Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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1 \ health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out , instead of aches
and pains , wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong ?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing , and no one but your
self can find fault , but if you
are tired of that kind oflife ,
you can change it if you
How ? I3y getting one
bottle of BROWN' IKON BIT
TERS , and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mansfield , Ohio , Nov. 36 , i83t.
Gentlemen I have suffered with
pain In my tide and back , and creat
soreness on my breait , with shoot
ing pilns all through my body , at
tended with great weakness , depres.
Ion of spirits , and loss of ppe
tite. I have taken several different
medicines , and wan treatedby prom
inent physicians for my liver , kid
neysandspleenbut I Rot no relief.
I thought t wou'i ' try Ilrown's Iron
llitters ; I have now taken one bottle
nnd a half and am about well pain
in side nnd back all gone soreness
all out of my breast , and I have a
good appetite , and am Raining la
strength and flesh. Itcan justlybe
called tsxklnf ef midicinn ,
composed of Iron in soluble
form ; Cinchona the great
tonic , together with other
standard remedies , making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic , which will cure Dys
pepsia , Indigestion , Malaria ,
Weakness , and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Omaha National Bank Building ,
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital , - - - - $250,000
JA3.B. HEAimVEU , , President.
A. L. CLAHKK. Vlco-Proildenl.
K. O. WKIWTKK , Treasurer
0. P. WEDSTEU , Caitltr.
PJimtiel Alexander Ugwild'Ollrei ,
A. L. CUrke , K. 0. Webster'
00. II Prttt , JM. li. IlMrtwtU.
R. M.McKlIIInncT.
First Mortgage Loans a Speoialt )
Tril Company furnishes K permanent , homi
Institution whore School Uoml ( and other loyally
Itauod Municipal nocurlUo to Nebraska can b <
be Degotlateu on the inont favorahlo terms
Loam uiado on lmnrove < l farm In nil well settled
countlcjiol thoatata throiul" riuponilble local
corrsBpondentB. _ _
OINTMENT i1 ? ! " .3 ! ? : ! . . 25
Favor and AKUO Tonlo Cordial. . .1 00
( Warranted or money refunded. )
Manufactured by W. J. Whltohouao. 60S North
8th St. Omaha Neb. an It-m&e-Om
sQOXJ ) MEUA.I. . FAKIH , 1879.
/Vf mfam Chofolati , tha b l
preparation of plain chacolili for f m-
lly u . Halter1 ! llrtaifnti Oxoa ,
from which tin ricc of oil Mi been
icmortd. enllj dlgtittj met iilmlrablf
dnpteit for Invalids.tajUr'j I'uniftd
C/xxolali , i a drink or tilcn ai con-
frctlonrry li a dellcloui irtlile i highly
recommended IT tourists. llaier't
Jlrnma , Inriluibla ai a diet for chil
dren. German Swett CAvfo/uf / , a
moit excellent itllcli for fkmlllci.
Sold by ( Jroceri OTcrjrnhere.
W. BA.1CJ3R .fc CO. ,
VortlHtttr , Man ,
Ttio Catmdlcm Import Laws Modified
to Hult tbo Demands of tUo
American Wblelty Interest.
8KcUI | Dlt-&tch | lo The dlolc-Pemccr&t.
LOUISVILLE , Ky , , May 28. It was
learned Into this evening from sources
whoio reliability b beyond question ,
that the Canadian government IIM at
last so amended its Import law as to
admit Into their customs warehouses
packages cf American whisky con
taining lees than ouo hundred gallons.
The prevailing and general Impression
haa boon that ull cllorts lu this direc
tion hnd been withdrawn , ulnco the
Canadian council declined to take ao <
lion In the matter. It appears now ,
however , that ocvoral of the Louis-
vlllo whisky men at least lost none of
tholr faith In the potency of the plea
to the Canadians , which Involved the
amoudrrcnt of a morn technicality in
tholr law , the result of which would
throw thousnuda of dollars into the
coders of the Canadian railroads and
Canadian warehouse owners and gov
ernment officials. It wi\s known at
the tlmo the council refused to make
the desired amendment they were in
reality favorable to It , and only de
clined to act through fear of engen
dering the antagonism of the temper
ance element against their adminis
tration. Portunatoly parliament waa
In session , and Incklly , too , a
oynonymona with onr tariff law , waa
under consideration. With the preju
diced opposition eatlifiod with their
victory before the oonncil and for the
time being dormant , it waa an oaay
matter to make friends for auoh an
equitable and fair moaouro in both
houses of parliament. Accordingly ,
when the prohibitory clause came up
for consideration the amendment cov
ering the case was voted almost unan
imously. The bill passed parliament
on May 8 , bnt not until laut Saturday
did It receive the royal assent of the
governor general , which made it a
law , There are still some formal and
unimportant preliminaries through
which the mo&snro will have to pass
before it can bo put Into operation.
Bnt thoao will require but a day or
two. At any rate however , the mat
ter la at last a fixed fact , and within
the coming few days the Canadian
ports will bo open to American whisky
In forty-eallon barielr. The uows
creates widespread ontlofaotlon and re
lief to the trade here , and it la in
deed a
to all the whisky Interests of the south
and west. The cost of shipping to
Canada and return from points south
and west la scarcely ono-half that to
the Bermudas , the points lately con
sidered most available. It la inti
mated that $3 a barrel is saved by
this roato of ozportatlon , and that
f u ly $000,000 will bo saved to the in
terests centered In and abont Louis
ville and Cincinnati. It la also true ,
too , that by this moans the coat of
deferring the payment of the tax will
not bo equal to the 5 per cent Interest
on deferred taxes , which was provided
In the late whlaky bill before con
gress. 0. B. King , southern agent of
the Canada Southern line ; J. T.
Spratt , secretary of the National Dis
tillers' association ; W. H. Thomas ,
J. M. Athorman and O. 0. Buchanan ,
of this city , are credited with the good
Charcoal for Domestic Purposes.
Charcoal la vary useful nnd oonven
lent for a variety oi purposes on farms
nnd in farm honaoa. It furnishes an
excellent fuel to use la small stoves
for cooking purposes during ho
woathcr. Aa It bnrnn with scarcely
any blaze or smoke , it makes an excel
lout fire to boll meat or fish on. Foi
heating flat-Irons it 1ms no equal. I
In employed to good advantage In raak
lug filters. Charcoal , In the form ol
omall lamps or pulverized , la an oxc jl
lent material to put In iljwor-pots 01
boxes , or to place at some diatancii ho
low the sarfaco jf the soil where flow ,
orlug plants arc raised. It retains
moisture a ad liquid manure , and gives
them off as they are wanted by the
plants after the ground boconion dry
It also absorbs many noxious gaaci
which growing plants appropriate
When charcoal la fed jndiolojply , and
In connection with other materials , 1
causes animals and birds to lay on fa
very rapidly. Sheep will oat It when
It la mixed with either dry or wo
food. In fact hogs will pick up and
oat bits of charcoal when found by
themselves. The French , who
exports In fattening poultry , food
largo quantities of charcoal. At one
tlmo It could bo obtained cheaply In
almost every town , as most black-
nmlths used It en tholr forges. As
natural coal or coke is now principally
employed by blacksmiths , It Is harder
to obtain. A technical journal gives
the following directions for preparIng
Ing it :
The quality of 'wood used Is not especial
special importance , although oharcoa
produced from ash , oak or beech is ol
superior quality to that obtained
from most other woods , and may con
slst of fire-wood , or any nnsalabl
pieces of timber that may bo com
across In the general course of thin
ning. The wood is sawed into pieces
two foot In length , and these again
split if required to about three or four
Inches square , until a sufficient quan
tity has boon cat up for the pit , after
which the building of this la accom
plished in the following manner : The
pit la made of a conical shape , 21 feet
in dlamutor nnd 0 foot high. A
strong stake la driven Into the ground
the top of which Is loft protruding
about 12 Inches ; nromid this nro
placed small pieces of dry
ash or pine of a similar length , and
standing as oloao to the upright atako
as possible. Another layer Is formed
In the same manner , and so on until a
clrolo of about four foot indlauiotorls
obtained , A circle of ouo foot in
diameter , and having the top of the
stake formerly driven into the ground
as center , Is next made by placing the
wood horizontally side by side on the
upright pieces , laying others on these
in a similar manner until the pit Is of
the required height , thus forming a
sort of chomnoy , by means of which
the pit Is Gred ; the wood used here
held * dry pieces of ash 21 Inches In
length , bnt split rather smaller than
the ordinary pieces. Outside this the
wood is placed on end and reclining
Inward , this being continued until the
pit Is of the required slzo.
The top half of the pit Is now carefully -
fully examined , and any crevices be
tween the wood are packed full ol
small pieces of turf and sawdnat toox-
cludo the air. The pit In then covered
with newly-cut turf , beginning nt the
base nnd working toward the topeach
row of turf overlapping by a few
Inches the previous ono , tha circular
hole or chimney holne left open for
firing , The best turf for this purpose
Is that grown on loamy neil , that from
clay being too stiff , and leaving a roal-
dno after burning of clods Instead ot
Pine soil. The turf may bo out of any
convenient length , but not over a foot
In width , the quantity required being
abont three loads , The pit Is next
fired by dropping a quantity of
burning wood and some
dry plecea of pine or ash
Into the opening left nt the top.
After having become thoroughly
lighted the top turf is put on , which
completely abuts up the chimney
when the process of charring com-
menace. During the period of burnIng -
Ing constant attention Is required day
nd night , more especially should the
oathcr bo stormy , for the wind blow-
g for sotno tlmo from ono point gen-
rally causes that sldo to burn very
apldly nnd "flit" Into a hole ; should
his occur the hole must at once bo
Hod with knotty logs , which should
0 laid asldo for this purpose when
pllttlng the wood , and recovered with
urf , nny crevlooi being carefully fill-
1 with sawdust to exclndo the
r. During the mild weather
its attention is required ; thopltburnn
nlformly all over , nnd produces the
est charcoal , The tlno required In
inrnlng varies from novon to nlno
ays , much depending on the state of
ho weather , mild requiring the long-
: st period. Aa the charring proceeds
ho turf gradually disappears , until
nly a slight covering of burnt earth
mains , at which point the pit Is rc-
nced to about half Its original size.
Vhon oool the pit la ready for being
ponod , the charcoal being extracted
y means of n light rake resembling a
rag , bnt with much finer tooth ; nnd
ftor becoming thoroughly cool , la
ored in n dry shod until required for
A scientific chemical compound
hat gives health and strength Is
irown's Iron Bitters.
Tbe Oattlo Trade of the West ,
nltcd Stat Economist.
The wonderful Increase of late years
ioth In thn production and consnmp
ion of beef cattle in the United
tatoB , the ono obviously keeping
ace with the rapid strides of the
thor , hat developed in part the caps
llltleu of the vast western prairies ,
rovldontlally provided beforehand to
ineot the wants of n great nation in-
leasing In population and advancing
.n wealth and power with a rapidity
holly unprecedented In history.
The original or common cattle of
ho west were Introduced into the
onntry from various quarters , the
arllnr immigrants from Ponnsylva
la , Virginia and ether states bring-
ng n greater or lees number or cows
Ith thorn , and the Indians furnish-
ng a part. Of course , they were a
otorogonoous collection ; yet , in the
iroooas of time , in each considerable
" 1striot of country of similar forma-
ion and resources , where there was
o effort made at improvement-
took assimilated or acquired oharao-
orlstlo qualities peculiar to itself , nnd
o dissimilar from ether sections ts
o ouablo the experienced oattlo
dealer to readily determine , b/lh
general appearance of the stock , the
rtglou of country In which the oattlo
were raised. In the moro hilly and
timbered localities , the cattle were
mailer , of compact build , hardy ,
healthy and easily tatted ; whoreao , in
the more open portions of the country
where the focd was abundant , the
stock becnmo larger , looser made ,
coarser , more subject to disease , and
harder to fatten ; but the general of
nort made of late years to Improve
the stock by the Introduction of Im
proved broods has rendered these
ocal characteristics less distinguisha
ble than formerly.
Although the buslnoaa of fattening
calUtt was well understood by many
of tha earlier pioneers , and to find o
market for corn was nn anxious
thought , yet they hesitated to engage
'n It. By many It was considered
that the great distance from market
wonld render that mode of disposing
of tholr surplus corn Impracticable ;
the long drlvo to an eastern market
wonld so reduce the cattle in flesh aa
to render them unfit for beef ; bnt
some thought otherwise , and trying
the experiment the result was a com
plete success. Thus was another
avenue of trade partially opened ,
which for half a century contributed
largely to the wealth of the Soloto
valley , and from this small beginning
the trade gradually , although not
rapidly , Increased. The entonelon of
the railways added still further to the
armor's resources , enabling him to
diversify his pursuits , and assisted In
bringing the corn feeding of cattle ,
so far as Ohio and Illinois wore con
cerned , to its culminating point. The
construction of the great through
railroads , though tending to diminish
the feeding of cattle In Ohio , oontrl
bntod largely to its wonderful Increase
In the western and southwestern
states , affording them facilities for
reaching an eastern market of which
they had hitherto boon deprived.
Though the railroads also facilitated
the transportation of fat cattle from
Ohio , adding bnt little to the cost , and
saving to the drover near or quite 100
pounds of flesh on an average , tc each
animal , yet , by affording quicker and
at all times a moro certain conveyance
for ether things no well , particularly
whisky , and the manufacturer of tha
article being able to pay more for corn
than the cattlo-f eedora can aflbrd to do ,
they moro than counterbalanced the
advantages derived therefrom to stock-
raising. Hence in localities favorably
situated for the oalo of corn , the bual-
unsa of fnodlug it to oattlo has become
a comparatively unimportant ono.
lioforo the era of railroads to break
the long drlvo largo numbers of stock
cattle were annually driven from the
wett Into Ohio to bo fed there , and
when made fat wore sent to an east
ern market , bnt that trade has now
become obsolete. The large demand
for export for American meat pro
ducts has given a great stimulus to
stock raising , and the size and extent
of some of the ranches in the west
and southwest are almost marvelous.
New Mexico boaata of a cattle ranch
forty by sixty milea in size , which hns
on It 28,000 head of cattle and 1,300
head of horses. The Income from
this place la estimated at $75,000 per
According totke statistics of the ag
ricultural bureau the annual meat
product of the United States , an
slaughtered , lo round numbers :
Number. Poundi.
vrewed hog . . . .28 OOO.flOO 5,120.(00.000
Jeeve. . . . . . G.V5000I 3li5 ! 000 COO
/eale 3,000,100 275.000,000
luttons 7,000 OCO .TjO.OCO.COO
, ambs C.tOO.tOO ICO.tOO.OOO
Abont ono sixth of the domestic
moat products ere exported , one-
fourth of pork and nearly ono twelfth
if hoof. Bat llttlo mutton goes
broad. Tha average supply per cap-
la per annum Is ICO poundo against
,01 for Great Britain nnd Cl pounds
or Franco.
Ho Describes the German Emigrant In
ansia City Journal.
It waa a sad sight , in which was
iloudod teara and laughter. On the
_ anta Fo train was n largo family of
Germans no fresh from the ship that
. ou could smell the stoorngo odor.
There were fathers and mothers ,
irothcrs and slaters and n raft of llttlo
nes. Some were nblo to crawl up
nd lit on a seat. Others were still nt
, ho breast They were all bound for
ho Nooaho valley. All were tired ,
lungry and worn out from n four
weeks' patoago. They had loft crowd
d Germany whcro they had been
trupgllng for nn cxlatonce , nud they
were going to tholr now homes in the
now world , If they started with any
money it gave out before they reached
Knneas City , for on the tran | they
were eating black bread and salt.
When the children cried for moat or
lomothlng better than black bread the
mothers hushed them and told them
hat they wonld soon be in Plymouth ,
oyond Emporln , where they would
uroly moot Undo Holnrlch and Aunt
Lena , and when they got out onto the
arm they would all have moat and
"Oh , It will bo heaven , " Bald ono of
, ho women , "to live in n country
where our children can have all the
milk and meat they want. "
As the train passed Emporln the
.ioor Germans began to raise the windows
dews and admire the beautiful conn' '
ry nlong the Santa Fo road , The
next elation WAS to bo the long looked
'or now home. The mothers ,
wreathed In smiles , began to wash the
htldron'a facoa for the last tiiao.
Then when the rosy cheeked children
wore fixed they took white handker
chiefs out of their baga and put them
.round tholr own necks. Poor worn
oul they had but ono dross on earth ,
bnt as they were going to see brothers
and sisters and neighbors who had
been away from Germany nnd living
'n Kansas for five years , they wanted
, o look as well as they could.
"Tho next station Is the place , '
laid a big , healthful German as ho
led a blue handkerchief over his old
lolled collar , "and here we'll never bo
hungry again. Here my little bablea
can have all they want to eat. "
"Will your friends moot you at the
train ? " I asked , becoming deeply In
created in the poor bnt now happy
"Yee , they knew wo wore coming
this week , and they'll bo down to
every train. Helnrtoh'a farm IB only
two miles off. "
'There they are ! waiting for us , '
said the wife , ntretohlng her head ont
of the window ; and sure enough
there stood a crowd of twenty Amerl
can Germans on the platform aa the
train drew up. Soon the fathers and
mothers led the way off the train ,
the children following with the dcz
onu of little packages. Aa they struck
the platform brothers and slaters and
fathers and children came together In
long embrace. Every eye wae
dimmed with tears. Every volco fal
tered and every throat choked with
emotion. It was the pathoa of great
Joy. Bat soon they wiped their tears
itway and began to laugh nnd pat and
imooth each ether on the back. Then
, ho Kansas Germans led thorn across
ho street to a hotel , where a big dinner
nor was ordered. For the first tlmo
n tholr lives the poor Gorman oral-
grants ate beefsteak and tried cgga
and cake and plo and fresh Texas
cabbage. It was worth n day's travo'
to see these appetites appeased , I
became so absorbed in this little opl-
lode that I could not keep my eyes off
oi them. It was a scene of the mos
heartfelt joy I over witnessed. I
lonld not look at the scene wlthon
wiping away a tea * myself , and I can
not apeak of It now without mthroa
choking with emotion ,
When the dinner was over they al
went out and got Into now lumbo
wagons with bright green boxes am
rode out to the new homo on th
arm.Havlne occasion to lay over In town
o meet n lecture engagement , I rode
ont to the new German farm this
morning to BOO how the new emigrants
were getting along. I found the
Kansas Germans had had them all
over the farm before breakfast. When
got there they were showing their
stock. The happy emigrant would put
his hand on n colt'a back-and smooth
t like a kitten ; then he wonld exam-
no n harness ; then take hold of a plow
_ "Thls , " said the Kansas brother ,
"Is the span of horsoa I've got for you ,
John. "
XTben John would go and pat
them on tholr faces nnd look into tholr
eyes.The talk of the women In the honao
sounded like n school Intermission.
They were showing tholr stoves and
kettles , nnd showing how they burned
coal and wood Instead of sticks , nud
tolling hour in Kansas every ono
has all the whlto bread and moat they
"Then , " said ono women , "thero lane
no army here to take our men away ,
Wo are sure our hnibiuda will always
stay nt home. "
In two years these Gornun Immi
grants , who looked so hungry in the
care , will own good forma. They will
have horses and cowa and n green
wagon to rldo to town In , and In ton
years tholr farms will bo worth $40
tm acre. Thalr grandchildren will go
to college , bo perfect Americans and
fill positions of honor and treat in the
boat state for the poor man the sun
over shone on Kansas.ELI
One of the substantial Institutions lathe
Marriage fund Mutual Trust Atioeiation ,
of tJedat lUpldt , Iowa. Legally oivan-
lied , officered and managed by reliable
men. Every unmarried pernon should
bave K certificate In thti association , It la
iplendU investment. Write fur circu
lars. Good asenta wanted.
Blostlncr Rook Tears up nn Old Cave
Usoclbyn Highwayman.
Special to tha OjraacrcUl Oazttte.
PuiLADKLi'iiu , May 28. A remark
able discovery haa boon made by Ed
ward Brown , n quarryman , n1. John
son's quarries , near Pocopton , Ohoe-
tur county. Brown had raaohod a
depth of ton foot , and after drilling n
hole In what ho supposed to bo solid
rock ho charged it with powder ,
lighted the fuse and retired onk cf
danger. After the blast went off ho
returned , when , Instead of finding
broken stone , ho discovered what
ioked moro like n kitchen which hud
ust been through nn experience with
western cyclone , There was a
eve , a lot of tin cana , nn Iron pot , n
asou's trowel , n singularly shaped
1X0 and some bones. The place where
ho things were found had evidently
orn a cave , the month of which had
eon covered up , nud was probably
ho hiding place of some criminal In
flatly days of the century , when
Ighwaymen were numerous In Ohea-
er county. Joe H ro waa born with-
n quarter of a mile of the cave , and
ocilbly ho retired there to live when
_ ureued , lie was n noted highway
man who waa hanged at Trenton for
: > bblng the Unitbd States mall nt
nncastor. The quarry w&a until
Ithln n few yeara covered with heavy
mbor and thick underbrush , making
n aood hiding placo. Much inter-
mt has boon exhibited in the articles
nnd , which will bo stored nway as
The very best Iron preparation , nnd
ho ono hnvlne the largest nale , Is
"rown's Iron Bitters
lowers ana JJlrde in Washington ,
ashlngio * Letter to Clerdand Leader.
The beds of the parks are filled with
.owors , and their trees nro ladcm with
loisoms. Franklin Square , on the
orner of which Garfiula used to live ,
nd on which Sherman's now house
: UCCB , la thronged dally with people
dmlrlng the double blossoms of the
adoring fruit trees. Apple , peach ,
horry , and other trees , with snow
alls of donbla blossoms ranging from
heir branches , The ono near the
ountaln la no white an the finest of
ell washed wool , nnd la most wonder
al in its boauty. A noted gardener ,
who attended to the park In tlmea
iaat , planted these. They ore ono of
ho olghto of Washington. Nona
there are like them hero. I doubt
whether there are nny like thorn , in
ho country.
The tulips of Franklin Park nre
nether wonder. Largo , nnd of BOV
ral vnrietlcs , they form circleu of
ilood , royal purple , snow white ,
ihrome yellow und variegated colors
n hnlf a dozan different flawer buds.
Those tnllpa nro the descendants of
hose of Holland , They are so bean-
; lful that ono hnrdly wonders that the
Dutch wont wild over them In times
I'tst , and can oaolly Imagine the days
f 1GOO , when 120 tnllpa sold for $45 ,
300 , and a single tulip , called the
Viceroy , " brought $2,000.
The Smithsonian lawn la beautiful-
y green now , and in the agricultural
grounds to-day the grass was being
at. The sweet smell war wafted
vor the whole aonthoaitern part of
.ho city thin morning. The crocuses
here have long disappeared , and the
great beds of the many colored peonies
are breaking into bloom ,
The park between the TVhlto House
md Mr. Corcoran'a mansion has
umber of magnolia troeo , which are
levered with yrent crushed strawberry
ilosaomn , and tha oid-faahloned burn-
ng bushes cro ooon on every aide ,
"llud with a glory of bloody-red flow
irs The markets have many peddlers
f wild flowers , aud great bunches of
lolota , trailing arbntua nnd forget
mo ! ) d I o nro cold for 6 cents apiece.
A day ngo I took a trip to Mr.
Vernon and I found the isprlug beau
lea , the dandelhu nnd thu nweot
iluo violet , all over the woods where
eorgo Washington used to stroll
omo ninety yenra ngo. The birds
were aloglng sweetly in the trees
here , and I was glad to BOO that one
lv have built a ucst in the wall of
Wnahlugton'a vault , juat over the
ilaco where his head reposea Ai I
amo up the Potomno to the capita !
I noticed the thousands of cawing
rowd which am always soon on the
flats of the river , aud as I walked
hrough the parks to-day I oaw hun
dreda ol the English owallowa which
have made this phce their Iaat homo.
These English swallows are irreverent
birds. They don't appreciate the digni
ty of the capital nor of the church.
In the eavea of St. John's , where the
president goou , they have built their
nests. Thousands of them live In the
acanthus leaves of marbla which
rown tbo auramlt of the Corinthian
columns of thu capltol. Others have
their quartern In the treasury , the
postcflico , nnd the department of the
Interior , and ono adventurous pal
has a cosy little homo built of twlgi
on the bmzan boot of the statue o :
Gen. MoPheraou , which stands amen
the troim In the center of the par
near which Bb Ingnrsoll and Gen
Sherman live. This statue ccst $15 ,
000. The nest Is made on Its rlgh
foot , and it la shielded from th
heat nnd rain by the cover of the
There exists n menus of se
curing n soft and brilliant
Complexion , no matter how
poor it may naturally Jjo.
Hasan's Magnolia Halm is a
delicate and harmless arti
cle , which instantly removes
Freckles , Tan. llodncss ,
Roughness , Eruptions , Vul
gar 1'lushiiigs , etc. , etc. So
delicate and natural are its
oll'octs that its use is not
suspected by anybody.
No lady has the right to
present n disfigured face in
society ivheu the Magnolia
Balm is sold by all druggists
for 75 cents ,
Have now been finished in our store , mar-
Ing it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively for the use of Passengers. These immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kindn of Household and Office Furniture evei
All are invited to call , lake the Elevator on the first floor
, nd go through the building and inspect the stock.
06 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , ana
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar Proof
1020 Far n ham Street ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
BIW , $50LB6H08 , UfelE ,
3K 2Xaa3l ! BC133 6 , lESTO. ,
Near Unioa Pacific Deoot. OMAHA , KER
IB only attained by using
Stoves and Rangss , *
For sale by
Association ,
Orders from any part ot the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
AH Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of onr
Bole Agent for Omaha and the West.
DfflooOoniBr 13th and Barney Streets.
My Ropoaltory is Constantly filled with a Select Stock. Best
racrory. 3 , W , Oor. iotn ana uapnol Avenue ,
RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Eto. '
310 South Twelfth . Street , OlIA'HA. '