause for criti
cism In Its strictures on the
abuses , which honeycomb modern so
ciety In Imperial Europe , while they
would have had every reason to cd-
ralro the intelligence and outturn and
earnestness of the man who dared to
champion the causeof the Impover
ished masses against their oppressors.
If some of the Ignoramuses who con
found socialism with nihilism and de
nounce every "ism" which they know
nothing about , wonld spend a little
tlmo In Investigating what Is meant by
the terms , wo wonld find more com
mon sense In their treatment of ques
tions which cannot bo burled from
sight under abuse , and which , In spite
of ridicule and denunciation , will con
tinue to force themselves on the pub
lic attention.
TUB BEE Is no champion of hair-
brained agitators , nor of dynamltlats ,
but It Insists that every earnest man ,
who feels that ho has something of
value to society to say , shall bo per
mitted to say It without being gagged ,
lampooned and vllllucd.
WE have little doubt that President
Arthur would bo glad to receive the
republican nomination in 1881. The
cares of administration have not sat
heavily npon him , It the reports of his
friends are to bo bollovod , and no
doubt ho Is anxious to receive the en
dorsement which a ronomlnatlon
wonld carry with It. Still It Is unfair
to assume that the course of the pres
ident In endeavoring to heal the
broaches in the party Is merely a part
of a deep laid scheme to capture the
next convention. There is no proof
of this while there are many
evidences that ho la at loaot as anxious
for the future of the party as ho Is for
his own aggrandizement. Lot us give
the president credit for his good In
tentions. Ho has made in many re
spects an admirable executive. No
president , tnko It all in all , hai fur
nished loss campaign ammunition for
his opponents. It Is unfilr to charge
htm with having an interested motive
in his policy.
OALIPOKMA. Is happy ever the exo
dus of her bonanza kingswho are now
operating In Now York after having
sucked dry the orange of the Pacific
lope. The departure of the Maokeyi ,
* ] , , and Koonos , nnd Mills' ,
was no great loss to California , They
built elegant houses , no donbt , and
lived in extravagant otylo , but the
money which swelled their bank ao
counts MTAS diverted from channels
where It might have increased the
moro moderate fortunes of the many
with much moro benefit to the state ,
Ex-Secretary Wiudom tells as a fact
that Mackoy and Fair offered , during
his administration , to take the entire
$104,000,000 of United States bonds ,
The aggregate fortunes of the bonanza
kings who speculated on the San
Francisco stock oxchanpo Is estimated
at moro than $700,000,000. Figures
like those make it very clear why
California Is now slowly recovering
from the long financial depression into
which her "first cltlzona" plunged her.
The completion of the East Rlvor
bridge is regarded as an era In the his
tory of Now York city and Brook
lyn. Now York and Brooklyn both
ojolco that the great Union Ferry
monopoly Is forever destroyed. The
rooklyn bridge , which cost $15,000 ,
00 can be crossed on foot for a penny
> nd passenger faro by rail will bo five
onts. Freightage will bo In proper
Omaha also has a bridge ever which
ho enthused eleven years ago. That
, lao broke down a ferry but In Its
lace stands n toll gate for highway
men , The old ferry monopoly charg-
id ton cents for carrying passengers
oas the Missouri. For ton long
'oars ' the U. P. brldgi exacted fifty
onts for every man , woman and child ,
ind ovou now though they pretend to
ave made a reduction for Omaha
very traveler In Nebraska and every
hero else who buys a through ticked
o the U. P. terminus Is oomp oiled to
iay fifty cants ,
But the freight tolls over this brldgo
f sighs have boon the most monstrous
mposltlon on shippers that have oror
boon perpetrated In America , and not
nly In America but In any part of the
world. Not only the people but the
government has boon robbed in the
amo way In spite of the act of 'CO ,
which makes all bridges public high'
ways and restricts the charge for government
ornmont transportation to mlloago
rates , The brldgo baa paid for its
cost moro than five times ever besides
paying the Interest npon a fictitious
value. To the City of Omaha this has
been tha greatest drawback next to
the imposition nf the Missouri river
transfer. Every tlmo ono of our people
plo crosses the river ho has every
reason to cnrso the brldgo , the men
who built it and the scoundrels who
keep up the system of brigandage
which maintains It. Not only are
tolls exacted , but the accommodations
or crossing are wretched and Inade
quate. The dummy trains with their
cattle oar attachments are swltohoc
about from place to place on Jboth
sides of tha rlvor , regardless of the
waste of time , to the great dlscomfor
of passengers. Nobody ever dream
when this brldgo was built that thi
old ferry experience would ho repeat
ed , and that men and women wouU
bo compelled to travel as attachments
to hurso and cattle care.
Even thin might bo borne , but when
men paying from fifty to twenty-five
cents are jammed together in reeking
coaches like so many hogs In a pan ,
and compelled to stand thronghonl
the ontlro trip , It Is simply beyond
If our boards of trade and merchants
chants wore not shackled hand anc
foot by this monopoly monster , they
would long slnco have rlson and tostoc
their rights In the courts to f air treat
montand decent accommodations.
The original act of 1871 authorlz
Ing this brldgo to uxaot special tolli
provided that the bridge sQould have
wagon brldgo attachment , and as
good a lawyer as Roscoe Ooukllng has
declared that without a wagon brldgo
attachment the three miles between
the tormlnna and Omaha are enl ;
parts of the main line of the Union
Pacific for which mlloago rates alone
can legally bo charged.
How mnoh longer our people wll
submit to those outrageous exactions
delays and discomforts remains to bo
soon. Possibly they are waiting for anew
now brldgo , but If that is to bo their
solo reliance for relief , they are llkol ;
to grow old and grey before they oolo
brato Its comnlotlnn
THE Philadelphia Prut notes that
Logan stock in the West is advancing
Where ? Certainly not west of the
Mississippi , where republican affection
for Black Jack Is balow par. Since
the loss of the Oommaalouor ! hlp o
Internal llovenuo , Logan stock in Illi
nois is no longer nt a premium. The
truth of the matter li , that there Is
plenty of Logan ntook on the market
with very few takers.
A aiBLKCiRAM announces that Leo
XIII is preparing an encyclical on thi
Irish question addressed to the laity
There Is such a thing as letting wol
enough atone.
Anotuor Happy Family.
Clinton ( led. ) lUrt'U.
James Duggor , living north of town
is the owner of a oat which has three
kittens , Some few days ago bo cap
tured a flying squirrel , took It homo
supposing that the cat would eat it
but to his surprise the cat took th
squirrel and allowed It the samoprlvl
legos that she did her kittens that
of nursing , A few days later Duggor
wont out In the woods and shot a
coon and took three young coons
Thoseho placed In ciro of the eld cat ,
who at once admitted tbem to her
family , and to-dsy this remarkable
old fcllno U ncfl'iini ; three klttena ,
hroo coons and ll 'Ing squirrel.
"What the Trulllo Will Boar.1
In the cour/io cf the Interlocution
> oforo the state railway commission
in Wednesday Oommlselontr Fink is
. eportod as saying : "Tho rillroads
iavo abandoned the plan of making
hair rates according to the coit of
jorvlco , and put their tariff on com-
nodltles ncoordlng to what they will
> uar" The announcement ntartlod
ho serenity of Commissioner KernAn ,
rho atkid , in order that there might
bo no mistake about It , "If the only
consideration the railroads had lu
lew wad the amount they could get
nut of a commodity wi'.hont loslffy
ho trade ? " to which Mr. Fink em
phatically rej ilnfd , "Yes. "
A Warnln ? .
! e not too fresh , Clillde 1'ulltzer ,
Too provl > u % ton braihl
fvt many a man ai nmart an you
An ninurt , and nn eke nn brash
flre th'n upon Silt river's bank
Hit chuck * has had to cash.
Oh , come not here to tench to mnchl
hllde 1'ulitzM come not so
i'o men who forgot ere you wai born
More 'a you will ever know.
An I If you think that New Vork be slow ,
You were wise to go also Blow ,
Ob , iprovl not The World too thick with
"IV ,
Nor explo't ' younelf too ( tec ,
For yo public's Inter at U not ( treat
In your peraonallte j
And ft la , for Instance , lot us say
In that of U. A. D.
We UVe to hitrof that good old tnan ,
Or whether ha como or RO ,
Wo list to gossip about his hair
And his beard aa white munowj
But nobody giveth ye frolicHome d n
If yon we r a beard or no.
Be not too br&sb , Childo Pulitzer ,
Ba not too western-wise ;
It is flomo yoir.i era tint we opod
Our innocent infant eyes.
Oh. tame your luushty spirit's fire ,
TuneaoUly your bazoo ,
LeHt our harsh eastern climate bring
A col ! , cold day for you ,
Army Scandals.
I'blUdolphU Trees.
The United States has the largest
military resources of any nation on
the glebe and vury neatly the smallest
military oBUbllahrauut. If wo choose
to put oar strength to the work , we
might , at an expense of about twlco aa
great as the sum spent on pensions
and our army together and which no
ono feeli , raise an army as largo
as Franco and Germany com
bined and greatly superior to both in
Its personnel. This Is our dormant
military otrougth. Our active military
force Is barely one-fortieth that of
Franco and Germany.
Under thceo circumstances every
thinking man knows that what llttlo
army wo have should bo of the beat in
men , material and morals. If it Is
not , wo must build from the bottom
whan war comes and In any civillzod
contests our defeats In the first year
must equal th3 cost of a largo military
CHtabllanmoiit for a decade , and may
bo disastrous , The scandals cf the
last six months force homo
the fact that the morale of our army
is very eorlonjly imparted. This is
serious , because the other nooda wore
known to bo wanting. Our rank and
file desert wholesale ; the training
of our uflieera at West Point is anti
quated ; the drill and regimental tac
tics of our army has not boon changed
to meet the dangers of now arms of
precision ; our staff carps gathered at
Washington to do llttlo or no military
study , and training in scientific warfare -
faro under its now conditions is seri
ously lacking among our young offi
cers. Those are all hard facts , of
which every student of our army is
painfully nwaro. It Is ono cf our
national misfortunes that our little
army has at Its head , in G .moral Slier
mnn great military genius who does
not believe in book soldiers , and tha
his successor is a brilliant cavalry sol
dier of much the same way of think
The result of this Is that , with
men of the host sort in our army ,
neither its traditions nor its influences
lead to hard work on military sub
jects. Hard work la done. Our sig
nal service Is made up of trainee
meteorologists , unequalled anywhere ,
and our army engineers devote theli
lives to the study of every branch of
their profession except military on
glncorlng. The able men who mak <
up that corps como , in the nature o
things , to bo chiefly Interested In the
work they chiefly do , and their
best years are given to gov
ernment improvements. Thi
other staff departments discharge
patiently and well their regular work
but in not ono of them is auypropara
tton made for an extraordinary ex
igency. Wo stand in this respect ex
aotly where we stood In 1801. Ou
reliance , nndor these circumstances
must bo in the morale of our oilbors
Their high character and stalulesi
honor , joined to the fighting qnalltlei
of a race which , in a thousand years
has never known a rout or surrenderee
an army , save In civil war to
an English-speaking foe , might be
trusted to carry as through war.
Profound regret must bo felt tha
this reliance Is weakened by recon
army scandal ; . The core of our ser
vice Is still sound. As long as men
Ilka Terry and Crook , and the lin
oflloors who servo in the west anc
elsewhere nro in our army , Its higl
standard oaunot bo wholly lost ; but
tha dominant group In our service
the cluster of line and staff officers it
the east , whoso family and politlca
Influence enables them to figure at the
front aa our ceremonial army , seems
speckled with rotten spots. Ilgcs
Watson , Morrow and Nlckerson make
a ead record ; but these might bo ac
cepted AS exceptional If they vroro no
all marked with the same characters
tlci of a corrupt , dissolute and Idle
llfo , which hns como to bo nart of the
army atmosphere at Washington.
Add to this the scandal involved hi
General lloton's balng loft untried ,
and the lesser oases In which oflisors
with a spotted reputation are loft In
the service , and the prospect is soii
Fortunately in Secretary Lincoln
the country has a sound , sensible
head of the war department , who has
shown In dealing with army problem
a high purpose and strong common
sense , which ought to bo able at lean
to begin a reform.
Correspondence of The Dee
SOHUTLER , Nob. , May 31. The
citizens o/ this city observed Memo
rial day In a manner second to none In
the stato.
At the roqnoct of the Grand Army
of the Ropnbllo the banks and mer
chants generally closed their places of
business. The U , A. II , turned out
in good numbers under the Inspiration
of martial rauatc , followed byaomo two
or three hundred aohool children ,
and citizens on foot and In carriages ,
forming a largo and elegant proces
sion. At the oomotory the beautiful
oxerclaos of the G A. R. and fine
singing by the ladles and gentlemen of
Bshnylor wore very impressive.
Colonel Stnythe'a address at the
cemetery was a moat beautiful produc
tion , occupying about hnlf an hour ,
stirring the Hearts cf the old veterans
as well aa the people generally , as he
passed ever the history of the war , its
cntxpR find results , The address was
spoken of very highly by every
one , ns an addrecs of which ho can
well bo proud ,
Aftornards flowers wore stronn
upon the graves of the fallen heroes ,
nd the return march to the city was
iiade , X.
Correspondence of Tits linn.
OAMUHIDOH , May 30. The present
intlook In Furnas county Is very favor
tblo for crops of all kinds , and that
ho prospect for a bountiful yield of
mall grain la fully up to expectation.
lor acreage this year of cropi Is con-
Iderably above the average , and poole -
> lo are becoming greatly encouraged
n regard to her fnturo prospects for
'arming , which they have every reason
o bo. Her rainfall Is visibly increasing
jcar by year , and this portion ot
country has arrived at that state of
development whore eho no longer
offers from extreme drouths and
other discouragements to farmorp.
Her cattle are increasing in number
very fast , of which she has some very
choice grades , and many are the herds
that can bo seen grazing on its suc
culent grasses which means wealth to
ho homesteader.
Creameries are springing np all over
ho land , There Is ono nndor con
strnotion at the thriving town of
Arapsthoe , which will coon bo com.
plctcd and will accommodate homo-
loaders and the people at a point
whore they can dispose of tholr Bur
ilua cream. 0. 0.
Of 'the Nebraska State Normal
School for the Year Ending
Juno 13 , 1883.
Saturday , Juno 9 , 9:30 : p. m. , Everett
ott society ,
Sunday , June 10 , 4 p. m. , Bacca-
aureate address ,
Monday , Juno 11 , 7:30 : p. m. , Phil-
omuthcan society.
Tuesday , Juno 12 , 7 p. m. , stud
onta' reunion , prayer meeting.
Wednesday , June 13 , 9 a. m. , com
mencement exorcises ,
Wednesday , Juno 13 , 3 p , m. ,
meeting Alumni association.
Wednesday , June 13 , 7:30 : p , m. ,
social reunion.
Examination of classes Monday
Tuesday , Juno 11 and 12.
Motto "Success Crowns Effort. "
Music Anthem.
Music Chorus.
Salutatory -Mlsa Ora Brenizer ,
Davis , III.
Music Trio "Down in the Dewy
Doll. "
Strike or Bo Struck Miss Vina
Ellis , Nebraska Olty , Neb.
Jate Architecture Mr. J. H. H
Howett , Peru , Neb.
The Moulder and the Moulded
Miss Grace Gregory , Tilmago , Neb ,
Mntio Quartet "Beautiful Star
light. "
The Oxygen aud Nitrogen of Socie
ty Miss Annie Worloy , Salem , Neb
Psychology In Relation to Educa
tion Mr. A. N. Burch , Wymoro
Individuality of character Mlai
Msy Pcdloton , Nebraska Olty , Neb
Music Trio " 0 Kestlcss SOB. "
Llfo at a School Miss Eliza Cran-
stlne. Rook Port , Mo.
Is Man Accountable for Hla Opln
Ions ? Mr. M. D. Horham , Firth
Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge
Miss Arabella Baals , Porn , Neb.
Music Chorus "When Wind
Breathe Soft. "
Nature and Corporal Relations o :
the Soul Mr. R. D. Winters , Lon
don , Neb.
The Study of Nature Mies Rosa
Loofburrow , Peru , Neb.
Education as a Means of Happl
ness Mr. J. T. McKinnon , Republl
can Olty , Neb.
Muelo-Quartette "In
, Maytlme.
Valedictory Miss Dora A. Wyno
Porn , Neb.
Distribution of Diplomas Hon.
E. B Kennedy , president atato boari
of education.
Music Chorus "Star of Descend
Ing Night. "
This distribution of exorcises wa
made without reference to class stand-
Whole number of students to bi
graduated on this occasion , sixty
two , vis : lorty-clght In the elo
moutary , and fourteen In the highe
( Lumbagi , Backache , HeadacheToothache ,
or * Throat. Swelling * . Rprttiu. OruUe * ,
Uurn * . Hcalilt , ? ro * > UllM.
U by Dr f | 1U .ad D i1n T rwh n. FlflC BU
bouU. Vlraoltea * tft II Lniitf .
OX *
China and Glass , .
. St. Louis , Mo.
may 22.3m
Washington Avenue suit ! Fifth Street ,
i-ar. - xuco.
1622 Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Quotation ) sent on application. Consignments solicited and remittance ) promptly m d .
This Flour Is made at Salem , Richardson county , Neb. , in the combln
roller and stone system. Wo give EXOLTTMVE sale of our flour to ono firm In
placo. Wo have opened a branch at 1018 Oapltol avenue , Omaha.
Write ( or Prices. V A I _ FNTINP , R , RFPPY , Silem or Om h , Neb
Address cither V M ICI > I I I IN C Ot ndlTI mtqm
And Window Glass.
M. Hellman & Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Firat-clau facilities for the Manufacture of all klnJa of Mouldings , Planing BBQ
matching * Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly execrated.
trHromnll nommnnlfinHonn to A MfYVKTl Pronr'fttor '
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It is the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Is equal
to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake In the fall and win *
ter , Instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition In the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton : no
charge for sacks , Address WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb.
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb. V