Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY TWELFTH YJ3AE. OMAHA NEB FJRIDAY NORNTNG JQNhi 1 , 1883 296 THEIR SAND GAVE OUT. The Great Iron Luokout Averted at tlio Last Moment , The Manufacturers Concede the Demands of the Mon and Sinn the Scale. Qreat Rnoicing in Pittsburg and Other Irou Mill Centers. The Trouble nt iho IlllnnU Mints In a Fair Way of Settlement. Thn Lookout Averted. Spoclal Dispatch to Tin 11 B. PirrsBuna , May 30 A conference of iron manufacturers and the Amal gamated association committees this afternoon resulted in the mnnufao tnrorH signing laat year's scale of $5 50 per ton for puddling. This action happily averts the strike , and insures the mnnlng ot all mills in the west for at leuat ono year longer. Manufacturers have all along persisted that they would not pay moro than $6 , and who were supposad to have a solid front , glvo as a reason for the unexpected action that they had positive Information that a num ber of western mills hid made ar rangements to continue at the old scale with tbe condi tion that if the manufacturers hero were successful the workmen would accept the aama wages , and rather than submit to aeolug their trade going to other places decided to pay the wages demanded by the Amal gamated Association. President Jar re tt , of the latter , stys tha scale was signed unconditionally , and character- Iz3s it as a "victory without a battle. " Intense satisfaction Is expressed on all sides over the settlement , as a strike was regarded as inevitable , and to Plttsbnrg on Indefinite shutting down of the Iroi , mills meant not only seri ous loss to those engaged ia that par ticular Industry , but to every other industry and business SB well. Clerolancl Follow * . Special Dispatch to Tui Unit. CLEVELAND , May 31. The Union rolling mill has signed thn saalo , and employes say the Brlttou Iron and Steel company have done so , though the proprietors decline to aflirm or deny It. The Forent City iron works either has or "undoubtedly will. No other esttb Hshmouts hero nra effected by Pltts- bnrg'a action. No sign of a strike. The Puddtcrm' Strike. Special Dispatch to TUB B i. CINCINNATI , May 31. It Is believed r / . f * -I' * - " " ' ' r" lufuoluwrs hero I that the action of thu mill ownera at Pittsbnrg in signing the scale will nn doubtodly oud the strike of the pnd- dlors In and about Cincinnati. The news from Plttsbnrg was received too late to-night to prevout the strike goIng - Ing Into effect , but it la bellsved as soon as the situation at Pittebnrg Is made known to the men they will at once return to work , the situation hero being identical with that at Pitta- dnrg. Refuted to Special Dispatch to Til * BKI. CINCINNATI , My 31. The five load ing iron mills of this city , Covlugton and Newport havodecUned to sign the scale proaonti'dby tbo workmen , mem bers of the Amalgamated Iron aud steel workers and the mills will close to night. This throws out of employment between four and five thousand pee ple. Wheeling in Lino- Special Dispatch to Tui Bu. WHEFLINO , W. Va. , May 31. It Is definitely decided that there will be no lookout in the iron mills here , Tke EfrVct in Illinois. Special Dispatch to TUB Bis. CHICAGO , May 31 There are but throe mills in this state working upon merchant iron , aud as thio is the only class affected by the acceptance or re jection of the scale at Plttsbnrg , the fact that the Irom masters there ac cepted the terms of tbo men only con cerns them. Two of thosn have not boon hoard from. D. 0. -adloy , of the Calumet Iron and Steel works , says his mills will shut down Friday morning for repairs , at any rate , and will atart again whoa the plat has been thoroughly overhauled. Preaidont Praaalng , of the master masons' association , stoutly donlei the Imputation made by mom- bora of the bricklayers' union that he had tampered ni h the agreement signed by the committee of arbitra tion , and which It was supposed would end the strike. He asaorte that the bricklayers are In a rage sim ply because they have been defeated In everything they sot out to accom pllab. The end of the strike cannel now be foreeoen. Tbo North Chicago Mills Oloto , Dispatch to Tim U . MILWAUKKF , May 31. The mills o ; the North Chicago Rolling Mill com pany , at Bay View , will cloao at { o'clock Friday morning , As thti company ia not a member of the man nfacturers' association , nnd was no represented at any of the Plttaburj meetings , when notified of the actloi at Pittsbnrg by the Amalgamated corn ralttee at Biy View , who oxpresaoi the wllllcgiossof the men to continue work , Superintendent Parkoi uald thi company had decided to abut down Eleven hundred men are thrown out The Belleville Miner * . BpecUl Dtipitch to Tin lit * . ST Louis , May 31. The ooronor' Investigation Into the killing of Hen deraon , the minor murdered by th militia at Bellevlllo , III. , was resnmai there this morning. A tow wltneaao were examined and Inquest closed but no verdict la yet rendered. The conference of the miners , op eratora and committee of the boar tredo mot nt Boll f f ) r The minors agree- * * 'OJ fe , oonditlons of the board ot tr u < /t vlously telegraphed , except that which contemplates noa-intoiferoiic < > with the michluo mlnoa , Ono of tholr committee said they had concluded - cludod to ntcopt no conditions that did not put hand mines on an equal footing with rnschlno inlnrs , The other propositions , made by the board of trnde , accepted by b-jth miners aud opporAtor ? , nnd another conference will bj hold Monday , at which it In believed the difference then will b3 finally amicably nd- jmtod. Of the fifty-ono minors indicted ht Edvrnrdsvllle , 111. , for participation in the riot at Abbey and other minor , : tt nnd near Oolllusvlllo , laat week , thirty-four of them were arrested to day nnd arraigned in court. All pleiddd guilty and were fined $25 and coat ? , but a stay of execution was granted during good behavior. Tno coroner's jury ho ding the Inquest at Belleville on Henderson , the minor killed by the uillltla the other day , concluded Itn labor thin evening and returned along rambling verdict , stating that It la impohslhlo to deter mine from the ovldonco taken whether the mllltli or minors fired irat , but declaring Hendoraon was shot by the militia aud the shooting was not justifiable. Bnd Bnstnoai. BpecUl Dispatch to Pun DUB DBS MOINES , May 31. The strik ing minors endeavored to kill ouo of tholr number who continued to work by blowing up his house. Several persona were hurt nnd the houaa partly - ly wrecked , SPORTING. ptclal Dispatches to TUB 1 ! LOOSVILLE ItAOES. LOUISVILLE , May 31 , Track slow. ) aah of on mile , nil ngoa , Farragut rst , Roy Clarke second , Buckmas- ar third ; tlmo 1:471- : Woodbury stake , 3 year olds , ono nd one-eighth miles , selling , Llttlo tattercnp first , Major Hnghea second , Manlton third ; time 1:58J. : McGrathlana stakes , two year olds , ve-eighths of a mile , Bob Mllea first , Ion * second , Grinlte third , 1:041 : Steeple chasa , two miles , Guy hrat , Jluturbance nee mdj the other starter , nowball , lost her rider , eime homo 'rat without weight , unplaced ; tlmo :18M : MT1TIO PARK JIACES. BOSTON , May 31. The 2:32 : race wns won by Blanonard Belle , Shnokot ocond , Fannie Trivia third ; boat tima 2:281. : Glass 2:20 : wio wou by Ezra L. ia tralght bents , Ella D DO second , Frank bird ; best time 2.2tj. TUG OKKAT KOW. BosroN , May 31. The match race f sluglo soulla bbtwcon Edward Hau- an , ot Toronto nnd John A. Kii < ucdy , of Porflnnd , , $2BOO > sldo , took > lace this nfternoan at Point of Pines , distance throe miles with turn. A moothor coarse was rarely noon on ako or river The start w s effjotod , t C:34. : Kennedy soon took a alight oad which ho kept the first mile , lanlan , however , keeping Kennedy well up to his work. It wns a pretty ace for that distance. There were ears of a foul and Indications of both men going out of the course. Hanlan .ppareutly first discovered this and hereby gained several lengths , By hli tlmo Hanlan had headed Ken nedy and turned the stake boat four or five lengths in advance. After the irst rnllo Hnnlan evidently had the race In his o wa hands , and after turning ho stake boat occasionally reduced ils stroke to the minimum and rowed nt ease , whllo Kennedy kept nearly ho name stroke throughout. The oflnlal ttmo of Hanlan la 19.01 , Ken nedy 10:52 : showing Hanlan won by about twenty lengths , 'i'wo thousand ivo hundred people witnessed the aor. As the men came from the water Hanlan waa greeted with hoartj cheers. Ho appeared ns though ro. urning from a'joractloa spin , rnthor han trora a match raco. Kounody'i reception was less enthualastla. Han- an , speaking from the hotel balcony , said the roan ho had rowed agalual o-dr.y was a porfoot gentlemtn and II was the hardest race bo ever rowed. BABE BALL. PHILADELPHIA , May 31 OhiClgO ! 4 , Phlladolphtas 3. PHOVIDENOE. Miy 31. Olevelandc 5 , Providence 3 BOSTON , May 31 The Buffalo. 3ostoa came wns stooped by rain. NKwYonK , M y 31. Now Yorka 4 , Datrolta 1. KEOUOANIZF.l ) CLEVELAND , May 31 The Olevo' ' and club have reorganized as the Cleveland driving park , aud bonqhl ; ho grounds of the Northern Ohio 'air association. THE COLUMBUS MEETING , COLOMBO.- . , May 31. Entries fo the trotting meeting from Juno 12tl to IGth , are numerous. Oallfornli enters la the 2:20class : , Overman , ntu 2:25 : class , Eva. Mrs. PhilB. . Tliomiiion's Statement mont- SpecUl Dlepatch to Tui 11 m OINRINHATI , May 30. A state ment by Mrs. Phil. B , Thompson the first she made for publication o the matters causing the killing o Walter Davis by her husband , ap peared hero this morning , She de nlos pointedly that the waa drunk a St. Olalr hotel , nnd calls God to wit noaa that Walter Divii was innccen of nny wrona toward her whoa sh wout Into bin room that night. Sh nays they could not waken Mia Buikner , nnd therefore she went Int Divls' room Her story wns told a Mrs. Davis' houaa and In bur presence Shipping New * , 6p c ! l DlrpJtch to Tu Iu. ! LONDON , May 31. Arrived , Ho ! land , from Nnw York ; arrive out , Ethiopia , Fulda and Nedorlanc from New York. PHILADELPHIA , May 31. Arrived Illinois , from Liverpool. NEW \OIIK. May 31 , Balgenlant from Antwerp. SOLATION'S ' HOME. The Region Into Which Gen , Orook Led His "Noble Five Hundred , " A Talk With Lieut. Baird , Just Back Prom tbo Border. No Foari Entertained the Snfoty or Saooeti of the Expedition , THE CROOK CAMPAIGN. Special Ditpjtch to Tim tin WASHINGTON , May 31. Lieut. Wm. laird , Sixth cavalry , who just ru- urncd from the Mexican frontier , lid to n S ar reporter tt-day that ho id not think tha reports of General 'rook's engagement with thn hostllea ore trustworthy. "Very likely , " ho aid , "there has boon lighting , but I o not think any deciolvo action has ukeu place. General Crook did not ntond to send back word until ho had coomullshod something or entirely ailed , " In reply to the questionwhy Gin. Crook did hot take with him : ito Mexico a larger force of cavalry , dent. Balrd said : "Gau. Crook's so lan in that roipect is not nlly understood. Ho took all men ho could possibly provide trnuR- ortatlon for. Everything In the way f provielons and baggage had to bo arrlod on pack uinloa. The country ran soonrod and all mnlea that could 10 procured at different posts brought u. There mules are not plentiful , ud the slz9 of the force had to be ro- ulatod In accordance with the supply , t was absolutely necessary to take conta to track the enemy. Gen , Crook took with him as far ns the border eight or ten companies , with which he formed a cordon along thu Ino. Six companies wore left in the lolulty ot Santa Bernardino under ! ol. Biddlc. It was with ouo of those ompanloa I waa stationed. It In a erriblo country Into'which Gen. Crook entered. It is perfectly desolate. The prosperous ranches hat used to stand along tha baao of the mountains have been wept uway by the savages and an oo- aaionnl Isolated hamlet Is all that Is oft of the villages. The great dlfli nlty Gen. Crook has to contend with s the jctroity of water. ISaonts only know ono or two placss whore water an bo found , but the fugitives know here every drop is In the mountains. The moit cordial relattonu existed bu- vreon Gjn. Crook end the Mexican authorities and hia plana and Intou- Ions are fully approved by them I hluk no uneHsiuuns need ba felt for , ho safety of Gan. Crook. Wo hud no ithcr Idea down tuora than that he know what ho was about and would coruo out all right. " ' CAPITAL 'NOTEU. 'pedal ' Dispatch to TUB Ilii. MAIL CONTKiCIS. WASUINOTON , May 31. The gov ernment of New 'A jalaud has agreed , "n conjuntlou with the government ol Now South Wales , to renew for twc _ onra the contract for carrying mailc between Sin Irnnclsco and Australia .nd . New Xaahmd. Should the United Htatea , hovrover , refuio to contribute t subsidy the contract Is terminated at ho end of the hrat year. INVKSTIOATION COUVINOKI ) . The Invostiiratlon of the ntTilrn ol ho supervlamg arohltuct'c dike of the roanury was ojmtnoncod this morn- ug. After oonanltatlon C/hr.irmau Now tated that there wcuM bo no diffi culty In eclootlug another export to represent tha suporviaing architect. Oolotnan then asked for ndjourntnout until Tuesday next In order U allow the exports time to examine the pa pers bearing on iho contracts in quea < lor. WASAIKQTON , May 31. The Hill .nvostiqatlon . has been adjourned til Monday , Wnlter Evans was installed to-day , Msrrlck continued his addreesln tlu star ronto ease to day. Ho chargec John W , Dorsoy with par jury on the stand. Ho had devised aud ooncoctec the whole narratlvo of falsehoods , Rordoll towered above such men , His brother was hU master , leadoranc toikcherin iniquity. Ho would make bin perjnruo plain that the jnrj would DUO it on tholr walls at nigh' when they blow out tholr candles Merriok then placad the testimony o ! John W. Dorsoy and Rnrdoll In eon traot , supplementing it by other ovl- douce. Adjourned. The president nccaptod the s < 3otloi of the Northern Paslfio from thi 325th to the 350 h mile , east o allnlB Junction , W. T. Estimated decrease of thn publl debt for May. about $3,500COO ; bon < redemption during month , $10500 , 000 ; payment * on acaount of pen slous , $12 000,000 Secretary Ohaudlur has ordered th United States steamship Yantlo to ac company the Grcely relief expodltloi to Lady Franklin Bay , The president has recognized A Yang Ming as consul of the Ohlnee empire at the port of Now York. Mexican Matters. BpecUl Dlspitch to Tin liir. MKXICJ , May 15 Congress is pro rogued until Juno 15. The miniate of foreign ad'ilro was appointed special envoy to arrange for the re newal of relations with England. H will rennln in England an Moxioa minister. New York Civil Sorvloc. BpecUl Dlipitctj to Tui 0 , ALUANT , May 31. The state civ service commission mot and organise thh afternoon , or-nayal ofllcor Slle W. Burl , of Now York , was appolnte chief examiner. The Evening Joni nal has an Interview with Bart , wfa explains the apparent Inoonulstenc of accepting a state poaitlou after di ollnlng last Mnroh a similar nation : one , by siylug President Arthur dl not appear to make the nomination I good faith , and that he declined beciuso "coupled with the promotion of Gan. Graham , it Involved an nf front to him and to the cauao of re form. " Ho takes the pluoo nt a lower alary because ho had confidence in ho commission's honesty of purpose John Jay wnschoaon president FREE TRADE. A Uoom for the Old World ot the Ex- poueo of tbo Now. 3p ! l DIapktch to Tui llm. DLTIIOIT , May 31 The free trade conference mot hero to-day. The committee on permanent orgaulzttlon reported the following oflioors. who were elected : 1 resident , lion. Dtvld A. Well * , of Connecticut ; vloo prusl dents , Wm. U. Springer of Illinois , Win. U. Smith ot lonn , Austin U. Brown of Indiium , Charles Francis Adams , Jr. , of Massachusetts , Ulysses Tanner of Minnesota , Willard Parker of Mlchlgnn , E G. Taylor of Missouri , J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska. Ed ward M. Sheppnrd of Now York , Frank U. Hurd of Ohio. Jas. N. Bu- thuuo of Virginia , and N. 0. Fredor- lckou of Wisconsin ; secretaries. C. E. Rnasoll nf Iowa , and Jas. H. Mc Donald of Michigan. Preiidont Well ; , upon taking the chair , said the mooting was ono of the most rcmarkablo in any oouso hold since the close of thn war. Men had coino together to aflirm the right to sell and buy without restriction. Ho referred to the depression of business throughout the country and thoprova- lon.00 of labor strikes , and said that before long the pressure of events will compel an answer to the question , why In this land of plenty and good living there was such stagnation and dis tress ? It was only a question of time when the element of liberty involved In this frco trade question should as sert itself. A letter of regret from Charles Francis Adams , -jr. , was road. Adams favored the reduction of revenues to what was necessary In tlmo of poaco. In making this reduction , protool manufacturers by removing the tax or raw materials , put coal , ores and woo ! on the frco lint ; do not tax tools , booka , machinery ; extend the free Hat ao that manufacturers will bu in post tlon to contend with manufacturers o ! other lauds in the open markets ol the world. DJ not tux food , modi. clnps , art. Perry Belmont in hia letter , favor ed keeping up the tariff discussion In odvauco of thn presidential election. It waa Impossible to toll how far thi rffools of the last tariff bill might com pel new legislation , by congress , but from all appoirancea commercial In terests would bear testimony before the end of thn coming suasion to thi nucouelty of further corrective loglela tion. The house ehould assemble nox1 winter prepared to form whatever log islatlvn duties might arise * In regard to the tariff. No member of the house , democrat or republican , could , ovnn I ho whhpj ? , OBCT)0 t li tpatiUcst uftI ) * duty.A . A long discussion ensued over the question of organization , originating ia the motion of H. J Phllpott , o ! Iowa , that a committee of ono fron each state represented bo appointed tt organize a plnn of systematic work ir the Interest of free trado. Tha oa t < ern moniben generally opposed thli on the ground that the American free trwlo Icaguo now in oxlntenoo wai sufficient for the purpose aimed al bj Phiipott's proposition. Finally thi following committee on orgonlzttiot was aopolnted : Phllpott , Goo. F Peabody , New York ; W. G Brown- lee , Mich. ; A. A , Hoaley , Brooklyn 0. E Ferguson , Indlnrm. On motion a meeting wai appointed to prepare an address to the pnoph of the United Sutos as follows : Thoa G. Shearman , New York ; A P. Flahback , Indiana ; E. A , Eddy , Michigan ; W R Smith , Iowa ; K. A Shepbnrd , Now York , 0. L Taylor , Iowa ; R R. Bowkor , Now York. Tlit conference then took a recess , At the evening session the open house waa well filled , many ladles bi- ing present. Vloa Presldnnt Sprlngoi presided and Introduced D. A. Wollo who made a speech of two honn length. _ a Ohnroh. Spocl&l Dlipttch to Tin tin. CniOAao , May 31. St. James Epis copal church , representing the firs I parish of the Episcopal church ia the west , and having had for many yean an unusually largo membership , wai formally consecrated to-day in thi eset ca of an immense congregation McLaren was assisted b ] Bishop Harris , of Michigan , and thi clergy of diooese , of Illinois. Tin ohnroh was handsomely decorated fo : the occasion Tha chancel was huni with pure white drapery , Iho pulpl garlauded with flowers , and thn vest ! bnla of the church festooned will flofrorlrg shrubs. On behalf of thi vestry , tbo instrument of donatloi and endowment was read , after whlci the prAyorn appointed for such an oc oaaion were by McLuon The sentences of consecration wnr then recited by the pastor , Rov. W H. Vibbort. Bishop Harris dtllv ercd the consecration cermon. SI James parish was organized In 183 by Rov. Isaac W. Hallam , who wa present to-day at the consecration The pariah has numbered among It pastors Bishop Harris , of Mlchlgas Bishop C'arkson , of Nebraska , an Rov. Frederick Courtonay , now c r Boston and formerly of Now Yorl Pennoylvanin Special Dlupatcn to Tin llm. HAUUISBUKO , Pa. , Miy 31. In th honso to day the free oil plpn bill wo defeated for want of a constitution : majority. In the sanato , iho bill dt olarlng no Inuuraucu policy shall b forfeited whllo there are unllmlte premiums to moat the payments , an making policies Incontestlbloaftor tvt yeara , pasned filially. A Freight Tyalu Wrecked Special IJUpjtcb to Tui Ilii BOSTON , May 31. This morning freight train on the Grand Trunk lit wont through nn iron brldgo in Btra ford Hello * , Vt. , ooaatonod by broken rail , The engineer and fire man were killed. THE OLD WORLD. The Negotiations Between Prussia and the Vatican Totally Oollapso , The Operations of the French in Ann am Apparently Successful. A Variety of Other Ercnts- PRU3MA AN THE PAPACY SpvclM DlgpAtcru * toTlu Dm. HOMK , Mixy 31. The Dlrltto sayu : Bxrnn Von Schloczor , representative of PrnMln In the negotiations with the VrtMcan , will shortly leave- Homo nnd will not return. The negotiations failed nnd the rotations between 1'rnnela nml the Vatican are not friendly. LONDON , May 31. The Standard's 11 mo correspondent anys : Vehement antagonism exists bctwoou Cnrdlual Lndoohowskl , archbishop of Poscn , and Baron Von Sahloczor. The latter Hocuses the former of Intrlguelug to fru trto the negotiations and Iho cardinal accuses Von Sohlocz-jr of bad faith. FRANCE. Special DIt | > tchci to Till nix. PAUIS , May 31. The bombardment of the capital of Annum la probable In revenge for the death of 0 pt. Riviere. It Is stated covoral Gorman vessels leave Kiel for China next wook. The French re-entered the citadel of Hanoi. Gunboats maintain com munication with the Bo-n and prevents Annnmltcs approaching. In addition to 0pt. Rlvlero nnd 0 pt. Djvlllors , who lost their lives la the ronnit attack near Hanoi , three othi'r French ofl'uors were killed nnd six wotiudcd. The Temps says : The object of the recent journey abroad of Do Glors , Rup.rlan minister of foreign olFrtira , was to Inform the powers that Rnasit wan compelled to coek in Armenia nn equivalent for British occupation ol Eijypt. Gladstone by taking Ejynl not only lost the good wishes of Franci but reopened thu eastern question ant furnished llasala n pretext for effect Ing her linmonae projeotoj the losl ntnp In which will bo the conquest ol British India. GERMANY. BpecUl Dispatches to Tun lins. BiiiaiN , May 31. The mlniitor o ; war has Informed n comuilttoo of tin relchsttg that ho considers the mili tary penalor-s bill unacceptable , ovot witli the amendments oxomptlnj oflioors from the payment of comma nul taxes. The finul decision of thi question , however , rests with thi . A no health ot Bismarck la im iroved , and ho la now able to drlv , : : d walk out. Von Kldat Rol/.ow , a promlnon cousnrvatlvo loader in tbo Gorrnai uiohslng and Pruaaian landtag , ha > 3on dliimlBscd from the prealdonc ; f the Rhino province on account o ils ultra tory viitws , BKRLIN , May 31. It la hoped hero f Frauco declaron a blockndo in Olii lead ports , that Grout B'italn anc Vmurlca will refine to recognize It flic French blockade cannot bo eileot ve , and Garmauy will certainly sup > orc Ergland and America in oppoa ng it. rtio German Government 1 coiuldorhiK the qucatiou of Ncndlo ) moro veaoolsto the Chinese const. XNQLAJND. Hjioclal Ulnpatch to Tin UK. LONDON , May31 Abnatfillod will workmen capsized at Clcggirin , uoa Ullnr ; tweuty-two men drowned , Ednyn Bhorard Burnuby , innnbe if parliament for Lalcoatorahiro North 'i dead , tiged C3. | Tlio Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland ro used to reprieve O.iffroy , the Phut ah /ark murderer. A tttato dinner was given atMoscov .his evening. Five hundred person were present , including the whole Im perlal family. The Imperial fomll ; afterwards attended H biilllaut btll ; lvon by the nobles of the empire. LONDON , May 31. The Duke o Albany recently received au urgent request quest from Canada to consent to b the successor tf the Marquis of Lome After studying the n Hairs In Canada 10 wrote to Gladatono on the subject The Prime minister replied that th Dako was too young for such an Itn portant position , and alee that h acked experience in govornmontn work. The physicians ot the Dnko o Albany were of the opinion that hi health would not permit cf his uc coptunoo of the poet. With reference to his notion in re iatlon to the disposition of the snrplu Alabama award , Konnard , M , P , wrilcR to The TJmen that ho is still dc tlrous of ventilating the subject. U aayn his dotlro is fortified by n fin conviction of the American press an the government have ovinood a honorable wish to have the quoatlo ; finally settled , LONDON , May 31. The grand jur returned a true bill against the Ga laghors and other dynamite conspire tore , charging them with treason an felony. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWH , 8pf clal Il patcliii9 to Tim URK riOHTINU UKNEWED OALOUTFA , May 31 The fightlr. . between tbo forces of the Ameer < Afghanistan end Bhlnwarrlu are n nowod. The lozaoa are heavy on hot sidea. Rift loads of dead bodies ha been brought down , the Cabal river. nansuN UIOTH. ST. PETEIIHHUIKI , May 31 Tl manifesto Issued by the czar on tl day of his coronation croitod an in favorab o ImprcBHlou here. A riot o ourrod on thu evening of the 281 among the crowds assembled In tl streets , The mob assaulted the d actor of police , who was ondeavo log to reatoro order. A detachinui of Osssnoks wai called out and dli period thorlotera , hundred of who wore arrested. The riot did not arise from political canscs , rilUKNTKD TO THR SULTAN. CONSTANTINOPLE , May 31. Alphon- so Taft , United States minister to Austria-Hungary , nnd Eugene Sohny. lor , United States minister to Greece , Snrvla nnd Ronmanla , were presented to the sultan yesterday by Gen. Wal lace. THE UU1DQE DISASTER , A Repetition Liable to Happen at Any BpicUl DUpktch la Tui lln NK W YOIIK , May 31. The nnlvor snl aommeut this morulng rosDoctlng the bildgo horror is that the sanio ac cident Is liable to happen at Miy tlmo , MO matter what the pollco restrictions may bo , unlois the stops are abolished or nt least divided for the two atreams of pedesirlanr. The fact Is now ob vious that during those hours of the day when transit Is most lively , nnd on holidays and Sundays , there will always bo Brent dingor of n heAvy crush similar to that of yostordsy , un less moans of relieving it bo devised Not ovmi the brldgo cable track for cars , now nearly completed , will pro- votit a crash at thoao timer. A number of poraona inquired at tlio pollco headquarters this morning for children or frlonds supposed to have boon on the brldgo at the tlmo of the accident. Only In ono or two cones Is there reason to suppose that the missing poraon might have boon on the bridge The Onk street pollco re port that they haven ortloadof prop erty taken from the anchorage , mostly of clothing torn beyond rec ognition. Very few articles have been claimed The coroner will subrcuna the bridge trustees , Superintendent Mar tin and all others who can glvo any information in reference to the aocl- dent of yesterday. Ho Intends the Investigation to bo thorough , Super intendent Martin has been personally Investigating the cause * of the dhae- ter , and the host authenticated Information mation ho can gather loads him to be lieve the panic waa caused by pick- pockots. No notion has yet been tuken by the bridge trustees. Inspector Byrnes denies the panic was cauned by pickpockets It win due , ho claims , to the iucllolency of the brldgo manngetnout. By paying salaries to regular policemen the truH- tees could oecuiro them and thus ne- cure safety to passengers. TELKGUAPH NOTES. Special Dltpntchei to THE UEI. Tlio el nt o committee refneod topostponi the rermhllcitn etnto convention ot Olili kwnUlufT tbe drclalnn nn 8ott liquor t.i : Inv7 , nnd it will bo bold Juuo D unit 0. The NewYoik tunroino court Tncfttoi tin ) judgment ohUlncd by K\KK \ & 0) b.iiiltcrB , ngnlntt ( Dion Bonuicault fn $ r > 0OGO for ( Iclitiloncy In the foreclomin K le of the leatohold Interest In the 1'arl The body of the fifth victim of th Lynuhburg , Vn , cntnHtropho wn < 01 Inline 1 yostflnUy , All the hodleu or now recovered , The funorul took place litho the ntternoon. Uuslnofu wna eunyonde and tbe nchoola closed , Win. K. Harris , n former wealthy cltl zen of TittolnirK , committed nutcliln o Ho reo ntly arrived ther fr > m Colorado , where ha lost tlio reumaut cf hia fortune , The yonrly BCRalona of the mlnlntorlm of the Oerinan KvnnKollonl Lutherni chiir'ih licgnn In Now York yesterday. Tlio United I'rcsbjtnrhn neaonibly li HC3uI n ut I'lttsburr , ndjnurnod lost uvev in ) ; to nimmihle ) nt Ht liotilu on the fottrti Wodnecdoy la May , 183-1. A boilnr exploilfd at saw mill nt Opt lon ui , _ Ij , , killing two men and badl ; wouudinx four Dorm n B 13 ton nnil Dr. Gregory , n the United SUtrn civil lervlco commit hlon. nnd KV. . Clark , advinory iiunnbc of the board , have begun the. Inipectloi cf the custom houuo und ostollice of Noi Urlvani. Unitarian Feait. Hpocltl Dispatch to Tin Ilii. BOSTON , May 31. The annual Unl Urlun festival nnd.bauquot took plac this evening , with the usual largo at tundunco. Addresses were made b ; Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmea , who pro aided , Itov. Francis E Peabody ( Cam bridge ) , Rov. O B. Frothinghnm , Dr Hedge nnd Rov. Truman Clark. Thi allusion made by Dr. Peabody to thi notion of the Harvard overseers to ward Gov. Butler elicited loud demon strntlons of approval. Montreal Panioi Special Dispatch to Tui 111 * M ( NTitEAL , May. 31. The city wn vieltcd to-day by n northwoot gal which caused ships to broik from the ! inioringatnd ] drift down ( the rlvo Somii uccldonts hoppened by scaffold iti nnd inaccuro walls being blow down , but nothing serious , The woatb er Inpaod Into cold. There was a panic on the stock e > change to-day , caused by the nttvc on the city pansongor railway shnroi which fell ten per cent. Harvard Hatred. 8io lal Dispatch to Tim Un. May 31. The board t ovoraeers of. Harvard college , by vote of 11 io 15 to-day refused t confer the degree of L.L , D. on GD\ Butler. President Eliot nod Oharlc Francis Adams , Jr. voted aye ; Judg K , R Hoar ( brother of Senator Uoai voted nay , The discussion bate four hours. Cnlian Oroobi. Special Dllpatcli to Tun DID. HAVANA , May 31 Rioardo I Kohly A , Co , largo Importera nn , . ouKn. . exporters , and S-irilla & Go j , bsnkeri , anspnndod payraonta. Bet firmu were some tlmo ego rumored I bo "shaky. " Rioardo Menoca'who ' | fled aovc years ago with ? 300,000 of publ funds , wns capturud. Menoc ihlpped on the steamer Saratoga und the nauiu of Ovorhoff Ho hns bee coming nshoro nt night In the di guieo ot a sailor , was recognlzud ni arreitod. OATAUU1I OF THK 13LADD11U , it Stinging Irritation , Inflammation , i itm Kldnny and Uiinary Complaints , cur m by "Buchu-palba. " $1 , THE STRIDES OF DAVID. The Oentor and County Seat of Butler Keeps up With the Procession , Now Buildings , Decoration Day Services and Political Matters. Special OOTMpondoneo ot Tilt Ilii , DAVID CITY , Nob. , May 30 Our farmers cro just commencing to plow tholr broad acroti of corn. Somellttlo complaint of bad stand , but where ii wan ULcesanry n replanting wen bed , nd now cvolj thing Indicates much tie latgest crop over p.rown In this cation , Suinll grain and 11 ix never ) romlcod so well ; gardens nnd pnstur * go nil thnt could bo t'uslrcd ' , mid so tr no nature cnn boatow blcsiiugs the ooplo rejoice. Oar little "city * keeps no buglers on the outer walls to sound ubrond ho rnpld strides they nro tasking In mntorlitl growth , Over ono hundred loutcs hnvo been erected during the nst tvvurvo months , and yet the epirlt f Improvement has not nbnted. The omlng year will BOO yet moro nnuior- UN and extonalvo buildings erected. Ion. Win , M. Bunting la erecting a cry fmo brick block , the vxcavittiona icing noaily completed tor the aerno. 'Inters ' Porklno , Thorpe and Will are nyiug out an addition of come two or brto hundred lots to the onat and north of the "city , " nnd doubtless they will find rendy pnrchaseis , nnd whoa " wa ouumornto Iho growth nnd bright V irospeot of our own city , wo only peak whnt can bo just as bonstlnply ilnlmed for each town in the county. Jlyases , In thu south , Bollwood , north , 'ilno ; City , west , and Bralnard , cunt , itro nil growing with magic rnpldliy , and the whole county likewise. This WPD Memorial day , and ono which should bo sacredly observed "or all time. It was celebrated hero under the auspices of the A. Lincoln Peat No. 10 G. A. R The procesilon wan quite impoBlcg , mndo up as fol- , una : Thoa. E Cvnns , nmrsh&l of the day ; Daiid City baud , mnmbcro of thu uott pubilu school , citizen * , in which order they proceeded to the cciinotery und decorated the graves of nil tix-Boldlora. At 2 o'clock Iho oration tion wan delivered by Citpt. Billings- by , of Lincoln , in tbo Congregational church , to u very largo nudlence , nnd ihoiio who heittd Dipt B speak of hia addreta In hlfihoat praise , buing cloth ed in benntiful l&nguago in d In every putt highly appropriate. Politically nil IB qulot. but thtt people * uro unxloualy looking forward to what the convention at Chicago , July 4 , will do. Mivny of thu best men of bath the old p'.rlra fiuely express minnor in which the interests of the inaeK'n arc fnatoui'd and made stock ia trade by tl.o machine manipulators. When ouo corrupt faction or clique are defeated It ia only thnt n moro hungry ouo may prey upon the public. They rccognli3 no distinguishing dlll'eronco between the two old pnrtloi , nnd If the llvu ro Issues which hnvonrleeti far solution nro bravely embraced , and wifely handled by the OulcaujO convention about election line there will lv > fuch n rat tling among the "rlig" dry bones SB they hwvo not oxporiuic d , nnd of v , hlcli they hnvo siumlngly but llttlo conception They nro blind with ar- rogunco. honoo cannot ri > ad the hand- wrKlni ; upon the wall. Every honest niivn , politically , rccngr. 7. o in Sanator Vau VVyck a chumplan of the puoplo * ' beat Interests , und n terror to the horde of legul plrntos. Yet wo fear ho can do no moro than stand up nod receive the hleaen nnd jctrn of the mo nopoly crow. And wo ulncrrf-'y ' l.spo that the Chlcngo convention m > ty p : vide n pnlliioil homo for all inch muu ns our own ex-3onntor ; let nn hope eo nt uuy rate. Moro anon. CITIZEN. Eatnn liy Bnzxirdi Special Dlnpatch ti Tim Dsx. HOT SruiNos , Ark , M\y 31 The body of Wm. Landers , a rich PhiU- dolphUri who dlsappoar d n few doya ngo , wns found yoaterday ia Gulph ortrk , nix miles from thn city The head hnd boon almost entirely pnton bv buzEirris. II' " por-on conthined $3 In raxh and $330 w-nil of di - monds. Ho hft'l uviduntly wandered nwr.y whiln turapor rily derargad and fiilliiM torn * hr > C' " 'k JIEREDITAR Y SCROFULAS A" RE you aware that In jour blood the k Ulnt of scrofula has .1 prominent place ? This Is Into or every one. It U lia ' ble at any time , on tlio slightest provocation , to develop ItEcK In some Insidious disease. Consumption and many oilier diseases are oulcrowlhs ot till * Imfmrity of tlio blood. HOOD'S 9AitsAi'AitniA lias a uomlciful f power o > cr all xciotulous truuliles , as UK' re IV I markable testimonials wo lia > o received o unmistakably iirovu. JlEssnB. C. I. ITooi > & Co. : Oentlcmen * My youngest sun lias alnajs been troubled \vllli hciotnUnu Humor ; sores In Ms head dlscliarKlin ; ( Kim lilscars , and a run- nlnu sore on tlio back ol Ills car for two > e.irs ; his ojellilsouldfestcr and ulcerate , discharging so that Ias obllcuil tovasti them open cvciy mouilng. Ills cjelnsliei nearly nil coining out ; lie was exceedingly dainty , most ) f lliolimecalliiu but luo slight mealaaday.Voeiu uu.iblo lo llnd nny- tlilnpt tint fnil the least clfoct upon him till lastHprliiK , IHTU , uo gave him t\\o bullies ot Jlootla Surtaimrllla. Hlsapprlllulmproxed ntonco. lliu Inck ol Ills ear healed ni ) v , Ithout a soar , itiul not a sure lu ills head since. Blnterely yours , Mm. N. C. SANnnnx , ' " No. lOSMunlnwcUbt. , Lowell , Mass. " We do not as a rnlo allow ourselves to use our columns to speak of nny n remedy \vo advertise , bin \\a \\anantea lo In sayliiK a word for Hood's harsap.irllla. BarsJinillU has been Known as a remedial & 1 agent for centuries and Is recognized by all 3r ttclioolsof pr.ietleu ns \nhiablo blood puri 3rn fier. It Is put iii In forms of almost Inlinlto n variety , but Messrs. Hood & Co. , ( Lowell , i- Mass. ) who are thoroughly rcllabln plmim.v iid cists , have lilt upon n remedy of unusual . have \nucliers value. Certainly they \ ol cures which we know to bo most extraor- illiiary. " KilitorsLouell WctMy Journal. \ ill HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. jd Sold by druggists. Price ( I ; ilx for 13. I'rvparcd by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.